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» How to grow an olive tree from a seed. Olive tree - the secrets of a “sacred” culture. Conditions and care of seedlings

How to grow an olive tree from a seed. Olive tree - the secrets of a “sacred” culture. Conditions and care of seedlings

A subtropical guest, a long-liver, a tree of life, a tree of health, a symbol of peace, and most importantly, a source of beloved and healthy fruits... It's about about the olive tree. Let's try to grow this miracle from an ordinary seed!

Attention! Seeds from canned fruits will not germinate! For these purposes, we use only fresh ones!

Growing an olive tree from a seed is not an easy task, so you need to be patient. The main thing is to believe in success and do everything with love and inspiration, because all plants feel the energy of a home and a person, even those that are still in their infancy (in our case, in a small and very hard seed).

We create good Mediterranean conditions

In order for a sprout to emerge from a seed, special conditions are needed, namely:

  • the room temperature should be 18-10°C, since olive loves a mild climate;
  • the room should be light and spacious (room or winter garden), but direct contact sun rays on initial stage must be avoided;
  • the soil must “breathe” well, that is, be water- and air-permeable;
  • need to prepare soil mixture, consisting of leafy soil and coarse sand (in equal proportions). Add 0.5 parts of peat to them;
  • It is advisable to add to this mixture not a large number of charcoal, as well as brick chips;
  • The seed is planted to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Processing the seeds

  1. We take not one bone, but several. Be prepared for the fact that not all of them will germinate. We are dealing with a capricious crop (germination of olive seeds is less than 50%).
  2. Before planting, we soak our seeds in a 10 percent alkaline solution in order to soften the hard shell and adapt it to the earthen environment. We perform this procedure for 16-18 hours. If you don’t do the treatment, then you won’t see any sprouts!
  3. We wash the seeds and cut off their sharp ends with pruning shears.
  4. We feel free to start sowing the processed material.

We are waiting for sprouts to appear

When will the long-awaited green sprouts appear? At good conditions- 2-3 months after planting the seed. Even before they appear, you need to care for the soil, maintaining its moisture, but not overwatering. Both drying out and over-watering can destroy the seeds.

If something goes wrong, the sprouts will not appear at all or will be weak and non-viable. In this case, don't give up and try again!


If the olive tree is very sensitive in its infancy, then mature tree is unpretentious and hardy. Propagation by seeds implies the appearance decorative tree. If you want to reap the benefits over time, initially focus on table variety trees and care for them properly.

An olive from a seed begins to bloom and bear fruit late (unlike a tree grown by cuttings), that is, only after 10-12 years you can be pleased with flowers and berries. The olive tree is a long-liver, and for it this is a normal process, but we people can’t wait to see the fruits as soon as possible. Therefore, trees emerging from seeds are grafted by adding a varietal plant to them.

At home, an olive tree can produce 2 kg of fruit, and in winter garden- 10-20 kg, depending on the number of specimens and the condition of the trees themselves.


Olives are a source of fiber, beneficial vegetable oils(there is oleic acid), antioxidants (polyphenols) and minerals. To maintain good health, experts recommend eating 7 olives a day.

Olive Tree, olive family, grows in countries with warm subtropical climates, in Russia it is cultivated in the southern regions: in Crimea and Krasnodar region. Middle lane our country is not suitable for growing olive crops, but you can grow an olive tree in a greenhouse or at home with a minimum of effort.

Table olive varieties, with proper care, will delight you with fruits for a long time, because olive trees are long-lived flora. An example is the Gardens of Gethsemane, with olive trees over one and a half thousand years old.

Greece is called the birthplace of olive culture; there is a legend that Greek goddess Athena sent an olive branch as a gift to the fertile land, which gave rise to the first olive gardens.

Types and varieties of olive trees

The olive tree has more than 30 types of crops. The most common type remains european olive, as well as golden-leaved and cape.

Olive tree varieties can be divided into several groups:

Oilseed is a varietal group of olives grown for the production of olive oil.
Combined ( universal variety olives) – intended for both oil production and preservation.
Table variety group - intended for preservation and consumption.

The names of olive varieties are often similar to where the crop is grown. Wild varieties of olives are unknown; the explanation can be that people have long since, in order to increase yield, grafted branches of cultivated olives onto wild varieties, thereby completely destroying the primitive species of olive trees. Today, the European high-yielding variety of olives is grown on an industrial scale.

