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» How does a loggia differ from a balcony? What is the difference between a loggia and a balcony and which is better? Differences in the shapes of balconies and loggias

How does a loggia differ from a balcony? What is the difference between a loggia and a balcony and which is better? Differences in the shapes of balconies and loggias

Apartments in multi-storey buildings residential buildings in most cases they have big advantage- additional space that can serve different roles. We are talking about loggias or balconies, which are difficult to do without. IN Lately These rooms are increasingly being turned into fully functional areas - offices, cinema halls, workshops, greenhouses or mini-gyms. For many owners who have these bonus meters, the concepts of “balcony” and “loggia” are complete synonyms. However, this is a misconception. Despite the same functions, these structures are completely different rooms. Therefore, the topic “loggia and balcony: differences and features of both structures” remains quite relevant even now.

Loggia and balcony: differences prescribed in SNiP

Despite the confusion in concepts, identifying a loggia or balcony is quite simple, even visually.

  1. The first is a recess - a niche built into the wall. When viewed from the street, it is level with the facade. Usually it is open only on one side, corner loggias - on both. A ceiling is required. Blank walls on the right and left are the main difference between the loggia.
  2. The second structure is a balcony - a fortified and fenced area that always protrudes from the vertical plane of the wall. External side And side walls it is replaced by grilles, open or closed with slabs, sheets of slate, as well as window frames.

Iftalking about the differences is quite simple, the difference between a balcony and a loggia is as follows: the first always protrudes beyond the perimeter of the building, the second is necessarily recessed into the structure, it is an integral part of it.

History of both designs

The stories of their origin and purpose were also different, and the names of foreign architectural elements “migrated” from different languages.

  1. Balcony - the French word is balkon. It, in turn, comes from the old German name for a beam - balko. The first designs were not full-fledged balconies: they looked like a simple ledge located near the window. After some time, they acquired fences to protect people walking from falling.
  2. Loggia is an Italian word - loggia. It translates as “an open gallery located along the wall of a building, formed by a parapet, colonnade or arch.” This concept “moved” into modern Italian from Latin.

These designs had very little in common at the beginning of their "architectural careers". But over time, they have become synonymous for many Russians, but they still have more differences than it seems at first glance.

The difference in the shapes of balconies and loggias

In this case, the differences are significant, since one of the compared “representatives” is in a more advantageous position.

Loggias are outsiders

If we consider loggias, then the recessed structure cannot boast great variety forms "Blame" for this load-bearing walls, enclosing the room. The built-in structure only repeats the structural features included in the building design.

Therefore, there are only two types of loggias, which are very common in our country: traditional structures, limited on 3 sides, and corner structures, which have fences on only 2 of them. Yes, there is still some variety: for example, rounded architectural elements, but they also belong to the traditional look.

Balconies are winners

Their sizes, types of structures and shapes may differ, but they have one thing in common: this base is a reinforced concrete slab that protrudes significantly beyond the walls of the building. It is fixed only on one side, so it is not allowed to overload these structures.

The shapes of balconies are different; these “extensions” are:

  • rectangular - traditional;
  • triangular;
  • trapezoidal;
  • rounded;
  • semicircular;
  • elongated.

Their forms depend on the wishes of the project customer and on the ability of the architect to translate ideas into reality. Therefore, listing absolutely all types of designs is impossible: the wild human imagination knows no limits. Typical structures in most cases have a convenient rectangular shape, sometimes there are rounded designs.

Now loggia and balcony have begun to “specialize” in different areas: the differences are in their purpose. The former are more often found in residential multi-storey buildings, the latter, on the contrary, are done on non-residential, administrative, and industrial buildings.

Loggia and balcony: differences in size

The area of ​​the premises is another parameter that can vary greatly between both buildings. He is more influenced design features buildings, because the dimensions of both loggias and balconies depend on the dimensions of reinforced concrete slabs that are used in the construction of a particular facility.

The area of ​​the balconies of new houses is 100x320 cm, but these figures vary depending on the developed project. The floor slabs used in the construction of buildings with “born Italians” are standard - 120x580 cm. But even in this case, only the slabs determine the area, and their size can also be different. Therefore, it is better to say only one thing about the difference between rooms - built-in structures are always larger than outside rooms. There are also no strict standards regarding the height of structures: this value depends on the height of the ceilings in the apartments of the building.

The difference in area is easily explained. A large balcony located outside the perimeter of the building is an extremely difficult task, almost impossible due to the design features. Loggias located on floor slabs that rest comfortably on the walls are able to withstand almost any household load.

For balconies located on a single load-bearing slab, glazing, insulation and finishing material become a significant weight. If you add even small furniture to this list, then the slab, which is attached to the building on only one side, becomes a source of danger. And both for residents and for their neighbors.

Convenience, functionality

In these “nominations” the undisputed leader is the loggia. First of all, this concerns the arrangement of premises when turning them into a fully functional room. A lot of funds will be required to insulate the external balcony, since all three walls need glazing and thermal insulation. In the loggia, work is carried out only on two or one side. However, small room There is also a plus: less materials will be needed for repairs.

The loggia, which is part of the apartment, allows you to make it an extension of the room and install any heating devices in it. It is simply impossible to insulate a balcony using many of them. The installation of a “warm floor” system is not always permitted due to the critical (or close to it) condition of the balcony slab. If we talk about modern building codes, then both structures must withstand exactly the same load - 200 kg per 1 m 2.

Loggia and balcony: differences in price

The cost of housing with these premises is slightly different. When buying or selling an apartment, its footage is calculated depending on what kind of building is located in it. A reduction factor is used for calculations. For living space with a loggia it is 0.5, and for apartments with balconies, which are equivalent to terraces, it is 0.3. This difference is fundamental for many.

How is the cost calculated? The area of ​​the balcony or loggia is multiplied by this coefficient (0.3 or 0.5, respectively). The resulting value is added to the area of ​​other rooms. The result is multiplied by the price of 1 square meter, which is how the price of a specific apartment is calculated.

To summarize

Loggia and balcony are rooms that perform the same function. It is because of this similarity that confusion in concepts most often arises. But their differences are significant.

  1. Design. The balcony is a remote element; the loggia is always recessed into the building.
  2. Closed sides. The first structure has only one - the one that simultaneously serves as the wall of the building. The second one may have 2 or 3.
  3. Square. The leader here is the built-in room, the length of which may not be limited by the width of one room. The size of the balcony structure is determined by the slab located outside the walls of the building, so its area a priori cannot be large.
  4. Strength. The support for the loggia is one of the load-bearing structures of the building, so it can withstand considerable weight. An external balcony slab, attached to the building on one side, has significant restrictions regarding loads.
  5. Functionality. The loggia can be relatively easily transformed into any comfortable area. To make a comfortable and warm room out of a removed structure, the owners have to try very hard and also invest more money.

Now new designs have appeared, which are called remote and loggia balconies. These “curiosities” are both recessed and/or protrude from the building’s façade. Many owners call such original structures “balkodzhi” or “logicons”.

Which room is better?

Anyone who wants a definite answer will be disappointed because he will not receive it. Both designs have advantages and weak sides. Some people prefer balconies for their panoramic views and the feeling of open space. Recessed structures, often tightly closed on the sides, on the contrary, cannot boast of this space and a lot of light.

