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» When is it better to plant roses in autumn or spring? When to plant roses in spring and how to do it. Nutrient supply

When is it better to plant roses in autumn or spring? When to plant roses in spring and how to do it. Nutrient supply

A beautiful pink flower garden is every gardener’s dream! “Queen of Flowers” ​​pleases the owner’s eye from May to October. Planting and caring for rose bushes is not particularly difficult. Therefore, if you wish, you can always enjoy roses in your garden. Roses are planted in spring and autumn. Autumn planting, according to many experts, is even more preferable for roses. Experience shows that freshly planted roses after wintering in the spring grow at the same level as last year's.

Spring planting of rose seedlings

Let's figure out how to plant roses in the spring.

From ground cover roses you can create a real garden with flower beds, rose bushes and even trees. Low-growing pink roses are located along neat paths; cone-shaped pink trees stand in an even line. metal base and climbing roses. And all this - against the backdrop of a lush, trimmed green lawn

The best hedge or a dividing strip for the lawn - multi-colored lush rose bushes. An excellent composition of three flowers - a juicy yellow, delicate pink and rich red rose. It is better to plant bushes at a distance of 100-60 cm and maintain their spherical shape

Roses begin to be sold in early spring. You should not be afraid to buy rose seedlings, for example, in March. Purchased roses can be stored in the basement or refrigerator (at +4) in damp sand or special fabric. In a similar way, roses can be stored for no more than a month, then either planted permanent place, or bury the whole thing in the ground before the onset of heat (usually the end of April).

Choosing a landing site

  • Ideally for planting roses, a small slope facing south is suitable.
  • The place should not be the most open to direct sun rays. It’s not bad if there are bushes near the rose flower bed, or if the shade of the house covers the roses at lunchtime.
  • Roses require good drainage, so they are best planted in higher areas.

Well preparation

The planting hole needs to be prepared 1.5-2 weeks before planting the roses, so that the soil has time to settle, otherwise the seedling may go underground. As with any shrubs, the hole should be deep enough - 60-70 cm. This is necessary, since over time the rose increases its root system and grows.

The hole for roses should be deep - 50-70 centimeters. When placing the seedling in the hole, make sure that the roots do not bend or point upward

Filling the hole depends on the soil:

  • If you have heavy “oily” soil, the soil must be diluted with sand and organic matter (manure, compost, ash and others).
  • If the soil is more sandy, in addition to organic fertilizers, you need to add a little clay.
  • If there was already a flower garden at the planting site, the soil must be completely changed, since the soil has most likely already lost the necessary nutrients.

Various manuals on growing roses indicate that these flowers are loved more clay soils. However, roses can be grown on any soil. It is only necessary to ensure good drainage and a sufficient amount of organic matter to retain moisture and nutrients.

Planting rose seedlings

There are 2 known ways to plant roses:

  1. Dry. The seedling is placed in a dry hole and covered with prepared soil. And watering is carried out from above. This method is good for regions with high humidity.
  2. Wet. Water mixed with soil is poured into the hole, and the seedling is lowered into it. This method is more suitable for arid climates and soils. With this planting, the roots are better enveloped in soil, and the rose takes root faster.

Make sure that the grafting site is underground; it should be buried literally to the height of two or three fingers

During planting, you need to monitor the grafting site (where the shoots begin). It should be just below the surface of the soil. Thus, the rose will be protected from frost and sunlight, and additional shoots will not develop from the bud, which can suppress the growth of the main ones.

After planting, you need to immediately water the rose so that the soil settles better at the roots. If the soil settles, you should add soil mixture so that holes do not form, otherwise the roots may rot from excess moisture.

It doesn’t matter what time of year you plant, after planting, the seedling must be watered abundantly so that there are no voids left in the ground


After planting, it is necessary to hill the seedling. Spud up with compost or fertile soil, pouring a mound towards the root. If the seedling is small, it is completely covered with earth for a couple of weeks to protect the shoots and buds. After 2 weeks, the hill is raked so that the shoots do not give off their roots, on which the rose grows much worse.

