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» Dolomite flour - how to use in the garden. Which is better to choose: dolomite flour or lime Is it possible to feed cabbage with dolomite flour

Dolomite flour - how to use in the garden. Which is better to choose: dolomite flour or lime Is it possible to feed cabbage with dolomite flour

Stores often sell a useful fertilizer that few gardeners know how to properly use. Let's figure out why dolomite flour is good, what it is and how to use it for the benefit of the site.

What is needed for

It is a natural substance that is used in horticulture as a soil improver. Flour is produced from a solid mineral - dolomite, which has deposits in the Urals, Buryatia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. It is ground on stone crushing machines and in powder form it goes on sale under the name "Dolomite flour".

Incorporation into the ground:

  • reduces acidity;
  • improves physical properties;
  • accelerates the decomposition of peat, which is important in swampy areas;
  • enriches the soil with magnesium and calcium.

Many gardeners have noticed that after adding fertilizer to the beds, the yield of most plants increases.

Properties of dolomite flour

It can be seen from the chemical formula of CaMg(CO2) that the fertilizer contains two elements necessary for any plant: calcium and magnesium. But the main useful property of dolomite flour is the ability to influence the pH of the soil.

ground dolomite:

  • accelerates the development of colonies of microorganisms that turn plant residues into necessary for plants humus;
  • increases the digestibility of other mineral fertilizers;
  • reduces the content of radionuclides.

The pH value depends on the presence of hydrogen ions in the soil. Calcium binds hydrogen particles and the earth becomes more alkaline. On excessively acidic soil, most grow poorly and bear fruit. cultivated plants, therefore, alkalization every 3-4 years has a positive effect on yield.

Substrates rich in calcium have a "correct" structure - they are finely lumpy or granular. These are chernozems - ideal soils for agriculture. In black soil, the roots breathe well. The structure of soils rich in calcium makes it possible to maintain an optimal water/air ratio for plants in the root layer.

If the land on the site “floats”, after each watering it becomes covered with a crust, does not pass water well, or the soil is too loose and becomes dry again within a few minutes after watering, then this means that the soil does not have the correct mechanical structure and needs dolomite.

What soil is suitable for

Ground dolomite is suitable for acidic soils. Substrates are considered acidic, the pH of which is below 5. Dolomite flour will be useful if the soil on the site belongs to:

  • sod-podzolic;
  • red soils;
  • gray forest;
  • peat;
  • swamps - except for swamps of a neutral or alkaline group.

To determine the acidity of the soil, reagent kits sold in garden stores are used. You need to work with them according to the instructions. Typically, stores offer indicator paper that changes color. If the soil is acidic, then paper dipped in a glass of soil solution will turn yellow or pink. A change in paper color to green or blue indicates an alkaline reaction.

Experienced gardeners determine the acidity of the soil by weeds. It’s great if there are a lot of nettles, clover and chamomile on the site - this indicates a slightly acidic reaction that is optimal for most garden plants. The abundance of plantain, moss, horsetail, mint and sorrel speaks of acidification.

How to use dolomite flour correctly

Ground dolomite can be used everywhere: in open ground, temporary structures and capital greenhouses.

There are 2 ways to apply DM:

  • scatter on the surface of the beds;
  • mix with earth.

When spreading on the surface without incorporation into the soil, the result can be expected no earlier than in a year. In order for the additive to act faster, dolomite must be evenly mixed with the root layer. To do this, it is scattered over the garden, and then dug up.

It is impossible to make at the same time an additive for deoxidation and manure - humus. If the bed needs to be fertilized with organic matter and deoxidized, then keep in mind that the interval between the introduction of humus and dolomite should be at least 3 days.

Which is better: lime or flour

No matter how good dolomite flour is, nevertheless, slaked lime - fluff - is more often used to deoxidize the soil. The reason is that lime is easier to buy as it is less expensive and more commonly found on the market.

