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» How to open a lock if you have lost the key. How to open a padlock without a key

How to open a lock if you have lost the key. How to open a padlock without a key

You can't get into the apartment, it can happen to any of us. Therefore, in such a case, you need to know how to open a lock without a key and what is needed for this.

If the key is missing

So, the keys are nowhere to be found, neither in my pocket nor in my bag. What to do? After all, the lock on the door was specially created so that it could not be opened with bare hands.

Of course, the most reliable and easiest way to solve the problem is to call a service that specializes in opening doors. There are these in every city. In order to help you get into the apartment, you must show the specialists some evidence of your residence in the home. For example, a passport showing your place of registration, etc.

However, if for some reason you cannot use the services of professionals, all that remains is to try to open the door lock without a key, using improvised means. For example, use a master key. Such a tool can easily be purchased at a specialized store, and anyone can use it, even those who have never tried to pick locks. But not everyone carries a master key with them. But hairpins or paper clips are another matter.

Making a “master key”

In order to build a master key, you will need two regular paper clips.

Bend the long end of the paper clip and straighten it. You should have a straight wire. Some people advise bending the tip of the wire to make it easier to press on the pins. But this is optional.


Now you need to make a tensioner, the task of which is to turn the lock. With its help you will press on the cylinder, and with another paperclip you will simultaneously put the pins in place. There are two ways to make a tensioner from a paper clip.

The first, simpler one: bend the long end of the paper clip at a right angle. This way you will have the basis for a working tensioner, but not a very good pick.

The second, a little more difficult: completely straighten the ends of the paper clip so that the wire bends in the middle and the ends meet. In this case, one of them should be slightly shorter than the other. Then the longer part must be bent again at a right angle, about a centimeter from the tip.

How to open a lock without a key using a master key

Insert the tensioner into keyhole and press in a circle. You need to tighten in the direction in which the lock turns. If you don't remember this, then the chances are 50:50. Try moving the paperclip to the right side first. As a rule, in most locks the key turns clockwise. But there are also exceptions.

Those with sensitive hands will be able to feel the right direction themselves. If you do everything correctly, the paperclip will encounter less resistance when turning than if the wrong direction is chosen. Remember that it is very important that there is a slight tension while working.

After you decide on the direction, record the pressure, and with another paperclip try to feel the pins. Most locks have five pins that, when positioned correctly, open the mechanism.

Starting at the back of the keyhole, press the pins in order. You must record each of them. At the same time, slowly tighten the tensioner. If the pin is in the correct position, a slight click will be heard. Or you'll catch faint movement. Gently move the pick until you feel that all the pins are in place. After this, turn the tensioner in the desired direction and... the lock will open.

Cylinder locks

How to open a lock without a key if you have a set of ordinary tools at hand? It all depends on the type and structure of the mechanism. So, if you have a regular mortise lock equipped with a cross-shaped cylinder, you need to use a drill. Start by drilling a small hole above the keyhole. Then, using a pick, lift the stopper and move the bolt hook away.

Another lock with a simple mechanism is a cylinder with pins. If you have a drill at hand, then the matter becomes very easy. Make a small hole in the cylinder itself, insert a master key into it and, turning it, open the lock.

The padlock

Now let's talk about how to open the padlock. There are two ways to deal with such a mechanism without a key. The first is to use a master key to try to line up all the pins in one row, as already described above, which is not easy for those who have never done this kind of thing. The second way is to remove the lock. Let's consider a simpler option.

So, how to remove a lock without a key? To do this you will need a regular crowbar.

Direct all your force to the weak point of the lock - where the shackle is attached to the body. Press down.

If you don’t have enough strength, you can use a special metal file, a hacksaw or long wire cutters. Sawing a bow with a diameter of two centimeters takes about ten minutes, so you won’t waste much time.

Rack locks

Such locks are most often used on gates, fences, and garages. Opening methods are universal, primitive and boil down to moving the slats one by one. There are several ways.

