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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» What is the easiest profession for a girl. Dentist is not just a profession, or From prose to the beauty of life. Business ideas for girls

What is the easiest profession for a girl. Dentist is not just a profession, or From prose to the beauty of life. Business ideas for girls

Modern professions for girls and men are not very different from each other modern world: It is no longer customary to divide work according to gender. However, prestigious women's professions may have unique requirements for candidates: there are functions that are easier for a woman to perform. Work for girls can be intellectual or applied (for example, hairdresser).

What professions are there for girls?

Many lucrative professions have unique requirements, but they can provide stable career growth and high salaries. The following list of directions and specialties is suitable as interesting job for women:

  1. Makeup. Working as a makeup artist may only require completion special courses, however, knowledge will be useful for a successful career foreign languages(to get acquainted with new trends) and constant professional development.
  2. Consulting, accounting. For inexperienced people, the job of a secretary is suitable, which is a classic example of a female profession. Received higher education can work as economists, lawyers, tourism managers.
  3. Journalism. This field of activity is suitable for young girls with good communication skills. It is a popular destination in many universities in the country.
  4. Technical specialties. Work may involve heavy physical labor, which is unusual for women in professions, or may require great perseverance, the ability to work with your hands, and concentrate. This may include vacancies for seamstresses and machine operators. A high position will not be offered here, but permanent employment is guaranteed.

Highly paid

Specialties with high pay differ and high requirements to applicants. Such work may involve big amount stressful situations, difficult conditions labor activity. Highly paid professions for girls include:

  • IT specialist;
  • senior manager of a store, outlet;
  • legal advisor;
  • service quality auditor;
  • specialist doctor;
  • logistics expert;
  • cosmetologist


Open career opportunities are not available at all jobs. Such vacancies are characterized by great competition, high requirements, and have many directions for climbing the career ladder. The following specialties are considered promising:

  • pharmacist;
  • sous chef of the restaurant;
  • photographer;
  • choreographer;
  • machine operator, production line.


Many specialties for girls are often prestigious. There may be a tough selection process for such vacancies, it is difficult to get into them, but the result is worth it. The list of professions for girls looking for a well-paid, interesting, prestigious job is wide:

  • lawyer;
  • economist;
  • medical representative;
  • interior designer;
  • clothes designer;
  • TV or radio presenter;
  • stewardess;
  • fitness instructor;


Many courses for girls will help you get into the most fashionable professions. Their key feature is low requirements for education, but increased requirements for communication skills with clients. Interesting professions for women and fashion trends may require obtaining a complete higher education. Among them:

  • dancer;
  • singer;
  • HR manager;
  • art consultant;
  • artist;
  • stylist;
  • brand manager.

In demand

There are specializations that are just for women or best suited to their psychology. There is not much competition for these vacancies. Professions in demand for women have a narrow focus and specific working conditions. For example:

  • nurse;
  • waitress;
  • secretary;
  • conductor;
  • carrier company dispatcher;
  • contact center operator;
  • teacher, educator.


Good jobs for women are often very popular. And girls, when faced with choosing a profession, are guided by whether it is widespread and fashionable. Many popular professions and good job for women they require the ability to find a common language with the client and attract his attention. The list of current professions will provide a wide choice of areas of activity:

  • actress;
  • journalist;
  • psychologist;
  • fashion designer;
  • advertising manager

Professions of the future for girls

In the future, the list of popular professions for women may change. This means that working as an accountant will become unprofitable, and the position of manager in any field will no longer be in such demand. Changes occur due to the inevitability of technological progress, the loss of relevance of many specialties that will be replaced by computer programs. Based on this, we can make a list of types of employment that will be relevant in the near future:

  • nurse;
  • expert on alternative types energy;
  • breeder;
  • urbanist;
  • expert in the field of resolving religious contradictions.

The best professions for girls

Due to certain psychological characteristics and predispositions, women and men have different specializations. The best fields of activity for ladies are considered to be all those related to creativity, and some branches of technical specialties that do not involve heavy physical labor. This category includes humanitarian and creative fields of activity, office work with papers, and all types of consulting that require direct communication with clients.


Specializations closely related to creativity are better suited for girls due to their greater predisposition to emotional empathy and the ability to correctly convey their own emotions. Among these professions, there are many promising areas for women who have good taste in the field of modeling and art. The fair sex will not remain indifferent to acting. The following creative specializations can be excellent choices for women:

  • actress;
  • singer;
  • fashion designer;
  • artist;
  • Art Director;
  • interior designer.


