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» How to calculate the number of sections: bimetallic heating radiators. How to correctly calculate the number of sections of bimetallic radiators. How many sections of bimetallic radiators are needed per 1m2

How to calculate the number of sections: bimetallic heating radiators. How to correctly calculate the number of sections of bimetallic radiators. How many sections of bimetallic radiators are needed per 1m2

Every home owner faces important questions when installing heating. What type of radiator should I choose? How to calculate the number of radiator sections? If professional employees are building a house for you, they will help you perform the calculations correctly so that the distribution heating batteries the building was rational. However, this procedure can be carried out independently. You will find the formulas necessary for this below in the article.

Types of radiators

Today there are the following types of heating batteries: bimetallic, steel, aluminum and cast iron. Radiators are also divided into panel, sectional, convector, tubular, and design radiators. Their choice depends on the coolant, the technical capabilities of the heating system and the financial capabilities of the home owner. How to calculate the number of radiator sections per room? This does not depend on the type. In this case, only one indicator is taken into account - radiator power.

Calculation methods

In order for the heating system in the room to work efficiently and to keep it warm and comfortable in winter, you need to carefully. For this, the following calculation methods are used:

  • Standard - carried out on the basis of the provisions of SNiP, according to which heating 1m2 will require a power of 100 watts. The calculation is carried out using the formula: S / P, where P is the power of the department, S is the area of ​​the selected room.
  • Approximate - to heat a 1.8 m2 apartment with ceilings 2.5 m high, you will need one radiator section.
  • Volumetric method - heating power of 41 W is taken per 1 m 3. The width, height and length of the room are taken into account.

How many radiators will be needed for the whole house?

How to calculate the number of radiator sections for an apartment or house? Calculations are carried out for each room separately. According to the standard, thermal power per 1m3 volume of a room having one door, window and external wall, is considered to be 41 watts.

If the house or apartment is “cold”, with thin walls, has many windows, the house or apartment is located on the first or last floor, then to heat them you need 47 W per 1 m 3, and not 41 W. For a house built from modern materials using different insulation for walls, floors, ceilings, having metal-plastic windows. you can take 30 W.

To replace cast iron radiators, there is the simplest calculation method: you need to multiply their number by the resulting number - the power of the new devices. When purchasing aluminum or bimetallic batteries for replacement, the calculation is carried out in the ratio: one cast iron rib to one aluminum one.

Rules for calculating the number of branches

  • The radiator power increases: if the room is at the end and has one window - by 20%; with two windows - by 30%; windows facing north also require an increase of another 10%; installing a battery under a window - 5%; closing the heating device decorative screen- by 15%.
  • The power required for heating can be calculated by multiplying the size of the room area (in m2) by 100 W.

In the product passport it is indicated by the manufacturer power density, which makes it possible to calculate the proper number of sections. Do not forget that heat transfer is affected by the power of an individual section, and not by the size of the radiator. Therefore, placing and installing several small appliances in a room is more effective than installing one large one. Heat coming from different sides will heat it evenly.

Calculation of the number of compartments of bimetallic batteries

  • Dimensions of the room and the number of windows in it.
  • Location of a specific room.
  • The presence of unclosed openings, arches and doors.
  • Heat transfer power of each section indicated by the manufacturer in the passport.

Stages of calculations

How to calculate the number of radiator sections if all the necessary data is recorded? To do this, determine the area by calculating the derivatives of the width and height of the room in meters. Using the formula S = L x W, calculate the joint area if they have open openings or arches.

Next, the total battery is calculated (P = S x 100), using a power of 100 W to heat one m2. Then the proper number of sections is calculated (n = P / Pc) by dividing the total thermal power by the heat transfer of one section indicated in the passport.

Depending on the location of the room, the calculation of the required number of compartments of the bimetallic device is carried out taking into account correction factors: 1.3 - for corner; use a coefficient of 1.1 - for the first and last floors; 1.2 - used for two windows; 1.5 - three or more windows.

Carrying out calculations of battery sections in the end room, located on the first floor of the house and having 2 windows. The dimensions of the room are 5 x 5 m. The heat output of one section is 190 W.

  • We calculate the area of ​​the room: S = 5 x 5 = 25 m2.
  • We calculate the thermal power in general: P = 25 x 100 = 2500 W.
  • We calculate the required sections: n = 2500 / 190 = 13.6. We round up, we get 14. We take into account the correction factors n = 14 x 1.3 x 1.2 x 1.1 = 24.024.
  • We divide the sections into two batteries and install them under the windows.

