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» Roller blinds nf 17 installation. Roller blinds for plastic windows: all about the design, methods of fastening and caring for the canvas. Mounting without drilling

Roller blinds nf 17 installation. Roller blinds for plastic windows: all about the design, methods of fastening and caring for the canvas. Mounting without drilling


Roller blinds on windows are widely used nowadays. Their convenience lies in the fact that they decorate the room, protect from sun rays without stealing space. Roller blinds are installed on the sash of a plastic window itself and are often selected according to the color scheme to match the curtains.

Installation of roller blinds takes little time, you can do it yourself, or invite specialists. There are various fastening mechanisms on the market, a large selection of colors, textures. Roller blinds can be thick and transparent, plain and patterned. Now you can even find heat-insulating and anti-glare roller blinds.

Installation of roller blinds on plastic windows

Now let's figure out how to make the installation of roller blinds on your own. Two methods are considered the most popular: installation of curtains on a window opening and installation directly on a window. The first method of installation is more common, in this case the box or canvas is mounted on the ceiling or on the surface of the wall. negative moment here is that you need to drill holes that can not be fixed in case of a mistake. Therefore, it is recommended to be as careful as possible so that there are no unnecessary holes that spoil the appearance of the window.

In the second case, the installation of the roller blind is carried out on the window, on the frame. Holes are made on the frame itself for mounting parts. Here it is important not to damage the profile of the window itself and not to spoil it.

read our article on the website.

Like blinds but want more home furnishings? There is a new solution for the design of window structures of any size and shape -.

Another unusual solution, suitable for non-standard windows - hang on the window.

Mini roller blind mounting method using self-tapping screws

Mini roller blinds are simple design, consisting of a web of fabric wound on a small metal shaft, and having a lifting and descending mechanism. They are also called curtains without a box, because the canvas is not covered and not protected. Such designs can be cut, if necessary, to the desired dimensions.

How are Minis installed using self-tapping screws? First, it should be noted that this is the most reliable way. Secondly, with this method, the fasteners remain in the hole profile, so in the future it is better not to plan to remove the curtains so as not to spoil the appearance. So let's get started. It is necessary to leave at least 23 mm from the edges of the glazing bead for further fastening the roller blinds to the window. After that, the curtain itself is installed:

  • The assembled roller blind must be attached to the upper sash of the window.
  • Carefully align the structure according to the level.
  • On the window profile make marks for fixing the mounting corners in the future.
  • The corners for fastening should be removed from the main shaft of the roller blind and drilled into the window profile.
  • It is necessary to assemble the structure, press it on top with a side plate.
  • The control chain should hang down by 10-15 centimeters, do not forget to thread the chain through the hole in the side surface.
  • Insert the curtain into the previously installed corner, make sure that the second part of the curtain hangs evenly. If everything is in order, we fix the roller blinds on each side.
  • Pass the hanging fishing line through the free holes that are at the bottom of the mechanism.
  • It is necessary to fix the second corner and tightly close the lid, and also do not forget about the bottom edge of the fishing line.
  • Install the upper and lower position of the blinds, and hang the load on the control chain.

Fastening Mini roll structures using adhesive tape

Installation of roller blinds plastic windows using adhesive tape is also called the Easy Fix system. This method of fastening is suitable for opening sashes and for fixed window sashes.

When buying such rolls, do not forget to pay attention to the presence of special adhesive elements for fasteners. Before installing such mechanisms, it is necessary to first degrease the profile, remove the protective tape and attach the blinds mechanism. It is necessary to firmly press the structure to fix it to the window. After installing the fixing elements, you need to fix the side clips and with them the curtain. This method fastenings are good because there are no holes on the surface of the window, while there is a risk of the mechanism falling off.

Installation and installation of rolled structures Classic

How to install roller blinds on Classic systems yourself? AT this case the Classic system has a box in which there is a shaft of blinds with a cloth. Also, the canvas of the roller blind itself is fixed and fastened with guides.

Before you start installing roller blinds with your own hands, you need to measure their height and width. The height is equal to the distance from the outer to the inner edges of the upper and lower bead, respectively. And the width is the distance from one to the other inner glazing bead.

The good thing is that the Classic system is sold almost in its entirety. assembled, therefore, it remains only to install the roller blinds.

  • First you need to degrease the glazing beads
  • Then remove the protective tape and attach it to the glazing bead, and the opposite edge will hang over the window. It is recommended to glue the tape from the bottom up.
  • After gluing the guides, you need to install the blinds, after removing the side covers.
  • The fabric should be brought behind the guides, aligned and checked for level.
  • We fix the blinds with self-tapping screws
  • We put side surfaces to the starting position and put on the locking devices on the chain.
  • We hang a load on the control chain.

Roll-up constructions with fixing of the Mix system at the bottom of the window

The windows are carried out not only to darken the room. Often, buyers want to ensure that no one looks into their premises. In this case, roll structures of the Mix system are used, they are fixed with a box at the bottom, then unwound up to the desired height.

The length and width in this case is the distance between the glazing beads. The installation of such curtains is carried out as follows.

