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» How to make an artificial false fireplace with your own hands. Do-it-yourself false fireplace (made of plasterboard, polystyrene foam, wood, cardboard). False fireplace in the interior: photo for inspiration How to make a fake fireplace in an apartment

How to make an artificial false fireplace with your own hands. Do-it-yourself false fireplace (made of plasterboard, polystyrene foam, wood, cardboard). False fireplace in the interior: photo for inspiration How to make a fake fireplace in an apartment

Those who have city apartments in their possessions probably miss the crackling of firewood somewhere in the depths of their souls. home interior. But this is not at all a reason to deny yourself such pleasure, limiting yourself to the fireplace, near which you can sit comfortably on a frosty evening.

After all decorative false fireplaces made with your own hands are able to bring into your home not less comfort and warmth. Especially if they are equipped with an imitation flame, as well as an electric firebox.

Note. When creating a false fireplace, you may need lumber; the website offers the largest range at affordable prices.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a false fireplace

This is a completely simple procedure. To make it, you will need to make a sketch, which, by the way, you can draw yourself! Construction Materials Any will do. You can use drywall on a metal/wood frame.

Polyurethane, porcelain stoneware, tiles, MDF. You can come up with absolutely any shape for your fireplace, for example, imitate a classic hearth, or create original design, which will be complemented by other decorative elements. There are many ideas for homemade projects on this site.


Most in a fast way making your own decorative fireplace is the purchase of a ready-made polyurethane portal. The thing is that today the store offers a wide range of different portals, among which choosing the right style and dimensions for your home is not at all problematic.

Electric fireplaces can be built into such a design, for which you need to know what its dimensions are (dimensions and installation). It is also important to know what the requirements are regarding ventilation as well as electrical connections.

When deciding to install a false fireplace made of polyurethane, you can use the photos of false fireplaces in our catalog, thanks to which you will certainly quickly decide on the right choice.

To make this version of the fireplace, you need a store-bought polyurethane portal, a contact type of glue, putty, finishing materials for a firebox like decorative brick.

Installation process:

  • Select the location where the false fireplace will be installed. It is advisable to install it on one of the side walls in the room, since in this way you will achieve maximum harmony. At the same time, the fireplace should not become an obstacle to movement in the room.
  • You need to think in advance whether your portal will have an electric fireplace, as well as lighting. To do this, you will need to run wires and make an outlet nearby.
  • Using wooden blocks you should make a frame. Also for a profile with a wall, plywood or gypsum board is suitable.
  • The portal should be installed. Then secure using contact glue. Carefully fill the gaps using a finishing type of putty.
  • Install an electric fireplace and finish the firebox in accordance with your preferred interior design style. If necessary, connect the backlight. If your fireplace is in a classic style, lighting with soft and warm tones. In other cases, an LED strip can be used.


If you are not going to install an electric fireplace, decorate the back of your structure with a mirror. Place decorated logs on the bottom/cover it with stones, shells, and glass balls.

You can make a completely safe fire inside your fireplace. To do this, install candles with different shapes and height.

Decoration of the back of the fireplace

The portal can be decorated using paint, patina, gilding, or using decorative elements. The mantelpiece can be installed from wood/artificial stone.

Finished portals are made of polyurethane or wood. They are much more expensive, but at the same time you can find the most incredible masterpieces among them. For example, a bar can be installed inside.

Plasterboard false fireplace

If after repair work You still have a profile or plasterboard, use it! This option will not only be excellent, but also very inexpensive. And the design will fit into any type of niche/corner. It can also become an element of a real shelf composition.

For such a structure you will need: wooden beams, galvanized plasterboard profile, scraps of plasterboard, plywood sheets, a screwdriver, a jigsaw, scissors for metal carving, putty, acrylic-based paint, brick/decorative type of stone.

The manufacturing process is as follows. It is important to think through a sketch of the fireplace in advance, which will indicate all the dimensions, including the joints of the frame parts. It is important to measure the room and decide where exactly the fireplace will be located. Then the calculation is made required quantity material.

