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» How to decorate a window in Scandinavian style. Cozy children's room in Scandinavian style. Organization of children's room space

How to decorate a window in Scandinavian style. Cozy children's room in Scandinavian style. Organization of children's room space

Scandinavian curtains- harmonious combination simplicity of cut, elegance and light shades. Residents of Scandinavia are very respectful of nature. That’s why, when decorating their home, they try to give preference natural materials and natural colors. This also applies to curtains for which natural fabrics such as linen and cotton are selected.

Thanks to the simplicity of the cut, large selection colors and shades, such curtains are easy to match to any design solution rooms or premises. Today, such curtains are used not only by residents of Scandinavia; they are also preferred by people living in other territories. The basic rule for designing such an interior style is simplicity, lightness and practicality.

When sewing, only natural fabrics are selected and most often ethylene, cotton, silk, muslin. Such materials are lightweight and at the same time transmit sunlight well, which allows you to visually expand the space of the room. With the help of such curtains you can transform any interior making it more “light” and more sophisticated. They will be appropriate in almost any room: children's room, living room, bedroom, kitchen. The main thing is to choose the color of the curtains correctly.

How to choose the right color and design

As stated above the curtains in Scandinavian style decorated in light colors and shades. The choice based on this criterion depends on the size and purpose of a particular room.

  • Shades of white. It must be said that white is the main color of the Nordic style of interior design. This is a symbol of purity and elegance. Such fabrics easily transmit diffused sunlight, making the room more spacious and bright. Curtains made in white are ideal for a compact living room, dining room or kitchen;
  • Cream. This color can emphasize the tenderness and lightness of the atmosphere, while allowing you to experiment with other design elements. Swedish curtains decorated in this color are perfect for decorating a bedroom;
  • Gray and its shades. Correctly selecting tons gray you can easily transform any living room, while you have the opportunity to experiment with various elements decor;
  • Cyan (blue). With the help of such fabrics you can easily create the illusion of an alluring sea horizon. Similar products It will be very interesting to watch in a nursery or living room while adding a certain amount of romance to the room;
  • Shades of green and light green flowers. Products of this palette will easily fit into a bedroom, living room or children's room. At the same time, it is possible to combine several shades of this color;

Such products are light and translucent, which allows them to be used in rooms with a small area.

Application in the interior

Scandinavian style curtains do not need decoration. Massive wicker tassels or shiny decorative elements would not be appropriate here. In some cases, a garter can decorate a curtain, but it should be as simple as possible and preferably made from the same fabric as the curtain itself. Such products can steal any room in a house or apartment.

For example, a light translucent cotton curtain made in shades of beige colour. In this room it would be quite appropriate to use a beautiful openwork curtain. Residents of Scandinavia quite often when registering kitchen space use Roman blinds, decorated in light colors.

The Swedes, like residents of other Scandinavian countries, do not use curtains in the living room, but in our area it is not customary to do without these interior elements. Therefore, for the residents of our state ideal option there will be Nordic curtains simple cut, light colors. In the living room, it is better to leave the curtains open, adding more natural light to the room. You can decorate such products with tiebacks made from the same material as the canvas itself.

In the bedroom, as well as in the living room, it is better to use Scandinavian curtains in light colors without “flashy” ones. decorative elements. Products made in cream or pale blue colors are ideal here. If you want to “hide” from prying eyes, then you can use light blinds for this purpose. This solution will be especially relevant for owners of private houses or apartments located on the first floors of the house.

In your child’s room, it is better to use straight curtains of any light shade, which is chosen based on color scheme basic interior items and finishing materials.

The main advantages of using it in interior design

Curtains made in the Nordic style have a number of positive qualities:

  • Wide selection of natural colors and shades. Thanks to this, you can easily select a curtain for any room, regardless of its design solution;
  • Naturalness. To sew such products, only light, natural fabrics are taken. Most often it is linen, cotton, muslin or silk;
  • Easy to care for. Thanks to the natural nature of the fabrics, such curtains are easy to care for and will retain their original appearance for a long time;
  • No need for decoration. Such curtains themselves look quite natural and elegant. Such products will make it easy to transform any room, giving it elegance and exclusivity;
  • Versatility. Curtains in the Nordic style will look interesting in any room of an apartment or residential building. The main thing is to competently approach the choice of design and shade of curtains.

