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» How to clean upholstered furniture at home. Is your favorite sofa stained with grease? Cleaning without streaks: what absolutely cannot be done when removing stains from upholstered furniture? Delicacy has not been canceled

How to clean upholstered furniture at home. Is your favorite sofa stained with grease? Cleaning without streaks: what absolutely cannot be done when removing stains from upholstered furniture? Delicacy has not been canceled

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 4 minutes


There is no such house in which there is no upholstered furniture, so the problem of stains and staining of fabric is known to everyone. We learned from professional upholsterers how to clean upholstered furniture at home or simplify cleaning sofas at home and share useful information with you.

General rules for cleaning sofas and armchairs with upholstery - how and how to clean upholstered furniture with your own hands?

  • Simply vacuuming is ineffective, it is better to wrap its nozzle with gauze moistened with a salt solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Such cleaning will not only clean better, but also renew the color of the surface.
  • Do not use a vacuum cleaner on velor and velvet sofas., because the pile may deteriorate.
  • If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner at hand, you can remember the “old” method– cover the furniture with a cloth soaked in an aqueous solution of vinegar and salt (2 teaspoons of salt + 1 teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water) and knock it out. And repeat this until the knockout fabric stops getting dirty from the surface being cleaned.
  • For cleaning lightly greasy upholstered furniture You can use a neutral soap solution. Wipe the furniture with a cotton cloth soaked in the solution. Do not forget that when cleaning a sofa with your own hands, movements should be performed in one direction.
  • If you don't know how to clean your sofa, you can use professional products for cleaning chairs. This foam is applied to the furniture, waited until it dries and then removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  • It is better to test a new cleaning product on a small, inconspicuous area.. This will help avoid unpleasant surprises and predict the result.
  • If you want to use 2 cleaning products, then you need to wait a couple of hours to prevent them from mixing.

Cleaning upholstered furniture with leather, velor, suede, fabric, tapestry upholstery - all the secrets of housewives

  • Furniture made of leatherette or leather Cleaning is not difficult, the main thing is not to soak it too much. You can use a special product and wipes for the skin, or you can try folk recipe with egg white. To do this, wipe the upholstery and spread the leather with beaten egg white. It will add shine to the fabric and hide wear and tear. In addition to egg white, you can use homemade milk. If there are wine stains on your skin, you can remove them with an alcohol wipe. Stains from pens or felt-tip pens can be removed using tape or ethyl alcohol.
  • Velor furniture It is better to clean with a microfiber cloth soaked in soapy water or vinegar solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). At the same time, try not to press and move in the direction of the pile so as not to damage the fibers. Animal hair easily sticks to velor, which needs to be removed with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush. Difficult spots You shouldn’t remove it yourself; it’s better to use dry cleaning services.
  • Suede or nubuck surface of upholstered furniture You need to clean it with a special soft brush for suede, which removes dust and greasy stains. Stubborn grease stains can be removed with a 10% alcohol solution, salt or an eraser. By the way, additional dirt-repellent impregnations are sold for suede upholstery.
  • For tapestry surfaces of armchairs or sofas Dry vacuuming is preferable, otherwise it may discolor or wear out quickly. If dry cleaning does not remove all the dirt, you can do wet cleaning with shampoo. In this case, not a solution, but foam is applied to the surface.
  • If the rest of the family underestimates your work and pollutes you weekly soft upholstery, then you should think about buying removable covers . They protect furniture from daily dirt and are easily washed automatically.

It is not always possible to get rid of stains on upholstered furniture. However, dry cleaning specialists still somehow cope with them. Is it possible to independently remove complex stains without streaks by returning original appearance upholstery?

Under the outer decorative coating there is a multi-layer “pie” made of foam rubber, felt, fiberboard and plywood. Any liquid that penetrates the fabric is absorbed into deep layers and turns into difficult-to-remove dirt. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately collect spilled drinks, urine, and blood using paper napkins, talcum powder, salt or microfiber. The faster the excess moisture is collected, the easier it will be to remove the stain.

Avoiding divorce is easy. After treating the stains, it is enough to walk with a wet cloth over the entire surface of the sofa and let it dry without using a hairdryer.

Greasy areas and fat

Armrests, seats and the shoulder area are most often covered with a layer of dirt consisting of a mixture of sweat, grease and dust. Human skin constantly produces emollients that keep it soft and supple. Sebum is gradually rubbed into the upholstery, mixed with dust floating in the air and turns into an unsightly gray-black coating.

