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» How to combine data from multiple excel sheets. Methods for binding brochures. How to combine data from sheets with the same name into one pivot sheet

How to combine data from multiple excel sheets. Methods for binding brochures. How to combine data from sheets with the same name into one pivot sheet

Let's say you have several sales reports for different regions. If you want to perform calculations and graphs on the entire amount of data, you need to collect all the data on one summary sheet. Switching between multiple workbooks, endlessly copying hundreds of lines, or writing VBA can be time consuming.

With the Merge Sheets add-on, you can collect data onto one summary sheet in a matter of seconds:

  • Collect sheet data from different workbooks on one sheet
  • Collect sheet data from same name and merge by tab name
  • Merge data from sheets with identical structure under one heading
  • Preserve formatting in result summary sheet

Add "Merge Sheets" to Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010

Suitable for: Microsoft Excel 2019 - 2010, desktop Office 365 (32-bit and 64-bit).

How to work with the add-on:

How to merge data from multiple sheets into one sheet in 3 steps

With the Merge Sheets add-in, you can collect and merge data from multiple sheets—and from different workbooks—into one master sheet in just 3 steps:

1. Click the “Merge Sheets” button on the XLTools panel > Select the type of operation:

  • Merge data from sheets with the same name into one sheet

2. Mark the sheets that need to be combined. The data tree displays all the sheets in all open workbooks.

3. Click the Merge button > Done! All data is copied onto one main summary sheet.

How to combine data from multiple sheets into one pivot sheet

Let's say you have a series of sheets, and each of them contains a sales report for a specific product category. The add-in will help you copy all of these individual reports and combine the data into one summary sheet.

  1. Click the Merge Sheets button > Select Merge data from multiple sheets into one sheet.

  2. Click the Merge button > Done, all the data from the selected sheets is collected on one master sheet in a new workbook.

How to combine data from sheets with the same name into one pivot sheet

Let's say you have a number of books, and each of them contains a report on regional sales. Each report is divided into sheets with data on specific products - thus, the tabs in regional reports have the same names. The add-in will help you copy data from all reports into one summary sheet.

  1. Click the Merge Sheets button > Select Merge data from sheets with the same name into one sheet.
  2. Check the "Tables with headers" checkbox if this is the case.
    Tip: this way, the data will be combined under a single heading. This is convenient if the structure of the sheets that you combine is uniform, for example, if the reports are created using the same template. If the headers do not match, each data range will be added with its own header.
  3. Select the sheets to merge by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the data tree.
    Tip: Instead of sequentially grouping sheets with the same name into groups (one name group after another), you can select them all at once. The add-in will automatically collect data for the same tab names and place them on the corresponding separate sheets of the summary book.
  4. Click the Merge button > Done, all data from the selected sheets with the same name is collected in a new summary workbook.

How is data copied to the summary sheet?

Merging data essentially means extracting and copying data from multiple source sheets to a new sheet.

  • The data is copied completely - the entire range up to the last used cell on the source sheet.
  • The copied ranges are added sequentially, one range below the last line of the previous range.
  • The XLTools Merge Sheets add-in preserves cell and table formatting, cell references, functions and formulas, merged cells, etc.
  • The original data is not changed.

How to combine several sheets into one workbook

You can combine multiple sheets into one book using the XLTools Book Organizer add-on. It helps you copy and manage multiple sheets at the same time.

Have questions or suggestions? Leave a comment below.

To summarize and report results from separate worksheets, you can consolidate data from each sheet into a master worksheet. The sheets can be in the same workbook as the master worksheet, or in other workbooks. When you consolidate data, you assemble data so that you can more easily update and aggregate as necessary.

For example, if you have an expense worksheet for each of your regional offices, you might use consolidation to roll these figures into a master corporate expense worksheet. This master worksheet might also contain sales totals and averages, current inventory levels, and highest selling products for the entire enterprise.

