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» Which propylene pipes are best for a summer cottage? Which pipes are best suited for water supply in a country house? Do-it-yourself installation of a country water supply system

Which propylene pipes are best for a summer cottage? Which pipes are best suited for water supply in a country house? Do-it-yourself installation of a country water supply system

Installation of HDPE pipes for water supply in the country using fittings is the most best option. Polyethylene pipes are inexpensive, but quite strong and durable, and the use of fittings will make the system collapsible.

Requirements for HDPE pipes

HDPE pipes must comply with the Requirements of GOST 18599-2001, which state:

  • The surface of the pipe must be absolutely smooth inside and outside.
  • Any minor deviations that exist should not exceed the established tolerances.
  • There should be no foreign inclusions, cracks, or cavities either inside, outside, or at the end of the pipe.
  • The color of the pipes is black or blue, which allows you to quickly distinguish water pipes from others. Sometimes there may be at least three evenly distributed longitudinal blue marking stripes on the black background of the pipe.
  • The pipe is designed for maximum operating pressure 16-20 atm.

The main indicators for classifying all polyethylene pipes for water supply are:

  • Marking - PE 80, PE 100, the first were pipes marked PE 63, but now they are not used.
  • Resistance to internal pressure - SDR, determined by the ratio of the outside diameter of the pipe to the wall thickness. The higher this indicator, the thinner the wall thickness.
  • Diameter.

PE 80 is used for installing water pipes with a diameter of up to 90 mm, PE 100 is used for larger pipelines. When choosing, it is important to correctly decipher symbol, applied to the pipe. For example, the designation PE 100, SDR13, 110 x 8.1 drinking, GOST 18599-2001, is deciphered as follows:

  • pipe polyethylene diameter 110 mm, wall thickness 8.1 mm;
  • intended for drinking water;
  • manufactured in accordance with GOST 18599-2001;
  • Low pressure polyethylene PE 100 was used for production.

Selecting the diameter of pipes and fittings

The key parameters when selecting pipes and fittings for water supply are:

  • Diameter internal. It should be the same for both pipes and fittings. It is directly dependent on the wall thickness.
  • Pipe length.
  • Conditional pass. Designated by DN with the addition of the value in mm.
  • Wall thickness.

The choice of pipe diameter is influenced by the flow rate. Its nominal value for a standard water supply is 0.02 km/sec. There is the following relationship between the length of the water pipeline and the diameter of the pipes:

  • For system lengths up to 30 m optimal diameter pipes are 25 mm, which provides a throughput of 30 l/min.
  • For installation of a water supply system longer than 30 m, pipes with a diameter of 32 mm are suitable, increasing the throughput rate to 50 l/min.
  • For systems less than 10 m long, pipes with a diameter of 20 mm are used.

Important: When choosing pipes by diameter, be guided by the expected water consumption, taking into account that throughput kitchen and bathroom taps are no more than 5 l/min. The more points of consumption, the larger the diameter of the pipes.

The following parameters have a decisive influence on the choice of pipe diameter for a country water supply:

  • system length;
  • estimated number of joints;
  • number of turns;
  • consumption rate;
  • water pressure.

Keep in mind: with the same pipe diameter for cold and hot water, the wall thickness of the latter should be 2 times greater.

DIY installation

Installation should begin with drawing up a diagram, taking into account the location of the site in relation to the water intake, determining the number and location of water distribution points. Based on the existing sketch, the amount of consumables and reinforcement material is calculated.

The number of water consumption points depends on the location of the bathhouse, shower, garden beds, and pool on the site. Rational decision- arrange from 5 to 10 pipe outlets, and connect rubber hoses to them so that there is easy access water to each zone.

Installation of a summer collapsible water supply system at the dacha

To install a water supply system in a summer cottage, you will need a standard set of tools and materials:

  • HDPE pipes in quantities depending on the wiring diagram. For the main water supply, pipes of a larger diameter are taken, and for distribution to supply points - smaller ones.
  • Various fittings.
  • Cutting tool: cone-shaped end knife, hacksaw for metal.
  • Connecting elements for connecting HDPE pipes to taps, irrigation installations, and showers.
  • Plastic water trays, covering grates.

