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» How to calculate the required m³ of timber for felling. Rounded log calculation of cubic capacity: simple and clear How to calculate the volume of a log per house

How to calculate the required m³ of timber for felling. Rounded log calculation of cubic capacity: simple and clear How to calculate the volume of a log per house

16.06.2014 17:04

After Once all the ideas for implementing the construction of a house have been worked out and the final option for building a house from rounded logs has been selected, the question arises how much such a house will cost you. To determinecost of building a log house from rounded logs , you need to know how many cubes of logs are in this log house. In this article we will try to explain in detail how to calculate the cubic capacity for the construction of rounded logs.

Calculation of cubic capacity of rounded logs

The simplest way to calculate is using the formula - πr². H

Π - 3,14

r² - radius of a rounded log squared

N - length of rounded log

Substitute the data into the formula:

3.14 *(0.11 m)²* 6m= 0.228 m3

So, we got how many cubes are in one rounded log with a diameter of 220 mm. Next, you need to calculate the number of logs in your house and multiply the resulting amount by the cubic capacity of one log (0.228 m3). You can easily count the number of logs in a wall, but initially you need to determine for yourself how high the floor will be. It is also necessary to add 7% to the resulting height by shrinkage , if the log has natural moisture.

For example, the height of the first floor is 2.9 meters. The height of one log is 220 mm minus the lunar groove will be 190.5 mm. Next, we divide the floor height of 2.9 m by the thickness of the log without a groove - 0.19 m, having previously converted all the numbers into meters.

2.9: 0.19 = 15.26 pieces. We received the required number of logs with a diameter of 220 mm in order to build a floor with a height of 2.9 meters. You must not forget to add 7% for shrinkage of the house. In total you will get 16 crowns. Now, to find out the full volume of the floor of a 6x6 house, 16 crowns high, you need to perform the following calculation:

16 (crowns) * 4 (walls) * 0.228 (volume of one log) = 14.6 m3 of logs. Now, to find out the cost of a rounded log for the entire log house, you need to multiply the number of cubes obtained by the price of the log for one cube. The cost of one meter of cubic rounded log can be found .

To perform calculations for other log diameters, we offer you a number of pre-calculated tables, using which you will certainly find answers to your questions.

Article prepared by the company ASK Egida , which performs construction of log houses and provides wide range of construction services in the suburban housing construction market.

Before building a log house, an accurate calculation of the logs required for its construction is necessary. The amount of material is determined according to the parameters of the structure and the number of rooms inside. It is very important to make the correct calculation for the purchase suitable materials without extra costs. You can find out about the required cubic capacity of raw materials using a special calculator.

How to use online calculation of the number of logs for a house?

It is necessary to enter the exact parameters of the structure being built. When cutting “into a paw” or “bowl”, it is necessary to add another 0.5 m to the length of the outer wall to obtain the most accurate result. If the owners want to get a stylish house with a half-hook house, then there is no need to add anything to the initially desired length of the wall.

In addition to accounting external walls The calculator for calculating rounded logs sums up the cubic capacity of the material for interior partitions. First, it is better to enter the lengths of those walls that will run across the entire width or length of the house. There is no need to subtract the difference when crossing a perpendicular wall: if the subtraction is incorrect, you can get an erroneous result. Next, enter data for the remaining area separators.

Determining a suitable log and counting its quantity

The last data that the log cubic capacity calculator needs are the parameters of the building material itself. It must be taken into account that when building from elements of small diameter you will need large quantity units of material. Large logs will ensure simple and quick installation, and will also allow you to obtain high-quality warm house. Thermal safety in log houses made of large logs is much higher due to the increased thickness of the walls.

But material with a large diameter is more expensive than medium or small-sized logs. Therefore, when choosing the right indicator for calculating a log house, you need to take into account the required investments. After specifying the selected parameters, the user will be able to obtain accurate data on cubic capacity and required linear meters.

Sales in specialized companies usually carried out by volume. Upon completion of the calculations, the buyer will be able to find out the approximate cost of the log required for purchase, based on the prices set for raw materials. It is also worth remembering that calculating a log frame using a calculator does not take into account the required openings for windows and doors. The material is filed before starting work, so the result obtained using the calculator will be calculated for a purchase “with a reserve.”

Before constructing a two- or three-story building, the volume required quantity logs are calculated separately for each floor at different lengths interior walls, and then summed up. If the length of the partitions is the same, then the calculation can be carried out for the entire house at once, indicating the sum of the heights of all floors and twice the length of each interior partition. The length and width of the building are specified without changes.