The field of activity of many girls is closely related to the production of equipment, work in a factory, setting up equipment responsible for the stable stamping of similar parts. This may include the work of a production operator, a system administrator at a large enterprise, a team leader, or a researcher:

  • tower crane operator;
  • machine operator;
  • research institute employee;
  • assistant driver;
  • architect;
  • IT specialist.


Working with documentation, management, operating with laws, translating texts or direct speech, conducting legal consultations requires appropriate knowledge, higher education in the humanities and takes a lot of effort and time. However, a significant part of professions closely related to legal services, busy with girls. This work requires concentration and may have a strict work schedule, but in return it offers prospects for career growth up to regional managers, directors of an enterprise, a company, or a corporation. It can be:

  • advocate;
  • notary;
  • legal consultant;
  • simultaneous translation specialist.

Working specialties for women

Women workers are not that uncommon. The list of specializations related to physical labor, but suitable for the fair sex, does not have a large selection. Such areas of employment will offer work immediately after graduating from school or completing specialized courses, graduating from technical schools, or colleges with a shortened program. The standard working day in this area is 12 hours with a 2/2 schedule with rare exceptions. Working girls can be useful in the following areas of activity:

  • cook;
  • seamstress;
  • hairdresser;
  • housemaid;
  • driver on public transport;
  • foreman

Office professions

The office field of activity is considered one of the most suitable for women, as it provides a convenient work schedule, decent wages, great opportunities for career growth, and communication with colleagues who, for the most part, share each other’s interests. This work may not be enjoyable, but it also does not require special skills (for starting positions, learn on the spot). For more serious work you need special education:

  • secretary;
  • accountant;
  • financial director;
  • HR manager;
  • marketing specialist.

The fair sex's predisposition to communicate when working with people and their desire for self-expression make them excellent workers in the fields of marketing, art, consulting, simultaneous translation, and journalism. The following areas of employment are considered the most interesting:

  1. Journalism. Processing and collecting information, providing it to a wide audience, communicating with interesting people- all this makes this specialization ideal for girls who crave communication and strive for self-development.
  2. Psychology. The vast majority of women are characterized by obvious empathy and sympathy. Such qualities are inherent to a good psychologist, able to put himself in the shoes of another person in order to understand his emotions, help him survive difficulties, and cope with problems that have piled up.
  3. Stylist, cosmetologist, nutritionist. The ability to take care of oneself and feel beauty is developed much better in girls than in men, so you can complete hairdressing courses. Ladies are excellent stylists, beauty salon workers, fashion designers, and interior designers.

What profession should a girl choose?

The choice of specialization depends on many subjective factors inherent in any person. For women, the key features when choosing a direction of activity are:

  1. Age. In this case, the law has a great influence: it is more difficult for minors to find work even with official permission from their parents. Very young girls are reluctantly hired because they have no work experience. Up to a certain age (up to 22-25 years) it is worth considering the position of a waitress, conductor, or secretary.
  2. Character, way of thinking. Not all representatives of the fair sex are bright empaths. This means that working within a large team can be a burden for them. Closed, calm girls are suitable for positions as seamstresses, operator engineers, IT specialists, and work related to computers. More open - professions of actress, singer, TV or radio presenter, stylist, tourism manager.
  3. Work experience, education. It will not be difficult for a person with extensive experience to change one position to another: employers are always ready to hire a person who is well versed in his work. A person without experience is another matter. Right after school, without experience or education, a girl can get a job as a model, maid, waitress, secretary, or nurse.

After 11th grade

Complete secondary education will allow you to continue your studies in as many educational institutions as possible and choose the most interesting future specialty:

  • Medical universities. Moscow State Medical University (MSMU) named after. THEM. Sechenov, Russian National Medical research university(RNIMU) named after. N.I. Pirogova – nurse, doctor, pharmacist.
  • Technical universities. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Russian Chemical Technology University (RKhTU) named after. DI. Mendeleev, Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (MADI) – machine operator, machinist, chemical technologist, design engineer.
  • Humanities and law universities.Moscow state institute International Relations (MGIMO), St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Moscow Independent Ecological and Political Science University (MNEPU) – legal consultant, lawyer, accountant, economist.

After 9th grade

Receiving an incomplete secondary education imposes its own restrictions on the list of places of possible further education for girls and boys:

  • Colleges. Technical, culinary, special.
  • Courses. Hairdresser, painter, special driver. technicians, maid.

Business ideas for girls

Opening own business or as a partner is a good example of a successful start to a career. The following ideas can bring a girl success:

  • Sales representative of cosmetic companies (Avon, Amway);
  • hair salon;
  • maintaining a beauty blog on YouTube;
  • dancing school;
  • creative studio for children;
  • hand-made studio.


