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» High-quality gas boilers for private homes. Which gas boiler is best for heating - selection criteria and manufacturers. Gas boilers for heating a private home: how to choose the best option

High-quality gas boilers for private homes. Which gas boiler is best for heating - selection criteria and manufacturers. Gas boilers for heating a private home: how to choose the best option

Natural gas is the cheapest energy carrier in Russia, so most people choose gas heating. Heat and hot water can be obtained using gas boiler. On sale you can find a huge number of various modifications of such equipment. Some of them are suitable for heating an apartment, while others are ideal for heating a large private house. Let's try to figure out which gas boiler is better for heating different types of premises.

Which gas boiler is better to choose depends on many factors: weather conditions region, heated area, type of housing (apartment or a private house) etc. The main criteria by which the best boiler is determined are:

  • power;
  • number of circuits;
  • fastening type;
  • nature of coolant circulation;
  • type of combustion chamber;
  • type of heat sources.

Let's consider what criteria the best gas unit must meet.

What should be the power of a gas boiler?

To heat rooms of different sizes, units of a certain power are required. The required performance is calculated based on the rule - to heat 10 m² you will need 1 kW. If you want to receive hot water, then the power reserve is increased by 20-30%. Also, the optimal performance may vary depending on weather conditions, the thermal insulation of the house and the presence of additional systems.

The performance of a gas boiler depends on the operation of the gas burner. They can be:

  • single stage;
  • two-stage;
  • modulating.

Single-stage ones are capable of maintaining fire in only one mode. Gas boilers equipped with such burners are not economical, but they are inexpensive. To save fuel and pay less for it, you should opt for a unit with a two-stage or, even better, a modulating burner. The first option has two levels of operating power, and the second has several performance levels (from 5 to 10). Modulating or multi-stage burners increase the efficiency of the boiler and significantly save gas.

Which is better - a single-circuit or double-circuit boiler?

Single-circuit gas boilers are intended for heating only. Double-circuit units are capable of producing heat and hot water. However, the volume of heated liquid produced by boilers with two circuits is often not enough. If you need a large amount of water for showering and bathing, you will have to buy a boiler indirect heating. It can be connected to both a double-circuit and a single-circuit unit. The second option will be cheaper than the first. In addition, a boiler system with a single-circuit unit is more reliable and durable.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which gas boiler is better for heating - single-circuit or double-circuit. It all depends on the need for hot water and the personal preferences of the consumer.

Mounting type

According to the type of fastening, gas boilers are divided into:

  • wall;
  • floor

Wall-mounted gas units are compact in size, but their power rarely exceeds 35 kW. Thus, the most powerful wall-mounted boilers can only heat a room up to 320 m². But they easily fit into any interior and can be hung even on small kitchen or in the bathroom.

Floor-standing gas boilers are large, so you will have to look for appropriate place, and for models with an open combustion chamber - a separate room. Stationary units are more expensive, but they can also heat large areas than wall-mounted counterparts.

Which is better - a floor-mounted gas heating boiler or a wall-mounted one is determined depending on the type of living space. For heating an apartment, especially small area, a compact wall-mounted unit will suffice. To heat a large private house or production room, the best option is a floor-standing gas boiler.

Natural or forced coolant circulation

Gas boilers differ in the type of coolant circulation. It can be natural or forced. In the first case, the coolant moves in the heating system due to the pressure that is formed in it at a certain location of the boiler, radiators and expansion tank. This option is non-volatile and is ideal for regions where power outages occur frequently. Such units are equipped atmospheric burner, therefore they can only be placed in a separate room with good ventilation.

In gas boilers with forced circulation, the coolant moves through a pump that is powered by electricity. Such units often use turbocharged gas-burners, which do not require a combustion device. Their efficiency is significantly higher than that of non-volatile systems. The disadvantage of boilers with forced circulation of coolant is that they will not be able to heat the room during a power outage.

If in the locality where you live the power is rarely turned off, then it is better to purchase a device with forced circulation of coolant. If the electricity is turned off frequently, then the best option is a system with natural coolant movement.

Features of open and closed combustion chambers

Gas boilers can be equipped with open or closed combustion chambers. Units of the first group are called atmospheric - their installation requires a separate room, since with this type of combustion chamber the burner uses air from environment and flue gases also enter the room in which the unit is located. Boilers with an open combustion chamber require the installation of a traditional vertical chimney to allow smoke to escape to the street. The efficiency of atmospheric devices is low and amounts to 76-85%.

Gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber are also called turbocharged. They do not require a separate boiler room and a classic chimney. To remove combustion products, it is enough to install a coaxial pipe with an outlet through the wall. Turbocharged models can be placed in the hallway, pantry, kitchen or bathroom. They take combustion air not from the room, but from the street through a coaxial chimney and have a high efficiency = 88-95%.

Many are lost in choosing which gas boiler is better for heating a home - atmospheric or turbocharged. If you are purchasing such a unit for the first time, then it is better to opt for a device with a closed combustion chamber, since it uses fuel more economically and you don’t have to spend money on installing a boiler room and a full-fledged smoke exhaust system.

If the boiler is purchased to replace an old atmospheric unit in an already equipped furnace room equipped with a chimney, then it will be more profitable to purchase a similar model.

Note! There are two options in which it is possible to use only one type of combustion chamber. First, in the case of installing a non-volatile system, only a device with an open chamber is suitable. Secondly, only a turbocharged gas boiler is allowed to heat the apartment.

How do convection boilers differ from condensing boilers?

Depending on the type of heat source, gas boilers are either convection (ordinary) or condensing. The former use only the energy obtained from gas combustion. The latter, in addition to the traditional source, receive heat from condensate, which is collected on a heat exchanger.

Convection gas boilers are cheaper, more versatile and easier to operate. Condensing units are characterized by high efficiency = 96-99%, significantly save fuel, but also cost an order of magnitude more.

Note! Condensing units can operate with maximum savings only at a coolant temperature of 50-60ºC.

Which gas boiler manufacturer is better?

During the selection process, the consumer has a question about which manufacturer produces the best gas boilers for heating. Reviews and ratings show that the most reliable and durable units are those produced by the German companies Vaillant, Viessmann, Buderus. They are also leaders in the production of gas boilers condensation type. Vaillant and Viessmann produce a record number of condensing units and are constantly improving their technology. However, the cost of German heating devices is quite high, as is the price of their repair. Therefore, the majority of consumers prefer gas heating boilers from Italian or Czech companies. For example, devices of the brands Baxi, Ariston, Protherm, Thermona are cheaper than their German counterparts, and are almost as good in quality.

Gas boilers are also popular domestic producers Neva Lux, Lemax, Borinskiye, CONORD. Of course, they are somewhat inferior to foreign models in terms of build quality and quantity additional functions, but Russian-made units are affordable, unpretentious to the quality of fuel and water, and are also resistant to voltage surges. In addition, for domestic products it is easier to find components and their repair will be cheaper.

