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» Why do you dream about a glass of red wine? Dream Interpretation - Red color. Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Wine?

Why do you dream about a glass of red wine? Dream Interpretation - Red color. Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Wine?

When you happen to drink wine in a dream, the interpretations often sound very life-affirming. Interpreting why this symbol of fun, pleasure and prosperity is dreamed of, the dream book only sometimes reminds us of prudence and a sense of proportion.

What does Miller promise?

If you were lucky enough to drink wine in a dream, Miller’s dream book will help you interpret why you dream about such a sign. This is a harbinger of a wonderful friendly party and a successful marriage. Huge containers filled to the brim promise abundance. If you happen to see yourself in the role of a cupbearer, you will go on an exciting journey.

Intrigue for dessert

In dream books there are very intriguing interpretations of why you dream of drinking white wine. If you dreamed of a white Chablis, temptation lurks ahead, or the dreamer himself seems very tempting to someone.

Seeing and tasting white nutmeg in a dream happens shortly before a profitable business offer. The dreamer's chances of marrying an influential, wealthy man increase.

Red signal

Interpretations of what dreams of drinking certain drinks mean sometimes contain warnings. If you had to drink delicious red wine in a dream, in reality alcoholic euphoria can lead to undesirable consequences.

Longo's dream book does not recommend drinking wine and vodka in large quantities during corporate events. Keep in mind that there are many ill-wishers around who are trying to encourage you to make rash business decisions or at least simply tarnish your reputation.

If you dreamed of being presented with delicious red nutmeg and managed to spill it, dream interpreter Hasse says that there is a high probability of missing a unique opportunity.

It couldn't be sweeter

In Freud's interpreter you can find out why you dream of drinking sweet wine. If you happen to see and taste a deliberately sugary drink, you will have to make love under the influence of alcohol. For a man, the symbol means the desire for harmony in sex, and in women’s dreams - secret thoughts about same-sex relationships.

The women's dream book interprets sweet, pleasant-tasting cabernet as a harbinger of a desired pregnancy.

In Loff's interpretation, drinking sweet wine occurs shortly before everyone's admiration. Even your enemies will be forced to recognize and appreciate your merits.

Mystical gatherings

In dream books there are explanations of why you dream of drinking wine with a dead person:

  • If you dreamed of a feast with the deceased, you will achieve your goal, but will be disappointed in what you have achieved;
  • When it is not the first time you have had a drink with a deceased person, pay tribute to his blessed memory;
  • If you dreamed of a conversation over a glass, what was said should be taken literally;
  • When a drinking session with the deceased took place in a dream on his initiative, health is at risk;
  • Drinking with the deceased means that in business it is better to leave everything as it is;
  • When a drinking companion tries to take you away from the table, in reality refrain from drinking;
  • If in a dream you drank with the deceased in silence, nothing weighs on him in the afterlife;
  • Sometimes the plot suggests that the dreamer is wasting a lot of time.

Looking for a drinking buddy

It’s interesting to know why you dreamed of drinking wine for brotherhood with a man whom you see for the first time in a dream. English dream book warns against eccentric antics and impulsive decisions. Such actions threaten to result in losses or scandal.

A feast with a man who you actually like reveals his immodest fantasies about you. If you happen to drink wine with your friends, Eastern dream book promises that the streak of failure will be short.

Peace, friendship, alcohol

If you dreamed of wine gatherings with a rival, Grishina’s dream book warns of the likelihood of getting into an awkward position. When you manage to make peace with your rival at the table in a dream, in reality she will not pose a danger.

If you drank wine in a dream or just saw it, look in the dream book. Wine, most often, foreshadows the fulfillment of desires, wealth, long life, bright life.

But that's just general meaning dreams. To understand in more detail, remember what you did with it and what it was like.

Just to see

A corked bottle of wine in a dream speaks of your hidden potential. And open portends fun communication with friends.

To see a drink flowing out of it is to find out someone else's secret. If it pours into a glass, then you can save it. But when alcohol flows onto the floor, it means you won't be able to keep your mouth shut.

Red wine in a glass speaks of you as a passionate, restless person. White symbolizes your romance. And pink warns that new acquaintances may deceive you.

Career growth and material well-being are what dreams of wine in a tall, narrow glass mean. And if it is low and wide, then you will soon have new friends.

A drink in an ordinary metal mug speaks of the simplicity of your soul.

And to see it in a flask, according to the dream book, means planning a fun trip with loved ones.