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Most ratings suggest girls become hairdressers, flight attendants, sales consultants and nail technicians. This information is especially dangerous when choosing a profession, when a graduate of the 9th or 11th grade with unformed priorities is plunged into a swamp of stereotypes. It’s dangerous not because these professions are not as good as others - a famous manicurist can earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. It is dangerous precisely because of stereotypical thinking, which drives ambitions and aspirations into rather strange frameworks.

Let's put the remnants of the past aside and talk about what profession a girl should choose in accordance with her desires, aspirations and abilities.

What to consider when choosing a profession

Your desires, genuine information about the profession and the realities of the surrounding reality. If you really love something and want to dedicate your life to it, if you are sure that you will not “burn out” in a couple of years, go for it. If in doubt, try to choose 4-5 professions that interest you most. Throw away stereotypes, instructions from parents and teachers - this is only your choice and you are responsible for it.

Try to collect as much information as possible about each chosen profession. Clarify the specialist’s responsibilities, read reviews of people who are already working - find out about real advantages and cons.

Next, try this profession on the region in which you are going to live. Look for educational institutions where you can get a specialty, pay attention to potential institutions and companies in which you would like to work. Consider the choice from all points of view - only in this case will it be balanced and, possibly, correct.

List of the best specialties - TOP-30

This rating cannot be 100% objective, because complete statistics on the work of the female part of the working population in Russia do not exist. We analyzed the demand for personnel and wages based on data from popular job search resources and HR agencies, taking into account trends and expert opinions. Based on the information collected, ratings of the most in-demand, promising and highly paid professions in which women achieve success most often were compiled.

The most popular specialties for girls – TOP-10

If we consider in-demand specialties as professions in which the most vacancies are offered on the market, then the clear leaders will be promoters, sales consultants and waiters. We decided to include in the concept the potential of the professions themselves, so we selected professions with an average wages in Russia above 33 thousand rubles.

Remember that unskilled labor is always in demand. But it does not require higher education or special ambitions. Therefore, try to pay attention to more complex specialties that offer high salaries for employees already at the start of their careers.

  1. Sales Manager. If you do not suffer from excessive shyness and want to make large transactions, if you are sociable and have enough developed intellect– this profession will surely suit you. Absolutely all companies that produce something or offer any services need to increase sales. And they are willing to pay huge amounts of money for your sales skills. The average salary of an experienced sales manager in Moscow is 110 thousand rubles, in the regions – 65 thousand rubles.
  2. Stylist. Chief in charge of beauty, image and creating an individual style. Sometimes a specialist is understood as a hairdresser-stylist, but usually the range of responsibilities is much wider. He creates the concept of a person’s image, his visual positioning, and helps bring it to life. For a stylist, not only skill and experience are important, but also a personal brand. It must be earned at exhibitions and professional competitions. The average salary of a specialist in the capital is 60 thousand rubles, in the regions – 38 thousand rubles.
  3. Web Designer. A modern and highly sought-after profession. At the same time, it is complex, with algorithms for obtaining education and achieving success that are not always clear. A web designer creates architectural layouts and visual shells for websites, web services, mobile applications And computer games. The key to a specialist’s success is an ideal portfolio, experience and the ability to adapt a design for further development. The average salary of a web designer in Moscow is 75 thousand rubles, in Russia – 40 thousand rubles.
  4. Marketer. The tasks of a marketer include creating a concept for a product or service, their positioning and promotion, studying the audience of buyers and customers, organizing beneficial communication with the target audience and regular customers. The specialist’s key goal is to increase the company’s profit, increase its brand awareness and expand its audience by implementing marketing campaigns within the organization and building communication with consumers. The average salary of a marketing specialist in Moscow is 64 thousand rubles, in the regions – 35 thousand rubles.
  5. Cosmetologist. The optimal specialty is a cosmetologist. The easiest way to get it is through medical education by taking specialized courses in an accredited organization. Then you can get a job in one of the cosmetology clinics immediately after receiving your diploma. Interest in the profession will not dry up until science and robotics make sharp leaps forward. Today, people are increasingly showing interest in cosmetology, seeing it as an alternative to plastic surgery, which is why the demand for qualified specialists is extremely high. In the capital, cosmetologists receive an average of 93 thousand rubles, in Russia – 48 thousand rubles.
  6. Teacher. The only profession that is included in the rating only based on additional indicators. On average, Russian teachers receive about 28 thousand rubles, many teachers earn only 15-17 thousand. However, the profession is respectable, and it is quite possible to succeed in it. In addition, you can work in several educational institutions and tutor. The main thing is to have sufficient qualifications.
  7. Dentist. A profession that does not lose its relevance and is one of the highest paid in the medical field. It is no secret that dental services in private clinics are quite expensive. This cannot but affect the income of specialists. Experienced dentists earn good money, especially if they eventually open their own clinics. The profession is complex, you need to study and gain experience for a long time. But this is an extremely important, respectable job with decent pay. The average salary of Moscow dentists is 92 thousand rubles, in the regions - about 70 thousand rubles.
  8. Copywriter. A relatively new specialty. Previously, copywriters were understood only as creators of advertising texts, but today they mean almost everyone who writes for Internet resources. Despite high competition, a good copywriter will always achieve success and will be able to claim the maximum salary. The main thing is to get a quality education (philologist, journalist, marketer, etc.), and constantly develop. Moscow copywriters earn an average of 55 thousand rubles per month, employees of companies from the regions - 38 thousand rubles. Many specialists work on remote exchanges and in freelancing mode.
  9. Loan Specialist. Loans are becoming the main focus of banks' work, and most organizations lack specialists working in the field of lending. This applies not only to managers who know how to work with clients, but also to professionals who are able to develop credit programs and monitor their implementation at the global level. The average salary of a loan specialist in Moscow is 73 thousand rubles, in Russia – 45 thousand rubles.
  10. Secretary-assistant. Stereotypical ideas about narrow-minded secretaries should not shape the image of the profession in your perception. In fact, the secretary-referent is right hand leader. A specialist works under conditions of constant stress and multitasking, often coordinates the work of several structures, develops daily schedules, works with archives, and monitors many processes. The work of qualified secretarial assistants is well paid - the average Moscow salary is 67 thousand rubles, for specialists from the regions it is lower - 37 thousand rubles.
Rating of the TOP 11 best online schools

