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» The most unpretentious flowers for the cemetery. The most drought-resistant flowers for the cemetery. Photo: examples of placing plants in a flower garden on a grave

The most unpretentious flowers for the cemetery. The most drought-resistant flowers for the cemetery. Photo: examples of placing plants in a flower garden on a grave

Plants planted in the cemetery symbolize the memory of a deceased person, express sorrow for him, remind of the immortality of the soul. Many cultures have centuries-old traditions of memorial floriculture. They are rooted in antiquity, when people, through legends and myths, endowed plants with a soul, attributed to them a certain symbolic meaning.

In this regard, a set of memorial cultures has historically developed, through which people express their grief, commemorate the deceased, and pay tribute to him.

From time immemorial, it has been customary to grow plants in the cemetery. Flowers on the grave perform several functions:

  1. Aesthetic. They serve as a decorative decoration, complement the composition with a tombstone.
  2. Symbolic. They express the memory and sadness of a deceased person.
  3. Protective. They protect the grave mound from destruction and wind erosion.

From the time of Ancient Greece The cypress is considered the emblem of death. Its dark green, almost black, branches mean mourning, grief. People believed that evergreen tree able to transfer its properties to a dead person and protect his body from decomposition. Therefore, cypress is planted in cemeteries in many regions of growth.

The ancient Jews associated death and tears with a tree and planted it in burial places. In European countries, since the Middle Ages, graves have traditionally been decorated with forget-me-nots and rosemary. The modest expressed a silent request not to forget about the deceased. The pleasant persistent aroma of rosemary indicated the strength of memories and personified mourning.

Among the ancient Slavs, it was customary to plant strawberry bushes on grave mounds. It was believed that the birds pecking at the berries would in return take the news to the deceased in viry (paradise).

Plant selection rules

When choosing planting crops that will perform a memorial function in a cemetery, the following basic requirements should be taken into account:

  1. Flowers should not be pretentious, overly bright and luxurious. Simplicity is preferred.
  2. The palette should be designed in muted colors. The main focus is on shades of green, as this color is a symbol of life. It goes well with white, blue or blue. Saturated colors are the least suitable for resting places - yellow, orange, scarlet.
  3. It is best to use evergreens and perennials. They do not require constant care. You can combine herbaceous and woody floral species.

In addition, it is necessary to study well the environment in which the plants will grow: soil type, illumination. One of the main conditions determining the suitability of a crop for planting in a cemetery is its drought resistance. In most cases, a permanent watering cannot be provided on the grave, and the plant will be completely dependent on natural rainfall. Also important is the ability of the culture to endure severe frosts in the temperate zone.

Of no small importance is what flowers the deceased loved. If possible, they should be planted at the grave.

Types of planting crops

Cultivated plants planted in the cemetery are conditionally divided into categories:

  1. Background, framing a monument or fence. They form a single composition with a tombstone. Mostly trees and shrubs. According to Orthodox custom, a tree can be planted at the feet of the deceased.
  2. Perennial, forming a permanent herbaceous covering on and around the grave.
  3. Seasonal, decorating the burial place in different time of the year. They serve as a natural replacement for cut bouquets.

Ground cover creeping species

The main role in protecting the grave mound from soil erosion and its landscaping is played. They create the effect of a green carpet, they are the background for other colors. In this capacity are:

  • periwinkle;
  • ivy;
  • creeping tenacious;
  • phlox;
  • yaskolka.

The evergreen creeping periwinkle with blue flowers is considered a memorial among many peoples and is planted in cemeteries. Periwinkle takes root well due to its unpretentiousness, gradually grows. It is necessary to control its growth and prevent it from spreading to other graves. Ivy has similar vegetative qualities.

The creeping tenacious adapts well. She has a wonderful decorative look due to the color of the leaves. In combination with stone tombstones made of marble and granite, phloxes look beautiful, which are suitable for illuminated places.

Annuals and perennials

The main color accent in the green decoration of the grave is created by annual and perennial crops. Preference is given to unpretentious plants that do not require complex care and transplantation:

  • heather;
  • thyme;
  • stonecrop;
  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • pansies;
  • daisies;
  • marigold;
  • forget-me-nots.

These plants are able to grow and complement the memorial landscaping with their flowers. Also in the cemetery you can plant, immortelle, colchicum.

Spring and summer

To create the effect of the presence of live bouquets at the tombstone, florists advise planting plants that bloom in different seasons of the year.

Muscari, primrose, daffodils, violets are suitable for spring flowering. Flowers are small, so they should be planted closer to each other. Bulb varieties that need to be transplanted are best avoided.

The summer set of flowers at the cemetery includes: poppies, delphinium, lilies, irises. These flowers are associated with the theme of death.

Trees and shrubs

If desired, large floristic forms - trees and shrubs - can be added to the landscaping of the grave. For planting, undersized unpretentious species are usually chosen. Trees are planted in single specimens.

Large trees with a powerful root system can later create difficulties for burials, destroy a grave with a tombstone.

Most often, preference is given to coniferous evergreen species of trees and shrubs:

  • pine;
  • yew.

In the past, people believed that the constancy of the greenness of the leaves and needles of the trees owe eternal life. By planting them in the cemetery, the relatives believed that in this way they would prevent the body from decomposing. Coffins were often made from the wood of these species.

Deciduous trees for the cemetery are represented by euonymus, barberry, dogwood, viburnum, mountain ash. They win twice in decorativeness: in spring and summer during flowering, in autumn and winter - ripened fruits. According to legend, their red berries served as food for the dead. You can also plant birch, aspen, lilac, weeping willow behind the grave fence.

Living plants, which retain their attractive appearance for a long time, pay tribute to the deceased person and remind the living about the memory of him.

17.06.2017 | 21:03

Good day! Azal is with you, and today I want to discuss with you the flowers that are brought to the cemetery. Let's take a look at a few important questions:

  • what flowers can be brought to the cemetery;
  • which is better for a man or a woman;
  • how many flowers are usually worn in the cemetery and why;
  • is it worth buying artificial flowers for the cemetery;
  • where is the best place to buy flowers for the dead;
  • what flower stands in the cemetery are better to equip;
  • is it right to bring flowers to Muslim cemeteries;
  • what flowers should never be carried to the cemetery.

Cemetery artificial flowers

I’ll start with the main thing - with the question that I get asked from time to time: “Why are artificial flowers worn in the cemetery?” Guys, I don't know why people do this, why it's so ingrained in our culture.

Look back at our traditions - flowers were always brought to the graves either live, freshly cut, or dry bouquets were taken. It can be assumed that from the custom of bringing dried flowers, the idea was born one day to make them from something more durable.

Now on sale you can find a lot of options for bouquets and wreaths of artificial flowers for the cemetery: plastic, forged, stone flowers, as well as those made from foamiran, fabric, and other material.

People willingly buy a variety of artificial flower arrangements at the cemetery, as they consider it beautiful, durable and does not require any maintenance. I bought it, installed it, and for the next year you can forget it.

I do not take artificial flowers to the cemetery, as I am sure that they do not carry any value for the deceased. The artificial is neutral—it is not alive, has never lived, and cannot die; in these compositions there is no energy of life or death, they are neutral. The dead perceive it in the same way - neutrally, in no way. They are neither warm nor cold from such gifts, they give them nothing.

Artificial flowers are carried to the cemetery as decorations for oneself. I bought it myself, decorated the grave myself, and I like it, it’s beautiful, and most importantly, it’s practical, because even in a couple of months it will look like I was here just yesterday.

