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» How to use plastic windows in winter. Preparing windows for winter. Cleansing of accumulated dirt, routine care before the season change

How to use plastic windows in winter. Preparing windows for winter. Cleansing of accumulated dirt, routine care before the season change

Now almost every apartment or private house has them. This greatly simplifies people’s lives, because metal-plastic structures are very durable, they are more convenient to use, they are more reliable, and their service life is much longer than that of wooden ones. But these advantages do not negate the need for special care, which will extend the operating time. Structures, insulation, repair, etc. Preparing plastic windows for winter - important point operation.

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When it gets cold outside, it is important to think about how to adjust your plastic windows for the winter. Proper preparation– not at all difficult, but very important. If you do not perform a few simple manipulations, the Euro-windows will not perform the functions declared by the manufacturer.

How to prepare double-glazed windows for winter

To extend the life of the mechanism, needed proper care behind him preventing pollution. It's important to know how . Before each change of season, the structure must be thoroughly washed with a regular sponge and a gentle detergent.

The glass itself is cleaned, as well as slopes, profiles, sashes, window sills - that is, all structural elements on both sides. The drainage channels must be cleaned, otherwise water will accumulate in them.

Leak test

To check the tightness between the frame and the sash a sheet of paper is inserted. You need to pull it, checking the tension. When the sheet comes out easily, adjustment of the sash clamping mechanism is required.

Important! It should be taken into account that the tension of the sheet depends on the material of the seal.

Rubber will hold it tighter than silicone, since they have different coefficients of friction.

To carry out an additional check, you can coat the perimeter of the glass unit soapy water.

Bubbles will appear on the problem area due to the passing air flow.

If the seal allows noise and cold to pass through, it is most likely damaged and requires replacement or treatment with silicone grease.

Cleaning from dirt and lubrication

Insulating plastic windows for the winter with your own hands involves inspecting the condition of the fittings. It should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust mixed with old lubricant.

When all the mechanisms are clean, you need to reapply the lubricant composition - purchase a special one for metal-plastic structures or use grease.

Prohibited use for fittings, edible oils - they dry quickly and become sticky, rendering the mechanism unusable.

Adjusting plastic windows for winter

Before the onset of the cold season, plastic structures are inspected and winter conditions are adjusted.

After installation of the double-glazed window, they are set standard criteria for locking doors, positions are adjusted according to the seasons to enhance functionality. Installers must explain to owners how to prepare plastic windows for winter and summer.

But it is seasonal adjustment that is most often forgotten; the sash remains in neutral mode. Owners simply do not know how to tighten their plastic windows. Over time, this provokes the following consequences:

  • drafts around the perimeter of the sash;
  • summer mode in winter time does not provide pressure on the locking mechanism, causing heat loss in room;
  • Constantly setting the winter mode provokes rapid wear doors;
  • lack of seasonal adjustment makes the air dry, condensation and even mold can form.

Adjustment methods

Window models may vary in fittings, thickness and strength of double-glazed windows. But there are some general principles how to tighten plastic windows.

Setting up the entire rule is not that difficult. Before changing the mode, you need to check the double-glazed window to ensure that it has a special adjustment device.

As a rule, these are eccentric trunnions; they are installed in accordance with the location sash pressing force.

Trunnions differ in appearance from different companies window designs. But they all definitely have an adjustment function. The transfer is carried out using a 4 mm hexagon or asterisk.

There is a mark on the edge of the eccentric - it indicates set mode. By default, it is set up - neutral position. It should be changed according to the time of year.

Vertical and horizontal adjustment

  1. To remove a slight bevel and shift of the frame, you need horizontal adjustment. It is done using the top and bottom loops. It has holes for a hexagon. Bottom – will allow you to configure the window from the outside and inside (that is, closed and open). As the key is turned to the right, the sash rises. If you rotate to the left, the lower part on the opposite side of the sash lowers. The same actions are carried out with the hinge at the top, but carry out manipulations only with the sash open. The shift should be no more than 2 mm.
  2. Plastic structures can be adjusted and vertically– using the lower hinged loop. First, remove the plug so that the hexagon has free access to the loop. The sash rises if rotated to the right, lowers if rotated to the left. The range is no more than 2 mm.