Hilling up must be done immediately after planting. This event will help preserve moisture in the shoots, since in the bright sun in spring, roses can dry out quickly. But do not forget to remove the hill after 2 weeks, after the plant has taken root and the shoot has not had time to take root.

Now is the time to stimulate the growth of the seedling. To do this, you need to trim the tops of the cuts a little. After this, the rose must be watered with stimulants for another 2-3 weeks so that the plant grows actively.

Different varieties and shades of roses harmonize perfectly among plants coniferous garden. “Queens of flowers” ​​have always coexisted well with conifers. Small islands of pink, red and coral roses will enliven the decor and make the green needles even brighter and juicier

Pink flower beds laid out right in the middle of a green lawn look amazingly beautiful. The geometry of the garden is emphasized by evenly trimmed hedges and rectangular flower beds made of different varieties low growing roses. Such decorative solutions with roses are ideal for large garden plots.

Features of autumn rose planting

Now let's look at how to plant roses in the fall. Autumn planting of roses is carried out until the end of September. In autumn, when planting rose seedlings, the following problems may arise:

  1. When the autumn is long and warm, the seedlings begin to grow, but at the first frost, the young shoots freeze and the plant may die.
  2. It is very difficult to find quality planting material. Almost all of the seedlings are overexposed in pots, and their roots are often dry from lack of soil and moisture.

How to choose a seedling for planting in the fall

If you still decide to buy rose seedlings in the fall, pay attention to following points:

  • pay special attention to the root system, it must have healthy looking and not be parched;
  • make an incision into the root with pruning shears; if it is white inside, the plant is alive and can be planted;
  • if the root is brown inside, it means it is not viable and needs to be cut off until the white center appears;
  • shoots must be intact, not broken and healthy;
  • if the seedling has leaves, make sure that they are not affected by pests.

Late boarding

In October, nurseries begin selling rose seedlings with big discounts. There is nothing wrong if you decide to plant roses at the end of October, as long as the plant is healthy. Please note that at this time of year you can purchase rare species roses by affordable prices, which were too expensive in the spring.

Large unkempt sloping area behind a short time can be turned into a piece of paradise on earth. To do this, you just need to sow it with lawn plants and decorate it with various varieties of climbing and ground cover roses. Small square flower beds of multi-colored roses can be densely placed around the perimeter of the site, and garden paths decorate with arches with weaving varieties of these wonderful flowers

Small Red roses can decorate mixborders, flower beds and front gardens of a large garden. These varieties love sunny places and mineral fertilizing. The brightness of the color depends on the proper care of these royal plants - roses

We prepare the hole for late planting, as usual, fill it up organic fertilizers and mix with soil. Transplant autumn rose remove from the pot carefully so as not to damage the root ball. The root collar is buried 2 cm into the ground. This way, protection from winter cold will be more reliable. After planting, thorough watering of the seedling is necessary.

Immediately pour out half a bucket of water and wait until it is absorbed into the ground. Then, water again. This helps remove voids in the soil and allow the roots of the seedling to take the desired position. Watering must be done regularly before the onset of winter cold.

Remember that the first year the pink buds on each shoot need to be cut off. The rose will bloom on next season it is much better if it gains strength to grow, instead of wasting it on flowering. We wish you a lush and fragrant pink flower garden!

Many gardeners don't know how to plant a rose correctly, which one is needed care How to successfully prepare roses for the winter. Erroneously assuming that the culture of roses in our Ural and Siberian conditions extremely unreliable and labor-intensive. Flower lovers are also deterred by high prices for roses, especially if she is vaccinated.

There is also very little literature on growing roses in the Urals and Siberia. All this prompts me to write about the 10 most necessary rules for planting and caring for roses. 30 years of experience are collected here successful reproduction and cultivation of roses in open and closed ground by agronomists of the Urals and Siberia.

Take note of these simple rules for rose care, and they will delight you with abundant flowering for many years.


Buy planting material not of southern varieties, but predominantly Russian or Dutch production, necessarily grafted and root capable.

If you plan to grow roses in a heated greenhouse, then you can purchase more southern varieties.


