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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» What other requirements are there for participants in verbal communication? Basic rules of speech etiquette. Rules of invitation, offer, request, consent and refusal

What other requirements are there for participants in verbal communication? Basic rules of speech etiquette. Rules of invitation, offer, request, consent and refusal

Speech communication is an active process of verbal communicative interaction between its participants (senders and recipients of information), which is characterized by a certain motive and is aimed at achieving a specific goal. The communication process proceeds based on feedback in specific types verbal activity.

Speech communication is organically included in all kinds of activities of an individual, for example, professional or social, since activity is impossible without communication. Verbal communicative interaction can be realized between several individuals or at least two. Verbal communication is reciprocal and purposeful as well as social. Form of manifestation verbal communication Speech behavior and responses from communication partners are considered.

Speech etiquette

Speech etiquette and rules of communication represent a system of norms of verbal behavior and unchanging formulas for polite communications. Mastering the etiquette of verbal communication helps to gain authority, creates trust and respect. Mastering the canons of verbal etiquette and observing them contributes to the feeling of being a confident person and not experiencing a feeling of awkwardness and difficulties in communication.

Mandatory adherence to verbal communication etiquette in business interactions leaves partners with a pleasant impression of the individual and the company as a whole, and maintains its positive and attractive image.

The etiquette of verbal communication is determined by national specifics, since each nation, in the process of its evolution, developed its own system of rules of verbal behavior. In our modern society, such qualities as correctness, tact, courtesy, courtesy, tolerance, goodwill, and endurance are of particular value.

Tactfulness is an ethical canon that requires the speaker to understand the interaction partner, avoid inappropriate remarks and questions, and discuss unpleasant topics.

Attentiveness presupposes the ability to anticipate possible interrogative remarks and wishes of a communication partner, a willingness to discuss in detail with him all the important points for the conversation.

Tolerance presupposes a calm attitude towards possible differences in positions and views, and avoidance of sharp criticism in judgments. It is necessary to respect the views of other individuals and strive to understand why they formed this or that position. Closely related to tolerance is personal quality as restraint, which is the ability to calmly and self-possessively respond to sudden or tactless and interrogative remarks from the interlocutor.

Goodwill is necessary not only in relation to communication partners, but also in the process of the conversation itself, in its form and content, in the choice of words and intonation.

Etiquette verbal communications has a close connection with ethics, which prescribes the canons of moral behavior. Etiquette involves the use of certain styles of behavior in verbal communications and outwardly expressed formulas of politeness in specific verbal actions.

Following the requirements of etiquette will be considered deception of others and hypocrisy when violating ethical standards. At the same time, ethical behavior that is not accompanied by adherence to the canons of etiquette will inevitably make an unfavorable impression and lead to doubts about the moral qualities of the individual. Therefore, when communicating verbally, it is necessary to follow a whole set of ethical and etiquette canons, which are closely interrelated. Such a complex presupposes, firstly, a respectful and friendly attitude towards the interlocutor. It is strictly forbidden to inflict insults, insults, or express disdain on your interlocutor using verbal means. It is also recommended to avoid direct negative assessments of the interlocutor’s personality in a conversation; it is only allowed to evaluate specific actions, while maintaining tact.

In the intelligent communication of educated individuals, the use of rude words, obscene expressions, arrogance, and cheeky speech formulas is unacceptable. In practical terms, such verbal formulations are also considered inappropriate, since they will never lead to achieving desired results communication.

Politeness in communicative interaction is aimed at understanding the situation as a whole, taking into account the age category, gender, professional and social status of the interlocutor. The listed factors determine the degree of formality of communications and determine the choice of etiquette formulas and suitable topics for discussion.

The speaking partner needs to be modest in self-assessment, try not to impose personal judgments, and avoid excessive categoricalness and ultimatum in speech.

In addition, you should direct all attention to your communication partner, show interest in his personality, opinion, and take into account his interest in a particular topic. It is also necessary to take into account the interlocutor’s ability to perceive and understand the meaning of the speaker’s statements. Therefore, during the monologue, you should give him time to “catch his breath” and concentrate. For this purpose, you need to avoid overly long statements, it is useful to take small intervals during the conversation, and use verbal formulas to maintain contact. The norms of communication also determine the behavior of the listener.

Speech etiquette and rules of communication for the listener, firstly, require the need to spend time and put things aside in order to be able to listen to the speaker.

During the listening process, a person must treat the speaker with respect and patience, while striving to listen carefully to all the information to the end. In official verbal communication, it is absolutely unacceptable to interrupt a communication partner or insert various comments during his monologue, especially those that negatively characterize the speaker’s judgments and requests. The listener, just like the speaker, must focus on his interlocutor and emphasize his own interest in interacting with him.

Speech etiquette, rules of communication and ethical standards also cover written speech.

Speech means of communication

Verbal (sign) communicative interaction is realized using words. Human speech is considered a verbal means of communication. Studies show that modern “homo sapiens” pronounce approximately 30 thousand words per day, and about three thousand per hour. Words form a variety of speech texts, which are formed depending on the goals of the communicants, for example, to communicate or learn something, to express an attitude or to encourage something. Such texts can be oral or written. They implement language systems, which are systems of signs and methods of their combination. Language systems serve as a kind of tool that facilitates the expression of thoughts, the manifestation of feelings and desires of subjects. They are the most important means of verbal communication.

Language as a means of verbal communication has various purposes. It acts as a core means of communicative interaction. Thanks to this purpose language systems people have the ability to fully interact in society as a whole and with individuals individually. This purpose of language systems is considered their communicative function. In addition to the communication function, language as a means of verbal communication has a number of other functions, such as cognitive, accumulative, constructive, emotional, contact-building and ethnic.