  • You need to cut the line into two equal parts. We thread each of the parts into the upper limiter, tying it twice into a knot.
  • Limiters should be fixed on the window glazing bead.
  • Pass the unoccupied edges of the fishing line through the holes in the box and stretch it to the lower limiters, and fasten the blinds bar at the top.
  • By depressing the latches, you can lower the canvas.

After installing the Mix system, the window opening will look interesting and unusual. You can raise the canvas to the very top of the window if necessary.

Do-it-yourself installation of roller blinds on PVC windows can be done quickly and with high quality if you carefully fix the structure in accordance with the technology. Learn to install roller blinds on plastic windows is not at all difficult, just read this article to the end.

Roll cassettes for balconies

Installing roller blinds on a plastic window is an excellent way to save space in tight spaces. In addition, cassette rolls have grace, modern design(you can always choose the best option for color, texture and style),

Roller blinds are easy to install with your own hands

They are also distinguished by high functional qualities (reliably protect the room from sunlight and dust, prevent the rapid cooling of heated rooms).

Installation of roller blinds on balcony window fillings is carried out by specialized organizations that manufacture cassette blinds, but in order to save money, you can refuse to install it by doing it yourself.

There are several ways to attach blinds to plastic windows, you will need to choose the most optimal option at the stage of measurements before manufacturing products: when installing in an opening; on the wall; on the sash.

Mounting methods

Roller blinds without drilling

Fastening a roller blind to a plastic window can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Without drilling holes.
  2. Using the drilling method.

Before fixing the cornice, it is very important to decide how the window sill will be used. If you plan to fill it with pots of indoor plants, the installation can be carried out on remote brackets, which will allow not to obscure the sunlight, which is necessary for plant photosynthesis. In other cases, fastening of the cornice of cassette rolls is provided for different designs: to the ceiling, walls, on the window sash or in the skylight.

Pre-drilling holes

Detailed instructions for installing roller blinds on windows with your own hands using drilling will help you quickly and efficiently fix the product. Consider the option of how to fix roller blinds on plastic windows on your own, carrying out preliminary work on drilling holes.

First you need to mark the attachment points

If the blinds are mounted on the sashes, then the upper bar is mounted on the window structure using self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws are best used with protective coating so that exposure to condensate does not provoke the development of corrosive processes.

To begin with, on the top of the double-glazed window, it is required to mark the attachment points, you can drill small holes. After that, the holes for mounting the brackets are aligned with the drilled holes, and fixed with self-tapping screws. To ensure reliable fastenings, self-tapping screws must be screwed in with a screwdriver. After mounting the brackets, you can install roller blinds on plastic windows (directly on the sash).

It is necessary to make two holes on the frame, which are made under the lower glazing beads of each sash. A fishing line will be threaded into the holes, which descends from the top bar. The bottom holes for the fishing line need to be drilled exactly under the exits in the upper bar of the roller blind to the plastic window.

Plugs are attached to the lower ends of the fishing line, after which the fishing line is pulled, and the rolls are considered fixed. Hanging roller blinds on plastic windows is not difficult at all, you just need to have some building skills and special power tools.

Watch the video on how roller shutters are attached using drilling.

Installation of blinds without drilling structures

It is not always necessary to pre-drill window fillings when installing rolls - the way to hang cassette blinds without drilling will be described below.

Installation of roller blinds without drilling holes is used if the blinds are periodically removed for a long time (for example, they are removed from windows in winter period). In this case, holes from fasteners will be visible on the sashes for a long time, which will significantly reduce the decorative effect of the window and the entire interior. But how to hang roller blinds on plastic windows without deteriorating the appearance of the window opening?

Curtain fastening scheme

There are two ways to install roller blinds with gentle methods:

  • The use of brackets that are attached to upper part profile - this method has proven itself when installing products on swing doors.
  • The use of double-sided tape allows you to mount the bracket without disfiguring holes, the blinds can be easily removed for cleaning. Fasteners may loosen, especially when exposed to high or low temperatures, excessive moisture, sunlight. The repair consists in replacing the adhesive tape (replacing the strip of adhesive tape). The method of attaching products to adhesive tape is indispensable for deaf and swing doors.

Window curtains (roller blinds) on PVC windows cannot be fixed obliquely, geometric shape visually it will immediately change, which will be noticeable and ugly, so when drilling holes, accuracy is a must. When fastened with adhesive tape, an incorrectly installed piece can be easily removed and re-attached without violating the harmony and verticality of the installation of the blinds. The fastened element is immediately securely fixed in place, it is necessary to glue the bracket with careful and verified movements.

Features of installing rolls

Roller blinds (roll) are best placed on the window sash. This method of installation does not prevent the opening of window sashes, without requiring the blinds to be moved or removed for a while. Nothing interferes with the movement of the wings, they open and close comfortably, the rolls do not interfere with movement, do not wrinkle, do not break. This is especially important when the blinds are made of brittle plastic.

Roller blinds are beautiful, practical and convenient

Ready-made sets of blinds are supplied complete with fasteners, and also include detailed instructions manufacturer according to best options securing products. It is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, without violating the technology of fastening the blinds, then the rolls will last a long time without the need for replacement.

