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» How to assemble and disassemble an interior door. Take an interior door off its hinges? Simple dismantling of old doors How to dismantle old interior doors

How to assemble and disassemble an interior door. Take an interior door off its hinges? Simple dismantling of old doors How to dismantle old interior doors

The need for installation interior doors usually occurs during a major or cosmetic repairs, but there are other cases where you just need to do the job. This is a rather complicated process, but if you know the sequence of actions, have necessary tools and basic skills, then everything can be done independently. By following the developed technology and performing all the work carefully and scrupulously, you can install interior doors without the help of specialists.

The main stages of replacing an interior door with a step-by-step description

An interior door can only be installed after all “wet” work has been completed in the room, that is, the walls and ceiling have been plastered, and the floor has been leveled. If this is done earlier, then high humidity door leaf can change its size. A subfloor must also be laid so that you can determine the height of the door.

The stores have big choice interior doors. All of them are attractive appearance, but with the geometry of the canvas, not everything is always good. It happens that for poorly made doors, the difference in the length of parallel sides can be several millimeters. This can significantly complicate the installation process, so before buying it is worth measuring the canvases, for this it is enough to take a tape measure with you.

When buying a door, do not be lazy and make sure that you pack and send exactly the product that you have chosen.

Interior doors are made of fiberboard, MDF, natural wood, plastic, glass

Often sold only canvas without door frame. They buy it when they want to replace old doors or there is an opportunity to make a box on their own. It is a frame U-shaped. For its manufacture, two vertical and one transverse racks are used, which are made of timber. The material can only be used dry, even and without black knots. The thickness of the timber used must correspond to the thickness of the purchased door leaf.

To perform the work, you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • screwdrivers;
  • measuring instruments;
  • perforator;
  • miter box;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver.

To install an interior door, you need a carpentry tool

You also need to have wooden wedges, self-tapping screws and finishing nails, door hardware and mounting foam. Interior doors on a modern construction market presented in a wide range, among themselves they differ not only in appearance, but also in the material from which they are made. Most often they are made of fiberboard, MDF or natural wood. The method of installation does not depend on the material.

Wooden doors have a beautiful appearance, but they are heavy and expensive.

The interroom door consists not only of a cloth, but also of a box. It depends on the material used for its manufacture, how long such a structure will last, how reliable and durable it will be.

A box made of laminated wood will last a long time and look beautiful, but only if high-quality lamination is used.

For the final design, it is also necessary to have additional elements and platbands, the purchase of which is recommended after the door is installed and you decide on the required dimensions of such elements.

Removing an old interior door

If the door is not properly dismantled, then part of the wall can be destroyed.

Before proceeding with such work, you need to decide whether you will continue to use the removed door and box. If you install it again, then dismantling must be done carefully so as not to damage the canvas and the box. Otherwise, the process will be faster, but the door will be damaged.

The door frame consists of two vertical and upper horizontal pillars, in some cases there may be a threshold. To fix these parts in old houses, nails 120–150 mm long were used, the heads of which are hidden under several layers of paint, which greatly complicates the dismantling process.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Removing the door leaf. The door is opened, a crowbar is inserted under it, acting as a lever, the canvas is lifted and removed from the hinges. Work is easier to do with an assistant. Before starting dismantling, it is recommended to lubricate the hinges with anti-corrosion grease to remove rust that prevents the canvas from being easily removed.

    To remove the door leaf, it must be slightly raised

  2. Removal of platbands. Most often they are not reused, so you should not worry about their safety during installation. An ax blade is installed between the box and the casing, after which it is hammered, and then the casing is removed. The ax must be inserted in those places where the nails fastening the casing are located.

    An ax or a spatula will help to remove the casing

  3. Removing the door frame. Carefully inspect the racks. Try to find locations fasteners. Stepping back from the bottom nail about 20 cm, and if it is not visible, then at a distance of 70–80 cm from the floor, the rack is sawn. An ax blade is inserted under it above the cut point and the stand is pushed back, after which it is removed. The same actions are performed with other parts.

    If the box is fixed with long nails, then in order to dismantle it, you will have to saw the racks

If you see that the door frame is fixed not with nails, but with screws that can be unscrewed, then the dismantling process is greatly simplified. It is enough to twist all the screws and disassemble the box without damaging it.

