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» Why drink delicious wine in a dream. Why dream of drinking red wine ▼. Who had a dream: an unmarried girl, woman or man

Why drink delicious wine in a dream. Why dream of drinking red wine ▼. Who had a dream: an unmarried girl, woman or man

If you are lucky enough to drink or just see wine in a dream, then good changes in your life and fate will not keep you waiting. Most seers and dream books believe that this is a dream symbol of a holiday, good luck. observed similar dream a person who can easily cope with any work, he is lucky, he is respected and loved.

But in order to find out a more accurate prophecy of a dream about wine, one should remember its details and turn to dream books, which have detailed interpretations regarding each plot.

Why dream of wine or wine cellars in a dream means that an influential patron will appear in reality who will actively patronize you. Hence the increase in income, and career growth. Such a dream also promises complete harmony in the family, in love relationships.

But wine in a dream can warn a sleeping person against excessive greed. The dream interpretation suggests that, having become accustomed to the role of a lucky and pet, the dreamer may lose his sense of proportion and greed. According to the dream book, drinking red wine means dizzying success with the opposite sex. Such opportunities actually open up to the dreamer. But there is also advice in the dream book: do not abuse this success, otherwise it will go topsy-turvy in life. You can just get confused in love polygons.

If you dreamed of a bottle of wine, then romantic adventures full of pleasures are coming. Such prospects in reality can turn your head. And this is already fraught with unpleasant consequences. The dream book here also warns against imprudent acts in a fit of passion. At whose expense is the banquet?

If in a dream you drink sweet wine, and another person paid for it, then keep in mind that a person has appeared in your environment who is passionately jealous of you. He is two-faced and cunning. The dream interpretation explains that treating wine in a dream, in reality, means the presence of a person who wants to find out the secret of the dreamer's success at all costs in order to use this information for their own, by no means plausible purposes.

When in a dream you have to treat friends or relatives with wine, then in reality you will also have to organize a feast. The dream interpretation, unfortunately, does not exclude the possibility that this will be a sad meeting at a table with dishes. There is a possibility that the death of relatives, although not close, will be the reason. In a dream, do you choose and buy collection wine? In this case, the dream book promises material support. It is unfortunate that in a dream one cannot find out who will become a voluntary and generous sponsor or patron. But even sadder, the fact that he will manage the money received wisely is unlikely to succeed. The dream interpretation states that the dreamer will frivolously and soon spend the money received with ease on trifles and entertainment.

Why dream of wine in barrels? According to Miller's dream book, this is a signal that a stormy, friendly feast is coming. After such a dream, a person can be sure that his relatives and comrades are ready to understand and support him. Were there many barrels of wine in a dream? It is a symbol of luxury and wealth.

Pouring wine in a dream

Do you remember that in a dream they poured wine into glasses? Such a plot according to Miller's dream book portends interesting trip. But for women, this same dream book gives hope that after such a dream, they will have a chance to meet a worthy man who will make a marriage proposal.

Drinking white wine in a dream means temptation. Moreover, it is not yet known whether the dreamer will be the victim of an experienced provocateur, or whether he himself will act as a seducer. But the dream book says that in any case it will be an unforgettable and unusual event in his life.

Why dream of spilled wine? Spilled wine in a dream, an auspicious vision that reveals a small secret to the dreamer, very soon a pleasant gift awaits him. The dream book advises to treat this surprise with due attention: carefully and carefully. This gift is a kind of symbol, anticipating a bright streak in life. If you lose it, break it, break it, then joy and good luck will be replaced by troubles, problems, losses.

A dreamed glass of red wine should be taken as advice to behave more modestly and more carefully, despite the fact that everything seems to get away with it without hindrance. This permissiveness and self-confidence can turn into a disaster.

A sip of red wine in a dream and in reality can provoke serious trouble for the dreamer. The dream interpretation also explains the plot in which a person pours wine. The one who was entrusted with such an important task in a dream will also receive real life interesting offer. It could be a new position, a lucrative contract. If a girl had a chance to treat guests with wine in a dream, then in reality the dream book promises her a wealthy groom who will rush to propose to her.

