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» How to glaze a veranda, terrace or gazebo: the choice of materials, method. Glazing of the veranda and terrace: photos of the best options Options for a glazed veranda of a country house

How to glaze a veranda, terrace or gazebo: the choice of materials, method. Glazing of the veranda and terrace: photos of the best options Options for a glazed veranda of a country house

If you want to make a veranda, terrace or gazebo practical and beautiful, as well as insulate it, protect it from wind and rain, and at the same time maintain the effect of being in the bosom of nature, you should choose the right glazing option.

However, a glazed veranda, the cost of which exceeds the price of the entire house or cottage, is unlikely to suit a thrifty owner. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only aesthetics, but also the cost of the structure.

Factors affecting the price of veranda glazing

The cost depends on several factors, we will consider them in detail.

1. Appointment

  • Cold glazed veranda. In this case, the temperature on the veranda will differ from the ambient temperature by 5-7 degrees.
  • Warm glazing of the veranda. Having made a choice in favor of warm glazing, you can operate the veranda at any time of the year. The material used is wood, plastic, warm aluminum. But its cost will be somewhat more expensive.

2. The size of the veranda

To be more precise - the area of ​​​​glazing.

3. Types and types of glazing

There are several types of glazing which can be distinguished:

Framed and frameless

Framed glazing of verandas and terraces


  • low cost. Despite the fact that the manufacture of the frame requires the cost of material and labor, today frame glazing of arbors and verandas is cheaper. Since in this case, glasses of a smaller size are used. They are easier to transport and manufacture.
  • the possibility of replacing elements;
  • the opportunity to make a glazing of the summer veranda with your own hands.


  • the impossibility of creating non-standard designs.

Frameless veranda glazing

It can be attributed to the elite direction in architecture.


  • the ability to create structures of any configuration;
  • suitable for achieving a panoramic effect;
  • elegance and style;
  • preserved daylight;
  • the ability to remove part of the glazing. In this type of glazing, sliding systems are mainly used.


  • lack of thermal insulation properties;
  • inability to install mosquito net;
  • lack of tightness of the seams;
  • high price. In addition to the cost of the materials themselves and work, frameless glazing of the veranda is also more expensive due to the increased demand for it.

Based on this, it can be noted that this type of glazing is more suitable for those people who put the desire for beauty above functionality.

Partial and panoramic

Partial glazing of terraces and verandas

It is carried out if part of the veranda is already sewn up (i.e. has blank walls), its permanent arrangement is expected, or only one of the walls is sewn up.


  • low price compared to panoramic glazing;
  • the ability to easily replace damaged parts without the involvement of specialists.


  • limited view;
  • the veranda "merges" with the main building.

Panoramic glazing of the veranda

Allows you to enjoy the view without restrictions. Since three of the four walls of the veranda, and often even the ceiling, are transparent.


  • good review.


  • such a veranda is available for viewing to neighbors if there is no reliable fence (although mirror glazing is possible, which will eliminate the effect of an aquarium);
  • high cost of work.

Wall and/or roofing

A veranda with a glazed roof creates the illusion of being in nature. However, a panoramic glass roof for a terrace or veranda is a rather expensive solution.

4. Used window frame material

In the manufacture of frame structures, various types of materials used are popular:

Wood - glazing with wooden frames

Wooden frames are a sign of taste and security, closeness to nature. You can make wooden frames yourself, or you can order wooden frames with double-glazed windows. Wooden eurowindows are among the most expensive designs today.


  • possibility of replacement individual element;
  • long service life;
  • contributes to the preservation of heat;
  • naturalness and the creation of a microclimate in the room.


  • high cost;
  • increased requirements for wood moisture;
  • the need for high-quality wood processing against fungi and pests;
  • the need for constant care.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - glazing of the veranda with plastic windows

PVC profile glazing is the most popular type today.


  • the ability to choose the desired model;
  • a wide selection of colors;
  • ease of care;
  • good heat and noise insulation;
  • wide price range;
  • do not require special care;
  • good heat and sound insulation.


  • cannot be replaced or repaired;
  • short service life (from 10 to 25 years);
  • significant profile weight (requires a foundation).

Aluminum profile - aluminum glazing of the veranda

This method has been used for a long time, but is only suitable for cold glazing.


  • long service life (more than 80 years);
  • a light weight;
  • high strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the possibility of manufacturing structures of considerable size;
  • variety of opening systems: swivel system, tilt-and-turn, tilt, sliding, lift-and-slide;
  • wide range of colors: under any metal or wood.


  • not suitable for warm glazing. Glazing the veranda with an aluminum profile in a house that is intended for permanent residence requires additional investments in thermal insulation materials and heating. This is due to the fact that aluminum does not retain heat well.

5. Glass used

  • . The simplest and most economical glazing option. It is possible to glaze the veranda yourself.

  • . Higher material cost compared to ordinary glass. The stained-glass windows on the veranda are made of evenly stained glass, which allows you to create a shaded and at the same time bright atmosphere.

  • . An even more expensive type of glass. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of mechanical processing. But, in general, it performance characteristics very high.

  • . Used in frameless structures. It is like a cake, consisting of glasses glued together with a film. It cannot be processed on its own. The main feature of this glass is the safety of use - breaking it will not shatter into small pieces.

  • . Also requires a frame for installation. Used for warm glazing. This is the most expensive glass. The principle of energy-saving windows is shown in the figure.

  • . Supplied complete with frames. Double-glazed veranda provides good warmth and soundproofing. They can be purchased as part of blocks, separately or made independently. Suitable for installation in frame structures.

  • Polycarbonate. Distinguish between cell phone and monolithic polycarbonate. Their common advantage lies in low weight, low cost and decent performance. Polycarbonate can be used in the most extraordinary structures. Thanks to good transparency, natural light is preserved. Glazing the veranda with monolithic polycarbonate is a little more expensive, but allows you to create a more durable structure.

    Polycarbonate glazing of the veranda is only gaining popularity. However, it is safe to say that this type of glazing will find its customers.

The material was prepared for the site

6. Doors for the veranda

There are several types of door designs:


The peculiarity of such doors is the use of guide rollers and skids along which these rollers move.


  • allows you to remove part of the wall as needed;
  • space saving. There is no need to leave free space for opening and closing doors;
  • elegance and style;
  • versatility. Suitable for both frame and frameless structures;
  • ease of replacement.


