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» How to properly plant an unpretentious plant - Zamioculcas (Dollar Tree)? Zamioculcas: propagation using the most effective methods

How to properly plant an unpretentious plant - Zamioculcas (Dollar Tree)? Zamioculcas: propagation using the most effective methods

Zamioculcas transplantation should be carried out regularly. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the plant. After all, his root system growing very quickly. When a decorative crop becomes crowded in a pot, the flower begins to hurt and may die.

Zamioculcas - exotic plant, which came to us from hot countries. At the end of the last century, this unusual representative of the flora firmly took its place as one of the favorite indoor flowers among Russians. Over the course of a couple of decades, the name of this culture has acquired beautiful legends.

Some ladies believe that the plant brings feminine happiness. Other owners of this green miracle claim that after purchasing the flower they felt a surge of strength and began to think positively, forever forgetting about depression.

But the most common opinion says that the power of the plant lies in its mystical ability to attract money and material wealth. Therefore, the flower is popularly called the money or dollar tree.

Zamioculcas is quite unpretentious. Caring for it does not require much time or much effort. The flower grows in fairly spartan conditions: it does not need a lot of light, it can go without water for a long time, and does not need frequent feeding.

But this indoor plant also has weaknesses. Transplanting zamioculcas at home can be a real test of the flower's strength. After all, the slightest damage to the root system can destroy a dollar tree.

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    How often is Zamioculcas transplanted?

    Inexperienced owners of indoor plants do not take any action for a long time after purchase, believing that the plant can remain in the same soil for a long period. This is fundamentally wrong.

    Zamioculcas need to be replanted regularly. Young plants require more frequent pot changes. It is customary to renew the land and conditions for them annually. If there is an adult zamioculcas in the house, replanting should be carried out once every 3-4 years, depending on the size of the plant and its growth rate.

    dollar tree may be large. There are specimens up to 1-1.5 m high. But a plant can reach such sizes when proper care after few years. If the requirements of agricultural technology are not met, the flower may stop growing and even dry out.

    When a small shoot of an ornamental crop is acquired in flower shop where it is placed in soil specially prepared for it, you should not change the pot right away, especially if we're talking about about the winter period. It is better to postpone all work until the first month of spring.

    But often flowers are sold not in a container filled with ordinary soil, but in a temporary container containing a special substrate for transporting plants. This mixture is not intended to grow dollar trees. Therefore, after purchase, it is recommended to transplant the zamioculcas into another pot.

    Otherwise, the leaves of the plant will very quickly begin to dry out and curl, and the ornamental crop will wither and die within a short time. Season in similar situation doesn't matter. Transfer to permanent place can be carried out in winter, including in the presence of buds. This will cause less harm to the plant than keeping it in an artificially created substrate.

    Choosing a Pot for Your Dollar Tree

    Before transplanting zamioculcas, you need to prepare everything you need for work. One of the most important elements is the container into which you plan to transfer the flower. Her choice should be approached very carefully. The pot for zamioculcas plays a very important, perhaps the most important role.

    Determining the optimal container size

    The roots of the flower grow very quickly and usually occupy almost the entire volume of the container in which the decorative crop is located. This explains the need to periodically replant the dollar tree. Its peculiarity is that shoot growth is possible only after the root system has occupied almost the entire volume of the pot.

    A small distance filled with earth should be maintained between the parts of the plant and the walls of the vessel. Otherwise, the flower simply will not be able to receive the necessary nutrients. That is why it is important to choose a pot that meets the requirements of Zamioculcas.

    This is quite a difficult task. In a container that is too small, the flower will very soon become cramped, and in a large container it will slow down its growth until the roots occupy the large area provided for them.

    Experienced zamioculcas lovers say that it is safest to purchase a wide and low pot, which will be 10-15% larger than the previous one. This is the optimal volume for the plant to negative consequences could develop before the next planned transplant.

    Planting container material

    The list of requirements that answer the question of how to properly transplant zamioculcas includes the need the right choice material from which it is made flower pot. The roots of the plant need free air circulation. In addition, stagnant moisture is very harmful to them. It can cause rotting individual parts flower, which will inevitably lead to its death.

    Therefore, some florists prefer pots made of natural “breathable” materials. Clay products are usually classified as such. This substance is capable of partially absorbing excess moisture, creating favorable conditions for the development of the root system of the ornamental crop.

