Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Game competitions on March 8 for adults. A thorny path to flowers. Eat my pie

Game competitions on March 8 for adults. A thorny path to flowers. Eat my pie

Participants in the competition are shown a photo of a cat and asked to describe it by writing five different feminine nouns or adjectives on separate pieces of paper. Then all the leaves are put into one bag and mixed. After which the participants must take turns saying: “Oh, what am I...” and, taking out another piece of paper from the bag and reading it, finish the phrase. These words must be pronounced with expression. The most artistic one wins.

Breakfast in bed

For this competition, the presenter must prepare a collage of various pictures with encrypted dishes, for example, a picture in which at the same time there will be a girl in a fur coat - this is the “Fur Coat” salad, a pensive Guy Julius Caesar is sitting nearby - the “Caesar” salad, somewhere preparing for an attack Napoleon is a cake, there is a bar with pancakes on the floor - pancakes, a tube of toothpaste - that means Italian paste, a woman with a bottle of rum - “Baba” and so on. Girls and women are divided into teams of 2-3 people and, starting from the first team, the teams take turns naming one dish each, which they were able to recognize from the overall picture. If a team does not name a dish within 10 seconds of thinking, it skips a move and does not earn a single point, and the lady team that earns more points, that is, will be able to find out big picture more encrypted dishes than the rest will win.

Musical vocabulary

Participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to remember as many songs as possible, the lyrics of which contain female names. The teams take turns singing lines from songs they remember. In the next round, you can use the word “mother” instead of names. The winner is the team whose “musical lexicon" more.

Cupid's bow

Every girl and woman can put on lipstick even with her eyes closed, but how can she cope with such a task without the help of her hands? So every man sits down on separate chair, and puts open lipstick between her knees. Each participant sits in a comfortable position next to her man and, at the command of the presenter, tries to apply makeup on her lips without using her hands. The lady who completes the task most accurately will be the winner.

Like a squirrel in a wheel

The presenter hands each participant a hula hoop and gives the command “start”. Participants must not only spin the hoop effectively, but also shout louder than others about their best qualities ah, for example, “I am beautiful, smart, funny, charming, graceful, talented, bright” and so on. The jury will be men. Whoever can list the most of their best qualities in a minute and at the same time gracefully twirl a hula hoop will win.

Women in sports are strong too

Women are divided into teams of several people. The presenter shows one picture of an athlete for each team in turn, and the women must guess who it is or at least what sport he plays (boxer, racer, football player, etc.). The team that gives the most correct answers will win.

Unique women

All guests are divided into pairs, that is, each woman chooses a man. Then the men take turns taking out forfeits from the bag, in which “special statuses” for women will be indicated, for example, “the pillow with which I change the pillowcase”; “a shovel with which I dig a garden”; “a door that creaks” and so on, the funnier the better. When all the forfeits have been sorted out, the men will take turns showing the “status” of their forfeit using a woman, that is, they will need to show the woman as a pillow and show the process of changing the pillowcase on her, and so on. And prizes can be awarded to the most artistic couples and participants who guess the most “statuses.”

Numbers and body parts

You will need two bags: one bag will contain forfeits with numbers from 1 to 20, and the second will contain body parts: ears, nose, butt, arms, hips, little fingers, lips, back of the head, tailbone, knees, and so on. Each of the men takes turns taking out their forfeits from the first and second bags and receives their own combination, for example, 4 and the back of the head, which means you need to kiss all the women on the back of the head 4 times. Men will kiss, and women will be satisfied.

Women can do anything, but men?

Couples participate: a man - a woman, but you just need to fulfill a mandatory condition: exchange shoes and dance a fast waltz. Women, of course, will pass this test and will be able to brilliantly perform the dance in men's shoes, but men in heels are unlikely. In any case, it will be fun and funny. And the most interesting couple will receive a prize.

We are tired of banal banquets and endless mimosas. And you? But we understand that it is not possible to close our eyes and wake up only on March 9th. Which means you have to get out! After all, no matter how difficult it is, you can approach any task from the other side and spend time cheerfully and with a smile. Easy competitions and games for March 8th from our selection - those that we ourselves would be happy to play. Here we go!

Competition No. 1. Voice acting!
This competition is perfect option for a large team due to the fact that what more people, all the better. Men prepare several excerpts from famous films and cartoons and invite ladies to voice them. The team of young ladies whose voice acting is funniest will win!

Competition No. 2. Mafia's wish!
Why not beat the famous “Mafia” in your own way? The game, without a doubt, is loved by many, exciting and exciting. AND great option to celebrate March 8th both in a close circle of friends and in a small company. Provided that the mafia wins and it turns out to be a beautiful lady, the men fulfill the desire of the entire female “mafia”!

