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» How to eat properly in winter so as not to gain weight. What to eat in winter so as not to gain weight. Burn excess fat with dairy products

How to eat properly in winter so as not to gain weight. What to eat in winter so as not to gain weight. Burn excess fat with dairy products

There are several ways to avoid gaining weight in winter, when the cold season of our latitudes provokes us to eat more high-calorie, warming foods.

Way #1 to avoid gaining weight in winter: drink water!

One of the most effective ways, how not to gain weight in winter– it’s still like in the summer, drinking a lot of water. As a rule, by winter the amount of water we consume sharply decreases, which means our metabolism slows down. And this is one of the reasons why we gain weight. It will be useful to know that you can replenish water reserves not only with liquid, but also with the help of some foods that contain moisture: cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, eggplants, peaches and apricots, carrots, grilled salmon, red beans. Drink water (at least 1.5 liters of water), eat foods containing antioxidants and water - in this case, you are unlikely to gain excess weight over the winter.

Method number 2: eat by the hour

Sticking to it - that is, little by little and strictly according to the clock - is a great way not to gain weight during the winter, since it is small meals that speed up the metabolism. In winter, daylight hours change, which invariably affects our biorhythms. Meanwhile, the habit of eating at night and ignoring breakfast is getting worse. According to many nutritionists, it is similar style food and is main reason extra pounds gained over the winter. Even without overeating, but simply not following a basic diet, we disrupt the natural production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for deep sleep and proper metabolism. It turns out that we gain excess weight not because we eat more in winter, but because we eat at the wrong time. To prevent this from happening, you must literally force yourself to have breakfast, even though it is still pitch dark outside, but to have dinner, on the contrary, before dark, that is, before 7 p.m.

Method number 3: milk is the head of everything!

According to statistics, in winter we reduce the consumption of dairy products by almost three times. And all because in the cold season we try to give preference to warm, thermally processed food. But cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurts and milk itself fade into the background. Meanwhile, milk contains all the microelements necessary for burning fat: calcium, magnesium phosphorus. As studies have shown, it is the presence of these three components that significantly accelerates the process of breakdown of fat accumulations. So, the question of how not to gain weight in winter can be answered with confidence - do not ignore the consumption of milk and dairy products. On a winter day, it is optimal to eat 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy products without fillers.

Way No. 4 to avoid gaining weight in winter: breathe mint!

IN winter period aromatherapy has a particularly effective effect on us. We are especially sensitive to warming aromas: vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, lavender, cocoa and others. Some of the spicy smells can not only lift our spirits, invigorate and warm us for long winter evenings, but also to curb our appetite. The champion among such aromas is the smell of mint. It turns out that if you regularly, namely every two hours during the day, inhale the mint aroma, that is, you will crave it much less and less often. As studies have shown, the daily diet of people trying to avoid gaining weight in winter and using mint to reduce appetite was on average 400-500 kcal lower than their daily diet without using mint flavor. The aroma of mint can be “extracted” by consuming natural mint (in tea, or by rubbing the leaf in your fingers), from special scented candles and incense, as well as in the form of essential oil.

In winter, most often you want to dispel the sadness with candy, crackers, cookies, and in the evening a mug of mulled wine. And they contain sugar and calories. As a result of fighting a depressive mood, by spring you can easily gain five kilograms and not fit into your favorite skinny jeans. But if you use 21 tips “How not to gain weight in winter,” then you will not be overweight.


1. Lean on soup

A bowl of soup for lunch will help you stay slim. Researchers from Penn State state university found that women who ate soup as their first meal at lunch consumed 100 fewer calories during the meal and did not compensate by eating more throughout the day. It is believed that water contained in food, as opposed to simply drinking it, helps the stomach empty more slowly, so you feel fuller longer, with fewer calories. Opt for low-calorie soups - vegetable, tomato or carrot - to maximize the benefits.

2. Picture yourself as thin

Every time you feel sick

If you feel like pampering yourself with something harmful, fantasize for five minutes about how you want to look and feel by the end of winter. Sit back, close your eyes and imagine that you are watching a video of yourself looking great on a warm spring day after eating right all winter. Look how slim and beautiful you are in a T-shirt and shorts, how confident and full of energy you are. Fix this image and return to it every time a huge bar of chocolate begins to beckon you irresistibly.