  • the possibility of deformation of fittings, in case of its poor quality.

Accordion doors


  • unusual;
  • Requires little free space to open and close doors.


  • design complexity;
  • difficulty of replacement.


  • The main advantage is versatility. Suitable for all types of glazing.
  • Of the disadvantages - they require space to open.

7. Door hardware

The cost of door hardware is an invisible cost element. However, the better fittings you purchase, the longer the doors will serve you.

8. Cost of work

Some types of glazing can be done independently from start to finish. For example, using wooden frames and glass.

For some, partial do-it-yourself work is possible. For example, ready plastic door on a PVC block veranda can be installed independently.

For some types of glazing, it will be necessary to involve a team of professionals.

Glazing of verandas and terraces - a photo with an interesting design


As you can see from the review, glazing options for verandas and terraces are the main factor that determines the final cost of a translucent structure. It is important to choose the shape, size and method of glazing that suits you in terms of aesthetic properties and price parameters. And if you do some of the work with your own hands, it will also turn out economically.

A huge number of films and illustrations on the theme of a quiet life show luxuriously decorated own houses, where people live for their own pleasure. For this reason, it has been deposited in everyone's head that this is the defining part of a successful life. In many ways, the terrace or veranda, which is glazed, gives a feeling of calm and privacy.

Features and Benefits

Country houses are built in order to be able to take a break from the daily bustle and work routine. Therefore, people, not sparing money, ennoble their homes with all sorts of attributes of coziness and comfort. Now it is difficult to imagine a country house without a terrace or veranda, thanks to which a person can relax and enjoy nature. They allow, without departing from civilization, to become part of the natural atmosphere. To fully understand the features of the terrace and veranda, you need to know their definitions.

A terrace is an extension to the house, which in most cases is a recreation area. Such an attached area is a room that is not closed from the air, usually equipped with a roof, railings or a special frame. Often the terrace is located on the ground, since it is quite simple to carry out an extension on the ground. There are also cases of its location above the ground floor, if the design of the building allows it. Although the upper floors are usually equipped with a veranda.

The veranda is a specially equipped room without heating.

It is designed in an existing building from the side of the wall facing the street. Also, the veranda can be an extension to the house. Its peculiarity is that it is protected from the street space with a glass coating. The advantage is that glass will not interfere with merging with nature and enjoying its views.

Verandah and terrace areas are usually extensions and are very similar by definition. so they are often confused. This is due to the fact that, despite the severity of the terms, only the owner of the house decides how to organize his veranda or terrace. That is, the terrace can be glazed, and the veranda can be provided with heating. Extensive experience in glazing extensions made it possible to assign a wide range of functions to this coating. Depending on what you want to get from the glazed railing, and select its type.

The main advantage of site glazing is that it creates an invisible wall that holds back unwanted impacts on the room. This means that the unpredictable climate and flocks of insects will not be able to disturb the peace. But at the same time, the positive aspects of recreation areas remain unaffected. After all, the visual satisfaction in a glass box is the same as without it. You can fall in love with the feeling of being able to watch a downpour and stay dry.

Thanks to the glazing of verandas and terraced areas in the house, you can realize a lot of design ideas.

Without extra effort, it will be possible to organize a space for family recreation, social gatherings, to bring to life a corner of civilization that will coexist with nature. And only streaks on the glasses, which, of course, need to be washed often, can prevent this.


Currently, many options for glazing verandas and terraces have been implemented. They are considered individually for each house and regarding the desire of its owner, and largely depend on the design of the existing building where the extension will be organized. But you will also need to imagine yourself inside cozy corner and determine what you will miss. Further, the identified shortcomings can be easily smoothed out or eliminated with the help of glazed walls.

Glazing types can be classified according to the following parameters:

  • temperature regime– cold or warm glazing;
  • covered volume - full or partial glazing;
  • the style of the room - frameless or with frames;
  • visual perception - panoramic or not;
  • opening method - sliding and hinged.

Cold and warm

The choice between warm and cold glazing is due to the need to use the veranda every season. If you plan to relax on the veranda only in the warm season, then there is no need to install warm glazing. A cold type will be enough, at which the temperature on the veranda will be five degrees higher than that on the street. Naturally, in winter, without additional heating, it would be undesirable to be on such a site.

Full and partial

In the case of full or partial installation of glass, an important role is played by the restrictions introduced by the original structure of the building. Full glazing is possible if the veranda is built from scratch. That is, if there is only a base or frame. But the veranda is often built into an already finished house, which means that some walls will be sewn into the foundation. In such a situation, only partial glazing of the site is done.

Frameless and framed

There is no functional need to choose frames or not to choose them. The question, rather, lies in the style of the house and in the design idea. On the one hand, framed glass seems to be a commonplace design due to the familiar look of home windows. But many designers flawlessly select frames that emphasize the unique features of the room or the surrounding nature. At the same time, frame glazing is cheaper than frameless glazing. And, accordingly, it is much easier to repair partially and completely frame structure.

The frameless version does not have any retaining joints. Not so long ago, a frameless glass cover was awarded the title of an elite exterior in architecture. However, when arranging the veranda, there are some drawbacks - low tightness, which increases heat loss. Also outside it is impossible to hang nets that serve as protection against insects in the room.


Often, when choosing the type of glazing, they prefer the panoramic option. The method is simple in execution and allows you to fully feel like a part of the surrounding natural space. The entire structure is mounted between the finished roof and the floor foundation. Also, for its implementation, the absence of sewn walls is necessary.

Sliding and hinged

Regardless of the chosen glazing option, the veranda will have to open. The entrance door to the recreation area can be arranged in a sliding or hinged way. From the name it is clear that the sliding method of opening involves the sliding of the door leaves. For this, compartment doors are used, reminiscent of a train compartment.

The compartment door can also be glazed and, according to its purpose, move along the guides along the wall. The expansion can take place as usual with the help of additional compartment fittings or by assembling the “accordion” structure along the edges of the opening.

Swing is a glazing in which the door and windows open inward or outward by swinging open.

There is nothing new or unusual here. Everything is the same as with ordinary home windows and doors. We can only advise for personal convenience to use modern swing mechanisms for windows.

