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» How to drive flies out of a room. What smell are flies afraid of: useful tips. Cottages, bathhouses, private houses

How to drive flies out of a room. What smell are flies afraid of: useful tips. Cottages, bathhouses, private houses

Good evening! It's good in the summer - everyone knows. You can go relax in a country house, enjoy nature, breathe fresh air. This summer, my friends and I also decided to take a break from the bustle of the city and go to the countryside.

When we arrived, we began to unpack things. But the first thing that caught my eye was the large number of flies in the yard. To prevent them from getting into the house, I attached mosquito nets to the doors, but a couple of them managed to fly in. It was fun when I had to run after them with a fly swatter, but I still caught them.

In order to get rid of uninvited guests on the street, it took a little more work, but everything worked out. In this article you will learn: how to get rid of flies in country house, the reasons for their appearance, which are the most effective and effective methods exist to combat dipterans.

How to get rid of flies in a country house - an overview of methods

Summer is a great time for a trip to the countryside, relaxing in nature, but with the onset of heat, insects appear, spoiling all the pleasure of your vacation. Flies are a nuisance during the day and at night.

How to get rid of flies in a country house

Of course, there are many ways to get rid of them, but you need to choose the most suitable one. It will not be possible to kill many flies, and it is unsafe to use chemicals if there are children in the house. Let's look at how to get rid of flies in a country house.

Folk methods of struggle

For residential premises, it is best to start with safe fly control measures. Chemicals are used as a last resort. Needs to be hung around the house sticky tapes, of course, this significantly spoils the appearance, but the method is quite effective.

TO traditional methods that repel flies include:

  1. Place a container of ammonia in the house, ammonia. The liquid repels insects, but be sure to change the solution daily so that the smell does not decrease.
  2. Rinse all surfaces, furniture, floors, windows with a vinegar solution. For 1 liter of water take 2 tablespoons of vinegar. The unpleasant smell will soon disappear, and there will be no trace of flies left. The product is effective for 2 hours until a strong odor is felt.
  3. Tansy plant - repels annoying insects. Collect a bouquet of herbs and place them in vases. Do not pour water into the vases; let the tansy dry out.
  4. A spice like cloves is used to repel flies.
  5. Prepare a solution that is used to wipe all surfaces in the house. Take a teaspoon of dry herb per glass of boiling water. Boil the broth for 15 minutes, add 2 tablespoons of cologne. The solution is ready.
  6. Vodka. Flies don't like the smell of vodka.
  7. True, it's not cheap way getting rid of flies. But it may well be used. Spray vodka in a room where there are flies. This method can be used when working in the garden. Apply vodka to your skin and flies will not bother you with their intrusiveness.

  8. Essential oils. Flies do not like the smell of lavender, citronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and peppermint.
  9. Hazel lotion.
  10. Mix half a glass of hazel infusion with the same amount of vinegar (apple/table), add 30-60 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. The lotion can be applied to exposed areas of the body.

    This is the principle of operation of all homemade traps. The jar can also be closed with a plastic bag by making several holes in it.

  11. Fly traps.
  12. To get rid of flies in the house, it is quite possible to use homemade traps. For the trap you will need an empty jar and a liquid that will attract flies. You can use water and milk. Add sugar and jam. You can't spare the honey either.

  13. Sugar trap.
  14. Make a sugar solution and pour it into a jar. Make a cone out of paper, insert it into the jar so that it does not touch the liquid. Flies love sugar. Once they crawl into a jar of sugar solution, they will no longer be able to get out.

    This is the principle of operation of all homemade traps. The jar can also be closed with a plastic bag by making several holes in it. And now more recipes for homemade traps. You can fill the can with beer.

    Or make a liquid: pour about 2.5 cm of vinegar into a jar or saucer, add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Stir and place where there are clusters of flies.

  15. Recipe with black pepper. Make a solution with sugar, syrup and black hot pepper. Pour the solution onto a saucer. After eating the yummy food, the fly will die in three or four days.

Flies do not like the smell of some herbs. Plant plants around the house. This is especially true if you have an open veranda in your house or a separate outdoor dining area.

  • Basil - spicy plant widely used in cooking.
  • Basil leaves exude delicate aroma, which flies don't like. If you live in a house, you can plant basil in pots near the house. Basil grows well in flower pot in the room.

    Place a pot of basil on the windowsill. No fresh basil, use dried herbs from the plant. Make a sachet with basil and a story in the room, use essential oil basilica
  • There is always a bay leaf in the house.
  • Smell bay leaf Small flies, midges, and mice don’t like it either. Lavender is planted in pots or in a flower bed. The subtle smell repels flies. Place pots of lavender near the summer open gazebo and the flies won't bother you.

  • Peppermint.
  • To get rid of flies, use both fresh and dried mint. Mint repels mosquitoes, ants, mice. You can place a saucer with chopped mint near the dining area in the garden, at the dacha, and make a sachet.

  • Tansy. Few people grow tansy in the garden. It can be found growing along roads and in fields. You can hang bunches of tansy in your house. The smell of tansy repels moths, ticks, mosquitoes, mice, ants, bedbugs.
  • Sagebrush. My grandmother hung bunches of wormwood in the house in the summer. Wormwood repels flies, moths, and ticks.
  • Tomatoes. The smell of tomatoes repels flies. It is not necessary to plant tomatoes in a pot or on the threshold.
  • But the leaves are still torn off when the plant is pinched. Do not throw away the tomato stems, but place them on the windowsill or on the veranda.

Flies don't like the smell of elderberry and fern.

Modern methods of fighting

There are many ways to control insects. They use chemicals and special devices. Besides sticky tapes, which is an ancient method, there are modern devices, destroying flies.

Such devices include:

  1. Insecticidal lamps.
  2. The device is absolutely safe for people. There are many varieties of devices in shape and size. The action consists of ultraviolet radiation, which attracts flies. But when insects fly close to the device, they die from the current discharge.
  3. Devices that suck up insects - insect exterminator.
  4. The device produces carbon dioxide, which attracts insects, and then the device sucks them in and kills them. It is installed in the yard, since the range of action is up to 400 sq. m. It reduces the likelihood of insects entering the room.

To repel flies in the yard, use a fumigator, especially pyrotechnic fumigators. They have a detrimental effect on flies. The device contains a plate. When heated, it releases toxic substances. The device begins to operate half an hour after being plugged into the network.
It is worth noting that fumigators are harmful to children and pets.

Ultrasound devices are quite effective. The radiation negatively affects flies, while humans do not feel anything. Their use is absolutely safe, but it only works inside the house; the device is useless outside.