Tip: If you frequently consolidate data, it might help to create new worksheets from a worksheet template that uses a consistent layout. To learn more about Templates, see: Create a template. This is also an ideal time to set up your template with Excel tables.

Ways to consolidate data

There are two ways to consolidate data, either by position or category.

Consolidation by position: The data in the source areas has the same order, and uses the same labels. Use this method to consolidate data from a series of worksheets, such as departmental budget worksheets that have been created from the same template.

Consolidation by category: When the data in the source areas is not arranged in the same order but uses the same labels. Use this method to consolidate data from a series of worksheets that have different layouts but have the same data labels.

    Consolidating data by category is similar to creating a PivotTable. With a PivotTable, however, you can easily reorganize the categories. Consider creating a PivotTable if you need more flexible consolidation by category.

Note: The examples in this article were created with Excel 2016. Though your view may differ if you"re using another version of Excel, the steps are the same.

How to consolidate

Follow these steps to consolidate several worksheets into a master worksheet:

Use a formula to consolidate data

If the data to consolidate is in different cells on different worksheets:

Enter a formula with cell references to the other worksheets, one for each separate worksheet. For example, to consolidate data from worksheets named Sales (in cell B4), HR (in cell F5), and Marketing (in cell B9), in cell A2 of the master worksheet, you would enter the following:

Tip: To enter a cell reference-such as Sales!B4-in a formula without typing, type the formula up to the point where you need the reference, then click the worksheet tab, and then click the cell. Excel will complete the sheet name and cell address for you. NOTE: formulas in such cases can be error-prone, since it’s very easy to accidentally select the wrong cell. It can also be difficult to spot a mistake after entering a complex formula.

If the data to consolidate is in the same cells on different worksheets:

Enter a formula with a 3-D reference that uses a reference to a range of worksheet names. For example, to consolidate data in cells A2 from Sales through Marketing inclusive, in cell E5 of the master worksheet you would enter the following:

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A printed publication called a brochure is known to each of us. When you think of a brochure, the first thing that comes to mind is a small book that contains advertising or educational information. The description of the brochure found on the Internet also characterizes it as a printed, not periodical book publication, derived from the French word brocher - to stitch.

The text content of the brochure has departed slightly from the original; today the material filling out the brochure is of a reference or advertising nature. The capacity of the brochure and the ability not only to tell about the product, but also to show it, thanks to colorful illustrations, made the brochure one of the most popular advertising media. A reputable company must have in its arsenal not only business cards, booklets, leaflets or catalogs, but also a brochure that has the ability to minimum costs, convey detailed information to a large number of potential clients. A brochure, unlike a booklet or leaflet, inspires confidence; it is pleasant to hold in your hands and flip through the pages. A well-made design, selected and thoughtful text, pleasant paper quality, bright illustrations are able to hold the reader’s attention, but we must not forget about such an important factor on the path to perfection as the way our brochure is bound together. The thickness of the brochure depends on the number of pages, therefore, the fastening must be carefully selected. The main task of a brochure, besides the informational task of course, is not to end up in the waste paper basket, undiscovered, but to last as long as possible.

1 Among the many methods of fastening pages that are popular with customers, the staple method is especially popular. The method is reliable, time-tested, and economical. The option of stapling with a paper clip has been well known to us since childhood; this is how ordinary notebooks were, and continue to be, stapled together. The so-called saddle stitch option, when the ends of a staple or paper clip pierce the middle of the spine fold in two or more places and are secured, tightly fastening the sheets of the product. Another option for stitching with a paper clip is called wheelbarrow stitching, here the staple pierces the fold of the spine with front side, and the ends of the brackets are clamped, not inside the brochure, but on its reverse side. Both options for staple binding have their advantages and disadvantages. If the customer chooses the “stitch” fastening method, then the product fastened in this way will not open enough. Which of course will affect its overall appearance and the service life of the brochure. But if the ordered brochure does not have a large number of sheets not exceeding 60 pages, then the method of binding using a paper clip fits better, like no other. You can also stitch a block of a product using threads; this stitching method is used if the product is covered and contains a large number of sheets. The sheets are joined and stitched with thread, and then the cover is attached to the product using hot glue.

