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» How to update old kitchen furniture with your own hands (38 photos): tips for performing cosmetic repairs. New kitchen facade with your own hands - ideas for independent work How to update a kitchen facade made of chipboard

How to update old kitchen furniture with your own hands (38 photos): tips for performing cosmetic repairs. New kitchen facade with your own hands - ideas for independent work How to update a kitchen facade made of chipboard

If there are surfaces in the kitchen that can be painted, feel free to grab your brushes and paints! We recommend painting the main area of ​​the walls white, and some small part orange. This color scheme

Advantage white the fact that it is easy to saturate it with colors. So this method goes well with all the subsequent ones.

Method number 2: update the facade of the kitchen unit

Instead of completely changing the headset, try covering it special film. An application tool is perfect for this solution. self-adhesive film ORACAL.

To update kitchen set Hand made methods are also suitable - for example, with the help of which surfaces can be decorated with any patterns. Graffiti will add a touch of modernity to kitchen design.

Method number 3: re-caulk the seams between the tiles

The kitchen backsplash quickly becomes dirty. This is understandable: during cooking, it is in the zone affected by fat, oils, and sauces. To transform it, you can buy tile grout and re-grout the seams. White tiles With old gray grout, you can easily update it with any bright color - crimson or orange. Just don’t forget about the overall color scheme of the kitchen and furniture.

The same can be done with the floor if it is laid out tiles. Don't be afraid to experiment with color, you can use light and dark colors grout for tiles.

Method number 4: hang new curtains

The least radical way to transform the kitchen - If the kitchen is made in classic style, then for expressiveness you can hang a solid thick canvas on the window.

In other cases, you can try light sets in bright and rich colors or with fruit prints.

Method number 5: place containers in bright colors on the shelves

If the kitchen has open shelves or glass cabinets in which the contents of cooking mixtures or sugar can be seen, such elements will be an excellent design solution.

Method number 6: change the color of kitchen furniture

Within a day, without much hassle, you can update the dining set. Buy carnations, select fabric - and replace old upholstery kitchen corner to a new one.

If there are chairs or soft stools in the kitchen, you can reupholster the seats. They can also be painted in bright colors.

And if you don’t want to spend time reupholstering furniture or are bored with your dining table, take a look at the new one from. An extendable dining table for the living room from the Italian brand SIGNORINI & COCO will appeal to connoisseurs of exclusive things. Graceful elements of carved decor with gold leaf give it a unique charm.

Method number 7: change the lighting

Lighting will help you make significant changes to your kitchen interior. This mission possible- buy and hang another chandelier in a day. Lighting can be made at different levels - all you need to do is add a couple of sconces.

Remodeling a kitchen is almost the same process as remodeling, only simpler and less expensive. It is not always possible to financially purchase new furniture, household appliances, change the decoration of walls and ceilings. And sometimes you just don’t want to part with old, but so beloved and good things. Then they come to the rescue experienced designers, which will help to radically update the interior with minimal costs. How to remodel a kitchen set with your own hands, how to transform a kitchen in the shortest possible time?

New life for an old headset

Furniture in the kitchen is subjected to serious tests: grease stains, soot deposits, temperature changes cause the furniture to quickly lose its original attractiveness. In addition, sets are used more often than other furniture, because a woman spends a third of her life cooking at the stove. The kitchen is also loved because it is where the family gathers around the table, where guests, friends and relatives come. Every housewife wants to feel at her best, so a sloppy interior, peeling paint, chips and cracks only bring disappointment. The situation can be corrected by updating the interior externally. For the kitchen, remodeling furniture with your own hands can be done in the following ways.

Painting facades

If the old kitchen is technically quite suitable for further use, then as a remodel you can simply refresh the facades by painting. Experts recommend choosing auto enamel that is resistant to mechanical damage, not afraid of moisture, sun rays and temperature changes. You can also take acrylic or alkyd paint, but its validity period is much shorter. Before starting the alteration, it is necessary to remove the facades, number them (for further convenience during assembly) and unscrew the fittings. It is recommended to soak the handles and hinges in a solution of water and soda, and then wipe them with a solvent.

From an old kitchen set made of wood or veneer, the previous coating: varnish or paint should be removed. To do this, you need to sand the surface sandpaper: first coarse-grained, then fine-grained. If there are cracks, they need to be puttied and the surface leveled. After this, the facades should be degreased using a special solution and allowed to dry.

