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» How to arrange a country toilet on the street. How to install a toilet in a country house: choosing a site for construction. Kinds. Design with a cesspool, backlash-closet and powder-closet. Types of country toilets

How to arrange a country toilet on the street. How to install a toilet in a country house: choosing a site for construction. Kinds. Design with a cesspool, backlash-closet and powder-closet. Types of country toilets

No one will argue that such a primitive building as a country toilet is one of the main structures, the construction of which begins first. Agree that suburban area you can do without country house, gazebos or fences, but without a toilet in the country - nothing. A self-built country toilet will provide minimal comfort, which will allow you to fully relax and work.

Before starting excavation work, it is necessary to study the sanitary and hygienic requirements and, in accordance with them, select the installation location.

Features of country toilets

Installing a toilet in a country house is not difficult, but you can do it yourself without resorting to outside help. It is important to take into account some features of such construction:

  • Mandatory compliance of the installation site with sanitary and hygienic requirements , presented to cesspools;
  • You cannot allow a country toilet installed with your own hands to create inconvenience to neighbors ;
  • At the beginning of construction there must be there is a method for emptying the cesspool ;
  • The choice of toilet design directly depends on the water horizon of the site. For low placement groundwater the cesspool should only be of a sealed type .

By following our instructions, you will not only be able to properly build a country toilet with your own hands, but also save yourself from the problems associated with its operation.

Types of toilets for summer cottages

At your dacha, you can build one of several toilet designs. The selection criteria can be both the height of the water horizon and the frequency of use of the closet, as well as the amount of financial costs that are planned for its construction and maintenance.

All existing outdoor latrines can be classified according to the method of waste disposal. Let's look at a few of the most popular designs.

Pit toilets for summer cottages

This is perhaps one of the most popular designs in rural farmsteads and summer cottages. It is not difficult to build a cesspool toilet with your own hands in the country, because the sewer system is an ordinary deep hole, in which liquid residues evaporate or are absorbed into the ground.

The depth of the pit directly affects the frequency of its cleaning, so it is not necessary to remove waste often. Most often, the hole is simply filled with soil and a new one is dug nearby. The above-ground structure can be anything - you can build a country toilet with your own hands from boards, bricks, slate sheets or metal profiles. The main thing is that the necessary strength of the frame is ensured and ventilation is present.

  1. Wooden toilet. The choice of such a design is justified by both the ease of construction and its low cost. Agree, build wooden toilet you can do it yourself with minimal skills. Wooden structures are often stylized as fairytale house, having received not only a functional, but also an aesthetic structure. Often, clapboard, rather than boards, are used to cover the frame. Such a country toilet, built with your own hands, also looks stylish, as evidenced by numerous photos posted on the Internet. The most important advantage of a wooden building is that when the hole is filled, it is dug in another place and the house is moved.

  1. Toilet made of metal profile sheets. There are two ways to install such a structure. In the first, a wooden frame is used, and in the second, a base welded from profile metal pipes. Then the base is sheathed with slate sheets using screws or rivets. It is not difficult to build a toilet from profile sheets with your own hands, but this design gets very hot in the summer at the dacha. It is best to install a metal closet in a constantly shaded place and line it from the inside with polystyrene foam sheets.

  1. Brick toilet. Before you build a brick toilet in your country house with your own hands, take a good look at the site, study existing projects, and watch the video. It will not be possible to move such a structure to a new location, so it is necessary to provide a method for cleaning the cesspool. Constructing brick building, do not forget about the need to install a concrete floor.

Backlash closet

This type of toilet resembles the design described above. Its special feature is the construction of a cesspool. Most often her walls and bottom are sealed so that when filling, waste can be pumped out using a sewer truck. Equipping this toilet in the country with their own hands, they dig elongated pit, for the smooth installation of sewer hoses. A huge disadvantage of backlash closets is the impossibility of cleaning them in winter period , therefore, if necessary, install a pit heating system.

Powder closet

This toilet has a small (maximum 20 l) container for collecting sewage, installed under the seat. After dealing with natural needs, the waste is covered with ash, sawdust or peat. To do this, install a box with these in the room. bulk materials. If you are interested in the question of how to make a toilet in the country, remember the disadvantages of powder toilets: pouring the contents of a sewer container into a compost pit with your own hands is not the most pleasant procedure. Let’s not keep silent about the huge advantage of such a closet - with proper ventilation it can be placed even in a country house.

Peat toilet for a summer residence

The peat toilet is a more advanced design of the powder closet. The peculiarity of the device is that there is no need for an additional box of peat - it is poured directly inside. After visiting a peat toilet, the waste is “powdered”, and after filling the sewer container, it is taken out and taken out.

Choosing a place to install the toilet

Our recommendations regarding choosing a site for future construction will help you build a toilet in your country house with your own hands:

  • If you are planning a building equipped cesspool, then be sure to take into account the need for an access road for a sewer truck;
  • The distance from the toilet to the place of water intake should not exceed the sanitary norm of 25 meters, the distance to nearby buildings should be more than 5 meters, and to the border of the site - 1 meter.
  • Be sure to study the wind rose map and take into account their direction.
  • The toilet door should open in the direction opposite to the nearest boundary of the site.

Also, do not install the toilet in a very remote places and do not obstruct the path to it. Provide free access to the structure.