International school foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual sessions with a tutor for preparing for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school to prepare for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school in English, which gives you the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1st to 11th grade: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

The most promising specialties for girls

The most promising professions include those that will definitely not lose their relevance in the next 50-70 years. According to experts, they will become more and more in demand over time. Each of these specialties is ideal for girls, no matter how difficult their name may sound.

Interface designer

Interface designer is the most paid profession in the industry; today, Moscow specialists earn an average of 110 thousand rubles, and employees from the regions - 80 thousand rubles. Every year, humanity spends more and more time online, and therefore interest in the specialty will only grow.

Software Engineer

A challenging profession that combines technical programming and creative development innovative solutions. A prestigious and well-paid profession. According to unofficial statistics, only 20% of university graduates with this specialty are girls. However, almost all of them work in their profession and achieve success. In Moscow, experienced software engineers earn an average of 125 thousand rubles, in the regions – 65 thousand rubles.


Do you think this profession is not for girls? Hardly. Hundreds of female university students from all over the world annually present concepts and prototypes of robots that can change our lives tomorrow.

Industry and production are being automated, robots are being introduced into medicine and even into everyday life. This specialty is one of the most promising and well-paid - in Moscow, the average salary of a roboticist exceeds 120 thousand rubles, in the regions - 90 thousand rubles.


This branch of science and one of its key areas, genetic engineering, are developing rapidly. Largely thanks to women scientists. Perhaps you will be the one to accomplish the first human cloning. While biotechnologists in Moscow receive about 60 thousand rubles, in the regions – 45 thousand rubles. However, these numbers are sure to increase.


The profession is in maximum demand now and will not lose its relevance in the future. Cities are being rebuilt, new objects are constantly being created that require modern architectural design. The work is complex, requiring professional skills and long training, but it is paid accordingly: the average salary of architects in Russia is 70 thousand rubles.

Blockchain Specialist

Can a girl understand blockchain? Practice shows that yes. This is evidenced by the experience of many projects that are in the ICO stage and many representatives of the fair half of humanity claim as team members. There are no statistics on average salaries in this segment, but it is obvious that they are significantly higher than average.


Without detracting from the importance of experienced specialists, it is important to note the need for a gradual renewal of staff medical personnel. Technologies are developing rapidly, and mastering them as part of advanced training is not so easy. New areas are emerging that require the work of specialized specialists. But with salaries, everything is not so rosy - so far the average salary of doctors in Russia is 33 thousand rubles.

IT Manager

These are mainly team leads, who are responsible for project management and communication with clients. The job requires not only management skills, but also knowledge of the industry in which the company operates. Moscow specialists receive an average of 102 thousand rubles, the average salary in Russia is 55 thousand rubles

Advertising is changing and campaigns are increasingly being implemented online. Therefore, advertisers need specialists who keep up with the times. Today, advertising specialists from Moscow receive about 70 thousand rubles, the average salary in the country is 39 thousand rubles.


