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» How to cover furniture with self-adhesive film. How to cover furniture with self-adhesive film How to renew an old chest of drawers

How to cover furniture with self-adhesive film. How to cover furniture with self-adhesive film How to renew an old chest of drawers

Today there is a chest of drawers in almost every home.

with your own hands

In addition to the fact that this is a very beautiful piece of furniture, it is also very functional. After all, you can store so many things in it! The ancestor of the modern chest of drawers was an ancient Russian chest. It was just slightly modified and transformed. In ancient times, only representatives of a noble family could afford a chest of drawers.

After all, it was quite expensive back then. And now it is an indispensable attribute of any room in the house.

  • Sander;
  • screwdriver and jigsaw;
  • hacksaw, spatula, hammer;
  • ruler, pencil;
  • MDF board;
  • putty, paint, PVA glue.

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Stages of work

When everything you need is prepared, you can get to work.

Remove all the drawers from the chest of drawers and unscrew the old handles. The next step in restoring the chest of drawers is to remove the old varnish and paint. To do this you will need sandpaper or a sanding machine.

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Finishing and its options


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The next step will be to transfer all the pictures to the chest of drawers. Apply glue to each picture individually and cover the entire surface of the chest with them. The side walls of the cabinet should be decorated not only with pictures, but also beautiful frame on topic with them.

paintings and everything is ready.

At the end of the work, the chest of drawers should be varnished.

This way, you will protect the pictures and extend the life of the cabinet.

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Unusual solution

Do-it-yourself restoration of an old chest of drawers

Today there is a chest of drawers in almost every home. In addition to the fact that this is a very beautiful piece of furniture, it is also very functional. After all, you can store so many things in it! The ancestor of the modern chest of drawers was an ancient Russian chest. It was just slightly modified and transformed. In ancient times, only representatives of a noble family could afford a chest of drawers. After all, it was quite expensive back then. And now it is an indispensable attribute of any room in the house.

Although most often they place a closet in the bedroom - because this is where bedding and other things are stored. If you attach a mirror to the chest of drawers, it can become an excellent alternative to a modern dressing table.

What you need to restore a chest of drawers

In Italy, it is customary before the New Year to change all the furniture in the house, starting life clean slate. But in Russia it is not customary to throw away old furniture, especially if it was inherited from relatives and has retained its outwardly attractive appearance. However, over time, even the most durable and reliable furniture can fail and lose its attractiveness. So you have to buy a new one.

As an alternative option, you can consider restoring furniture yourself. This is especially applicable to old grandmother’s chests of drawers, which are as strong and reliable as the Soviet system. And for this you only need your imagination. The result will be a completely new designer piece of furniture in your home.

First you need to prepare everything necessary materials and tools:

  • Sander;
  • screwdriver and jigsaw;
  • hacksaw, spatula, hammer;
  • ruler, pencil;
  • roller and several different brushes;
  • MDF board;
  • putty, paint, PVA glue.

Stages of work

When everything you need is prepared, you can get to work. Remove all the drawers from the chest of drawers and unscrew the old handles. The next step in restoring the chest of drawers is to remove the old varnish and paint. To do this you will need sandpaper or a sanding machine.

After the cabinet is cleared of paint, you need to check the reliability of all furniture fastenings. If there are loose areas or loosely screwed legs, then they should be disassembled and re-twisted, after first going over the joints with furniture glue.

Carefully check for chips, scratches and cracks on the surface of the furniture. If they are present, then you need to get rid of them. To do this, you will need a high-quality wood putty. It is applied in a thin layer to fill all the holes and chips in the cabinet. Leave the cabinet to dry. After a few hours, you need to level the surface using fine sandpaper.

The final stage of restoring a chest of drawers with your own hands will be priming and drying. After this, you can begin to come up with the external design of the furniture restored with your own hands.

Finishing and its options

Restoration of the chest of drawers proceed to its climax. You can paint the furniture in a color that matches your interior or make it bright accent in the room. But here you need to have a subtle sense of taste so as not to make it too pretentious.

From MDF boards cut out using a jigsaw decorative overlays on the boxes. Carefully sand all corners and side cuts. Apply PVA glue and firmly attach the drawer covers. Now all that remains is to paint the cabinet and varnish it.

By the way, if you use craquelure varnish rather than ordinary varnish, you will get the effect of aged furniture in your home. And you will do everything yourself, without resorting to the services of designers.