The frame is made from a profile, its elements are connected to each other with self-tapping screws. The profile is cut with a hacksaw/scissors. In order for all elements to be as stable as possible, they should be connected by transverse types of jumpers. If your structure is too large, then its frame should be attached to the floor and walls. After all, if it is heavy, or simply narrow, the fireplace will be completely unstable. The gypsum board should be cut out in accordance with the sketch, then tried on, trimmed if necessary and secured using black knee screws directly to the profile. The self-tapping caps should be slightly deepened so that puttying will not be problematic in the future. GCR is quite easy to cut with a knife.

Then the sheets are screwed to the frame. The joints and fastening points should be puttied and leveled using putty intended for interior work, in two layers. The corners should be reinforced with paint mesh.

Then you should putty the edges with the gypsum board joints. Level the surfaces on the sheets; if necessary, use putty. The structure needs to be painted. Also, for finishing you need to use other materials, such as artificial stone, tiles, stucco. You need to glue it with a special glue, which is diluted strictly according to the instructions.

The firebox is being decorated brickwork, or install a mirror on back wall designs.

You can also install candles inside the firebox, or install an imitation of a hearth with lighting.

False fireplace completely safe design, which can be installed even in children's rooms. At the same time, you can use the mantelpiece as a stand for photo frames, toys and other things.

Photos of the best design options for false fireplaces in the interior

IN modern apartment It is not possible to build a classic fireplace, but you can always build an imitation of this structure. A false fireplace in an apartment will play a decorative role; it will help create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere Moreover, there are no problems of this kind with heating rooms, the batteries do an excellent job.

In this article we will talk about how to build artificial fireplace plywood, chipboard, various types wood with your own hands, we will consider in detail several master classes on their creation.

Original wooden portal for an electric fireplace

Preparatory work

It is worth noting that the false fireplace is exclusively a portal of impressive size, which is properly decorated inside and out. This portal can become a separate decorative element or a frame for an electric fireplace that provides heat, a biofireplace, which allows you to create a real fire in the firebox.

  • If a portal is created for a bio-fireplace in which a real fire will burn, then you should carefully select materials for the firebox, since they must be fireproof.
  • If a false fireplace is designed to decorate an electric fireplace, then the size of its firebox must correspond to the dimensions of the device. Additionally, electrical wiring should be carried out and sockets should be placed in the area of ​​the proposed structure.

Portals for false fireplaces can be purchased at the store, or you can make it yourself, for example, from plasterboard, from boards, from bricks and even from cardboard. To create the base, you can use the most various materials, For example, original solution can be . If you want to assemble a solid structure that will serve for a long time, then it is better to make a wooden analogue. To build a fake fireplace out of wood with your own hands you will need: plywood, chipboard, boards and timber.

Luxurious handmade wooden fireplace portal

On preparatory stage It is important to choose the right place for the future fireplace, as well as decide what its appearance will be. Bearing in mind that this decorative element will dominate the interior of the room, you should choose key places. In this case, the false fireplace will attract attention and set the desired tone in the atmosphere of the room.

The interior of the room should definitely be taken into account when choosing a sketch of a future building. In the same time classic look a false fireplace will allow you to fit it into almost any interior. It will be great if there is a relaxation area near the virtual fireplace, where you can fully enjoy the comfort of home.

Having chosen a suitable sketch of a decorative fireplace, you should decide on the dimensions of the structure. It is advisable to build a large portal in a large room, and a small one in a small one, so that harmony in the interior design is maintained. will save space in the room. If it is difficult for you to imagine the dimensions of the product, then you can cut out a cardboard model or draw a selected area on the floor and wall using a drawing of a false fireplace.

Note that the design of a decorative fireplace can be very different. For example, portals with a firebox raised above the floor look interesting, in which it is convenient to place candles, LCD screens, and if necessary, it is easy to place a burner from a bio-fireplace or an electric fireplace into the cavity.

In conclusion, we note that similar products are needed in the interior of the room to create a harmonious atmosphere filled with warmth and homeliness. Yes, they do not have any functionality, but they allow you to feel the warmth of home on a subconscious level. And finally, a master class on making a fireplace from wood.