Setting the bottom corner position

If the PVC does not close tightly from below, then move the sash using the bottom hinge

There is also a second screw on the hinge for adjustment - for this, the sash is placed for ventilation and removed from it decorative overlay, under which there will be a recess for a 4 mm hexagon. When turned clockwise, the sash rises, and when turned counterclockwise, it lowers.

Adjusting the degree of pressing of the valves

How to check the degree of compression has already been described above. Now you need to adjust it correctly. This is done using eccentrics located around the perimeter of the fittings.

This is how it is implemented PVC adjustment in winter. You can do the setup yourself, it won’t cause any difficulties.

If the eccentric is moved clockwise, then the sash will be pressed more against the frame. If it’s the other way around, it’s less.

There is a small strip on the eccentric, it will allow you to determine the pressing force. In summer, it is better to loosen the pressure, but setting up plastic windows for the winter involves tightening them to limit the supply of cold air.

How to seal plastic windows

Rubber seals help to obtain a tighter fit between the parts of the window structure. It is necessary to constantly maintain the cleanliness of the seal and ensure that no cracks or holes. It is easy to clean it with a regular dry sponge or cloth, then lubricate it to prevent the formation of cracks.

In the case when the seal has completely lost its elasticity, a large number of cracks - to prepare plastic windows for winter, it needs to be replaced. If this is not done, the structure will begin to let air in from the street and will not protect against cold, noise and dust.

Replace the seal you can use the following instructions:

  1. Open the doors and remove the old seal.
  2. Process the grooves, clean out dirt and small debris.
  3. Insert the new seal starting from the top corner. It should be well secured around the perimeter.
  4. No need to stretch the rubber, otherwise the angles will not match.

To properly insulate plastic windows for the winter with your own hands, you do not need to turn the eccentrics to maximum when replacing the seal. This will cause the new rubber to quickly lose elasticity.

How to close plastic windows for the winter

If PVC is classified as adjustable, that is, the trunnion has hex input- this means it can be switched to winter mode. It’s easy to close for the winter:

  1. Raise the fittings roller.
  2. Use a hexagon to adjust the pressure.
  3. Lower the roller into place.
  4. Turn the roller over to the bias side.
  5. This should be done with each video.

Sometimes after carrying out manipulations, the fastening of the handle of the structure becomes loose. To fix this problem, rotate the plastic plate next to the handle 90 degrees, then tighten the screws.

If the handle is difficult to turn, you need to lubricate the mechanism special oil.

Do-it-yourself window insulation

Adjusting plastic windows in winter involves replacing elements that have stopped working correctly.

Replacing the bead

When an air leak is localized near the glazing bead, it should be changed. Do it like this:

  • Using a narrow spatula or thin knife, the glazing bead is pryed up and pulled out.
  • The new one is selected according to size.
  • The new glazing bead is placed in place, with a rubber hammer, and lightly tapped into the groove.

A new glazing bead is inexpensive: only 100 - 200 rubles. but this detail is very important, it is responsible for the entry of street air into the room.

Replacing the fixing pad

During operation, the pad loses elasticity due to frequent and sudden temperature changes. You can replace it like this:

  1. Remove the glazing beads.
  2. Pull out the pads.
  3. Dismantle the glass unit.
  4. Remove the old tape and install the new one.
  5. Reassemble all structural elements.

Sealing seams with thermal insulation materials

Another effective method insulation of window structures - sealing seams and joints with special.

If installed incorrectly, this is the only way to preserve heat in the room in winter.

The main thing is to choose the right way to insulate plastic structures.

In the future, this may play a decisive role in the question of whether it will blow from the windows in winter.

