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» How to freshen the air in an apartment: the use of household and professional air fresheners, the use of air purifiers, ionizers and humidifiers. How to freshen the air in an apartment: use fruits, oils and herbs Essential oils are a universal air freshener

How to freshen the air in an apartment: the use of household and professional air fresheners, the use of air purifiers, ionizers and humidifiers. How to freshen the air in an apartment: use fruits, oils and herbs Essential oils are a universal air freshener

Here are a few simple tips to help keep your home smelling nice.

1. If you use a fan in your apartment to cool the room, do not forget to periodically wash its blades. After this, not only will the air flow be stronger, but the fan will also be much quieter.

2. A pleasant smell will appear in the kitchen after you boil lemon peels in water for a few minutes.

3. Many people are bothered by an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator. Essential oils will help you get rid of it very easily. Apply one drop of lavender essential oil and one drop of lemon essential oil to a porous baked clay stone or even a piece of gauze and place on the refrigerator door. The smell will become much nicer. Don't forget to update your oils periodically.

4. Tea can also absorb odors. Place a few used sachets in a regular jar in the refrigerator and they will absorb the odors.

5. An unpleasant odor may come from the wastebasket. If this occurs, also use essential oils. After washing and drying the basket, place a piece of lavender soaked in essential oil and tea tree(one drop at a time) a piece of gauze or cotton wool.

6. If there is a lingering odor in the microwave that you cannot remove, add 3 drops of lemon or mint essential oil to a bowl of water and microwave it for 3 minutes.

7. The toilet is the most problematic area in the house in terms of aromatization. But this problem can be easily dealt with. To avoid using aerosols that are harmful to your breath, replace them with essential oils. Place two or three small aroma stones the size of cookies on a shelf in the toilet. Place a few drops of pine, lavender or ylang-ylang essential oils on them. Renew the scent every week. After this, your toilet will be filled with a pleasant aroma and a healthy atmosphere.

8. Recently, it has become popular to refresh laundry while washing with essential oils, which, unlike conditioners, are of natural origin and do not cause allergies. You can use two ways to scent your laundry. Add a terry mitten to the dryer and add 7 drops of your favorite essential oil (mint, rose, lavender, eucalyptus or any other). Or you can add 3 drops of oil to your ironing water.

9. The simplest and quick way to make the air in the room pleasant - add essential oil to a spray bottle with water and spray the room.

10. It’s also easy to get rid of the nasty smell in the washing machine. Buy high-quality, proven washing powder. Read the instructions carefully: manufacturers often advise pouring the powder not into the tray, but directly onto the laundry into the drum. Reason unpleasant odor Thick rinses or soap powders that are not completely washed off and serve as an excellent habitat for all kinds of fungi can serve. To cope with the problem, pour into the tray washing powder and turn on the “boil” mode idle or set the maximum temperature regime 90 degrees, depending on the modes of your machine. Drain the water, but do not spin. Carry out several rinses, then thoroughly wipe all accessible surfaces. washing machine and ventilate it. Traditional methods It is recommended to spin an empty machine with water and citric acid for at least 30 minutes.

The environmental situation in Moscow is far from ideal, but few people think that the air in apartments and offices also poses a great danger: indoors it stagnates, which causes the concentration of substances harmful to health to increase and dangerous bacteria and microorganisms to multiply. The Village asked doctors, ecologists and designers what measures would help improve the ecology of the home and avoid many diseases.

Is the air in your apartment actually worse than outside?

On average, indoor air is five times dirtier and ten times more toxic than outdoor air. Moreover, it is indoors that most people spend up to 90% of their time. These statistics are provided by the head of the laboratory of the manufacturer of the air disinfection system “Potok Inter”, Evgeniy Kobzev.

Stagnant air contains a large number of microorganisms, including those that can potentially harm human health. The main source of microbes is the person himself. “From the surface of the skin, pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and different kinds streptococci, and during breathing, sneezing and coughing - pathogens of tuberculosis, various pneumonia and influenza,” comments Kobzev.