Tools and hardware Fastening the elements of the lower part

A fireplace is a type of stove that has open access to the room. Heat is generated locally, which limits the space it heats. Open fireplaces only heat small area rooms, and fireplaces with closed fireboxes allow you to heat the entire house.

Fireplaces were once ubiquitous because they were used as hearths for heating the home and cooking. Now it is more of a decorative element, because the installation of a real wood burning fireplace in a city apartment is possible only in 1 case out of 100.


How to install

Installing a real fireplace with a chimney in ordinary apartment practically impossible. But there are a number of nuances that allow you to add this decorative element.

  1. Firstly, the apartment in which installation is planned must be located on top floor Houses.
  2. Secondly, the owner of the apartment must obtain two permits from the housing inspectorate: for redevelopment of the premises and for the right to carry out reconstruction work (installing a chimney involves making changes to the floors and roof).
  3. Thirdly, even if you meet the first two conditions, it is worth considering that the maximum permissible load on the floor in a residential building, according to SNiP standards, should be no more than 150 kg/m2. The weight of an ordinary fireplace with a chimney and a metal firebox can easily reach 500 kg.
  4. Fourthly, if the first three points do not convince you, then the cost of creating a wood-burning fireplace will be approximately 200,000 rubles.

Thus, sadly, one can only dream of an authentic fireplace in an apartment while drinking hot tea while sitting near an electric fireplace.


Types of fireplaces

Electric. This type of fireplace is the most common in apartments. It is an electric fireplace connected to the network, which simulates the thermal and visual effect of burning wood. It heats the room, consuming about 2 kW of energy per hour. The advantage of this fireplace is that it can easily warm up to comfortable temperature room of 25 m2. In addition, in summer, an electric fireplace can only operate in visualization mode, without connecting the heating mode.

The firebox of an electric fireplace is most often stylized as cast iron. Internal elements can be different: imitate the burning of firewood, smoldering coals or heated stones. In budget options, fire is imitated by pieces of fabric that are driven by air flow. The firebox is only one part of the structure, which is traditionally called a fireplace. In addition to the firebox, you also need a portal (the outer front part in the shape of the letter P, which frames the firebox and gives the fireplace a finished look).

Modern electric fireplaces are equipped with a built-in steam generator. Water is poured into the built-in container, which is divided into fine particles and is released outside. Thanks to interior decor illuminated by lamps with light filters, the steam becomes like smoke from coals. A huge advantage of such models is additional air humidification.

When choosing an electric fireplace, be guided by its power (for heating, the power must be at least 1.5 kW), its dimensions (the smallest fireplace in depth is 7 cm), and the function of adjusting the brightness of the glow. Additional functions– imitation of the sounds of burning wood, steam generator.

Biofireplace. This type of fireplace is fundamentally different from an electric one: it does not simulate a flame, it actually burns. His workspace contains gas-burners, which ignite biofuel for fireplaces (liquid), resulting in a process of heat release and lighting.



  • naturalness of fire;
  • energy saving;
  • Possibility of installation in almost any part of the room;
  • absence of smoke and combustion decay products;
  • ease of installation, which does not require special skills.


  • the need for hood;
  • inability to turn off the heat supply;
  • mandatory presence of a fire extinguisher in the house;
  • coordinating work with gas workers and placing equipment under regular control.

DIY installation

Easy installation of an electric fireplace with my own hands difficult to overestimate. Just choose suitable model firebox, choose a place for it and connect it to the power supply. However, if you want the fireplace not only to work, but also to become part of the interior, then you will have to build a portal for it.

The fireplace portal can be made in several styles:

  • classical. A U-shaped portal around the fireplace insert;
  • rustic. The ethnic style "country" has D-shape. Installed in a corner and made from inexpensive materials;
  • bionics - nature style, assumes the absence of right angles, the shape smoothly flows into one another. There is room for sculptors to expand;
  • tiled - Russian style. Decorated with tiles - tiles - it was used to design stoves in Russian houses of the nobility and merchants.