3. Record

During the colder months, we are more likely to turn to food for warmth, either because we are feeling tired or because we feel like we deserve something tasty while battling a severe illness. weather conditions. Therefore, keep a diary, write down what and why you ate. Once you begin to recognize those times when you eat for comfort, you can find some meal replacements. Maybe a hug from your partner, a favorite song, a nice bath or phone conversation with a friend.

4. Go for a walk at lunchtime

It's not just cold weather that makes us feel gloomy; lack of light can also dampen our mood. Daylight promotes the production of serotonin in the brain, which promotes feelings of happiness and peace. Unfortunately, lack of light in winter reduces serotonin levels, causing fatigue and increased appetite, which causes us to have bouts of binge eating. A 15-minute walk will give you a dose of daylight to boost your serotonin levels, while also training your calf muscles and burning 70 calories.

5. Choose your favorite winter foods

Make a list of the foods you crave most during hibernation. Then try to introduce them into your regular diet instead of eating them outside of your main meals. Don't be surprised if you and your partner have different favorite foods. Researchers at the University of Illinois found that men have a preference mashed potatoes, pasta and soups, and women - sweets and chocolate.

6. Choose “good” carbohydrates

It's no wonder that people on the Atkins diet become depressed. Carbohydrates help produce serotonin, which promotes feelings of happiness, by triggering the release of insulin. This, in turn, helps the amino acid tryptophan enter the brain, where serotonin is produced. The trick is to replace "sugar" carbohydrates such as cookies and white bread with wholemeal breads and whole grain products.

8. Go easy on the coffee.

Try to resist the temptation to warm up with a cup of coffee with milk, cappuccino or hot chocolate. A large café latte with whole milk contains 265 calories. The cappuccino is slightly better at 153 calories. But the chocolate with whipped cream comes out on top with 448 calories. But it's not even those calories that cause you to gain weight. Research shows that excess caffeine causes the body to store fat. Warm up better with herbal, fruit or green tea- There are no calories or caffeine.

9. Keep your hands busy

Find yourself a

A new hobby for winter evenings in front of the TV. Knitting, cross-stitching, doing crosswords and puzzles all help keep your hands busy and keep them from reaching for the cookie bowl.

10. Learn to dance

On dark nights you don't want to go outside, so exercise indoors. With dance lessons you can stay fit, have fun and burn calories - one hour of salsa burns 380 calories and one hour of ballroom dancing burns 350.

11. Replenish your protein stores

Eating foods rich in tryptophan - building material for protein - will help cope with hunger pangs caused by psychological reasons. The more foods containing tryptophan in our diet, the more serotonin is produced and the better we feel. Rich sources of tryptophan include red lean meat, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts and grains.

12. Dress brightly

You might want to spend winter evenings and weekends curled up in a chair in loose pants and a baggy sweater, but this way you won't notice that you're gaining weight. Keep wearing tight-fitting clothes and she'll quickly let you know if you're gaining extra inches.

13. Make your favorite foods healthy

Learn to cook your favorite foods in new ways to reduce fat and calories. Use low-fat products, wholemeal bread.

14. Eat more orange

According to color therapy experts, Orange color lifts our spirits and gives us energy. If you have something orange on your plate, you are more likely to feel energized and not want to overeat to feel better. Luckily, most orange foods are low in calories. Think oranges, tangerines, carrots, turnips, baked beans, bell peppers, mangoes, apricots. But attention: chocolate oranges don't count!

15. Make plans for the summer

Instead of wallowing in the winter blues, think about your plans for next summer. Get some brochures, research the Internet, and attach your photo from your last vacation to the refrigerator door. Once you make your choice, do something that will help you enjoy your chosen vacation even more. For example, if you decide to go to France, start taking French lessons, go to the Caribbean - go diving in a local pool, go to Spain - learn to dance flamenco.

16. Warm up with exercise

Don't turn it on central heating- try to warm up in other ways. Get a DVD of exercises from the library or from friends and practice them. Or play an outdoor game with your kids to keep them warm, have fun, and burn some calories instead of grumbling about the cold.