Video: do-it-yourself interior door dismantling

Preparing a doorway for installing an interior door

The next step is preparation doorway for installation new door. It needs to match the size of the building being installed. standard height it can be 190–200 cm, width 60–80 cm. In order to properly install the door, the width of the opening should be 5–8 cm larger and the height 3–4 cm.

The doorway should be slightly wider and higher than the frame of the door being installed.

When preparing a doorway, you must adhere to the following rules:

At runtime preparatory work a lot of dust is formed, and if the door is installed in a residential area, then all things and furniture should be well covered.

Sometimes there are situations when, in order to install a new interior door, it is necessary to narrow or expand the opening. In most old houses, the thickness of the doorway is 75 mm, this parameter should be guided by when choosing a new design. If the thickness of the box does not match the thickness of the doorway, you will have to use extensions.

If the door frame is less than the width of the wall, then it is necessary to install extensions

It must be remembered that expanding or reducing the size of a doorway requires not only additional time and effort, but also funds. Before buying a new door, you must correctly determine the size of the opening in the wall. They do this in at least three places in order to correctly select the parameters of the box.

During the dismantling of the box, even if you carried out all the work carefully, the finish may still fall off in some places. Identified defects are eliminated before the installation of the box gypsum plaster. It is easy to work with it, besides, it freezes very quickly.

To level the doorway, it is plastered

The opening is enlarged using a perforator and a grinder. When it is reduced, the order of work will depend on the size by which this must be done. If it is 10 cm, then you can do brickwork. For smaller sizes, it is recommended to make a box from metal corner, after which the remaining space is filled mortar. You can also reduce the opening using a metal profile structure or wooden beams, which is sheathed with drywall.

To decrease doorway, are used wooden bars or frame of metal profiles that are sheathed with drywall

Installing a new interior door

If you decide to install an interior door yourself, then you need to start work by attaching the hinges. They can be universal, left- or right-handed. There are installation standards for these parts, according to which there should be 20 cm from the hinge to the lower and upper edges of the canvas. Usually, the manufacturer already makes recesses in the doors.

The hinges securely fix on the box and the door leaf

If they are not there, then you need to mark the places for installing the loops, and then using a chisel or a router, you need to make recesses of 2.2–2.7 mm. After that, install the parts in their places. Holding them with your hand, make holes for the screws and fix the hinges. In the same way, the parts are installed on the door frame.

After acquisition standard door anyway, measure its width and height, as there may be deviations of up to 2-4 mm, and this affects the correct installation.

The box is assembled in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation of a flat surface. It can be a floor or two tables. After laying the canvas, side racks are applied to it, and then the upper bar is fixed with self-tapping screws. First you need to drill holes, the diameter of which is 25% less than the diameter of the self-tapping screw. To fix the top bar, two self-tapping screws are used on each side.

    Doors are placed on flat surface, after which the elements of the door frame are attached to them and the frame is connected

  2. sawing off uprights. They are made with a small factory stock, so after fitting it is necessary to make an adjustment to the size of the door. To do the job accurately, it is better to use a hand saw.

    The excess part of the vertical racks is sawn off along the length of the canvas

  3. Installing the box in the opening. The U-shaped door frame is put in place and leveled with a level. They remove the end decorating strip on the left and right racks and make holes every 25–30 cm. Dowels are inserted into them, and then the box is fixed. In order not to deform it, wooden wedges are installed between it and the wall and the correct installation is checked again.

    After connecting the parts of the door frame, it is installed in the opening and fixed with self-tapping screws.

  4. Hinge door installation. To do this, check how easily the doors open and close, this should happen easily. There should be a gap of about 3 mm between the canvas and the box.

    After installing the box and checking the correctness of its installation, you can hang the door leaf on the hinges

  5. Seam filling. The gap that remains between the wall and the box is sealed with mounting foam. It is important that there is not a lot of it, since during expansion it can damage the box, so the gap is filled by about a third. The sealing of the vertical seam starts from the bottom.

    The gap needs to be filled with foam only two-thirds

Video: installation of an interior door

Finishing the doorway after installation

There are several ways to finish the doorway.

The use of platbands is the most simple option, it is convenient when the width of the wall and the door frame are the same. In this case, it is enough to nail or glue platbands of the appropriate sizes onto the box. With their help, you will hide the gap between the wall and the box. The installation sequence of the platbands will be as follows:

  1. Measurement of the required length of the casing. After defining the parameters this item cut off. Please note that it must be fixed at a distance of 1 cm from the hinge, otherwise a creak will be heard when using the door.

