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» How to dry pumpkin seeds in the oven, microwave and electric dryer? Dried pumpkin seeds: all methods of preparation - how to dry pumpkin seeds at home Storing dried seeds

How to dry pumpkin seeds in the oven, microwave and electric dryer? Dried pumpkin seeds: all methods of preparation - how to dry pumpkin seeds at home Storing dried seeds

Pumpkin seeds are very tasty and healthy. They contain a lot of calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, teeth and nails. Also, the seeds of this vegetable contain substances that help fight male sexual diseases at an early stage. Maximum concentration useful substances contained in the raw product, but such seeds cannot be stored for a long time, as they quickly begin to rot and deteriorate. The best way to preserve seeds for a long time is to dry them.

Of course, ready-made dry seeds can be bought at any store, but a product prepared independently will bring much more benefits to the body, since the drying process will be completely under your control. How to dry properly pumpkin seeds at home, we will talk in detail in this article.

The type of pumpkin does not matter when preparing seeds. You can use both table and fodder varieties.

Cutting the pumpkin in half reveals the seed chamber. The seeds are located in a bunch, and not throughout the pulp, as, for example, in a watermelon, so collecting them will not be difficult.

To dry the seeds from excess moisture, lay them out on paper towels and blot them with a napkin. It is best to leave them in this form for a couple of hours, and then proceed directly to drying.

Watch the video from the “AllrecipesRU” channel - How to remove pumpkin seeds and prepare them for further drying

Methods for drying pumpkin seeds

On air

To do this, the raw materials are laid out in one layer on trays or flat plates lined with clean paper. Newspaper sheets are not suitable for drying, as printing ink is very toxic.

The container with seeds should be placed in a dry, warm and well-ventilated place. To protect the product from settling dust and insects, the trays can be covered with gauze cloth.

Natural drying takes quite a long time and takes approximately 15 – 20 days.

In the oven

Oven drying takes significantly less time. Moreover, you can dry using this unit in two ways:

  • Clean seeds are placed on a baking sheet in one layer and placed in a cabinet heated to 60 - 80 degrees. To prevent them from burning, the contents of the baking sheet must be stirred every 30 minutes. The door is kept ajar. Drying time varies depending on the size of the seeds, but the average is 1 – 1.5 hours.
  • The express oven drying method takes only 20 minutes. The seeds are exposed to temperatures elevated to 180 degrees.

Watch the video from the channel “Culinary News and Recipes” - Pumpkin seeds in the oven

In a frying pan

Drying pumpkin seeds in a frying pan will take no more than 15 minutes. This process requires your constant presence, as it requires constant mixing of the product. Dry the seeds over medium heat.

In an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits

Fill the grates with a single layer of pumpkin seeds. The temperature regime is set at 60 - 70 degrees. To ensure uniform drying, the pallets are periodically rearranged. If you miss this moment, the seeds on the lower tiers will burn, and the upper ones will remain raw.

In the microwave

On a flat plate lined with paper napkin, post small portion seeds and put it in the microwave. The seeds dry in 2 minutes at maximum power of the unit. If this time is not enough, then the procedure is extended for another 1 minute.

Watch the video from the “Kukhmister” channel - How to quickly fry pumpkin seeds in the microwave

In a convection oven

Drying in an air fryer lasts 30 - 40 minutes. The blowing power is set to maximum, and the heating temperature is 60 - 70 degrees. To provide good ventilation, the unit lid is left slightly open. If this is not done, the moist air will have nowhere to escape and the seeds will remain wet.

How do you know if the seeds are dry?

Properly dried seeds acquire a yellowish color, the peel becomes dense with a clear outline. The transparent film must slide off easily from the seeds. The color of the kernel is dark green with whitish inclusions. If you bite into a seed, it should not be wet or crunchy from overdrying.

How to store dried pumpkin seeds

Dry seeds should be stored in a dark, dry place. Storage containers can be canvas bags or glass jars with a tight lid. The shelf life of seeds is 1 year.

Pumpkin - melon culture. It pleases not only with its pulp, which can be boiled and baked, but also with the seeds hiding inside. Under the white shell there is a product with the rarest ingredients. In addition to the usual vitamins A and E, pumpkin seeds are filled with vitamin K, which the body needs for normal blood clotting. They are also rich in zinc, the amount of which is slightly less in them than in oysters.

The healing qualities of pumpkin seeds mean that they should always be in stock.

How to Store Pumpkin Seeds for Food

You can buy pumpkin seeds or prepare them yourself. Stores offer the product peeled or in shell, fried or dried.

To preserve the seeds longer, it is better to buy unpeeled ones. The shell will protect the inner fruit from drying out and loss of taste and nutritional qualities. The oil contained inside will not oxidize or go rancid. In peeled seeds, it will very quickly spoil their taste.

Seeds selected from the pumpkin yourself should be placed in a colander and rinsed in plenty of water. They should be completely free of fibers.

It happens that the fibers just don’t keep up. Then you need seeds:

  • Fill cold water and leave for an hour or two.
  • Rinse again and wait for the water to drain.
  • Lay out in one layer on a table covered with oilcloth or plastic wrap to dry.

The seeds should not be exposed to the sun, so they should lie in partial shade. After a few days (4–5) they reach a state suitable for storage.

Instead of air drying, you can use the oven:

  • Spread the seeds on a baking sheet in one layer.
  • Preheat the oven to 40 degrees.
  • Place the baking sheet inside and leave the door half open.
  • Stir the seeds periodically (every 30 minutes).
  • After 1.5–2 hours, turn off the oven and place the baking sheet with the seeds outside.

After the product has cooled completely, it should be poured into clean glass jars. This is the most suitable container. Banks need to be covered plastic lids. Food containers are also used, provided they close tightly.

You can store the seeds at room temperature(20–22 degrees). They feel good in the pantry, on a glassed-in loggia and remain suitable and useful for at least a year. When peeled, the seeds can be stored for up to six months.

How to prepare and save seeds for seeds

For getting good harvest Pumpkins need high-quality seed material. It can be collected from already ripened melons in your garden.

For seeds you need to prepare those pumpkins that:

  • have the correct shape and sufficient size;
  • uniform in color.

Pumpkin intended for seeds should be grown at some distance from other plants.

The material is collected from those fruits that managed to ripen before the first frost and are stored.

Pumpkins need to be kept in a warm room for three or four weeks. But you shouldn’t simmer them for too long, since the seeds can germinate inside. They will become unsuitable for planting.

We collect seeds like this:

  • Cut the pumpkin a little on the side. This cannot be done in the middle, because
  • seeds.
  • We remove the seeds, peel them from the pulp and rinse them in cool water.
  • We select the best specimens from the entire mass: without defects, large and complete.
  • Place the seeds on a flat surface in a warm, dry room to dry.