We build a country toilet of the Birdhouse type with our own hands

The “birdhouse” is a wooden one, covered with any available material, with a single or gable roof. This toilet is installed in conjunction with a cesspool. When arranging a country toilet of this type with your own hands, you can use ready-made drawings or create an individual project.

As standard project You can take the following dimensions for a Birdhouse toilet with a pitched roof:

  1. rear wall height - 2 m,
  2. front - 2.30 m
  3. with a width of at least 1 m.

The dimensions of the base are at least 1x1m. When installing a wooden toilet with your own hands, it is mandatory control of horizontal and vertical surfaces using a building level.

So, we are building a Birdhouse toilet. For work you will need :

  • Concrete border 2 m long - 2 pcs. or sand-cement blocks - 4 pcs.
  • Ruberoid - 2 m2.
  • Sand.
  • Edged boards: 6000x100x50mm - 3 pcs., 6000x100x50mm - 1 pc., 6000x90x32mm - 3 pcs.
  • Lining 3000x87mm - 40 pcs.
  • Wooden beam 6000x50x50 - 1 pc.
  • Galvanized steel profile sheet 1520x2000x0.4mm - 1 pc.
  • Door block 900x2000mm
  • Door hinges, latch, handle, nails, screws.
  • Paint or varnish.

Let's describe toilet construction process at the dacha with your own hands step by step:

  1. Digging a cesspool size of at least 1x1x2 m. Remember that the dimensions of the toilet that you plan to install in your dacha with your own hands are determined by the dimensions of the pit. Place a layer at the bottom of the hole broken bricks or crushed stone.

  1. As the foundation of a house We install a concrete curb at a distance of no more than 20cm from the edges of the pit as a ceiling. To do this, we dig it in so that the height of the concrete base above the ground is no more than 10-15 cm. Instead of a curb, you can dig four blocks of sand-cement mortar in the corners of the cesspool, on which we subsequently install the frame.

  1. Place it on a concrete curb roofing material in 3-4 layers as a moisture insulator.
  2. We build a wooden frame and cover it with boards, clapboard, etc. The toilet floor must be laid with boards at least 40mm thick. It is better to use hard wood - oak, beech, larch and others.

  1. Cut a hole in the floor up to 30cm in diameter. The shape of the “glass” can be arbitrary: oval, heart, rhombus, circle, etc.

  1. Installing the door and cut out a window of any shape in it for the passage of light.
  2. The roof of the house is covered with roofing felt, asbestos-cement or profile steel sheet.

  1. Painting the structure oil paint or varnish.

When arranging wooden country toilets with your own hands, do not forget to install simple ventilation. Its purpose is to remove air from the pit into the atmosphere. To do this, you can take any pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Then a hole of the required diameter is cut in the roof and podium of the toilet and the pipe is installed to a height of at least 20 cm above the roof. All passages of the hood are sealed, and a deflector is installed at its end, which will create the necessary draft.

You can do it yourself from the inside of the "Birdhouse" country toilet cover with foam plastic, and to decorate it beautifully with suitable material, just watch a video from the Internet and use ready-made ideas.

We build a “Shalash” type toilet with our own hands

Although the “Shalash” type toilet is more difficult to manufacture, it looks much more impressive than the “Birdhouse”.

Some craftsmen style a country toilet like a fairy-tale house, creating real masterpieces with their own hands. Photos of such buildings from the Internet amaze the imagination with their thoughtfulness and skill in execution. Well? Are we building such an original toilet in the country? Then we get down to business and start digging a cesspool. Its dimensions can be taken from the previous project. At the corners of the pit, a recess is dug in the ground for installing concrete blocks. To control squareness, not only the distance between blocks is measured. The diagonals of the base must also be the same.

When installing the foundation, control the horizontal position by placing a level strip on two adjacent blocks, and on top building level. The height of the concrete base should be no more than 15 cm above the surface of the site.

In order not to miss important details, install a country toilet with your own hands step by step :

  1. Place any moisture barrier on the improvised foundation. Roofing felt laid in 2-3 layers copes well with this function.
  1. A frame is assembled from 50x50mm timber base measuring 1x1m and nailed down with edged boards. On top of this “deck” there is a flooring made of floorboards.

  1. Cut a technological hole in the bottom. You can go beyond the circle and come up with interesting shape"points".

  1. Cover with antiseptic wooden base from all sides. If, when installing a toilet in your dacha with your own hands, you are not sure of the correctness of your actions, study the instructions, in which all the processes are described step by step.
  2. Using a sketch or drawing, assemble the back and front parts.

  1. Sew both pieces“Hut” with clapboard inside.

  1. Install the back and front walls on the floor and fasten them with scraps of boards.
  2. Nail the sheathing boards. At the end of the work they also need to be sheathed.
  3. Take boards at least 1800 mm long and, leaning them on the back and front of the “Hut”, nail them to the slats. Thus, we get the roof of the house.

  1. The roof on our built In your dacha, you can install a toilet with your own hands by studying photos of similar structures or by putting your imagination to work. In principle, any material will do, but do we really need banality when we are creating a house from a fairy tale?
  2. Installing the skate, you can decorate it with a suitable figurine.
  3. We hang the doors, having previously provided them with a handle and a hook. WITH outside nail a pinwheel of any shape.