The cognitive function of language is an expression of the activity of human consciousness. After all, people receive a significant part of information about the outside world through language.

The accumulative function involves the accumulation and preservation of experience, the storage of knowledge for use in later life. In everyday life, people are helped out by keeping diaries or notebooks. And the peculiar " notebooks", the heritage of all humanity is all kinds of written monuments and literature.

The constructive function is to form thoughts and various judgments. With the help of language systems, thought seems to acquire a material shell and sound form. Expressed through words, a thought becomes clear and understandable, first of all, for the individual who expressed it.

The emotional function is one of the tools for expressing feelings and emotional states. This function is realized through speech only under the condition of direct expression of the individual’s emotional attitude to the information he communicates. In this case, intonation plays the main role.

The contact-establishing function is expressed in establishing contact between individuals. At times, communication may be aimless, and its information content may be zero, which means preparing the ground for further productive and trusting communication.

The ethnic function lies in uniting the people.

Speech and verbal communication

Speech is the most important component of the communicative interaction of people, which serves to express their thoughts, emotional moods, goals and plans. With the help of verbal communication, an individual has the opportunity to interact with the surrounding society. Any speech is focused on the feelings, intentions and desires of the listeners.

In the context of communicative verbal interaction, speech is characterized by a number of psychological properties that reflect individual (personal) and group (collective) characteristics of people who have entered into verbal interaction. These include information content, clarity, content, expressiveness, and impact. The listed properties are determined by various skills, such as speaking logically, achieving semantic unity of phrases, using paralinguistic means, applying kinetic techniques, and using extralinguistic details of communication.

The outward expression of feelings and emotional states, as well as the attitude of the speaker himself regarding what he is saying, is called expressiveness of speech. Instruments of expressiveness include facial expressions and gestures, rhythm, intonation, accents, intervals and stress, aphorisms and jokes. Some people, unfortunately, justify rude words and the use of obscene expressions during a conversation with this property of speech. They consider profanity an integral part of the language system, which leaves an imprint on speech culture and etiquette as a whole.

The informative nature of speech is determined by the importance of the voiced message for the interlocutors. A striking example of the low information content of the material is the following statements: “water is wet”, “fish are found in water”, etc. The information content of speech increases by 15% with proper use of intonation and pauses.

The impact of speech represents the possibility of its influence on communication partners, directing their thoughts and actions in the right direction.

Speech communication serves to express the specific communicative intention of the speaker and consists of communicative components that have different functions. The condition for effective communication is a complex, multifaceted category, which represents the unity of linguistic understanding, cultural and social knowledge, psychological experience.

Effective verbal communication involves not only mastering language and linguistic skills, but also knowledge related to understanding the patterns of verbal communication in the integrity and interconnectedness of all its components, namely the material and spiritual culture of language, the structural and content structure of communication activities; sociocultural canons and models of verbal communication, etc.

Types of verbal communication

Speech is the main mechanism of verbal communication. Speech communication occurs using language systems. Verbal communication can be internal or externally directed. External verbal communication, in turn, can be oral and written. Oral verbal interaction is divided into monologue speech and dialogic speech.

Types of verbal communication are closely related to each other. They are united by pronouncing words silently or out loud. Along with this, each type of verbal communication has subjective specific characteristics. Thought cannot be formulated without a language system and material verbal processes. In preparation for oral or writing distinguish an intermediate phase of speaking the text to oneself. This phase is called inner speech.

External written speech is mediated by text. It is more concentrated in its content than colloquial. Verbal written speech is understood as a verbal process with the use of written signs. Written speech is formed through a complex relationship of sounds, which are formed due to the perception of letters by the hearing aid, visible to the eye, and speech movements reproduced by the individual. It follows that written speech is based on oral speech.

The audible speech spoken by someone is called orally. She is limited by space and time, which is imprinted on her character, since basically, communication partners are within sight or hearing distance of each other. The nature of verbal communication during television broadcasting changes significantly when the audience does not have the opportunity to respond.

Speech communication can be classified according to content, namely material, cognitive (cognitive), conditional (emotional), motivational, activity. It can also be classified according to the interaction techniques used and depending on the tasks, namely mask contact, secular communication, formal-role and business communication, interpersonal, manipulative communication.

Material communication is the exchange of products of activity. Cognitive or cognitive communication involves the exchange of data, knowledge, and experience. Emotional or conditional interaction contains the exchange of emotional moods between individuals who have entered into communication. Motivational interaction is the exchange of intentions, motivations, goals, interests, plans or needs. Activity communication covers the exchange of skills carried out as a result of joint activities.

Mask contact is formal communication, which consists in the absence of the desire to understand and take into account characteristics partner's personality.

The essence of secular communication lies in its pointlessness. In other words, communicating individuals do not talk about what they think about, but about what they should talk about in the current circumstances.

Formal-role communication consists of regulation and content, where the main role is played by the social status of the interlocutor and his place in the official or social hierarchy.

It is considered a process of interaction in which data and messages are exchanged in order to achieve the desired result.

Or it is also called intimate-personal communication, it consists in revealing deep personal structures. Manipulative interaction is aimed at obtaining benefits from the interlocutor.

Communication culture and speech etiquette

One of the most important criteria for an individual’s culture is the level of culture of his speech. Therefore, each person needs to strive to improve their own communication styles and speech etiquette. The level of speech culture depends not only on the ability to avoid mistakes in communications, but also on the desire to regularly enrich vocabulary, the ability to listen and the desire to understand a partner, respect his views, and the ability to choose the right words depending on the interaction situation.

Speech is considered one of the most important characteristics inherent in a person. The impression that people make on the surrounding society depends on the style of communicative interaction.