The specialist is responsible for investments, raising capital, issuing and selling shares, and sometimes for accounting and financial audit. Companies will always need investor money, which means this specialty will never lose its relevance. The average salary of a financier in Moscow is 80 thousand rubles, in the regions of Russia – 55 thousand rubles.

The highest paid professions for girls

Let's make a reservation that we are talking specifically about average indicators. A top-level stylist can earn 10-20 times more than an experienced surgeon. But this is the exception that confirms the rule. If we compare average salaries, they are highest in the IT industry.

The most popular professions among girls here are the following:

  • Web Designer.
  • Team lead.
  • Frontend developer.
  • Sales Manager.
  • Tester.

Jobs with a good salary can be found in the field of cosmetology, advertising and marketing, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Huge money is circulating in the beauty industry, but there is an extremely uneven distribution. Two stylists with the same qualifications can receive radically different salaries, for example, 25 and 250 thousand rubles per month - much depends on the professional brand, region and place of work, and on the positioning of their work. The key components of a high salary are the right choice, a good education and experience.

In your choice, try to include not only thoughts about prospects, but also your own desires. It is equally difficult to do a low-paid job you love and a high-paid job you don’t love.

It is difficult to achieve success in a profession that you hate with all your heart. Try to find among the lists of popular and promising specialties exactly the one that is truly interesting to you. Choose a good university or college to get a quality education. Don’t be afraid to change jobs and specializations - this is the only way to really achieve success.

Professions for girls after 9th grade

After 9th grade you can enter secondary special education educational institution(school, college, technical school), or to a lyceum (or the same college) at any university. In the second case, it will be easier to continue education, having received certain benefits upon admission. However, the very fact of leaving school after 9th grade is often associated with the desire to get a secondary education.

The most popular specialties among girls are:

  • Teacher.
  • Hairdresser-stylist.
  • Nurse.
  • Cook.
  • Pharmacist.

There are other options to consider. For example, enrolling in a pedagogical college in the field of physical education, then undergoing specialized training and obtaining the qualification of a fitness trainer is a sought-after, relevant and often well-paid profession. You can also continue your education, no matter what school you graduated from. If, after graduating from college or technical school, you realize that you have chosen the wrong profession or want to get a higher education, feel free to go to university. However, remember that not all accelerated programs will be available to you - only specialized ones.

Professions for girls after 11th grade

After 11th grade, you can enroll in a higher or secondary specialized education program at any educational institution whose criteria you meet. If you have sufficient knowledge of the language, you can try to apply to foreign universities, but in practice it is easier to enroll in master’s programs there after completing 4 years of study at a Russian educational institution.

As for the profession, you can choose any specialty from the list above or pay attention to traditional “solutions”: lawyer, economist, psychologist, accountant, and so on. More and more often, girls choose the profession of managers and HR managers, which until recently were not always present in large companies. Today, all reputable organizations are aware of the need to ensure responsible recruitment and offer vacancies with decent salaries and a large volume of work.

Remember that completing Year 11 is a conditional advantage. You can get a free higher education, and this opportunity is worth taking advantage of.

However, in the process of choosing a profession, you should not be guided by salary alone: ​​take into account a set of indicators, listen to own desires. It is very important to make an informed decision. It's okay if you make a mistake. But it's worth doing everything you can to understand your desires, accept responsibility and not waste 4 years on training that you don't need.


When choosing a profession, girls are often guided by stereotypes. Little-understood “traditions” force them to choose between a hairdresser, a makeup artist, a flight attendant and a sales consultant. It’s great if you’ve always dreamed of one of these professions. And if not? Then pay attention to the girls who successfully test the latest machines, develop unique drug formulas, create robots and fly fighter planes.

There are no “male” and “female” professions. There are specialties that are easier for men to cope with due to gender differences. But that doesn't mean you should worry that your profession isn't feminine enough, too challenging or dangerous. Nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence - listen to your desires and do everything possible to choose a job you like.

Professions for girls: TOP 30 most in demand

4.4 (88.7%) 46 vote[s]

If you want to save your future from the impending cataclysm, listen to our every word! Okay, let's not be so pessimistic about economic affairs in Russia. Let's just say that today we will talk about opportunities, professional reorientation, training, in a word, about the future. And this is important for everyone, absolutely.

There is not much work in the country now. There are a lot of specialties, mainly in the humanities, that have fallen sharply in price. So you graduated from the institute, cheerful and full of hope, and your diploma turned out to be a dummy. You are frantically looking for a job, but no one wants to hire you. And it’s not about your abilities, the point is that there are cuts, and it’s not your fault. The country is simply in this situation. There is no need to despair, you just need to show flexibility of mind and penetrate where healthy wages still live. In which market segment is everything always going well? We have a fairly simple answer to this seemingly complex question - in IT.