Now all you have to do is attach beautiful handles to the drawers and that’s it, the restoration of the chest of drawers is completed brilliantly.

DIY chest of drawers for children's rooms

For a child's room, you should choose a bright paint color and beautiful decorative stickers that will decorate the surface. After the painted cabinet has dried, assemble the stickers into an unusual collage. It could be many fairy-tale heroes or scenes from your child’s favorite cartoons. The most convenient way is to stick it all on film.

The next step will be to transfer all the pictures to the chest of drawers. Apply glue to each picture individually and cover the entire surface of the chest with them.

His Highness the Chest of Drawers: Part 2 - Ten Easy Ways to Upgrade

The side walls of the cabinet should be decorated not only with pictures, but also with a beautiful frame in the theme of them.

So, you will get a finished image. To do this you will need four slats, which will need to be cut into required sizes and paint. After this, it is enough to glue the slats around the perimeter of the resulting

paintings and everything is ready.

At the end of the work, the chest of drawers should be varnished. This way, you will protect the pictures and extend the life of the cabinet.

Unusual solution

What do you think of the idea of ​​a DIY Chinese chest of drawers? This is quite unusual and very original. So, restore the chest of drawers according to the previous option and you can move on to finishing.

To get started, you will need several slats and a stencil with hieroglyphs. Just first clarify what these symbols mean so as not to get into trouble. By the way, you can get by with simple pieces of wallpaper with hieroglyphs that can be pasted on the closet and proceed to further steps:

  1. Paint the chest of drawers in a delicate bed color that will organically fit into your interior.
  2. Now mark the width of your overlay pieces.
  3. After this, cut a piece of paper that will

det serve as the basis for your hieroglyphs and apply the hieroglyphs themselves on it.

  • All that remains is to cut them out and stick them on the surface of the cabinet.
  • Glue the slats to the sides of the template, having previously cut them to the desired size.
  • Transforming an old chest of drawers with your own hands does not require any special skills or knowledge, and there is no need to spend a lot of money. But a new piece of furniture in your home will pleasantly surprise guests and family members. And such a cabinet will become a real decoration of any room interior.

    How to restore an old chest of drawers?

    Probably, in every house there is furniture that is older than the total age of all family members. If you have such a family heirloom in your home, then do not rush to get rid of it, because old thing can be turned into a unique design object in a few hours. Let's try to figure out how to restore worn-out furniture, using a chest of drawers as an example.

    How to update an old chest of drawers?

    If you don’t know how to decorate an old chest of drawers, the universal decoupage technique will come to your rescue. Decoupage is the decoration of an object using multi-colored paper cutouts combined with paint, gold leaves, etc. This time-tested technique will allow you to update the decor of an old chest of drawers quickly, cheaply and without much effort.

    Before decoupage, you need to check whether your chest of drawers needs deep restoration. This restoration of an old chest of drawers consists of removing the previous coating and filling in chips and cracks, followed by treatment with primer. If all of the above has already been done, or the chest of drawers does not need deep restoration, we move on to the most interesting part - the decor. And here we can safely let our imagination fly: colored wrappers, favorite postcards, magazine clippings, decorative sheets precious metals, in a word, whatever your heart desires can be used during decoupage.

    Restoring a chest of drawers with your own hands is a very exciting activity.

    Decoupage of an old chest of drawers - step-by-step instructions

    For decoupage we will need:

    • paper (in our case we used smooth, fibrous fabric, in the Art Nouveau style);
    • ruler, pencil, scissors;
    • PVA glue, or any other white glue;
    • water;
    • brush.

    Storage space is a necessity. And here dressers come to the rescue. If your old chest of drawers seems boring to you, or you find that the one you just bought is too simple, the ideas that we have carefully selected for you will come to the rescue. Lots of patterns using stickers, wallpaper, paint; gradient effect; new, bright colors - your updated chest of drawers will become the most memorable detail of the interior.

    Before decorating your chest of drawers, choose a new color for it. Sunny yellow, bold red or fresh green work wonders. Then think about how you want to decorate the drawer fronts. It can be a pattern, a picture or a solid color. Interesting idea- paint the boxes with a gradient. To do this, you need to choose a base color and paint each drawer several shades lighter than the previous one. Get inspired by our photo selection!