Detailed instructions on how to hang roller blinds on balcony openings on your own are now known to you. The point is small - to choose blinds, the installation of a roller blind will be carried out with high quality and compliance with the instructions.

Hello dear readers! Today we will talk about the correct installation of roller blinds on plastic windows. Modern systems, protecting the room from sunlight, are functional, look elegant, are easy to manage, and their fastening is so simple that even a housewife can handle it.

To install roller blinds, we need:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • building level and long wooden plank;
  • hacksaw, scissors or stationery knife(if you need to cut the curtains in width).

If you decide to install the structure with drilling, additionally stock up on:

  • an electric drill with a 6 mm drill + dowels (for walls or ceilings) or 2.5 mm for wood (for a window system);
  • Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver.

To install roller blinds without drilling, you need to additionally prepare:

  • solvent for degreasing the surface;
  • double sided tape (if not included)
  • construction glue (for more reliable fixation of elements).

Preparatory stage

Before purchasing curtains, choose the principle of their installation. The canvas can completely cover the window opening - in this case, the structure is attached to the wall above the window or ceiling. If the upper part of the frame is wide enough, you can install a roller blind on it, but in this case, when the curtains are closed, it will not be possible to open the window for ventilation. There are also roller blinds that are mounted directly on the sash and do not interfere with opening windows.

If you opted for curtains fixed to the sash, check the verticality of the window installation using a level. On strictly vertical window systems, it is allowed to install roller blinds with a free edge - there will be no gaps between the canvas and the frame that let light through. In other cases, it is recommended to use roller blinds with curtain guides.

Take measurements with a tape measure according to your choice. If there are no curtains of a suitable width on sale, buy wider ones - the excess can be easily cut off. To cut the pipe on which the canvas is wound and the wooden bottom bar, use a hacksaw.

To calculate the length of the shaft when trimming the curtain, measure the required width of the curtain and subtract 8 mm from the resulting value (2x4 mm - the width of the two brackets). Cut the plank to the desired curtain width. Applying the cut bar to the edge of the fully unfolded canvas, mark and cut off the excess material along the entire length with scissors or a sharp knife.

The width of the curtain leaf on the sash with guides must correspond to the width of the double-glazed window, plus 3 cm. The curtain with a free edge is somewhat wider, as it should overlap part of the frame. At the same time, she should not cling to the handle on the fold.

If you are planning to attach a roller blind to a ceiling or wall above a window, make sure that the finish will not be damaged while drilling the holes.

Drilling installation

Choose which side is more convenient to place the control chain, because the bracket for mounting the control mechanism has a special configuration.

Then mark on the frame, wall, in the window opening or on the ceiling the location of the bracket for the control mechanism. According to the marks, drill holes for its fasteners. Install the bracket without fully screwing in the screws.

To determine the location of the brackets on the wall or ceiling, determine the central axis of the window opening, set aside equal segments to the right and left of it.

Insert a mechanism with a chain on one side and a plastic tip on the other into the ends of the shaft. Install the mechanism in the bracket and using the building level and wooden plank align it horizontally, accurately determining the location of the second bracket.

Drill holes for the second bracket, secure both load-bearing element designs. Insert a shaft with a pre-fixed curtain into the brackets - first the end with the mechanism, then with the plug.

To fix the curtain on the shaft, it is necessary to bend its upper edge by 5 cm, forming a fold. A shaft with a self-adhesive strip, from which the protective film has been removed, is installed in the fold with the adhesive side up, and then rolls towards the upper edge. It is important that the canvas is glued to the shaft strictly horizontally.

Then fold the canvas almost completely and insert the bar into a special slot on the bottom edge. Correctly install the mechanism in the shaft - the canvas should be located close to the window.

Mounting without drilling

The principle of assembling a roller blind and its installation remains the same. The difference concerns only the features of fastening the brackets - they can be glued to the sash or fixed on its upper edge using special hooks.

Hook fasteners are used if the sash with a seal has a suitable thickness. In this case, the bracket is assembled from parts according to the manufacturer's instructions and installed on the upper edge of the open sash according to the preliminary marking. Then the roller blind shaft is inserted into the brackets. Make sure the sash with hook brackets closes properly.

Brackets, equipped with an adhesive layer, are attached to the surface of the sash. To make the fixation as reliable as possible, be sure to degrease the installation site. Additionally, you can use a suitable construction adhesive.

The guides are also equipped with an adhesive layer - remove from it protective film and attach the bar to the degreased surface by inserting the top edge into the special groove in the bracket.

At the end of the installation of the roller blind on the chain, with which the canvas is raised and lowered, limiters are installed - small plastic washers with a slot. The first limiter is installed on the chain when the lower edge is raised to the required height, the second - when the curtain is completely lowered.

Video on the topic "how to fix roller blinds on plastic windows":

Blinds have won respect for their simplicity and convenience. They are durable and can be on the windows for a long time without causing irritation to the residents.

Blinds are practical and convenient option window decorations.

Variety of designs and color solutions the product market is simply huge.