The best batteries for a gas heating system

The gas heating system has features that create certain requirements for radiators:

  • low operating coolant pressure;
  • the presence of a closed circuit, which eliminates pressure drops and water hammer in the system;
  • use of high-quality coolant.

Which heating batteries are best for a gas boiler? Bimetallic and cast iron must be immediately excluded. They are good for centralized system, but not for gas - cast iron takes too long to heat up and this significantly reduces the efficiency of the boiler, and the use of bimetallic radiators in in this case not economically feasible. This leaves only aluminum batteries. They are considered the best for a gas heating system, but when choosing and installing, you should take into account the operational details.

On to the cons aluminum radiators relate:

  • fear of water hammer;
  • susceptibility to corrosion.

But in a gas system, both of these problems are easily solved: the presence of the first is simply excluded, and the second is solved by installing a filter at the tap water inlet to the boiler.

The advantages of aluminum batteries combine them perfectly with a gas unit:

  • able to heat up and cool down quickly;
  • do not require a large volume of coolant;
  • weigh little;
  • easy to install.

It is important to correctly calculate the required number of radiators. To do this, you should pay attention to the heat transfer of one section. It is believed that 100 W of energy is needed to heat 1 m². To compensate for certain heat losses, another 10-15% of the obtained figure is added.

To eliminate corrosion processes, it is necessary to connect the boiler and radiators using plastic pipes. When installing a heating system, it should be taken into account that aluminum is capable of releasing hydrogen gas - this occurs when the metal reacts with water saturated with oxygen. Therefore, do not forget about installing a Mayevsky tap to remove excess gas.

As for choosing a manufacturer of aluminum radiators, the quality of products from Russian companies is in no way inferior to foreign ones, but they are an order of magnitude cheaper.

Home heating systems using gas boilers as a heat source are becoming commonplace and widespread.

Often homeowners refuse the services of centralized networks in favor of autonomous systems.

They prefer to independently regulate the heating mode and the start or end of the heating season.

The range of functions of modern gas boilers is much wider than before, new features and additions have appeared.

Let's consider a group of double-circuit boilers, the most popular gas units.

Double-circuit boilers have two basic functions:

  • House heating.
  • Supply of hot water for domestic needs.

All other features are considered additional, contributing to a more successful and efficient performance of the main tasks. A special feature of this type of boiler is the need to operate throughout the year.

Single-circuit structures are stopped for the summer, which makes it possible to increase the service life of components and parts. Double-circuit units have to be operated in constant mode, turning off only the supply of coolant to the heating system.

This increases the load on the parts and components of the unit, reduces the life of the most loaded areas of the boiler.

As a rule, for such designs the power level is limited to 40-50 kW; more efficient units are already equipped with built-in storage devices or external boilers.

In terms of design, dual-circuit models are a basic option with an added secondary heat exchanger. However, there are other types of boilers that can demonstrate more stable and high performance.

These include:

  • Designs with a combined heat exchanger. They provide more stable DHW heating, high performance and quick response to requests.
  • Condensation models. These are boilers with the function of preheating the coolant using thermal energy from condensation of water vapor from flue gases. Manufacturers claim an efficiency of 107-109% for them, which is completely absurd from a physics point of view. At the same time, condensing units can only operate with low temperature systems. Under normal conditions they lose additional features and function as convection structures.


When choosing a boiler, you should make sure that its design can fully operate under the proposed conditions. Otherwise, expensive equipment will be used only partially, which is unacceptable.


Double-circuit gas boilers are distinguished according to certain characteristics.

By installation method:

  • Wall mounted. For wall-mounted strong load-bearing walls are required. The dimensions and weight of such units are limited by permissible load conditions.
  • Floor. They can be installed directly on the floor, which expands the capabilities of boilers and allows them to be equipped with massive units of increased power and productivity.

By type of heat transfer:

  • Convection. The coolant is heated by a gas burner.
  • Condensation. A two-stage heating scheme is used, where the first stage is heating the return flow in the condensation chamber, and the second is normal process preparation in the primary heat exchanger. For the process to proceed correctly, it is necessary to provide appropriate conditions, which is only possible in the southern regions.

By heat exchanger type:

  • Separated. The heating of the coolant is carried out by the primary unit, and the secondary heat exchanger (usually plate type) is responsible for preparing hot water.
  • Combined (bithermic). It is a coil made of a pipe of a specific cross-section, where two streams can flow simultaneously without mixing. Allows you to increase DHW productivity, but is difficult to clean from lime deposits.

By type of combustion chamber:

  • Atmospheric (open). The traditional way of boiler operation, where smoke is removed naturally through a standard chimney, and air is taken directly from the room.
  • Turbocharged (closed). Air is taken from the outside using a coaxial chimney (pipe-in-pipe design). The turbocharger fan provides fresh flow. It also displaces flue gases, providing a stable and adjustable smoke removal mode.

Turbocharged models are much more efficient and stable in operation; they are optimally suited for use in residential areas.

What parameters should you pay attention to when purchasing?

When choosing a suitable model of a gas double-circuit boiler, you should pay attention to the main technical specifications units:

Combustion chamber type

The most popular are boilers with a closed combustion chamber. The entire process of fuel combustion and smoke removal occurs in a system isolated from the room atmosphere, which increases safety for people.

In addition, the controlled smoke removal process is much more effective than unstable natural draft.


The boiler power level is the main indicator demonstrating the ability of the unit to provide thermal energy to rooms of different sizes.

Usually the desired model is selected based on 1 kW of power per 10 m2 of area.

It is necessary to take into account that you should not make a large reserve, since the boiler operating mode should be close to the nominal one.

Heat exchanger material

For the manufacture of heat exchangers they use:

  • Stainless steel. This is the most affordable option, which is used in boilers in the middle and budget price range. The heat transfer and service life of such units are quite high, there is the possibility of repair or restoration.
  • Copper. Heat exchangers of this type are installed in the most expensive and productive series of gas boilers. The performance of copper heat exchangers is considered the highest.
  • Cast iron. Typically used in powerful floor-standing units. The heating mode is stabilized due to the high thermal inertia of the material.

Boiler type

There are two types:

  • Convection. Conventional design of a gas unit.
  • Condensation. In addition to the traditional method, these models are equipped with a coolant preheating function, which reduces fuel consumption and the load on the heat exchanger.

When choosing the type of boiler, it is necessary to take into account that the operation of condensing devices is possible only when the difference between external and internal temperatures is no more than 21°, which in Russia cannot be ensured due to climatic conditions.

Energy independence

There are volatile and independent installations. The former have the maximum range of functions, but in the event of a sudden power outage they become useless.