Unlike lime, dolomite flour does not burn plants, does not leave white streaks on them and does not spoil appearance landings, so it can be scattered over the surface of a lawn or flower bed. Ornamental white clover responds well to the application of ground dolomite, which is used as a groundcover and a component of the Mauritanian lawn.

Dolomite application rates depending on soil acidity:

Ph soil solution Flour per one hundred in kg
4, 5 or less50
4,5-5,2 45
5,2-5,7 35

Application for different crops

Different crops react differently to fertilizer. Some plants can't stand it. The tolerance of the fertilizer depends on the requirements of the plants for the acidity of the soil.

Dolomite is a rock that is 95% composed of the mineral dolomite. The main features of such rocks were first described by the French geologist Dolomier, by whose name the mineral got its name. At specialized enterprises, large rocks of the rock are ground into flour, dried, and stored packaged in bags and sacks. Gardeners interested in soil improvement use dolomite flour as a fertilizer and soil deacidifier in their vegetable gardens.

Why you need to reduce the acidity of the soil

Chemical reactions occurring in the soil can adversely affect the ability of plants to absorb nutrients useful for their growth and development. As a result of such reactions, free hydrogen ions accumulate in the earth, which block the access of necessary substances to the root system of the plant. Acidity is determined by the amount of hydrogen compounds in the soil (pH). This value can be determined in special laboratories.

Vegetable and fruit crops prefer soils with a neutral or alkaline pH. A pH value of 7.0 is considered neutral, a figure below this value indicates hyperacidity soil, if it is above this mark, then the soil is alkaline.

Attention! Even within one suburban area this indicator can vary significantly, soil samples for laboratory determination of pH should be taken from several small plots.

If it is determined that the composition of the earth has a pH value below 7.0, it should be neutralized using dolomite flour. The video tells in detail how to do it correctly, in addition, you can see with your own eyes the whole process of introducing dolomite flour into the soil.

Apply the substance depending on the acidity of the soil

Useful properties and application in gardening

Dolomite flour rocks has many useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of vegetables and fruits, fruit trees and shrubs:

  • the use of flour reduces the number of weeds in the beds that grow in acidic soil;
  • it stimulates the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, bacteria and insects living in the earth, which contributes to good growth and development of fruit crops;
  • the beneficial effects of other fertilizers become more noticeable by reducing the blocking effect of hydrogen ions;
  • acts destructively on harmful insects rubbing their tissues and integument like an abrasive material;
  • vegetables and fruits not damaged by pests are stored longer, their presentation is much better;
  • the high content of calcium in the composition of dolomite contributes to good survival and development of the root system of the plant, the roots become strong and absorb nutrients well, almost do not get sick, are not affected by rot;
  • flouring - a process that allows you to grow environmentally net harvest vegetables, fruits and berry crops, flour neutralizes the effect of salts of heavy metals deposited in the soil;
  • magnesium, which is part of dolomite, forms a sufficient amount of chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis.

Advice. If it is not possible to determine the acidity of the soil in the laboratory, you can use folk remedies: vinegar or grape juice, after all high accuracy The pH of small summer cottages is optional.

When to fertilize

The terms for making flour are not regulated: in spring, summer or autumn, you can use it in garden plots and vegetable gardens:

  1. In the spring, usually April-May, the flour is scattered on the beds, then I dig them up and loosen them.
  2. From August to November, make flour around trees and shrubs in a circle of 2 meters. About 2 kg will be required for one trunk, half as much for a bush.
  3. Even in winter, you can fill up a certain area, as long as it is even, and the melt water, enriched with dolomite flour, soaks into the ground, and does not flow down an inclined plane.
  4. In summer, dolomite is used as top dressing, which destroys pests.

Flour should be applied only on acidified areas of the earth, with neutral and alkaline soils doing so is not recommended. Such uncontrolled use can adversely affect plant growth and bed yields due to excess calcium.

Flour can be used in greenhouses, adding only 100 g per 1 square meter. The earth does not need to be dug up after this, since the flour delays the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth, which is for plants planted in enclosed spaces very important.