How to hang roller blinds on plastic windows

But the price is not always affordable for the buyer. And sometimes you just want to see objects created by your own hands around you. In both cases, the solution is this: make the blinds yourself. Moreover, it can turn out beautifully, unusually and inexpensively.

What materials and tools will be required?

Scheme of assembly of vertical blinds.

To make blinds with your own hands, you will need a small set of tools and materials:

Where to begin?

The scheme of fastening the blinds to the window.

It will be easier to make vertical blinds, therefore we will stop on the description of their technology.

We select a roll of paper so that it is 2 cm narrower than the width of the window opening. We measure 3 cm from the bottom cut and bend the sheet. It is necessary to fold the length of the paper equal to the height of the window with an accordion. We put the accordion under the press for 2-3 hours.

Now you need to find the middle of the folded paper. On both sides of the middle at a distance of 3 cm, through punctures must be made. An awl is quite suitable for this purpose. The paper is attached to this rail with adhesive tape or simply glued.

How to assemble a structure?

Scheme of vertical blinds with an inclined system.

Vertical blinds are ready, you only need to assemble them and correct location on the window.

First, glue the lower part of the folded paper in the center with tape. The thread is threaded through the hole from the bottom up, then unfolded and threaded in the opposite direction. One end of the thread is equipped with a bead.

At the second end, it is necessary to place a movable clamp. Usually a clothes clip is used, but it will not look very nice. It is better to have complete symmetry, so it is recommended that these parts be draped in the same way.

Here you can use various schemes draperies of small details (bells will look very nice and hide the clips).

So that the thread does not wear out quickly when rubbing against wooden lath, it is recommended to place the roller in the central part of the rail.

Now vertical blinds should be placed on the window. The paper will sink under the force of gravity. This will be the extreme position for the fixed bead. The movable clamp is located at the same height.

We tie knots under the marked details and cut the ends of the thread.

How to check mobility

Fixed the clamp and got the desired position.

The edges of the bottom of the vertical blinds will sag. To eliminate this small flaw, you can equip the lower part of the blinds with a thin plate of any material, gluing it with double-sided tape.

For lovers of more refined interior elements, it is recommended to connect fantasy. It will turn out very attractive if both lower edges are brought together and fastened with glue or the same adhesive tape. The result will look like a heart. What is not an option for lovers?

Where can you use homemade blinds and how to repair them?

Installation of vertical blinds.

It is clear that do-it-yourself blinds are made for use for a short period of time.

This is usually done before the start of the repair. So you can regulate the amount of light entering the apartment and save Decoration Materials from burnout.

Homemade blinds are suitable not only during the repair period. They can be considered as an excellent alternative to factory-made products in country houses, garages and utility rooms. Use homemade vertical blinds seasonally: in summer period they prevent light from entering the apartment, which helps to escape from the heat.

It is not difficult to repair home-made vertical blinds.

It consists in replacing paper (you will have to make a new accordion). When assembling a new product, the same procedure is followed.

Scheme of movement of vertical blinds.

Do-it-yourself blinds do not have to be made of paper.

Home craftsmen advise using ordinary starched fabric for this. This makes sense: the material is thinner, the harmonica is easy to make with an iron. The fabric can be easily removed and washed, making the vertical blinds more durable.

You can experiment with the lower part, giving the product completeness at your discretion.

But when using fabric for vertical blinds, you need to slightly weight the bottom of the product. Usually, for this purpose, the lower edge of the fabric is folded in half and stitched at a distance of about 5 mm from the bend. Later, a metal (aluminum) wire is inserted into this hole. It will make the blinds heavier and keep their bottom edge in a horizontal position.

This can be avoided if the edges of the holes are glued with adhesive tape or treated with metal rivets with holes.

You can overcast holes with ordinary thread. The edges of the holes will be more durable, which will make vertical blinds handmade even more durable.

Repair of factory-made vertical blinds can be done according to the same rules as described for homemade products. But the replacement of a certain part of such blinds will be visible even to the naked eye. It will not work to hide the flaw, since it is very difficult to select the material of a certain colors. And you don’t need to do this: it’s enough to immediately replace several elements during the repair.

It will turn out very beautiful and elegant. It will look as if blinds and curtains were specially combined.

Overview How to assemble vertical blinds with your own hands.

Making a blind roll with your own hands is a task that every home owner can perform.

Planar scheme of weighing.

The lifting mechanism used in this embodiment is in the form of a shaft, raising or lowering the curtains due to its rotation.

DIY curtains like this is an easy task and it's fun to complete, you need to buy necessary materials and tools.

The use of roller structures with a lifting mechanism in each room can transform it without recognizing it, and can solve wide range design solutions.

But when installing curtains, you must consider all shades, as both of you can make the design elegant and completely destroy the design idea.

Blinds or blinds are located directly on the frame or in the window, although they seem simple, but no less interesting than expensive curtains or lambrequins.

Roller structures have a convenient lifting mechanism, so they have found their application both in offices and in apartments.

Blinds Benefits

These elements are equipped with a convenient lifting mechanism, you can use them alone or together with other window decoration elements.

This design can be installed on plastic and wooden windows. Close the window and take care of them.

