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» Why do you dream about a lot of little puppies at home? What were the circumstances of the dream? I dreamed of a small white puppy

Why do you dream about a lot of little puppies at home? What were the circumstances of the dream? I dreamed of a small white puppy

In a dream, to see yourself playing with a small puppy - some unusual gift awaits you from loved one. And it doesn’t have to be a puppy - the gift can be of a different kind.

Choosing a puppy at the market - the person to whom you are devoted body and soul is in fact insincere with you, behind your back he spreads gossip about you.

If you dreamed that you found a homeless puppy on the street, it means that you have to help a person who is in great need in every way. The most important thing is not to be afraid of responsibility and provide support on time.

Seeing yourself as a small, carefree puppy - you are tired of problems, you need to retire and be a little alone. This will be a reliable way to understand your own thoughts and feelings.

For a man to see several puppies near their mother in a dream - you will meet a woman who will strongly remind you of your mother, and, against your will, you will experience sexual attraction to a new acquaintance.

If similar dream was seen by a woman, which means she will meet a handsome man young man which she will really like. Please note that the object of the dreamer’s sympathy will be much younger than her.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Puppy

A small beautiful puppy in a dream is a new, reliable young friend in reality.

If a dirty and unhappy puppy runs after you and tries to cuddle you, problems will arise with children or relatives.

There is another variant of the meaning of dreams about puppies: a cheerful puppy - to a life of joy and luxury.

Sick - to boredom and sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams involving dogs and puppies are always reflected in real life. The interpretation of such a dream will depend on the appearance of the animals, their habits, mood and behavior. Accurate information can be gleaned from well-known dream books.

Modern dream book

Currently, interpreters are confident that a dog in a dream is a favorable symbol that implies devotion and kindness on the part of friends. It is much more interesting to interpret a dream in which young dogs participate. Modern interpreters say the following:

  • Seeing a puppy in a dream means a pleasant gift from a relative or friend;
  • Feeding a dog cub or holding it in your arms means supporting a secret patron;
  • If in a dream you wanted to take a homeless puppy into your home, then expect to meet a person who will quickly become a close friend for you;
  • A dream about a whelping dog reflects the internal state of a person, and specifically, that he is prone to selfishness and is focused only on his own desires;
  • If in a dream an animal gets in the way, then in reality you should address some issues;
  • An affectionate and playful puppy in a dream represents a secret desire to give birth to a child;
  • A gifted puppy in a dream means in reality someone is distracting you from solving important tasks;
  • The search for a missing animal dreams of spiritual loneliness and despondency, but if you eventually found the dog, then this means finding peace and mental balance;
  • Finding someone else's pet means unexpected news;
  • Playing with a dog and its cubs means a sudden surprise;
  • Sleeping animals dream of soon finding a soul mate or the return of old, seemingly faded feelings;
  • When a woman dreams of puppies and an adult dog at the same time, it means that she will soon have a fan, and much younger than her.

The modern dream book states that dreams involving dogs and puppies should be regarded as a warning sign if:

  1. You saw how dog cubs play, but at the same time you experienced an alarming feeling - in reality, someone wants to deceive and set you up;
  2. An adult dog or his cubs are acting up - in reality you will find yourself in an awkward situation and will be completely confused;
  3. A dog and puppies chewing on a bone is a warning that it’s time to stop spending money on various trinkets;
  4. In a dream, a puppy yelps at you - to minor quarrels in the family;
  5. Does the dog look unhealthy in the dream? Soon you will face a serious illness and life's troubles;
  6. A whining puppy indicates that it is time to pay attention to the moral state of your loved ones; perhaps they need your support;
  7. Seeing a puppy at the market means slander and gossip.

Miller's Dream Book

This dream book states that a dog in dreams has a dual meaning. Seeing an angry dog ​​means failure and intrigue from secret enemies. But an affectionate dog dreams of making true friends.

A big dog in a dream indicates the need to resist criticism from others. If a young girl has such a dream, then she will soon meet a rich man whom she will marry. But many small dogs, on the contrary, foreshadow her appearance of a frivolous admirer.

Being the owner of a whelping dog in a dream means good luck in financial matters. Soon you will be able to make a significant fortune. If the dog and puppies are purebred, then all benefits will be achieved without any special effort from the dreamer's side.

If a dog bites you in a dream, get ready for quarrels and complications in family relationships. You will have to show great patience and wisdom to resolve a conflict situation.

If in a dream you hear barking and growling behind you, then you need to exercise maximum caution in reality: perhaps someone will take advantage of your mistake at work and want to put you in a bad light in front of your superiors. Such dreams are considered precisely as a warning: put your affairs in order and no trouble will happen.