You can purchase such curtains either in a brick-and-mortar store or order them on a specialized online resource. The price of such products will primarily depend on the sewing material, the length of the curtain and the urgency of the order.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that Scandinavian curtains are one of best options for decorating any living space or room.

This Wednesday, June 1, the whole world celebrated Children's Day - this is a good reason for Kvartblog to once again talk about children's rooms, their design and decor. We learned that the designers recently completed work on their first children's furniture collection. On this occasion, we asked designer Ruslan Maksutov what style is best to decorate a nursery and what techniques to use to make the room best suit the child’s needs.

Ruslan Maksutov Graduated from Moscow Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Environmental Design. In the profession since 2009. Leading furniture designer at Arthunter. Participant of the exhibition I Saloni WorldWide Moscow 2014 and 2015. In 2016, he participated in the “Dachny Answer” program on NTV.

Childhood doesn't need to be complicated. Everything complex will come on its own with adult life, so for a child’s room I recommend a simple and clear Scandinavian style.

3 arguments in favor of choosing a Scandinavian style for a nursery:

1. Style palette

Scandinavian motifs in a children's room are not only stylish, but also very correct from the point of view of the child's psyche: the baby should be surrounded only by fresh and light colors - they do not cause feelings of anxiety. Apricot, white, apple green, pale cornflower blue, delicate shades pink - these are the shades suggested by the classic Scandinavian children's room.

2. Materials

The child's room should contain as many natural materials as possible. Instead of plastic tables and stools, we recommend professionally treated wood. Products made from it are interior “vitamins”. In the Scandinavian style, a table can even be built from a tree stump, and it will look very cool. At the same time, natural natural forms in combination with muted colors have a beneficial effect on babies.

The decor that this style suggests (posters with prints of animals or fruits, flags, etc.) is very unobtrusive, so it will not bother or bother you; even if this happens, it is easy and, most importantly, not at all expensive to change.

The Scandinavian style seems to have been created specifically for children; every element of it is very natural. Any parent instinctively understands that it is better to choose light, fresh colors for the child. Everyone instinctively feels that only natural materials should surround a small treasure: wood, cardboard, paper, cotton.

5 designer tips for decorating a children's room in a Scandinavian style

Mink elements

Use “mink elements” to make your child feel protected. Have you noticed that dogs like to hide or sit under chairs or tables? Their instincts are well developed, and they know what they are doing: it is in such places that pets feel the least vulnerable and where they sleep soundly. The same approach applies to children. For example, in our collection we used houses at the head of the bed - this is not only decoration, but also a guarantee of worry-free sleep.

Mom's peace of mind for the coming sleep

The baby falls asleep, but the mother knows that he is only a little sleepy, so there is no need to rush to the kitchen. In this case, you need to think about where the mother will sit and watch over her treasure’s sleep. Be sure to choose and purchase for yourself comfortable armchair for such cases. By the way, if you take a rocking chair, it can become your assistant when rocking in your arms.

Toys have a place

A children's room, decorated in a Scandinavian style, is a room where parents can afford to take a little break from the stereotypes of adult life, putting toys together with their children not in a wooden chest of drawers with carved decor, but in a simple one. wooden box, or wool bags, or paper eco-bags. Don't be afraid to use these bags: they are specially treated and won't tear easily.

Educational furniture

Furniture for a children's room should be functional: you can combine different functions; the most interesting thing is to combine furniture with creativity - a cabinet with a slate effect will definitely not harm a Scandinavian children's room.

Budget solution

When everything around has simple shapes, it is very easy to complement the interior with homemade decor. Ruslan's advice: take the simplest Ikea chest of drawers (the main thing is that it is not varnished) and try to decorate it yourself. For example, like in the picture. All you need is masking tape and several acrylic paints. And this, by the way, is the idea for creating a new master class on Kvartblog!