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  • Broccoli blooms quickly, breaking up into inflorescences. To obtain seeds, it is sown in a non-chernozem zone in mid-March and planted in the ground at the end of April. In the southern regions, all this is done a month earlier. To speed up the ripening of seeds, remove them in a timely manner. side shoots in the leaf axils.​
  • ​In the spring, 7–10 days before planting, the root crops are carefully examined and culled. The selected carrots are transferred to warm room During this time, greenery should begin to grow on the root crops. In the spring, as soon as weather conditions allow, mother plants with regrown greenery are planted in the garden.
  • The flowering shoot is pinched to enhance branching and form a powerful seed bush at a height of 10–12 cm. Flowering begins 50–70 days after sowing and 30–40 days after planting the queen cells. It takes about 120 days for the seeds to ripen.​
  • ​In other cases, surprises await, often unpleasant ones.​
  • ​They need to be planted in rows from the middle of the bed to leave room for branching shoots. Leave a couple of meters between pumpkins.​
  • Place all your seeds in separate bags and sign the name and year of collection so as not to get confused later.
  • ​When the lashes dry out, we collect the seeds and leave them to ripen in a warm room. They will stay like this for about another month. When the cucumber is overripe, becomes soft and the pulp begins to smell of fermentation, it’s time to take out the seeds. We take them out, rinse them from the pulp and dry them.​
  • ​collecting tomato seeds

Growing pumpkin. The soil. Seedlings, Sowing pumpkin seeds. Landing. Fertilizer, fertilizing, watering, diseases

​Among the most common diseases you should know the following:​​Pumpkin - popular garden plant, thanks to its unpretentiousness. However, in order to get huge and juicy fruits, the vegetable needs special care, including preparing the seeds for planting.​

​Many amateur vegetable growers successfully obtain seeds of their favorite varieties of cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin and tomatoes.​

With the non-transplant method, the plants are thinned out, removing all root crops that are atypical for the variety. Otherwise, the methods for growing seeds are the same as with the first method.

Growing seedlings

It is safer to buy varietal seeds, they are not that expensive. .​

​Check if the pumpkins are ready for harvest.​

​Plant 2 or 3 seeds close to each other (a few centimeters) in case one seed does not sprout.​

Planting ready seedlings in the ground

​If you wish, you can grow all the seeds yourself from any variety you like.​

Planting scheme

The process of seed ripening in cucumbers and tomatoes can be accelerated

​leave the fruits of the most developed and productive bushes. It is best to use fruits of 2-3 clusters; they produce the highest quality seeds. The tomatoes should ripen naturally on the bush. Ripe fruits are collected and placed on the windowsill for ripening for 3-5 days. When the pulp softens, cut the fruits and carefully squeeze the juice and seeds into a bowl. If the seeds are difficult to separate, you can remove them with a teaspoon.​

How to water a pumpkin correctly

Powdery mildew, which first covers the leaves and then the stems with powdery spots. Over time, the leaves turn yellow and fall off;

Fertilizing and feeding a growing fruit

A couple of days before the intended planting, you can begin the germination procedure. Experts recommend first heating the seeds for 2-4 hours. Place the seeds in a small thermos and pour hot water, the temperature of which is about 50-60 degrees. Leave everything for a couple of hours.​

​Cucumbers of the first harvest, growing on vines from the axil of the first or second leaf, are left for seeds. Above the fifth or sixth leaf, the lashes are pinched. Wooden labels are tied to the stalk. Seed cucumbers of early ripening varieties in middle lane ripen approximately 35–40 days after fruit formation. They are usually picked at the end of August, when the lashes begin to turn yellow. Sometimes, due to bad weather, they are removed not quite ripe, but not earlier than after 25 - 30 days.​

Main diseases of pumpkin

​The techniques for growing parsley seeds are very similar to collecting carrot seeds. You just need to take into account that root parsley is grown separately from leaf parsley, this will help avoid cross-pollination. From root parsley, a well-developed, unbranched root crop is selected for seed purposes, and from leaf parsley, plants on which the leaves are most corrugated are selected.

  • ​Work on collecting cauliflower seeds begins with growing seedlings. The best soil for cauliflower: 1 part turf soil, 2 parts humus, 1/10 part river sand. Grown seedlings are planted as usual in open ground or greenhouses. Then, after the head of cabbage “falls apart” into pieces, weak shoots are removed from the plant. 20-30 days after the appearance of peduncles, seeds form on the cauliflower, the full maturity of which occurs only late autumn when the seed pods turn yellow-green and the seeds turn brown.​
  • I completely agree with Yana. It is possible to get the seeds from a grown pumpkin, but you can get a hybrid of a pumpkin and a squash. It is more reliable to grow with proven seeds.​
  • ​They should be bright orange in color with a hard surface. Their stems should be dry. In some cases, their shoots may begin to wither on their own.


​It doesn't matter which side up you plant the seed. If the seeds are viable, they will grow correctly.​

How to collect seeds | Do it yourself - How to do it yourself

General rules for collecting seeds.

  1. ​4 methods: Preparing to grow pumpkins Planting pumpkins Caring for pumpkins Collecting pumpkins
  2. ​. We knead the well-ripened fruits and leave this mass to stand in a warm place for several days and ferment. Then, as usual, we rinse off the pulp and dry it.​
  3. ​In the plate it is clearly visible that each tomato seed is enclosed in a gelatinous shell. It contains substances that prevent seeds from germinating. The shell is removed by fermentation, a procedure similar to the natural rotting of a fallen fruit. In order to cause fermentation, you need to dilute the mixture of juice and tomato seeds by half with water and leave for 2-3 days, stirring regularly. When the mixture begins to ferment, white or gray mold will appear on its surface. If bubbles appear in the mixture or mold forms, fermentation should be stopped and the seeds should be thoroughly washed under water.​
  4. Olive spot is characterized by the appearance of cankers on the stems of the plant, and brown spots on the leaves. Oily spots appear on the fruits themselves, in which fungal spores mature over time. The edges of the affected area have a gelatinous fluid. If the disease takes hold of the ovary, it will certainly die;
  5. Then drain the water, cool the seeds and dry them slightly. Now you can proceed directly to the germination procedure. Place a cotton napkin or gauze folded in several layers on a small plate or saucer. Moisten the cloth and place the prepared pumpkin seeds on it. Cover with a layer of material and moisten everything again.​

Collect pumpkin seeds

​Remove everything at once or in two steps with an interval of two weeks and place it for ripening (ripening) for 15 - 20 days on the windowsill in dry room at a temperature of 18 - 20 degrees. Typically, such cucumbers are brown-brown with a network of cracks or creamy yellow without a network.​

The growing season of both root and leaf or petiole celery is very long, so celery is grown only through seedlings. Otherwise, obtaining seeds of all three types is similar to how they are obtained from the root vegetables of carrots and parsley.​

​Lettuce seeds are grown within one year. Seed ripening requires a long period of 130–160 days. Such deadlines limit the seed production area of ​​this vegetable. In the southern and central regions, mother plants are grown by sowing in open ground, and in the northern regions - by seedlings.​

​And I agree with the previous answers - about cross-pollination. I, too, have some kind of tikvo-zucchini hybrids growing from mine, with flesh of an indeterminate color and an incomprehensible taste and shape. And once I planted the Spaghetti variety of zucchini - such plump zucchini. So they cross-pollinated everyone and only spoiled my selection. Next year I will buy new varieties of pumpkins and plant them separately away from each other. I’ve already bought the gymnosperm Danae and I still want something sweeter. Otherwise, everyone is not happy with the harvests. Don’t regret 20 rubles for 10 seeds and buy new seeds for next year. Good luck.​

Collect cucumber seeds

​2​​Some packages of seeds advise planting the seeds on “elevations” or lowlands located between the beds. This can help regulate the water level in the soil, but is not necessary under normal conditions.​ ​Pumpkins can be used in sweet and savory dishes, their seeds are healthy and easy to roast, and they also provide a colorful color in the fall. beautiful jewelry. Growing pumpkins is easy and inexpensive because they grow in a variety of areas. Read on to find out how to choose the right pumpkin, how to choose the right environmental conditions for good growth, as well as how to grow and harvest pumpkin crops in general.​

​Don’t forget to separate the different varieties and label the bags.​

After this, the seeds are transferred to a glass or ceramic plate to dry. So that they dry evenly and do not stick together, they are stirred daily.​


​Cover the saucer with a plastic bag and place in a warm place. Lift the bag periodically to ventilate. If necessary, moisten the fabric; it should not be wet, just slightly damp.​

Collect eggplant seeds

​The earlier the cucumbers are picked, the longer the ripening period. If the fruits are not removed from the plant before 50 days, ripening is reduced to 10–15 days. It is not recommended to overexpose fruits, otherwise germination and seed germination rates will deteriorate.​

The flower stem that appears in the first year must be broken off. Celery is stored in the same way as carrots. In the spring of the second year, the remaining healthy root crops are planted in the beds. Seed harvesting is selective; seeds formed on gray-green umbels are considered mature.

