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» What is the best cat litter to use? Cat litter, which one is the best?

What is the best cat litter to use? Cat litter, which one is the best?

In many modern families There are pets, including many cats. And the issue of going to the toilet can be resolved differently for them. For example, residents of rural areas let their pets go outside; There are cats that are toilet trained. Some people, in the old fashioned way, fill the tray with sand, old newspapers, etc. However, in city apartments, we most often resort to using various fillers, the types and properties of which will be discussed in this article.

Main types of cat litter


Wood filler is environmentally friendly and inexpensive

The most common and affordable type of filler. It is made from compressed sawdust granules.

Helpful Hint: If you are using wood filler and encounter problems big amount sawdust, you can find a large box and put a tray in it - and then even the most active archaeologist cat will not be able to make a mess!

It is better to choose such a litter that is marked “suitable for kittens” - in order to avoid the presence of sharp splinters in it, which could injure the cat.


This type of litter can be dangerous for kittens.

Second most popular among Russian consumers. It is made from bentonite clay, formed from volcanic ash.

Popular brands: “Murka”, Catsan, Even Clean, Pi-Pi-Bent.

Silica gel

A relatively young type of filler. It consists of transparent synthetic crystals that have the ability to absorb moisture well.

Popular brands: Fresh Step, Fresh&Easy, Catsan, CRYSTALS No. 1.

Manufacturers rating

Name Type of filler Manufacturer Price Description
"Clean Paws"WoodyLLC "Kovcheg SPb"150–500 rubles
(depending on volume)
  • Granules light color, medium in size, have a pleasant pine scent.
  • Blocks well unpleasant odors.
  • Often inside the package you can find a toy - a mouse or a ball.
CatsanclumpingMars LLC700–800 rubles for 5 liters
  • Small granules gray, from bentonite clay.
  • Very reliable in terms of odor absorption, economical.
  • Does not need frequent replacement, so it saves your time.
Fresh StepSilica gelClorox Company800–2300 rubles
(depending on volume)
  • Crystals range in color from white to light blue.
  • They perfectly absorb moisture and odors, preventing their evaporation into the air.
  • Very economical: if you have one cat, one package lasts on average for a month.

A litter box for a cat is not a necessary item, but it is extremely convenient, so if your budget allows, we recommend using it. After reading the article, you will be able to determine best filler for a cat litter box that is suitable specifically for your pet.


Tray with filler: photo

Which litter tray is best?

The best cat litter is the one that best suits your cat and you. There are no universal recipes here, as well as in the matter of choosing a tray for a cat, but there are general recommendations.

If several cats in your house go to one tray, then silica gel litter will be indispensable, which lasts a long time and does not allow odors to pass through.

If you or your cat is allergic to dust and chemicals, the safest option is wood or corn litter.

In the end, the answer to the question of which litter is best for a cat's litter box can be given by the pet himself: if you see that he keeps missing the litter box, it means that he may be hinting to you that you need to change the type of litter.

Paper filler

The Soviet method of filling a tray is to simply cut up some paper and throw it in. This cat tray is a little more interesting than an empty one, since the paper partially absorbs water, and feces can be buried. But newspaperPeople use filler less and less because it is unhygienic, because the paper gets wet and then it is difficult to remove it from the tray.

In addition, newspapers are usually allowed on the tray, and this is harmful to the cat due to the printing ink. That is, if you are already using paper, it should be clean. And in this case, no savings are achieved - and any meaning disappears in the paper tray.

Clay filler

The most popular litter for trays is clay clumping litter (bentonite). It is made from clay or opalcristobalite minerals. The result is a mixture that, after contact with liquids, clumps and becomes solid. Hardened pieces of filler can be easily removed from the tray using a scoop. If you have poured a sufficient layer of filler (from 3 cm), it will not allow moisture to pass to the bottom, so you will need to wash the tray less often.

There are clumping fillers different sizes: one has more grains, the other has less. The caliber is written on the packaging. If the litter consists of very large pieces, it may leak urine to the bottom and clump poorly. Therefore, it is better to choose a smaller caliber. Although it still depends on the manufacturer: you need to try several brands and settle on the most suitable one.