The work is carried out using the following technology:

  1. Connect the country water supply to the source. Be it common pipe or column, use a special adapter for this. The connection is made at an angle.
  2. Distribution is carried out throughout the site by laying pipes with a diameter of 20 or 25 mm to the water intake points.
  3. Connect the pipe sections using collet fittings, having first checked the correct assembly. Before this, the fitting is disassembled, the gasket and clamp are removed. The gasket is firmly inserted into place again, and a clamp with special fixing protrusions is placed behind it. Screw on the clamping nut, but only lightly.
  4. The ends of polyethylene pipes are prepared for installation. First, cut the end with a knife, then insert it into the fitting and tighten the clamping nut.
  5. Connect pipes to taps, irrigation systems, etc.

Attention: all pipe connections are made by hand; if you use a clamping tool, you can overtighten the nut and deform the fitting parts or the end of the pipe.

If a seasonal water supply is laid on the surface, it will become a hindrance for both equipment and people. It is better to make a trench using special plastic trays, and then cover it with the gratings included in the kit.

It is quite possible to replace HDPE pipes with a rubber hose reinforced with nylon fibers. This material is also strong and quite durable.

Installation of water supply in a country house

Installation of water supply in the house is carried out using a slightly different technology:

  1. Measure the required length of pipe and mark its edge with a marker.
  2. In place, marks around the circumference are glued masking tape so that its edges align exactly.
  3. Cut the pipe as evenly as possible perpendicular to the axis of the pipe, focusing on the edge of the tape. Remove the auxiliary material.
  4. On the cut end, make an even bevel 2-3 mm wide using a chamfer cutter or a regular file, simply grinding off the edge with it at 20 degrees.
  5. They're cheating union nut with clamping and locking rings, put an o-ring on the edge of the chamfer. Release the edge of the pipe, slightly moving the previously installed parts to the side, and lubricate it with plumbing grease.
  6. Insert the free edge into the fitting until it stops. Pull the union nut with the ring closer and screw it onto the threaded part of the fitting. The same is done on the opposite side of the fitting. It is important that the pipe does not rest against the gasket, but against the collar, then the connection will be airtight.
  7. The pipeline is tested by introducing water into the system. If there are leaks, tighten the connections.

If all connections are made correctly, then there will be no surprises in the form of leaks.

will. If HDPE pipes are connected to metal, then it is better to play it safe by wrapping the tape.

Price for work

The price for installing a water supply system varies depending on the type of pipes, installation technology, and scope of work. Average prices are summarized in the table:

External water supply
1. Laying HDPE pipes ǿ 100 mmm1 360
2. Installation of elbows, bends, transitions, pipesPC.1 450
3. Installation of teesPC.1 800
Internal water supply
4. Laying a pipeline from turnkey pipes ǿ up to 32 mmm100 4500
5. pipeline made of HDPE pipes with a diameter of less than 20 mmm100 7600
6. -“- pipes up to 63 mmm100 6100
7. -“- up to 90 mmm100 6400
8. -“- up to 110 mmm100 6900

In the future, polymer pipes will replace their metal counterparts. And which polymer to choose HDPE, LDPE or PVC depends on the purpose of the water supply and power.

Probably not a single person will argue that one of the main factors ensuring a good time in the country, a minimum of work and a rich harvest, is the abundance of clean water, which can be used when watering beds, flower beds, and fruit plants. Of course, if all the cultivated vegetation on your site is limited to a small flowerbed with an area of ​​two square meters, or if there is heavy rain in the region at least once or twice a week, then there is no need to rack your brains - the plants will grow just fine anyway.

But if it rains much less frequently, and in summer the heat in the shade reaches +30 degrees or higher, then you will have to seriously think about how to make watering easier. After all, carrying water from a well in buckets to water three to four hundred square meters of potatoes, a hundred hundred square meters of cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage, and even Orchard, too tiring. It is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with such a task in a whole day of hard, continuous labor.

That's why the best way the solution to this problem is summer water supply in the country. Yes, you will have to spend more than one day on installation, as well as a certain amount. But as a result you get easy way water your entire garden in half an hour, and watering itself turns into pure pleasure. In addition, you can forget about the need to carry water into the house manually if there is no working water supply in the area of ​​your dacha.

One of the most important issues that needs to be resolved before purchasing materials is the selection of suitable pipes. After all, pipes are one of the main components of a water supply system. AND modern market offers quite big choice suitable materials. Of course, they have both certain advantages and disadvantages.