Now you can start painting your furniture yourself. Experts say that spray paint applies more evenly, but this opinion is controversial. Regular paint brush will also do the job if the paint is applied in one direction. It is advisable to make 2 layers - then the color will be uniform, without pale spots. You can also use stencils to decorate facades with original patterns or designs. After complete drying, the fittings are screwed to the doors, and the parts are put back in their original place. Such a kitchen update will refresh the interior, make it more stylish and modern, besides, the price of a liter can of paint usually does not exceed 500 rubles, and car enamel - 1000 rubles.

Self-adhesive film

Vinyl film - simple and a budget option kitchen remodels, old surface which can be either wooden or plastic: self-adhesive is suitable in both cases. Before you start remodeling furniture, you need to measure the dimensions of the facades in advance and purchase film with a reserve so that you can correct possible mistakes.

The facades must be removed from the set, numbered, and laid out on the floor or table. Having measured out the required piece from the film, it should be applied to the edge of the surface and, carefully removing part of the protective coating, glue it to the facade. Next, the film is gradually scrolled and pulled together, simultaneously leveling with a spatula or a dry cloth. If bubbles form during the pasting process, they can be pierced with a needle. In case of unevenness, the film can be peeled off and leveled, but this should be done no more than once, otherwise it will quickly peel off from the kitchen set. After a few hours, the facades can be put in place.

If appearance After the renovation, the kitchen fully complies with the stated requirements; for ease of further use, it is recommended to install new fittings. Old broken handles need to be unscrewed using a screwdriver or screwdriver and go to a construction hypermarket or market. There, the part should be shown to the sales consultant - and he will quickly select a suitable analogue.

The same goes for hinges, fasteners and other mechanisms. If the holes for screws and grooves have become too wide, chips have formed on the surface and the fittings do not hold, it is recommended to restore the furniture yourself. All holes can be easily filled with putty. When it hardens, any screw or nail will easily fall into place and will stay firmly there.


After remodeling your kitchen furniture, you can turn your attention to household appliances. It is very good if it is built-in and the headset is hidden behind the facades. Although the stove that is used most often is usually in plain sight, especially if it is gas. Before alteration, you should wash it thoroughly and remove all possible contamination. Chips and abrasions can be eliminated using heat resistant paint. A very original solution would be to harmoniously combine it with the headset.

As for the refrigerator, it can be covered with vinyl film. Of course, the new design of the alteration will not last long due to the instability of the material to mechanical damage, but at least every month you can change the appearance of the refrigeration unit. Auto enamel is more durable, especially in a can. When painting, it is recommended to choose apricot, peach, white, light gray shades.

By the way, vinyl film You can order according to the photo you like, then the refrigerator will acquire an original and unique design

Finishing work

Remodeling a kitchen with your own hands is a simple and even fun process, especially if all family members are involved in the work. It is better to entrust the replacement of electrical wiring, global redevelopment and relocation of communications to professionals, and you can refresh the interior yourself by decorating the walls. To do this, you need to remove the old coating, putty, level the walls and cover with new paint.

If you cannot make the surface perfectly flat, regular wallpaper will help hide minor defects. It is recommended to cover a free bare wall with photo wallpaper with a 3D effect. Thanks to a drawing with a perspective, any room will only increase in volume. It is noteworthy that painting along with leveling costs about 3,000 rubles, so this remodeling option is very economical. Broken or cracked old tiles? There is no point in removing all the old coating when it is enough to replace only the area that has failed.

  • Kitchen doors can be refreshed by painting. To do this, you need to clean the canvas and apply new paint that will match the color of the interior. Another interesting option– wallpapering. They will stick perfectly to PVA glue. You can also do upholstery artificial leather. Glass sliding doors will help save free space. The roller sliding mechanism will allow the canvas to hide along the wall.
  • It is not necessary to replace old wooden frames with metal-plastic glazing. To insulate the kitchen, it is recommended to install a regular seal. Thanks to this sealing, the room will become more comfortable and drafts will disappear.
  • Chairs usually need redoing too. Because of frequent use the base becomes loose, making the object unstable and flimsy. Replacing the fittings will help restore the original condition. First you need to tighten the bolts, and replace them if desired. It is recommended to update the old foam lining, the same goes for the upholstery. Using a hammer, nails or a construction stapler, the fabric is stretched and fixed on the underside of the seat. You can also sew removable chair covers yourself. The wooden stool must be sanded and painted.
  • An old chest of drawers can also be used as an additional work surface or storage space. It will help to give it a stylish look new countertop. The surface can also be updated using painting or decoupage technique. A new tablecloth will help hide defects.