Don't put off sex until the weekend. Passionate hugs release the happy hormones endorphins, and the happier we are, the less reason we have to seek comfort in food. Plus, if you're both trying hard, sex burns 140 calories in 20 minutes.

19. Sleep more

Take advantage of the extra hours of darkness to spend time in dreamland. Scientists say that chronic lack of sleep leads to weight gain, and by increasing your sleep time you can lose weight. overweight. According to scientists, lack of sleep increases the level of hormones that affect appetite, due to which we can gain weight. In addition, the more we sleep, the less time we spend in the company of a bowl of cookies.

20. Get enough fluids

In winter, when it's cold outside, it's easy to forget that you need to drink water. However, heated offices, homes and shops still cause us to sweat and lose fluid from the body. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, and people eat when they really need to drink. To prevent this, drink six to eight glasses of water a day.

21. Start cooking

Take advantage of winter evenings to experiment with healthier ingredients. Among other things, chopping food and running around the kitchen, which is associated with the process of cooking, helps burn about 120 calories in half an hour.

Let's add from ourselves. It is generally accepted that only women take care of their figure. However, men also look in the mirror. As a rule, after the 30-year mark, it is no longer Apollo who looks at them from there. So we recommend that the stronger sex also take advantage of expert advice. So that there is no reason to blame the mirror.


1. Eat as much as you want, but by the hour

The classic advice from nutritionists - eat small meals, four to five times a day - is not suitable for everyone. If you notice that this diet provokes your appetite or, conversely, you eat forcefully because you don’t have time to get hungry, reduce your meals to two or three meals a day. For normal metabolism, it is much more important to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time every day, preferably before dark. American neurophysiologists from Ohio University discovered: artificial light, irregular and late meals disrupt work melatonin hormone, which controls sleep and wakefulness. As a result, even without overeating or reducing physical exercise, we are gaining excess weight.

2. Burn excess fat with dairy products


Three to four servings (50-100 g) of yogurt, cottage cheese, hard cheese, kefir, milk trigger the fat burning mechanism inside the cells and help you lose excess weight faster. As shown Scientific research, it’s all about calcium, phosphorus and magnesium - it is this trinity of minerals that accelerates the breakdown of excess fatty tissue, especially in the waist area. At the same time, the body receives a generous dose of proteins - they also contribute to slimness, strengthening muscle tissue and increasing skin elasticity. Just don't overdo it - for example, cheese contains a lot of fat and salt, and fruit yogurt contains sugar.

3. Eat water

Due to lack of water, metabolism slows down and worsens appearance and well-being (dry skin and early wrinkles + insomnia), the aging process accelerates. British dermatologist Howard Murad advises replenishing water deficiency (the norm is 2-2.5 liters per day) primarily with the help of vegetables and fruits. They are rich in antioxidants and water, which easily penetrates the body's cells without impairing blood circulation or causing swelling.

The ten most “watery” foods, according to Murad: cucumber and watermelon (95% water), tomatoes (95% water), eggplant (92% water), peaches (87% water), carrots (88% water), beans ( 77% water), baked chicken breast(65% water), grilled salmon (62% water).

4. Use aromatherapy


In winter extreme conditions The sweet and spicy scents of vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate, citrus, tuberose, jasmine, patchouli, lavender, rosemary not only warm and lift your spirits, but also save you from stress. American psychologist Brian Raudenbush from Wheeling Catholic University in West Virginia, in the course of his research, discovered that the smell of mint helps people with increased appetite lose weight. 40 volunteers inhaled the smell of mint every two hours for five days in a row, and over the course of a week each ate an average of 1,800 kcal less compared to their usual diet.

5. Make friends with flaxseed meal


In this flour, as if to order, everything the body needs is collected - fatty acid omega-3 and omega-6, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, zinc and antioxidants, they are important for immunity, nervous system, brain, healthy skin and hair.

Flaxseed flour has a wonderful nutty flavor and keeps you full for a long time because it's high in protein and fiber. You can use it to make porridge, pancakes and homemade bread for breakfast, use it instead of minced bread and breading for cutlets, and add it to fruit pies instead of wheat flour and eggs; it binds the dough perfectly.

