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» What types of cypress exist in nature? Photos of different plant varieties, their names and descriptions. Cypress trees: types and photos Transplantation and propagation

What types of cypress exist in nature? Photos of different plant varieties, their names and descriptions. Cypress trees: types and photos Transplantation and propagation

Today, many varieties and types of cypress are known. There are differences between them in appearance, as well as in the characteristics of care and cultivation. By paying attention to this plant, as well as observing certain rules for its maintenance, you can acquire a lush and beautiful representative of the flora at home or in your summer cottage.

What it is?

Cypress is an evergreen coniferous plant of the Cypress family. The genus has more than 10 species, represented by trees and bushes. In the wild, this plant is quite common. Growing decorative tree in areas where tropical and subtropical climates prevail, namely in European, Asian countries, in North America. The tree is considered a long-liver, as it has a lifespan of about 300 years. At favorable conditions habitat it lives in and more. Many plants are characterized by straight trunks and a pyramidal crown, there are also other types external description which speaks of their similarity to lush and spreading bushes.

IN natural environment cypress grows up to 30 meters, but on personal plots you can find trees with no less attractive appearance and with a height of no more than 200 centimeters.

Height skeletal branches of the coniferous representative is directed upward, while they fit tightly to the trunk. It is this feature that makes the tree slender and beautiful. There are shoots on the branches of the plant; they are characterized by thinness and softness. The shoots are characterized by active branching. The foliage of cypress is fern-like and has a rich green color. Young representatives have needle-like foliage, but after 4 years of life it turns into scale-like.

It has been noted that age has a beneficial effect on the decorative properties of cypress. This tree is a gymnosperm and bears both female and male cones. The latter are colored gray-brown and also have a diameter of about 0.35 centimeters. The ripening of the cones occurs in the second year of the tree’s existence. The cones are covered with scales, under which the seeds are located.

Normal growth and vital activity of Cypress trees is possible at home, but with due attention and care. Some gardeners classify it as an indoor plant because it emits a lemon-type scent. To grow it at home, you can use not only cultivated varieties, but also wild. This plant is considered an excellent air purifier that can absorb harmful substances and saturate the air in the room with oxygen and phytoncides.

Types and varieties

Currently, flora lovers can grow in their garden, as well as indoors, any of the varieties or types of cypress, of which there are a large number.


This variety of coniferous plant, whose homeland is the Eastern Mediterranean. Pyramid cypress is also called Italian. The tree is characterized by a wide crown in the form of a column and a height of about 35 meters. The plant grows to this size in approximately 100 years. The original form of cypress was obtained thanks to the work of breeders. This long-liver is characterized by good frost resistance; it tolerates frost of 20 degrees.

Ideal place for the life activity of the pyramidal type is a hilly area. The plant has a positive attitude towards mountains and poor soils. The tree is covered with small needles, which are colored emerald. The formation of cones occurs on small branches that are colored brown. The growth of a young individual is faster than that of an adult. After reaching 100 years, the pyramidal cypress stops growing. This plant makes an excellent decoration country houses, alleys, park areas.


The Arizona cypress tree is native to Mexico, Arizona. A representative that lives in its natural environment grows on mountain slopes. 20 years ago this beautiful plant began to be grown in private plots, parks and gardens. Representatives of this family are characterized by a long lifespan, which in some cases reaches 500 years. During this time, the tree grows up to 2000 centimeters. The bark of representatives of this species is gray, but turns brown over time. Arizona cypress wood is similar to walnut, it has high hardness and low weight. The tree can tolerate drought and frost, and grows quite quickly.


Evergreen cypress Also called ordinary, the shape of this tree resembles a pyramid. The narrow crown of the plant is formed by short branches that fit tightly to the trunk. The common cypress is cone-shaped and can grow up to 3000 centimeters. The needles are small, elongated, scaly, they are pressed tightly against the branches in a cross-shaped manner. The cones hang from short shoots and are characterized by a diameter of 30 mm.