The main principle of working with such contaminants is the breakdown of fat and its removal from the surface. Any alkaline solutions can easily cope with this task.

To clean, you can take a strong soda solution, diluted washing powder, or liquid product for dish washing. Good old laundry soap should also not be discounted, because... it is produced on an alkaline basis. The contaminated area should be wiped with a damp sponge soaked in cleaning agent. Do not wet the fabric too much to avoid streaks.

If slightly soiled, fluffy fabrics can be sprinkled with talcum powder or potato starch. The powder will absorb grease and dust. To do this, you need to let it lie on the surface for 10-15 minutes. After which you need to thoroughly vacuum the treated surface.

Grease stains can be removed with a regular dishwasher. Apply dishwashing gel to the stain, let it work for a couple of minutes and rinse clean water using a napkin.

Smell of dust

Over time, it accumulates under the upholstery a large number of dust and bed mites. You can get rid of them:

  1. Using a vacuum cleaner with deep cleaning function.
  2. Using a sheet. Take an old sheet, moisten it with water, wring it out thoroughly and cover the sofa. Then, using a special cracker or just your hand, carefully and conscientiously knock it out. A wet sheet will prevent dust from flying up in a cloud and settling in the room. If you add a little salt to the water, you will get a weak electrolyte, which will better hold dust particles on the fabric. After treatment, the sofa remains to be vacuumed or collected dust from its surface with a soft, slightly damp washcloth.

How to get rid of urine smell

Regardless of the reasons for the unpleasant puddle on the sofa, there are several effective ways to get rid of stains and persistent unpleasant odors. The procedure is quite simple.

  1. Dry the surface of the upholstery with paper napkins or towels. Try to get as much liquid as possible from the underlying layers to prevent it from being deeply absorbed.
  2. Divorce a small amount of shampoo in water. It doesn't leave a residue after drying like soap or powder. Treat the stain with the resulting solution. Apply the product with a soft sponge, moving from the edge to the center of the stain.
  3. Dry the surface. To avoid streaks, blot the treated area with napkins and then let it dry naturally.
  4. Add alcohol (for light-colored sofas) or manganese solution (for dark models) to the filler. A weak solution of iodine, which kills all pathogenic microflora, will help get rid of the pungent odor. The last method is good for dark fabrics.

Beer stains

If someone spills beer on your sofa, do not despair, but rather grab dry wipes and soak the drink from the upholstery before it gets into the fabric. Dry the surface and treat the stain with a weak solution of vinegar (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Vinegar will help remove dark beer stains and neutralize odors.


Don't wait for the stain to dry. Rinse it immediately cold water. When the stain lightens, treat it with soap. Let the product work for a couple of minutes, then carefully rinse off the soap suds with a napkin. To avoid streaks, go over the entire surface of the sofa with a wet cloth and let it dry.

Dried stains can be removed with three aspirin tablets diluted in a glass of water.

Juices and wine

Task #1 is to collect the drink before it saturates the filler.

To do this, use napkins. When the wine no longer leaves a mark on the paper, generously sprinkle the stain with salt. She will pull out the remaining drink from the casing. Let stand for 15 minutes and remove the salt. After this, moisten a cloth with alcohol and wipe the stain. If the juice has left a lasting mark, do not use vinegar under any circumstances. It fixes the dye well on the fabric. It is better to use strong soap foam. On light-colored sofas, you can use ammonia or soda diluted with water to a paste.


They are easily removed with DURU laundry soap or a 9% vinegar solution. The soap is applied to the ink mark, left for 20 minutes, then washed off with water.

Soak the stain with vinegar and cover for 4 hours with a cloth soaked in acetic acid. Then rinse well with water and treat washing powder or soap.

Chewing gum

It releases well from the fabric when frozen. To make it firm, place an ice pack on top of it. After this it will be easily removed.

Velor, velvet and suede

Delicate fabrics require special care. When cleaning a sofa, always move in the direction of the pile. Instead of a washcloth, use a soft brush. For cleaning, use shampoo instead of soap. It won't leave a mark and doesn't require as much rinsing.

Leather and leatherette

Natural leather develops small cracks over time. Its artificial counterpart sometimes suffers from the same disease. Regular baby cream will help with grief. It should be applied once a month to the entire surface of the sofa. After treatment, let the cream absorb and remove excess paper napkin. After an hour, wipe the sofa with a cloth soaked in soapy water or leather care product.