    However, there are also opponents to this choice. Moreover, their arguments have a rational grain. People who oppose clay and ceramic pots for Zamioculcas argue that these materials can make replanting the plant difficult.

    The fact is that the roots of the flower are very fragile. When it is transferred to a new container, this is done very carefully, removing the dollar tree from the pot along with a lump of earth. Very often, to ensure the integrity of small processes, the container is mechanically deformed or cut. This is much easier to do if the flower is in a regular plastic pot.

    But since plastic does not allow water and air to pass through, you need to take care in advance of wide drainage holes in the bottom of the vessel. If the factory ones are too small or there are not enough of them, you can make additional ones using a sharp object. When excess water will be timely and fully drained from the roots of the flower, the soil for Zamioculcas will be able to reach the optimal moisture level acceptable for normal development dollar tree.

    Soil preparation

    Zamioculcas - very unpretentious flower. You can rarely see blossoming buds on it, but the unusually shaped leaves of a rich green color completely compensate for this shortcoming. In nature, the ornamental crop grows in drought conditions on soils poor in nutrients. This fact provides a comprehensive answer to the question of what kind of land is needed for Zamioculcas.

    The soil usually takes up very little space in the pot. Overgrown roots quickly fill all available space, leaving a small amount of area for the soil mixture. The main condition for the normal development of a dollar tree is high-quality drainage. This should always be taken into account when replanting a flower. To enhance the permeability of the soil, florists use auxiliary elements. IN in this case Most often, fine expanded clay is added to the pot.

    This component serves not only to enhance the drainage properties of the soil, but also to give the pot stability. The fact is that wide and fairly large shoots of a flower over time can contribute to an imbalance in the container. By filling the pot 1/3 with expanded clay, you can avoid this. Sometimes washed river sand is used as drainage and a kind of anchor for a vessel with a flower.

    The soil for zamioculcas should not be fertile. The plant feels better in depleted soil types. Usually a special mixture is prepared, consisting of turf and leaf soil, peat and sand. All elements are taken in equal parts. It is recommended to add a little sphagnum to the soil composition. Swamp moss will give the substrate additional lightness and make it more loose.

    The finished soil mixture must be disinfected. The easiest way is to pour it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, you need to dilute no more than 2-3 g of potassium permanganate in warm water. The liquid should be light pink. After watering with an antiseptic, the soil should be slightly dried. Then you can begin the main work.

    Process technology

    Transferring zamioculcas to another pot requires attention preparatory stage. In order to replant a plant without harming it, the flower must be carefully removed from the container in which it is located. Dollar tree roots are very sensitive. They react sharply to the slightest damage. Therefore, flower growers use the transshipment method.

    This method involves removing the plant from the pot along with a lump of earth. Often the old container has to be cut. If the flower grew in a plastic pot, this will be much easier.

    Florists have different opinions regarding further actions. Some place the flower in a new container along with old soil, others carefully clean the rhizome from the soil and process the shoots. It is believed that dry and rotten parts must be cut off with a sharp knife. Damaged areas are disinfected with potassium permanganate or a special antiseptic solution intended for indoor plants.

    The subsequent process of replanting zamioculcas includes creating drainage and transferring the plant to a new substrate. First, fine expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the pot, sometimes mixed with sand. The drainage layer should be 4-6 cm for mature plants. Then fresh soil is poured into the container. It should cover the expanded clay completely by 2-3 cm in height. The flower is carefully placed in the pot. The free space is filled with the remaining soil mixture.

    It is important to ensure that the roots are completely covered with soil. Sometimes the soil may settle. If this happens, you need to add fresh soil so that its level is approximately 1.5 cm below the edge of the pot.

    It is better to transplant in the spring. Usually this procedure is carried out in March-April. But if the plant is in a special substrate intended for transportation, the flower must be replanted immediately, otherwise it will die. After an emergency transfer to another pot, the dollar tree may turn yellow and even dry out for a short period, but over time, as a rule, it recovers and continues to develop in new conditions.


    You can water the flower only 1-2 days after transplanting. Large volume of liquid and high humidity have a detrimental effect on a plant accustomed to dry conditions climatic conditions. Water for irrigation should be well settled and at room temperature.

    Don't get carried away with feeding. Applying fertilizers immediately after transplantation will not only not speed up the plant’s adaptation to the new location, but may also harm it. If the flower is transferred in the spring, then after 20-30 days you can feed it with a mineral supplement containing nitrogen. This element has a beneficial effect on the growth of green mass of the crop.