This type of plant is characterized by rapid growth. Lovers of green spaces can also encounter common cypress with red needles. It prefers shaded areas and survives at temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees. The tree is not picky about soil, and the possible presence of stones in the soil will not interfere with its growth.

Excessive moisture has a detrimental effect on wood. This representative of the flora is a long-liver; it begins to produce cones at the age of 5 years. Haircut this species cypress is made for decorative purposes. Neatly trimmed trees serve as an excellent decoration for the area.


Lemon cypress is indoor plant, it is distinguished by a pleasant pine-lemon aroma and elongated shape. The flower is quite beautiful, but whimsical. Needles ornamental plant painted light green. The plant is characterized by drought resistance and an unpretentious attitude towards the soil. Lemon cypress grows slowly, but lives long.


The dwarf cypress is a tree with a pyramidal crown, it is quite similar to the thuja. The bark of the tree is brownish-brown in color and is covered with scales and cracks. The branches can be either drooping or spreading. The shoots of the plant are flattened. The needles of the dwarf cypress are opposite and arranged crosswise. Young individuals are covered with needle-shaped needles. Male cones are oval-shaped and small in size, while female cones are round and covered with scales.

Goldcrest Wilma

This variety of evergreen survives better than others at home. It looks like a miniature Christmas tree, which is covered with narrow leaves. The color of the shoots is light green, sometimes even yellow. The small scaly leaves emit a lemony scent. This flower is popular in apartments, office premises thanks to attractiveness appearance and unpretentiousness. "Goldcrest Wilma" prefers diffused lighting, too much of which can cause needles to fall off. A favorable temperature for the plant is considered moderate; if it exceeds 27 degrees, the plant dries out. To make the cypress crown look well-groomed, it should be trimmed; this process stimulates the growth of new branches.

How to care for a tree?

Growing cypress implies the correct procedures associated with caring for it. Since this is a subtropical plant, it should choose a warm, bright place without direct sunlight. Tree prefers large space for growth. IN summer period of the year, room temperature is considered optimal for an evergreen representative, but at the same time with constant and optimal moisture. In winter, the cypress should be moved to a room with a temperature of 5-10 degrees above zero.

The number of waterings in winter should be reduced, however, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. In summer, cypress should be placed on windows facing north or east, and in winter – to the south. In the room where the tree grows there must be sufficient water sunlight, direct rays should be excluded. In winter, if there is a lack of natural light, it is worth using artificial light.

When irrigating cypress, you should observe regularity and abundance. But you should not violate the moderation of this process, since an excessive amount of moisture or its lack can destroy the plant. It is worth spraying the coniferous representative in the morning and also in the evening. During the procedure, settled water with room temperature. In the cold season, the plant does not need to be watered frequently; it should be irrigated once every 7 days, and spraying should be stopped altogether before the onset of warm weather.

Cypress trees prefer high humidity air. Indoor humidity levels must be maintained by watering and spraying. The soil for planting an evergreen tree should be loose. The substrate can be purchased in stores or prepared yourself. To make soil, you need to mix river sand, turf soil, peat in equal quantities and 2 parts of leaf soil.

This coniferous representative of the flora is exotic, so conventional fertilizers are not suitable for it, and humus is considered harmful. Ideal option Feeding in this case is considered to be liquid fertilizer with minerals, which is intended for coniferous species. It is worth feeding cypress once in May, June, July and August. It is worth making sure that the fertilizer does not contain a lot of nitrogen and that magnesium is present.

How to transplant it?

A loss useful qualities soil mixture under cypress occurs within a few years after planting, so for normal life of the plant it should be transplanted into a new substrate. The same procedure is necessary after purchasing a live decorative decoration to the house. The best time Spring is considered to be the time to carry out the work. Due to the fact that cypress has a sensitive root system, it is better to replant it by transshipment.

The first step is to thoroughly water the soil, since it is easier to remove the plant from wet soil. The cypress must be removed from the pot along with a lump of earth. The substrate, which crumbles easily, must be removed and the roots inspected for damage. If a young shoot is detected, it is separated from the base of the trunk together with the root system. The separation area should be lubricated with garden varnish.