2 A brochure with a large number of pages and a soft cover can be bound using the KBS method, which means adhesive seamless fastening. A brochure bound this way looks great. A small disadvantage of this type of binding is the same impossibility of placing the brochure open, and since the brochure also contains illustrations in addition to text, difficulties with full viewing cannot be avoided. The service life of a brochure made with the help of KBS is several years, and all this time the pages of our brochure can be opened constantly, without fear of damaging it appearance any damage. Despite the fact that with the help of KBS, the brochure has a rather solid appearance, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that not all materials are suitable for this method of binding. Some types of thick paper, such as coated paper, are difficult to glue, in which case it is necessary to choose another, more suitable method.

3 Securing a brochure with a spring is rightfully considered the most effective and elegant. The spring-loaded brochure is attractive and inspires confidence. Typically, the spring that holds the sheets of a brochure together is metal or plastic. The cover of such a brochure can be either soft or hard, made using various design materials. Using embossed cardboard will easily make your brochure stand out from others. This brochure, fastened with a spring, has the most complete spread, requires replacement pages, and will serve the benefit of your campaign longer than others. In addition, spring-loaded brochures are distinguished by their ability to have both a minimum and a maximum number of pages.

4 A close relative of the spring brochure binding, this is a variant of the bolt/ring brochure. The color range in case of choosing such binding is more extensive, and fan binding will give the brochure an original look.

In any case, which option of the binding method for the brochure you would not prefer, remember that the last of the printing manufacturing processes, of course, gives the brochure a finished look, but primarily serves for convenient and long-term use, while delighting customers with its appearance.

The assistance of MoscowBrand printing house specialists in the development and production of brochures, detailed information, competent and comprehensive advice will help you with your choice, ensuring excellent quality and low cost.

I would like to talk about two enough simple ways to bind magazines and books, as well as individual sheets from various magazines with the articles you need, for example, about cooking. Over time, such magazines bound in the form of books will form an excellent library. During the years of stagnation, when good books were in short supply, I collected “fiction”, published in the magazines “Technology for Youth” and “Ural Pathfinder”, in which the stories and stories that interested me were published with continuations. I have never seen the binding methods that I want to suggest here anywhere in the literature. Of course, I didn’t come up with them myself, but I picked them up from a specialist from the city of Priuralsk.

How to bind a book at home

Typically, when binding, individual sheets are stacked, in which holes are punched, drilled or pierced, moving away from the edge of the spine, and then the sheets are sewn together using these holes. However, as a result of this technology, some of the text turns out to be difficult to read, especially on those sheets on which the text is located very close to the edge of the sheet on the spine side of the future book.

A book formed from sheets using the technology proposed below is, to some extent, free from this drawback. On initial stage In bookbinding, in both cases the same operations are carried out: they fold the sheets into a stack, trim them along the lower and leading edges, the upper edge can be trimmed later. After all, as you know, sheets even from the same magazine, but from different issues, usually do not match in format. The stack is then compressed using a press, vice or clamp. The simplest option clamps are two flat boards (two metal corners), tightened on both sides with bolts (Fig. 1). Clamp the stack (from the spine side) in a vice so that the narrowest sheet protrudes from the vice by about 5 mm (see Fig. 1). Then the spine is cleaned with a large file, removing the strongly protruding edges of the sheets, and then transverse grooves are cut into the spine with a hacksaw or jigsaw (the number of grooves is at your discretion) to a depth of 1.5...2 mm. This is what it's all about main feature proposed binding technology. After all, if the sheets are punched or drilled at such a distance from the edge, then the threads threaded into the holes will inevitably break through the edges of the sheets. So you can place the holes from the edge of the block at a distance of at least 1...1.5 cm, which will certainly lead to “capture” of the text.