Large producers of olives include Spain, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Syria, and Morocco. All cultivars vary in characteristic features(composition of olives, size, color), group of destination, the quality of the final product directly depends on the type of olive raw material.

Table olive varieties include: Spanish, Ascolana, Cerignola, Zinzala, Lucca, Sabina. And oilseed varieties include: Frantoño, Taggiasca, Caione, Biancolilla.

To grow an olive tree at home, choose European table varieties. The most suitable are: Della Madonna, Urtinsky, Nikitinsky, Krymsky, Razzo. To the question: “How long does an olive tree live?”, we can safely say that it is more than a hundred years.

Through the painstaking work of breeders, potted varieties of olive trees have been obtained, making it possible to grow an indoor olive tree in a pot. Such trees differ from their relatives only in size. These are evergreen, low-growing trees with a lush, dark green crown. The harvest of olives, of course, will not please you, since the variety has a decorative function, but you can still collect 10-15 homemade olives from a tree.

Olive tree at home. Growing with seeds, seedlings and cuttings

Growing an olive tree in room conditions Quite painstaking work. It's all about temperature conditions, if not observed, the tree will not bear fruit. In order for buds to appear, the indoor tree, like its soil counterparts, must fall into winter sleep, so the olive must be exposed to low temperatures, but avoid overcooling the crop. Optimal temperature for sleep it will be from +1 to +5 degrees.

The flowering of the olive tree is accompanied by the appearance of large white inflorescences; the first flowers appear in April and May. Maturation indoor fruits after flowering occurs four months later.

A good yield of an olive tree is considered to be about 30 kg, but indoor plant It is considered fruitful if it produces about 600 grams. olives

The indoor olive tree remains evergreen throughout its entire life, however, like its large relatives, it can shed its leaves; this is considered the norm and does not require resuscitative actions.

Growing an olive tree from seeds is not an easy process and requires patience and attention. First, you need to purchase olive seeds (pits), canned products are not suitable, olives for planting can be fresh or dried.

So, having obtained and cleaned the olives, you need to soak the resulting pits in a weak alkali solution for a day, then rinse them with water and dry them paper napkin. Before planting, you should cut down the olive seed shell to facilitate germination. It is better to plant in a pot, as it is easier to control seed germination, humidity and temperature.

The sawn seeds are placed in a pot with soil to a depth of 3 cm; do not allow the seed to dry out or over-moisten it. The first shoots will appear within six months.

Olive trees do not tolerate low temperatures, so propagation by seeds is carried out in a warm room or in the summer.

To speed up the process of growing an olive tree from a seed, you should germinate the seeds before planting in the ground, to do this, place them in a shallow container with compost, place them on a sunny windowsill and moisten them daily.

When the seeds germinate, you can begin planting in the soil. It is necessary to mix chernozem and sand in equal parts, add peat, dry crushed lime and plant seeds in the resulting mixture. Before planting, do not forget about the presence of drainage (olive does not tolerate stagnant water) and hardening of the young plant using the method of alternating temperatures.

When the olive seedling gets stronger and grows, it can be planted in the ground, along with the contents of the pot, so as not to damage root system. The olive tree is planted in the spring in well-warmed and moist soil, in an area that is windless and rich in sunlight. Fruiting should be expected three to four years after planting.

Caring for a young oilseed plant consists of cutting off the lower shoots so that the tree grows upward and does not turn into a bush, daily watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

When an olive tree is propagated by cuttings, the tree inherits all the “maternal” qualities; this method of planting simplifies further cultivation and accelerates the process of fruiting of a young plant.

Cuttings should be carried out from older shoots; the cut sites are treated before planting succinic acid or another rooter. Planting material planted in a damp turf-sand mixture to a depth of 15 cm.

Constant watering, warm soil and good lighting can help the cuttings take root. Plants should be watered daily, preferably with settled water. Rooting of the plant will occur no earlier than four months later. If the olive cutting does not take root for a long time, but retains its fresh appearance, then some more time is needed, but if the cutting has dried out and turned brown, then death has occurred. Once the cuttings have taken root, the olive can be transplanted into the ground.

Landing on permanent place growth should be done at the end of August. The seedling is carefully removed from the pre-moistened substrate and placed in a new prepared place. The cuttings must be planted carefully, without damaging the roots or overloading them with soil, until the plant takes root in its new location.