The secret of the popularity of the Scandinavian style, or as it is also called, the Swedish style, is its extraordinary lightness, airiness and naturalness. Everything ingenious is simple! This is the motto that residents of cold European countries adhere to when decorating their living spaces. They prefer a warm interior filled with light, air and comfort, completely rejecting ostentatious luxury and excesses. Windows in such a setting play an important role, and the final appearance of the entire setting depends on what the Scandinavian-style curtains are.

Features of Scandinavian interior

A Nordic northern interior, in principle, does not involve curtains and looks like in this photo, but for most European residents, “naked” windows are unacceptable.

This Nordic style originated in the countries of Northern Europe (Scandinavia): Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland with a long history snowy winter and quite cool in summer. Because of these features, the main task when decorating the interior is to maximize the filling of the living space with warmth and light.

Scandinavian interior initially includes components from different directions: the traditionalism of the classics, the functionality of constructivism, and the simplicity of minimalism are clearly visible in it. Therefore, at first glance it may seem very democratic and capable of accepting any elements. In fact, its canons are quite strict, and in order to get “real” Scandinavia in a single room, you must adhere to them. Let's talk only about the most obvious of them:

  • Color. White is the basis of style. Due to its predominance, the magic of visually increasing space, a positive perception of reality and the spectacular contrast of a cold background with natural materials occurs. In addition to white, the interior contains light pastel shades: beige, gray, blue, green, brown. And to make the atmosphere look more lively and natural, add some bright accents: blue, red, green, yellow, mustard.
  • Materials. The main requirement for finishing materials- natural origin. Wood, stone, metal, glass, ceramics, leather, wool, cotton, linen - these are the main components of the style. They are the ones who bring warmth, comfort, naturalness and individuality to it.
  • Furniture. Swedish furniture is characterized by simple forms, practicality and functionality and provides maximum free space. It is mainly made from light wood: pine, spruce, birch, beech. For upholstery, coarse natural fabrics are used: cotton, linen, burlap, matting, as well as suede and leather.
  • Lighting. There should be a lot of light: soft, joyful, life-affirming. During the day it is natural, and in order to have as much of it as possible, the windows should be large, preferably with wooden frames to match the floors. When it gets dark, numerous lamps are turned on, the location and arrangement of which simply must be well thought out.

In order not to disturb the harmony of a good northern fairy tale, curtains in a Scandinavian interior must comply with all of the above canons. They should be light, made from natural fibers, simple in shape and not too dense.

Scandinavian style curtain fabrics

Through materials, Northern Europeans express their love for everything natural and natural. The most suitable fabrics are linen, muslin, cotton, cambric, chintz, and satin. That is, fabrics made from fiber, the raw materials for which, namely flax and cotton, grow in the northern European expanses, unlike, for example, silk, a purely eastern product.

Synthetic fibers will interfere with the creation of an authentic Northern European interior, since only natural materials can give the environment a truly warm and homely atmosphere.

But, of course, as with any rule, there may be exceptions. Modern mixed fabrics, with a small addition polyester fibers They look absolutely the same as completely natural ones. At the same time, they are more wear-resistant and less wrinkled and are therefore completely acceptable.

If we talk about texture, Scandinavian curtains should not completely cut off the light, which means that the fabric for sewing them should not be too dense, but light and translucent curtain fabrics will not be suitable either. Materials with a complex pile surface: velvet, satin, corduroy, velor and the like are also unacceptable. They are too heavy and bulky for the light and airy northern interior.

Ideally, curtains in this style should be medium density and close the window from the eaves to the floor. The cornice is attached to the wall, but not to the ceiling.

Airy muslin curtains in the living room.
Light linen floor-length curtains in a Swedish kitchen.
Blue polysatin curtains in a snow-white bedroom.

Color palette

As mentioned above, in this style direction light, Nordic colors are used for the background. Bright colors: blue, yellow, green, red dilute the monochrome, but use them only for point accentuation.