All kinds of plants are grown in vegetable gardens and orchards, they all prefer composition soil: acidic, neutral or alkaline, so you need to have a specific approach to each crop. If necessary, apply dolomite only to areas where it is required.

The use of dolomite flour helps to increase the yield and excellent growth of plants, be patient and use it constantly. After 2-3 years, after improving the quality of the soil, you will notice this, and you will not regret the labor and time spent, your pets will only delight you with their fertility.

Dolomite flour: video

Most summer residents use slaked lime to deoxidize the soil and saturate it with calcium. But in order to avoid negative consequences for plants, it has to be applied in the fall and wait, otherwise the crops will not absorb phosphorus, and this is a lack of yield and diseased plants.

There are more good decision- lime dolomite flour for use in horticulture. This is a natural substance that is extracted from a natural mineral. Its action on the soil and plants is softer, therefore, safer.

Dolomite is a source of calcium and magnesium

To understand the principle of fertilizer action, first you need to figure out what dolomite flour is, why it is needed in the garden, what beneficial features transfers to the soil.

Lime flour is used to deoxidize the soil so that nutrients that are in an acidic environment can enter plant tissues. The first is phosphorus.

If the acidity level exceeds allowable norms, the root system is not able to absorb phosphates and develop. Consequently, the plant through the roots does not receive most of the minerals that are necessary for growth and fruiting.

The composition of dolomite flour includes oxides of calcium and magnesium. Due to carbonates in the soil, an acid neutralization reaction occurs. Calcium helps to strengthen the walls of the tubules, through which nutrients enter and the plant grows actively.

The macroelement also affects the taste and nutritional characteristics of fruits, promotes uniform ripening. Fruits that have received carbonates in sufficient quantities withstand storage well.

Magnesium plays an important role in the formation of chlorophyll. In acidic soils, it is often lacking, which is noticeable by the green veins on light green leaves. The use of dolomite flour in the garden as a fertilizer solves two problems at once - plant health and large yields.

Principle of action in the soil

On light soils - sandstones and sandy loams - magnesium and calcium behave mobilely. Every year, up to 8 g of magnesium is washed out with rains. To maintain redox reactions in light soil, these substances must be added additionally.

On heavy soils, where water movement is difficult, calcium and magnesium are retained, so the deficiency is less felt.

Therefore, how to use dolomite flour in the garden, when to apply it to the soil - in autumn or spring - must be decided based on the characteristics of the soil itself. Check it for acidity first.

Getting into a very acidic soil, carbonates increase its pH to slightly acidic. If accidentally introduced into neutral soil, then the soil will be alkaline - not all garden crops will like this. For example, already with neutral soil, you can not wait for the harvest of cucumbers, not to mention alkaline.

Checking the soil for acidity

You can check the soil for acidity in three ways:

  • using a pH meter;
  • litmus paper;
  • folk way.

Most affordable option- check with vinegar. Acid does not interact with acid, so if you pour a handful of soil with vinegar, it will simply be absorbed. This means that the soil is acidic and you need to take action.

If there are carbonates in the soil, a reaction will occur with the release carbon dioxide, which will be accompanied by a hiss. This means that with the deoxidation of the soil with dolomite flour, you can wait.

How else to deoxidize the soil - analogues of dolomite flour

Nutrients in the form of carbonates are also found in other fertilizers that are applied to the soil for deoxidation:

  • fluff lime;
  • wood ash;
  • eggshell;
  • marl;
  • sludge after use in the metallurgical industry;
  • cement dust.

It is often not recommended to use chalk as a fertilizer, because it is slightly soluble in water, so it clogs the soil rather than benefits it. After lime, time must pass before plants can be grown in the garden. If you overdo it, the soil will not be suitable for planting for another 2-3 years.

Egg shells and wood ash natural materials, but they need a lot to carry out high-quality land cultivation. Soil deoxidation with ash is a dubious measure, since the calcium content depends on what is burned.