Competition No. 3. You won't believe it... hockey!
Board games of hockey or football are so exciting that it is useless to argue. Therefore, divide into “male” and “female” teams and invite the ladies to beat you! Be amazed at how passionate and hungry women can be. The prize could be flowers, gifts or, for example, certificates to a beauty salon.

Competition No. 4. Intuition!
The essence of this competition is as follows: women carefully look into the eyes of the men participating in the competition, and then go to another room. At this time, the men put on gas masks and sit down in random order. They are covered from head to toe with identical blankets. Having returned, the ladies must find their partners, into whose eyes they recently peered so carefully.

Competition No. 5. Well, well, button it up!

The “Button Up” competition is suitable for a close group, where everyone knows each other and does not plan to be particularly shy. Couples are required to participate - a man and a woman. Then the brave men of the stronger sex receive winter mittens and get down to business, namely, buttoning up a shirt or robe with a large number of buttons, worn over their lady’s clothes. The winner is the one who completes the task faster than others. The prize can be anything you want!

Competition No. 6. Classic as without it!
This competition involves beautiful girls who are invited to face the “spectators”. At this time, the leader places a chair behind them and places any interesting object on it, not big size. At a signal, fearless ladies sit on a chair and try, without hands or eyes, to determine what object is underneath them. The participant who completes it first wins the main prize!

Competition No. 7. Braid and braid are different!
In honor of March 8, men try to do everything possible and impossible to please the beautiful ladies around them. They try so hard that they are even ready to braid their hair! The essence of the competition is as follows: three or four teams consisting of a boy and a girl are invited to participate. Moreover, the girl should be with long hair. When given a signal, men must braid their couples' luxurious hair within 60 seconds! Whose scythe turns out to be the best, that team wins.

Competition No. 8. Cook!

We offer a great alternative to a competition to see who can peel the best potatoes! How about who can make sushi better? Yes, yes, why not combine pleasant and tasty. Prepare several work stations for the participants in advance, lay out all the necessary ingredients and set a time limit. Whichever girl rolls three sushi rolls the fastest and most accurately will become the “Cook of the Evening” and receive a well-deserved prize!

Thus, fun competitions on March 8 - this is not a myth, but just your reality with great desire and little effort. And if you don’t think it’s enough, don’t miss our review on the topic

Games and competitions for adults. Games for adults. Competitions for adults. Games. Competitions">

Games and competitions. Games for adults.

“Let’s sit together” “Double chin” “Take care of your eggs!” "Wild Beach" "Shock Workers" Craftsmen" "Who's faster?!" "Oh, these legs!" "Oh, these legs... men's!" "Women's intuition" "Through thorns to the stars" "Sweet little thing!" "A trickle" in a festive way" "Men's athletics" "Whose knees?" "Where are you, my love?" "Find your wife" "Dress me, honey!" "Stickers" "The most resilient" "Sensual" "Move your butt!" "Burst the balloon!" “A small match” “One for two” “Skillful lips” “I give you flowers” ​​“Turnip on new way""Ricky the tuft" "The Scarecrow" "Dress up your husband-sultan" "Whose harem is cooler?" "Money, money, money..." "Boxing club" "Going for kisses" "Kiss me, kiss me!" "Love

"Let's sit together"

Couples stand with their backs to each other, leaning forward slightly. An egg is sandwiched between the backs (a little lower). Exercise

Carefully lower it to the floor. The couple whose egg remains intact wins. The egg can be replaced with a rubber ball.

In this case, the competition is won by the pair whose ball, after touching the floor, does not roll to the side.

"Double chin"

Partners (man and woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. Task

Using rotational movements, roll the ball to the chin of the shorter partner. Tumbleweed

Several pairs participate in the game. Each pair receives two raw eggs or ping pong balls. Men roll these balls from the lady's right sleeve to her left sleeve.

Ladies roll balls through a man's trousers from the right leg to the left.

"Take care of your eggs!"

Required condition games

A noisy, cheerful company of the appropriate age. Only men can take part

4 or 8 people. A plastic bag with two eggs is hung from the front of each person’s belt so that it hangs between their legs, the players are divided into pairs (at random or by lot, it is desirable that the players in pairs are of the same height). Next, the players stand in front of each other, spread their legs and squat slightly. Then everything is very simple, they fight with eggs, the one whose eggs break is eliminated. This is how the semi-finals and finals are held.

The winner is the one with at least one egg left intact. Fanfares, prizes, guests (especially girls) are rolling on the floor laughing.