The most popular colors when choosing curtains for a Swedish interior are:

  • White. Dominant white emphasizes simplicity and purity, fills the room with light and adds volume to the space. All its shades are basic, and the entire composition is built on their background. Most often, it is not pure white that is used, but the color of cream, baked milk, flax, alabaster, Ivory, greyish, pearly.
  • Cream. This one is soft and soft color in Swedish interiors it ranks second in popularity after white. It goes well with any shade of the palette, is easy to perceive, does not overload the interior and creates a natural and warm atmosphere in the room.
  • Grey. This color is one of the most elegant, sophisticated and discreet. It has many shades. The intensity of gray depends on its brightness. When it is zero it turns into black, and when it is one hundred percent it turns into white. Shades that are in the brightness range from approximately 50 to 100% are suitable for a Scandinavian interior.
  • Light blue. Despite the fact that the blue color scheme is considered cold, it is often used in Northern European interiors. Fabrics of a blue palette, from azure and lunar (pale bluish) to a very diluted white color of cold milk, gently soften the harsh sunlight and visually expand the boundaries of the room.
  • Light green. Cool shades of green menthol to herbal give the atmosphere freshness, remind of summer, refresh and seem to fill the room with light and air.

If other colors are used, it is in the form of small inclusions, for example, a red ornament on the bottom or yellow tie-backs made of twisted cords. They are designed to add a little variety and liveliness to the atmosphere, but there should be few of them.

As for the pattern, curtains in Scandinavian interiors are mostly monochromatic. A pale print in the form of flowers, foliage, some abstractions is allowed: gray on white, white on pale blue, beige on cream, dim stripes, pale plaid, barely noticeable polka dots. There is no place for any bright, let alone tacky patterns here.

There is never a lot of white in Swedish design, and the technique is often used when the curtains merge with the walls.
For variety, you can add bright colors, but in very measured doses.
Curtains with a gray and white zigzag pattern in the nursery.
There are no frills, and variety is achieved only by playing with a fairly sparse color scheme.

When decorating windows, colored tulle and other elements of “cheerful” curtains sewn from flowing weightless fabric should immediately be swept aside.

Models and accessories

The ideal authentic model for Scandinavian window decor is classic rectangular curtains, floor-length, falling in vertical folds. But since few people today decorate their apartments scrupulously following the canons of a particular design style, some indulgences are acceptable. For example, curtains for a Scandinavian-style kitchen can be chosen with a length slightly lower than the window sill. In addition, a modern approach to this type of furnishing allows the use of roller blinds and Roman blinds in the interior. And what’s more, they can be made not even from fabric, but from bamboo strips or straws.

To increase comfort (we are not residents of Scandinavia, and sometimes we want privacy or darkness, especially if it is a bedroom), classic curtains rectangular shape it is fashionable to combine with blinds, which will be responsible for regulating the light and protecting the room from prying eyes when the main curtains are open. But they should be wooden, or, in extreme cases, aluminum (this is also a natural material), but in no case plastic. Curtain fabrics, tulle, compositions of curtains and tulle are not acceptable in such an interior.

Scandinavian style curtains are laconic. They are characterized by a complete absence of flounces, ruffles, swags and openwork fabrics. The main decoration is a simple noble cut and natural material.

Curtains of different lengths are appropriate in different areas of the studio.
Roller blinds and blinds should be made only from natural materials.
Roman blinds are quite acceptable in Scandinavian interiors.
To increase comfort, it is allowed to use lifting and sliding curtains on one window.
Short curtains are allowed in the kitchen and children's rooms.

Since simplicity is a priority in Swedish interiors, all kinds of accessories and colorful decor are not used here. If necessary (very rarely), tiebacks are used, sewn from the same fabric as the curtains or made from rope or coarse cord. If you can’t imagine your windows without lambrequins, limit yourself to hard, smooth models. At the same time, you need to understand that even they will deviate from the style concept.

The main decorations of Northern European windows are the absence of accessories, simple form and natural materials.

Simplicity, elegance, lightness, a lot of light and air, every detail is not superfluous and has its purpose. The Nordic setting is suitable for those who value warmth and comfort without frills, for those who prioritize spiritual rather than material family values. If you want to live in a home whose atmosphere is filled with calm and serenity, feel free to choose the Scandinavian style and remember that curtains play an important role in it.