Next, you need to plant each of the plants in separate containers, an adult cypress in a large pot, and a young one in a smaller one. In this case, the young plant should be covered glass jar, which will contribute to better rooting. Do not forget that the bottom of the container should be covered with drainage, on top of which soil should be poured.

Diseases and pests

In most cases, cypress is attacked by a pest such as a scale insect; it sucks the juices from the foliage of the plant, causing it to dry out. Also on it you can find spider mite, the cause of the defeat is insufficient humidity indoor air. Both parasites die when a coniferous tree is sprayed with Actellik solution. It is worth diluting 2 ml of the substance per 1000 milliliters of water. If the pests do not disappear completely, then the spraying procedure should be repeated after 7 days.

Dwarf forms of cypress

Coniferous plants are a favorite material for creating interesting garden compositions. And not only for landscape architects, but also for amateur gardeners. Among conifers there is one very interesting plant– Cypress. Out of ignorance, it is often confused with cypress, since they are very similar in appearance. Only the cypress branches, located in the same plane, are more flattened, and the cones, which ripen within a year, are small and have only two seeds. In addition, cypress is more suitable for our climate, since it has much greater frost resistance than cypress and tolerates replanting better.

There are only 7 species of cypress in the world, many of which are natural conditions can grow to truly gigantic sizes - about 70 m. Naturally, not everyone can place such a giant in their garden. Yes, in fact, this is not necessary, since thanks to the efforts of breeders, cypress trees today come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. There is plenty to choose from, the main thing is to find out before purchasing all the features of growing and agricultural technology of the tree being purchased and its maximum height in order to avoid disappointments in the future.

TO dwarf trees and shrubs are usually classified as those specimens that in adulthood reach a maximum height of no more than 360 cm or grow very slowly.

Coniferous plants captivate not only with their evergreen needles, but also with their ideal forms. Pet landscape designers– cypress, its types and varieties with photos can be found in any catalog. Each specimen is beautiful and interesting in its own way.

Cypress is often confused with its relative, cypress. Conifers intended for open ground are similar in appearance, but there are several signs by which any gardener can distinguish them. The cypress has flatter branches, they are smaller than those of the cypress. The cones are round and not as large as their counterpart, they contain fewer seeds. Another distinctive feature is the pyramidal crown, making it similar to another coniferous tree - thuja. Interestingly, the Latin name of the genus Chamaecyparis means “false cypress.”

There are 7 types of cypress trees, and there are more than two hundred varieties. It can be a cone-shaped tree or a modest shrub. They are distinguished by the height and degree of branching of the shoots. The shrubs do not exceed 2 m and are characterized by strong branching. In open space, the tree grows from 2-3 to 20-40 m; in natural conditions, some species grow up to 70 m. The trunk is usually covered with light brown or brown bark. Depending on the type sheet plates are either green and dark green, or with yellow, smoky blue and purple tints. Shoots can be drooping or horizontal.

Cypress trees spread from East Asia(Taiwan, Japan) and North America (USA). At home in Japan, they are valued not only for decorative properties, but also for high-quality wood that exudes a pleasant pine aroma.

Benefits of growing in open ground:

The spiky handsome man looks good on alpine roller coaster, suitable for creating topiary and hedges, including low dwarf varieties. Miniature hybrids are ideal for decorating terraces. They combine well with other conifers and foliage plants, look solid when planted alone.

Suitable neighbors:

  • juniper,
  • pine,
  • common and blue spruce,

The creation of a mixborder with the participation of both coniferous and deciduous representatives is considered successful:

Ephedra will serve as an excellent background for roses and other perennial flowers. With its help, you can form complex patterns in flower beds or parterres by placing a group of 3 seedlings with different colored needles.

When adjacent to other types of conifers, it is important to consider their resistance to soil changes. Fallen needles acidify the soil.

In spacious areas, the prickly beauty can be safely included in a composition created like a natural forest. In it, conifers coexist with deciduous representatives; saxifrage, periwinkle and other shade-tolerant counterparts are chosen as herbaceous cover. Fescue and bluegrass are suitable cereals.

