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» How to open a chest in the game spongebob. Walkthrough of SpongeBob SquarePants

How to open a chest in the game spongebob. Walkthrough of SpongeBob SquarePants

Chapter 1: Love Thy Neighbor.
Let's play as SpongeBob.
Goal: Help SpongeBob prepare for the opening of the Krusty Krabs 2 restaurant.

Take the alarm clock on the barrel on the left. We talk to Gary, but we don’t learn anything interesting. The chest on the left is locked. Let's go down. We pass by the main exit and find ourselves in the living room. The TV is too loud, the remote control has disappeared somewhere, and for some reason the phone doesn’t want to show signs of life. We'll have to figure it all out. Go through the door on the left # this is the bathroom. Click on the bathroom and SpongeBob will take a shower on his own. We go to the sink and take the toothbrush lying on it. There's nothing more to do here. Now go through the door on the right # this is the kitchen. We take a spatula on the table and find an ice cube in the refrigerator. We return to the bedroom and open the chest with a spatula. We take clothes from it. Now let's dress up SpongeBob. To do this, simply drag the clothes from the inventory onto the main character. Finally it can appear on the street. We return to the kitchen and go out the door on the right. We talk to the telephone master, and then use an alarm clock on him. Click on the remote control and SpongeBob will do everything himself.
The phone worked. Now we go to the main exit from the house. It's time to visit the neighbors! First, let's go to Squidward. We go to the dining room and look at the board with the neighbor’s new number. The sponge will remember it himself. We go up the stairs and go into the bathroom. We talk with Squidward and beg him to give us toothpaste. When the conversation has exhausted itself, turn off the tape recorder and go outside. It's time to visit Patrick. During the conversation, we notice that the neighbor has our TV remote control. We agree on a barter exchange: we give Patrick an ice cube, and he gives us the remote control. The cube has been in our pocket for a long time, so we calmly hand it over and receive the long-awaited remote control. We return to the main character’s house and turn off the TV using the remote control. We click on the phone and Sponge will do everything again without our help. So, Squidward is distracted, it's time to end the chapter. We run to our neighbor’s bathroom, go to the sink and take toothpaste. Combine the brush with the paste, and then click the resulting object on Sponge’s face in the mirror. Chapter 1 completed!

Chapter 2: Deep Sea Evil.
We play as Plankton.
Objective: Help Plankton steal Neptune's crown from his castle.

Let's go through the door. We take it on the table wrench. We speak with Karen. Let's go right. Here we select the mop on the right and look at the evil plan I am in the bottom drawer. We now have a goal. We throw a wrench at the mechanical SpongeBob and return to the first screen. We use a mop to change the menu and quickly run back to the laboratory, where we pick up the jetpack. #We put on the #jetpack like SpongeBob's clothes and leave the Garbage Bin. Let's go to the left corner of the screen. This is where the mini-game begins: you need to fly to Neptune's castle, avoiding the jellyfish. Everything is easy and there should be no problems. Having arrived, we go to the castle gates. Along the way we turn left into the stables. Talk to the seahorse keeper, although it's not exactly a conversation. We take a horseshoe in the corner. We return to the previous screen and enter the castle. We go left, that is, to the library. We talk to the clown and take a thread on the carpet. We combine a horseshoe with a thread and go out. We pass along the corridor to a door with a button on the wall. We hook the horseshoe with the thread to the nail above the button and press the button.
Here we are in the throne room! We go a couple of screens to the crown and take it. Chapter 2 completed!

Chapter 3: On the Road
Let's play as SpongeBob.
Goal: Find Krabs' hamburger car and use it to go to Shell City.

We talk to Squidward and find out about the pass. We enter the kitchen and take the tongs on the right. Before leaving, you can talk to the guy at the table, but again this will not give anything useful.
On the street you can exchange a word with the telephone technician and Okun Okunovich. But we need to go to Krusty Krabs 2. We go in and talk to the girl. There's nothing more to do here. Let's go right to Goofy Goober. When you get there, talk to Morty. We need to get some fried ice cream. Let's talk to Goofy Goober, a guy we know, and go left to the bar. We get ice cream from the seller and return to Krusty Krabs 2. We go into the kitchen. Combine the tongs with the ice cream and dip it into the boiling oil. We return to Morty and give him the fried ice cream. We get a pass. We go to the Krusty Krabs and climb down the poles in the kitchen. Using the pass, we open the door, go down the elevator and get into the hamburger car. At the gas station we talk with both owners, and then we go inside the premises and take the lyrics of the Goofy Goober song from the trash can. We go abroad and enter the brothel. We go to the right and talk to the twins. In the end, we give them the sheet music of the Goofy Goober song. We go into the bathroom and click on the soap dish, it is empty. We return and ask the bartender to fill it.
Again we go to the bathroom and click on the soap dish again. Chapter 3 completed!

Chapter 4: Free Mindy!
Let's play as Mindy.
Goal: Escape from Neptune's castle to help SpongeBob and Patrick.