  1. Painting the toilet house oil paint or varnish.

When installing a toilet in your country house with your own hands, use your imagination or watch a video showing a gallery of toilet houses; don’t be afraid to experiment. Only in this case you will receive an elegant, exclusive structure.

Features of installing a peat toilet

The use of peat substrate for sprinkling waste is justified for several reasons.

  • Firstly, peat perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors.
  • Secondly, the increased hygroscopicity of the substrate contributes to increased absorption of liquid, which ultimately helps to increase the frequency of cleaning the toilet.
  • Thirdly, after direct application, the mixture is used as a fertilizer, since peat is initially rich in bacteria that convert organic waste into compost.

A factory-made peat toilet does not require connection to an electrical network, water supply or sewerage system, so it is a truly autonomous design for a summer residence.

The operation of such a toilet is based on the separation of waste into solid and liquid fractions. If it is expected frequent use device, then the removal of the purified liquid fraction is provided by drainage or a special hose. The solid fraction is located in the lower container and, if necessary, can be easily removed, since the container is easily removed and has handles for carrying.

The advantage of factory designs is that they are easy to maintain - just remove waste from the storage tank, rinse the container and add substrate.

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made device. For those who want to save money, we will tell you how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands. To do this you will need several boards, a sheet of plywood, nails and screws, as well as a toilet seat. So, let's describe it step by step, how to build a peat-type country toilet with your own hands :

  1. Assembling the box, connecting four boards with self-tapping screws. We make a cutout in the front part of the structure for easy installation of the container.

  1. We sew up the top side of the box with a plywood sheet, having previously cut a hole in it for a bucket.
  2. We screw the legs to the corners of the box in such a way that the waste container can be easily replaced.

  1. Installing the structure on the legs and attach it to functional hole seat (can be factory made of plastic or wood).
  2. Place a plastic bucket under the hole with a layer of peat previously poured to the bottom up to 5 cm.

  1. If you plan to place a peat toilet in an open space, then build a house, for example, the same “Shalash”.

We specifically do not give the dimensions of the toilet, which is intended for DIY installation in the country. It is so simple that even a schoolchild can repeat the design. Let me just give some recommendations :

  • Stock up on several buckets with lids. This makes the toilet easier to use.
  • Empty the bucket when waste is no more than one-third full.
  • Add composting bioaccelerators to peat.
  • Use factory filler.
  • Dispose of the extracted waste into compost heap and after the required time has passed, you will be able to use them as fertilizers for garden crops.

We hope that our instructions, which describe step by step how to install a country toilet with your own hands, will help you solve one of the primary problems that arise when developing a country plot.

A toilet in a country house is an integral part of comfort and a full-fledged existence. When purchasing a completely clean plot of land, the first thing we install is this structure. This is not only natural, but even necessary. The construction of this building does not require any special projects. Anyone who is even a little familiar with carpentry tools can build a country toilet with their own hands. Let's look at this process in detail step by step. Now there are many modern alternatives to a stationary structure, we will also talk about some of them below.

At the dacha you can do without many convenient, important structures: a shed, a swimming pool, a cellar, a barbecue oven, but you can’t do without a toilet.

When starting work, you need to consider many factors. The most important thing is sanitary and hygienic standards. Your toilet should not create inconvenience for your neighbors, so the location of the building, proper arrangement of the cesspool, and ventilation should be worked out during the design process.

Country toilet, photo:

The equipment of the cesspool and the method of cleaning it are also important nuance, which directly depends on the location of groundwater. If the groundwater is located high, then you will have to look for alternative options, since you cannot make a hole. If the groundwater flow is low, the pit must be extremely airtight.

Country toilet - design options

The simplest and most common option is a wooden restroom. Even a beginner can build it; it will be inexpensive in terms of the cost of building materials. If desired, this design can be easily moved. To cover the frame, boards, clapboards, and chipboard sheets are used; if you have some imagination, you can sometimes get quite nice options. Simplest, cheap option- a closet made of planks.

Design, photo:

A more substantial structure made of metal sheets is erected in two ways.

The first option - the same wooden frame is sheathed with sheets, in the second - the base of the frame is made of metal pipes, to which sheets of iron or slate are subsequently attached. Shaded part of the area - the best place for such a toilet, since in the summer the sun will heat the metal, causing you discomfort when visiting. The inside of such a building can be sheathed with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

A stationary brick building will require more construction time, as well as construction skills from the developer. Here you need to think through in detail how to clean the cesspool and the possibility of convenient access (for example, a sewer truck) to the building.

The country toilet of the “Luft-closet” type has no significant differences from stationary option, the whole feature is the design of the cesspool. At the same time, its walls and bottom must be sealed, and it itself must have an elongated shape.

This feature will improve the optimization of the waste disposal process, more convenient installation sewer hoses. A significant “minus” of “Lyuft-closet” type restrooms is the inability to use them during winter.

Country peat toilet belongs to alternative options closets. In this case, the waste is immediately sprinkled with peat, and when the sewer tank is filled, it is removed and the processed contents are removed. More details about the operational functions of peat toilets will be written below.

Requirements for the construction of a country toilet

There are many nuances associated with the construction of a latrine; you need to take into account the direction of the winds, the possibility of unhindered access of a sewage truck to the building, and the distance from the cesspool to the point with water (no more than 25 meters). If there are other buildings nearby, the distance from them to the toilet should be at least 5 meters. Often closets are installed at a distance. But so that there is at least 1 meter to the border of the neighbor’s fence. Make sure that when you open the toilet door, your neighbors cannot see anything.