Collect tomato seeds

​Lettuce seeds are collected from healthy and developed growing plants after they have been culled. You should not select for seed purposes leaf lettuce that has begun to form a flower shoot at the stage of planting seedlings (in the case of growing lettuce through seedlings), as well as head lettuce that does not form a head.​ ​Just don’t fry the seeds, but dry them in natural conditions.​​Do not pick pumpkins if they are still soft.​

It is better not to sow fresh cucumber seeds; there will be a lot of barren flowers. Best harvest obtained from seeds after 3 years of storage, and they remain viable for up to 6-7 years.​

​Hello, dear friends, readers!​

​The crop ripens within 3 months after germination, and late variety removed after 120-150 calendar days. Harvesting of autumn vegetables begins immediately after the first frost. It is important to cut the fruit with a sharp knife, retreating 3-4 cm from the stalk. This way, the harvested crop will last much longer and will not lose a lot of useful vitamins.​

We grow our own seeds

  1. ​After 2-3 days, the pumpkin seeds will hatch and white roots will appear. Start planting them in the ground when they are about 1cm long. These techniques will help increase the germination of pumpkins; you will immediately see which ones will sprout and which will not.​
  2. ​When the seed cucumber becomes soft, cut it lengthwise. True, some experienced amateurs recommend cutting not lengthwise, but across and taking seeds from the half where the stalk is. The seeds there are larger and have high germination rates. The harvest is early and high.
  3. ​Parsnip tolerates winter conditions in open ground well. But in any case, it is advisable to hill up the parsnips left in the garden before the onset of stable frosts. In the spring, plantings are unplanted and continue to be cared for as for an ordinary root crop. Parsnip seeds are considered mature when they acquire a brownish color.​

The ripening of seeds is indicated by the appearance of white flecks in the inflorescences and the darkening of the stem. Harvesting of lettuce seeds should be selective. The seed heads are cut off without waiting for the entire plant to mature. After collection, the seeds are laid out on paper to dry for two to three days, then carefully ground and winnowed.​

​I have been planting pumpkin for many years. The same seeds. Somehow they don’t cross-pollinate! Maybe I'm lucky? Actually, it grows under me summer kitchen, and all the tops are on the roof. And we collect pumpkins from the roof. And you collect the seeds correctly.

​They will only last a few days before they go bad.​

​Cover the planted seeds with compost.​

How to grow and collect your own seeds?

​1​​I will combine them together because the principle of obtaining seeds from root crops is the same.​​I want to talk today about how to grow your own seeds.​

  • It is forbidden to plant different varieties of the same crop side by side for seed purposes. The only exceptions are self-pollinating plants - tomatoes, peas, beans, soybeans, etc.
  • ​Soaking in a special solution will help strengthen young plants. nutrient solution. To do this, you can make an infusion of wood ash. Place 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water and let the solution steep for 24 hours. Then strain it and soak the pumpkin seeds for 6 hours.​
  • ​The selected seeds along with the pulp (pulp) are placed in a glass or enamel bowl. In metal they will turn black. After 3–4 days, the seeds are fermented at room temperature, during which time the pulp is easily separated. Then they are washed well with water, stirring vigorously. When they settle after washing, the floated puny seeds and remaining pulp are drained, the remaining seeds are washed 2-3 more times and laid out in a thin layer on glass, plywood or paper.​
  • ​Beet seed propagation is similar to carrot seed propagation. The same agricultural techniques apply here. Beet mother plants should have a mass of 400–600 g and a diameter of about 10 cm; large root crops can be divided into two parts before planting. In mid-May of the second year, root crops are planted in the beds. To give stability, the root crops are hilled up, and the emerging flower stalks are tied up. The middle shoots are cut out, as they take a long time to develop.

Your own tomato seeds

​Tomato seed production can be done wherever the fruits at least reach the size characteristic of the variety. In mid-summer, each seed bush is inspected, carefully culling plants that, for any reason, do not correspond to the variety or biological characteristics.​

​I was very surprised by the information that in America, farmers who use varieties rather than hybrids for seed purposes are subject to considerable fines. The reason is the undermining of the country's food well-being. The American government strictly controls the volume of food grown. If I hadn’t seen this story on TV myself, I wouldn’t have believed it.​

Your own cucumber seeds

​If you have already fertilized the soil before, you can skip this step. If not, add a thin layer of manure or compost to the pumpkin planting areas. Compost will help get rid of weeds and nourish the seeds.​

​Find out what time pumpkins are grown in your area.​​In the first year we grow a crop from which we select the best 2-3 carrots in our opinion to save them for planting. We immediately cut off the tops up to the shoulders; try not to injure the root crops themselves when harvesting. It is better to store in a cellar at a temperature of 0+3°C. For better preservation, you can dip our “roots” in a clay mash and dry them to form a crust.​

​Perhaps this topic may seem unnecessary and uninteresting to some. Now you can buy everything in stores, you say. I agree, there is a choice there. But what will we buy in the store? They don't give any guarantees, so

​Do not use hybrid plants for seed purposes.​

Your own carrot, beet, turnip and radish seeds

It is very effective to soak the seeds in a solution of “Epin” or “Kornevin”. These preparations should be diluted according to the instructions, and the sprouted seeds should be placed in the liquid for 2-4 hours.​

Zucchini and squash left for seeds are removed all at once. In the middle zone, vegetable seeds ripen well, growing up to 60 - 70 days. Collected seeds ripen on average 10 – 20 days. Mature testes are cream-colored, woody, their flesh is overripe and rough. Previously harvested fruits require more ripening: those collected after 50 - 60 days ripen another 20 - 30 days, and after 40 - 50 days - 30 - 50 days. Seeds from fruits cut in half are selected by hand. Unlike cucumbers, they are not washed, but are immediately dried in good weather in the open air, and in bad weather - under a canopy.​

​Seeds are collected selectively as they turn brown. Ripening seeds easily fall off, in order to prevent this, without waiting for all the balls to turn brown, they begin to cut off individual shoots. You can collect whole seed bushes, but only after the glomeruli on the lower branches begin to ripen.​

​Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants, so in one garden you can grow different varieties for seed purposes. But in the southern regions, cross-pollination by insects is possible.​

​Although, this is very similar to the truth. See for yourself - stores are increasingly offering us hybrid

​Cut the stems of the pumpkins.​

Your own radish seeds

​With proper care, pumpkin seeds should sprout within a week.Advertising​

Your own cabbage seeds

​Pumpkin seeds will not germinate in cold soil, so they should be planted after the last possible frost. Plan to plant pumpkins in late spring or early summer to collect the autumn harvest.​

It is better to prepare a small area for planting in the fall in order to plant them early in the spring. Add humus and a little ash to the ground. At the end of April you can already plant, I’m talking about the Urals.​

Zucchini and pumpkins

​First of all, when you grow your own seeds, you will always know what you are planting. Varieties tested by time and personally by you. After all, we collect seeds only from the best plants and the first fruits. And in store-bought bags of fifteen seeds, only 7-8 look like real ones. And the contents of these bags do not always match the variety.​

Your own onion seeds

To guarantee the quality of seeds, spatial isolation is provided between varieties or artificial pollination of flowers is carried out. After pollination, the flowers can be covered with a napkin for several days to prevent bees and other insects from landing on them.

