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» How to get rid of cabbage clubroot. Kila cabbage - how to win. How clubroot appears on the site

How to get rid of cabbage clubroot. Kila cabbage - how to win. How clubroot appears on the site

Since time immemorial, cabbage has been one of the most important vegetable crops in our country. And when she begins to get sick and die, this, of course, is not very pleasant. Clubroot is considered the most common cabbage disease. What is clubroot on cabbage, how to fight the disease? This is what this article will be about.

Clubroot cabbage disease. How to fight?

It is quite difficult to recognize clubroot on young seedlings. The growths are not so large, and their color is not much different from the roots. As the plant grows, they become larger, replacing small roots, so affected cabbage is easy to pull out of the soil. Fungal spores ripened in the growths infect the soil for a long time. Any cruciferous plant grown on contaminated soil, even a weed, will provoke the growth of spores.

How to prevent contamination of entire soil

If clubroot is found on plants already in the middle of the season, then it will be very difficult to do anything serious this season. Remove all diseased plants, dry and burn the roots. The remaining healthy seedlings Hill up higher and water more abundantly.

To localize the source of infection, thoroughly clean the beds where clubroot is found and the passages near them of weeds from the cabbage family. Where clubroot was discovered only once, it remains for a long time. Therefore, carry out all work on caring for an infected bed with specially designated equipment so that the spores are not spread throughout the garden.

In the fall, when the cabbage roots are removed from the garden bed, dig up the soil with beet tops. All plant residues from the soil must be selected very carefully - do not leave even minimal seedlings. Before you start fighting clubroot, remove all affected plants from the beds and burn them.

Kila on cabbage. Control measures

The question of what clubroot is on cabbage and how to deal with it has become quite relevant. Therefore, everyone should understand that in the fight against the disease, liming of the soil, increased watering and high hilling of planted plants can be used. After harvesting, fluff lime is added to the beds where cabbage grew at the rate of 1 square meter 600 g of powder. Liming is repeated a year later with the same amount of lime.

When planting cabbage seedlings in a different place, fill each hole with 250 ml of lime milk solution. To prepare it, pour 800 g of fluff lime into 10 liters of water. This will prevent clubroot from appearing in another bed.

Soil treatment

The most important point in the fight against cabbage clubroot should be soil treatment. One of the significant methods of treating a bed is to cultivate the contaminated soil with vegetables, causing the death of the pathogen. The main healers of contaminated land are considered to be vegetables from the nightshade, lily and goosefoot families. Nightshade crops (including tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplants) clear the soil of clubroot spores in 3 years. Liliaceae ( spicy varieties onions, garlic) and goosefoot (spinach, beets, quinoa) clear the soil faster - in two years. The “tomato-garlic” pair is quite effective in mixed planting. In this case, it is possible to clear the soil in one season.

Sometimes the entire area is infected with clubroot. In this case, the question of what clubroot is on cabbage and how to deal with it becomes a real headache for the gardener. It can be very difficult to clear such an infected garden of the pathogen. Treatment of the land should be carried out in stages. First of all, the entire area must be cleared of cabbage crops, including weeds belonging to this family. It can be divided into two parts: potatoes can be planted on one, and garden crops on the other, but not from the cruciferous family. Replace plantings within three years. At the end of treatment, test the soil for the presence of clubroot and in the future use the recommended therapeutic and preventive crop rotation and agricultural practices. As a test, plant seedlings of early ripening cabbage on the plot and monitor its condition throughout the season. If no growths form on the roots, then the area is cured.

What to do after treating the soil for clubroot

After the area has been cleared of clubroot, always monitor the condition of the soil:

Any waterlogging or excessive drying of the soil is harmful;
- acidic soil reaction;
- insufficient humus content in the soil;
- lack of potassium and calcium;
- lack of zinc, boron and chlorine.

Particularly zealous agricultural technology should be followed in the first year of planting cabbage crops in a healed area. Give preference to mid-season and late varieties cabbage resistant to clubroot. Avoid planting broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts for a while - they are the first to be affected by spores.

Use only high-quality planting material. The best solution there will be seedlings grown by you personally.

The cured soil should not be subject to prolonged waterlogging or drying out. To prevent the soil from drying out after planting cabbage, cover its surface with a layer of pine needle mulch. This, in turn, will also be a kind of protection for the cabbage from slugs.