[Rated: 3 Average rating: 5]

The child's room should be spacious and big amount Sveta. A Scandinavian-style children's room has just such a design, which not only allows early years instill in the child an aesthetic taste, but implies the possibility of budgetary repairs.


Key nuances of the Nordic style:

  • The design is dominated by white, milky tones and there is a lot of light.
  • Natural materials are actively used for decoration.
  • The furnishings are complemented by the most functional furniture items.
  • The interior welcomes bright splashes and prints with ethnic motifs.


The furniture has an extraordinary naturalness, lightness and simplicity. Availability wooden furniture provides a safe and environmentally friendly interior for children. For the manufacture of objects, they prefer inexpensive types of wood, such as beech, spruce or pine. A bed, a wardrobe, a shelving unit and a table with a chair, matching or, conversely, contrasting with the floor covering, will fit perfectly into the decor.

A practical solution is to design with IKEA furniture and inexpensive modular systems.

Since the Nordic style implies space and freedom, they install in the room hidden systems storage For example, the bed is equipped with drawers, and the table is equipped with roll-out panels. As sleeping place choose transforming designs that can change with the age of the child.

The photo shows a Scandinavian-style nursery with a crib and a white house.

Mandatory elements of the room are considered to be a chest, textile or plastic baskets for toys. It is appropriate to use wall-mounted open shelves for books and bright drawers for various small items. The design will be perfectly complemented by ottomans, hanging chairs, low stools and chairs decorated with multi-colored capes, covers or soft pillows.

Very often in Scandi interiors there are light, portable wooden stairs acting as shelves.

To equip the creativity zone in the nursery, install a small table with chairs, an easel, chalk or cork board. If there is a wide window sill, it is integrated into worktop or converted into a place to relax.

On the picture children's wardrobe for clothes, stylized as a house in a child’s bedroom in a Scandinavian style.

Color spectrum

Scandinavian design is characterized by muted colors and muted watercolor tones. Beige, pistachio, blue, milky or ivory shades are popular. To ensure that the northern palette does not look too boring and monotonous, it is diluted with rich accents in red, blue, green or turquoise colors. A black and white tandem in combination with wood surfaces will become the basis of a Nordic interior.

In the photo, a nursery for a girl in a Scandinavian style, made in mint tones with accents of pink and white.

The most commonly used color is white. He meets in the wall, floor finishing and in furniture items. This design gives the atmosphere freshness, spaciousness and visually expands the space of a small room.

The second most popular are shades of gray, for example, warm tones form an excellent base for bright splashes. Silver, mother-of-pearl, slate colors, as well as shades are also chosen for design natural wood adding comfort to a cold monochrome space.

The photo shows the interior of a nursery for girls, designed in pink and woody tones.

Finishes and materials

To create the ideal Scandi interior, certain facing materials are used:

  • Walls. Basically, the surface of the walls is decorated with paint in light colors or relief plaster. A common option is white lining, wallpaper with geometric patterns or photo wallpaper with natural motifs.
  • Floor. Traditionally, the floor is covered with universal laminate, parquet or bleached boards. It is appropriate to use cork, which has high soundproofing properties and pronounced orthopedic effect. Natural flooring is warmer than artificial flooring.
  • Ceiling. The ceiling plane is usually well leveled and painted white. For uneven surface Tension or plasterboard sheets are used. Very original look has ceiling lining, boards, wooden slats or decorative beams.
  • Door. Interior doors made of veneer, bleached oak or ash will give the room cleanliness, impeccable order and will be in harmony with the surrounding environment.

On the picture wooden beams on the ceiling and walls in the interior of a nursery for three children of different ages.

An interesting solution would be wall decoration slate paint. This will give your child freedom to be creative and draw.

The photo shows a Scandinavian-style nursery for two children with a wall covered in beige wallpaper with star print.


A child's window in a Scandinavian style is decorated with translucent linen or cotton curtains with a straight cut. If it is necessary to protect the room from the penetration of sunlight, preference is given to wooden blinds, Roman or Swedish curtains.