Many novice gardeners ask the question: “How to care for an olive tree”? The olive tree is not capricious, but the “southerner” still requires attention. Watering is done daily, but without stagnating moisture in the soil. When the olive tree begins to actively grow, feed it mineral fertilizers and nitrogen. The seedling must have enough warmth and light, otherwise the olive tree will begin to shed its leaves and become dull.

Olive plant in winter open ground It cannot be left without proper protection. young tree should be protected from the cold by wrapping the barrel thermal insulation material, stop watering and fertilizing.

Potted olive tree crops need to be artificially created winter conditions, and in the process of healing the tree, by cutting off dry branches, you can shape the crown of foliage to your liking and learn the art of bonsai on your olive tree. Olive bonsai trees can also be purchased at a specialized supermarket; small-leaved varieties look especially impressive.

Olive trees in Russia, history of cultivation

Greek colonists began cultivating olives in the Caucasus back in the 8th century. Disputes about when and by whom the olive was brought to the Caucasus continue to this day, however, there is an assumption that the first olive tree seedlings appeared in our latitudes from Asia Minor, which suggests the origin of the olive in the Caucasus, earlier than in Greece .

The desolation of the ancient colonies of the Greeks led to the fact that olive gardens ceased to exist until the 15th century, and only with the arrival of the colonizers of Genoa, a new rise in the cultivation of the olive tree and the establishment of production of olive products began. Subsequently, the olive was displaced from the southern latitudes by viticulture. Today olive is found on everything Black Sea coast Krasnodar region.

Olive trees in Russia are also grown in Crimea; they are found on the peninsula, adding zest to the local southern flavor. For the production of oil on an industrial scale, olives are not grown in our country due to difficult climatic conditions.

Benefits of olive tree fruit

Olives or olives are the fruits of the olive tree; in appearance they are similar to small plums. Changing color during ripening, from green to dark purple, olives become a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Olives are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and iodine. Olive oil obtained from olives during the production process is rich in pectin, iron and oleic acid.

Including olive oil in the diet will help get rid of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cholelithiasis, diseases of the thyroid gland, will help strengthen the immune system and cope with constipation. Olive oil perfectly moisturizes the skin and has a regenerating ability in combination with rosehip and sea buckthorn oils.

In cosmetology, olive oil is used to prepare masks and carry out relaxing procedures; olive extracts are added to soap and shower products. Wrapping hands with olive oil tones the skin, moisturizes, saturates and nourishes, and makes nails healthy.

Hair masks with olive oil prevent hair loss, eliminate dandruff, brittleness and dullness.

Olive tree leaves contain the substance oleuropein, which has antiseptic and antimicrobial effects; they are in demand in the form of powder and infusions. There is an opinion that olive oil, namely the oleuropein content in it, helps in the fight against skin cancer.

Olive fruit is used to produce table olive oil, which is used for dressing. various dishes. Olives in their raw form are unsuitable for consumption; due to their bitterness, in order to get rid of the bitter taste, olives are soaked in a special solution or canned.

Oil bearing varieties of olives, due to their varietal, are processed to obtain oil. Using cold pressing, the first batch of oil is obtained, which is considered the most useful. Next, by thermal exposure, second-press oil is obtained from the pomace, which is yellowish and less aromatic than first-grade olive oil. From the remaining raw materials after the first and second pressing, third-grade oil is squeezed out; it is not consumed as food, but used for technical purposes.

Composition of olives different varieties differs and depends not only on the type of olive tree, but also on the growing conditions and climate. All table olives are canned or dry salted. They serve as an excellent snack or addition to salads and various vegetable dishes. Dry salting of olives involves salting olives in wooden containers; the salt neutralizes oleuropein and relieves the olives of bitterness. Afterwards, the olives are soaked in olive oil, stuffed or immediately sent for storage.

The benefits of the fruits of the olive tree are undeniable; consuming olives in reasonable quantities, not exceeding 5-6 pieces per day, can strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

I grew my first olive tree from a seed I bought at the store. As it turned out, this is a very unpretentious plant.

Of the five seeds I planted, only two sprouted. A year later, I transplanted the grown seedlings by transferring them into larger pots. And mine olive trees quickly began to grow. I currently have two small bushes with silver-green foliage. The leaves live for two to three years and then fall off. Leaf change usually occurs in spring or early summer.