The speech of an individual has the ability to attract society and other individuals to his personality or, conversely, repel them. Speech can also have a strong impact on the mood of communication partners. Thus, the culture of verbal communications is formed from the ability to listen to the speaker, speech etiquette, and following the rules of good manners.

Often, people, carried away by the topic of conversation, forget about the culture of communication interaction. They try to impose their own judgments, positions and views on the topic of conversation on their partner, do not try to delve into the counter-arguments that the opponent brings and simply do not listen to him, which ultimately leads to neglect of speech etiquette and a cessation of monitoring what they say.

The culture of communication and speech etiquette strictly prohibits putting any pressure on a conversation partner. Besides the fact that imposing one’s own position looks rather ugly from the outside, it is also ineffective. This style of behavior will most likely cause a defensive reaction on the part of the partner, which, at best, will lead to ineffective conversation, and at worst, to conflict situations.

If a communication partner does not listen to his opponent, constantly interrupts him, not allowing him to finish his speech, then this will not only be a demonstration of a lack of cultural speech, but also a manifestation of disrespect for the partner’s personality, which will not characterize the interlocutor who cannot listen at all positively. The ability to listen is an integral part of the culture of communicative interaction.

The verbal tool of communication and speech etiquette today are considered two of the most important components of success, both in communication and in other activities. They help to establish contacts with people, increase the effectiveness of communication, and persuade the mass audience to their own position. The influence of speech culture on the speaker’s behavioral styles is invaluable.

Features of speech communication

Speech today is the most important mechanism of human communication. It goes from individual to one individual, several or many. The communication process itself can be simplified in this way: on the one hand, there is a speaking subject (sender of information), and on the other, a recipient of information or a listening subject (addressee). The sender and the recipient interact to broadcast information presented in the form of a sequence of signals consisting of a set of letters, sounds, etc. To receive information, there must be a certain system of adequacy of elementary messages and reality, which is familiar to both the speaker and the listener. Such a system of correspondences is called a language system or language.

The difference between language and speech lies in the presence of categories in language systems, while speech contains a continuous series (continuum). It follows that the communication process consists of six components: contact and message, sender and recipient, code and reality. The human personality is always the source of speech, since it is not the person who speaks, but his personality.

Features of verbal communication are marked by goals, of which there can be many. After all, they have a close relationship with the communicative influence on surrounding individuals, for example, the desire to force someone to perform a certain action, to convince someone of something, to evoke some emotion, etc. They also distinguish between the goals of the speech process, which are not in the general sense a communicative interaction, for example, a prisoner in a punishment cell pronounces a speech not for communication, but in order not to forget words, the construction of sentences and their sound.

The main component of any target setting for the speech process should be an additional aspect of morality, which excludes conscious deception, lies, disinformation, etc.

– this is knowledge, the ability to use the rules of linguistic culture in various circumstances (negotiations, acquaintances, greetings, requests, appeals, farewells, etc.) The effectiveness and culture of verbal communication is assessed according to the following criteria: accuracy, accessibility, correctness, expressiveness, diversity, aesthetics.

Literacy is a fundamental criterion for the culture of verbal communication. In any communication, illiteracy does not make it possible to clearly state the essence of a proposal or task, and irritates the interlocutor. This is expressed in the inability to select and use the right words, put them in the correct grammatical form, and the inability to formulate one’s thoughts.

Even when talking with friends or family members, do not ignore the rules of verbal communication, since when communicating with a manager, at business negotiations or meetings, it will be difficult for you to avoid the usual mistakes, namely:

Listening to such speech, the interlocutor involuntarily has a desire to suggest and correct, but restrains the possibility of offense or misunderstanding; such verbal communication is unlikely to contribute to the development of relationships. The use of local dialect, especially words whose use is limited to a particular area, does not help this either. The rules of speech communication are especially contrary to the habit of using separate foreign words. Apart from bewilderment, this style of communication cannot cause anything else, although it is very popular and widespread.

Literacy is very important in verbal communication in any field, and business relationships are no exception. Moreover, it is generally accepted that the more significant the business negotiations, the more significant the business, the more competent your speech should be. If you want to improve it, then read more highly artistic literature. This is not only a cognitive opportunity - in the process of reading you learn the correct construction of speech, visual memory helps you improve spelling, your vocabulary is enriched when you encounter unfamiliar words.

In this case, it is imperative to work with dictionaries, mastering the pronunciation of words and the rules for their use in verbal communication. If you come across an unfamiliar word in various situations, do not hesitate to ask your colleagues about its meaning - this will be regarded as curiosity and interest in learning about the duties you perform.

Always call your interlocutor by first name, patronymic, and never by last name, even if it is your subordinate. In verbal communication, such phrases are perceived as incorrect. And if you add words expressing courtesy to the name and patronymic of the interlocutor - “please, please”, “be kind”, then this will only contribute to both dialogue and business. Shouting and rudeness in this case are counterproductive, unlike kind treatment.

When communicating verbally, use your vocabulary so that the essence of the question you are presenting is clear. Do not overload your speech with bureaucracy, using special terms in moderation, without distortion and abstruseness, since words that you understand, accepted among professionals or their analogue in the form of professional slang may be incomprehensible to your interlocutor.

When communicating verbally, value judgments should be avoided unless they are encouraging. Negative judgments, as a rule, cause rejection, aggression - this is a direct path to a quarrel, confrontation, therefore in the business world it is recommended to avoid them. An alternative to a negative judgment is, first of all, a recommendation to avoid expressing open dissatisfaction, as well as to build verbal communication with elements of constructivism (there were shortcomings, give a proposal for eliminating them).