"Wild beach"

The players get into pairs. The host invites everyone to the “wild beach”, where dances are announced. Dancers are given records (one for men, three for women)

- “so that intimate parts do not excite vacationers on the beach.” Music sounds and dancing begins. The players need to not lose a single record during the dance, and to do this they have to dance closely pressed to each other...

"Shock Workers"

3 couples are invited (girl

Boy). They must be unfamiliar or unfamiliar. The presenter is recommended to connect them himself. It will be more fun this way. So, the girl has a frying pan tied to her belt in front, and the guy

Ladle. The couple is placed facing each other at a close distance. Now the presenter needs to count the number of beats in a certain time, for example, per minute. You need to hit the pan exactly with the ladle.

The one who hits the most wins.

"Folk Craftsmen"

Guests are divided into pairs: man

Woman. Partner task

Blindfolded, use your teeth to move the clothespins (pre-fixed by the leader) from your partner’s back to her chest. The pair that completes the task first wins.

"Who's faster?!"

A pair (different sex or any) is selected by lot. The participants stand against each other. They are blindfolded, and an ordinary clothespin is attached to each one.

You need to find the clothespin on your opponent’s body as quickly as possible and at the same time try not to give away yours or let him get close to it.

"Oh, these legs!"

In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. The man is shown that his wife (friend, acquaintance) is sitting among them, and he is taken to another room, where he is tightly blindfolded. At this moment, all the women change seats, and a couple of men sit next to them.

Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and lets in a man with a bandage. He squats, touching everyone's bare leg with his hands in turn, and must recognize his other half. Men wear a stocking on their leg for camouflage.

"Oh, these legs... are men's!"

Only men take part in this competition. But at first they should not know that the best male legs will be revealed. The presenter announces to the men present that there will be a competition to collect cosmetics ( lipstick, powder, cosmetic sets, mascara, etc.), which is scattered on the floor.

Whoever collects the most cosmetic items and quickly wins this competition. But for convenience, men should bend their trousers as high as possible.

After the cosmetics are collected, the presenter announces the winner. But not the one who collected the most cosmetics, and who (according to the female jury) has the most beautiful male legs.

"Female intuition"

Women are encouraged to look men in the eyes carefully

To your playing partners. After this, the women go into another room, and the men put on gas masks and sit on chairs. They are covered from head to toe with a blanket so that only the gas masks are visible. Women are invited, their task

Find someone whose eyes they looked into just recently.

"Through hardship to the stars"

The presenter invites three married couples. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man.

After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and switches places with the wives.

"Sweet thing!"

There will be no winners or losers in this game, this game

A joke to amuse guests. Two participants are invited to participate

Man and woman. The rules of the game are explained to the man

- “now the lady will sit on this sofa and take a sweet candy into her mouth, and your task

Blindfolded, find this candy without using your hands and take it with your mouth too." The whole comical situation lies in the fact that as soon as the man is blindfolded, the man is placed on the sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me, how long will it take to try to find the candy from “ladies” is your chosen gentleman, so many guests will laugh heartily.

"Stream" in a festive way"

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Women are invited to walk along the “stream” with their legs wide apart without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed a stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies down on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes).

The woman is embarrassed. The second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth... Everyone has fun!

"Men's Athletics"

Male participants in the game are put on a dark, non-translucent bandage over their eyes and asked to do push-ups from the floor as much as possible large quantity once. After the men have tried their hand, the presenter says that the floor is not very clean and suggests laying down paper (the bandages cannot be removed). These are strips of wallpaper on which life-size silhouettes of naked women are depicted.

The men now carry out the task, positioned above these silhouettes. After some time, the leader removes the bandages and asks the players to continue. Fans count the number of push-ups and cheer them up with jokes and advice.

"Whose knees?"

Chairs are arranged in a circle in the room. Players sit on them

Men and women. The driver is selected. He is blindfolded. The music turns on and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the driver stops and sits on the lap of the person he stopped next to. The one to whom he sat down must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: “Who?”

If the driver guesses who he is sitting on his lap, then he becomes the driver. You cannot use your hands when guessing.

"Where are you, my love?"

There should be as many participants as possible. The boys take turns entering the room with the girls. Boys must be blindfolded and have their hands behind their backs. The young man needs to guess all the girls who are present. Your hands are tied behind you, so you have to act only with your head in the literal sense of the word. Everyone just falls out of laughter when a young man simply sniffs, licks, or does something else with her.

At the end of the game the total is calculated: how many correct and incorrect answers, Based on this, first place and last place are awarded. And be sure to reward the best, and punish the rest.