Foliage olives leathery and dense. In the summer I hardly spray it, I just make sure it doesn’t get dusty. But in winter, spraying will not be superfluous.

This year my olives bloomed with small yellowish-white fragrant flowers. I read in the encyclopedia that flowers in nature olives they cross-pollinate with the help of the wind, and at home I had to work as a bee using a brush.

Agricultural technology

Best place for olive tree- a brightly lit window sill on the south or southwest side. In winter, the plant easily tolerates a lack of light, especially at low temperatures.

Our information

From the moment of pollination to the full maturity of the fruit, 90-100 days pass.

In nature, the plant can withstand a short-term drop in temperature down to -10 C. If it overwinters at room temperature, it will not bloom, since for planting flower buds it requires +5-12 C.

Fertilizers should be applied from April to September two to three times a month, alternating organic with mineral.

It needs abundant and regular watering. It is very important not to let the earthen ball dry out, otherwise the leaves will fade, curl and begin to fall off.

Our information

Some botanists claim that the olive tree can grow forever, constantly receiving new life from their shoots. Even a seemingly dead tree can “resurrect”, sprouting new shoots from its roots. Eight of these trees, believed to be over 2,000 years old, still grow in the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem. And they still bear fruit! They say that these trees saw Christ.

Garden of Gethsemane with the most ancient olive trees. They say they saw Christ.

Olives need soil with sufficient lime content, rocky-sandy. Its roots are so strong that they allow olive grow even on rocks.

Soil for olive you can cook it yourself from river sand, turf and garden soil (2:1:1) with the addition small quantity peat and dry quicklime, ground into powder (per 1 kg of land - 20-25 g).


Propagated by cuttings taken from one-year growth or current year's growth, as well as root suckers, which are cut in June-July. Root them in wet sand, having pre-treated the cut areas Kornevin.

The seeds germinate in about two and a half months. But their germination rate is quite low. Conditions for rooting and germination: high air humidity, sufficient lighting and a temperature of at least +20 C. Plants grown from seeds bloom after 10-12 years, and from cuttings - in the fourth or fifth year.

Tatiana SKOROBOGATOVA, Krasnodar

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Small white or slightly yellowish flowers with a pleasant subtle aroma appear by mid-June. Under indoor conditions, this process lasts several months. The olive tree is pollinated by insects or the wind, but if the weather is calm, the branches are shaken daily. When self-pollinating, fruits are set different sizes, and cross-pollination improves both fruit quality and yield. In indoor conditions, the olive tree produces about 2 kg of olives, and in the garden - up to 20 kg.

The olive tree is very drought-resistant, but if there is no growth of branches, this is a clear sign of lack of moisture. In addition, the plant is light-loving (with a lack of light, the branches begin to become bare), does not tolerate waterlogged and acidic soils. Liming significantly increases yield.

Olives can be propagated by cuttings, grafting or seeds. Before planting, the seeds are kept in a 10% alkali solution (caustic soda) for 16-18 hours, then rinsed and the “nose” of the seed is trimmed with pruning shears. Planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. Sprouts appear after 2-3 months.

When propagating an olive by grafting, the budding of the wild one is done by sprouting an eye (or a cutting) into a cleft or into a butt under the bark. You can taste the first olives after 8-10 years.

For cuttings, 2-4-year-old pruned branches with a diameter of 3-4 cm are taken, the sections are covered with garden varnish and buried horizontally in the sand to a depth of ten cm in March. Since these cuttings have many dormant buds, shoots appear within a month. Cuttings, before being planted, are treated with a growth stimulant. In the future, they try to maintain the most favorable regime: temperature 20-25 degrees, sufficient lighting, but without direct sunlight. To save high humidity The box with cuttings is covered with glass or film. Spray (not water!) with water room temperature once a day. Such cuttings are transplanted after 2-4 months. They begin to bear fruit in the 2-3rd year.

Best time for planting in regions with mild winter- autumn. By spring, the plants take root and grow. When feeding a tree with manure (especially mullein), I be sure to add 200 g of superphosphate so that the soil does not oxidize. In spring, lime the soil.

The main harvest is formed on the growth last year, therefore, when pruning, I remove only old and unproductive branches. It is better to do this in March, before the sap begins to flow. I give the tree a goblet shape - this greatly increases the yield. In indoor conditions, I limit the height of the tree to 60-80 cm.