6. Mask vegetables


Vegetables provide fiber and vitamins. Without them, metabolism slows down, and troubles begin in the digestive tract - constipation and inflammation. If you hate vegetables, hide them, for example, in sauces. Season pasta and rice with pesto (grind dill/basil/cilantro, garlic, olive oil, grated Parmesan, pine nuts and lemon juice) or a similar sauce made from herbs, fresh tomatoes, bell pepper, leeks, hot pepper and avocado. Potato dishes and meat - a mix of green onions, sour cream, salt and hot pepper. Fish - a mixture of boiled finely grated beets, horseradish, lemon juice and spices.

And don’t forget about hot puree soups (win-win winter options- pumpkin and bean) and soups in a pot - with potatoes, meat or fish, vegetables and wheat (see below). There are many recipes for such soups in Irish, Scandinavian and German cuisine.

7. Control your appetite


Learn to determine what satisfies hunger for a long time and what increases appetite. For some, soup awakens a brutal appetite, for others - apples. For most of us, trigger foods are sweets, white bread and pasta, fried foods (potatoes, meat), processed meats and delicacies (sausage, sausages, cold cuts). They contain a lot of salt, sugar and fat - this combination changes brain biochemistry and extinguishes the satiety signal. Try to eat such foods only occasionally and practice mindful eating - this way you will be able to catch the signal of fullness and stop without overeating.

Vegetable soup with wheat in a pot

(4 servings 420 kcal each)


150 g wheat grains, 1/2 l water, 250 g onions, 150 g each of carrots, celery root and leeks, 75 g butter, 1/2 liter of vegetable broth, 200 g of champignons, 125 g of green peas, a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste, a bunch of herbs.


1. Soak the wheat overnight in water.

2. Peel the onion and cut into cubes.

3. Peel and wash the vegetables, cut them into thin strips.

4. Heat oil in a saucepan, lightly fry the onion and chopped vegetables. Add the wheat with the water it was soaked in and the vegetable broth.

6. Cut the peeled champignons into slices, add the mushrooms and peas to the vegetables and wheat. Cook for about three minutes.

7. Sprinkle with nutmeg and garnish with herbs before serving.

Sometimes, when the snow is swirling outside and the biting wind is already biting your cheeks with might and main, you just want to quickly sit in front of a warm fireplace and brew a cup of hot food and a cake, enjoying the lovely winter days.

But such a seemingly sweet and carefree situation is overshadowed by the fact that during the winter, many people tend to gain extra pounds.

Therefore, many of our readers quite reasonably ask, how can one not gain weight in winter!?

And first of all, this is due to a significant reduction in physical activity, since there are no longer those usual daily walks on the fresh air, which are so nice to spend in warm weather summer time. Accordingly, we no longer meet with friends as often as we would like, because not every person will risk going out in in public places during an epidemic of influenza or acute respiratory infections.

And in order not to die of boredom, we begin to actively eat various tasty treats while watching interesting programs and exciting films, which, as we know, have a fairly high calorie content. As a result, sitting on the sofa and eating another candy, our body converts calories into fat reserves.


We have already said above that in winter time many people simply die of boredom, especially those who were previously accustomed to regular walks and meetings with friends. Therefore, when the cold comes, they don’t know what to do with themselves, because you can’t really walk outside.

In order to get out of this awkward position, such people need to occupy themselves with something interesting. Learn to knit or embroider, draw or master new language, for example, Chinese, which, according to experts, will be very relevant in the future. This will help you forget about food, and therefore about extra pounds.

Vacations and travel

If you love backpacking, start planning now, for example, make yourself a plan according to which you can warm time year to start traveling.

Or figure out where you can go on your summer vacation, like exploring everything interesting places, so that later there will be no doubt which one is more preferable for relaxation.


Girls have more than once saved themselves from depression with the help of timely shopping, and in this case he can come to your aid. Take a stroll through the shops, especially since during this period very often entrepreneurs offer huge discounts on summer clothing collections.

This option will come in handy for you, because by purchasing, for example, a small, neat dress, you will protect yourself from overeating. Put it on in the evening, spin around in front of the mirror for 15 minutes and you will understand that you shouldn’t eat sweets. Otherwise, you simply won't be able to wear it.