Heavy artillery

Vanish and other specialized sofa care products cope with serious stains and help maintain the attractive appearance of upholstered furniture.

As a rule, they are diluted with water according to the instructions, whipped into a strong foam, which is applied to the upholstery. Active reagents lift contaminants to the surface and bind dust and dirt particles. After the foam has completely dried, just vacuum the sofa, and it will again delight you with cleanliness and a pleasant smell.

If special means are powerless against any contamination, the best solution is to call a cleaning center. Masters of cleanliness and order will dry-clean upholstered furniture in your home, and also deep clean all deep layers of filling using professional equipment.

As you can see, most stains can be dealt with on your own using simple improvised means.

Jul 10, 2017 Werri

On soft sofas stains often remain on chairs and chairs, but getting rid of various contaminants they can be quite difficult and problematic. Especially those who have small children or pets are faced with dirty upholstered furniture. How to deal with stains and clean furniture? It will help you with this effective remedy, which eliminates stains on upholstered furniture and does not require much effort when using it - “Vanish”, which can be found in any store specializing in household chemicals.

In fact, it is better to try to prevent stains from appearing on your upholstered furniture. This can be done using a thick, non-staining blanket or blanket, as well as covering your chair or sofa with special covers. But not everyone wants to spoil the appearance of their favorite chair, so they have to resort to cleaning the furniture from dust and dirt. To get started, follow these steps to prepare your upholstered furniture for cleaning.

Stage No. 1. It is necessary to get rid of dust

Before you start washing your sofa, you should get rid of the accumulated dust on it. To do this, you can use a folk recipe - cover the sofa with a sheet (it must first be well wetted with water) and beat it out using a beater, which you usually use for cleaning carpets. This way, dirt will be absorbed into the sheet, and other furniture in the room will remain clean.

You can also clean the sofa using a vacuum cleaner if you have a special attachment. It is enough to walk over it with a vacuum cleaner, trying not to miss any areas. To clean inaccessible places (usually corners), just take a hose.

If you vacuum your furniture every week, you will no longer constantly breathe in accumulated dust and prevent the appearance of dust mites.

Stage No. 2. Removing stains

Using “Vanish” to clean upholstered furniture, you will have the opportunity to eliminate almost any type of dirt.

Properties of "Vanish"

Under this brand, the manufacturer produces various products that are of sufficient quality and easy to use.

By using products from this brand, you will remove any stain from your favorite sofa yourself, and you will also be able to avoid damaging your washing machine, effectively clean a window or plumbing, wash all types of delicate (and not only) fabrics, restoring their attractiveness and eliminating all types of contaminants.

In addition to Vanish itself, the products of this brand also include SilitBeng, Calgon and Airvik.

Vanish detergent line

“Vanish” is chosen to clean upholstered furniture not only by ordinary users, but also by cleaning companies specializing in laundry and cleaning. According to their reviews, this product efficiently removes any stain without great expense and effort for the owner.

In order to purchase the product, you need to clarify information about the entire line, since the products included in it are quite diverse:

  • Shampoos. This type products are well suited if you want to clean the upholstery of your upholstered furniture, carpets or floor coverings. Vanish shampoo will help remove stubborn stains and old dirt.

  • Shampoos for washing vacuum cleaner. Obviously, the name of the product speaks for itself: it is used as an additive in a washing vacuum cleaner. Users claim that Vanish shampoos for washing vacuum cleaners help to enhance the quality of cleaning several times and make the process faster.
  • Antibacterial shampoos. This product is only used during manual cleaning. By treating furniture upholstery with shampoo, you will remove stains and dirt, as well as the smell of dampness and “old sofa.” Vanish antibacterial shampoos effectively disinfect furniture coverings and kill pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
  • Powders. You should choose this type of product if you need to use a dry method for cleaning upholstered furniture. The advantage of Vanish powder is that its use does not require water, which can ruin the fabric of the sofa cover. To use the powder, you only need a vacuum cleaner and a brush.
  • Spray stain removers. This product is suitable for very quickly cleaning a specific area of ​​a sofa or chair. The stain remover will clean furniture from cosmetics, wine or sauce stains, etc.

Benefits of use

  • These products are completely safe for fabric, since they do not contain chlorine, and the active ingredients do not harm the fibers and cannot destroy them.
  • Vanish is safe for your health and your loved ones. In accordance with the test results, this product does not harm human health, with the exception of those who are prone to allergic reactions for household chemicals.
  • Easy to use. These products are designed so that users can deal with all types of contaminants within a short time and without any extra work.
  • Combination of "price-quality". If you use it for a long time, you will realize that the cost of the product is low, and its qualities justify the purchase.