Open the cabinet door and take the dirty mirror. We swim to the door and pick up a jar of glue on the chest of drawers. Let's go back. Open the window and coat the window sill with glue. Let's go through the door. We swim to the library and take a book there. Now back to the hall and up the stairs to the dungeon. We talk to the jailer and give him the book. We give the dirty mirror to the polisher. Let's go to throne room. We give the page a clean mirror and go outside. We go to the stable and open the gate. Chapter 4 completed!

Chapter 5: Trap in the Hollow.

Let's go right to the hotel. Enter the Abyss Hotel. Talk to the manager and go down the corridor. Enter the first room. Talk to the guest and look into the holes in the floor. You can also go into the second room, but there is nothing interesting there. Exit the hotel and go right along the road to the caves. Patrick will remain outside and SpongeBob will enter. After talking with the researcher, do not forget to take the flashlight from him. Return to the hotel. Go to the first room and highlight the holes in the floor with a flashlight. Talk to the manager again. Go outside and go into the room under the hotel. Mrs. Helen's pearl beads lie next to the bed. Bring them back and you will be rewarded with a Focusing Sphere. Again, go into the caves and enter the corridors of consciousness. Just go through the corridors in the order in which they will be highlighted. The order is different for each game. You need to go through 3 corridors. Talk to the elder and show him the sphere. He will let you into the corridors of consciousness, part 2. The same thing, only 4 corridors. Now enter the pink gate of Fabrication.
Finally they arrived. Place the sphere on the pedestal. A beam appeared, clearing the fog. Walk towards the beam across the plains and you will come to the end of the chapter. Chapter 5 completed!

Chapter 6: Washing Bones
Let's play as SpongeBob.
Goal: Become a member of the invertebrate resistance and reach Shell City.

Let's go right to the hospital. We talk to Jacques and go to the hospital. We talk to the secretary, go out and take the bone sea ​​urchin at the very bottom of the screen, then give it to the secretary. We walk down the hall and enter the examination room. We talk with Doctor Louis about the revolution and get a stethoscope. We go out and talk with Jacques, and then with Marius. We get a revolutionary vest big size. Let's go right. Here's the view from above. You need to get parallel to the bottom of the screen. When we arrive, we walk past the store to the hot springs. We dip the vest in the springs and put it on. We return to the store and tell the seller the password and go to Octavio. We give the stethoscope and end the chapter. Chapter 6 completed!

Chapter 7: Shell City
Play as Patrick SpongeBob
Goal: Return the crown to Bikini Bot

Let's start with Patrick. We jump off the table and go to back store. We climb onto the stand and climb onto the cash register, and from it we jump onto the button. We jump down and take the bow. We run to SpongeBob and use the bow on him. Now we play for Sponge. We jump off and run to the front of the store. We grab the crown and run for the exit. We go to the right and pick up the shell. We go down the steps and dip the shell in the resin. Let's go to the ocean. Along the way, talk to the treasure hunter, and pick up a stick near the shore. We combine a stick with a shell and use the resulting shovel to dig out a chrome whistle. We blow into it, thereby calling Hasselhoff and go straight to last chapter. Chapter 7 completed!

Chapter 8: Planktopolis
Let's play as SpongeBob.
Goal: Free Bikini Bottom from Plankton's control.

Let's go to the Krusty Krabs. We talk to Plankton and leave. We talk with the musician and go two screens to the right, that is, to the Garbage Bin. Screen on top. You need to collect all the Krabby Patties without getting caught by the robot. Then we take the flashing sub-eta-frequency emitter from the ceiling and go out. We repeat the process in Pacman style and exit the Bucket. Let's go to the Krusty Krabs again. The musician was also caught, so we take his guitar and amplifier and enter. We go past Plankton to the warehouse. We select a loudspeaker in the saucer. We combine an amplifier, a loudspeaker and a sub-eta-frequency emitter with each other. We leave the warehouse and plug the resulting mega-amplifier into the socket to the right of the door. We use the guitar on the amplifier. Again a mini-game: each string has its own color and there are notes different colors. As soon as a note flies past the desired string, it lights up. At this time you need to click on the string.
The notes will go faster and faster and after a certain time everything will end. Let's watch the end. Chapter 8 completed!

Nowadays there is hardly a person who has not heard about SpongeBob - this cartoon character delights not only his target audience, small children, but also many adults. Naturally, the matter was not limited exclusively to the animated series. The success of this character, as well as other inhabitants of the seabed, such as Patrick, Sandy, Squidworth, and so on, immediately began to be used for commercial purposes. It hasn't always worked out well, but there are enough quality projects, such as flash games, that deserve attention. However, it is worth considering separately the computer game "SpongeBob SquarePants", which is based on a full-length cartoon and is a full-fledged quest with a rather exciting passage. "SpongeBob SquarePants" is not an overly complex quest, so young children can also enjoy another chapter of the adventures of their favorite character. If you are a fan of this series, then you should definitely try yourself in this project - you won’t spend much time, but you will never regret it.