Next, we will explain why and give the average salaries in the country for each specialty that we have chosen. In addition, you will find out where you can learn each profession, and not just yourself, but from real professionals who will provide you with an internship. Actually, we will talk about online training on , where, in addition to effective paid courses, there are no less effective free courses and webinars. Take for example, which are held in person and cover the basics of the difficult task of a programmer. In general, the conditions for training are very cool, and the site has a wide range of advantages when compared with others (take the same internship).

In general, gnaw on the granite of science before it’s too late!

1. Web developer

There are hundreds of courses on the Internet, but you can count the good ones on the fingers of one hand. And the fact is that many “smart” guys offer weekly, monthly, two-month training to be a web developer. Eh, dude! All this has nothing to do with reality. If you want to become a web developer, you will have to study for at least 10 months and undergo an internship to consolidate the acquired knowledge (and maybe even find an employer). Then you can earn 74 thousand rubles a month (the average salary in Moscow) or even more.

6. Python Programmer

Do you want to join the “major league”? Then you cannot do without knowledge of the most popular programming language. Just think: Google, Instagram, Pinterest use Python and don't complain. And there are many explanations for this. To begin with, let's say that after passing, you will be able to develop anything for any operating system. Also, this course is extremely important for those who are going to further advance along the path of a developer; it perfectly structures the thinking of a programmer. What about salaries? Now on the market such specialists are valued at an average of 100,000 rubles.

There are not many blocks, only three. The usual HTML/CSS, without which you won’t get far, then we’ll learn the Python programming language itself, and we’ll finish with a JavaScript block, where we’ll place special emphasis on interactive web applications. Of course, there is also a place for internships here, which will definitely please any graduate.

7. Ruby Programmer

The Ruby language is unique. Many programmers love it, and all because it is simply pleasant to work with. Thanks to him you can decide complex tasks in simple ways, have an excellent understanding of the HTTP protocol and REST principles. And, of course, anyone qualified knows how to optimize and test code. Well, in general, in training (and this applies to all specialties), one can highlight such pleasant little things as communicating with classmates and recording all classes.

We don't want to tell you how much time you will spend on this course. In this case, you don’t spend it, but invest it - understand the difference! So, in total, the course lasts 6 months and is divided into three parts and an internship. By tradition, we list the blocks: HTML/CSS, Ruby/Rails (Fundamentals of language and web application development), JavaScript. The average salary in this specialty is about 100,000 rubles, which will please anyone who wants to quit their old job.

8. SEO specialist

And now about the painful part. Let's say first-hand that a good one is worth its weight in gold for any site, no matter what this site does. People of this profession who do everything right are like animals from the Red Book. But there are a lot of SEOs who have no knowledge. We recommend that you pay close attention to this course. And even though an SEO specialist, when compared with others on this list, earns less (the average salary is 50 thousand rubles in Moscow), he is always needed, and the prospects for growth in this area are endless.

Over the course of 4 months, you will study two sides of the issue: The basics of website creation and SEO. What will you know at the end of the course? The answer is simple: everything you need to optimize and promote your website in the most productive way. Even if you are not going to work as a SEO, but have always wanted to have your own website, the knowledge gained will be extremely useful, even, say, fundamental.

23.01.2018 1073

Recently I had the opportunity to meet orthopedic dentist Artem Andreevich Boboshko. He is a high-class professional and does a lot of social work. And I’m happy that I can tell the people of Sevastopol about what a talented, interesting, wonderful person lives next to us.

Artem's unexpected decision

It happened suddenly... Unexpectedly even for Artyom himself. Like many Sevastopol boys, he was interested in technology and electronics. He attended clubs, took part in Olympiads, and won prizes. In 1992, he graduated from school with a silver medal, and when the question of which institute to enter was already in the air, he suddenly surprised everyone. Artem's decision was unconditional: he will be a doctor!
When I got to know Artem Andreevich better, it seems to me that I understood why. He didn’t even suspect it himself, without thinking, he accumulated information about his grandmother. The family often remembered her, Claudia Vladimirovna Naumova. One day, when Artyom’s mother was still a child, she and her grandmother were walking down the street. And then a terrible thing happened: a Kamaz was rushing towards them at high speed. The grandmother instantly threw the baby aside, but she herself... did not have time. Her life was tragically cut short.
During the war, my grandmother, as a girl, cared for the wounded in a front-line hospital. And then, after the war, she graduated from college. And she dedicated her entire life to serving people. She became a children's doctor... And not just, but, as they said, a doctor from God. Perhaps that is why Artem also decided to relieve people from pain.
“Our childhood,” he recalls, “was difficult. My mother, a cultural worker, had a small salary. Relatives helped. With special gratitude I remember my grandfather, Grigory Gavrilovich Naumov, who helped shape my masculine character and will. Now I can not only “hammer nails,” but also solve all plumbing and electrical problems myself. In a word, all men's work in the house is my concern. And also, no less important, while taking care of us, our relatives taught us kindness, sensitivity, and to be attentive to our loved ones. When I was a student, I already started helping. So, at the end of the 2nd year, I found out that there was a vacancy at the tuberculosis dispensary, and I worked there as a nurse for two months.