Why can wine be dreamed of by people who really love to drink? Fans of alcoholic beverages should definitely look into the dream book. For them, it contains special advice: if you drank wine in a dream, then try to refuse this drink during business lunches or banquets. There are great risks that partners, knowing about your addiction to wine, will rush to take advantage of this, pursuing vile goals.

The interpretation of the dream in which red wine was spilled is also a warning. It concerns amorous affairs, in which, in all likelihood, the dreamer is very dexterous. His love of love knows no bounds, but very soon he will have to bitterly regret his frivolous behavior. Next to him there is a person who is terribly jealous of his success with the opposite sex. It is this ill-wisher who will begin to spread dirty gossip and rumors that can ruin the dreamer's reputation.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 03/03/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Dream interpretation drink red wine

Making wine is a painstaking and time-consuming task, because wine is a symbol of relaxation, it speaks of the desire for relaxation, relaxation.

A correct and more accurate interpretation of dreams is possible if we take into account the qualities of wine, that is, taste, color and transparency, as well as the circumstances under which the wine was drunk and the inner state of the drinker.

auspicious sign

Drinking red wine in your dreams promises good health, good luck, wealth, a happy and long life. If you drink this drink with friends or family, expect a grand event, it is possible that a wedding is coming.

If you dream of red wine

If a man dreamed that he was drinking red wine, then this promises him to actually meet his chosen one, get consent from his beloved, get married, give birth to first-born children, a family in which peace, harmony and sincerity will reign.
The dream interpretation says that if you bring red wine to your lips and drink from a glass in a dream, this characterizes you as a passionate nature. Expect the satisfaction of your restless desires soon.

If in dreams it happened to drink red wine to a pregnant woman, then this sure sign that she will have a healthy and strong baby. And for business people, the dream book prophesies successful negotiations, good luck in concluding deals that require considerable financial injections.

If a young girl dreamed that she was drinking this nectar, then she would soon get married. A very interesting dream interpretation explains why a young girl or an unmarried woman dreams of drinking this drink, while eating it with a piece of bread. This portends an acquaintance with a rich man.

ruby wine

Ruby wine

In a dream, you can drink this drink under different circumstances:

  • lonely;
  • eat and not get drunk;
  • to brotherhood;
  • taste nectar of different tastes.

Why dream of drinking this drink alone? To enlightenment in thoughts, to the emergence of productive, some new and, possibly, non-standard ideas.

If in a dream you use red burgundy in considerable quantities, then a solemn event is coming soon, at which you will not spare money for pleasure.

Why dream of drinking this nectar and not getting drunk? This is a call to reconsider your opinion about yourself. You are arrogant, behaving rather dismissively towards others. Such people are usually endowed with nicknames like "Narcissus".

If you dreamed that you were drinking a ruby ​​drink from a beautiful glass, then a fascinating voyage awaits you, surrounded by loved ones.

In the case of drinking a sweet drink, the dream book promises financial profit. But drink in a dream sour wine, means to save on yourself where it would be more correct to give everything.

Drinking a ruby ​​intoxicating drink for brotherhood portends a successful partnership in your business.

Pay attention to the taste

It is interesting to interpret the dream book when you dreamed of drinking such wine with a tart taste. Soon you will be traveling to exotic countries, where you will not just relax, but experience incredible pleasures with frills. The bitter taste of this drink calls for the need to pay more attention to relatives, their needs than you do.
If you spilled a little ruby ​​nectar while tasting, be careful - people around you envy your happy and cloudless life. If you spilled it on yourself, you will have fun in a great company. If spilled on someone, bring it good news close person. And why in dreams, when you taste a drink, do you drop a glass and it breaks?

This is a life-affirming sign - you will overcome all enemies and envious people.