A country toilet with a cesspool is a solid structure that should be relatively spacious. The most common, convenient building options are the “birdhouse” and “hut”. If you want to have room to spread out, the birdhouse type is suitable for you.

If we consider the building from the point of view of the impact of precipitation, then the “hut” type wins here.

The entire “attack” of rain and snow will fall on the roof, which at the “hut” reaches almost to ground level, while the walls will remain dry.

Both types of buildings allow you to equip a country toilet without a cesspool by placing a removable tank at the base of the building or not far from it, where waste will be collected. This can be a welded metal container, a special bucket, a suitable plastic tank or a wooden tank with peat, tyrsa, sand. Having a foundation is preferable for any type of building.

A cesspool is the main element of a country toilet; in order to determine its volume, you should know that with constant use, approximately 50-60 liters should be allocated per person (estimated - 3 months). As mentioned above, it must be sealed so that sewage does not come into contact with the aquifers of the soil. A well-equipped clay castle (20-30 cm thick) around the pit is an essential requirement when constructing a country toilet.

We build a toilet in a summer cottage with our own hands

If this is your first time building a toilet, please note that a wooden structure is the easiest to build. Wood is relatively inexpensive building material, it is easy to work with, it retains heat well, and is environmentally friendly. Let's look at this option in more detail. To build the frame you will need wooden blocks, a section of 40×40 (or slightly larger) is optimal. Choose the cladding material according to your taste: lining, standard board or even a block house will look quite appropriate. The roof can be covered with ondulin, slate, roofing felt.

Base, frame of the future toilet, photo:

To build a birdhouse type restroom, you can use a standard drawing, or you can use your imagination and develop your own individual version. Typical sizes country toilet: rear wall – 2 meters, facade – 2.30 m, the width of the building must be at least 1 meter, the roof must be pitched, the presence of a cesspool, the base must be at least 1×1 m.

Building materials you will need: solid sand-cement blocks, wooden beam, sand, board, lining (cladding), roofing felt. You will also need crushed bricks, profiled steel sheets, paint or varnish, a door block, hinges, a handle, latches, and nails. For arranging the frame, it is preferable to choose edged board made of hard wood (for example, larch, beech), stock up on metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Country toilet, stages of work:

  1. First of all, we proceed to the cesspool, its approximate parameters should be at least 1: 1: 2 m, the dimensions of the cesspool determine the dimensions of the structure itself. We cover the bottom of the pit with crushed bricks or coarse crushed stone.
  2. Sand-cement blocks (they can be replaced with a concrete curb) will be the foundation. We install them in the corners of the pit - this is the foundation of the future frame.
  3. Approximately 4 layers of roofing felt on the blocks - this is the necessary waterproofing.
  4. The wooden frame consists of 4 load-bearing supports (vertical). The bars that are laid lengthwise should extend beyond the boundaries of the closet body by about 35-40 cm. The protruding part in front is the future canopy, the part in the back is the removal of precipitation from the wall of the building. The piping is done at the level of the place where the toilet will be installed. The height of the toilet seat should be comfortable - 40-45 cm from the floor.
  5. For greater strength of the frame, we install diagonal stiffeners on the rear wall, as well as on the side walls of the closet.
  6. The frame of the door block consists of two vertically mounted supports with a horizontal lintel at the top.
  7. We cover the frame with the selected material, lay a board (at least 4 cm thick) on the floor.
  8. We cut a hole in the floor of the appropriate size, the shape can be any.
  9. We install the door block with the door, and cut out a window if desired.
  10. We cover the roof of the restroom with the selected covering (roofing felt, ondulin, slate, etc.).
  11. We cover the structure with paint or varnish.

The installation of a country toilet with a cesspool implies a well-equipped ventilation system. It is important that unpleasant odors from the pit do not stagnate and come out freely. The outlet pipe can be made of any material, but its diameter must be at least 10 cm. Holes of the appropriate size should be cut in the toilet pedestal, like on the roof. The upper end of the pipe must rise above the roof of the building by at least 20 cm. The distances between the pipe and the cutout must be carefully sealed, and a ventilation deflector must be installed at the upper outlet of the pipe (it creates draft). The inside of the building can be lined with polystyrene foam or any other suitable facing material.

Branch pipes, photo:

Country toilet - cleaning the cesspool

There is no such person who would feel comfortable inhaling unpleasant odors. An outdoor (country) toilet, of course, cannot be a source of pleasant aromas, but advanced biotechnologies successfully cope with this problem. Today there are special chemicals that not only block unpleasant odors, but process waste into liquid, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

Many summer residents do not have the correct information regarding these chemicals, believing that the chemicals can be harmful environment, plants. This is not so - high-quality biological products (such as Vodogray) are absolutely harmless to human health and the environment (confirmed by ISO-9002).

Separately, it is worth mentioning biogranules - a very convenient, necessary invention. Biogranules for pit toilets - reviews are extremely positive, since their microbiological composition includes enzymes and non-pathological bacteria. Biogranules are harmless to the environment, human and animal health, and were awarded the 2001 international medal “Environmentally Safe Products”.