Use your imagination and don’t be afraid to combine - for example, you can paint only the frames of the facade and cover the inserts with film, or add decor to painted cabinet doors

Wood-effect inserts and painted façade frames

Renovating and restoring an old kitchen is not such a hard job: it just takes time, desire and a creative approach. You can take it into service interesting ideas home improvement from the Internet or magazines. But whatever the result, the kitchen will become fresher, more fashionable, and most importantly, more exclusive.

Video: how to paint kitchen facades yourself.

Video: how to properly cover facades with self-adhesive film.

Experts believe that an apartment needs updating at least once every five years. You can do it more often, it doesn’t cost less. The kitchen is the heart of the apartment; here, according to , the vital energy of the house is concentrated. It is important that everything here is in order, shiny and sparkling. Then the welfare of the owners is guaranteed. Believe it or not, everyone decides for themselves, but the kitchen needs updating more often than any other room.

Making a plan

An action plan is needed. You must clearly understand what result you want to get and what is needed for this. The plan will help avoid unnecessary costs of money, time and labor on your part.

It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to create a plan for your kitchen renovation. The more detailed it is developed, the easier the process of creating a new interior will be. Take your time, approach this issue responsibly.

If you have come to the conclusion that the kitchen needs changes, then there is something that doesn’t suit you. It is important to understand exactly what it is. Take a piece of paper, a pencil, stand in the middle, look around and write down. For clarity, format the entry in a table, then conclusions and a shopping list will be generated automatically. An example of what the table might look like is shown below. Naturally, you can add your own graphs and modify them as you see fit.

It is important to provide for all the little details immediately at the planning stage, then the result will exceed expectations.

Renovate your kitchen no less responsibly than renovate it


Furniture is the first thing that catches your eye. Dilapidated, shabby, incorrectly matched general interior, with broken fittings it makes a depressing impression. What to do? Buying new tables, chairs, cabinets is expensive. But updating your kitchen with your own hands is very easy, just read the article to the end and use your imagination.

Dinner table

We determine what material the table is made of: solid wood, chipboard, MDF, glass. Based on this, we choose the update method.

General recommendation: loose parts need to be strengthened. Disassemble the table, check the accessories for serviceability, replace where necessary. WITH special attention treat the sliding mechanism. All cracks where water can get in must be treated.

Solid wood

Solid wood is the easiest to work with. The material is not capricious, durable, and easy to restore. It is enough to remove the top damaged layer of wood and paint it as you see fit: paint in the desired color, varnish, also in Lately A popular type of arts and crafts is decoupage. An interesting “tablecloth” effect is achieved by painting the surface through the tulle. For all painting methods, the algorithm of actions is the same.

  1. Lay newspapers or plastic wrap on the floor. Walls and other furniture should also be covered to prevent stains.
  2. Wipe the entire surface of the table thoroughly damp cloth, let dry.
  3. Remove the old layer of varnish or paint and sand it. It is best to carry out the procedure grinder, to which it is possible to attach a garbage collection bag.
  4. We cover the joints, uneven areas, and cracks with putty and let them dry.
  5. Varnish (paint) must be applied to the table in clean room, otherwise dust particles will stick, creating unevenness.
  6. After applying the first layer of varnish and allowing it to dry completely, the surface is sanded again with fine-grained sandpaper. This can be done manually.
  7. Next, apply as many layers of stain as necessary to achieve the desired shade of wood. With each layer, the table surface will become darker and the color more saturated.
It is not advisable to glue a self-adhesive film onto the surface of a table made of solid wood - the pattern created by nature is perfect.

Remember that furniture in the kitchen is more often than any other subject to mechanical stress and comes into contact with water. Be sure to treat the countertop with a water-repellent wood compound. It is preferable to cover a table made of solid wood with a tablecloth or napkins during use. Any careless use of cutlery can lead to damage to the surface, dents, and scratches. Water that gets onto a damaged table surface will cause the wood to swell and damage the appearance of the furniture.