    In autumn and winter, it is not recommended to use any fertilizers at all. The plant enters the dormant phase and does not require additional nutrition.

    Zamioculcas is considered poisonous flower. Its stem and leaves secrete a special substance in places where the shell is damaged. It can cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, all manipulations with the plant must be carried out with gloves. For the same reason, it is better to keep the dollar tree out of the reach of children and animals.

    Shoots and leaves that retain color all year round. Life cycle– 5-10 years. Originally from the dry regions of Africa, this succulent capable of storing water in fleshy roots, stems and leaves.

    Due to its similarity with Crassula, which we usually call the “money tree,” Zamioculcas, which is fleshier and larger, therefore looking more impressive, is called the “dollar tree.” It is believed that its cultivation as an evergreen plant guarantees the constant presence of evergreen currency.

    Another sign is related to the fact that at home the plant almost does not bloom - therefore, the girl who achieves its flowering is guaranteed female happiness. But since the appearance of flowers is an extremely rare phenomenon, another name “zamioculcas - the flower of celibacy” has taken root. And in China it is also used as a New Year tree.

    • Advice! Since zamioculcas juice contains toxic substances that can cause allergies or intestinal disorders, you need to wear gloves when caring for it (cutting, replanting). Also make sure that pets and small children do not try the plant, otherwise the risk of poisoning is very high.

    Due to the fact that the plant has been introduced into cultivation relatively recently (since the early 2000s), its “pure” botanical species, Zamioculcas zamiaefolia, is mainly found on sale. However, in 2007, the first hybrid appeared - low-growing variety Zamicro, which differs from the original type in its miniature size (it grows no more than 60 cm in height) and smaller, more graceful leaves.

    Zamioculcas: care at home

    Due to its unpretentiousness and plasticity, for quite a short time Zamioculcas has become a fairly frequent indoor guest and a favorite of phytodesigners. For his successful cultivation You need to follow a few simple rules:

    • temperature– the plant feels quite comfortable in a wide temperature range - from 12 to 30 C, but for the summer period the optimal temperature will be in the range of 18 - 26 C, and in winter - 14-16 C. At the same time, the plant is very sensitive to temperature changes - they can cause yellowing and falling leaves

    Advice! When choosing a place for zamioculcas, it is worth remembering that the plant does not tolerate drafts - this is one of the main causes of diseases.

    • lighting– Zamioculcas adapts quite well to any light conditions. It grows well in bright light (although prolonged exposure to the scorching sun can cause burns to the leaf blade), as well as partial shade, and even with strong shading. True, in the latter case, the intensity of its growth will be insignificant, and the leaves will be curved and small, and it will not be possible to form a lush, dense bush.

    Advice! Since the leaves will constantly be drawn towards the light, so as not to disturb the shape of the plant, the zamioculcas must be periodically rotated around its axis.

    • the soil- for normal growth of zamioculcas you will need a loose substrate, not very fertile, as in general for cacti and succulents. To avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil, which will cause rotting of tubers and leaves, drainage should occupy up to a quarter of the total volume of the pot, and the content of sand and perlite in the substrate should be about 50%. Sphagnum or coal would be a good addition. “Heavy” waterproof soil is absolutely contraindicated for planting zamioculcas
    • watering- quite moderate, the earthen lump should dry out not only on top, but also a little in the middle. If you are not sure, then it is better to wait a day or two - the plant will be able to provide itself with moisture accumulated in the stem and leaves. Watering schedule: in summer, once every 2 weeks; in winter, once a month.
    • humidity- zamioculcas seems to have been created for our apartments with central heating, in which the air is very dry in winter. It does not require regular spraying, but periodically it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge to wash away the dust that has accumulated on them.
    • transfer– the zamioculcas root is quite powerful, so it will need a fairly powerful pot, preferably a clay one, because the growing rhizome can not only deform, but even tear plastic container. If young (1-2 years old) plants are recommended to be replanted annually, then at a “mature” age, zamioculcas replanting is carried out much less frequently, sometimes once every 3-5 years, depending on the growth rate. In this case, the new pot is chosen only 20-30% larger than the previous one.

    Another method is propagation by cuttings. The cut stem is divided into parts by making cuts between the leaves. After drying the cut for an hour, the cutting is pressed into vermiculite and watered abundantly and a greenhouse is made, which is placed in a warm, well-lit place. Vermiculite is kept slightly moist. The process of root formation and subsequent growth of the tuberous underground rhizome is quite long - it can last several months, and new leaves will appear only after six months. For propagation, you can also use single sheet plates, but in this case the process will take even longer.

