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» How to sell handmade furniture online. How to sell furniture? What a furniture seller needs to know. Write a correct and complete description

How to sell handmade furniture online. How to sell furniture? What a furniture seller needs to know. Write a correct and complete description

For heads of sales departments.

Attention! This free article is not part of the Uncensored Furniture Business course.

Believe me, at least 1000 trainees have passed through my hands for the position of furniture sales consultant.

Why so much? Why is there such a staff turnover? It is a very rare case when a store employee “grew up” like a chick and left his father’s house proud, to the delight of his “parents”. Naturally, these quality people always go for promotions: they create own business, they are lured to higher positions in reputable companies, and so on. But this, we repeat, is an exception... And we are talking about experienced sellers.

The majority of trainees did not live to see certification. We have a "rule" three days“, when in the first three days of the internship we don’t even pay the “internship”, we don’t apply for a job, but at the same time we put a lot of pressure on the intern. That is, we have been looking at each other for three days. So, let’s admit that 70% of trainees cannot “survive” these three days, they simply run away.

Conclusion? People don't want to stress.

And in a furniture store it’s impossible to become a quality salesperson without straining... So they run away... Well, Boss, if you want to work with trash on trash terms, then continue to ingratiate yourself with candidates, have heart-warming conversations, entertain interns with stories from life, anecdotes, instead of teaching them and forcing them to work for the benefit of the store... There is an expression “Politeness is taken for weakness”... A good expression, lifelike. So, this is just about interns.

One of our previous articles describes the mistakes of store management when working with trainees furniture store. We do not consider it necessary to duplicate this description. But, believe me, these mistakes are completely banal. And when you list to a person, a director, his mistakes when working with interns, some even slap themselves on the forehead: “Well, I knew all this, I know, why do I make these mistakes again and again?!”

Enough about the mistakes. The success of an intern, a young salesperson, depends not only on who and how much “bends” him during the internship period. The success of the seller depends on himself, moreover, only on himself.

Therefore, people, beginners, their bosses, those who want to strain, learn, become a professional, earn money, respect themselves...

1 Keep a notebook and write down all suppliers there (write down lines, collections, assortment, detailed information-presentation on the factory).

2 Make a “registry” of supplier catalogs in your notebook.

3 Learn to work with “product registers” (I don’t know what you call it - this is a list of goods in stock, according to which you, in fact, work; sometimes a printout from 1C, sometimes a notebook).

4 Learn to work with a price tag. The price tag (by law) must contain comprehensive information for both the Client and the seller (a very good cheat sheet). But! Never sell at the price tag, at the price tag. Here, as nowhere else, is present human factor. And in furniture, a mistake of three to five centimeters can be very costly. Let us repeat, we “broadcast” for normal, decent stores, and not for “Three A...” cooperatives, where half a meter back and forth is the norm. Therefore, sell from the “product register”, from the price list. There shouldn't be any errors there (although they do happen).

5 Learn to work with price lists.

6 Constantly walking around a store or trading salon, “remembering” what they saw.

7 You can invite one of your colleagues to play role-playing games: selling to each other, asking only open-ended questions, trial completion of the transaction, working with a problematic (angry) Client.

This is a huge, painstaking, tedious and monotonous job! But it’s worth it, and the results are amazing!

Good luck with your furniture sales!

My husband and I are engaged in online advertising; we both have long-standing and successfully operating agencies (Media stars and RealWeb), which have already grown into relatively independent businesses. At some point (this was in 2011) I wanted something new.

I wanted to open new business, based on the competencies that we have developed. We began to look at online commerce, which is now growing incredibly rapidly and is even profitable in some places. Into electronics and household appliances There was no point in meddling, this should have been done five years ago.

We discussed bed linen and something else. And then I met a friend who had a showroom of premium furniture and decor in Twinstore. She said that she is attracted to online. And we thought that we understood online sales, but we didn’t want to create a warehouse and organize logistics ourselves. In general, we decided that we could help each other.

Where did we start?

We created an online store, where we placed products that were presented in the showroom, as well as those that could be brought to order, and launched sales in September 2011. Any online store has two main methods of promotion in Russia - Yandex.Market and contextual advertising. But it quickly became clear that they don’t work at all with furniture.