"Find Your Wife"

Two people take part in the game: husband and wife. A chair is placed in the middle of the room or area, and eight pins or empty bottles are placed in a straight line to the chair. The husband is blindfolded and the task is explained: “Walk without knocking over any pins (bottles) and kiss your wife.” The wife is sitting on a chair. At the moment when the husband begins to approach his wife, quietly and inconspicuously replace her with another woman, placing her in the place of the participant’s wife.

Everything in the game is that the participant in the game, i.e. the husband must kiss another woman without noticing the substitution.

The game will be more interesting if it is given a competitive character, when several husbands compete at the same time. In this case: the wives should quietly and inconspicuously change places with each other.

"Dress me, honey!"

Couples are invited to participate in the game: man

Woman. Male players are given winter mittens. Their task

Fasten as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe that is worn over their play partner's clothing. The one who completes the task faster wins. Fashion designer

Every lady holds in right hand ribbon twisted into a ball. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the lady. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.


Stickers (5-10 pieces) are pasted in various places (usually on the arm, neck, cheek, behind the ear, on the lips, etc.). The partner must carefully tear off this sticker with his mouth, teeth, tongue and without touching it with anything else. The sticker should not be too sticky!

"The most resilient"

Two pumps required for inflation rubber boats. Two girls are invited to cheat air balloons attached to pumps while sitting on them. The one whose ball bursts first wins. Sweet tooth

The guests are divided into pairs. In every pair

Man and woman. Each pair's task

Together, without using your hands, unwrap and eat the candy that the host gives. The first couple to do this wins.


Only women participate in the competition. The participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The presenter quietly places a small object on each chair.

On command, all participants sit down and try to determine: what is the object under them. Looking at and using hands is prohibited. The one who determines first wins.

"Move your butt!"

Three or more young people sit on chairs with their legs together. Place a piece (20 cm) on your knees toilet paper. Then the girls sit on their laps and, moving their butts different sides accompanied by music, trying to tear the paper.

Whoever has the most gaps on paper wins.

"Burst the balloon!"

The men sit down, holding inflated balloon between my knees. Women, their partners, must sit on their laps so that the balloon bursts. Love stick

Two teams, in which men and women alternate (3-5 people), must pass from first to last and back a simple pencil, and it is passed clamped between the nose and upper lip of the players! Naturally, you cannot touch the pencil with your hands, but everything else can be touched with your hands.

Woman. A chair is placed in front of each column, on which the first team member sits. A match is placed in his mouth (without sulfur, of course).

At the leader’s command, the second player runs up to him, takes a match (without hands) and sits in the place of the first. The first one runs to the rear of the column. The team whose first player is the first to sit back on the chair wins.

"One for two"

Two or more pairs of men and women participate. Each pair's task

Eat faster than others long cucumber or banana

Simultaneously from both ends, without touching, with your hands. But everything happens blindfolded. Couples are selected by mutual consent, and after they are blindfolded, partners are quietly changed.

"Skillful sponges"

Several couples stand in front of the audience. Next they take plastic bottle from a gas water bottle or any other 2-liter bottle, close the lid tightly and squeeze it between each guy’s legs. Then the girls, without using their hands, must unscrew the cap of the bottle.

And, simply put, you need to do it with your mouth. The winner is the couple in which the girl unscrews the cork the fastest. When she; does this, he immediately runs forward with the lid raised up.

"I give you flowers"

This game is best played when there are a lot of flowers, roses in particular. So, two couples are chosen, several roses are “gutted”, the girls are laid on the sofa and approximately the same number of petals are scattered on them. Their partners are blindfolded, and on command they begin to collect petals with their lips.

Naturally, the winner is the one who completes this task faster.

"Turnip in a new way"

Guys sit on their fifth point, in one line, with their legs spread or crossed in Turkish style, leaning back and resting their hands on the ground (or floor) behind their backs

These are "beds". The girls sit next to them either on their crossed legs or between them. They

- "turnips". Leading

- "Michuri?ets" walks in front of the "beds". It is advisable for “turnips” to keep their hands in front of them. Having lulled the vigilance of the “beds” with conversations, the “Michurinets” tries to pull the “turnip” out of the “beds”. The guy must have time to remove his hands from behind his back and grab (hold the girl). Why will he grab her?

That's how it goes. Anyone who fails to hold back the “turnip” becomes a “Michurinite.” The main thing for the “beds” is not to get robbed after the game.

"Ricky the Tuft"

Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive in mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself during the game and create the most “ruffled” one out of him. For this purpose, ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task

Using rubber bands, create as many “tufts” as possible from men’s hair. The companion of the most “ruffled” one is awarded a prize.


