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» Balcony decoration - photo of the latest trends in the design of balconies. Balcony or loggia decoration: finishing materials and design solutions with a photo report Ideas for decorating a balcony in a panel house

Balcony decoration - photo of the latest trends in the design of balconies. Balcony or loggia decoration: finishing materials and design solutions with a photo report Ideas for decorating a balcony in a panel house

The small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony is not a reason to turn it into a pantry. For a bike, skis and potatoes, you can find another place. A balcony with ease, which will be combined with the general style of the apartment or contrast with it. There are a lot of ideas for arranging a small balcony. But still it is worth proceeding from personal preferences and specific parameters. Don't try to fit everything at once, choose one main idea and follow it.

To turn a small balcony into something cozy and original, you just need to focus on a few very important points that will help you achieve the desired result.

Ideas for decorating a small balcony

If you cannot increase the actual area, then you can visually expand the room. To do this, designers are advised to use light colors. White, beige, cream, light yellow and blue - these shades allow you to optically increase the size of your balcony. Monochromatic walls will “merge” and create a feeling of more space.

Another "trick" that will help visually enlarge the room is the use of finishing materials with a glossy surface. They perfectly reflect the light, saturating the room with it, and making it “airy” and “lighter”.

If plain surfaces seem too boring to you, then you can use materials with a pattern. But you must remember the main rule - a small pattern will look good in narrow places, and a large pattern in wide ones. This combination will allow you to "push" the walls.

small balcony style

We advise you to decide on the style even before the start of any finishing work and the purchase of materials. The fact is that it is the style that will dictate the list of necessary things to you. So, for example, lovers of tea ceremonies and hookahs will like the balcony. A warm range should be present in the design of the walls and ceiling, the floor covering will hide under a high and soft carpet. And this luxurious interior will be complemented by colored pillows and translucent curtains.

Popular in recent years, eco-style requires increased attention to the choice of finishing materials. No plastic - only natural wood, stone, bamboo. So that your balcony does not resemble a sauna, use decorative elements. On such a balcony, not only flowers will look great, but also useful plants grown in pots. A mini-garden is a great addition to an eco-style balcony.

Situations when an open balcony is used as a storage for necessary and not very things are quite common. Such a solution can hardly be called the best. If you sort through the trash, it will surely turn out that most of it can be safely thrown away. And in the vacant place it will turn out to organize a wonderful corner for relaxation.

Features of an open balcony

When designing this room, it is necessary to take into account all its features. The open balcony is not protected from the weather; in winter it is practically not used. When choosing a decor for it, you should give preference to moisture and frost-resistant materials. You need to carefully consider what furniture will not only look good, but will survive the downpour. The same applies to flowers: they should not be afraid of the sun and be too fragile.

But if you take care of the proper design of the room, then it can become a favorite place to relax. Drinking tea or coffee, enjoying reading an interesting book or enjoying the view - such moments of calm are especially valuable in our time. And the garden on the balcony with its bright colors will cheer you up even more.
The decoration of such a place should be selected especially carefully. It is possible to design an open balcony with your own hands or with the help of specialists. The main requirement for all materials is that they must withstand bad weather.

What to choose for finishing for the floor and walls

Making the floor usually begins with a concrete screed, on which the coating is laid.

The best materials are:
  • Moisture resistant paint. It is allowed to use, but we must remember that it is short-lived. In a few years, repairs will be needed.
  • Ceramic tile. It is necessary to choose materials with high protective qualities and a rough surface. It is important to consider the weight of the tile; lightweight samples are suitable for the balcony.
  • Terrace decking. Differs in ease and remarkable waterproofing properties. Such a floor on an open balcony will last a long time.
When decorating a garden on a balcony, you should also take care of the wall decoration. Materials are chosen according to the same principles as in the case of the floor. They must be moisture and dirt resistant, suitable for long-term operation. The following are popular:
  • Plaster. It is necessary to choose a material for facades, in which there are special additives that protect against the appearance of cracks.
  • Porcelain tile. The tile has proven itself well for finishing the balcony from the inside.
  • Lining and siding. The best options with which the loggia will look beautiful for a long time.