The context is suitable to meet the current existing demand. Moreover, the request for which advertising is placed must be formulated very specifically - for example, a Samsung phone of such and such a model. In furniture, there are basically no such requests. Nobody is looking corner sofa mustard color. People write simply: “buy a sofa” or “photo frame.” And this is practically the same as writing: “I want something.” It turned out that those who are looking for photo frames most often mean a cheap Chinese frame for 50 rubles, where you can insert a letter. That is, if you sell furniture, you can buy advertising in the context, but the conversion (the ratio of clicks to the site to purchases) will be very low. We realized this ourselves after burning some money.

Selling furniture, or rather sales volumes, is the primary concern of any entrepreneur involved in the furniture business. Therefore, any methods or techniques that, to one degree or another, help increase sales can be considered effective. The sales department is very important for every company, since it is from it efficient work it depends on gaining market share, increasing sales volume, as well as being the first to enter the niche in question. The head of the company should constantly be interested in how effective the sales department is, what measures should be taken to increase volumes, and what problems exist? But if we look at the situation more specifically, an increase in sales volumes depends not only on the sales department, but also on all the processes that take place in the company.

In addition to the above, it is worth saying the following - the director of the sales department must have a maximum understanding of all possible options and ways to increase sales volumes, both indirect and direct, which are under his direct control. If we talk specifically about techniques for effectively selling furniture, then first of all we need to say the following:

  • you need to understand and navigate well the situation on the furniture market, as well as your own and your competitors, and all this knowledge needs to be directed in a positive direction;
  • important point is to determine the strategy of how to win the target client, you need to decide with whom cooperation will be most beneficial for both parties, who are the target clients for the company and, of course, you constantly need to be in search of new niches in which it is worth developing;
  • in the process of managing sales, the company needs to correctly select the number of channels, their distribution, participants, also control the participants, motivate them;
  • it is necessary to develop and implement conditions that will be mutually beneficial and interesting for both the company and target clients;
  • Don’t forget about existing clients – you need to constantly maintain relationships with them. It often happens that in the process of growing sales, many people forget about old customers. This shouldn't happen. It is necessary to constantly increase the volume of purchases from customers, maintain relationships, build their commitment and loyalty;
  • to attract new customers, there must be motivated and well-trained personnel who know and love their products, while maintaining high standards of service for both existing and new customers of the company;
  • depending on the general economic situation in the country, on the purchasing power of the market situation and among competitors, pricing must be varied;
  • new products must be developed and offered to customers depending on their needs, suggestions and wishes, as well as claims, develop and bring the brand to the market;
  • informing customers about their products, services, the company as a whole, which can be done through participation in exhibitions, PR, advertising, Internet resources, etc.

These were just some of the techniques that should be adopted by those who really want to effectively sell furniture. As noted above, participation in exhibitions also affects sales efficiency. Let's look at this in a little more detail.

First of all , participation in the exhibition- This undeniable advantage, thanks to which it is carried out personal contact between company representatives and existing and potential clients. The exhibition allows you to present and clearly indicate everything positive quality its products on neutral territory, comparing them with competitors' products. At an exhibition, when meeting with a client, there is an opportunity to gain the client’s trust, and also, importantly, to analyze information about the client’s problems, needs and interests.
Of course, everything that was said above regarding exhibitions has great importance. This information can be attributed to the main and main, but still it is not the only positive side, which greatly expands the possibilities for promoting your products and services. By participating in the exhibition you can announce your innovations, developments, and present a number of your products. If the exhibition is chosen correctly, then you will promote your brand. At the exhibition you can advertise products that cannot be sold without demonstration. The exhibition is best place, where your customer's needs are clarified, and positive and negative feedback about your marketing is also obtained. In turn, you can see your shortcomings.

Currently, almost every furniture company sells its products using dealer schemes. As for the work of the furniture manufacturer and the entrepreneur, an agreement is concluded between them. In essence, the scheme of work is almost the same as with classical schemes dealer relations. In most cases, the manufacturer provides the dealer without payment with samples of laminate, fabric, product catalog and much more. Furniture can also be provided directly as a display case. In general, the dealer is supplied with all necessary information. After an order is received from a client, after a certain time the dealer delivers the products on his own or using the plant’s transport. As for the use of plant transport, it is mainly used for large order volumes. The seller is also obliged to assemble the furniture.

