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» When to plant carrots in June. Carrots planting and care in open ground, planting time, correct sowing, watering and further care. What varieties of carrots can be sown before winter

When to plant carrots in June. Carrots planting and care in open ground, planting time, correct sowing, watering and further care. What varieties of carrots can be sown before winter

The inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa during gastritis dictates its own nutritional rules. In order for the disease to proceed without complications, you should eat in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists. What fruits can you eat with chronic gastritis? What exactly should a therapeutic diet include? The inflamed organs of the digestive tract react very sensitively to cold, salty and sour foods, so you should be careful when choosing your diet for gastritis.

What fruits can you have for gastritis?

First of all, the diet of a person with gastritis must be balanced. The course of the disease, its clinical manifestations and recovery time depend on this. What fruits can you eat with chronic gastritis? If the disease is accompanied by low acidity, then the list of permitted fruits should activate the secretion of the glands.

The daily menu should have enough useful vitamins and microelements. You can eat fruits and berries that are not too sour, citrus fruits, and common fruits not grown in exotic countries.

Products must be peeled and crushed using a blender or grater. Such fruits are easier to digest. Fruit puree mix is ​​useful for gastritis. Experts do not recommend combining more than two types of products.

List of allowed fruits

The list of allowed fruits for chronic gastritis includes those that everyone is accustomed to seeing since childhood. kitchen table. The benefits will be:

  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • berries;
  • plums;
  • persimmon;
  • pears.

From berries to not large quantities Cherries are allowed, but the consumption of strawberries and currants must be limited. What fruits can you eat if you have gastritis? You should definitely ask your doctor.

If you have a stomach illness, you need to be careful and choose only ripe, whole berries and fruits without visible damage.


Pear for gastritis is a product that stimulates intestinal motility well. This fruit neutralizes Helicobacter in the intestines, which cause the development of gastritis. Pear reduces intestinal sensitivity, removes toxins, and breaks down fats. Its use should be divided into multiple doses so as not to cause disorder.

A child suffering from stomach disease should be given pears in very small quantities. The stomach of a weak child's body is not resistant to aggressive foods. Pear irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.


Bananas are recommended to ease bowel movements and prevent constipation. These fruits envelop the inflamed mucous membrane internal organs Gastrointestinal tract and improve the consistency of stool. By eating bananas, you can forget about constipation. The best option is a fruity banana casserole. It can be cooked in the oven.

Each person's body is individual, so some patients do not digest bananas well. The effect of this product on the body varies in each specific case. If there is an exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to avoid banana dishes.


Treatment of the stomach can be combined with the consumption of watermelon. It is even recommended to eat watermelon slices to quickly remove medicinal toxins from the body. The product should be consumed in moderation. It has a beneficial effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and has a diuretic effect. But in large quantities, watermelon mass can greatly stretch the mucous membranes of the stomach. As a result, there is an increased load on the organ.


Sweet varieties of apples can be consumed for gastritis with increased acidity. The product stimulates all functions of the gastrointestinal tract and glands well. It is forbidden to eat sour apples. Dietary features for gastritis of the stomach must be observed daily. Fresh apples are indispensable for the human body. They contain vitamin K, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system.

It is useful to eat baked apples. This dietary dish recommended by all nutritionists in the world to improve the functioning of the digestive system. It is quickly and easily digestible and contains many vitamins and minerals.


Stomach diseases can develop with poor diet. To improve your diet, you need to include persimmon in it. This product has viscous substances and eliminates the hyperacid form of the disease. Choosing persimmons for the table is required orange color. The fruit must be ripe. Children with stomach diseases are not recommended to eat persimmon.


The berries can be eaten if there is no exacerbation of the disease. Not all berries can be consumed. Cherries and cherries are allowed, but currants, raspberries, strawberries and gooseberries are recommended to be limited. Their small bones are a strong irritant for the inflamed gastric mucosa and can increase the symptoms of the disease.

These berries also contain substances that affect the acidity of gastric juice. Some berries have an extremely negative effect on the walls of the organ. Strawberries should not be eaten if you have an illness with low acidity. If fruits are saturated with pesticides, they can be harmful to the body.

Forbidden fruits

Not everyone knows which fruits in chronic gastritis can be particularly dangerous and aggravate the course of the disease. Involve bad consequences can:

  • melon;
  • pomegranate;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • citrus;
  • strawberry.

Don't forget about the list of prohibited fruits. If you eat a few strawberries for dinner during the chronic stage of gastritis, you may well end up in a hospital bed at night. Often, how you feel depends on the degree of acidity of the gastric juice. You should always remember this and be careful when planning your diet. The diet for gastritis should be quite strict. When choosing foods and fruits, pay attention to their quality. If they are rotten or not fresh, they will cause discomfort even to a healthy person.