Cardboard portal

Most easy way make a fireplace surround - cardboard box. Do not be surprised and snort, class C packaging cardboard (seven-layer corrugated) is used for packaging valuable cargo in international transport. In addition, cardboard is the most affordable and cheap material, it is easy to use and environmentally friendly.

To make a frame, in addition to cardboard, you will need office glue, a glue gun or liquid nails, scissors, paper tape, various elements polyurethane decor: corners, baseboards, sockets.

  1. The frame is made according to the size of your existing firebox; you must first take the dimensions and make a drawing on paper.
  2. The elements are glued together with liquid glue from a gun, then all seams are taped masking tape so that uneven joints are not visible.
  3. After the frame has dried, it should be covered with paintable wallpaper (if you plan to draw the design yourself) or wallpaper with imitation stone or brick.
  4. Glue decorative elements, if required.
  5. Paint the fireplace.


  • simplicity and speed of production;
  • low cost of materials;
  • the ability to move to any place after connecting;
  • easy to replace with a new one if necessary.


  • the structure is easily destroyed by small children.

Stationary fireplace portal

A fireplace portal can be made frame method. Consider creating wall portal for a plasterboard fireplace.

To do this, you will need a 5x5 and 5x4 metal profile, screws for metal and drywall, scissors for cutting metal, and a screwdriver. Other tools: hammer, level, pencil, optional.

Step-by-step instruction settings:

  1. Before you begin installing the frame, the space behind it must be laid with asbestos or other fire-resistant material.
  2. The position of the frame is marked on the wall with a pencil using a level.
  3. The profile is cut to the elements of the required length and attached to the wall in accordance with the markings so as to form a cube or parallelepiped.
  4. The body is reinforced where it will be maximum load. Usually the firebox puts a load on the lower part of the frame, so they are attached at a distance of 30 cm from the floor additional elements from a 5x5 profile.
  5. The frame for the “chimney” is made at the discretion of the fireplace owner. You can make it triangular (like a real fireplace), you can make it rectangular, or you can not make it at all.
  6. After creating the frame, communications (electricity) are installed. For safe and uninterrupted operation The fireplace cable inside the portal must be laid using a metal sleeve. The cable cross-section must be at least 2.5x2.
  7. For more convenient use of the fireplace, it is worth making a separate switch. Otherwise, you will have to constantly unplug the power cord from the outlet.
  8. For cladding, plasterboard is used, which is cut into the required pieces and attached to the frame using a screwdriver and screws intended for this purpose.
  9. The joints of the cladding are sealed with sealant and must be strengthened metal corners, because drywall tends to crumble from physical impact.
  10. Be sure to make several holes for ventilation so that the firebox does not overheat.
  11. The drywall is primed, puttied and ready for further cladding.
  12. The cladding can be made with any materials: covered with tiles, artificial stone, textured plaster.

But a real fireplace is not a cheap pleasure at all, and is often not permissible due to safety regulations. Therefore, here we present a detailed master class with photos and drawings on how to make a false fireplace with your own hands.

  • Wherein it's portable that is, it can decorate your room permanently, or only during the holidays; you can pick it up when you move, or give it to one of your friends or relatives.
  • The design of the false fireplace is quite strong and reliable, so if you put the fireplace against the wall, you don’t have to worry about children knocking it over.

ADVICE: Using the same scheme, you can make it from either durable cardboard or drywall!

If you're ready to get started, let's get started!

  • 11 wooden blocks 244 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm
  • 1 wooden block size 305 cm x 5 cm x 15 cm
  • Faux brick panel measuring 122 cm x 244 cm
  • 2 MDF panels measuring 122 cm x 244 cm and thickness 1.3 cm
  • 1 chipboard panel measuring 122 cm x 244 cm and thickness 0.6 cm
  • Wooden plank measuring 244 cm x 1.9 cm x 1.9 cm
  • Screws 3.8 cm long
  • Screwdriver
  • Screws 7.6 cm long
  • Screws 2.5 cm long
  • Drill
  • Drill
  • Wood glue
  • Paint and putty
  • Brush and spatula
  • Sander

Step 1: Making the frame of the false fireplace

First, let's create a frame - the “skeleton” of the false fireplace design. It consists of three main parts: back, front and base of the bottom.