    The edges of the platbands are cut at an angle of 45 °, it is easier to do this with a miter box

  2. Platband fastening. It remains to attach them to the door frame and fix with glue, self-tapping screws or finishing nails.

If the width of the doorway over size doors, then you can finish it with plaster and paint. To simplify the application of the composition, it is recommended to install beacons. After leveling the plaster, it can be painted. There is a simpler method - after plastering, a drywall sheet is fixed required size which will give you a smooth surface.

After plastering and leveling the doorway, it can be painted

Usage decorative stone it is advisable for openings without doors, but can also be used if it is available.

The doorway can be trimmed with decorative stone

Plastic or MDF panels are also popular. For their installation, a frame is created from a metal profile. After that, it is sheathed with MDF or plastic panels. This material has good heat and sound insulation characteristics, it is durable, easy to paint. Plastic panels They are lightweight, waterproof, and inexpensive.

MDF panels are often used to finish the doorway.

Video: installation of interior door platbands

By installing interior doors with your own hands, you can completely transform the apartment and at the same time save money on paying for the work of specialists. If you have all the necessary elements and skills, then following the rules and following the recommendations of professionals, you will be able to properly mount the box and door leaf. If a fiberboard door is installed, then you can handle it yourself, since its weight is small. When installing products from MDF or solid wood, you will have to invite assistants, since you will not be able to cope with the large weight of the structure on your own.

Any overhaul apartments or houses, often, involves the replacement of old interior doors that have served their purpose with new ones. This stage of repair, first of all, involves dismantling old door, which you can do on your own. Such a procedure can save some money that would have to be paid to specialists. However, the dismantling of the old interior door must be done very carefully so as not to damage the doorway in the wall and it would be possible to install new doors without much difficulty.

Many people mistakenly believe that dismantling an interior door is a simple matter and will not be difficult, however, this is not entirely true. In the process of dismantling the old door, you can make a lot of mistakes that will pop up only at the stage of installing a new door. When removing an old door, it is very easy to damage the doorway, which is why a new door, the dimensions of which were taken from the old doorway, simply may not fit. In such a situation, the doorway will have to be adjusted to fit new doors. If you remove the old doors correctly, you won't have to adjust anything. Small flaws and mistakes can be completely corrected with mounting foam and platbands.

What determines the complexity of dismantling the door
Difficulty de installation work mainly depends on the materials from which the door is made. If necessary, remove plastic or wooden doors you may require some tools, and in the process of work you will need to adhere to special technologies for carrying out such work. To remove wooden doors from a doorway, you will need at least a chisel and an ax, and to remove a plastic door, a set of screwdrivers and pliers. One way or another, one condition is inherent in both cases: the door must be dismantled in such a way that the installation of a new door frame requires a minimum number of modifications and adjustments. Therefore, it is necessary to dismantle the doors carefully and carefully.

In what cases it may be necessary to dismantle the door
Of course, interior doors have their own resource, which does not always coincide with the general repair of the apartment. Interior doors can fail before major repairs are needed. In these cases, the dismantling of the interior door can be completely carried out separately from the repair. Moreover, accurate work after installing a new door will practically not be noticeable. In such cases, it is best to entrust the dismantling and installation of a new door to specialists. They have the necessary knowledge, experience and tools that will allow you to do all the work quickly, accurately and efficiently.

Independent dismantling of an interior door
If you still decide to remove the old doors yourself, you will need to take into account some of the nuances. First of all, you need to remove the door leaf. To do this: fully open the doors and lift the canvas, which is removed from the hinges. If the doors are too heavy, you can use the mount. It will need to be placed under open door and push the door panel up. If everything is easy and simple with the door leaf, then dismantling the door frame will make you get dirty and work more seriously.

To get started, you need to do the preparatory work:

  • Free up the space around the door frame from furniture and other items that may interfere with the work process
  • To avoid dusting furniture, especially upholstered furniture, cover it with polyethylene
  • To not hurt flooring(parquet, laminate, etc.) it is advisable to cover the floors with the same polyethylene or fabric
  • Wear work clothes, or clothes you don't mind getting dirty

Next, using a hammer and chisel, you need to remove the trim. After this step, we will understand how the box is installed in the doorway. In old houses, the door frame is usually pressed tightly against the sides of the doorway, and the vertical bars of the frame are nailed to the bars set into the masonry of the wall.