Compost heaps and cesspools are treated with an aqueous emulsion of karbofos. The solution is prepared as follows: 10 g of the product is diluted in 1 liter of water. Instead of karbofos, use bleach or a soap-kerosene mixture.


There are many insecticides on the market, both domestic and foreign. If you need to get rid of insects immediately, use aerosols. They are not suitable for regular use, but in emergency cases their use is justified.

When spraying, you should adhere to safety measures, it is advisable to open the windows so as not to be poisoned by chemicals or work in a respirator. Housewives still use Dichlorvos. The room is treated, windows and doors are tightly closed. After an hour, the rooms are ventilated, and all the flies die.

In addition to Dichlorvos, Chlorophos is used. Of course, the products are not safe for people and animals. More modern means include Get, Karbofos, Varan, powder for dissolving Agita, Raid plates, Raptor liquid.

Agita powder is often used in wooden houses. The solution is applied to walls, floors or sprayed into the air. The product is quite effective and lasts for several months. In addition, the drug is not harmful to people. After spraying the chemicals, be sure to ventilate the room several times.

Remember, the most important thing is to keep the house and area clean, then you won’t need to invent ways to get rid of insects. Chemicals should be used as a last resort to avoid poisoning yourself.

For wooden house the most effective way treatment is considered to be treatment with microencapsulated products that do not leave odor or stains on furniture and last a long time.

Source: ";"

Pesky street flies: ways to deal with them

More flies in the courtyard of a private house, in the garden, vegetable garden and cause inconvenience to a person. How to get rid of flies on the street? First you need to determine whether there are any accumulations of garbage, garbage containers, cesspools, compost heaps nearby, as they will permanent place reproduction and spread of insects.

There are several rules that, if followed, will minimize the number of insects in the yard and on the street. Keeping the yard clean. If a dog walks there, you need to collect droppings so that the smell does not attract insects. The lids of garbage containers in the yard must be tightly closed.

Regular mowing of the lawn, no piles of grass or leaves. There should be no places with standing water in the yard. The smells of some plants and bushes have a deterrent effect.

If you plant elderberry and bird cherry around the perimeter of the plot, then insects will be rare guests. If you grow mint, lavender, amorpha, basil, and tansy in your flower beds, they will free your life from their interference. To fight, you can use modern devices.
Outdoor insect killer is an effective remedy for flies on the street.

It generates carbon dioxide, heat and moisture, which attracts dipterans. Insects fly to it, are sucked into the net and die. The advantages of the device are that they cover a large radius and are harmless to people, soil and plants in the garden and on the site. At large cluster A fumigator helps to keep flies away.

Fumigating insects with gases that are poisonous to them will get rid of uninvited “guests” for a long time. A popular means of controlling flies are pyrotechnic fumigators, or insecticides.

Used to kill flies outdoors. If spirals and sticks are placed around the perimeter of the area, this will protect against the penetration of insects. If you need to get rid of flies while relaxing in nature, you can get by with repellents - they are applied to human skin and protect against annoying biting flies.

Getting rid of it at the dacha

Usually, in a country house and in a private house, the likelihood of reproduction and an increase in the number of flies is greater than in apartments. The presence of garbage containers directly in the yard, cesspools, if the house is not connected to a centralized sewer system, has an effect. The methods described above are suitable for killing flies in summer cottages.

Cesspools must be treated, sprinkled with lime chloride. If there is a restroom and toilet on the street near the house, then they need to be systematically and frequently treated with a chlorine solution. Effective traditional methods: lubricating the floors in the house with turpentine mastic, wetting window frames with vinegar.

Ventilating rooms and drafts helps get rid of flies quickly. Many summer residents use chemical repellents for flies. Solutions prepared from a special powder poisonous to flies (Agita) are applied with a brush to walls, floors, and ceilings.

The products get rid of flies and prevent their appearance for several months. Suspensions prepared from the same powder and sprayed into the air also quickly destroy insects and prevent them from appearing for about another month. These products are harmless to people.

Will also help:

  • Anti-mosquito nets on windows.
  • Adhesive tapes, both ready-made and homemade.
  • For a homemade tape you will need resin (rosin), castor oil/linseed oil, for bait - honey, glycerin and sugar. Melt all the “ingredients” in a water bath, spread the resulting mixture onto a paper strip, and hang it in the room.

    The effect of this product will be the same as that of store-bought adhesive tape.

    Flies will fly away to look for another home if you rub the surfaces favored by flies with bay oil, if you place shoots or fresh leaves of fern, tansy, elderberry, cloves (seasoning), eucalyptus on window sills, furniture.

In the rooms

Homemade baits are effective in fighting flies in an apartment or private house. Anyone can make them, and a fly that eats a poisoned treat dies.

  1. Flies love sweet liquids, but cannot tolerate saccharin at all.
  2. It is necessary to make a solution of 10 g of saccharin and a small amount of honey. The resulting solution should be wetted paper napkin, putting it on a saucer, leave it on the windowsill. Flies, attracted by the sweet smell and trying saccharin, soon die.

  3. The solution is prepared from 5 teaspoons of soda, 3 tablespoons of milk, 0.5 teaspoon of formaldehyde. It is necessary to pour the resulting mixture into a saucer, put a piece of bread. Place several saucers around the house and wait for the flies to be poisoned by such a “delicacy”.
  4. A solution based on water sweetened with syrup, honey, and black pepper is effective. By pouring it into shallow plates and placing it around the house, you can solve the problem of how to get rid of flies. Ground black pepper is deadly to insects.

Manufacturers of chemical products offer their own ways to combat flies in an apartment. Using aerosols will help get rid of insects 100%.

Ready-made devices and instruments for controlling flies

To combat hated insects, you can use a special device for killing flies. Manufacturers offer various models that make life easier. There are insecticidal lamps different forms and sizes: in the form of sconces, floor or tabletop devices. They operate on electricity, are absolutely harmless to people, and can be used indoors around the clock.

Devices emit ultra-violet rays a certain spectrum that attracts flies. Insects that fly close to them die from electric shock. Many models are equipped with adhesive sheets or a special design that prevents dead insects from falling onto the floor or table, ensuring high hygiene.

There are devices that attract flies using UV radiation, and then suck up the flying insects. Silent operation, hygiene and safety make it possible to use the devices in a house or apartment.

Insect killer is an effective, unique device against flies. It is very easy to install and has a range of 4000 m2. It cannot be installed indoors, so this is one of the most popular models for private homes. By installing it in the yard, you can enjoy your holiday without being distracted by annoying insects.