Rose planting material is best buy in spring, plant when the soil warms up well, in the second half of May. When planting, it’s good to water the rose with “PLANTA MIRACLE GROWTH” fertilizer, or any organic fertilizer.

Experience shows that planting roses in the fall in the ground or in a greenhouse in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia most often fails. But if you still purchased a rose in early autumn, in September, then it is recommended bury it in the cellar until spring, while ensuring positive temperatures.

Or you can plant it densely, like tomato seedlings, in a heated room.

Don't make a shortcut flowers and cuttings for young and underdeveloped bushes this is unacceptable! Buds and excess shoots are plucked out when separated.

Faded flowers on strong bushes removed along with 1 or 2 leaves, otherwise fruits with seeds may set, and repeated flowering will be weak.


Water under the bush, generously, so that the ground is saturated with moisture for about 5 meters. In dry weather, interval between waterings in two weeks.

Combine watering with liquid fertilizing (after watering the rose), mullein infusion 1:10, or infusion chicken manure- 1:20, ash, herbs, microbiological fertilizer Baikal-EM, Planta, Bogaty. It is advisable not to use it in the first year mineral fertilizers. In the following years, up to 6 feedings are carried out per season, alternating organic with mineral fertilizers.

In the cold, rainy weather, roses do not absorb substances from the ground, so spend foliar feeding (spraying), this will improve the condition of the plant, increase the number and size of flowers.

Until the end of July it is desirable that nitrogen fertilizers dominated in fertilizing, and in August for better woodiness of bushes - potash and phosphorus fertilizers, ash.

Feeding after the first year:

in the spring, before the leaves bloom, after removing the cover and trimming: ammonium nitrate 30 grams per 1 sq. m. ( or urea 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water).

In two weeks - repeat. Nitrogen will increase the mass of the plant and affect the growth of shoots.

third feeding- beginning of budding: complex mineral supplement(KEMIRA, FERTIKA, AGRICOLA FOR ROSES, ZDRAVENI FOR ROSES, etc.)

fourth feeding- before the first flowering: mullein solution, or HUMATE solution, or BAIKAL EM solution.

fifth feeding- late July-early August, after the first flowering - complex mineral fertilizer.

the last one, sixth feeding- superphosphate and potassium salt (potassium).

During replanting, pruning, cutting flowers, as well as during periods of cold weather or drought Spraying with EPIN EXTRA is very useful.


As a rule, the largest, central bud is left in the inflorescences, and the excess on the sides is plucked out. They do the same with shoots growing from one bud - leaving only one, the strongest, which grows outward from the center of the bush.


At the first signs of damage to the bushes by pests and diseases (plaque, spots), chemical treatment drugs FITOVERM, ACTELLIK, FUFANON, AGRAVERTIN, INTAVIR against pests, TOPAZ, FITOSPORTIN- from diseases. Treatment against pests is carried out twice with a break of 7 days.


Bushes are trimmed in two terms. In autumn, early October, do the basic pruning. Remove non-lignified shoots to hardwood. All leaves are removed from short-pruned bushes. The most developed, strong branches are left, and small and diseased branches are removed. Garbage and scraps are burned.

In spring, in May, after the bushes have fully opened in winter, all brown, dead and rotten parts are removed. If at least two or three healthy buds remain, the bush will grow well and bloom.

Remontant varieties pruned leaving the shoots longer (about 20 cm), these varieties also bloom on last year’s growths.


When growing up wild growth(usually typical for bushes grafted onto rose hips), it is pulled out of the ground by tearing it off from the root. Cutting shoots above ground is a futile exercise.

RULE #10

Roses for winter it's best to cover sawdust or small chips.

Against frost damage, upon the onset August- by 5-10 cm pester the bases of the bushes with sawdust(root collar). A in the first ten days of October after pruning, the bushes are covered with sawdust to the top, “head over heels”, covering the resulting mound on top with film, a box, a box, a tarpaulin, roofing felt, etc. The cover must be pressed down with some kind of oppression.