You should not eat pomegranates if you have any form of disease. The fruit contains a significant amount of vitamin C, which has an extremely negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Pomegranate has a particularly detrimental effect on the weak mucous membrane of internal organs.


During the period of exacerbation of the disease, grapes are strictly contraindicated. The product can cause a very strong fermentation process and flatulence. This should not be allowed in any form of the disease. For any disease of the digestive system, the patient needs to exclude grapes from the diet.

A distinctive feature of berries is their long digestion. The fruits are quite heavy for a sick stomach, so it is better to forget about them during gastritis. Otherwise, colic, heartburn and even vomiting may occur.


These fruits are not at all harmless for chronic illness. They have a powerful laxative effect and can lead to exacerbation of intestinal disease. Peaches increase the production of secretions by the glands; they should not be present in the diet of a person with gastritis.


This fruit is the heaviest for the intestines and stomach. Even if symptoms are not expressed and the treatment is effective, melon should not be eaten. To many fans exotic fruit you have to give it up for various ailments of the intestinal tract. The fibrous structure of melon does not at all make it easier to digest in the stomach. The fruit is difficult to tolerate by a weakened body and has a negative effect on the mucous membranes of internal organs.


As for citrus fruits, they should not be consumed if the mucous membrane of the internal organs is weak. The product contains a large number of various acids that have an extremely negative effect on the stomach and intestines. Citrus fruits are well tolerated in minimal quantities for gastritis with low Ph.

When a fruit contains a lot of acid, which increases acidity, it can make you feel better. Regarding these fruits, the opinion of doctors and nutritionists is not clear.


The berry is not recommended for gastritis with high acidity. It irritates the lining structures of the tract and causes heartburn. The small grains located on the skin are a strong irritant to the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The lining of the stomach is nothing to joke about in any form of gastritis. Therefore, it is important to eat berries and fruits that do not contain small grains. Strawberries are most dangerous for gastritis, so they should not be eaten.

Vegetables for gastritis

During the treatment of an illness, you can and should eat vegetables. They are rich in many vitamins and microelements and can speed up recovery, as well as strengthen the immunity of a weakened body. Among the vegetables, of course, there are also those that you should absolutely not eat if you have gastritis. They increase the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Allowed vegetables

When following a diet, you should not forget about vegetables. The list of vegetables allowed for illness includes:

  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • cauliflower;
  • beet;
  • skinless tomatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin.

These products neutralize harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines and promote the functioning of the digestive system. Vegetables should be consumed boiled, excluding fried foods.

Forbidden vegetables

Doctors included the following in the list of prohibited products:

  • legumes;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • spinach;
  • swede;
  • garlic;
  • onion.

The above vegetables have negative impact on the lining of the digestive organs. If you have gastritis, it is important to avoid stomach irritation. Otherwise, the acidity level in the body will certainly fail.

Eating fruits for gastritis

To find out which fruits you can eat for gastritis, you need to consult your doctor. Fruits should be eaten raw, purchasing only ripe, blemish-free fruits.

For chronic gastritis

A persistent illness may periodically worsen. The resulting acute condition can be effectively corrected by diet. With chronic gastritis, you should not eat sour berries and fruits, as well as vegetables that are difficult for the gastrointestinal tract. Berries with skin - raspberries, strawberries - should not be consumed. It is also important to avoid other fruits with grains.

For gastritis with low acidity

When the Ph level is greatly reduced, the release of secretions should be provoked by certain foods. You can increase the production of gastric juice, but it is important to control the amount of food consumed. You need to consume a moderate amount of zucchini. potatoes, white cabbage.

Fruits you can eat include watermelon, peeled grapes, lemon, and baked apples. It is necessary to eat sweet fruits daily, and it is important to avoid sour ones. If you have low acidity, you should regularly eat pomegranate and drink its juice. This fruit is extremely useful for low stomach pH.

For gastritis with increased acidity

When Ph steadily increases, the situation needs to be corrected with the help of fruits that do not contain a coarse fiber structure. It is allowed to eat sweet berries, bananas, apples, pears, and persimmons. From vegetables it is useful to prepare dishes from carrots, beets, potatoes. It is better to steam or boil them. Such dishes are well digestible and retain their vitamin value.

Gastritis with high acidity requires strict adherence to diet rules. You cannot eat forbidden fruits so that the disease does not turn into an atrophic form. Increased Ph levels must be constantly monitored. A properly balanced diet - the right way get on the path to recovery faster.