    Advice! The larger part of the plant is taken for rooting, the faster the rhizome is formed, the larger it will be, the sooner it will be possible to obtain a full-fledged specimen of Zamioculcas from a young plant.

    This houseplant is better known as the dollar tree. This name was given to this succulent by adherents of Feng Shui traditions. In addition, the plant shares the title of flower female happiness. It is quite unpretentious, which, along with its decorative qualities and the mystical properties attributed to rumor, makes the Zamioculcas flower very popular. Caring for him is not at all difficult, since he is accustomed to the difficulties in his natural habitat. In order for Zamioculcas to please its owners for as long as possible, it is enough to follow several rules for caring for this plant, replanting it and propagating it.

    Transfer rules

    For the Zamioculcas flower, replanting is necessary as the rhizome fills the pot. When it becomes noticeable that there is not enough room for the roots, you need to replant the plant, choosing a pot a little larger than the previous one. If the plant is young, it must be replanted annually in summer or spring, and if it is mature, a little less often, once every few years. When transplanting zamioculcas, you need to remember some of the features of this plant.

      How to transplant Zamioculcas correctly?
    • 1 Suitable pot
      If you plant a plant in a plastic pot, the pressure of the growing rhizome can simply break the container. That's why optimal choice for Zamioculcas - a clay pot.
    • 2 Correct soil
      For Zamioculcas, it is necessary to provide conditions as close as possible to natural ones. The soil should be sandy-stony and well-drained, containing expanded clay, perlite, pebbles and sand. Through such soil, oxygen freely flows to the roots. From the soils presented in the retail chain, you need to choose one intended for succulents and cacti. If you take a universal one, you need to add expanded clay or perlite, as well as sand.
    • 2 Not too deep
      Tubers do not need to be completely immersed in the ground when transplanting. They should be slightly visible.

    Breeding rules

    If you need to get a new zamioculcas plant, propagation is carried out using any part of it, for example, a section of rhizome or leaf. It is very difficult to find seeds in our latitudes, so all that remains is vegetative method increasing the population of dollar trees at home. This process is quite simple and does not require special knowledge. Depending on what part of the plant is used, propagation has a number of features.

    • 1 Division
      The easiest way is to divide an adult zamioculcas into several plants. To do this, it is removed from the pot, the rhizome is divided, dried a little, and each part is placed in separate pot. When dividing a tuber, you need to take into account that each part from which it is supposed to grow new flower, must have a growth point.
    • 2 Using a Compound Sheet
      The branch with the bud needs to be dried and planted in a pot, deepening the bud to the level of the base of the leaf.
    • 3 Growing from one leaf
      With this method vegetative propagation Zamioculcas will have to wait the longest for results. The leaf needs to be dried for several days, and then planted in light soil containing sand. In this case, it needs to be deepened into the soil by one third of its length, watered and covered with a jar. Tubers will appear very soon, and new leaves can be seen in about six months. The leaf can be placed in water to begin with, but in this case, subsequent rooting will be more difficult.

    Important! Owners of Zamioculcas should remember its characteristics and needs.

    • 1 Diseases
      Zamioculcas is not a very painful plant, but it still sometimes suffers from mealybugs, scale insects, aphids or spider mites.
    • 2 Proper hydration
      The dollar tree does not like excessive watering; it can even go without water for some time. It's better to forget to water it than to do it too zealously. If you overdo it with watering, the substrate will become waterlogged. As a result, Zamioculcas turns yellow. But you need to remember that yellowing is natural for old leaves. They gradually die off. But if young leaves turn yellow, then the reason is most likely rotting of the rhizome due to waterlogging. To save the plant, you need to remove it from the pot, separate the rotten roots, dry it, sprinkle it with coal and plant it in new soil.
    • 3 More light
      Zamioculcas grows best in conditions where it receives bright sunlight.
    • 4 Fertilizers and fertilizing
      You need to be careful when using fertilizers. As the Zamioculcas plant does not like an abundance of chemicals, it can be fed no more than once a month during the growing season. When the flower is dormant, which happens in winter, there is no need to fertilize it at all.
    • 5 I
      In order not to suffer from the effects of toxic substances contained in the plant, when transplanting or propagating it, you need to work in compliance with safety precautions. The use of gloves is mandatory.