The room adjacent to the removed structure is illuminated as much as possible, but the owners have to pay for such insecurity in cold winters. For those who do not assign big tasks to balconies and use them in a traditional way, these premises are ideal.

More spacious loggias make it possible to significantly increase the useful footage of the apartment, getting a full-fledged room. There less light, but the other side of the coin is saving heat. To preserve it on balconies, their owners have to make every effort.

The main question was not about the favorite in this duet of unheated rooms, since the topic of “research” was a loggia and a balcony: differences in designs. The answer will give you a chance to no longer get confused with names, because built-in and remote structures can be easily distinguished even visually.

The topic will end with the following video:

Many people wonder what the difference is between a balcony and a loggia. Despite the visual similarity, as well as the identical functionality of the premises, in reality these are different objects. In order to understand these concepts, you should consider the features of each design separately.

1. Visual differences

Visually, these structures are quite easy to distinguish. The loggia is located “in a niche” of the apartment, and the balcony protrudes beyond the facade of the house.

An example of frameless glazing.

Loggia forms single design with the building, the fences are walls (2 or 3), as well as floor slabs. The base (slab) rests on semi-bearing or load-bearing elements walls

The structure has only one side wall.

The interior space is enclosed by three walls.

2. Common misconceptions

  • The loggia room is not heated. In reality this is not the case. An example are radiators that are mounted in some government institutions. Sometimes in the administrative part of the buildings there are special loggias where staff can relax during a break from work. Such rooms are warm.
  • There are no window openings in the side walls. This opinion is wrong. In some cases, there are windows in the side parts of the loggia. The openings are located in the plane of the building walls. Basically, such examples are typical for modern buildings.
  • There is no difference between a balcony and a loggia- it's a delusion. Each zone is characterized by a number of specific features.

3. Distinctive features according to SNiP

Based on “SNiP 31-01-2003. Residential multi-apartment buildings" we highlight the main features of the balcony (structural and functional):

  • It is a structure consisting of a cantilever slab, along the perimeter of which a fence is installed to ensure safe operation;
  • The structure extends beyond the boundaries of the building and is open on three sides;
  • Cantilever pinching of slabs is not able to withstand heavy loads, so you should carefully consider filling the space with furniture;
  • Heating is not supplied to the premises during the construction process; there is no thermal insulation on the enclosing walls;
  • The balcony space is less functional, despite the fact that its area is larger;
  • In order to glaze the room, it is better to choose aluminum frames. In other words, it is necessary to reduce the pressure on the plate. Loggias are suitable for insulating space plastic double glazed windows;
  • Due to the balcony, it will not be possible to increase the area of ​​the room that adjoins it.

Loggia and balcony - what's the difference? What is the difference between a balcony and a loggia, which is better?

Unfortunately, not all people understand the difference between a balcony and a loggia. But the differences between these two designs are quite significant. Knowing these features will help you avoid many mistakes when buying and selling real estate. After all, it is known that the cost of an apartment with a balcony and a loggia is different. This is justified due to the features of each design, and therefore their differences. The difference also matters when glazing or other similar work related to the renovation of this area of ​​the apartment. Loggia and balcony - what is the difference between them? Let's take a closer look at how these structures are similar to each other, and vice versa.


The name “balcony” comes from the German word “balko”, which means “beam” or “ledge”. The word "loggia" comes from the Italian "loggia", which translates as "room". The translation of these words gives an idea of ​​how these constructions differ from each other.

The balcony has clear dimensions, but the loggia is limited only by the design of the structure. The difference between these constructs can be learned from the definition of each.

A balcony is a suspended structure with a fence that protrudes relative to the wall.

A loggia is a built-in room that is limited on three sides by walls. The depth of the loggia depends on the requirements of the room with which it borders for natural light.

Many people confuse the concepts of “loggia” and “balcony”. The difference between these rooms is obvious. It can even be determined visually. There are other differences between these designs.


The balcony and loggia are adjacent to the wall in different ways. The balcony can only protrude relative to the facade of the building. This feature is due to the suspension technology of this design.

The loggia is located in a single plane with the facade wall. It is an integral part of the room it borders.

This is the first point how a balcony differs from a loggia. We'll talk about other design characteristics later.


The balcony has three open sides that extend out onto the street. Only one side borders the room. To prevent falls, a special fence is installed on the balcony for safety. It can be made from various materials. Most often, the fence is made of metal.

Unlike a balcony, a loggia has three closed sides, and one only faces the street. Sometimes loggias have two open parts, this is due to the corner location of the room.


The construction of a balcony, if possible, is significantly inferior to a loggia. The balcony is a suspended structure, so it is characterized by limited load-bearing capabilities. Based on this, it is very difficult to adapt such a structure to a room with a comfortable and constant temperature. It is difficult to install a heating system on the balcony. Glazing will help retain a small amount of heat.

The loggia has excellent opportunities for arrangement. You can carry out a lot of repair work on it, which will help turn an ordinary loggia into a living space. This part of the house can be decorated, insulated walls and floors, installed heaters or air conditioners and furniture.

Many designers propose turning the loggia into work area, resting place, pantry, living room, studio or summer kitchen. This room can be anything; there are no restrictions on its purpose. Anyone can equip it at their own discretion depending on their wishes.

It should be remembered that these designs have certain weight loads. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “loggia” and “balcony”. What is the difference between them, we will talk further.


What is the difference between a loggia and a balcony? What is the difference? The answer lies in area. A balcony is a compact room, which is secured by a fence and a beam system. Its size is limited, due to safety regulations, because the likelihood of such massive structures collapsing is very high.

There are special balconies that have no area, for example, French ones. This design is a decorative element, which is characterized by the presence of a protective fence.

The territory of the loggia is limited only by the architectural features of the house. There are private buildings in which the loggia can be located along the entire perimeter of the building. On such loggias you can arrange a banquet hall or a greenhouse.


The reliability of each of these designs also varies. Subject to all requirements and operating rules, the balcony is relatively safe design. Unfortunately, this room is often used as a storage area for bulky and heavy items. This adversely affects its safety. In this case, there is often a possibility of complete or partial destruction.

The loggia is a completely safe room. Its base is a slab, which rests on supporting structures on almost all sides. Thanks to this, the main load is distributed evenly across the capital elements of the building. Only one side of the loggia sags.


We found out how a balcony differs from a loggia, what is the main difference. Based on the above, one can understand why a loggia is equated to a room, even if it is not glazed.

When selling or buying real estate, you should remember that the usable area of ​​an apartment with a balcony should be multiplied by a factor of 0.3 and added to the main one. In the case of a loggia, this coefficient is 0.5.

Based on these calculations, we can conclude that the total living space of two apartments of equal size will be greater for a property with a loggia than for a property with a balcony. This knowledge is very important in real estate transactions. Therefore, when purchasing an apartment, you should know exactly what structure is present in it: a loggia and a balcony? We have already figured out what the difference is.

Modern designers have come up with a new design that combines a balcony and a loggia. It consists of a base plate that is recessed into the room, and part extends beyond the wall. This made it possible to increase the size of the room without the risk of collapse of the protruding structure. It becomes lighter, warmer and more comfortable.

But, unfortunately, these projects were implemented only in new construction. You should be extremely careful with old balconies.

We looked at all the options for how a balcony differs from a loggia. What's better? Experts advise purchasing apartments with loggias. After all, they are able to withstand heavy loads, and you can arrange rooms for various purposes in them.