Before proceeding directly to the repair, it is necessary to think over the lighting on the balcony. After all, it is better to make holes for wires in advance so as not to damage the finish. The best option is to use energy-saving diode lamps.

Which lamps are suitable depends on the taste of the owners. But do not forget that we are talking about an open place. Stylings for street lights, as well as closed sconces, will look good.

How to create a beautiful corner

Considering design ideas, one can proceed from two principles. The first option provides for the design of the balcony in the same style. Another solution is to make the balcony contrast, different from the general direction of the interior, but at the same time in harmony with it.

Balcony furniture

Furnish the room after finishing the walls and floor. Often its size limits the choice of furniture on the balcony, you can see examples in the photo.

An important feature - all items must be moisture resistant so that the rain does not damage them. There is special garden furniture that can withstand temperature extremes.

In hot weather, you can even sleep on the loggia. To do this, it is convenient to use an air mattress.

A summer balcony will look great with elegant wicker furniture made of rattan, artificial or real, or wicker. If the fence is forged, then a table made in the same style along with chairs will fit perfectly into the interior.

It is not worth cluttering up the loggia with furniture, there should be freedom of movement. A sofa or armchair on one side of the room is a good option for how to decorate a balcony beautifully. In addition, these interior items can be very comfortable to sit on a warm day.
Another solution is a wooden bench with a hinged lid that will serve as storage for any things. It is not so difficult to make a similar decoration for an updated balcony with your own hands.
Balconies and loggias are not always large in size. To decorate a small balcony, you need to choose the appropriate furniture. It can be a small neat set of table and chairs. A convenient option is plastic pieces of furniture that fold into a compact stack. Another practical solution is folding seats and table tops. Using them is no less convenient than simple furniture. But when they are not needed, they can be omitted and thereby free up space.

Balcony landscaping

Nothing will decorate the room like decorating the balcony with flowers. You can arrange them as you like, such solutions are suitable for a small loggia:

  • Placing pots in one line along the railing.
  • The balcony will be beautiful if you decorate it in the center and in the corners.
  • Pallets look good from the outside, only they must be securely fastened.
If space permits, then the garden on the balcony can be placed in a variety of supports and gratings, as well as on racks and whatnots. On a spacious loggia, large plants look good, for example, a dwarf thuja or a palm tree. They are planted in tubs or large pots and placed along the walls.
A garden on the balcony in hanging planters will help save space. They not only look beautiful. If you hang them along the front visor, they will provide shade, which is especially useful in hot weather. And the plants themselves will receive a lot of sun and natural watering with rainwater, so that they will begin to bloom well.

Do not ignore the side walls. A blooming balcony with several flowerpots placed one above the other in vertical rows looks bright and unusual, in addition, very modern.

Choice of colors

The question may arise which flowers to choose in order to get a beautiful balcony. There are no strict recommendations, the main thing is that the plants can survive in the open air.

Petunias and violets are considered a classic option for a garden on a balcony, the photo of which is pleasing to the eye. They look especially good in drawers located on the outside. But they don't have to be limited. Daisies and verbena, pelargoniums, nasturtiums and marigolds - all of them are appropriate for creating a modern interior. And on the walls you can put ivy or decorative climbing vines, which will give a cozy atmosphere, as well as protect from dust.

You can grow not only flowers, but also herbs on a loggia or balcony. They look good in neat pots, and later come in handy for cooking various dishes.

When choosing a color scheme for decorating a balcony, you need to take into account the overall situation. If the walls and furniture are white or another neutral color, then the flowers can be anything. With red walls, white, yellow, blue tones look good. With a brown-yellow interior - blue or purple. Proper decoration is a good way to emphasize your taste.

There may be very few plants on the balcony, such as a flower pot with an ornamental tree and a few hanging planters. And you can plant it almost completely. Flowers arranged in tiers look beautiful. Along the walls are large flowerpots, then medium-sized, and then the smallest. Lighting on the balcony will add sophistication to the garden in the evening. To do this, for example, hang garlands.
When choosing an interior for a balcony, photo galleries of modern design will suggest interesting solutions in different styles. You just need to choose the option to your liking, and then with the help of a master or with your own hands turn this part of the apartment into a cozy corner for relaxation.