    Zamioculcas – exotic flower, which has become very popular in a short period of time. It, similar to the Crassula, is called money tree, but in order not to be confused with the latter, Zamioculcas is usually called a dollar tree. Apparently that's why he often decorates office rooms and banks.

    Optimal conditions for plant growth

    IN wildlife The plant develops well both on dry soils and under the hot sun. At home, the plant requires care. After purchase, it needs two weeks of adaptation to new conditions, only then the plant is replanted.

    Important! The Zamioculcas flower, or rather its leaves, are poisonous. If there are small children or animals in the house, you should place the zamioculcas in a place inaccessible to them. Trying to taste it will result in an upset stomach or an allergic reaction.

    Lighting for Zamioculcas

    It is better to allocate a place for the plant on southern windowsills. They're always lit sunlight. On the north side, zamioculcas will not disappear either, but the leaves will not be so bright and the growth will not be so fast. Shaded rooms are not suitable at all - the leaves will look for a light source, stretching and weakening. Lack of light will significantly worsen decorative look plants.

    Temperature and humidity

    IN natural environment Zamioculcas is resistant to drought and heat, but care at home consists of following temperature regime and humidity conditions.

    In summer, the plant prefers a temperature of +21...+29°C, in winter period- +15...+18°С. In principle, it is not afraid of small changes, but temperatures below +12°C will be disastrous for the flower.

    Attention! The most unfavorable conditions for zamioculcas are dampness at low temperatures.

    Air humidity does not play a special role in the development of the plant, but it responds well to spraying.

    Soil requirements

    Heavy soils are not suitable for the plant. Zamioculcas loves loose soil, capable of allowing moisture and air to pass through well. You can purchase ready-made soil with the addition of coal, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take leaf and turf soil, sand and peat in equal parts.

    How to plant zamioculcas

    Before planting, prepare drainage for the pot. It could be expanded clay, fine river pebbles and polystyrene foam. It needs to be laid three-quarters of the way to the bottom of the pot. For successful rooting of plants, ready-made soils for violets or cacti are well suited; they allow air and moisture to pass through perfectly. If you take soil from the garden, it needs to be disinfected. When planting from cuttings, you can also root in water, in a disposable cup. The seedling is placed in a warm place with diffused lighting at +22°C. If rooting in the ground, water regularly. It is important not to overwater - excess moisture will cause weak roots to rot. When planting a plant with tubers, make sure that the tubers protrude slightly from the soil.

    Did you know? There are many superstitions associated with Zamioculcas. It is contraindicated in the house of a lonely young lady. Popular belief says: if a lady dreams of getting married, she must remove ivy, violets, tradescantia and zamioculcas from the house.

    Fertilizing and watering zamioculcas

    Zamioculcas is not a capricious plant, but you need to know how to care for it. First of all, this concerns watering and fertilization. Being naturally resistant to drought, zamioculcas tolerates underwatering more easily than excess moisture. Although, in the absence of watering for a long time, the plant sheds its leaves in order to consume less moisture and nutrients. Don’t be alarmed if this happens - the plant’s root does not die and will recover well when care is resumed. If moisture stagnates, the root system will rot and die.

    IN summer period A moderate watering regime is needed; in winter, water once a month with warm, settled water. Sometimes a plant needs to be given warm shower, while covering the soil in the pot with film. The plant needs feeding during the growing season once every two weeks. To fertilize, it is better to take a universal fertilizer and dilute it to half the specified concentration.

    In the spring and summer, you need to feed twice a month with compounds for cacti or succulents. Zamioculcas responds well to spraying. For this purpose, complex compounds or urea are used. During the winter dormant period, there is no need to fertilize the plant.

    How to transplant a flower

    When choosing a pot for replanting, keep in mind: the larger the pot, the more the root system will develop, otherwise the above-ground part of the flower will develop better.

    When is it necessary to replant a flower?

    Zamioculcas transplantation at home is carried out annually. The plant grows slowly, so it does not require frequent replanting. Do this if the entire pot is filled with tubers, then the plant will become crowded and needs help. Young plants are replanted every two years, adults once every five years.

    Transplantation scheme

    Zamioculcas does not tolerate transplantation well, so this is done by transshipment with extreme caution. The soil is not changed during replanting; transfer the plant from the old pot onto paper, and then add fresh soil to the old pot in the new pot. The need to completely change the soil arises only when the plant becomes ill. It is preferable to use a clay pot; in it the soil dries out faster and there is less concern about moisture stagnation. When replanting, keep in mind that the next leaves that grow after replanting will be larger than the previous ones, so the pot must be stable.

