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» DIY pots made from bars. Decorating an apartment and garden - do-it-yourself flower pots. Pots made of mirror tiles

DIY pots made from bars. Decorating an apartment and garden - do-it-yourself flower pots. Pots made of mirror tiles

Decorating both interiors and landscapes with flowers is in demand among many people. They are successfully used by designers to implement their projects. For a more harmonious fit, use do-it-yourself flower pots, which they create at master classes based on their own sketches. But they are not the only ones who use such techniques, ordinary people successfully come up with complex designs from what is “at hand”.

Types of flowerpots by material

Choose hanging decorations should be based on the location, the permissible weight on the support, the amount of water consumed by the plant and temperature regime. The materials are as follows:

There is a large assortment on the market, but some people prefer to make outdoor ones with their own hands. hanging planters for flowers and admire your creation. Hangers for pots are made from chains, ropes, metal rods and from pieces of fabric, twine and yarn using the macrame technique.

Cage, chandelier or wooden boxes

A frameless wall-mounted planter is formed directly from coconut fiber. The roots of the plant with a lump of soil are wrapped in a piece of polyethylene, then a fiber wrap is made on top of it. Everything is fixed at the base of the plant and placed with hangers in the chosen location. For the base frame, you can use a basket made of wire, metal rods or wicker. To make it yourself, you can use the following materials:

  1. Hard wire.
  2. Pieces of metal-plastic pipe.
  3. Unnecessary plastic arcs from a greenhouse.
  4. Willow or from newspaper tubes vine
  5. Wooden planks.
  6. Or whatever your imagination tells you.

A lot of people are involved in growing flowers. Beautiful flowers please the eye, improve your mood, and make the world more beautiful. When growing flowers, various pots are used; they can be selected in any flower shop. But to give your home a special mood, you can build a pot for indoor plants with your own hands.

Features of creation

Handmade products are always interesting and relevant. Flower pots made at home look cute and unusual and add a special chic to the room. Such items can become a real work of art, and they are made in a single copy. You can place a decorative flowerpot not only in the room, but also decorate it personal plot, veranda or balcony.

To create even the most unusual flowerpot in appearance and design, simple materials are used. You just need to give free rein to your imagination and put in a little effort to create an extraordinary flower pot with your own hands. Even the most unusual and unsuitable objects for this purpose can be used as a container for growing indoor plants. Homemade flowerpots made from old boxes, jars, and unnecessary dishes will look very impressive. Corks made of wine bottles, coconut shells, furniture, paint cans, books and even a bag.

Most in a simple way To revive the garden and create an original mini-greenhouse is to plant flowers in tableware. For this purpose, cups that are left over from the service in a single copy, teapots for tea leaves, and salad bowls made of clay are suitable. Thanks to such things, you can decorate the room and complement its style, for example, Provence or country. When choosing a bonsai pot, an old clay salad bowl or flat plate will do. The main thing is not to forget to drill drainage holes at the bottom of the vessel.

The choice of material plays a decisive role. To create such a masterpiece, you can take available materials or make a pot yourself from clay, cement, plaster or wood.

Shape selection

The shape of flower pots can be very different. The most common are round containers, but you can make them of any shape, the main thing is that the plant feels comfortable being in such a container.

Some types of plants require a lot of space; they do not like being cramped, so the shape and size of the pot is selected specifically for each type.

  • For bonsai It is better to choose a square or rectangular container. These trees will also look good in round or oval pots, the main thing is that they are flat and at the same time spacious enough for the root system.
  • Pots in the shape of a square or rectangle will look organic on a flat surface. For bonsai, it is better to choose a separate place or niche; this will give you the opportunity to admire the tree without being distracted by foreign objects.
  • Round or oval pots will look good on the windowsill. They take up little space, but still look very cute.
  • Look especially impressive round hanging pots, which are hung in the garden or on the balcony. You can hang a whole arrangement of pots by placing them on a flat crossbar or under the ceiling. Such containers can also have a square shape.

In the event that there are only a few in the room flower pots, they can be easily placed on the windowsill closer to sunlight, while the shape of the pot does not play a big role. Real flower growers will not limit themselves to a couple of flowers, but will plant a whole flower garden.

Required Tools

To make a pot with your own hands, you will need various tools. Their availability will vary depending on what materials the vessel is made from. Whatever material the pot is made of, you need to drill drainage holes on its bottom, so you need to have a drill available, as well as drills for different materials. If the products are made of wood, a saw, hammer and jigsaw will be useful for the work. In addition, the master will need:

  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • wood glue;
  • gardening scissors;
  • gloves for work.

The work may also require tile grout, tin containers and rods, and plaster.

What can it be made from?

You can make a pot for indoor plants from scrap materials. You can make beautiful and unusual products from clay or alabaster. A ceramic flowerpot will look very interesting; large flowers will feel good in it. To make a pot, anything that will serve as a container for soil is suitable.