An important role not only in furniture, but also in any other activity is played by personnel selection. It’s worth dwelling in a little more detail on recruitment rules:

  • One of the important points is the indication of the employee’s salary. Thus, you can select an employee with the required qualifications;
  • To identify professional and personal qualities, as well as to determine character traits, fill out a questionnaire;
  • Personal testing is carried out;
  • Verification of educational documents and recommendations is carried out. Preference is given to a certified specialist who has impeccable recommendations.

For high-quality work, it is necessary to motivate employees. Without them, you are unlikely to achieve great financial success. Of course, a decent salary level is an important point. But not only material motivation of employees is important, but also intangible:

  • corporate recreation;
  • studying programs;
  • guarantee of normal working hours;
  • payment of lunches for employees;
  • disease prevention and much more.

And in conclusion, it would be worthwhile to dwell on selling furniture via the Internet, which is becoming more and more popular every year. Popularity conducting furniture business through the Internet is determined by its advantages, which are as follows: significantly less costs to rent premises, only a warehouse is required; only an operator can be present from the staff, who simultaneously answers calls, takes orders and coordinates delivery. Selling via the Internet has a lot of advantages, since everyone can familiarize themselves with the full catalog of products at any time of the day and choose the option they are interested in, both for price reasons and depending on their needs.

Articles about ways to sell furniture
Preparation for furniture exhibitions
Selling furniture online
Working with dealers

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Video about how to effectively run a furniture business and increase sales

"About business": Furniture business

How to build an effective furniture business structure

Greetings! In Soviet times, furniture was bought once and for life. And 10-20 years for a sofa or wardrobe was sincerely considered “childhood age”.

The new generation of Russians is moving much more often, renovating their apartments and changing their furnishings. What to do with furniture that doesn’t fit into the new interior or is simply boring? Yes, so that for money and without unnecessary problems.

Today we will talk about how to sell used furniture quickly. At the same time, I’ll write about how to get rid of an old sofa or wardrobe in other “legal” ways.

“Flea markets” on the Internet are perhaps the most reliable and convenient way get money for used furniture. In Russia there are two large and truly “living” resources: “From Hand to Hand” and “Avito”. In Ukraine it is OLX (formerly Slando).

"Hand to Hand"

In the section "Furniture, interior, household items" I found almost 85,000 advertisements (all over Russia).

Products can be ranked by quality, ad date or price. Filters at the “flea market” are standard: city, price (from and to), condition (new or used), date the ad was created, with or without a photo, from a company or from an individual. There is a convenient keyword search window.

Paid services will help speed up the sale of a bed or office desk:

  • Selection yellow on will cost 35.4 rubles per ad
  • Premium ads appear at the top (category listings and search results)

According to statistics, they are viewed 8 times more often, and they bring 5 times more responses than standard ones. Premium status can be purchased for 1, 7, 14 or 28 days. For the Furniture category, the cost of the service will be 32, 182, 294 and 448 rubles, respectively.

  • "Hot Ads" are considered the most effective way publications. Compared to regular ones, they get 15 times more views and 8 times more responses.

"Hot" ads are always displayed at the top of the list - but no more than three in one block. The service can be ordered for 1, 7, 14 or 28 days for 48, 266, 448 and 672 rubles, respectively.


The offers are conveniently divided into categories (“Beds, sofas and armchairs”, “ Kitchen sets", "Tables and chairs", "Cabinets and chests of drawers" and so on). The second visual filter - the largest regions of Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg) are highlighted in separate categories.

Paid services on Avito:

  • Premium placement - ads “hang” at the top of each search results page for seven days (this costs from 59 to 1609 rubles)
  • VIP announcements are published on the page in a separate VIP block (no more than three in one). The price of the service depends on the ad parameters, category and region (from 29 to 689 rubles)
  • Highlighting - the ad is marked with a special icon and published on a gold background for 7 days (from 19 to 459 rubles)
  • Raising an ad in search – the service allows the seller to raise his publication twice to the first page of the search. Once - immediately after payment (from 19 to 459 rubles), the second time - the next day

Other platforms for selling furniture

“Avito” and “From Hand to Hand” in Russia are the largest and most popular “flea markets”. Therefore sell old sofa or the closet is simpler here than on other resources. But just in case, I’ll give you two more links:

  2. Free notice board “Furniture Sale”

How to speed up the sale of used furniture online?