  • First, let's cut down the parts for back of the frame, which will be on the side of the wall. For the top and bottom parts you will need two bars 160 cm long, for the side elements four bars 137 cm long, and for the supporting part at the bottom one block 106.7 cm long (see photo below).

  • Then we cut out the parts for front of the fireplace. To do this you will need (again) to cut two bars for the top and bottom 160cm long, 4 side bars 137cm long, a header 112cm long, and a front bottom 160cm long (the latter from a 5cm x 15cm block).

  • Now we cut out the parts for bottom base. For the upper and lower parts you will need two bars 160 cm long, and for the side connections four bars 19.7 cm long.


To create the frame, we will screw everything together using 7.6 cm long screws and wood glue (for additional strength).

Let's start with the assembly bottom base:

  1. Put one of bars 160 cm long and attach a short piece of wood at the ends.
  2. Note: the concept of “attach” hereinafter will be understood as the following sequence of actions: apply wood glue to the bars, glue them together, and then fix this position with screws.
  3. Then measure from each ends of a long block of 38 cm and mark a line. Deliver with inside each line with a short block (that is, so that one edge of the block touches the line, but the block is located closer to the center of it) and attach.

Now let's build back:

  1. Start by attaching two 137 cm long pieces of wood to the edges of a 160 cm long piece of wood that is in this case serves as the bottom of the frame.
  2. Now from the outer edge of the bottom measure the bar 19.7 cm and mark the line.
  3. Place two more side bars along the marked lines closer to the center (as in the previous case with the transverse part of the frame) and attach.
  4. After that attach top part.

At this stage rear end the frame should look like like this:

Now we will add a support block (106.7 cm) to the bottom of the back frame. Place it in the center so that there are equal distances to the side bars, apply glue and secure with a clamp so that the block does not move out. Then secure with screws.

Now let's start building front of the fireplace.

  1. Place two side bars length 137 cm, and between them a block 112 cm long(the latter needs to be placed on the wider side, as in the photo).
  2. On the side parts, measure 24 cm and mark a line. Place the jumper over these lines and attach to the side pieces.
  3. Attach the top and lower bars 160 cm long to the side bars so that they extend the same distance on both sides. It should look like in the photos:

Now we attach the two remaining side parts (as in the photo):

At the bottom of the frame you need to attach a block measuring 160 cm x 10 cm x 15 cm. Here's what happens:


We have already made three separate parts, and now we need to connect them together. As connecting elements, we will need six bars measuring 30.5 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm, and one bar measuring 14 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm. They are shown in the photo below. And also a block measuring 112 cm x 5 cm x 15 cm.

Take the front and back of the fireplace and place them on the ground with the front on top. Now take a 14cm long piece of wood and attach it between the wide board at the bottom of the front frame and the support board at the bottom of the back frame. It must be located in the center - see photo .

Now we add fastenings at the bottom on the sides. To do this, we will need two 30.5 cm long bars. Since the front and back frames are currently only connected in one place at the bottom, before attaching these side bars, make sure that the frames lie flat on each other. Attach the bars as in the photo(on the other hand the same):

Take a 112cm x 5cm x 15cm piece of wood and attach it to the back of the crossbar on the front of the frame. Add additional screws through the side rails.

Now take the bottom frame and attach it to the bars connecting the front and back frames. Like this:

Add two more connecting bars on the sides so that they reach the top of the base frame, as in the photo:

Now take the last two bars, 30.5 cm long, and insert them into the gap that was formed after attaching the bottom base frame (symmetrically on both sides). Attach with screws to the side.

At this point, the frame for the fireplace is completed and you can move on to the next stage.