If you're buying fake flowers from a graveyard just to give yourself credit, then keep doing it. If you sincerely want to please your deceased relative or friend, then you should not bring him artificial flowers to the cemetery.

What flowers are worn in the cemetery

According to tradition, fresh flowers are brought to the cemetery. A living flower is cut, given to a dead one, and the flower dies on his grave. The dead person receives the life energy of this flower.

It is believed that the flower dies in our world, and appears in the world of the dead. Exactly the same as the dead one, who has already made this transition. A dead person with a flower given to him receives the energy of his life, and the energy of his death.

When choosing flowers for a cemetery, you can focus on different principles:

  1. those that a person loved during life;
  2. those that are customary to bring to the cemetery;
  3. those that are beneficial to give.

Each of these principles is true in its own way. If you choose flowers in a cemetery that a person loved during his lifetime, this shows the deceased that they remember him, remember his preferences.

Flowers that are beneficial to give to the deceased will be chosen by sorcerers working in the cemetery. To achieve certain goals, the sorcerer negotiates with the dead to perform certain work. Therefore, the sorcerer will give the dead those things that he needs to do his work. Sometimes flowers are required - the sorcerer knows what and how many flowers to bring to the cemetery.

Now about the flowers that are brought to the cemetery according to tradition. These are carnations, roses, callas, lilies, less often other types of flowers. Whatever flowers in the cemetery you choose, always take only a fully bloomed fresh flower.

Do not take unopened buds to the cemetery!

A cut, unopened bud symbolizes a baby who died before birth, and, according to the magical law of similarity, can realize a similar situation.

It is not clear to the layman, but knowledgeable people strictly follow this rule, cutting off all the buds from the bouquet intended for the dead. This is done so that the dead person understands you correctly.

The color also has a certain symbolic meaning, which the dead understand without words:

  • yellow flowers for the cemetery symbolize parting;
  • white flowers - protection;
  • red - passion;
  • pink - tenderness.

What flowers to choose in a cemetery for a man

If you want to bring flowers to a man in a cemetery, choose carnations according to tradition. Less often bring chrysanthemums, lilies. For a husband or beloved man, take red flowers - they will tell him about your feelings.

For a close relative, a son, you can choose pink. For a friend, an acquaintance - yellow. The most versatile color is white, as it matches the dead. If you bring white flowers to a cemetery for a man, you will never go wrong.

What flowers to bring to a cemetery for a woman

Traditionally, roses are brought to the cemetery for women. Roses symbolize emotions. If you passionately loved a woman during her lifetime, bring red flowers to her cemetery. If you have experienced tender feelings, take a rose bouquet. If neither, buy yellow or white flowers.

You can focus on the personal preferences of a person during life - give what you liked. If a woman loved wild flowers, before going to the cemetery, collect a bouquet for her in the field - she will be pleased.

You can bring a bouquet of dried wild flowers if you are going to the cemetery outside of their blooming season. Think about it ahead of time, gather wild flowers when they bloom, dry them and store them.

Flowers at the cemetery for the anniversary and 40 days

Flowers in the cemetery for an anniversary or 40 days are chosen more solemn. White lilies are very good for such cases - they symbolize death, purity, holiness. Previously, white lilies were given only at really important moments in a person’s life. They were brought on a baby’s birthday, on a wedding day for newlyweds and at funerals.

Also the most matching colors at the cemetery for the anniversary there will be a bouquet of white callas. These flowers are also considered the flowers of death, and they are readily taken dead.

It is good to bring a basket of fresh flowers or a wreath of fresh flowers to the cemetery for 40 days or an anniversary. Do not carry artificial flowers to the cemetery.

How many flowers are usually worn in the cemetery and why

Sometimes people ask how many flowers are brought to the cemetery. The question of how many flowers it is customary to wear in a cemetery is decided according to the traditions of a particular country, culture.

In our cemetery, it is customary to wear an even number of flowers, as our ancestors saw the symbolism of death, peace, and completeness in even numbers. We give an odd number of flowers to the living.

How many specific flowers you bring to the cemetery - it depends on your desires and capabilities. It can be just two flowers, or it can be a large bouquet of 50 flowers - whatever you want.

I must say that sorcerers sometimes carry 9 or 13 flowers to the cemetery - this is due to the symbolism and conditions of certain rituals.

What flowers can not be carried to the cemetery

Suppose the girl Anya has a birthday today. Many guests came to her, brought many beautiful bouquets. And the next day, Anya needs to go to the cemetery on the anniversary of the death of her beloved grandmother.

In order not to buy flowers, Anya will be lucky for her grandmother from those that she was given for her birthday. By doing this, Anya will shorten her years of life. And not because the grandmother is bad, but because there is such a pattern.

Flowers for Muslim cemeteries

If you are wondering what flowers to choose for Muslim cemeteries and how many flowers to bring, you need to know the following.

Muslims have their own customs and their own special attitude towards the dead, which is dictated by the rules of the Koran. In traditional Muslim cemeteries, you will not see the usual monuments with a photograph of the deceased.

You will see modest graves equipped with only a stone slab. The name of the buried person, dates of birth and death, and lines from the Koran are written on the plate.

The Prophet advised to avoid spending money on the dead and considered it more proper to care for the living than for the dead. Therefore, bringing candles, bouquets, wreaths, artificial or natural flowers to Muslim cemeteries is not accepted.

If the deceased Muslim and his family strictly adhere to the customs of their religion, then you should not bring flowers to his grave.

However, I often see the graves of Muslims, decorated not according to the rules of the Koran. I often come across the graves of Muslims, located among the graves of “infidels”, with a monument and a photograph of the deceased, flowers lie on it.

In order not to be mistaken, ask the living relatives of the person you want to visit to visit the grave whether you should bring flowers to the Muslim cemetery.

Flower vases in the cemetery

We discussed the flowers, now we will decide where or what we should put them in the cemetery. On sale there are many different flowerpots and urns for flowers, stands for flowers for the cemetery. Sold metal, stone, forged, plastic vases in the cemetery.

I do not advise buying new flower vases in the cemetery. In any home there is a chipped vase or a vase with a small crack - this is ideal for a cemetery.

It's not that it's a pity to buy a new one for the cemetery. Sometimes I buy a new one, but I chip the neck a little or scratch it. And I'm not doing this so that they don't steal :)

New things are not brought to the cemetery, broken, cracked, spoiled in some way, but capable of fulfilling their function. I have already said that the things that die in our world appear in the world of the dead, so I will scratch a new flower vase in the cemetery.

Another important point. Often in the cemetery they put flowers in the water. The dead love water, it gives them freshness. On the third day, this water stagnates - this is what the dead do not like at all.

If you do not have the opportunity and desire to come to the cemetery to change the water in the vase, then the solution is simple - do not pour water into the vase of flowers. This will save the dead from long discomfort due to stagnant water.

Where is the best place to buy flowers for the cemetery

Finally, let's touch on one issue that is not customary to discuss - where is it better to buy flowers for the cemetery. That's why I decided to talk about it.

It is no secret that flowers are stolen from cemeteries. Who steals flowers in the cemetery and why, I think, is understandable. Often this is done by gypsies who do not know how to earn an honest way. They collect fresh bouquets from the graves for the purpose of subsequent resale.

They do not go far - they collected flowers, wreaths from the graves and went to the entrance to the cemetery to sell them. Sold, went to collect more. And so the same bouquet per day can be presented to 3-5 different dead people.

Why is that bad? Someone gave a bouquet to his deceased, he rejoiced. A gypsy woman came and stole his bouquet from the dead - the dead got angry and, perhaps, became attached to the bouquet in order to punish the thief. Here you buy this bouquet from a gypsy.