The latter do not use electricity, which expands the geography of their use. At the same time, non-volatile models have minimal capabilities and a complex ignition method.

TOP 10 rating

Let's consider the most popular models of double-circuit gas boilers, recognized by specialists and ordinary users as the most successful in design and operational terms:

Buderus Logamax U072-24K

Gas double-circuit boiler designed for wall mounting. Equipped with a combustion chamber closed type and a separate heat exchanger - the primary one is made of copper, the secondary one is stainless.

Heating area - 200-240 m2. Has several degrees of protection.

Models with the “K” index heat hot water in flow-through mode. There is a possibility of connection room regulator temperature.

Federica Bugatti 24 Turbo

Representative of Italian heating engineering, double-circuit gas boiler wall type.Designed to work in a cottage or public space with an area of ​​up to 240 m2.

Separate heat exchanger - copper primary and steel secondary. The manufacturer provides a 5-year warranty, which indicates confidence in the quality and operational capabilities of the boiler.

Bosch Gaz 6000 W WBN 6000-24 C

The German company Bosch is known all over the world, so it doesn’t need any additional introductions. The Gaz 6000 W series is represented by wall-mounted models designed for use in private homes.

The 24 kW model is the most common; it is optimal for most residential and public premises.

There is multi-stage protection, the copper primary heat exchanger is designed for 15 years of service.

Leberg Flamme 24 ASD

Leberg boilers are usually classified as budget models, although there is no noticeable difference in cost with products from other companies.

The Flamme 24 ASD model has a power of 20 kW, which is optimal for houses with an area of ​​200 m2. A special feature of this boiler is its high efficiency - 96.1%, which is noticeably superior to alternative options.

It runs on natural gas, but can be converted to liquefied gas (replacement of burner nozzles is required).

Lemax PRIME-V32

A wall-mounted double-circuit boiler, the power of which allows you to heat 300 m2 of area. This is suitable for two-story cottages, shops, public or office premises.

Produced in Taganrog, the basic technological principles of assembly were developed by German engineers. The boiler is equipped with a copper heat exchanger that ensures high heat transfer.

Designed for operation in difficult technical conditions.

Navien DELUXE 24K

Korean cauldron, baby well-known company Navien. Belongs to the budget group of equipment, although it demonstrates high performance qualities.

Equipped with all the necessary functions, has a self-diagnosis system and frost protection. The boiler power is designed to operate in houses up to 240 m2 with ceiling heights up to 2.7 m.

Installation method: wall-mounted, there is a separate heat exchanger made of of stainless steel .


Czech double-circuit gas boiler designed for wall-mounted installation. Designed for heating 220 m2. It has several degrees of protection, blocking in the absence of liquid movement.

It is possible to additionally connect an external water heater, which significantly expands the possibilities of supplying hot water.

Adapted to unstable power supply voltage (permissible fluctuation range is 155-250 V).

Lemax PRIME-V20

Another representative of domestic heating engineering. Wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler, designed to serve 200 m2.

A modulating burner allows you to distribute fuel more economically by changing the gas combustion mode depending on the intensity of coolant circulation. It has a separate stainless steel heat exchanger and can be connected to a room thermostat.

There is a possibility of remote control.

Kentatsu Nobby Smart 24–2CS

Japanese wall-mounted gas boiler providing heating of 240 m2 and hot water supply. Model 2CS is equipped with a separate heat exchanger (primary copper, secondary stainless).

The main type of fuel is natural gas, but when changing jets it can be switched to using liquefied gas. Most of the performance characteristics correspond to European boilers of similar power and functionality.

It is possible to use several design options for the chimney.

Oasis RT-20

Wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler made in Russia. Designed to work in rooms of about 200 m2. Equipped with an efficient copper heat exchanger and a stainless secondary unit.

The combustion chamber is turbocharged, has a built-in expansion tank and a condensate drain.

With an optimal set of functions and high build quality, the model has a relatively low price, which ensures its relevance and popularity.


User opinion is rarely unanimous, but its value lies in disinterest and the most realistic assessment of the situation.

Here's what their owners think about choosing dual-circuit units:

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A gas boiler is a heating device that uses natural main gas to generate heat. This type of fuel is cheaper than electricity, which is why gas-powered devices are so popular. “Plumber Portal” will tell you about the features of the equipment so that you can choose an effective, reliable and safe single- or double-circuit gas boiler for heating your home from the whole variety of these devices.

To understand which unit is best for an apartment or house, you must first study the types of gas heating boilers.

Thus, domestic gas heating boilers can be classified as follows:

  1. By material: cast iron, steel, copper.
  2. By location: wall and floor.
  3. By type of combustion chamber: open and closed.
  4. By the number of circuits: single-circuit and double-circuit.
  5. According to the presence of additional functions, automation, external characteristics.

Let's look at the types of gas boilers in more detail.

Heat exchanger material

It is worth choosing the internal heat exchanger of heating equipment very carefully, since liquid circulates inside it, and a powerful flow of thermal energy moves outside. Therefore, the heat exchanger material must have good thermal conductivity, on which the efficiency of the device depends, and at the same time a high safety margin.

Manufacturers install heat exchange coils in gas boilers made from:

  • cast iron;
  • of stainless steel;
  • copper

At first glance, a boiler with cast iron heat exchanger– the most reliable because it is least susceptible to corrosion. However, such units are very heavy, and very often, due to non-compliance with the operating rules of the device, the cast iron heat exchanger cracks in the contact zone of the liquid with a greatly different temperature. This type of device requires more frequent cleaning.

In this regard, many homeowners choose to connect a steel heat exchange coil. Stainless steel devices are cheaper than copper and cast iron units. In addition, steel is very ductile, so the likelihood of cracks occurring in areas with temperature changes is much lower. However, such heat exchangers, being in the heating circuit, quickly corrode.

Thus, the most reliable choice– copper heat exchange device. Copper has the best heat transfer rate, is highly resistant to corrosion processes, has good ductility, and is light in weight. Copper heat exchange coils are very compact, but the high price of such devices forces one to choose less reliable, but cheaper units.

Heat exchangers also differ according to the type of internal structure: conventional and bithermal. In the first case, it means connecting only one liquid circulation circuit, and in the second case, you can connect two water circulation circuits at the same time. Double-circuit boilers are equipped with two conventional heat exchangers or one bithermal coil, which is much more economical.

Combustion chamber and burner type

Heating is impossible without maintaining gas combustion using indoor or outdoor oxygen. In the first case, the heater package contains an atmospheric burner for natural circulation air flows, and in the second case, the device is equipped with a closed burner with forced oxygen injection. In this regard, the consumer can choose a gas boiler for the home with one of two types of combustion chamber:

  1. Open - to maintain the combustion process in the firebox, air comes directly from the boiler room or room where gas equipment is installed.
  2. Closed - oxygen for the combustion of the flame is taken from the street using additional ventilation or a chimney designed according to the “pipe-in-pipe” principle.