But the dream book indicates the case if the drink was rather thick in dreams, then this indicates that you are subject to anger, emotions can easily take possession of you, which can lead to big troubles and even battles.

Red sparkling

Red sparkling wine

Drinking red sparkling wine in a dream is interpreted by dream books in different ways. Here the weight has the very relation of the sleeper to this kind of drinks:

  1. You taste a drink in a dream and in reality also give preference to it;
  2. Tasting in a dream, but in reality, do not like this drink.

Champagne preference

If you dream of drinking such a drink from a beautiful narrow glass with a long stem, a meeting with old friends is just around the corner, which promises to be interesting and meaningful, will create a good, warm atmosphere and provide a cheerful mood and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

If, when tasting the drink, they spilled it, then they missed the chance to relax in a chic company, but this should not be regretted, since a repetition of the opportunity is likely. And finally, if you broke your glass, it means that in reality some old, darkening life, memories and past grievances will let you go.

There are also such dreams in which the sleeping person drinks sparkling champagne with strangers. This promises to experience new, bewitching feelings.

Denial of champagnes

If you don't like champagne

If in life you don’t like this drink, but in a dream you had to drink it, then it is more likely that with your extravagance or windiness, you can get into a delicate situation, involvement in which will ruin your reputation.

If a drink is spilled, then you have a chance to get out of such a situation spotless, but on your own, without outside help. In the event that you break a glass of drink by accident, a well-wisher will appear in life who will help you avoid unpleasant consequences in such a situation, but if you break a glass or glass intentionally, then in reality you have enough intelligence to leave the game at the last moment, not to take risky steps.

Do you know why you dream of not tasting this drink, but simply tasting it? You will know the long-awaited happiness in love. This joy will envelop you and intoxicate you so that you will give yourself to him entirely, forgetting about everything in the world.

happiness and love

And if you dream that you tasted a red Bordeaux and you didn’t like it, and you decided to sell it to someone. What is it for? This is a warning - you will be accused of a dishonest or incorrect act. And although they will be false, it will be problematic to prove the opposite. But, in part, this is your fault. You are not a very decent person, so people tend to facts that discredit you than to the truth that comes from you.

Why dream of opening a bottle of drink with the desire to take a sip? This is a call to the need to reconsider our understanding of real life. You idealize events, and when you encounter them in reality, you are disappointed. The dream book gives advice that instructs you to soberly assess the events taking place and adjust your thoughts, taking into account life experience.

There are such, let's say, complex dreams, where you see yourself sleeping and you already dream about how you taste the ruby ​​​​drink that you are treated to. The dream interpretation explains why this is so: the color itself, that it is red, is already a great sign. This is a true friend good attitude which you use, because he cannot refuse you. But you go too far, abusing his sincerity and reliability, risking losing a true friend and his trust in you. Think about it, because more than like him, you have no one to rely on.

barrel of wine

If in that second dream you yourself bought and drink this drink, even alone, even surrounded by friends, this promises you new profitable offers that will bring high profits and ensure income stability.

Do you know why you have a dream in which you sip a drink straight from the barrel? The dream book says that in this case, the drink is a love potion, a harbinger of unearthly love, huge as the sky, capable of overcoming all conceivable boundaries. And if you pour this drink from one container to another, inhaling the vapor with pleasure, then in life you will experience unconventional, but exquisite pleasures and pleasures, but maybe it will be extreme types of travel.

The dream interpretation also gives an interpretation to such dreams in which you go down to the cellar and among plural If you choose red wine, it means that there is a high probability that either, thanks to your vigilant efforts, you will find a very well-paid job with the possibility of career growth, or on your life path you will meet a rich, but most importantly, noble and worthy chosen one.

Interpretation in a global context

Global interpretations

The ruby ​​color of the drink symbolizes prosperity and well-being. But there are nuances.
Do you know what the taste of a drink might look like if, next to the container where it is located, there is a weapon on the table, along with other products? This is evidence that peace will be preserved until the moment in the land where the sleeping person lives, they follow the traditions of hospitality and hospitality, which were laid down by their ancestors.