It is not always possible to find hardwood, and it is a pity to waste it. Although there are a lot of different microelements in the ashes, it is better to use it for feeding. Eggshells also need a lot, in addition, it dissolves for a long time, so it’s definitely impossible to fully reduce acidity with the help of eggs.

Cement dust has alkaline reaction and deoxidizes the soil, in addition contains about 8% potassium. Some summer residents are afraid to use it in their beds, since cement production is one of the most harmful, and the consequences for the body can be unpredictable in terms of oncology.

Interesting! As a deoxidizer, a green manure plant phacelia is planted. But this method is acceptable when the soil has a slightly acidic reaction. With a large amount of acid, green manure must be sown for several years in a row.

Flour Benefits

Dolomite remains. It is the safest and cheapest - if you compare what is better in price - dolomite flour or lime, then definitely the first. And not only for the price.

The use of dolomite flour for garden plot does not have any time limits. It is brought even in the snow - dissolving in water, minerals fall into the ground.

The only limitation that dolomite has is that it cannot be applied at the same time as manure.

What fertilizers can not be applied with dolomite

If dolomite flour, the use of which is strictly necessary in the fall in the country, is applied with manure, then this must be done at different times: first flour, after 2 weeks manure. You cannot mix them.

Instructions for the use of dolomite flour categorically prohibits the use of this fertilizer with:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • urea.

These are acidic chemical fertilizers, if mixed with alkaline dolomite, a reaction occurs and hard-to-reach substances are formed that plants cannot absorb. As a result, all top dressing will be neutralized.

Video: Dolomite flour for a rich harvest

Controversy arises about superphosphate, whether it can be mixed with dolomite. This can and should be done. Superphosphate mixed with urea, as described above, is solid, but to avoid hardening of fertilizers, add chalk, lime or dolomite flour to the mixture in a ratio of 20% by weight of phosphates.

How to apply dolomite flour to the soil is indicated in the instructions, but just in case, a few more tips and tricks.

Terms of liming

When to deposit dolomite flour in the ground:

  • in the spring before planting;
  • autumn after harvest;
  • closer to spring in the snow.

In the spring, the powder is scattered evenly over the garden and dug up on the bayonet of a shovel.

After it dissolves in water, the soil is ready for planting. In autumn, everything happens in much the same way, but after liming, organics are added in two weeks. Since both one fertilizer and the second are used every three years, it is possible to use dolomite in the first year, and add organic matter in the second.

The introduction of dolomite flour in the fall helps to attract earthworms to the site, which loosen the soil, and also helps to get rid of pest beetles. The fact is that dolomite destroys the chitinous cover of insects, provoking burns of soft tissues, from which they die.

Before moving on to using dolomite flour in the garden in the spring, you need to determine the type of soil and calculate how much powder is needed per square meter.

There are norms for making dolomite flour:

  • for strongly acidic soil (pH below 4.5) - 600 g per square meter;
  • from 4.5 to 5.2 - 450 g;
  • from 5.2 to 5.6 - 350 g/sq.m.

Consider soil type in heavy loams and clay soils contribute 15% more powder.

What acidity is needed for different plants

On acidic soil, they bear fruit poorly: beets, cabbage, alfalfa. A slightly acidic reaction is needed for cucumber, onion, legumes, corn, potatoes. Carrots, radishes and tomatoes are not afraid of acid, but it is better when it is normal.

Important! Blueberries, blackberries and cranberries, as well as gooseberries and sorrel are afraid of liming. They prefer to grow in acidic soils.

Stone fruit trees react positively to liming and give good yields year after year. The greatest effect should be expected in the second year after the alkalization of the soil.

Feeding methods - mixture recipes

In order to defeat the scab and cabbage kila, make the following mixture: for 1 kg of dolomite powder add 8 g boric acid. Further contribute according to the norms. This mixture is sometimes added blue vitriol in the amount of half a teaspoon per kilogram.