If we choose between a closed firebox with a turbo burner and an open chamber with an atmospheric burner, then it is worth understanding that an open combustion chamber will require the installation of a chimney of 5-7 meters to ensure natural draft, which is not always possible. Therefore, each individual case requires an individual approach.

Wall and floor models

Everything is very clear here - floor-standing gas boilers for heating a private house can only be installed on the floor, since their dimensions, weight and power are much greater than those of a wall-mounted gas boiler, which is used when space is limited. Wall-mounted gas heating boilers are usually installed in the kitchen of an apartment building.

At the same time, installing a gas boiler in an apartment requires compliance with certain installation standards, which are much stricter than when installing a gas boiler in a private house.

  1. Wall-mounted appliances have a relatively small power, which averages 35 kW, since wall-mounted boilers are equipped with a copper heat exchange coil that cannot withstand too high temperatures.
  2. Gas floor units are the optimal choice of heating device for a private home, since such equipment can easily heat a building with an area of ​​up to 700 sq. m. There are even outdoor models that can be installed outside a residential building.

Floor-standing double-circuit or single-circuit devices, depending on the configuration of the batch, can be equipped with a turbocharged or atmospheric burner. Distinctive feature turbocharged models have high efficiency and a high safety margin, while a unit with an atmospheric burner is more durable and less noisy, and their cost is lower.

Single- and double-circuit gas boiler

Considering the types of gas heating equipment, one cannot help but note their differences in the number of circuits.

A single-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house in its standard configuration is used only for heating the building, and floor-mounted or wall-mounted double-circuit devices, in addition to heating premises, also supply hot water to water intake points.

In order for a single-circuit gas boiler for heating private houses to also perform the functions of double-circuit devices, you can additionally connect a boiler. But it’s still better to immediately use a double-circuit gas boiler for heating houses.

Connection diagram for a single-circuit unit with a boiler:

There are also significant differences in the design of these types of heating gas equipment.

The double-circuit wall-mounted one is much more compact than its single-circuit counterparts, so they are the best option for a small room with a lack of free space. At the same time, such models put forward higher requirements for operating conditions.

Since dual-circuit devices heat water in the system, to automatically turn on the hot water supply, it is necessary that the flow of incoming water has good pressure and therefore the consumption of hot liquid increases significantly.

In addition, dual-circuit floor option not very suitable for large areas if the water intake points are too far from the liquid heating device. This feature of dual-circuit equipment is due to the fact that the additional circulation pump in this case you cannot connect.

Single-circuit devices also have design features that affect the operation and installation of gas equipment. First of all, it is worth noting the large dimensions of such units, as well as the labor-intensive process of installing a gas boiler in a private house.

Moreover, if in single-circuit system turn on the boiler, it can be equipped with an additional circulation pump, which will supply hot water to several water intake points - shower, kitchen, sink, however, the efficiency of such single-circuit heating equipment is limited by the volume of the boiler, and the cost of the system increases.

Which device is better to choose for your home?

The selection of a gas boiler for a private home largely depends on the area of ​​the room and other factors.

The technical documentation for a gas heater certainly covers information about the requirements and rated power of the device. Often the manufacturer indicates the area of ​​the room that this boiler can heat, as well as instructions on how to install the unit.

When making calculations, an experienced heating engineer should take into account:

  • cubic capacity and area of ​​the room;
  • climate of the region of residence;
  • quality of external thermal insulation of walls; the number and size of windows, as well as what type of double-glazed windows are installed in them;
  • the presence of balconies and street doors;
  • heating system data, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the fuel and the gas pressure in the line. A separate calculation must be made for the DHW system. And only after that both figures are summed up, and then increased by 15-20% for a reserve so that the boiler can cope with peak and constant load.

There are a lot of characteristics for choosing a gas boiler, but the main ones are:

  1. Output power of the equipment.
  2. Layout device (number of circuits, material from which the heat exchanger is made, type of housing).
  3. Installation location.
  4. Is there automation for safe operation of the equipment?
  5. Price. Not always cheap option Bad quality.

All these points are interconnected. If there is no space for installing a large unit or the desire to install a device in the kitchen whose appearance will be in harmony with the interior of the room, one is forced to opt for a wall-mounted model, whose power is much less compared to a floor-standing device. And if it is necessary to heat hot water, they are forced to buy double-circuit equipment.

The best models of gas boilers

These days the market offers wide range This equipment comes in a wide range of price categories - from fairly cheap Chinese-made products, which are of rather dubious quality, to boilers with turbocharged combustion chambers and other technical bells and whistles from branded manufacturers, but the price of such devices is also quite high.

There are several types of gas boilers, so when choosing equipment for your home, you need to know exactly what you need.

  1. Vaillant atmoVit INT 164-564/1-5 is the best device for a home with an area of ​​50 to 150 m2. Cost 81,000 – 100,000 rubles.
  2. Bosch WBN6000-18C RN S5700 is the optimal dual-circuit model for a building with an area of ​​100 to 180 m2. Price 36,000 – 43,000 rubles.
  3. Viessmann Vitopend 100-W type A1JB 12 kW – best ratio prices and quality in a double-circuit condensing version for a structure with an area of ​​up to 120 sq. m. Visman cost 35,000 - 41,000 rubles.
  4. Ferroli Divatech F24 D is the optimal option for heating and hot water supply to buildings with an area of ​​100 to 240 m2. Price 40,000 – 45,000 rubles.
  5. BAXI SLIM 1.490 iN is the best single-circuit unit for heating a private house from 200 to 300 m2. Cost 70,000 – 78,000 rubles.
  6. Buderus Logano G334WS-73 is an ideal model for a home with an area of ​​more than 300 m2. Cost 315,000 - 350,000 rubles.
  7. Protherm Bear 30 KLOM is the best floor-standing Protherm model with an open burner, for buildings up to 260 m2. Price 49,000 – 55,000 rubles.
  8. Irbis Khoper 25 SABC is the most budget-friendly unit with acceptable build quality for buildings up to 250 sq. m. Cost 33,000 - 36,000 rubles.

These companies have been presenting their products on the market for a long time and their quality has been tested by a huge number of customers. Although domestic equipment (Irbis) is inferior in ease of use and performance characteristics to devices manufactured by foreign companies, they perform their main task properly.

The temperature characteristics of all models are not very different. All boilers comply with all safety standards and norms, but more expensive models have a complex multi-stage self-diagnosis system, as well as fairly effective automatic protection. The service life and reliability of equipment are characterized by the quality of assembly and parts, and, of course, compliance with all requirements and operating standards.