Two teams of 3 people each (1 girl and 2 guys). The girl stands between the guys, and in a minute they must dress the girl, but only with the clothes that they themselves are wearing (watches and rings also count). Accordingly, the team whose girl has the most clothes wins.

The game goes just great, especially when such a picture appears: 4 guys are standing in the clothes their mother gave birth to, and two beauties, like garden scarecrows, with socks on their heads.

"Dress your husband-sultan"

This game is best played in a large company. Several harems are created. Each harem consists of one husband ( young man) and wives (girls).

It is necessary that the number of wives in harems be the same. To the accompaniment of some oriental music, the wives begin to take off some items of clothing or jewelry and put them on their husband. The harem in which the husband manages to put on the most items is considered the winner. As a prize, the winning harem or its head

He can come up with a tricky task for the losing harem. It is possible, of course, vice versa, for the husband to dress his wives, but in this case things will run out very quickly.

"Whose harem is cooler?"

Two husbands are chosen

Harem holders. The first wives are chosen. Cards with names written on them must be prepared in advance. various parts bodies. The husband and first wife each draw one card (the cards are turned word side down) and touch those parts of the body that are indicated on each card. Next, the second wife is chosen. She and her husband each draw a new card. The second wife must join the husband, who is already in contact with the first wife.

So the number of wives increases until the husband can still be reached and touched, or until there are no more candidates for the place of harem wives. The one with the harem wins

- the “statue of love” (husband + all wives) will look more interesting, more original and funnier.

"Money money money…"

Several couples participate. For ladies, a large fake wallet is attached to the belt in front, for men

Large banknote. It is necessary, without touching the wallet, the bill and the ropes on which they are attached to the belt, with your hands, put the bill in the lady’s wallet. Deposits and Deposits

The presenter calls two couples (a man and a woman in each pair): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Receive initial contributions! (Gives the couples money in candy wrappers). Pockets can serve as banks for your deposits , lapels, and all the nooks and crannies.

Try to process your deposits as quickly as possible and open as many banks as possible. Let's get ready... Let's start!" The facilitator helps the pairs complete the task; after one minute, the facilitator sums up the results.

Presenter: “How many bills do you have left? What about you? Great! All the money is invested in the business! Well done!

And now I ask the women to quickly withdraw all their deposits, and since a bank deposit can only be withdrawn by the one who made it and no one else, you will withdraw your deposit blindfolded so as not to see other people’s deposits.”

(The women are blindfolded and the men are swapped at this time). At the command of the presenter, the women enthusiastically withdraw their deposits, suspecting nothing.

"Boxing Club"

Before the start of the competition, the presenter calls two real men who are ready to do anything for the sake of the lady of their heart. The ladies of the heart are present right there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. The gentlemen put on boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. Presenter's task

Intensify the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The presenter, who is also the judge, reminds the rules, such as don’t hit below the belt, don’t leave bruises, fight until first blood, etc.

After this, the presenter hands the fighters each the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unwrap, especially when they are stuck together), and asks his lady love to unwrap this candy as soon as possible, without taking off his boxing gloves. The one who completes the task before his opponent wins.

"Going for Kisses"

Two teams

Men's and women's lines line up one at a time. The task of the men: one by one, heading towards the line of women, kiss each one as quickly as possible, and after the “kissing trip” is completed, the man, symbolizing the end of the task, must say: “I’m finished.” The facilitator records the time each participant completes the task. Who is faster

He won.

"Kiss me, kiss me!"

Any interested man is welcome. He is blindfolded. The girls are evenly spaced around the room. At the man's command, the girls freeze. The blindfolded man's task is to find and kiss each girl as quickly as possible (the time is timed by the presenter). Other men can be added to the girls (disguise as girls, for example, change clothes, glasses, etc.). After one male participant has passed the “relay race,” the next one begins.

The fastest one wins.

You don't love"

The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: “I like my neighbor’s ear on the right and don’t like his shoulder.” After everyone calls it, the leader asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like.

A minute of wild laughter is guaranteed for you.

"Kitty-kitty... Meow!"

One person sits on a chair with his back to the guests. The host behind him points to the guests one by one and says: “Kitty,” “Kitty,” etc. The player sitting with his back must respond at some point by saying, “Meow.” Then he kisses the one the presenter was pointing at at that moment.

After this, the host sits on a chair, the player from the chair goes to the guests, and the kissed player becomes the host.

"Kiss, girl, well done"

The game will require 4 or more participants (the more the better). All participants stand in a circle. One person stands in the center, this is the leader.