Chipboard, MDF, glass

Furniture made from laminated chipboard and MDF is much cheaper than furniture made from solid wood. Restoring is more difficult: the price of consumables may be higher than the cost of the product itself.

The countertop cannot be restored. Water entering the crack will inevitably cause the chips to swell, and unsightly bumps will appear on the surface. Cover the damaged area with silicone or rub it with a regular wax candle and let it dry. Such measures will prevent water from entering. The defect itself can be hidden with the help of a beautiful tablecloth, suitable for the overall interior, combined with textiles already present in the kitchen.

Tabletop defects are also hidden by covering the surface with self-adhesive film and upholstering it with artificial leather. It is not practical to cover with ceramic decorative (mosaic) tiles. Expensive. During daily use, crumbs and food debris will clog between the seams.

If there is a folding mechanism, check it for serviceability of the fittings. Replace and lubricate damaged parts with machine oil.

Old dining table from chipboard modern look will give new metal legs purchased at a furniture fittings store.

Cannot be restored. It makes sense to remove the damaged, scratched tabletop and buy a new one made of glass or chipboard.

Kitchen cabinets

The first thing to do is update . The algorithm of actions is the same as in the case of the table. We figure out what material the cabinet doors are made of, and based on this, we develop an action plan.

The kitchen will become harmonious if all the furniture is decorated in the same style, similar. The table and chairs should complement the set. For example, when decorating a table using decoupage technique, take care of the same facades.

A simpler but more expensive option is complete replacement facades to new ones. Remove the facades from their hinges and measure them. Find out where the nearest furniture production is located, place an order required size, configurations and colors. Choose handles that match your style.

Self-adhesive film will come to the rescue if you are racking your brains about how to make your kitchen better, and you don’t want to run out of money.

The appearance of the furniture is important. However, the internal component is no less important when updating your kitchen yourself. The comfort of cooking depends on how well the cabinets are arranged, how well they are made, and how high-quality fittings are installed.

Inconvenient. Remove dishes or food from the far corner difficult task: pulling out everything that blocks the desired item, and then putting it back - it will take a lot of time and effort. Make life easier - re-equip the internal equipment of the cabinets, make them retractable. Buy high-quality guides with closers.

Closers will save you from popping noises and household injuries. The move will become smooth and silent. Cooking using such furniture is a pleasure.

Make a table, then the scope of work and the shopping list will become clearer.


The countertop plays a huge role in the appearance of the kitchen. If cracks, chips, scratches, or swelling appear, it must be replaced, otherwise the update will be incomplete. It is inconvenient to cook on a damaged countertop; food gets stuck in damaged areas, which leads to unsanitary conditions. Making a replacement is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

  1. Measure the old countertop.
  2. By calling furniture manufacturers in the city, you will choose where you can buy a tabletop at the cheapest price.
  3. The new work surface should ideally match the existing interior; think in advance what color it will be.
  4. Dismantle the old one, first turning off the gas and water supplies.
  5. If before the renovation the kitchen was ordinary Appliances, then now, taking advantage of the moment, purchase a built-in one.
  6. Cut out electric jigsaw holes for sink and hob.
  7. Treat the cuts with silicone. Under no circumstances should water get in here. Otherwise, in a year you will have to start replacing again.
  8. Install and secure the tabletop to the frames of the lower modules.
  9. Secure the metal strips at the ends.
  10. Install the equipment.

There is an article on the site with more detailed instructions How to install a countertop with your own hands.


It is better to update the chairs and table at the same time. This way you won’t have to clean up twice after carrying out dirty work and select an exact match of the color shade.

  1. Sand the frame. You will need both coarse sandpaper at the beginning of work and fine sandpaper to make the surface smoother.
  2. We prime cracks and potholes and let the primer dry.
  3. We coat it with varnish for painting, after the paint itself has dried. Any colour.
  4. Artists and creative personalities can apply a drawing or ornament.

When removing an old layer of paint or varnish, be sure to wear a respirator and goggles. The particles are so small that they will get into your lungs and eyes!

We reupholster the worn, stained seat with new fabric.