Tails love this type of litter the most: it looks like earth, so cats happily dig holes and bury all their stuff.

But this type of filler also has some disadvantages: if the cat likes to dig too much, then the skin on the paw pads may become a little rougher.

In addition, sometimes kittens play with this filler and eat it. If you see that this problem has become serious, then it is better, at least temporarily, to change the type of filler to a more environmentally friendly one, because Eating clumping can result in intestinal obstruction.

Another caveat is that clay litter, when scattered and dug, raises a cloud of dust, to which the cat may be allergic. Monitor your pet: if he shows signs of illness, such as watery eyes, try changing the litter and see if the symptoms go away.

Tray with wood filling

Wood filler cannot be classified as the most hygienic, convenient and loved by cats, but it is the most environmentally friendly clean look. It consists of wood blocks - compressed sawdust pellets. The logs smell pleasant, do not raise dust when poured, and do not cause allergies.

But the filler also has disadvantages: when moisture gets on them, logs of wood do not clump together, but, on the contrary, disintegrate into sawdust, so cleaning a toilet with wood filler is quite inconvenient. We recommend using wood filler only with a tray with a mesh (grid), so that all the logs that have broken down into sawdust seep through the grate into the tray, from where you remove them.

Also, wood fillers occasionally contain random sharp pieces of wood, and this is undoubtedly another disadvantage.

The advantage of wood filler is its low price and widespread availability. According to these parameters, it competes with clay.

Silica gel tray filler

Silica gel filler is a relative newcomer to the market. It is an artificially created white crystals of silica gel formed from silicic acids. These crystals absorb moisture perfectly, they don’t even need to clump. This is how they differ from absorbent filler. Silica gel retains the smell very well. IN Everyday life We deal with this substance when we buy, for example, shoes: the package usually contains a bag of balls. This is silica gel.

This filler is available in pet stores and online stores, but it is not always available in supermarkets.The packaging costs several times more than a bag of clumping litter, but it is more economical: 5 kg is enough for 1 month for one cat.

The disadvantages of the filler are the high price, the less love of cats for litter boxes with silica gel: it hisses a little when it gets wet, which is scary, and besides, silica gel does not look like earth. There is also a danger if it enters the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that if silica gel gets into the stomach and intestines in large quantities, it absorbs all the moisture, resulting in blockage. That's why this type litter is strictly not recommended for kittens who like to play in the litter box. There are numerous cases where animals died.

Zeolite filler

Zeolite is a volcanic substance and an excellent adsorbent, having a porous structure into which liquid and odor are locked and from which moisture evaporation and, consequently, aromas do not spread. But such fillers are difficult to find in our latitudes.

The best litter for a kitten is wood, due to its environmental friendliness. But, on the other hand, cats like this kind of toilet less, and it doesn’t really hold the smell. Therefore, owners often abandon it in favor of clay, which is an excellent alternative, albeit less environmentally friendly.

But silica gel litter is generally not suitable for kittens, because, although they do not like to go to it when they need to, they may love to eat it: let us remind you that if ingested, such a filler will absorb all the moisture it encounters and can lead to blockage of the gastrointestinal tract. tract. This can also happen when eating clay litter, but only if the cat eats a large amount of it, and this is unlikely.

Litter for litter box training

People often search online for “kitten litter for litter training.” There is no separate type specifically for litter tray training, but clay can be considered as such. Why? This is what kittens like most: they happily jump into such a litter box, rummage around there, and going to the litter box becomes a kind of ritual and attraction - they rummaged around, did their business and carefully buried it. Kittens, as a rule, love this process very much, because it helps realize important instincts: in nature, cats bury their little things.

But a tray without filler will, on the contrary, be of no interest to the kitten, so the animal can ignore it for a long time. If you have the financial opportunity, still accustom your pet to the litter - this will solve many problems.

How often should I change the litter in the tray?

How often to change the litter in the litter box will directly depend on the type of litter, as well as how many cats you have, what gender they are and what is currently happening to them.

For example, cats pee very often during estrus - and the litter box needs to be removed as urine accumulates.

If there is more than one cat in the house, but there is a common litter box, then what good filler no matter what it contains (except for silica gel), it will have to be changed every day. Not the whole thing, of course, but only the contaminated part.