Arborvitae conifers for stylized areas

All types of cypress differ from each other in origin, shade, and speed of development. The homeland of the arborvitae is North America. People call it white cedar. IN wildlife grows up to 30 m, and the trunk diameter reaches 100 cm. Does not tolerate dry air and cold. A distinctive feature is a narrow cone-shaped crown and brown bark. The needles have a bluish or rich green color. If you rub them with your hands, a characteristic aroma will appear.

The following dwarf varieties are suitable for growing in open ground:

Pea-fruit guest from Japan

It is the most frost-resistant among all representatives of the genus. The tree can survive frost of 30°C. In the wild it grows up to 30 m. Distinctive features– brown bark with a reddish tint and a wide cone-shaped crown. The needles have a bluish tint, the branches are arranged horizontally and grow slowly. Varieties of this species can be distinguished by their miniature yellow-brown cones - only 0.6 cm in diameter.

Popular planting options:

Nutkan cypress - a coniferous giant

Otherwise this species is called yellow. It can safely be classified as a giant, since in the wild it grows up to 40 m. It is found along the coast Pacific Ocean. It has an elegant and lush shape with fan-shaped shoots. The cones of the plant are spherical, the seeds ripen late, which leads to confusion: the tree is mistaken for cypress. The bark has a brownish-gray tint, the needles are dark green. All representatives are thermophilic. Characteristicbad smell crushed pine needles.

Common varieties:

  1. Glauka is a narrow-conical cypress tree with a height of 15 to 20 m. The width is approximately 6 m. The needles are scaly, prickly, and their shade is greenish-blue. The bark is gray-brown, prone to peeling. The crown is spreading with strong shoots, the ends of which gracefully droop down over time. In the first 10 years it grows up to 3 m. Suitable for decorating front areas of the site, slopes, and retaining walls.
  2. Pendula (weeping) – long-lived, drought-resistant. It has drooping branches, grows up to 30-40 m. The root system is superficial, sensitive to soil compaction. Under favorable conditions, Chamaecyparis Pendula produces an average annual growth of 15 cm.
  3. Jubilee is a weeping 2.5-meter tree with long, neatly hanging branches. Prefers well-lit areas and does not tolerate sandy soils.

All the details about the selection of seedlings are in the video.

Lawson's cypress - record holder for height

Giant species from North America. Some varieties reach a height of 70 m. In cultivation, the tree develops up to 40-60 m. The shape resembles a cone with a narrow top, greatly expanding at the bottom. The crown is tilted to one side, sometimes the tips of the branches touch the ground. The bark is brown-red, prone to separation into plates. The cones are light brown, large, and have a bluish coating. The needles are green, smoky blue or brownish (depending on the variety), glossy on top. Lawson's cypress is a fast-growing and shade-tolerant conifer.

For planting on the site choose:

Tupolis - endemic to the Japanese islands

Cypress obtuse, or blunt-leaved, is of Japanese origin. In wild conditions, the trunk acquires a girth of up to 2 m. The height in the natural environment is up to 50 m. It is distinguished by light brown smooth bark, the branches are highly branched and tilt downwards. The needles are pressed to the stems. The species can be identified by the special color of the needles: they are shiny, green or yellow-green above, and covered with white stripes below. There are about 130 varieties, and they are usually not adapted to cold winters.

In the areas you can most often find:

  1. Sanderi is a dwarf form of a blunt-leaved species. The branches of this representative are straight, horizontal, and characterized by uneven thickness. The bluish-green crown turns purple in winter. Develops slowly.
  2. Erica is a slow-growing dwarf (1.3 m). It has a wide pyramidal shape. The branches are lush, covered with bluish needles.

Among all the variety of species, it is worth noting the mourning cypress, the beloved Formosan cypress. Descriptions of unusual hybrids can be found in special catalogs and you can choose a specimen to suit your taste, taking into account the characteristics of your garden.

Usage video different varieties for decorating flower beds.