Using the above methods, you can glaze both the veranda and the terrace. However, it happens that the necessary attributes of the veranda are not so important for the terrace. For example, a veranda is often erected in the quadrature of a country house, so it would be right to organize warm glazing in it. And for the terrace, heat is not so important, which means that in this case you can save.

Choice of method

The main function of glazing can be called the ability to retain heat. So, the main choice of glazing is to decide whether to install a warm option or not. Cold glazing is just a protective coating. It prevents dust, wind, precipitation and has the ability to shade the site in the hot season. It is more suitable if you need to glaze the terrace.

The veranda is part of the house and is often connected to the heating system, so it makes sense to install warm glazing. It, in turn, will largely retain heat and allow you to arrive inside the veranda even in winter. Subsequently, the veranda can become a full-fledged living space and you can even take a nap in it.

Warm glazing is a complex system that has high operational requirements.

For this reason, the installation of such glass railings should be entrusted to professionals. correct calculation and quality installation will allow you to get from the structure what it is installed for.

Having decided on the functional issue, it is necessary to delve into the original design of the house and understand what restrictions in the choice are introduced by the place where it is planned to build glazing for a veranda or terrace. If the recreation area in original form represents a frameless free space, then you can give yourself the freedom of choice. Since there are no restrictions in the foundation, you can freely make frameless or frame, full or panoramic or any other glazing.

In this case, many prefer frameless, full glazing. The basis of such limiters is represented by transparent glass surfaces, the thickness of which is 1 centimeter. The glass squares are close to each other and tightly sealed at the joints. Fastening is carried out using metal fittings. All together provides high tightness, does not allow the ingress of unwanted dust particles and rain.

It may seem that the design is very fragile, but frameless glazing is considered high-strength.

Used in production special technologies, with which the material is strengthened. As a result, the glass coating is almost impossible to break. With full glazing and no frames, it will not be difficult to install doors and windows that should open inward or outward. Compartment doors in this case are used less frequently.

Despite the popularity of the frameless version of the arrangement of the veranda, it has some disadvantages. If the house is near roads and active life city, it will be difficult to relax on a fully glazed veranda, because the option without frames has low sound insulation. And it is worth noting that hardened windows can only be washed with gentle cleaning agents. Otherwise, the film that protects against glass shattering may be damaged.

Sometimes a veranda is built directly into your home. Then it turns out that the site is fenced bearing walls, the shape of the room and the like. It is also possible that they plan to glaze the veranda on the second floor. Scope of work vs. one-story house is significantly different. Then, having weighed all the restrictions that the foundation dictates, choose incomplete glazing with frames.

No problem, the selection is a bit limited. There are many great options for part-frame glazing. But it would be best to consult with a designer and a specialist in the installation of glass walls.

They will help you choose the perfect option that will suit your home.

Windows play an important role in creating high-quality and convenient glazing. How they will open depends on the type of glazing chosen. For example, for glazed walls with frames, windows with a tilt and turn system are suitable. Today, this mechanism is in great demand. This is due to the convenience provided by the ability to open the sash in any direction and tilt its upper part.

Such a system is difficult to install on frameless glass surfaces. And from the point of view of style, the design will not look aesthetically pleasing. Rotary knobs folding mechanism will be an eyesore, just like compartment doors are not combined with a frameless version. However, the experience of glazing is large enough to be able to profitably beat all the visual flaws.

Manufacturing materials

Glazing of verandas and terraced arbors is quite popular today. It would seem that glass is the only material that is used in the production of glazing structures. But the design includes many additional details, the quality of which determines the durability of the entire glass wall. In addition, manufacturers offer a list of materials that can replace glass. Moreover, they even surpass glass in some respects.

Quite often, aluminum is used as a raw material for fastening profiles. The advantages of this metal are that it does not corrode, is quite soft and has a small mass. Also speaking about the advantages for the consumer, aluminum products are durable and sold at a very low price. Aluminum is very easy to handle, which allows you to create a profile of any curvature and install removable glass.

Aluminum profiles are very practical and are often used for glazing sites near cities. Since recreation areas are usually small in size, sliding systems are used for their glazing. Such systems work ideally on aluminum profiles. It is worth emphasizing that the use of this metal is fireproof and very reliable due to the small mass of parts. Among the minuses, it should be noted that it is used only for cold glazing.

Most country houses are built from ordinary wood.

Without departing from the style, the owners of such houses glaze their verandas and terraces with frames. Frame glazing in a wooden house is the most common and almost no different from window frames in an apartment room. That is why wooden frames are given greater preference, and besides, you can glaze the veranda in this way yourself.

Wooden frames will never give up their positions, because the tree is natural and durable material with good thermal insulation properties. It is also easy to process, which is important for repairs. The disadvantage of such frames is that it is necessary to treat them with special substances against pests. It is also worth noting that the tree does not like moisture, so each time the windows must be thoroughly dried.

Such shortcomings do not have wooden double-glazed windows. They are the most expensive glazing material. In terms of performance, double-glazed windows are not inferior to wood, they have even greater thermal insulation performance. And it doesn't interfere natural ventilation indoors. In addition, the production wooden double-glazed windows handled by many companies. For this reason, there are so many interesting models, while it is difficult to bring something new into ordinary wooden frames.

The most flexible in terms of appearance is plastic glazing., this is the most common and inexpensive option for today. In addition to the vast range of models and colors, plastic has very good performance characteristics. Such material is easy to clean, has good thermal insulation. However, there are also disadvantages - it is impossible to eliminate breakdowns on the spot, usually you have to replace the part completely.

It should also be noted a relatively short service life and not a small weight.

I would like to highlight one more interesting material, from which the so-called soft windows are created. They are PVC films that are usually embedded in plastic profiles. Glazing with a soft window is ideal when you need to have both an open gazebo and a closed gazebo at the same time. The PVC film is rolled up at the top of the web and easily spreads to its original position, firmly fixed at the bottom. The mount is tight enough to install a heating radiator inside and use the recreation area even in winter.

PVC film is a wear-resistant material, but it still requires care in handling. It is easily cleaned of dirt with ordinary soapy water. The only restriction on the use of soft windows is the production standard, according to which the width of the canvas does not exceed 140 cm. This means that if you cannot fit into one canvas, you will need to fuse two. This fusion will naturally leave a visible seam that is about 30 mm wide.

But do not immediately put a cross on PVC, there are many ways to cover and wipe the seams. They can also be hidden with the help of fasteners.