This product destroys bad odors, decomposes feces, toilet paper, while waste products are quickly processed and become a cloudy, odorless liquid. This liquid can subsequently be safely poured, for example, under a tree or other comfortable spot. The use of biogranules solves the problem of cleaning and pumping out sewage: they not only process the contents of the cesspool, but also reduce its volume at the end of the process.

Before use, water should be poured into the cesspool, and then the drug should be added according to the attached instructions. Every 7 days you should add water and add one sachet of biogranules (25 g). If the cesspool contains a lot of liquid, then you can fill in several bags at once. In the second case, the drug is pre-mixed with water and then poured into the pit. It is worth considering that if you previously poured bleach into it, then ordinary biogranules will not work - such an environment will destroy them. For these cases, there is a special type of drug - “Septic-biogranules”.

Two or three days after applying the product, a kind of film forms on top of the waste, which, as it were, “preserves” bad smell inside. Next comes the decomposition process, which can slow down if your cesspool is simply dug, that is, not lined with bricks or protected in any way. However, there will be a positive result in any case. If you want to have an odorless country toilet, then choose biogranules - an environmentally friendly product.

Toilet for a country toilet - which one to choose

The toilet is comfort and convenience. Often in country restrooms you can see ordinary ceramic toilet seats, the same as those installed in city apartments. This is the wrong choice, since most toilet models have a curved flush direction. In this case, waste is washed away with a large amount of water, so this configuration is acceptable. A toilet for a country toilet, on the contrary, must have a direct “exit” so that the contents are freely sent into the cesspool. In addition, ceramic toilets are very heavy, which is also not very convenient for a country closet.

An excellent alternative for a country house option would be a special plastic toilet. It is light in weight, performs all the necessary functions, it does not have a curved “exit”, it is designed specifically for such outdoor buildings. A country toilet made of durable plastic is relatively inexpensive. The models are quite varied.

If we strive for comfort, then we need to take into account all the nuances, all the little things. Such a nice little thing, especially necessary in winter, will be a warm toilet seat. Visit outdoor toilet It’s not very comfortable in winter, and it’s not good for health either. The seat is exactly the part that is in direct contact with our body. The plastic seat holds the cold well, this distinguishes it from a thermal seat made of foamed polypropylene.

The warm seat for a country toilet fits any outdoor closet or toilet. The product is made of hygienic material that retains heat even in severe frost. This invention comes from Finland, and Finns, as you know, know how to deal with the cold. It is very easy to install, does not absorb moisture, is easy to maintain, and is weather resistant. The product has a modern external design and a lid made of the same material. The thermal seat for country toilets is made of an analogue of foam plastic, therefore it is absolutely harmless to human health and the environment.

Peat toilet - an alternative to the usual

Anyone can install such an innovation in their dacha, since such latrines do not imply the presence of a cesspool. This option is excellent when it is not possible to install a permanent structure (high groundwater level). These buildings are characterized by a simplified design - you won’t need much time or effort to install everything. We are talking about peat toilets - an innovation that appeared relatively recently, but has already proven itself positively among summer residents.

Peat toilet, photo:

Models of peat closets have an aesthetically attractive design, but if desired, you can “simplify” this device. A removable container is installed under a regular country toilet with a toilet without a cesspool, and a bucket with peat filler is placed next to the toilet seat. He did his job, reached out to the bucket of peat, scooped up the peat mixture with a special scoop, poured it inside the toilet - that’s the whole process.

The operating principle of such a device is to convert sewage into compost (biological decomposition) due to the action of active ingredients. In peat dry closets, this role is played by peat or a peat mixture. Near the toilet there is a box with peat. After the sewage gets inside the corresponding tank, it is sprinkled with this filler on top.

Branded peat toilets are equipped with a special dispenser installed near the upper tank for peat mixture. This is a very convenient device: you pull the handle, a kind of “flushing” occurs - a dose of peat is directed downwards, covering the waste. From this moment, feces begin to break down and absorb liquid, thereby blocking the unpleasant odor. When the container is full, it can be easily emptied, since by this time all waste will have already been processed and become fertilizer.

These devices require simple maintenance: impurities are removed from storage tank, the container itself is washed, a new portion of peat substrate is added, and the toilet is ready for use again. You can buy it already ready set such a closet, or you can install a wooden structure (as described above) or simply install a ready-made plastic country toilet (you can purchase used dry closet booths at a low price). All you have to do is put a toilet with a removable tank inside the “box” to collect sewage, and clean it periodically.

When the storage tank is one third full, it is recommended to empty it. It is best to store processed waste inside the composter; after a while you use it as fertilizer for your garden.

Peat toilet for a summer house - which one is better?

When purchasing a product, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Dimensions of the product - you should be comfortable using it (the height of the toilet seat is important), the entire device should fit proportionally into the booth.
  2. The volume of the storage container should not be too large or too small. Consider the number of people and the frequency of using the restroom.
  3. If the toilet will be used by two people, then the tank, which is too large, will have to be emptied half-empty (the waste should not remain inside the container for a long time).
  4. Consider the load on the toilet seat, its strength, the thickness of the material should depend on the weight of the heaviest user.

As for the manufacturers of peat toilets, the most positive reviews products were marked Russian companies“Compact-ECO”, “Piteco”, Finnish country peat toilets “Ekomatic L&T”, “Biolan Komplet”, Swedish composting bioclosets “Mulltoa”. Prices vary - depending on the quality and the manufacturer. You shouldn’t skimp on something as necessary as a toilet – good equipment will serve your family for decades, and this is a significant reason.