In the usual case, when your cat lives in splendid isolation and reigns supreme over the tray, most often you need to sort out the wood filler, because... it doesn't hold the smell. It is advisable to do this once a day. Clumping clay filler can be sorted out once every 2-3 days. You just need to sift the clumped part with a scoop and add a little new sand, that is, you don’t need to change everything. The silica gel filler lasts longer than others, which is changed approximately once every 7 days if there is only one cat, but the whole thing needs to be changed. That is, do not sort through the waste, but simply pour out the old and add in the new.

It seems that there is nothing simpler than cat litter, but with the development of the pet industry, many types of this product have appeared, which are radically different in composition and properties, but all serve the same purpose. And understanding all this diversity, at first glance, is not so easy. Today we will look at the main types of litter for cats, find out their pros and cons, and also try to find out which cat sorbent is better, and what causes this.

All commercially available hygienic granules for cats can be divided into three large groups:

  • wood (made from wood waste by pressing);
  • mineral (obtained from natural clays and materials);
  • silicate (or, as they are also called, silica gel).

All of them are designed for the same thing: to absorb the liquid waste of the animal, preventing the smell from escaping. However, the effectiveness and operating principle of each type of sorbent differ.

Wood pellets

This type of product is made by pressing sawdust, and the output is neat, high-density granules. When moisture gets on them, they instantly absorb it, swelling and crumbling into a homogeneous mass. This great option litter for kittens - even if the baby chews a few pieces out of curiosity, he will not receive any harm.

However, such granules also have disadvantages - the smell of cat urine is too strong for wood shavings to contain. It is best to remove swollen lumps immediately so as not to get the characteristic “amber” throughout the house.

Positive points:

  • environmentally friendly, safe for pets;
  • absorbs quickly a large number of moisture;
  • the cheapest from the assortment of any store;
  • can be flushed down the toilet ( in small portions);
  • economical (due to the increase in volume, a fairly thin layer at the very bottom of the tray).
  • does not retain the smell of ammonia (the main “flavor” of urine);
  • lightweight, and therefore capable of flying outside the tray of particularly “diligent” cats when burying.

There is one more nuance - many manufacturers, trying to improve their products, add flavorings to sawdust to make it smell more pleasant. However, not all cats agree with this state of affairs: some particularly sensitive natures may completely refuse such a “fragrant” tray and choose another place in the house, which is not good.

When trying to figure out which wood filler is best for a cat, you can easily get confused: there are a lot of manufacturers of this type of granules. Many consumers believe that there is no point in overpaying for an imported pack - and they are partly right: the composition of imported wood granulates will be identical to the composition of any Russian manufacturer. Among the most popular domestic brands of pressed wood chips are:

  • TM “Kuzya” has been produced by the Arkada company for 18 long years. According to the manufacturer, the technology has been improved all this time. Judging by the reviews, it’s a really high-quality product. Price – from 120 rubles per 4.5 kg.
  • Barsik is a product of Intel, known on the market since 1991. For such a long time, the company has managed to earn the trust of many thousands of consumers, and is a leader among domestic manufacturers of wood pellets for cat litter boxes. The cost of granules is from 140 rubles per pack of 4.5 kg.
  • “Clean Paws” is a product of a Ukrainian plant located in Dnieper. It has been produced since 2008, and has occupied a leading position in the zoosorbents market for a long time. Price – from 170 rub. for 4.5 kg.

You can now see the current price of cat litter and buy it right here:

Mineral fillers

All mineral sands can be roughly divided into bentonite (palygorskite, made from clay) and zeolite. These sands are much more practical than wood pellets, and retain the odors of feces well. However, there are a number of disadvantages - they are not recommended to be flushed down the toilet, and they are not the best litter for kittens. If the granules are swallowed, the baby can get a blockage of the esophagus and more serious injuries.

Clay-based minerals clump very quickly, forming a dense, sticky structure. Thanks to this, the animal’s paws remain clean, and the smell is securely retained inside the lump.

Zeolite granules have a very porous structure, due to which they are able to absorb much more liquid than they weigh.