The cubic capacity of a log is the volume wood material, measured in cubic meters. This value is used in the construction of wooden log houses to calculate the amount round timber. Determining cubic capacity is important when selling firewood, where payment is required for each cubic meter tree. How to calculate the volume of round cylindrical lumber correctly?

It is necessary to know the cubic capacity of a tree when purchasing this building material, since payment is made for each cubic meter.

There are several ways to roughly estimate the cubic capacity of roundwood or firewood. All established methods use data from measuring geometric dimensions and mathematical calculations. A tape measure is traditionally used to measure construction values.

Calculation of cubic capacity of occupied space

The simplest method is to define a cubic rectangular space in which the timber is folded. Such a place could be the back of a dump truck or a barn. You can also calculate geometric dimensions woodpile if it is folded into a neat rectangle.

Since the spatial cubic capacity is not completely filled with wood, the determined value is reduced using the voids coefficient. In construction calculations, the void ratio is considered to be 0.8. That is, 20% of the space is occupied by air voids, and 80% by wood.

Cubic size is defined as follows:

  1. The length, width and height of the rectangular space are measured.
  2. The resulting values ​​are multiplied with each other to obtain the volume value.
  3. The resulting value is multiplied by a factor of 0.8, which takes into account the approximate number of voids between round logs.
  4. The resulting value is taken as the required volume of the log.

This method is used to calculate the cubic capacity of round timber, boards, and firewood of different sizes.

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Calculation of the volume of individual logs

Figure 1. Measuring two perpendicular diameters in a beam cross-section

If the round timber is characterized by the same long logs and similar diameter, then you can calculate the volume of selectively 3 timbers, reduce them to the average calculated value and multiply it by the number log material. In this case, the calculations are performed as follows:

  1. Choose any 3 timbers.
  2. Measure their diameter and length. For ease of calculation, measurements are made in meters.
  3. Calculate the cubic space occupied by each of the round timbers using the formula:

where Pi is a number equal to 3.14,

R – radius, equal to half measured diameter,

L – beam length.

  1. The resulting values ​​of 3 cubic meters of roundwood will be close to each other. They must be added up and the sum divided by 3. Thus, we obtain the value of the average volume of one log.
  2. Next, we multiply the resulting average value by the number of blanks in the machine or storage.

Since logs of similar diameter and standardized length are used for construction, this method widely used to estimate the cubic capacity of scaffolding.

If the shape of the beam is slightly pressed down, its cross-section will not be round, but slightly oval. How then to determine the diameter value? To do this, measure the size of 2 perpendicular diameters in the section of the beam: the largest and the smallest. Next, the measured values ​​are summed and divided by 2. The resulting value will be the average diameter used in the calculations (Fig. 1).

All photos from the article

During the construction process, there is often a need to calculate the volume of materials, and if everything is simpler with boards and timber, since they have precise dimensions, then with a log everything is much more complicated, especially if you have never done such calculations. In this review we will look at several of the most popular methods by which you can calculate the cubic capacity of a log without outside help, and the results will be quite accurate and deviations will be minimal.

Why accurate calculations are important

If you think that you can do without calculations, then this is far from true, judge for yourself:

Convenience All sellers calculate the amount of materials in cubic meters, so it is important to know how many logs are needed. Of course, you should decide in advance on the length of the elements, since the walls can be different, and the easiest way is to immediately purchase elements with the necessary parameters, this will reduce labor intensity construction work and significantly reduce the amount of waste
Rationality If you don’t figure out how to calculate the cubic capacity of a log and do it by eye, then most likely you will either not have enough material and will have to buy more, which can lead to delays in construction and high delivery costs, or you will be left with a certain amount of wood, such products cannot be returned, and the cost of their transportation will be considerable
Control Sometimes construction crews deliberately distort information by giving inflated data, you overpay not only for the material, but also for the work, because its cost also largely depends on the number of cubic meters of wood. With simple steps you can check the correctness of the calculations

If you purchase ready set from rounded elements, then everything is done for you necessary actions will be carried out by the manufacturer, you just need to decide on the project, and all further calculations will be carried out by specialists.

Even at the stage of thinking about his own house made of wood, the owner of a private plot comes to the question of how much wood will be needed for construction. And this is not idle interest. For example, if there is not enough lumber for construction or there is an excess of it, then in both cases you will have to overpay. How to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of a log house so that it is enough for a complete residential building, but without large quantity excess wood?