If the door frame is made in the form of a one-piece structure with a threshold, dismantling will need to begin with cutting the threshold. Pay attention to the fasteners of the door - if self-tapping screws were used, using a screwdriver, carefully unscrew them, which will allow you to easily and without special efforts pull the door frame out of the opening. If the box is nailed, try to remove them with a nail puller.

However, if you do not need to keep the old door frame, you can simply cut it in several places and remove it piece by piece. In many cases, this approach allows you to quickly and easily dismantle the door frame, moreover, the doorway is practically not damaged.

Please note that before trying to remove the door frame from the opening, make sure that you completely free it from fasteners - nails, screws, etc. Only then can the box be removed.

This instruction is given as an example, for a general understanding of the process of dismantling the door. Experienced craftsmen know: in each case, the dismantling of the door contains some nuances that are completely different from others, which are simply impossible to take into account in advance. That is why, if you have the desire and opportunity, this work is best entrusted to specialists.

Every owner who has started a major overhaul in an apartment or house is faced with the problem of dismantling the entrance or interior doors. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here - remove the door leaf from the hinges and get rid of the box. But in fact, not everything is so simple. As practice shows, if you want to get a beautiful and even doorway, it’s worth removing the old structure correctly. And below we will talk about how to dismantle wooden doors with our own hands and consider the following points:

Features of dismantling wooden doors.

Dismantling methods: sparing, fast.

Dismantling of the balcony and front door.

Breaking - not building: features of dismantling wooden doors

Most inexperienced builders mistakenly believe that removing an old door requires only picking the jambs from the wall. But in fact, everything is not so simple. Often, aggressive and incorrect dismantling can damage not only wooden structure but also part of the wall. Similar situation has become especially widespread in old Soviet houses, where for the construction interior partitions non-durable gypsum boards are used.

In order not to damage part of the wall when dismantling interior doors, you need to approach this process creatively. First of all, find out if you need an old door or if you plan to throw it in a landfill. In the first case, dismantling must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the components, for example, if you are going to rearrange the door to the dacha. If you no longer need the box and all the elements of the door, there is a "merciless" and fast way, which we will discuss below.

However, no matter what method of dismantling wooden doors in a private house you choose, the work must be carried out as carefully as possible, without causing damage to the wall. Otherwise, after getting rid of the box, you will have to spend money on plastering and puttying.

Each door structure includes two vertical posts, one horizontal crossbar and a door leaf. In some cases, there is also a threshold (lower horizontal). Often, old doors managed to survive 5 or even more paint jobs, becoming a few millimeters thicker and therefore heavier.

The paint has long hidden all hints of the location of nails, screws and other fasteners, but on an intuitive level, their location can still be recognized. For example, usually between the door frame and the wall there is wooden block. Its thickness is chosen so that the vertical posts are perpendicular to the floor surface. Large nails were driven into such a beam, having a length of 150 or 120 mm: two into the right vertical rack, two into the left and one into the upper horizontal bar.

If the doors have not been changed for 30-50 years, then such nails have rusted, which means that it’s not easy to get rid of the box. To prevent part of the wall from being uprooted along with the bars, use a pry bar or a nail puller. In addition, you will need an ax, a hammer and a saw.

A gentle way to dismantle a wooden door with your own hands

Below we will explain how to remove the box and remove the doors so that they can be used in the future. Step by step:

  • We remove the doors by slipping a crowbar between the door and the floor to create a kind of lever. With the door slightly closed and ajar, begin to lift the canvas by pressing on the pry bar. It’s good if you do this process together, since the old Soviet doors are quite heavy, especially if you are dismantling the front door. In the event that the hinges do not react in any way, it is possible that they are very clogged or rusted. In this case, apply lubricant (it is recommended to use an anti-corrosion spray lubricant that quickly removes rust), wait a few minutes, then try again. The complete removal of the canvas must be carried out in the open form, otherwise the door will rest against the horizontal bar.
  • When you set the door leaf aside, proceed to eliminate the trim. Do not worry about the safety of old architraves, as in many cases they are in bad condition and covered with a thick layer of enamel. The tip of the ax must be placed in the hole between the box and the casing or in another place higher if the nails are covered with paint and nothing is visible. Take an ax in one hand, a hammer in the other.
  • Carefully hammer in the ax, then disconnect the casing from the box.
  • In the expansion slots you will notice large nails. Get an ax under one of them, then move the casing to the limit. This procedure must be repeated in places where there are other nails. As a result, you can easily separate the casing from the door frame.
  • There are platbands on both sides, which means you can repeat the same steps on the other side of the wall. But in most cases, the platband breaks. In the days of Soviet construction and engineering, they were made very strong and thick, and the platbands were made quite thin, so it simply would not work to remove them with rusted nails. But today it is quite inexpensive and easy to make more beautiful and new platbands. In addition, if you remember that faded enamel has already dried on the old casing, as a result of which it cannot be used for firewood, then it would be better to take care of a new frame for the doors.
  • When the architraves are removed and you are left with only a door frame with iron hinges. Before pulling it out of the wall, consider that it is nailed with 150 mm nails to the leveling boards. Carefully examine one of the uprights - if you notice a lower attachment point (a bar or a nail), step back from it up about 20 cm. If you do not see the fasteners, then step back 60 cm from the floor and cut the rack.
  • Slightly above the resulting cut, you need to insert the ax so that it is between the wooden rack and the doorway, after which, with a confident push, you need to move the rack away from the wall. So, you simultaneously remove the rack and you can pull the nail out of the wall.
  • Do exactly the same with top bar and the opposite part. When the first pillar is removed, the dismantling of the doors will become much easier and faster.
  • Keep door block, which has served 30 years or more, there is no point - you can use more durable, modern and inexpensive materials or use the same tree, but more recent.

Above, we examined one of the most problematic options for dismantling a door with large nails in the form of fasteners. If you see that the elements are fixed with screws, then it will not be difficult to break this door frame - just use a screwdriver.

Fast way

If you are going to get rid of the old door and do not plan to install it elsewhere, we recommend using a faster and in a simple way dismantling the box.

You may need the following tools:

  • crowbar;
  • axe;
  • hammer;
  • wood cutter.

Quick dismantling of wooden doors with your own hands

  • Remove the door leaf, as described in the instructions - this step cannot be done faster and easier.
  • There is no point in breaking the door frame, so it is much easier to break it. This is very easy to do if you cut in the central part of one of the uprights.
  • Use a hacksaw to cut at a 45° angle.
  • If the box has a nut, it is recommended to cut it in the center.
  • If the threshold is fixed in the doorway above the floor, then you can uproot it using a crowbar.
  • You can quickly tear off the platbands by driving an ax between them and the box beam. Pull the ax handle away to get a gap that will be enough for further work with a crowbar.

Do not forget that if you do not need the old door frame, then the remaining wall can still be useful for installing a new door, which means that you need to do the job as carefully as possible.

Features of dismantling a plastic door

Metal and plastic doors have long ceased to be considered a novelty, and much less often you can see a massive canvas of wood than conventional design radiant with pristine whiteness. But for proper operation, adjustment and repair, you need to know some secrets that are not known to all owners of such doors.

It is important to understand the functioning and arrangement of the hinges on which the door may be located. In this case, you will be able to use the full potential to the maximum, repair or remove the entire structure. The hinge includes several elements: frames with mounting pins, a steel tab, spacers located between the frame and the tab.

Dismantling the door on the balcony

If you are going to dismantle plastic door according to the instructions above, you are unlikely to succeed. This is because such structures have some features in installation and dismantling, so they need to be removed in a special way.

Dismantling the door on the balcony

  • Remove the special protective caps covering the hinges.
  • tilt balcony door towards you, holding it firmly with your free hand, and lift it up to release the lower support pin. Due to the fact that the hinges in these designs are not fixed at the bottom, the door can be easily removed by lifting it slightly and moving it to the side.

Removing the front door

It is worth noting that the device of the front door made of plastic differs from the balcony one, which means that dismantling should be carried out differently. The main difference is that the entrance doors have reinforced structure and no double glazing.

They also have a different loop structure - they are more powerful, have an anti-burglary system. The plastic front door has three hinges, and the balcony door has two. This is primarily due to the fact that the door is quite heavy, and two hinges are simply not able to cope with this load.