This design has a simple lifting mechanism, so it fails when using such curtains.

After correct installation they allow you to completely turn off the room, there is a wide choice of colors.

Some people replace pilgrims and blinds.

They are similar in appearance, but Roman blinds consist of a rope system, and the blinds have a lift mechanism that rotates and is located at the top of the structure.

Types and types of blinds

Shaft design can be open or closed, Electrical engine can be used for easy tint control.

Rolling structures can be with or without cassettes, lofts or shutters.

The control principle can be set manually by means of a chain or an electric drive.

How to hang blinds on plastic and wooden windows with your hands

There are such models, and there may be different types of fabrics for the material used.

Characteristics of creating independent rolls

Let's look at an example of creating such a shape with your own hands, while the roll is at the bottom, and at the desired height, the canvas is attached using strips.

First measure the windows where this curtain is attached.

The width of the fabric should be 2-4 cm more than the given size, and the length should be more than 5-15 cm. Depending on which room you will install this design in, select the fabric and pattern.

For work you will need:

  • two pieces of fabric of the required size;
  • tapes to be used as lids should be doubled longer than curtains+ 30 cm;
  • a wooden bracket or hose for fastening, their width should be 1 cm less than the width of the curtain, you can buy a ready-made cassette system;
  • stick or weight rod;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • stapler;
  • thread, needle.

Work order

Tilt two pieces of fabric on the wrong side and stitch on three sides, then wring out the bag.

Now you have to insert the weight, or you can make a special pocket for it.

The tissue is hungry and stored for wooden stick if a hose is used, the fabric hangs around it and the seams.

Racks fold in half, and are also attached to the rod with clamps. After that, we fix the beam on the window frame.

Above we can't make this work.

If you plan to remove the curtain, you can attach it to special hooks. For fastening to a plastic window, it is necessary to use a double-sided sticky tape. Creating rolled structures is an exciting process, you don't need to have any specific knowledge or materials, so you get a beautiful window.


Put curtains on window panes and it won't be much. However, this requires curtains in a special design together with the appropriate accessories. Such curtains are attached directly to the sheet and rotate with it. They are equipped with a spring-loaded lifting mechanism, and in the positioning position they are fixed with a locking hook.

The coil spring accessories are the flat part attached on the side of the frame.

Insert a wooden rod with a round cross section, which snaps into place with locking hooks attached to the sides of the frame.

Shimmering curtains of different colors and patterns are made in a special capacity for sleeping windows.



When installing curtains in niche windows, they may need to be fixed in width.

To do this, the fabric should be unscrewed and cut off the metal shaft with the correct nut. Then draw a line with a pencil on the fabric that limits the desired width and cross it with scissors along that line. Replace the fabric on the shaft and install a narrow curtain.


The darker the curtains, the less light they transmit.

They are completely opaque among them.

Blinds on plastic windows

The fabrics of such curtains can be different colors and with different patterns.

Curtains in a special design can reach a width of 300 cm and a height of 240 cm. Intermediate sizes are also possible.

Roller blinds can be completed with lambrequins of various shapes, such as the last curtain elements. Lambrequins produce different colors and can be mistaken for tons of curtains.

The set of blinds includes supports with which they are attached to the wall, ceiling or side windows of the window niche.

For cleaning, the blind can be easily removed from the brackets.

7 The range of colors and patterns of decorative fabrics for blinds is very diverse - you can choose a fabric for every taste.

2 If the edge of the curtain does not fit, you can decorate it with a cap. Here are lambrequins of three different shapes.

3 Universal plastic brackets that can be attached to vertical and horizontal surfaces.

4 Brackets for mounting rollers on plastic windows.

They are mounted on the frame and screwed.

How to curtain curtains on a plastic window

If you want to close the shutter window, you don't only need a curtain, but also go with guides. If you understand the nuances of installation, install blinds on plastic windows without the help of experts.

Varieties of blinds

Drive systems are classified according to several parameters: type of construction, steering mechanism and production material.

On the first sign, all curtain models are divided into two groups:

Open - the box is not closed by the box, which makes the curtain less compressed against the glass and the mechanism is not protected from external influences;
Closed - There is a security cabinet that increases the cost of the system but provides better performance.

In addition, the system may have different geometric parameters: the shape of the guides, the diameter of the shaft, the width of the tape.

The choice of size depends on the surface of the hole, so you need to know how to measure the plastic window before ordering the blinds.

You can use the following mechanisms to manage the system:

Plastic chain or chain, for example, with blinds;
spring lock - automatically holds the blade when you unload it to the desired length;
electric drive - the shaft is equipped with a low-power electric motor that can be remotely controlled.

Each option has its own purpose.

Thus, the spring is better suited if the curtains do not need to be adjusted frequently, but rather electric drive— if the system is unavailable. In most cases, twine is sufficient.
The fabric of the blinds is made of durable materials that do not stick to glass - polyester, cotton, nylon, coated bamboo and metal inserts.

They can provide different air permeability of the curtain; With this feature, the following blinds stand out:

Transparent - diffused sunlight used for decorative purposes;
smoke - partially transmits visible light, but blocks heat;
Fatigue - completely blocks the light;
Day-Night - Alternating sheer and opaque sashes that allow you to let in and block out light without folding the canvas.