When creating topiary, the pot is the most important part. Topiaries are ball-shaped trees made from various materials and objects that are attached to the leg. In the East they are called trees of happiness. For topiary, you should choose a pot that matches it. Inspecting the composition, the gaze moves from top to bottom, so the final final chord falls on the lower part of the composition. That is why the overall impression of the topiary will depend on the beauty of the pot.

A wide variety of elements are used to decorate such an item. You can use ribbons and braid, as well as twine and burlap. The easiest way to decorate a pot is to wrap a large piece of fabric around it.

Painted containers look good. It is better to choose a paint that will have the same shade as the crown of the tree. You can even make an original container for flowers from a pumpkin. Children can be tasked with making a bowl out of plasticine. A pumpkin product will be popular in the fall, especially if its production is timed to coincide with Halloween. When choosing a pumpkin, it is important that its size matches the plants being planted. You should also pay attention to the color of the vegetable and choose a pumpkin with a uniform peel.


A clay flowerpot made by yourself will decorate and complement any interior. To make it you need to take a piece of clay the right size and knead it. If the clay lump is still hard, water should be added to the mass. The clay mass should be homogeneous, without impurities and bubbles and not stick to your hands. Before starting work, it is better to experiment a little and try to mold small parts from clay. These could be figurines of animals or other crafts. When the test figures begin to turn out well, you can begin the main work and make a pot for indoor plants. To make a flowerpot, you need:

  • roll out the clay like a pancake and cut out an even circle for the bottom;
  • after that, proceed to the manufacture of walls;
  • the walls are fastened to the bottom.

After completing the work, the container is packed in paper or newspaper and left to dry. When the product dries, it is fired. During the first firing, all moisture will be removed from it. The second firing is necessary to give the product strength. To carry out this procedure, the dishes are heated to a temperature of +300 degrees and fired for 3 hours.


To independently construct flowerpots, use cement or concrete. To prepare the solution, you need to mix sand with cement and add water. It is important that there is 2 times more sand than cement. Add water to the solution little by little, stirring the mixture. The solution should have a uniform consistency. If they make a flowerpot big size made of cement, then it is worth making a frame for it. To make the surface of the product smooth, it is treated sandpaper or use a felt circle. Concrete is poured into any container that can hold its shape for several hours. This could be a 5-liter water bottle, a tin or plastic bucket, or a frame made of boards.

Flowerpots made of cement have increased strength and an original design. Concrete products are used in home interior and during registration personal plots. If you need to make a small flowerpot, you can use a 5-liter plastic bottle. It is necessary to cut off the neck of the container, thus creating a kind of blank. Next, you need to lubricate the inside of the container with oil, mix a cement solution and pour it into the container. After this, you need to take a 2-liter plastic bottle, grease the outside with oil and dip it into the solution. Inside the smaller container you need to put a load in the form of bricks or stones. This solution dries for at least two days. Then the containers need to be cut and removed.

You can make a flowerpot out of cement in another way. To do this you need:

  • take a container, then wrap it with film;
  • dip a rag into the cement solution and hold it for several minutes until it is completely saturated;
  • the soaked fabric is laid out on the container and straightened; if desired, the creases or edges are made wavy;
  • The container is left in this form for three days until it is completely dry.

The size of the core of the product will determine how strong and thick the walls of the pot will be. Concrete products have an impressive weight, so in order not to move the flowerpots to a suitable place for them, it is better to build formwork immediately where they will be located.


You can make a container for flowers from gypsum by analogy with making it from cement. The ingredients are:

  • gypsum;
  • water;
  • 2 plastic containers, different in size.

To build a pot, you need to take a large jar, grease it inside with oil and place a smaller container there, greased on the outside with oil. Next, you should set the containers to the selected level and fill them with solution. To prepare the solution, mix gypsum with water in a 2:1 ratio.


You can very quickly make containers for growing flowers from plastic. Plastic pots are also suitable for constructing a self-watering system. Its use of such a system allows it to provide adequate watering to plants that require special care, even during the absence of the owner. Such plants include orchids. To make a system with automatic watering for them, you need to do the following.

  • Take a liter and a two-liter bottle. Cut a large container in half 20 cm from the bottom and make cuts (8 pieces) about 4 cm long. Bend the resulting petals inside the container.
  • Then you should cut off the neck from the top and insert the prepared base of the lower part, secure with glue.
  • After this, use the same method to cut a smaller container at a height of about 15 cm from the bottom.
  • Bend the upper part outward by 1 cm. Make holes on the bottom; for this use a soldering iron, a hot nail or a knife. A cord is passed through them.