Then everyone starts moving: The circle rotates in one direction, the one in the center rotates in the other. The center must have his eyes blindfolded or closed. Everyone is singing:

A matryoshka was walking along the path,

Lost two earrings

Two earrings, two rings,

Kiss, girl, well done.

With the last words everyone stops. A pair is selected according to the principle: leader

The one in front of him. Then the issue of compatibility is resolved. They stand with their backs to each other and, on the count of three, turn their heads left or right; if the sides match, then the lucky ones kiss!

Games for adults.

“Let’s sit together” “Double chin” “Take care of your eggs!” "Wild Beach" "Shock Workers" "Craftsmen" "Who's Faster?!" "Oh, these legs!" "Oh, these legs... are men's!" "Women's intuition" "Through thorns to the stars" "Sweet little thing!" "Stream" in a festive way" "Men's athletics" "Whose knees?" "Where are you, my love?" "Find your wife" "Dress me, darling!" "Stickers" "The most enduring" "Sensual" "Move your butt! " "Burst the balloon!" "Small match" "One for two" "Skillful lips" "I give you flowers" "Turnip in a new way" "Ricky the crest" "Scarecrow" "Dress the sultan husband" "Whose harem is cooler" ?" "Money, money, money..." "Boxing club" "Going for kisses" "Kiss me, kiss me!" "Love me

You don’t like" "Kitty-kitty... Meow!" "Kiss, girl, well done"

Games and competitions. Games for adults. Games and competitions. Games for adults. Games and competitions. Games for adults.

The corporate event on March 8 traditionally includes a banquet with toasts, competitions and fun performances. There may be a guest presenter at the celebration, but it is not difficult to organize the celebration on your own.

We have selected several scenarios for a corporate party on March 8 to make the evening fun and memorable.

The corporate event begins with congratulations at the festive table.


“We all know that the most fickle and changeable thing on Earth is not the weather, but the mood of women. I wish you that your mood changes from elated to good, from good to joyful, from joyful to cheerful, and from cheerful to happy. And no more other changes! Happy March 8!”

After the banquet, it is proposed to act out a fairy tale. Participants receive cards with phrases.

Fairy tale

The text of the fairy tale is read impromptu by the presenter, the rest play out what they heard and pronounce their phrase every time their character is mentioned in the text.

Characters and lines:

  • Mirror: “We’ve seen better!”
  • Mary: “I want to get married!”
  • Joe: “They won’t catch us!”
  • Horse: “Give me something to drink!”
  • Murka the cat: “I’m on my own!”
  • Dog Barbos: “Well, woof, so what!”

Morning. A lonely housewife, Mary, sits in a small cozy saloon and constantly looks at the Mirror out of boredom. The cat Murka gently rubs against her legs, then sits on Mary’s lap and also looks into the Mirror. At the entrance to the saloon, the Dog is basking in the sun.

And somewhere on the prairie the elusive Cowboy Joe is galloping on his faithful Horse. And suddenly Joe abruptly stops his faithful Horse, because he remembers that today is a men's holiday, and it would be nice to stop by the beautiful Mary for a couple of glasses. The Cowboy turns his Horse sharply and gallops towards Mary. Mary continues to look in the Mirror and sigh.

Joe drives up, gets off the Horse, gives him a drink, and then Dog Barbos notices him, Joe scratches him behind the ear, the Dog pretends to be happy. Joe approaches Mary, looks in the Mirror, strokes Murka the Cat and hints to Mary that it would be nice to have a glass. Then the Horse kicked his hoof and neighed, apparently he also wanted a drink, which made the Dog slightly wiggle his ears, and the Cat wagged its tail. And Mary looked into the Mirror again, sighed, stroked the Cat, threatened the Dog, waved her hand to the Horse and, finally, poured Joe.

Joe drank, flushed, looked in the Mirror, then at Mary, who was nervously stroking the Cat, looking back at the Dog and the Horse. Then she began to preen herself in front of the Mirror, Joe drank more, then another and ... disagreed with the Mirror about Mary. And Joe decided, a holiday is a holiday, and it’s better to spend it in fun company Mary, faithful Horse, Cat and Dog, than to gallop like a fool across the prairies.

Carrying out March 8 in a women's group

When planning the scenario for March 8 in a women's group, you will need to build a program that would include fun competitions, which will make the celebration interesting. In this case, no one will be bored.

For the event, you can choose a cafe suitable for the number of participants. The holiday is hosted by the host. The peculiarity of the celebration in a women's group is that only ladies are present, which should be taken into account when planning the festive program.