You need to know about them in order to make an objective choice and not regret it in the future. So, you can make a water supply from several types of pipes

Metal pipes

Time-tested, not too expensive and reliable. Metal pipes will survive shocks, strong compression, falls and any other mechanical impacts without the slightest harm. At proper care a metal water pipe will easily serve you for decades. Alas, metal pipes They also have a number of disadvantages. First of all, they are quite heavy, which complicates the process of transportation and installation. In addition, the metal is susceptible to corrosion.

Yes, this problem can be solved for 3-5 years by covering the pipes quality paint for metal. But if you decide to install permanent piping (by laying the pipes underground), you may not want to dig up the pipes every few years to paint them.

And finally, after a few years, even with the most careful care, the inner wall will become covered with rust. This will significantly worsen drinking qualities water - it is possible that it will even cease to be drinkable. An additional complication is connecting the pipes into the water supply. You have to use gas welding, which increases the cost of installation, since in most cases it forces you to invite specialists.

Metal-plastic pipes

Metal-plastic pipes are quite complex design. The first layer is plastic. There is an adhesive layer on top of it. Next is aluminum, which carries the main load. Aluminum is covered with another adhesive layer, which, in turn, is protected by a layer of plastic. This is a really good option. The pipes are light, durable, non-corrosive and can withstand quite strong pressure without harm.

aluminum water pipe diagram

But the complexity of manufacturing and high price aluminum lead to the fact that their price is set quite high. Many people who are willing to spend tens of thousands of rubles to equip a summer water supply system in their country house.

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Polypropylene pipes

IN last years poly propylene pipes are becoming increasingly popular. They are lightweight, resistant to corrosion, quite cheap and easy to install. Thermal welding is much cheaper than gas welding. You can simply buy a special construction iron - in stores they are usually sold at a price of 2 to 4 thousand rubles. Yes, pipes can be damaged by strong impacts or pressure. But if you bury them in the ground, then nothing can harm them there. They do not rust, which means that in 10 years they will leak the same pure water as at the time of installation.

As you can see, you can use the most different pipes for summer water supply. Which one should you prefer? Decide for yourself!

Permanent or collapsible water supply

When you have decided on the material, it’s time to think about which water supply system will best meet your requirements - collapsible or permanent? As the name implies, the first one can be assembled in the spring, at the beginning of the summer season, and disassembled in the fall, so as not to become an easy target for thieves in winter.

The permanent one is installed once and for all. What advantages and disadvantages do both of these options have?

Collapsible water supply

Let's start with a collapsible water supply.

Its advantages include the simplicity and speed of installation - there is no need to bury pipes in the ground, carrying out a considerable amount of excavation work.

If any pipe or seam is damaged, the leak will be immediately noticeable and fixing it will not cause you unnecessary trouble.

The main disadvantage is the need to assemble and set up the water supply every spring, and in the fall to disassemble and take it to the city.

In addition, the pipes will lie near the beds all summer. You can easily trip over them or simply step on them, causing serious damage. And, of course, if you leave the dacha for a week or two, the water supply may well simply be stolen.

Constant water supply

- that's a completely different matter.

You will have to spend much more time laying this water supply, but only once. There is no need to carry out disassembly work twice a season. The pipes are buried to a depth of 30 to 50 centimeters, and do not interfere with your walking around the beds. It all consists of simply draining the water from the system so that it does not freeze and damage the pipes. Thieves probably will not dig into the ground, carrying out a huge amount of work in order to steal several tens of meters of pipes.

There are relatively few downsides to this option.

Water supply scheme at the dacha

For example, if a pipeline is damaged, it will be quite difficult to notice a leak, find it and fix it - you will have to dig up the entire trench. Also more important is correct styling pipes - they must go downhill along their entire length so that no water remains in the system in winter. And the longer the pipe, the deeper the trench will have to be dug.

Plant watering options

It is equally important to choose the right irrigation principle. You can use two options - watering the beds by taking water directly from a well or borehole, or watering the beds from a reservoir filled from the main water source.

Direct watering

The first option is simple. All you have to do is open the necessary valves in the pipeline and start the pump. As you walk through the beds, you will close some valves and open others as you water individual areas.

This system is simple and convenient. Unfortunately, there is a serious disadvantage here that you need to be aware of. Experienced summer residents It is not recommended to water the beds ice water, which is usually supplied from wells and wells. This can slow down the growth rate of plants or even cause them to die.

