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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» The design is a gable connection to the roof valley. Multi-gable roof, we build a multi-gable roof with our own hands. We make a gable roof with our own hands

The design is a gable connection to the roof valley. Multi-gable roof, we build a multi-gable roof with our own hands. We make a gable roof with our own hands

Among the diversity various roofs The most difficult is considered to be multi-pincer.

However, this does not stop those who want to decorate their home with such a roof.

In this article we will look at what it is and how its design differs from the designs of other roofs.

Such roofs are erected on polygonal or square houses.

Often, various rooms are attached to houses, having a different height or equipped with attics in the attic space - multi-gable roofs are built for various reasons.

The main design feature of multi-gable roofs is the presence of a large number of valleys, valleys and ribs.


The simplest gable roof is a gable roof that does not have gables at the ends.

In this design, the upper triangular part of the wall is called the gable.

If it is separated by a cornice, it will already be a pediment.

The simplest example of a multi-gable roof is the connection of two gable roofs at a right angle.

From above, such a structure represents a cross-shaped figure.

A valley is an internal angle formed between two slopes.

In winter they accumulate greatest number snow, and in summer - garbage.

Attention should be paid to their waterproofing, since leaks most often occur here.

The edge of the covering is formed by the connections of the slopes; in contrast to the valley, it is outside corner, for example, a ridge or a connection between two slopes on a hipped roof.

The most complex and critical part of the entire structure is the rafter system; it should be calculated and manufactured with increased accuracy and care.

As a rule, it contains either hanging ones.

We will consider the rafter system separately.


Design and procedure for constructing a rafter system

The basis of the rafter structure is the mauerlat, laid on top of the wall and representing a rigid connected frame.

It is attached to the walls using metal pins installed in the armored belt.

Since the roof is a rather complex structure, attention should be paid to its drawing.

To do this, it is necessary to accurately measure all dimensions, select the slope, and determine the type used. rafter system, calculate the rafters, mark the location of valleys, ridges, ribs, as well as system elements - tie rods, stops, purlins, vertical posts.

First of all, the Mauerlat is laid - it is the basis of the rafter system and takes on all the forces from the rafters, transferring them to the load-bearing walls.

The Mauerlat is securely attached to the reinforced belt, after which it is mounted rafter legs.

At large sizes houses are installed longitudinal or transverse ceiling beams, which will serve as puffs.

The rafter legs look like ordinary rafters, and if the roof is hip or half-hip, the rafters will be diagonal, they will need to be reinforced with extensions, and they themselves can be double or paired.

The rafters are attached to the mauerlat by means of notches, as well as metal plates, brackets, corners - this depends on the type of rafters.

At the top point, the rafters are connected at the ridge, and then equipped with a vapor barrier, sheathing and counter-lattice.

This depends on the roofing material that will be used in the future.

All wooden elements should be impregnated with fire retardants and antiseptics for safety and to increase service life.

After the construction of the rafter system, the roof is insulated and covered.

Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing, in particular, valleys and valleys - water and snow accumulate in them, and if the waterproofing is poor, they are the first to leak.

Some features of the roof in question

When choosing a multi-gable structure as an option for your home, keep in mind that constructing such a roof is a rather complex and expensive process.

You will need a sufficient amount of material, time, professional skills, and so on.

If you are confident in your capabilities, making a multi-gable roof with your own hands (a diagram can be easily found) will not be very difficult.

The issue of cost stands apart - such a design is not only complex, but also expensive.

For a type of roof such as a multi-gable roof, the project must be drawn up with special care and taking into account all possible factors - then the roof will serve for a long time and with high quality.

If you build such a roof taking into account all the rules, then you will get a roof that will:

  • Stable and reliable - due to a balanced rafter system, the roof can withstand heavy loads;
  • The roof will make it possible to arrange additional space in the house - an attic or attic;
  • The roof will be practical, but it appearance will be very attractive - multi-gable roofs look very beautiful, and due to the large steepness of the slopes, snow and other precipitation do not linger on it.

As you can see, a multi-gable roof is a somewhat unique design that requires more cost and effort than other types of roofs.

However, by erecting such a roof, you will greatly decorate your home and make it attractive in appearance.