Hyperacid form

Gastritis, accompanied by increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, requires food restrictions. In order not to increase the synthesis of the substance, it is forbidden to eat pomegranates, grapefruits, strawberries, oranges, tangerines and lemons. All fruits with a sour taste can cause irreparable harm.

Dishes from bananas, sweet apples, and melons are allowed on the menu. Pears and peaches, as well as mangoes, are allowed in minimal quantities. It is better to avoid eating unusual exotic fruits.

Rules for eating fruits

All vegetables and fruits must be peeled and seeds removed. Before eating, it is important to scald them with boiling water, this will eliminate harmful bacteria. Bananas should be eaten before the main course, no more than 1 piece. Other fruits can be eaten after the main meal. This way they will not have an irritating effect on the tract.

It is better to eat fruits after heat treatment, since fresh vegetables and fruits are harder to digest and place more strain on the organs. It is better to bake fruits in the oven so that they retain their vitamins. From high temperature the pulp becomes easier to digest and does not provoke heartburn and dyspepsia. When the disease worsens, it is important to completely avoid fruits high in vitamin C.

Proper consumption of vegetables and fruits contributes to the remission of a dangerous and unpleasant disease. Nutrition correction provides better job digestive system and helps avoid the development of complications. By following all the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists, you can avoid the obvious symptoms of gastritis - heartburn, vomiting, flatulence.

Diet therapy is the leading method of treating gastritis conditions, as well as their prevention. We eat a variety of vegetables, berries, and fruits every day, without even thinking about whether they can be eaten with our gastritis.

Fruits and berries for gastritis of the stomach

For gastritis inflammations, you can eat sweet fruits and berries that do not have a rough shell. You can also prepare a variety of compotes, marmalade or mousses, smoothies and jams, jams, etc. from them.


Allowed berries and fruit crops include watermelons and persimmons, apples and avocados, bananas, pears or cranberries.



Watermelons are incredibly useful for gastritis for removing excess waste and toxic deposits from the body. You should not put too much effort on the giant berry if the gastritis sufferer has kidney pathologies.

It is enough to eat only a few slices of watermelon per day. And within a few days the patient will notice how his well-being and general condition have improved.

Watermelon rinds can be used for therapeutic purposes. You need to cut off the crusts and chop them finely, then dry them.

You need to prepare the medicine like this: pour 5 large spoons of dried watermelon rinds with a liter of boiling water, and then boil for another half hour. The resulting product is cooled and filtered. You should drink the product chilled, 200 ml 4-5 times a day before meals.


Has pronounced antibiotic properties. Gastritis sufferers can eat this fruit during remission conditions. In such a situation, 1-2 ripe fruits per day are allowed.

  • This fruit crop is useful for increasing immune status, eliminating and preventing, lowering blood pressure, and preventing the development of.
  • Persimmon is recommended for patients with hyperacid gastritis, since it contains very few acids and is gentle on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thiamine contained in persimmon normalizes acidity levels in the stomach.
  • It is not recommended to consume the fruit for gastritis.

To reduce the astringent effect of fruits, gastritis sufferers are advised to first freeze them, then defrost them and only then eat them.


The fruits have a strong antibacterial effect and are useful for inflammatory lesions of the gastric mucosa. To prevent and prevent gastrointestinal pathologies, it will be enough to eat only 1 fruit per day.


Cranberries are considered natural antibiotics, therefore they are indispensable for gastritis caused by. For inflammation of the gastric mucosa, cranberries can be eaten with low or normal acidity.

To increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid secretion, it is useful to drink cranberry juice. It is recommended to mash the berries and add cold water.

You can add it to the drink, which will only increase its taste and healing qualities. But you need to drink this drink in moderation; if you abuse it, there is a high risk of gastric upsets.


The group of prohibited berries and fruit crops includes products that can cause an exacerbation of the pathological process and worsen the patient’s condition. Even if gastritis is completely cured, then such fruits and berry crops must be treated with great caution.


Melon is also considered useful, but it is also contraindicated for gastritis.

Melon is considered a difficult to digest product, so the body requires serious energy expenditure. In the presence of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, melon is practically not digested and begins to ferment inside the stomach and intestines.


This berry is considered incredibly healthy, but if there are inflammatory processes in the stomach, it should not be consumed.

Grapes take a long time to process; digestion takes a lot of time and effort from the digestive system. The berry can exacerbate rotting and fermentation in the patient’s body; it is especially contraindicated in case of hypoacid reactions in the stomach.


Gastroenterologists allow kiwi for gastritis in the presence of a hypoacid environment in the stomach. This fruit is rich in ascorbic acid and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Nutritionists recommend eating kiwi after meals and only with low acidity.