You can insulate the structure to prepare plastic windows for winter such materials:

  • – affordable, quick to use, but begins to deteriorate due to temperature changes and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • mineral wool is a fire-resistant material, it is environmentally friendly, it is good for insulating a window sill or large gaps.
  • silicone sealant is a reliable material and affordable, but it does not have very good thermal insulation;
  • a special film is transparent, a double-glazed window is glued onto us and helps to effectively retain heat;
  • polystyrene foam is the most affordable material; it is used to seal seams on slopes;
  • construction tape - glued on top of sealant, foam to increase thermal insulation properties;
  • warm mixtures - used to seal joints and seams on the outside.

Note! If there are even small cracks, it is better to insulate plastic windows for the winter using any specified method.

Video: preparing windows for winter


The problems described in the article appear at incorrect installation metal plastic construction or if used for too long - longer than 10 years. During installation, installers must explain the properties of PVC construction and teach owners how to use it in different modes.

Today, almost every home is equipped with plastic windows. Of course, this greatly simplified the lives of many residents. Metal-plastic structures are strong, easy to use, reliable, and durable. However, all these advantages do not negate the fact that plastic windows, like regular ones, require constant care. In order for them to serve you faithfully, save heat, protect from blowing, they need to be repaired on time, as well as the necessary maintenance.

With the arrival of the cold season, you need to make sure that your plastic windows are ready for winter. Proper preparation of windows for winter is, although not very difficult, but still an important undertaking. If it is not carried out in advance, then metal-plastic structures simply physically will not be able to provide what the owners expect from them.

So, preparing plastic windows for winter is divided into three stages:. We'll talk about them now.

Check, clean and lubricate

In order for any mechanism to serve for a long time, it must be looked after and not allowed to become dirty. Likewise, before each change of season, plastic windows should first be thoroughly washed. This should be done using a regular sponge and gentle detergents. You should wash the glass itself, slopes, profiles, window sills, sashes - everything that concerns the metal-plastic structure. Moreover, this needs to be done from both sides. Proper preparation of PVC windows for winter also includes cleaning the drainage channels. If this is not done, then in the autumn-winter time water will begin to accumulate here.

Now you should pay attention to the fittings. What to look for there? Dirt and old grease mixed with dust. All fittings must be thoroughly cleaned of grease, dust and dirt. After this, it must be washed. Once all the moving elements of the mechanism are clean, you can safely begin lubrication. You can use both imported and domestic lubricants for window fittings. Ordinary solid oil is also suitable for these purposes.

Important! Never use edible oils to lubricate accessories. The fact is that they dry out quite quickly, after which they turn into a sticky kind of sandpaper. In such conditions, the window mechanism will not work for more than a year.

Preparing plastic windows for winter with your own hands includes one more step - checking the rubber seal. If the window begins to let in noise from the street, if it begins to seep through from under the sash, if dust and dirt from the street begins to accumulate on the window sill, then the seal has probably become unusable. In principle, you can try to revive him. To do this, thoroughly clean and then lubricate. The sealing gum is treated with silicone grease or with technical petroleum jelly. If you are wondering how to prepare plastic windows for winter, then try starting with the sealant. In fact, such a small rubber band is really responsible for important functions. If the seal cannot be restored, then simply...

Don’t know how to do it, and don’t want to delve into it? In this case, you can turn to Heat at Home for help. Our company’s specialists will not only replace the seal, but also fully prepare plastic windows for winter in Moscow and the region. You can contact an online consultant right now.

Prepare your windows for winter: correct adjustment

Did you know that plastic windows need to be adjusted both with the onset of cold weather and with the arrival of warm days? This is the so-called. Now we are interested in the first case: how to prepare plastic windows for winter yourself using adjustments. The main goal is to press the sash harder against the frame in order to completely eliminate the occurrence of drafts.