Many animals like this type of sand for the cat potty - it reminds them wildlife, and they start digging into it as best they can. Therefore, when choosing such a hygienic filler, it is necessary to choose a tray with a high side, or even a closed one. Such sands cost more sawdust, however, the smell is retained better.

Opinions regarding disposal vary: some experts (and even the manufacturers themselves) claim that clay sands can be flushed down the toilet, while their opponents are afraid of inevitable sewer blockages. The truth is approximately in the middle: small lumps can be flushed down the toilet, but you cannot pour out a full tray of clay - this is almost guaranteed to lead to a clogged pipe.

The best mineral adsorbents for cat litter, according to reviews from Russian buyers, these are:

  • Catsan - white mineral granules, sold at any pet store. The manufacturer, Mars, guarantees that the granules will reliably retain the odor and will not stain your pet’s fur. Requires complete replacement times 5-7 days (in addition to removing lumps and solid waste). The cost of such pleasure is from 400 rubles for 5 liters. pack.
  • "Siberian Cat" is one of the leaders in the filler market in Russia. Produces many types of both wood pellets and mineral cat sands. The raw material is high-quality bentonite clay mined in Khakassia. Price 5 kg. packs start from 210 rubles.
  • Fresh Step is a product of Clorox, which is headquartered in the USA. Many breeders from all over the world have already determined for themselves which cat litter is best, because Fresh Step is very popular in many countries, and has long been recognized as one of the leaders in this market. Cost – from 750 rubles for 6.35 kg.
  • Pi-Pi-Bent – Russian product from bentonite clay. It is produced by Liding LLC, and judging by the reviews, this sand is one of the most popular domestic products in this area. The cost of a pack is from 270 rubles per 5 kg. The flavored series is a little more expensive (from 290 rubles).

The most practical, but also the most expensive hygienic sorbent. It is made from dried solutions of silicic acids. The result is crystals with a huge surface area - up to 800 square meters in 1 gram (!) of product. Due to this porosity, this material is capable of absorbing liquid 30 times larger in volume than the sorbent itself. This is guaranteed to hold back unpleasant odors for a long time, which means there is no need to change the granules frequently. You just need to remove solid waste, and this portion of crystals will last for 14-25 days (depending on the size of the pet).

The disadvantages of this type of granules include the high price, as well as the fact that the crystals make quite a lot of noise when an animal walks on them. This can scare away timid cats and also disturb owners at night. In addition, silica gels are not recommended for use in the toilet of kittens - they can become poisoned by swallowing the crystals out of curiosity. Disposal by flushing into the toilet is prohibited - it is guaranteed to lead to clogging sewer pipes, and cleaning out such a plug is very problematic.

The most popular manufacturers in our country are:

  • Fresh Step made in USA. Its price starts from 714 rubles per pack of 1.81 kg. Despite the high price, this filler is in constant demand among Russian consumers.
  • “Our Brand” are popular and inexpensive crystals manufactured in China by order of the company ZAO Gatchina KKZ. This product costs from 430 rubles per 1.66 kg, which makes it worthy competitor more expensive brands.
  • TM "Kotyara" is a domestic silica gel, very popular among Russian breeders. The cost of this product is from 470 rubles per 1.5 kg package. In addition to silica gel crystals, the composition contains so-called “magic balls” designed to remove unpleasant odors.
  • “Siberian Cat” is a brand already familiar to us. The cost of such crystals starts from 390 rubles per 1.85 kg.

Deciding to have a pet is a big responsibility. Now you have to think not only about your convenience, but also about the comfort of the four-legged creature brought into the house. And the issue of the toilet plays an important role in this. Especially when it comes to cats and owners who want to keep their home clean and hygienic. In this difficult task, cat litter, available in a large assortment at domestic market. But which filler should you choose?

Operating principle

Getting your cat used to the litter box - important element raising a pet

First, let's look at how cat litter works. It can be clumping and absorbent.

Pros and cons of clumping litter

Clumping litter is especially convenient for kittens, as they go to the toilet more often than adult cats.