Balcony and loggia are two different design, which differ from each other not only in location, but also in design and fastening. The loggia is an integral part of the apartment, and the balcony is a suspended extension.

The difference between a balcony and a loggia is actually obvious. This information will help you avoid many financial expenses with real estate. This knowledge is also very important in the operation of the balcony and the improvement of the loggia.

What is the difference between a loggia and a balcony: 4 differences

The difference between a balcony and a loggia in an apartment must be understood, since both the cost of housing and the comfort of living conditions depend on it. SNIP helps to deal with this, i.e. building codes and regulations, which provide a clear definition of what a balcony is and what a loggia is.

And what is the difference between a balcony and a loggia?

Externally, the balcony and loggia in a new building differ in size and in their location relative to the house. There is a difference in the reliability and possibilities of using these premises.

In law:

  1. A balcony is a platform that is fenced and protrudes from the facade wall. It is used for relaxation summer period time.
  2. A loggia is a room that is covered or fenced on 3 sides and open to the outside space.

Thus, the balcony is cooler than the loggia, since it is in contact with the street on 3 sides, while the loggia is connected to the outside space on only one side, which allows it to retain heat more effectively.

The loggia, compared to the balcony, is the safest room.

Due to the fact that it is part of the house, built into it, it can be freely insulated, installed and used for absolutely any purpose. In addition, to install the floor, you can safely fill it concrete screed. The loggia is the safest, most functional and easy to use.

Dimensional difference between a balcony and a loggia

A loggia differs from a balcony in its ability to be larger; it is limited only by the size of the apartment. The loggia can be not only straight, but also angular. Usually the corner loggia has large area compared to straight line. It can be located in several rooms.

But, in rare cases, a direct loggia can be adjacent to two rooms at the same time.

This allows you to arrange the loggia as a separate full-fledged room. SNIP states that the depth of the corner loggia is limited by the requirements for natural light in the room adjacent to it. The size of the balcony is always small, since there are good reasons for its limitation.

Reasons for limited balcony size:

  1. The balcony has decorative value.
  2. Balcony weight.
  3. Design feature of the building facade.

Some types of balconies, for example the French balcony, have exclusively decorative value and the size of their platforms is extremely small; there is also a complete absence of a platform. It must be remembered that if the size of the balcony exceeds the norm, there is a huge probability of its collapse.

Structural difference between a balcony and a loggia

It is important for every person who has a balcony or loggia to know how reliable the structures that make up their apartment are. In terms of reliability, a balcony is inferior to a loggia. A balcony is a structure that is attached to the wall only from the entrance side, therefore, the more massive it is, the greater the likelihood of it collapsing.

You should not overload the balcony with bulky things, as over time this will lead to its deformation and collapse.

Unlike a balcony, a loggia rests on the load-bearing walls of the building, therefore, it has the ability to withstand enormous loads. The likelihood of the loggia collapsing is extremely low. It is clear that while there are differences between a balcony and a loggia, there are also differences in the possibilities that these types of premises have when organizing the space in them.

The following conditions are decisive in arranging a balcony or loggia:

  • Size;
  • Reliability;
  • The ability of a room to retain heat.

The size and reliability of the balcony greatly limit the possibility of creating additional space there. In addition, the balcony does not retain heat well, since it only has one side adjacent to the apartment. Due to the fact that the other 3 sides are exposed external conditions, it is not possible to make a room there in which a lot of time is spent, for example, a bedroom or a playroom. Even if you glaze the balcony, then maintain normal temperature it's impossible there. But still, the balcony can really be used as an additional room, both in winter and summer. Usually old things are stored on the balcony, but there are more original ways use of this premises.

In winter, you can organize a pantry on the balcony where you can store a variety of products. And if you insulate the floor on the balcony, you can create a winter garden and grow vegetables and fruits in it even in the cold season.

In summer open balcony can be organized as a terrace. There may also be a garden. In addition to this, you can put comfortable furniture. As a result, in summer time You can spend your leisure time pleasantly on the balcony: reading books, drawing, watching films, doing handicrafts, etc. It is also possible to organize a dressing room on the balcony.

Design differences between a balcony and a loggia

Unlike a balcony, a loggia has a huge number of options for equipping it - from creating a garden to using it as banquet hall. Since 3 walls of the loggia are adjacent to the room and are heated, by insulating the wall that is in contact with the external environment, it is possible to create absolutely warm room. This is a big advantage of this design, since the loggia provides more reliable protection of the apartment from bad weather, as well as excellent additional sound insulation of the room.

Options for arranging a loggia:

  • Bedroom, play corner, relaxation area, etc.;
  • Gym;
  • Work corner, office;
  • Garden, greenhouse.

There are many other possibilities for using this room, it all depends on the imagination of the organizer of the space of this room. It is important to understand the difference between a balcony and a loggia, both for your safety and convenience, and for commercial gain when buying or selling an apartment.

Thus, according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, when buying or selling an apartment, reduction factors should be indicated. For balconies the reduction factor is 0.3, for loggias – 0.5.

Consequently, it is more profitable to purchase an apartment with a balcony, but at the same time, there will be limitations in organizing the space on it and creating additional premises. Therefore, when purchasing an apartment with additional structures, it is up to the home buyer to decide what is more necessary for him, the benefit or the breadth of possibilities for using the additional space.

Review of loggia and balcony: what is the difference (video)

In conclusion, it is worth noting that modern architects have come up with new type structure, which is called a balcony-loggia. With this type of construction, the area of ​​the room increases significantly, since it is both recessed, like a loggia, and protrudes like a balcony beyond the perimeter of the building. Moreover, not only the size, but also the illumination of the room increases.

Differences between a balcony and a loggia

In almost all apartment buildings, additional space to the living space is a balcony or loggia. They often store all sorts of unnecessary rubbish that “will come in handy someday,” leftover building materials that they don’t get around to disassembling, and someone takes unnecessary furniture there. But recently there has been a tendency to use these spaces for real benefit: small winter gardens , cozy areas recreation and apartment gazebos become an excellent addition to the apartment.

There is no particular difference between a balcony and a loggia for owners, so these two concepts are often confused. But if you decide to improve this additional space, then the question of whether you have a balcony or a loggia will definitely have to be clarified. This is due to the fact that during any repair or reconstruction work in this case it will be necessary to comply with SNiP - building codes and regulations that are prescribed, among other things, for balconies with loggias. First, let's try to understand each of the concepts separately.

What is a balcony?

According to the definition that SNiP offers us, a balcony is a fortified platform protruding from the plane of the wall of a house. The words “protruding” and “platform” make it quite clear what a balcony is. IN this definition The only thing missing is a mention of the fence and entrance and exit to the apartment.

At the same time, balconies can differ significantly not only from loggias, but also from each other. These differences are due to the type of construction, types of fences and even shape. So, what types of balconies are there?

In general, three main types of balcony construction can be distinguished:

    1. Pristavnoy

This type of balcony is used in apartments located on the first or second floors, as well as in two-story houses. This type is distinguished by the presence of a free area under the balcony itself, on which the balcony supports are located;

It differs in that it must have load-bearing consoles for attaching the balcony to the wall of the building, as well as face supports that reduce the load on the wall of the building;

Such balconies are attached to the wall of the building using special fasteners. Distinctive feature is the absence of additional supports, which allows such a balcony to be located on any floor of the building.