Where do they sell? old furniture?

  1. For apartments for rent
  2. For dachas and something like that
  3. For temporary furnishings in case of urgent relocation
  4. When there is no money for good new furniture

In all four cases, the decisive argument in favor of purchase is low price! Be realistic. Look on the Internet at what prices your “competitors” sell old furniture.

Give your furniture a presentable appearance

Before selling (or better yet, before taking photographs), the furniture should be put in order. Clean and wipe off dust, tint, polish to a shine and repair all mechanisms. As a rule, furniture is not prepared for restoration.

Select "sales channels"

Try to start with a banal posting of advertisements within walking distance from your home. Quite often people refuse to buy large furniture due to problems with its transportation. And if a nice wardrobe, table or sofa is for sale in the neighborhood, why not take it?

The second option is advertisements on Avito format websites. Get ready for a barrage of calls with the same questions. And to a dozen “empty” views.

And here antique furniture in Moscow it is better to sell through professional buyers or at auctions.

Option #2. Sell ​​furniture through specialized stores and warehouses

This method will allow you to earn quite a bit (about half the cost if you sell it yourself). But there is much less fuss here. A representative of the “buying company” will come to your home, evaluate the furniture and remove it.

Old furniture in Moscow is accepted even in some thrift stores.

I will show the principle of their operation using the example of a discounted furniture warehouse store in Moscow Let's say you want to sell soft sofa in a good condition.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Send to email store's offer with photos ( short description, sofa model and actual address)
  2. After a preliminary assessment, you will be offered two sales options: “commission” (70% of the cost with payment within three days after the sale) or “repurchase of the goods” (negotiable price). You can bring furniture to the store yourself. Or order delivery to the future seller (with the services of loaders and assemblers)

Within two months, fees for storing furniture in a warehouse thrift store not charged. But every month unsold goods will be discounted.

Option #3. Give it to good hands

If you can’t sell decent furniture, then you can at least earn “plus karma.” That is, give a table or sofa to someone who really needs it.

I offer a list of proven sites where the donation process is “streamlined.”

I'll give it away for free

LJ created specifically for donors. Most often they give away puppies, clothes and tools. But occasionally you come across furniture.

I found a decent one on “I’ll give it away for free” desk from Ikea, a crib, a terrible sofa (the ad honestly says: “C grade condition”), coffee table and grandma's wardrobe. Every day 2-3 “furniture” offers appear on the site.

“I’ll give it away for free” - great option urgently get rid of unnecessary furniture: free of charge, at a time convenient for you and on a self-pickup basis.


The creators of the project decided to educate in Russia new tradition: do not throw away unnecessary things, but donate them. The site usually offers small items such as jewelry, books or toys.

But it was on Daru-Dar that I found an advertisement in which a friend from Moscow was giving away the furnishings of an entire apartment for free: two walls, two closets, a kitchen, a sofa-book and a coffee table on wheels. Moreover, judging by the photographs, all the furniture is in good condition and relatively new. An attraction of unprecedented generosity.

I will exchange or give away

If it’s a pity to give away furniture “for nothing”, you can try to exchange it for something.

In LiveJournal “I’ll exchange or give away” people are replacing insulated tights with liquid soap, chocolate - for chicken for the cat, skates - for a series of books about Harry Potter.

Occasionally you come across “furniture” offers. One thing particularly touched me. The girl exchanged an IKEA wardrobe and a set of children's furniture for pickup and a kilo of tangerine “with an easily removable skin.”

Project "Dump"

Project representatives They take out unnecessary things, sort them, put them in order and sell them at their own flea markets. The project recycles or disposes of unusable items. "Svalka" operates in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Tomsk, Saratov and Kazan.

The project takes away all things except garbage: clothes, toys, books, dishes. And, of course, furniture and household appliances. According to the creators of “Dump”, by giving things away for free, you make the world a better place. For this, the project pays a symbolic bonus of 200-800 rubles.

Proceeds from sales go to pay for the rent of the premises, salaries of employees and couriers, maintenance trading floor and warehouse. And 70% of the remaining profits are the owners

“Dumps” are transferred to the accounts of the service.

Option number 4. Furniture disposal

There are companies that remove and dispose of old furniture at special landfills.