Pathogenic microorganisms appear in apartments due to the fact that air conditioners, household cleaners air and instruments forced ventilation rarely or poorly served: so, ordinary home air conditioner If you do not change the filters in it, it can become a breeding ground for the causative agent of legionellosis, which in some cases causes a severe form of pneumonia in humans (even death). Fighting legionellosis with traditional disinfectants is practically useless. You can only increase the body’s resistance, improving immunity, and prevent the growth of bacteria: clean in time climate control equipment, avoid stagnation warm water(for example, in water heaters).

Another type of air pollution in an apartment, which Evgeny Kobzev points out, is mold: “Mold spores can enter the air from the surface of walls and ceilings (especially in bathrooms), which cause asthma attacks and exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory allergies and pulmonary hypertension.”

What sources of air pollution can be identified?


Dust is dangerous because mites can live in it. Alena Glushakova, deputy head physician for medical affairs at the MEDSI clinic in Khoroshevsky Proezd, clarifies that mites themselves are safe for humans, but their waste products can cause the development of allergic reactions, including the development of bronchial asthma: “If you constantly breathe dusty air, then respiratory diseases are inevitable systems (chronic diseases of the nasal cavity, pharynx, bronchi, lungs), inflammatory processes, headaches, irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes due to allergic reactions.”

Exhaust gases from automobiles and industrial emissions products

Penetrating through open windows, they also pose a health hazard. Exhaust gases contain nitrogen and carbon oxides, sulfur dioxide, aromatic hydrocarbons, lead compounds. They can cause the development of respiratory and nervous systems, provoke the development of allergic reactions and skin diseases.

Smell of cigarettes

Tobacco smoke is harmful not only at the moment of smoking: tobacco leaves contain a lot of oily resins with high penetrating ability, which means that the smoke from them is well absorbed into clothes, upholstered furniture, curtains, carpets. Tobacco tar and nicotine accumulate in the lungs and lead to lung diseases and aggravate allergic reactions and increase the risk of heart disease. To eliminate the smell, you need to constantly ventilate the room, wash fabric upholstery and wallpaper, wash textiles, have powerful ventilation in the apartment or air purifiers with filters that specialize in retaining cigarette smoke particles.

Particle boards and fibreboards

Chipboard and fiberboard are layers of pressed wood that are joined together with glue or various resins. Furniture made from this material releases formaldehyde and phenols - carcinogens that increase the likelihood of cancer. The source of carcinogens, according to Alena Glushakova, can also be laminate, linoleum, decorative plastic and cheap building finishing materials.

In Russia, formaldehyde is classified as the second of five hazard classes, where the first is the most serious. Short-term contact with an object that emits formaldehyde will not cause harm, but constant presence in the same apartment can cause skin reactions (irritation, itching, rash), eye inflammation, lethargy, frequent headaches, and difficulty sleeping. At the same time, as long as the source of carcinogens is isolated, for example, chipboard furniture is laminated or covered with veneer, the harm is minimal, but any damage to the surface will become a source of formaldehyde release.

Furniture made from chipboard emits formaldehyde and phenols - carcinogens that increase the likelihood of cancer

Rug near the front door

From the street we can bring pathogens along with dirt and dust. In 2008, the University of Arizona conducted a study: more than 400 thousand different bacteria were found on the soles of shoes. IN large quantities shoes carry E. coli, Friedlander's bacillus and Serratia ficaria - these bacteria cause urinary tract infections and respiratory infections. In this way, you can also bring chemicals home: gasoline particles after a walk in the rain, toxic fertilizers from the lawn, resins from asphalt, or reagents for dissolving snow from winter streets.


This is a substance of the first hazard class (according to GOST If you break a thermometer and at least one ball of mercury rolls behind the furniture or into a crack in the parquet, then the mercury in contact with the air will release toxic substances. That is why it is important to completely collect and dispose of it, and then disinfect all surfaces that it touched with a solution of potassium permanganate.

About 80% of inhaled mercury vapor is retained in the body. The longer the exposure and the more volatile mercury particles entering the body, the more dangerous the toxic effect. Acute mercury vapor poisoning manifests itself in intestinal upset, vomiting, and swelling of the gums. A decline in cardiac activity is characteristic, the pulse becomes rare and weak, and fainting is possible. With chronic poisoning, a metallic taste appears in the mouth, loose gums, severe salivation, mild irritability, weakened memory, and a strong effect on the nervous system.