  • The bottle stands high on the shelf - to new achievements in the professional field.
  • Seeing red wine on display is a valuable acquisition.
  • A drunk man with a bottle in his hands means a conversation with an envious person.
  • A large bottle filled with an intoxicating drink is a sign for a big holiday in your home.
  • A drop of wine is an opportunity to save money by finding an alternative.

As the dream book writes, one dreams of wine on a festive table before a wedding or other important event. And if you saw him next to a piece of bread, then the dream book promises you an acquaintance with a rich man.

An empty bottle on the table foreshadows additional waste. And half filled means that you must make an important life choice as soon as possible.

Drink or taste

The dream book calls strong friendship and joy the main interpretation of a dream in which you drink an intoxicating drink. Why do you dream about the wine you drink, if you take into account other nuances of the dream?

1. Ruby

For young girls, drinking red wine in a dream means getting married soon. For married women and for men this dream prophesies a long life life together, childbirth and well-being.

The dream book also says that if a pregnant woman happens to drink red wine, she will give birth to a strong, healthy child. And for businessmen, the dream book promises good luck in negotiations, as well as in matters that require large financial investments.

  • Drinking red wine and not getting drunk means having a fairly high opinion of yourself.
  • Drink an alcoholic drink in large quantities- do not spare money on pleasure.
  • Drinking alone means the emergence of new, productive ideas.
  • Pouring red wine into a beautiful glass means an exciting trip in the company of loved ones.
  • Drinking for brotherhood means a successful business partnership.

If you dream that the drink is sweet, then the dream book promises you monetary profit. And drinking sour red wine means saving on yourself.

A tart drink symbolizes an exquisite vacation in an exotic place. And bitter means that you should pay more attention to your family and their needs.

If in a dream you spilled red wine, then the dream book warns that your beautiful life a lot of people are jealous. And breaking a glass of intoxicating drink means defeating all your enemies.

If you wet yourself, you will soon have fun in good company. And pouring water on someone else, according to the dream book, means making a loved one happy.

2. White or sparkling

Drinking white wine during a luxurious feast means being calm about your shortcomings and not focusing on them. And doing it alone, according to the dream book, means trying to overcome your inhibitions.

Trust your secret to the best friend- this is what you dream about the wine that you drink in his company. Drinking with a family member means succumbing to nostalgia and plunging into childhood memories.

If in a dream you saw yourself with a glass of champagne, then you will have a long time good mood. According to the dream book, a bottle of champagne in your hands means pleasure and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Spilling champagne means missing out on the opportunity to relax in pleasant company. And breaking your glass means forgetting all the old grievances and starting a new life, not overshadowed by bad memories.

drinking apple cider in a dream speaks of the lightness of your character. Doing it yourself means finding another activity that will give you pleasure. With friends - you will go with them on an exciting journey. WITH strangers- to new, previously unexplored feelings.

If you dreamed of an intoxicating drink that can turn anyone’s head, open your dream book and you will understand why you dream about wine in your case. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Wine has always been considered a drink that brings joy and helps strengthen friendships between people - of course, if consumed in moderation.

Ancient dream books give many unfavorable interpretations of “wine” dreams, but today’s interpreters are sure that seeing wine in your dreams is very good sign. As it says Modern dream book, wine in a dream is a symbol of joyful experiences and wonderful relationships with others.

Often dreams about a cheerful drink are also interpreted in connection with a person’s material well-being, in the improvement of which a successful combination of circumstances should play a significant role. To accurately explain why you dream about wine, it’s worth remembering where you saw it, what it was like, and with whom you happened to drink it in your dreams.

  • In a dream, you simply saw wine in barrels or bottles.
  • You bought an alcoholic drink or made it yourself.
  • Poured wine into a glass.
  • Or spilled a drink.
  • They drank it alone or in company.
  • It is also important who paid for the drink.
  • What was the color of the drink?
  • Maybe you've seen people drinking and having fun from the outside?

The meaning of each of these “wine” dreams will depend on the subtleties of the plot and setting in your dreams. If in your case the interpretation of what wine means in a dream does not seem the most rosy, you should follow the advice of dream books on what to do to improve your life situation.

As Miller's dream book says, wine you see in barrels in a wine cellar promises good news. Also, dreams about wine cellars can mean that you will get pleasant impressions - maybe from a trip, or maybe from chatting with friends. If there was a lot in the cellar wine barrels- prosperity will not pass you by.

Seeing wine in a still corked bottle in a dream means that you have not yet fully revealed the talents given to you by nature and you have something to strive for. If at the same time the corked bottle stands on a shelf, very high, almost right up to the ceiling, then in reality the path for career growth is open to you, and your abilities, coupled with hard work, can lead you to stunning professional heights.