The film can be fastened in various ways, for example, using brackets or silicone straps.

If the film web is removable, then it must be fixed from the sides from where it will be twisted. The side in which the roll will be assembled is fixed with eyelets. Sometimes ordinary weighting agents come to replace the fasteners, if strong winds are unusual for the climate of the area.

PVC film requires special care. You need to be careful with sharp objects, they will spoil the film with a light touch. If it is especially cold outside, then it is better not to roll the coating into a roll. There may be problems with unfolding and with the film coating itself if it is less than 15 degrees below zero outside. Unlike glass sheets, you should not lean on the film even with a small weight.

And the youngest option is polycarbonate glazing. It has high strength and is completely unlimited by the shape of the profile. Polycarbonate glazing is at the heart of many design ideas. This material transmits light well, and this is exactly what a recreation area should be. In addition to the light transmission parameter, polymer plastic is fireproof, impact resistant and absolutely insensitive to strong winds.

Thanks to the flexible profiles of polymer plastic, it is possible to realize your most incredible ideas for glazing a veranda or terrace.

Plus, this material can be given a shade, which can also add zest to home improvement. The production of polycarbonate is a complex process that later allows it to contain ultraviolet rays. And of course, the more complex the production, the more expensive its implementation on the market.

Design examples

To get inspired and make your gazebo for relaxation just as good as the pictures, you need to consider several beautiful glazing options.

Variant of a modern country house. The veranda is attached to the wall of the house and serves as a full-fledged rest room. The site is equipped with warm incomplete panoramic glazing with frames. In this case, the frames do not seem banal at all, but on the contrary, they look unusual against the backdrop of nature. Despite the severity of the style, the veranda is not devoid of natural light.

For this option, compartment doors were chosen, which is ideal for the modern style of the veranda itself. It is worth noting that when designing your own veranda, the visual feel is important. The room should not strain, so you need to pay due attention to the selection of colors.

Undoubtedly, the option of a summer veranda is worthy of attention.

It is attached to the house and is fully glazed. Maybe it's even too much Light room recreation. Such a veranda will be a godsend for family gatherings, a joy for the kids. Also here you can get indelible impressions from the spent evenings in the open air.

The roof and windows of this summer veranda are made of polycarbonate material. The interior of the room carries a positive, laid-back mood. It is safe to say that this is another room of a country house. Glazing is made using frames in a panoramic version. Thus, a full view of the garden is provided.

Another version of the veranda attached to the cottage. The frame of the room is completely assembled with wood, like himself country house. Thanks to this interior design, the veranda turns into a magical bright corner of comfort. Again, the glazing is seated in a frame. With the right vision of a designer, frames will never seem redundant.

Considering possible options, you can not do without polycarbonate glazing, as it carries a novelty and modern style. This variant represents full glazing with curved glass leaf profiles. Perhaps the space inside the veranda is too limited, but it can expand if you use sliding windows.

So the veranda combines both a gazebo in the fresh air and a modest sealed room for relaxation.

Such a room will always be bright, but not hot. If it suddenly rains or snows, nothing threatens you inside the polycarbonate coating. Thanks to curved glass, moisture and dirt will not accumulate on surfaces, they will simply roll down to the ground.

Verandas are commonly used in warm time year as an additional usable area. According to the type of construction, they are classified into attached and built-in. The first are built after the completion of the construction of the house. The presence of built-in is provided at the design stage of a residential building. Also, verandas can be with or without glazing. In the second case, the site, in fact, is a terrace equipped with a canopy. Glazed verandas can be used not only in bad weather in summer and not be afraid of rain or wind, which used to interfere with calm gatherings, but also in winter if they are heated. In this regard, the premises are similar to attics, which are converted into cold attics. In the south, the veranda is most often used as a gazebo or dining room. On the most stuffy nights, you can equip a bedroom here, where the night coolness gets in abundance. In the outback, equipment is being transferred here for summer kitchen, if there is no free detached building for these purposes. A veranda can be called not only an extension to the house, but also a separate room on the site, in which a greenhouse or a hall for receiving guests (formerly for dance evenings) is equipped.

The fashion for such spacious "arbors" came from France. And the word "veranda" itself is of Bengali origin, which in principle is not surprising, given the close ties old europe with the countries of South Asia. Balconies and loggias, in fact, are also verandas, but related to city apartments in high-rise buildings. Suffice it to recall that they are also divided into "warm" and "cold". We will consider options for glazing verandas in private homes.

Features and Benefits

Veranda glazing is the very rare case when, among the many advantages, the disadvantages are lost. The room is warm and cold. In the first case, it can be used in winter time like living. If the glazing is cold, then the temperature inside the veranda will be only a couple of degrees higher than the temperature outside, that is, the difference is insignificant. Such a veranda can only be used in summer. The advantages of glazing a room include:

  • Protection from wind and rain (for both cold and warm versions).
  • Noise isolation.
  • The possibility of arranging a separate room. In the case of cold glazing, we are talking about a "summer residence". With warm glazing, the room can be used all year round, that is, another full-fledged room is added to the living area on a “permanent basis”.
  • Possibility of connection to heating and use of the premises in winter (only for warm glazing). It is quite possible to equip a bedroom, a small guest room, winter Garden, pantry and kitchen or dining room. The choice of functional purpose depends entirely on the quadrature of the veranda itself and its capabilities.
  • Creating a stylish unusual element interior and exterior of the house. Glazing can be different, and original solutions will emphasize the creativity of the design of the entire building as a whole.

If we mention the features of the glazing of the veranda, then it should go well with the design of the house. This is a mandatory and most important condition. Next, you should pay attention to the area of ​​​​the translucent canvas in order to provide it with proper support in the form of frames and at the same time not reduce the strength of the entire structure. The next step is the choice of material for the frame, but we will talk about this in detail later. Modern systems glazing open up great opportunities for owners:

  • Partial roof covering with heavy-duty glass sheets.
  • The exact repetition of the shape of the veranda.
  • Various systems of opening doors and windows.
  • Adjusting the width and height of open door and window openings.
  • Possibility of installing mosquito nets.

And now let's talk about the types of glazing, their disadvantages and advantages.

Glazing types

There are quite a few classifications of glazing depending on its features:

  • Warm and cold, which have already been mentioned above.
  • Frameless and with frames.
  • Full and partial.
  • Swing and sliding.