We select the best place on the site

The coniferous favorite of landscape designers and owners of country houses prefers partial shade. It should not be planted in lowlands where it stagnates. cold air– this will slow down the development of the plant. Cypress loves good indirect light, and hybrids with greenish-yellow colors require more sunlight than those with light blue and green colors. The first group can be planted in a sunny area, but the tree will require increased watering. If there is not enough light, the plant will lose all its decorative properties.

As for the soil, it must be well drained. The soil is fertile, preferably loamy or chernozem with an acidity of 4.5 to 5.5 pH. Calcareous ones will not be favorable for growth. They will have to add high-moor peat, sand, and garden soil. If the soil is poor, with a lack of calcium or excess magnesium, the needles will begin to turn yellow.

Considering the breadth of the assortment, you can choose cypress wood for almost any garden composition. Disease resistance, endurance and durability distinguish it from other garden plants.

Represented by trees and shrubs. They belong to coniferous plants. They belong to the extensive Cypress family. They are quite often confused with cypress. Mainly due to the consonance of the names and some external similarity. The Asian countries of Taiwan and Japan, as well as the forests of North America, are considered the birthplace of cypress. It was from there that they began their rapid conquest of the world's gardens. Cypress was brought to Europe from the beginning of the 18th century, where it was widely used in decoration. palace parks. In addition, some types of wood are very High Quality. In Japan, it is still used in the construction of Buddhist temples.

In our gardens of 7 existing species Only 5 cypress trees are cultivated. These are obtuse-leaved (dumb), pea-bearing, Lawson, Nootkan and thuja. Mourning and Formosan cypress trees are practically not grown. These 5 species are distinguished by good winter hardiness in adulthood, resistance to sunlight and the ability to grow on different types soils. But almost all of them prefer moist soil. In addition, some species have pleasant-smelling needles.

Cypress is an excellent find for breeders and landscape designers. Due to its strong susceptibility to mutation, new forms often appear. Based on just a few species of cypress, more than 200 varieties have been bred to date. Cypress varieties differ from each other in all possible crown shapes (columnar, pyramidal, curved, weeping), speed, strength and direction of growth. And of course, wide color scheme needles - from light bluish to golden-yellow shades. Moreover, cypress, like many other conifers, remains exclusively decorative throughout the entire season.

Pea cypress (lat. Chamaecyparis pisifera)

These are trees with good growth vigor. Mostly 25-30 m in height, but can reach 50 m. In cultivated form, the growth is much less, up to 10 m. The crown is narrow-pointed or cone-shaped, with numerous branches spread horizontally. The branches are drooping, densely covered with flat needles (leaves). In nature it grows in the humid forests of the Japanese islands.

The needles themselves are flattened, loose, with pointed tips, with an average length of 1.5 mm. Needles adjacent, dark Green colour, with an intense glossy shine, and whitish below. They have a faint pine aroma. Numerous female cones, Brown. They resemble small peas, up to 1 mm in diameter, attached to short petioles.

The bark of the tree is reddish-blue or reddish-brown, smooth. This species is characterized by very high quality wood. In winter, branches can break off under the weight of snow. Interestingly, different varieties of cypress in this group can have significant differences among themselves.

Many varieties of pea-bearing cypress trees are widely used in creating landscape design. They look great in compositions made from plants of different colors. And of course they look spectacular in single plantings. top scores show on fertile, breathable and moist soils.

Cypress "Boulevard (lat. Boulevard)"

One of the most famous and widespread varieties. It is characterized as one of the bluest plants of its kind. The crown is conical in shape, with beautiful, lush and delicate needles and reddish bark. When contacting straight needles sun rays it glitters charmingly with silver. An adult plant of this cypress variety grows up to 1.5-2 m, less often up to 5 m and grows up to 1 m in width. At a young age they grow rather slowly.

Young plants after wintering need to be protected from the spring sun to avoid burns. For example, you can wrap the crown with agrofibre. The variety is quite winter-hardy. Looks very decorative joint landing heather or coniferous, and performing a solo role. It is worth paying attention - all parts of this cypress variety are poisonous!