Step 2: Making the fireplace surround

Now it's time to cover the fireplace with MDF or plywood panels. We will need pieces of these sizes:

  • 28.5 cm x 170 cm, 17.8 cm x 115 cm – 2 pieces,
  • 26.7 cm x 99 cm – 2 pieces,
  • 17.8 cm x 99 cm – 2 pieces,
  • 28.5 cm x 30.5 cm – 2 pieces.

Now you need to cut out the piece to cover the top of the bottom of the fireplace. It can be made from MDF or chipboard (stronger). To start, you need a rectangle measuring 35.5 cm x 177.8 cm.

Now this one the rectangle needs to be transformed as follows:

  • step back on one of the long sides from the edge 9 cm and measure 24 cm from this point, measure 17.8 cm upward from both points, you get a small rectangle (mark the same from the other edge).
  • These two rectangles need to be cut out to make a board like this:

  • Next, cut out of MDF 6 blocks size 2.5 cm x 19 cm, and one measuring 2.5 cm x 167.6 cm. The photo below shows some of them:

We will also need a rectangle measuring 21.6 cm x 109.2 cm. This is for the bottom of the fireplace.

  • Also cut a sheet measuring 170cm x 28cm to cover the front and 26.7cm x 177.8cm for the top.
  • And further 2 pieces measuring 21.6 cm x 28 cm.

Fireplace assembly

Now we will attach all this to the fireplace. Let's start by attaching the top to the bottom of the fireplace. The notches of the board should be around the side columns. Secure the structure with screws.

Then take 2 pieces measuring 28.5 cm x 30.5 cm and attach them at the bottom on the sides. Then take a 28.5cm x 170cm piece of paper and attach it to the bottom front of the fireplace. Here's what happens:

Column mounting

Your fireplace should now look like this:

To ensure that the coating has a certain relief, we will add bars 2.5 cm wide.

  • From the top of the fireplace, measure 26.7 cm and mark a line.
  • Below this line, attach two 2.5cm x 19cm pieces of wood to external parties columns to create a relief 2.5 cm high.
  • Then take a 2.5cm x 167.6cm piece and attach it to the front so it overlaps the sides.

Now we will use two other bars measuring 2.5 cm x 19 cm and a sheet measuring 21.6 cm x 109.2 cm. The sheet must be attached directly above the relief strip, thus making a partition between the columns. And attach two small parts above the sheet to the inside of each column.

Now attach the cover to the top of the front:

Take the last two pieces measuring 2.5 cm x 19 cm and attach them to the top of the columns as shown in the photo:

Then attach the side coverings measuring 21.6 cm x 28 cm on both sides:

And the last part this stage– we attach the upper part of the covering measuring 26.7 cm x 177.8 cm. Make sure that the sides of the covering extend to the same size.

The main fireplace cover is ready! Hooray!

Step 3: Finishing the false fireplace

Now that the fireplace design has been created, we will work on it appearance. We will add relief details to the fireplace, paint it, and generally put it in order.

For further actions we will need to cut the materials into the following pieces:

  1. For front part: 4 pieces measuring 5 cm x 27.3 cm, 4 measuring 5 cm x 39.7 cm, and 2 measuring 5 cm x 72.4 cm.
  2. For sides: 4 pieces measuring 5 cm x 23 cm, 2 measuring 5 cm x 27.3 cm, and 2 measuring 3.8 cm x 27.3 cm.
  3. Also for the columns you need: 4 pieces measuring 3.8 cm x 21.6 cm and 4 pieces measuring 3.8 cm x 87.6 cm.
  4. In addition, you will need 20 boards measuring 7.6 cm x 19 cm.

You also need to make one plank 177.8 cm long and cut the ends at an angle of 45 degrees. The two short strips should be 26.7 cm long and only one should be cut from each of them end at an angle of 45 degrees.

The panel imitating brickwork should be 122 cm x 93.3 cm in size. To prevent the panel from being a standard “brick” color, it can be painted white (we will do that here).


Now that all the details are ready, you can attach them to the structure fireplace!