  1. Use fishing line or guitar string. Insert a screwdriver into the gap between the jamb and the door. Press the door firmly. You need to make a loop from fishing line or string. Insert it into the keyhole and circle it around the pins (which allow the lock to be opened from the inside). Then gently pull the loop towards you. The slats should move back and the door should open.
  2. How to open a lock without a key using a pencil or carrot? Easily! Lubricate the lock mechanism with any oil. Release the bolt. To do this, you need to slightly press the door in the opposite direction to opening. Then drive a pencil or carrot into the keyhole and turn - the lock is open. The secret is that, thanks to soft material“key”, the rack teeth will leave on the pencil (carrot) the grooves necessary to open the lock.
  3. Use a drill and screwdriver. When using this method, you will not even damage the door leaf. First you need to determine where the closed bolt is located. To do this, insert a regular sheet of paper between the box and closed door. When you feel the bolt, take a drill. Drill a small slot in door frame. Then use a screwdriver to move the deadbolt. All.

A few more ways to open a lock without a key

So, if you have a lock equipped with a tongue, proceed as follows. Using a screwdriver or any other tool that can be inserted between the box and the canvas, press the tab. Then turn the handle and open the door. By the way, doors locked in this way can be opened even with a simple plastic card.

How to open a lever lock if it is built into wooden door? To do this, press on the door and, as far as possible, pull it away from the frame. Then use a paper clip, screwdriver or any other tool to move the levers away.

If you have a latch type lock, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws that secure the handle. Remove it. Remove metal panel, which closes the mechanism, and using improvised means try to feel the latch. When you feel that you have succeeded, press down on it and, without letting go, turn the door handle.

If the key is stuck

The first step is to remove the broken key from the lock. In such a situation, you can use a jigsaw file. Insert it into the keyhole so that the teeth point up. Then move the file slowly to engage the key. When this is successful, carefully remove the file along with the “prey”.

There are situations when the key is broken, but part of it sticks out of the keyhole. Use pliers. Use them to pick up the key. Just don't try to pull it out under any circumstances. This can only complicate matters. Just rotate it in the direction you normally would when opening the door. And only after the door is open, pull out the key.

In general, the most The best way solving a problem is to anticipate it. Today there are special keyless door locks that do not have keyholes at all. Install such mechanisms for yourself and forget about unnecessary headaches.

And one last thing. If you do try to open the door without a key, then be conscientious. After all, opening other people's locks is prohibited by law. And there is a punishment for this.

Aluminum can lock pick

To open the lock using this method, you will need an empty beer or cola can. It is easy to cut out and form a trefoil into a special shape, the middle tongue of which is used to open the lock. A Here another demonstration of this method.

Master key from paper clip and hairpin

This is the most famous and, one might say, classic method lock picking. We have seen many times in movies how an attacker takes out a paperclip and begins to diligently pick at the keyhole. This video shows how this is actually done. And here's another one option this method, which uses a pen cap clip and a hair clip.

Knife master key

The third video demonstrates a completely simple way to open small locks using a knife. Obviously, this method won't always work, but it's still worth a try. Especially when it comes to Chinese products used on bags and suitcases.

Not everyone knows how to open a door lock without a key. Meanwhile, in the current situation, it is not always possible to call a specialist, and therefore you have to act independently.

Interior doors

It’s worth noting right away that in a situation where an interior door slams, no particular difficulties usually arise.

First of all, it is, in principle, impossible to close from the inside, because there is a latch there. The problem only arises if the mechanism jams or when you need to enter the room from the outside. But in any case, locking devices for doors installed between rooms are not particularly strong. Therefore, it is simply enough to squeeze the tongue out of the hole, for example, with a regular knife or screwdriver.

Most often, such problems with constipation arise from children - they often accidentally lock themselves, and then simply do not understand how to unlock the lock. In order to avoid this, you should store all the keys somewhere in the hallway or in the kitchen. By the way, for this construction stores special hanging boxes are sold.