It will be pleasant to be in it, and if you approach the arrangement of the roof creatively, it will look very impressive.

Moreover, such a roof will be quite practical.

Video about the roof truss system.

The multi-gable roof is quite complex design for construction. It has a lot of different structural elements: many slopes, ribs, tongs, valleys.

Multi-gable roof

The construction and covering of such roofs require extensive experience in construction work, correct calculation of the entire roof structure, as well as taking into account all the expected loads that will subsequently act on the supports.

What is this type of roofing and its design features? You can learn about this and other details of the construction of a multi-gable roof from this article.

The main advantages of a multi-gable roof:

  • Attractive appearance. These roofs came to us from the west, where they were most widespread for their attractive appearance;
  • The practicality of this type of roof. Snow or other precipitation hardly lingers on the roof slopes at all, but quickly disappears thanks to the grooves and the high slope of the roof slopes;
  • Strength and durability of the entire structure. Such a roof can withstand heavy loads thanks to a balanced rafter system. This, of course, is one of its main advantages;
  • Efficient use of space under the roof, which makes it possible to equip additional rooms;

But there are some disadvantages that also need to be mentioned:

  • The complexity of the entire structure. If a multi-gable roof is being erected with your own hands, it means that the owner of the house himself has extensive experience in such work or an excellent consultant, otherwise, you can easily make mistakes and then it will hardly be possible to do it correctly;
  • Large waste of materials. Since the roof has multiple bends and slopes, a large amount of waste will be generated in the process of covering it with roofing material. From which we can conclude that erecting a multi-gable roof is not a cheap pleasure.

Based on the above pros and cons, you can make a decision about whether, strictly speaking, the “game is worth the candle”?

What is a multi-gable roof made of?

So, what are the main elements it consists of? Let's take a closer look:

  1. Mauerlat is a special beam that is laid around the entire perimeter of the building, and then the entire rafter system rests on it and is attached to it;
  2. grooves through which precipitation is discharged;
  3. inclined planes of slopes;
  4. horizontal and inclined ribs;
  5. rafters - special wooden poles and boards;
  6. sheathing to evenly distribute the load from the weight of the roof;
  7. overhangs are the edges of the roof that are located above the walls of the house;
  8. drains where precipitation flows;
  9. ridge - the top of the roof;
  10. valleys - the angles of connection of two slopes.

The difficult structure of the roof is due to the fact that in those places where there is an intersection of slopes, it is also necessary to install diagonal rafters so that the entire structure is complete and complete.

When installing a multi-gable roof, you must definitely pay attention to such an element as the valleys. If they are installed and installed incorrectly, the roof may subsequently leak.

Variety of multi-gable roof shapes

If the decision is made to create a multi-gable roof, then valleys cannot be avoided. In this case, one way or another, junctions of two slopes will appear, and you need to pay special attention to the junctions. Since these are the inner corners of the roof, the load on them will be significantly higher than on the rest of the roof. Therefore, the correct construction of the joining of the slopes is the reliability and durability of the roof being built.

In another way, a multi-gable roof over a square house is also called a hip roof, since this version of the roof has four slopes located along different sides Houses. The slopes themselves are called nothing more than hips.

Such a roof requires the construction of additional gable walls, and the entire rafter system in this case becomes more complicated. In rare cases, you can find a half-hip four-gable roof, where two slopes running on the sides are slightly cut off from a large gable.

This is what explains the difference between half-hips and the main slopes; they usually have a much shorter length in the part where the slope line goes. Such half-hips can be built in the upper part of the roof, in the form of a triangle, and the gable in this case will be in the form of a trapezoid. In this case, this tong will protrude forward from the wall.

Features of designing multi-gable roofs

It is believed that the installation of a multi-gable roof should be carried out on those houses that have a very non-trivial layout in their design features. It is also used in cases where it is necessary to increase the attic space, creating more space for additional living spaces.

A multi-gable roof over a square house is the most common option, and much less often the base of the roof has the shape of a polygon, as this requires additional calculations. If the roof design involves the use of slopes in the form of equilateral triangles, then their vertices should converge at the same point.