The dead, who owns the flowers, in a fit of anger can take revenge on you, although you have nothing to do with it. In addition, you give this bouquet to your deceased, and the dead cannot share it among themselves. In such a situation, there is little pleasant for them.

More about flowers from the cemetery I wrote in a previous article. In short, you can’t steal from the dead, it’s punishable. Buying from those who stole, you run the risk of incurring problems and give your deceased little pleasure with such a gift.

To protect yourself from such moments, do not buy flowers before entering the cemetery. Buy elsewhere, away from the cemetery, from sellers who don't steal flowers from the cemetery.

That's all for today. If you have any questions about the flowers that are brought to the cemetery, ask them in the comments. In the following articles there will be even more information, including on similar topics - subscribe to site updates. Sincerely, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site “

When creating floral decoration for the grave, pay attention to perennial flowering plants that have an expressive, but discreet appearance and are undemanding to care for. Exotic and bright specimens in the cemetery are out of place, so flowers are chosen in muted shades. When choosing which flowers to plant on the grave, remember: for placement at the tombstone, flowering perennials must be compact and not prone to uncontrolled growth, in addition, it is desirable that these plants can grow in drought and partial shade conditions.

The best options for flowering perennials for the cemetery

When choosing flowering plants, it is advisable to give preference to those specimens that look aesthetically pleasing even after they have finished flowering. Check out the flowering perennials that are suitable for planting on the grave.


Perennial groundcover with solitary blue or purple flowers, consisting of five petals. The stems of the plant have short internodes and grow from 25 to 30 cm. Flowering begins in early spring and continues until autumn frosts.

Blooming periwinkle covers the soil with a continuous carpet of flowers and leaves.

The plant is not capricious and viable, withstands shady conditions and bright sun. His root system able to find and draw moisture from the soil even in drought. The periwinkle is undemanding to the composition of the soil, on infertile soil it will grow compact and will not aggressively capture the surrounding territories.

A variety of periwinkle, in which the petals are purple

The plant propagates by cuttings, and its seedlings are grown from seeds. Cut for cuttings upper part shoots with 2-3 internodes and planted in the ground. Young cuttings take root quickly. Cuttings are planted at the end of summer, so that after winter the plant actively starts to grow. Seeds for seedlings are sown in February, and grown seedlings can be transferred to open ground in May. For the winter, young plants are recommended to be covered with fallen leaves so that they do not freeze out. Mature plants do not require such precautions.

Perennial herb with graceful thin stems and single flowers 1.5–2 cm in diameter. Serrated petals can be white, pink or dark cherry. It grows on sandy soils, the height of the stem reaches 40 cm. The plant forms small bushes through which air currents easily pass. The roots of the flower are thin, they do not lie too deep in the soil.

Carnation grass forms light sparse bushes that move with a slight breath of wind

Perennial blooms profusely from June to late August. Seeds from carnation grass begin to ripen in July and the plant can reproduce by self-sowing.

Next to evergreens, carnation grass looks appropriate and attractive.

A feature of the grass carnation is resistance to cold, it is able to endure frosts down to -35 ° C. The flower does not require special care, it grows without fertilizing, but does not like waterlogged and acidified soils. Prefers well-drained, elevated and dry sites, can grow in partial shade. Every five years, grass carnation bushes are renewed, replacing them with young plants. Planting material is obtained from seeds that are sown in March, germinated in a greenhouse, and then transplanted into open ground in May.

Evergreen perennial herbaceous shrub. The leaves of this variety are small, gray-green in color. Inflorescences are formed in July, their color can be blue, purple, with pink or burgundy hues.

Lavender angustifolia is a perennial with fragrant and attractive buds.

The narrow-leaved variety is unpretentious, it can winter under the snow and not freeze at the same time, it tolerates the bright sun well. The plant prefers light, dry soil. During the dry period, the perennial needs watering, the rest of the time the strong root system of lavender extracts moisture on its own.

Blooming lavender bushes modestly and concisely decorate tombstones

In autumn, when the lavender bushes fade, all the inflorescences are cut off, rejuvenating the plants for the next year. In summer, the perennial grows rapidly, the diameter of its bush reaches 1 meter. The plant is propagated by seeds or cuttings. The herbaceous shrub is resistant to diseases, and because of its aroma essential oils it is not attacked by pests. Lavender flowers are beautifully combined with roses, hydrangeas, evergreen shrubs.


Grassy flowering perennial with fleshy leaves and a pink cap of inflorescences. The plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is a drought-resistant succulent. Stonecrop blooms in summer or autumn, but looks presentable outside the flowering period.

Unpretentious stonecrop looks especially impressive during flowering

Stonecrop grows under the bright sun or in partial shade. Any soil is suitable, even sandy or rocky, but organic fertilizers are added before planting in the hole. Stonecrop should be specially watered only in case of a prolonged drought, and the rest of the time it has enough moisture from summer rains.

Stonecrop looks restrained and spectacular, it blends beautifully with other plants.

The perennial propagates by dividing the bush or cuttings, less often it is grown from seeds. Stonecrop seeds in favorable conditions can also germinate by self-sowing. Every spring, when tending to the grave, you will see fresh young plants - the perennial grows well. To grow stonecrop on your own, its seeds have been germinated in a greenhouse since March, and seedlings are transferred to open ground in May.


Branched undersized herbaceous shrub 25–60 cm high. The stems are flexible, with small scaly leaves that remain green even in winter and do not fall off. During the flowering period, inflorescences are formed in the form of a brush with small pink or light purple flowers. Heather blooms in July and blooms until the end of summer. After flowering, its flowers do not fall off, but dry up, and in this form they go under the snow.

Flowering heather - evergreen perennial plant

Heather grows in partial shade and sunny areas. Suitable for dry, infertile soil. The plant propagates by dividing the bush, cuttings or seeds. Seedlings are planted in May, so that they have time to take root over the summer. With uncontrolled growth, the plant quickly fills the free space, so the variety needs autumn pruning.

Blooming heather is used for planting in a flower garden on graves

The plant does not like excessive moisture in the soil and easily tolerates drought. Heather is also famous for being resistant to wind and frost. The decorativeness of the perennial is preserved all year round and does not require special care. Heather inflorescences can be in harmony with flowering and ornamental deciduous plants.

The cemetery is a place of quiet sadness and blessed memory. Flowers on the grave should correspond to this mood and decorate the burial place.

Burials adorned with perennial species flowering plants

To make a flower garden near the tombstone, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • you can distribute the plants in the flower garden both in the form of a narrow frame of the grave, and create a ground cover composition;
  • in the first year after burial, the soil will shrink, so plant it in a flower garden perennials not recommended - annual flowers are used for this period;
  • the choice of plants for a flower garden is made taking into account the climatic features of the region and the structure of the soil at the burial site;
  • if you visit the cemetery at certain times of the year, choose plants that bloom exactly when you visit the grave.

Photo: examples of placing plants in a flower garden on a grave

Framing a flower girl near a tombstone flower garden decoration with ground cover plants Flower garden decoration with a combination of flowering and evergreen plants

Properly selected plants create an atmosphere of grooming and care for memory near the grave. loved one.

Perennials do not require special care and are able to grow on their own, delighting your heart with their flowering. The choice of such plants is diverse and it will not be difficult to find flowers that can adequately decorate the burial place. The main thing is that this choice be made from the heart and with a sense of proportion.

Section: Flowers in the country

We received a letter from the Moscow region from the officer's widow, Irina Vasilchikova, to our website. She asks what kind of flowers can be planted in the cemetery so that they grow well in the shade? After all, it is impossible to provide them with regular care, weeding and dressing.