Installation rules and subtleties

The site’s consultants recommend strictly following the rules for installing a gas boiler. To install such equipment in a home, you must obtain permission. This opportunity will only appear after a number of the following conditions are met:

  • the room must be equipped with good ventilation and a source natural light that will be required to service the equipment;
  • in the boiler room, the ceilings must be at least two and a half meters, the room area must be at least 4 m2, the doorway must be at least 80 cm wide;
  • The power supply system must be equipped with current and thermal protection. The choice of a voltage stabilizer for gas boilers is a separate point that requires separate consideration and must be given sufficient attention;
  • The width of the chimney directly depends on the power of the boiler. For example, the power is about 30 kW, then the chimney diameter should be at least 13 mm;
  • presence of pressure and temperature sensors;
  • It is prohibited to install gas equipment in basements;
  • the gas pipeline is prohibited from being laid in fire hazardous areas;
  • regardless of the type of gas pipeline (closed or open), the pipes for it must be metal;
  • the boiler room must have a gas level analyzer, as well as electric valve, which, if necessary, will shut off the gas supply.

Helpful advice! To install a gas boiler, as well as arrange all necessary documentation, you need special tools and professional skills. If you have neither one nor the other, then the best solution would be to contact an organization that deals with this.

If you decide to change the old one yourself heating equipment to a new one, then it would be best to do it in the following sequence:

  • flush the old heating system. If the pipes are clogged, this will significantly reduce the life of a new boiler, even of very high quality, so it is recommended to use a special compressor to remove blockages and contaminants. If it is impossible to clean the pipes, then simply replace them with new ones;
  • dismantle old equipment;
  • install new equipment, taking into account all the recommendations that are in the boiler operating instructions;
  • connect the boiler to the smoke exhaust system. If the house does not have its own chimney, then it is better to purchase a coaxial chimney. The equipment instructions usually indicate the requirements for the characteristics of the chimney. This is a rather important point, since due to the insufficient width of the chimney or its low height, most of the combustion products will enter the room;
  • The boiler must be connected to the gas pipeline. You won't be able to do this with your own hands. This is carried out only by organizations that have the appropriate permission;
  • the unit crashes into the heating system and the PVA system;
  • commissioning work is being carried out. They are a fairly important point during installation, since the future efficiency of both the boiler itself and the entire system depends on them.

To install a new gas boiler you will need to perform the following steps:

  • check the presence of all components - they should include a mounting template, a strip for connecting gas and water, the necessary pipelines and the boiler itself;
  • select a level to secure the hanging bar, then attach it;
  • install the gas and water pipeline gaskets by removing the protective plugs;
  • install the boiler itself, then connect the water circuit and gas supply system to it;
  • Connect the power supply and equipment to the chimney.

Particular attention should be paid to voltage drops. What voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler fits better, depends on the power model of the equipment itself.

Thus, before choosing a gas boiler for a private home, you need to determine the requirements for its functionality. For houses where there is a boiler or a water heater, purchasing a double-circuit boiler will be an irrational decision, due to the unnecessary waste of money, but if there is a need to equip a hot water supply, a double-circuit gas boiler for heating a house will be the optimal solution.

The risk of unjustified overpayment first appears at the time of equipment purchase. It is better to buy a boiler with some margin from the required calculated values ​​of the heating system parameters. What are the parameters and which gas boiler to choose?

Let's decide...

Functionality of the devices

When choosing a, you need to decide on its functionality: will it be a single-circuit boiler or a double-circuit one.

A single-circuit gas boiler provides heating of the coolant transported to the heating system by a circulation pump. To provide hot water supply at a facility, such a boiler is paired with an indirectly heated storage boiler, which stores a supply of water to ensure “uninterrupted” hot water supply system.

A double-circuit boiler uses two independent circuits: one for the heating system, the second for heating sanitary water in flow-through mode, the performance of which is sufficient to provide one or two water intake points (for example, a kitchen and a bathroom).

Installation option

Gas boilers are available in wall-mounted or floor-mounted versions. Each of them has a modern, ergonomic design that allows it to fit seamlessly into the interior of a kitchen or other room.

The wall-mounted option is the optimal solution for an apartment or residential building. The ability of such units to take up minimal space on the wall, organically fitting into a kitchen unit or “hiding” in a corner of the attic or basement, speaks only in their favor. After all, the performance parameters are impressive.

Mostly such devices are double-circuit: designed both to “supply” heat to the heating system and to provide hot water supply to the facility (DHW).

Floor design - characterized by “demanding” seat, have predominantly higher performance and are better able to heat large objects.

Floor-standing units can be equipped (in addition to the atmospheric one) with a replaceable pressurized gas or liquid fuel burner, which simply expand the possibilities of using the heat generator.

Operating principle and device features

Based on the principle of gas combustion, you can choose:

  • boilers with an open combustion chamber;
  • boilers with a closed combustion chamber.

Combustion in combustion chambers open type is provided by oxygen coming directly from the room in which the gas apparatus. Combustion products are released through special chimney outside the premises. The main requirement is that a chimney must be equipped, and the room must be constantly provided with an influx of fresh air, that is, ventilated, since gas heaters“eat” quite a lot of oxygen from the room where people may be.

If there is no equipped chimney or the ability to “organize” it, the best option is to use a gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber.

For its operation, a special coaxial chimney and a smoke exhaust fan are used, which removes combustion products from the firebox in forced mode. For such devices located on the walls of apartments or private houses, a coaxial chimney is used that passes through the wall to the outside. And installing an expensive conventional stationary chimney will require significant money and time.

Heat exchanger material

The cold coolant is heated while passing through heat exchangers, which can be made of various materials. Heat exchangers are distinguished:

  • cast iron - we can say about them: durable, reliable, expensive. They are “long-livers”, although they are “afraid” of sudden temperature changes;
  • steel ones are the prerogative of inexpensive boiler models. They are afraid of corrosion, although they are more flexible and lighter;
  • Copper are the leaders in heat exchange components. Corrosion resistant. With low weight, they are ideal for wall-mounted boiler models.

The choice is determined by the type of heat generator and financial capabilities.

Power calculation

The required heater power can be determined through relatively simple calculations. For this:

1. Perform an average calculation of the heat loss of the room. If the heated room does not border with other unheated rooms, then for 1m2 heat loss can be taken as 100 W. For corner rooms and if there is a large area of ​​glazing in the room, the “need for” heat is increased to 150 W/m2.

On average, for a cottage or apartment area of ​​250 m2 with a ceiling height of up to 3 m, it will be enough to choose a gas heat generator with a power of up to 25 kW. More accurate calculations can only be made with a detailed study of the object and its needs for heat and hot water.