If your plastic windows classify themselves as adjustable, and this can be determined by the presence of a hexagon hole in the trunnion, then, in principle, you can begin to transfer your metal-plastic structures to winter mode. And this is done quite easily:

  • The first step is to lift the fittings roller.
  • Use a hex key to adjust the clamping distance.
  • Then you should install the raised roller in place.
  • Next, this same roller should be turned towards the room.
  • These manipulations must be done with all the rollers.
  • It happens that after the event to switch to winter mode, the fastening of the handle weakens. To fix this, turn plastic plate next to the handle 90 degrees and just tighten the screws.
  • It also happens that after tightening the handle begins to turn with difficulty. To fix this, you need to lubricate the entire fitting mechanism, for example, with machine oil.

Note. You can get to the lower and upper rollers, as well as the roller on one side, only by opening the sash. As for the roller on the second side of the sash, you can only get to it through the “ventilation” position.

We insulate ourselves correctly

As you understand, preparing windows for winter does not end with just washing and adjusting; you can also use heavy artillery. If the window begins to retain heat poorly and leaks, then the first thing the owners will think about is insulation. However, this is not entirely correct solution, because first you need to figure out why the plastic structure needed insulation in the first place. Here are the most common:

  • Sealing rubber fell into disrepair.
  • The joint between the slope and the frame was depressurized.
  • The glass unit has become depressurized.
  • The fittings require adjustment.

Having eliminated all the faults, it may be possible to avoid measures related to the insulation of the window structure. High-quality repair and adjustment - better preparation plastic windows for winter.

If you are still serious about insulating the window, then very in a good way will use of film. Yes, the window immediately loses its aesthetic appearance, but the room will be much warmer in winter than it was before. This is due to a reduction in heat loss. The film can be attached around the entire perimeter of the window, as with inside, and from the outside. After fastening, you should check that the film is stretched evenly.

Help in preparing plastic windows for winter

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to prepare plastic windows for the cold season on your own, you can turn to the specialists of the Teplo Doma company for help. Our experts will come and inspect everything and issue a verdict. And you may not have to insulate the windows, because everything can be limited, for example, to adjusting or replacing the seal.

Plastic windows are easy to maintain and reliably isolate the room from outside influences. But even modern PVC structures need care. The period of low temperatures is an additional test for plastic windows.

Cleaning from contaminants

IN warm time years, windows are often located in open position, so dust particles fall not only onto the open surfaces of the window, but also into hard-to-reach hollows and grooves. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the window using a sponge and detergent.

  • Wash the surface of the glass from the indoor and outdoor sides.
  • Don’t forget about the cleanliness of the window sill, ebb and flow – they also need to be freed from dirt. Special attention give drainage channels. They are located at the bottom of the frame and are a favorite place for dust.
  • To clean the moving window mechanisms (rollers), use a brush with stiff and elastic bristles. It will help remove not only dust and dirt, but also dried grease residues.
  • The mosquito net also needs to be washed and put away before the onset of warm weather - in winter there is no need for it, and the service life of the net will be longer.

Lubrication of mechanisms

After all surfaces, grooves and mechanisms are cleaned, you begin to lubricate all moving elements of the window structure. Under no circumstances use vegetable or organic oils for these purposes. Over time they tend to thicken. And if dust and dirt are added to this factor, the mechanism may completely fail. Opt for machine oil (mineral or synthetic) or silicone oil (for example, grease).

Checking the window tightness

The issue of window tightness largely depends on the quality of its seals. To assess this component of the window structure, a visual inspection is sufficient. If the rubber bands do not have visible damage - cracks, dents, breaks - nothing needs to be done. Cosmetic cleaning of dirt is enough. But if you find a violation of the integrity of the rubber gaskets, they must be replaced.

You should not save money and purchase seals from dubious manufacturers. The cost of saving is a low degree of sealing and rapid wear of the part. You can replace the rubber bands yourself. However, if you do not have sufficient knowledge and skill, it is better to entrust this procedure to professionals.