This litter box works as follows: when moisture gets into the contents of the litter box, lumps form. That is, every day it is necessary to remove clots and solid waste, and then add filler to the required level. Owners who prefer this material highlight the following among the strengths of the product:

  • economical (especially if there is only one cat in the house);
  • high-quality odor removal;
  • ease of maintenance (it is very convenient to remove formed clots);
  • the naturalness of the product, what makes it ideal solution for organizing a toilet for a kitten;
  • as close as possible to what cats are used to in the wild.

As for the disadvantages, there is only one noted - for several cats, clumping litter will be inconvenient, and for the owner it will be economically unprofitable.

Pros and cons of absorbent filler

The absorbent filler must be changed as it gets wet, which means that kittens use a lot of product

This product acts differently: it absorbs odors and moisture, but does not change. It needs to be changed when it becomes completely wet. Among the strengths of this filler, consumers call

  • low price;
  • Convenient for use by multiple cats;
  • excellent ability to neutralize repulsive odors;
  • Possibility of use for kittens, as the material is environmentally friendly.

But the absorbent filler also has disadvantages:

  • in the process of replacing the contents, the pet owner will have to inhale the odors that the filler has absorbed;
  • if the cat is fanatically clean, then she may refuse the tray, even if half of it has not yet been used, resulting in a large waste.


The main thing is that your pet likes the litter, otherwise all attempts to accustom him to the tray will be unsuccessful.

Proof of cats' love of cleanliness is the fact that they spend a third of their lives grooming themselves. AND comfortable toilet plays an important role for this.

Mustachioed and striped pets quickly get used to the place allocated by the owners for the toilet. However, it is a matter of honor for every cat to want to rummage in the sand, dig, and then bury a hole. And if earlier the matter was solved quickly and simply: “raw materials” were obtained from a nearby sandbox, or old newspapers were used, then modern cats can choose and, due to their character traits, even sort through.

Characteristics of cat litter - table

View Compound Operating principle Advantages Flaws
WoodyWood sawdust in the form of granulesClumping or absorbent
  • The size of the granules can be selected depending on the age of the cat;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • does not provoke allergic reactions both cats and people;
  • V small quantities can be flushed down the toilet.
  • Clean once every 2-3 days;
  • remove lumps daily;
  • a cat can spread dust that sticks to its paws around the house;
  • Doesn't absorb odors very well.
Corn (subspecies of wood)Shredded corn cobsAbsorbentAdded to the above advantages is very reliable absorbency.Due to the lightness of the composition, the animal can scatter the filler throughout the rooms.
Clumping (sometimes called clay)Clay of varying abrasiveness - from strong particles with almost no dust to a sand-like compositionClumping or absorbent
  • Absorbs odor and moisture well;
  • You need to completely change the toilet once a week.
Not recommended for kittens - they may choke on lumps of clay.
Silica gelSynthetic crystals white(dried polysilicic acid gel)Absorbent
  • You need to clean it once every 5-6 days;
  • completely change - once every 3 weeks;
  • is economical.
  • Not all cats like the rustling sound that particles make;
  • for an animal, a smell that is almost imperceptible to humans can be repulsive;
  • possible contraindications have not yet been fully studied.

Variety of materials in the photo

Clumping fillers are considered the most convenient

Wood filler does not cause allergies, but the cat can spread small dust throughout the house

Silica gel litter is suitable only for those cats that calmly respond to the specific sound made by the granules

Corn filler is the most environmentally friendly, but fine particles easily spread throughout the house

Rating of the most popular funds

When choosing a filler, do not forget to find a convenient tray

It’s difficult to say which litter will suit you best, since it all depends on the character of the pet and you. And if the pet “evaluates” the product by testing the litter for its intended purpose, then the owner decides how convenient/inconvenient it is for him to clean up after his beloved cat. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that litter with large granules will be uncomfortable for a kitten, and small ones can be dangerous for the health of large cats. So be sure to pay attention to the size of the granules: small, medium, large.

Whatever product you choose, it is unlikely to protect you from partially scattering the filler around the house. The only salvation: lay a special mat with long silicone pile near sleeping place cat or next to the toilet, which would serve as a kind of brush for the paws.