The service is paid for the customer! The total cost depends on the dimensions of the furniture, the price of delivery and loader services, as well as the distance from solid waste landfills. The minimum cost of such services is 1500 rubles.

How do you usually get rid of old furniture?


“This article was written by Alexander Seleznev, General Director"Content Farm" company,, whose knowledge and experience I consider useful for furniture companies."
Alexandrov S. A., founder of MMKTs

My team is engaged in online promotion on a turnkey basis, and it so happens that among my customers this year there are several furniture makers. Therefore, especially for the MMKTs website, I’ll tell you 2 real cases of online advertising for them. Owners of furniture businesses, based on the data from this article, will be able to, at least approximately, estimate how much they will need to spend and how much they will be able to get when selling goods via the Internet.

So, 2 Customers for whom we did almost the same work, but whose results were radically different. We had extensive initial discussions with both clients to assess the situation and decide how best to promote themselves online. But both customers eventually asked to make landing pages and launch contextual advertising. They say, “We’ll make money from this, and then we’ll think about it further.”

Both customers have kitchens. Both customers have very small companies, literally a dozen people.

One customer is in Belarus, the other is in the Urals. From now on I will call them Belorus and Uralets. About half a million people live in the region that Belarus planned to sell to. Uralets too.

Their consumer segments were slightly different. Belarusians have an average minus. Uralets has an average plus. This was caused by the fact that Uralets, in former, prosperous times, acquired high-quality equipment. In particular, for example, equipment for photo printing. As well as CNC machines with a cutting accuracy of 0.1 mm.

Contextual advertising and landing - what is their function when selling furniture online

First, just in case, I’ll tell you - what is contextual advertising, and what are landing pages.

Selling on the Internet, by its very essence, is no different from ordinary sales on the ground. To sell something you only need 3 things:
A product, that is, something for which people will agree to give you their money.
Stream of passers-by. Of which some need your product.
A place to exchange a product for money. For example, a store. Because if your product is in a warehouse and no one knows about it, then no one will buy it.

Next we need a flow of passers-by. Contextual advertising does just that. Like promoters who invite people to come to your store during promotions. Contextual advertising invites those Internet passers-by who are interested in furniture to look at you. At the same time, you pay only for those who agreed and came to you. For those who are not interested and pass by, you do not pay.

Next we need a “store”. Where your visitor can get acquainted with your product. On the Internet, this role is played by either your website or landing page. A landing page is a micro-site consisting of just one page, on which, ideally, only one product is offered. For example, only kitchens.

Now attention! A landing page is not an online store, it’s just your showcase behind glass on the Internet. This is a closed showroom behind glass, on the doors of which it is written “do not come close, do not touch anything!”

Because of the glass, people cannot touch the upholstery of your sofas, they cannot sit on them, they cannot do anything, they can only look from afar.

Would you yourself shell out tens of thousands of rubles for a product that you can only look at from afar, from behind glass?
So there will be no visitors to your landing page.

All a landing page can do is connect your landing page visitor to your manager. The most practical thing is when a landing page visitor leaves his phone number, this phone number goes into your CRM, and then the manager calls this person as quickly as possible, negotiates with him either for a measurement, or for this person to come live to your salon.

Yes, of course, the landing page uses any and all methods to “anchor” the visitor. Interest him to take the next step, rather than turn around and leave.
But still, landing pages only do a good job of establishing contact with the visitor.

Remember: The function of your landing page is not to sell, but to turn visitors into leads. Your manager will continue to sell.

Two cases of selling furniture through contextual advertising - two different results

Now let's return to our Belarusian and Uralian. Here are the actual numbers (rounded, but close to the truth):

Average number of landing page visitors (per week)

Average consumption per week, rub.

Average cost of a landing page visitor, rub.

Average number of leads (per week).
That is, visitors to the landing page who expressed interest through their actions - they left their phone number so that they would be called back.

Average cost per lead, rub.

Average number of leads (per week).
That is, those who were successfully contacted and with whom the conversation reached the point of calculating the cost of the kitchen.

Average cost of a potential client, rub.

Average number of sales (per week).
That is, contracts concluded and prepayments received.

Final average cost buyer, rub.



The Belarusian is completely satisfied with the results. Sometimes he asks to stop advertising for a while because his production can’t cope. As I said, this is a very small business. In addition, both Belorus and Uralets launched online sales IN ADDITION to the regular sales that they already had.