Until recently, our compatriots did not even think about how to equip a balcony and a loggia: these premises, as a rule, served them exclusively in the form of a warehouse of unnecessary things and pickles. Today, a balcony or loggia is increasingly being used as independent rooms, which also require decent functional and decorative arrangement.

Increase in usable area

This is what all those who uses a balcony as a separate room. With a competent approach in matters of glazing, waterproofing, insulation, finishing the balcony and its design: you can not only increase the total footage of the apartment, but also acquire a fairly functional room in which you can relax after busy working days.

A small loggia is often equipped in the form natural extension of the kitchen. This option is especially relevant for owners of Khrushchev or narrow balconies. You should also carefully approach the arrangement of a large room: the pleasant dimensions of a spacious loggia will allow you to use its space to accommodate a real gym with large-sized simulators, full-fledged bedrooms with ergonomic bed children's corner with hanging hammock and so on.

The beginning of the arrangement of the balcony

Work on arranging a balcony begins with cleaning everything unnecessary: ​​clean the balcony space of old things, clean up, take out what else can be useful to the country. After a thorough cleaning of the premises, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures in stages:

  • Glazing. You can install luxurious windows made of durable wood, functional and, or carry out universal frameless glazing. Thanks to this procedure, your balcony will become warmer and soundproof. You can use interesting stained glass and tinted, or traditional - ordinary glass.
  • Waterproofing. This procedure will help in protecting the premises and its structure from the aggressive effects of natural factors. The most popular: coating based on bitumen, polymers and universal liquid rubber; pasting roll (more often - roofing material); special water-repellent primers and impregnations. In the waterproofing work on the balcony, you can also include the installation of an external cornice.
  • Warming. Often: walls, floor and ceiling. A wooden or metal frame is mounted, then a waterproofing layer, then a heater is laid, and polyethylene, penofol or other vapor barrier material is laid on it. As a heater, a mineral wool board, foam plastic or polystyrene is usually used.

Tip: If possible, install a heating system in the loggia. It is considered the most convenient and comfortable option: with its help, the balcony area will become not only a functional room for relaxation, but also an excellent bedroom in which you can not be afraid to spend the night in winter.

Balcony decoration

At the end of the above procedures, it is necessary to carry out the interior decoration of the balcony. The cladding material will depend on personal preferences, the general style of the adjacent room and, of course, on the financial capabilities of the owners.

  1. Ceiling. It can be suspended, it is often sheathed with clapboard or whitewashed. Most often the ceiling. This material, once installed, can be styled with paint or wood paneling.
  2. Walls. Usually, the inner lining of the balcony is carried out using modern and sustainable, universal wood or PVC lining, as well as a cheaper, but wear-resistant material - vinyl siding. You can also decorate the walls with bright and non-standard photo wallpapers.
  3. Floor. For the floor coverings in the form of laminate, ceramic tiles and carpet are suitable. The most comfortable, but not cheap option would be to install a "warm floor" system, which can replace all traditional heating devices.

Finishing work completed? In this case, we proceed to a more joyful event - filling the balcony area with furniture and accessories, corresponding to the general design idea.

Arrangement options

The warm room of the balcony zone can be used in different ways: it all depends on your imagination! To a greater extent, this expression refers to a large-sized room, which can be equipped without saving every meter. However, a small loggia can be decorated with dignity, especially if functional furniture and suitable decorative accessories are connected to this business.

How about a small balcony?

The balcony part in Khrushchev must be used rationally, since the room is as compressed as possible. If the balcony area is adjacent to the kitchen part, it is most logical to apply dining table window sill. If the loggia is an integral part of the sleeping space, for example, you should place a cozy rocking chair or wicker furniture in it.

A small balcony requires visual expansion. For this, various tricks are used: without voluminous decorative elements, light colors of the walls and ceiling, laconic furniture in limited quantities. It is best to use a glossy finish surface, which further “enlarges” the room visually.