According to Miller's dream book, a dream in which several puppies suck a dog's milk is also a warning. He warns that the tendency to do several important things at the same time will lead to unsatisfactory results. It is better to solve problems sequentially.

If in a dream a person is being chased by a mad dog with its puppies, then it is necessary to mobilize all your vitality to overcome a number of life difficulties. Did you manage to drive the dog away? This means that the difficulties will resolve themselves.

A dream in which puppies fight foretells failure in a romantic relationship. But if you manage to pacify them, then expect complete mutual understanding and harmony in love.

A dream about a white dog promises good luck in any gambling and risky undertakings. Fortune will clearly be on your side.

Love dream book

  • Picking up a homeless puppy means meeting a person who needs your support;
  • Playing with a dog and puppies in a dream means an expensive gift from a loved one;
  • Buying a baby dog ​​at the market means dishonest behavior on the part of a business partner. Perhaps he will spread bad rumors about you and be a hypocrite;
  • If you dreamed that you yourself were a little dog, then in reality you are very mentally tired. Spend a couple of days in nature, turning off your mobile phone;
  • If a woman sees a whelping dog in a dream, then she will soon meet a guy who is completely inexperienced in intimate terms. If a man has such a dream, then his beloved will look like his mother with age.

Psychological dream book

Dogs in dreams are a symbol of friendship, salvation and protection. However, the appearance of puppies is interpreted differently:

  • Seeing a whining animal means a devoted comrade will appear in your life;
  • A gift of a puppy promises the emergence of small but obsessive problems that will prevent you from concentrating on solving the main tasks;
  • Cheerful and playful puppies for women represent dreams of becoming a mother or foreshadow the imminent birth of a child;
  • A sleeping puppy means complete understanding with children and the elderly;
  • If the puppy gets dirty in the mud, then one of your loved ones will deceive you for their own benefit. To prevent this, take a close look at your surroundings and try to figure out the source of the approaching misfortune;
  • Newlyweds dream of puppies for the imminent appearance of their first child, and for older people - for the birth of a granddaughter or grandson;
  • If in a dream you yourself reincarnated as a puppy, then you urgently need privacy and rest. Otherwise, overwork will negatively affect your health and lead to the development of chronic diseases;
  • If a puppy gets hurt in a dream, then soon your child will suffer some kind of grief. Try to surround your baby with care and attention.

Vanga's Dream Book

The famous clairvoyant negatively interpreted dreams involving a stray dog. In her opinion, this means that the dreamer’s friend is in a trap, but he does not want to ask for help. But a white dog in a dream, on the contrary, testifies to the well-being of the sleeping person’s friends and foretells the imminent appearance of a baby for some of them. If the dreamer feeds the dog and puppies, then in reality he is compassionate and kind person, whom you can always rely on.

If in a dream a dog guards a house, then this is a symbol of patronage higher powers. The dreamer has nothing to fear, and even the most bad situation will turn out in his favor. Seeing an attacking dog means a meeting with dark forces. Inexplicable and mysterious events will haunt the dreamer everywhere. Only by maintaining calm and purity of thoughts can you get rid of a series of troubles.

A dream involving a black dog is an unfavorable sign. He warns of the appearance of a secret ill-wisher. In addition, such a dream can be an omen of intrigue and slander.

Even a black puppy is a negative sign. In this case, troubles should be expected from active and cheerful man, who is difficult to suspect of any crimes. A barking black dog or puppy foreshadows a scandal among colleagues, which can significantly ruin the dreamer’s reputation.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Seeing a dog means meeting kind, honest and open people;
  • Playing with puppies - a lot of joy and pleasant emotions await you in the near future;
  • To be attacked by a dog - in reality you need to exercise maximum caution;
  • Being bitten means a quarrel with relatives over money or real estate;
  • A running away dog ​​promises a serious illness;
  • Seeing a dog while hunting means your hard work will bring substantial profits and recognition from colleagues;
  • A runaway dog ​​portends anxiety and nervous exhaustion;
  • Hearing barking is a symbol of approaching trouble;
  • Gnawing dogs promise a major scandal;
  • A black dog in a dream warns of betrayal;
  • The white dog is a symbol of positive change;
  • A purebred dog promises pleasant chores.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The dog is traditionally considered a symbol of devotion. If there are puppies at the dog’s feet, then in the near future you will meet a person with whom you will enter into a happy and long-term union. But a homeless dog in a dream warns that you can easily lose everything you have acquired through hard work. It is necessary to exercise great caution in financial matters and then negative events will be avoided.

According to the most popular and authoritative dream books, it always represents friendship and everything connected with it. However, the overall impression of the dream is appearance the dog, its age and other characteristics can significantly change the positive interpretation. Why little puppies dream will be discussed in this article.