Adjusting mechanisms

Setting up the mechanisms affects not only the comfort of using the window, but also the degree of compression of the frame, as well as the wear of the rubber seal. IN summer period There is no need for a tight fit of the sash to the frame, and the seal does not wear out as much. In winter, such micro-cracks can cause drafts. The trunnions located on the opening sash allow you to adjust the degree of pressure. Use a hex wrench (or screwdriver) and adjust the mechanism. The manipulation is simple, but requires caution, because... Careless actions can lead to damage to the mechanism or seal.

Window insulation

The final stage is insulation of window structures. This step is not necessary if the windows retain heat well. In cases where, due to physical wear and tear, the windows have become difficult to “hold” heat, they can be insulated. The simplest and most effective (although not cheap) way is to use special film. Taking into account climatic conditions, it is better to choose a frost-resistant model.

The film can be glued both from the inside of the room and from the street. The insulating film must be stretched over the entire surface of the frame and secured at the edges. The insulation process is simple, but painstaking - try to avoid both sagging (folds) and excessive tension of the material.

Thanks to plastic windows, homes have become more comfortable and cozy. Winter has ceased to be a terrible enemy. Distinctive features of PVC windows are their strength, reliability and long service life. But these products also require periodic repairs.

In order for the windows to protect you in the winter, retaining heat, it is necessary to make preliminary preparations. Thanks to such work, the windows will function normally. Preparing windows for winter includes a number of activities. How to switch windows to winter mode? How to prepare plastic windows for winter?

Let us consider in detail the following algorithm of actions:

  • First, you just need to wash the windows and do it thoroughly. It is necessary to wash the slopes, the window sill, and the profiles, especially if they are made of plastic material. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents for cleaning. chemicals. Glass needs a rag and a soft sponge to clean. Windows should be washed on both sides: internal and external. When opening PVC windows, pay attention to the channels intended for drainage; they also need to be cleaned. This can be done using a toothpick or other sharp instrument or object.
  • Pay attention to the moving components of the window hardware. Pressure rollers - this is where the largest cluster mud. Dirt is the main obstacle to the normal functioning of these elements. To clean, use a brush that has hard bristles - this will help get rid of dust and old grease.
  • Once cleaning of windows and areas that are difficult to reach is completed, it is necessary to lubricate the mechanisms. For this you will need silicone lubricant. Buy lubricant foreign manufacturer, since it has a long service life. If you don’t want to spend your money on it, you can use solid oil. According to many, ordinary oil can be used as a lubricant. vegetable oil. But this is far from true. After a certain period of time, the vegetable oil dries out and becomes a kind of “sandpaper” that can make the mechanisms unsuitable for functioning. This may happen after about a year. When you lubricate the pinch rollers, be sure to turn the handle at this moment. Thanks to this, the lubricant can be evenly distributed throughout all parts.
  • Next, check the condition of the seals. This procedure must be taken seriously, because seals affect general meaning temperature in the house. If strange people appear inside the room noisy sounds, and the windows sweat, then these signs indicate a damaged seal. To increase the service life of the seal, it is necessary to clean and lubricate it occasionally. Use imported silicone as a lubricant. Lubricate the entire length of the seal to prevent freezing and drying out. If you notice wear and tear, you need to replace the product. It is possible to do this yourself. Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the shape of the planting area because it may vary. The sealing element must be removed using a flat screwdriver and install the new product. To make the job easier, lubricate the planting area. Once the work is completed and the sealing thing is set, it is necessary to carry out a generous treatment of the sealant, from its upper part.

Follow these four steps when cleaning out accumulated dirt. This is the first step to prepare the windows.

Adjusting the window for winter

As soon as winter approaches, it is necessary to carry out window adjustments. This will help switch them to winter mode. The procedure is that the frame must be pressed tightly against the window to prevent the penetration of drafts. For this job you will need a hex wrench.

The sides, which are positioned horizontally, are adjusted from top to bottom across the panels. To carry out such adjustment, there are sockets in the window hinges intended for a hex key.

To adjust the top panel, the window must be open. To lift the edge of the panel, which is located opposite the hinge, the tool must rotate to the right. To lower, rotate the tool in the opposite direction.