What is this game?

As already mentioned, this game is a quest and has a rather exciting passage. SpongeBob SquarePants is all about finding items and solving various puzzles, so you'll have to use your brain to get things done. But, naturally, the most important thing here is the plot, which revolves around well-known characters in a familiar setting. The bottom of the ocean, namely the town of Bikini Bottom, is preparing for the opening of the second Krusty Krabs restaurant, but this, of course, is interfered with by the plans of the main villain - Plankton. As a result, you have to save the city, prevent the honor of the best establishment on the ocean floor from being tarnished and, of course, defeat the main villain in order to successfully complete the passage. "SpongeBob SquarePants" is a game filled with a variety of events, so even if the youngest children play, they are unlikely to get bored. The picture on the screen is very bright, saturated, the scenery is constantly changing, various actions and events take place, so the children’s attention will be riveted to the monitor.

Game characters

Bikini Bottom is home to quite a few different creatures - most of the population is fish, but there are also other creatures such as starfish, crabs, whales, sharks and so on. In the game you will also meet many different characters, but you will only get to play with a limited number, each of which has its own passage. "SpongeBob SquarePants" invites you to take control in turn of several key characters that you have met previously in the animated series. First of all, this is, naturally, SpongeBob himself, main character the entire series. Besides it, you will be able to control it best friend, starfish Patrick, who doesn't have much intelligence but is insanely charismatic in his stupidity. You will also take control of Mindy, who is far from the most popular heroine. Many will only learn from the game that this is Neptune’s daughter, but fans of the series will naturally be aware from the very beginning. And, of course, there won’t be a small surprise - in one of the chapters you will take control of Plankton himself, the main villain of Bikini Bottom, who always tries to harm the locals, and his main goal is to get the recipe for the famous Krabby Patty so that his restaurant will become the most popular on the entire ocean floor in the SpongeBob quest. The passage of the game will consist of several sections, each of which will include one chapter.

love thy neighbour

“Love Thy Neighbor” is a rather strange title for the first chapter of the SpongeBob quest. Progressing through the game will repeatedly present you with interesting and funny surprises, so be prepared for this. So, if you've watched the show, you know that SpongeBob's morning rituals are very important. Therefore, throughout the first chapter you will help him prepare for the opening of a new restaurant. To do this, you will need to open the chest to get dressed, fix your phone and turn off the TV. The chest opens with a spatula, which can be found in the kitchen, but with the rest of the items it will be more difficult. You can’t fix the phone yourself; you need to call a repairman, but the TV remote control is missing. If you visit Patrick, you can trade the remote control for an ice cube, which is also in the kitchen. That's one less thing to worry about, but SpongeBob can't go to the restaurant opening without brushing his teeth and running out of toothpaste. You need to visit Squidworth, remember his new phone number and call him from own home to distract. When Squidworth comes out of the bathroom, you need to get there, use the paste on the brush and apply it all to Bob's reflection in the mirror. That's the entire first chapter of the game "SpongeBob SquarePants". The passage does not provide for the presence difficult riddles. After all, this quest is primarily for young children.

Deep Sea Evil

So, most likely, you have already fallen in love with the game “SpongeBob SquarePants”. The passage has come to that long-awaited moment when you will need to control Plankton. Naturally, he has his own evil plan that you need to study carefully. Your goal is the crown from the castle of the ruler of the seas and oceans, Neptune. You need to steal it using a mechanical SpongeBob figure and a jetpack. A mini-game awaits you in which you have to overcome the field of jellyfish that separates you from Neptune's castle. Inside you will need to find the crown and steal it. Who do you think will be accused of theft? Naturally, SpongeBob, because Plankton used his mechanical figure to commit his atrocities, complicating the passage. "SpongeBob SquarePants" once again throws you an interesting plot twist.

On the road

Control passes back to SpongeBob as you need to send him to new restaurant. There's quite a lot to do here. various actions in the establishment itself in order to progress the game. If you can’t do this, the only thing left is to read the walkthrough for a successful game. “SpongeBob SquarePants” will not let you relax for a minute, but at the same time, the plot will most likely captivate you very much, so you won’t want to relax. Here you will need to make fried ice cream, find the lost lyrics of a song, and pass more than one test, but you will still have to leave the establishment. Playing the SpongeBob SquarePants map as the main character will be temporarily suspended because you will have to play the next chapter as a different character.

Free Mindy

Now it’s the turn of a mermaid named Mindy, who is both Neptune’s daughter and SpongeBob’s friend. She is aware that the crown is missing, but she does not doubt her comrade, so she must escape from her father's palace to help Bob return the stolen crown. Your goal is to reach the stables, where you can take the seahorse and ride it on a long journey. But to do this you will have to solve several problems and survive a couple of incidents. However, in the end everything will end well, and you will be able to leave your father's house.