The container is filled with substrate and the orchid is planted in it. This structure is lowered into the base pot, while curved petals will hold it suspended. Water is poured into a large bowl, where a cord will lift the water into the upper bowl. Water should be added through a spout, which is inserted into the cut at the bottom of the structure. For violets, you can take the most ordinary plastic cups with a volume of 100-120 ml. You need to make a hole in them at the bottom for drainage. In such containers the violets will be comfortable, they will have enough light, moisture and soil. These cups will look very simple, so they should be decorated. They can be wrapped in colored paper, applied with paint or nail polish, or tied with ribbons or lace.

An original product can even be made from an old plastic bucket or tank. Such a container is often used as a pot for soil; it will not have a decorative purpose.


A rather unusual pot can be made from wood. Such containers for flowers will look unusual and original, especially if you put them in summer garden, in the country house or veranda. For such a flowerpot, you can take a stump or a thick branch and remove the core, thoroughly clean the inside of the container and sand it. Already in this form the product can be used for its intended purpose. A stump or branch with bark as a plant pot will look natural in the garden. Drainage holes must be made in the products. If the bottom of the flowerpot is small, holes are drilled on the sides of the flowerpot.

If you use the deck as a decorative element, then you do not need to drill holes. Plastic or ceramic pots are simply placed in a flowerpot. It is important to reliably protect the wood from moisture. If the pot is not being used, you need to treat the inside surface with moisture-proof impregnation, cover it with polyethylene, and then add drainage and soil. The size of the container will depend on where it will be installed, as well as the size of the flower. So, for a large orchid, a large pot made of chock is more suitable. And for a small and compact plant, a piece of wood with a diameter of up to 10 cm is enough.

You can make a flowerpot from timber and lumber, but this method is somewhat more complicated and will require knowledge in carpentry. Wooden barrels can be used as a flowerpot. They are used as a solid structure or cut into two parts lengthwise or crosswise. If you cut a barrel crosswise, you can immediately make two flowerpots from one product. Old pallets or wooden boxes.To build a product from an old pallet, you need:

  • dismantle the old structure;
  • measure the boards and decide what size the container will be; if necessary, shorten them;
  • the long board is sawn in half, and the short one is divided into three parts;
  • a small bevel is made along their edges;
  • the boards are connected with self-tapping screws;
  • subsequent rows of boards are added to the resulting frame;
  • make the bottom, secure the legs;
  • All parts are well fixed and treated with woodworking impregnation.

You can assemble a product of any shape from boards. It can be a hexagon, a trapezoid, but the easiest way is to assemble a rectangular or cubic flowerpot.

How to decorate?

Now on sale you can find beautiful pots for indoor plants, but they are often either very ordinary and simple, or, on the contrary, very elaborate, but also expensive. It is better to make a stylish and original pot with your own hands; this will allow you to build a designer flowerpot in a single copy. In this case, the pot will look very extraordinary and emphasize the special atmosphere of the room. Covers for pots, hand-knitted or sewn from different fabrics, will look unusual. When choosing fabric, it is better to give preference to bright shades. You can also choose a plain fabric beige colour, thereby highlighting the beauty of the plant. Knitting lovers can create original clothes for plants from textured thread.

You can make a real designer flowerpot by simply painting clay pots with acrylic paints. Beautiful ceramic shards can also be used. Use them to decorate a pot using the mosaic technique. Its elements can be colored glass, pebbles, and pottery shards. Using the mosaic technique, both a small flowerpot and a more bulky design will look good. You can create an original decor using marbling. To do this, you should use a container of water, several jars of varnish of different shades, and a stick. The water temperature should be warm. To create a pattern you need:

  • pour nail polish into water;
  • mix different shades using a stick;
  • Dip the pot into the liquid with stains and wrap the resulting paint around it.

One of the decoration methods is decoupage. To decorate a pot yourself using this technique, you should:

  • clean and degrease the container primer;
  • cover it with paint;
  • glue cut paper shapes onto the surface;
  • decorate with other additional elements;
  • coat with varnish to secure the effect.

You can use lace and burlap as decoration. Beads, shells, and glass pebbles are used for decoration.

To learn how to make a flower pot, see the following video.

Today, almost all owners of private houses and city apartments are engaged in floriculture. Some housewives even create mini-greenhouses. Flowers are a decoration and improve your mood. The stores offer a wide selection of different plant pots for indoors and outdoors. But it is much more interesting and profitable to create this item with your own hands at home than to buy it.

By creating pots with your own hands for indoors and outdoors, there is a chance to give to the elderly, unnecessary things second life.

To make a flowerpot, anything that can serve as a container for soil is suitable. Thanks to rich imagination and skill, abandoned washbasins and chairs become original designs with plants. The basis for creating homemade compositions can be watering cans, mayonnaise buckets, boots, metal boxes, portable barrels, tires, dishes, containers, boots, old dolls, funny figures, rags, etc. There are many master classes on the Internet on making unusual products that you can make yourself step by step.