If the color of the drink being drunk was pale, then listen to such a dream. This is a signal of deceit, or some kind of trick, but, even worse, murder by poisoning. And official services will give the go-ahead for this, but people from your environment will organize it. Caution in everything will not hurt here: in trusting your closest friends, in flattering acquaintances with representatives of the opposite sex. Everything is so veiled that it will not arouse the slightest suspicion of anything.

Vineyards, amphoras, golden goblets


If in dreams images of huge vineyards arise, on which ruby ​​grapes, work is in full swing and men with red hair take part in the preparation of the drink, then you have some kind of blood ties with Germany. This is a harbinger that you will get the opportunity to visit your historical homeland, moreover, you will be able to go to that country for permanent residence. And there your companions will be luck, prosperity, career growth, but subject to local traditions. If you ate this nectar from ancient amphoras, this means that you will face a dilemma, which you can solve only by listening to the teachings and advice of the older and several previous generations, or by diligently studying your pedigree.

It happens that the sleeper sees how in a dream a person was treated to this alcoholic drink, but after tasting it, the person was poisoned. In fact, this person will be the so-called primary source of your luck. Feel free to prepare for luck, which will seem random to you. But it's not.
But be careful if you imagine that you are tasting a ruby ​​drink from a goblet that is poured out of pure gold. This is a warning that you are in the thrall of illusions. Come back to earth and learn to think soberly.

Dreams in detail

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Seeing wine in a dream is a sign of guilt. Drinking it in a dream portends that you should take care of your health and not overload your body. To see a glass of wine in a dream and drink from it - to a joyful meeting. If you drank a little wine from a small glass, then well-being awaits you, and if you drink a lot, then expect failures or an accident. Drink some wine in a dream, but in big company- to quarrels and troubles. Drinking wine on some solemn occasion is good only for the rich, and for the poor, a dream predicts failure and trouble. Drinking cloudy wine in a dream - to annoyance and bad news. To get drunk in a dream of red sweet wine drunk means that some influential patron will fall in love with you and achieve honors and wealth for you. Drinking wine alone is bad news. See drinks, drunk.

Selling wine in a dream is a quarrel. To meet a wine merchant is a warning that you may fall into a bad company and your reputation may suffer. If in a dream you are treated with wine, then soon you will hear accusations against you. Draining wine into one container - to reconciliation and pleasure. Pouring wine from one vessel to another means wasting time on empty entertainment. Pouring wine in a dream - unfortunately, unfortunately, sometimes means that you yourself will damage your happiness. Sometimes for women, such a dream predicts a marriage of convenience, which will be unsuccessful. Breaking a bottle of wine is a sign of getting rid of anxiety. For lovers, such a dream predicts unbridled passion. See bottle, glass, glass.

Pouring wine and dipping something in wine is a sign of guilt. See clothing.

Pour white wine - to joy, red - to contention, muddy - to sadness. To wash with wine or to wash - to losses and losses. To regale with wine - to sad events, funerals. To see apple wine in a dream - to chagrin. Seeing in a dream how wine is made is a success in business.

Why dream of wine in a dream book - "Wangi's Dream Book"

If you dreamed of wine, it is a symbol of well-being, prosperity, fun.

Drinking wine with friends in a dream:
If you dreamed that you were drinking wine in friendly company, which means that a successful transaction awaits you, which will bring big profits.

Wine in bottles in a dream:
Seeing bottled wine in a dream is a sign of productivity, an economically prosperous year.

Pouring wine into glasses in a dream:
If you pour wine into glasses, then expect an inheritance or an unexpected increase in the budget.

Spilling wine on a tablecloth in a dream:
Spilling wine on a tablecloth is a bad sign, portending disaster due to excessive wastefulness and hindsight.

Break a bottle of wine in a dream:
If in a dream you broke a bottle of wine, then expect big trouble, lack of money and poverty.