Rating of the most popular brands - table

Filler Brand Average price in the Russian Federation for 5 liters, rub. Peculiarities
ClayKatty hygienic (Russia)250 The most natural litter for your cat
WoodyCat's Best Eko Plus (Germany)415 The best filler in terms of environmental friendliness and ease of cleaning
WoodySuperCat Standard (Ukraine)150 The most popular filler for its environmental friendliness, ease of cleaning and pleasant smell
CornGolden cat "Ecoline" (Russia)139 The cheapest and eco-friendly option cat litter
ClayFresh Step Triple Protection (USA)300 Excellent litter for kittens
Silica gelNo. 1 Crystals Antibacterial (Russia)390 The most economical cat litter

If we talk about the difference in price, then popular fillers differ more in the manufacturer than in the quality of the product. Thus, when buying German wood filler “Cat’s Best Eko Plus” you will overpay for the label, and you are unlikely to notice the difference with the Ukrainian analogue “SuperCat Standard”. As for the Russian version “No. 1 Crystals Antibacterial”, its main difference from the previous ones is the medium-sized crystals. This allows it to be used for both small breeds of cats and large ones. In economic terms, this fact slightly increases the cost of the product.

Wood fillers differ in the country of origin (like silica gel) and the presence/absence of aromatic additives. In other words, you will have to pay extra for a pleasant smell. But this is not always justified, since your pet may simply not like the fact that the contents of the tray have a foreign odor.

How to choose a quality product for your cat?

Whatever filler you choose, the main thing is that your pet is happy

So, we’ve figured out the types and operating principles of absorbent compounds, and it’s time to choose. AND The best way To do this, buy small packages of fillers that act according to different principles. And only then answer the questions that will help you decide on the most suitable option:

  • What is the litter made of? Are you or your cat allergic to this composition?
  • How well does the product absorb moisture? This point becomes especially relevant if the animal has disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  • Is the smell of the litter suitable?
  • The cat’s reaction - does he go to the toilet calmly, does he scatter the contents of the tray, etc.?
  • Is it possible to flush the litter down the toilet? This is very convenient and important.
  • How long does the packaging last?
  • Pricing policy - which packaging is more economically profitable to buy - large or small?
  • Whether there is a harmful additives? If almost the entire periodic table is listed in the composition, then even with all its effectiveness, it is better to refuse such a toilet in the name of preserving the health of the cat.
  • Is it convenient to add or change the filler - partially or completely, how often?

Based on the above factors, as well as having studied the reviews of experienced cat owners, it turns out that clumping clay litter is the most suitable. He:

  • looks like a familiar natural toilet for a cat;
  • easy to clean by replacing lumps with fresh composition;
  • economical;
  • neutralizes unpleasant odors well;
  • does not spread too much on the paws;
  • is not toxic.

Experienced breeders are confident that comfortable living in the same area with an animal depends on the hygienic component. No smells - no problems, says it all larger number housewives. The best cat litter in terms of characteristics can confirm novice owners in their desire to have a small predator in the house. The rating of fillers from the portal will help you figure out which product is actually the best. After studying customer reviews, opinions of veterinarians and experienced breeders, 2 groups of the most effective hygiene products were identified.

Let's denote important criteria, which you should pay attention to when choosing:

  1. Cat litter can be 3 types: woody, typically granular and, in rare cases, clumping, absorbent or clumping clayey, and silica gel, maximum economical consumption. Each of them is good in its own way and may have additional properties due to flavors, antiseptics and other components included in the composition.
  2. Manufacturers also offer varieties in direct dependence on age animal, as well as wool length. It is worth understanding that highly absorbent wood gel spreads well throughout the apartment, clay gel remains in long wool, and silica gel generates a lot of dust; it is also not very suitable for those who like to play in a tray.
  3. Package volume is often decisive. The larger it is, the more profitable the purchase becomes. If there is only one in the house little kitty, then the consumption will be minimal, but if we talk about keeping an adult cat that has not been sterilized, then it is better to immediately buy large packages of a product that removes odor and absorbs well. Considering the fact that the contents of the tray need to be changed regularly, a good filler is never superfluous. It is only important to decide on the best option.
  4. By characteristic properties There are 2 types of cat litter: clumping And absorbent. If the first forms a dense lump of feces, which is easy to remove with a scoop, then with the second everything is simple - it absorbs over the entire surface. On the one hand, the first one is more convenient and seems more economical, because you don’t need to change the whole thing: just remove the crumpled one and add a new one, but in reality it is only suitable for kittens or small breed cats; the Maine Coon is able to create a monolith the size of a tray or half . Therefore, it is more logical for adult animals to purchase absorbent products.