In the design of a narrow loggia they also resort to "visual" secrets: light colors with a glossy sheen, a minimum of furniture and large accessories, a maximum of free space. For narrow areas, the finishing pattern should be narrow, and for wide areas, accordingly wide.

Tip: It is advisable to carry out the glazing of a narrow balcony. This will help increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony area by 30 cm.

balcony lighting

The brightness and saturation of balcony lighting will depend on the specific purpose of this zone. For example, bright light can be used in the case of arranging a home mini-bar or dining area on the balcony. Diffused light is used more in a room stylized as a rest room and bedroom.

The light on the balcony can be exclusively ceiling or wall, as well as combined, can only be used in the center of the zone or in different parts of the loggia. An excellent option for fans of multi-format lighting will be touch-sensitive LED bulbs. Depending on the style, you can use wall sconces, drop down lights, candles and other accessories.


Under certain conditions, you can adequately equip a loggia or balcony with your own hands. A heated and waterproofed balcony will serve as an excellent relaxation room or a great workplace, it will combine a blooming winter garden and a cozy place for reading.

And in this video you will find many more ideas for balconies and options for arranging them. Look and choose and transform your area!

Before you start facing the surfaces, you need to glaze the room, make thermal insulation, mount the frame of the crate. Finishing the balcony is the final stage of the repair. Interesting ideas for organizing space are presented in the photographs in this article.

Finishing Features

The main requirements to consider when choosing a material:

  • Resistant to moisture, temperature changes and direct sunlight;
  • Long service life: 20-30 years (minimum value);
  • Easy care during operation;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • High degree of heat and sound insulation;
  • There needs to be a balance between cost and quality.

The purpose and design of the rooms adjacent to the main space should be taken into account. It is desirable that the interior of neighboring rooms is not contrasting.

The interior of the two rooms is made in the same style.

Popular ideas for organizing space

1. Combined layout

If there is enough space in the room, you can organize a multifunctional space - combine a recreation and storage area.

Two functional areas on the same area (storage and recreation).

The design of the bed is equipped with a special place for storing items.

The main requirement for planning is to arrange spacious cabinets in such a way that it is convenient to move around.

The original solution for the interior is the installation of a suspended model of chairs. The number of chairs depends on personal preferences and the size of the loggia.

2. Interior for relaxation

When arranging a room for the purpose of relaxation, they create an extra bed, install a sofa or purchase wicker chairs. As an organization of a place to sleep, not only an ottoman or a bed is suitable. A good solution would also be a hammock, or hanging bed structure.

Comfortable armchair where you can relax and read a book.

The main condition: the choice of furniture should take into account the availability of free space and not clutter up the space.

3. Greenhouse in the balcony space

For the proper organization of the flower garden, various designs, stands and shelves are needed.

If you carefully insulate the balcony, you can grow and breed flowers all year round. At the initial stage, you should consider the arrangement of plants in such a way that you get a spectacular composition.

In order for plants to grow and develop well, sunlight must penetrate unhindered, the shadow from neighboring flowers should be excluded to the maximum.

4. Storage area on the loggia

In order to use the area as much as possible, you need to purchase roomy, but compact furniture.

Often the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbalconies is small, so when arranging it is advisable to choose built-in furniture. Basically, niches, racks, shelves, cabinets and cabinets are used to fill the space. Thanks to the built-in models, it will be possible to use every corner. As a rule, such designs are created according to specific dimensions (on order).

The space under the windowsill is used as storage.

Spacious closet, made to order according to individual sizes.

5. Office or workplace

Workplace for sewing.

A mini-study that does not take up space in the main part of the apartment.

The most important point is to properly organize the lighting in the office. In the evening, artificial light sources are needed. For comfortable work, you should also block the sun's rays with blinds.

If the room is small, pay attention to the light range of shades in the process of interior design.

Artist's workshop.

6. Bar

The bar counter with chairs can be taken out to the loggia. This option will allow you to enjoy the view from the window with a cup of tea. This layout does not depend on the size of the room. Most often, the bar countertop is a continuation of the window sill.