Cylinder lock

Much more difficulties arise if you need to open a mechanism with a cylinder at home. Enter the apartment, no Damaging a lock is very difficult, since the system itself is quite complex and has high protection against unauthorized manipulation.

It’s worth pointing out right away that you most likely won’t succeed the first time, since you need to, as they say, get better at it.

Here it is better to use a paper clip. In particular:

  • she is straightened;
  • the tip is bent at a right angle by approximately 3 millimeters.

In addition to this, you will also need a thin screwdriver. Its rod is bent at the base no more than 45 degrees.

Only with the help of the two tools described is it possible to open the door. A paperclip is necessary in order to set the pins in the correct position. The screwdriver is used to rotate the cylinder.

After each click on the next pin, you should try to turn the cylinder. It is also important to listen to the mechanism being opened so as not to inadvertently damage it. The main thing here is not to rush and act as carefully as possible.

If you were unable to unlock the lock using such a gentle method, then you can use a rougher one. It will work, however, only when the manufacturer has not installed hacking protection in the system.

To open the lock yourself, you will need:

  • strong screwdriver (flat);
  • hammer.

You should be aware that after this attempt at opening (regardless of the result), the larva itself will have to be replaced with a new one.

First of all, the screwdriver is inserted into the keyhole as deeply as possible. Then they hit it with force with a hammer and try to turn it. This is usually enough to break the larva. It is carefully pulled out with a screwdriver, and the bolt is pushed back with your finger.

Another extremely destructive option involves using an electric drill and a drill bit. The latter should be the same in thickness as the larva. Drilled out secret part cylinder, you can open the lock without any problems, as in the first method.

Here you just need to work slowly. You cannot put too much pressure on the drill, since there is a possibility that small elements of the cylinder will catch on the drill, and it will jam and break.

Rack lock

The design of this locking device is primarily designed to protect against brute force, but is completely incapable of resisting a master key.

Before opening, the mechanism must be properly lubricated. The aerosol composition WD-40 is best suited for this. It easily penetrates even into very small crevices, and not only reduces friction, but also washes away dirt. After application, you will need to wait about 5-10 minutes.

The first method requires the use of two thin flat-tip screwdrivers. They should both fit freely into the well. Initially, only one is placed in the lock and the notch on the crossbar is felt inside and moved to the side. The second tool is used to fix the tongue while searching for the next notch. When you manage to reach the end, the lock opens.

The second option involves using wooden wedge. Any chip of suitable thickness will do here, the main thing is that the wood is soft.

The finished peg is driven into the hole until it stops, and then pulled out. There should be notches left on its surface. Then the master key is carefully pushed inside and the door opens.

door push-up

The door will open relatively easily if it is not too tight against the jamb. In this case, the type of locking mechanism does not matter much, but you will need a tool - a crowbar or a nail puller. It is inserted into the slot and the fabric is pressed towards the hinges. After this, use a flat screwdriver to push the tongue out of the cavity.

Sometimes it turns out that the gap is too small for a screwdriver. This means you will have to use a piece of steel wire or the same paper clip. The tip is bent with a hook, and the bolt is already hooked onto it. It's much more difficult to work this way.

Level castle

This type of locking device has a set of plates that are turned with a flat key with two grooves and move the bolt. The reliability of the mechanism is ensured by the strength of all internal elements.

You can open the lock using a flat-head screwdriver and a knitting needle with a curved tip. The first one is inserted in the center. It should not turn freely. The master key is placed on the right and they begin to displace the plates with it, trying to turn the roll. If this is successful, then it means that it has shifted and, therefore, you can move on to the next lever. As a rule, there are from 4 to 6 of them.

This video will help you understand the process better:

Find yourself in front of a locked door to your apartment without keys in the middle of the night? Or lost the key to the barn padlock? Before you spend money on a locksmith, try picking the lock yourself. The most common type of home and office locks is the pin lock. cylinder lock, which can be opened relatively easily using master keys (hook and tensioner), which can be made from improvised means.