Winter walks

Try to go outside as often as possible, even if it is a banal trip to the store, but, nevertheless, it will be the best solution than just sitting at home. In addition, do not forget that you should only go shopping when you are full, because you can buy a lot of unnecessary things on an empty stomach.

Sports, dancing, games

Sign up for a gym and go regularly. If this is not possible, spend the evening in your own home.

To do this, turn on an interesting recording with a lesson program, which is now completely easy to find, for example, there are a lot of such lessons freely available on the Internet, and study for at least half an hour every day. Dance, play with your children, just don’t sit in front of the TV with another portion of cake.


The following advice will be relevant for absolutely all girls - try to wear tight-fitting clothes, which will be your best control and will not allow you to eat a single gram too much, because it will immediately become noticeable in tight jeans or a tight dress.

And imagine that if you eat a lot, then in the summer you will not be able to fit into your favorite short shorts, and even more so you will not be able to proudly wear your favorite branded swimsuit. Remind yourself of this every time you want to eat something sweet!

Winter games outside

Winter is a wonderful time when you can find a lot of hobbies, especially for girls. You can safely go skiing, even occasionally, but still meet with friends, for example, to go to the skating rink or to the nearest park to build a snowman, just like in childhood, and much more.

It’s still much more interesting than sitting at home at the computer and eating whatever comes to hand.


Keep a constant record of your nutrition. After all, when we begin to feel sorry for ourselves, we immediately want to treat ourselves to something tasty. And so that you understand how all this can affect you, and how much encouragement you give yourself, write down all the dishes you eat in your diary.

And if possible, replace your usual food with something healthier, for example, a kiss with your loved one or a conversation with a friend.

Fractional meals

Create a meal schedule for yourself by dividing your daily food intake into 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day. Strictly adhere to this rule and do not allow any more additional snacks.

And then you won’t be afraid of the problem of how you can’t gain weight in winter. Since this regime will become normal for you, and you will simply get used to it.

Fasting days

Give yourself periodic fasting days, which will help you cleanse your body of waste and toxins, as well as control your weight.

Quality sleep

In winter you can enjoy your sleep to the fullest. It gets dark early, so you can afford to go to bed early and get a good night's sleep.

After all, many people in modern world suffer from constant lack of sleep, which, as is known, can lead to the development of obesity. This is due to the fact that a person who does not get enough sleep at night has increased levels of hormones in the blood, which has a positive effect on appetite.

How not to gain weight during winter: special nutrition

  • Give preference to first courses as often as possible: it can be light soup, vegetable, tomato or chicken broth and much more. It has long been proven that during lunch, if a woman eats a liquid dish first, then she will eat fewer calories for the second dish. In addition, the feeling of fullness lasts much longer, because the liquid contained in the first one will be absorbed by our body much more slowly than ordinary water.
  • Learn to cook healthy foods that do not contain huge amounts of fat and cholesterol. Eat more vegetables and, and also try to eat foods rich in tryptophan, which is one of the sources of serotonin, which improves our mood. These include fish, red meat (preferably lean), chicken, eggs, cheese, grains and nuts.
  • When preparing food in winter, you can pepper it thoroughly. Scientists say that with the help of spicy food, a person warms up well, the metabolism accelerates, and besides, it burns fat very effectively.
  • Everyone knows that the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates into the body is associated with the active production of serotonin, which is entirely responsible for the feeling of happiness. In order for you not to feel so sad in the winter, and even more so, so that you don’t fall into depression, you need to eat them regularly.
  • Another very important point for lovers of aromatic coffee. In cold weather, many girls like to treat themselves to a cup of hot coffee with milk or a serving of cappuccino. So, it’s better to abstain from this lovely drink, because it contains a large number of calories, and, according to some researchers, caffeine is the main culprit in fat accumulation. It is better to replace it with herbal infusion or green tea.
  • Do not forget the main rule - a person needs to drink at least two liters per day clean water. Our biggest mistake is that in winter we simply don’t do this.
  • Eat colorful foods. Scientists have concluded that the color orange is an excellent therapy for combating extra pounds. As a result of research, it was determined that if you put something orange on a plate of food and give it to a person, he will get full much faster. In addition, such products are considered low-calorie, for example, orange, tangerine, which, by the way, is also very good for helping you lose weight.
  • On every New Year's Eve, according to the old tradition, we are used to organizing a belly celebration for ourselves, because how could we be without the usual Olivier salad or herring under a fur coat and a couple of glasses of champagne. All this, of course, is great, but try to be more wary about it - before going to visit, do not eat heavy food, good option It will become an apple or low-fat cottage cheese. And already at the feast, choose for yourself meat dish and some light salad, don’t mix it with potatoes, cake and sweet soda.