The olive tree belongs to the Olive family. In the south of Crimea, in the Mediterranean, in the southern regions of Russia and in other regions with a mild climate, such a plant is usually grown in open ground. But in more severe conditions, you can grow it in a spacious, bright room, for example, in an apartment. With proper care, trees of table varieties will bear fruit regularly. Let's take a closer look at how to plant and grow an olive tree at home.


The olive tree, a photo of which will be presented in the article, is rightfully considered the oldest evergreen tree. What does it look like? Its curved trunk is very thick in the lower part, and the crown is spread quite widely. The bark of the tree is greenish-gray or ash-gray. The leaves are small, leathery, entire, silver-gray on the underside and matte on the top. Olive tree blossoms small yellowish-white flowers, having a very fragrant smell, and the flowering period lasts from April to June.

The fruits of the plant are olives or olives containing a large number of useful substances . Olives contain oil that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which bring great benefits to the body. The weight of one fruit can reach 10 g. Olive is a long-lived tree, as some varieties live more than 500 years.

IN wildlife Olive grows on rocky mountain slopes, in semi-deserts, and on saline soils. Can it be grown at home? In this case it is recommended to use dwarf varieties, designed specifically for this purpose, and it does not matter which breeding method you choose.

Olive trees


There are three ways to grow a fruit-bearing olive tree:

  • from a seed;
  • vaccination;
  • cuttings.

How long does it take to germinate seeds and how to do it correctly? Growing an olive from a seed at home begins with: seeds are extracted from fresh fruits and soak overnight in a 10% alkali solution. After this they are washed warm water and dry with a paper towel. To facilitate germination, you need to saw down the hard shell of the seed. It should be planted in the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm. Germination should be expected in about 3 months at an optimal temperature of +18 degrees.

How to propagate an olive tree using grafting? The olive tree sold in the store looks compact, but it has a thick trunk. Receive such copies by vaccination cuttings to sprouts grown from seeds. Cuttings are taken from fruit-bearing trees, so the plants obtained in this way can quickly bear fruit.

Reproduction by cuttings begins with the fact that from the mother tree using an oblique cut split off several summer branches. The ends of the branches are sprayed with a growth stimulator and the cuttings are lowered into the hole to a depth of 10-12 cm, so a pot is required with a depth of more than 20 cm. It is best to create a greenhouse effect and for this purpose the seedling is covered with a transparent jar. Rooting of the olive occurs at 4-5 weeks, when young leaves begin to appear. The final formation of the root system occurs after 3-4 months, after which the plant is transplanted inside a large container to a permanent place.

In order for an olive tree to grow and develop well, it must be properly cared for. Here you should adhere to certain nuances.

Lighting and temperature

Oliva loves sunlight, therefore it is recommended to grow young plants on south windows. Mature trees feel good in any place that is well lit. IN warm time year, the olive should be taken out into the air - onto the balcony or into the garden. The plant especially needs good lighting during growth and bud formation. If there is a lack of it, the tree slows down its growth.

In winter, it needs additional lighting to prevent its leaves from falling off.

At home, the olive tree grows well at temperatures from 18 to 22 degrees. During wintering, a decrease in temperature to 10-12 degrees is acceptable.


When caring for an olive tree, it is necessary to control soil moisture, because an adult tree tolerates dryness well, but from excessive moisture its roots begin to rot. You also need to monitor young seedlings very carefully so as not to dry out the hatching shoots. A sign that an olive tree needs moisture is dull, withering leaves that begin to curl and fall off. In hot weather, the crown should be irrigated with water from a spray bottle.


In order for the olive tree to grow and develop well, fertilizers must be applied from March to mid-summer. Best used for feeding:

  • liquid concentrated fertilizer;
  • granular fertilizer for flowers.

They should be applied 2-3 times a month. Implementation possible foliar feeding– by spraying leaves. Thanks to special tonics, the elasticity of the leaves is maintained and their growth is stimulated.


The olive tree almost never gets sick and resistant to pests. If its leaves begin to fall, then you need to pay attention to watering and, if necessary, moisten the crown. You can also apply complex mineral fertilizer to restore strength.

Thus, the olive tree is ornamental plant, which can decorate an apartment or garden plot. It is not too difficult to care for it; it is enough to water it and trim it in a timely manner. In order for it to grow well and bloom profusely, it is important to follow certain rules when growing it. Olive fruits are highly valued as they contain a large amount of various vitamins and microelements.

Olive tree care