In addition, balconies may differ in appearance:

    • Forged

It is distinguished by the presence of a forged fence or forged supports and fastenings. Often these elements are combined together;

No difference large size and the lack of a balcony area. In fact, a French balcony is a purely decorative structure, containing only a small protrusion from the wall of the building and a beautiful fence;

This name refers to the usual modern balconies, which are found in almost every multi-storey building. They can be glazed, open, with different types of finishing and fencing, but in any case it will be an external structure.

What is a loggia?

A loggia can be defined as a space built into the area of ​​a house, enclosed on several sides by walls. In this case, the determining factor will be that the loggia is not an external space; it will necessarily be located within the walls of the building.

Loggias can be divided into several types:

  • Built-in

Such a loggia is a room closed on three sides by walls. The floor slab rests on the load-bearing walls of the building;

  • Remote

The slab of this type of loggia rests on the cantilever beams of additional walls, built perpendicular to one of the walls of the building.

In this case, the loggia is fenced with walls on only two sides, the other two remain open.

Loggias, like balconies, can be glazed or open, but the main condition for them is the presence of a low enclosing wall made of concrete, iron or wrought iron fencing, or glass.

What are the differences between a balcony and a loggia?

So, having defined what a balcony and a loggia are, we can begin to compare them. Next we will talk about those signs that will allow you to see the differences between them.

Construction type

Differences in the types of loggia and balcony construction can be identified from the definitions given above.

In any case, a balcony is an external structure that is attached to one of the walls of the building and rests on fastening structures or supports. The loggia does not stand out from the plane of the house, resting on load-bearing walls.

Number of open sides

All three sides of the balcony are open. Even when you see a glass or box balcony, these walls are not the walls of the building.

A loggia can have a maximum of two sides open when it is located on the corner of a building. An ordinary loggia is closed by walls on three sides.

Structural strength

Although the balcony is a safe area for use, it has certain weight restrictions.

The loggia is more advantageous in this regard, since it is supported by the load-bearing walls of the building. The weight it can bear is much greater than that of a balcony. If the size allows, it is quite possible to make a separate room from the loggia.


A balcony usually has a smaller area than a loggia. This is due precisely to the type of construction. Too much large balcony may pose a danger to the entire wall of the house to which it is attached.

Loggias can be located around the entire perimeter of the house, their size depends only on architectural features building.

Area calculation

The differences between a balcony and a loggia are of great importance in the matter of calculating the cost of an apartment, which, in turn, depends on the total area.

When calculating the total area, the balcony is considered with a reduction factor of 0.3. But the same coefficient for loggias will be equal to 0.5. Thus, the cost of an apartment with a loggia is slightly higher than the cost of an apartment with a balcony.

IN modern projects You can find a combined version of these structures - a balcony-loggia. In this embodiment, the base slab is half part of the building, and the other half extends beyond the wall. In this way, the designers managed to strengthen the structures and increase the area of ​​the room.

So, a balcony and a loggia have significant differences, which are manifested not only in appearance, but also in the designs and possibilities for arranging these spaces. Proper Use and identifying each of these premises will help to avoid many mistakes during the construction, renovation and purchase of an apartment.

What is the difference between a balcony and a loggia: design features and nuances of redevelopment

The correct definitions are enshrined in SNiP of 2003, in Appendix B (terms and definitions). According to this document, the difference between a balcony and a loggia is its location in space. It is a platform located outside the front of the house. Can be open or glazed. A loggia is a room built-in or attached to a building. It must be fenced on three or two sides (if it occupies a corner of the building or has an unusual shape).

Simply put, in architectural plan the difference lies in the location relative to the residential part of the apartment and the number of load-bearing walls. Both of these differences between the designs are clearly visible in the photo.

IN modern construction The appearance of objects may vary greatly. But there are main varieties, which we will discuss further.

What is the difference between a balcony and a loggia in an apartment: types of buildings, operating features

First about the balconies. The most common ones are standard ones. They are an open area on a reinforced concrete base. The fence is a grille welded with brackets. In some houses it is replaced by decorative reinforced concrete slabs. They are found in almost all cities of our country.

Types of balconies

  1. French. They have almost no free space. A semicircular or straight fence covers a small ledge, which is only enough to place your foot. They are mounted not only at doors, but also at windows. Now this is what they call fully glazed buildings.
  2. Forged. They can be large and small. They can be distinguished by the forged ornament on the grille and base.
  3. Glazed. Usually these are modern balconies with an expanded area, covered with glass from top to bottom or only halfway.
  4. In new buildings there are extensions that half protrude from the house and half are located in it.

Types of loggias

They come in two types: with two walls on the right and left, or with one if the structure is semicircular. It is considered a more stable design. Usually larger in size - you can equip a full-fledged additional room with insulation. And here lies one of the problems. Now, if you want to redevelop any of these properties, the law requires approval from the local housing inspectorate.

Why you can’t do redevelopment without permission and what the risks are

Due to changes in space (demolition of partitions, installation of heavy structures), the integrity and quality of the building and the living conditions of neighbors may suffer. In some situations, this leads to the destruction of other apartments. Visor add-on, creation new form and other works that cause the appearance of the facade to differ from the original one are also not allowed.

All possible reasons for refusal of work are listed in Article 27 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. And in 25 and 26 - a list of actions that fall under the definition of reconstruction or redevelopment. According to Article 7.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the violator faces a fine of 1 to 2.5 thousand rubles and the need to return everything to its previous state.

Another problem is that an apartment with such redevelopment will be difficult to sell, exchange and pass on by inheritance, since by law the next owner must pay a fine.

Are there any workarounds to solve the problem?

The good news is that in some cases it is possible to partially change the space. To combine a room or kitchen with a balcony and loggia, it is allowed to demolish the window-door and window sill partition and replace it with sliding or swing doors. The glass unit must be at least single-chamber, with two guides. In this case, you can visually expand the room and maintain the supporting structure. Other options will not be approved by the inspection.

If you live in a block, panel or brick house, this option will not work. It is impossible to demolish the window sill in them, since it is load-bearing. According to the designers, sometimes it is allowed to be removed, but not completely. You need to leave the lower part of the wall, the so-called threshold.

What else is not allowed during redevelopment:

  • Removing batteries from living quarters.
  • Reducing the gap above the doorway.
  • Expansion of the opening itself. The wall next to it must be at least 1.2 meters. This is due to fire safety requirements.

More detailed story about the possibilities of restructuring and answers to FAQ watch the video from a specialist in the development of such projects.

How to obtain permission to change a loggia or balcony

You will need a package of documents. It includes:

  • Civil passport of the redevelopment initiator.
  • Copy finished project or a sketch drawn up independently or in a design organization.
  • An act confirming the project’s compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Technical certificate. You may have it in your hands or you need to get it from the BTI.
  • Written consent of all family members registered in the housing, including those who do not live there.
  • Papers confirming the applicant's ownership.

The list of documents may change depending on specific situation, housing condition and other factors.

Where to go:

  • To the local housing inspectorate.
  • To the nearest MFC.

The difference between a balcony and a loggia in new buildings

When buying an apartment, problems may arise due to a discrepancy between the conditions of the DDU and the real state of affairs. The developer may indicate in the contract that the premises have one structure, but during the acceptance process another one is discovered. In some cases, this is due to the fact that the area of ​​extensions in new houses is included in the cost of housing in accordance with SNiP and building regulations.