And so I want to decorate a sad corner with flowers, but without variegation. What can be planted in the cemetery? Dear Irina Anatolyevna. Of flowering plants, Waller's balsam is suitable for this purpose.

It perfectly tolerates such conditions and will bloom profusely, literally with a carpet, until the very frost. You can choose varieties of soothing tones, such as white, dark cherry.

And do not "dazzle", but try to plant flowers of the same variety in the cemetery. You can also weave a perennial "veil" by planting a small periwinkle in the cemetery. And now there are also variegated varieties on sale, which look much more elegant than plain green.

Periwinkles bloom not very plentifully and not for long in the spring, but the place where they grow looks neat from snow to snow. In addition, we can recommend planting the simplest flowers - hosts, knocking them out with unpretentious small-bulbous ones. In principle, spring small-bulbous plants can act in paired with balsam, which is planted when the threat of frost has passed, right on them, already faded and preparing to go to summer rest. Here are some flowers to plant in a cemetery.

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What plants are best to plant on the grave?

elena_1 4 years ago Nyusik 4 years ago

On the grave, it is better to plant perennial, not tall flowers. Which are not whimsical in watering. Those that create a carpet pattern are suitable.

For example, the flowers "Blue mink", "Snow patterns", "Yellow velvet". Nowadays, in gardening stores, many similar colors. It is possible to plant decorative small palm trees, but they are almost all annuals.

It is better to refuse high branched plants.

the system selected this answer as the best commentOleg Anatolyevich 10 months ago

Flowers require care, because they grow on the ground, from which, in addition to the plants we need also the weed comes out Alternatively, you can use decorative gravel. Agrofibre is laid under it (no weed grows) and crushed stone (any color you like) is poured on top with a small layer. It turns out beautiful, original and, most importantly, does not require special care (at least 2-3 years). I found a whole photo gallery on the site

nlo 2 years ago

The grave must be well maintained. In the first year after the burial, weeds grow, so at first you need to remove the weeds and straighten the grave.

If the burial was in winter, then for two years the grave collapses in spring and summer. After the installation of the monument, marigolds can be planted in the flower garden. We usually buy seedlings and plant them in early summer. Dwarf marigolds look good.

They are unpretentious, but need to be watered several times during the summer. You need to take care of the grave and visit your parents at least once a month. In winter, they usually do not go to the cemetery, there are no parental days to visit the cemetery and commemorate the dead.

And from May to November you need to visit your parents.


Gardens for the Departed

Our memory of the departed, memories of them is the most important thing that remains when a loved one is no longer around. For the departed, it’s probably not so important what the place where they rest looks like, but we, the living and remembering, want this place, where we can think, remember, and sometimes tell them something, to be beautiful, well-groomed, cozy and pleasing to the eye.

Surely the spring cleaning of the graves is already over - last year's leaves, needles, branches were removed, the bushes were cut and the equipment that survived the winter was checked. And now the time has come when it is necessary to come to grips with the design of graves dear to our hearts.

After all, I want this place to be beautiful all year round and not require weekly maintenance from our side. The answer to the question of what to plant in a cemetery always depends on so many factors. How close do we live to the cemetery and how often do we visit it?

Are we the only people who look after the graves? Where is the grave located - in a place open to the sun, on a hillock, in a lowland, in a forest, etc. The choice of both design and planted plants often depends on the answers to questions.

So, let's try everything in order. The grave is still fresh, but the work is waiting For some time after the funeral, people are usually still acutely experiencing the loss of a loved one, and often they are faced with such responsibilities for the first time.

A sea of ​​questions appears, and the advice of acquaintances seems illogical and contradictory. Even those who are not at all religious become interested in the traditions and rituals associated with cemeteries.

In Latvia, it is most often customary to remove wilted flowers from the grave after some time, bury the ribbons in the ground or lay them out on the grave mound, cover the mound with fresh needles or flowers. If the family of the deceased is religious, then flowers and wreaths are not removed from the grave for 40 days.

It is believed that for some time after the funeral, the earth settles, so the monument is erected and the grave is planted with greenery most often a year later, next spring. While the funeral bouquets wither, it is already necessary to decide where the monument will be located, where and what perennials you will plant, where you will put a bench, whether there will be a box for inventory, reinforced and locked with a lock, etc.

It is advisable immediately after the first harvesting of wilted flowers (unless, of course, it is winter in the yard) to bring black soil or a special substrate for cemeteries and put it in the place where we will plant the plants. Planning will simply help you decide for yourself and understand how we want to see this place.

While the earth settles, we can cover the imported black soil with coniferous branches so that it is not blown away by the wind. Of course, the design is determined not only by taste and views on what the place of memory of our loved ones should be, but also by finding the grave in certain conditions - shade, sun, humidity, frequency of visits.

Many would like to see green grass on the tombstone, but refuse this idea, realizing that it must be mowed regularly. And in many old, shaded cemeteries, almost nothing grows at all, so it remains to use only stones, pebbles, sand, slabs, etc. there.

In addition, we remember that no matter how unpleasant, wild and insulting it may be, they steal from cemeteries ... Therefore, it is probably not worth planting large, expensive or rare plants, and it is also desirable to strengthen the tombstone, bench, inventory box .

Briefly about the planning and arrangement of the burial place A place in a graveyard is like a garden where memories of a person live, so planning can be a very emotional moment filled with a special mood. Whether such a garden becomes ascetic, with only one grave, or a classic family burial, with several places, a bench, flower vases and candlesticks - it depends on the taste of the one who arranges it.

Let's look again where our garden is. A hillock, a hollow, a coniferous or deciduous forest, a sunny or shaded place - all this determines the choice of materials and plants. To make it easy to care for, you need to think about some things.

For example, cover - if coniferous trees grow around the grave, then falling needles will clog the pebbles, so we will choose another cover (sand, slabs, etc.). If a dusty road passes nearby, then the polished monument will soon lose its beautiful appearance.

If the earth is acidic, then you need to plant plants that love such soil. When choosing flowers, we take into account how often we can water them. These are just examples of what to look out for. You can just take, draw a place in the cemetery and sketch out planning ideas on paper.

So it will immediately become clearer. The place between the graves is usually covered with sand or grant, less often with lawn, pebbles, gravel, mulch. You can not fill everything with material, but only where we walk, place large slabs or make a path of smaller tiles.

It is desirable to coordinate the material and color of the coating with the monument. The choice of color is also important, but do not get carried away with the variety of colors. It is desirable that there be one or two colors and some kind of accent.

The background is usually green color, it is combined with gray, pink, purple. For an accent, white, yellow, red are perfect. These colors will always look good on a dark background.

In a sunny place, bright colors always stand out, and in a shaded place, light ones. You can also simply make a place of memory like a green lawn with a tombstone, a place for a candle and a flower vase.

Then you don't have to worry that something is not weeded, not watered, it will burn ... thus granting time that can be spent on caring for cemeteries to living relatives in order to talk and remember the events associated with the departed. This is always the hardest part for me.

And every year you want something new... But here, as in any garden, you need to choose plants that match each other in color, texture, style, size. For example, fragrant thyme grows in a sunny place and looks great with low coniferous bushes.

There is no place for capricious plants in the cemetery. Here you need to plant unpretentious plants that do not require special care and bloom at different times. You can see what grows on neighboring graves to understand how they look and feel in a given place.

Remember that under the pines the earth is sour, and under deciduous trees- alkaline. In cemeteries, ground cover plants are most often planted. It is important that needles and fallen leaves can be easily selected from them.