Having your own well at your dacha is good, but sooner or later you will get tired of carrying several dozen buckets of water per day. Therefore, we suggest that you think about building a water supply system. If the cost of such a project stops you, then we hasten to reassure you: today you can build a cheap and reliable water supply system from plastic pipes, to which a mixer from can then be connected. Such plastic water pipe at the dacha will help you solve the issue of delivering water to the house, to the beds using irrigation systems, etc.

Water main

When developing a water main project, keep in mind that it must consist of two parts: internal and external. The last line delivers water to the house; the internal one helps distribute water inside the home.

To arrange the internal pipeline, you will need to stock up on pipes, water intake fittings and fittings that will help connect the pipes into a full-fledged water supply system. For the outside, you will also need a pump, filters and a water source. More complex device DIY plastic water supply at the dacha also involves installing a battery that will help control water intake, protect your pump from overloads, and you will also need automation that will regulate the water intake process, shut-off valves, etc.

Even at the time of developing the water supply project, it will be necessary to take into account that access to the system must be easy so that timely maintenance or repair of the water supply can be carried out.

Water source for plumbing

An important point is the source of water. Summer residents have several options to provide their plot with water.

The simplest of them is connecting to the central highway. It is important here that the pressure in such a water supply system is sufficient to provide your home with water. It will be simple to build such a water supply: you will need to dig trenches in the area for laying pipes, lay them and connect them. But, unfortunately, connecting to central highways is not always possible for various reasons.

Another source of water for a do-it-yourself plastic water supply in the country is a mine well. To do this, you will need to dig the well itself. Remember that the main condition here is the depth of the water, it should not be more than 10 meters. This option is also considered one of the most optimal; you will be able to independently maintain the entire system when you need it, and you will regulate the water intake and supply yourself. Maintaining a mine well is easy. Among the disadvantages of such water supply is limited water intake. In addition, for such a water supply it is necessary to install a pump; a simple surface model will do.

The third option is to dig a well. This option is suitable for areas where groundwater deepened by more than 10 meters. The big disadvantage of this option is that digging a well is not a cheap pleasure; you cannot do it yourself; you will need to rent special equipment. On the other hand, a well will allow you to provide your home with sufficient amounts of clean water.

In addition to drilling a well, you will also have to spend money on a good submersible or borehole pump.

Types of water pipelines

One of the most simple options water supply is a summer plastic water supply in the country. His main drawback– use only in the warm season. But for the dacha this is not critical, because we usually come here only at this time.

Such a water supply system can be made either stationary or collapsible. For collapsible version they use hoses and a pump to organize the water supply to the house, and then lay plastic water supply throughout the house. Stationary option requires the installation of pipes underground. Plastic pipes are laid at a depth of about a meter. It is important to completely pump out the water from the pipes before the start of winter so that the water supply does not freeze.

The second option is a winter water supply; it is needed if you plan to visit the countryside and winter period of the year. Plastic pipes for winter water supply at the dacha you can take two types - polypropylene or polyethylene. Polypropylene ones are slightly more expensive, and in addition, a special soldering iron is required for their installation. The second option will be cheaper and will not require the use of special equipment. On the other hand, for such a water supply you will need to buy expensive components.

The installation and planning of winter water supply needs to be approached more thoroughly and seriously.

Installation of winter water supply

For the winter water supply, you will need to develop a detailed layout plan for its placement. Keep in mind that the pipes for such a water supply system are laid at a slope to the water source.

Winter water supply pipes are placed below the freezing level of the ground, and a trench is dug at least 20 centimeters deeper than this level. If it is not possible to dig such deep trenches, then you need to make additional insulation for the pipes so that the water in them does not freeze in winter. The insulation is usually cylindrical polyethylene.

Insulation will be required not only for the pipes, but also for the water source itself. Also if you bet surface pump, then you will need to additionally install a caisson. You will also need to think about the insulation of the sewerage system.