How to use Vanish to clean furniture?

If you want to make the cleaning process quick and effective, use the following methods.

Cleaning with shampoo

  • You need to dilute the shampoo in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 9.
  • Next, you need to beat this mixture to get foam.
  • Take a sponge or brush and use it to wet the sofa upholstery (but not too much).
  • Leave the product to dry for about half an hour to an hour.
  • After this, vacuum the upholstery.

Cleaning with stain remover

  • The spray bottle should be shaken well before use.
  • Turn the cap in the indicated direction “on”.
  • You need to spray the surface of the contaminated area with the product.
  • Use a sponge to wipe down the upholstery.
  • Leave this product on the dirty surface for a few minutes.
  • Wipe off any remaining stain remover with a soft cloth.

Cleaning with powder

  • You need to sprinkle Vanish on the upholstery in a small amount.
  • Use a brush to rub it into the fabric.
  • Let the powder act for about half an hour.
  • Next, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the remaining “Vanish” and dirt.

Please note that upholstered furniture must be processed in rooms that can be well ventilated.

  • After treating the furniture, let it dry without the help of heaters, irons or hair dryers.
  • If you do not want to spoil the pile of the coating, which is made of delicate fabrics, you should not use a vacuum cleaner often. In this case, you need to wipe the surface with a piece of soft cloth soaked in warm soapy water.
  • Any cleaning method must first be applied to an inconspicuous place on the upholstery (for example, on back side backrests).
  • Renew the surface of a sofa or chair using a steamer (preferably vertical). Steam can kill mites and freshen fabric. However, after steam treatment, you need to leave it to dry naturally.
  • Use ventilation to get rid of the smell " old furniture" It is best to try to take upholstered furniture out into the air for a couple of days in the spring and summer.
  • Strictly follow the instructions for use of Vanisha, which can be found on the label.
  • If you notice remaining white stains after cleaning, you need to wipe them with a soft brush and then vacuum them.
  • Stain removers must be used extremely carefully on leather, silk or wool surfaces.

The design of upholstered furniture can please the eye and become wonderful decoration in the house. However, over time, even the most expensive and refined furniture loses its original appearance. Spots appear on it, dust mites appear on it, and much more. This can significantly harm your health and even lead to chronic diseases. To avoid this, it is recommended from time to time to carry out professional dry cleaning of furniture, which can be ordered from the company "Kevin Klin", where always low prices and conscientious employees.

Types of services provided

We use three types of dry cleaning of upholstered furniture:

  • Wet– most effective method cleaning stains. May not suit certain types of fabric. After wet cleaning, the item dries quickly enough.
  • Dry– cleanses from greasy and light stains in the shortest possible time. This cleaning will not leave marks and will get rid of allergens. After such dry cleaning, the furniture will hardly need to be dried.
  • Steam- is one of the most quick ways removing stains. Not suitable for some types of fabrics.

Dry cleaning of furniture at home is often practiced using several types of dry cleaning at once.

Why is it beneficial to contact us?

Our company's employees will help you clean your furniture from its inherent contaminants using the latest products and techniques. Dry cleaning is possible at home or on our premises. We take into work absolutely any furniture; armchairs, sofas, banquettes, ottomans, kitchen corners and so on.

The material used to make your furniture can also be anything. Our highly qualified specialists are ready to work with silk, cotton, linen, velvet, suede, tapestry and other upholstery. We select a cleaning method depending on the fabric and stain that it can remove and still leave the fabric the same.

Dry cleaning of upholstered furniture at home is useful because it helps get rid of dust, dirt, and dust mites. In addition, dry cleaning helps restore furniture to its former beauty.

Every housewife does daily cleaning of the apartment: dusting, vacuuming carpets, washing the floor. But upholstered furniture is not cleaned so often. And in vain, because the upholstery of sofas, armchairs and chairs absorbs dirt, dust and odors, which makes it a source of germs and bacteria.

Many people simply don’t know how to clean upholstered furniture at home, so they avoid it when cleaning. In fact, this process is not difficult at all.