  1. Remove the old fabric.
  2. We change the foam. Cut according to the existing template.
  3. We cut the fabric with a margin of 10 cm around the entire perimeter.
  4. We put foam rubber on the base, cover it with fabric on top, fold it under the bottom, stretch it, and fix it with a furniture stapler or special nails.
  5. We fix the seat onto the frame that has dried after painting.

If you don’t want to do paint and varnish work, you can tie the chair with twine. To do this, we tightly wrap the back and seat around the surface with twine, which we immediately fix with glue.


When telling how to update a kitchen, you can't help but talk about the walls. Most often their lower part gets dirty. This situation is especially familiar to families with small children and pets. Children's fingerprints, traces of the process of learning to use a spoon, scratches - all this greatly spoils the appearance. To improve the situation, it is not at all necessary to re-paste the wallpaper in the entire kitchen. It is enough to replace the damaged part.

  1. Move furniture away from the wall.
  2. Remove the baseboards.
  3. Using a level and ruler, draw a straight horizontal line with a pencil.
  4. Draw along the line with a sharp stationery knife, separating the clean and damaged part of the wall.
  5. Wet the rag warm water, treat the area to be replaced so that the old wallpaper comes off.
  6. Fill any uneven walls.
  7. Treat with primer.
  8. Paste new wallpaper that matches the color and pattern. It is not at all necessary that the old and new parts completely coincide. The interior will become more interesting, more original if they become a little different.

If the wall in the kitchen is painted, then the damaged part can simply be repainted.


Updating the kitchen floor depends on the coating that is currently present. If it is tile, laminate or parquet, it is enough to remove the damaged part and replace it with a new one. Linoleum or carpet covering you will have to either change it completely or wash it very well.

Linoleum cannot be washed with abrasives. detergents, rub with powders, soda. This will lead to loss of brightness and scratches. Light stains can be washed off with a warm soapy solution. More durable greasy spots treat with a solution of water and white spirit.


How to update the kitchen if the furniture is in order, the floor and walls are like new, but you still want something new? Change textiles! The kitchen will change without much effort on your part.

For each season you can create your own interior. For winter, choose pastel textiles blue tones, for summer - green, autumn - yellow-orange. Textiles will also help create the mood for the New Year, birthday, and the eighth of March.

Textiles play an important role in the kitchen, but for proper use you need to know the rules:

  1. Do not overdo it. The kitchen should not look like grandma's chest, filled to the brim with rags. Know your limits. Napkins under every cup, plate, on windowsills, radiators - this is unnecessary.
  2. There is only one leading color in the kitchen - this is, most often, the color of the facades of the kitchen furniture. Textiles should highlight the furniture favorably; the color should not match. You are taking .
  3. Curtains, chair seats, towels, potholders, tablecloths - should not be the same color and texture, otherwise you will get a tasteless, uninteresting kitchen.

It is also important to follow safety precautions.

  1. If the stove is located close to a window, do not hang long curtains. A gust of wind can throw curtains onto a working hob.
  2. Potholders and towels should not be stored near stoves or heating electrical appliances.


Purity - the most important condition beautiful and cozy kitchen. How to update your kitchen? Perhaps it just needs to be washed thoroughly... Dirty furniture fronts, stained windows, an untidy stove, stained towels - all this creates a feeling of discomfort. Three hours of thorough cleaning will replace a month of repairs. A small but clean kitchen with inexpensive furnishings will be no worse than a huge apartment with Italian furniture.

Clean up your closets, throw out unnecessary things, wash, wash and starch the tablecloth - you will notice that it has become easier and freer to breathe.

Do you want something new and fresh in your kitchen interior, but don’t want to undertake a major renovation? Great option– decorate old kitchen so that the room sparkles with new colors. From this article you will learn how to transform your interior beyond recognition with little material and labor costs. You will only need a little imagination and available materials. Go!


An option from the “cheap and cheerful” category is to use self-adhesive film. This one is relatively inexpensive material after some simple manipulations it will change the furniture beyond recognition. Available in stores big choice such films: they come in one color or with bright unusual prints; they can imitate any material: marble, tile, wood, etc. Do you see how wide a choice you have? In addition to its decorative properties, high-quality film is valued for another thing: it is moisture resistant, resistant to temperature and mechanical damage. Thanks to this, it can be glued not only to the facade of the kitchen, but also to the countertop.