Although the process is simple and gets easier with experience, picking a lock requires a lot of patience. To open a lock, you insert a thick metal rod or needle into the keyhole and rotate it until you hear the mechanism click or turn. In this article we will tell you how to do this.


    Find out how your lock works. A pin cylinder lock consists of a cylinder that rotates in its housing (see illustration below). When the lock is closed, the cylinder is held in place by several pins divided into two parts. The top of the pin in each pair passes through the cylinder and through the body, preventing the cylinder from rotating. When the correct key is inserted, the pins move up to the exact position where top part The pins no longer prevent the cylinder from turning and the lock can be opened.

    • Note the five two-piece pins. The yellow pins go through the cylinder and the silver body around it. Springs hold the pins in place.
    • When the correct key is inserted, the grooves and teeth on the key push the pins into correct position, in which the yellow pins extend completely beyond the cylinder, allowing it to be turned and thereby opening the lock.
  1. Buy a set of master keys (hook and tensioner). Each master key serves its purpose. The tensioner is used to create pressure on the cylinder when turning. Professional-grade master keys and tensioners can be purchased as a set (see illustration), but many people for whom picking locks is a hobby make high-quality master keys themselves. See the “What You'll Need” section below for information on how to make your own picks and tensioners.

    Place the tensioner at the bottom of the keyhole.

    Determine in which direction the cylinder must rotate to open. If you use the lock often, you should know in which direction it rotates. If you don't know, try pulling the pick clockwise first and then counterclockwise. Initially, the cylinder will turn just a few millimeters until it stops. Try to feel how steadily the cylinder has stopped. If the cylinder is turned in the wrong direction, it will rest sharply and hard, but if the cylinder is turned in the right direction, then you will feel free place for hesitation.

    • Some locks, especially padlocks, open regardless of the direction in which the cylinder is turned.
  2. Lightly twist the tensioner in the correct direction and hold. Torque voltage may vary between locks, or it may take several tries with different pins. Start with light pressure.

    Insert the hook pick into the top of the keyhole and feel the pins. Once you insert the pick into the hole, you should be able to feel and press the individual pins with the tip of the hook. You should be able to push the pins up and feel the pressure of the springs as you push the pick down. Try lifting each pin all the way up. Determine which pin is the hardest to lift. If they all give in easily to pressure, then increase the tension of the lower master key (tensioner). If one of the pins does not move at all, loosen the tension until the pin begins to move. Alternatively, you can “comb” the pins before starting the above process (see tips below).

    Press down on the stubborn pin until it snaps into place. Press the abutment pin with enough pressure to overcome the spring pressure. Remember that the pin consists of two parts. The master key presses on the lower part of the pin, which in turn presses on the upper part. Your job is to completely push the top half of the pin out of the cylinder. After you stop pressing on the pin, the lower part should return down to its original position, and the upper part, thanks to the tension of the second pick, and a slight smell between the holes in the body and cylinder, should fall into place and remain in the body. You should hear a slight click as the top pin hits the surface of the cylinder when dropped. You can also check the bottom pin - it should move up smoothly due to the lack of spring resistance - in this case you have most likely succeeded in getting the top pin in the correct position.”

    While still holding the tensioner, repeat the last two steps with the remaining pins. Holding the tensioner is very important, otherwise the “replaced” top pins will fall into the cylinder and you will have to start all over again. You will need to adjust the tension for each specific pin (increase/release pressure).

  3. Turn the cylinder with the tensioner all the way and open the lock. Once all the top pins are “in place,” you can turn the cylinder and open the lock. This is taking into account that all this time you have been pulling the cylinder in the right direction. If it turns out that you were working in the wrong direction, you will have to return all the pins to their original positions and start over.