2. In the case of using a double-circuit heating unit or a single-circuit heating unit with a storage boiler, the facility’s need for hot water supply should be taken into account. The math is quite simple here too. About 400 liters of water are poured out of a standard mixer tap per hour. Since the passports of gas and other boilers indicate its DHW capacity per 1 minute, to provide hot water to one point of consumption, it is enough to divide 400 liters per hour by 60 minutes.

400l/h/60 min = 6.6 l/min.

By choosing a device with such DHW capacity, you will satisfy your hot water needs. With a larger number of water intake points, this performance value must be multiplied by the number of points. It should be understood that this performance is indicated when the temperature of the water leaving the heat exchanger increases by 25-35 degrees (see passport).

Note! If the DHW performance is insufficient, it is better to consider an option such as installing storage boiler indirect heating, volume from 40 to several hundred liters. In it, due to the heat supplied by the coolant, water is heated and “stored” at a certain temperature for a long time.

According to the method of power regulation, gas boilers are distinguished:

  • single-stage - operate at the same power level, control is carried out by periodically turning the burner on and off;
  • two-stage - have two operating modes, and the real output power is determined by the frequency of turning the burner on and off;
  • with the ability to smoothly (modulate) change power - units that not only consume gas optimally economically, but also “carefully” treat themselves.

From the point of view of financial “policy”, it may be beneficial to purchase a two-stage unit that can economically provide the house with heat, both in the cool season and in very coldy. Reducing the frequency of switching on/off the burner significantly increases its service life.

The power of the device also affects the method of its installation, since for wall-mounted versions the power “ceiling” is 32 kW, at a starting point of 18 kW, and floor-standing units can develop more than 100 kW of power.

Additional boiler options

Gas boilers are aimed at “independent” heating of the coolant for the heating system and sanitary water for the needs of consumers. These high-tech devices are controlled automatically.

What other advantages can modern gas boilers offer us:

  • their ability to dynamically change the room temperature without human intervention (according to a predetermined program),
  • independently monitor the performance of all heat generator systems;
  • ensure the safety of its operation for the facility and people in the room (shutdown in the absence of gas supply, draft in the chimney or coolant leakage from the system). The same automation will turn on the device on its own when the system parameters are restored;
  • maintaining operability under significant fluctuations in gas pressure in the main, which is relevant and better when used in the domestic gas supply system;

Attention! When purchasing equipment, pay attention to the nominal and minimum gas pressure values ​​​​stated in the passport documentation. Russian gas mains may not provide the required pressure for some models of foreign units.

  • the presence in the circuit of a burner power control system, which allows you to receive from 37 to 100% of the possible heat when required. Reducing power allows you to avoid intense scale formation in heat exchangers, which increases the “healthy longevity” of the device;
  • the presence of a primary circuit temperature control module in the design of the device allows you to quickly (instantly) respond to a sharp increase in temperature in the heat exchanger, reducing the burner power;
  • the presence in some models of a magnetic system designed to reduce the formation of scale in the system - passing through a constant magnetic field, the salts in the water are aligned so that they do not deposit on the walls of the pipes when the heat exchanger is heated;
  • Availability electronic system ignition allows you to better control the burner without using a constantly burning pilot light, as with piezo ignition, which also significantly saves gas.

More expensive, but more profitable...

In the last decade, condensation boilers, which are more expensive but also capable of saving a significant amount of gas, have confidently made their way into the domestic market.

Unlike traditional convection boilers, condensing-type units can produce 10-25% more heat with the same volume of burned gas. This occurs due to the use of heat from water vapor in the heat exchanger and their transition from a gaseous state to a liquid one.

The overpayment for such a unit at the time of installation of the heating system pays off quite quickly due to significant fuel savings.

You can also choose non-volatile boilers that can operate without consuming electricity, but since most heating systems today operate on the principle forced circulation coolant, then power to the circulation pump will still have to be provided. But such a boiler can be ideal for providing hot water supply.

Attention! Work with gas equipment should be trusted only to professionals with appropriate permission to work. This will allow you:

  • choose the right heat generator;
  • be guaranteed safe during its operation;
  • not to have unpleasant contacts with services such as gas supply control organizations, which will certainly arise when equipment is connected to the gas mains without permission.

After all, the gas, once released, can severely punish for mistakes made.

We have touched on the main points that should be touched upon and studied when choosing. All you have to do is decide on the parameters and still consult with professionals in your region regarding which gas boiler is best to use at your facility.

If you have a gas main near your house, then the best and most budget solution there will be a gas boiler. And in order for your equipment to work smoothly and properly, you need to know how to choose gas boilers for, what criteria and parameters need to be taken into account. Our review will help you understand the existing variety of models and make the right choice of a functional and convenient design.

Areas of application of gas boilers for heating and hot water supply to a private home: types, pros and cons of designs

If you can find a good one for a private home, then it can become profitable solution Compared to - they are not particularly convenient to use, but are too expensive.

Here's why you should choose a gas unit:

  • automated work that does not require your constant attention and control;
  • fuel is not as expensive as, for example, electricity;
  • you can start the unit at any time, and no preliminary preparation is required;
  • at proper care operation will be safe;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • Gas equipment can only be serviced once a year;
  • In order for the device to work, you do not need to provide access to electrical networks.

The correct choice of unit will allow you to heat even houses with a large area. If there is no gas line, then you should not ignore the use of gas cylinders. But this method requires special caution. For example, cylinders can be installed outside the house, and a special pipe can be installed from them. They must be covered from the outside. Most often, metal fences are used for this.

It is worth studying some of the disadvantages of such units:

  • to connect to the gas line, a special permit is required;
  • you need to consider the possibility of regular maintenance;
  • gas leakage must not be allowed, as this will lead to an explosion;
  • There are certain types of boilers that require a separate room.

When choosing a suitable device, pay attention to the heat exchanger. It can be steel, copper, cast iron or bimetallic. Copper options are known for ease of use. If they break, they can be easily repaired. If you value practicality, then the best solution would be bimetallic or steel heat exchangers.

The most reliable options include cast iron models, which heat up quickly and are resistant to corrosion.

Such heat exchangers are more often used in floor structures.

  • Boilers can be double-circuit, single-circuit, convection, wall-mounted, floor-mounted and condensing. But that’s not all that such equipment can differ in. There are also some design features: the automation system may look like mechanical control
  • or based on electronic modules;
  • The necessary piping of units includes expansion tanks and all kinds of security systems; thermostats, modules can be used as control mechanisms remote control
  • and special control panels;

some models are provided with different capacity volumes. These tanks allow you to store supplies of heated water for a certain period of time.

  • Let's consider the main classification of gas devices. Here are the main categories:
  • According to the installation method, the equipment is divided into wall-mounted and floor-mounted models;
  • for heating liquids into single-circuit and double-circuit;

According to the options for removing combustion products, the structures are turbocharged and chimney.