Throughout the season, cabbage should be sprayed several times with a solution of zinc sulfate at the rate of 0.5 g of zinc sulfate per 1 liter of water. The first spraying is carried out after planting the seedlings on the 10-14th day, the second - after another 20-30 days.

Prevention of clubroot on the site


So, in the course of this article we found out what clubroot on cabbage is and how to deal with it. It was talked about what is the causative agent of the disease. Special attention was paid not only to analyzing the issue of how to deal with clubroot on cabbage, but also to how to prepare the land for planting cabbage so that it would not be susceptible to this disease. We talked about acceptance preventive measures. We also discussed how to deal with clubroot on cabbage roots and what to do after treatment. Thus, when all the topics have been discussed in detail, we can only hope that this will certainly help our reader.

Clubroot is a dangerous fungal disease of cabbage. If clubroot appears on cabbage, you need to know how to deal with this fungal disease. Correctly taken measures will ensure that clubroot remains a thing of the past and the harvest will still be quite good.

Description of clubroot on cabbage

How dangerous is clubroot?

Important! Regular purchases of cabbage seedlings lead to the risk of clubroot being introduced into the area.

It is almost impossible to identify clubroot on young cabbage seedlings. The fact is that the growths are small in size and visually resemble root system plants. However, the growths grow and threaten the harvest. For this reason, affected cabbage, which is vulnerable to external factors, is very easy to remove from the soil. Mature fungal spores in growths lead to long-term and dangerous contamination of the soil.

It is not advisable to use contaminated soil for growing cabbage, as clubroot will be re-infected.


Signs of defeat

The disease leads to the appearance of large growths white, which affect almost all roots. If the infection occurs in the ground, the clubroot appears as small thickenings, but they are also considered dangerous. In any case, such changes in the cabbage root system turn out to be dangerous.

Infection of cabbage seedlings is difficult to detect because the plants practically do not change visually. Many gardeners may think that tumor-like formations are stuck lumps of earth. However, clubroot on cabbage almost always negatively affects the development of the vegetable.

Note! Clubroot leads to severe oppression and slow development of adult plants. The root system does not work properly because it cannot receive water and nutrients. As a result, the leaves become wilted and yellow, and the heads of cabbage develop poorly. If the fungus severely infects the cabbage, the formation of the vegetable stops completely.

Closer to autumn, the growths become brown and rotten, which indicates their destruction. Subsequently, numerous spores enter the soil and remain active for several years. If you subsequently plant plants on similar soil, you can note their subsequent destruction.

Risk group and resistant varieties

Clubroot affects any varieties of cabbage and cabbage crops, as well as weeds of the same family. Particularly sensitive are colored and White cabbage, as well as Dutch hybrids. Knowing which vegetables are included in the risk group, it is recommended to be especially careful.

Some cabbage varieties still exhibit increased resistance to clubroot development, but for this it is advisable to choose mid-season and late varieties.

Fact! You need to understand that cauliflower and early white cabbage are usually more vulnerable to fungal infections.

The causative agent of infection


The main reason for the development of clubroot is the soil, which is affected by fungal spores. Mushrooms often retain their own viability for a long time, so it is advisable to exercise extreme caution when planting cabbage seedlings.

Otherwise, spores can quickly spread throughout the cabbage root system, resulting in the risk of plant death. Infected areas usually appear after planting diseased cabbage seedlings.

The following conditions usually lead to the development of clubroot: favorable conditions:

  • air temperature – 18 – 25 degrees Celsius;
  • humidity indicators – 75 – 90 percent;
  • pH value – 5.6 – 6.5.

Symptoms of the disease

Before you understand how to save cabbage from clubroot, it is recommended to take into account the peculiarities of the development of the disease.

For example, if on a sunny and clear day you notice fading cabbage leaves, it is advisable to dig up a seedling. The presence of growths on the roots indicates a fungal infection, which turns out to be dangerous for other vegetables.

After the growths appear, nutrients cannot reach the root system, as a result of which the plant faces death.

Sick seedlings cannot fully interact with the soil, as a result of which they can be quickly and easily pulled out. If the growths continue to grow and rot, the plant will not be able to mature and become edible.
Cabbage can be affected by the fungus at any stage of its development. However, the most vulnerable are young seedlings that are actively growing.

If you plant seedlings in heavy acidic soil, a fungal disease is inevitable and the cabbage will begin to decline. It should be noted that a change in the color of cabbage leaves should also alert you. If timely action is not taken, the plants will wither and dry out, making it impossible to obtain a harvest.