Wet cleaning is the main type of cleaning of many types of upholstered furniture. Consistently doing the following simple steps, you will update appearance upholstery without causing any harm:

  1. First you need to foam suitable remedy for cleaning in water.
  2. Then take a regular kitchen foam sponge and apply the solution to the surface of the furniture with the soft side.
  3. It is better to go over loose stains with a brush with soft bristles.
  4. Next, wipe the entire sofa with a damp cloth.
  5. Finish cleaning with another dry cloth that will absorb excess moisture.

How to remove difficult stains

Wet cleaning varies in method depending on the degree of contamination. Ridding furniture of stains is not difficult if you choose the right product to remove them, for example:

  • Coffee stains can be easily cleaned with dishwashing detergent dissolved in water. The solution just needs to be applied to the stain and left for a couple of minutes.
  • Berry stains can be removed with a 50% solution of ammonia and water. It is applied to the stain for a few minutes, after which it is washed off lemon juice and water, mixed in equal proportions, which will get rid of the “aroma” of ammonia. Remember that inhaling ammonia is very harmful, use a protective mask.
  • Wax stains can be removed using an iron and a paper napkin. Cover the stain with a napkin, then iron its surface with a warm iron.
  • Chewing gum will help remove ice from the upholstery. It should be placed in a plastic bag and placed on top of the problem area. When the gum freezes, you can carefully scrape it off the upholstery. The remaining stain should be wiped with a solution of chamomile infusion, vinegar and water.

How to eliminate odor

Often the problem is not only dirty furniture upholstery. You can get rid of the smell in the following ways:

  • Using a special cleaning liquid for carpets. Before cleaning a sofa or chair, you need to apply a little product to the upholstery in an inconspicuous place. If after a few minutes its color and texture have not changed, you can safely process the furniture.
  • Using granular odor absorbers that literally absorb it.
  • Using fragrance sprays. But their disadvantage is that they will give only a temporary effect, not eliminating the smell, but temporarily hiding it.
  • Reaching out for help traditional methods fight against unpleasant odors. For example, wiping the upholstery with a cloth soaked in water and soaped with laundry soap.

Features of cleaning furniture depending on the upholstery material

The method for removing dirt from upholstered furniture depends on what material its upholstery is made of. We will give you some tips on how to clean dirt from upholstered furniture without damaging the upholstery material.

  1. Upholstered furniture made from faux suede can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. It will remove dust and dirt accumulated on the surface. To remove dirt from problem areas, you can use a brush and regular soap solution.
  2. Eco-leather furniture does not accumulate dust and does not absorb dirt. It is enough to wipe it with a sponge slightly moistened with water, removing dirt and dust from the surface. If there are stubborn stains on the upholstery (greasy, ink, etc.), they can be removed using ammonia (be sure to wear a protective bandage).
  3. Flock furniture can be easily cleaned with a microfiber cloth, which must be soaked in a soap solution. Cleaning is carried out strictly according to the pile, and after it the upholstery should be lightly blotted with a soft, dry towel. Bleaching and squeezing the flock is not allowed, otherwise the material will take on a worn-out appearance.
  4. Velor can be cleaned with a cloth soaked in vinegar or soap solution. However, strong pressure and intensive movements against the direction of the pile can lead to the appearance of unsightly shiny spots. Therefore, it is better to apply the solution to the dirt, give it a couple of minutes for a more intense effect, and then rinse it off with the same napkin soaked in clean water. Sticky hairs, fur or small pieces of debris can be removed using a soft brush, after which the upholstery should be wiped soft cloth, soaked ammonia. Using a vacuum cleaner to clean velor furniture is contraindicated, as it will damage the pile.
  5. Chenille upholstery requires constant care, only then will it look presentable. You should remove dirt from such furniture carefully and carefully. It is better to use a weak soap solution. Grease stains can be removed using salt dissolved in water. After wet cleaning The material must be dried immediately to prevent it from stretching and sagging.

Let's do without chemicals

When purchasing, choose environmentally friendly detergents and cleaning products. Read the label carefully and avoid using aggressive chemical compositions, as they are extremely harmful to human health and the environment.

How can you safely clean furniture to get it in order? The following folk remedies will help you:

  • A solution of liquid, toilet or laundry soap, which we have already mentioned.
  • Knocking out upholstered furniture. This process should be carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. You need to cover the dirty sofa or chair with a damp cloth soaked in vinegar or saline solution.
  • Steaming. A steam cleaner for clothes will remove even complex stains.

Why contact specialized companies who are involved in removing dirt from furniture, if you can clean upholstered furniture yourself? Knowing how to remove dirt, dust and stains from upholstery will help make your home cleaner and fresher.