  • While the pumpkin seeds are germinating, you should prepare the soil for planting them. Excellent precursors for vegetables are tomatoes, onions, cabbage and beans. Choose a sunny location with light, breathable soil.​
  • ​Pumpkin for seeds is left only from the first harvest; the rind of a ripened, diseased pumpkin is matte, sometimes reddish with a network of cracks. The seeds with pulp are scooped out with a metal spoon, fermented for 2 - 3 days, then washed on a sieve and dried in a thin layer in the air in the shade.​
  • The collected seeds are winnowed and dried for a week until they are fully ripe.

From the uterine bushes, the seed fruits growing on the first two or three clusters are removed in biological or blanzhesky ripeness. Unripe but mature fruits are sent to a warm and dry room for ripening. Among the ripened fruits, the best ones are selected, cut crosswise and the seeds are extracted. Each tomato seed is surrounded by a placenta - a mucous membrane (pulp). Seeds with pulp are fermented for two to three days (no more) at room temperature, then washed and dried. Prolonged fermentation and slow drying lead to a decrease in seed germination.​


I’ll say a few words about greenery

​Use pruning shears to trim them back, leaving only a few centimeters at the top. Do not break the stems, as this may cause the pumpkin to rot.​

​If you celebrate Halloween and want pumpkins to grow for the holiday, plant them a little later in the summer. If you plant them in the spring, they may outgrow them by Halloween.Advertising​

​Look at the weather, the plantings are not afraid of slight frosts until they take root, until they begin to grow and it gets warmer. It is not necessary to plant all the remaining root crops. One of each variety will be enough. They will produce a lot of seeds. All these plantings will have flower stalks more than a meter height. Tie them to a support to prevent them from breaking due to wind or rain.​

​Secondly, I am increasingly hearing about some kind of crisis next year. Of course, we have seen them more than once. And those who lived in the nineties generally don’t care about all the crises. And yet, if we have our own seeds and everything in the garden grows, then we will provide for ourselves in the fall. And we’ll make preparations for the winter.

How to Grow Pumpkins - wikiHow

​Seeds are collected from completely healthy plants, with medium-sized fruits and characteristics characteristic of the variety.​

​After the soil warms up to 15 degrees, you can start planting pumpkins. Dig up the bed and loosen it with a rake, removing weed roots. Make holes 1 m apart from each other. Add fresh manure to them.​

When growing cucumbers, zucchini, and squash for seeds, you should remember that different varieties can pollinate each other. The resulting hybrid plants will produce hybrid seeds. Therefore, it is better to grow one variety. Or do artificial pollination.​

Method 1 of 4: Preparing to Grow Pumpkins

  1. In the first year, radish seeds are planted no earlier than mid-June. At the end of the season, the healthiest, strongest root crops are selected and stored. In the second year after spring culling, the mother specimens are planted in open ground. When the testes turn from bright green to yellow-green, begin harvesting the seeds, which should be by this time Brown Pepper is a self-pollinating plant, thanks to which you can get seeds of different varieties in one area. Fruits that have reached biological ripeness are collected from selected bushes. Then the stalk with a small part of the pulp is cut out from the fruit, the seeds are carefully separated and sent for drying, describing their merits, and the market is less and less filled with varietal seeds.
  2. ​Water your pumpkins if the soil is too dry.​ ​2​ ​Mature seeds of carrots and beets become light brown in color and are easily separated from the peduncles. Start collecting them and drying them at home in the shade as they ripen. Since the bush blooms unevenly, the remaining seeds need to be allowed to mature. To do this, in dry weather in September, we cut off the entire bush with seeds and hang it upside down in a dark, ventilated room. Lay a cloth on the floor so that the mature seeds fall on it.​
  3. ​Thirdly, the most important and important advantage of their seeds is that they preserve and accumulate information about their owners. I have already said that plants sense our mood and understand our thoughts and intentions. I will say more - they can transmit this information through seeds to next generations.​
  4. ​Seeds of pumpkin, legumes, and radishes, dill, lettuce, corn, and physalis are obtained in the year of sowing vegetables. Seeds of carrots, beets, chard, parsley, parsnips, turnips, radishes, cabbage are obtained the next year, after harvesting and storing vegetables. It is not recommended to use flowering plants for seed purposes.​
  5. ​Make 2 holes in each hole to a depth of 5 cm. Place one sprouted pumpkin seed in them. Do this carefully as the delicate roots can be easily damaged. Fill the holes with substrate and pour the holes with warm water (50 degrees). If conditions are favorable for the plant, the first shoots will appear within a week.​
  6. ​It is carried out as follows. Large, unopened buds of female flowers from healthy plants are covered with small gauze bags the day before blooming. The buds of male flowers are collected in the room. The bag is not closed to prevent pollen from sweating out. The open female flowers are then pollinated with pollen from the male plants and closed again. When the fruits are ripe, the bags are removed.
  7. In the first year, turnips are sown in the usual way, shifting the sowing time to the beginning or middle of July. But in the spring of next year, turnip mother plants should be planted early - earlier than other vegetables. Turnip seeds are considered ripe when they acquire a brown color. Cucumber is a pumpkin crop; it is a cross-pollinating plant, therefore, with natural pollination from one site, it is possible to obtain seeds of only one variety. To guarantee purity, artificial pollination is used: on the eve of flowering, female buds that have not yet opened are isolated (tied with gauze), and the next morning they are pollinated with pollen from a previously taken male flower. Pollinated female flower They tie it again with gauze and remove it when they are convinced that the small fetus is growing and developing safely.​ ​Have you thought about this? Do our summer residents realize that having the opportunity annually
  8. ​Store pumpkins in a sunny, dry place.​
  9. ​Pumpkin seeds require a lot of water, but they shouldn't get too much of it. Develop the habit of watering your pumpkins whenever the soil is dry, rather than when it is still wet.​
  10. ​Choose a place to plant and prepare the soil.​

Method 2 of 4: Planting Pumpkins

  1. This is how carrot and beet seeds are ripened. And radishes, turnips, daikon can be tied into brooms and laid to dry. Well-dried seeds can also be stored in unheated room without losing its qualities. But usually the seeds are kept in a cool, dark place at home.​​If you hold the seeds in your mouth for a while before planting, they can learn more about you. The saliva will be absorbed into the seed, and it will know more about the state of your body than you do. And it will be able to grow fruits that are useful to you. Pumpkin seeds (zucchini, squash, watermelon, pumpkin, lagenaria, loofah) are quite easy to collect. To do this, fully ripened fruits are cut, the seeds are cleaned in a sieve and washed in a large amount of water, after which they are dried, scattered on thick paper or cloth. Seeds are collected from ripe melons and watermelons in the summer, after the juicy, sweet pulp is eaten. Zucchini and pumpkin fruits take a long time to ripen; they lie in the garden until the end of September-October, after which they are put away for storage. The skin of such fruits is hard, strong, and the pulp in the middle is very dense. In principle, full-fledged seeds are already obtained from these fruits - pumpkins or zucchini are cut, the seeds are selected and washed several times in water.​
  2. ​How to grow a pumpkin. How to plant seedlings? How to care for, fertilize, feed, water? When to harvest?​
  3. ​In tomatoes, the fruits of early-ripening, healthy, productive plants are left for seeds (preferably from the first or second bunch). They are marked with a ribbon. They are picked red and brown when ripe. Brown ones ripen for no more than two weeks, red ones - one week. Ripe tomatoes become bright and soft. There is no need to over-expose them, otherwise the sowing quality will deteriorate.
  4. To speed up the ripening of seeds at the tops of fruit-bearing branches, the tops are pinched, and late-forming shoots are cut out. This agricultural technique is especially important in the northern regions of seed production.​
  5. ​On the plant where the testes ripen, the vines are pinched in a timely manner to ensure optimal nutritional and moisture conditions; it is also necessary to systematically remove the ovaries, redirecting all plastic substances to the remaining fruits.​ ​collect seeds from your plot​Keep them away from damp places. They don't need coolness. Pumpkins can last for several months after harvest. Advertising
  6. ​When you water a plant, do not spare water so that it goes to the very roots. Pumpkin roots can go deep into the ground from several tens of centimeters to several meters, depending on the growth period, and it is very important that water reaches them.​