    • If you are very lazy, you can simply order a ready-made set of master keys on the Internet.
    • Sometimes locks are installed upside down (especially in Europe). The pins in such locks are located at the bottom, not at the top of the cylinder. The process of opening such locks is identical, with one difference: you will need to press the pins from top to bottom rather than from bottom to top. If the key is inserted into the lock with the teeth down, then the pins will be at the bottom of the cylinder. Once you insert the pick into the keyhole, you can easily determine whether the pins are at the top or bottom.
    • If you are dealing with simple lock, such as a cash drawer, then you most likely won’t even need a hook pick. Just insert something flat metal all the way to the end and, moving the “pick” up and down, turn it. If you're lucky, the lock will be open in a few seconds.
    • Smoothly polished picks are easier to insert into the keyhole and maneuver inside.
    • A technique called “combing” or “combing” a lock is a simplified opening technique. To do this, insert a master key (preferably a comb pick or a paper clip bent in several places) until it stops in the keyhole without tensioning the cylinder. Then, with a quick movement, pull out the pick by applying pressure towards the pins and at the same time lightly turning the cylinder. Theoretically, you can open the lock by “combing” the pins once or twice, but usually this method will put a few pins in place, and you will have to manually install the rest.
    • Amateur lockpickers generally discourage the use of paper clips, pins, and hairpins in this activity. Mainly because it is more difficult to open a lock with these improvised means than with special master keys. Although this is true, with special diligence and patience you can adapt to effectively open locks with them.
    • Picking locks has become a popular hobby among puzzle enthusiasts. If you want to try your hand at this hobby, it is better to practice with simple, cheap locks, or even with locks with all but one pin removed. Look for old locks online or at antique stores.
    • In different castles different quantities pins. In padlocks there are usually 3-4, and in door locks usually from 5 to 8 pins.
    • You can't see inside the castle, so use your ears and touch to figure out what's going on inside. Be patient and methodical, listening for faint clicks and any resistance you feel. Using the information obtained in this way, you can visualize internal organization castle
    • The pins usually fall into place in order from first to last or vice versa; you will need to experiment to find the right direction in the castle. Although most locks open from the last pin to the first, sometimes you will want to try the reverse order.


    • If you open the lock correctly, it will not be damaged, but if the cylinder tension is too strong or too much pressure is applied to the pins, there is a risk of damage to the lock mechanism.
    • If the pin doesn't budge when you press down on it with a pick, you may be over-tensioning the cylinder and causing the holes in it and the body to move apart. Try loosening the cylinder tension. There is a risk that the replaced pins will fall into the cylinder. Unfortunately there is no other way out. Try changing the order of the pins you are working with the next time you try.
    • There are many different laws regarding picking locks, owning master keys, and using improvised tools. In Russia, master keys (devices that allow you to open a lock without physically destroying it) are regarded as technical means, intended for secretly obtaining information, the production, acquisition and sale of which is subject to licensing. Illicit trafficking(i.e., manufacturing, purchasing or selling in the absence of a license) of such products is a criminal offense punishable by up to 4 years in prison. Well, besides this, it’s not worth mentioning that only pick your own locks!

    What you will need

    • Tensioner pick (tensioner): Many items can serve as tensioner for you. They should be strong and not break when the cylinder is pulled, and be thin enough to fit slightly into the keyhole. The end of the tensioner should not be too thin and fall into the keyhole all the way to the end. It should also be small in size to allow enough room for the second pick to maneuver freely when both tools are inside. You can use a small hex wrench that tapers at the end or a flathead screwdriver.
    • Hook Pick: You can use a pin or paperclip. To make a master key from a paper clip, straighten it and bend one of the ends 90 degrees. You can also bend one end into a small loop. Needle nose pliers will make the process much easier. Choose items made of strong metal for picks, otherwise they will bend when pressure is applied to the pins. Picks made from a hacksaw blade work best. Hair bobby pins too good material for a master key. Cut off the rounded ends of the bobby pin and make a right angle out of it, and then bend one of the edges 90 degrees.