The construction of a water supply system in a dacha occurs in several stages:

  1. First, they draw a diagram, indicating on the plan the points of water intake, the location of fittings and other points. By ready-made diagram perform detailed drawing, where all components and dimensions of the pipeline are noted.
  2. Prepare everything you need: purchase pipes, fittings, a pump and other equipment provided for in the drawing of your plumbing.
  3. Next, trenches are dug from the water source to the house for laying pipes.
  4. Deep well pump lowered into a well or well. The surface one is placed near the well, equipped with a caisson.
  5. Next, connect the pipe: on one side to the pump, on the other to the five-pin fitting.
  6. Next, you can install a pressure gauge, pressure switch, and battery. They are attached to the fitting.
  7. A pipe is attached to the last outlet of the fitting and installation of the external water supply line begins. An armored electrical cable is laid in the same trench, which will provide power to the pump and battery. Don't forget to ground the outlet.
  8. A shut-off valve is installed before the water supply enters the house.
  9. Before filling the trench, check the operation of the external part of the water supply, make sure that all connections are tight.
  10. Next, the internal piping is done. Install a cleaning system; filters are used for these purposes. Lay out pipes around the house based on the needs of the residents. Country water supply is no different from apartment water supply, so you can use your home wiring as a basis.
  11. If you need hot water in your country house, you will need to install a boiler to heat the water.

An excellent solution for watering at the dacha is the construction of a local water supply system from polymer, preferably polyethylene pipes. The do-it-yourself scheme for installing a water supply system in a dacha using HDPE pipes is quite simple, and anyone can cope with such a task. home handyman. To do this, you do not need to have the skills of a plumber, but just the ability to use simple hand tools.

Installation of HDPE water supply

Pipes from polymer materials today they act as successful competitors to metal and asbestos-cement products, increasingly being used for laying water supply systems. This is due to a wide range of plastic pipes made from various polymers with different technical characteristics. As a result, there is always a choice source material for installation of the pipeline, in accordance with the operational and technical requirements for it.

One of the most common polymers used for the production of plastic pipes is HDPE - low-density polyethylene.

The production technology of HDPE pipes is as follows:

  • The polyethylene melt is extruded through a matrix of the required size.
  • Polymerization process in in this case occurs at atmospheric pressure, unlike high-density polyethylene.
  • After the polyethylene blank has hardened, they are cut into pieces of standard length or rolled into coils.
  • The products are marked in accordance with their technical characteristics, and the pipes are sent for sale.

HDPE pipes come in several types

  • Lightweight, designed for a working pressure of no more than 2.5 atmospheres. Marked with the letter "L".
  • Medium-light, marked “SL” and can withstand pressure up to 4 atm.
  • Medium, marked “C”, working pressure up to 8 atm.
  • Heavy - “T”, capable of withstanding up to 10 atmospheres.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the markings, choosing a material for the water supply network depending on the expected operating pressure inside the system. Installing a HDPE water supply system at your dacha with your own hands is not particularly difficult due to the manufacturability of the assembly. HDPE pipes are connected to each other using special fittings and additional elements - tees, angles, etc.

For country water supply, it is recommended to use pipes made of polyethylene grade 80 or 100. They are perfect for supplying cold water, being resistant to sunlight ultraviolet radiation and corrosive effects of the liquid. The main water supply branch is usually made from a pipe with a diameter of 32-40 mm, and branches from it are made from a 20-25 mm pipe.

Scheme of a country water supply system made of HDPE

Plumbing systems are being installed garden plot two ways:

  • Open.
  • Closed.

The open method is more suitable for the construction of seasonal water supply systems used for watering plants. After the end of the summer season, such a pipeline can be easily disassembled, removing the pipes for storage until next spring. The closed version is used when installing capital water supply networks, and involves placing pipes in specially dug trenches.

Seasonal water supply

Seasonal water supply systems are used in summer cottages for watering plantings - beds, shrubs, fruit trees. It can also be used for water supply country house and outbuildings, for example, a bathhouse, a summer kitchen and a garage. If the site is used only for warm time year, it is advisable to install a summer water supply system at the dacha using HDPE pipes using the open method.

Among undeniable advantages open version– high speed of its installation. Using special fittings, which are sold in any construction supermarket, you can quickly connect polyethylene pipes into a plumbing system of the configuration you require. Plastic pipes can lie directly on the ground, without the installation of elevated supports, which are necessary when installing an open metal pipeline. This is due to the resistance of HDPE to moisture.

Among the advantages of such a seasonal water supply is its mobility. In the fall, the pipeline can be disassembled and stored for storage to avoid pipe theft. If necessary, you can quickly change the parameters of the water supply network by lengthening or shortening it, changing the configuration. Speed ​​of installation is another advantage open method pipe laying. At the same time, there is no need to carry out excavation work on the site, which takes a lot of time and effort, and also leaves behind tousled breasts and garden paths.