Method 3 of 4: Caring for Pumpkins

  1. ​Pumpkins grow in vines, so they need plenty of room to grow. Choose a place in your garden according to these qualities: They ripen in the year of sowing. Often radishes begin to bloom on their own when planted densely or in hot weather. But we are not interested in such seeds. You need to choose a large, beautiful radish, pull it out of the ground and forget it in the shade for a couple of hours. Then we plant it again and water it well. She will quickly begin to grow flower stalks and by autumn they will ripen good seeds. They can be collected directly in pods-boxes, dried and stored like that. And before planting, peel.​ ​This method is described in great detail in Vladimir Megre’s book “Anastasia” in the chapter called “The Seed is a Doctor.” It is not necessary to sow the entire garden this way. A few seeds each different plants Grow it for yourself, try it! And collect your personal seeds from them!​
  2. ​To collect seeds from loofah and lagenaria, the fruits must not only be ripe, but completely dry. Since these plants are very heat-loving, the fruits that set first are left for the seeds. Then in the fall, before the onset of cold weather at night, the fruits are removed indoors and kept, laid out on racks or hanging by the petiole, for several months. Over time, the pulp dries completely, and only dry fibers and seeds remain under the skin. They are selected, washed several times in water and quickly dried.​
  3. ​(10+)​
  4. ​The fruits are cut crosswise and the seeds along with the pulp are placed in a glass bowl with a teaspoon. They are kept there for 2–4 days at a temperature of 20–22 degrees. When the juice brightens and the pulp rises, the seeds are washed with water and dried on plywood, glass or paper.​
  5. Cabbage seeds are obtained from a stalk, and not from a whole head of cabbage. The work begins in the fall just before the onset of cold weather, when it is necessary to select the best and most typical plants in terms of their main varietal characteristics. The queen cells are harvested along with the leaves in dry weather. Before bookmarking winter storage it is necessary to cut off the leaves of the rosette, leaving the petiole of each leaf 2-3 cm long, while two or three covering green leaves tightly adjacent to the head of cabbage should remain on the plant. The covering leaves will serve as protection for the internal tissues of the plant. Overripe and softened fruits are cut lengthwise with a knife and the seeds with pulp are removed. The mass is fermented for two to three days, then without delay the seeds are washed and dried.​ ​, they become independent. Moreover, vegetables growing year after year in the same area, under the same climatic conditions, will inevitably improve the quality of the seeds ripening in them.​
  6. ​Pumpkins usually don't have big problems with beetles - they are very hardy. Try not to flood the pumpkin leaves. This may cause fungus to develop powdery mildew, from which, accordingly, the leaves will wither and the entire plant will die. Water in the morning so that if any water suddenly gets on the leaves, it can dry in the sun.​ 5-10 meters of free space. Your pumpkin patch doesn't have to take over your entire yard. You can plant it along your house or along the fence of your garden.​
  7. ​The most important thing here is to preserve the head of cabbage with roots until spring. To do this, you can dig up cabbage with a lump of earth and plant it in a bucket. And just put it in the cellar. Just make sure that the soil doesn’t dry out at all, and water occasionally as needed.
  8. Of course, seeds can only be collected from varietal plants. Nothing will come of hybrids (F1). Everyone knows that these seeds do not retain the properties of their parents.​
  9. ​Zucchini squash seeds ripen very slowly and are selected in late autumn-winter. The fruits left for collecting seeds are kept on the bush for as long as possible, then transferred indoors and kept for another 1-1.5 months, and only then the seeds are selected.​
  10. Pumpkin agricultural technology: from seeds to fruits

Method 4 of 4: Picking Pumpkins

  1. Until now we have been talking about annual plants. It is somewhat more difficult to obtain seeds from two-year-old plants in the middle zone. They form seeds only in the second year. These are carrots, beets, parsley, celery, turnips, radishes, cabbage and others. Throughout the winter, the condition of the queen cells must be systematically checked. Storage of queen cells ends by the beginning of April, in the southern regions - a month earlier. From the author. There is an opinion that cucumber seeds should be collected only from female fruits. How to distinguish a male cucumber from a female one? This is easy to do - the shape of the female fetus in cross-section tends to be square, and the male fetus - to the triangle. To be honest, I can’t collect cucumber seeds. No, I collect them without problems and in compliance with all the rules, but the harvest from the collected seeds leaves much to be desired, although I remember well how my grandmother collected cucumber seeds every year and received an excellent harvest.​
  2. ​For summer residents and gardeners who think and understand the essence of the trends taking place in the world, I suggest that you get acquainted with this article, because even a novice gardener can ​Water well, but do not overdo it, otherwise the roots may rot.​​When the pumpkins themselves begin to grow and take on color, reduce the intensity of watering. Stop watering them completely a week before harvest.​
  3. ​Good access to sunlight. Do not choose a planting location in the shade of a tree or house. Make sure the pumpkins get enough sunlight throughout the day.​​Often cabbage begins to sprout in the cellar by spring. In the spring, we are not late with planting our cabbage, as with other plantings. The flower stalks of cabbage are the same as those of radishes or radishes. By autumn, the seeds will ripen in the pod-pods.​ ​I’m done with the theoretical part. I hope I have convinced you to grow your own seeds.​
  4. ​Related link: How to collect, prepare and save seeds from your own garden or dacha​ ​1 ​ ​In the autumn of the first year, before frost sets in, healthy vegetables without any damage are selected. The leaves are trimmed, the vegetables are cleaned of dirt. Initially, they can be stored outdoors under a small layer of soil (10 - 15 cm). As soon as cool weather arrives (4 - 5 degrees), they are transferred to storage and covered with sand. If they are stacked, then so be it. So that the heads are with outside. There should be good air circulation in the storage area, constant temperature– 0 – 1 degree and relative air humidity – 90%.​
  • In the spring, the remains of the head of cabbage are cut out from well-preserved plants, completely freeing the stalks. To accelerate root regrowth and stimulate physiological processes in the apical buds, queen cells are grown. This “race” accelerates flowering and seed ripening. To grow queen cells two to three weeks before planting the plants in open ground permanent place drop in a cold greenhouse or on warm bed in a protected place.​
  • ​These vegetable crops and their varieties are easily crossed with each other. To avoid cross-pollination and obtain seeds of the desired variety, it is necessary to resort to artificial pollination.​
  • ​collect seeds of many vegetable crops​
​Once harvested, pumpkins (which may still have some time to grow) can be stored outside for a long time, or in the basement if your area is very cold. In temperate climates, leave pumpkins in barns, on barn roofs, in bags, etc.; In cold climates, store them in the cellar. They can feed you throughout the winter.​

How to collect pumpkin seeds correctly? I just opened the pumpkin, dried the seeds, and can I plant it next year?