For the calculation, a reduction factor is used: 0.3 and 0.5. It is multiplied by the number of square meters in the final extension and added to the living space. The price will differ significantly. This is considered a violation, and the shareholder has the right to return the difference between the accrued price for housing and the one that should be in reality.

All characteristics of the object are indicated in the DDU. You can identify him by them. To do this, you need to inspect the apartment before signing the acceptance certificate. If deviations from the initially prescribed parameters are found, the buyer may demand that the seller eliminate the identified deviations and go to court. The contestation process involves a technical examination. An engineer from BTI measures and evaluates the structure.

If, when handing over the house, the commission did not recognize the existence of the object, the problem is resolved pre-trial. The developer independently notifies the shareholder about the discrepancy in the contract and he writes an application for a refund.

We told you what a loggia and a balcony are, what are the differences between one and the other. Summarize. Do you want to expand your room or kitchen? It is necessary to obtain approval from the BTI and the housing inspection, having previously created an approved project. Controversial issues related to the definition of design in new buildings are resolved after an examination in court or in a pre-trial manner by writing a claim to the seller-developer.

If you are in the process of choosing an apartment and need practical additional space, the best option- loggia. It is usually more spacious and stable. But the cost of housing in this case will be higher.

Most modern new buildings are rented with loggias or balconies, but buyers do not always pay attention to the specific name of the additional room in the apartment. But in vain - the difference is fundamental. LIVINGI figured out how a loggia differs from a balcony and what standards apply to these premises.

What is the difference between a balcony and a loggia?

Building codes clearly define both concepts. Thus, a balcony is a “fenced area protruding from the plane of the facade wall.” While a loggia is “a built-in or attached room, open to the outside space, fenced on three sides by walls (on two sides in case of a corner location) with a depth limited by the requirements of natural light in the room to the outer wall of which it adjoins.”

Simply put, the balcony protrudes from the facade, and the loggia is adjacent to the house with at least two walls.

What is better - a balcony or a loggia?

Both were invented with one purpose - to give residents the opportunity to be in the fresh air and enjoy the surrounding view. According to modern fire standards, houses above 4-5 floors must be equipped with balconies or loggias, where in the event of a fire, residents can hide from the flames. Both balconies and loggias cope with this task equally well if an important rule is followed: the width of the partition is at least 1.2 m. The presence of emergency and emergency exits in apartment building regulates SP 1.13130.2009 “Systems fire protection. Evacuation routes and exits." In houses with a height of 3-5 floors there must be at least two emergency (evacuation) exits, one of which is a balcony. However, according to market participants, there are technical solutions, which allow apartments to meet fire safety requirements without a balcony. Typically, in this case, the apartment is equipped with panoramic windows that compensate for the lack of light in the premises.

Meanwhile, many Russians use additional area apartments are not intended for their intended purpose - they arrange a storage room on it and turn it into a full-fledged residential area. For this purpose, loggias and balconies are glazed and “insulated”. Since loggias are adjacent to the facade with two or three walls, they are better able to withstand the additional load in the form of heavy glazing and furniture. The balcony is less reliable in this regard. Although, according to modern building codes, both balconies and loggias must withstand the same load - 200 kg per 1 sq. m.

For those wishing to create a new residential area, a loggia is preferable - most often in new houses the loggias are glazed, while the balcony glazing project will have to be approved by the supervisory authorities.

What other standards are there for balconies and loggias?

According to current building codes, fencing for loggias and balconies in buildings with a height of three floors or more must be made of non-combustible materials. The height of the fence must be at least 1.2 m. In this case, the fences must be continuous, equipped with handrails and designed to withstand horizontal loads of at least 0.3 kN/m.

If a house under construction does not have balconies or loggias, is the developer breaking the law?

It is not always so. Balconies and loggias may legally be absent in low-rise buildings (up to 5 floors), as well as in apartment complexes.

And also, according to SNiP 31-01-2003, conditions for designing balconies and unglazed loggias are considered unfavorable in regions where the combination of average monthly air temperatures and wind speed in July is: 12-16 °C and more than 5 m/s; 8-12 °C and 4-5 m/s; 4-8 °C and 4 m/s; below 4 °C at any wind speed.

It is also impossible to design balconies in houses whose residents suffer from excessive proximity to highways and factories. Thus, at a distance of 2 m from the facade of the building, the noise level should not exceed 75 dB, and the concentration of dust in the air in summer cannot be more than 1.5 mg/m for 15 days.

How can you find out from the documents what exactly – a balcony or a loggia – will be in the apartment under construction?

Detailed information about how the apartment will look is contained in the contract equity participation(in the section “Subject of the agreement”). The footage of the future housing, the number of rooms must be indicated here, and the annex to the DDU usually contains a floor plan of the house under construction with an apartment diagram. From the diagram it is not difficult to understand whether the apartment has a balcony or a loggia.

How does the presence of a balcony or loggia affect the price of housing?

The footage of a loggia or balcony must be taken into account when calculating the area, which is the basis for the cost of housing. If the apartment has a balcony, a reduction factor of 0.3 of the cost per square meter is used. If there is a loggia, then the coefficient will be 0.5. That is, when calculating the total footage, the area of ​​the balcony or loggia must be multiplied by 0.3 or 0.5, respectively, and then added to the area of ​​the remaining rooms. By multiplying the result by the price per square meter, you can calculate the total cost of the apartment.

Market participants believe that apartments with balconies and loggias are more liquid for resale than apartments without additional space.

How to legalize glazing on a balcony?

Glazing can be agreed upon before starting work or after it has been completed. To do this, you need to submit an application to change the facade to the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture. Attach to the application copies of documents for the apartment, a photograph of the facade indicating the proposed changes or with the glazing performed.

The project will not be approved if you are planning to install a central heating radiator on the balcony (by the way, this is also not allowed on the loggia). It is not permissible to widen doorways or demolish (even partially) the wall between the balcony and the apartment. Finally, glazing will be prohibited if it disrupts the appearance of a historic building.

Where can I look up the standards for glazing a balcony or loggia?

There are several documents that can be used to guide you when drawing up a glazing project. This is SNiP 01/31/2003 (“Residential multi-apartment buildings”), the document describes the conditions for redevelopment. SNiP 2.01.07 (“Loads and impacts”) will help you calculate the load on the balcony. A lot of useful information on this topic is contained in GOST 30777-2012 (“Turnable, tilting, tilt-and-turn, sliding devices for window and balcony door units”) and GOST 30971-2002 (“Seams” assembly units junctions of window blocks to wall openings").

The main thing when calculating the area is access to the walls and the accuracy of the data. This will allow you to fit into the budget planned for reconstruction or repair as accurately as possible.

You will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • laser rangefinder;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • paper;
  • calculator.

You can do without optics (laser rangefinder), but in some cases its use will allow you to avoid errors in calculations. This is especially true for non-standard types of structures.

  1. To begin with, all sides of the figures that make up the balcony are measured. The parameters are immediately outlined.
  2. A sketch of the site is drawn on paper. The lines indicate dimensions.
  3. Calculations are made using a calculator.
  4. The square is calculated by multiplying one side by itself.
  5. Rectangle - width multiplied by length.
  6. Triangle - height multiplied by base.
  7. If the design consists of several forms, all the resulting calculations are added to each other.
  8. A reduction factor of 0.5 (for balconies), 0.3 (for terraces), 1 (for verandas) is applied. The resulting area of ​​space is multiplied by this value.