    How to propagate Zamioculcas

    Zamioculcas is propagated by root division or cuttings. Sometimes a fallen leaf already has a formed tuber; you can use it as planting material.

    Interesting! Feng Shui teachings about plants say: if the Zamioculcas plant is healthy and shines with bright green leaves, worry about financial problems not worth it. The flow of money into your budget is reliable and stable.

    For the tuber propagation procedure, mature plant carefully removed from the pot. Its rhizome is divided, trying not to damage the tubers, and dried. Each separated part is planted in a separate pot. When planting, sprinkle with fine charcoal. The pot should already have drainage and soil prepared in advance.

    Zamioculcas is a flower that will bring prosperity to the house, popularly called the dollar tree. How Zamioculcas reproduces at home, what conditions are needed for this, you can read or watch a video. The main thing in reproduction is not to rush things; the development of roots takes more than one month. First, the plant gains a tuber, and only then begins to grow green mass. Each subsequent branch grows from a tuber that increases in size.

    Breeding conditions

    Caring for zamioculcas at home includes reproduction with periodic transplantation into a new container. In this case, the process of dividing the tubers is gentle. They need to be carefully planted in prepared bowls with a good drainage layer and covered from above until new leaves begin to form.

    All parts of the plant are poisonous. When working, you need to use gloves, and ensure that pieces of the plant are not eaten by animals or children.

    Other ways to obtain new plants would be to root cuttings, leaves or cut tubers. It must be taken into account that any method of reproduction takes a long time. Therefore, if germination occurs in water, then it should not turn sour. The substrate for germination does not contain humus, is sterile, steamed.

    During the rooting process, a nodule is formed due to the nutrients of the leaf or cutting. Therefore, by the time the first young leaf appears, old part turns yellow and wrinkles. This is fine.

    Rooting occurs in warmth and light. To prevent the ground part from evaporating moisture, a cap is created over the plant, and sometimes the new plant is ventilated. Water very sparingly, so that the water wets the soil only near the walls of the cup.

    How to plant zamioculcas at home

    If a flower has outgrown its container and the gardener does not need new specimens, then the roots are not disturbed. The pot is either cut or broken, the plant is removed and planted in new dishes, a little more than before.

    How to propagate Zamioculcas at home when planting an adult plant? Plant each tuber in a separate bowl. The soil taken is light and fertile. Add humus and expanded clay to the composition of equal parts:

    • turf;
    • leaf soil;
    • sand;

    The plant should only be planted in spring in shallow pots, a quarter of the height of which is occupied by the drainage layer.

    For replanting, you can divide the bushes by carefully disassembling the intertwined roots, or you can cut the tuber. If there is more than one dormant bud on a tuber, it is divided in half. The sections are dried, sprinkled with coal dust, and planted in a small pot. You can water the soil for the first time after 3 days, a little.

    Any replanting or transshipment is stressful for a flower, and it takes time for it to grow back again. healthy looking. Therefore, the flower grows until it deforms the pot. If you plant zamioculcas in a large container until it is full, there will be no growth of branches.

    As practice shows, it is easier to propagate zamioculcas from leaves or cuttings. To do this, you do not need to injure the plant by replanting. With a sharp knife you can separate one pinnately dissected stem. If it is cut into segments that have growth buds, then these are cuttings. The top cutting may contain many leaf blades. And the higher the cutting, the more successful the rooting.

    At home, Zamioculcas reproduces both in water and in a special substrate. It is important that the tip of the petiole does not rot. To do this, activated carbon or a fungicide is added to the water to suppress the rotting process. It takes a month or more before roots appear. Rooting can also be done in clean, damp sand or sphagnum moss.

    Leaf blades for propagation are cut with a sterile instrument with a piece of stem. They can take root in water or directly in a sterilized substrate. This rooting will last 2-6 months, you need to be patient while the nodules grow at the base of the leaf.

    If you plant top part leaf with several leaf blades, development will be faster. But then each leaf must be planted in a separate glass and a support must be provided. The dishes must have a drainage layer and a hole for draining water. The cuttings are placed in a sealed bag or under a jar. Occasionally, the plant is ventilated, watered sparingly, along the walls of the vessel. And only when the first leaf appears, the cover is removed.

    Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaf - video in four parts