Olya Bondar

​Adequate soil irrigation. Clay-based soils do not conduct moisture quickly enough and are not particularly suitable for growing pumpkins. Choose a place where water will not stagnate after heavy rains.​

Vladimir Babin

​I think everything is known about them. In winter, when cooking, simply select and dry mature, plump seeds.​

Zhanna S

​First I want to tell you about​
​Growing pumpkins in different climates has its own characteristics. So in the south, where mild winters and the warmth comes earlier than anywhere else, you can start growing this vegetable right from planting it in open ground. In the northern part and in the middle zone, pumpkin seeds are initially planted in closed ground to obtain seedlings, and then in the soil. In order for the seeds to sprout as quickly as possible, it is recommended to soak or germinate them before planting.​
​Next year in early spring The vegetables are carefully inspected; healthy ones with awakened apical buds are selected for planting. In the middle zone, 3 - 3.5 weeks before planting, they are dug in in semi-warm greenhouses or in insulated beds, and at the end of April - beginning of May they are transplanted into the ground, leaving top part at soil level.​
​Prepared plants with a large lump of earth are transplanted into beds and watered abundantly. When planted deep, it should be taken into account that different varieties of cabbage easily cross with each other, so in the garden you can only get seeds of one variety.​
​Seeds of zucchini, melon, pumpkin, and squash do not require fermentation. After removing the seeds from the ripened fruit, it is enough to wash them and dry them. It should be remembered that fresh seeds from last year produce a lot of barren flowers. The best age for pumpkin seeds is two to three years.​
​. Let's start by introducing some general rules:​


​Fertilize your pumpkins.​


​To get your pumpkins off to a good start, fertilize the soil well in advance. Dig large holes in which you will plant the pumpkins and fill them with compost a few days before planting.​

Galina Russkova (Churkina)

Onions produce seeds in the third year.

Evgenia Taratutina

​general rules for planting any plants from seeds​

How to get your own seeds, seeds from your garden | GREEN BLOG

​collect cucumber seeds

The most favorable period for sowing pumpkin seeds for seedlings is considered to be the third ten days of April - the first ten days of May. Temperature conditions, at which the seeds begin to sprout, is about 10 degrees Celsius, and at around 25-30 during the day and 18-20 at night, the seeds receive best conditions for growth. There is no need to pick pumpkin seedlings.​ ​Vegetables are planted at some distance from other varieties of the same crop. Weeds are removed from the crops - quinoa, chickweed, wild radish.​Summer care of queen plants consists of frequent loosening, hilling, timely watering and tying up flower stalks. When the pods begin to set on the flower stalks, you need to remove those pods that do not have time to ripen. In addition, it is necessary to remove vegetative shoots, pinch the central shoot and lower seed shoots.

​Onion seeds are obtained in three years - in the first year, onion sets are grown from ordinary seeds, in the second year, onion sets are grown from onion sets, in the third year, seeds are grown from onion sets (mother liquor). IN warm regions You can immediately grow mother bulbs from the sets.​ ​It is forbidden to plant different varieties of the same crop next to each other for seed purposes;​​As for cross-pollination --- the previous authors are right!! ! And I don’t think it makes sense to do selective work at home (fertile and sterile concealers)! And yet --- the Pumpkin family (pumpkin, squash, zucchini, cucumber, etc.) has the property that in the 5-6th year of storage, the yield increases to 85-95%, unlike the seeds of the previous year (45 -55%). This is due to physiology ----at 5-6 years, the number of female flowers, and as a result of ovaries, and as a result of yield, INCREASES by 2 times!! ! (third year student at the Faculty of Agriculture!)​

​As soon as you see the plants begin to sprout, add a little fertilizer to them - this will reduce the growth time by a couple of weeks, and the plants will also be healthy. Go to your gardening store and ask about the appropriate fertilizer that you can use for your pumpkin patches.​ ​3​ ​In the first year we sow nigella (onion seeds), from which onion sets grow.​

  1. ​, gardeners use several methods. The easiest way is to leave the cucumber in the garden until its skin becomes thick, yellow-brown, sometimes even covered with cracks. Then they pick the cucumber, put it indoors and wait for it to soften a little. This cucumber is immediately cut, the seeds are scooped out into a sieve with a spoon and washed several times.
  2. To grow seedlings, you will need pots with a diameter of 14-15 cm. At the time of planting the seeds, the pot is only half filled with soil. After two weeks, moist soil is added to the pot, and the seedlings are ringed. This process means corkscrewing the stem so that only the cotyledon leaves remain on the soil surface.​
  3. ​It is good to feed the plants left for seeds nitrogen fertilizers, when they just begin to germinate, and at the time of flowering - phosphorus-potassium. Parsley and parsnips do not have their leaves trimmed in summer.
  4. ​The period from planting queen cells to seed ripening is about 110–130 days. Harvesting of the pods begins when they turn yellowish-green with red pigment and the seeds turn dark brown and harden. The seeds are dried in a cool, dark place. The best seeds are those that fell out of the pods themselves during harvesting.​

Obtaining seeds in the year of sowing vegetables

How to get legume seeds (beans, peas, beans)

Before storing the mother bulbs, they are heated for 8 hours at 40°; this technique will allow you to detect signs of neck rot disease.

How to collect radish seeds

​It’s possible, but it’s better if the pumpkin stood the longer the better. Mine stood until spring and I immediately planted it from the pumpkin, so such huge pumpkins grew, they could barely lift it, and the pumpkin that collected the seeds used to be a pumpkin, but it didn’t grow to that size!​

​Selection of pumpkin seeds.​

​In the second year, it grows into a full-fledged turnip for food.​

How to collect cauliflower seeds

​Seeds of cross-pollinated plants should not be planted close to each other. Different varieties It is recommended to plant carrots, turnips, radishes, cabbage no closer than 500 - 1000 meters. The further the better. Of course, summer residents do not have such opportunities on their site.​

How to collect lettuce seeds

​The seeds left on the vine significantly delay the formation and growth of new fruits, so sometimes they are cut off early, when the skin turns yellow-green, rather than waiting for complete ripening.​

​It is recommended to fertilize the seedlings twice. It is better to choose as a top dressing mineral fertilizers. Important condition- the leaves of the seedlings should not have contact with each other, therefore, as they grow, it is necessary to move the pots apart. As soon as the seedlings have 4-5 leaves, they can be planted in open ground.​

​At the beginning of October they begin to collect ripe seeds - they ripen unevenly - 30 - 40 days. In carrots, parsley, and parsnips, the ripened seeds in the umbels become brownish, the radish pods at this time acquire a light yellow color, and the seeds become light brown; in beets, 25–30% of browned glomeruli appear. Ripe seeds are cut off, dried under shelters or in a well-ventilated room, and then threshed.​

How to collect tomato seeds

​In winter, selected queen cells should be stored separately from the rest of the onions. Optimal conditions storage – 0–3°C, air humidity about 80%.​

​seeds should be collected only from healthy vegetables of MEDIUM size, having the entire set of varietal characteristics;​

How to collect pepper seeds

​The later you take seeds from it, the more productive the variety will be.​

How to collect cucumber seeds

​Control weeds and pests.​

​Go to your local flower shop or order pumpkin seeds from the online store to plant in your garden. There are a huge number of types of pumpkins, but for home grown they can be divided into three main types:

​And in the third year, if we plant the best bulbs, they will produce flower stalks and by autumn the seeds will ripen in them.​

How to collect pumpkin seeds - zucchini, squash, pumpkin

​These cucumbers are placed in the shade on a windowsill for several weeks, and when the fruits soften, the seeds are selected.​

​The seedlings ripen within 25-35 days, and already at the end of May-the first week of June they are ready for transplanting into open ground. If planting a pumpkin does not involve seedlings, then in this case 2-3 seeds are planted in the soil and a shelter is made. After the leaves appear, the strongest plant is selected and the rest are removed.