Having made the cuts, the block (package) is installed with the spine facing up. Next, coat the spine with PVA glue (or bustylate), diluted thinner, so that it penetrates into the spaces between the sheets, as well as into the cuts. Then, pieces of nylon or other strong thread are placed in the cuts so that the ends extend beyond the spine by about 2...3 cm (Fig. 2, a) or (as you like) the spine is pulled together with one long thread (Fig. 2, b). Finally, the entire spine is coated with glue again. When the glue has dried, the ends of the threads are cut off and a light cover is made for the block, that is, a cover made of thick paper is simply glued to the spine and the endpapers are glued in. (The endpapers are the first and also the last double sheets of a block that connect it to the cover. - Editor's note.) From such a book the sheets will no longer pop out, as they do from cheap store-bought paperback books. The above-mentioned store books that have fallen apart are also strengthened in a similar way. But still, in both cases it is better to make a hard cover instead of a soft cover.

When making a hard cover, a piece of cloth or gauze is glued onto the spine of the block using polyvinyl acetate emulsion (Fig. 3), so that parts of a piece of cloth 2...3 cm wide extend beyond the side edges of the spine. Captals, that is, pieces of finishing material, are glued to the upper and lower edges of the spine. braid with a roll on the edge (bright cloth scraps folded in half are also suitable). However, you don’t have to do it. Next, cut out two cover covers from cardboard. The width of each cover should be equal to the width of the glued block. There are many different options making lids, but I want to offer what I think is the simplest. Having cut out the cardboard covers, I select beautiful fabric, oilcloth, leaderin, etc. A blank for the book's clothing is cut out of the binding material, not forgetting to provide 2...3-centimeter margins on the side of the upper, lower and front edges. The distance between the covers is equal to the width of the spine plus 2×8 mm (Fig. 4, a). Between the covers on a piece of material, you can glue a gap - a strip of thick paper or whatman paper (the width of the strip is equal to the width of the block). The lids are thoroughly coated with PVA and glued to the piece of clothing, smoothing it well so that there are no bubbles. Then the edges of the workpiece are wrapped on the covers (Fig. 4, b), glued to them and the finished cover is dried under a press.

We prepare two endpapers, each of which is a white sheet of paper folded in half. We glue one half of the sheet to the lid (Fig. 6), and the other to the outer sheet of the block, and the endpaper is not completely glued to the sheet, leaving a 1 cm wide strip without glue adjacent to the fold of the endpaper.

That's it, the binding is finished, and the book is placed under the press. Of course I don't know professional terms, but it seems to me that I presented everything clearly.

I would also like to suggest a notebook method for binding magazines. It is somewhat different from the traditional one, when holes are formed along the spine edges of the magazines, for example, with a hole punch, and the magazines are tied with a cord. It is clear that in this case part of the text cannot always be read. My notebook method does not have this drawback, since the entire binding is made on the outside of the spine.

First, put all the magazines in a stack and mark the places of future punctures on the spines along a ruler (Fig. 7).

Then they take the last issue of the magazine and, using a large needle, follow the marks and stitch it through the middle, forming three or five stitches (Fig. 8, a). I note that with this firmware, the “native” metal clips of the magazines can even be removed. The next magazine, laid on top, is stitched in exactly the same way, but in the opposite direction. After each stitching, the thread is tightened, removing any backlash (slack). Having completed the stitching of the second magazine, the thread (with a needle) is tied to the end of the thread protruding from the lower magazine (Fig. 8, b). It is clear that the third magazine is stitched similarly to the first, and at the end of the seam its thread is tied to the seam thread of the second magazine, prying the first stitch of the seam of this magazine with a needle.

For strength, the seam threads of all magazines are knitted at their entry and exit points (see Fig. 7). In principle, such a binder can already be used. But it is better to clamp the stitched stack in a press (vice) and coat the spine with liquid PVA glue.