The dismantling procedure is carried out according to the scenario described above, but with one difference - you definitely won’t be able to remove such a door alone. When you remove the door from its hinges, it must be held firmly, and only two people can cope with such a task.

Removing a metal door

Most new buildings use metal front doors. They seem reliable only at first glance. In fact, this is a simple sheet of steel that does not have insulating properties and is not reinforced with anything. The owners of these apartments prefer to replace the structures with new ones, and insulate the existing ones. But in any case, you have to remove the canvas.

  • Then you can take out the door frame and proceed to install a better door.
As you can see, dismantling an old door is not difficult, whether it is plastic, wooden or iron. The main thing is to do everything carefully and measuredly so as not to spoil the opening in the wall, which can be useful for installing a new door.

When performing repairs in an apartment, quite often the question arises of how to dismantle old doors. The technology of work directly depends on the type of doors that will be dismantled. How to dismantle old and install new doors, we will consider further.

Door classification: description, characteristics

Doors not only protect the room from outside intrusion, but also perform an aesthetic function. Entrance doors welcome guests and create a general impression of the apartment. Interior doors divide the space into separate rooms.

Exists a large number of doors, which are divided into groups based on certain principles. In relation to the material from which the doors are made, they are:

1. Wooden - the most popular option. Such doors are distinguished by a variety of patterns and textures. Doors made of wood - environmentally friendly, lightweight, but at the same time durable. IN pricing policy wooden doors are suitable for almost everyone, as there are cheaper types of wood, such as pine, larch, and more expensive ones - oak, beech. The tree is easy to process, so it can be used to build doors of various shapes. Having painted them in the desired color, it will be possible to make doors suitable for any style of interior.

2. Aluminum - they are distinguished primarily by resistance to aggressive environments and a long service life. Among the main features aluminum door we also note fire resistance, good soundproofing and heat-insulating characteristics.

Also, aluminum doors are resistant to corrosion, have a light weight, compared to metal ones, they resist burglary well, therefore they are most often used as an entrance door.

Among the disadvantages of such a door, we note them high cost and a tendency to corrode if the aluminum comes into contact with other types of metals and moisture.

3. Metal - the most reliable. There is a large number steel doors varying in color and design. For the treatment of doors, special compounds are used that prevent the development of corrosion. Among the positive properties of such doors, we note:

  • soundproof characteristics;
  • high level of protection;
  • protection from cold and frost.

4. Glass - are used if it is necessary to visually enlarge the space in the room. They are not susceptible to moisture or temperature changes. With the help of special processing, very beautiful patterns are created on the glass, making the doors unique. The doors of their glass have high sound transmission, are quite heavy and are of high cost.

5. Veneered - cheaper than wood. However, such doors are more susceptible to moisture and are easily deformed under its influence. Therefore, their installation in the kitchen or in the bathroom is not possible.

6. Laminated - such doors are more resistant to moisture, as they have laminated protection on their surface. There is a possibility of decorating such doors for any type of wood or any color. Another variety laminated doors- laminated doors. They are more durable than laminated and cheaper.

7. Doors of the mesonite type - fine-grained wood is used for their manufacture. These doors are characterized by relative strength and durability. For their finishing, a laminated or veneer coating is used.

8. Plastic doors - inexpensive, easy to clean, well imitate different textures and colors, can have unique design. However, such doors are very light and unstable to mechanical damage.

9. The combined door contains several materials from which it is made. The most popular option is a combination of wood and glass. Metal and glass, veneer and glass, wood and metal, etc. can also be interconnected.

In relation to the method of opening the door, they are:

  • hinged - opening in one or two directions;
  • sliding - are installed in order to save space in the room;
  • folding - consist of several sections, are installed exclusively indoors;
  • swinging - open in both directions, especially relevant in a house in which there are pets.

In relation to the number of canvases that make up the door, they are:

  • one-;
  • two-;
  • one and a half;
  • three-field.

In relation to the filling of door panels, the doors are divided into deaf and non-deaf. Glazed doors are often installed on the balcony and indoors. They transmit light from one room to another.

In relation to the internal filling of the door are:

  • massive - for their manufacture only a solid part of the tree is used, this version of the door has an impressive weight and has high strength;
  • panel board - such a door has a honeycomb filling, for filling door panels in such a door, for example, slats, veneer, plywood, shavings are used;
  • paneled - differ in the presence of recesses of a rectangular, round, rectangular shape;
  • smooth - have a completely smooth surface.