    Update an old chest of drawers with a gradient effect

    Bright accent on the drawer front

    Dresser decor with wallpaper

    Idea for a large family

    Antique pattern with a modern twist

    How to update a chest of drawers? We have more than 100 ideas in our collection.

    A chest of drawers is a fairly popular piece of furniture. It can even be called multifunctional. In addition to its main function as a storage system, it can be used as a shelf for placing framed photographs, souvenirs, flowerpots, etc.

    Despite all its practicality, a chest of drawers does not always fit into the updated interior. In some cases, this is due to its age and heavy wear and tear. In others - with a discrepancy with the interior style.

    One thing is certain - don’t rush to get rid of an old or ugly chest of drawers! You have every chance to transform it. Updating the chest of drawers will add another function to it - aesthetic. Perhaps it is the updated chest of drawers that will become the “highlight” of your interior.

    Restoration or decoration?

    Before you take the plunge into updating your outdated chest of drawers, let's understand its value and history. Perhaps what you are looking at is not an old wreck, but a real work of furniture art, inherited from your grandmother or great-grandmother.

    When we're talking about about antique furniture, then The best decision - professional restoration. However, having been inspired by an idea and armed with high-quality materials and tools, restoration work can be carried out independently. In this case, the chest of drawers will become not just a family heirloom, but an object to which you put your hands and heart.

    ABOUT available techniques We will talk about restoration below.

    It’s a different question when you have a mass-produced item in front of you. furniture production, which simply does not fit into the interior and is also worn out. In this case, feel free to arm yourself with your imagination and available materials!

    Furniture restoration techniques

    Let's highlight several popular restoration techniques that will preserve the authenticity of the chest of drawers and at the same time give it the touch of a trendy item:

    Craquelure method - using special paint to create the effect of small cracks on the surface.

    Two-phase craquelure method - the effect of cracks is created not by paint, but by a combination special paints and varnish. The varnish serves as a catalyst and after application creates the desired effect.

    Decoupage is a combination of worn surfaces that are treated with stain and stickers made of fabric, paper, wallpaper and other materials.

    Artificial aging - the surface is thoroughly cleaned and darker paint is applied to accent areas. Next, waxing or sanding is carried out, and finally a layer of varnish is applied.

    Original stylish renovation ideas

    Covering the chest of drawers with newspapers. Using old newspapers or magazines - creative and stylish idea For modern interior. You can and should cover the chest of drawers with pages chaotically, and not according to the principle of wallpaper, neatly butt-to-edge. After drying, the surface is coated with acrylic varnish.

    Ombre effect. Ombre is a popular fashion solution used in the most different directions fashion - from manicure to fabric dyeing. It is no less relevant in the interior. Paint a chest of drawers using a color gradient technique for a fashionable piece of furniture.

    Application of geometric patterns. Another one fashion trend in design - geometric patterns. In our case, we are attracted by the simplicity of this option. Making a stencil is not at all difficult, and after preparing the surface for painting, you will make the chest of drawers bright and stylish.

    Bright color accent. A chest of drawers painted in... looks very original. White color or pastel colors, one box of which will be, for example, bright yellow, orange, red or light green. You will select the color according to the overall color scheme in the interior.

    Finishing with non-standard materials. In order for the chest of drawers to “live a new life”, not only paint and varnishes can be used to update it. Finishing with textured wallpaper, fabric, etc. looks stylish and original.

    Soviet-era furniture - walls, cabinets, chests of drawers - is not beautiful, but reliable and strong. Well, I just can’t bring myself to take it to the landfill. And rightly so. It is very easy to update it, giving it a completely new sound and modern look. Remaking cabinet-type furniture may not be very difficult: there are materials that allow you to significantly change with little effort appearance. Most easy way— change color and accessories. Everything is clear with the fittings - choose what suits your style best, and the color can be changed in two ways - paint and glue film (or wallpaper).

    Remaking an old wall: changing the design

    Covering old furniture with self-adhesive film is the easiest option for changing the decor. Film is available today in both plain and color, different colors, textures and shades. There is no point in gluing a film with a wood pattern; otherwise, it is in trend today. But plain or with a pattern - this is what can turn an old wall into new furniture. The steps are simple, but the work requires accuracy. But the result is excellent. See two photos. The first one shows the old Soviet wall before the renovation, the second one shows it after.