An open pipeline has one drawback: its vulnerability to external mechanical influences. Despite the fairly high strength of HDPE pipes and connecting fittings, there is still a possibility of accidental damage. gardening equipment or tools - a motor cultivator, a hoe, a shovel. It will also be necessary to dismantle plastic pipelines during the spring burning of dry grass. Fire can not only damage, but also completely destroy a polyethylene structure lying on the ground.

Capital water supply system

If the site is used not only during the summer season, but also during winter time, there is a reason to create a capital water supply system from HDPE. The actual installation of pipes in this case is no different from the assembly of an open pipeline. HDPE pipes are connected using the same plastic connecting fittings and additional elements.

The whole difference here is closed method pipe locations. Before installation, trenches are dug on the site in accordance with the configuration of the future water supply network. To avoid freezing of water pipes in winter, they should be laid below the freezing depth of the soil. The table below gives approximate soil freezing data for different cities:

As we can see, in many cities the depth of soil freezing reaches 2 meters. However, digging trenches two meters deep is not always practical or possible. In such a situation, it is recommended to use a heating agent when laying pipes. electric cable, which can be purchased today in many plumbing stores.

HDPE pipe installation process

Despite the fact that the installation process of polyethylene pipes is quite simple, to create a durable and reliable functioning system, compliance with technical standards is required. To work, you will need a set of tools, pipes and connecting elements - fittings and accessories (tees, angles, plugs).


The set of tools for connecting HDPE pipes depends on how you are going to do it. When connecting pipes using compression fittings you won't need any special tools, except for a fine-toothed hacksaw or special cutters for cutting pipes into the required lengths.

When “hot” joining HDPE pipes, you will need a special electrical device - a welding iron. This device heats the ends of the pipe and couplings to the melting temperature, after which they are inserted into each other. You will also need special pipe cutters that allow you to quickly cut pipes at an angle of 90 degrees.


Connecting fittings for HDPE pipes come in two types:

  • Compression.
  • Diffusion.

Compression couplings are equipped threaded connection and rubber seals. The two halves of the coupling are put on the ends of the pipes being joined, after which they are connected with threads, forming a sealed joint. Diffusion couplings are used when welding pipes using a heating apparatus. IN Lately in domestic construction market Electric couplings appeared, connecting pipes by heating them with current. Electric couplings have terminal outputs on their surface that are connected to a special welding machine, which heats them.

DIY installation of HDPE pipes for water supply

Installation should begin from the water supply source - a well, a standpipe, or a main water supply. To speed up work and avoid possible errors, you should draw up a pipeline diagram in advance. In accordance with the scheme, the required number of pipes, additional elements and couplings should be purchased.

Country water supply from polyethylene pipes is easiest to install using compression fittings. The process will not take much time and does not require special skills. Compression couplings are first disassembled and screwed onto the pipe ends to be connected, installing the gasket and clamp. The connection is secured using an external clamping nut. When tightening it, do not use adjustable wrenches or other improvised tools. The nut should only be tightened using manual force to avoid damaging the coupling.

It is also possible to install the pipeline yourself using diffusion couplings. Here, for the connection, you will need a special device - an electric heater-iron, equipped with nozzles of the required diameter. The device is connected to the network, the heating relay is set to the desired temperature, after which the ends of the pipe and coupling are inserted into the heated nozzles. After melting the connecting ends, they are inserted into one another and fixed for one or two minutes.

It is also possible to solder HDPE pipes into joints, without using couplings. This happens with the help of a special end heating device, equipped with holding devices. This method is usually used for pipes large diameter. When soldering pipes, you should ensure that the ends being connected are cleaned of dirt and moisture, otherwise the connection will not be airtight. When working with electric heaters, it is necessary to observe safety precautions, use special clothing and protective gloves.


Polyethylene pipes have earned their wide popularity due to their high performance and technical qualities. The technical characteristics of HDPE pipes are regulated by the provisions of GOST No. 18599 of 2001. One of the main factors influencing the choice of pipe is its required throughput: for example, a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm is capable of passing approx. 30 l/min., d=32 mm already 50 l/min.