Always on the lookout

Not only a doctor, but also a social activist

Artem Andreevich is a caring person. It would seem, what else does he need?! High professionalism, respect from colleagues in the team, patients... But he is concerned about issues that are sometimes completely far from dentistry. Here, for example, “Features of social adaptation of people with disabilities and equivalent categories of the population.” The fact is that attitudes towards people with functional disabilities throughout human history have changed from indifference and discrimination to tolerance and social care. These are wheelchair users, these are people with limited vision, hearing, and musculoskeletal disorders. Artem Andreevich believes that these people need to be helped to adapt to social life. Therefore, he not only states the facts, but also looks for ways, looks for forms and methods to help them find their place in life.
I am interested in whether it is possible to achieve any changes in solving medical problems (in healthcare).
“One of the practical victories,” says Artem Andreevich, “is bringing the provision of dental care to disabled children to the norms of Russian legislation. And one more thing: together with the Taurida National Academy, a sociological survey was conducted on the state of medical care for the population of Sevastopol. Based on the results of this survey, recommendations were developed jointly with the Legislative Assembly. But since our appeals are only advisory in nature, it is too early to talk about results.
I must say that at that time a short time when he is at home, when he has a free minute, work still continues. You could be convinced of this by visiting his office, which, by the way, he made himself, with his own hands, from... a balcony! The office is small, but very cozy. It looks like the thinking is good here. And I was convinced of this right away. There are several bookshelves in the office. Some include dentistry, sociology, and some books for the soul - classics. But there is a special shelf. Here are collections of articles by different authors, and in each of them there is an article by Artem Andreevich. These are special articles - the fruit of his thoughts, reflections on various issues. And we can assume that in the near future they will be implemented.
-Given your wealth of knowledge, where do you imagine yourself in ten years?
-I want to continue working as a doctor. It is worthy to be a practical doctor. I want to say that I have my own vision of organizing dental care. Like any normal person, I have a desire to organize a small private dental clinic. What is needed for this? Finance!
-You live in harmony with yourself. You have time to do everything. What is your daily routine?
- Almost all my free time is spent on social work. In addition to meetings in the public chamber (and I am a member of it), meetings with the city leadership, “ round tables“A lot of time is spent on processing requests from citizens and public organizations. We have to prioritize. And the daily routine is as follows: wake up at 6.30, bedtime at 23.30.
But, despite such a busy, tough schedule, Artem Andreevich did not exclude sports from his life. For 18 years he played football in a health group. But here’s the problem: I recently broke my toe during one of my training sessions. We have to put off football.

Fathers and Sons

Unfortunately, Artem Andreevich has very little time left to communicate with his loved ones. But this does not distance them from each other.
“Not often, but whenever possible, I visit my mother and help her,” he says. “If it works out, I pick up my daughter Alisa from kindergarten.”
Alice is a very serious figure in the family. She was not yet five when her parents assigned the girl to the choreographic ensemble “Joy”. By the way, there were disagreements between them then. Mom Victoria said it was early, but dad firmly said it was just right. A year later, Alice was already a soloist in one composition.
The eldest daughter Alina, who will soon turn 18, probably also chose her path with the participation of her parents. Now she is a 3rd year student at the Simferopol Music College named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky in violin class. In 2011, Alina won the Sevastopol “Victory of the Year” competition in the “Young Talent of the Year” category, and was a scholarship recipient of the Russian “New Names” program. In a word, parents and children have complete mutual understanding.
During the tea party, Alice, sitting closer to me, whispered that she loved dad very much, that he was very good, that she trusted him with all her secrets (with whom she became friends, for which she was praised, which upset her). She loves her mother too. But she really likes it when dad tells bedtime stories. However, this does not upset mom Victoria; she is happy that Artem is a real father.
This kind of communication with his beloved women gives Artem Andreevich a new boost of energy the next day, when he again goes to his, one might say, very prosaic work: dentofacial prosthetics, bridges, dentures, crowns... But is it prosaic? There's no other way to say it! It gives people joy, makes them more beautiful and happier.
Then, in 1992, young Artem made the right choice of his profession, surprising everyone with such an unexpected decision.
“Sometimes fatigue accumulates, but it’s not scary,” he concluded. And very appropriately I remembered the wise saying Chinese philosopher Confucius: “Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.”
We may or may not agree with this. And Artem Andreevich, doing seemingly such prosaic work, gives people health and beauty. And he is happy!