If the plastic window is located low, but you can control it from the street side, then you do not need to open the sashes to adjust it. Therefore, you will be able to make an offset of two millimeters. Or eliminate the bevel, also by two millimeters.

The loop located at the bottom allows you to adjust the vertical sides. To gain access to the hex socket, you must remove the safety cap. Also, to raise the tool, twist it to the right, and to lower it, turn it in the opposite direction. The shift value is two millimeters.

When changing the pressing force along the vertical and horizontal parts, do not forget that the eccentrics responsible for this are located throughout the edging. When turning the handle, each eccentric moves beyond its clamping point.

To increase the frame pressing force, the eccentric must turn to the right. To reduce the force, it must turn in the other direction. Each eccentric has specially designed marks. Thanks to them, you can determine the pressing force of the frame. Therefore, if the mark is located where the seal is, this means that the pressure is strong. If the mark is turned where the street is, then the clamp is weak.

Some windows have eccentrics that can be turned using ordinary pliers.

In the places where the hinges are located, there are devices that regulate the clamping force. The degree of force is determined by the protrusion of the tongue. The length of the tongue determines the tightness of the frame against the window. Changing the length of the tongue is done using a hex key.

To increase the length of the tongue, the tool must be turned to the left if the loops are located on the left side. If the loops are located on the right, then you need to twist it to the right. During winter period you need to press the frame as hard as possible. In summer, the pressure should be weak.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Do not press the frame too hard, otherwise the sealing material will wear out faster.

Also, in preparation for the winter season, the hinges also need to be adjusted, that is, pressed firmly. From the hinge located below, you need to remove the specially designed cap and turn the bolt located perpendicularly.

You can adjust the pressing force of the loop, which is located on top, if there is flap. Its installation is carried out for ventilation, thus you can use a key. During this work, hold the window, because it is fixed using a single hinge.

The procedure for insulating plastic windows

If after some certain period after PVC installations Since the windows begin to let in drafts and do not retain heat, it is necessary to insulate them. But first you need to find out the reasons for these problems. Let's look at the main reasons:

  • The rubber seal has worn out. A replacement needs to be made.
  • The area where the frame and slope meet is depressurized. For liquidation this deficiency, the slopes should be removed, insulated and reinstalled. We close the windows.
  • It is possible that after you installed plastic windows, shrinkage of the walls may have occurred. To eliminate this problem, additional adjustment of the fittings is necessary.

On winter days, plastic windows can be insulated using film. This method is expensive, but at the same time the most effective. The film is applied from the street side. In rare cases, thermal insulation is carried out from the inside. The film must be stretched over the entire surface of the frame and must be attached along the edges.

During this process, it is necessary to simultaneously control the material tension, force and uniformity. If the material is poorly tensioned in any place, strong wind may form a breakthrough. If it works, then the hole should be sealed with tape so as not to waste money on purchasing a new product.

When choosing a film material, you need to pay attention to frost-resistant characteristics. Required material has a yellowish tint. High-quality film is hard to find on construction market, so buy it at a large construction market. So as not to spoil appearance premises, buy material that is intended for greenhouses. This product has more high cost, but it will last a long period of time thanks to its high level sustainability.

Installation of this film consists of attaching it to the edges of the frame using tape. The windows need to be closed.

Instead of tape, you can use a construction stapler, but defects will appear on the frame. The main processes of thermal insulation and sound insulation are provided by double-glazed windows.

There is PVC insulation that can replace film. This insulation is environmentally friendly pure material. Manufacturers guarantee high-quality thermal insulation. PVC insulation can withstand low temperatures and is not subject to deformation. You need to decide for yourself which material to choose.

When you winterize your windows, pay attention to these tips. Preparing plastic windows for the winter with your own hands is a guarantee of maximum comfort and coziness in the room. The entire premises will be switched to winter mode. Carry out the work carefully and carefully.