Cypress "Plumosa (lat. Plumosa)"

An unpretentious variety of cypress. Reaches 10 m in height and half as much, up to 5 m in width. Numerous branches are beautifully twisted. The needles are tetrahedral, soft, 3 mm long, of a pleasant, rich green color. At the end of autumn, the color of the needles changes to brown. During the season, growth is up to 20 cm. Requires well-drained, fertile, moist soils without lime. Can be grown in shade and partial shade. It has good winter hardiness.

Cypress "Plumosa Aurea (lat. Plumosa Aurea)"

A plant with a cone-shaped, dense, fairly wide crown. It is characterized by needle-shaped, pointed needles with a golden hue. It grows up to 20 cm in a year. Closer to winter, this popular variety of Plumosa acquires a spectacular, yellow-golden color of its needles. Become bright decoration autumn-winter garden. It is undemanding to soil, light-loving and frost-resistant.

Cypress "Filifera Nana (lat. Filifera Nana)"

Very decorative and interesting dwarf variety cypress, bred in Germany. It grows quite slowly, the growth per year is up to 3 cm. The branches of the bush are densely located, forming a cushion-shaped crown. The shoots are curved, drooping, thread-like, bright green. The bark is reddish brown. Prefers placement in the sun, but can also grow in partial shade.

Cypress "Lavsona (lat. Cupressus lawsoniana)"

Another common version of the name is Lawson. This is a powerful coniferous tree up to 80 m high. The species is characterized by a narrow conical crown. It is very similar to thuja. It is native to the forests of Asia and the coast of North America. In its cultivated form, its size is much more modest. It came to Europe in 1854 and quickly gained popularity among gardeners.

The bark is distinctly scaly and dark brown. The branches are horizontal or drooping, densely covered with scaly needles. The lower part of the trunk, under unsuitable growing conditions, may become bare due to drying of the branches.

A big advantage of this species is its high immunity to diseases and pests. It is able to grow well on different types of soil, from slightly alkaline to acidic. But prefers well-drained, light and wet soils. Can grow in both sun and partial shade. But in the shade, varieties with brightly colored needles can acquire a green color. The species is medium frost-resistant.

Cypress "Yvonne/Yvonne (lat. Ivonne)"

Considered one of the best forms with pine needles yellow color. The branches are spectacularly fan-shaped, forming a crown triangular shape. Characterized by rapid growth, as for decorative cypress trees. By the age of 10 it grows to 2.5 m in height and 2-3 m in width.

The needles are flattened, scale-like, golden yellow, and often rich yellow. Moreover, the intensity of color directly depends on air humidity and soil fertility. Coloring in winter period remains as bright and spectacular, but when grown in the shade it becomes light green. Does not tolerate sodding of the ground surface.

Cypress "Ellwoodii"

Named after the name of an English gardener. The crown is wide, dense, cone-shaped with vertical, tightly closed branches. The tips of the shoots are drooping. This variety grows slowly and leisurely. It grows to only 1-1.5 m by the age of 10 years. The needles are greenish-blue, dark, sometimes with a gray-blue tint. Prefers to be grown in full sun, but tolerates partial shade.

It is highly resistant to diseases and pests. This is a fairly common variety. It can be seen especially often on New Year's Eve. In almost all garden centers and supermarkets sell small Christmas trees in pots. And half of them are Elwoodi cypress.

Blunt cypress (Cupressus obtusa)

Originates from the highlands of northern Japan. In nature it grows in high humidity. These are tall, fairly powerful trees, with a cone-shaped and dense crown. They can reach a height of 40 m. The branches are spaced apart, with shiny needles up to 2 cm. The cones are round, up to 1 cm in diameter. The bark is light brownish. Prefers fertile, regularly moist soils. Many original cypress trees have been bred from various forms crown, density and color of needles. There are also quite a few dwarf varieties valued by designers.