Clay pot options

DIY clay flower pots for the garden will become good decoration and an addition to any interior. For work you will need: water, clay, rag. They take a piece of clay and begin to knead it like dough. If the lump is hard, add a little water. The mixture should be free of bubbles, homogeneous, and not stick to your hands.

First you should try to blind simple figures: balls, animals. Once you get the hang of it, you can start creating a flower pot. To do this, roll out the clay into a pancake and cut out a circle that will serve as the bottom of the flowerpot. Then they make walls and attach them to the bottom using several strands or twines 0.5 centimeters in diameter. Easy to create from clay different shapes flowerpots.

When the work is finished, the pot is wrapped in newspaper, paper or a rag. After the product has completely dried, it is fired twice. The first firing removes all excess moisture, the second – gives strength to the product. Heat should be evenly at a temperature of about +300 degrees for three hours.

Pots made of cement, concrete

Outdoor pots made of concrete and cement are original. For their production they are used classic recipe: sand, cement, water and aggregate are mixed in a ratio of 2:1:0.5:4. If you plan to create large flowerpots, it is recommended to use a reinforcing frame. For perfect smoothness front surface, use sanding with an emery and felt wheel.

To fill a concrete pot, molds from different materials are used. The main thing is that the product does not get wet and keeps its shape for five hours. Thick cardboard, a bucket, a glass, a tray, a plastic bottle, and a frame made of boards will do. You will also need a rag.

Algorithm for making a flowerpot from cement:

  • Take a container and wrap it with film.
  • Soak a rag with cement. It is important that there is not a single dry piece. To do this, the material is left in the solution for 10 minutes.
  • Place the rag on the container and straighten it carefully. You can make wavy edges or creases.
  • Leave for 72 hours until completely dry.

It is better to watch the entire process of making a pot via video on the Internet.

Plaster plant pots

A plaster flower pot for a summer residence is made by analogy with a cement product. To work, you will need two plastic containers of different sizes, water, and plaster. A 5 liter container should be lubricated inside with oil. Place a smaller form in it. Make a solution of gypsum and water in a 2:1 ratio. Pour plaster into the free space between the pots. Let cool for a couple of hours and then remove from the pan.

They decorate with a knife, cutting out interesting patterns. For example, a flower, curved lines. You need to wait a week for the pot to completely dry and harden. After which the vase is allowed to be painted.

It is better to make flower pots from plaster. After all, such material absorbs all excess moisture. If you make a main pot out of it, over time the product will begin to rot. You can read about how to make a flowerpot with your own hands.

Wooden flower pots

Wooden flowerpots made from boards are less common than clay and concrete ones. But they look original and have a number of advantages. For example, they are easy to process, durable, and easy to repair. Wood allows you to realize any design ideas. To work you will need a hammer, jigsaw, saw, floor chipboard, log or stump.

A piece about 40 centimeters long is cut off from the log. Using a drill, several holes are drilled at the same distance from the walls. Make nests in the center to destroy the core. Remove excess wood with a chisel and form a pot. The walls must be strong and thick. The edges must be carefully aligned.

If you have a plastic pot of suitable diameter, it is better to place it in a wooden flowerpot. Otherwise, the inside of the container will have to be impregnated with moisture-proof compounds and lined with polyethylene. After all, wood is hygroscopic, when in contact with wet soil Over time, it begins to rot and become deformed.

Pots from scrap materials

It’s easy to make a plant pot from plastic bottles with your own hands. To work you will need plastic bottles, acrylic paint, a knife, a music disc, a glue gun, and scissors. First, the bottle is cut into two halves. An uneven edge will look more beautiful: in the form of a wave or a pattern. A disc is glued to the outside of the container (from the neck side). After drying, the structure should be painted in any color.

Let's look at one more interesting way making a flowerpot from plastic bottle. It is implemented by analogy with the previous option. But the flowers are supposed to grow from the bottom. Pots made from plastic containers can easily be hung from the ceiling. Therefore, such products are ideal for families who have children or pets that can harm flowers.

Decorating flower pots

There are many pots and flowerpots on sale. But most of them are not beautiful enough and make the interior more boring and simple. Of course you can buy designer model, but it won't be cheap. It is much more profitable to decorate the flowerpot with your own hands.

Suitable for decorating containers seashells, stones, fragments of broken tiles and dishes, buttons, coins. Before gluing these elements onto the pot, they need to be washed and degreased. It is advisable to apply glue to containers and decorative items. Then press the shells onto the surface and wait a few seconds.

When all the parts are glued, start painting the empty spaces. For this, it is allowed to use a mixture of PVA, cement and acrylic paints. The composition is applied with a brush.

Emphasize sea ​​style It is also possible by decorating with river or sea sand. To do this, apply glue to the voids and sprinkle sand on them at an angle. The final step will be to coat the pot with varnish. This will add shine and strength to the product.