Clumping filler

This is a popular option for litter tray. Most often, a clay filler with a high caking index is chosen if a small kitten appears in the house. The product can be changed infrequently, while periodically removing hardened lumps. As a rule, this type of hygiene product perfectly inhibits the spread of unpleasant odors, which is why breeders are increasingly choosing it.

1. Cat's Best Eko Plus

This is the most environmentally friendly, safe product, as it is made of coniferous wood. The fibrous and porous structure absorbs perfectly, and at the same time has the property of clumping, for more economical consumption.

What is important is that there is no dust formation, the pet can dig for a long time.

Also, the best filler in this segment has a pleasant aroma, which owners can choose at their discretion. And you won’t need to look for a disposal method, since there will be no problems with the sewer system if you flush the product down the toilet, better option for high-rise buildings you simply cannot find one without a garbage chute. The cost of a package of 10 liters or 4.3 kg will be about 800 rubles.

  • effectively absorbs odor;
  • does not generate dust;
  • convenient to recycle;
  • completely safe for animals.

Cons: can be dragged around the apartment on its paws.

Prices for Cat's Best Eko Plus:

This is a classic clay remedy. It is completely safe, clumps well and is quite economical to use. Suitable for kittens or older cats.

Contains an antiseptic, which in turn allows you to maintain toilet hygiene, while at the same time preventing the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Considering the fact that the base is of clay origin, disposal should occur outside the sewer. The cost of a 10 kg package will be about 450 rubles.

  • low price;
  • possibility of purchasing large packaging;
  • Available in most supermarkets;
  • just remove wet lumps.

Cons: Wet litter can stick to the sides of the tray and paws.

Prices :

3. Ever Clean Lavander

Clay litter for the toilet is of European quality, perfectly retains odor and completely absorbs moisture, forming dense clumps.

The scented composition does not cause discomfort in animals, while creating a feeling of cleanliness in the tray.

The secret of effectiveness is also in the addition of activated carbon. The consumption is economical, however, the packages are offered in impressive sizes. A box of 10 kg of product will cost 1,200 rubles.

  • does not generate dust;
  • does not stick to fur and paws;
  • copes with odors;
  • economical.

Cons: high cost.

Ever Clean Lavander prices:

4. Zoonik Clumping

This is the best budget litter that is suitable for the cat litter of a pet of any age. Sold in 5 kg bags, you can find it both in specialized stores and regular supermarkets. It is simple and convenient to use.

It has antibacterial properties and copes with unpleasant odors.

You can buy it for about 150 rubles.

  • Pros:
  • easy to purchase;
  • low price;
  • does not generate dust;
  • absorbs well.

Cons: doesn't clump well, crumbles when cleaning.

Prices Zoonik Clumping:

5. Cat's Best Nature GOLD

This filler is the safest and most convenient. It can be safely washed down the drain; it is also not dangerous if an animal decides to chew on the granule. The classic porous structure perfectly absorbs moisture, while spreading a light aroma of pine wood.

The product is as easy to use as possible; it does not stick to wool, but at the same time it clumps up perfectly, allowing you to save on constantly changing the entire contents of the tray.

You will have to pay for European quality; the cost of 10 liters is a little more than 1000 rubles.

Cons: high price.

Prices for Cat’s Best Nature GOLD:

Absorbent fillers

These are products for maintaining hygienic cleanliness of trays without the formation of lumps. They absorb moisture, neutralize odors, and many are quite economical in consumption and have a long service life.

1.Fresh Step Extreme Clay

This is the best hygienic cat litter in every way and also for busy breeders. The product perfectly absorbs moisture and completely eliminates odors inherent in the animal’s toilet. During use, you can forget about dust, which may appear when the granules of the clay product are scattered.

The antibacterial effect is extremely valuable; with prolonged use, it prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora.

The product does not stick and does not spread, justifying its impressive price of 1000 rudders for 9.5 kg with quality.