In verbal communication, the decisive factor in a successful dialogue or negotiation is sometimes your ability to admit your mistakes. Apologize for the omission in the work. If you, having made a mistake, do not consider it necessary to apologize, then this will be regarded as selfishness, disrespect, which threatens the loss of business reputation.

To achieve success in negotiations, the rules of speech communication consider it necessary to be able to listen effectively, namely:

If you talk constantly, you won't hear anyone. Stop talking!;
- listen, emphasizing interest and willingness to listen; while listening, do not look for reasons for objections, but try to understand the essence of the proposal;
- create an atmosphere of friendliness and freedom so that the interlocutor relaxes;
- do not perform actions that distract attention or irritate (fiddling with objects on the table, knocking on the table);
- restrain your emotions, under their influence you may misinterpret the essence of what was said;
- to emphasize interest, to encourage the interlocutor, ask questions;
- if you want to lose, win the argument. Therefore, do not argue or criticize, as the interlocutor will, at best, take an unconstructive position, and at worst, stop the conversation.

Learn to correctly perceive criticism addressed to you. Do not accuse the speaker of idiocy, emphasizing your learning and genius. The rule of verbal communication in this case sounds like this: “Take someone else’s point of view and look at yourself from the outside.” This will help you critically evaluate your actions. Do not take criticism as a reason for a quarrel, but as an opportunity to evaluate your actions. Equally important is the ability to criticize correctly.

The rules of verbal communication recommend starting a critical statement with a positive address to the partner, noting that there is mutual confidence in success. Then be very specific about your doubts about the effectiveness of some of your partner’s actions and the possible consequences. After this, more effective actions are proposed that will ensure a positive result. Avoid harsh assessments that would provoke your partner to respond with criticism that complicates the relationship.

Norms in the language space Natalya Dmitrievna Fedyaeva

2.1.1. Norms and schemes of speech communication: speech etiquette

2.1.1. Norms and schemes of speech communication: speech etiquette

The choice of the first problem area - speech etiquette - is due to the following. When determining the essential characteristics of a norm, we began to move away from social norms, while noticing that their existence is fully realized by a person. The awareness of social norms is reflected in a strong scientific tradition of describing them, and therefore we proposed to use the results of numerous studies as a model for further research.

Speech etiquette is a sociocultural phenomenon, like other social norms, fully understood by native speakers/cultural subjects and, as a result, well studied, therefore, within the framework of our research, it is logical to start with it. Leaving aside the properties of speech etiquette that are significant for the culture of speech, pragmatics and other linguistic disciplines, we will dwell on those of its features that will make it possible to clarify the idea of ​​the norm and actualize its linguocultural status.

The concept of speech etiquette is directly related to the concept of communication culture, which is interpreted as a set of norms, ways of interaction between people, accepted in a social group as unique standards of communication. The culture of communication is normative: it includes many norms and performs a normative function in relation to its subject. In relation to the culture of communication, they talk about a special type of norms - communicative norms, which are imperative or recommendatory rules for the sign behavior of people in communicative situations. Speech and speech-behavioral patterns formed in society for repeated situations are constantly reproduced, assimilated by new representatives of society and perceived as correct, for granted - as the norm.

The various rules of speech behavior that operate in a particular linguistic culture can be considered as a system of speech etiquette. In understanding speech etiquette, we adhere to N.I. Formanovskaya’s version: speech etiquette is socially defined and nationally specific regulatory rules of speech behavior in situations of establishing, maintaining and breaking contact between communicants in accordance with their status-role and personal relationships in formal and informal communication settings. Etiquette, integral part of which speech etiquette, on the one hand, reflects ethical and moral norms that are essential for society, and on the other hand, develops norms of behavior, as well as ways and techniques of demonstrating these norms [Ibid]. Etiquette communication is standardized; standards are supported by cultural tradition and are acquired by a person through socialization, as well as as a result of targeted study. To paraphrase, we can qualify speech etiquette as norms of speech behavior that form part of the linguistic culture of society. Using the opposition adopted at the beginning of the study, we believe that it is possible to characterize speech etiquette as norms that have social consolidation in sociocultural practice: these norms-schemes are built as schemes into human activity, his behavior, and communication.

In relation to speech etiquette, it is legitimate to talk about the following signs of social norms. The norms that make up speech etiquette

– traditional in nature;

– generate a system of prohibitions (as in other cases, the prohibition does not have absolute force and can be violated consciously or unconsciously);

– they represent rules of behavior, therefore, they primarily implement a regulatory function;

– in addition to the regulatory function, they perform evaluative, unifying, selective, stabilizing functions;

– are, in essence, a rule, i.e. an external regulator of behavior, but can move to the level of habits, automatisms and become internal regulators;

– develop in connection with the history of society, have social and national specificity;

– reflecting a socially approved way of behavior, are supported by special sanctions (Tell Magic word otherwise I won’t(N. Kolyada, ruscorpora));

- characterize human behavior (It didn’t even occur to him that when starting a conversation, you need to say hello, and when ending, you need to say goodbye(T. Ustinova, ruscorpora): attitude towards etiquette standards - distinguishing feature personality);

– form social expectations (– Anna Vladislavovna is not there?You need to say hello, young man!Mitya made a remark(A. Zhitkov, ruscorpora));

- are acquired consciously in the process of upbringing, training and unconsciously - in the process of socialization;

– are in a reciprocal relationship with anomalies, the latter also being culturally significant.

Let us dwell in more detail on two characteristics that constitute a kind of leitmotif of our research: the functions of the norm (in this case, speech etiquette) and the relationship between the norm and non-norm.

Like other norms, speech etiquette is characterized by regulatory, evaluative, unifying, selective and stabilizing functions. The first, as can be seen from the above definition, is recognized most clearly, but is not the only one. Let us characterize all these functions and give examples of their artistic interpretation.