    Updating an old furniture wall - before and after

    Now about how it was updated. Compacted furniture self-adhesive film was used, cream color, matte surface. The open part of the old wall was closed with glass doors; a translucent matte film was used for the glass. The edging is furniture layout (also self-adhesive) chrome color. The order of work is as follows:

    • Everything that can be removed, you remove and disassemble. Remove old fittings.
    • Surfaces must be clean and free of grease. This can be achieved more easily by using a soft cloth soaked in detergent for dishes. Then everything is washed away warm water dream big amount vinegar. Wipe with a dry cloth.
    • Cut out the details. It is better to cut the film 8-10 mm larger. The remains are then cut off with a paper knife.
    • Spray the part to be glued with water from a spray bottle. On a wet surface, the film can be moved if something goes wrong. You can even peel it off without damaging it.
    • After removing the protective layer from the film, carefully lay it out. Once leveled, begin to smooth soft cloth from the middle to the edges. Try not to have any bubbles. To do this, you need to move gradually, without jumping from place to place.
    • If there is still a bubble, you can pierce it fine needle approximately in the middle. Then expel air from the edges of the bubble to the hole and rub the puncture site.
    • Having glued the film, take a clean thin cotton cloth, spread it on top and iron it with a warm iron (medium heat).
    • We glue the trim and install new handles.

    This is the sequence of work with every detail. With glass it’s the same, you just need to glue it on inner surface. After assembly you have a renewed wall. This technique can be used for any items: chest of drawers, bedside tables, wardrobe, etc.

    For example, after a successful experiment with the wall, they redid it in the same way old wardrobe and added it to the right. Now the entire wall is occupied. You can also update your kitchen set by gluing self-adhesive film and replace the handles.

    There is a second way. It is a modification of the proposed method, but it is simpler and not so labor-intensive. Only the doors are covered, not with film, but with non-woven wallpaper. The wallpaper is glued with PVA glue. To prevent the edges from riding up, the parts are cut 5 mm smaller on all sides. It turns out a kind of edging. Everything looks good (example in the photo below).

    What's good about this method: it's easy to change the decor. Tired of the old appearance, they tore off the wallpaper and put on new ones. Despite the fact that the method seems frivolous, the appearance is maintained for several years. Its author even tried it on kitchen set. Only the wallpaper on top is coated twice with PVA glue. In this case, the cabinets can be washed. It is important to apply the varnish layer evenly, without sagging; there are no other difficulties.

    Sometimes wallpaper is varnished. But before you do this, try it on a scrap piece: see how they react to it.

    When choosing a varnish, you need to remember that acrylic and cellulose varnishes remain transparent after drying, while polyurethane varnishes turn yellow after time. Also, polyurethane is almost not softened by solvents: it can only be removed mechanically (from wood - cleaned with sandpaper).

    Dresser update

    The old chest of drawers had stood for who knows how many years in the attic, but it was very strong and reliable, it had not dried out one bit, only the polish was cracked. It is much stronger than modern products. This is a feature that is inherent in old, Soviet-era furniture. It's not very detailed (to put it mildly), but after standing in poor conditions for several decades, it remains strong. Remaking a chest of drawers is more complex: two techniques were used: painting, and then decorating using polyurethane moldings and wallpaper.

    Step 1. We remove the fittings and remove the old coating. In some places the polishing was scraped off, in others it was sanded with sandpaper. The chips were covered with wood putty and waited until it dried. On final stage Everything was cleaned with fine grain sandpaper. At the same time, the chest of drawers became the same as in the photo below.

    This is after it was puttied and leveled with sandpaper

    Step 2. Installation of polyurethane moldings. When choosing moldings, make sure that they are not bulky: too thick ones will look very rough on a small chest of drawers. They should be no wider than 5 cm and as narrow as possible when looking at them in profile.

    The purchased polyurethane moldings were carefully cut, the corners were filed at 45°. (). The pattern match must be perfect. We glue them on PVA. For reliability, you can additionally secure it with screws with wide heads. A small recess is made under them, after the self-tapping screw is screwed in, the hole is covered with putty. Try to ensure that the putty immediately lays down perfectly (you can correct it with a wet finger), since it is problematic to clean off dried putty.

    Moldings are glued and mounted on self-tapping screws

    Step 3. Everything is treated with a primer. You can use PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. After the primer dries, paint (two layers). For this case, acrylic paint was chosen water based. The color is coffee with milk, although it looks completely different in the photo. Color rendering is inaccurate.