We hope that the information presented in the article will tell you how to calculate the number of radiator sections for your home. To do this, use the formulas and make a relatively accurate calculation. It is important to choose the right section power that is suitable for your heating system.

If you cannot independently calculate the required number of batteries for your home, it is best to seek help from specialists. They will perform a competent calculation, taking into account all the factors affecting the efficiency of the installed equipment. heating devices, which will provide warmth in the house during the cold period.

When a pleasant event awaits in the form of replacing old ones cast iron batteries to stylish and more powerful analogues, people face problems such as inconsistency modern heaters with existing centralized system heating.

As the experience of heating network engineers shows, the best option in this case, bimetallic heating radiators are used.

Calculating the number of sections is the first thing to do, since they are much more powerful than cast iron products.

Advantage of bimetal

By choosing batteries consisting of two metals, apartment owners receive a whole set of positive evidence why they are doing the right thing:

Such a disadvantage of bimetallic devices as high cost is lost next to the listed positive technical characteristics that provide people with a feeling of comfort and security.

If such structures are intended to be installed instead of cast iron ones, then the correct calculation of the number of sections should be made bimetallic radiators taking into account the fact that they are much superior to them in power and heat transfer.

Heat loss coefficient

It is impossible to calculate how powerful a battery in a room should be if all possible heat losses in it are not taken into account. Main heat leaks:

Each increase in the window by 10% adds 0.1 to the coefficient. If such amendments are not made to the calculations, it may turn out that with the boiler operating at full power, the apartment will be cool.

How the radiator is made is of considerable importance. For example, sectional models are convenient because if the calculation of bimetallic heating radiators was carried out incorrectly, the extra sections can be dismantled or, conversely, built up. Solid models can withstand pressure up to 100 atmospheres, which has no analogues among batteries made from other types of metals, but if installed device“does not match” its thermal power, then the entire panel will have to be replaced.

Calculation of the number of elements by area

To find out how many sections of a bimetallic radiator are needed, you should carry out calculations based on the area of ​​the room.

To do this, you can look at SNiP and find out the criteria for the minimum battery power level per 1 m2 of room. As a rule, it is equal to 100 W. Having calculated the area of ​​the room, for which you need to multiply its length by its width, the resulting result is multiplied by the power, and then divided by the power indicator of one battery section, which can be found in the data sheet from the manufacturer.

For example, for a room with an area of ​​16 m2 and a power of one battery section equal to 160 W, using the formula, the following result will be obtained:

(Ax100): B = number of sections

(16x100 W): 160 W = 10 sections.

Thus, for a room with an area of ​​16 m2, the installation of ten sections will be required, which will completely cover the entire heating area of ​​the bimetallic radiator.

Of course, such a calculation will only be approximate, since it is only suitable for rooms with a ceiling height of no more than 3 m. In addition, it does not take into account heat loss, which may affect the efficiency of the entire heating system.

Volume calculations

To determine the volume of a room, you will have to use indicators such as ceiling height, width and length. Having multiplied all the parameters and obtained the volume, it should be multiplied by the power indicator determined by SNiP in the amount of 41 W.

For example, the room area (width x length) is 16 m2, and the ceiling height is 2.7 m, which gives a volume (16x2.7) equal to 43 m3.

To determine the power of the radiator, the volume should be multiplied by the power indicator:

43 m3x41 W = 1771 W.

After this, the result obtained is also divided by the power of one radiator section. For example, it is equal to 160 W, which means that for a room with a volume of 43 m3, 11 sections will be required (1771: 160).

And such a calculation of bimetallic heating radiators per square meter will also not be accurate. To make sure how many sections in the battery are actually required, you need to make calculations using a more complex but accurate formula that takes into account all the nuances, right down to the air temperature outside the window.

This formula looks like this:

S x 100 x k1 x k2 x k3 x k4 x k5 x k6 * k7 = radiator power, where K is the heat loss parameters:

k1 – glazing type;

k2 – quality of wall insulation;

k3 – window size;

k4 – outside temperature;

k5 – external walls;

k6 is the room above the room;

k7 – ceiling height.

If you are not too lazy and calculate all these parameters, you can get the actual number of sections of a bimetallic radiator per 1 m2.

It’s not difficult to make such calculations, and even an approximate figure is better than buying a battery at random.

Bimetallic radiators are expensive and high-quality products, so before purchasing and installing, you should carefully familiarize yourself with not only such parameters as thermal power and resistance to high pressures, but also with their device.