Cypress "Nana Aurea (lat. Nana Aurea)"

Slow-growing, dwarf and therefore valuable variety. By the age of 10 it grows to 0.5-0.8 m, and the diameter barely reaches 0.5 m. The crown has an interesting shell-like shape. The shoots are short, twisted, with golden-yellow needles. The needles themselves are small, thin, tightly adjacent to each other. Prefers nutritious, regularly moist soil. Widely used in Japanese gardens and is an excellent plant for alpine slides, all kinds stone gardens, rockeries.

Cypress "Nana Gracilis (lat. Nana Gracilis)"

A variety with a rounded crown and juicy, rich green needles, sometimes dark color. The branches are located quite densely. They curve intricately, reminiscent of twisted sea shells. This graceful dwarf variety develops slowly, growing by only 5 cm upward and 3 cm in width per season. Prefers fertile, acidic and moist soils. And also growing in partial shade. The variety is quite popular in Europe, used for planting on alpine hills. Among other things, it is excellent for creating heather gardens on acidic soils.

Cypress "Fernspray Gold"

An original, elegant, low tree with bright, beautiful colored needles. Maximum height in adulthood it is 2.5-3 m, and the diameter is up to 1 m. Growth during the season is 5-7 cm. The branches are slightly arched, unevenly spaced from the trunk and strongly branched at the ends. Young growth with an interesting lemon tint. This variety is quite winter-hardy. Does not tolerate soil drying out.

Nootka cypress (lat. Cupressus nootkatensis)

Coniferous, evergreen tree, notable for its measured growth. Belongs to the extensive Cypress family. It grows along the entire Pacific coast of the United States, from California to Alaska. It grows up to 30-40 m, has a narrow hegel-shaped crown, the branches are dense, spreading, hanging down. The bark of the plant is brownish-gray. The needles are deep green, sometimes darkish. Emits a sharp, unpleasant odor when damaged. The cones are round, up to 1 cm in volume, red-brown. It was brought to Europe from the USA in 1850. The species is quite frost-resistant. Grows well in high air humidity. Prefers regular spraying in cultivated cultivation.

Cypress "Pendula (lat. Pendula)"

Charming weeping cypress. One of the best of its kind. It is distinguished by a thick, graceful conical crown. They are characterized by fan-shaped, drooping branches and a tilted top. The needles consist of small, deep green scales with a glossy sheen.

It grows up to a maximum height of 10-15 m, and the diameter of the entire crown reaches 3.5-5.5 m. It has good frost resistance and is not demanding on the soil. Characterized by moderate growth at a young age.

Cypress "Glauca (lat. Glauca)"

An energetic, fast-growing variety with a symmetrical, cone-shaped crown. Over the course of a year, the growth is about 25-30 cm in height and up to 15 cm in width. The branches are powerful, densely covered with needles, spreading and slightly drooping. The needles are long, juicy green-bluish in color. Shade-tolerant and frost-resistant variety. Actively used when planting in parks. IN landscape design used as a “salting” plant.

Thuja-shaped cypress (lat. Cupressus thyoides)

Initially it grew only in North America. And from there it began to spread. This is an evergreen tree with a narrow cone-shaped crown. Height up to 25 m high and 10 m wide. Needles with a slight coating, dark green or light bluish in color. Cypress bark is brownish with a red tint. When rubbed, the needles emit a characteristic pungent odor.

Cypress "Red Star"

Very decorative variety with a pyramidal crown, less often leveled, columnar in shape. Grows up to 2 m in height and up to 1.5 m in width. Changes the color of the needles throughout the year. Closer to winter, it turns from a rich, greenish-blue color to burgundy. Prefers placement in the sun, but also tolerates partial shade. Frost-resistant variety that prefers moist, light soils. It can be grown in a large container.

Those who have been to Crimea remember the wonderful cypress alleys with an enchanting smell. And in flower shops You can see dark green and light green coniferous “pyramids” in flowerpots. This different plants - indoor cypress(Cupressus) and cypress (Chamaecyparis). However, their content is the same. We will talk about caring for these conifers.