Popular and accessible means decor is eggshell. It must first be cleared of film, washed and dried well. The area of ​​the pot on which the element will be attached is covered with glue. Next, the shell fragments are attached with the convex side outward. If you need to correct the position of an element, you need to use a toothpick. When the work is finished, the entire decorated surface is covered with PVA glue.

An interesting method is decoupage, in which napkins, paper pictures, eggshells, and macrame threads serve as decorative elements. Provence style technique is suitable for plastic, clay and corrugated pots.

When performing decoupage with your own hands, you should go through a number of steps:

  1. Cleaning, degreasing, priming the flowerpot.
  2. Coating the surface with paint.
  3. Cutting shapes from corrugated paper.
  4. Gluing paper elements to the surface of a flowerpot or flowerpot.
  5. Decoration with additional materials.
  6. Varnish coating for fixing.

Lace is often used to decorate a pot. To do this, glue is applied to the inner surface of the material and applied to the container. They also decorate themselves with fragments of burlap. To transform the flowerpot, beads are used.

Unusual Uses

There are a lot of ideas for using flower pots. By choosing the most suitable method, you can make the garden unusual. On the Internet there is different variants creation original flower beds and flowerpots. Pots are also used to make bird feeders and drinkers, candlesticks, and heaters. Toys made from clay containers for flowers and plants are interesting.

Fountain made from flower pots

A fountain is a good decoration for a garden. But to build it, you need a large plot or platform, which not every summer resident has. There is only one way out of the situation - to create a miniature fountain without a pump from flower pots.

First you need to buy:

  • A large flowerpot, with a diameter of at least 30 centimeters. This will be the base of the fountain.
  • A float that will show the water level.
  • Pump.
  • Rubber-based mesh.

You need to place the pump in the pot so that its spout is flush with the edges of the pot. Then cut off part of the mesh and cover the container with it. inside to the very edge. Place a layer of pebbles on the mesh. Fill the flowerpot with water. Using a pump, create the required stream of water.

Flower pot people

It’s easy to make a creative and fun decoration for your backyard from just one flowerpot with your own hands.

Clay and plastic pots are suitable for crafts. Such a little man can be hung in a gazebo.

A master class on making a man from a flower pot is given below:

  1. Select flowerpots for the body and head.
  2. Turn them upside down towards each other.
  3. Connect the body and head with wire.
  4. Place foam on the edge of the wire to keep the pots securely in place.
  5. Take a piece of wire and string small containers onto it. This will be the hand of a man. Make the second arm and legs in the same way.
  6. Attach them to the body with wire.
  7. On the face, draw eyes, nose and mouth with acrylic paints. Dried flowers must be secured to the drainage holes using wire. This will be the hair.

DIY tandoor from pots

It's easy to make a tandoor with your own hands. To do this you will need a clay pot and a stationary metal barrel. The containers must be placed inside each other. The pot, located inside a ceramic barrel, should be surrounded with glass wool or rock salt. If the outer body of the barrel is made of steel, then holes need to be drilled in the bottom of the container through which the ash will come out. Attach wheels to the bottom of the body to make the stove convenient and easy to transport. The design is ready, it will be a pleasure to use it.

Lighthouse made of pots

The lighthouse is a decorative element of landscape design. It is easy to make from clay pots. You will also need small stands for flowerpots, permanent glue, paint brushes, a battery-powered candle, a glass candle holder sized for the pot, and acrylic paint.

The work algorithm is as follows:

Chandelier made from flower pots

An old chandelier can be given a new look original look using flower pots. To do this you will need nuts, a cartridge, a cord, a plastic flowerpot, and screwdrivers. Decorate the pot as desired. Clean the wire and connect it to the socket. Use a hot screwdriver to make holes in the pot and stand. Place a washer on the free end of the wire. Insert the wire from the cartridges into the pot so that the washer remains inside. Secure the cord from the outside with a nut. Thread the wire into the stand, which will be attached to the ceiling. Adjust the height of the lampshade. Hang a chandelier. It is advisable to take an energy-saving light bulb so that it does not heat up the flowerpot.

Heater made from flower pots

To create the shape of a small heater you will need 4 ceramic flower pots: 2 large and 2 small. You will also need nuts, washers, a spark plug and long bolts. Holes should be drilled in the stand and pot. Thread the chains through the bolts and secure them with nuts. Insert a bolt through the hole in the pot, put a washer on the bottom and secure with a nut. Place a smaller diameter pot on the bolt. Secure in the same way. Next, put on the stand and candle and secure it. Do the same steps with another flowerpot. Hang ceramic pots on the holder. Place several candles on the stand. This heater can be used not only in winter time in the apartment, but also outdoors in the evening.

Flower slide of flowers

If there is not enough space on the veranda or in the garden, you can decorate the area with a slide and cascades of flowerpots. To do this, you need to take a large flower pot, pour a drainage layer on the bottom and place a wooden rod in the center. Cover with soil. Place a container of smaller diameter on the rod. Place all other pots in the same way. It is important to make additional holes in the bottoms to drain excess water. It is better to plant hanging plants in such a structure. This will create a beautiful cascade of flowers.