Are popular cleaning products dangerous?

As a rule, when choosing household chemicals for the home, people tend to purchase the most aggressive means: with them you can achieve faster perfect cleanliness. What you have to pay for is inhaling volatile toxic substances contained in cleaning and detergents: chlorine, phosphates, surfactants, triclosan and even fragrances and aromatic enzymes.

"Regular use of toxic household chemicals, especially in poorly ventilated areas, can cause headaches, various allergic reactions, decreased immunity and even provoke the development of cancer. You can avoid these harmful consequences by choosing environmentally friendly household chemicals and returning to folk remedies for keeping your home clean. For example, a solution of vinegar, soda, lemon juice, mustard powder, soap solution and similar products are much safer,” says chief physician Verba Mayr Natalya Edel.

What symptoms indicate that there are toxic substances in the air?

Symptoms that should pay attention to the air quality in the apartment include: headaches, sleep disturbances, nausea, peeling skin, unpleasant taste in the mouth after waking up, dizziness, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. “But you shouldn’t panic at the first appearance of one of the symptoms: the state of the surrounding air is not the best common reason these disruptions in the body. First, we need to exclude the more “popular” ones: unhealthy diet, stress, lack of sleep,” comments Dmitry Gornastolev, chief physician of the Medscan network of medical centers. But difficulty breathing, irregular heart rhythm, loss of orientation in space - these are already symptoms in which you cannot hesitate and you must immediately call an ambulance. They may indicate a severe allergic reaction or toxic poisoning.

Regular use of toxic household chemicals can cause headaches, allergic reactions and decreased immunity

How to make the air in your apartment cleaner?

In the fight for clean air, you need to choose methods depending on the situation and type of pollution. Vadim Rukavitsyn, environmental consultant at EcoShopper, advises: if the apartment is located near a large highway or a large factory, install a filter on the valve supply ventilation and do not open windows in the room for ventilation. And if you use harmful paint, furniture or Construction Materials On the contrary, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often or purify the air through special household filters if the source of pollution cannot be promptly eliminated.

“Paints, varnishes, and adhesives often emit benzene, toluene, xylene and other volatile organic compounds. Chipboard, some types of plastic and foam plastic are saturated with the carcinogen formaldehyde during the production process. At the same time, there are no definitely dangerous and definitely safe species. paint and varnish materials and glue - it depends on the composition of a particular product,” says the ecologist. Harmful substances may be present, but in a concentration acceptable to humans and not cause harm, so when choosing, you need to pay attention to international eco-labels. Here are the main ones: Ecolabel (“European Flower”), Nordic Ecolabel (Nordic Swan, “Northern Swan”), German marking Der Blaue Engel (“Blue Angel”), the most common in the USA and Canada Green Seal and EcoLogo, as well as “Vitality Leaf”, the main one for Russia.

In case of air pollution, it will be most effective to use quartz lamps (there are small home models) and ventilation. This is especially true if someone in the apartment has been sick for a long time. If the air is contaminated with mold spores, it is necessary to determine its source and first get rid of the fungus. Also in this case, enhanced supply and exhaust ventilation and reducing humidity to 40–60%.

If we talk about universal tools for purifying the air in an apartment, home air purifiers and air washers cope best with this task. They differ in a set of filters, each of which is designed to eliminate a specific type of pollution. “The most common cleaners are those with a carbon membrane, mechanical cleaning and an ionizer. To clean bacteria and organic matter, it is necessary that the purifiers have a built-in ion-catalytic or streamer filter with a quartz lamp closed type“, - Vadim Rukavitsyn gives recommendations.

Partially protect yourself at the stage of choosing a place to live. First of all, it is worth considering the presence of major highways nearby, industrial facilities and landfills. If we talk about Moscow, then the ecologist calls the west and north-west the cleanest, and the dirtiest - central district, south and southeast of the capital. In addition to the presence of industrial enterprises in these districts, the wind in Moscow mainly blows to the southeast, so dirt from other areas also blows. But regardless of the area, everyone concrete house optimally considered separately, taking into account the terrain, distance from highways and railway, number of floors, proximity to the park, communications, type of house, history of the area and other parameters.

Why landscape the area near the house and ventilate the apartment?