Speech etiquette in various situations of verbal communication recommends to the native speaker/subject of culture socially approved methods of action; thus carried out regulatory function.

Exchangers came, and all this was terribly embarrassing, because alien and hostile, deliberately polite people with whom the little tenant forced to say hello, and they smiled falsely in response, the innermost interior of their house was revealed(A. Varlamov, ruscorpora): the idea of ​​behavior according to the principle “this is how it should be” is clearly conveyed - about the imperative nature of the norm;

Now, in civilian life, when there were no lieutenant colonels around, he whimsically chose, who is he supposed to greet first?: with the director, the deputy for economic affairs (for scientific affairs - he was the first to say hello), with the head of the clinic to which he was attached(L. Ulitskaya, ruscorpora): on the one hand, the possibility of independently creating a norm is explicated, and on the other hand, the passive role of a person in complying with norms is emphasized. In other words: norms can be the property of the entire society or an individual, but they always regulate our behavior to one degree or another.

In the previous sections it was shown that the regulative power of a norm is not absolute; a person who is a unique individual and has free will cannot be completely “enslaved” by norms. In this regard, let us cite the statement of T.V. Matveeva: “Speech behavior is the behavior of an individual, and an individual, when dealing with a norm, is bound by responsibilities and endowed with rights.” Responsibilities are that side of the interaction between norms and people, which is characterized by the dominant role of the former; This is precisely the sphere of implementation of the regulatory function. Rights, on the contrary, provide a person with freedom to follow norms, which is manifested, in particular, in the possibility of a conscious culturally significant violation of them. Behavior regulated by norms is stereotypical, while non-normative behavior, on the contrary, can be characterized by a high degree of individuality.

The presence of norms of speech etiquette makes it possible to evaluate the speech behavior of a native speaker as corresponding (expected and approved) or not conforming (unexpected and ambiguous for assessment) to the norms; in this case it is implemented evaluative function.

He must have forgotten me. I haven't been for a long time after all.And even if a stranger came? Don't you need to say hello?(Yu. Trifonov, ruscorpora); Let him first try like Ekaterina Mikhailovna. 28 years of experience and a photo on the cover of Kommunist magazine. Or rather, not exactly on the cover, but immediately when you open it. I didn’t even learn to say hello normally. Let her prepare the material for herself. We'll see. Or he tells them everything on his fingers(A. Gelasimov, ruscorpora). In both cases, speakers critically evaluate the discrepancy with the norms of speech etiquette.

An infinite variety of communication situations can be typified based on the commonality of the etiquette situation (greeting, farewell, etc.) and the chosen linguistic means; this shows unifying function.

I, as a provincially educated person, began to shake everyone’s hands. Korzhakov turned away: “I won’t shake hands with you.” God,I sayThanks a lot. Alexander Vasilich, in our village it was customary to greet everyone, but you saved me from this(A. Kucherena, ruscorpora): a certain way of greeting is perceived as standard and necessary, uniting situations with any set of participants; the second part indicates the possibility of selection.

From the complex of available means, the speaker selects the unit that is most appropriate in a given situation; this is the implementation selective functions.

This is the same as if our president greets like a rapper and says “Hey, E, what’s up”(K. Doroshin, ruscorpora): the possibility of choosing from a complex of units with the same function is mentioned - in this case the function of greeting - and the appropriateness of the selection result is assessed.

I was confused, not knowing whether to greet him or not(F. Iskander, ruscorpora): an alternative has been determined - compliance or non-compliance with the norm.

Finally, speech etiquette maintains the desired tone of communication (purely official, friendly, familiar, etc.), restraining emotions, aggression, i.e. fulfills stabilizing function. In addition, cultural tradition is also maintained.

Believe it or not, I spent three months at the door of his office, every day for five to six hours a day! To do this, I had to quit my job, and there was no turning back for me. Gradually Gromin began to greet me and get used to my constant presence, like furniture. He even talked to me sometimes, and I felt like I was getting closer to him(A. Tarasov, ruscorpora); Nastya was barely ten years old, she was already spoiled. She was friends with Sonya from apartment fifteen while her father was the school director, and when Ivan Nikolaevich died, she stopped even saying hello to her. Small but ugly(D. Dontsova, ruscorpora): polar situations are shown, in the first of which the habit of greeting stabilized the relationship, and in the second, the refusal to greet formalized the break in the relationship.

So, characterizing the purpose of speech etiquette, we discover the same complex of functions that is characteristic of social norms in general and language norms in particular.

In connection with the similarities established above, it is appropriate to assume that the “norm - non-norm” relationship in the sphere of speech etiquette is also stereotypical. Indeed, compliance with norms provides the native speaker/cultural subject with the approval of other members of society (approved normative behavior) or, at least, saves him from reproaches for lack of politeness (acceptable normative behavior). The continuum of native speakers includes flawless, amazing, extremely, incredible, supernatural, very; enough, quite, quite, quite; not too much polite people, as well as boors, rude people and similar norm violators. Meanwhile, violation of norms, which was consciously committed throughout life by probably everyone, is classified as a culturally significant act. Characterizing deviations, we note the following.

First, breaking a norm, as opposed to following it, requires motivation; Moreover, some of the motives are of an ethical nature (1), others reflect certain social processes and trends (2). Let us note that a worthy ethical justification justifies a violation of a norm, making it a positively assessed act from the point of view of society as a whole, a group or an individual.

(1) I have often observed among investigators people who are ready to reach their goal at any cost. In our country, Asya Asmaturova was considered an excellent worker. But she constantly abused power, allowed blackmail, insults of suspects and even assault. I stopped greeting her. We must ensure that criminals also consider us moral people.(Yu. Azarov, ruscorpora);

(2) As one very senior former government official admits, coping with this trauma(leaving power, losing a high position. - N.F.) a little hard: “People who have been telling you every day for a long time how great and wonderful you are, suddenly stop saying hello.”(E. Grigorieva, ruscorpora).