The bar counter overlooking the city at night is ideal for evening leisure.

Photo from

7. Sports corner

Gym on the lobby.

Equipment for sports training.

In order to organize sports activities at home, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony is quite suitable. Here you can place an exercise bike or a treadmill. If the room is spacious, if desired, it will be possible to make a full-fledged gym, equipping the territory with the necessary equipment.

Flooring options for exercise equipment: high-hard pile carpet, linoleum, laminate lamellas.

Options for finishing materials

1. Wooden lining

For cladding balconies, it is better to use coniferous wood. Such lining is most resistant to changes in temperature and moisture.

Floor and wall cladding with wooden clapboard.

So that the elements do not lose their visual appeal, timely protection against darkening during operation is necessary. Surface damage should also be avoided.

The use of lining provides a spectacular finish and comfort in the room.

Finishing the surface of the walls with clapboard, linoleum was chosen as the floor covering.

2. PVC panels

PVC paneling is an economical finish. Installation of elements is easy to carry out on a wooden frame using self-tapping screws. If the walls are sufficiently even, the crate can not be created, in which case special glue is used for fastening.

Sheathing with PVC panels.

A prerequisite for operation: the temperature inside the room must be from + 5 degrees and above.

3. Drywall sheets

With the help of drywall, you can create curvilinear shapes, due to good flexibility. The surface is painted, decorated with decorative plaster, wallpaper or artificial stone.

The base is drywall, the top layer is wallpaper.

Combination of decorative plaster and wallpaper with bamboo texture.

Artificial stone and plaster.

Finishing layer of finishing - wall-paper.

The main disadvantage is poor moisture resistance. It is better to use a moisture-resistant version of drywall (GKLV).

This method does not require large time and financial costs.

4. Cork

Loggia decoration with cork sheets.

The raw material for the manufacture of panels is cork oak. Pressed cork sheets are produced in small thicknesses. The flexibility of the material makes it easy to form and assemble the elements yourself.

Cork material can be installed not only in an insulated room, but also on a cold loggia without double-glazed windows.

Sheets are steady against influence of the sun, do not absorb moisture and smells. The main disadvantage is the cost - from 400 rubles. per sq. m.

5. Siding

Siding in the completed project.

Vinyl siding is used for interior wall surfaces. The cost of the material is low - from 180 rubles. and more (per sq. m).

Main characteristics:

  • Harmless to humans;
  • High level of resistance to cold temperatures and fire;
  • Light weight.

It is better to purchase panels in white. This color is not subject to changes over time, spots from the sun's rays will not be visible on the surface.

6. MDF panels

On the construction market, there is a large selection of shades and textures of MDF panels.

For production, compressed wood is used, which is pre-dried. The material is laminated on top. MDF surfaces can be colored (film) or repeat the texture of wood (veneer).

MDF panels imitating the texture of natural wood.

Pros: affordable price and the possibility of self-installation. The downside is poor resistance to moisture and low temperatures.

7. Block house

The material is made of metal, wood or vinyl. The shape of the elements is a rounded log. Imitation of a log house in the decoration of the loggia looks impressive and rich. The use of a block house is not appropriate in small rooms, since the area will become even smaller due to the thickness of the material (3.6 cm).

Block house in the interior of the room.

It is better to choose a vinyl block house. Thus, it will turn out to reduce the load on the floor and walls.

8. Plastic lining

This is the most economical way of facing the loggia. The cost of 1 sq. m starts from 130 rubles. Feature of the material: practical, has good sound insulation and high thermal conductivity, the elements can be mounted even if the room is not insulated.

Plastic lining.

Operation of plastic lining is admissible both in cold conditions, and at high temperatures.

9. Stone

Imitation of natural stone in the design of the balcony.

Artificial stone in the space of the balcony looks reliable and presentable. Manufacturers indicate the duration of operation of 15 years or more. The stone surface can be used in various temperature conditions. Finishing is not afraid of moisture, prevents the occurrence and spread of fire.

Disadvantage: the cost varies in the range of 400-2000 rubles (price per pack).