To keep all systems running human body a constant circulatory process is required, which is carried out with the help of breathing: when oxygen enters the cells, metabolic processes occur, due to which energy is released. The quality of your breathing air is of paramount importance, which is why it is so important to maintain it. Lyubov Bogdanova, respiratory therapist, director International Center studying and practicing conscious breathing, advises landscaping local area so that the air outside the window is as clean as possible. Tree leaves actively capture dust and reduce the concentration of harmful gases. According to biologists, in the summer, an average-sized tree releases enough oxygen per day to breathe for three people, and a park or grove near a house will clear carbon dioxide from a layer of air up to 45 meters thick - that’s about 15 floors. It is best to plant chestnut, poplar, elm, larches, and shrubs - lilac, acacia, and rose hips. Houseplants also contribute to air purity. For selection specific type you can use the NASA list, which was compiled in 1989 based on the results of a study of plants that help in a confined space not only absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but also remove some from the atmosphere harmful substances(formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene). There are about 30 plants in total on this list; Among the most effective, having a complex effect, are common ivy, epipremnum aureus, spathiphyllum, bamboo palm (hamedorea), sansevieria (“mother-in-law’s tongue”), dracaena bordered and garden chrysanthemum. Regular wet cleaning necessary to maintain clean air: moisture precipitates dust, clearing the atmospheric air of its particles.

At the same time, volatile compounds in household chemicals and personal hygiene products are often the causes of allergic cough or nasal congestion, runny nose or severe sneezing, so it is better to choose natural products for cleaning rooms and body hygiene.

“Ventilate your apartment regularly: carbon dioxide released during exhalation is 1.5 times heavier than atmospheric air and accumulates in an unventilated room. And try to spend as much time as possible in nature: it is the ecoflora that creates the most favorable respiratory mixture for humans, which the urban environment cannot boast of,” advises the respiratory therapist. The air cannot be made absolutely clean, but the person himself, by controlling his breathing, can minimize the harmful effects.

Nasal breathing is unique in that it provides humidification and purification of air entering the human body from outside. The mucous membrane of the nasal passages traps dust particles and other foreign particles, as well as viruses and bacteria. The special composition of mucus neutralizes them, and the ciliated epithelium ensures their removal from the nasal cavity.

Lifehacks and gadgets that will help keep the air clean

Since wet cleaning is one of the most effective ways To achieve clean air in the apartment, you need to create conditions for it: systematize the storage of things, put clothes, books and dishes in closed cabinets and containers, leaving a maximum of open horizontal surfaces free.

Ideally, you need to think about the air quality in the apartment at the renovation stage: choose environmentally friendly materials, advise Sergey and Veronika Kovalev, architects of For flooring solid wood or cork tiles: These materials are easy to clean and do not emit toxic substances. To paint walls or ceilings, the architects of the Artbaza studio use Japanese paints with an antibacterial coating and lead-free composition, and in finishing they often use whole slabs of marble, solid wood, stones and minerals of natural origin - all these materials are natural and safe. Technical innovations will help keep the air clean and healthy. For example, an oxygen generator: by passing air through filters, it converts it into pure oxygen. More standard, but also useful, are air purifiers and ionizers. “To choose a good air purifier, it is important to know the volume of the room: multiply the volume by three - this is how much air the device should move through itself. Also, when purchasing, pay attention to the presence of several filters and multi-level cleaning,” advise Veronika and Sergey Kovalev.

In addition to purification, the air needs to be saturated with moisture: then harmful particles will settle on the floor and not be inhaled; moreover, normal level moisture is good for the respiratory tract and skin condition. The most technologically advanced assistants are here - ultrasonic humidifiers. They are usually equipped with a built-in hydrostat and are capable of automatically maintaining air humidity at wide range(from 20 to 90%). When buying a humidifier of any type, you should definitely ask what area of ​​the room it is designed for.

Simple ways to freshen the air in your apartment

Do your refrigerator and microwave have an unbearable odor? Has the smell of burnt food permeated every room of the house? Or maybe you can't stand the smell of fresh paint on the walls, or you just want to bring more freshness into your home?

your home during the hot season? Find out how to freshen the air in your apartment without special effort, from our article.