How to prevent contamination of entire soil

Pre-sowing seed treatment

Seed treatment before planting is required. At the same time, the experience of gardeners allows us to understand how best to process the seeds before further planting:

  1. It is recommended to treat the seeds with an immunostimulant, which will increase resistance to external factors.
  2. Seeds can be poured hot water(optimal temperature is 50 degrees Celsius) for about 20 minutes. The water must remain hot to achieve desired result.
  3. The seeds are kept in a weak mustard-based solution for six hours.
  4. The seed is treated with ascorbic acid for 16 hours. The solution is prepared according to the following scheme: 0.1 grams of ascorbic acid per liter of water. It is recommended to stir the solution with the seeds every hour, and then rinse the seed.
  5. Dry seeds can be placed in the refrigerator for a day. This seed treatment allows you to count on obtaining high-quality seed material, which will be resistant to fungal infections.

Soil preparation

Proper soil treatment becomes mandatory. Only after this is it recommended to plant cabbage seeds.

In autumn, they are used to treat the soil. mortar. In early spring The soil is dug up and organic fertilizers are added to it.

To obtain a healthy and rich harvest, you can plant useful crops within three years. vegetable crops. In addition, it is recommended to remove weeds and disinfect the soil before planting vegetables and harvesting. After time, you can successfully plant and grow cabbage.

Crop rotation

Focusing on such features of crop rotation, it is possible to create favorable conditions for further cultivation cabbage

Features of agricultural technology

Measures to combat sauerkraut largely determine the possibility of successfully growing cabbage. Features of agricultural technology that lead to a reduction in the risk of developing fungal infections are as follows:

  • eliminating the lack of calcium and potassium in the soil;
  • possibility of replenishing zinc, boron and chlorine;
  • increasing the humus content in the soil;
  • compliance optimal mode glaze;
  • acidic soil needs to normalize the pH level.

Folk remedies will help to successfully eliminate clubroot on cabbage:

If traditional methods and proper agricultural techniques do not help, you will need to burn the cabbage with a lump of earth and treat the holes with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Clubroot on cabbage and methods of combating it

Clubroot is not harmful to fruit and leafy vegetables, so they can be planted even on contaminated soil. However, initially you can try to understand how to get rid of clubroot on cabbage and what methods can be effective.

Optimal ways to combat cabbage clubroot:

  • liming of soil;
  • abundant watering;
  • high hilling of growing plants.

Proper treatment of plants and soil increases the chances of a successful result. For example, after harvesting cabbage, you can use lime to treat the soil: 600 grams of lime powder per square meter.

Soil treatment

One of the main tasks is correct treatment soil for further cultivation of cabbage. To quickly eliminate fungi, special preparations are offered.

Advice! However, some vegetable crops are resistant to cabbage clubroot, so it is recommended to clear the soil of cabbage. It is advisable to grow nightshade, goosefoot and lily vegetable crops.

The experience of many gardeners indicates that tomatoes and spring garlic are ideal for eliminating clubroot, since when they are grown together, clubroot is eliminated in just a season, but it is advisable to prolong the treatment of the soil until it is bare.

Prevention of clubroot on the site

Many gardeners are trying to figure out how to deal with clubroot on cabbage, but only prevention of infection can be effective. It is advisable to pay attention to following features fight against cabbage clubroot:

  • maintaining optimal soil moisture conditions;
  • preventing an increase in acid levels in the soil;
  • guaranteed sufficient quantity nutrients for growing cabbage;
  • choosing cabbage that can show resistance to fungal infections;
  • using only high-quality and proven seeds.

If cabbage clubroot appears, fighting it will require a lot of time and effort, and the desired result is quite difficult to achieve. Prevention of infestation of cabbage with clubroot becomes the best option for those who are really interested in successful cultivation rich and tasty harvest.

Cabbage is a common vegetable crop. In almost every area you can see plantations of this plant. Healthy, appetizing, necessary for human body. But not everyone knows how difficult it is to grow healthy cabbage and protect it from all kinds of diseases. Cabbage clubroot is the most common disease that can destroy the entire crop and harm neighboring crops.

    What you need to know about keel

    How to fight clubroot on cabbage

    Vegetables that destroy clubroot

    How to test your soil for clubroot

    Prevention methods

    If the soil is in poor condition

What you need to know about keel

Clubroot is a fungal disease that affects all varieties of cabbage and cabbage crops. These are radishes, rapeseed, radishes, lettuce. The above-ground part of a diseased plant looks painful. The leaf withers and curls, even if the soil around it is sufficiently moist. If the outer part of the plant looks so depressed, it is necessary to examine its root. There were suspicions about clubroot, and that’s what happened.