Whether or not the canvas is made, it should be cleaned regularly with soapy water, especially if the kitchen has curtains.

Curtain installation device

Before deciding how to hang curtains, you must choose the type of balloon attachment.

The most popular method, which is most suitable for large windows, is a wall or ceiling installation. The shaft must be screwed to the window opening, which creates many inconveniences - for example, a window with a curtain does not open.

In addition, if it ends, such manipulations can get worse. In most cases, it is better to use the installation in the window aperture, as in this case it is possible to mount the system without drilling.

Next, you need to make sure the window is completely vertical - you can use it flat or flat for this purpose. If there is a deviation, the curtain will not fold properly and will not hold the glass well.

In this case, you must mount it on a wall with a small notch from the frame, or repair the window itself.

For a cylinder mounted on a wall or ceiling, add a hole 15 cm wide and 10 cm high;
When installing in a hole - remove N from the width of the aperture, measure the height as it is (N is equal to the size of the brackets depending on the manufacturer of the system).

The designated manufacturer may have their own design and measurement features - this should be checked on the company's website or in the store.

Do-it-yourself prefabricated shutters on a plastic window

Once you've taken your measurements and purchased the system, you can figure out how to hang your blinds.

The easiest way to install them is with self-tapping screws. To do this, you need to do the following:

1. Place the rails on the frame and tighten with the provided fastener.
2. Insert the covers and gears into the shaft box or attach them to the shaft if the system is open.
3. Attach the shaft to the bracket by pinning it up and pushing it in until it clicks into place.
4. Close the edges of the box with decorative overlays.

If there is no tool for screwing screws, you need to learn how to repair curtains without drilling.

To do this, you can use the Velcro that comes with the kit. Installation is carried out as follows:

1. Velcro attachments are attached to the rails.
2. The frame of the windows is degreased.
3. Velcro heats up the hair dryer, then removes the protective film from it.

The system is assembled as described above.

Keep in mind that a Velcro-mounted curtain will not hold as securely as it is attached with screws - the fasteners may need to be replaced for a while.

But if you need to remove the roller blinds, they can be easily soldered in this case.

Installation of rolls on plastic windows from A to Z

In the case of self-tapping screws, the system must be unscrewed. After that, the shaft is separated from the guides, and the network is removed.

Therefore, it is very easy to install curtains - just follow the instructions carefully. If everything is done correctly, there will be no problems with system performance.

Austrian curtains in the interior of the Egyptian style →

The procedure for attaching roller blinds to windows

Operating instructions for horizontal blinds

Rules for the operation of horizontal blinds.

1. Rotation of the slats around its axis is carried out by turning the control rod.

2. Raising and lowering the canvas is carried out by a control rope. To raise the blinds, pull the rope down. To fix blinds on desired height take the rope away from the center of the canvas and release.

To lower the blinds, pull the control cord towards the center, thereby releasing the rope lock, and release the cord while holding it lightly.

Raising and lowering must be done with the slats in a horizontal position. The lower cornice can be fixed at any level.

3. Horizontal blinds are installed only indoors with relative humidity up to 70%.

4. Avoid mechanical impact on the blinds.

The lamellas can be easily deformed.

5. Horizontal aluminum blinds do not require special means care. It will be enough to regularly wash them with a soft cloth or vacuum with a brush with a soft nozzle.

For washing, it is recommended to use only cold or warm water(not boiling water and not hot water!). At heavy pollution, blinds can be removed, placed in a bath of warm soapy water. Be careful leaving the top eaves with the control mechanism above the water. Rinse and wipe the blinds thoroughly and allow them to air dry.

6. ATTENTION! Not allowed self repair products by the client.

October 16, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Installing a roller blind on a plastic window is great alternative standard curtains and blinds. Such products do not look much neater, but in terms of functionality, if they are inferior to prefabricated structures made of aluminum strips, then not much.

Today, this type of curtain is gradually gaining popularity, and over the past three years I have had to install roller blinds more than a dozen times. In this article, I will share my observations and recommendations for choosing similar products.

What are these curtains?

Main elements

A roller blind is a fairly simple design, which is most often mounted either on the window itself (in the upper part of the frame / sash), or on the wall or ceiling above the window opening. The mechanism used in such products allows you to quickly raise and lower the canvas, controlling the premises.

  1. The basis of the product is a horizontal axis (shaft), which is made either of metal or plastic pipe. The axis is designed to wind the web, and therefore make it perfectly round and smooth.
  2. Brackets are installed on the sides of the axis, designed to fix the product on the wall. The brackets are usually combined with a control mechanism - a special device that sets the curtain in motion.
  3. The mechanism for raising and lowering the curtain can be either open or closed. In the second case, the brackets, the axis and the assembled part of the web are located in a special box. The boxes are made of lightweight and durable plastic: white, painted or laminated with a polymer film to imitate natural wood.