Grapefruit contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which irritates the gastric mucous membranes. Therefore, such fruit should be avoided.


Vegetables are quite useful for gastritis.

  • Orange-colored crops have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa (zucchini, corn, carrots);
  • Red vegetables prevent cancer pathologies (tomatoes, red potatoes);
  • Purple vegetables like eggplant, peppers, and onions normalize digestive processes in case of hypoacid-type gastritis.
  • It is better to avoid green vegetables, because eating greens provokes abundant hydrochloric acid secretion.


It is recommended to eat broccoli cabbage for gastritis with varying secretion of gastric juice. It is rich in many useful microelements and does not irritate the stomach walls, as does the white variety of vegetable.

For hyperacid gastritis, the product should be eaten with caution and in limited quantities.


Eating carrots is also useful for inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It has an antispasmodic and regenerative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, relieves irritation from the walls of the stomach and activates the secretion of hydrochloric acid secretion.

Carrots also neutralize the habitat of Helicobacter pylori and regulate carbohydrate metabolism. Contraindicated in case of ulcerative pathology and diabetes, diarrhea and hyperacid form of the inflammatory process.


Zucchini also has beneficial properties for the gastrointestinal tract. After proper heat treatment, this vegetable is incredibly useful for patients who are recommended for diet therapy.

It is better to choose young fruits for consumption. It is best to prepare a vegetable stew from zucchini, adding other vegetables to it.


With the hyperacid type of gastritis, all citrus fruits are prohibited, as they further increase the secretion of gastric acid. You can only afford some citrus fruits when the acidity of the stomach is greatly reduced.


Tangerines are contraindicated for gastritis if there is an increased pH reaction.

For hypoacid gastritis, you can eat a few slices of fruit. It is also useful in juice form. But patients prone to allergic reactions should use tangerines with caution.


Oranges are considered enough healthy fruits, having healing properties. The fruit has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, eliminates vitamin deficiencies, rejuvenates and increases immune defense. But if you have high acidity, you shouldn’t eat oranges.


Citric acid, which this citrus is so rich in, has a very aggressive effect on the gastric mucous membranes, so it is not recommended to use this product for hyperacid gastritis.

The maximum way you can eat it is to add a small slice of fruit to your tea.

With increased acidity

If the inflammatory process in the stomach is hyperacid, patients must use acid neutralization methods. Young potato juice works great for this. Among fruits, it is better to give preference to bananas, pears and pineapples.

At low

With reduced hydrochloric acid secretion, the diet should contain vegetable and fruit crops that promote active secretion of gastric juice. White cabbage, which should be eaten stewed or boiled, copes best with this task.

Peaches and plums, cherries and apples are also useful, from which it is better to cook jelly or compotes.

What fruits can and cannot be eaten during an exacerbation of the disease?

In case of exacerbation of inflammatory damage to the gastric mucosa, gastroenterologists recommend excluding any fruits, berries and vegetables from consumption.

During this period, the patient's diet should consist of lean soups and dairy dishes, slimy porridges and jelly. A few days after the attack is over, you can begin the gradual introduction of boiled and steamed or stewed vegetables, which must be ground or crushed in a blender before use.

After a few more days, you can carefully introduce baked apples with honey. The remaining fruits and berries are best used for preparing compotes or jelly for the first time after an attack. In this form, they are the safest for the stomach and will not cause an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

Publication date: 26-11-2019

What fruits can you eat for gastritis?

Your attending gastroenterologist will definitely tell you what fruits you can eat for gastritis. Modern style life and the influence of the surrounding atmosphere inevitably leave an imprint on human health. One of these problems is gastritis, which usually occurs as a result of dietary irregularities. Depending on the nature of the disease, it can occur in acute or chronic form. Moreover, it is the second option that requires adherence to a certain diet that helps to quickly overcome the disease.

Physiology of disease development and therapeutic diet

In modern medical practice, gastritis is understood as the formation and development of an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membranes of the stomach. This process itself is accompanied by quite vivid symptoms that can bring significant discomfort to a person’s life, complicating the work of his digestive system. At the same time, one of the areas of complex therapy used to overcome gastritis is following a special diet, which includes only the use of approved products that have the mildest and most gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, these include a variety of porridges and lean soups, but in addition to them, such a diet must contain fruits, which are a storehouse of vitamins.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach can occur as a result of a decrease or increase in acidity in it. Depending on the nature of the disease, the list of products that promote recovery also changes. Based on this, the question arises, what fruits can be eaten with gastritis, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease. The answer consists of several parts, which look like this:

  • with low acidity;
  • with increased acidity;
  • forbidden fruits.