    This is after the second application of paint. Cute

    Step 4. For decoration, wallpaper was chosen whose coating was made using the silk-screen printing technique. Pieces are cut to the size of the inside of the frames from the moldings and glued to PVA. After the glue has dried, the entire chest of drawers is coated twice with water-based varnish.

    Step 5. And the last to be installed are new legs (furniture wheels) and handles.

    We install the handles and legs)) The updated chest of drawers is completely different from the one you saw in the first photo.

    As you can see, there are no difficult jobs. Everything is really elementary. But all processes require accuracy - the appearance depends on it. You can update in the same way old wardrobe. Get a set for the room. Stylish and original.

    When updating furniture, the worst thing is if the surface is varnished. The varnish takes a long time and is difficult to remove. If the surface is smooth and the polishing is not damaged, you can apply primer for complex surfaces and paint after drying. This greatly speeds up the process of painting lacquered furniture.

    If you have children and a cottage or yard, you may be interested in reading with a lot of photos. And about

    How to update an old nightstand

    In the photo gallery below you can see the process of restoring an old polished bedside table. First, the old polish was removed from it, puttyed, sanded and after processing it was painted twice acrylic paint. Then paper with an interesting design was glued to the doors (it was a gift paper bag). Once dry, the whole thing was coated with two coats of semi-gloss acrylic varnish.

    The sequence of work is not difficult if you know how to do it. All processes will repeat the sequence of actions that you saw in the example of updating the chest of drawers. The result is also impressive.

    Remodeling furniture with your own hands is a painstaking task, but the result is worth it. Below is a photo of a bedside table restored using a simple method: it is papered embossed wallpaper, and varnish was applied twice on top.

    Table makeover

    Using the same technology, banal Coffee table can be turned into a modern piece of furniture. IN in this case it was covered with wrapping paper. It is dense, adheres well and does not become limp when applying varnish.

    Before starting work on decorating the table top, the legs of the old table and the edges of the table top were painted light color: this way it fits better with the new design style. Then the process of its transformation began.

    When pasting, the panel is cut out significantly larger than the dimensions of the tabletop. It's necessary. The paper is glued to PVA and rolled with a roller so that there are no lumps or blisters. The surface must be absolutely smooth.

    After sticking it, take it sandpaper with fine grain (it is more convenient to work if it is attached to a block). By running it along the edge, they bend and at the same time separate the excess paper.

    Even cutting with a guillotine will not give you a fairly even edge. And with this method, it turns out professionally designed. There is no smell of amateur activity.

    After the glue has dried, the surface is coated twice with a thin layer of varnish. It should be applied with a soft brush small quantity. Layers are applied in different directions: first along the long side, then across.

    Furniture remodeling: photo ideas

    Remaking furniture with your own hands is a creative endeavor. Even something boring can be turned into something great. And it is not at all necessary to repeat exactly what you saw. A lot of useful ideas comes during the execution of the “project”. It’s just a pity that some of what was planned turns out to be not as attractive as it seemed. Try it, experiment. Good modern technologies allow this to be done at minimal cost.

    In this article I will talk about how to give new life old chest of drawers. How to restore, update and paint it at home, how to decorate it with fittings, the pros and cons of remodeling. I will describe the restoration methods and the preparation process. I'll tell you about the materials and tools needed for the work.

    Pros and cons of restoring a chest of drawers

    Restoring antique furniture is a painstaking job that requires high-quality materials.

    Depending on the dimensions, materials used, and condition of the chest of drawers, the restoration process takes from 2 to 10 days.

    Restoration extends the period of use and visually transforms the chest of drawers.

    Disadvantages of restoring chests of drawers:

    • high price for quality material;
    • lack of experience in restoration;
    • careful selection of materials;
    • long recovery period.

    Pros of restoring a chest of drawers:

    • additional furniture;
    • during the restoration process it is possible to change the functioning of the chest of drawers;
    • the interior appearance is updated;
    • the value of the chest of drawers increases;
    • wide range of restoration materials;
    • the life of the furniture is extended.

    How to update at home

    If you have free time, you can not go buy a new item for the room, but remake an old chest of drawers.

    First, you need to accurately visualize the final result of the work, clean the work area and purchase the necessary materials.

    To transform your chest of drawers:

    • degrease and wash the surface, allow the wood to dry;
    • sand the old paint with sandpaper;
    • apply a primer to the damaged areas;
    • degrease the areas covered with primer with alcohol;
    • apply acrylic primer and paint;
    • Allow the first layer to dry, cover with the second and wait until it dries completely.