Updating an old kitchen this way won't take much time. List necessary tools not that big, not to say tiny. To create beauty you will need the material itself, scissors and a ruler. By the way, some companies apply a grid on the paper on the back of the film, so you can cut perfectly evenly. If you don’t need major changes and you just want to refresh the look of the room, then you can purchase vinyl stickers. They can be glued to any flat surface: kitchen facade, refrigerator, table, apron. Manufacturers offer various themes for stickers: these can be delicate flowers, and funny images of animals.


The most obvious DIY option for remodeling an old kitchen is to paint it. A new color can give furniture new life. Rest assured, your guests will think you've purchased a new set! An option for the brave is to combine several colors, then the changes will be dramatic.


How to restore an old kitchen using other materials, ceramic tiles for example? It's a stereotype that it can only be on the wall. This material will look great on the kitchen façade! The tiles can be the same as on the apron - if you don’t know where to put the leftovers after repairs. Then the motives for different surfaces will overlap, and the kitchen will become very harmonious. Otherwise, you can play on contrasts and decorate the doors contrary to general style rooms.

How to pull off this trick? It's simple: remove the doors from their hinges, clean their surface, and paint if necessary. The tiles are attached to the facade using special glue. If the pattern does not seem self-sufficient to you, then you can frame the tiles in a frame made of decorative molding.


If the methods described above do not suit you, you will still have to damage the integrity of the furniture. We propose to turn an old kitchen into a new one using new doors. Of all the proposals, this option is the most expensive, however, the result will be more noticeable. In any case, it will cost much less than buying a new headset. If your kitchen model is quite popular, then finding its front will not be difficult. If such furniture has gone out of fashion or was not very common at all, then you will have to look for or order doors. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of companies that offer similar services.

You can vary the cost of restoring an old kitchen. Cheap options: doors made of pine, plastic, chipboard. You will have to spend more money on MDF or solid wood. The installation of new doors can be done by specialists from the same company where you ordered them. However, anyone who is familiar with the word “repair” can handle this simple task. Modern furniture As a rule, it is assembled quickly and without unnecessary effort.

And a few more tricks on how to remodel an old kitchen.

Trick #1

Tip for the lazy: you don't have to remodel an old kitchen to make it look new. You can simply take your eyes off old furniture bright accessories. Colored curtains, clocks, dishes - and all eyes are focused on them. However, keep in mind that if the condition of the furniture really requires repair, then such a trick will not always be successful. Another nuance: kitchen cabinets should be neutral in color, otherwise the placement of accents will only make the interior too colorful.

Trick #2

Open shelves will lighten the kitchen interior. They also provide more design opportunities, because in this case the tone will be set by the contents of the shelves. Beautiful dishes, original jars for storing cereals - and now a boring kitchen has turned into an island of brightness. To change the interior, just change a few items. Thanks to this, the room will not have time to bore you.

Trick #3

Buy black or brown paint and paint over one cabinet or part of a door. And now there was a place in the room for notes. Here you can mark a list of products you should buy or favorite recipes. The surface is also suitable for leaving a message to your family. By the way, you can buy special vinyl stickers on which you can write with chalk. Then you won't have to bother with paint.

Trick #4

Who would have thought that simple handles can they change the interior that much? It would seem such a small detail! But their replacement will be noticeable. By the way, long tubular handles are very fashionable now. They will even turn Soviet furniture into a modern set.

Trick #5

If you want to follow this when remodeling your kitchen rustic style, then you can replace the cabinet doors with curtains. This will make the interior more airy. In addition, this will make it easier to get to the dishes.

Trick #6

Moldings are decorative volumetric elements that can turn an ordinary cabinet into an exquisite piece of furniture. It is attached with special glue.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 8 minutes

The kitchen set is subjected to heavy loads, so sooner or later the time comes when it loses its attractiveness. But this does not mean that strong cabinets that will last for many years will have to be thrown away and replaced with new ones. There is another way out: give them back decent looking Restoring kitchen furniture will help you save money. Let's consider methods of such repairs available at home.

Restoration of kitchen facades: different types

Facades are part of the kitchen that is constantly in sight. They primarily suffer during operation and lose their original beauty. Each type of facade has its own service life, its own characteristics of restoration and repair.