Each manufacturer has its own attractive features for customers. You can't buy batteries just for the sake of promotions. A high-quality calculation of the thermal power of a bimetallic radiator will provide the room with heat for the next 20 - 30 years, which is much more attractive than a one-time discount.

The main task of any heating battery is to heat the room. For these reasons, heat transfer is the main parameter to consider when purchasing. For each model of heating devices, the heat transfer values ​​are different, including for bimetal. This parameter is affected by the volume and number of sections.

So, what is the power of 1 section of bimetallic heating radiators? Knowing the value, you can correctly calculate required size device.

What is heat transfer

The definition of heat transfer comes down to steam simple words- this is the amount of heat generated by the radiator over a certain time. Radiator power, thermal power, heat flow - the designation of one concept and is measured in Watts. For 1 section of a bimetallic radiator, this number is 200 W.

Some documents contain heat transfer values ​​calculated in calories per hour. To avoid confusion, calories are easily converted to Watts using simple calculations (1 Watt = 859.8 cal/hour).

Heat from the battery warms the room through three processes:

  • heat exchange;
  • convection;
  • radiation.

Each model of heating devices uses all types of heating, but in different proportions. For example, a radiator is considered to be those batteries that transfer 25% of thermal energy into the surrounding space through radiation. But now the term “radiator” has begun to be used to describe any heating device, regardless of the main heating method.

Dimensions and capacity of sections

Due to steel inserts, bimetallic radiators are more compact than aluminum, cast iron, and steel models. To some extent, this is not bad; the smaller the section, the less coolant is required for heating, which means that the battery is more economical in terms of heat energy consumption. However, too narrow pipes quickly become clogged with debris and rubbish, which are inevitable companions in modern heating networks.

U good models radiators made of bimetal, the thickness of the steel cores inside is the same as that of the walls of a regular one water pipe. The heat transfer of the battery depends on the capacity of the sections, and the interaxial distance directly affects the capacity parameters:

  • 20 cm - 0.1-0.16 l;
  • 35 cm - 0.15-0.2 l;
  • 50 cm - 0.2-0.3 l.

From the given data it follows that bimetal radiators require a small amount of coolant. For example, a heating device made of ten sections 35 cm high and 80 cm wide holds only 1.6 liters. Despite this, strength heat flow enough to warm the air in a room of 14 square meters. m. It is worth considering that a battery of this size weighs almost twice as much as its aluminum counterparts - 14 kg.

The vast majority of bimetal batteries can be purchased in specialized stores in one section and assembled a radiator of exactly the size required by the room. This is convenient, although there are one-piece models with a fixed number of sections (usually no more than 14 pieces). Each part has four holes: two inlets and two outlets. Their sizes may vary depending on the model of the heating device. To make it easier to assemble bimetal radiators, two holes are made with right-hand threads, and two with left-hand threads.

How to choose the right number of sections

The heat output of bimetallic heating devices is indicated in the data sheet. Based on this data, everything is produced necessary calculations. In cases where the heat transfer value is not indicated in the documents, these data can be viewed on the official websites of the manufacturer or used in the calculations the average value. For each individual room, its own calculation must be carried out.

To calculate the required number of bimetal sections, you need to take into account several factors. The heat transfer parameters of bimetal are slightly higher than those of cast iron (taking into account the same operating conditions. For example, let the coolant temperature be 90 ° C, then the power of one section of bimetal is 200 W, of cast iron - 180 W).

If you are planning to change cast iron radiator to bimetallic, then with the same dimensions new battery It will heat up a little better than the old one. And this is good. It is worth considering that over time the heat transfer will be slightly less due to blockages inside the pipes. Batteries become clogged with deposits that appear due to metal contact with water.

Therefore, if you decide to replace it, then calmly take the same number of sections. Sometimes batteries are installed with a small margin in one or two sections. This is done to avoid loss of heat transfer due to clogging. But if you are purchasing batteries for a new room, you cannot do without calculations.

Calculation by dimensions

The heat output of radiators depends on the volume of the room that needs to be heated. How bigger room, the more sections required. Therefore, the simplest calculation is based on the area of ​​the room.

There are special standards for plumbing, strictly regulated by SNiP. Batteries are no exception. For buildings in a temperate climate zone, the standard heating power is 100 W per square meter of room. Having calculated the area of ​​the room, multiplying the width by the length, you must also multiply the resulting value by 100. This will give you the total heat transfer of the battery. All that remains is to divide it into the heat transfer parameters of the bimetal.