Trap in the depression

This chapter gives you access to two characters at once - SpongeBob and Patrick, so it will be twice as fun to play. You will need to visit a hotel in which you need to search a lot of rooms. You will have to get distracted and go to the neighboring caves, but then the main events of the chapter will still develop in the “Abyss” - that’s the name of the hotel. First, you will need to find the beads that Miss Ellen lost, for which you will receive a very important quest item - a magic sphere. With it, you will need to return to the caves again, where several mini-games await you. The completion of this will be finding a pedestal on which you will need to place the sphere - this will give you a beam of light indicating the direction of your further journey.

Washing the bones

This chapter is quite unusual, as in it you will find an invertebrate resistance group that you will need to join. The main tasks are to acquire a resistance member's vest and find out their password. You can get a vest after a few conversations, but it is not the right size for you. Go to the hot springs and bathe your vest in them - it will “fit” and fit you perfectly. Now you can find out the password and use it to advance further in the story.

Shell City

Now you find yourself in Shell City - the place where Plankton hid the stolen crown of Neptune, after which he established his control over Bikini Bottom. You need to find the crown and return it. You'll first control Patrick to give SpongeBob some room to maneuver, and then take control of the main character again. It is with his hands that he will have to steal the crown from the store in order to return it to its rightful owner.


While you were trying to find and return Neptune's crown, Plankton had already managed to restore his order in Bikini Bottom - he took over not only the Krusty Krabs, but the entire city. You need to stop this outrage, but it's not that easy. First, go to the Garbage Bin, a restaurant owned by Plankton. There you need to collect all the stolen Krabby Patties. After that, start creating a powerful musical installation, for which you will need several parts at once, available both in the Krusty Krabs and the Garbage Bin, and in other places. Only in this way will you be able to defeat the main villain, and when the installation is ready, bring it to the Krusty Krabs, turn it on the network and proceed to the final mini-game. You will need to click on the right notes that appear on the screen in time. The further the game goes, the faster the notes replace each other. If you don't make mistakes, the mini-game will eventually end and Plankton will be defeated. That's it, you've completed the SpongeBob SquarePants game.

Meaning of the game

This computer game along with the original animated series, had a significant impact on the gaming industry. It’s worth starting with what exactly is the way out of this project entailed a large number of flash games for which you no longer need a walkthrough. "SpongeBob", "Minecraft" - what can unite these two completely? various games? In fact, there is a connection. Fans have already made a thematic map in a game like Minecraft. Passing the SpongeBob map, of course, has nothing in common with passing the game itself, but it is no less fun.

The main character of these online games has become very famous from the cartoon, which has been published for several years. Now you have the opportunity to play online and manage it yourself SpongeBob ohm Several collected different versions, which belong to different genres, so there is a good selection. Everyone will be able to choose a flash drive to their liking and go through it. In many games you can control not only Bob, but also his friends, who can fully replace the main character for some time. The difficulty of passing is quite high everywhere, although everything is designed more for children. The series continues to develop successfully, which means new parts may appear soon. All games are free to play and do not require users to register. You can play in full screen, the graphics are good everywhere!

Almost every child and adult knows the funny yellow hero who lives at the bottom of the ocean in the company of cheerful friends. Something interesting is constantly happening here, life does not stand still. SpongeBob became one of the the best entertainment today, so we suggest you dive into the underwater world and have a good time. The page contains several high-quality flash games that are dedicated to SpongeBob and his friends. Several hours of exciting adventures await you, and everyone can choose their favorite genre on their own.

Everything about SpongeBob

sponge Bob Square Pants is the full name of the popular animated series, which first appeared on screens in 1999. Initially, the series bore the American name SpongeBob SquarePants, but as its popularity grew, translations into other languages ​​appeared, including Russian. All the events of the cartoon take place at the bottom of the ocean in the mysterious city of Bikini Bottom. For this reason, most of the characters are presented as real sea creatures.

Many may be surprised by the age of the series, but in reality there is nothing strange. The cartoon received real recognition only with the release of the second season, and it was then that SpongeBob began to gain fame in many countries around the world. For example, in Russia the show began only in 2003 on the TNT channel. To date, 9 seasons have been released and are available for viewing.

Main characters

  • Spongebob- is the main character and lives in the underwater world in a house in the shape of a large pineapple. Living with him is a small cute snail that looks more like a typical house cat. Bob has several favorite pastimes: letting bubble, catch jellyfish and do karate. At the same time, SpongeBob works in a restaurant and prepares Krabby Patties for customers. For a long time now, the main character has been trying to pass his license, but is unable to pass the exam.
  • Patrick Star- is Bob's best friend, always cheerful and funny. Appearance reminds starfish, and lives in strange house in the form of a stone. The laziest and stupidest cartoon character.
  • Squidward Tentical- lives next door to the main character. He often has a negative attitude towards SpongeBob and his friend Patrick, who are constantly fooling around.
  • Sandy Cheeks- an unusually smart bun who arrived in the underwater world for the sake of research. He cannot breathe underwater, so he always wears a protective suit. He loves to practice karate, and teaches the main character some techniques.
  • Mr. Krabs- This is the manager of the restaurant where SpongeBob works. The Crab is obsessed with making money and is an incredible miser. Several times he tried to carry out complex frauds, as a result of which he risked ending up in a local prison.
  • Plankton Sheldon- This is Krabs' main competitor. Sheldon constantly tries to steal the signature burger recipe, but always fails. A very strange character with one eye.