Why dream of wine in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Drinking wine in a dream - anxiety will seize you. Drinking cloudy wine is sadness. Drinking wine diluted with water is a liver disease. Apple wine - modest joys. White wine - entertainment. Red wine - fun walk. Apple cider - happiness may smile at you. Barrels of wine - live at someone else's expense. To sip wine from a barrel into bottles is love adventures and entertainment. Pouring wine into glasses is new acquaintances. Spilling wine - miss your chance, become a victim of an accident.

Freud's dream book

If in a dream you see, taste and drink wine, then in reality it is a large number of drinking alcohol can inspire you to have sex, or push you to more active sexual behavior. It is quite possible that alcohol acts on you as a catalyst or stimulant, which not only causes a strong sexual desire, but also helps to liberate yourself, get rid of all those principles and rules that guide you in real life, on a sober head. Well.. and that's fine if it helps you have fun.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you dreamed about the process of drinking wine, this is a harbinger of joyful events and strong relationship with your friends. If you break a bottle of wine in a dream, this indicates your great love and passion, which can go beyond all conceivable boundaries. Barrels of wine seen in a dream signify the fact that your life will become magnificent and luxurious. Did you dream that you were pouring wine from one bottle, or jug, into another dish? A wide variety of pleasures, entertainment, travel and excursions await you. If you are the one who pours wine in a dream, then you will get a job that will be highly paid. If a young woman sees a dream in which she drinks wine, then there is a possibility that she will connect her life with a rich, and most importantly, a noble and worthy chosen one. If in a dream you go down to the cellar with a variety of vessels with wine, from bottles to barrels, then you will soon experience the most pleasant experience.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Wine symbolizes a peaceful life, the presence of economy and prosperity, well-being. If in your dream wine is on the table along with other products, as well as near weapons, this indicates that peace can only be maintained until the country follows the tradition of hospitality laid down by the ancestors.

Dreamed of a transparent glass with pale pink wine? This dream is worth listening to. As a rule, he warns of deception, trickery, even murder through poisoning, which will be approved by representatives of official services, and his acquaintances will set it up. Everything will be done in such a way as not to arouse the slightest suspicion. Especially should be vigilant in relation to "pleasant" acquaintances of the opposite sex.

If vineyards appear in your dream large sizes and strong red-haired men who are involved in the process of making wine, which means that you are blood connected with Germany, and you will have the opportunity to visit your historical homeland or even go there for permanent place residence. At the same time, you will be accompanied by good luck, prosperity, prosperity and development in material terms, provided that you observe local traditions.

Old large amphoras seen in a dream, full of wine, indicate that you will ponder over the dilemma, tormented by questions that will fill both your mind and heart in the near future. You can answer them only if you keep in touch with the older generation and several previous generations, or study the pedigree well.

If in a dream you saw how you poisoned another person with wine, then in reality this person will bring you good luck. You can prepare for a lot of seemingly random luck, good moments.

If during a dream you saw a river, as well as wild and domestic animals that drink from it and lose their strength, falling right on the shore, then in the summer a fertile period will come for you to do business. At this time, you will be able to set up positively for yourself the most different people, and this will allow you to find a compromise in all the decisions you are interested in.

If in a dream you happened to drink wine from a goblet made of pure gold, in reality you will be so captured by illusions that you will lose contact with the real world.

Did you see in your dream how you spill wine on your outfit? There is a possibility that you will make a hasty decision that will negatively affect your relationship with the person on whom you are financially dependent.

If you dream that you are drowning in wine, you will suffer from forced loneliness.

Someone treats you to wine in a dream? You should be less frank, as excessive talkativeness can harm you, especially in relation to your enemies. They can take advantage of this and once again gloat.

Assyrian dream book

If you dreamed that you were being treated to wine, this symbolizes friendship, good participation, and your longevity.