Technology and features of dismantling doors

There are two ways according to which the doors are dismantled with a box in the apartment. The first of them involves the careful execution of work, followed by the use of a dismantled door. The second method involves the accelerated dismantling of the door without its further use.

Compliance with the technology of dismantling the door, to ensure ease of installation work on installing a new door. In the process of work, you will need the presence of such a tool as:

  • hammer;
  • hacksaw, for working with wood;
  • devices in the form of a crowbar and a nail puller.

If the door is to be used again, then a wide chisel, pliers, a sharp clerical knife, a screwdriver and a screwdriver will also be required.

Initially, the order of work looks like this:

  • tool preparation;
  • removal of the door leaf;
  • dismantling of platbands;
  • removal of the door frame.

Dismantling of interior doors should be carried out with extreme care, especially if the room is residential. In order to dismantle the old door, follow the instructions below:

1. Initially, remove the door leaf. With detachable or card loops, this process is very fast. If the door is fixed using universal hinges, then initially it is necessary to unscrew the screws.

2. Next, you should get rid of cashing. To do this, remove the decorative caps and unscrew the screws. If the cashier is fixed with nails, then it must be tapped with a hammer so that the nails come out.

3. The next step is the dismantling of the door frame. Initially, find a place to fix the box in the wall. Quite often they are located near the loop or lock connection. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the fasteners with which the door frame is fixed. If you don't have a screwdriver, you can use a Phillips screwdriver.

Tip: if in the process of dismantling the old door there are difficulties with pulling out the fasteners, then it is enough to saw them off with the help of a grinder, however, in this case, it is necessary to wear glasses and gloves.

If there is a mounting foam between the opening and the door frame, it is cut out stationery knife. Thus, it will be possible to simplify the dismantling process. A hammer is used to remove plaster from a doorway.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the second method of dismantling the door. To do so, you will need:

  • hammer;
  • ax;
  • hacksaws;
  • crowbar and nail puller.

To remove the door frame, it is enough to saw it in the center. To do this, use a hacksaw. To simplify the process of removing the box, saw it at an angle of forty-five degrees.

Installation and dismantling of doors is a very complicated process, which must be followed strictly by the technology, otherwise, problems may arise with the destruction of the doorway.

Dismantling and installation of interior doors is carried out according to this principle. If there is a doorway made of a steel profile, wooden beams are used to reinforce it, which are installed inside the profile before fixing the box.

Before starting the installation of a new door, it is necessary to complete the work on finishing the floor. Since in the end you can miscalculate with the height of the threshold and it will be inconvenient. The optimal value of the gap between the box and the wall is 20 mm. When assembling the door frame, try to connect all the parts together with an angle of forty-five degrees.

How to dismantle a metal door

All demolition work iron door Start by removing the door panels. To do this, you should inspect the door hinges and disassemble them in relation to their type. If the hinges are collapsible, then open the door wide enough and lift it up.

If the door is equipped with non-separable hinges, then it is enough to unscrew the screws with which they are screwed to the box. If the door frame is made of metal, then its dismantling is more complicated compared to conventional wooden doors.

Initially, you should pull out and unscrew all the fasteners on the door. This is followed by the process of dismantling the canvases and the box. For these purposes, a grinder is useful, which cuts the racks and removes the fasteners.

After the dismantling of the front door, it is installed. The entrance door is installed in the opening so that it is on the same level with outer wall. Fasteners are fixed in the wall using specially installed plates with small holes.

Anchor bolts with a length of about 12-15 mm are used as fasteners. It is possible to replace them with steel bars, trimmings of reinforcement or other metal elements. They are riveted or welded onto the steel box with welding machine. To perform welding, a mounting gap is required, which is 1.5-2 cm.

Second installation option metal door implies its installation deep into the doorway. For this, minimum thickness the wall into which the door is installed should be about 15 cm. In this case, the box is fixed with metal wire or anchor bolts. If there are no mounting holes on the surface of the door frame, build them yourself using the door and metal working nozzles. In this case, the technological gap is from 0.5 to 1.5 cm. After determining best way fixing the door frame, the process of its installation follows. For these purposes, it will be necessary to have plastic or wooden wedges, 2-3 mm thick more than the technological gap. They allow you to correctly and evenly install the box.