Cold and warm

Cold glazing is used when the owners have chosen "seasonal use" for the veranda. The main materials are:

  • Plastic single-chamber double-glazed windows.
  • Aluminum profile as frames, which also weighs very little, unlike heavy wood.
  • panoramic windows.

Cold glazing looks stylish and practical. At the same time, double-glazed windows reliably protect the veranda from precipitation, dirt and dust. In summer, the room can be used as a study, recreation room, summer kitchen, and in winter it can be easily converted into a pantry for storing pickles or “garden gifts”. Warm glazing is usually carried out using plastic double-glazed windows that have special air chambers.

They act as a "buffer", retaining heat in the room and not allowing the cold to penetrate from the street. Window sashes are hermetically sealed to the frames. Glass is made up of several transparent sheets, the gaps between which are filled with a special absorbent that absorbs moisture. Such glazing does not let cold, moisture and wind into the room. It reliably protects the veranda from external environment and allows you to convert it into a full-fledged living space. If we talk about the cost, then you will have to pay more for double-glazed windows, but at the same time, the option provides much more advantages.

Full and partial

Depending on the functional purpose verandas, glazing for it can be full or partial. The first option allows you to create warm or cold glazing, that is, the openings are completely closed with double-glazed windows and there are no “gaping” windows left in the walls of the room. Partial glazing is a simpler and cheaper option. It is appropriate in cases where, for example, the room needs to be protected from the leeward side. You can use such a veranda only in summer.

Frameless and framed

Framed glazing is a popular and already quite hackneyed option. Sheets of glass are placed inside a special frame, which provides the structure with strength and stability. Relatively recently (only a couple of decades ago), the fashion for frameless glazing came to us, when the facade consists entirely of sheets of heavy-duty glass, which are sealed at the joints. The illusion of a completely open space is created. Sheets of glass are fixed with aluminum profiles at the floor and ceiling. This option cannot be called budgetary, but rest on such a veranda will really be “breathtaking”. It is appropriate to use frameless glazing only in cases where the room offers a beautiful view (of a garden, field, meadow, nearby river or sea ​​coast). Although outwardly the design looks fragile, in fact it will give odds to any other double-glazed window in terms of strength. For frameless glazing, only strained glass which is almost impossible to break.

If a blow of enormous force nevertheless damages the surface, then it will only be covered with small cracks, but will not shower everything around with fragments. The design is equipped additional protection from accidental opening. Of the shortcomings, only low sound insulation and difficulty in care can be noted. In order for the glasses to retain their transparency and “gloss”, they cannot be washed with abrasive substances that leave small scratches on the surface. You will also have to forget about the old "grandmother's" method using crumpled newspapers instead of a sponge.


Panoramic glazing is carried out along the entire facade, that is, windows occupy the entire space from the ceiling to the floor. It's stylish original solution, which originates in the European traditions of decorating windows overlooking the garden. From the veranda, a magnificent view of the nearby beauty will open. Panoramic glazing can be frameless and with frames. The option is popular not only for verandas, but also for glazing balconies and loggias in high-rise buildings with a slight difference: there the system is necessarily supplemented with a protective frame that prevents a person from falling onto the glass.

Of the shortcomings, only the rapid fogging and freezing of the transparent canvas in the winter is noted.

To avoid this, it is necessary either to install an additional heat source in which hot air flows are directed to the windows, or to regularly lubricate the glass with a solution of glycerin.

Sliding and hinged

The swing opening system is familiar to everyone: the sashes of windows or doors open inward after turning the handle (usually 90 degrees). In plastic double-glazed windows, a more complex hinged system is used, which additionally allows you to partially open windows and doors from above by pulling them “towards you”. The option is ideal for airing the room. Swing glazing provides good tightness. With it, you can create both cold and warm room. The sliding system works according to a completely different principle: the sashes are moved to the sides on special guides located above and below. They can "ride" only in a straight line (as in wardrobes) or fold "into an accordion".

In the latter case, it is panoramic glazing with frames, when large "window-doors" are compactly assembled at one of the walls of the veranda. Sliding systems cannot provide complete tightness, therefore they are used only for cold glazing.

Structural materials

The glazing frame can be made of plastic, wood and aluminum. Items are sorted by popularity, starting with the most requested. Of course, at first plastic began to be used everywhere in the glazing of city apartments. Gradually, he migrated to private homes, but wood and aluminum here still continue to stubbornly hold the line. The tree is especially good at this, which is involuntarily associated with a warm atmosphere. village house and blends perfectly with the design in the style of a chalet, country, Provence, which are so often used in the outback.


The main advantage of aluminum is its low weight. The material allows you to make the structure much lighter, but without compromising its strength. In terms of cost, aluminum also outperforms its main competitors. For comparison: the price of plastic glazing is twice as high as the installation of a similar structure made of aluminum. Unfortunately, the material did not become widely used because of its main drawback: the design retains heat very poorly.

A veranda with an aluminum profile can only be used in summer, in winter it is most logical to equip a “street freezer” here. Although now manufacturers offer a rather expensive solution to this problem - thermal inserts and special liners that trap heat and create additional sound insulation. The aluminum profile is fireproof, so the risk of ignition of the structure is reduced to zero, which becomes another advantage of the material when compared with wood.


Previously, only wood was used for glazing houses (not only verandas). With the advent of alternative options, they began to slowly forget about this material, but its merits did not fade from this. The tree has high noise and heat insulation. Although, of course, the glass itself receives the main “blow” for heat preservation, a lot also depends on the frames. Unlike plastic or aluminium, wood does not need additional thermal inserts, as the material itself prevents cold from entering the room and warm air from escaping. The wood has micropores, which allows it to "breathe". Manufacturers of plastic double-glazed windows in the characteristics voice the maximum minus for the material at 30 degrees below zero. At this temperature, PVC loses strength and becomes brittle.

For wood, there is also a frost resistance limit, but this figure is so sky-high (minus 120 degrees) that even in the Far North it cannot be verified. From this we can conclude: wood is the warmest material. The wood is environmentally friendly, but when in contact with an open flame, it ignites. The material is pre-treated with special impregnations, which increase its fire resistance and moisture resistance. Contact with wood liquid is dangerous. Material that is not properly processed can be deformed, which will make the double-glazed window completely unusable. And the main advantage of wood lies in its beauty, which neither aluminum nor PVC possesses. Warm, homely, “cozy” material will perfectly emphasize the design in an Alpine chalet, a simple country, French Provence and rustic Russian style.