Making pallets and stands with your own hands

and a stand in the shape of an alpine staircase will be a good decoration for a window sill in a small apartment. To make such a design you will need 5 pots of different sizes. The color of the containers may be the same or different. You need to insert a metal tube or rod into the lowest pot. Secure at the bottom with a self-tapping screw or polyurethane foam. Pour small stones and soil into a container and plant a flower. Attach all other pots to a metal rod from largest to smallest so that each flowerpot rests at the opposite angle on the previous container. It's better to turn the pots in different sides. This way the stand on the windowsill will look more harmonious. More detailed manufacturing process and instructions can be seen in the photo.

Thus, creating flower pots with your own hands is not difficult. The result is original, beautiful containers and boxes for plants. In addition, you can create interesting designs from flowerpots. The main thing is to show your imagination and spend a little time.

Let's see how you can transform your favorite indoor flowers? For example, if you create flower pots with your own hands, then such decor will please the eye and add zest to the interior. In addition, by arranging flower stands and/or shelves with your own hands, you will also find it convenient to care for your pets.

Design options for pots for indoor flowers

What is the difference between a flower pot and a regular flower pot? Translated from French cache-pot means "to hide the pot." Thus, a flowerpot is a decorative “wrapper”. Of course, the best home for flowers would be a clay pot, but it quickly loses its attractive appearance, since the ceramic allows water to pass through and stains appear on its surface that cannot be removed. Often as protective film glaze is used, but over time it also cracks and crumbles, and then the pot will either have to be replaced or decorated. In this case, a flowerpot comes to the rescue - with its help you can easily hide unsightly places and create decor in the same style.

If you have a couple or three pots, then the easiest way is to arrange them beautifully on the windowsill. But if there are more than a dozen colors, then placement can become a problem. The most common way to hang flowerpots is to use ready-made hanging hooks or make holes for rope. But you can make the mounting method creative.

Can be arranged simple crossbar or build an entire structure under the ceiling, on which, for example, hang several.

The design of a one-piece flowerpot does not provide drainage holes, and openwork ones do not hold excess moisture, so this must be taken into account when watering.

Or here’s an idea for hanging flowerpots, even those who don’t know how to do it can do it:

If you need to small space place a lot of flower pots, then this idea is for you!

Using simple techniques from wooden blocks and rope, you can make a whole shelf for flowers with your own hands, arranging suspended structures. More detailed instructions in this video:

Imagine, combine different ways, the more flowers you can place, the cozier your home will be.

Making flowerpots with your own hands from scratch: materials and master classes

In this section we will look at options for independent “cases”, which are made separately, and then a flower pot is “settled” in them. For indoor flowerpots, the choice of materials is unlimited and depends only on the overall design and your preferences. The most common and used for hand made:

  • cardboard,
  • paper straws,
  • felt,
  • recyclable materials.

From felt

From simple materials You can get wonderful things for handicrafts and children's creativity, you just need to use your imagination. Look, a charming flowerpot from...

DIY stands and shelves for pots

Making a flowerpot or decorating a pot is not everything. This beauty needs to be put somewhere! Here you can’t do without special shelves and stands. You can build a structure on the wall.

Or you can order a whole shelf for the floor.

Or this stepladder bookcase.

And it’s not at all necessary to ask someone. If you buy blank parts cut to size in a store, then even a delicate one can handle the assembly. female hand. Like in this video:

But it’s much more interesting to use your imagination and adapt unusual objects under the shelves to place flower pots. For example, pallets. Paint it with stain or dark paint and voila - great shelf ready.

And they get along great in this tool cart various plants, creating mini-.

"Cross" will not give bad advice! :)


Potted and hanging plants are now at the peak of popularity in landscape design. Vases, pots, hanging flowerpots with armfuls of bright flowers decorate terraces, balconies, patios, and paved paths. Do you want to decorate your plot in the same way, but all the flowers are already planted in primitive plastic pots? There is no need to buy new, expensive flowerpots. There is an alternative: you can do original flowerpots with your own hands for the garden, and then install old pots with plants there. And the garden composition will be transformed!

Let's look at a few simple ideas For self-made flowerpot.

A simple planter can be made from small mirror tiles, which are sold in construction stores. For one product you will need 5 tiles and a glue gun.

Mirror tiles used for wall cladding, but can also be used for making flowerpots

The first tile is laid on a flat surface (table) with the mirror side down - it will be the base of the flowerpot. The remaining 4 tiles are applied perpendicular to its sides and the joints are fastened with glue. After the glue has dried, place a pot with a plant in the flowerpot.

The mirror planter does not need additional decorations. It looks stylish in itself, and, thanks to its ability to reflect surrounding objects, it is not at all boring.