After drying, a durable block is already obtained. And of course, it is better to make a hard cover for the stack, as described above. It is advisable to trim the edges, but if the magazines are the same, then you don’t have to do this. Otherwise, without training, the cut will turn out crooked.

all materials from the “Ideas for the Master” section

Previous publications:

If you need to print large poster at home without resorting to the services of a plotter - then this article is for you. But how can this be done? You can split our document into a large number of small fragments and print it with a home printer on A4 sheets. As a result, we will get a large, almost seamless poster. In this article we will look in detail at two methods. print a poster - without additional software, only using standard tools, and also consider a special program that can print using a simple home printer big poster. As always, the article will contain detailed instructions on how to quickly achieve the desired result. Let's say we have a large document, a picture, a graph, a map of the area - in general, anything from which we need to make a large poster. We will need a printer, a pair of scissors, PVA glue and half an hour of time. If everything is ready, let's get started!

To print a large poster from A4 sheets, you can do without additional software. The standard printer software has many options for customizing printing.

Among other things, there (in most cases) there is such a function as “poster printing”. It is she who will help us print any document on many A4 sheets. Thus, after gluing the sheets together, we will get a large poster or painting for the wall. If this is exactly the result you are trying to achieve, then let’s look at an example.

Example: How to print a poster from several A4 sheets

Open the picture or document you want to make a poster from big size and press “print” or the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+P”. You should see a similar menu (see Fig1)

in which you need to select the properties of your printer.

Set the page size and desired sheet orientation (Portrait or Landscape). Next, scroll down a little (in the Page Layout section) you need to find “Poster Printing”. Standard sizes Poster printing is 4 sheets. This means that your image will be divided into four fragments, which the printer will print. After putting these fragments together like a puzzle, you will get a large picture. If the size of 4 A4 sheets does not suit you, click the “Set” button.

Here you can specify a different number of segments into which your image will be divided. And also (very conveniently) you need to check the “Cut lines on the margins” checkbox and on each sheet there will be an edge (Cut) that needs to be trimmed evenly and a field (Paste) on which you need to apply glue and apply the next fragment of our large poster. All settings have been made - we send everything for printing. The result is an almost seamless large poster. If you are satisfied, then we have achieved the desired result using standard means.

But as you can see, there are quite a few settings for printing a poster. That is why there are special programs for printing large posters on A4. They allow you to configure the partition more flexibly. We'll talk about this in another part of the article.

Conference > Chatter > Questions and Answers > Is there a way to glue sheets of paper together?

View full version: Is there a way to glue sheets of paper together?

Is there a way to glue sheets of paper together so that it looks like it's one sheet?
Do not offer tape or regular types of glue.

26-07-2006, 19:14

Sheets of paper are glued together and it seems that it is one sheet!:D

daughter of Monroe and Kennedy

26-07-2006, 21:17

how are they glued together?

27-07-2006, 01:13

No no and one more time no.

27-07-2006, 01:16

Yes I can... in Photoshop :)

it’s just that a person doesn’t know how to do double-sided printing in order to print normal money 😀


27-07-2006, 04:28

Bugago!!! let him draw by hand) and at night he buys seeds from his grandmothers)!

I tried it and it didn’t work...
The grandmothers rebelled and a friendly crowd of people shouted: D

You need to press: D

28-07-2006, 00:14

try it with drool! 😀

you can electrify...however, it won’t last long))))

pps better go to work...

young counterfeiter

28-07-2006, 01:22

pasted on a lined wall 😉

read the code and think about how cruel the article is (fake state sign), is it worth serving 20 years for 1000 rubles?

03-08-2006, 23:37

splash - sure! 😀

03-08-2006, 23:55

How should I glue it flat to flat or edge to edge?

07-08-2006, 04:13

Tuck... if this topic was created again about counterfeit money... then I must (again) upset you... DON'T EVEN THINK!

p.s. But actually (the old grandfather’s way) grate garlic with garlic :))))... try it.

Whom to rub with garlic? Counterfeiter?...:rolleyes: :confused:

07-08-2006, 17:41

Yeah...and guess what place:))))

paper of course!