Produces carbon dioxide, moisture and heat, which attract flies. Insects that fly up are sucked into the net and die from dehydration within 24 hours. Sticky tape destroyers are an effective trap. She represents the tape and the sticky sheet. It is enough to hang it in the room where there are the most flies. They will attract insects with a specific smell. A settled fly will no longer be able to come unstuck and will die.

Source: ""

Popular fly repellents

It makes sense to fight flies in your home if you have taken care of sealing your home in advance. Vulnerabilities should be looked for in siding joints, cracks near windows, under the eaves in entry holes electrical cables. Sealing these areas and caulking the seams will improve the situation.

But effective fight possible with additional treatment with insecticides that will destroy living insects indoors.

You can deal with this horde of flies using a home vacuum cleaner or a fly swatter, but it is more effective and convenient to use modern means.

Of course, mosquito nets are installed on windows and ventilation openings; they prevent the free penetration of insects and reduce the number of flies. The best fly repellent for your home will depend on specific situation.

Mosquito net

Far in the past are the times when sellers and window installers could offer only one single “mosquito” option - a frame one. The assortment available today can easily stupefy any unprepared consumer.

Basic designs of mosquito nets:

  • Framework mosquito net
  • The most common insect protection option today. This mesh is attached in two ways: internal and external. This feature, allows you to widely vary the use of the frame mesh relative to the window, and it does not matter whether it is a plastic or aluminum double-glazed window or ordinary wooden windows.

    When planning a purchase, first of all, you should pay attention to both the quality and reliability of the frame itself on which the canvas is attached, and the material from which it is made.

    The most common frames are PVC and aluminum. The first ones are cheaper, but the second ones are more reliable. The wall thickness of the profile from which the frame is made is also important; taking into account the range accepted by manufacturers of 0.7–1.0 mm, preference should be given to the upper limit of 1 mm. Such frames are more durable.

    Important! Your frame should lie perfectly tight around the entire perimeter of the window. Various defects that prevent this will serve as places for dead insects to accumulate and a potential hole in the anti-mosquito protection!

    Another important point– handles for removing and installing the frame mesh. Metal-plastic is more practical, but also more expensive; ordinary soft plastic is less durable, but it reduces the cost of the entire structure as a whole.

  • Rolled mosquito net
  • Due to obvious advantages, it is gaining popularity among domestic consumers. Its main advantage is practical elegance!
    By mounting the box and guides once, this action solves several problems at once:

  1. You do not need to remove the mesh for the winter and find a place for it in the house; the design itself eliminates the need for such procedures.
  2. You are guaranteed to be insured against the net falling down onto your neighbor's expensive foreign car or, God forbid, the head of a random passerby!
  3. The main construction material of the rolled mesh is aluminum, hence its reliability and durability.
  4. Caring for this mesh is easy and practical; you only need a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner.
All structural elements can be painted at the customer’s request in absolutely any color, giving it a different texture.
  • Sliding mosquito net
  • This mesh is used mainly as an element of aluminum window or balcony profile systems, such as Provedal, Krauss, etc.
    The advantage of this design is the ability to move the mesh along once installed runners to the currently relevant location.

    In other words, there is no need to use a canvas the size of the entire balcony, loggia or window. The downside is that the design of the guide runners itself is not always and everywhere appropriate, for example, due to the specifics of the interior decoration.

  • Pleated mosquito net
  • Such a grid in its own way appearance and the operating principle is very similar to vertical blinds. They are mainly used to create a barrier against insects in wide areas. entrance openings, terraces, balconies.

    It has installation dimensions: height 3 m and width 50 m, which allows it to be used in a very diverse way. The “accordion” folding principle allows the canvas to be quite voluminous when unfolded, but if necessary, make it completely invisible.

    Some versions of mosquito fabric in such nets have a reflective effect, which, you see, is a pleasant bonus on hot summer days!

  • Door mesh with magnets
  • This mosquito net is installed in the doorway using adhesive tape or buttons. Passing through the doors, a person or animal moves the two panels apart, after which they return to their place and are fixed relative to each other by magnets located along the edge of the panels.

  • Velcro mosquito nets
  • By gluing Velcro around the perimeter of the window opening with inside and by doing the same with the canvas, we get a mesh that is practical to use and store, without the need for any installation, but preserving all best qualities any of the above designs. Now about the mosquito net itself. The main differences between the fabrics lie in two nuances: the size of the mesh in the mesh and the material of the threads from which the mesh itself is woven.

    The mesh range in mosquito nets is between 0.6–1.2 mm. It's important here next moment: how smaller size cells, those more insects it is capable of holding, but on the other hand, such a density of the fabric can negatively affect the air circulation in the room, which you will agree for hot summer days very important.

    The material for the mesh can be anything: cotton, nylon, polyester, fiberglass, and so on. Here it is necessary to clearly understand what climatic conditions and operational loads are expected in the area where the mosquito net is installed.

    Advice! A high-quality canvas does not hang in a frame, does not have a pronounced smell of rubber or plastic, and is uniformly colored. The structure itself must be rigid and well assembled!

    It is the competent combination of all these characteristics, plus the quality of workmanship, that determines how long a mosquito net lasts in a given case. It is generally accepted that average term Mosquito service life is from 2 to 10 years.

    Aqua fumigator against flies

    If you prefer latest achievements chemical industry, aquafumigators - what you need. This seemingly simple design is capable of operating automatically, while constantly releasing an insecticide that is deadly to flies and other flying insects. The poison in the form of a fine dispersion penetrates the chitinous shell of insects and paralyzes the digestive and nervous systems.

    Fumigators have proven themselves well as a remedy for fly larvae.

    Advantages of fumigators:

    1. Practical - repeated, long-term use.
    2. quick effect- after 2 hours there will be no trace of insects left in the room.
    3. High efficiency thanks to the formation of steam that reaches even hard to reach places(effective for killing larvae).


    • The need to leave the room when the device is operating (for 2-3 hours).
    • It is necessary to hide food and household items, especially children's items, during processing.

    The undisputed leader in this product line can be called a means of combating flies: Aquafumigator (Raptor). The easiest product to use. Before processing, you should remove all children's toys, dishes, food and belongings. Remove pets from the house.

    Close the doors and windows tightly and begin activation. It is enough to add water to a special bath where the active substance is already present - the process of steam release is started.

    1. Active substance - 7.2% cyphenothrin (cyphenothrin).
    2. processing area - up to 30 m2.
    3. effective against - Flies / Ants / Mosquitoes / Cockroaches / Bedbugs.
    4. Manufacturer - China.