    These are standard instructions for restoring old furniture. Depending on the material from which the chest of drawers is made, suitable tools are used.

    During the reconstruction process you will need:

    Required materials and tools

    Materials needed:

    • sandpaper, jigsaw;
    • grinding machine, hammer;
    • hacksaw, spatula;
    • file, nails, screws;
    • glue, roller, brushes and paints;
    • Chipboard, fiberboard or plywood.

    Preparatory work

    It is necessary to prepare the space where the furniture will be transformed. Lay newspapers or thick polyethylene on the floor.

    The furniture must be wiped with a dry cloth to remove dust and carefully inspected for defects.


    • swollen coating;
    • deep cracks;
    • dents;
    • protruding nails;
    • traces of pests of rodents and insects.

    Next, remove the old coating layer, get rid of the swollen areas - remove, if necessary, upper layer tree. Irregularities on wooden surfaces eliminated with an electric planer. Sometimes you have to use foreign objects to get rid of dust clogged in the cracks - with an old toothbrush. The handles are unscrewed and those that cannot be restored are replaced with new fittings. Then they wash it, let it dry, and coat it with a primer. If the material is not wood, then use putty.

    There is no need to use cleaning products with a high alkali or acid content.

    Dyeing process

    After complete cleaning and primer coating, the surface is covered with the first layer. The coating is selected to be resistant to mechanical damage and abrasion. Enamel ones are not used for restoration; oil-based ones are also not suitable. Acrylic is an acceptable option.

    This is an expensive material, but the price is justified by the fact that:

    • no pungent odor;
    • does not cause harm;
    • no need to dilute with solvent;
    • changes color when adding color;
    • reacts with water, which helps increase the volume of paint.

    To repaint, you need to remove the old coating, treat the wood with putty and sand it, then paint it. The surface may have a pattern or raised finish. These parts are painted with a thin brush. The top and side parts are painted with a roller; if there is no roller, the surface is painted with a wide brush along the wooden cut.

    Painting a chest of drawers perpendicular to the cut results in visible streaks after the layer dries. Can be painted white, blue, gold and other colors.

    Painting with acrylic paints is carried out several times. After the layers have dried, they are varnished. Low quality varnish has short term suitability. The chest of drawers will crack regardless of whether you hit it Sun rays or not.

    High-quality varnish meets the requirements:

    • water-based composition;
    • no pungent odor;
    • used without protective equipment for humans.

    Ship and floor varnishes will ruin the surface.

    Restoration methods

    It is possible to restore old furniture using several methods:

    Craquelure method

    One-step craquelure is characterized by small cracks that regular paint difficult to do. If necessary, cover with a layer of paint, then with craquelure varnish. The varnish should be applied in 2-3 layers. For quick drying, use a hairdryer. Next, the last layer is applied. There is no need to move the brush often in one place; the paint, together with the varnish, rolls into lumps.

    Peculiarity this method The problem is that the cracks are not caused by paint. The last layer of varnish is a catalyst for the formation of cracks. The wood is covered with the first layer of varnish and paint and allowed to dry. Then coated with decorative craquelure varnish.

    The varnish contains a pigment, which, when the varnish dries, pulls off the paint. The first cracks are being erased oil paint, pastel. It is possible to use cosmetics. To finish, the chest of drawers is covered with a regular layer of varnish.

    Decoupage method

    Decoupage combines aging and adhesive decorations.

    For abrasions, stain is used, which is applied with a dry brush. Next comes a layer of dark acrylic, the dried layer is treated with wax, and the last layer of coating is applied. The surface dries for 3-4 hours. For decorations, use stencils or large paper prints. Small pictures are glued with PVA glue in a chaotic manner. Cover with a layer of varnish.


    In this case, the surface is cleaned, primed, and applied to accent areas. dark color coverings. Treated with wax and varnished. Instead of wax, you can use sandpaper. Then a layer of varnish is applied twice.

    It's not difficult to transform, it doesn't take much time.

    You should not skimp on materials for restoring a chest of drawers.

    Restoration old furniture includes decor. Can be decorated with various accessories.

    High-quality work guarantees long-term service of furniture in a new image. The value of the restored furniture increases and it becomes the center of attention of the furniture owner.