😀 😀 😀 idiots
I had to glue 2 sheets of A4 paper together to make an A3 sheet - because... from Ovirov’s questionnaire it was necessary to make one from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The question is no longer relevant
Thank you all for your flattering assessment of my abilities.

question two
If you slap a print from a Canon photo printer onto medium-quality paper, how easy is it to distinguish it from the original (considering that no one has ever seen the original except me?)

Madam, use the correct Russian language so that there are no more offers to rub you with garlic or imprison you.

Well, if you don’t pay special attention, then there’s no way


08-08-2006, 13:03


08-08-2006, 13:19

the next question will probably be about nitroglycerin

Wow, wow good business print money! 😉 share


08-08-2006, 13:49

will you go by train?

08-08-2006, 14:02

— Tell me, why are your dollars more expensive than the exchange rate?
Handmade. And even at night.

1. Why didn’t you like the tape?
2. Why didn’t you like the glue?
3. How should you glue it together? Two sheets to make one big one or glue them together so that there is one on both sides? =) If it’s big, then the plotter is in your teeth and go! If it’s on both sides, then why is it necessary? Is it really possible to counterfeit money? =) And what do you need to glue?

08-08-2006, 14:04

Understood! Either use a plotter, or do this:
Print out the sheets so that there is nothing on the parts to be glued together (even with tape!) and connect them like wallpaper so that everything fits together.

I can draw a picture to make it easier to understand :)

As an option, you can also take carbon paper and a pencil :)
You put these two sheets on A3 format and trace this thing through copying. And then with pencils - the corresponding parts are soft, hard and semi-hard along the ruler.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not accept glued ones =)
Yes, I decided a long time ago that it was easier to forge a seal on the Orov questionnaire than to try to glue the sheets on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 😀 😀 😀

Although store shelves are littered with notebooks and notebooks for any purpose, finding a truly unique item is not easy. It’s faster and more affordable to make your own notebook. It won't take much time, and as a result you will receive a one-of-a-kind accessory for recording the format you need. This article presents step-by-step master class making notebooks with tips and video tutorials.

Tools for making a notebook with your own hands

To make a notebook or diary, first prepare paper for writing. Simple notebook sheets (checked, lined) or landscape paper will do. To cut a large number of sheets evenly for a small notebook, use a stationery knife. You will need the following tools and supplies:

  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • awl;
  • thick needle and strong threads;
  • stapler;
  • glue, double-sided thin tape or adhesive tape;
  • materials for the cover (base cardboard, colored cardboard, fabric);
  • decorations (sets for scrapbooking).

How to make a workbook with your own hands?

Make a notebook with big amount sheets (up to 10-12) can be done in 2 ways:


  1. Carefully fold the required number of sheets in half.
  2. Open the pages in the middle and staple along the fold line.

Usually 2 paper clips are enough, but if the page length exceeds half an A4 sheet, place paper clips at a distance of 5-10 cm between them. The greater the thickness and amount of paper, the larger the paper clips should be.


  1. Carefully fold the sheets in half.
  2. Mark with a pencil several pairs of future holes for stitching (the distance between the punctures is 1-3 cm).
  3. Punch holes with an awl at the marked points (make sure that the hole does not exceed the diameter of the stitching needle - 1-2 mm).
  4. For thin paper, prepare a needle with a single thread, for thick paper - with a double thread. There is no need to make a knot at the end of the thread.
  5. Sew the pages through the holes along the fold using a simple needle-first stitch, starting the first stitch from outside(leave the end of the thread hanging 5-10 cm).

    The ends of the thread after stitching should be outside notebooks.

  6. After everything is stitched, pull both ends of the thread and tie it with a strong knot.

If you need a thick notebook with many pages, the usual binding technique is suitable, which is done in two ways:

  • Make booklet blanks (each of 3-5 sheets folded in half; the thicker the paper, the fewer sheets).