For a 3x4 m room, the calculation will look like this:
K = 3x4x100/200 = 6 pcs.
The formula is extremely simple, but allows you to calculate only the approximate number of bimetal sections. These calculations do not take into account such important parameters How:

  • ceiling height (the formula is more or less accurate for ceilings no higher than 3 m);
  • location of the room (north side, corner of the house);
  • number of window and door openings;
  • degree of insulation of external walls.

Calculation by volume

Calculating the heat transfer of a battery by room volume is a little more complicated. To do this, you will need to know the width, length and height of the room, as well as the heating standards established for one m 3 - 41 W.

What heat transfer should bimetallic radiators have for a room 3x4 m, taking into account the ceiling height of 2.7 m: V = 3x4x2.7 = 32.4 m 3.
Having received the volume, it is easy to calculate the heat transfer of the battery: P = 32.4x41 = 1328.4 W.

As a result, the number of sections (taking into account the thermal power of the battery at high temperature mode 200 W) will be equal to: K = 1328.4/200 = 6.64 pcs.
The resulting number, if it is not an integer, is always rounded up. Based on more accurate calculations, you will need 7 sections, not 6.

Correction factors

Despite same values in the data sheet, the actual heat output of radiators may differ depending on operating conditions. Considering that the above formulas are accurate only for houses with average insulation rates and for areas with a temperate climate, under other conditions it is necessary to introduce amendments to the calculations.

To do this, the value obtained during the calculations is additionally multiplied by a coefficient:

  • corner and northern rooms - 1.3;
  • regions with extreme frosts (Far North) - 1.6;
  • screen or box - add another 25%, niche - 7%;
  • for each window in the room, the total heat transfer for the room increases by 100 W, for each door - 200 W;
  • cottage - 1.5;

Important! The last coefficient when calculating bimetallic radiators is used extremely rarely, because such heating devices are almost never installed in private homes due to their high cost.

Efficient heat dissipation

Thermal output values ​​for radiators are indicated in the data sheet or on the manufacturers' websites. They are suitable for specific heating system parameters. Thermal pressure of the system - important characteristic, which cannot be ignored when performing the necessary calculations. Typically, the heat transfer value of section 1 is given for a thermal pressure of 60°C, which corresponds to the high-temperature regime of a heating system with a water temperature of 90°C. Such parameters are now found in old houses. For new buildings more than modern technologies, in which high thermal pressure is no longer required. Its value for the heating system is 30 and 50° C.

Because of different meanings thermal pressure in the data sheet and in fact, it is necessary to recalculate the power of the sections. In most cases it turns out to be lower than stated. The heat transfer value is multiplied by the actual value of the thermal pressure and divided by what is indicated in the documents.

The output parameters of one section of a bimetallic heating battery directly affect its dimensions and ability to heat the room. Do exact calculations, without knowing the heat transfer value of the bimetal, it is impossible.

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Bimetallic heating radiator

Bimetallic radiators are high-quality and highly efficient heating devices that can be used to heat a residential building, office space or industrial building. The main thing is the availability internal elements of steel.

The design features contribute to an increased level of safety margin, and the negative results from contact of the coolant with aluminum are reduced to zero. The only drawback of such heating structures is the unreasonably high cost among similar equipment.

All positive directly depend on their structure. The core can be steel or copper, which increases resistance to the composition of the coolant, as well as pressure drops.

The convenient type of connection with a standard pipeline and the aluminum surface of the radiator make it possible to obtain high heat transfer.

Bimetallic radiators sold in our country, depending on the device and characteristics, can be are divided into two main types:

  • absolutely " bimetallic type» , possessing steel pipes and aluminum body. The main advantages are durability and the absolute absence of the possibility of leaks;
  • "semi-bimetallic version", in which vertical channels are reinforced with steel tubes. Such heating radiators are characterized by an excellent combination of low price and high thermal output.

The operating principle of this heating equipment as simple as possible. On an aluminum body via a steel tube heat is transferred from the coolant, which contributes to the heating of air masses in the heated room.

The use of steel facilitates the use of equipment in conditions high level coolant pressure inside the heating system. Steel components allow the use of bimetallic type batteries in the presence of coolant with a low quality index.

Standard sizes and diameters

Today, bimetallic radiators are produced in generally accepted standard sizes:

  • thickness indicators– 9 centimeters;
  • width indicators– at least 40 centimeters;
  • height indicators– 76, 94 or 112 centimeters.