Dolomite lime is used as a liquid top dressing so that the plants receive magnesium. For this take a liter jar of powder on a bucket of water and dissolve it. Plants are watered with the resulting milk under the root. The solution is also used in the greenhouse.

Before planting potatoes, you can pre-spray the powder, and dig it up already in the process of planting. Dosage with this method, it is desirable to reduce by half.

Video: Introduction of dolomite flour

When asked what kind of dolomitic lime is needed to deoxidize the soil: only finely ground, because this way it dissolves faster in water and enters root system. To control pests, leaves are dusted with such fine dust to destroy flies, butterflies and beetles.

Dolomite is mixed with ash to simultaneously feed the plants with microelements and reduce the acidity of the soil. Carry out the procedure better in autumn so that the ash has time to decompose by soil microorganisms. In this case, the powder is taken 20% less than indicated in the dosages for this type of soil. These 20% are compensated by the ash additive.

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For the normal growth and maturation of various crops, fertilizers are used. It is not uncommon to hear from specialists and agro lovers with experience about dolomite flour as a lime fertilizer. What is dolomite flour, composition, how it is used and for which crops it is suitable, we will tell our readers.

Dolomite lime - plant reaction and dosage

Lime fertilizer from dolomite flour is an ideal bait for crops such as: beets, carrots, onions. buckwheat, alfalfa, potatoes, flax, clover, etc.

Dolomite flour consists of a fine powder of light gray, brown or white color. The composition of the bait: limestone + boric acid. The composition of boric acid from different manufacturers may vary from 5 to 10 g per 1 kg of limestone. Since boric acid is included in the composition, dolomite flour is often used to disinfect and protect plants from insect pests. The limestone included in the composition is an excellent bait for various crops. They began to be used more than 50 years ago, first in large agricultural lands, then in any private area. Fertilizer is inexpensive, but it brings a lot of benefits.

Dolomite flour is applied to any kind of soil on open beds or in greenhouses. especially effective for sandy or sandy soils. Since when used, the soil is enriched with magnesium. On neutral soil, it makes no sense to apply.

Pros of using lime fertilizer

It is necessary to make dolomite flour every 3-4 years, since the action is long-term. After using dolomite flour, the soil acquires a number of positive qualities:

The benefits of dolomite lime are undeniable. But for proper processing you need to fertilize correctly.

Dolomite lime application rates

It is necessary to apply lime fertilizer in accordance with the type of soil. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the acidity of the earth. For more information about lime application rates depending on the type of soil in the table:

It is important when applying to take into account not only the acidity, but also the lightness of the soil. So if the earth is light, then the dosage must be reduced by 1.5 times, for heavy clay, 10-15% of the total norm is added. In order for the effect to be the same, it is necessary to try to cultivate the land evenly. If you make all the necessary proportions of ash, then the effectiveness can last up to 5 years, and on dense soil up to 8 years.

To obtain greater efficiency, copper sulfate and boric acid are added to the soil along with dolomite flour. Microfertilizers will enhance the impact of dolomite.

More details on the application of bait can be seen on the video:

The reaction of various crops to dolomite soil fertilizer

All crops under which dolomite flour is applied are conditionally divided into several groups according to their reaction to fertilizers:

  1. Plants for which growth in an acidic environment is unacceptable: all types of beets, cabbage, sainfoin, alfalfa. Plants love the soil with a pH of 7 to 7.5, so the responsiveness to the use of lime is active, even when growing on slightly acidic soil.
  2. Plants that can grow on acidic soil, but are sensitive to it: winter and spring wheat, barley, soybeans, corn, cucumbers, onions, clover and broad beans, lettuce. Development proceeds well on soil close to acidic pH from 6 to 7. Lime is responsive to acidic, slightly acidic and neutral soil.
  3. Plants that react poorly to acidic soil: oats, buckwheat, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, rye. Grow well on the acidity of the soil pH from 4.5 to 7.5. They respond well to ashing on slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6. After application, it is recommended to use nitrogenous fertilizers.
  4. Plants that need to be limed only when growing on moderately and strongly acidic soil: flax, potatoes. So if you do not lime the potatoes, then it is covered with scab, the starch in the culture decreases.