Not allowed in the Urals and Siberia Spud up the bushes for the winter with earth, damp leaves, humus and other materials. Because, unlike other regions of our country, the lignification of shoots in our country is weaker, and therefore, by spring, rose bushes are often warmed up.

In winter you need to cover it with additional snow.. Shelters are removed in cloudy weather in late May, because the bush will immediately will get burned.

When clear sunny weather an open bush is shaded with a box, a bucket, paper, or covering material for several days, while the base of the bush should be closed until June 10 - when the return frosts end and the first new shoots begin to grow.


Popular groups: floribunda and hybrid teas- various colors, beauty and ability to bloom continuously throughout the season make these varieties the most popular.

Polyantha roses and grandiflora (very similar to floribunda) are less popular.

Hybrid tea roses

stand out variety of colors, graceful, elongated, large - up to 18cm flowers. Can be semi-double(up to 20 petals per flower), and densely double- from 100 or more petals. Have a variety nice smell.

As a rule, the flowers are solitary, but can also be in small inflorescences. The leaf is large, often leathery, shiny. Thorns on young shoots reddish, large, sparse. Bush height from 60 to 140 cm, straight, can sometimes be spreading.

Polyantha roses

Small bush up to 40 cm, compact, dense, highly branched With small flowers (up to 4 cm), pink or red colors, rare white, some varieties - orange. The typical polyanthus rose does not have yellow flowers. They can have an aroma, their terry size ranges from semi-double to densely double.

The inflorescences are large, multifloral, numbering from 20 to 100 persistent flowers with long-lasting brightness of color. Bloom continuous, abundant, until late autumn.


They have a huge variety, inferior to hybrid tea roses in aroma, beauty and flower size, but superior in winter hardiness and very abundant, almost continuous flowering.

Bush from 50 to 120 cm, straight, spreading, with leathery, shiny leaves. The flowers are simple, semi-double or densely double. Form from cup-shaped to goblet-shaped from 4 to 10 cm in diameter, collected in often fragrant inflorescences of different sizes.


By crossing varieties floribunda and hybrid tea a new, small group of grandiflora was obtained garden rose - grandiflora.

A variety with large inflorescences and abundant, long-lasting flowering like a floribunda. And the shape and size of the flower like a hybrid tea rose, but superior to both varieties in terms of winter hardiness and growth vigor.

Every gardener takes care of his plants and the beauty of his flower beds throughout the year. For example, planting roses in autumn or spring is an important event. It is not without reason that this flower is called the queen of the garden. It is both luxurious and demanding of personal care at the same time. But many are interested in the question, at what time of year is it better to plant a plant so that it takes root and feels good?

Benefits of autumn

Flower growers who already have extensive experience in growing roses say that they are ideal for planting autumn days, mainly in September. There are several arguments to prove that they are right.

  1. Autumn planting is usually done in September, although there is a later option - until mid-October. This is the time when the heat has already subsided, the soil is constantly moist, and frosts dangerous for young plants are only on the horizon.
    It's time spring planting– this is the end of March and beginning of April. Those who live in the middle zone and more northern regions know very well that in early spring the weather is unpredictable. During this period, the thermometer drops below 0°C much more often than in September, when the air and soil are still warm enough for seedlings.
  2. Another important advantage of planting roses in September is also related to weather conditions, namely, with air humidity. In spring it rarely exceeds 65%, while in September it is 85%. The higher the humidity, the better for the planted plant. And precipitation is more likely in early autumn than in mid-spring.
  3. The third advantage is relevant for those who are a true connoisseur of roses and collect various varieties this flower. It is in September that nurseries begin the season of sales and fairs of seedlings that could not be sold for some reason during the spring-summer season. At this time, you can purchase not only healthy new seedlings, which will pleasantly delight you with their flowering next year, but also rare and expensive varieties. And with big discount! True, you need to be careful at such events: sometimes unscrupulous sellers try to sell a diseased or dried plant.

Autumn is perhaps the most the right time year to plant new roses. But there are still some nuances.

Disadvantages of autumn

It should be noted that when choosing a seedling brought from southern latitudes, planting should still be done in the spring, since young plant may not be able to withstand harsher winters. To do this, you can hide it either on the balcony or in the cellar. But in most cases, stores and nurseries sell plants already adapted to the local climate. Therefore, difficulties are unlikely to arise with him.