Today there are ready-made projects the most different forms multi-gable roofs. If we talk, for example, about a four-slope hip roof, then this design must have valleys. A necessary condition in this case there will be a ventilated (ventilated) attic space, it must be completely isolated from other warm rooms.

Another point to consider is that such roofs consume more building materials, i.e. After installation, quite a lot of waste remains.

If we consider, for example, the construction of a half-hip roof, then it main feature is the installation of several rafters. Such a design will be quite complex to implement, and this must be remembered.

When making such a design, the number of slopes obtained also gives a certain number of internal corners, the so-called valleys. This is a necessary element of the roof, because it is along the valleys that unnecessary precipitation rolls off. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to this element, which is necessary for insulation from water.

Valley valleys are also characterized by the fact that in these places there is a probability of snow accumulation in winter period the largest, which can lead to additional load on the roof. Therefore, in winter, the roof (multi-gable) must be periodically cleaned, freeing it from excess precipitation.

Architectural complexities of a multi-gable roof

Needless to say, erecting a multi-gable roof is a difficult task even for experienced specialists. Indeed, in the design of this type of roof there are valleys and valleys, as well as many ribs, and all this must be correctly connected, which requires great skill and experience in construction work.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it is mainly used to create projects that are complex in architectural plan, where polygonal structures and elements are planned.

The greatest use of gable roofs can be found in private construction, which is explained by its beauty and aesthetic qualities and characteristics. In the private construction of houses, one can often find such intricate and complex roof shapes that it is sometimes difficult to even recognize that this is a multi-gable roof.

The most popular representatives of multi-gable roofs can confidently be called half-hip roofs.

The simplest of the multi-gable roofs is a roof in which two roof slopes intersect at an angle of ninety degrees.

Multi-gable roof, features of the rafter system

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what the rafter system of such a roof consists of. This includes the rafters themselves, special purlins (beams), and, of course, its indispensable attribute is the Mauerlat. The Mauerlat is one of the important components of the entire system. It serves to redistribute all roof loads onto the walls of the entire house.

Usually this wooden blocks a certain size, in in this case 150 x 100 millimeters. As for the length, it can be different, but basically it is one and a half meters. The rafter system is best made from pine.

Rafters, in turn, are divided into two types - hanging and layered. Which ones will be used during construction depends on the specific design features gable roof. Sometimes both types of rafters are used in hotel structures.

Where they connect gable roofs, diagonal rafters (legs) must be present, and sprigs must already be installed on them (which will hold the support).

Since diagonal rafters take on a very large load in such roofs, they almost always need to be strengthened by connecting them into two boards.

In the upper part of the roof, the rafters must be connected by a purlin, which is made of interconnected bars or boards. If such a need arises, then sometimes additional intermediate runs are installed.

After the installation of the rafter system is completed, you must not forget to lay the waterproofing film. It should run in a perpendicular direction to the slope, and you need to make a small overlap, about 15 centimeters. At the junction points, for greater waterproofing, it is necessary to apply connecting tape. You definitely need to pay attention to the roof valleys; they also need to be reliably waterproofed, since it is in these places that precipitation will come off the roof.

When the rafter system is ready, after installing the waterproofing layer, it is already possible to lay the counter-lattice. The most common material for sheathing is bars. If the roofing material comes with installation instructions, then it is better to do it according to these instructions.

Stages of construction of a multi-gable roof

So how, after all, to make this complex multi-gable roof? As mentioned earlier, a multi-gable roof structure is nothing more than joining together several gable roofs. When they are combined, the house looks much better and makes a very favorable impression from the outside.

A do-it-yourself multi-gable roof is erected in several stages:

  • carrying out very accurate calculations that contain the dimensions of all elements of the house and roof, calculation of snow and precipitation loads on the roof of the building;
  • correct calculation of the length and required cross-section of the rafters;
  • lay the mauerlat along the entire length load-bearing walls, which will then be the basis for the entire roof;
  • installation in in the right places main parts of the roof structure (various stops, valleys, ridges and others);
  • installation of the rafter system on the Mauerlat, using nails or reinforcing pins (if the main frame of the house is made of concrete structures);
  • The last stage of the work will be the installation of sheathing, as well as layers of steam and waterproofing before covering the roof.