Before applying fertilizer, it is necessary to analyze the soil in your area:

  1. For highly acidic soil, more lime should be used.
  2. absorption properties of the earth. For clay and loam, a larger amount is needed than for sand.
  3. The amount of precipitation in the region. Melt and rain water quickly wash out calcium from the fertile layer.

Features of making dolomitic lime

It is important during liming to evenly apply fertilizer to the soil and upper layer. To do this, after making the soil of the upper layer is mixed by 15-20 cm. For greater efficiency and a decrease in acidity, dolomite can be added along with manure, but they must not be mixed. lime flour is first introduced, then manure and everything is dug up. Application: Dolomite - 200-500 g/m 2 , manure - 4-5 kg/m 2 .

Dolomite flour does not damage or burn the stems and leaves of crops, so it can be used on lawns and grazing areas. Fertilize in any season, but it is easier to do this in the fall after harvesting. Apply once every few years, but on acidic soil it is better every year.

Norms and methods of application for various crops are shown in the table:

You can not make dolomite lime for crops: cranberries, gooseberries, blueberries, sorrel.

As we have already said, it is good to use lime dressing with nitrogenous and mineral fertilizers, but there are exceptions with which mixing is unacceptable: urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, granulated superphosphate, double superphosphate.

The benefits of applying lime top dressing will be noticeable after a different period of time. Depends on factors:

  1. The acidity of the earth.
  2. The size of the applied lime fertilizers and their type.

The higher the acidity of the earth, the greater the norm of flour per 1 m 2 of soil. Since they diverge slowly in the soil, the maximum effect occurs after 1-2 years.

Mineral and organic bait after the introduction of lime flour become more effective, therefore, after processing, they can be applied half as much as the usual rate. A greater effect appears after treatment with the introduction of acidic ammonia and potassium compounds.

Lime flour treatment according to Mitlider

According to the Mitlider method, it is necessary to add lime flour with a mixture: limestone or dolomite flour 1 kg + 7-8 g of boric acid. It is necessary to make it before digging for each crop separately or when changing one type to another. Together with the dolomite mixture, it is proposed to make mineral fertilizers. If the earth is clayey and heavy, peatlands and wetlands, then the application rates for a bed up to 1 m wide are 200 g per 1 m p., on light soil, 100 g each. norms.

Many greenhouse and agricultural complexes work according to the Mitlider method. In private households, they began to use relatively recently. Efficiency occurs 1-2 years after application.

How to buy lime flour

Before you buy the composition, you need to look at the expiration date of dolomite flour. the point is that when proper storage the term is 2 years. But it is necessary to store bait in a dry room with a temperature not lower than +5 0 С. Unscrupulous sellers keep products in winter in unheated warehouses, where they lose a number of their qualities. It is difficult to determine this by eye before buying, so it is better to take products of a fresh year of release.

They sell dolomite flour at large and small specialized stores, on the agro market or via the Internet. It is better to purchase in specialized centers. after asking the seller for a copy of the quality certificate for the goods.

You can buy dolomite flour from the manufacturer, but the batch size must be at least 1 ton. The price will be lower. Dolomite flour is sold in packaged cellophane or paper bags weighing 1, 5, 10, 15 kg. 50-100 g and a shaft in bags. The price for the convenience of readers is presented in the table:

Packing size price, rub.
50 g From 20
100 g From 35
1 kg From 340
5 kg From 1600

Dolomite lime in bulk in bags is cheaper (the price is from 135 rubles / kg), but it is more difficult for the seller to store it, and it is impossible for the buyer to determine the expiration date. It is safer to buy in the original packaging in bags of 1 and 5 kg.

Dolomite flour, in addition to providing nutrients for plants, helps to change the acidity of the soil, bringing it into line with the needs of plants. Previously, lime flour was used for this purpose, but dolomite, unlike lime, contains much more nutrients and is often used as a supplement to balanced fertilizers.