Also after autumn pruning There are many cuttings left of the rose. Of course, many gardeners feel sorry for throwing away these cut shoots. But a beginner in planting and caring for this flower may have difficulties with autumn rooting. Therefore, you can save the cuttings, and in the spring, with the onset of warm weather, take up their planting.

Planting roses in the fall, as a rule, is associated with a certain risk - there is a high probability of sudden frosts on the soil. This danger awaits residents of regions with a more severe climate than in middle lane. To prevent the plant from dying, it is better to take into account all the risks in advance, consult with more experienced colleagues in the garden and make a decision.

The right time

Speaking about planting seedlings, it must be said that the main task is their successful rooting. The best natural conditions For this purpose, they are created in September - early October. If you plant roses at this particular time, they will have time to adapt to their new habitat before the onset of cold weather and take root, that is, they will take root. This plant usually takes at least 2 weeks.

Therefore, you need to choose the right date for planting - at least 2-3 weeks should pass from its moment until the onset of cold weather. In the middle zone, the deadline is mid-October. And residents of other regions - for example, the Urals and Far East– must independently choose the time based on the local climate. But a rose planted in the spring can be in no way inferior to its autumn friend.

Preparation of seedlings

Once the seedlings have been purchased, you can proceed directly to planting. Before this, planting material and soil need to be prepared.

The root system of a new plant can be either open or in a coma of earth. In the first case, the seedlings should be soaked in water for 24 hours, and then they can be treated with iron sulfate. Important stage- pruning the plant. After a careful examination, all injured and damaged areas, dry leaves are removed, and the roots are trimmed: they should not be longer than 30 cm. The stems are also trimmed, leaving no more than four. It is also better to shorten the remaining shoots: 3-4 healthy buds on each will be quite enough. Thanks to this, the bush will be more lush and attractive.

To stimulate the rapid formation of new young roots, it is recommended to treat the already trimmed seedling homemade solution: 2 parts ordinary clay and 1 part mullein. This mixture is diluted to the consistency of sour cream, and then the root system of the seedlings is dipped into it for 15 minutes.

Soil preparation

The rose loves light, so before planting it is necessary to choose an area where it will receive the amount of sunlight it requires. At this place, they dig a hole 60 cm deep, about 50 cm wide and long. At first glance, it may seem that it will be too big for a rose. But this is not true at all! In such conditions there will be space for the growth and development of the root system. Consequently, the rose will be stronger and healthier. If you dig a smaller hole, the flower will feel somewhat cramped and grow slowly.

After this, the hole is filled with water and the selected fertilizers are added to it:

  • 3 shovels of humus mixed with soil;
  • bred mullein;
  • 1 guest wood ash;
  • mineral complexes;
  • other organic fertilizers.

These rules apply to planting roses in both autumn and spring. If you follow them, the plants will quickly begin to grow new roots, through which absorption from the soil will take place. useful substances And life-giving moisture. And the “queen of the garden” will subsequently respond to such care with lush flowering.

Planting seedlings

If the plant has an open root system, then before planting it, it is recommended to pour a small mound of soil in the center of the hole. You can evenly distribute and spread the roots over it so that they do not interfere with each other.

  1. Holding the seedling itself in an upright position with one hand, pour water into the hole, in which the root-forming agent was previously diluted, and then carefully cover it with soil.
  2. First fill it with earth, compact it and only then pour it with the same liquid.

The second method is used more often because the soil will settle under the influence of water. If this is not done, then after the first heavy rain the plant may go too deep into the ground. Therefore, even if the first option was chosen, after planting it is better to pour a bucket of water onto the surface of the soil.

If you need to plant a plant whose roots are in an earthen coma, then it is simply lowered to the bottom of the hole, and the remaining space is covered with peat or humus. Then you need to compact the soil and spill it with two buckets of water. You should make several passes, each time waiting until all the moisture is absorbed.