The photo shows a textile design in gray tones in the interior of a nursery in a Nordic style.

You can create a cozy atmosphere and a pleasant place to play with a wool or loop carpet. In addition, this product can be bright accent in a neutral room. To decorate a bed, a simple plain textile is suitable, counterpane or a knitted blanket. The composition will be complemented by multi-textured, bright or contrasting pillows with prints.

The photo shows a small nursery for a girl with Roman blinds and a tulle canopy in beige shades.

Decor and toys

The Nordic interior is distinguished by the presence of accessories in the form of knitted and fur details, figures and silhouettes of deer or snowflakes. The furnishings are decorated with ethnic motifs, which can be applied to the walls using a stencil or decorated with paintings and stylized posters.

The photo shows a Scandinavian-style nursery for a newborn with tree stickers on the wall.

The children's room is also decorated with original construction sets, books with bright covers, rag animals and dolls.

The ideal option would be original hand-made toys that add a special ethnicity to the atmosphere of the room.

Stickers in the form of animals, plants or cartoon characters are placed on the walls.


Due to climatic conditions, the Scandinavian countries have a special love for the abundance of light sources. Therefore, in the design of a nursery there is always a sufficient amount of lighting. As lighting fixtures select lamps of a simple shape, without unnecessary decorative details.

The photo shows a red bedside floor lamp in a Scandinavian-style children's design.

The main element of the room is the central chandelier in a frosted, transparent glass design or a model in the form of a ball or cube. Vintage sconces and products stylized as a kerosene lamp have an interesting look.

The photo shows a bright children's room in Scandinavian style, decorated with laconic ceiling chandelier white.

Teen room design

IN teenage room gray or white furniture predominates, the room is decorated with accessories in the form of posters, banners, paintings and various decor made from natural materials. For lighting, a lamp with a spherical paper lampshade is often used. The interior can be equipped with a comfortable hanging chair or a hammock.

The photo shows a bedroom for a teenage girl, made in Scandinavian style.

The optimal solution would be to install bunk bed, if two teenagers live in the bedroom, or choose an attic model with a lower part equipped with storage systems, a working or creative corner.

The photo shows the interior of a bedroom for a teenage boy in a Scandinavian style, complemented by a hanging chair.

Interior of a girl's room

A girl's bedroom is usually done in peach, soft pink, lavender or beige tones. The bed is complemented by a knitted bedspread, a fur or sheepskin blanket and many pillows with an abstract, geometric or national print. Above the bed you can place a canopy made of fabric in a delicate pastel shade.

A real decoration of the room will be lamps in the shape of animals or an electric garland, creating a special atmosphere in the evening. Plush toys, paper pompoms, drawings, letters or inscriptions made of wood and other natural materials are used as decoration.

Photo of a boy's room

You can add richness to the Nordic bedroom design with the help of various toys in the form of cars, steam locomotives and plush animals. It would be appropriate to use marine flags, signal flags, a globe or a map as decoration.

A room for a schoolboy boy can be divided into functional zones using a wooden slatted partition. Beds with forged elements are well suited for arranging a place to sleep.

The photo shows a Scandinavian-style children's room for boys, located in the attic.

If there is enough space, it is possible to install a fabric tent or wigwam to create an additional play space and give the room traditional northern comfort. A boy's interior is sometimes decorated in the style hunting lodge, where the walls are decorated with various trophies, such as toy animal heads.

Examples for a newborn's room

Laconic Scandinavian style, distinguished pure forms, especially suitable for a baby's bedroom. Monograms, interesting stickers and cute pictures will greatly enliven the room.

You can decorate the decor and maintain order in the room with the help of baskets for various small items, pockets for pajamas and other things. A nursery for a newborn is usually equipped with a crib, a chest of drawers, a changing table and a comfortable rocking chair.

In the photo there is a drawing of a mountain on the wall in a bedroom for a newborn, made in Scandinavian style.

Photo gallery

The Scandinavian style creates a fabulous and truly magical atmosphere in the nursery. Thanks to the harmonious color combination and completely safe natural materials, the interior looks light and airy.