The remaining characters are much less common, but you will definitely be able to see them while watching the cartoon. They all have certain unique features and are quickly remembered.

SpongeBob's success

Initially, the series was low-budget; there were no big bets on success. After the first season was shown, the number of viewers was incredibly large. The novelty was able to surpass other masterpieces, which were now fading into the background. Over time, the popularity continued to grow, with the number of viewers constantly increasing. At the moment, there is no doubt about the success of SpongeBob; many people know funny expressions from the cartoon and use them as jokes.

  • It is believed that the main character was born in 1986. All the actions of the cartoon take place after 2000. From this we can conclude that Bob is 14 years old. By this point, the hero was able to find a job and lives separately from his parents.
  • In most cases, SpongeBob is presented as a weak and defenseless character. At certain moments in the cartoon, this hero demonstrates not just strength, but incredible abilities.
  • The appearance of the main character gradually changed from an adult to a more childish one. Most likely, the creators wanted to attract more young audiences.
  • SpongeBob is the only hero who took part in all series of the cartoon. Other characters may not have been included in the shot for certain reasons.
  • SpongeBob is the most popular character on Nickelodeon. It will be quite difficult to get around it.
  • Observant viewers might have noticed that each time the main character's head gets bigger. The reasons for this are unknown, but guesses can be made.
  • All actions take place underwater, but the main characters can sometimes go to the beach wearing swimwear.

You have the opportunity to take on the role of a famous hero. Here is a page where numerous Online Games featuring SpongeBob. You can go to a restaurant and start cooking delicious burgers for underwater inhabitants, or you can visit a mysterious ship where scary ghosts live. In the underwater world there are a large number of mysteries to be solved. Most flash games are in the genre of adventure games and racing, but there are unusual puzzles with hidden object elements. Choose your favorite style and try to complete all levels. The passage is available to everyone for free and without registration. We wish you a good time!

Chapter 1: Love Thy Neighbor.
Let's play as SpongeBob.
Goal: Help SpongeBob prepare for the opening of the Krusty Krabs 2 restaurant.

Take the alarm clock on the barrel on the left. We talk to Gary, but we don’t learn anything interesting. The chest on the left is locked. Let's go down. We pass by the main exit and find ourselves in the living room. The TV is too loud, the remote control has disappeared somewhere, and for some reason the phone doesn’t want to show signs of life. We'll have to figure it all out. We go through the door on the left - this is the bathroom. Click on the bathroom and SpongeBob will take a shower on his own. We go to the sink and take the toothbrush lying on it. There's nothing more to do here. Now we go through the door on the right - this is the kitchen. We take a spatula on the table and find an ice cube in the refrigerator. We return to the bedroom and open the chest with a spatula. We take clothes from it. Now let's dress up SpongeBob. To do this, simply drag the clothes from the inventory onto the main character. Finally it can appear on the street. We return to the kitchen and go out the door on the right. We talk to the telephone master, and then use an alarm clock on him. Click on the remote control and SpongeBob will do everything himself. The phone worked. Now we go to the main exit from the house. It's time to visit the neighbors! First, let's go to Squidward. We go to the dining room and look at the board with the neighbor’s new number. The sponge will remember it himself. We go up the stairs and go into the bathroom. We talk with Squidward and beg him to give us toothpaste. When the conversation has exhausted itself, turn off the tape recorder and go outside. It's time to visit Patrick. During the conversation, we notice that the neighbor has our TV remote control. We agree on a barter exchange: we give Patrick an ice cube, and he gives us the remote control. The cube has been in our pocket for a long time, so we calmly hand it over and receive the long-awaited remote control. We return to the main character’s house and turn off the TV using the remote control. We click on the phone and Sponge will do everything again without our help. So, Squidward is distracted, it's time to end the chapter. We run to our neighbor’s bathroom, go to the sink and take toothpaste. Combine the brush with the paste, and then click the resulting object on Sponge’s face in the mirror. Chapter 1 completed!

Chapter 2: Deep Sea Evil.
We play as Plankton.
Objective: Help Plankton steal Neptune's crown from his castle.