It is also important to consider the distance between roses. Garden varieties must be planted at a distance of 80 cm - 1 m from each other, hybrid tea - 40 cm, and climbing - more than a meter. When planting is completed, all that remains is to hill up each plant. This will not only stimulate the development of the seedling, but also protect it from the cold. If planted in autumn, the rose should remain in this state all winter. It is recommended to additionally insulate young plants.

In spring, it is also not recommended to rush to open the seedling: this should be done in rainy or cloudy weather, early in the morning or in the evening. If the plant was planted in April-May, then it is unplanted after the appearance of young green shoots and the establishment of warm weather.

Regardless of what time of year the roses were planted, proper care one can rightly count on the fact that very soon they will turn into beautiful plants, covered elegant flowers. Planting roses in spring, as in autumn, is actively practiced by gardeners throughout Russia. If you follow all the planting rules, these flowers will actively develop and produce buds.

Selection of seedlings

Rose seedlings are best purchased from nurseries or specialized stores. When ordering planting material online, it is impossible to predict what state its root system will be in, and this is the most important condition when planting in the fall. If the roses will be planted in the coming days, then you can purchase specimens with an open root system; they are cheaper, in addition, their roots can be carefully examined. The root system should be proportionally developed, natural color, without signs of rotting or drying out. Plants should be selected that have at least 3 main shoots, they should have an even green color And glossy surface with shiny spikes. If the seedling has a closed root system, then you need to check how tightly the earthen ball adheres to the walls of the container. Healthy specimens, as a rule, have many young shoots on the branches with tender, green leaves.

Choosing a place on the site for growing roses

Many gardeners wonder how to properly plant roses in the fall? First you need to select on the site appropriate place, the shrub is quite capricious in terms of its conditions, so when arranging the flower garden it is important to take into account all the requirements of this luxurious plant.

Rose - heat-loving and light-loving plant, choose a well-lit place for planting, for example, plant seedlings along the building on the south side. IN shady garden, shrubs will not grow under the canopy of trees, just like in areas blown by cold winds. The plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the roots, so in the area where the depth groundwater less than 1 m, it is not recommended to place a rose garden.

How to plant roses in the fall and prepare a place for planting? Flowers will grow well on loose and fertile soil, therefore, before planting, it is necessary to dig up the area and apply a sufficient amount of fertilizer. For growing roses, soil is suitable whose composition is medium-heavy and the reaction is slightly acidic (pH - 6.5 or 7). To increase soil fertility, compost, humus, and decomposed manure are added 4–5 weeks before planting. Additionally, you can apply mineral fertilizers, selecting the dosage according to the instructions and depending on the natural composition of the soil on the site.

Technology for planting roses in autumn

When thinking about how to properly plant roses in the fall, you first need to decide on the date for the work. This determines how well the seedlings will take root in anticipation of the winter cold. In warm-temperate climates, it is recommended to start the planting procedure from September 15 to October 15. In the southern regions 3–4 weeks later. Too much early boarding will entail active growth of young shoots, which will significantly reduce the winter hardiness of the plant. If you delay planting on the site, the seedling will not have time to take root and will die from frost. For planting work you should choose a sunny, fine day. If there are prolonged rains, then it is better to wait a while with planting.

If the weather has suddenly deteriorated and it is no longer possible to plant roses in open ground, seedlings with an open root system can be buried in a greenhouse, and specimens in shipping containers can be stored in a cellar or on an insulated loggia, where the air temperature does not exceed 0 °C.

Seedling preparation

How to plant roses in the fall, where should you start? Before planting, specimens with an open root system are placed in a bucket of water for 24 hours. Plants in containers do not require special preparation. Next, all leaves are removed from the seedlings and broken or dried shoots are carefully cut off with sharp pruning shears. It is recommended to prune the rose, shortening the branches to 30 cm and the root system to 25 cm. If some roots are rotten, they should be cut back to living wood (distinguished by the white core). To prevent various diseases, seedlings are sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate (3%). It is recommended to dip the roots in “chatter” - a solution of clay and mullein in a 2:1 ratio.