The Ural resident suffered a big loss.
I’ll tell you why there was such a difference a little later. First, I’ll tell you why furniture businesses, according to my observations, are starting to actively go online.

You're Losing Half Your Clients If You Don't Promote Online

Of course, we need to go online, and have been for a long time.

That is, we can assume that only those furniture makers who are experiencing a decline turn to me. Those who are already doing well don’t need online promotion services.

However, I claim that over the past few years, ALL furniture makers who do not promote themselves on the Internet are missing out on half their clients.

That is, people are already so accustomed to the Internet that almost half of them first look for furniture on the Internet, and only then go to where they have their eye on something.
If you can’t be found on the Internet, then half of your potential clients won’t even think about visiting you! Did you understand?

If you are not visible on the Internet, then you can only count on the remaining 43 percent. And taking into account the fact that the furniture market has lived quite comfortably for many years, and this is probably why most furniture makers prefer to work the old fashioned way, almost all of your competitors are laying claim to the same 43% of the market.

Those few furniture makers who successfully work on the Internet also, by the way, participate in the division of this 43%. Not counting the fact that they also get the other 40% of the market.
Hence the conclusion: on furniture market there are companies that are doing well.

This situation reminds me of the story about the frog that was placed in cold water and began to slowly heat it up. They heated it little by little, and the frog did not experience any discomfort. Not yet cooked.

There is nothing worse than a gradual but non-stop deterioration of the market

I myself went through such market vicissitudes when I was closely involved in my offline business. Namely, the trade in computers. At its peak, I had 4 stores in 3 cities. The market was changing, and we had to act very aggressively just to stay afloat.

Now I see the same thing in your furniture market. Only the changes are slower. If the situation develops the same way as in previous years, then without the Internet your sales will continue to decline by 10 percent per year. Even without a crisis.

“People don’t buy furniture on the Internet!”

You can object to me: “People don’t buy furniture on the Internet!”
And you'll be right.

For a person to spend serious money, for example, on the same kitchen, he needs to personally look at the colors, knock on the countertop, scratch it with his finger, he needs someone to help him cope with his doubts...
In the same study “Total sales - 2016” to the question “What methods do you most often use to purchase goods?”, for the category “Furniture and home goods”, 26% answered - Internet, and 64% answered - store.

It seems that for a long time, furniture will be bought primarily in stores. But because of the Internet, people are now deciding differently which stores to go to and which ones not to.
And this will only intensify. “In 2016, in Russia, 73% of citizens aged 18 years and older use the Internet, of which 47% of respondents do this daily.”

Your use of online promotion, of course, will not change the situation on the market.

You will have more clients, because you will gain access to those clients that you previously lost, to those who, using the Internet, decide “where to go to inquire about furniture.”

Why is there such a difference in the results of the cases, can contextual advertising be considered a “magic pill” and the formula for a successful online sales chain

Let's now return to our Belarusian and Uralian.

Why was there such a terrifying difference in results? For one, production periodically fails, and for the other, there are only expenses, without sales.

If you look again at the table at the beginning of this article, you will see that the number of landing page visitors and the cost per visitor are almost the same.

Yes, of course, there are differences. Contextual advertising is based on an auction principle. Yandex and Google give preference to those who pay more. Therefore, it is impossible to say in advance what the cost will be for one or another city.
One can only be sure that major cities There is more competition and therefore advertisers have to charge higher prices.
And you can be sure that in rich regions the cost will also be higher. Because advertisers can more easily charge higher prices for their ads.

But still, contextual advertising is the most understandable for businesses, including furniture makers. I paid the money - visitors quickly came - some of them became buyers. Therefore, in Russia, according to various estimates, the share of contextual advertising is up to 80% of the money spent by businesses on the Internet.

All the furniture makers I've talked to essentially want a “magic pill.” I paid - and everything immediately became fine. I even put this in the title of the article.
Above I gave an analogy with promoters. Contextual advertising - like these promoters. She invites passers-by to stop by. But in reality, you do not sell at the expense of promoters. Are you doing different types attracting visitors, dealing with managers, managing the premises, managing the product line...