  1. A chain of metal or (more often) plastic links is attached to the mechanism, which sets the control unit in motion. This element is usually made closed: so we just need to pull either one or the other hanging edge, and the curtain will start to move.
  2. The main detail of this whole system is, of course, the canvas itself. It is attached to the axis and rolled up. A sheer bar is fixed at the bottom of the canvas, which plays the role of a load. When the trigger is turned, the roll unwinds and, under the action of a plumb line, the fabric is unwound from the axis or pulled out of the box.

It should be borne in mind that a variety of modifications of such curtains are presented on the market, suggesting and different ways mounts, and different type drive mechanism. However general scheme device remains unchanged, therefore I declare with confidence: if you deal with one model, then with others the likelihood of difficulties will be reduced to almost zero.


Before hanging a curtain on a window, it will not be superfluous to deal with its pros and cons. Advantages roll structures objectively more:

  1. First, and most importantly, the almost limitless design potential. The canvas can be made of cotton, linen, silk, polyester, as well as synthetic materials - vinyl, fiberglass, interlining, etc. Naturally, the list of shades, textures and patterns will also be the most extensive.

  1. Along with attractiveness, it is worth noting the possibility of choosing the degree of shading: if you don’t want to lose light, choose translucent curtains; if you want to completely block the flow of sunlight, buy a dense canvas and provide not even twilight, but almost absolute darkness.

  1. Some manufacturers have in their product lines multilayer models with the ability to adjust the intensity of shading, anti-reflective properties, increased thermal insulation characteristics. There are also curtains for rooms with computers: a layer of fabric on the inside, a reflective screen on the outside.
  2. Practicality is another plus. Most manufacturers process fabric for canvases with special compounds, so dust does not sit on the curtains, and dirt can be removed by simply wiping the surface with a damp sponge.

This does not apply to old stains, so try not to start the situation: full-fledged wet cleaning of the canvas is possible, but in order to iron it without wrinkles and marks, you will have to tinker. And it's not a fact that it will work.

  1. The key advantage I would also call the compact size - the curtains do not take up much space and do not interfere with the installation on the windowsill and other large-sized objects. Mini-curtains can be hung directly on the window sash - they will not interfere with its opening either in turn or tilt mode.

  1. Finally, I would attribute durability to the advantages: with proper care curtains will serve you exactly until the moment you want to change something in the design of the room. And then they can be taken to the country!


There are also downsides to these products. I would not call them any significant, but it is necessary to mention them. So:

  1. If you have not previously encountered such designs, then you will have to spend time and figure out how to assemble the product, how to fix it and how to use it. It takes a little time, but you still have to get used to it.
  2. The brackets and lifting mechanism for most models are made of plastic, and quite fragile. That is why you need to use the curtain very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the gears, and you will have to lift the canvas manually.
  3. Before you fix such a product in the kitchen, carefully consider what material you need to take for the canvas. Tissue variants tend to accumulate unpleasant odors so you have to change them regularly.
  4. It is not recommended to wash the curtain in water. Yes, pollution is removed quite effectively in this way, but protective impregnation also goes away along with dust and grease. In addition, after washing, ironing the fabric in such a way that it acquires its original appearance is unrealistic!

In general, there are disadvantages, but it is difficult to call them significant. Yes, some aspects need to be borne in mind, but it seems to me that you should not refuse to buy a really cool thing because of them.

Well, and the last. Speaking about the advantages and disadvantages, one cannot ignore such a parameter as price. . Here I am inclined to attribute curtains to the budget segment: the cost of one curtain 80 cm wide and up to 170 cm long is about 1000 rubles.

The simplest horizontal blinds for the same window opening will cost about 650 - 750 rubles, so the savings are negligible.

If you want more - there is more expensive, and much more!

Ordinary curtains can be found cheaper, but do not forget that for curtains and tulle you will also need a ceiling / wall mount, which will “eat up” all the savings.

Mounting technologies

Operation 1. Fitting curtains to size

In this section, I will tell you how to install roller blinds on plastic windows. The products are mounted quite simply, so you can handle it yourself.

As a rule, roller blinds are presented in retail chains in a wide range, and the dimensional grid allows you to choose a model that fits the width of the window. However, this does not always happen: either the width or the color / pattern of the canvas does not fit, and you have to buy a product with dimensions larger than we need.

If you are faced with such a situation, then feel free to take a wider curtain. If necessary, it can be easily shortened to right size. I act like this:

  1. First, I determine the dimensions by measuring the light opening. As extreme points, I take the outer edges of the glazing beads - so less light will penetrate the sides.
  2. I disassemble the structure, removing the canvas from the axis and dismantling the brackets with drive mechanisms.
  3. Using a hacksaw, carefully shorten the shaft. You will need to leave either a fragment equal to the desired width of the canvas, or a little more: it all depends on how exactly the brackets are attached to the axial tube.
  4. I saw off the lower plumb rail in accordance with the desired width of the canvas.
  5. I spread the canvas flat surface, I mark up and with the help of a sharp knife or high-quality tailor's scissors I cut off the excess.

  1. I fix the canvas on the axial cylinder, if necessary, leaving protrusions at the edges for installing brackets. I use sticky tape to fix it.
  2. From below I fix a plumb line cut to size.
  3. I install brackets with a drive mechanism on the edges and check if they work correctly.