Let's go through the door. Take the wrench on the table. We speak with Karen. Let's go right. Here we select the mop on the right and look at the evil plan I am in the bottom drawer. We now have a goal. We throw a wrench at the mechanical SpongeBob and return to the first screen. We use a mop to change the menu and quickly run back to the laboratory, where we pick up the jetpack. We “put on” the jetpack like clothes on SpongeBob and leave the Garbage Bin. Let's go to the left corner of the screen. This is where the mini-game begins: you need to fly to Neptune's castle, avoiding the jellyfish. Everything is easy and there should be no problems. Having arrived, we go to the castle gates. Along the way we turn left into the stables. Talk to the seahorse keeper, although it's not exactly a conversation. We take a horseshoe in the corner. We return to the previous screen and enter the castle. We go left, that is, to the library. We talk to the clown and take a thread on the carpet. We combine a horseshoe with a thread and go out. We pass along the corridor to a door with a button on the wall. We hook the horseshoe with the thread to the nail above the button and press the button. Here we are in the throne room! We go a couple of screens to the crown and take it. Chapter 2 completed!

Chapter 3: On the Road
Let's play as SpongeBob.
Goal: Find Krabs' hamburger car and use it to go to Shell City.

We talk to Squidward and find out about the pass. We enter the kitchen and take the tongs on the right. Before leaving, you can talk to the guy at the table, but again this will not give anything useful.
On the street you can exchange a word with the telephone technician and Okun Okunovich. But we need to go to Krusty Krabs 2. We go in and talk to the girl. There's nothing more to do here. Let's go right to Goofy Goober. When you get there, talk to Morty. We need to get some fried ice cream. Let's talk to Goofy Goober, a guy we know, and go left to the bar. We get ice cream from the seller and return to Krusty Krabs 2. We go into the kitchen. Combine the tongs with the ice cream and dip it into the boiling oil. We return to Morty and give him the fried ice cream. We get a pass. We go to the Krusty Krabs and climb down the poles in the kitchen. Using the pass, we open the door, go down the elevator and get into the hamburger car. At the gas station we talk with both owners, and then we go inside the premises and take the lyrics of the Goofy Goober song from the trash can. We go abroad and enter the brothel. We go to the right and talk to the twins. In the end, we give them the sheet music of the Goofy Goober song. We go into the bathroom and click on the soap dish, it is empty. We return and ask the bartender to fill it. Again we go to the bathroom and click on the soap dish again. Chapter 3 completed!

Chapter 4: Free Mindy!
Let's play as Mindy.
Goal: Escape from Neptune's castle to help SpongeBob and Patrick.

Open the cabinet door and take the dirty mirror. We swim to the door and pick up a jar of glue on the chest of drawers. Let's go back. Open the window and coat the window sill with glue. Let's go through the door. We swim to the library and take a book there. Now back to the hall and up the stairs to the dungeon. We talk to the jailer and give him the book. We give the dirty mirror to the polisher. Let's go to the throne room. We give the page a clean mirror and go outside. We go to the stable and open the gate. Chapter 4 completed!

Chapter 5: Trap in the Hollow.

Let's go right to the hotel. Enter the Abyss Hotel. Talk to the manager and go down the corridor. Enter the first room. Talk to the guest and look into the holes in the floor. You can also go into the second room, but there is nothing interesting there. Exit the hotel and go right along the road to the caves. Patrick will remain outside and SpongeBob will enter. After talking with the researcher, do not forget to take the flashlight from him. Return to the hotel. Go to the first room and highlight the holes in the floor with a flashlight. Talk to the manager again. Go outside and go into the room under the hotel. Mrs. Helen's pearl beads lie next to the bed. Bring them back and you will be rewarded with a Focusing Sphere. Again, go into the caves and enter the corridors of consciousness. Just go through the corridors in the order in which they will be highlighted. The order is different for each game. You need to go through 3 corridors. Talk to the elder and show him the sphere. He will let you into the corridors of consciousness, part 2. The same thing, only 4 corridors. Now enter the pink gate of Fabrication. Finally they arrived. Place the sphere on the pedestal. A beam appeared, clearing the fog. Walk towards the beam across the plains and you will come to the end of the chapter. Chapter 5 completed!

Chapter 6: Washing Bones
Let's play as SpongeBob.
Goal: Become a member of the invertebrate resistance and reach Shell City.

Let's go right to the hospital. We talk to Jacques and go to the hospital. We talk to the secretary, go out and take the sea urchin bone at the very bottom of the screen, then give it to the secretary. We walk down the hall and enter the examination room. We talk with Doctor Louis about the revolution and get a stethoscope. We go out and talk with Jacques, and then with Marius. We get a revolutionary large vest. Let's go right. Here's the view from above. You need to get parallel to the bottom of the screen. When we arrive, we walk past the store to the hot springs. We dip the vest in the springs and put it on. We return to the store and tell the seller the password and go to Octavio. We give the stethoscope and end the chapter. Chapter 6 completed!