  • perfectly absorbs;
  • neutralizes odors;
  • does not generate dust;
  • does not spread on paws and fur.

Cons: impressive price.

Prices for Fresh Step Extreme Clay:

Silica gel litters are becoming increasingly popular among breeders.

They absorb perfectly and do not require replacement for a long time, do not stick to fur and paws, and are also safe if ingested.

N1 Crystals is a popular budget brand that is available in almost all pet stores. Various packaging volumes allow you to save money, and packaging up to 30 liters is provided. However, the most popular is the 5-liter package at a price of about 350 rubles.

  • hypoallergenic and safe;
  • absorbs well;
  • retains moisture and odor;
  • economical consumption.

Cons: damaged granules can generate dust.

Prices :

3. Cat Step Silica Gel

Another popular silica gel filler that can be found in most stores. It is available in both compact 3.8-liter bags and 24-liter bags. It absorbs perfectly and protects against unpleasant odors. If used correctly, the contents of the tray can be changed every few weeks.

Absolutely safe for the animal, but you should be careful with the sewer, even a small amount can create problems.

The cost of a compact package of 3.8 liters will cost 250 rubles.

  • easy to use;
  • completely safe for cats;
  • does not stick or spread;
  • Excellent moisture retention.

Disadvantages: it can generate dust when the animal actively digs in the tray.

Prices Cat Step Silica Gel:

4. Fresh Step Crystals

And again, European quality, but using silica gel, which does an excellent job of maintaining cleanliness in the tray and controlling the appearance of unpleasant odors.

The small granules mix well with a scoop, allowing you to use the product for a long period of time.

Economical consumption and deodorizing components in the composition are aspects that attract most buyers. The cost of a 3.6 kg package is 1,300 rubles.

  • long time of effective use;
  • economical consumption;
  • maintaining freshness and cleanliness;
  • excellent absorbency.
  • Cons: too high price.

Prices for Fresh Step Crystals:

The main advantages of this product: naturalness, safety, ease of use and disposal.

When wet, wood pellets turn into a viscous cellulose mass that retains moisture.

It has an antibacterial effect and the ability to wash the used product down the drain. Buyers like the price and actual availability; in addition, the manufacturer took care of different packaging of the filler. You can purchase 5, 12 and even 30 liters. The popular package of 12 will cost breeders 170 rubles.

  • availability;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • environmental friendliness and safety%
  • efficiency.

Disadvantages: can spread on paws.

Prices :

Large mineral granules perfectly retain moisture inside and prevent odors from appearing.

The base is presented in the form of calcareous loam, it absorbs better and at the same time does not become viscous, which allows the use of a hygienic product for the toilet of long-haired cats.

Enough a budget option, a 4.5 liter package will cost less than 100 rubles.

  • low price;
  • accessibility to purchase;
  • high efficiency;
  • economical consumption.

Cons: dusty.

Prices :

Scented clay filler High Quality, which is suitable for pets of all ages. It perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors, absorbs and reliably retains moisture inside.

The feeling of cleanliness and freshness lasts for a long time, so you can change the contents of the tray less often and not worry about the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The antibacterial effect of the components included in the composition copes well with the latter aspect. However, European quality and safety standards require significant investments - 10 liters will cost 1,300 rubles.

  • high quality product;
  • economical use;
  • efficiency;
  • long-term preservation of properties.

Cons: May be a little dusty.

Prices :

Many breeders trust it for its excellent level of moisture absorption, maintaining freshness and cleanliness. In addition, the budget option competed well with rather expensive analogues, without actually being inferior to them in any way. However, today the product is quite difficult to find on sale; it is available mainly in Ukraine. However, according to the latest data, 10 liters, which weighs 3 kg, will cost the buyer 150-180 rubles.

  • efficiency;
  • absorption of unpleasant odors;
  • ease of use;
  • low price.

Cons: Difficult to purchase.

Prices :


Maintaining cleanliness in a home where there is an animal is a priority. Cat litter can solve a delicate problem while maintaining freshness and comfort. The rating of popular hygiene products for cats from the portal will help you understand not only the types of products, but will also open up a range of quite effective fillers that will appeal not only to the pet, but also to the family budget.