    The “steam” quickly dissipates, completely covers hard-to-reach places, and the insecticide settles on the surface. After treatment, thoroughly ventilate the room. We can safely say that the aquafumigator is the best remedy against flies indoors today, in terms of price/quality ratio.

    Aerosols and sprays

    Concentrated insecticide packaged in a can of high pressure very easy to use. No need to carry out any preparatory work, just close the windows and doors and treat the room. You leave the house or apartment closed and within an hour all the pests are destroyed.

    Advantages of aerosols:

    • Easy to use - a jet of insecticide will allow you to treat hard-to-reach places.
    • The jet hits a distance of 3 meters.
    • High efficiency of drugs.


    1. Toxicity - during processing, it is unacceptable for insecticides to come into contact with food, furniture, or children's household items.
    2. The leader in this category can be called Dr. aerosol repellent for flies in the house. Klaus. Its innovative combination formula minimizes the risk of insect larvae surviving. Piperonyl butoxide, cypermethrin, tetramethrin are active components that enhance each other’s effects. In addition, the aerosol can be used in open areas.

      Using the aerosol is very convenient - shake the can and start processing from the side of the room opposite from the entrance, approaching front door. Direct the jet upward and towards places where insects accumulate.
    3. For rooms up to 18 m2 - spray for no longer than 5 seconds.
    4. For rooms from 25 to 30 m2 – up to 12 seconds.

    Close all windows and doors tightly during treatment. 15-30 minutes after treatment, ventilate the room for half an hour.
    As a “killer” composition, only effective insecticides in the form of liquid sprays.

    When sprayed, the droplets cover all surfaces very densely and evenly. Once the poison is sprayed, the flies have no chance to avoid contact with it.

    In addition, sprays allow you to treat any surface, as they are easy to use. Advantages of sprays:

    • Economical consumption with a large processing area.
    • Prolonged action - some drugs have a residual effect of up to 6 months after spraying.
    • Approved for use at public utility facilities, catering establishments, health care facilities, child care institutions, as well as by the public at home.


    1. Relatively high price drugs.

    The most popular spray against flies and other insects is

    Smoke bombs

    These means of killing flies have been known for a long time, but they do not lose their popularity thanks to excellent result And high efficiency against different types insects And it’s very easy to work with them - just place the checker indoors or outdoors and set it on fire.

    Thick smoke will begin to be released, which completely envelops the entire room, providing high penetrating power to the active insecticides. Advantages of checkers:

    • Cover a very large area (up to 300m2).
    • Acceptable price.
    • Provide prolonged action of the active substance (up to 2 weeks).


    1. emits a large amount of smoke with a specific odor with a residual effect of 5 to 10 days.
    2. In this category we can recommend the development domestic producers- smoke bomb Quiet Evening.
    3. active substance- Permethrin 10%.
    4. processing area - up to 300 m2.
    5. effective against - Horseflies / Midges / Mosquitoes / Flies / Cockroaches / Bedbugs / Fleas / Ants.

    The main advantage is that it allows you to treat even the most difficult to reach places. Allowed for use by the population in everyday life, including closed, residential and utility rooms

    Source: ""

    Fly traps

    If you don't want to use powerful insecticides in your home, pay attention to these fly control products. They are completely safe for humans, there is no risk of poisoning. In addition, they are very inexpensive and can be installed in any convenient place in the house. Operating principle: lure insects and fix them on the surface, eliminating the risk of them “escaping” from the trap.

    Adhesive tape can be a good option; just hang it up and pests, attracted by pleasant aromas, will stick to it. Since a special sticky composition and poison is applied to the surface, they can no longer fly away.

    Whenever we talk about adhesive tape for catching flies, we all remember with horror the terrible yellow adhesive spirals that hang in clusters from the ceiling and which you constantly bump your head into.

    Forget about these relics of the past. The Swiss company Swissinno offers an alternative solution to this issue - window fly traps. The trap is attached to the corner of the window, does not interfere with you at all, fits well into the interior and effectively catches annoying flies.

    Fly Trap from SWSSINNO (with bait)

    This is a homemade fly trap with bait that is completely safe for humans, but harmful to pests. No pesticides or harmful fumes. The design is simple, yet effective. Thanks to the all-natural bait, flies instantly pick up the scent. Once an insect gets inside the trap, it has no way to get out.

    The advantage is that the trap can be used repeatedly, without reducing its effectiveness. Feature – effective against various types flies (included), you don’t have to select different baits.

    A type of glue trap that is considered the most hygienic in this line of products. The principle of its operation is simple - just install a “triangle” of dense material in the lower corner window frame(the shape of the trap follows the geometry of the window protrusion) and it will begin to “work”.

    The peculiarity is that flies, attracted by the light, fly directly to the window, and there they fall into a trap equipped with adhesive tape.

    1. Window fly trap is a trap for small flies that will last you up to 2 months without losing its characteristics.
    2. Radius of action – 20-40 sq.m.
    It is easy to attach the structure to the window - there is a special sticky surface.


    Simple and reliable design will help cope with the invasion of small flies and midges. The ergonomic shape allows you to place the trap in any convenient place: windows, room, open veranda, gazebo, garden. The design is not afraid of moisture, sun rays.

    It has two parts that can be easily opened so that dead insects can be removed if necessary.

    • Completely hygienic, not dangerous to others, compact and durable.
    • The trap is effective within a radius of 10-30 m2.

    The internal volume is a hollow space with a special trap (non-toxic). Design feature: the trap resembles a kind of bowl with a recess. The fly, attracted by the bait, flies inside and cannot get out.

    MO-EL Fan-75

    A real powerful all-rounder that will get rid of not only different types of flies, but also midges, mosquitoes, and moths. The trap differs from its analogues in its effectiveness and complete safety for both humans and the environment.

    The unit operates from the mains, generating a powerful air flow, and a special spectrum of light (the presence of an ultraviolet lamp) attracts flies to the trap.

    1. Apartment, house, street, gazebos, cafes, restaurants and any room - this electronic fly trap will perfectly cope with the task within a radius of 16-20 square meters.
    2. The advantage is that the trap can be used indoors where allergy sufferers live.
    3. Size - 245*220*340 mm.
    4. Weight - 2.4 kg.
    5. Power - 75W.
    6. UV lamps - 1*32W.
    7. Production - Italy.

    Feature - the lamp (equipped with a built-in UV-C lamp with a bactericidal effect) disinfects pest residues, preventing the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

    Fly traps on site

    Flycatcher Mosquito Trap FC 001 for the site

    This is a trap that will cope with a huge population of flies of different types and even horse flies in open areas. The powerful unit deals three blows to pests at once: it attracts the generated heat, emits carbon dioxide, and is equipped with an attractant (powder).