Whatever type of closet you choose, the main thing is that you feel comfortable using it so that your neighbors don’t complain. How to build a country toilet with your own hands step by step, how to equip a “dry” peat closet, what the sanitary requirements for the construction of this building should be - you now know, which means you can tell other summer residents about it.

Photos of toilets in the country:

And not even with garden house. The first thing any owner installs is a toilet. Because without it, further development of the territory is impossible. On this simple object one gets the hang of things and the first practice of construction work appears. How to build a toilet for a summer house with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions, photographs and diagrams will help you cope with this task.

The design of a sanitary house must be approached with full responsibility

The norms and rules for the location of a latrine on the site are not a whim of the inspection authorities. Their main goal is to prevent waste from entering groundwater and ensure sanitary cleanliness and safety for the site owner. That is why it is important to know and comply with several simple requirements:

  • The distance from the sanitary block to the reservoir, if it is located next to the site, is at least thirty meters. If the water body is located in a low area relative to the site, the toilet should be moved as far as possible.
  • The toilet must not be located closer than fifteen meters from the basement or cellar.
  • You need to step back at least eight meters from the house, five meters from the chicken coop or other buildings for livestock.
  • You need to step back at least a meter from trees, gardens and fences.
  • It is recommended to study the direction of constant winds so that the unpleasant smell does not bother your neighbors.
  • It is important to know the depth of groundwater. If their level is less than two and a half meters, you will have to install another sealed version of the closet.
Important information! When planning the construction of a dacha latrine, you need to study the location of neighbors’ pits, wells and wells. A good relationship with neighbors - one of the vital important conditions successful country holiday.

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: how to make a toilet with a cesspool

Many dachas are equipped with toilets with cesspools. This type of construction is not suitable for areas where the groundwater level rises above 2.5 meters. The depth of the hole should be at least 1.5-2 meters. If during the preparation of the site it is discovered that the hole is filled with moisture, all the work will be in vain.

A closet with a cesspool has the following advantages:

  • simplicity of design;
  • fast construction;
  • duration of use.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • it is important to study the depth of groundwater;
  • you will have to retreat significantly from water sources (wells, boreholes, reservoirs);
  • costs for waterproofing and ventilation of the facility;
  • the need for regular cleaning.

This sanitary facility consists of two parts: the cabin itself and the pit. The sewage container is strengthened bricks or boards treated with resin or other impregnation that prevents them from rotting. The bottom is filled with a thirty-centimeter layer of concrete. The toilet for the dacha, the drawing with the dimensions of which is presented above, provides for the possibility of access by a sewer truck to remove waste from the pit. The hatch into the pit, through which cleaning will be carried out in the future, must close tightly. Experts recommend building a clay castle around the entire height, that is, between the brick or wooden walls and the ground you need to fill a layer of clay up to a quarter of a meter thick.

Helpful information! The size of the hole directly determines how often you will have to hire a machine to clean it. Calculations show that for one permanent resident it is necessary to provide 1 cubic meter of volume per year.

Sanitary facilities without cesspool

Does the increased occurrence of groundwater prevent the construction of a cesspool on the site? There are several alternative solutions:

  • Toilet type "Powder-closet". To arrange it, you will need a container that is installed directly under the toilet seat. To prevent an unpleasant odor after use, pour sand or ash into the container. Pros: the toilet can be placed anywhere on the site, the device is quite hygienic and does not require special maintenance costs. Cons: you will have to frequently change or clean the tank.

  • Dry toilet. The principle of operation of biotoilets is the use of special reagents (liquids or mixtures) that decompose waste. Advantages: ease of maintenance and absence of odors, the ability to place a sanitary point anywhere, even in the house. Disadvantages - the need for frequent cleaning and high price reagents.

Models and prices for finished devices

Dry toilets for summer cottages are divided into three main categories:

  • Liquid - using liquid fillers, do not require ventilation or drainage.

ModelMister Little MiniCampa Potti MGPortable 10 (Enviro)ZENET OS07Visa Marin 319
Price, rub5900 3444 3000 2950
Dimensions, mm420x370x340383x427x330350x430x320350x410x310410x420x370
Weight, kg5 3,6 4,5 3,5 5
Drain typePiston pumpHand pumpHand pumpHand pumpPiston pump
Tank volume, l18 12 10 10 18
250 250 250 250 250
  • Peat – natural peat is used for filling. This closet requires ventilation and drainage, so it is better not to install it in the house.

ModelPiteco 505Compact EliteBIOLAN KompletBioComfortROSTOK Standard
Price, rub5490 4400 22500 8900
Dimensions, mm710x390x590650x380x600850x600x780670x420x650790x615x820
Weight, kg8,5 6 15 8,8 11
Peat supplymanualmanualmanualmanualmanual
Tank volume, l44 40 140 40 100

Related article:

  • Compost - do without fillers, run on electricity. The waste can be used for compost.

Any of these products can be installed quickly and almost anywhere. Comparative analysis popular brands of dry toilets are presented above.

Do-it-yourself toilet for your dacha: step-by-step instructions for building a birdhouse

The step-by-step instructions for a do-it-yourself toilet in the shape of a “birdhouse” are appreciated for its simplicity. Indeed, what could be simpler than an ordinary booth with a door and a symbolic window for ventilation?