  • Laminated. The base is MDF or chipboard, on which a melamine film is laid. They are inexpensive, but the coating wears out quickly. It is impossible to laminate the surface again at home, so depending on the nature of the damage, another renovation method is selected.
  • Frame. The perimeter of the facade consists of MDF, and glass, plastic, chipboard or rattan is placed in the center. Not resistant to damage, but easier to repair.
  • Coated with plastic or PVC. These materials make the furniture attractive and resistant to damage at an economical price. It is not difficult to restore such facades: the most common problem is the peeling of the protective layer from the base, which is solved with the help of glue.
  • Wooden facades. Elite furniture consists entirely of solid wood, which is incredibly expensive. Therefore, more often only the façade parts are made of wood. For this, species such as beech, teak, oak, walnut, and maple are used. Such headsets are practically eternal when proper care, minor damage can be repaired yourself.

Attention! A selection of photos of the sets before and after restoration is presented at the end of the article.

DIY kitchen renovation ideas

How to breathe new life into old kitchen furniture? There are quite a few ways:

  • Decorating with stickers will help hide minor scratches and chips.
  • Covering with film will hide more serious damage.
  • Painting gives a completely different look to the facades of kitchen units.
  • Applying varnish is usually used to restore and protect furniture made from natural wood.
  • Decoupage is the application of appliqués or raised patterns.
  • The use of moldings and decorative overlays made of wood or plastic.

For achievement best result these methods are combined. Let's take a closer look at restoration methods and features of restoration of different types of facades.

Restoration of kitchen facades from MDF

Small chips and scratches are repaired with a furniture wax pencil. It is applied to the damaged area, and after hardening, the restored surface is sanded with fine sandpaper. The pencil is selected to match the color of the facade.

Decorative stickers will update the look of the headset and hide minor defects. Before gluing them, the surface is cleaned and degreased.

In case of more serious damage, it is necessary to completely change the appearance of the furniture. For kitchen facades made of MDF, painting or covering with vinyl film is suitable.

Using self-adhesive film

A quick and cheap method to radically change the look of your headset. The range of films is huge, so you can realize any design ideas.

Tip: choose quality materials. They will cost more, but a thick or textured film will lie smoother, and small scratches under it do not need to be repaired: they will be invisible.

Work algorithm:

  • We unscrew the fittings from the facades, clean and degrease the surface for better adhesion.
  • On the back side of the film there is a mesh with a cell size of 1 cm. Using it, we transfer the shape and dimensions of the surface to be pasted onto the material. It is recommended to leave allowances of 1–2 cm around the entire perimeter.
  • Using sharp scissors, carefully cut out the measured fragment.
  • We paste the film from top to bottom, gradually removing protective covering and smoothing with a plastic spatula or cloth from the center to the edges.

Important! Try to avoid the formation of air bubbles under the film. If they do appear, there are two ways to remove them. The first is to carefully peel off the film before the glue sets and re-stick it. The second is to pierce the bubbles with a needle and then smooth them out with a spatula.

When applying the sticker, pay special attention to the edges: in these places, most often the film begins to lift and peel off.


It is important to remember that paint is applied only to areas that do not have external defects. Therefore, small scratches and chips are sealed in advance with wax or putty.

They use in their work acrylic paint or auto enamel: it is more expensive, but more durable. Car spray is easier to apply, lays down more evenly, and better protects it from moisture and temperature in the kitchen.

Painting stages:

  • We remove the doors and unscrew the fittings. Fixed elements that need to be protected from painting are sealed with masking tape.
  • If the MDF surface is covered with film, remove it. A hair dryer will make the job easier.
  • We process it with fine sandpaper, remove dust and degrease.
  • Apply primer in two layers. For hard to reach places use a brush to smooth surfaces– roller. You can apply the primer using a spray gun. Be sure to let the first coat dry completely before applying the second.
  • Apply the paint with a brush or roller in one direction. The aerosol is applied only with the use of a respirator. Surrounding objects also need to be protected.
  • After the paint has dried, cover the façade with a layer of transparent varnish.

Restoration of the ends of chipboard furniture

The front surface of sets made of this material is restored using the methods described above. Other damage typical of furniture of this type, such as chips at the ends, can be repaired using melamine edges.

  • In the store we select a new edge according to color and thickness. We measure the length of the required segment in advance and buy material with a small margin.
  • We remove the old edging. To do this, heat the end with an iron.
  • Using a chisel we remove the unevenness of the end, and then sand it with fine sandpaper.
  • We put the new edge in place and smooth it with an iron. After the glue has hardened, we trim off the excess with a sharp knife and sand the joints.