In a diseased plant, the root is simply covered with growths, forming ugly, incomprehensible branches. The plant's native roots simply die off and the plant dies. But that's not the danger. This fungal disease and spores multiply quite quickly and spread, infecting the entire area. This situation is already extremely dangerous, since everything that grows on the site can be destroyed.

But, without imagining such sad consequences, it is worth knowing that it is necessary to fight clubroot, and the sooner this is done, the faster the successful outcome will be.

How to fight clubroot on cabbage

It is necessary to fight clubroot, and not only on cabbage. If the fungus multiplies in the soil, it is quite difficult to destroy it. Even frosts will not be able to destroy the spores. What to do if a disease is suddenly discovered? First of all, don't panic. Because it is possible to get rid of this scourge in the early stages.

Even if there has not been a similar disease on the site before, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cabbage seedlings. This is especially important when the seedlings were purchased from hand. As soon as you notice that one or more plants are withering, you need to check the root system. Clubroot is difficult to miss, even in its early stages. Strange growths are clearly visible on the root. This is the clubroot.

There is no need to doubt or hope for a mistake; there is no other disease with such symptoms. The affected plant must be disposed of, preferably burned, and outside own plot. Neither frost, nor chlorine, nor fire can destroy the mycelium of this fungal disease.

But if clubroot is detected, the control measures proposed here will help prevent sad consequences. This emergency help, which looks like this:

  • the seedlings are withering, check the root system and if growths are found, all diseased ones must be removed
  • plants by simply checking the roots of each;
  • do not use the tool that was used to process the diseased plant, thoroughly disinfect it;
  • all affected plants must be doused with gasoline and burned on a sheet of metal outside the site;
  • do not use shoes or gloves in which you previously worked in the garden.

If the disease is detected during the harvest period, it is necessary not to leave the roots of the diseased plant in the ground and dispose of them in the same way, outside of your own area.

Do not throw away beet tops or throw them into compost. This waste is sprinkled medicinal products with positive microorganisms. For example, it could be "Shine". The tops are chopped, scattered around the site, after which the garden is dug up in the usual way.

Important! Even smoke from burning a diseased plant can settle on the ground along with spores.

With the onset of spring, treat the soil with disinfectant solutions. It could be a Bordeaux mixture. But plant plants that are sensitive to clubroot infection. You must skip at least one season. Worms and slugs can also spread spores throughout the area.

As you can see, there are a lot of favorable factors for the development of the disease in the area. But there are crops that will help the owner in his fight against clubroot.

Vegetables that destroy clubroot

Oddly enough, there are vegetable crops that effectively destroy clubroot mycelium even in one season. This:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • garlic;
  • beet.

If we focus on onion crops, then this is only various varieties onions. Leek will not cope with this problem. The same can be said about garlic. Only winter is effective. Thus, in areas where the disease has been recorded, it is best to plant garlic in the fall and onions and tomatoes in the spring.

How to test your soil for clubroot

It should already be clear that after identifying the disease, at least one season must be skipped and cabbage should not be planted. But with the onset next seasons, do not rush to plant. The best thing to do is test. After all, use laboratory methods for ordinary summer residents it is unprofitable and expensive.

Testing is carried out in the area where the cabbage was sick the year before. So:

  • plant several bushes of Chinese cabbage;
  • The first examination should be carried out if the seedlings wither or after the formation of new leaves;
  • Carry out the next check at the moment when the heads of cabbage begin to form.

If the plant withers and growths appear on the roots, then the soil is not neutralized. We will have to devote another couple of years to this event.

If the tested plant did not suffer throughout the season, the roots remained clean throughout the growing season, then you have managed to defeat the disease. Even a small growth, the size of a pea, indicates the presence of a disease in the soil. When planting cabbage, the disease will quickly spread, infecting the plant and soil.

Prevention methods

Even if you managed to destroy the clubroot on the site, you must remember that it can return at any time. Nearby neighbors burn diseased plants, and the spores settle on your property along with the smoke.

Many other factors can cause clubroot to reappear. This must be anticipated and preventative measures taken.