If a bottle of wine is already open, in reality you will soon have a pleasant time with friends. Half empty wine bottle in your dream symbolizes that in the near future life will present you with a choice, in which you need to be honest with yourself. Seeing an empty glass container of wine on the table in your night dreams means you need to be more careful in financial matters and not make unnecessary expenses, since you will soon need the money for something really important.

Why do you dream of wine placed on festive table? Dream books say that this is a symbol of the future family celebration- It is possible that this will be a wedding. If there is bread next to a wine bottle in a dream, life will bring you together with a wealthy and influential person. You may dream of a full flask of wine before you get ready to go out into nature or go traveling with friends.

Buy, pour and spill

Why do you dream about wine in a store? Seeing a bottle of this drink in a window in your dream means that you will soon make a major purchase that you have been thinking about for months. If you dreamed of buying expensive wine in a collectible bottle, the dream promises that you will be able to go on vacation exactly at the moment when you most need rest. And a pleasant trip experience will be guaranteed to you.

If you dreamed of making a “magic drink” yourself, you will soon have the opportunity to bring your wildest creative ideas to life. The project will require a lot of labor from you, but will turn out to be very profitable. Selling wine yourself in your dreams - this vision means a change of job or promotion, but in any case, the dreamer’s salary in the new position will increase.

Pouring wine into a glass from a bottle in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, promises trips to places that are pleasant for you, and the trip will be accompanied by entertainment events and various entertainments. Spilling a drink in a dream, according to Miller, means that in reality you will receive a salary increase or a bonus.

According to another version, to see a wine alcoholic drink flowing from a bottle in a dream means that in reality you are destined to find out someone else’s secret. You managed to pour wine into a glass without spilling a drop - in reality, this secret will not go farther than you, and if the drink spills, you can spill the beans. Interpreters advise keeping your mouth shut in order to preserve a good relationship with people from your surroundings.

Why do you dream of wine leaking from a broken bottle? Miller's dream book says that such a vision symbolizes a love passion that will overwhelm a person. However, if you dreamed that you splashed or poured a drink on own clothes, the interpreter of Catherine the Great believes, is a reason to behave impeccably in reality and not allow spiteful critics to slander you.

If in your dream red wine, either unintentionally or intentionally, was spilled on another person’s clothes, a scandal may threaten him. If this is your friend, it is better to warn him about the likelihood of events happening. White wine spilled on your clothes - you will be able to make peace with the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.

Red or white

What it means to drink wine in a dream depends primarily on whether it was white or red. The ruby-colored alcoholic drink has always been a symbol love passion. Therefore, dream books interpret all plots in which red wine appears in connection with love relationships and sensual pleasures.

Red wine in night dreams can speak of the dreamer as a very passionate person. Its use in dreams is considered a very favorable sign. Drinking it with friends or family means that you should expect an invitation to a big celebration.

Dreams in which you have to drink red wine are interpreted by the interpreter of Catherine the Great as a harbinger of fun and love adventures. The interpreter advises not to overly revel in the attention of the opposite sex, so that complicated romantic stories do not result in a showdown. For a girl, drinking red wine in night dreams can also mean the appearance of a secret admirer.

If a man dreams of drinking red wine in a dream, dream books indicate that he will experience favorable developments in his personal life. Perhaps the dreamer in reality will meet the woman he has long dreamed of, or will receive consent to marriage from his chosen one. If in reality consent has already been obtained, then for a man drinking red wine in a dream means a quick wedding and a happy family life.

For those who in reality are not particularly concerned about matrimonial plans, a dream in which red wine appeared can mean success in their chosen activity, good health and financial security. In contrast to a ruby-colored drink, white wine signifies the romantic nature of the sleeper.

White wine in dreams is also a symbol of the joys of life and satisfaction from the work done. Drinking white wine in your dream can also mean that in reality you will soon be invited to a pleasant company, where you will have a very good time and communicate with people you are interested in.

Drinking an alcoholic drink from a glass means that in the near future you will have an interesting trip with a lot of positive impressions. If a patient suddenly dreams of drinking a cheerful drink from a glass, this means that in reality he will get better. Drinking wine from a glass in a dream can also mean that an event awaits you in the near future that will give you pleasure. For a pregnant woman, such a dream promises the birth of a healthy child, dream books say.

At whose expense is the banquet?

Did you dream that you drank a grape alcoholic drink at someone else’s expense? Interpreters consider such a dream to be a warning: you need to be more careful about your own finances and avoid unnecessary spending. Otherwise, in reality the dreamer may be reminded of old debts that he himself no longer remembers.