Presenter: Dear women, I invite you to celebrate our holiday! Today we will hold a bachelorette party dedicated to the holiday of spring and beauty. At the very beginning, the floor is given to the head of our company.

Presenter: It is very important for us women to always be beautiful. Let's check which of us is the best at doing makeup.

For the next competition, it is necessary to prepare posters on which a woman’s face will be drawn. You also need to prepare cosmetics - mascara, blush, lipstick, and so on. The task is to put makeup on your face. The competition is held to cheerful music. The winner is determined by the volume of applause. She is awarded a prize - a set of cosmetics.

Presenter: There are many friends in our team. To prove your friendship, you must sing a song about your faithful female friendship.

After this, the scenario on March 8 in the women's group involves singing a song about female friendship. To do this, you need to prepare in advance musical composition. The song is performed by all employees.

Presenter: Despite the fact that our team is female, on this day we cannot remember about men. For this we offer a fun competition.

After this, the scenario for March 8 in the women's group includes a competition in the holiday program, for which one of the women is invited. The task is to show one of the male professions. This must be done without words, that is, only with gestures. The presenter says the name of the profession to the participant who will show the words. The woman who guesses the word will show next.

As an example of the professions that will be shown, we can offer such options as mechanic, driver, tractor driver, plumber and many other options.

Presenter: Now let's remember about activities that are purely female. An excellent option for this is an interesting game.

Then the game is played. One of the women names a word, for example, “Washing,” then the person sitting next to her must name another female activity. In this case, the condition is to name a word that must begin with the letter with which the previous one ended, that is, in in this case this is the letter "A". You can name funny options.

Presenter: I propose to drink to such a festive day and congratulate the ladies on their holiday.

Presenter: What's a holiday without dancing? Everyone is invited to the dance floor.

Fun and danceable music sounds and all the guests go dancing.

Presenter: Each of us wishes to be in childhood again, at least for a moment. Today we will have such an opportunity - this is a competition that will provide an opportunity to again experience the sweet taste of childhood.

In order to hold the next competition, it is necessary to prepare children's kits in the form of construction sets.

The task is to assemble the construction set within the allotted time while the music is playing. The one who completes the task becomes the winner.

Presenter: Now it’s time to test your culinary and tasting abilities, which is so important for every woman.

Several women are participating in this competition. It is necessary to prepare dishes that should not be on festive table previously. Participants are blindfolded. Their task is to guess which ingredients are included in the dish that will be tasted. The one who gives the most accurate answer will be the winner.

The celebration is concluded with a sweet table. For this, it would be good to prepare a birthday cake that can be decorated accordingly.

Scenario with competitions

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts and congratulations to women. It is advisable that the congratulations are not too drawn out and formal. It is better to perform it in poetic or song form. Be sure to mention each woman in your congratulations, give her a compliment and say a few special words. Also, this holiday cannot be done without presenting flowers.


Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration is taking place, the nature of the banquet may change. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their seats immediately upon arrival at the holiday or after official congratulations.

After congratulations and presentation of gifts, all participants sit down at the table. It is advisable that on this day the participants are spared both the preparation of food and the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

Competition test “Real women”

As a festive entertainment, you can offer a competition for real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men dressed up as women take part in it. In this case, the outfit can be quite conventional (a hat, an apron or a paper fan covering the beard), the main thing is that the participants in this performance try to copy female behavior.

After the appearance of men (2-3 people are enough) claiming that they are women, several participants are selected and various competitions are held between them. Despite the hackneyed plot of dressing a man as a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

Who is bigger

The presenter asks any feminine topic (for example, “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “clothing items”, “jewelry”). The participants’ task is to name words related to this topic in random order. The participant who names the last word, gets a bonus point.

Non-standard situations

The presenter offers each participant difficult situation, from which she must find an original way out. Participants who give the most interesting answers receive a prize point.

Example situations:

You spent a long time preparing for the party, bought a specially elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the lady of the house’s outfit turned out to be exactly like yours. What to do?

You are waiting for your husband's parents to arrive. To make an impression, you decide to cook something special. However, nothing works out for you - you over-salt the soup, the roast burns, and the pie looks like a sole. You don’t have time to fix anything because guests are already ringing the doorbell. What to do?

Before an important date, you went to the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed in green color. There is one hour left until goodbye. What to do?

You came to a business buffet in a knitted dress. You are talking with a very important partner and suddenly you notice that one of the guests has caught a jacket button on a thread of your dress and the further he moves away, the more your dress is unraveling. The important conversation is not over yet. What to do?