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country, the drawings of which suggest using standard sizes and dimensions, it will not be difficult to build it yourself. The height of the cabin is usually 2-2.5 meters, inner dimensions– from 1 square meter.

Drawing of a toilet cubicle - birdhouse

Around the equipped pit are placed support pillars made of brick or concrete 20-30 centimeters high. This height is enough to prevent the structure from toppling over during seasonal ground movements. Flooring made of oiled boards is installed on the pillars.

Metal corners are used to secure vertical posts made of timber. They tie the top of the frame. The door passage is decorated with timber. If the area is exposed to open winds, it is better to install additional oblique strips.

The frame is sheathed with wood or OSB boards. A sheet of corrugated board or ondulin is fixed to the roof sheathing. Hang the door leaf.

Related article:

Toilet hut: basic design principles

The triangular design of the “Shalash” closet is easier to manufacture and can be erected literally in a matter of hours. Its peculiarity is that the walls are also roof slopes.

Such a toilet is sheathed only from the front and back. Roofing material is used on the sides.

Helpful advice! It is best to lay a soft roof on such structures. It is laid on plywood or OSB sheet.

Construction of a “Shalash” type structure

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: photos, ideas and construction tips

The design of the closet can be very diverse and include an additional shower and utility unit. If you combine these buildings, you can simultaneously save on making a shower pit and the base of a storage room. gardening Tools. Below you will see a do-it-yourself toilet in the country: photos and various interesting solutions.

With growing popularity wood construction Many options for ready-made outhouses made of logs and timber have appeared on sale.

Another cabin option - plastic construction. It is not particularly beautiful, but it looks neat and is easy to wash and clean.

A garden toilet made of brick or stone is a solid and durable structure. It is usually built from “waste” brick and lined with stone, tiles, or simply plastered.

Craftsmen offer original options structures from scrap materials. A closet can be made from car tires, glass bottles or firewood.

If you decide to make a country toilet with your own hands, then this article is just for you. We'll cover everything you need to know: from the right choice space before installing a cesspool and constructing a wooden structure. You just need to follow the recommendations from the review to get the job done easily.

How to organize work

To make a country toilet, you don’t have to be a builder or carpenter. The structure is simple, so its construction can be done by anyone. But there are a number of nuances, failure to comply with which can lead to many problems, so first of all you need to understand the installation rules. Only after this can you start working.

How to choose a place

First of all, you need to choose the correct location of the country toilet.

There are several rules to remember when determining the construction site:

  • The distance from the toilet to the source of drinking water must be at least 25 meters. Ideally, the further away the well is located, the better. You cannot place the structure closer, especially if your groundwater is located close to the surface;
  • It is better to place the structure no closer than 5 m from the house. This is due to sanitary standards, and the fact that if they are close together, unpleasant odors will penetrate into the house, especially in summer time when the windows are open. It is also advisable to take into account the prevailing wind direction in your region, so that if possible, place the toilet on the leeward side;

  • You should also maintain a distance from the fence, minimum distance is 1 m. If you place the structure closely, your neighbors may sue you and you will have to move the structure;
  • When deciding where to put the toilet, do not forget to take into account the level of the site. It is necessary to install the building so that it is not located in the very high place. But it is also undesirable to build in lowlands, especially if there is water on your site in the spring.

If you have a closed cesspool, then do not forget to provide a place for the access of a sewage truck. Otherwise, situations often arise where the car simply cannot drive up.

Materials and tools

To build a frame toilet with a cesspool, you need a simple set of materials. All necessary components are presented in table form for clarity.

Material Recommendations for selection
Wood block The frame of the structure will be constructed from it. It is better to take options with a cross-section of 40x40 mm or larger to ensure strength and reliability. Pine is most often used, its price is low, and its reliability is quite sufficient for our work.
Board To cover the structure, boards with a thickness of 32 millimeters or more are used. If desired, the outside surfaces can be sheathed with a block house or imitation timber. But you can get by with a cheap board, especially if you want to carry out the process at minimal cost
Roofing material For these purposes, you can use slate, metal tiles, flexible roof and any other suitable material. Some people use regular roofing felt that is attached to a board or oriented strand board deck.
Material for cesspool Simply digging a hole and leaving it like that is extremely undesirable: the walls may settle over time, and your toilet will fall or fail. For the pit, you can use tires from trucks or tractors, you can lay out the walls of brick, or you can make it from concrete rings (special sewer options of reduced diameter are sold)
Pipe for ventilation It is best to use regular sewer pipe diameter 110 mm. Its quantity depends on the height of the structure

As for the tools, you need the following set:

  • Hacksaw or power tool for cutting wood. You can get by with the manual option, it’s much cheaper;
  • Shovel for digging a cesspool;
  • If you are laying brick, you will need a trowel and a container for preparing the mortar;
  • You can assemble the structure either using nails (you need a hammer) or self-tapping screws (you need a screwdriver). I prefer the second option for its reliability;

  • A tape measure with a pencil, a square and a level will help you take accurate measurements and assemble an even structure.

Digging a cesspool

This part of the work, despite its simplicity, takes a lot of effort, so it is better to dig a hole not by yourself, but with 1-2 assistants, so that you can rest alternately.