Natural products for fresh air in the apartment

It is noteworthy that just with the help of some natural ingredients that are easily found in every kitchen, you can refresh your home and make the atmosphere in it pleasant and comfortable. Coffee, lemons, oranges, spices and vanilla are essential air fresheners. We will use them to remove all unpleasant odors.

How to freshen the air in your apartment using ground coffee

To eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen, bathroom or other room, just grind the coffee beans and leave the fresh mixture in an open container for several hours.

Ground coffee is also very effective at removing odor from your refrigerator. Fill two small containers with fresh coffee grounds or ground coffee and leave them in the refrigerator overnight. For a stronger aroma, you can add a few drops of vanilla essence to your coffee.

Cotton balls for a fresh smell in the house

Apply a few drops of your favorite perfume to a cotton ball and place it in a vacuum cleaner bag. When the vacuum cleaner is running, a gentle, pleasant smell will fill the room and refresh the air in the room where you vacuum.

Cotton balls, like coffee, can also be used to freshen the refrigerator. Often the refrigerator does not smell very pleasant. In such cases, place a cotton swab soaked in vanilla extract on a shelf in the refrigerator.

Use fresh citrus fruits to freshen the air in your apartment

It is the smell of citrus fruits that will do the best job of eliminating unnecessary unpleasant “odors” and you will no longer have to think about it. how to freshen the air in an apartment.


In order to neutralize the unpleasant odor that comes from a cat's sand box or from the bathroom, it is not necessary to use special aerosols. Place lemon slices on a plate and leave on the problem area. In just a few hours the air will become fresh and fragrant.

To remove odor from the refrigerator, wet a sponge lemon juice and leave it in it for several hours.

To freshen the air throughout the house, office space or an apartment in hot water add lemon zest, cinnamon, cloves and apple peel. A pleasant smell will reach all rooms.


To freshen the air in the kitchen after cooking, you can use fresh oranges. Boil the orange peel in a saucepan and leave the container uncovered for several hours. The air in the kitchen will be freshened immediately and very effectively.

How to refresh your apartment - spices and herbs

Skip the special room scents and make your own wonderful air fresheners. Boil cinnamon sticks and cloves in a saucepan for 30 minutes. You can also freshen the air by placing a few tablespoons of spices on a tray covered with parchment paper. Place the tray in the hot oven for 30 minutes. Leave the door ajar.

If you have dried mint, rub the leaves in your hands and place on a saucer. In addition, it would not hurt to grow such aromatic and fragrant herbs on the windowsill as mint, thyme, basil - they can grow on yours all year round, delighting with its freshness and aroma. Plus, you can use these greens for your cooking recipes.

How to freshen the air in the kitchen

Vanilla extract for freshness in the home

If you don't like the smell of freshly painted walls, add a teaspoon of vanilla after you open the paint box. The smell is intoxicating.

If your refrigerator smells bad, soak a sponge in vanilla extract and wipe the inside of the refrigerator. Also, if your microwave smells bad, rinse it out and place a bowl of vanilla extract inside for a minute.

Freshen the air with aromatic oils

If you don't always have fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, on hand, get used to keeping a couple of jars of essential oils with you at all times. Lemon, grapefruit and orange aromatic oils will do a great job of freshening the air in your apartment if you add a couple of drops of any of them to a bowl of slightly warmed water. Grapefruit oil is especially effective at freshening the air.

Time-tested folk ways to refresh an apartment

There are several other ways to freshen up your apartment and remove unpleasant odors, in particular those coming from the kitchen, tested by good housewives. This is vinegar and baking soda. You can simply open soda (several packs) and place it in the room that needs to be refreshed. Dilute vinegar with water (3:1) and spray it in the apartment using a spray bottle.

Ventilate and freshen the air in the house more often so that odors are not absorbed into curtains, upholstered furniture, decorative items and even walls. And don’t forget about indoor flowers, which not only refresh, but also cleanse the air of bacteria and other impurities.

And remember that first of all you need to find the source of the unpleasant odor in the apartment and try to get rid of it. Need to do general cleaning, especially in kitchen cabinets and other food storage areas, completely defrost, wash and ventilate the refrigerator. Only after this, use all the listed methods to freshen the air in your apartment, and your home will always be filled with pleasant aromas.