Technical characteristics directly depend on the brand of polyethylene from which the pipe was made. So the model from PE-100 has the following data:

  • Density 0.95 kg per 1 cubic meter. dm.
  • Elasticity, which determines tensile elasticity, is 800 mPa.
  • Linear expansion – 2 mm per meter of length.
  • Tensile elongation modulus – up to 250% at room temperature.
  • Thermal conductivity – 0.4 Watt per mK.
  • The recommended operating temperature range is from -50° to +40°C.
  • Working pressure can vary, depending on the type of pipe, up to 40 atmospheres.
  • The average service life is about 50 years.

Pros and cons of HDPE pipes

Like any other material, HDPE has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of HDPE pipes are:

  • Resistance to corrosion and chemical environments.
  • Sufficient strength and durability in operation.
  • Low price compared to metal counterparts.
  • Smooth inner surface, allowing to avoid the formation of growths and blockages.
  • Wide range of operating temperatures.
  • Sufficient elasticity allows the HDPE pipe not to burst when the water inside it freezes.
  • The material is environmentally friendly and safe for the human body.
  • Light weight, making it easy to transport and store.
  • Easy to connect with each other, availability of a wide range of additional elements and fittings.

Disadvantages of HDPE pipes:

  • Can only be used for cold water supply, with the exception of cross-linked HDPE models.
  • Low resistance to mechanical shocks and excessive loads.

As we see, positive qualities HDPE pipes have much more than negative ones. Due to this, polyethylene pipe is one of best options for laying a country water supply system in terms of price and quality.

Pipes. Which one is better to choose is decided by the owner of the house or apartment, and this affects the proper and long-term operation of the water supply systems.

The leading positions are occupied by products made of polypropylene, HDPE and metal-plastic, which are beginning to displace metal. The selected water pipes depend on the characteristics of the materials, price, operating conditions and financial capabilities of the user. Which ones are better? Consumer reviews lean towards products made of polypropylene and metal-plastic.

Polypropylene pipe

Deciding which water pipes are best to install in an apartment is quite difficult. Most owners choose products made from polypropylene. The pipeline is non-separable, and welded fittings create reliable and durable connections. They can be of different configurations: couplings, angles at 90 0 and 45 0, crosses, tees.

Main tool

For welding, a special tool is used - a polyfuse (popularly - an iron or a soldering iron). 2 nozzles of the required diameters are installed on the heating element. The end of the pipe and the fitting are inserted into them, after which they are heated for 6-10 seconds. Then the heated parts are removed and connected to each other. In a few seconds, welding occurs, ensuring reliable connection strength. It is no longer possible to separate the parts after this.

The special properties of polypropylene make it possible to use it for heating and water supply. One of its varieties - "Random copolymer" - is the most heat-resistant and is used where the water temperature is allowed up to 95 0 C, and its increase to 100 0 C in case of malfunctions does not reduce the durability of the pipeline.

Advantages and disadvantages of polypropylene products

Pipes have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are as follows:

  • resistance to active chemicals;
  • simplicity and high speed of installation;
  • high plasticity, preventing pipe destruction when water in the system freezes;
  • durability when used in high-temperature networks;
  • environmental friendliness.

The disadvantage of pipes is their rigidity. As a result, their installation requires large quantity swivel fittings. In addition, the polymer has a large temperature deformation, which should be taken into account during installation. In the absence of temperature compensators, the pipeline may become deformed and even collapse.

Divided into 3 types:

  1. PN 10 - design for cold water supply and heated floors.
  2. PN 20 - for hot water supply pipelines with temperatures up to 80 0 C (universal).
  3. PN 25 - for work at high temperature(up to 95 0 C).

The latter type of pipe is reinforced with aluminum foil or fiberglass. Metal perforation eliminates the need to use glue to join layers. Reinforcement increases the strength and stability of products. The pipe can be coated with metal on the outside or inside. Aluminum is used mostly to reduce thermal expansion.

Fiberglass is used without gluing layers. It fuses with a layer of polypropylene, providing a high-quality connection.

Metal-plastic pipe

The pipe structure consists of 2 layers of PE-X polyethylene and an aluminum layer located between them. Metal connected to plastic special glue. The quality of the product depends on its properties. All manufacturers have their own adhesive compositions, which they are constantly improving. The polymer creates flexibility and smoothness, and aluminum creates strength and reduces the thermal expansion of the pipe when heated. Products from Germany, Belgium and Italy have the best technical characteristics.