Dolomite is a mineral containing calcium and magnesium. Dolomite flour is produced by grinding dolomite to a powder consistency. Hence the name of the fertilizer. The best dolomite mixes contain 8 to 12 percent magnesium and 18 to 22 percent calcium. These elements contribute to soil deoxidation and provide valuable plant nutrients. Dolomite may contain sodium, but it should only be 0.2 percent or less. A large amount of sodium can change the salinity of the soil, which will negatively affect the plants.

Dolomite flour is used to increase soil pH (deacidification), in agriculture and gardening. Thanks to the neutralization of acidity, plants can easily absorb nutrients. Dolomite also improves soil texture and helps convert other nutrients into usable forms for the following vegetables to assimilate:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • salad;
  • spinach.

Dolomite is the best to use to reduce the acidity of the soil. For example, heavy rains can lower the pH, so applying this fertilizer is important aspect garden or yard maintenance.

Most plants are best suited for an acidity value between 6.0 and 7.4. If soil registers with a pH of 5.9 or lower, dolomite can help raise the pH to make the soil more suitable for plants. Some plants prefer acidic soils, so check the needs of specific plants before adding dolomite. Some plants, especially vegetables with lots of seeds inside like tomatoes, need extra calcium as they grow, and dolomite is a great way to provide this nutrient.

When the pH is too low, the essential nutrients that most plants need are not available to the plants.

How and when to use

Instructions for use of dolomite flour says that it can be pour on the ground at any time of the year when there is no frost, but it is better to apply in spring or autumn. To do this, select a day when rain is not predicted.

To deoxidize the soil, it is necessary to correctly determine the rate of dolomite. For example, if the soil has a pH of 5.5 and you need to raise it closer to 6.5, add 5 kilograms of dolomite at 30 square meters space.

How much fertilizer to add depends on the pH level. If you don't have soil test results, it's usually safe to apply 250 ml (1 cup) for every 15 square meters of soil.

Before adding flour, you need to prepare the soil. Remove weeds and other unwanted vegetation, as well as rocks and fallen branches.

Wear protective gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and a mask. Scatter the dolomite over the surface of the earth using a rake to ensure even distribution.

Use a shovel to spread the dolomite into the top 15 centimeters of soil. After application, wait at least two weeks before planting seeds or seedlings.

Things you will need:

  • soil test results;
  • rake;
  • gloves;
  • shirt, dressing gown and trousers;
  • shovel.

The powdery and caustic nature of dolomite makes it a potential irritant to the skin and lungs. When laying the material, wear a mask, gloves, gown and trousers.

Study the soil needs of the plants you plan to grow in your garden. Some plants, including azaleas and blueberries, prefer high acidity.

Dolomite works as an antacid, buffering the soil and raising its pH while providing magnesium and calcium.

How to use dolomite flour in the garden? It should only be used when you have a soil test showing a magnesium deficiency. The test is the main way to find out if you need this fertilizer. Adding fertilizers that are not based on pH results does not make any sense.

Flour is scattered over the area, usually intended for planting vegetables, after which the earth is intensively loosened with a rake and a shovel. Observing the norm, it is possible to carry out the application once every 1-2 months.

The use of dolomite during planting is usually the most effective way use of the product, although the dosage depends on the existing pH of the soil type and the desired pH level. Gardeners can also use this fertilizer to prevent disease by spreading a light dust around fruit tree annually in spring or autumn.

Gardeners often ask themselves the question - dolomite flour or lime, which is better? Moreover, lime is cheaper and is an alternative to dolomite, having the same properties to reduce acidity.

Yes, the effect of lime on acidity is stronger than that of dolomite, but lime after application to initial stage prevents the absorption of nutrients by plants, especially phosphorus and nitrogen. Therefore, after the introduction of lime, the soil should stand for some time under the "pairs", that is, remain unsown. Dolomite can be replaced with limestone flour, but it should only be used in the off-season.

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