So, after clarifying the features of constructing a multi-gable roof, important conclusions can be drawn: most often a multi-gable roof is built over a square house, depending on the climate of the region, the slope angle of the slopes is selected, the increase in costs and complexity of the design is compensated by obtaining additional space under the beautiful roof of your house.

There are a large number of types of roofs that are built for a particular building. The multi-gable roof is considered the most complex in design and installation. Despite this, she is very attractive and truly decorates the house, for which she is in demand among “wealthy” people. This design is erected on houses with a square or polygonal shape, and on those to which rooms are attached above or below the main building. It is also installed in attics that require special lighting, and in houses with complex layouts.

The main advantage of a multi-gable roof is its beautiful design. It is capable of covering several rooms with one level. Overall no useful functions this roof does not perform, “working” mainly on architectural style buildings. In another way it is called a tent or hip, and the slopes are called hips. Currently, the most common are half-hip roofs and two-level roofs.

Multi-gable roof design

It consists of three main elements that distinguish it from others: forceps, large quantities valleys, gables and valleys. It is a pitched structure with inclined roof surfaces to the outer walls, which ensures natural drainage of rain and melt water.

The gable is the upper section of the wall, bounded by two roof slopes. However, it is not separated in the lower part by a cornice, unlike gables. Endova – structural element, representing the internal angles at the joints. Any gable roof consists of planes resting on the wall at the same level. At the ends they are limited by pediments or gables.

Square houses with multi-gable roofs look beautiful

A fairly important part of the roof - the valley - during operation takes on the largest part of atmospheric precipitation and accumulates in it. rainwater and snow. Therefore, during construction work, it needs to be given close attention, otherwise it will “suffer” from leaks.

The next element of the roof is the rib. It is formed as a result of the connection of the slopes and is an outer corner. An example of a rib is the place where two slopes on a quadrangular roof are connected.

Do-it-yourself multi-gable roof is quite an expensive undertaking, primarily due to the large amount of materials that are spent on the rafter system and roofing due to its complexity geometric shape. After completion of the work, a lot of waste is generated, especially if metal tiles are used for the roof. You should not build a multi-gable roof yourself without thorough knowledge in this area. It is better to turn to professionals, because the construction of such a complex structure is not without its nuances.

Endova. Atmospheric precipitation converges on it and flows from it, so it is necessary Special attention give it to the device.

The rafter system of a multi-gable roof is also not so simple, since it often combines layered and hanging rafters, therefore, the calculation of their cross-section and installation of stiffening elements must be done especially carefully.

The simplest version of a multi-gable roof is two gable structures connected at right angles. When viewed from above, this structure will look like a cross-shaped figure. Most often, several parts of a building may contain gable structures combined into a single whole. They are what give the building its quaint appearance.

The main elements of the rafter system are the mauerlat, rafters and beams:

  • Mauerlat redistributes the load from the roof to the walls. It is made of timber with a length of 1000 - 1500 mm and a section of 150x150 or 100x150 mm. To prevent the forces from the rafters from pushing the walls apart, the Mauerlat must be firmly attached to reinforced belt, which is erected during the construction of walls. After this, the rafter legs are installed.
  • For rafters, beams of the same cross-section are used as for the mauerlat. They can be inclined or hanging, depending on the presence or absence of additional supports.
  • A ridge is made from the beams, which connects the upper parts of the rafters. Sometimes it is necessary to install additional intermediate runs.

Construction of a multi-gable roof gable

Step-by-step instructions for constructing the structure

During construction, the following steps must be taken:

  1. First you need to correctly measure the dimensions of the house. All calculations will be easier for professionals. It will be difficult for a person who does not have experience in the construction of such complex structures to navigate the position of purlins, mauerlats, etc., so control and advice experienced builder will come in handy.
  2. Calculate the length and cross-section of the rafters. They are made from coniferous species. Wood moisture content should be no more than 20%.
  3. Then you need to arrange the remaining elements: stops, skates and valleys.
  4. Install the Mauerlat around the perimeter of the wall.
  5. Secure the rafters to the mauerlat using cuts or nails.
  6. At the end there is installation of sheathing and waterproofing roofing covering, heat and vapor barriers. Which lathing to choose, in what increments, depends on the roofing material. For soft coverings it is necessary to choose a continuous flooring, and for profiled metal coverings or rigid roofing materials, the lathing is sparse.