Simple calculation

It would seem, based on school knowledge, nothing is simpler. Having found out the length, height and width of a log or beam, you can simply multiply and get the result of the dimensions of a wooden box. However, the diameter of the material must not be overlooked; it directly affects the final figure and width of the compensation cut, which leaves the original size of the logs, but significantly reduces the amount of wood.

It becomes clear that calculating the volume of a log house is not a very simple matter, especially taking into account the methods of connecting the corners - with and without the remainder. But still feasible. So, we have the desired size 6×6 and using this example we will analyze the required quantity:

  • First of all, you need to understand that a larger diameter of logs will ultimately be a plus in the overall cost of money. After all, a built house will cost with a smaller layer of insulation, or even without it at all.

Thus, it becomes clear that construction must be carried out using logs with a diameter of 26 cm and above. So - the first known size is diameter = 0.26 mm.

  • Next, the height of the log house. It is impossible to calculate the frame for a house without taking into account the height. Usually it is in pure internal version 2.4 m per floor.

But let’s take an external height of 3 m as the required quantity. Now it’s not difficult to calculate the logs for one wall - 3/0.26 = 11.5 pcs. Round up to 12 and add the base crown element. Total number of logs per wall = 13 pcs.

  • Now let's make calculations for all the walls of the log house. Let's take a five-wall structure as an example, since the lengths of the sides are the same, it is not difficult to calculate a log house by the number of logs - 13 × 5 = 65 pieces. That is, to build a 6x6 house with a log diameter of 26 cm, 65 logs will be required.

But the material is not purchased individually. For this there is such a measure as volume. Of course, you can go to a sawmill and point your finger at the logs to indicate what material is needed, but it will look more than strange.

  • Using the well-known school formula - π*R²*L, we find the volume of one log. Multiplying the data - where R is the radius of the deck, and L is the length, we get the result 0.32 m³.

Now, assessing the offers on the market of lumber production companies, you can understand whether the average family can cope wood construction from the array. Suggested option - big house, even one floor high.

To this should be added the cost of the foundation, rafter system and finishing, which together can increase the amount of the project by more than 2 times. By the way, you can calculate a log house using the example given, and its cost is lower than a log.

Table of cubic capacity calculations for material of different diameters

To make complex calculations easier for users, here is a table already ready-made calculations cubic capacity for a certain array diameter:

Log diameter Log volume m³ at different lengths of logs
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
20 0.107 0.126 0.147 0.170 0.190 0.210 0.230 0.260
22 0.130 0.154 0.178 0.200 0.230 0.250 0.280 0.310
24 0.157 0.184 0.210 0.240 0.270 0.300 0.330 0.360
26 0.185 0.210 0.250 0.280 0.320 0.350 0.390 0.430
28 0.220 0.250 0.290 0.330 0.370 0.410 0.450 0.490

It is important that everything that exceeds the presented length and volume should be left to specialists, because the construction of such logs cannot be done without the use of special equipment, and, therefore, it is much cheaper and faster to entrust the work to professionals by ordering a turnkey log house from the company. Before concluding a contract, you can ask the company manager how cubic capacity is calculated.

Answering all the client’s questions is his sacred duty. Perhaps the knowledge gained will serve as a basis for self-construction property other than a residential building.

Calculation for a bath

To build your own steam room, you do not need to resort to the services of specialists - calculating the frame of a bathhouse yourself will not be difficult.

A typical 3x5 project will take a little time to build and such a structure will consist of functional premises– nothing superfluous, but convenience is not lost.

So this is:

  1. Steam room.
  2. Wash room.
  3. Waiting room.

Based on the wishes of everyone at home, the steam room and washing room can be combined. Thus, there is no need for one wall.

But you should take into account the health characteristics of all visitors to the bathhouse - perhaps someone cannot tolerate steam. Yes, and washing under constant temperature, not a very pleasant experience even for avid lovers of the Russian bath.

The problem of how to calculate a log house for a house can be solved quite easily using the above material and formulas. But you shouldn’t delude yourself and talk about the obtained figures as specific ones - you’ll have to take into account window and doorways, but not immediately, to subtract from the total amount, but to accept them as a proper expense. Otherwise, it will turn out that the array will have to be purchased again.

There is also a risk of purchasing substandard raw materials - damage, knots, wormholes - all this will further affect the amount of money spent. Remember that even rich and wealthy clients cannot afford to throw money away, so they use the working rule - you cannot skimp on quality.