Problems excess weight and obesity today is familiar to almost every person: if not himself, then someone from the family or environment has certainly encountered this, and declared an “irreconcilable struggle” against the extra pounds. But there are not so many winners yet: at first it seems that everything is going great, but then the fat deposits, “expelled” with such difficulty, return again. By winter, weight increases especially quickly, already in November-December, and then you have to “urgently lose weight.”

Exhausted from the battle overweight people are constantly trying to find the reasons for their failures, justifying them by the impossibility of changes in lifestyle, the vagaries of the nervous system, and even genetics. For example, some experts explain to us that man, as a species, was born in a warm climate - in Africa, where daylight hours are much longer, and genetic memory has preserved this to this day. And now, as soon as daylight hours have decreased, stress forces all the cells of the body to accumulate a “strategic reserve”: one is tempted to eat everything high-calorie, fatty and sweet, washed down with sweet hot coffee or tea. It's a terrible picture, isn't it? In fact, everything is far from so scary, unless you consider that gaining weight in winter is normal and don’t focus too much on losing weight in winter. There are some tricks that will help you easily maintain excellent shape during the cold season without stress, “wild” diets, and especially hunger strikes. We always need health, and therefore we do not need to expose our body to the serious danger of lacking what it needs. useful substances, everything is much simpler. I am a nutritionist and fitness trainer, a beautiful, and most importantly, healthy body is my profession and my life.

Why is it harder to lose weight in winter?

Not only are rapidly growing extra pounds on the body blamed on the decrease in daylight hours, but seasonal depression is also blamed on this: the mood decreases, and we again try to lift it with the help of food that is tasty, sweet and high in calories. Vicious circle?

On the one hand, in winter in cold climates people begin to eat more and more often, but on the other hand, physical activity is limited. After all, it gets dark early, and few people want to walk along dark streets, especially in the cold, so much less energy is spent.

It is worth saying that there is a considerable “share of truth” in all this: the human body retains heat in the same way as animal bodies - by increasing fat layers. But here’s the question: after all, we don’t freeze - the houses are warm, and we walk down the street in warm clothes and ride in public transport, and we always have enough food; however, many scientists believe that the “mechanism” formed by nature hundreds of thousands of years ago continues to work today. But it won’t be possible to “blame” all the responsibility for weight gain on genetics: the same scientists calculated that, even if this process is not controlled in any way with the onset of winter, body weight can increase by no more than 4-6%, and we gain all 10 -15%.

Of course, in the summer the weight goes off: we want to eat less, we move more, but we, as a rule, do not lose as much weight as we gain in the winter. So it turns out that the weight is steadily growing every year. Let's figure out what to do about it.

Does daylight really affect weight gain? Let's disperse the shadow! Electric lighting now is not a problem: if the lamps are not too bright, they can be replaced and it’s better to arrange for yourself “ daylight“- depression will immediately begin to recede, and you won’t have to fill it with goodies.

The cold also “forces” the body to “insulate itself” with additional fat, so there is no need to allow even the slightest hypothermia. Always dress according to the weather: if the frost is severe, do not be lazy to put on an extra sweater or warm underwear; shoes should also be warm enough, and only then elegant and stylish.

Emphasis on physical activity

It’s clear that regular physical activity will help you lose weight in winter. However, not everyone is able to engage in winter sports, and not everyone knows how to skate and ski. You can and should visit a gym or fitness club, but even regular walking - only 3-4 km a day - will help you stay in shape and keep your weight “within the limits of what is permitted.” If you are lucky and you live where you can walk not only on cleared sidewalks, take a walk in snow-covered areas on purpose: for an hour of walking in “untrodden” snow, even not very deep, you can spend from 200 to 400 kcal, and even take a breath of fresh winter air.