Plants that themselves quickly multiply by shoots and grow are also suitable. But these need to be regularly limited. Bulbs will also feel great here - muscari, daffodils, scilla, snowdrops.

Saxifrages (very drought-resistant), awl-shaped phloxes (they bloom for a long time and look like a beautiful carpet), as well as various summer flowers - begonias, marigolds, pansies, petunias and others, are most often planted on the graves themselves. Perennials are planted in cemeteries - European hoof, creeping tenacious, armeria, sapling, carnations, iberis (stennik), stonecrop, the same awl-shaped phlox, periwinkle, creeping: cotoneaster, different varieties of juniper, for example, Dahurian juniper.

For an ornamental pattern, plants that form a bush, for example, saxifrage of various colors, are suitable. In a sunny place, flowering annuals can be planted every spring. Daisies and horned violets look beautiful and are quite unpretentious.

We plant in the spring, after frost, choosing strong seedlings that have just begun to bloom. But remember that annuals in dry weather require watering, and also consume a lot nutrients from the soil.

So many colors for lush flowering you need to pinch off the old flowers. If the grave is not limited to a tombstone and is not accentuated, it can be arranged as a flower bed with various plants, marking the path with separate stone slabs.

We plant plants in groups, in a group there are several plants, so as not to break up the composition and so that each plant shows its beauty. A group of small flowers is formed by 5-9 plants, and of large ones - 3-7 plants.

From roses, it is advised to plant those varieties that do not need to be covered in winter. - These are plants endowed with a special visual or philosophical meaning, which are planted separately from the rest. Usually this is the main focus of the composition or an additional element.

Tapeworms can be trees, bushes or flowers. Usually choose plants with bright foliage, flowers, decorative trunk or shoots. The mood is set by the shape, size or color of such a plant.

If you do not want to bring fresh cut flowers every week, then instead of a vase, you can install a wide and shallow flowerpot and plant flowers there. Spring-flowering are primroses, ericas, pansies; summer - all kinds of flowering annuals, whatever your heart desires, and in autumn and winter, heather and silver cineraria look beautiful.

But remember that a cemetery is not a place for collections, and every possible plant should not be present here. It is especially necessary to take care of plants especially carefully at least the first month after planting - regularly water, weed and feed with fertilizers.

I will try to give a list of plants that can survive in conditions of irregular care. Of course, these are not all possible, but the most common. I will indicate the Latin names next to it, so that if necessary, look up how the plant is called in Latvian, and choose exactly what you liked.

What plants to plant in the cemetery? What flowers to plant on the grave, trees and shrubs?

Often, plants are an integral part of a beautiful and well-groomed burial place. They, as if empathize with us and share our sadness, help invisible communication with departed relatives and close people.

Along with this, on the grave is created cozy atmosphere where you want to come back. Therefore, we are faced with the question of what flowers, shrubs or trees to plant in the cemetery.

WHAT PLANTS TO PLANT IN THE CEMETERY When selecting plants for landscaping graves, one should take into account the lighting, the size of the site, the appearance of the monument or tombstone. Plants should help design the burial site, and not interfere by blocking access and visibility.

This does not mean that only undersized species should be used for planting in a cemetery. Higher plants planted correctly, for example, in a corner, or along the perimeter of the site, will also be appropriate. Trees and large shrubs can be completely taken out of the grave fence.

WHAT SHRUBS AND TREES TO PLANT IN THE CEMETERY Of the woody representatives of the plant kingdom, both coniferous and deciduous species are used for landscaping graves. Both of them have their merits.

How to decorate the site. Original ornamental shrubs and plants in landscape design

Coniferous plants that can be planted on the grave All conifers are slow growing plants that do not lose their decorative effect all year round. This quality, and also - unpretentiousness, ease of care, the ability to survive dry periods, made them leaders among plants for planting in cemeteries.

It is not surprising that the question "Which tree to plant in the cemetery?" most often they answer: - “Spruce or thuja”. These two trees have long been considered symbols of noble grief.

Their dark needles and gray bark seem to reflect sadness, and the drooping branches of common spruce create the feeling that the tree is sad, succumbing to the general atmosphere. For planting in the cemetery, you can choose different types and garden forms.

This may be a dwarf form of the plant, reaching a height of 0.8-1.0 m, or a creeping variety of spruce. For the cemetery, medium-sized spruces with a pyramidal or oval crown are suitable.

adult thuja, unlike spruce, it looks neater and does not grow as high, while maintaining a beautiful crown shape. Cossack juniper is a creeping shrub with dark needles, one of the best options for landscaping graves.

It tolerates heat and frost, goes well with marble, granite and other materials. For planting on the grave, you can use forms with green, gray, blue or yellow needles. Cypress with a pyramidal crown is a traditional tree planted in cemeteries.

Its disadvantage is thermophilicity and instability to frost. Cypress does not tolerate temperatures below -12 degrees, so it needs to be covered for the winter. Of the many species of pines, dwarf and creeping species and forms of these trees are used for planting on graves.

Berry yew is also suitable - a winter-hardy plant with soft dark needles that can grow as a tree or as a shrub. Yew is not common, because it is not available everywhere planting material.

Until recently, conifers with colorful needles were not used in the cemetery. But in recent decades, their varieties with multi-colored needles have become popular in the design of burial sites.

WE RECOMMEND YOU READ: Plants for spectacular slope masking in the gardenTypes of flower beds: description and photo Rutarium - an amazing compositionGarden ensembles in the style of American prairies Deciduous shrubs and trees that can be planted in the cemetery Among the deciduous species of woody plants, boxwood is the most popular for landscaping a cemetery. It can grow as a shrub or tree.

Boxwood is an evergreen plant, the small dark leathery leaves of which adorn it all year round. Boxwood grows slowly, but this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage. In the form of a shrub, it is easily formed by cutting young branches.

Different types of mountain ash are also suitable for planting in the cemetery. Apart from decorative leaves and bright berries, mountain ash has characteristic drooping branches, the tree, as if “sad”. Mountain ash is easy to care for, winter-hardy, does not require crown formation.

Holly holly is an evergreen plant that retains leaves even in severe frosts. It grows slowly, does not need frequent pruning of branches. It is found on sale in the form of a shrub or a small tree (1.2 -1.5 m).

To undemanding trees, which can be used for planting in a cemetery, include and garden molds different types of willow, oak, birch, elm. Usually they use their drooping forms, not exceeding 2-2.5 m. Barberry ordinary and Thunberg also suitable for decorating graves.

For planting in a cemetery, it is better to use medium and dwarf varieties of these shrubs, as well as forms with burgundy or cherry leaves. Shrubs are also used for landscaping graves: lilac, euonymus, black and red elderberry, wild rose, honeysuckle,. The disadvantage of most shrubs is that they form numerous root shoots, which are difficult to deal with.

WHICH SHRUBS TO PLANT ON THE GRAVE Creeping shrubs are the best option of all that can be planted in a cemetery. The advantages of such a life form of plants for landscaping graves are as follows: they are perennial and do not require planting every year; easily grow, occupying the area allotted for them; do not require special care; evergreen, therefore decorative all year round; not be afraid of cold weather, they winter well under the snow; among them there are shade-tolerant and sun-loving species.

Among the shade-tolerant shrubs, it is worth noting the periwinkle small. Light-loving, withstanding long dry periods, are different types of stonecrops and other succulents. Light-loving shrubs also include thyme (thyme) and heather.

When using creeping shrubs, it must be borne in mind that they can grow strongly and cover the entire surface, so their growth must be controlled. WHAT FLOWERS TO PLANT IN THE CEMETERY What perennial flowers can be planted in a cemetery The advantage of herbaceous perennials is that they do not need to be updated every year.