The above classification most fully describes the complexity of treating gastritis. At the same time, determining the reason that served as the impetus for its development is one of the main tasks. It is the identification of the catalyst that makes it possible to most closely influence the disease and contribute to its speedy neutralization.

Diet for low stomach acidity

The main focus of a diet with low acidity is to activate the secretory function of the stomach and stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. Based on this, you should eat fruits with gastritis carefully, spreading your meals over 4-5 meals. In this case, it is best to choose fruits that do not contain small irritants, such as seeds or large veins.

In addition to the main diet, apples, persimmons, oranges, pears, bananas, peaches, apricots and plums are introduced. It is best to eat them in the form of a puree, after removing the skin, seeds and seeds from them. At the same time, it is not recommended to combine more than 2-3 types of fruits in one day. To supply the body with vitamins, it is necessary to choose fruits and berries that do not contain small hard elements that are difficult to get rid of before direct consumption.

You should also take into account the role of pomegranate, which is not only allowed to be eaten, but its use when acidity is reduced is considered a necessity. A small amount of fresh pomegranate juice, includes a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. In addition, pomegranate stimulates the gastric mucosa, promoting its speedy recovery.

With a similar nature of the disease, oranges and any other citrus fruits are simply irreplaceable. Each of them has a pronounced antioxidant effect, helping to reduce cholesterol levels and stimulating the regeneration of damaged tissue areas.

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Allowed products at elevated pH

With gastritis with high acidity, which is diagnosed much more often, the approach to the diet and its formation is more complex. This is due to what to choose correct combinations products that have a calming effect most gently, without overloading the stomach, is quite difficult. Based on this, the permitted list of fruits for this type of gastritis undergoes significant changes compared to low acidity.

The main task of the diet in such a case is to normalize the relationship between the intestines and the stomach by eliminating thermal or chemical irritants. Based on this, you can eat any sweet fruits, but only in grated or ground form and at a neutral temperature. At the same time, it is better to completely exclude apples, citrus fruits and other sour fruits for gastritis. In general, during exacerbation of gastritis, it is best to use the following fruits and berries, which have the most gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • watermelon;
  • banana;
  • pear;
  • persimmon.

All these products not only do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, but even promote the regeneration of its walls.

Is it possible to eat watermelon for gastritis? Oddly enough, watermelon eaten in moderation not only has a beneficial effect on the stomach, but also helps eliminate toxins from the body. The main condition for its use is moderation, since in large quantities it can stretch the mucous membrane, subjecting it to increased stress.

Banana has a pronounced calming effect, enveloping the lining of the stomach. This process makes it possible to protect them before eating or medicines, reducing overall bowel vulnerability and facilitating subsequent bowel movements.

Pear helps eliminate toxins, break down fats and normalize intestinal function. At the same time, it should be consumed very carefully, dividing the fruit into several doses. Otherwise, an upset stomach with all the accompanying symptoms will not take long to appear.

Only ripe fruits with a soft structure and high viscosity can be eaten. It is quite easy to distinguish them not only by appearance, but also to the touch. At the same time you need to eat in small portions and only pulp.

List of dangerous foods and their effects on the human body

We have already answered the question whether it is possible to eat watermelon with gastritis. And this berry turned out to be very useful. However, there are still a number of fruits, the consumption of which is highly not recommended for any type of gastritis. The list looks like this:

  • grape;
  • melon;
  • kiwi;
  • citrus.

The above fruits and eating them put a lot of stress on the stomach. Even a completely healthy person can feel the consequences of their use. This state of affairs contributes to the fact that they will never be in the diet of a patient with gastritis.

Many people are interested in the question of whether grapes are good for gastritis. The answer is clear and completely opposite to the situation with the watermelon. Grapes have a strong laxative effect, serve as a strong allergen and increase the functionality of the glands responsible for the production of digestive juice. Based on this, eating grapes with any degree of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach is highly not recommended.

Melon is considered one of the heaviest and most difficult fruits to digest, even despite its rather delicate structure and pleasant smell. Processing a piece of melon takes quite a lot of time and significantly enhances the work of the gastric mucosa.

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Kiwi increases acidity so much that it poses a danger even with reduced secretion production. In addition, kiwi contains many small seeds and dense fibers that can injure the lining of the stomach.

Citrus fruits are the most controversial fruits, because when acidity decreases, they are very useful, but when acidity increases, their consumption is not recommended. This fact is associated with the excessive vulnerability of the gastric mucosa when acidity increases. Based on this, the presence of acid in foods can cause serious damage and even provoke an ulcer.