Obtaining seeds in a two-year culture - after harvesting and storing vegetables

How to get onion seeds

​In the southern regions of the country, root crops left for seeds are not dug up; they overwinter in the soil. The best healthy plants are selected for seeds from white cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi. They are stored at a temperature of 0 to 1 degree and a relative humidity of 90 - 95%. In the spring, 3–4 weeks before planting, the stumps are cut out of the heads of cabbage, being careful not to touch the apical bud. They are placed in stacks with the roots inward and layered with moistened peat and humus.​

​How to collect seeds of tomatoes (tomatoes), cucumbers and other vegetables from your garden to get a high-quality harvest for next year? Let's talk about this in our article.​

​Early in spring, queen cells are planted in a prepared seedling plot. Before planting, the neck with part of the bulb is cut off by 0.4–0.6 cm. Flowering begins 60–80 days after planting the queen cells and lasts 30–50 days (the period depends on climatic conditions region). Flowers are pollinated by bees. The arrows that appear must be tied up, as they break easily. The seed ripening period is quite long - 110–130 days, so seed propagation of onions is possible only in a relatively warm climate.​

​seeds of pumpkin (zucchini, pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, melons), legumes (peas, beans, beans), nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes), as well as radishes, lettuce, cauliflower are obtained in the year of sowing vegetables;​

Collecting seeds is not a problem.

​In order for you to grow healthy pumpkins, you will have to closely monitor them throughout the growing period.​

​Pie pumpkins that are usually eaten.​

How to get carrot seeds

Bulbs are planted early in the spring. In summer, a small fence is made near the flowering onions so that the flower stalks do not break or fall. By autumn, not all seeds may ripen. Dry warm weather in September they are cut, tied into bunches and hung to ripen like carrots.​

This does not threaten tomatoes, since they have pollen in the flower and pollinate themselves. But the rest can. Of course, it won’t turn out to be a recap - that’s for sure.​

​Cucumber seeds collected independently can only be used for the 2nd, or better yet, the 3rd year. Freshly harvested seeds germinate well, but the plants set few fruits.​

​Pumpkin is a plant that requires a large area to produce a good harvest. When landing, you must adhere to following parameters: 1-1.5 meters between plants, and 2 meters between rows. For planting, a hole is made 8-10 cm deep. Pumpkin loves the sun, so the planting site should be dry and sunny. As an option - compost heap, but pre-fertilized with ash and superphosphate. About a week in advance, we prepare the seedlings for open ground: we reduce the temperature to 15-17 degrees during the day and 12-15 at night.​

How to get parsley seeds

​After planting in open ground, the stumps are covered with damp straw, protecting them from frost and sunburn. From the buds on the stump, a main stem up to 1.7 meters high with lateral flowering shoots develops. The fruit pods are harvested 40 - 50 days after the end of flowering, they are placed under a canopy, dried and threshed.​

How to get celery seeds

​The easiest way to grow from seeds is annuals. vegetable plants: dill, lettuce, radishes, peas, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli.​

Here in the North-West onion propagated vegetatively due to short summer, during which the seeds in the onion “umbrellas” simply do not have time to ripen.​

How to get parsnip seeds

​seeds of carrots, beets, celery, parsley, parsnips, white cabbage, turnips, radishes are obtained after harvesting and storing vegetables, that is, for the next year.​

How to get beet seeds

​What will grow from these seeds?​

​Remove weeds from garden beds frequently. Don't let weeds grow around your pumpkins, as they will take everything for themselves. nutrients from the soil. Try to pull weeds several times a week.​

​Huge decorative pumpkins, which can be cut into jack-o'-lanterns. The seeds of these pumpkins are edible, but the pulp is not as tasty.​

How to get radish seeds

But since the onion flower stalks are shorter, you can put a calico bag directly on them so that the mature seeds spill out and are collected immediately. You just need to put the bag on well-dried seed shoots and let them ripen in a ventilated room. Ripe onion seeds are black in color and easily fall out of the peduncles.​

How to get turnip seeds

Do you want to grow proven pumpkin varieties on your plot? Then consider some rules for collecting and storing pumpkin seeds. We will tell you which ones exactly.

You should choose only healthy pumpkin fruits that are uniform in color correct form and of sufficient size. Do not add too much fertilizer to the soil under plants that are intended to collect seeds. This will shorten the growing season so that the seeds have enough time to ripen.

Plant pumpkins intended for collecting seeds separately from other plants. If more than one type of pumpkin grows on the site, use artificial pollination to obtain seeds of the desired variety.

How to collect pumpkin seeds?

Seeds should be collected from fruits that have ripened before frost and stored for storage. Keep the cut pumpkin in a warm room for about a month. But don't wait too long because the seeds may germinate inside the fruit. This primarily applies to early varieties, but winter pumpkins can last in storage for several months.

Cut the pumpkin, but not in the center of the fruit, but a little on the side so as not to damage the seeds. Remove the seeds, peel them from the pulp and rinse in cool water.

Select the best specimens (large, complete, without defects or mechanical damage), dry them in a warm and dry room.

Pumpkin seeds remain viable for about 7 years

How to save pumpkin seeds until spring?

Pumpkin seeds must not only be collected on time, but also properly stored in suitable conditions. From external influences The grains are protected by a hard and durable skin. However, it can become permeable with high humidity.

A place that is too warm to store pumpkin seeds will cause them to lose their germination capacity before sowing. Sudden changes in temperature also damage the seeds. Therefore, do not leave them on the site or in a cold and damp room for a long time.

Pumpkin seeds are best stored in dry bags made of natural materials, it is not recommended to use polyethylene as condensation forms on it

The optimal conditions for storing pumpkin seeds are a dry and dark place with an air temperature of up to 16°C and moderate humidity. In order for the seeds to “breathe”, they should be placed in fabric or paper bags.

You should not store seeds in the bathroom or kitchen, as these areas are too humid for them. The seeds can be left until spring, for example, in the basement, on shelves in the pantry or on the bottom shelf of a closet in the room.

For many, seeds are a reminder of childhood. They have incredible taste, as well as a special structure. It is characteristic that these seeds can keep your hands busy no worse than regular seeds, but at the same time they are much more beneficial for the body. They contain a large amount of iron, which can prevent the occurrence of diseases circulatory system and hearts. At first glance, it may seem that drying seeds at home is a troublesome and difficult task. But in reality, it will be enough to follow a number of simple recommendations, and any housewife can dry pumpkin seeds. Further in the article we will learn how to dry them, and also tell you how to store this healthy delicacy at home.

How are they useful?

Pumpkin seeds are not only tasty, but also incredibly useful product. As raw materials, they are used to obtain healing oils; you can also often find them in “beauty recipes,” but they are most often used in cooking, as they are added to baked goods, salads, prepared vegetarian dishes and, of course, consumed raw.

This product contains a large amount of minerals, there are also trace elements and protein compounds that are extremely beneficial for the human body. The presence of a high level of vitamin E in the composition is considered to be of particular value. This group of elements has a positive effect on human reproductive qualities.

It is unacceptable to eat these seeds in the following cases:

  • Availability individual intolerance product;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction;
  • a number of diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines.