  1. Acidic soil is favorable for the spread of clubroot. The composition can be normalized by treating with lime or Bordeaux mixture, which contains copper sulfate and lime.
  2. Excessively moist soil is a favorable environment for clubroot. When planting cabbage seedlings, treat the roots with preparations containing some sulfur, phytosporin, and alerin.
  3. Completely clear the roots of the acquired seedlings from lumps of earth before planting.
  4. Plant in areas where onions and tomatoes grew last year.

Regular weeding and control over the condition of the plant will prevent the formation and spread of clubroot.

If the soil is in poor condition

It often happens that the owner discovers a disease, but continues to plant plants year after year, hoping for a miracle. But a miracle does not happen either this year or next year. The earth is becoming more and more infected, and it is quite difficult to cope with this situation.

The solution can be simple: plant the affected area with potatoes. But it's not that simple. This must be done over three seasons. Moreover, this is an unusual way of growing potatoes. Tubers are planted frequently and do not spud.

With the arrival of the new season, test the soil using the method suggested above. If everything is fine, then plant cabbage next year. If not, again call on the potatoes for help.

You can also use the following methods:

  • do not plant radishes, lettuce, or other cabbage crops for three years;
  • do not give weeds any chance, constantly weed and remove them, even between beds;
  • Plant more crops such as onions, garlic, tomatoes, beets, do this for at least two seasons in a row.

Test your soil regularly. Write down the results in some kind of notebook, indicating the date and results. Such data is easily forgotten, so it is beneficial to write it down.

Take it into account. For three years in a row, plant potatoes, beets, tomatoes, garlic, and onions on the plot. Rotate these crops every year. No weeds on the site. Disinfect the soil extensively before planting in the spring and after harvest in the fall. And after three years you can safely plant cabbage. I wish you rich harvests!

Similar materials

Clubroot is a common disease of cruciferous crops, most often affecting cabbage. The causative agent is a microscopic fungus that does not have mycelium. The disease is quite dangerous; if not diagnosed in time, it destroys up to 100% of the cabbage crop. To reduce the damage from it to a minimum, it is necessary to promptly and correctly treat infected plantings.

Just yesterday you watered the cabbage beds, and today you found wilted, drooping leaves on some of the cabbage heads? There is reason to worry, because this is the first external sign plant damage by clubroot! If no action is taken, the next stage will be a critical inhibition of cabbage growth, accompanied by a change in the color of the leaves; first they will acquire a light purple hue, then turn yellow.

The infection process itself did not begin today, but much earlier - the fungal spores that lead to the development of the disease live in the soil, the primary infection occurs through the root. The spores spread very quickly, spreading to new heads of cabbage along the top layer of the soil. Small, suction roots rot, and large spindle-shaped or spherical growths form on the main stem, which become even larger over time, and spores form in them.


Most often, clubroot infection is transmitted by young planting material. It is quite difficult to detect the disease on the roots of seedlings; the growths at this stage are no larger than a poppy seed. The main symptoms become noticeable in the head rolling phase.

Due to the lack of connection between the roots and the soil, the cabbage does not receive nutrition and moisture, the heads of cabbage first wither and then fall to one side. If you pull cabbage out of the ground, on the root you will see atypical swellings with dark spots and rotting wounds that have bad smell, there will be no small and thin roots. In critical cases, the galls on the root grow so that they become larger than the head of cabbage.

On different types In cabbage, the consequences of clubroot may differ - white cabbage varieties become loose and small, while red or colored varieties will not form at all. Infection can be introduced into garden beds with seed material and seedlings, as well as with the manure of animals that were fed with infected plants. The fungus lives in the ground for up to 7 years in the form of cystospores. Under what conditions do disputes actively develop?

  • heavy, acidic soil;
  • stable air temperature 20–25 degrees;
  • soil and air humidity above 75%;
  • lack of useful elements in the soil (chlorine, calcium, potassium and magnesium);
  • irregular or excessive watering;
  • non-compliance with the rules of crop rotation.

In neutral soil, clubroot does not develop at 15 degrees, and in an alkaline environment the vital activity of fungi ceases. Spores do not die in frosty, snowless winters, they are not afraid of high temperatures.

Proven ways to combat clubroot

Clubroot is popularly called cabbage cancer; affected plants can be cured only in the first stages of development. Given the survivability of the fungus, it is necessary to treat not only the planted crops, but also the soil. The eradication process must be approached comprehensively, using agrotechnical measures and folk remedies.