Mirrored flowerpots look stylish and expensive in any interior

Option #2 - wooden planter made of timber

This idea will certainly appeal to home woodworkers who know how to handle timber.

For an original hanging planter, you will need 24 bars 15-20 cm long. Laying them in a checkerboard pattern, they form a square box with through holes. The bars are connected with nails or self-tapping screws. Ropes are tied to the bars at the corners of the upper edge of the flowerpot and the homemade flowerpot is hung on any tree in the garden.

Wooden planter similar to hanging swing, “hold” a whole flowerbed with pansies (violas)

Option #3 - coconut pots

Exotic flower pots can be made from coconut shells. They will look especially harmonious blooming orchids.

To begin, cut the coconut. At one end of the nut, in the area of ​​three dark “eyes,” holes are made with a knife. The juice is drained. Use a grinder to cut the nut crosswise. You can do this in the middle of the nut - then the output will be two flower pots. Or closer to the end, so that a deep flower pot is formed, looking like a pot-bellied vase.

After the coconut dries, cut off all the inner flesh with a knife. Closer to the upper edge of the pots, use a drill to make 3 holes for hanging. Ropes, wire, chains or special metal hangers are threaded through the holes.

Coconut flowerpots can be left in their original form or varnished for durability

Option #4 - pots made of burlap (tarpaulin, felt)

Thick fabric, such as burlap, is perfect for making pots in a rustic country style. All you need to do is cut two pieces of fabric in the form of a semicircle or square, sew them together like a pocket and hang them on the fence. For hanging, you can use a strip of fabric sewn to the top edge of the flowerpot or wire threaded into the fabric.

Unpretentious garden annuals are planted in felt pots: petunias, calibrachoas, lobelias, etc.

Option #5 - vinyl planter made from a record

Vinyl planters were very popular during the era of Soviet shortages. Then they forgot about them - and in vain! It is impossible to find such unusual flowerpots with curved edges on sale. Therefore, after spending literally half an hour of time, you will find a truly original thing.

Planter made of gramophone record, decorated acrylic paintings

Necessary materials:

  • gramophone record;
  • jar, pan - for molding;
  • acrylic paints;
  • Thick household gloves - to prevent burns.

Stages of making a vinyl planter:

  1. The plate is placed on a plate.
  2. A jar or pan of the same shape and diameter as the future pot is placed on top of the plate.
  3. Place the entire structure with the plate in a preheated oven for 1-2 minutes.
  4. The plate will very soon begin to soften and melt. As soon as this process becomes noticeable, the plate is taken out and by hand (remembering to wear gloves!) they begin to form the edges of the flowerpot around the jar installed in the center. If the workpiece begins to harden quickly, then it is placed in the oven again, softened and molding continues.
  5. While the plate is still soft, use a screwdriver to make 3 holes in the walls of the flower pot to install the suspension. Special pendants made of thin metal chains look the most beautiful in this quality.
  6. The finished cooled pot is painted with acrylic paints on the outside and, if desired, on the inside. When painting you can act on our own or use special templates for painting.

Option #6 - plant pots made of sticks or branches

This is the maximum pots natural look fits harmoniously into the garden interior.

Flowerpots made of branches - an impressive design for any plastic pot

Materials used:

  • branches or sticks;
  • tight rope;
  • sackcloth;
  • glue;
  • ready-made plastic pot.

Technology for making pots:

1. Even sticks, twigs, and stems of bamboo are cut into pieces of the same length - about 20 cm. The number of branches used depends on the diameter of the planned flowerpot.

2. The branches are tied together at the top and bottom to form a single web. They do it like this: tie a knot on the first branch, lay the next branch - again a knot. This continues until all the branches are connected together.

When creating a wooden canvas, two knots are tied on each branch

3. Wrap a strip of burlap onto the plastic pot you are using and secure it with a glue gun.

4. Wooden canvas branches are wrapped around a pot with a plant, the ends of the ropes are tied along the edges of the canvas.

On wooden flowerpot as decoration, you can tie two bow knots from thick twine

Option #7 - tin planter from a jar

Spectacular hanging planters for the garden can be made from completely waste material - old tin cans, for example, from canned food or drinks.

Metal tin can planter can be used as a garden vase for cut flowers

To make one such pot you will need:

  • can;
  • tight rope - 10 m;
  • white primer-paint;
  • acrylic colored paints.

Operating procedure:

1. Remove the label from the jar and clean off the glue.

2. Apply white primer paint to the surface of the can. It will cover the metallic color of the tin and will serve as protection against corrosion.

The jar is painted with a white primer

3. Cover the jar with several layers of colored paint, achieving rich color. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Apply a layer of bright yellow paint

4. Make a decorative drawing - first draw its outlines with a marker. You can draw by hand or use paper stencils.

The stencil simplifies the execution of the planned drawing

5. The drawing is painted over with a bright color, preferably contrasting with the background. The contours can be additionally marked with a marker.