    It is enough to install a trap anywhere on the site and after 7 days the pest population is sharply reduced.

    After another 14 days, you are completely free from annoying insects. If you need a trap for fruit flies, Mosquito Trap FC 001 is ideal, these insects will not be able to adapt to it.

    • Effective area - up to 5 acres.

    Feature – the unit operates in automatic mode. You can set the trap on the ground or any hard surface. The trap has a durable body, reliable automation and can last for many years.


    1. Recommended for use - restaurants (cafes), livestock farms, private courtyards.
    2. Coverage area - 5 acres.
    3. Comes with an attractant.
    4. Power supply 220 V.
    5. Power 5 W.

    Flycatcher Flyswatter from Smart Killer

    It is not simple effective destruction flies, but also an economical solution for any owner. The trap is equipped with a special attractant and also generates UV rays. The design is completely autonomous and powered by solar panels.

    It is enough to install it on the site and flies, midges and other insects will fall into a special storage tray.

    • Advantage - the trap is effective within a radius of 100 square meters.


    1. Coverage area up to 100 sq. m.
    2. Power supply - built-in solar battery with photocell,
    3. Size 39x30x37 cm,
    4. Weight - 2.5 kg.

    Dacha, country house, large shops and any utility premises, open areas– The fly swatter is completely safe for people and animals, so it can be used everywhere.

    Attractants are a killer bait

    If you want to build traps yourself or need to equip a finished model with bait, purchase special attractants for flies. These are synthetic or natural substances that attract (due to their specific aroma) flies and other insects. Today the market offers many similar baits, and their effectiveness is explained by the physiology of insects.

    Argus is a ready-made fly bait containing two components.

    • Tricozene is an insecticide used to attract flies.
    • Methomyl is an insecticide that causes paralysis and death of the insect.
    Packed in bags of 15 g. Attractants can imitate the odors of a female or create the aroma of her “favorite” food.

    The fly picks up the scent and immediately tries to detect its source. And if you place the bait in an effective trap, you are guaranteed to deal with a huge population of flies quickly and inexpensively.

    Several types of flies can be seen indoors in late summer and fall. They are trying to find shelter in your home in order to safely overwinter and wait for the first warm days. Typically, the flies that appear at home in the fall are particularly “aggressive” - they strive to swoop down on a person. Their touches are extremely unpleasant and you feel as if flies are biting you.

    In fact, it is not ordinary house flies that bite, but their special kind- burner flies, but this knowledge does not make it any easier. Where flies come from in the house and how to get rid of them quickly is the topic of our article.

    Why are flies hiding in your house?

    For their hibernation, flies in the house choose warm and well-lit windows located on the south and west sides of the building. They prefer upper floors and attics.

    If flies and a large number of them appear at home, know that more than half have already settled in for the winter. For them to enter the house, a microscopic hole is enough, those cracks that you did not pay attention to are “open gates” and the promise of a warm winter in warmth and safety.

    The invasion of flies in the house is not accidental; it is unlikely that these insects will be able to find a secluded place with constant temperature during the cold season. They get stuck in ventilation holes, crawl into cracks in walls, cracks under siding and openings wooden windows. In an attempt to shelter from the cold, they cause us trouble: they buzz annoyingly and create a lot of garbage when spring comes.

    Flies in a country house appear not only on the eve of cold weather. If there is a landfill, compost heaps or pets nearby, they willy-nilly fly into your home. There are especially many flies in the house in attics and in wall voids, where they swarm and when cold weather sets in, they hibernate.

    With the onset of sunny days, when the home warms up well, or when heating the room household appliances flies wake up, sometimes ahead of time. They crawl out of secluded places and move towards a heat source.

    fly fly

    Where do flies come from at home in autumn and winter? Don't think that in winter period flies are active in your home and capable of breeding. All the insects crawled in last fall. Some successfully find a way out immediately, others find themselves locked indoors and doomed to die in a trap.

    Why do you need to kill flies?

    • First of all, flies carry many infections that are dangerous to human health. This worsens the sanitary situation in the house and threatens its inhabitants with diseases.
    • There are a lot of flies in the house a favorable atmosphere for the breeding of beetles and cockroaches.

    The aquafumigator packaging contains everything you need. The user must follow the instructions and leave the premises for 2 hours.

    Fly traps

    There are two types of fly traps - bait traps and electric lamps. Both the first and second options involve luring and destroying insects. Special pheromones are used in baits, and heat and UV light are used in lamps. Among the diversity, it is worth highlighting

    Window fly trap SWISSINNO

    An original solution to passively kill flies. The package contains several envelopes that are placed in the corners of the window. This device works for up to 2 months, gradually filling with flies.

    Paper envelopes are presented in several color options, which can be matched to the interior or, conversely, used inconspicuously. The more such traps you place, the faster you will get rid of annoying flies.

    • The cost of a set of traps is from 350 rubles

    Electric trapMOEL Fan-75

    An electric trap neutralizes flies in a room within a radius of 15 - 20 meters. The fan creates draft and catches flies flying nearby.


    • Production - Italy
    • power 75 W
    • Range of action: up to 20 sq.m.
    • cost - from 9900 rubles

    The device is additionally equipped ultraviolet lamp(in a fly catch container) to neutralize and sterilize captured flies, preventing harmful bacteria from multiplying. Thanks to this feature, the trap is recommended for use in medical institutions, children's institutions, and catering establishments.

    UV lamp for killing flies

    Bright light traps help get rid of flies. They emit intense light and attract flies. For use in a home (apartment), we can recommend another device from the Swiss company Swissinno

    Trap lamp for flies SWU-15

    The device uses absolutely no chemical substances and insecticides. Does not form during operation unpleasant odors. Connect the lamp to the electrical network and hang it at a height of 2 meters. An excellent solution for homes where children and pets live. Ultraviolet light attracts flies, midges and gnats, they fall on metal mesh under voltage and die instantly.


    • 100% environmentally friendly product
    • coverage area - 15 sq.m.
    • cost - from 5,900 rubles

    No special or complicated care is required. Inspect the lamp once a week to clear the mesh and bottom of the lamp of any dead flies.

    • Be sure to check out our based on reviews from our readers

    Aerosols and sprays

    A quick and simple product that is convenient to use to kill flies. No preparation or complex manipulations are required to process the room.