Interpretation of sleep with kitties

Those who are interested in what newborn puppies dream of should prepare for unexpected worries and troubles. If the dreamer in real life “works hard” on procreation, then a quick addition to the family is quite possible. A woman who wonders why little puppies dream can count on a change in her usual circle and the appearance of a new company of young people in her life. And if in a dream the puppy is alone and really wants to play with the dreamer, then in reality the loved one will give her some kind of gift.

Those who are interested in knowing why blind puppies that have just been born and need care in their dreams should take a closer look at their surroundings - perhaps someone needs help. This is especially true if the carousing was given as a gift in a dream. Puzzled by the question of why purebred puppies dream, it is recommended be more careful in matters of doing business, especially if in the dream you planned to buy just one puppy as a gift. This indicates that there is a colleague who dreams of taking over the post of dreamer.

The coat color of the cubs also matters. Yes, white is good sign, black most likely promises trouble, and red or piebald - intrigues and intrigues. If puppies whine in a dream, then you should pay attention to the health of the children. Feeding them means in reality counting on the patronage of some influential people. If a woman dreams about a kitten caressing and clinging to her feet, then in reality she will have a young and very ardent lover.

In a dream, to see yourself playing with a small puppy - some unusual gift from a loved one awaits you. And it doesn’t have to be a puppy - the gift can be of a different kind.

Choosing a puppy at the market - the person to whom you are devoted body and soul is in fact insincere with you, behind your back he spreads gossip about you.

If you dreamed that you found a homeless puppy on the street, it means that you have to help a person who is in great need in every way. The most important thing is not to be afraid of responsibility and provide support on time.

Seeing yourself as a small, carefree puppy - you are tired of problems, you need to retire and be a little alone. This will be a reliable way to understand your own thoughts and feelings.

For a man to see several puppies near their mother in a dream - you will meet a woman who will strongly remind you of your mother, and, against your will, you will experience sexual attraction to a new acquaintance.

If a woman saw such a dream, it means that she will meet a handsome young man whom she will really like. Please note that the object of the dreamer’s sympathy will be much younger than her.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Puppy

A small beautiful puppy in a dream is a new, reliable young friend in reality.

If a dirty and unhappy puppy runs after you and tries to cuddle you, problems will arise with children or relatives.

There is another variant of the meaning of dreams about puppies: a cheerful puppy - to a life of joy and luxury.

Sick - to boredom and sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from

The interpretations of most dream books are very similar to each other, but there are images that cause heated debate among interpreters. So, for example, when explaining why a small puppy is dreamed of, not all dream oracles agree that this is a symbol of a friend. Sometimes it happens that a cute child of a dog, seen in a dream, promises friendly condemnation and misunderstandings.

As Miller interprets

Miller’s dream book characterizes a dream in which you see that you have a small puppy as a harbinger of minor troubles and worries. The worst thing about this is that these worries will take up all your free time from work, leaving no time for rest.

Explaining to a woman why she dreams of playing with a puppy, the psychologist claims that this dream means the dreamer’s desire to have children. Moreover, this desire can be either explicitly expressed or not realized even by the dreamer herself.

And if a woman plays with a kitten in the company of a man in a dream, it means that it is from this man that she wants to give birth.

Breed of dog

The interpretation of the dream is greatly influenced by what breed the little puppy you saw in your dream belonged to. Please note what the dream books explain:

  • Shepherd - meet a worthy person;
  • poodle or lapdog - you will be in a “loose” mood;
  • fighting - to an influential patron;
  • Spitz, Yorkie, Chihuahua and other small fry - you will be pleased with every little thing.

The color of the party: From news to gifts

Did you dream of a small black puppy? Meet the person who will later become best friend, says Pastor Loff’s dream book. Do you see in a dream that a black puppy is caressing you? News from your lover awaits you. But if in your dream you see a black dog sleeping with you, then this indicates that harmony will reign in the family.

Deciphering what a white dog dreams about, Vanga’s dream book mentions the emergence of a new feeling. It's not a fact that it will be love, maybe a good relationship colleagues. Did a white dog bite you in a dream? You should not deprive your loved ones of attention; they may be offended by you for this. And if a white puppy eats in a dream, expect a gift.

A swarming “tangle” is a sign of worries

Watching in a dream how the puppies living in the house are swarming around means the dreamer’s fussiness and concern. These qualities will manifest themselves especially strongly if you dreamed of a lot of blind babies who had just been born in your house.

Holding your own little puppy in your arms is a symbol of trust with friends. And if you have someone else’s pet in your arms, then this symbolizes the establishment of relationships with colleagues or neighbors.