Important! Children, pregnant women, and women during lactation are allowed to eat pumpkin seeds.

Despite the fact that the seeds are more useful in their raw form, since they contain more high level nutrients, most often they are consumed in dried form. This is mainly due to the fact that they are quite difficult to clean.

In addition, an undried product quickly becomes unusable - it becomes moldy due to the high moisture content. Therefore, before storing the seeds, they should be thoroughly dried. And in order not to damage this product, while preserving the maximum possible amount of useful substances, you need to follow the recommendations that will be proposed later in the article.

Preparatory stage

You can harvest the seeds of any pumpkin: both domestic, grown in your garden, and wild, forage. The seeds of these varieties do not differ in taste; the only difference may be in size, since domestic pumpkin seeds are usually noticeably larger.

Grown or purchased, you need to cut it into two parts using a sharp knife, and then remove all the insides, which are where the seeds are stored. Pumpkin pulp can then be used as an ingredient for preparing various types of dishes, in particular, delicious compotes and juices are prepared from it.

We offer step by step description preparatory stage pumpkin seed preparations:

Important! Pumpkin seeds are very high in calories: 100 grams of dry product contain about 550 kcal. And if you also season the product with salt, spices or oil, then such a cocktail will be extremely undesirable for those losing weight. Therefore, despite all the usefulness of this delicacy, it is recommended to monitor the amount of its consumption.

Drying methods

Those who have never dried pumpkin seeds may find that different sources describe completely different methods. To achieve this goal, they use a frying pan, an oven, an electric dryer and even a microwave. It should be understood that the drying method must be chosen based on the goal being pursued and the desired end result.

In general, at the end of any drying method you should end up with seeds that are ready to eat or use in cooking and are still rich in nutrients and vitamins. Let's look at the most popular drying methods, as well as recommendations that should be followed to achieve the desired result.


This drying method requires free time and good weather conditions. It is necessary that hot and hot temperatures are forecast for the next few days. sunny weather, because humidity will increase the likelihood of mold or rotting of the product.

The process is as follows:

  1. The seeds are separated from the pulp, then washed and salted.
  2. Next, you need to pour boiling water into a deep container, add salt at the rate of 10 g per 70 ml of water. Pumpkin seeds should be placed in this solution and left in this form for 10-25 hours. This stage of processing will give the product an unusually rich, salted taste. If such a goal is not pursued, then you can this stage skip.
  3. The product should be removed from a kind of brine, washed under running water(not for long so that the salt is not completely washed out) and then proceed to drying.
  4. Any convenient horizontal surface should be covered with paper towels, foil or baking paper. A tray, baking tray, or even a cutting board will do. In a pinch, you can use several large plates. It is important to lay the seeds on the surface in as thin a layer as possible. All this needs to be put under straight lines Sun rays and leave it like this for two to three days.
  5. You can tell when a product is ready by looking at its shell. The seeds should be hard and at the same time fragile, easily cracked by hand. If after the specified time period the seeds have not dried, you need to increase the drying time.

In a frying pan

A very popular method of drying pumpkin seeds is using a frying pan. We'll tell you how to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan without damaging the product:

In the oven

There are two main methods for roasting pumpkin seeds in the oven. We will consider each of them in more detail below.

1 way.

Method 2.

  1. It is suitable for those whose oven does not provide for adjusting modes, but warms up evenly. You should turn it on and heat it to 200° C.
  2. Meanwhile, a baking sheet is lined with foil or baking paper, and the pumpkin seeds are placed on top in one thin layer.
  3. The product is sent to a preheated oven; at this time the heat must be reduced to a minimum. You need to dry the seeds in this form for about 30 minutes, all the time monitoring the readiness of the product and stirring the composition every 7-10 minutes.
  4. After the grains turn slightly brownish, you need to check them again. If they are ready, then you can take them out. If the seeds are not hard enough, then turn off the oven and place the product in it for about another 10-15 minutes.

Did you know? Pumpkin seeds in small quantities useful for women during pregnancy. They are able to relieve stress and tension, and also save a weakened body from toxicosis.

In an electric dryer

You can also use an electric dryer to dry pumpkin seeds. In general, the process is very similar to oven drying, with the exception of a number of important nuances.

  1. The seeds need to be distributed among the containers in one thin layer.
  2. The dryer should be set to heat up to a temperature of 70-80° C.
  3. It will take several hours to dry. Exact time It is difficult to indicate, since much depends on the characteristics of various electric dryers.
  4. During the process of preparing grains, you need to periodically stir the composition, and also change the trays themselves (at least once an hour).
  5. Readiness is determined by the formation of a dark shade on the shell of the seeds. They should also become hard and dry.


Many people are interested in how to roast pumpkin seeds in the microwave. It is worth noting that this method not classic, but still possible.

That's why We’ll tell you how you can implement it as efficiently as possible, based on the recommendations of experienced housewives:

  1. After washing the seeds, you need to place them on a flat surface and let them dry for several days so that all excess moisture evaporates.
  2. Then you should take it out microwave oven a glass plate that rotates and line the bottom of the oven with baking paper, thus protecting the base.
  3. Place the pumpkin seeds on a paper surface in a thin, even layer, then place the plate in place and turn on the microwave at maximum power. The timer should be set for 2 minutes.
  4. After two minutes, the grains should be mixed, leveled and the microwave turned on again for 2 minutes. But now the power of the device should not be maximum, but average.
  5. Further manipulations must be repeated until the desired level of drying of the seeds is achieved.
  6. As a result, the product should darken and become more rigid. All that remains is to cool the grains, peel them and use them as a snack, or as an ingredient for salads and main courses.

In an electric grill

Drying pumpkin seeds in an electric grill began to be used quite recently, because this device is usually used for cooking other dishes.

However, using a special pallet, You can quite successfully dry grains in it:

  1. After the product has been thoroughly washed and dried, you need to spread it on the surface of the container in an even thin layer and set the temperature level to 60 ° C. The drying time for the seeds is from 20 to 30 minutes.
  2. It should be remembered that the device is equipped with a fan, and this only increases the heat treatment power of the product. In this regard, it is very important to constantly monitor the readiness of the grains and not leave them unattended, otherwise they may burn.
  3. Ready pumpkin seeds will take on a brownish color and, after cooling, can be used to prepare various types of dishes or consumed as an independent snack.

How to determine readiness

Determining the readiness of a product dried by any method is quite simple. The seeds acquire a yellowish and even slightly brownish tint, the skin becomes more fragile, which makes it easy to peel it and remove the inner nucleolus.

The seed itself seems to be “losing weight,” that is, the outline of the inner core becomes clear and easily distinguishable. The nucleolus, which is used as food, acquires a rich green color with white thin veins. The structure should be soft and velvety, the taste should be rich and pleasant.

How to store at home

After the pumpkin seeds are completely ready, you will need to take them out and place them on a cold baking sheet, tray or other flat container. You can even pour the product onto the table by placing baking paper on it in advance. When the grains have cooled completely, you can begin organizing the storage of this product.

  • the storage place should be dark and dry;
  • the container in which the grains will be stored must be glass or ceramic;
  • seeds cannot be peeled, since peeled, spiced and roasted grains cannot be long-term preservation. Such a product must be consumed as soon as possible, otherwise they will oxidize and become moldy.

Pumpkin seeds that have been properly processed and dried will bring maximum benefits to the body. To achieve this, it will be enough to use the appropriate device that is available in the kitchen, or dry the product naturally. It is important to follow the above recommendations, and then you will get the most delicious and vitamin-rich product.

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