    Aerosol Dr. Klaus

    A powerful jet is able to penetrate into secluded places in the room and quickly destroy all domestic parasites. Spray the room for a few 10-15 seconds and leave the room for 30 minutes. Pre-close windows and doors to stop air from entering. 15-30 minutes after treatment, ventilate the room for half an hour.

    From the beginning of spring until the onset of cold weather, many of us have to solve the problem of getting rid of annoying insects. Therefore, the question of how to find the best remedy for flies is always acute and relevant. Today there are many known ways to combat these flying pests - insecticides, traps, repellers. There are ways to get rid of flies indoors or protect yourself from their infestations outdoors. Let's go through them in order.

    Drug "Get"

    This is perhaps the most effective remedy in the fight against all winged insects in general and flies in particular. With its help, you can completely destroy the entire fly population and even the larvae and eggs of pests in about a week. Moreover, the effect of the drug lasts up to six months.

    Spray the areas where insects are most concentrated. The drug is harmless for people and for pets too. It has a slight odor that can dissipate in a couple of hours. One package can protect up to 100 square meters area.

    The drug "Agita 10 WG"

    The drug contains a sex pheromone of flies, which serves as bait for them. The product has no odor and may be toxic to aquarium fish and small pets.

    This composition is safe for people and kills insects in 5 minutes. Effective not only against flies, but also fleas and cockroaches. Available in powder for preparing a solution.

    The drug "Flybyte"

    This insecticide is a contact poison that paralyzes flies on contact. The effect lasts up to three months; the composition is harmless to people and pets.

    Available in yellow granules, placed in places where flies gather. It is also possible to use a solution from them applied to surfaces loved by insects.

    Other drugs

    Also among the insecticides used in the fight against flies should be attributed such compounds as “Minap 22”, “Master”, “Executioner”, “Extermin”, “Xulat”, “Neostomazan”, “Ekstrazol M”.

    Before using any drug, you should read the accompanying instructions carefully. Some compounds are only suitable for processing production premises.

    Folk remedies

    Most of these are plants that repel flies. Among them are fern, . Their fresh leaves laid out on insect-attracting surfaces.

    Pots with tomato seedlings, eucalyptus, geranium, myrtle have a similar effect.

    A decoction of snapdragon milk gives a very noticeable effect. Poured into saucers and placed on window sills, it will quickly scare away annoying insects.

    If you rub furniture, door frames, window frames and mirrors with laurel oil, the result will also be impressive. A dozen clove sticks placed around the room are enough to make flies forget their way into it forever. Even better, insert a few cloves into half a lemon; this remedy will work even during an outdoor meal or a picnic.

    Eucalyptus, mint, clove, lavender, citronella, and lemongrass oils perfectly repel flying pests. They are usually used with aroma lamps or added a few drops to a regular bowl of hot water.

    By spraying vodka in a room, you can quickly drive insects out. A similar effect can be achieved using vinegar, kerosene or turpentine. Their aqueous solution must be used to wipe window frames, furniture, and floors.

    Other methods of destruction

    If you want to not only scare away flies, but rather poison and destroy them, you should buy a “Venus flytrap”, which has an enviable appetite for eating all flying insects. It costs no more than any drug.

    Poisoned baits made from something sweet (jam, honey, etc.) and ground black pepper as poison will also help.

    Another recipe is milk, soda and formaldehyde in a ratio of 3:5:0.5. The mixture is poured into saucers on which slices of bread are placed. Saucers are placed in places where insects accumulate.

    There are many fly traps available, but compared to duct tape, which is readily available at hardware stores, nothing comes close to being effective.

    Well, the easiest way is not to fight flies, but simply try not to breed them, keeping the house clean.

    With the onset of warm weather, owners of suburban real estate experience complex problem- flies. Annoying dipterous insects not only cause discomfort with their unpleasant buzzing, but they pose a great danger to human health. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of flies in the country is always relevant and requires taking immediate effective measures to destroy unpleasant “life companions.”

    Dangerous "neighbors"

    Flies, paradoxically, have become a common occurrence in human life. They start only when their number begins to irritate. Small, light synanthropes reach 6-8 mm in length. They have a gray body color, covered with sparse long hairs, and large compound eyes. Oral apparatus flies of a licking-sucking structure. They eat only liquid food; solid particles have to be dissolved in saliva.

    The lifespan of dipterans depends on the ambient temperature and can vary from 2 weeks to a month. Every year there are 9 to 20 generations of house flies. In cold rooms they are inactive and awaken at ambient temperatures above 10°C.


    Females are highly fertile and require protein foods to mature their eggs. they are capable of making more than 6 clutches. Depending on the climatic conditions an adult fly can lay up to 2000 eggs.

    In people's homes there are unopened products that are freely accessible to flies. Favorable habitats for synanthropes are places with large accumulations of garbage, dirt, and rotting organic waste of various origins. On their paws, flies carry a huge number of microbes, which they leave on food. Eating them without pre-treatment can lead to the development of the following serious diseases:

    • diarrhea;
    • dysentery;
    • typhoid fever;
    • tuberculosis;
    • cholera;
    • helminthiasis and other infections.

    (egg→larva→pupa→imago) lasts for 25-30 days. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, you will have to face big troubles, because you can become infected not only in the spring and summer. Flies in the fall can cause a lot of trouble. Their close relative, the autumn zhigalka, which feeds on blood, prefers to settle in a barn, on a pasture. Closer to autumn, it appears in the residential houses of summer residents. Its bites are quite painful and can lead to dangerous infections.

    Pest control methods

    You can fight flies in your dacha using a variety of methods. They are divided into the following groups:

    • mechanical;
    • physical;
    • chemical;
    • natural or folk recipes.

    All of them allow you to get rid of flies not only in the house, but also in your summer cottage.

    Mechanical methods

    1. Duct tape. An effective device for interior spaces in the country, it attracts dipterans with a specific smell. A fly that lands on it can no longer fly away and dies from the poison. The cost varies from 8 to 29 rubles depending on the manufacturer. The cost is equal to the cost of the ingredients needed to make the adhesive.
    2. Light traps. They lure flies not with an odorous product, but with a bright light. Inside the cute flashlight there is a sticky substance that will prevent the pest from getting out.

    Get rid of flies in wooden house can be done using homemade traps in which poisoned bait is placed. The device is made from ordinary plastic bottle, the neck of which is cut off and inserted upside down into the bottle. It is advisable to secure the edges with tape. A poisoned “treat” is poured into the bottom. The following compositions work well:

    • Dissolve syrup, jam or sugar in a small amount of water and add ground black pepper. Flies, having tasted the bait, will die in a few days.
    • Beer.
    • Dilute 1 tbsp in a quarter glass of milk. a spoonful of soda and 0.5 tsp. formaldehyde. Soak a piece of bread with the product and leave it on a saucer or place it at the bottom of the trap.
    • Dilute 10-15 g of saccharin in a glass of warm water. Flies can't stand sugar substitute.