Planting pit

If one bush is planted, then dig a planting hole; when planting in groups along a fence or building, it would be wise to make a trench. The diameter of the pit should be about 40–45 cm, with autumn planting the seedling must be planted deeper - about 60–70 cm. The width and depth of the trench will be similar; the distance between the bushes should be determined depending on the plant variety. Yes, for growing park roses it is necessary to maintain a distance of 100 cm, remontant - 70 cm, hybrid tea - 60 cm, small-flowered polyanthus - 40 cm.

Planting a rose seedling in the ground

How to plant roses in open ground in the fall? If the soil on the site is quite heavy, then it is advisable to place pebble or drainage at the bottom of the hole or trench. broken bricks(a layer of 2 cm is enough). The gardener’s task is to carefully straighten the roots of the seedling into landing pit, some, for convenience, make a small mound in the middle and place the plant on it. The root collar is deepened into the soil by 5 cm (for standard roses - by 10 cm). After planting, the earth mixture is distributed around the seedling and compacted well; there should be no air cavities left in the soil. Then, each bush is watered abundantly, using about 2 buckets. Next, you should wait until the water is absorbed and only then mulch the circle around the trunk. Mulching the soil is a mandatory procedure when planting roses in the fall. First, the wet soil is sprinkled with a thin layer of dry soil, and then covered with peat to a height of about 18–20 cm. Hay or compost can be used as mulch.

Sheltering a seedling for the winter

Knowing how to plant roses in the fall, all that remains is to ensure that they overwinter well. In regions where frosty winters are expected, seedlings need to be provided with reliable shelter. To do this, a small stable frame is made around the plant from metal arcs or wooden pegs stuck into the ground. On top of such a structure you can cover it with spruce branches or put on a “cap” made of rags or non-woven material (lutrasil, agrofibre). Secure the “cap” with wire or twine. For seedlings, you can prepare a shelter from a cut plastic bottle, leaving a gap of about 10 cm between the top of the plants and the bottom. This shelter is sprinkled with dry leaves or onion peels on top. As soon as snow falls, you can add an additional snowdrift, this will protect the plantings from freezing. However, it is worth remembering that with the onset of the first warm days, the shelter must be removed, otherwise the roses will dry out and die.

Video on how to plant roses

They dream that these flowers will decorate their lands with their bright colors and aromas.

Soil preparation

For good growth You need fertile, loose soil with the maximum amount of soil. If yours does not meet the requirements, it needs to be prepared.

It is important to do this some time before planting. It is necessary to mix the soil with organic soil in equal quantities. Then add bone meal to the composition.
Roses are planted in holes or trenches 65 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter. If your area is sandy, you need to put a 5 cm high layer of clay on the bottom. Such manipulations will help prevent the soil from drying out. Clay soil To get rid of waterlogging, compact with gravel sand. Just before planting, the prepared mixture is poured into the recesses.

Rules for planting roses in autumn

Roses are planted in the fall using the same technology as full-fledged bushes.

Important! If you bought rose seedlings with an open root system or cuttings, but it is impossible to plant them correctly, you cannot do everything in a hurry. It is better to place them in a shipping container on an insulated loggia or bury them in the cellar and plant them in open ground in the spring.

Planting bushes (technology)

The process of planting roses is not too difficult if you know how to do it. sequences work must be carried out:

  • The bottom of the pit is loosened with a pitchfork, a mixture of soil and soil is poured on top, and then ordinary soil.
  • The roots of the seedlings are pruned.
  • It is also recommended to trim the ends of the shoots.
  • The seedling is placed in the middle of the hole, the roots are carefully straightened. Soil is poured on top so that the root collar deepens 5 cm.
  • The earth is compacted.
  • Spend copious amounts. It is recommended to spend at least 20 liters of water on each bush.
  • The bush is hilled so that the soil roll is at least 10 cm in height.
  • You can put cut grass on top or.


You need to plant roses in the fall in the same way as at other times of the year. The distance between bushes should be 70 cm, and between rows 1.5 m. The dimensions of the recesses depend on the type of variety:

  • : 40x40x40 cm.
  • Park or: 50x50x50 cm.