  • Let's start from the lower front part, we will attach the parts from left to right.
  • At the left end, attach a 5 cm x 27.3 cm block (it should extend 1.3 cm beyond the edge so that it fits well with the overlay side bars).
  • Then attach two 5cm x 39.7cm blocks perpendicular to the first block.
  • Now attach the next vertical block measuring 5cm x 27.3cm, and perpendicular to it two horizontal ones measuring 5cm x 72.4cm.
  • Next is another vertical block measuring 5 cm x 27.3 cm, and again two horizontal bars measuring 5 cm x 72.4 cm.
  • And finally, the last vertical block measures 5cm x 27.3cm.

Now we will work on the sides. Take a 3.8cm x 27.3cm piece of wood and attach it vertically to the left edge of the side. Next, attach two horizontal bars measuring 5 cm x 23 cm on top and bottom, and another vertical block measuring 5 cm x 27.3 cm. Repeat the same for the other side.

Column cladding

Now we will sheathe the columns. Start by attaching a 5cm x 87.6cm piece of wood to the left front of the column vertically (it should extend 1.3cm beyond the edge). Add horizontal 5cm x 19cm pieces to the top and bottom of the front of the column, and then another vertical one (this one will also extend over the edge).

To cover the sides of the columns, first attach a 3.8cm x 87.6cm vertical piece to the left. Then add 5cm x 10cm horizontal pieces to the top and bottom, and finally another 5cm x 87.6cm vertical piece. Repeat this process for the outside and the inner sides of both columns.

Now we will make additional reliefs on the front of the columns. Attach two 3.8 cm x 87.6 cm pieces vertically to each side, then add horizontal 3.8 cm x 21.6 cm pieces.

Now, to finish the front of the columns, you will need 20 boards measuring 7.6 cm x 19 cm. You can start at the top or bottom, it doesn't matter. To ensure the same distance between the boards when fastening, you can insert 2 coins as dividers. You may have to trim the last board to fit. Do this for both columns.

This is how it should be look like in the end :

Now let's work on the top of the fireplace.

  1. Take a 1.9 cm x 1.9 cm square cut block and attach it directly under the fireplace top board (front and sides).
  2. Then attach a 5cm x 172.7cm piece of wood to the front directly below the block you just attached.
  3. The sides will have a 1.3 cm overhang on each side. Then take four 5cm x 16cm pieces of wood and attach them vertically.
  4. Start at one end and attach so that the block extends 1.3 cm beyond the edge, that is, ending level with the top horizontal block 172.7 cm long.
  5. Measure 26.7cm and attach another 5cm x 16cm piece of wood. Do this on each side. Then attach a second horizontal block measuring 5cm x 172.7cm to the bottom.

Next we need to trim the sides of the fireplace top.

  1. Take a 5cm x 23cm block and attach it horizontally (under the 1.9cm x 1.9cm cut and against the 1.3cm protruding block from the front).
  2. Now attach a vertical block measuring 3.8cm x 16cm.
  3. Add a second 5cm x 23cm piece to the bottom and complete this side by adding a final 5cm x 23cm piece.

Repeat on the other side.

To finish the finish, attach the front and sides of the top bars (those with a 1.9 cm x 1.9 cm cut) to pieces cut lengthwise at an angle of 45 degrees (that is, with a triangular cut).

After all the trim pieces have been attached, you need to apply putty to seal all the holes, and then smooth the surface by sanding. Now you can finally have a fireplace paint it white!

Once the paint is completely dry, attach the faux brick panel to the back using 2.5cm screws.

Remove any gaps you want to fill:

Step 4: Attachment

The design of this fireplace is quite stable in itself, but additional fastening to the wall would still not hurt. This can be done in several ways; here we will use a homemade wooden bracket.

We will need:

  • 1 block measuring 2.5 cm x 3.8 cm x 106.7 cm
  • 1 block measuring 2.5 cm x 5 cm x 106.7 cm.

Join these two pieces of wood together in an "L" shape, with the 5cm x 106.7cm block being vertical.