Secondly, violating a norm, to a greater extent than following it, is a significant event: it is committed precisely to be noticed, to raise questions, to motivate something, to indicate one’s position, etc.: Maria Ivanovna’s offense was mortal, she stopped saying hello(G. Baklanov, ruscorpora).

Thirdly, a violation of a norm, just like a norm in general, can have regulatory force. Not wanting to talk to Vysotsky himself, Lyubimov asked: “Tell him that if he disrupts the performance today, I will stop greeting him.”(D. Karapetyan, ruscorpora): the desire not to become the object of non-normative behavior forces a person to make efforts and take action.

So, turning to speech etiquette as a system of linguocultural norms confirmed the assumptions about the essential characteristics of the norm made in the first part of the study. Speech etiquette can quite reasonably be classified as a norm-scheme, which is a program of behavior: learned, the rules of speech etiquette act as behavioral automatisms. Consideration of speech etiquette in this vein is not common in linguistics (the traditional approach is orthological: speech etiquette is considered as the embodiment of the ethical level of speech culture), however, in our opinion, it is very promising. This approach allows us to include speech etiquette in the sphere of interests of linguistic culture not only as a list of nationally specific speech formulas, but also as a normalizing force of linguistic culture. By classifying speech etiquette as culturally significant norms, we emphasize its role in the functioning of culture: this is the role of rules and patterns of behavior, following which provides a person with a more or less comfortable existence in society. Due to the dominance of the regulatory function, speech etiquette “fits” into the imperative interpretation of the norm.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Thoughts and Sayings author Balashov Lev Evdokimovich

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Rules of communication are norms and canons of behavior adopted in a particular linguistic and cultural community that regulate the communicative relationships of people. They are divided into norms of verbal influence and normative ones. The rules of verbal communication solve the problem of how to conduct a conversation more effectively, and the normative ones answer the question “how to do it correctly.” The rules of communicative interaction reflect ideas formed in society about the correctness of conversation in each communicative situation. They help make the conversation more productive.

The rules of communication were developed by society in the process of evolutionary progress of people and are supported by the sociocultural customs of this society. The rules of communicative relationships are mastered by individuals through observation and imitation of the environment, as well as through targeted training. There are rules that are well understood by subjects, so they are implemented in communications almost mechanically, i.e. without conscious control. Having mastered the basic rules of communication, you can use them consciously to achieve the established goal in communications, which will give a significant advantage in the conversation to the individual who knows these rules.

Rules for communicating with people

The norms and rules of communication are conventionally divided into stereotypical and creative, and they appeared as a result of the humanization of communication. In the process of development, the rules of communication interaction are constantly changing, and a person has to obey changing conditions in order for communication to be effective and not useless.

An individual who masters the art of communicative interaction always advantageously attracts the attention of others. The effectiveness of the conversation is, first of all, influenced by the speaker’s speech, which must be clear and expressive in order to avoid getting into an awkward position. Speeches and individual remarks should be delivered at an average pace and voice volume. Speech that is too quiet will cause boredom, and speech that is too loud will make your interlocutors feel uncomfortable. Therefore, speech should have regularity, average volume and softness.

Below are the basic rules for communicating with people that will help you come across as an interesting and pleasant interlocutor and a person who knows how to support any conversation.

In any communicative interaction with an individual, attention should be focused directly on the speaker and his message. To maintain a conversation and demonstrate your interest, you need to periodically clarify your correct understanding of the content of the conversation and its nuances. It is necessary to inform the speaker in paraphrased form the meaning of the information received.

The rules for communicating with people include the following: it is not recommended to interrupt the interlocutor, give him advice, criticize him, summarize his speech, or be distracted by preparing a response. This is best done after receiving the message and clarifying it. The sequence of presentation of information should be observed. It is not recommended to move on to new information without making sure that the partner correctly perceived the previous statement. During the conversation, the atmosphere should be trusting and respectful. You need to show respect to your interlocutor.

The rules of communication, in addition to the use of verbal ones in conversation, also include non-verbal tools. The conversation will be more effective when frequent eye contact is established with the communication partner. During a conversation, you need to slightly shake your head in time with your speech. It is better to lower the intonation at the end of a sentence, and before giving an answer to the interlocutor’s remark, you should take a short pause. You can also use other tools that will help you win over your interlocutor. The people with whom you are having a conversation need to be treated in such a way that they feel like smart, pleasant and interesting interlocutors. A sincere smile always attracts people to their own person. Therefore, in the process of communication you should always smile, and in order for the smile to be natural and not seem forced, you need to remember some pleasant or funny incident. A person loves the sound of his name, so you need to remember the name of your interlocutor and when talking, you should periodically address him by his first name or patronymic name (depending on the situation and the closeness of the relationship between the conversation partners).

The sound of the subject's name has a huge impact on him. It was noticed that when conflict situations arise, more frequent mention of the names of those talking allows smoothing out the situation. Often, a name can be the straw that swings a decision in the right direction. A person's name is the most important sound for her in any language. However, before addressing a person by name, you should clarify whether to call him full name, or can be abbreviated. This will increase the speaker's level of attractiveness as an interlocutor. It is still better to address unfamiliar or unfamiliar persons, older people or those occupying a higher level in the professional hierarchy by their first and patronymic names.

Every person wants to feel like a significant person, wants at least something to depend on him. The need to feel like a significant subject is one of the most genuine and inherent human weaknesses, which are inherent in all people to varying degrees of severity. Often it is enough just to give an individual the opportunity to realize his personal significance in order for him to agree with great pleasure to do what he was asked to do.