From January to February, most houses smell of pine needles and tangerines. But these are only two months of the year, and what tests is the sense of smell exposed to in the remaining ten?

The mustiness of the basement, the aromas of the garbage chute and sewer, the neighbors smoking in the entrance - the stench tries to penetrate into the apartment every time it is opened. front door. And if internal problems are added to external problems, such as clogged pipes and non-functioning ventilation, then all is lost.

And okay in warm time- you can open the window and leave your favorite home to ventilate for an indefinite period. What to do in winter?


1. Chinese way

If it’s cold outside, then the “draft” option should be reduced in time as much as possible. But how can you maintain the effect of long-term ventilation?

Residents of the Middle Kingdom invented a simple method: canvas bags of tea, hung in doorways during “air procedures”, they will quickly absorb unpleasant odors and refresh the atmosphere - just 15-20 minutes is enough.

2. Grandmother's way

Our parents didn't have it in their arsenal modern methods combating unpleasant odors. They used folk remedies. And in first place - wet towels!

The more suitable places you find to hang them, the less unwanted odors will remain in the room. And then all that remains is to open the windows a short time to reduce humidity.


3. Vinegar method

This product also belongs to the list of tricks of experienced housewives. With it you can go into fire, into water, and into copper pipes.

Heating water and vinegar on the stove will eliminate kitchen odors: burnt food, overly aromatic dishes, or a mixture of both. A similar solution, but with the addition of a couple of drops of aromatic oil - bergamot or lavender, can be used to clean the bathroom. This procedure will help get rid of persistent toilet odors.

Well, if the sources of the “fragrance” are pipes, then the following composition will help solve the problem: 1 part coarse salt, 1 part soda and 2 parts vinegar. Pour it all into the drain hole and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with hot water.

4. Method of acupressure

Well, which of us, for example, does not stock up? Potatoes, carrots, onions... all of this actively releases odors. Off to the settlements! Organize a storage area outside the apartment, use vestibules, loggias, and utility rooms.

Well, if the situation is hopeless and the vegetable “ghetto” can only be placed inside the house, then take care of containers with lids and odor-absorbing devices.

Speaking of the latter, do you know how to reduce the concentration of unpleasant odors in the trash can?

There are two ways: the first is to place a special carbon filter, neutralizing odors, second and more economical - use toilet strips for purposes other than their intended purpose! If you put a freshener at the bottom of the bucket, under a garbage bag, the plastic will absorb its aroma and kill the aroma of the waste.


5. Massive attack

Everything is great, but what to do if emergency measures are needed, and the area of ​​impact should be maximum? How to quickly refresh the atmosphere if, for example, there are unexpected guests on the doorstep, but outside the window there is no frost and no ventilation?

A frying pan and coffee beans will save you! Roast the beans over high heat and their aroma will displace any unpleasant odors. Tested by more than one generation of housewives!

6. simple trick

This “air freshener” is easy to make yourself. And you only need a few things - glass jar from under the candle, baking soda and essential oil.

The first option is to pour baking soda into a jar, add a few drops of essential oil, mix well and place a burning candle tablet on top. There is no need to close the jar.

In the second case, you can do without a candle! This is where the lid of the jar comes in handy. You need to make holes in it (for example, using a screwdriver and a hammer, as in the video). A pleasant aroma in your home is guaranteed!

7. Beautiful way

For those who want to add a little chic to their surroundings, we recommend using... pomanders!

This mysterious word not only sounds beautiful, but is also an effective and inexpensive remedy, specially invented for our article and the topic of the column.


Making pomanders is simple: you just need some oranges and a lot of cloves (seasoning). The second ones are stuck in a spiral into the first ones, and the resulting structures are hung around the apartment. Such natural fresheners air vents will last a couple of weeks, and after that they can be replaced with new ones. The usefulness of pomanders is not limited to the function of aromatization, they also have psychological impact: relieve stress and improve mood.

The smell in the house is the calling card of the owners. Everyone can make it unforgettable. The only question is whether they will be good memories or terrible ones. The choice is yours!

Do your refrigerator and microwave have an unbearable odor? Has the smell of burnt food permeated every room of the house? Or maybe you can’t stand the smell of fresh paint on the walls, or you just want to bring more freshness into your home during the hot season? Find out how to freshen the air in your apartment without much effort from our article.