Don't skimp on thermal insulation materials. Don't forget to clean the surface before starting the procedure. You will be able to switch the windows to winter mode. Prepared plastic windows for the winter will not allow cold into the room.

The article provides detailed instructions how to prepare plastic windows for winter.

Finding a place to blow

First way. Run your hand along the entire perimeter of the window, in all areas where it can blow. The latter primarily include the joints of the frame with the slopes and fittings. Check the slopes and window sill carefully.
Second way. Using a lighter or candle. Allows you to detect even the slightest draft.


At self-insulation plastic windows, you automatically lose the warranty on them.
It is also inevitable that ventilation will deteriorate; preparing windows for winter essentially means sealing them.

How to insulate internal slopes

  1. We identify voids between the slopes and the wall. To do this, tap the surface. Where the knock is loudest, there is most likely empty space.
  2. We remove the lining. There is insulation underneath. Most often, polyurethane foam plays its role.
  3. If minor problems are found, then we simply add it to the voids. Remember to shake the can well before foaming.
  4. If the situation is more serious, the foam will have to be replaced completely. To do this, you need to remove all the old foam and thoroughly clean window hole, and then foam everything again.
  5. When the foam dries and rises (12-20 hours), you need to cut off the excess. Instead of foam, you can use other insulation, for example, plasterboard, mineral wool, foam plastic, sandwich panels.
  6. Check the cladding for damage and whether there are cracks on it. It may also have to be changed. As facing material can be used plastic panels or PVC.

We insulate external slopes

  1. External slopes need to be plastered. To do this, after removing excess foam, cut off another layer of about half a centimeter.
  2. Prepare the putty according to the instructions indicated on the package and apply it to the slope.
  3. Run the staple along the slope. If you see depressions in the layer, wait until it dries and apply another layer.
  4. Remove roughness from the surface. To do this, you can rub it with a mesh.

How to replace seals on plastic windows

You will need the seal itself, special glue and rubber scissors.

  1. Pull out the seal that has become unusable. This can be easily done by prying up the bead holding the glass unit.
  2. Thoroughly clean the original surface and degrease it. The latter can be done, for example, with alcohol or solvent.
  3. Coat the frame around the perimeter with glue and carefully insert the sealing tape. It is not recommended to pull or squeeze the tape; it should be in a free state.
  4. All that remains is to trim off the excess and seal the joint.

To better understand how to replace seals with plastic windows, watch the video.

How to adjust the pressure of plastic windows

The pressure is adjusted by rotating the eccentrics. They are located on the fittings, behind the clamping parts of the handle.

If the pin is round

You will need a 4mm hex wrench.
On the very surface of the round pin there is usually a special indicator, a mark. If it is on the street side, then the pressure is weak and needs to be strengthened.
Rotating the trunnion clockwise leads to a tighter clamping of the sash; counterclockwise, on the contrary, weakens it.

If the trunnion is oval

You will need pliers.
A pin in a vertical position is evidence of a weakened clamp; the closer to the horizontal, the stronger it is.

How to adjust the sash relative to the frame

To adjust the height of the sash, use the lower hinged hinge.
Rotating the hex counterclockwise lowers the sash, clockwise – raises it.
To move the sash to the right/left you need to turn the bolt located at the bottom of the canopy.
Adjustment of the upper part of the window, due to the location of the adjusting bolt, is done only with the window open.
Now you know how to prepare plastic windows for winter, you can also stick a film on, just keep in mind that it will be extremely difficult to remove it later.

Energy saving film sticker

Heat saving is achieved using a special metal coating from which infrared rays are reflected.
You will need a hair dryer, double-sided tape, and sharp scissors.

  1. Thoroughly clean the window sill, frame and glass. Degrease them.
  2. Cover the frame with double-sided tape
  3. Cut the film so that there is a margin of 2 cm on each side.
  4. Gradually removing the protective layer, glue the film.
  5. Blow hot air from a hairdryer onto the film. If necessary, carefully pierce the air bubbles with a knife.