Restoration of kitchen facades made of natural wood

Solid wood furniture looks great, but requires compliance with several operating conditions:

  • The surfaces of wooden furniture should be cleaned with soft cloths soaked in a soapy solution. Do not use solvents or abrasive cleaners.
  • Do not place hot dishes on the countertop.
  • The humidity in the room should not rise above 70%.
  • Minor damage and scratches must be repaired as soon as possible.

Scratches and cracks on the facades of solid wood furniture are repaired with melted wax. Chips are smoothed out with wood putty. After leveling the surface, the restored area is covered with a layer of furniture varnish.

If you need more than just minor repairs, and a complete renovation of the appearance of the facade, replacing varnish coating entirely. This is done this way:

  • We dismantle the facades and remove the fittings.
  • The surface is carefully treated with fine sandpaper. It is necessary to completely remove the old varnish coating. This is not always easy, especially if there are raised patterns or indentations.
  • We remove varnish shavings and sawdust with a damp sponge or napkin.
  • After drying, prime the surface twice, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next.
  • Apply varnish with a brush or roller. Protective film we form in several layers, with each subsequent layer being thinner than the previous one. The varnish dries for at least a day in a well-ventilated area.

Different shade wooden furniture stain or varnish with pigments will add.

You can change the set beyond recognition and give it a more modern look, as in the photo, by painting it.

Moldings, overlays and decoupage

These restoration methods will give the kitchen set unique features: there is no limit to the scope for imagination.

Before applying jewelry, the surface for it is prepared: the application area is sanded, cleaned and degreased.

A 3D decoupage pattern is formed using a stencil: a material is applied through it to form a bas-relief. A popular option is to use wood putty. After drying, the pattern is sanded with sandpaper and covered with a protective layer of transparent or colored varnish.

For decoupage using napkins or decoupage cards, PVA glue is applied to the selected material. Then the drawing is applied to the cabinet door and smoothed out. After drying, apply 4 layers of matte or glossy varnish.

Moldings are overhead wooden or plastic elements. They, just like decorative overlays, attached with glue to a previously prepared surface. For wooden moldings it is possible to attach them to small nails without heads.

Restoring countertops and kitchen tables: interesting ideas

To refresh a countertop or table surface made of chipboard, staining, decoupage and varnishing are used. But there are other ways, such as tiling, as in the photo below.

Improved with ceramic tiles The countertop surface receives many advantages:

  • Not afraid of water.
  • Becomes more resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Easy to clean and remove dirt.

The disadvantage of this modernization is a significant increase in the weight of the countertop. But since kitchen furniture is used permanently, there is no big problem here.

The tiles are laid using regular tile adhesive. But the work has its own characteristics:

  • First, we attach it to liquid nails along the perimeter of the tabletop. metal corners. They serve as edging for the tiles and cover the end of the covering.
  • We lay the tiles: tightly and with minimal gaps. The glue dries quickly, so you shouldn’t cover the entire tabletop with it at once. It is recommended to apply it in small portions under one or two tiles.
  • We wait at least 6 hours until the glue dries completely, rub the seams and cover with a protective layer of varnish.

Another original way to transform a tabletop is to create a mosaic or ornament under tempered glass. Several slats or corners are screwed to the surface, which will divide the tabletop into zones. Decorative filler is poured into these sectors: small pebbles, coins, shells, beads or sand. From above, all this splendor is covered with impact-resistant glass, which is glued on.

Restoration of a burnt tabletop

Return burnt countertops original appearance you can do it this way:

  • Using a router, carefully select the damaged area. It is necessary to go deeper into the surface with ledges, reducing the area and slightly capturing intact material around the perimeter. The result is a recess that looks like a miniature quarry.
  • Fill the hole with softened wood putty. It dries quickly, so we compact it into the recess in small portions.
  • We cut off the protruding excess with a sharp knife, carefully sand the patch, and then polish it.
  • We paint the restored area. In this case, you need to try to reproduce the color and texture of the main part of the countertop.

By combining these methods, you can restore kitchen furniture without large financial investments. This will not only restore the appearance of the old kitchen set, but also make it unique.