With help vegetative propagation they deal with it themselves. For planting in the cemetery, you can use both high perennial flowers, and medium or low ones.

Tall plants are planted along the edges, closer to the fence, so that they do not cover the monument or tombstone. Hosta, tall hybrid irises, ostrich feather fern, goldenrod, tall phlox - these representatives of the plant world are suitable for edging and planting around the perimeter.

Among the undersized plants, a group of ephemeroids (spring and autumn) can be distinguished - crocuses, dwarf tulips,. It must be remembered that they are decorative only during the flowering period. But dwarf irises(15-20 cm high), monetized loosestrife (creeping), bloom in spring, but remain green all season.

When planting plants in a cemetery, it must be remembered that rhizomatous perennials, thanks to a branched rhizome, can grow strongly, so their growth must be controlled by digging up extra shoots. What annual flowers can be planted in a cemetery For planting in the cemetery, ready seedlings of flowers are used. Of the annuals, the best will be dahlias (undersized annuals), nasturtium, gazania - these plants bloom all season until late autumn. Daisies and are also a good option, but they quickly fade, and they will need to be replaced by other plants. Text:

  1. What mistakes should be avoided?
  2. Coniferous trees for the cemetery

For every person, a funeral is a black day in life, but even in a cemetery, most people tend to bring live or paper flowers to the graves of their loved ones. Some use seedlings for flower girls or even plant trees, but this delicate topic still has its own unwritten rules about which tree can be planted in a cemetery.

Most often, they plant near the graves:

  • juniper;
  • thin trembling aspens;
  • birches.

What mistakes should be avoided?

It is not advisable to plant large trees in too cramped modern cemeteries, because their powerful root system will certainly destroy the graves, and in the event of a fall from strong wind Monuments may also be damaged. Over the years, bushes and trees grow, strongly obscure the graves, and it is almost impossible to cut them down without damaging the latter.

Of course, there are cemeteries where the graves are located right in the forest, for example, the forest cemetery Skugschurkogården (one of the sights of Stockholm), but we should not repeat this. For this reason, when deciding which trees to plant in a cemetery, it is better not to use tall species:

  • mountain ash;
  • maples;
  • lindens;
  • oaks, etc.

Cemetery tree requirements

Vegetation in the cemetery should be undemanding:

  • easily endure natural disasters;
  • drought-resistant;
  • winter-hardy;
  • resistant to pests and diseases;
  • does not require frequent transplants and division;
  • undemanding to soil conditions.

It is best to choose simple and affordable types of plants, if only for the banal reason of theft. Unfortunately, in our cemeteries there are often cases when a beautiful plant planted by the relatives of the deceased exotic plant almost the next night it turns out to be dug up and taken away in an unknown direction. Such trees are desirable, which will provide the decorativeness of the grave longer than others.

Coniferous trees for the cemetery

When deciding which tree is better to plant in a cemetery, you can choose both coniferous and hardwood, because both have their pros and cons.

All conifers grow rather slowly. They do not lose their decorative effect all year round. Thanks to these qualities, as well as ease of care, unpretentiousness, resistance to droughts, conifers were especially willing to be planted in cemeteries. Most of all, spruce and thuja stand out here, which in many nations symbolize noble sorrow. Their gray bark and dark needles seem to be painted with sadness, and the drooping spruce paws make you think that the spruce is sad, having absorbed the cemetery atmosphere.

In the cemetery, you can plant different garden forms and types of spruce:

  • dwarf form no more than 0.8-1 m high;
  • creeping form;
  • a medium-sized spruce with an oval or pyramidal crown (dwarf Serbian spruce).

An adult thuja does not grow as strong as a spruce, and the shape of its crown retains its beauty. In addition, caring for thuja is not difficult.

Cossack juniper is a creeping shrub with dark needles, it is very popular in cemeteries. The plant is equally resistant to frost and heat, goes well with granite, marble and other stone. To the tombstone, you can pick up forms with gray, green, yellow or blue needles.

Pyramidal cypresses are traditionally planted in cemeteries, but only in the south, because they are afraid of frost. They must be carefully covered for the winter.

You can also see creeping or dwarf pine species in cemeteries.

The yew berry looks great, which, unlike cypress, is winter-hardy. He has dark soft needles, and he himself can be in the form of a shrub or tree. But since the yew is quite rare, its planting material is not so easy to find.

Historically, it was not customary to use conifers with variegated needles in cemeteries. But in recent decades, views on this have changed somewhat, and in modern cemeteries you can see trees with multi-colored needles.

Deciduous trees in the cemetery

When choosing which tree to plant in a cemetery, it is not necessary to focus on conifers, but you can also look at deciduous ones.

  • The first on the list is boxwood, which can be in the form of a shrub or a tree. it evergreen, which is decorated all year round with dark small leathery leaves. The advantage of boxwood is its very slow growth. Its shrub form is very easy to form by cutting young shoots.
  • You can plant around the grave and some types of mountain ash. It is beautiful not only with bright berries and decorative foliage, but also with a curly crown with drooping, as if sad, branches. Winter-hardy mountain ash is easy to care for, the crown does not need to be formed.
  • The evergreen holly holly does not shed its foliage even in frost. It grows slowly and does not require frequent pruning. It can be sold in shrub form or small (1.2-1.5 m) trees.

  • Garden forms of oak, willow, elm, birch are unpretentious and suitable for "registration" in the cemetery, especially their drooping forms no more than 2-2.5 m high.
  • Goat willow or "Pendula" is a compact deciduous tree with a weeping crown. The height of the plant is usually determined by the height of the stem grafting, therefore it can vary from 0.6 m to 1.7 m. It has a rounded, dense crown, is undemanding to the soil and frost-resistant.
  • Whole-leaved willow or "Hakuro Nishiki" is a one and a half to two meter sprawling bush with a lush crown. Before the leaves appear in March-April, flowers bloom in the form of purple catkins. It is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate stagnant water, preferring sunny places protected from the cold wind. In snowless, cold winters, it requires shelter. The plant is not afraid of a haircut, through which in the spring you can achieve the appearance of new shoots.
  • Common barberry and Thunberg can also decorate graves. For planting in the cemetery, their dwarf varieties and forms with dark cherry or burgundy leaves are suitable.

You can also use various shrubs for landscaping graves:

  • lilac;
  • black and red elderberry;
  • euonymus;
  • honeysuckle;
  • rose hip;
  • spirea with colorful foliage, flowers and fruits.

The disadvantages of shrubs are usually that they give rise to abundant root growth, which is difficult to cope with.

What trees would you plant in the cemetery? Tell us about it in the comments.

Video about what plants can be planted in a cemetery

I want the place of burial of relatives and friends to look beautiful and well-groomed. There are some nuances in the landscaping of the graves. The main question is: what plants can be planted?

What are the plants for the cemetery

When choosing plants for planting in a cemetery, it must be borne in mind that they are conditionally divided into three large groups. Tall plants - trees and shrubs - are planted along the fence of the grave, and not on the site itself. They should not interfere with free passage to the site with the grave, interfere with neighboring sites, or weed. The plants framing the monument itself on the grave should be very unpretentious, resistant to bad weather and look dignified for as long as possible. Undemanding perennials with ornamental foliage are chosen for this role. And the third group of plants for the cemetery - unpretentious flower bed annuals and ground cover plants. These are seasonal plants that are planted in the cemetery in the spring every year.