    These people's councils will allow summer residents living in country residences to fight annoying and dangerous flies.

    Insect killing devices

    Homemade devices are good, but with their help it is not always possible to completely get rid of synanthropes. Present on the market special devices, allowing not only to repel, but also other insects. They have the following undeniable advantages:

    • safe for humans and pets;
    • have small dimensions;
    • have a modern, attractive design;
    • provide 100% cleaning of premises in a country house.

    The most popular devices are:

    1. Electric trap lamp. The device is a small shielded surface with powerful source ultraviolet radiation, which is covered with a metal grill. Attracted by the light, the flies touch the energized fence and die. Prices vary from 2900 to 4500 rubles depending on the manufacturer.
    2. Insecticidal lamps. They are connected to the electrical network and can work around the clock in the dacha premises. The devices are absolutely safe for people and pets. Many models are equipped with adhesive sheets or special trays, which ensures high hygiene of the device for killing flies. Prices are within 3000 rubles.
    3. Insect killer. Efficient device against flies and other insects. It is easy to install and has a large affected area, which reaches 4000 m2. It is recommended to install it in a summer cottage. During operation of the device, carbon dioxide, heat and moisture are released, which attract flies. Insects that fly up are sucked into the device and die from dehydration. Prices range from 2933 to 4590 rubles depending on the manufacturer.
    4. Fumigators. They are very popular among consumers living in the countryside due to their ease of use, durability, high efficiency and safety for humans and warm-blooded animals. The principle of operation is simple - a special plate heats up from an electric charge and releases the toxic substance vaporrin. At the dacha, this device is indispensable, because the poison paralyzes the respiratory system of flies and other insects, which leads to their death. The price of the plates is within 50 rubles.
    5. . With their help, you can quickly and safely get rid of annoying flies in your dacha. Sound waves of a certain frequency have a detrimental effect on insects. Hearing this sound, the flies immediately fly away from the source that poses a danger to their lives. The device is effective only indoors. The price range is quite wide - from 636 to 1490 rubles.

    In the summer we only use it at the dacha. Flies, mosquitoes and other insects practically do not fly into the room. We set fire to the records on the veranda.

    Olga, Perm


    Products designed to kill flies and insects various types in dachas, apartments and other premises. They contain toxic biological and chemical components that provide wide range impact. Manufacturers produce a wide range of products that allow you to get rid of flies in a short period of time, so when going out into the country, it is worth purchasing the necessary drug. Insecticides are presented in various forms - aerosols, sprays, emulsions, granules, powders. The consumer can choose the most preferable option. Modern chemicals have a prolonged effect, providing long-term protection against flies.

    Working with chemicals requires the use of individual protective equipment and strict adherence to instructions.

    When choosing a product to get rid of flies in the country, you should pay attention to the preparations, the content of permethrin and tetramethrin. They are practically safe for people, but deadly for insects. Insecticides that contain chlorine, phosphorus and fluoride should be avoided. These components are toxic to humans and may cause negative consequences. The most famous insecticides are:

    On a note!

    Insecticides are very popular trademark They destroy not only flies, but also other insects that like to settle in country houses.

    For a long time they tried to remove flies from the dacha, but to no avail. Friends recommended Get suspension. We treated the room and forgot about the pests for a long time. I recommend.

    Nikolay, Podolsk

    Specialized stores offer a large number of insecticides that allow you to quickly remove flies from your dacha. While working on personal plot You can use repellents. They are applied to the human skin and protect against annoying synanthropes.

    Natural remedies

    In nature, there are a large number of natural repellents that allow you to block their access to the dacha, as well as get rid of annoying and dangerous insects:

    • geraniums, castor beans, basil and tomato seedlings grown on the windowsill will drive away flies;
    • a bouquet of wildflowers will protect food on the table from flying synanthropes;
    • sprigs of myrtle, mint, lavender, tansy fern, walnut, elderberry and other fragrant plants, it is advisable to place them in the rooms at the dacha;
    • the smell of marigolds grown in a summer cottage will repel insects;
    • An effective folk remedy for flies in the countryside is laurel oil, which is used to wipe tables, furniture, window frames and doors once a month.

    Effective means and interesting ways there is quite a lot of fly control. But you shouldn’t count on winning if there is a lot of garbage on your summer cottage, compost heaps and toilets are in an unsightly state. In this case, any remedy for flies in the country will be powerless.

    Flies are human companions in warm time for many years, one might even say centuries. Where do they come from? How to deal with them? Whether there is a preventive measures against them? What harm can they cause to a person? There are many answers, let's try to answer them in detail and understand the topic.

    Reasons for appearance

    • Most often we suffer from the presence of flies in warm weather.
    • They can fly from the street into an apartment or house through open doors or windows.
    • Insects enter the living room along with vegetables and fruits.
    • They can move into the apartment after giving you wild flowers as a gift.
    • The reason for their appearance in a private home may be a barn with animals, compost heap or a cesspool.
    • The reason for the appearance in the apartment may be a garbage container near the windows.

    General rules for fighting flies

    • To prevent flies from reproducing, they must be destroyed immediately after their appearance. These insects lay their eggs every 10 days.
    • The larvae develop quickly in a warm, stuffy room, so you need to ventilate your apartment or house more often. Use hoods when preparing food.
    • In apartments, flies lay their offspring on trash cans, so they need to be washed every day and the garbage taken out 2 times a day.
    • Don't leave uneaten food on the table– this contributes to the rapid reproduction of flies.
    • Before choosing a fly control product, you need to read its instructions. Is it safe for people, especially children.
    • To prevent new individuals from entering the house, mosquito nets should hang on windows and doors.

    Ways to fight

    Chemical repellents

    Aerosols– they need to be sprayed into the air. Insects die after inhaling toxic odors. The product should only be used indoors. One can is designed for a certain square footage, so when choosing a product you need to take into account the area of ​​the apartment or house.

    The room must not be ventilated for 30 minutes. At this time, it is better for people to leave the premises to avoid getting poisoned.

    Advantages of aerosols:

    • Their effectiveness;
    • It is easy to use.


    • The product should not come into contact with furniture, toys or food, as this can cause poisoning.
    • One can is enough to treat small area, maximum 75 sq. meters.

    Companies "Raptor", Dichlorvos "Neo" and "ARGUS" are the most popular means this category. They cost from 70 to 150 rubles. The price depends on the manufacturer and the size of the package.