Contrary to misconceptions quality plastic does not highlight harmful substances during operation. PVC perfectly retains heat, thanks to special rubberized inserts around the perimeter of window and door sashes, tightness is maintained on the veranda. Plastic windows provide good sound insulation. They are ideal for warm glazing, but they are heavy, so they are not recommended for use in dilapidated cottages or old country houses. PVC cannot be called refractory, but upon contact with an open flame, they do not light up, but begin to melt, releasing caustic substances.

Perhaps the main drawback of plastic glazing is its high cost. If you need to put one or two windows, then the purchase and installation will not hit the budget much, but for a panoramic double-glazed window you will already have to spend a lot of money. Wood and aluminum leave PVC far behind in this regard, luring buyers with enticing prices.

Glass materials

The transparent canvas occupies the lion's share of the area of ​​the glazed area, so its characteristics affect the quality of the structure to a greater extent than the features of frames and profiles. On the verandas, not only “classic” glasses are used, but also other materials that also provide free penetration of sunlight into the room and at the same time protect from bad weather. Consider their varieties and evaluate the profitability of using in the glazing of the veranda.


For glazing houses, it is better to use special materials that have increased strength. All of them are produced in the form of sheets and belong to a large category of sheet glasses. The following types are suitable for glazing the veranda:

  • Tempered. Ordinary sheet glass is subjected to special processing: the mass is heated to high temperatures, followed by rapid cooling. The technology makes it possible to create durable glasses that can withstand heavy loads (compared to ordinary ones) and are absolutely safe for humans, since with a strong impact they crumble into small fragments with blunt edges that cannot hurt even if the pieces fall on exposed skin.
  • Laminated or triplex. It belongs to the group of tempered glasses with increased strength. Triplex is a puff "pie" of several sheets that are glued together. There are two types of such glasses: jellied and film. In the first case, sheets are glued with the help of a laminating liquid, and in the second - with the help of special film. With a strong impact, triplex does not crumble like ordinary glass, but becomes covered with cracks sealed between two protective layers.
  • Energy saving. A novelty on the market of double-glazed windows, which so far only wealthy home owners can afford. Externally, glass is no different from ordinary sheet glass. It even has a standard thickness (no more than 1 cm), but from the inside its surface is covered with a special coating. It “beats off” heat, redirecting it inside the room, thereby preventing it from seeping into the street.
  • stained glass. Glasses are a decorative composition that is assembled from pieces different color enclosed in a metal profile. Previously, this option was widely used to decorate cathedrals and rich palaces in Europe. Real masters put together whole pictures from small pieces according to the mosaic principle, which will become the highlight of the interior of the veranda. They have only one drawback - they do not let the sun's rays through, so they are often used in conjunction with conventional transparent glasses and play the role of accent decor.

In addition to glasses, there are several more transparent materials, which are actively used in the glazing of verandas and gazebos in the areas.

PVC film

PVC film is better known as "soft glass". It is used only for cold glazing, as the material cannot cope with the vagaries of the domestic climate and harsh winter conditions. PVC film is sold in rolls, may have different thicknesses and colors. It is ideal as an alternative to expensive glazing, as it has a low cost. The material can be given any shape. Soft glass is often used as "flexible curtains", which are rolled into compact rolls and fixed in this position with ribbons. If it starts to rain or the wind picks up, the curtains are lowered, but the street is visible just as well as without them. The film is durable. In constant contact with sunbeams it can be used for up to five years. If the operating conditions are more gentle, then this period is doubled.


Polycarbonate is often used for glazing greenhouses, summer greenhouses and gazebos. The material is flexible and lightweight. It is classified into two types:

  • Monolithic. Sheets are more like glass, transmit light well, and have high transparency.
  • Cellular. The sheets consist of two layers of material that look like "honeycombs" in cross-section, that is, the surface of the polycarbonate is decorated with "stripes" formed due to the cells inside. The material transmits light well, but it cannot be classified as transparent. Suitable for verandas that need to be hidden from the eyes of passers-by.

From the point of view of aesthetics, monolithic polycarbonate looks more solid and noble. From a distance, it is generally difficult to distinguish it from sheet glass. Cellular material wins in cost, as it is more accessible. Naturally, such glazing is not suitable for warm verandas.

How to choose a glazing method

The choice of the type of glazing of the veranda depends entirely on the functional purpose of the room. The first thing you need to decide is the time frame for its use:

  • End of spring, summer, beginning of autumn.
  • All year round.

From this you can already start when choosing the type of construction and materials. For "winter" verandas, durable wooden frames or plastic double-glazed windows, tempered glass or triplex are ideal. For cold glazing, you can use aluminum, polycarbonate, soft glass. Of course, the summer veranda will be much cheaper, but the "warm" one provides more opportunities.

Design and decoration of terraces

The design of the veranda is selected according to the stylistic design of the house. The interior of this room should not stand out from the overall composition. Most often, verandas are used as a lounge. Here they put a wide sofa, armchairs, coffee table. The walls outside are covered with hops, grapes or ivy, and the windows are hung light curtains. When the dimensions of the room allow, then its interior is complemented by a pair of shelving with books and a cozy fireplace. If a loft is chosen as the main direction, then brick prevails in the decoration, and it is better to choose glazing with aluminum profiles. Similar designs are suitable for high-tech and modern style. Provence, modern, classic, chalet, row ethnic styles more like wood. Plastic is versatile and can be combined with any modern style, but it does not suit high-end apartments, where every element of the interior should be associated with luxury.

The nuances of self-glazing terraces

You can glaze the veranda with your own hands only if you plan to use wood as frames. First you need to carefully measure and create design drawings. Glasses are inserted into special grooves in the beam, which are cut out in advance. Whatever a good master no matter the owner, his work will still be much inferior to finished double-glazed windows, which are produced in factories and undergo strict quality control.

The appearance of verandas and terraces made it possible to transform even the most simple and nondescript houses into unique and original designs. If your house is also equipped with a similar extension, you can, if you wish, do the glazing of the veranda with your own hands. Before you start glazing the terrace, decide how exactly you will use this design.