Dream Interpretation of Khamidova

If a girl drinks wine in her dream, then she has a chance to soon marry a wealthy and very worthy person. Had a chance to break a bottle full of wine in a dream? Experience a strong passion that will be difficult to contain.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Drinking wine is a dream for fun. If you had a chance to treat someone with wine - this is an unkind sign: you may be touched by a funeral. If wine is spilled, troubles and problems can be expected in life. Drinking wine in a dream in complete solitude - in reality receiving bad news. If you sell wine in a dream, in reality you can quarrel with someone.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Drinking wine in a dream promises anxiety and disturbing feelings in reality. If you dreamed of red wine - you will always have good mood. But white wine promises pleasure. If you spilled wine, there is a chance of destroying your own happiness. Apple wine promises you modest joys.

Dream Interpretation Semenova

In general, dreams, the plot of which is associated with wine, are harbingers of joyful events, pleasant sensations strong friendships. If a young woman drinks wine in her dream, she has every chance to hope for marriage with a financially secure and noble man. The appearance of barrels of wine in a dream portends great luxury. Descent in a dream into a cellar room, which is full of bottles and barrels of wine, means joyful experiences and wonderful impressions for you. If you pour wine from one vessel to another in your dream, in real life you will be able to experience pleasures, entertainment and travel filled with pleasant moments. If you spilled wine in a dream, a highly paid job awaits you in reality. If you broke a bottle that contained wine, this indicates that your love and passion are very strong and even go beyond all possible boundaries.

Aesop's dream book

It is no secret that since ancient times, wine has been an obligatory attribute of the feast of the peoples of many countries. It was considered a symbol of prosperity and thrift. And today, wine (in particular, Cahors) is part of the rituals and rituals that the church conducts. Among the people, not only wine found popularity, but also Braga - an “underripe” version of wine.

Since the manufacture of wine requires a fair amount of patience, painstaking work, delicate calculation and knowledge of all kinds of ingredients, wine itself evokes associations associated with relaxation, celebration, and the desire to relax, especially on days of significant events. In Greece, for example, wine is closely associated with the god Dionysus and the festivities associated with his name, during which alcohol, as they say, flowed like a river. At this time, festive events were organized, which were distinguished by a special freedom of manners and morals. For example, orgies were part of them. Wine helped to get rid of fuss, worries, troubles, problems, complexes and much more.

If a wine cellar appeared in your dream, then hard work awaits yourequiring serious stress and some effort from you, or an unusually large amount of urgent business.

If in a dream you made a purchase of collection wine, then in reality you can expect a vacation that you can organize spontaneously and unexpectedly. However, such a dream also symbolizes the upcoming acquaintance with a woman who is not constrained in material means.

If in your dream you find yourself in a state of intoxication, and you have a bottle of wine in your hands, then there is a possibility that you will sort things out, argue, even quarrel, and this does not bode well.

A noisy feast seen in a dream with large quantity wine on the table portends the conclusion of a favorable deal, the receipt of a lucrative contract, the signing of an agreement with a person who is a real master of his craft, a high-class professional. If in a dream someone else pays for the alcohol you drink, this is a warning: you should be more careful in matters of waste. Perhaps in your fate there will be creditors with whom you have dealt for a long time and have already managed to forget about long-standing debts.

In a dream, to participate in the manufacture of wine - in reality, be ready to devote a lot of time to something that can turn into a productive business, have an effect. At the same time, it is not so important for you how painstaking the work will be, you are ready to move forward until you reach your goal.

English dream book

The dream in which you drink wine promises good health, the achievement of material prosperity, a long life that flows in a calm manner. If at the same time you are in good company, and you have fun at the same time, then soon a joyful event awaits you, perhaps even wedding celebration. If an unmarried person dreams of this, then soon he will join his fate with a woman whom he has long been experiencing strong feelings and this marriage will be happy. But if the father of the family sees such a dream, it means that he will be very friendly with his children. And they will be not only his consolation, but also a reliable support.