The dream book of Nostradamus gives its own interpretation to such a dream: if in a dream you had a chance to treat yourself to wine at someone else’s expense, then you should not be frank with people not from your inner circle. Ridicule and public condemnation of the slightest mistakes have never benefited anyone. To save face in the eyes of others, for now it is better to remain silent about what you think and what you do.

However, if in a dream you were invited to a party where there was no shortage of drinks, this can be interpreted as an upcoming profitable purchase or a successful investment for the dreamer. For a person who is engaged in commerce, such a plot in night dreams can foreshadow a successful deal in reality. The Assyrian dream book believes that an invitation to a company to drink wine is dreamed of by someone who will not be deprived of friendly participation in life.

If you dreamed of buying bottles of drinks yourself to treat your friends, this means that extravagance is not for you in the near future. the best option behavior. It’s worth moderating your requests a little so as not to get into a difficult situation.

Why do you dream of spoiled wine - cloudy or too sour? If you had to drink or see a peroxidized grape drink, this symbolizes the disappointments that you will experience in life. love relationships. However, unfavorable developments can be avoided if you show more tact and understanding towards the object of your passion.

Cloudy wine can be seen if an upcoming deal or planned project is too risky and may not bring the expected financial return. However, if you dreamed of pouring out cloudy wine - money luck will come back to you.

Warning visions also include a dream about a drunken friend or relative. This means that you should not shift the solution of problems to others - you need to start solving them yourself. Then luck will be on your side.

An explanation of why you dream of drinking red wine will certainly please the sleeper. The dream book claims that this drink in a dream symbolizes happiness, inspiration and romantic passionate feelings.

Taste qualities

The dream book offers a very positive explanation of why you dream of drinking delicious red wine. A symbol in a dream foretells good luck, prosperity, advice and love in the family.

If you dreamed delicious wine, which you were able to try in your night dreams, the interpreter believes that in reality you are a very hardworking, purposeful person. This time, as usual, you will achieve your goal.

There is a completely natural explanation for why you dream about how you were lucky enough to drink wine in a dream, red, and also very tasty and aromatic. In reality, it’s time for you to have fun and relax.


If you dreamed about drinking from a glass, the prediction promises creative inspiration and a desire to act. Such optimistic moods will help you build prosperity with your own hands.

Interpreting why you dream of drinking red wine, the dream interpreter foresees a variety of situations. If you enjoy sipping a drink from a glass in a rich and respectable environment, a mutually beneficial contract or proposal awaits you in reality. If you dreamed that you were being treated to a treat, in reality be more careful with your finances.

When the intoxicating liquid from a glass is consumed at the table in reasonable quantities, the prediction promises excellent health and pleasant communication. When you happen to get very drunk, the interpretation encourages you to think about how well you navigate the current situation.

Women's dreams

For a girl, red wine in night dreams is associated with the area of ​​feelings and matters of the heart. The dream interpreter believes that the image in a dream foreshadows marriage or pregnancy.

For a girl, sparkling grape juice on a rich table means a meeting with a wealthy gentleman.

A dream in which you have to make do with cracked dishes is an extremely unfavorable sign for a girl. A fatal passion could be dangerous for her reputation.

Two at a table

The dream book tells in detail what it means to dream about drinking together with a man. The symbol affects the area interpersonal relationships And strong feelings. There is a high probability of losing your head from love.

If in a dream you are drinking alcohol with a man, and he is courting you at the table, the psychoanalyst Freud claims that in reality he is not indifferent to you.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book claims that the red wine you dreamed of promises profitable acquaintances.

For married couples and lovers, Miller’s dream book offers a slightly different interpretation. Love will grow stronger and mutual respect will grow. Perhaps you will make new friends.

Here's to your health!

If a drinker dreams of drinking too much alcohol, the interpreter considers the symbol alarm signal. In reality, there is a risk of loss of control over the situation and trouble.

Many predictors take into account healing properties red wine. If it appears in the plot of a dream, it is quite possible that the body really needs this product.

If you manage to spill intoxicating burgundy liquid in a dream, the dream book warns that in reality it will be difficult to cope with raging emotions.

Wine is an intoxicating drink, which, according to the dream book, brings good luck, wealth, and promises a long and bright life. Love, friendship, improvement in financial situation, good acquaintances - this is all what a sunny drink means in dreams.

If you see a corked bottle in a dream, you are hiding your potential. An open one speaks of a fun time ahead, friendly party, anniversary.

If in a dream you watch red or white liquid flowing from a neck, you will soon learn other people’s secrets. If it pours into a glass, you can keep them secret. When alcohol spreads across the floor, it’s impossible to hide other people’s secrets.