What to look for when choosing plants for a grave

Plants for landscaping burial sites should be undemanding to soil conditions. These should be flowering or ornamental unpretentious plants of “minimal care”: winter-hardy, drought-resistant - living quietly from rain to rain - or, for example, shade-tolerant, not particularly susceptible to diseases and pests, not requiring frequent division and transplantation, special dressings and shelter for the winter .

Vandal resistance is still on the agenda, which means that the range of plants should be simple and affordable, without varietal frills.

Cemetery plants should provide a long-lasting decorative effect. It is necessary to take into account the effect that they produce not only during, but also before and after flowering. By the way, it is better to choose an assortment so that on the traditional days of visiting the cemetery there are always flowering plants on the grave.

Before planting trees and shrubs on the grave, you should definitely consult with the cemetery administration to find out if there are any restrictions (for example, on the height of the woody plants used).

  • Aronia chokeberry
  • Ottawa barberry
  • Barberry Thunberg
  • Periwinkle
  • Birch drooping "Tristis"
  • Common cherry
  • Rough elm "Pendula"
  • Hydrangea
  • Derain white "Elegantissima"
  • Oak red

  • Prickly spruce "Glauka"
  • Serbian spruce
  • Willow "Weeping Dwarf"
  • Purple willow "Nana"
  • Irga canadian
  • Kalina pride
  • Potentilla shrub
  • juniper chinensis
  • Vesicle viburnum
  • Robinia pseudoacacia
  • Mountain ash
  • Common lilac
  • Spirea
  • Thuja western
  • Mock orange crown

Perennial plants for planting in the cemetery

  • Astilbes
  • Badany
  • periwinkle
  • Colchicums
  • botanical tulips
  • Buzulniki
  • Coined loosestrife
  • Spotted loosestrife
  • Volzhanki
  • carnation grass
  • geranium
  • Dicentres
  • Doronicum
  • Goldenrod hybrid
  • Iris marsh
  • Siberian iris

  • saxifrage
  • crocuses
  • Bathing suits
  • daylilies
  • young
  • Muscari
  • daffodils
  • peonies
  • snowdrops
  • primroses
  • Scilla
  • Pushkinia
  • grouse
  • Sedums
  • Phlox subulate
  • Chionodox
  • hosts
  • Corydalis
  • Oenothera
  • Yaskolka

blooming annual plants to land in a cemetery

  • Pansies
  • Balsam annual
  • Marigolds (tagetes)
  • Begonia evergreen
  • Calendula
  • Coleus
  • Kochia
  • Lobelia
  • Pelargonium zonal
  • Petunia
  • Celosia pinnate
  • Cineraria

We thank Alexander Sapelin for his help in preparing the article.

I have already written in detail about which flowers are best for decorating the grave properly. But this topic will not be fully disclosed if we do not mention which trees are planted in the cemetery. I must say right away that the main problem here is connected not so much with the tree species, but with the layout of the graves, which leaves too little space between the burials. Planting trees with a developed root system and a wide crown that “climbs” beyond the neighboring fence often leads to conflicts between the owners of adjacent plots. It is also undesirable to plant trees that give a lot of fruits - mountain ash, for example. Then you are tormented to clean the grave.

So, you can plant a tree on the grave of almost any breed. But the most common following trees and shrubs:

In my humble opinion, planted on the grave fruit trees- incompatible with Russian traditions. Fruit-bearing crops are associated with life, their presence at burial sites is inappropriate. To answer the question of which tree to plant in a cemetery, a number of factors must be taken into account: the size and shape of the monument, the level of illumination of the site and its size. The burial looks neat when the vegetation does not block the view of its main elements, but complements them.

If the trees and shrubs you have selected are too large, in agreement with the cemetery administration, you can take them out of the fence. You also need to consider your ability to regularly care for plants. If employment does not allow you to come to the cemetery regularly, you can plant creeping shrubs, evergreen, wintering under the snow and not requiring constant care. Count on your common sense, artistic taste and sense of proportion - this will come in handy for all occasions.

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The sacred and spiritual significance of cemeteries, the resting places of ancestors and people dear to us, bright memory and sorrow, are associated by many not only with majestic tombstones, but also with plants that transform gloomy landscapes and fill them with a special atmosphere. A tribute to memory, special respect for the departed, the desire to adequately honor their contribution to our lives ... Planting flowers on the graves and decorating the territory adjacent to the tombstone with them pushes something of their own. But the special beauty and symbolism turns any plant into a sacred instrument, fills fresh flowers with a new meaning. Not all cultures are able to cope equally well with such a difficult task. But there are plants that are more than appropriate on the graves.

Flowers of memory. Plants to plant on graves

Principles of selection of plants for landscaping the grave

Cultures that are suitable for sacred use, planting on graves and cemetery grounds have one amazing thing in common - simplicity and discreet, but expressive beauty. Most often, we notice in cemeteries pretty plants, familiar from childhood, which are especially expensive and especially emotional.

At the grave there is no place for pretentious exotics, catchy "aristocrats" and curiosities, colorful and unrestrained flower beds.

For such a special place, completely different cultures are needed, “merged” with our culture and memory, endowed with special significance for thousands of years. You must have noticed that even in unsuccessful years at the cemetery, those plants that wither in the city flowerbeds and in our gardens bloom in a special magnificent and solemn way. Perhaps the key to everything is in the meaning that we give them, in the special symbolism, in the fact that each plant is more than just a beautiful flower.

When choosing flowers for the grave, consider what preferences the deceased had for plants, whether certain cultures were especially dear to his heart. If you cannot make a choice on this parameter, then choose cultures that fascinate you, evoke special emotions and seem to you the most touching. Choose plants with your heart - and you will definitely find correct option. Be restrained, concise, respectful. If you decide to plant flowers on the grave, thus making it well-groomed and beautiful, then you must not forget that the main thing is not showiness, but a sense of proportion and tact.

The color palette also matters. Green or silver green should be the dominant color. Blooming accents are placed with white, blue tones, as well as red and pure pink. Warm, sunny colors are used less often, but they are not at all forbidden: it is better to rely on intuition than on certain standards here.

But despite the fact that the choice of plants for graves should be more emotional, under no circumstances should you forget about practicality. Plants will grow in a limited amount of soil, often quite specific - sandy or clay in composition, depleted, of poor quality, far from the best in terms of looseness and drainage, almost always dry. And in order to survive in the ground, plants must be, first of all, unpretentious and hardy.

For landscaping tombstones, it is better to use perennial plants that can grow for decades without transplanting and dividing. And, of course, all plants must have frost resistance corresponding to the region of cultivation. An important parameter that you simply must take into account in choosing is how often you visit the cemetery.

If you live far away and rarely visit the grave, planting fast-growing ground covers can result in their uncontrolled spread. And plants that require constant care will die.

In this case, it is better to choose conifers, including creeping junipers, which will forever keep their memory and not lose their beauty.

Perennial flowers in the cemetery

Cultures that are used in landscaping in cemeteries can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Tapeworms - shrubs and trees that frame the monument, decorate the area around it. Such plants are never planted on the grave, they are placed as a background for the tombstone, to create a harmonious balance between the massive structure and the environment, they are used in the design of nearby territories. But even in this case, compact trees and shrubs that do not have deep roots are chosen - yew, pine, barberries, hydrangeas, viburnum, weeping birches, derain white.
  2. Perennial plants that create a continuous covering on the tombstone, carpet and texture crops.
  3. Seasonal accents - both perennials and annuals, designed to decorate the grave at certain times of the year, playing the role of living bouquets.