Folk remedies

It will not be possible to completely cure cabbage from clubroot this season; you can support the plants until harvest and protect the plantings of subsequent years. What to do when you notice the first signs of the disease:


Overgrown heads of cabbage cannot be saved by hilling; they need to be cut off and sent for processing.

In the later stages of clubroot development, the affected bushes are removed and soil treatment begins immediately. Soil microorganisms quickly spread spores, so not only isolated areas of soil are treated, but the entire area where the beds were. In the same place, all cruciferous crops can be grown no earlier than in a year.

How to disinfect soil

Most acceptable to supporters organic farming There will be an agrotechnical method (crop rotation) for cleaning the soil from clubroot fungus. Crops of the Solanaceae, Liliaceae and Chenopodiaceae genus are planted in the infected area. Save this useful cheat sheet:

  • tomatoes, potatoes and peppers destroy spores in 3 years;
  • garlic, onions and beets will cope with clubroot in 2 seasons;
  • Planting tomatoes and garlic together will clear the soil in a year.

The area where cabbage was previously infected with clubroot is divided into several beds, and the plants described above are planted. Everything should be removed during the season. weeds. The denser the planting, the greater the chance of curing the maximum amount of soil, but you should not thicken the plants too much.

Rarely, such a procedure may not give a positive result. To check the soil, you should sow in the new season. Chinese cabbage, check the roots several times throughout the growing season. If the roots are clean, after a season you can safely plant white cabbage or cauliflower in this place.

One of the main tasks when fighting clubroot is to normalize acidity. A pH value comfortable for the fungus will be 5.6–6.5. Dolomite flour, fluff lime or wood ash are used as deoxidizers.

Industrial drugs

Kila is highly resistant to most antifungal drugs, but gardeners over many years of testing have identified several effective remedies:

  • Trichodermin;
  • Previkur;
  • Glyocladin;
  • Topaz;
  • Fitosporin-M;
  • Alirin B;
  • Fundazol.

Get ready for chemicals and biological drugs will not eradicate the infection and will not cure infected bushes, they will only slow down the development of the fungus and restrain its spread.

Prevention of clubroot cabbage

All damaged cabbage bushes are dug up (along with particles of the diseased root) and burned away from the site. The spores will not die from the fire and will be carried along with the smoke, so it is better to carry out the procedure in calm weather. Try not to step into holes where cabbage grew. All garden tools, shoes and clothing must be disinfected after working with diseased plants.

Throughout the cabbage growing season, remove weeds from the beds, especially herbs belonging to the cruciferous family (colza, rapeseed, shepherd's purse, spring grass, wild radish and field mustard). Don't forget about crop rotation.


You need to feed cabbage once every 14 days; mineral complexes, mullein infusion (1:10 with water) and ash infusion are suitable.

Before planting seedlings, they are washed from the soil and the roots are carefully examined. If small thickenings are visible on them, such sprouts are discarded. On initial stages clubroot galls may be the same color as the roots. After culling, the roots of healthy seedlings are treated with Thiovit, Cumulus or colloidal sulfur.

Resistant varieties

There are no cabbage varieties that are completely resistant to the clubroot pathogen, but scientists have developed varieties with fairly high immunity to the disease:

  • Kylazol F1;
  • Taininskaya 11;
  • Losinoostrovskaya 8;
  • Kilaton F1;
  • Winter Gribovskaya;
  • Kilagerb F1;
  • Kilagreg F1;
  • Hope;
  • Ramkila F1;
  • Tequila F1.

The varieties Vyuga, Golden Hectare, Slava, Rusinovka, Skorospelaya and Kharkovskaya Zimnyaya are the most susceptible to clubroot.

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds and soil

There are several ways to treat seeds, the simplest is soaking in hot water(about 50 degrees) for 20 minutes. Let's consider other options:

  • six-hour soaking in 1.5% mustard solution;
  • The grains can be left for 8–12 hours in a solution of ascorbic acid. Take 0.1 grams of ascorbic acid per liter of water, mix the seeds every hour, then wash running water, dry;
  • a good way to disinfect - seeds are dipped in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, washed and treated with biostimulants (Energen or Epin);
  • Several aloe leaves are cut, placed in a jar, the neck is covered with gauze and refrigerated for 2 weeks. The juice is squeezed out of the leaves, diluted with water 1:1, and left for a couple of hours. The seeds are dipped into the resulting solution and the jar is placed in the refrigerator for 2 days. It is not necessary to wash and dry the grains; they can be sown immediately.