In the life of every person, sooner or later, funny situations of various kinds happen, the solution to which quite often is not entirely standard and the right ways. One of the most painful and common is the inability to open the lock with the “original” key. There are a lot of reasons and prerequisites for doing this contrary to the rules.

For example, the key to an apartment is lost, the key to an important drawer at work is left at home, a child is locked in the room and cannot get out, the key to luggage, a diary, a box, etc. is lost.

No one is immune from such situations. It is not always possible and time to call a locksmith to open front door. The solution to this problem is surprisingly simple and primitive - a paper clip. It is a paper clip that can become an indispensable tool in solving this embarrassment.

The technology for breaking a lock is determined by the peculiarities of its construction and operating principle.

The main types of locks are the following:

  1. Pin cylindrical door lock is the most common characteristic feature which is a key with teeth on the end.
  2. Level (safe) lock – reliable, high security.
  3. Finnish lock (turnkey semicircular disc lock) – characterized by high level secrecy, reliability and the unlikely possibility of hacking, due to the absence of springs in the lock design.
  4. A car lock is often a pin lock, but has a number of burglary features compared to conventional locks.
  5. Padlocks and latches are the simplest mechanisms to construct and use.

Safety first

Experience shows that only cheap or incorrect installed locks can be easily opened with a paper clip, a master key, a pin, a hairpin, and other improvised means.

It’s no secret that today even a conventional thief is able to open the combination lock on the entrance door, and getting inside costs nothing at all. You can always find a door equipped simple type the castle, not the castle itself High Quality, which opening is a pleasure for people of this “profession”.

Thinking about it and want to check how easy it is to break into the lock of your front door? Easily!

You need to do the following:

  • using an L-shaped plate inserted into the keyhole, press and rotate the mechanism to open the lock;
  • bend a hook from a regular paperclip, insert it inward, use a pick to feel for the pins protruding from the grooves, and push in all the way until the cylinder rotates;
  • Repeat the same procedure with the remaining pins until the lock gives way under the pressure of your master key and you can’t open the door.

Was everything successful? Unfortunately, such a lock does not fully protect your home. An alternative solution is to install a more reliable mechanism.

Which method should I use?

We propose to consider some ways of how to open a door correctly and without consequences with a simple master key, using the example of several simple mechanisms.

Warning: This article is for informational purposes only. Not recommended for use this information for the purpose of unlawful actions, including those prohibited by applicable law.

Method No. 1

Wrong installed doors a priori can be easily opened without applying special efforts. Especially if door leaves They do not fit tightly together, and there is a large gap between them.

Bend the large hook out of the paperclip and thread it through the gap, covering internal latch, bring the other end of the paper clip towards you. Pinch both ends and pull towards you, the latch will loosen and the door will open.

Method No. 2

Lock with a secret - such locks are most often installed in interior doors, work on the principle of turning the handle by pressing a button located in its center. WITH outside It is impossible to open the door using a similar action.

But, nevertheless, opening such a lock with master keys is as easy as shelling pears. IN in this case, straighten the paperclip, insert it into the keyhole, push the tab that holds the latch, and turn the handle.

Method No. 3

The door with a latch is perhaps the most accessible and unreliable. Insert the straight end of a paperclip between the flaps so that it is under the latch and move it up until you feel the latch being removed with a pick.

This type of lock is convenient because the bolt can be returned to its original position, and no one will know that it was opened by anyone.

Method No. 4

Suitcase locks can hardly be called secret, reliable and durable. It can be opened at once using the most primitive tools, the same paperclip or hairpin. Bend the end of the paperclip into a small loop, it is advisable to replicate the shape of the key to this lock as much as possible.

Insert the end of the paperclip into the hole and twist until you find the clamp and release the spring inside the mechanism.

As you understand, most locks are just a deterrent, a kind of deterrent, but not 100% safe for your home and property.