There are many mechanisms for raising the importance of a communication partner; each individual chooses the most suitable one for himself in a particular situation. Numerous studies indicate that the most pleasant interlocutor is considered not to be the one who is fluent in the art of rhetoric, but the one who listens carefully to his communication partner. We should also not forget that individuals are inclined to listen to their interlocutor only after they have been listened to. Therefore, sometimes all that is needed in order to be listened to and done as you need is simply to give the interlocutor the opportunity to speak out, while showing maximum attention and interest in the interlocutor’s speech.

Rules of speech communication

The main mechanism of communication interaction is speech. It reflects the entire worldview of an individual, his interests, area of ​​activity, hobbies, and cultural level. Almost all communication is carried out through speech means. Speech can be called the language system in “action”. That is, it is the use of the language system for the purposes of speaking, broadcasting thoughts and direct communication. Speech differs from linguistic systems in that its nature is psychophysical. This means that the speech apparatus takes part in its production, and its work is regulated by the central nervous system.

Speech is divided into oral and written, dialogic and monologue.

Norms and rules of communication using speech instruments are the knowledge and skills to competently apply the standards of linguistic speech in different conditions, for example, at meetings, conferences, negotiations, personal conversations, etc.

The culture and effectiveness of verbal communication should be assessed according to several indicators, such as accuracy of speech and its appropriateness, accessibility, expediency, correctness and purity of speech, expressiveness, literacy, diversity, ethics. The correctness of speech lies in the compliance of verbal means with the canons literary language. Accuracy of speech means, first of all, the correct and appropriate use of terminology. The appropriateness of speech lies in the precise choice of tone and style of communication. The communicative expediency of speech does not allow rudeness or tactlessness. Speech ethics lies in the use of polite set expressions, addresses, phrases of greeting, farewell, apology, gratitude, agreement, praise.

Literacy is considered a core indicator of the culture of speech communications, since an illiterate person is not able to clearly and clearly convey the essence of the message. Illiteracy is expressed in the inability to formulate one’s own thoughts, in the inability to correctly select and use the right words, phrases, phrases and give them the correct grammatical form. Literacy should not be neglected even in conversations with close friends or relatives.

Literacy is especially important in business relationships, when applying for a job, during telephone conversations, in writing, etc. To improve literacy, it is necessary to read more highly artistic literature. Reading books helps not only broaden your horizons, but also allows you to learn how to structure your speech correctly, trains visual memory, helps improve spelling, allows you to enrich your vocabulary, etc.

During a conversation, evaluative statements should be avoided, except those aimed at encouragement. Negative assessments during a conversation will cause rejection in response, which will lead to conflict situations, as a result of which the conversation will become ineffective.

Rules for Effective Communication

Communication is an inseparable component of human life. People interact constantly, even with apparent silence they still continue to communicate using gestures, various movements, facial expressions, etc. Effective communicative interaction is considered to be communication in which people strive to understand the thoughts and feelings of their interlocutors, without judging them. That is, effective communication is not just about broadcasting information, but about the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, speak skillfully and competently, and use tools of non-verbal influence. Everyone develops such abilities of effective communicative interaction individually, following the example of the people around them, mainly parents and teachers. Often, the model of communicative interaction adopted in childhood from parents or other significant adults is ineffective.

We can identify the basic rules of etiquette in communication, which will make communication interaction with different individuals and in different life situations more effective. The first rule implies that any communication begins with establishing contact with the interlocutor, so you should not neglect it. Without contact with a communication partner, communication will be impossible or will not carry a semantic load. For effective communication interaction, you should speak at the same pace and volume as the interlocutor, you also need to use a similar body position in space, for example, if the interlocutor is standing, then you need to talk to him while standing. This is the second rule of communication etiquette. It is not recommended to use long and florid phrases in speech, using only general words and statements. You should strive to ensure that the speech is specific and significant, so that the communication partner can easily understand the meaning of the information exactly as intended. Next rule consists in the mandatory use of non-verbal communication means when speaking, since they are the most important components of effective communication.

Scientists say that only up to 10% of communication consists of words, and more than 90% of communication is given to non-verbal tools, such as body position, gaze, gestures and facial expressions, etc. After finishing the conversation, you should definitely make sure that the interlocutors understood correctly presented information. Another rule is the prohibition of passive perception of information by communication partners. During the conversation, it is necessary to use non-verbal interaction tools and words to make it clear to the interlocutors that they are being listened to and heard.

Today modern world It is structured in such a way that without effective communicative interaction with the surrounding society, it is quite difficult to achieve success in work and life.

Every self-respecting individual who strives for success in life and self-realization should know the rules of etiquette in communication, regardless of his age, status, gender or nationality, or field of activity.

Rules for communicating by phone

Telephone communications, like other types of communicative interaction, have their own rules and norms for conducting a conversation over the phone. Knowledge of such norms will allow you to competently and effectively conduct a conversation and achieve the desired result. If, due to the type of activity, it is impossible to do without communications via telephone, then you should study the rules of communication with clients in order to transform the telephone from a kind of obstacle into your ally. It is necessary to study the rules of telephone communication to such an extent that they become a natural pattern of conversation.

Below are simple rules communicating with clients via telephone.

Rule one requires thoughtfulness telephone conversation. That is, before making a phone call, you should carefully consider the structure of the conversation, possible objections and ways to work with them, questions and the desired result. Even experienced switchboards, whose entire main activity is related to telephone conversations, always keep in front of them overall plan conversations, speech modules, well-chosen phrases.