A contrast shower will help raise your tone and encourage you to move more; It is also very useful for stimulating metabolic processes (for the purpose of losing weight, among other things).

Calorie intake affects weight loss

To lose weight in winter, watch your caloric intake. You don’t have to count calories, but simply replace “winter” food with “summer” food: instead of fatty, mature meat, choose poultry, lean young beef and even pork without lard, fish and seafood - these are excellent sources of protein. Choose low-fat dairy products, grain bread, whole cereals, as many vegetables and unsweetened fruits as possible, and less sugar and salt.

Sometimes the methods listed above already help you lose weight in winter, and it’s not necessary to come up with something more radical.

Change your diet

But what should you do if your weight has increased noticeably, and you need to get rid of it especially intensively? First of all, you shouldn’t panic and go on strict diets: in winter, such options for losing weight definitely won’t work, and cutting back on your diet can cause poor health, weakness, drowsiness and other unpleasant sensations. And the body, seeing that its nutrition has been cut, will urgently begin to store its food in the fat folds on the sides. The weight will increase even more and faster.

If possible, using all of the above, gradually change your diet: start eating not 3, but 4 times a day, and then 5-6, and reduce portions - use smaller plates and cups.

Reduce the amount of bread, potatoes, pasta and other carbohydrate foods by a quarter, and then by a third, and, if possible, by half, or give up these foods altogether. Eliminate all starchy side dishes, replacing them with foods containing fiber: for example, eat meat not with potatoes or rice, but with cabbage, lentils, green peas and vegetable stew.

Water helps you lose weight in winter

It is known that if you drink more clean water, weight decreases in winter too. After all, you need to drink no less in winter than in summer, and you can also choose food “rich” in water. Fresh vegetables and fruits take first place: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, beets, cabbage and carrots can be bought in winter.

Even meat and fish can be cooked in such a way that they retain more moisture: For example, oven-baked chicken or fish fillets contain more than 60% water.

Vegetable soup at home

A fresh vegetable soup eaten for lunch will eliminate the feeling of hunger, reduce the calorie content of the diet as a whole and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A thick soup without potatoes, flour products and hot seasonings is just what you need. Finely chop the zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower, Bell pepper, onion, green beans (you can buy a mixed vegetable), pour boiling water over everything, close the lid and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes. At the end add Bay leaf and dry herbs that do not stimulate the appetite - rosemary, basil, coriander, etc. If you absolutely cannot do without salt, add a little salt to the soup, but it is better to season it with good tomato juice.

Winter diet and snacks

Based on this dietary vegetable soup, you can create an excellent winter diet for weight loss, which will not cause any harm even with long-term use. After cooking the soup in a large saucepan, you can divide it into several portions, adding 100-150 g of lean boiled meat or fish, as well as low-fat cottage cheese or cheese (100 g each), kefir or other fermented milk product to the daily menu. In addition to clean water, you can drink tea and coffee, with cinnamon, ginger, lemon, but not with sugar, but with honey, natural sweetener or jam. A week of such nutrition allows you to gently, without tension, lose weight, getting rid of 2-4 extra pounds.

Many people fail to lose weight in the winter because of snacking, and especially at work: when you want to eat, and there is little choice, hunger is usually satisfied with all sorts of harmful and high-calorie “sweets for tea.” There is a way out, a profitable substitution - instead of cookies and chocolates, eat nuts, apples, tangerines, as well as dried apricots, raisins and other dried fruits, but little by little: they contain a lot of vitamins, but also a lot of calories.

As you yourself might have guessed, it is quite possible to lose weight in the winter, but if you ask the question a little earlier, you won’t gain weight. The main thing is to pull yourself together and slightly change your lifestyle and diet to be correct and healthy. Of course, I will definitely add this remark; lifestyle and diet should be correct at any time of the year, and not just in winter. Then there will be no reason to worry and try to lose weight, your health will always be good, and your mood will be high.

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