The proposed plan is designed for carrying out measurements independently. If a beginner gets down to business, then errors are possible, especially in complex structures. If a team is invited for repairs, then it is better to entrust the determination of the usable area to professionals. Most often this service is provided free of charge.

Description of typical structures

Translated from German, the word “balcony” means a ledge or beam. But “loggia” in Italian means a separate room. Accordingly, already from the dictionary one can understand the existing differences between such constructions. Essentially, a balcony is a canopy with a fence that protrudes beyond the load-bearing walls of the house. But a loggia is a built-in room, limited to two or three sides. The depth and its area may vary depending on architectural project and the size of the adjacent room.

In the recent past, when the project of building standard Czech apartments was very popular in the Soviet Union, balconies were simple reinforced concrete pockets. They were intended only for installing several flowerpots, and the area of ​​such a structure barely exceeded one square meter. Today, glazed balconies or full-fledged loggias are in demand, which are often combined with an adjoining room, which can significantly expand the available living space.


Reinforced concrete slabs without additional supports (pinched) best withstand compression, slightly worse bending or tension, and do not tolerate torsion and shear. Therefore, structures that comply with all standards and technologies are durable, but do not react well to impacts or long-term storage heavy objects near fences. This property should be taken into account when choosing glazing.

The permissible weight for slabs in apartments is 150 kg per square meter. For a balcony, this figure should in any case be less, because its slab is fixed on only one side, and not on four, as in any room.

The SNiP 2.01.07-85* standards indicate permissible loads:

  • uniform along the outer perimeter of the balcony - 400 kgf/m²;
  • uniform over the entire area of ​​the balcony slab - 200 kgf/m².

Calculation of permissible loads determines prohibitions on changing the configuration of the balcony opening and carrying out work to combine the balcony with the room. For example, when cutting a balcony opening to a rectangle in panel houses with thin walls (350-510 mm), the balcony slab itself inevitably begins to sag; it does not have enough weight from above to secure it firmly.

The collapse of the facade is fraught with the expansion of living space due to the balcony in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings with load-bearing walls 300-350 mm thick. As a connecting element, they use a tongue-and-groove fastening, which has a minimum margin of safety.

However, the balconies are equipped and they do not collapse. This happens because there are safety margins for the supporting and additional structures of each series. Reliability factors take into account the possibilities of floors, number of storeys, and type of buildings.

Loggia and balcony differences

Some apartment owners do not even suspect, for many years, calling their convenient extension a balcony, that they own a home with a loggia, until it comes to selling the property. It turns out that these additions have different reduction factors that affect the calculation of the total area. For balconies it is 0.3, and the loggia has a coefficient of 0.5. Therefore, when buying or selling urban housing, you need to know what the difference is between a loggia and a balcony in order to correctly calculate their cost. The design differences between these rooms significantly affect renovation work. If you plan to insulate them, then you should know exactly what you are dealing with when you have to look for necessary materials on the Internet or place an order for the construction team.

What is a balcony?

The main feature of this platform is that it protrudes outward from the plane building structure, but is on the same line with the floor of the apartment. Three sides of a standard balcony are open, with the exception of a corner location with two open sides. Glazing of balconies is now being produced en masse. which leads to additional confusion among the population. After repairs, the insulated area turns into a comfortable room, the internal differences between the loggias and the balcony are visually smoothed out for users inexperienced in construction.

In ancient times, the balcony space did not have protective fences, but now they are mandatory building elements. They are made from a corner, profile or forged parts that can extremely effectively decorate the facade of a high-rise building. There are also non-standard options for extensions that definitely cannot be confused with a loggia - French balconies. where there is practically no viewing area.

Design features of the loggia

The main difference between a balcony and a loggia is that the second option cannot be called a hanging structure. In fact, we are dealing with another tiny room inside the building, protected from the outside glass wall or railings. The loggia is surrounded on 3 or 4 sides by brick or concrete walls, and on top it has a roof. In the corner version, the open side has an interesting triangular shape, but the concrete slab of the site is always recessed into the house, which means it has permanent support in the form of the walls of a multi-story building.

You see that there are significant differences between loggias and balconies. Balconies are better lit, making it more convenient to view the urban landscape from them. But it is easier to turn a loggia into an additional room, it is easier to install heating here and even combine it with the adjacent living space. You can limit yourself to cold glazing when you plan to use this space mainly during the warm period.

Despite the small area, this room can become cozy and functional. How to design a stylish and modern design balcony in the apartment, we will tell you in the article.

The options for using a balcony space are endless, and the idea of ​​creating a workspace on the balcony is becoming increasingly popular. We will tell you how to implement such a design technique in the article.

Today, the balcony is used as a full-fledged living space with a stylish and original design. In this article we will show you how you can arrange a workplace on your balcony.

The balcony has long ceased to be a place for storing unnecessary things, and today it is a modern room with a stylish interior. We will tell you how to design a balcony in this article.

Loggia room

The previous paragraph makes it clear what a loggia is. It is distinguished by:

Often they are a small room (optional with an open wall), which is repurposed into an office, kitchen or nursery. Or they open it up, combining it with the neighboring room - the space increases noticeably. Three internal walls are important - in the loggia this allows you to retain heat. The fourth is insulated with foam plastic, polystyrene or mineral wool.

They are used less and less by analogy with a balcony - it makes no sense to make such a large area a “storage room” if its purpose could be more useful. The total area of ​​the object does not play a role here.

Rice. 4. Option for arranging a loggia

When choosing an apartment with a loggia, you can safely add one more room to the number of rooms. It’s more difficult with a balcony - its functionality is limited. Let's remember what its advantages are: a lot of heat, light, the ability to breathe fresh air while at home and also perfect place for storing bicycles, other sports equipment and just for a relaxing holiday.

In modern construction, loggias, due to their functionality, are a priority for architects.

What are the differences between loggia and balcony?

These objects are more clearly defined as follows.


A balcony is an enclosed cantilever structure that protrudes from the plane of the facade.

The entrance to it is made from the side of the room adjacent to it, and consists, as a rule, of a window and a door, which are combined into a single block.

Its slab is attached to the wall only from the entrance side, so its load-bearing capacity is small. Therefore, it is not recommended to overload typical balconies with bulky structures or too heavy materials.

There is no provision for wall insulation or heating.

Unlike the loggia, it is less functional.

Although the French balcony in its classic version it does not have its own site, nevertheless it is also classified as this type of structure.

Wrought iron open balcony

Today, few people leave it open. True, the standard dimensions, and, accordingly, the footage of the structure are very modest, but the practice of expanding it by moving it out, when the width of the balcony increases, ultimately allows one to obtain interesting results. The difference between a loggia and a balcony in terms of area is in favor of the second.

The dimensions of the balcony, unlike the loggia, are limited

Unlike a loggia, when talking about glazing a balcony, we mean the construction of three structures connected to each other through special corner connectors.

The resulting three-sided design can have the following options:

  • translucent, aquarium type, which maintains a full view or
  • glazed on one side, while the side walls are usually covered with siding or plastic panels, “erasing” the difference between a balcony and a loggia.

Glazing on one side only

Advice: due to their lighter weight, they are more suitable for glazing balconies. aluminum structures, and not plastic - another difference. The maximum load for them in typical high-rise buildings is about 200 kg.