The pipes are connected to each other using compression or press fittings. In the first case, you only need wrench, and in the second - a special tool.

The five-layer pipe design has a small thickness, due to which the product remains flexible. The aluminum layer is very thin and looks more like foil than a layer of metal.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal-plastic

The products have their pros and cons. Positive properties pipes are as follows:

  • flexibility, allowing you to often do without fittings;
  • light weight;
  • the temperature of the working environment reaches +95 0 C;
  • low temperature deformation;
  • resistance to corrosion and aggressive environments;
  • slight noise when transporting liquids.

The disadvantages of pipes are the following:

  • flammability of the material;
  • the elements have different temperature deformations, leading to delamination of the pipe along the adhesive layers and at the junction with brass fittings;
  • the material does not withstand ultraviolet radiation well;
  • narrow diameter limits - 16-33 mm;
  • pipe rupture when water freezes in it;
  • high cost of fittings.

Another disadvantage is the narrowed bore section of the fitting compared to the diameter of the pipe. This creates additional resistance to water movement.

HDPE pipe

It is used in 2 versions: for technical and drinking water. It is elastic and sold in coils. Due to this, installation requires fewer fittings, which are made of plastic.

PE pipe is used mainly for external water supply. It is resistant to low temperatures down to -50 0 C. Flexibility, strength and low price made it popular for water supply systems and irrigation of summer cottages. Pipes are used for a long time, do not overgrow and are not subject to corrosion. Conventional PE pipes are not suitable for hot water, since their operating temperature does not exceed 45 0 C. Now cross-linked polyethylene is often used for water pipes. Which ones are better is completely clear here. But their price is much higher, although so is the quality.

Which water pipes are better - polypropylene or metal-plastic?

In the market, metal products are gradually being replaced by plastic. If you need to purchase water pipes, which ones are better are determined by price and quality.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the cost of not only pipes, but also other components. Polypropylene costs a little less than metal-plastic, but special savings are achieved on fittings. Don’t also forget that it requires a welding machine, which you have to spend money on to purchase. For a large water supply system, the costs will not be so high, since a soldering iron is easy to master on your own, and hiring specialists will cost much more.

Produced in more wide range diameters in the direction of increasing them, starting from 63 mm. For large diameters, there is no question about which water pipes are better - plastic or metal-plastic. Obviously, polypropylene must be used here.

Metal-plastic products have a significantly lower coefficient of thermal expansion than polymer ones due to the presence of a metal layer (5-6 times lower). Therefore for polypropylene pipes thermocompensators in the form of loops are required. The presence of different materials in one system reduces the service life metal-plastic pipes with frequent temperature exposure.

Metal-plastic water supply is easier to install and does not require expensive welding machine. Communications made of polypropylene are non-separable, but the welding points do not differ in strength from the pipe material.

Water pipes in the country house

IN homestead farming Water pipes are constantly required for irrigation and personal needs. Which ones are better at the dacha? It is obvious that these are HDPE products that outperform other materials in the following indicators:

  1. Price-quality ratio.
  2. Durability, flexibility and ease of processing.
  3. Installing fittings manually does not require special tools, knowledge or skills.
  4. Availability of special adapters for installing shut-off valves and connecting consumers (shower, sink, sprinkler).

All components and tools are sold in specialized stores. To prevent the water supply from interfering with movement around the site, it can be buried in the ground. To prevent pipe damage garden tool a trench is laid for it from plastic trays covered with gratings on top. The pipeline can be installed annually, but is also left in place. Then, during the winter, the water is drained from it, and the system is purged, for example, using a vacuum cleaner.

Domestic water supply

Which water pipes are best to use at the dacha, in country house or apartment indoors? The technical characteristics of polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes allow them to be successfully used for internal use. They can be easily hidden behind partitions or under the floor, which preserves the integrity of the interior. Reliable connections guarantee pipes against leaks. If deficiencies appear, this is mostly due to improper installation or technology violations.


Many owners find it difficult to choose water pipes. Which ones are better? existing species, it is difficult to determine, since metal-plastic and polypropylene products have their pros and cons. All this is reflected in the product characteristics, which should always be studied in detail. Which water pipes are best to install depends on the quality, technical characteristics, preferences of the owners and their financial capabilities.

HDPE pipes are more suitable for summer cottages and outdoor water supply. In terms of price and characteristics, they are significantly ahead of their competitors.