Chapter 7: Shell City
Play as Patrick\SpongeBob
Goal: Return the crown to Bikini Bot

Let's start with Patrick. We jump off the table and go to the back of the store. We climb onto the stand and climb onto the cash register, and from it we jump onto the button. We jump down and take the bow. We run to SpongeBob and use the bow on him. Now we play for Sponge. We jump off and run to the front of the store. We grab the crown and run for the exit. We go to the right and pick up the shell. We go down the steps and dip the shell in the resin. Let's go to the ocean. Along the way, talk to the treasure hunter, and pick up a stick near the shore. We combine a stick with a shell and use the resulting shovel to dig out a chrome whistle. We blow into it, thereby calling Hasselhoff and go straight to the last chapter. Chapter 7 completed!

Chapter 8: Planktopolis
Let's play as SpongeBob.
Goal: Free Bikini Bottom from Plankton's control.

Let's go to the Krusty Krabs. We talk to Plankton and leave. We talk with the musician and go two screens to the right, that is, to the Garbage Bin. Screen on top. You need to collect all the Krabby Patties without getting caught by the robot. Then we take the flashing sub-eta-frequency emitter from the ceiling and go out. We repeat the process in Pacman style and exit the Bucket. Let's go to the Krusty Krabs again. The musician was also caught, so we take his guitar and amplifier and enter. We go past Plankton to the warehouse. We select a loudspeaker in the saucer. We combine an amplifier, a loudspeaker and a sub-eta-frequency emitter with each other. We leave the warehouse and plug the resulting mega-amplifier into the socket to the right of the door. We use the guitar on the amplifier. Again a mini-game: each string has a different color and there are notes of different colors. As soon as a note flies past the desired string, it lights up. At this time you need to click on the string.
The notes will go faster and faster and after a certain time everything will end. Let's watch the end. Chapter 8 completed!

Complete walkthrough of the game SpongeBob SquarePants

In the game you will play for different characters from the well-known cartoon, who need to solve quite a few mysteries of the underwater world.

Let's play as SpongeBob.

Take the alarm clock on the barrel on the left. We talk to Gary, but we don’t learn anything interesting. The chest on the left is locked. Let's go down. We pass by the main exit and find ourselves in the living room. The TV is too loud, the remote control has disappeared somewhere, and for some reason the phone doesn’t want to show signs of life. We'll have to figure it all out.

We go through the door on the left - this is the bathroom. Click on the bathroom and SpongeBob will take a shower on his own. We go to the sink and take the toothbrush lying on it. There's nothing more to do here.

Now we go through the door on the right - this is the kitchen. We take a spatula on the table and find an ice cube in the refrigerator. We return to the bedroom and open the chest with a spatula. We take clothes from it. Now let's dress up SpongeBob. To do this, simply drag the clothes from the inventory onto the main character.

Finally it can appear on the street. We return to the kitchen and go out the door on the right. We talk to the telephone master, and then use an alarm clock on him. Click on the remote control and SpongeBob will do everything himself. The phone worked.

Now we go to the main exit from the house. It's time to visit the neighbors! First, let's go to Squidward. We go to the dining room and look at the board with the neighbor’s new number. The sponge will remember it himself. We go up the stairs and go into the bathroom. We talk with Squidward and beg him to give us toothpaste. When the conversation has exhausted itself, turn off the tape recorder and go outside.

It's time to visit Patrick. During the conversation, we notice that the neighbor has our TV remote control. We agree on a barter exchange: we give Patrick an ice cube, and he gives us the remote control. The cube has been in our pocket for a long time, so we calmly hand it over and receive the long-awaited remote control.

We return to the main character’s house and turn off the TV using the remote control. We click on the phone and Sponge will do everything again without our help. So Squidward is distracted!

We run to our neighbor’s bathroom, go to the sink and take toothpaste. Combine the brush with the paste, and then click the resulting object on Sponge’s face in the mirror.

We play as Plankton.

Let's go through the door. Take the wrench on the table. We speak with Karen. Let's go right. Here we select the mop on the right and look at the evil plan in the bottom drawer. We now have a goal. We throw a wrench at the mechanical SpongeBob and return to the first screen. We use a mop to change the menu and quickly run back to the laboratory, where we pick up the jetpack. We put on the jetpack like clothes on SpongeBob and leave the Garbage Bin.

Let's go to the left corner of the screen. This is where the mini-game begins: you need to fly to Neptune's castle, avoiding the jellyfish. Everything is easy and there should be no problems.

Having arrived, we go to the castle gates. Along the way we turn left into the stables. Talk to the seahorse keeper, although it's not exactly a conversation. We take a horseshoe in the corner.

We return to the previous screen and enter the castle. We go left, that is, to the library. We talk to the clown and take a thread on the carpet. We combine a horseshoe with a thread and go out. We pass along the corridor to a door with a button on the wall. We hook the horseshoe with the thread to the nail above the button and press the button. Here we are in the throne room! We go a couple of screens to the crown and take it.

Let's play as SpongeBob.