Culinary dream book

If you drink red wine in your dream, then a serene life awaits you, as well as entertainment in the company of your friends. If the wine spilled, this indicates that you are successful with women, and good luck accompanies you in business matters. If a girl treats herself to wine in a dream, it means that in the near future she will be able to profitably marry, love and be loved, have complete understanding with her half. The appearance in a dream of a broken bottle of red wine warns you that you may become a victim of slander or slander, and because of this, it will not be easy for you morally.

Muslim dream book

Wine in a dream symbolizes property that was acquired illegally. But vinegar symbolizes property, pleasant to the owner, abundance.

Dream Interpretation Food

If you dreamed that you were having dinner and at the same time drinking red wine, then joyful events, material well-being await you, your friends will be next to you. faithful friends. If, according to the plot of the dream, you spill wine, this indicates that in business matters you will prove yourself on high level and you will be successful. If a

Whether you drink wine or see abundant wine cellars in a dream, the dream book promises you a holiday and extraordinary luck. Everything that this sweet intoxicating drink dreams about will certainly please the dreamer. This auspicious symbol portends the fulfillment of the most cherished desires that can drastically change life in better side. According to some interpretations, now is the period when any tricks get away with it.

The dream concerns such important aspects of life as well-being, love and the creation of a family, friendship and acquaintance with high-ranking persons, which, as you know, sometimes turn out to be very useful. The only danger that can lie in wait for the dreamer is his own greed. Having succumbed to the euphoria of permissiveness, it is so easy to grab something that you do not need at all.

Why dream of drinking red wine, the dream book is often associated with dizzying popularity with the opposite sex. Agree, it is unreasonable to miss such opportunities. And yet, know the measure, otherwise such confusion will begin in your personal life that there will be no time for fun - that's what wine dreams of.

Seeing a bottle of wine in a dream, an essential attribute of festive feasts, is considered a favorable sign of upcoming pleasures and romantic adventures that can turn your head in earnest. Knowing what wine in a bottle is dreaming of, even in a fit of passion, behave prudently, avoid slippery situations.

Who pays for the banquet?

If you were lucky enough to drink sweet wine in a dream at someone else's expense, the dream book encourages you to keep your mouth shut. Keep in mind that there are a lot of envious people in your environment who strive to find out the secret of your success not at all in order to be happy for you - this is what an unexpected treat of wine is dreaming of.

When the dreamer himself has to treat friends or colleagues with wine in a dream, what he saw in a dream can be interpreted literally: you really have to organize a banquet soon. It is possible that the funeral of a distant relative or not very close acquaintance will be the reason for the feast.

When you have to buy wine in a dream, and not simple, but collectible, the dream book promises you unexpected material support. True, he does not specify where exactly - let it be a surprise. FROM big share probability, it can be assumed that you will spend the fallen wealth on recreation, entertainment and pleasure.

Miller's dream book considers wine a harbinger of a fun feast in a friendly company. Support, understanding and pleasant impressions are waiting for you. Full wine barrels symbolize luxury and abundance. If you pour wine into glasses, you have a journey to pleasant places. A woman dreamer can count on a successful marriage.

If you happened to drink white wine in a dream, two scenarios are assumed: either you will not be able to resist the temptation, or you yourself are that very tempter. In any case, it will not be boring: a magnificent intrigue awaits you.

When you happen to spill wine in a dream, the dream is both an auspicious sign and a reminder. The dream book tells you in secret that fate has prepared a wonderful gift for you. Just treat it with care, appreciate it. If you break your happiness by negligence, a black streak will come in life.

Interpreting what a glass of red wine is dreaming of, the dream book warns of the coming euphoria of permissiveness. Not for a moment doubting the dreamer's law-abidingness, the dream book warns that now there is a very high probability of involuntarily falling into the cycle of dangerous events. A pleasant acquaintance and that very glass of wine can turn out to be a start.

According to the dream book, pouring wine in a dream is usually entrusted to those who are going to do it in reality in the near future. profitable proposition. We can talk about a prestigious highly paid position or about mutually beneficial cooperation. Right now, the girl can receive a long-awaited offer from a wealthy groom.