6. After the flowerpot is completely dry (1-2 days), a transparent varnish is applied to its surface.

7. The final touch is making a rope hanger. To do this, the rope is cut into 10 pieces of 1 m each. The entire pile of ropes at a distance of 15 cm from the edge is tied with one knot. This node will be located under the center of the bottom of the planter.

After this, adjacent ropes are tied in pairs so that the knots fall on the border of the bottom. In other words, if the diameter of the bottom of the jar is 16 cm, then the knots are tied at a distance of 8 cm from its center. At the height of the middle of the pot, adjacent ropes are again tied in pairs, and then again along the upper edge of the pot.

From above, all the ropes are tied into one large knot - the mesh suspension is ready. A tin pot is placed in it and the beauty is hung in the “had made” style on a tree branch, a nail nailed to the wall, etc.

Option #8 - swan pot made from a bottle and putty

A floor decorative flowerpot for the garden, not inferior in beauty to expensive ceramic products, can be made in a couple of days from available materials.

Swans made from putty - spectacular garden planter figures

To work you need to prepare:

  • plastic bottle – 5 l;
  • small pieces of reinforcing mesh;
  • metal rod;
  • starting putty (gypsum);
  • water;
  • bandage;
  • oil paint;
  • sand.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

1. Cut off one side of the plastic bottle, screw the neck on with a lid.

2. Place the bottle on a flat surface and fill it with wet sand. They try to compact more sand to expand the internal capacity of the bottle.

Sand is poured into the bottle to fix the convex shape of the flowerpot.

3. Bend the rod in the shape of a two (swan neck) and secure it in the cork.

The swan's neck is made of a thick metal rod

4. Mix the putty in water, lay out a layer of thick solution on the work surface (previously covered with film). A bottle of sand is placed on the solution, and excess putty is pulled up with a spatula.

5. Form the beginning of the neck. To do this, a layer of putty is applied to the neck of the bottle and the beginning of the rod.

The beginning of the neck is formed with putty, smoothing the lines with a wet brush

6. A layer of solution is also placed on the walls of the bottle with a spatula, and the surface is leveled with a wet brush.

Putty is applied all over outer surface bottles, applying a layer of up to 2 cm

7. For the wings, use two meshes measuring 15x30 cm. They are slightly bent and fixed on the sides of the pots with putty.

To secure the mesh, it is better to use plaster instead of putty - it will harden much faster, literally in 5-10 minutes

8. After the mesh is glued, apply a “feather” of putty with wet hands.

The plumage is formed with short strokes on the putty surface

9. With wet hands, spread the solution around the rod, forming a neck.

10. As work progresses, wrap the rod with a wet bandage.

The bandage serves to additionally secure and fix the putty on the rod.

11. Make a tail from a small mesh, also covering it with putty.

To secure the ponytail, it is also better to use a small amount gypsum

12. Eliminate all defects: add putty where necessary, level the surfaces with a wet brush.

13. After the putty has dried (2-3 days), the surface is cleaned with sandpaper.

14. Apply a layer of primer to the pots for painting.

15. The swan is covered with white enamel, the beak and eyes are decorated with bright colors.

Final decorative look the pots acquire after covering the putty surfaces with enamel

Option #9 - using the decoupage technique

Any clay, plastic or metal flowerpot can be changed beyond recognition by using the decoupage technique on it. This technique involves decorating household items with applications made from thin paper, most often from napkins. After varnishing, the texture of the application visually merges with the surface of the product, becoming similar not to paper shreds, but to the most beautiful hand painted.

The decoupage technique allows an old pot to find new life

To make flowerpots using the decoupage technique you must have:

  • flower pot– plastic, ceramic, metal;
  • napkins with a pattern;
  • PVA glue;
  • clear nail polish;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes or foam sponges.

The process of decorating work:

1. Find a fragment you like on a napkin and carefully open it. It is necessary that the edges turn out to be as uneven as possible - then on finished product they will be invisible.

Fragments from napkins must be torn off carefully so as not to damage the pattern.

2. Separate the top, thinnest layer from the cut fragment.

3. Dilute PVA glue in water in a ratio of 1:2.

4. Place the fragment on the surface of the flowerpot and apply the adhesive solution on top with a brush. Carefully straighten the fragment with your hands or a sponge and press it to the surface.

Instead of PVA glue, you can use special glue for decoupage to glue fragments

5. All other fragments are glued in a similar way to create an overall composition.

Floral motifs are the most popular when decorating flower pots using the decoupage technique.

6. After the glue has dried, you can add drawn elements to the composition. For example, add paint to an ornate pattern, sign the “work” with your name, or add a bright edging to a flowerpot.

7. At the end of the work, when the paint and glue are completely dry, the surface of the pots is coated with varnish in 2-3 layers.