A loggia is a structure that, unlike a balcony, is fenced not on four, but on three or two sides. The depth of the built-in room is limited by standards natural light rooms adjacent to the wall.

Corner loggia half recessed into the building

Its concrete slab, unlike a balcony slab, rests on semi-load-bearing or load-bearing walls of the building.

It is built into the building and is open, at least on one side it is not heated, since there are no heating devices there.

The open plane of the loggia can be triangular, for example, a “boot” in houses of the P-44t series.

The presence on its open side of a fence in the form of a parapet made of metal, concrete, concrete and metal or concrete, stone and metal, and today glass, is mandatory.

The entrance to the loggia is no different from the balcony: a block of windows and doors.

Balcony or loggia - the difference is thus determined mainly by differences in

  • method of connection to the wall;
  • number of open sides;
  • conditions of arrangement;
  • average area;
  • reliability.

The structure of the “boot” in the P-44T series

Architectural features

Balcony options

There are several types of structures. They differ:

  • According to the form. There are ordinary ones (their outlines may differ slightly depending on the project, being straight, rounded or beveled), forged ones - with a metal openwork lattice (usually without glazing) and French ones, which are characterized by the absence of a platform. The latter type is more of a decorative decoration than a functional extension.
  • By design.

A) Attached - typical for one-, two-story buildings or on the corresponding floors of multi-story buildings. The supports of this type are placed on the platform directly under the balcony.

B) Attached - as if built into the wall of a building using load-bearing consoles. The load on the wall is reduced due to the front supports. Also used at low altitudes.

C) Wall mounted ones are attached to the wall using special devices. This option does not require any additional supports, which allows such a structure to be placed on any floor.

According to the presence and method of glazing. There are glazed and unglazed (closed and open, respectively). In this case, glazed ones are divided into two subgroups - cold glazing and warm glazing. With warm glazing, double-glazed windows with high thermal insulation properties are used. Cold glazing is much cheaper, although it also provides basic heat and sound insulation.

What exactly does a balcony consist of?

The most universal structural elements are the platform, fencing and fastenings (supports).

Standard width parameters are approximately 0.8 meters, lengths are about 2.5–3 meters, depending on the type of building.

The height of the fence for a building up to 30 m high is not lower than 900 mm.

If the building is taller, the height of the fences should also be increased by another 100 mm.

Types of loggias

Design features are divided into three types - built-in, remote and corner. The built-in structure is closed on three sides. The base slab is supported by load-bearing walls. The extension rests on the beams of additional walls. The corner is closed on both sides. The possible dimensions of the loggia are mainly limited only by its type and design features of the building.

SNiPs and GOSTs for balconies and loggias construction documentation

Having decided to re-equip or repair a balcony or loggia in your apartment, you should understand that any manipulations associated with the reconstruction and redevelopment of these premises must necessarily comply with regulatory requirements. The main document regulating this type of activity is SNiP. Balconies and loggias, in accordance with this set of rules, are designed and built taking into account to prevent their damage and destruction during operation.

According to the requirements of SNiP, a loggia or balcony of an open or closed type should not exert additional pressure on the load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building in which they are located

When installing them, it is also important to take into account fire safety requirements and established sanitary standards.

In addition, this normative act explains in what cases the construction of these premises is inappropriate due to unfavorable operating conditions. GOST loggias and balconies are taken into account in the documentation SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”, which contains a detailed list of conditions that must be met when carrying out redevelopment and re-equipment of these premises, as well as general requirements for the construction of residential buildings of various types.

SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings” (406 KB, pdf)

One of the important stages associated with the arrangement of balconies and loggias various types, is the construction of a new balcony railing, ensuring reliable and durable fixation of the main structure. When performing work of this type, you should use GOST for balcony fencing, number 25772-83, which contains instructions for the design and installation of various types of fencing.

In accordance with established standards For fencing balconies and loggias, only screen-type structures can be used. Moreover, these elements must withstand the level of loads provided for in SNiP 2.01.07. GOST for balcony railings indicates that the total height of the balcony railing should be:

  • in buildings up to 30 m high - 1000 mm;
  • above 30 m - 1100 mm.

The height of the railings of the enclosing element must be at least 900 mm, and their load-bearing capacity must be an order of magnitude higher than usual stair railing. One of important conditions They are designed and constructed to have no sharp protrusions or rough edges.

Also, increased demands are placed on the safety of constructed balcony railings. For this purpose, the use of horizontal type elements is prohibited.

The most common technique used to ensure a sufficient level of noise and heat insulation on balconies and loggias of various types is their glazing. The basic requirements for devices for window and balcony door units are described in GOST 30777-2012.

This set of rules contains instructions for the manufacture and installation of rotary, tilting and tilt-and-turn devices, as well as other elements included in various types of window and door balcony units.

In particular, it contains technical requirements for the design, dimensions and maximum deviations, reliability and load resistance and ergonomic characteristics of structures made of various materials used for glazing balconies.

In addition, this document also contains applications with diagrams and examples of the design of rotary, tilting and tilt-and-turn mechanisms with individual components and elements.

What is a balcony

It is generally accepted that all multi-storey buildings have such a superstructure - a balcony. But here you should be extremely careful, because not every protruding structure bears this name. Very often, projects of modern high-rise buildings are equipped with a completely different design - a loggia. To understand the difference, it is recommended to remember the exact definition of each concept.

A balcony is a superstructure protruding from the facade, which must have a fence. It can be quite large in area or completely small

It is important to consider that the balcony is open on three sides and is not part of the living space. The balcony design does not imply heating in this space; according to SNP standards, insulation of this space is a violation

Based on the fact that the balcony slab is fixed only from the entrance side, it is not recommended to clutter this space with massive furniture and other heavy objects.

Appearance balcony in a standard multi-storey building panel house

Ownership and responsibility

To the question: are the balconies part of the apartment, we can answer unequivocally: yes, they are. But there are several legal issues here. Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the belonging of some premises and parts of the house to common property, according to which loggias and balconies are common house property.

The legislation states that the load-bearing structures and external walls of the apartment: ceiling, floor and engineering Communication- this is common property, and the space between the walls is the private property of the apartment owner. Thus, the slab, facade wall, balcony and loggia fencing are common property, and the space between them is the property of the apartment owner.

You can do everything within your space that does not harm the common shared property. All important aspects operation and re-equipment of balconies and loggias are regulated by the Rules and Standards for the operation of the housing stock, approved by Resolution No. 170 of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003.

To avoid conflict situations, as well as time and financial costs, it is necessary that all auxiliary premises are indicated in the ownership documents, otherwise you will have to buy out or prove the right to property in court.


Based on the Housing Code, Part 2, Art. paragraphs 17, 18 and 21, repairs of common buildings, including emergency balconies, must be carried out by housing and communal services, after drawing up an inspection report and the written consent of 2/3 of the home owners, in accordance with Article 46 of the Housing Code, Part 1.

Unlike paper standards, in practice you will have to make the repairs yourself, and then, in court, claim reimbursement of costs.

Many people wonder what the difference is between a balcony and a loggia. Despite the visual similarity, as well as the identical functionality of the premises, in reality these are different objects. In order to understand these concepts, you should consider the features of each design separately.


The finishing of balconies and loggias was discussed in detail in a separate article, but now we are interested in only one aspect - the work on external cladding and insulation. Cold and warm glazing balconies and loggias - what's the difference?