Attach this bracket to the wall. The mounting height depends on whether your fireplace will be on a carpet or just on the floor. When we move the fireplace to the wall, the bracket should touch the bottom board of the top of the fireplace from the inside, that is, be above the “brickwork”. Here is the bracket at a distance of 120 cm from the floor:

The fireplace and bracket must be connected with screws from the bottom board of the upper part of the fireplace. Place a few logs of firewood underneath for decoration and you're done!

On top of the fireplace for decoration you can put several magazines and put figurines or candles. It turned out to be a wonderful decoration for the hall and the apartment as a whole!

Most people strive to create an atmosphere of coziness, warmth, and comfort in their home. A fireplace located in the house greatly simplifies this task. Pleasant warmth and the sight of a flickering fire have an extremely positive effect on us, we feel relaxed, involuntarily warm up and switch to rest. Installing a full-fledged fireplace in a private house is not a problem, but what should city residents whose apartments are not designed for such systems do?

The simplest answer comes immediately, it is necessary to build a false fireplace (False from the word fake - not real.). A decent imitation of a fireplace will create an atmosphere suitable for relaxation in the room, and the structure itself will become the main decorative element of the room.

Original structure in the living room

General points

Installing a regular fireplace in a city apartment is practically impossible. First of all, because in such a room there is no chimney, and the ceilings are not able to withstand the heavy weight of the bulky structure. These factors become the basis for refusal when you request. At the same time, in order to build your own false fireplace, you do not need any permits. You can build the structure yourself in any place convenient for you in the apartment, or make it mobile.

An imitation fireplace made with your own hands is perhaps the most a budget option. If we consider alternative possibilities for decorating a space in order to create comfort:

  • It is possible, which does not emit smoke, soot and does without a chimney, although a real fire burns in it.
  • An interesting option is installing an electric fireplace. These are easy to use, beautiful devices with heating functions and sound, but very expensive for most consumers.

An epic building to match the interior

By creating an imitation of a real fireplace with your own hands from available materials, you can show remarkable imagination, ultimately receiving an exclusive accessory for your interior. Moreover, the functionality of such a device does not involve the use of real fire, which means it leaves wide range possibilities for decorating the structure itself and the space inside it.

In some cases, a dummy fireplace is built around a radiator, which performs a similar function in heating the house. Please note that easily flammable objects should still not be placed next to such a device, even if there is no real fire in it.

If you approach the construction of a false fireplace as rationally as possible, you can immediately highlight a number of its undeniable advantages:

  • First of all, the cost, because the materials and tools required for the work cost significantly less than ready-made fireplaces. Moreover, modern construction market offers a huge selection of different materials from which blende can be made. Most often, in the construction of such structures, plasterboard, plastic, foam blocks, brick and even cardboard are used. Craftsmen with great flights of imagination create fake fireplaces from old furniture.
  • Making an artificial fireplace with your own hands is quite simple, there is a large number of photos and videos of materials that you can focus on. It is noteworthy that when constructing a dummy, no special construction skills are required; anyone can build such a structure.
  • Since a false fireplace is primarily a decorative accessory, its appearance can easily be changed for the holidays or during a certain mood. At the same time, you can use the most different materials from expensive and exclusive to simple but original.

Construction made from modern materials

Conventionally, all types of imitation fireplaces can be divided into three large groups:

  1. The first option is the most plausible. The fireplace model is built in accordance with the real analogue, all design nuances are observed, and suitable sizes. In most cases, a bio-fireplace is placed inside the constructed portal, creating a real fire, or electric version simulating fire and generating heat. Construction of such a false fireplace is a serious and expensive task.
  2. The second option involves the construction of a portal that will resemble a fireplace in its shape and appearance. The portal can be installed along the wall, protruding for some distance; a corner version is also available, stealing less space rooms. Decorative firewood or candles are placed in the improvised firebox of the portal, or they are decorated to their liking.
  3. The third option is to create a symbolic fireplace from suitable materials. It is vaguely similar to it, for example, the drawing of a fireplace on the wall, like that of the famous fairy-tale character Pinocchio, can be considered as such.

A small portal stylized as a real fireplace

Whatever design option you choose, it is worth considering some of the subtleties associated with the placement of such decorative element in room.