If only in the summer, then you can do without glazing. And if in winter, then this event is mandatory. It is enough to glaze the veranda once to ensure its reliable protection from bad weather. However, remember that the terrace must be glazed in accordance with all norms, rules and requirements. The slightest mistakes can destroy the harmonious appearance of the structure and adversely affect its reliability and quality.

Drafting a terrace glazing project

Understand what kind of glazing of the veranda you want to get, preferably even before the start of its construction. In the process of work, developers rarely make any significant changes affecting the construction of the veranda. And it is very important to take into account its design, since each existing veranda glazing requires appropriate preparation of windows and doors.

If you plan to carry out the glazing of the terrace on your own, then you need to start work with the preparation of the project. Each owner sees the ideal veranda in his own way, however, there are a number of basic requirements that must be observed for buildings of any type, regardless of their area, design features and appointments.

Even with small dimensions, the terrace should remain as spacious and bright as possible. To achieve this, you can glaze the veranda using large windows. They will provide an excellent overview of the surrounding space. Create such a project, according to which the glazing of the veranda would have as many shutters as possible. So the terrace will always be full of fresh air. Think in advance of such a moment as protection from insects. Special grids will help you with this.

If you correctly make all the calculations and measurements, then 1-3 days will be enough for the glazing of the veranda. You can do it yourself with simple options, but for more complex projects, it is advisable to enlist help.

Tools necessary for work: hammer, wire cutters, tongs, chisel, chisel, drill, level.

In the process, you may need the following tools:

  1. Yardstick.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Ticks.
  4. Square.
  5. baking sheet.
  6. Putty knife.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Wire cutters.
  9. Screwdriver Set.
  10. Hammer.
  11. Bit.
  12. Rotate.
  13. Chisel.
  14. Sanding bars.
  15. Drill with a set of drills.
  16. Catfish.
  17. Level.

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Step-by-step instructions for glazing with old frames

If you wish, you can glaze the veranda using old frames for this. Simple and budget option. First you need to clean the wooden surfaces from the old paintwork, if present. Next, you need to take the putty and carefully align the chips and other defects, and then let the frames dry completely.

Take a fine sandpaper and process front sides old frames. Remove wood pile and excess putty. Finish the finish the way you want it. If you want to preserve the natural color and texture of the material, treat the frames with a clear varnish. If desired, opaque moisture-resistant coloring compositions can be used for processing.

Directly glazing the veranda using old frames is carried out in several stages:

  1. IN old frame glass is installed.
  2. Joints and cracks are sealed.
  3. The frames are attached to the designated places.

glass required size you can order from any glazier. It is necessary to apply a 2-3 cm layer of sealant into the grooves of the glazed frame and allow it to dry a little. After that, place the cut-to-size glass in the grooves and lightly press it to the surface. Then re-sealing is performed around the perimeter of the glass. After that, the glass is fixed around the perimeter using a pre-finished wooden opening. In conclusion, it remains only to install the frames in the prepared openings.

All further glazing methods are performed in approximately the same order. The differences, as a rule, come down only to the order of fixing the frames, provided for by the features of a particular design.

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Terrace glazing guide with single pane frames

Such glazing of the veranda is the most the best choice for dachas, which the owners visit "on arrivals", in the warm season. It is a traditional and fairly easy to implement technique. In the future, you can easily replace broken and cracked glass with your own hands. Most summer residents give their choice in favor of this particular method, because. it eliminates the need for a serious investment of time, money and effort.

Modern methods of wood processing, the use of high-quality varnishes, paints and impregnations - all this relieves the owner of the need for frequent repairs and restoration of the material and its coating.

Design features eliminate the risk of dust entering the territory of the veranda, glass rattling and drafts. This is primarily due to the fact that a transparent silicone sealant is used as a sealant.

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Features of glazing the terrace with wooden windows

This technique requires quite a lot of money, even when compared with the cost of installing high-quality plastic windows. In favor of such glazing, those owners give their choice for whom comfort, quality and a favorable atmosphere are most important. Wooden eurowindows are characterized by high operational properties and long service life.

Windows are made to order. During the initial installation, you will most likely need the help of a specialist, and in the future you will be able to dismantle and install the structures yourself. It is important that the windows are not too large and heavy, but fit fairly accurately to existing openings.

Such windows, as a rule, are installed in heated terraces, which are used by the owners during the cold season. Due to the fact that the organization of high-quality heating of such outbuildings is quite problematic, the issue of energy saving is particularly acute.

To minimize heat leakage in the manufacture of modern European-style wooden windows, special glasses are used. In winter, they will not allow warm air from the extension to the street, and in summer they will not allow the extension to warm up too much.

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Use of plastic and aluminum profiles

If desired, plastic window systems can be used to glaze the veranda. They are suitable for both heated outbuildings and unheated terraces. In accordance with the operating conditions, a specific type of windows is selected. Installation of such systems requires special skills, so in most cases you have to use the services of professionals.

The properties of plastic window systems are determined by the characteristics of double-glazed windows. To provide the best thermal insulation terraces, you need to buy and install packages with glasses that have a special coating. An inert gas must be present between the panes. Thermal insulation characteristics largely depend on the type of profile chosen to create the structure.

A very popular solution is to glaze the veranda with sliding glass panels. An aluminum profile is used. It is somewhat more expensive than other types of glazing, but differs more high efficiency. At the choice of the buyer, models are available that can be opened remotely, the electric drive is responsible for the movement.

The structures are assembled from tempered glass. Glazing is carried out from the floor of the terrace to its ceiling. This provides an excellent overview and allows you to fully ventilate the veranda at any time you need. Sliding windows, among other things, are good because they do not take up much space and go well with buildings of any kind. Installation requires special skills and the help of specialists.

In order to comfortably use the terrace in the cold season, it must at least be glazed. We propose to compare the effectiveness of the three main types of glazing in order to understand which option and in what cases will be optimal in terms of both thermal protection, accessibility, and ease of installation.

Existing glazing methods

The playground attached to the house can be used not only for leisure, but also for economic purposes. In winter, a terrace or veranda usually replaces the vestibule, and also serves as a kind of lock fence, reducing heat loss at home. To perform these functions, it is sufficient to exclude direct air exchange with the street, so the glazing front of such structures is usually performed as a single one. This is enough to eliminate airflow and ensure the greenhouse effect, while at the same time, the cost of purchasing materials and their installation will be minimal.