Next, a rack is installed on which the hinges are mounted. Watch for evenness of its installation. The stand is fixed with self-tapping screws, the holes for which are also made independently. After lubricating the hinges, the door leaf is installed. Metal balls are installed inside the hinge, on which the door leaf is hung. Next is the installation of fittings. After that, the lock post is leveled, the door is covered in such a way that a gap of no more than two millimeters is formed between it and the canvas. The lock post is fixed with bolts or pins. The box is pasted over with masking tape, and the opening is moistened with a spray gun.

Install a cylinder that has polyurethane foam into the cylinder and process the surface of the doorway in such a way as to get rid of technological gaps. After the foam has completely dried, get rid of excess and protruding parts. Next, the platbands are installed, the door is checked for operability.

Dismantling the door video:

The door is the first structural element houses or apartments, falling into the field of view immediately in front of the entrance to the premises. Repair or home, office are often accompanied not only by the restoration of finishes, but also by the replacement of doors, entrance or interior. To deal with the types and methods of dismantling, you need to know what types of doors exist and how they differ from each other. That's why you need this material.

What type of door structures are distinguished

Types of doors are determined by:

  • accessories: entrance, balcony, interior;
  • the material from which they are made: wood, chipboard / MDF, plastic, metal, glass;
  • functioning mechanism: hinged, sliding, folding (accordion), retractable.

Each of the designs differs from the other in features inherent in specific type. This nuance must be taken into account when dismantling the doors. Such work is carried out according to the need to install the door leaf completely or for restoration, followed by installation in its original place. Work related to the removal of doors can be carried out in full or in part, that is, with or without disassembling the door frame.

When replacing the door leaf, which involves dismantling the box, the procedure is performed in full.

Dismantling features

Builders distinguish two main methods of carrying out work on removing doors and call them simply: sloppy and neat.

Using the first, the door frame is sawn at an angle of 45 o. So it will be easier to remove it from the opening. The process involves tools such as crowbar, ax, nail puller.

Choosing the second method of dismantling, get ready for more time-consuming and painstaking work. The main task of the accurate method is to maintain a holistic original form not only the door leaf, but also the box. In this case, you can not do without a screwdriver, pliers, chisels - the most commonly used set of tools at the stage of the upcoming work.

Process details

“To break - not to build” - this is the motto that most of the craftsmen who dismantle doors are guided by. In fact, you also need to break it correctly. Professional removal of interior doors involves carrying out the procedure so that in the end removed doors and the box, as well as the surfaces adjacent to it, were not critically damaged.

Performing such a procedure is not as easy as it might seem, especially if glass or plastic was used as the production material for doors.

When working with such material, it is necessary to be extremely careful, because despite its strength characteristics, modern materials used to release doors may be damaged. Even a small scratch will be noticeable on a matte plastic sheet or a transparent glass structure, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. With careless handling, the door may even crack, then you will have to buy a new one, and this, as can be seen from the dynamics market prices for doors and window structures, not cheap.

Stages of work

When dismantling the doors, be sure to follow the sequence of work:

  1. Remove the door leaf from the hinges. There should be no problems with detachable and cardboard hinges, and when working with universal ones, you will have to first unscrew the screws.
  2. Remove the decorative plugs from the platband screws, “squeeze out” the latter until the fastening nails appear and the platband is removed.
  3. Remove the box, then remove the fasteners from the structure. Dismantling the door frame is laborious, therefore it requires some skill in carrying out actions. If the procedure is done illiterately, the dismantling of interior doors can lead to a curvature of the doorway, which will later have to be leveled, and this is fraught with additional material costs and prolonging the period during which repairs are carried out.

It is interesting that the scheme for dismantling the front door, interior or balcony, does not differ significantly. Features of the procedure depend on the type of material from which the door leaf is made. Where you can apply force when working with chipboard or MDF, you will not work "to the full" with glass or plastic. Care must be taken here.

Dismantling the doors in the house

Starting each of the processes, it is necessary to observe the stages of removing the doors, the accuracy of the work. It is important not to rush when removing old doors. Be aware that the process of removing them is still easier than installing them, but still requires precision.

In general, dismantling is not difficult, you can do it yourself. Such a move will require more labor, but will save material resources. Or trust the job professional builders who will be able to cope with the task without any problems.