It should be taken into account that the linear parameters of heating devices can vary significantly and depend on the materials used and design features:

  • if it is necessary to install thinner devices, it is impractical to use a bimetallic type of equipment, which is due to the double metal layer;
  • belongs to the category of the thinnest devices option devices.

In addition, there is a difference in height, which can vary from fifteen centimeters to three meters. Standard batteries have a height of 55-58 centimeters.

Features of calculating heat losses

Heat transfer dimensions are indicated by manufacturers and are based on calculations for the temperature parameters of the coolant at seventy degrees. The operation process assumes the presence of some deviations from the specified values, which requires consideration when choosing.

It is for this reason that competent selection of heating equipment involves determination of building heat loss values.

These calculations are based on data about all walls and ceiling structure rooms, floors, types of windows and their number, design features doors, material of the plaster layer and other factors, including the direction of the cardinal directions, solarization, wind rose and other criteria.

Standard thermal output should based on the figure of one kW per ten square meters heated area. However, such results will be very approximate.

More accurate information about total heat loss allow you to get calculations using the formula:

V x 0.04 + TPok x Nok + TPdv x Ndv

  • V– volume of the heated room;
  • 0,04 – standard heat loss on one cubic meter squares;
  • TPok– parameters of heat loss from one window according to a value of 0.1 kW;
  • Nok– total number of windows;
  • TPdv- heat loss parameters of one door according to a value of 0.2 kW;
  • Ndoor- total number of doors.

More accurate data can be obtained by using special device called thermal imager. The device not only maximum accuracy makes the required calculations, but also takes into account such important characteristics as hidden construction defects And poor quality building materials.

Calculation of the required quantity per area

Almost the entire volume of such radiators is produced in standard version execution and has stable dimensions. To calculate the number of sections, it is advisable to use a fairly convenient formula:

According to which:

  • X is the estimated number of sections in one heating device;
  • S corresponds to the heated area in square meters;
  • N represents the power of one section.

An example of calculating the number of sections of bimetallic heating radiators by area:

For a room 5 x 4 meters with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters optimal indicator the power of one section is about 150 W, and the calculations in accordance with the formula are as follows -

X = S x 100: N = 5 x 4 x 100: 150 = 13.3 or 14 sections.

Rules for choosing wisely

In order for it to meet all the required parameters, you should take into account some nuances:

  • radiator sizes must be selected according to the interior design and the amount of generated thermal power;
  • equipment under the windows should overlap the width window openings by 50 or 75 percent;
  • the minimum distance from the upper segment of the battery to the window sill should not be less than 10 centimeters;
  • bottom of battery should not be more than 60 centimeters closer to the floor surface;
  • for premises with non-standard forms , the best option there will be accommodation designer batteries, made to order;
  • Please note that such devices can have top, bottom, side and cross connection options to the system.

At the moment, you can send an application for heating calculation to
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Required data for calculation:

  • Qty sq/m.
  • Number of floors in the house
  • Your floor
  • Corner apartment? (Not really)
  • Type of heating radiators (Bimetal, Aluminum, Cast Iron, Vacuum, Steel - convector, etc.)
  • House model (monolithic/panel/brick/block/other..)
  • Is there a balcony and is it insulated?
  • Window sill height
  • Ceiling height
  • Number of rooms (support with a plan or diagram of the apartment in the attachment for clarity)
  • Number of windows (support with a plan or diagram of the apartment in the attachment for clarity)
  • Lowest temperature in winter time+- 10 C
  • Availability suspended ceiling(Not really)
  • Your full name
  • Your phone number (to clarify possible details during calculations, indicate a time convenient for you to call in Moscow)

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You are required to provide the parameters of your apartment:

  • Qty sq/m.
  • Number of floors in the house
  • Your floor
  • Corner apartment? (Not really)


Calculation of bimetallic radiators heating today is a very important task, both for simple owner your house or apartment, and for professional installer and plumbing! Calculation of bimetallic radiator sections ours online calculator allows you to easily determine the required number of sections for heating the required room. Thanks to high-quality input data, correctly filled in additional and basic parameters, you will be able to produce calculation of the number of sections of bimetallic radiators within 10-15 seconds!

Bimetallic radiators are very popular because of their heat transfer and reliability; they are also lightweight, which makes their installation very convenient and comfortable. The reliability of this type of radiator lies in the fact that it consists of a steel frame, which in turn has an aluminum skin, which provides excellent heat transfer.

Bimetallic heating radiators calculation which will be a pleasant activity with our online calculator!