If a telephone conversation involves getting acquainted with the company’s services and its offers, then the second rule follows, which implies the need to always keep price lists, presentation materials, etc. on hand.

The third rule is to summarize the dialogue. You should always summarize the conversation. For example, if the conversation covers the delivery of a product, then you should clearly and slowly repeat the place of delivery, date and time, etc.

In a telephone conversation, it is considered optimal to start the conversation in a friendly and gentle manner, and then move on to more energetic speech. You need to end the conversation on a positive note. There is a so-called “edge” rule, which means that the integrity of the impression determines the first and last signals.

During any telephone communication, you should consciously and purposefully work on such sensations that evoke desire in the interlocutor. You should end the conversation warmly and gently in cases where the speaker invites the client to visit their store, office, company, etc. Clearly and efficiently, while giving a feeling of stability and security - if we're talking about about various supplies. After all, the speaker must give the client confidence in the company’s reliability as a possible partner.

The pace of speech should depend on the interlocutor. If your telephone communication partner speaks quickly, you should slightly speed up your speech rate. If the interlocutor speaks slowly, you should draw out the words smoothly and a little more tightly. Adjusting to your partner will create more comfortable and favorable conditions conversations for the client, which will certainly place him in the direction of the speaker. And this means that he will meet you halfway. However, you should be wary of the fact that your partner may perceive your communication tricks as ridicule of himself. Therefore, you should copy your interlocutor very carefully and not too obviously.

You should not overload your partner with information during a telephone conversation. After all, it has long been established that the volume random access memory subject is up to 9 units. This means that it is impossible to remember 9 words at the same time that are not connected in a logical chain. Therefore, you should not give your client absolutely all the information you know. By doing this you will only confuse and scare him away, instead of arousing his interest.

When communicating on the phone, it is necessary to maintain feedback with the client in order to partially compensate for the lack of eye contact. This rule involves responding to all the interlocutor’s remarks, but without excessive fanaticism. You can react with the following phrases: “I understand you,” “that’s wonderful,” etc. Such statements will allow the interlocutor to relax and feel more comfortable.

When communicating on the phone, as with other types of communicative interaction, mentioning the name of the interlocutor is considered effective. Moreover, in a telephone conversation, you should address a person by name as often as possible, which is unacceptable in “eye to eye” communicative interaction.

Another important rule for the effectiveness of a telephone conversation is to ask your partner whether it is convenient for him to talk at that particular moment, and whether he has free time for a conversation. This is important so that the interlocutor correctly perceives all the information that they want to convey to him over the phone.

Today, the telephone is an almost indispensable attribute of communication. However, originally created to unite subjects, it now introduces many difficulties in communications. Indeed, in conditions when two interlocutors cannot see each other, it is extremely difficult to show empathy and sympathize with the feelings of the partner, which reduces the effectiveness of the conversation. Therefore, it was to compensate for the shortcomings of telephone communication that the above rules of interaction were developed.

Concept and factors of speech etiquette

In a broad sense, speech etiquette performs a regulatory function in the process of communication (for example, communication by age status, youth or professional norms).

In a narrow sense, speech etiquette is a semantic field of the functional type of a polite model of behavior in the following acts of communication: appeal, acquaintance, gratitude, request, apology, etc.

The richness of synonymous rows of speech etiquette units is due to the contact of communicants with different social characteristics during different social interactions.

Factors taken into account in speech etiquette:

  • Pragmatic, a unit of etiquette in which it acts speech act, taking into account the principle of politeness and cooperation;
  • Linguistic, differentiates a unit of etiquette as a word, phrase, correctly pronounced from the point of view of language;
  • The stylistic factor differentiates the forms of communication among the public, generations, partners, etc.;
  • Culturological, considers speech etiquette as integral part folk culture and norms of behavior inherent in a given territorial community.

Rules and requirements of speech etiquette

There are two types of communication rules:

  • Prohibitory – rules of conduct in a closed communication system (in an organization, in a family, in a team, etc.);
  • Recommendatory – rules of speech communication in an open communication system (in society, at cultural events, etc.).

At the same time, requirements, prohibitions and recommendations are formed for the culture of speech behavior.

Speech requirements include:

  1. Correctness and purity of pronunciation in accordance with literary norms language;
  2. Accuracy of speech in terminology and professionalism;
  3. The appropriateness of speech in the choice of tone and style of communication;
  4. Communicativeness and expediency, avoiding rudeness, tactlessness and unclear pronunciation;
  5. Ethics of communication, taking into account the rules of treatment, agreement and praise.

Speech prohibitions to avoid conflict situation and improve communication comfort include:

  1. Ban on tonality (disdain, lisp);
  2. Prohibition of expressions (rude, offensive);
  3. Prohibition on gestures (intimidation, offense);
  4. Prohibition of voice (stuttering, unintelligibility).

Commandments of communication and special cases

The basic commandments of successful and productive communication, the basic provisions of speech etiquette:

  • Avoid verbosity and speech monotony;
  • Speak simply, clearly, accessible;
  • Know why and what to talk about;
  • Know how to find a common language with every person;
  • Politeness is the basis of success in any area of ​​human life;
  • Know how to listen.

Special cases of application of etiquette rules:

  1. Establishing rapport is associated with treating others ethically and kindly. The main word in this case should be “hello”, “greetings”, “good afternoon/morning/evening”. To attract attention, it is allowed to use phrases: “let me address you,” “excuse me,” etc.
  2. Addressing your opponent. It is now considered more appropriate to address people by name and patronymic, position held. It is not allowed to indicate personal characteristics the communicator – his gender, age, faith and others;
  3. Completion of the contact should leave a positive impression of the narrator. It is considered important not only to say goodbye politely, but also to leave words of gratitude and a warm atmosphere for further cooperation or dialogue.