We talk to Squidward and find out about the pass. We enter the kitchen and take the tongs on the right. Before leaving, you can talk to the guy at the table, but again this will not give anything useful.
On the street you can exchange a word with the telephone technician and Okun Okunovich. But we need to go to Krusty Krabs 2.

We go in and talk to the girl. There's nothing more to do here. Let's go right to Goofy Goober. When you get there, talk to Morty. We need to get some fried ice cream. Let's talk to Goofy Goober, a guy we know, and go left to the bar. We get ice cream from the seller and return to Krusty Krabs 2. We go into the kitchen. Combine the tongs with the ice cream and dip it into the boiling oil. We return to Morty and give the fried ice cream, we get a pass.

We go to the Krusty Krabs and climb down the poles in the kitchen. Using the pass, we open the door, go down the elevator and get into the hamburger car. At the gas station we talk with both owners, and then we go inside the premises and take the lyrics of the Goofy Goober song from the trash can. We go abroad and enter the brothel. We go to the right and talk to the twins. In the end, we give them the sheet music of the Goofy Goober song. We go into the bathroom and click on the soap dish, it is empty. We return and ask the bartender to fill it. Again we go to the bathroom and click on the soap dish again.

Let's play as Mindy.

Open the cabinet door and take the dirty mirror. We swim to the door and pick up a jar of glue on the chest of drawers. Let's go back. Open the window and coat the window sill with glue. Let's go through the door. We swim to the library and take a book there. Now back to the hall and up the stairs to the dungeon. We talk to the jailer and give him the book. We give the dirty mirror to the polisher. Let's go to the throne room. We give the page a clean mirror and go outside. We go to the stable and open the gate.

Let's go right to the hotel. Enter the Abyss Hotel. Talk to the manager and go down the corridor. Enter the first room. Talk to the guest and look into the holes in the floor. You can also go into the second room, but there is nothing interesting there.

Exit the hotel and go right along the road to the caves. Patrick will remain outside and SpongeBob will enter. After talking with the researcher, do not forget to take the flashlight from him. Return to the hotel. Go to the first room and highlight the holes in the floor with a flashlight. Talk to the manager again. Go outside and go into the room under the hotel. Mrs. Helen's pearl beads lie next to the bed. Bring them back and you will be rewarded with a Focusing Sphere. Again, go into the caves and enter the corridors of consciousness. Just go through the corridors in the order in which they will be highlighted. The order is different for each game. You need to go through 3 corridors. Talk to the elder and show him the sphere. He will let you into the corridors of consciousness, part 2. The same thing, only 4 corridors. Now enter the pink gate of Fabrication. Finally they arrived. Place the sphere on the pedestal. A beam appeared, clearing the fog. Walk towards the beam across the plains.

Let's play as SpongeBob.

Let's go right to the hospital. We talk to Jacques and go to the hospital. We talk to the secretary, go out and take the sea urchin bone at the very bottom of the screen, then give it to the secretary. We walk down the hall and enter the examination room. We talk with Doctor Louis about the revolution and get a stethoscope. We go out and talk with Jacques, and then with Marius. We get a revolutionary large vest. Let's go right. Here's the view from above. You need to get parallel to the bottom of the screen. When we arrive, we walk past the store to the hot springs. We dip the vest in the springs and put it on. We return to the store and tell the seller the password and go to Octavio. We give away the stethoscope.

Play as Patrick and SpongeBob

Let's start with Patrick. We jump off the table and go to the back of the store. We climb onto the stand and climb onto the cash register, and from it we jump onto the button. We jump down and take the bow. We run to SpongeBob and use the bow on him. Now we play for Sponge. We jump off and run to the front of the store. We grab the crown and run for the exit. We go to the right and pick up the shell. We go down the steps and dip the shell in the resin. Let's go to the ocean. Along the way, talk to the treasure hunter, and pick up a stick near the shore. We combine a stick with a shell and use the resulting shovel to dig out a chrome whistle. We blow into it, thereby calling Hasselhoff.

Let's play as SpongeBob.

Let's go to the Krusty Krabs. We talk to Plankton and leave. We talk with the musician and go two screens to the right, that is, to the Garbage Bin. Screen on top. You need to collect all the Krabby Patties without getting caught by the robot. Then we take the flashing sub-eta-frequency emitter from the ceiling and go out.

We repeat the process in the style of the Pacman game and exit the Bucket. Let's go to the Krusty Krabs again. The musician was also caught, so we take his guitar and amplifier and enter. We go past Plankton to the warehouse. We select a loudspeaker in the saucer. We combine an amplifier, a loudspeaker and a sub-eta-frequency emitter with each other. We leave the warehouse and plug the resulting mega-amplifier into the socket to the right of the door. We use the guitar on the amplifier. Again a mini-game: each string has a different color and there are notes of different colors. As soon as a note flies past the desired string, it lights up. At this time you need to click on the string.
The notes will go faster and faster and after a certain time everything will end.