There are three systems that are widely used in the glazing of verandas and terraces. All of them are well known to the layman: in the same way they arrange fencing of uninsulated balconies. The main difference between them is the material used and the scheme for assembling frame structures into a single front. Windows for a terrace or glazing of an open extension to the house can be used wooden, aluminum and plastic. There are also options with frameless and so-called "soft" glazing, but the specifics of their application are too narrow to be considered as part of a general review.

Of course, each of the three systems is suitable for operation in the realities of a private house, but it would still be better to make a choice taking into account some restrictions. This is both ease of installation and general style arrangement adjoining territory and the appearance of the façade. Of course, one cannot ignore the level of one's own skills - the complexity of assembly and installation for each type of frame is different, in addition, it may be required special tools. matters and financial side question: in terms of cost, all types of frames have a very clear gradation, and sometimes it is impossible to say whether additional investments will really pay off with their appearance and ease of use.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden frames

The easiest and most cost-effective way to install single glazing is to enclose it in wooden frames. Even very high-quality kiln-dried wood and its carpentry are usually cheaper than acquiring other types of materials. With absence necessary tool it can be purchased by refusing the services of a carpenter and assembling it yourself. It is more interesting and cheaper, there is a guarantee of exact correspondence to the task, plus the tool can be used for other tasks in the future.

Not without negative nuances. Chief among them is the need for periodic maintenance of wooden frames. This is especially inconvenient if you have to equip a veranda in a country house or in a house that is not intended for permanent residence. The tree needs an eye and an eye: timely recovery protective coating, disease control and frame reassembly when warpage is too high. The latter, by the way, can lead to the destruction of glass, which is quite common, because single-glass frames are usually made quite thin.

Recommend wooden frames for open areas you can safely do it if the adjacent buildings are also made of wood or have a finish in the same style. Areas open “to the floor” are not suitable for such glazing, the presence of even a low parapet for installing wooden frames is strictly recommended. Of course, there are restrictions on the width of the span: for wooden frames, the optimal width will be up to 40-45 cm without impost and 1.5-2 times more with a vertical partition. The installation of wooden frames can be carried out without lining, it can be easily replaced vertical racks from a beam.

Aluminum complete systems

Many are repelled by a too technological look aluminum systems glazing. Rare adherents of high-tech style may be disappointed by the high cost of such systems. However, aluminum profiles are definitely one of the the best options when choosing windows for a veranda or an attached area. There are several reasons for this.

Aluminum profiles do not require any maintenance - set it and forget it. More precisely, not so: imagine how hot it is on a fully glazed terrace on a hot summer day. If in the case of wooden windows you would have to take into account the need for opening doors, aluminum frames allow you to simply remove the glass for the summer and install it back with the onset of cold weather. Yes, and with the inclusion of a pair of swing doors in the front, there are also no problems.

Aluminum profile systems are best suited for full height glazing. In addition to high load-bearing capacity and corrosion resistance, standard solutions such structures provide for the installation of doors of all types of opening. The installation of such systems is carried out in the shortest possible time: the profiles have a high degree of unification and a simple assembly scheme, the installation is quite easy to do with your own hands.

In terms of appearance, aluminum frames are also very profitable solution. There are options with wood lamination and painting in various colors, so the issue of style matching is not acute. Naturally, this leads to an additional increase in the cost of an already expensive system, which can without a doubt be called the main disadvantage of aluminum profiles.

Glazing on PVC profiles

At first glance, it seems that the use of PVC profiles for terrace glazing is a clear overkill, at least in terms of costs. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that the bulk of the cost plastic window makes up a double-glazed window, which on the terrace it makes sense to replace with ordinary glass with a spacer frame of a suitable size. Also, the load-bearing and heat-saving properties of the profile are not of decisive importance, so you can choose the cheapest frame.

For glazing systems PVC profiles there is an important advantage - the free division of openings into sections. So, the lower cells can have a deaf filling, forming a kind of parapet. It is possible to separate deaf and transparent transoms to adjust the insolation, as well as saving on the size and, accordingly, the fittings of the opening sashes. On the whole, plastic frames have a degree of manufacturability comparable to aluminum: they are easy to assemble on their own, the glazing front has almost complete tightness even when strong wind, and the profiles are massive and stable enough to be used for attaching window sills, tensioning clotheslines and for other similar purposes. Using reinforced profiles they can also perform carrier function while supporting the terrace canopy.

From the point of view of appearance, PVC windows are practically not inferior to aluminum ones. For them, there is also the possibility of applying lamination under the tree and, although the profiles are not factory painted in arbitrary colors, it is quite possible to do it yourself using the cheapest spray paint.

Installation subtleties

The general glazing scheme is extremely simple: the common front is divided into separate openings using shaped pipes or antiseptic-treated bars, which are installed vertically, dividing the entire front into sections. As a rule, the height of the openings does not exceed 2.5 m, which fits into the standards of all considered types of glazing, however, the width (stand spacing) must be chosen for a specific frame material. For wooden frames, the recommended spacing of the posts is 100-120 cm. Aluminum and PVC frames can be installed without intermediate supports, however, the width of the section in both cases should not be chosen higher than 160 cm.

The formed openings are almost ready-made window blocks, the frames for which must be selected with a clearance tolerance of about 5 mm. When installing glazing on a loggia and a veranda, you need to take into account the capital, read - the stability of the structure. This mainly concerns the canopy (or roof), because quite often attached structures are built on a frame structure, subject to fluctuations and seasonal precipitation. To ensure the safety of the glazing, especially when using wooden and aluminum frames, it is necessary to properly strengthen the canopy and make sure that the linear dimensions of the prepared openings do not change excessively during the year.

Another way out of this situation is the installation of "floating" glazing with an increase in the gaps between the frame and the boundaries of the opening. In this case, the frames are attached using flexible elastic ties - mounting plates. The remaining gaps, which can be up to 20-25 mm, are filled mounting foam. Protection of the foam joint is provided by overhead wooden planks, which must be planted on an acrylic or silicone sealant.

If the installation of window sills when glazing the terrace is not necessary, then the ebbs must be installed unconditionally. When glazing is installed on a parapet or directly on the foundation, the tide strips will protect the lower junction seam from excess moisture, eliminating the development of mold and other harmful microflora.