This simple instruction allows you to quickly and almost effortlessly adjust the roller blind to the width of the window opening. Of course, it is easier to immediately buy what you need - but this opportunity is not always available.

Operation 2. Fixing on self-tapping screws

So, we have a curtain, it is adjusted to the size of the window - now let's figure out how such products are attached. It seems that no special difficulties are expected, but beginners miss some nuances.

We act like this:

  1. We take the assembled product and apply it to the frame or sash in such a way that the lower edge of the roll with the folded canvas is opposite the lower edge of the upper glazing bead.
  2. We carefully align the structure in width and vertical, using a tape measure and a level.
  3. We make marks opposite the brackets on the window profile.
  4. We remove the curtain from the window, after which we dismantle the brackets with the drive mechanism. Usually this does not require effort - the fasteners simply come out of the internal groove of the axial rod.

  1. Brackets are individually applied to the marks and opposite the mounting holes we make marks. According to the marks, we drill holes in such a way that a 4 mm thick drill passes both through plastic and through a reinforcing metal contour.

Before attaching a curtain to a window made of timber, it is worth stocking up on wood screws (black, with a phosphated coating). They fit well into the wood and stay in it without pre-drilling.

  1. Using self-tapping screws, install both corners. To one of them we attach a lifting mechanism equipped with a drive chain. We put limiters on the chain, allowing you to fix the minimum and maximum height the edges of the blinders.

  1. On the brackets we install an axis with a wound curtain sheet. We check the operation of the mechanism by raising and lowering the curtain several times.
  2. If the design includes a box, we put it on over the installed system, carefully closing all moving parts. In this case, the holes in the box must be located in such a way as not to interfere with the free movement of the chain and the web.

I draw your attention to the fact that this algorithm is just one of the possible stories about how to hang a roller blind on a plastic window. For example, some models, in addition to the details described, also have side tensioners with a fishing line mount - they must be installed separately, making sure that they are located strictly vertically.

The presence of such elements does not affect the functionality of the curtain too much, but on the other hand, the canvas is less likely to warp, since the suspension is well fixed at the bottom point.

Operation 3. Using the spring bracket

Describing the installation process of structures, it is worth talking about how to install roll-type curtains without violating the integrity of the profile. This technique is very popular, because not everyone wants to use curtains all the time.

If curtains are needed only in the summer, and in winter you do not plan to look at the holes in the frame or sash, then you should use a special device:

  1. For hanging on the sash, we use a plastic or aluminum bracket. This device is a Z-shaped strip, on one side of which there is a hook, and on the other side there are latches for the fastening part of the curtain.
  2. It is very important that the bracket is compatible with the purchased curtain model - then the fixation of the lifting mechanism will be as reliable as possible.
  3. During installation, we put two spring brackets on the overlap of the sash so that the latches are on the front side.
  4. We install curtain holders on the latches, which we attach to the axial shaft with a wound canvas.

  1. Since the clamp-tensioners are not used here to fix the plumb line, it can be fixed in the lower position using two pairs of small magnets.


Understanding how to attach roller blinds to plastic windows is not difficult at all. It is already more difficult to implement this process in practice (trust the experience), but ordinary skill is quite enough to achieve success.

And if, before starting work, you also watch the video in this article, and voice all your questions in the comments or on the forum, then the result is almost guaranteed to you!

October 16, 2016

If you want to express gratitude, add a clarification or objection, ask the author something - add a comment or say thanks!

  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • a screwdriver and a drill with a drill Ø 2 mm (you do not need a drill and a drill to install on double-sided tape).

Open the package and take out the MINI roller blind. Do not use a knife or blade to cut the package, so as not to damage the product!

Option number 1 - how to fix roller blinds WITHOUT drilling - on double-sided tape

Attach the roller blind to the window, make markings for gluing with a pencil. In order to avoid uneven winding of the fabric on the shaft, as a result, no horizontal installation products - we recommend using building level. Degrease the adhesive areas with the means available to you - apply alcohol, lighter gasoline or nail polish remover (with a solvent content) to a cotton swab and wipe well. Peel off the protective film from the adhesive tape on the upper curtain rod. Pressing firmly, glue the entire structure to the window leaf. Please note that installation on double-sided tape is suitable for products standard size but not recommended for large sizes products (due to the large weight).

Option number 2 - how MINI roller blinds are attached to self-tapping screws

Attach the roller blind to the window, make markings with a pencil at the attachment points. In order to avoid uneven winding of the fabric on the shaft, as a result of non-horizontal installation of the product, we recommend using the building level. Screw the upper brackets to the plastic window frame with self-tapping screws. Snap the upper roller blind cornice into the brackets until a characteristic click is heard.

Option number 3 - how to install MINI roller blinds on hanging brackets

Insert the plastic hanging brackets into the slots on the top cornice. Remove the protective tape from hanging brackets. Degrease the bonding points with any available means and remove the protective layer from the adhesive tape from the hinged brackets. Put the entire structure on the upper part of the window sash according to the markings and press firmly at the attachment points.