The participant with the most points receives a prize. In this case, it is advisable to expose the men in disguise and force them to perform a penalty task (sing a song, dance, etc.).

Competition of unusual sculptures

This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they must use tape to sculpt a female figure. It is advisable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.

Women can also be asked to make a sculpture of a man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated; in addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. Interesting to use Balloons various sizes and forms.

It doesn’t matter what size the team is, whether there are men in it or it consists only of the fair half of humanity - a cheerful corporate party on March 8 will help to create a good mood and involve all employees in the holiday.

Video with ideas on how to congratulate women in a team on March 8


Today we bring to your attention competitions for March 8th for adults. Although they can be used in scenarios for other holidays.

For example, I am one of the people who like leisure. I don’t like boring events that consist only of a feast. Therefore, when preparing for the holidays, I definitely include in the script interesting competitions, games.

That's what we'll talk about today.

Competitions for March 8th for adults

1. Competition “First meeting”

The presenter chooses two pairs. Each of them is asked to imagine that they have met for the first time and want to get to know each other. Young people need to carefully consider each other and turn their backs to each other. To find out how observant the couples are, the presenter asks questions one by one: first to the men, and then to the girls. For example, what their partners are wearing, what they are wearing, what accessories, jewelry they are wearing, etc. The couple with the most correct answers wins.

2. Competition "Compliments"

The presenter calls several men who must take turns giving compliments on a certain letter. For example, "O": charming, charming, dazzling, mischievous,
responsive, frank, adored, optimistic, witty, charming, open, courageous, inspiring, seductive, careful, special, educated, sociable, etc. The man who has no words of compliment left in his stock loses.

3. Game “Reach to the chin”

A man and a woman stand opposite each other. A small rubber ball is pressed between the stomachs. By using rotational movements, without hands, you need to roll the ball to the chin of a partner who is shorter.

4. Competition “Find the clothespin”

Several pairs are selected, consisting of a man and a woman. Participants stand opposite each other. The presenter blindfolds them and hooks them on their clothes a regular clothespin. The task of each couple is to find a clothespin on the partner’s body as soon as possible. Whichever pair can do it faster wins.

5. Competition “Oh, these legs!”

The presenter chooses a couple, which consists of a man and a woman. The woman shows the man her knee and gives him the opportunity to stroke it. He is then blindfolded. The presenter places chairs (5-6 pieces) in the middle of the hall. Men and women sit on them, among whom is the one who was chosen as a couple. Everyone bares one leg, just above the knees, and the blindfolded man must recognize the knee of his female partner. For camouflage, men can wear stockings.

Competitions on March 8 for adults

6. Game “Find the candy”

The presenter places several chairs in a row so that you can lie down on them. A couple is selected (man and woman). The rules are explained to the man: the woman lies down on the chairs, and a small piece of candy is placed on her; a blindfolded man, without hands, using his mouth, must find this candy. But the comical aspect of the situation is that as soon as the man is blindfolded, another man lies down on the chairs.

7. Game “Whose knees?”

Chairs need to be arranged in a circle in the room. Both men and women take part in the game. The number of participants is one more than chairs. The driver is selected and blindfolded. The players sit down on chairs. The music turns on and the driver walks in a circle. When the music stops, he sits down on the lap of the person he stopped next to. The driver guesses who is on his lap. You can't help with your hands.

8. Competition “Dress me, honey!”

Several couples are selected to participate. Girls wear shirts over their clothes, and men wear mittens or thick, thick gloves. The men's task is to fasten as many buttons on a woman's shirt as possible within a certain time.

9. Competition “Guess the object”

The presenter selects the participants. They face the audience. Behind everyone is a chair. Participants are blindfolded. A small object is placed on the chair. On command, all participants sit on chairs and guess what kind of object is under them. Whoever guessed first wins. You can't help with your hands.

10. Competition “Burst the Balloon”

Pairs are selected. Men sit on a chair, holding an inflated balloon between their knees. Women must sit on their laps so that the balloon bursts. You can't help with your hands.

11. Relay

It is necessary to form two teams in which women and men alternate. They must pass from the first to the last participant and back a pencil held between the upper lip and nose. You can't help with your hands. The team that finishes it faster wins.

12. Relay No. 2

Participants are divided into two teams, among which girls alternate with boys. The task is to pass the apple from the first participant to the last, pinching it with the shoulder and chin. You cannot touch with your hands.

13. Dance with an apple

We select several pairs. A girl and a young man hold an apple between their foreheads and dance without touching it with their hands. The apple must not fall. Whoever dances better is the winner.

These are the competitions and games we offer you on March 8th. If you can add to the list, write in the comments.