"Cold glazing"

It is appropriate when you are not going to spend a lot of time on the loggia, or will only actively use it in the summer. Spending a lot of money on significant insulation in your case does not make sense.

Cold glazing will protect the loggia from precipitation, dirt, dust, and street noise. And oddly enough, the temperature on the balcony will still be noticeably higher. This glazing is performed aluminum profile, which is protected from corrosion and designed for a service life of more than 50 years. By the way, it can be painted in any color, realizing any idea for decorating balconies and loggias.
If you plan to make the room warmer, you need to install plastic double-glazed windows and do more thorough insulation.

“Insulation of balconies and loggias - theory and photos”

Insulating the loggia is a necessary step before starting the redevelopment if you are combining it with a room. The procedure affects everything - floor, ceiling and walls. Many fear that insulation will eat up additional centimeters of space, because walls that are too thin cannot provide thermal insulation. But don’t worry - you will lose no more than 5-6 centimeters, which, you see, is insignificant.

If such manipulations were carried out on the balcony, even in winter the door to it can be kept open, drafts and frosts will bypass you. But to live in this room you will need heavy artillery.

"Full insulation"

What is the difference between complete insulation of a balcony and a loggia?

What we understand by conventional insulation only helps to retain heat in the room, but in no case increases its amount. On an ordinary insulated loggia in winter you will have a hard time. Working there all day, having a leisurely breakfast or indulging in your favorite hobby is out of the question.

The loggia will not automatically become warm! Making it a full-fledged part of the apartment, that is, including it in the total area without any coefficients, is possible only if a battery is placed on the loggia. This will not only give you real coziness and comfort, but will also increase the cost of housing.

Additional information on arranging balconies and loggias

IN Soviet times loggias were glazed and used as a place for hanging laundry, a smoking room, and even as a warehouse for unnecessary things. But why waste precious meters today if you can arrange both the loggia and the balcony so that this will be the most favorite place in the apartment?

Interesting ideas for decorating a loggia with photo examples

Let's plunge into the world of other people's ideas and solutions: if you already have additional space, you can convert it into part of the room, insulate it, glaze it, turn it into a cozy veranda or study.

Breakfasts, lunches, dinners will become more interesting: from such a place it is interesting to survey the city, feeling as if you were in the most cozy cafe

A bright, small, cozy office - you don’t need a lot of effort to decorate it, but there’s more than enough benefit

Glazing on the floor opens up the opportunity to fully admire the view

Design of balconies in a private house with photo examples

To design balcony structures in modern construction, plastic, glass, wood and metal are used. Artistic forged patterns become a wonderful architectural decoration. Plastic is the least beautiful, but this finish will cost the least. Most owners of balconies try to glaze them, thus turning them into a space protected from the weather.

Wide structures can easily be converted into summer verandas

Open designs evoke romantic thoughts and moods

Glazing solves the problem of being on a balcony during bad weather conditions

Loggia and balcony - differences

So, what's the difference - a balcony or a loggia in an apartment? Architectural structures that have existed since ancient times have many differences.

  • Dimensions
  • Lighting
  • Noise, climatic conditions, level of privacy
  • Loads
  • Price


First of all, these structures differ in size. Many years ago, during the heyday of Soviet construction, when new standards and GOSTs were being developed in full swing, a standard for the size of a balcony was introduced. It is in a typical panel house from the times of the USSR, a little more than three meters long and eighty centimeters wide.

The loggia boasts more varied shapes and a larger size. This architectural element is located partially indoors and has a fairly large area, thoroughly strengthened by support on load-bearing walls.


There is also a difference in the lighting of architectural elements: the balcony transmits light from three sides, and even more light penetrates into a glazed room than into a more closed loggia.

And if the length of the balcony is limited only by the features of architectural and construction solutions, then the depth of the loggia is directly related to the ability of natural light to penetrate into the room adjacent to it. In other words, the loggia cannot be dimensionless, otherwise little light will enter the room adjacent to it.

A distinctive feature of the loggia is its closedness on three (sometimes two) sides.

Thanks to this, noise and street sounds penetrate less into the room.

For the same reason, dust and small debris enter the structure in smaller quantities than on a “windswept” balcony.

The privacy of the loggia has an undoubted advantage as a barrier from unwanted curiosity and attention from others.

On a balcony, even a glazed or partially closed one, it is more difficult to relax in a calm, private environment.

It is almost impossible to hide from intrusive glances, do what you love, read, or relax without being noticed by neighbors or simply curious passers-by.


Another fundamental difference between the two structures under consideration is the possibility of greater or lesser load on the base of the element. The balcony is attached to the wall on only one side of the base.

But even in this case, the load must be limited. Thus, the mounting features of the balcony imply less load than the base of the loggia firmly fixed to three walls.

We can conclude: the functionality of these structures is also different. It is not recommended to place massive furniture on the balcony; large cluster of people. In addition, repairs and insulation of these structures should also be carried out taking into account the permissible load.


The fundamental difference is the cost of these architectural elements. Before buying an apartment, you need to understand that the cost of a balcony is calculated differently than the cost of a loggia. When the total area of ​​a living space is calculated, the balcony area is calculated with a reduction factor of 0.3, while the reduction factor of a loggia is 0.5.

Therefore, before making a final decision on what will be in the apartment - a loggia or a balcony, it is important to take into account the differences between these elements.

If the apartment is corner, then the walls of the loggia can only be on two sides

A loggia and a balcony can be easily distinguished by the following parameters:

  • Loggia is a part of the room that is open on one or more sides. It is built into the house, and is not its protrusion, like a balcony.
  • The loggia will turn into a separate room without expansion; a regular balcony is too small for these purposes.
  • The load-bearing capacity of the loggia is greater - the slab is fixed on three sides, the load is distributed over the walls. Balconies should not be loaded, as they are fixed only on one, or maximum on two, sides.
  • With the same area of ​​the balcony and loggia, the cost of the second structure will be higher.

How can you characterize a balcony extension? What is a large balcony called? If the platform protrudes from the front of the house for some distance and is fenced with railings on all sides, then it is a balcony. The depth of the structure ranges from 1 to 6 meters. Externally, it is a horizontal reinforced concrete slab with fasteners.

  • on cantilever beams - this is mainly typical for old housing stock. Cantilever beams support the base;
  • on a reinforced concrete base - a clamped slab is installed as a base in brick buildings;
  • on a cantilever base - no support is provided;
  • with external supports - they are used in the construction of a large balcony structure. This modification is provided only for the second floor.

The correct definition of loggia and balcony will help calculate the cost of housing. Loggia reduction coefficient: 0.5. At the balcony - 0.3. If there is a “French” balcony, calculating the coefficient is pointless, since it does not have a useful and significant area.

Visually, these structures are quite easy to distinguish. The loggia is located “in a niche” of the apartment, and the balcony protrudes beyond the facade of the house.

A typical balcony is a reinforced concrete slab that extends beyond the walls of the building and is surrounded by a parapet.

An example of frameless glazing.

The loggia forms a single structure with the building, the fences are walls (2 or 3), as well as floor slabs. The base (slab) rests on semi-load-bearing or load-bearing wall elements.

Sometimes in a given room there is no front view or one of the side walls - with a corner or side placement.

The structure has only one side wall.

Reduction factor for balcony