    The Raptor aerosol is safe for people, and when using Neo Dichlorvos, people are not recommended to stay in the treated room for 2 hours. The effect of the first two aerosols lasts 3 days, the last - 10 days.

    Adhesive tapes– should be used in rooms where aerosols cannot be used: dining rooms, children's rooms, kitchens. The principle of operation of the product is as follows: the fly sticks to the tape and dies. In order for flies to fly to the product, the adhesive paper is treated with special substances containing pheromones, which attract insects.

    Advantages of tapes:

    • They are inexpensive;
    • They are safe for humans and the environment.
    • They need to be changed once every 1-2 months.
    • The tapes do not have an unpleasant odor.


    • Not an attractive look;
    • They are ineffective if a large number of flies accumulate in the room.

    Popular manufacturers: Fumitox, Mukhomor and Mosquitall. Their price ranges from 17 to 50 rubles. If the room is more than 10 sq. meters, then you will need two tapes to kill flies. Ribbons should not be hung near an open fire.

    Granules and powders– used for processing large areas. They are suitable for use in canteens, restaurants or livestock farms. The granules are laid out over the entire area of ​​the room, and the powders are diluted in water and the surfaces are treated with the resulting composition.


    • High efficiency;
    • They act quickly.


    • Should be used with caution if children and pets live in the house.
    • Granules should not be placed on vertical surfaces.

    Popular manufacturers: Bayer and its Baygon powder, as well as Byte Mukha granules; " Clean house» has long been producing powder to combat flies and other flying harmful insects. The price for 100 g ranges from 15 to 50 rubles.

    Powders can be used to treat window sills, furniture and baseboards. When treating the room, pets and children should not be present in it. After a few hours the product is washed off warm water, and the furniture is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. The granules are laid out in flat containers and placed on window sills.

    Crayons– one of the most popular and cheapest means. Available in chalk form.


    • Low cost;
    • No protective equipment is needed to process the premises;
    • Can treat a large area;
    • Wide range of uses.


    • Low efficiency rate;
    • You cannot use it on kitchen surfaces where food is prepared or on upholstered furniture.

    Manufacturers: Mashenka company, Clean House company. One chalk is enough to cover 30 square meters. meters. They cost from 10 to 30 rubles. It is dangerous for children and animals because it is not recommended to use it in children's rooms.

    In order for flies to fly to the product, the adhesive paper is treated with special substances containing pheromones, which attract insects

    Folk remedies

    Homemade sticky tapes– you need to take rosin and dissolve it in warm castor oil in a ratio of 1:2. Molasses or honey is added to the resulting composition. The adhesive mixture is applied to strips of parchment. If there is no honey, then it can be replaced with office glue.


    • The ribbon is easy to make.
    • Inexpensive materials.


    • Honey starts to smell unpleasant after some time.
    • Cannot be placed near fire.
    • Unaesthetic appearance.

    You can make a solution from a tablespoon of formalin, 5 tbsp. spoons of sweetened water, 3 tbsp. spoons of milk. The resulting composition is poured into shallow bowls and placed on the windowsills. To attract insects to the saucers, you can put a small piece of white bread. Insects that taste the solution will die within a few minutes.


    • High efficiency;
    • Low price of components.


    • The product may be dangerous for children and pets.
    • It is necessary to replace the solution as the milk sours.

    A folk remedy using black pepper helps a lot. You need to take 0.5 tbsp. milk and mix with 40 g of sugar and ground black pepper. Soak paper strips in the solution and hang them around the room. The flies will disappear in 2-3 days.


    • The solution is not dangerous for pets and humans.
    • It can be easily prepared by anyone.


    • They should not be placed near fire.
    • They need to be changed frequently.
    • The room does not look aesthetically pleasing.

    Saccharin– an excellent assistant in the fight against flies. It is mixed with honey and water. Pieces of newspaper are moistened in the resulting composition and placed on a table or windowsill. If a fly touches such a leaf, it will die.


    • Cheap product;
    • Easy to do.

    Flaws: Children should not touch such a newspaper.

    Tansy– repels flies well. You just need to place fresh flowers in vases around the room. In dry form, crushed tansy flowers are scattered onto pieces of paper that have been greased in advance. office glue. The product is completely safe for children and animals, but they need to be changed frequently.

    Carnation has long been used in the fight against flies. Take 5 g of finely chopped cloves and mix with a glass of water. The decoction should sit for 15 minutes. The resulting composition is used to wipe doors, window sills and frames. The disadvantage of the product is its pungent odor, but the advantage is that it is safe for children.

    Kerosene- It must be diluted in a bucket of water. 30 g per 10 liters. Wash the floors in the house with the solution. The disadvantage is the strong smell, and the duration is short.

    Vinegar diluted in water: 2 tbsp. per liter and wipe window sills and tables. Its effect ends after a few hours. This product can be used outdoors to wipe down tables.

    Homemade adhesive tapes - you need to take rosin and dissolve it in warm castor oil in a ratio of 1:2

    Mechanical methods

    • Insecticidal lamps- Available in the form of sconces. Powered by electricity. The device emits ultraviolet rays that attract insects; when they fly closer to them, they die from electric discharges.
    • There are devices that suck flies inside. They are completely harmless to people and silent.
    • You can just take a fly swatter and pat the insects with it.


    1. Conduct wet cleaning every 2 days.
    2. Garbage containers must be kept closed at all times.
    3. Garbage must be taken out every day.
    4. You cannot leave food uncovered on the table.
    5. Latrines in country houses need to be treated with bleach.
    6. It is necessary to hang mosquito nets.

    Garbage containers must be kept closed at all times

    Damage from flies

    • Flies are mechanical carriers infectious diseases , for example, paratyphoid fever, typhoid fever or diphtheria.
    • Burner flies are carriers anthrax and tularemia.
    • They are carriers intestinal infections.
    • They can spread worms.
    • Insects are too annoying, it is impossible to relax in their company. A person's vitality and performance decrease.

    • It is better to wash dishes immediately after eating.
    • Garbage must be taken out daily.
    • If there are children in the house, then it is impossible to kill flies use chemicals.
    • If you are still going to treat the premises with aerosols, then children and pets should not enter the room after treatment for at least 2-3 hours.
    • It is better to cover all furniture, things and products before treating the room with an aerosol.
    • Not all folk remedies are safe, so you need to use them carefully so that your household is not accidentally poisoned by it.
    • It is better to hang sticky tapes not in the middle of the room, and in the corners, so they will not be more noticeable to others.