Wall variations appeared not so long ago. Inside the case there are all the necessary elements: expansion tank, pumping equipment, pressure gauge, heat exchanger and thermometer. For your information!

Gas equipment is the most budget option for organizing high-quality heating.

The choice of a gas boiler for heating a private house is influenced by such a parameter as power. For wall-mounted products, the maximum rating is 60 kW, and for floor-standing products it can be more than 100 kW. Also, when deciding on a model, it is worth considering factors such as cost and manufacturer. If there is no main line, then liquefied gas will do. In this case, you can choose a boiler with a burner.

Also look at the prices of gas boilers for heating a private house up to 100m2. This parameter depends on the manufacturer, construction material and additional functionality.

Wall-mounted models can have two types of burners: turbocharged and atmospheric. Gas boilers can also be condensing. They can be used at low temperatures. In this case, the gas is not consumed so quickly due to vapor condensation.

Wall variations appeared not so long ago. Inside the case there are all the necessary elements: expansion tank, pumping equipment, pressure gauge, heat exchanger and thermometer. To choose the appropriate option, first read reviews and study the opinions of experts and characteristics of different models.

Where to install the equipment: wall-mounted and floor-mounted gas boilers

The choice of equipment begins with the selection of placement options. You can purchase floor- and wall-mounted models of gas boilers for heating your home. The two varieties have certain differences and features:

  • wall devices do not depend on electricity. To prevent the unit from creating a large load on the wall, production tries to reduce its weight using different alloys. Similar models will appeal to those who want to save more space, for example, it is possible to build it into a cabinet in the kitchen. In addition, many people like easy installation wall-mounted gas boilers;

  • floor devices may have unlimited performance. There are double-circuit and single-circuit models with heat exchangers made of cast iron and steel. Such a device will take up a lot of space, so its installation should be thought out in advance. Depending on the configuration, the device may have an atmospheric or turbocharged burner.

Floor-standing models are often equipped with cast iron heat exchangers. Wall-mounted options are compact. The price of a wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house depends on the material of manufacture.

Wall variations appeared not so long ago. Inside the case there are all the necessary elements: expansion tank, pumping equipment, pressure gauge, heat exchanger and thermometer. When choosing the appropriate option, consider the area of ​​the building. If the house is more than 200 sq. m., it is better to choose a floor-standing unit. At the same time, the price of a floor-standing double-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house will be less than its wall-mounted counterparts, but they require a lot of free space.

Equipment and number of circuits

Gas units can be double-circuit or single-circuit. Each option has some advantages and disadvantages:

  • The operating principle of a double-circuit gas boiler is based on the mode. This option is used for heating and water heating. Most often it is equipped with two heat exchangers. To reduce weight, the equipment is equipped with a bithermal heat exchanger that operates in an interchangeable heating mode;

  • a unit with one circuit is equipped for heating the coolant. In the future, it is possible to convert the design of a single-circuit gas boiler with an indirect heating boiler.

Gas double-circuit boilers for heating a private home are much more compact, which allows them to be used in rooms with limited space.

In double-circuit designs there is a boiler and a gas one. If the DHW circuit is running, the heating function is switched off.

Single-circuit models are larger and have more complex installation. If a boiler is additionally used, the design can be equipped with circulation pumps. Devices with one circuit are equipped with a heat exchanger and burner.

Types of combustion chambers

  • In gas boilers, an open and closed combustion chamber is installed depending on the equipment option. There are three configurations: atmospheric units

  • They are highly reliable and have a simple design. There is an open combustion chamber inside. In order for the gas to be burned, air is taken from the room. Regulation is carried out using thermomechanical regulators. When choosing them, remember that the disadvantage of such devices is significant gas consumption and special installation requirements. But at the same time, the efficiency of the device is not so high; turbocharged model

  • A floor-standing gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber is equipped with two fans, for gas removal and for air supply. In this case, these processes are carried out forcibly, which is called using turbines or fans. Many people prefer such units because of their efficiency. Gas consumption can be reduced by 20-30%. In this case, the efficiency reaches 95-98%, but noise may be felt during operation; The most economical options include. Their efficiency can reach 109%. The device is equipped with a modulation burner. These models are non-volatile. The heat exchanger contains a condenser or unit responsible for collecting condensate. The units operate on liquefied or natural gas. They are used for connection to low temperature structures.

At home, equipment often operates according to a convection scheme:

  • the burner produces thermal energy;
  • the heat exchanger takes the heat;
  • the heat moves into the heating system, and the remainder is released into the atmosphere.

How to calculate the power of a gas boiler

  • calculations using online calculator. In this case, you need to enter the area, number of windows and doorways and level of thermal insulation;
  • the approximate power can be found using the approximate formula - 1 kW = 10 kW. m.

However, this indicator may vary depending on climatic conditions. For northern regions it is 1.3-1.5 kW, and for southern regions it is approximately 0.8 kW. Important to consider heat losses, which are influenced by the following factors:

  • window structures;
  • insulation of the attic or heated second floor;
  • Availability ;
  • the presence of external walls;
  • ratio of floor to wall area.

How to properly replace old equipment with new one: installation nuances

Over time, replacement may be required as it becomes obsolete and its efficiency decreases. If the efficiency of the equipment has decreased, the unit is noisy and smokes, then this is a sign that it needs to be replaced.

Since such equipment is a critical and dangerous part of the home, its installation and maintenance are carried out by special government bodies. You cannot make a replacement yourself and without notifying the relevant structures. Incorrect installation can endanger the lives of many people.

If you need to replace equipment, here are the steps you should go through:

  • writing an application to a special responsible body. If the boiler is replaced with a similar one, its installation diagram remains unchanged. If you change the pipe supply diagram, location and type of the main unit, the project will need to be done anew;
  • After permission has been received, you must obtain a passport, which is submitted to the gas service.

The replacement of a gas boiler is carried out by a company that has a special certificate for carrying out such work.

Before installing a new device, dismantle the old one:

  • First you need to flush the entire system. This removes all old contaminants that could interfere with the operation of new devices;
  • all water from the heating system is drained;
  • the boiler is disconnected from the gas source, and then from the hot and cold water. There is also a disconnection from the ventilation system.

How to install a gas boiler in a private house: installation requirements

There are special standards for installing a gas boiler. You cannot install more than two devices in a room with an area of ​​less than 7.5 square meters. Here are the requirements for installing the floor structure:

  • It is better to arrange a separate room for installing the boiler. It is important to ensure natural air flow through the grille or hole in the wall;
  • a separate hole is provided for the supply and exhaust;
  • the chimney must be sealed so that carbon dioxide and smoke did not penetrate into the room. To do this, a smaller pipeline is installed inside the main pipe;
  • the room where you will install the device must be spacious enough to provide convenient maintenance and easy access to the device;
  • the floor covering must be made of non-combustible materials;
  • the width of the outer door should be approximately 80 cm;
  • the upper part of the chimney must be installed above the roof;
  • a separate valve must be connected for each device;
  • boiler room walls only. You cannot use materials such as plastic or MDF for finishing.