A. BUYNOVA, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
Photo by D. Metelkin.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Today women strive for gender equality and are mastering more and more new male professions. But comfortable, warm professions of light labor, which do not place an increased burden on people, do not remain forgotten. female body, do not interfere with maintaining a family home and raising children.

What kind of women's professions Am I the lightest?

Everyone has their own ideas about easy work. Moreover, one girl can happily work on a tower crane and not understand the delights of a warm office job. And the other would never agree to be a teacher or a doctor preferring to be a truck driver. But, summarizing surveys of residents of our country, we can highlight some of the easiest women's professions.

  1. Secretary Her classic responsibilities include answering calls, making appointments, making tea and coffee. At the same time, the secretary has the opportunity to always look good. Manicure, hairstyle, high heels and an outfit that fits your figure - all these are the delights of office work.
    The working day of secretaries begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m. This is convenient, because with such a schedule you can easily have time to pick up the children from kindergarten, prepare dinner for the family and take time for yourself.
  2. HR specialists, paralegals, accountants Working with documents is traditionally considered a woman's occupation. After all, there is no need to move bags and work in difficult conditions. All that is required of a woman is accuracy, tact, punctuality and responsibility. Therefore, most people believe that working with paperwork is one of the easiest professions for women.
    This profile includes HR specialists, legal assistants, and junior accountants. Their work is not endowed with great responsibility, but also does not involve risks or fines.
  3. Hairdressers, manicurists, stylists The next group of professions are hairdressers, manicurists and stylists. Almost all girls follow fashion, understand new trends and bring current images to life.
    Therefore, many people like this profession. For this reason, the work of a master in a salon is one of the easiest for most girls.
  4. Archivist An archivist or librarian is a job for lovers of reading. The advantages of this profession are quiet and peaceful workplace, well-mannered, intelligent people, a lot of free time for self-development and self-knowledge.
    If a girl loves books, then this is the place for her.
  5. Nanny A nanny or governess is an easy job for people who love children. Such a profession can be compared to eternal maternity leave.
    You sit with your child all day, watch cartoons, play, walk, have fun with the children, and engage in the development of your charges. Among the disadvantages of the profession, one should highlight the enormous responsibility for students.
  6. Earning money on the Internet The Internet opens up space for easy earnings. There are all kinds of surveys and questionnaires, boosting likes and paid comments on social media. networks.
    All this is work, don’t beat a bedridden person, which, by the way, is poorly paid.
  7. Civil servant Work of state and municipal employees. In these offices, a blissful, lazy atmosphere reigns in the morning, and the team warms up only at 12, just when it’s time to break for lunch.
    And after lunch you need to drink five more mugs of tea and you can go home. In addition, the work of a civil servant is a minimum of responsibility, because you can always find the last one in neighboring departments.
  8. Museum worker Museum worker is a profession for girls. Here young people will find a good, intelligent team, the opportunity for personal growth, easy working conditions and constant involvement in cultural life society.
    The only difficulty is that the employee is required high level education.
  9. Administrator Administrator in a salon, fitness room or hostess in a restaurant. The employee is required to be friendly, smiling, and be able to create a pleasant first impression when visiting an establishment.
    The work is not dusty, non-conflicting and physically easy.
  10. Watchman Many people think that this place is only for grandmothers, but this is far from the case. It is not so easy to get a job as a watchman in luxury houses. The fact is that excellent working conditions are created here and there is practically no work of any kind.
    You can read magazines and watch TV all day long. All that is required of the employee is to register guests, water the flowers and, if anything happens, call the police.
  11. Investor One of the easiest professions is an investor. Investments bring additional income. In fact, you can sit at home while the money is working.
    True, at the beginning you will have to seriously invest in a large project so that the investment begins to bring profit. This activity is associated with great risks. After all, if you invest in the wrong business, you can lose all your accumulated money.

The easiest job is the one you can study for yourself, independently adjusting its pace. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about money, for example, if your husband provides for you. The Great Confucius said that it is necessary do only what brings you pleasure, and then you will not have a single working day. It is worth remembering the fact that the work is easy and the work is profitablei - pconcepts are practically incompatible. Therefore, you can think about easy work if financial problems bypass you or you adhere to ascetic image life.

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