It is advisable to calcinate the soil mixture intended for growing seedlings in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for about an hour. After which it needs to be spilled with a solution of the drug Baikal-1M or Radiance. The soil on the site can be treated with Bordeaux mixture according to the instructions.

What to put in the hole before planting cabbage

Many gardeners advise preparing holes for cabbage in advance. A week before the intended planting, half a teaspoon of sulfur is poured into the holes, and when planting, peeled potatoes are placed in the hole. You can also add a handful of wood ash, dolomite flour, baking soda or crushed chalk (one ingredient only).


It is advisable to immediately water the planted seedlings with a solution of colloidal sulfur - 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

Keep an eye on your cabbage beds; the sooner you detect the disease, the greater the chance of saving the crop. It is necessary to fight clubroot in a timely manner, but even active measures do not guarantee complete relief from the disease; follow the rules of agricultural practices and pay maximum attention to preventive measures.

And again about diseases of our plants Clubroot cabbage, control measures and where does it come from? Every self-respecting gardener plants cabbage, and it’s quite unpleasant to see loose sponges sticking out in the beds instead of large and elastic heads of cabbage.

This fungal disease is dangerous because it spreads quickly and unnoticed, just like. Spores spread quickly and remain in the soil for a long time. If you do not take any measures, you will not get a harvest, or there will be very few healthy plants. But every year the soil on the site will become more and more infected and even cruciferous weeds will become infected.

An unpleasant cabbage disease is clubroot.

This fungal disease is quickly spread by spores into the soil. It can be brought to a plot with purchased seedlings, on shoes or gardening tools. If diseased plants are not carefully removed, the spores will spread to other cabbage plants. Radishes, radishes, rutabaga are affected, even cress and shepherd's purse can “catch” the fungus from diseased cabbage. Clubroot develops especially quickly on colored and early cabbage, their roots are most susceptible to fungus.

How to determine the disease? If you notice that the leaves have become limp and growth has stopped, or the plant has acquired a bluish tint, then something is wrong. To check for clubroot, you need to carefully dig up the plant and examine the roots. In common parlance, clubroot is called root cancer. You will see small thickening beads on the affected roots. In the later stage these will be large growths.

The disease can be introduced or it has already settled in the soil; prepare for the fact that without taking action, the fungus will live in the soil for up to 7 years. It will gradually spread and infect more and more new areas. A plant can get sick at any stage of development, both seedlings and adults.

How to get rid of clubroot cabbage.

If infected plants are found, they must be promptly removed and destroyed. just so that the soil from them does not spill over all the beds. They are usually burned or buried to great depths.

What to do now with the contaminated soil? Need to water it dark solution manganese and treat with preparations containing sulfur. Now you can’t plant any cruciferous plants in the infected area, and remove all weeds.

But even in an empty garden bed, the spores will live for several years, although their number will decrease. Planting onions, tomatoes, garlic or potatoes will help restore soil health. Clubroot fungus does not like the nightshade family.

Try to select for the infected area individual instruments so as not to spread the mycelium.

Clubroot prevention.

Experienced gardeners already know that prevention of all diseases is much simpler and easier than treatment. What does it cost to simply prevent infection, save the harvest, your wasted time and nerves?

  • Kila loves acidic soil, so you need to know the PH level in the area and apply lime in advance.
  • Infection can be provoked by a lack of essential microelements, chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium.
  • Irregular watering is also a good provocateur of fungal growth.
  • Purchased seedlings need to be treated with alerin, phytosporin or sulfur preparations, having previously cleared the roots of soil residues.
  • When planting any cruciferous vegetables, add ash or dolomite flour to the hole.
  • Maintain crop rotation; the cabbage family especially accumulates all sorts of diseases in the soil.
  • Routine plant care, such as weeding, loosening and hilling, is also prevention.
  • Plant varieties that are resistant to fungal diseases.

Cabbage varieties resistant to clubroot.

Of course, you yourself understand that there are no varieties that are not susceptible to diseases at all, but there are those that do not immediately become infected when initial stage development.

Varieties that are less susceptible to clubroot and bacteriosis, Losinoostrovskaya 8, Moskovskaya late 9, hybrids F1Solo and F1Kiloton, have been experimentally bred.

Those who have at least once encountered clubroot know what an unpleasant disease it is. It prevents plants from eating and developing normally, weakens their growth and destroys the harvest.