    All books are individually stitched with threads using the above method. Then the blanks are sewn together or glued together.

  • Method of simultaneous stitching of blank books and fastening them together with one continuous thread:
  1. Sew the first piece from bottom to top.
  2. Without cutting the thread or tying a knot, move on to the second workpiece, only you will sew it from top to bottom, catching the outer stitches of the first booklet with the needle as you go along the seam.
  3. Having reached the bottom, proceed to the third workpiece, stitching it like the first (from bottom to top), while simultaneously grabbing the stitches of the second book. Once finished, move on to the next workpiece.
  4. When sewing, pull the thread tighter so that the pages do not dangle and the books fit snugly together.
  5. Having sewn the last piece, fasten the ends of the thread together with a knot.

If you take colored sheets rather than white ones, you will get an original Notebook with multi-colored sections. You can also experiment with the texture and thickness of the paper. At the end of the work, check that the edges of the resulting book are even. A curved edge is easiest to trim stationery knife along the line.

How to make a cover for a notebook?

Bound pages will have an unfinished appearance if not bound. For a thin notebook or a finished spiral bound paper block, cut two matching sheets of colored cardstock. The cardboard is glued to the first and last pages of the book with glue or double-sided adhesive tape, then decorated.

To cover a thick notebook with a wide spine you need:

  1. Make 3 base blanks: front and back covers (cut from thick cardboard to the size of the notebook), a piece of cardboard for the spine of the appropriate size.
  2. Glue all 3 blanks onto one large piece of colored cardboard (fabric or other material that will be the cover) with strong glue or double-sided tape. Fold the edges and corners of the cover material inward and glue it to the base cardboard.
  3. Glue the first and last pages of the notebook you made to inside covers. As a result, the base cardboard must be completely hidden (on the outside - by the cover material, on the inside - by the outer pages of the notebook).
  4. We put the finished notebook with the cover under the press overnight, then decorate it. The design of the cover depends only on your imagination. Use available materials: colored paper different textures, lace, fabrics, threads, beads, rhinestones, etc.

Video tutorials on creating a notebook at home

After watching the selection of videos presented, you will learn how to make any notebook with your own hands. This activity is inexpensive and accessible even to children, because does not require complex actions. And an exclusive cover, made by yourself, will turn a purchased notebook into an original thing and will be a wonderful gift for any holiday.

Author Lady Bet asked a question in the section Other languages ​​and technologies

how to combine all pages of a book in excel into one? I need to make a selection later and get the best answer

Answer from Olya Pavlova[guru]
It makes sense to combine workbook sheets if these sheets contain source data entered in the same structure on each sheet. This can be done by copying values ​​from a sheet to a shared sheet.
If the sheets contain formulas, and even with various links, then copying will ruin the entire work. Links must be relative.
Remember that Excel's value lies in its automatically calculated formulas.
And if you only work with data, albeit in tabular form, then you can easily get by with Word tables; there tables allow you to add visible rows of similar structure from other tables by copying or transferring through the buffer, but there are no calculated formulas there.
A selection in Excel can be made from several sheets, moving in a cycle from sheet to sheet according to the order of the sheets, or according to the list of sheet names. You just need to organize the cycle.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to combine all the pages of a book in Excel into one? need to make a selection later

Answer from Alik the striped giraffe[guru]
What for? What kind of sample? Some things can be done “through sheets”!

Answer from Vitaly Lapin[guru]
Excel has pivot tables, which is a good thing

Answer from Yergey Rakovets - 1C Franchising[active]

Answer from Ўzer Honestny[guru]
Well, of course, there is no way to “merge” the sheets. Unless you copy all the information from them to one. Weird question. How does a program know how to arrange information in a hypothetical “merge”? And there was never a need for such a thing. You describe what you need - somehow it will be clearer. And 100 or more sheets can easily be described in some situations with one formula. Well, no - Visual Basic still remains.

Answer from Irina Korchagina[newbie]
No need to merge pages