Both of these plants can be dressed up as a potted Christmas tree. After all, they are relatives of fir trees and pines. Both also have a cone-shaped shape, beautiful curly branches, emit a pleasant aroma, purify the air and improve the atmosphere of the home. Let me remind you: everything coniferous trees recognized as the best green filters on Earth.

Home cypress has dark green needles, and cypress has light green needles. But when it comes to care, both are capricious and require compliance with all maintenance rules. “Conifers don’t live in an apartment,” the seller said about these evergreen curly pyramidal creatures.” However, the cypress lasted in my apartment for several months - until I made a mistake, which I will tell you about later.

In the meantime - basic rules for caring for cypress and cypress trees at home.

Cool and wet . IN winter time these conifers need cool keeping. A cypress or cypress tree is best left in a room with a temperature of 6-8 (maximum 15) degrees Celsius. In summer, the temperature should also not exceed 20 degrees. In a hotter room, plants should be sprayed at least 3 times a day.

In this case, access must always be maintained fresh air. Essentially, these outdoor plants cannot stand mustiness or stagnation. He also loves these relatives of spruce and pine trees high humidity. Plants should be sprayed regularly and placed away from batteries.

There is information that these trees do not like dirty, polluted air - they say they should not be placed on windows facing the highway. According to my observations, this is not the case. The cypress tree I had tolerated this kind of air. But I absolutely couldn’t stand the dust of the room. Therefore, he needs to ensure access to air masses (whatever they may be). This necessary condition. By the way, such a green friend treated “moderately cold” drafts normally. But I still advise you not to experiment with the icy wind - and protect yourself from it Cupressus, and Chamaecyparis.

Good sunlight . It should be remembered that these green doctors are southerners. Therefore, cypress and cypress trees need to be provided with sufficient daylight. They will not grow and develop in shade and partial shade. The best option for them - bright diffused light. However, on south-facing window sills such plants should be shaded. It is better to keep it on the north side, using additional lighting - especially in winter. But most of all, such green friends will like the window sills on the east and west sides.

Timely transplant . In stores (and you will bring cypress or cypress from there) such conifers are sold in small transfer pots and in peat. As a rule, they root system very large - and falls out of such flowerpots. Therefore, it is recommended to replant plants almost immediately after purchase. Give your new green friends a week to “acclimatize.” And urgently apply for permanent residence. Select for them a special soil for conifers (these demanding creatures may not take root in a universal soil mixture) and a pot of suitable size. Use only the transshipment method - minimally traumatic for the roots.

Proper watering . Water cypress and cypress trees regularly as the top layer of soil dries out. Of course, these conifers do not like stagnant moisture in the pot. But what’s worse for them is the drying out of the earthen coma. Remember this.

Top dressing . Twice a month during the growing season, these plants should be fertilized with a special fertilizer for conifers.

In such conditions, my cypress lived and developed safely for several months. It had a growth of new branches - and it seemed that nothing could dislodge it from the windowsill. I kept him on glassed balcony(loggias). And then the hot days came - and I decided to put him in the room. This became an irreparable mistake. Far from sunlight and with access to fresh air not as plentiful as on the balcony, the cypress withered in a few days. From a green beauty, to my chagrin and shame, he turned into a real herbarium in a flowerpot. And only its aroma remained as strong as before...

P.S. How to buy cypress

Buying cypress or cypress tree in Kyiv is not a problem. These plants are sold in almost all flower shops, as well as in kiosks. And there are also on the Internet on flower forums. However, the choice of plant must be careful.

First of all, inspect it carefully. There should be no red, dry branches on conifers. Healthy cypress trees and cypress trees are lush, with needles of a characteristic green color. Ryzhina - alarm signal. After all, even in nature, as we know, such plants turn yellow for one reason - when they dry out and get sick. It is not worth buying such plants.

Feel the earthen lump. If it is very wet and it is cold outside, the plant may freeze.

In any case, ask for cypress or cypress to be packed. Although they require cold keeping, “the patience of trees has a limit” - at sub-zero temperatures they can freeze.

At home, regularly water and spray the tubs of these residents - and let them make you happy.