In apartments, such equipment is often installed in the kitchen. There are some requirements for wall structures:

  • the wall must be solid to withstand the load of the equipment;
  • if the walls are lined with flammable materials, then a layer of some kind of fire-resistant material is installed between the unit and the wall;
  • the minimum distances from the device to the walls and ceiling must be at least half a meter, and to the floor - 0.8 meters.

Before installation work and commissioning of equipment, it is necessary to obtain permits.

How to connect the boiler and features of installation work

Installation of a gas boiler in a private house is carried out using different connection diagrams. Two pipes for coolant can be connected to a single-circuit device. In this case, the coolant will flow through the system and return for additional heating.

Using additional boiler connection via . While the water is heating up in the boiler, the coolant stops circulating. How long it will take the boiler to warm up depends on the size of its container.

The connection diagram for double-circuit gas boilers is due to the presence of two heat exchangers. In this case, the main one heats the water for heating, and the second heats the water for water supply. 5 pipes are connected to this design. Coolant pipe, line with cold water

, gas, with hot water and with hot coolant.

The connection to the gas source is carried out by gas workers. In this case, a shut-off valve must be installed to shut off the gas. A special filter must also be installed. A pipe from the boiler runs through it, which should be made of stainless steel. The line is mounted to the pipe using a union nut. All joints must be sealed.

Particular attention should be paid to equipment automation, as this will not only ensure safety, but also save on fuel. Important information!

To check the tightness of the equipment, all joints are treated with a soap solution.

How to choose a voltage stabilizer for gas boilers

  • For a gas boiler it depends on the following parameters:
  • response time affects the quality of equipment automation. This indicator means how quickly the stabilizer can adjust the voltage;
  • The voltage range is important, indicating within what limits the rectifier operates. When a certain value is reached, the mechanism turns off the equipment;
  • the degree of correction affects the stability of the output voltage;

operating temperature range is +5 - + 40 degrees.

For a gas unit, choose a relay, inverter or electronic type of stabilizer.

Review of manufacturers and rating of floor-standing gas boilers Here is an overview of some floor-standing models from famous manufacturers . Wherein price categories may vary greatly. You can find cheap Chinese devices and expensive models with turbocharged combustion chambers. Among the manufacturers it is worth noting such companies as, Bosch, Baxi Ferolli And Valliant

. Among domestic manufacturers, it is worth noting the Irbis company. Image Models

Prices, rub69600


Protherm Bear 40 TLO29700


ZhMZ AOGV-23.2-3 Comfort N116300

Baxi SLIM 2.300 Fi

The Prothern plant is located in Prague. Boilers from this manufacturer are characterized by durability and reliability. The Bear 40 TLO unit is resistant to difficult hydraulic conditions, and it does not depend on the electrical network. The equipment is used for hot water supply and heating. The design includes a heat exchanger made of cast iron and a burner made of stainless steel. Using the control panel, you can monitor and adjust the operating parameters of the unit. A cooling circuit is used for control to prevent overheating of the coolant. Electric ignition is designed for convenient starting of the unit.

The equipment is available in different variations, with power varying from 18 to 45 kW. It is used for heating all kinds of buildings with natural type circulation, and in some cases with forced. The boiler can also operate on liquefied gas.

Draft control for the chimney is provided. It is also resistant to complex hydraulic conditions. Additionally, you can purchase a storage broiler for heating water.

The advantages include:

  • high efficiency;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • significant protection class.

Floor-standing units are designed for heating domestic premises. Installation of indirect heating boilers is also provided. This model can last more than 15 years, thanks to a durable cast iron heat exchanger. The device operates on main gas, but can also operate on liquefied gas.

Manufacturers recommend supplementing the device with a special voltage stabilizer.

The device assumes an open combustion chamber. It can function normally on both natural gas and liquefied gas. The design is installed on the floor and has an efficiency of 92%. The device does not have a circulation pump.

  • Here are some features of the Vitogas 100 F:
  • high operational capabilities under pressure fluctuations;
  • long service life;
  • use of silent ignition;
  • built-in ;

compact dimensions and light weight.

AOGV Comfort is suitable for heating residential and office premises. Installation of the device, its commissioning and commissioning is carried out by gas service specialists. The unit can operate on liquefied and natural gas.

The automatic unit allows for smooth adjustment of gas flow. In this case, it is impossible to leave the working mechanism unattended for a long time (more than a day). The equipment is connected to a separate one, but ventilation ducts cannot be used in this capacity.

The Economy model is one of the best gas units. It is suitable for closed and open system heating. The design is electrically independent. Control and launch are carried out using an automation unit. The boiler has a reliable safety system that protects against overheating.

If there is no connection to the central line, you can switch the boiler to liquefied gas. This can be done by replacing the injectors. Such a mechanism can be installed in a closed system with a membrane-type expansion tank.

Installation in a residential area is possible if there is a chimney with combustion products exhaust. In this case, the pipe must be at least 5 meters. The boiler must be installed near walls with non-combustible finishing at a distance of 15 cm.

Using a boiler of this brand, you can heat rooms with an area of ​​up to 380 square meters. m. If necessary, you can also install a broiler for hot water supply. A heat exchanger made of high-strength cast iron is provided inside.

It is worth noting some characteristics of this device:

  • gas burner available;
  • single-circuit design;
  • maximum power 38 kW;
  • efficiency is 93%;
  • electronic control type available;
  • There are options for a power indicator, flame modulation and auto-ignition.

The model is not equipped with a built-in boiler. Due to the high power, gas is not consumed economically.

If you decide to purchase a Baxi Slim 2300Fi gas boiler with a built-in boiler, then you should know that reviews of such equipment are positive. The units of this company are famous for their reliability, convenience and are suitable for use in domestic conditions.

The Slim 2300 device is floor model with a heat exchanger made of cast iron and a boiler made of enameled steel. Includes high-speed circulation pump with automatic air vent, pressure gauge and safety valve. The device has a remote control device with a climate regulator.

The equipment has the following advantages:

  • aesthetic qualities;
  • ability to work at low pressure;
  • a boiler with a pump and pressure meter is available;
  • the burner is made of stainless alloy;
  • smooth electric ignition is provided;
  • there is an electronic type indicator;
  • There is a self-diagnosis system.

This boiler belongs to the fourth generation equipment, its power reaches 48 kW. The device combines traditional devices and condensation technologies. Such a powerful unit can be used to heat houses with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters. m.

This equipment has the following features:

  • high level of efficiency and productivity;
  • suitable for replacing old heating systems;
  • fuel efficiency.