The red color of the wine speaks about you as a passionate person. You are full of life and energetic.

Dreaming of a white drink - you have romantic nature. A dream with rose wine speaks of deception: be more careful about making new acquaintances.

In a dream you have a narrow glass of wine - expect a promotion, monetary income. Alcohol in a low and wide glass - new acquaintances, friends. If you dream that you are drinking a drink from an iron mug, you are simple and open.

You see wine in a flask - the planned trip will take place. You will have a fun time with friends on a picnic, or go fishing.

  • The bottle is on the top shelf - career growth.
  • Wine in a store window means buying an expensive item or an expensive gift.
  • Talking to a drunk man holding a bottle is a conversation with a person who envies you.
  • A large bottle means a big feast, a celebration in the house.
  • A drop of wine - you will find an opportunity to save money when buying an expensive item.

I dream of a festive table with wine - a wedding, a banquet. If there is bread nearby, you are about to meet a rich man.

A bottle of drunk wine portends an unplanned waste of money. Half filled - making the right decisions.

Wine color

  1. Ruby - marriage for a young girl, long, happy life family people, the appearance of children. If you are pregnant and drink wine in a dream, the baby will be born strong and healthy. The businessman's negotiations will be successful. A sweet drink is a harbinger of monetary profit, a sour drink is a harbinger of saving on yourself. Tart wine promises a luxurious holiday in exotic country, bitter - surround your loved ones with care and attention. A broken glass symbolizes victory over all enemies.
  2. White is a good mood. Hold a full bottle - you will enjoy it, a glass - great mood. Drinking in a company in a dream means sharing secrets with a friend in reality; drinking alone means trying to become more liberated.

Women's dream book

A woman who drinks wine in a dream will soon marry successfully. Barrels of wine dream of luxury. A full cellar of wine is unheard of wealth, luxurious life. If you go down to such a basement, expect a pleasant experience.

Pleasure is foreshadowed by pouring wine from bottle to bottle in a dream. You can also go on a trip from which you will bring back unforgettable impressions. Breaking a bottle of wine is a great passion that knows no boundaries.

Summer dream book

If you drink a large amount of alcoholic drink in a dream and do not get drunk - you are self-confident, you consider yourself better than everyone else, while others have a completely different opinion.

Aesop's Dream Book

If you dream of a wine cellar, you will have to work hard, there will be a lot of things to do that cannot be put off. If you buy very expensive wine in a dream, in reality get ready for a trip in which you will meet a wealthy person.

There will be a fight, a showdown if you see yourself drunk with a bottle in your hand. If you drink at someone else’s expense, remember your debts; creditors may appear.

You make wine yourself - you won’t be afraid of painstaking work, long work, after which a good reward awaits you.

Ancient Russian dream book

Wine in a dream means a fight, shedding of blood. Drink undiluted wine - health, mixed with water - illness. Drinking white wine is fun, cloudy wine is sadness, bad news. Seeing yourself drunk in a dream means you will meet new people and make friends.

Dream Interpretation by E. Tsvetkova

Drinking wine in a dream means having fun, treating your friends with it means a funeral. A drink spilled on the floor means misfortune. If you drink alone, you will receive bad news. If you sell wine to someone, you will quarrel with friends, relatives, and acquaintances.

Erotic dream book

Drinking wine in a dream means that in reality you will have fun, make new acquaintances, and meet your soulmate. For a young girl, this will be a successful marriage. If you break a bottle, crazy passion awaits you.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud deciphers a dream with big amount drinking wine while making love while intoxicated.

Ukrainian dream book

Drinking wine in dreams means worrying real life about your affairs. White wine is joy, red wine is cheerfulness, good mood, apple wine is modesty.

Dream book of the 21st century

According to the 21st century dream book, wine in a dream means prosperity and wealth. If you spill a drink, you will receive a wonderful reward for your work.

Drink champagne, open a bottle - expect to receive good news, surprise. If you pour yourself over with wine, your cherished wishes will come true. Drinking Cahors means experiencing remorse in reality.

New wine is a warning - restrain your feelings.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Red wine means joy, success, love, fulfillment of desires. White - misfortune.

French dream book

Wine in French dream book denotes a fight, bloodshed. If the wine is pure, success, a profitable business, and health await. Bad wine is a deception, a lie.

Miller's Dream Book

You see how you drink wine in a dream, which means joy and strong friendship await you in the future. Lots of wine - travel and entertainment. If a young woman dreams of wine, she will soon get married.