Natural products for fresh air in the apartment

It is noteworthy that just with the help of some natural ingredients that are easily found in every kitchen, you can refresh your home and make the atmosphere in it pleasant and comfortable. Coffee, lemons, oranges, spices and vanilla are essential air fresheners. We will use them to remove all unpleasant odors.

How to freshen the air in your apartment using ground coffee

To eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen, bathroom or other room, just grind the coffee beans and leave the fresh mixture in an open container for several hours.

Ground coffee is also very effective in removing odor from coffee. Fill two small containers with fresh coffee grounds or ground coffee and leave them in the refrigerator overnight. For a stronger aroma, you can add a few drops of vanilla essence to your coffee.

Cotton balls for a fresh smell in the house

Apply a few drops of your favorite perfume to a cotton ball and place it in a vacuum cleaner bag. When it works, a gentle, pleasant smell will fill the room and freshen the air in the room where you vacuum.

Cotton balls, like coffee, can also be used to freshen the refrigerator. Often the refrigerator does not smell very pleasant. In such cases, place a cotton swab soaked in vanilla extract on a shelf in the refrigerator.

Use fresh citrus fruits to freshen the air in your apartment

It is the smell of citrus fruits that will do the best job of eliminating unnecessary unpleasant “odors” and you will no longer have to think about it. how to freshen the air in an apartment.


In order to neutralize the unpleasant odor that comes from a cat's sand box or from the bathroom, it is not necessary to use special aerosols. Place lemon slices on a plate and leave on the problem area. In just a few hours the air will become fresh and fragrant.

To remove odors from the refrigerator, soak a sponge in lemon juice and leave in it for several hours.

To freshen the air throughout your home, office or apartment, add lemon zest, cinnamon, cloves and apple peel to hot water. A pleasant smell will reach all rooms.


To freshen the air in the kitchen after cooking, you can use fresh oranges. Boil the orange peel in a saucepan and leave the container uncovered for several hours. The air in the kitchen will be freshened immediately and very effectively.

How to refresh your apartment - spices and herbs

Skip the special room scents and make your own wonderful air fresheners. Boil cinnamon sticks and cloves in a saucepan for 30 minutes. You can also freshen the air by placing a few tablespoons of spices on a tray covered with parchment paper. Place the tray in the hot oven for 30 minutes. Leave the door ajar.

If you have dried mint, rub the leaves in your hands and place on a saucer. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to grow such aromatic and fragrant herbs on the windowsill as mint, thyme, basil - they can grow with you all year round, delighting you with their freshness and aroma. Plus, you can use these greens for your cooking recipes.

How to freshen the air in the kitchen

Vanilla extract for freshness in the home

If you don't like the smell of freshly painted walls, add a teaspoon of vanilla after you open the paint box. The smell is intoxicating.

If your refrigerator smells bad, soak a sponge in vanilla extract and wipe the inside of the refrigerator. Also, if your microwave smells bad, rinse it out and place a bowl of vanilla extract inside for a minute.

Freshen the air with aromatic oils

If you don't always have fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, on hand, get used to keeping a couple of jars of essential oils with you at all times. Lemon, grapefruit and orange aromatic oils will do a great job of freshening the air in your apartment if you add a couple of drops of any of them to a bowl of slightly warmed water. Grapefruit oil is especially effective at freshening the air.

Time-tested folk ways to refresh an apartment

There are several other ways to freshen up your apartment and remove unpleasant odors, in particular those coming from the kitchen, tested by good housewives. This is vinegar and baking soda. You can simply open soda (several packs) and place it in the room that needs to be refreshed. Dilute vinegar with water (3:1) and spray it in the apartment using a spray bottle.

Ventilate and freshen the air in the house more often so that odors do not absorb into upholstered furniture, decorative items and even walls. And don’t forget about them, which not only refresh, but also cleanse the air of bacteria and other impurities.

And remember that first of all you need to find the source of the unpleasant odor in the apartment and try to get rid of it. It is necessary to do a general cleaning, especially in kitchen cabinets and other food storage areas, completely defrost, wash and ventilate the refrigerator. Only after this, use all the listed methods to freshen the air in your apartment, and your home will always be filled with pleasant aromas.