The workflow consists of the following steps:

  • The configuration of the future pit is determined. If you use wheels or rings, you need a recess round shape. If the walls are made of brick, then you can make a square version with a side of 100-120 cm. It is important to decide what type of pit it will be; if the groundwater is close to the surface, then it is better to make it closed type to prevent waste from getting into the soil;
  • The surface is marked and work begins. Upper fertile layer It is better to remove the soil separately to use it in the garden. Next, the soil is selected and either removed or evenly scattered to raise the level of the site or level out the holes on the site;

  • The depth is usually about 2 meters. There is no need to do more. After the pit is ready, it is worth leveling the bottom and adjusting the walls, if necessary;

  • If the walls are made of brick, it is better to make them square. Drawing a circle is much more difficult, but putting straight sides is easier. You don’t need perfect masonry quality, the main thing is to securely fasten the elements to the mortar and make the walls more or less even. You can leave holes in the bottom for drainage;

  • Tire installation is even easier. They are carefully placed on top of each other and aligned. There is no need to secure them additionally. You can make a slot in the upper element so that you can then insert a hose to pump out the cesspool;

  • If used concrete rings, then it is better to install them using a lift. Most often, two rings are used, the depth is exactly two meters;

  • If necessary, the bottom is concreted. Everything is simple here: the soil is leveled, a 10 cm sand cushion is poured and compacted. A mortar 5 cm thick is poured on top;
  • If you have open option, then a drainage layer is poured onto the bottom. Everything is easy here: you take crushed stone of the middle fraction and distribute it in a layer of 20-30 cm over the surface.

Construction of a house

Now let's figure out how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands.

The process is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Before building a toilet, draw up a design with all the dimensions. This will greatly simplify the workflow, because you will know all the parameters of each element. In addition, when you clearly imagine the end result, the assembly is much faster and easier;

  • Materials are prepared according to the drawing. The bars are cut into pieces of the required size. If you have pitched roof, then the front pillars should be 20 cm higher than the rear ones, this is the simplest roofing option;
  • First of all, the base is assembled. The most important thing here is to make the structure level; to do this, be sure to check the diagonals before fastening all the elements. This is the easiest way to control the geometry and eliminate distortions. It is best to fasten the parts with self-tapping screws;

To ensure the best reliability, it is advisable to treat the lower part with mining or other protective composition.

  • The base is installed on the soil. Easiest to use 4 concrete blocks, which will exclude contact wooden surfaces with the ground and will become a reliable support for the structure. I do not recommend pouring a foundation; the blocks do an excellent job as a foundation;

  • Vertical posts are attached. The easiest way to work is to use metal mounting angles; with their help you will quickly and securely connect the elements. When attaching, it is important to control the verticality of the posts using a level. If necessary, you can additionally fix the block with temporary braces;

  • A toilet seat is being built. Everything is simple here: a frame is made from a block, 40 cm high and at least 50 cm wide. There are no special requirements, the main thing is to ensure the rigidity of the structure. For this part of the structure, the same block is used as for the racks;

  • Roof supports and door frame are attached. As for the bars on the roof, they must have a projection of 20 cm to cover the walls from precipitation. For doors, a reinforcing leaf is made according to the size of the future canvas. How it all looks assembled is clearly shown in the photo below;

  • The walls are covered with boards. Everything is simple here, the main thing is to cut the material to size. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws or nails. It is better to use an edged board so that there are no gaps in the structure. The toilet is still an outdoor one, and it is undesirable for the wind to blow there;

  • The door is assembled and installed. A simple design is used, which consists of a board, two lintels and one or two braces to ensure reliability. Moreover, it is better to first assemble the structure, and then evenly cut off the upper and lower parts. The cloth is attached to the toilet frame with hinges, which can be purchased at any hardware store;

  • The ventilation pipe is easiest to install from the back. It should be at least 20 cm higher than the roof and lower into the hole by about 15 cm. To improve ventilation and protection from precipitation, a deflector is attached to the top.

After construction, do not forget to treat the structure with a protective compound. You can use both paint and impregnations, which do not hide the structure of the wood, but reliably protect the surface from moisture and pests. Painting must be renewed at least once every 3 years; this will extend the service life of the structure by at least twice.

Construction of a powder closet

If the groundwater level in the area is very high or there are other restrictions on the construction of a cesspool, then it is easier to build a powder closet. It is also called a peat toilet due to the fact that peat is used as a filler when used.

The design is in many ways similar to the usual version, but there are also differences, which we will discuss below:

  • First of all, you need to make a diagram of the future structure. It is similar to the option described above, but in it the house is placed not on a pit, but on a base of concrete blocks installed on the ground;

  • The house can be assembled anywhere and placed where you need it. It is better to make a floor in the toilet so that you can place the bucket not on the ground, but on the flooring. When determining the size, do not forget that there should be a bucket of peat nearby. This is why such toilets are usually wider than standard ones;

  • The height of the pedestal depends on the size of the bucket or container that will be used. Decide on this aspect first, and then get to work. It often turns out that after assembly it turns out that the bucket does not fit and you have to adapt, although if you foresee this in advance, problems can be avoided;
  • Consider how the container will be removed. You can make a folding toilet seat, or you can build doors in the back wall to take the bucket out from the street. There is not much difference, choose what is more convenient for you.


Using this review, you can easily build a country toilet. All stages are described in great detail, and the video in this article clearly shows important points workflow to make it even easier for you to understand the topic. If you have any questions, please post them in the comments below.