Noble ground cover textures

The main, basic plants for decorating graves were and remain ground covers. And the point is not only in their ability to fill the soil and create coverings that look like luxurious carpets, which is very decorative. These plants are not afraid of close proximity, are able to adapt well, do not require weeding from weeds and constant care, but at the same time they are well controlled.

Phlox subulate(Phlox subulata) creates very decorative cushions in sunny areas. It is modest and unpretentious, grows well, undersized. A spring burst of color gives way to the calm beauty of a carpet the rest of the year. This plant will take root well in both large and small areas, goes well with granite and marble.

Chistets Byzantine(Stachys byzantine) is another favorite. Its noble silver-velvety foliage on tombstones seems especially solemn, calm, constant. Like a luxurious fabric, the cleaner masks the soil and symbolizes unshakable values, eternal memory. One of the advantages of this perennial can rightfully be called the ability to look equally good in the sun and in partial shade.

Similar silvery textures are brought to the graves and yaskolka, but it has a much brighter bloom, modest, pretty, simple. But the greenery of the sapling is not so spectacular, and the ability to grow only in the sun is inferior to the cleaner. Yaskolku(Cerastium) is best used as a border plant.

Iberis evergreen (Iberis sempervirens). © Dean MorleyDianthus deltoides. © T. M.A. Vinca. © godpasta

A calm but neat background forms and iberis evergreen(Iberis sempervirens), and others classic views this plant. Its dark, vibrant greens and foam-like blooms are both modest and elegant at the same time. This plant is able to put up with partial shading, allows the use of a classic palette of colors and modest beauty.

tenacious creeping(Ajuga reptans) has not in vain earned the title of one of the most unpretentious ground covers. It grows in dense turf, and the ability to choose leaves with different shades of green and purple colors allows you to create a soft noble background that does not distract attention from the spiritual. It is one of the best ground covers for filling soil, controlling weeds, and complementing more formal formal accents.

In many countries, periwinkle is considered a memorial plant. Periwinkle(Vinca minor) grows well in the shade, under the canopy of typical woody, often used in the design of cemeteries - birch, spruce, cypress, arborvitae, mountain ash. It is not afraid of lack of light, nor of a brighter location, grows relentlessly and has evergreen foliage. And touching funnel-shaped flowers, with their dazzling blueness competing with the spring sky, look especially piercing against the background of dark glossy foliage. This plant is considered a symbol of remembrance, eternal love, is endowed with magical and mythological significance and is more than appropriate in the design of cemeteries.

Also a symbol of immortality, like the periwinkle, is considered one of the most versatile garden perennials - ivy, or curly(Hedera helix). It is able to twist and braid any surface and support, forms amazingly beautiful effects landscaped tombstones. But ivy requires control. He can easily hide everything under him, braid gravestones and spread to neighboring ones.

Juniper prostrate, or horizontal (Juniperus horizontalis). © KjeannetteHosta. © Kulerina Common heather (Calluna vulgaris). © esta_ahi

Of the ground covers, you can also use in the design of the graves:

  • creeping junipers(Juniperus) the most compact varieties;
  • excellent shade-tolerant ground cover with very bright greenery european hoof(Asarum europaeum);
  • wallenstein(Waldsteinia) with the same bright foliage and buttercup-like yellow flowers;
  • saxifrage(Saxifraga), able to help in landscaping even the most problematic areas, blending well with different breeds stones and helping to drape and the tombstone itself with touching shoots;
  • young(Sempervivum), also growing even in extreme rocky or sandy soil.

An alternative to ground covers - garden perennials with increased endurance that can fill the soil and create continuous sods:

  • garden geraniums(Geranium) and their luxuriant foliage make for a very beautiful backdrop and seem particularly vibrant;
  • hosta(Hosta) (when growing, it can fill the soil on the tombstone no worse than any ground covers);
  • stonecrops(Sedum) and ochitniki(Hylotelephium), unpretentious, hardy, fast growing in carpet plantings, withstanding extreme drought and full sun;
  • thyme(Thymus), fragrant, textural, very beautiful in carpet compositions and tolerates dryness well;
  • heathers(Calluna), which will help decorate graves with acidic soil specific in composition and characteristics;
  • lavender(lavandula) with its fragrance, calm and noble beauty;
  • a symbol of grief and sadness, which has long been used in the design of graves wormwood(artemisia): their gray-silver foliage looks noble and perfectly conveys sorrow and solemnity, noble sadness.

Plants for flowering accents on the grave

But even the best of ground cover plants have a limited period of maximum decorativeness and rather short flowering periods. To create a continuous series of flowering on the grave, to place touching little accents that, like living bouquets, will serve as a symbol of the memory of the departed, bulbous accents and the most modest of garden flowering perennials should be added to the ground covers.

Spring can offer the largest selection of seasonal plants suitable for mood and atmosphere. Touching forms, conciseness and expressiveness, quivering fragility of favorite spring flowers seem to emphasize the passage of time, enhance the feeling of the fragility of human life.

Optimum both in size and unpretentiousness muscari(Muscari) - an option that will allow you to make touching accents and save yourself a lot of trouble. They are ideal for graves both due to their color and due to their miniature size, which does not detract from the ability to grow and look elegant.

But the choice is not limited to muscars only. begonias(Begonia) primrose(Primula) colchicums(Colchicum) May lilies of the valley(Convallaria majalis), daffodils(Narcissus) compact varieties, violets(Viola) are also appropriate in the landscaping of tombstones. But tulips and other bulbs that need to be dug out are better not to plant.

Primrose, or Primula (Primula). © Pascal KestemontMouse hyacinth, or Muscari. © MrSmartassByzantine colchicum (Colchicum byzantinum). © Harry Harms

The second half of the year also has its favorites. poppies(Papaver), considered a symbol of sadness and mourning, is a good choice for summer-blooming accents, and if we are talking perennial and annual species.

No wonder he deserved his popular name and helichrysumimmortelle(Helichrysum). The yellow buds and silvery greens look very elegant, the plant has both simplicity and beauty of detail. Dwarf varieties delphinium(Delphinium) look like living bouquets, strict, aristocratic and sad. Corresponds to the mood of cemeteries and prim and cold beauty lilies(Lilium) and dwarf varieties daylilies(Hemerocallis). And at the end of summer, the seemingly impregnable, somewhat harsh anafalis(Anaphalis).

Can be used in landscaping graves and dwarf or ground cover roses, which will give an aristocratic restraint to the appearance of tombstones and will look like living bouquets. occasionally planted and peonies, both herbaceous and tree-like, but they do not belong on the grave, but among the tapeworms in the environment.

Boxwood looks good at any time of the year. Small sheared spheres boxwood(Buxus) or other shrubs trimmed from this, symbolizing immortality, will help to place catchy, expressive, architectural accents on the graves.

Letniki are also used in the design of graves. They help to set accents and add color to beautiful greenery, keep the grave well-groomed and elegant, cover bald spots and give special touching to plantings for symbolic dates.

Marigolds (Tagetes). © Rolf Müller Gomphrena. © marim Eschscholzia. © randomtrue

The best of the flyers that can be landed on the grave:

  • pansies(viola tricolor), bright, elegant and at the same time touching;
  • daisies(bellis) with their modest beauty;
  • forget-me-nots(myosotis) with their quivering brightness and prettiness, symbolic and touching;
  • marigold(tagetes), symbolic plants decorating graves in late summer and autumn;
  • garden carnation(dianthus caryophyllus), including carnation-grass(dianthus deltoids), which reproduces well by self-sowing;
  • escholcia(eschscholzia) with their bright flower limpets and cool-coloured needle-like greens;
  • gomphrenas(gomphrena) with a touching scattering of globular cherry blossoms and other dried flowers.