Don’t consider contextual advertising a “magic pill” that will solve all your problems.
The golden years, when the economic efficiency of contextual advertising peaked, have already passed. It was SEVERAL TIMES cheaper, and there was little competition. Nowadays, contextual advertising is no longer suitable for every product and not for every city.
For which cases contextual advertising is suitable and for which it is not - I will summarize at the end of this article.

The furniture business needs to go online. Almost half of your clients are already there. You can sell furniture online. And for the furniture business in general, contextual advertising works.

Only if you don’t treat it like a magic pill, but build a high-quality sales chain from start to finish. That is, contextual advertising + landing page + good job sellers.

After all, in fact, the cost of a landing page visitor is not even important. That is, how much did you spend directly on advertising - how much did you pay for visitors to come to you.
The BUYER'S cost is important.
If you get 20 thousand profit from selling a kitchen, then spend 1200 rubles. To get these 20 thousand is an acceptable price.

Return again to the table at the beginning of this article. You will see that the cost of a lead for a Belarusian and a Uralian is comparable. Let me remind you: a lead is a visitor who is ready to communicate with you further.

The catastrophic difference between the Belarusian and the Uralian began after the potential client left his contact.
For Belarusians, out of 17 such people a week, managers successfully processed 14. That is, 82%.
And at Uralets, out of 14 leads, only 3 were successfully processed. That is, 21%.
By “successfully processed” I mean we brought the client to the point of calculating the cost of the kitchen.

The Belarusian has sales, the Uralian has no sales.

We did something else for Belarus.
- Together with Belorussian, we worked with him on promotions that were published on the landing page to increase attractiveness for clients.
- We worked for several months, perfecting both contextual advertising and the landing page itself. That is why I give weekly numbers in this article. One day is not enough to improve something. A month is too long. But moving weekly is optimal.
- We worked on communication between managers and clients. We listened to dozens of recordings of managers' conversations. And obvious errors were eliminated. And, together with Belarus, we ensured that his managers called the client within a few minutes. While the client is still warm.

Therefore, the most important advice in this article.

If you are thinking about selling furniture online, start with the main thing: training your managers.

Through contextual advertising, you can sell only those products whose sales profit per unit is from 3,000 rubles. and higher. And only in cities with a population of over 100 thousand inhabitants. In small cities, contextual advertising may no longer work. There will be too few visitors, and the associated costs of creating, setting up and managing contextual advertising will eat up all the profits. In this case, it will only help you if you yourself become a specialist in contextual advertising, you yourself will personally deal with it and landing pages, and therefore you will not have any associated costs.

If you want contextual advertising, prepare a budget not only for the advertising itself, but also for the people who will bring contextual advertising, landing and the work of managers to condition. For a region with a population of 1 million people, the total costs will be in the region of 80-100 thousand rubles. per month. Half is for the advertising budget, the other half is for making the entire sales chain work.
You won’t be able to achieve anything with 20,000 rubles. The money will simply be wasted.
And if you need a guaranteed result, ask the International Furniture Consulting Center to first bring your sales department up to standard - in your sales department you have a black hole for your money!

If you don’t have a sufficient budget for contextual advertising, unite. Thank God, few clients will go to another city for a kitchen. If you are in different cities, then you are not competitors, but potential partners. Business does not live on contextual advertising alone. Clients can be obtained from social networks. You can attract attention and loyalty to yourself with the help of reviews. The same contextual advertising, if done not for an individual customer, but for a group of customers, will cost significantly less. Those furniture makers with whom I spoke this year, I saw very interesting promotions to increase sales. Judging by Belarus, the right shares work well. The most effective ones could be used for everyone.

Let me note in passing: association on an initiative basis, when you agree to share your work with partners in other cities for free, does not work. I personally checked it several times. You can't go against human nature. We need one person in charge who works not only for conscience, but also for money.
Although, this advice is a topic for a separate article. I will tell you in detail only if this article arouses interest and there are requests from you, dear furniture makers. Write for this.

Furniture businesses need to go online. Go immediately. You will gain access to the second half of the market, which is currently denied.
It's worth it.

With respect to you and your business,
Alexander Seleznev,
Founder of the Content Farm agency,
[email protected]

P.S. 10th of November International Furniture Personnel Center conducts webinar "Problems of small furniture businesses when accessing the Internet, and how to deal with them." There will be more practical information- what and how to do for you. Webinar free, you just need to pre-register.