A multi-gable roof must have high-quality vapor barrier and waterproofing

Waterproofing film laid in strips perpendicular to the direction of the slope. An overlap of at least 15 cm is made, in addition, the joints must be sealed with connecting tapes. Much attention should be paid to valleys, since they are the least reliable place on the roof and take on the largest amount of water.

The choice of roof slope depends on climatic conditions, material and architectural features building. Sometimes this figure can reach 90 degrees.

During the construction of a multi-gable roof, by default, the presence of attic space for the attic is provided. Therefore, the roof should be well insulated. Also, excess moisture should not penetrate into it.

The insulation should be based on mineral fiber, for example, basalt or glass. These substances have a soft structure, which allows you to insulate hard-to-reach areas of the roof. The insulation prevents the formation of cold zones that contribute to the appearance of strong condensation. Moisture that accumulates in the under-roof area worsens thermal insulation and leads to rotting wooden elements.

For attic premises additional slopes, the same valleys and ribs, as well as rafters and sheathing are required

The presence of an attic in the house allows you to significantly expand usable space. When arranging it, it is worth remembering about ventilation. It is for the attic that it is needed even more than for other residential premises. Traditional types roll waterproofing(like glassine or roofing felt) do not provide long service life, durability and environmental friendliness. Therefore, membrane-type materials are now becoming more common, which increase the thickness of the insulation to the entire height of the rafters and significantly reduce heat loss attic floor.

Deciding on the price category

Before constructing a multi-gable roof, the issue of price stands apart. After all, this is not only the most difficult option for constructing a roof, but also the most costly due to the large amount of work and expensive materials, which are required in large quantities. This design can cost half as much as another type of roof. It is worth paying attention to the fact that considerable loads will be placed on the rafter system, so you should buy only high-quality beams.

The installation of such a roof will cost at least half as much as another type of roof.

If you build such a roof, you will have at your disposal large space, which you can use as you wish. For example, with the help of this roofing wonderful upper rooms and attics are made. Since the angle of the roof is very large, all precipitation quickly rolls off it.

Main conclusions

So, as you already understand, building a multi-gable roof is not an easy task. However, if you approach it professionally, then in the end you can get a real “candy house” in which it is a pleasure to be. In the photo, a multi-gable roof looks very attractive, but in real life it looks even more impressive if you approach its arrangement creatively.

The multi-gable roof combines an attractive appearance and complex installation

The only drawback is the price necessary materials, tools, roofing services are quite high, which is why this roof is not very popular. Basically, our houses can boast only a gable or varieties of four pitched roof. However, the attractive appearance and the presence of space for the attic make the multi-gable roof excellent option for a private home.

In the case when the “box” of the walls of the house has a complex configuration with various extensions, or the project involves arrangement on the roof dormer windows and remote or recessed balconies, as a rule, a multi-gable roof rafter system is chosen, which has a very complex design.

Such roofs differ from standard ones in the presence of several gables, of which there may be three or more. In addition, the multi-gable rafter system includes several sections in its design, thanks to which the house will look more presentable, especially in cases where a finish is selected for the facade of the building that matches the architectural style decision.

Basic principles of multi-gable roof design

The multi-gable rafter system has a structure that consists of individual slopes interconnected. The upper part of the wall of the building's departments, bounded on both sides by slopes, is called a gable (or pediment, if this section is separated from the wall of the house). Therefore, a roof that has not two gables (gables), but several, is called multi-gable.

Depending on the design features and the number of such sections of the rafter system, roofs can be three-gable, four-gable and even more complex.

This diagram shows the most commonly used design options for these complex structures. Moreover, as you can see, various sections of one roof can be either ordinary gable or.

Installation of a multi-gable roof is quite complicated and requires considerable costs for purchasing materials, since more of them will always be required than for a conventional system. And the point is not only that such roofs have more total area- the complex configuration leads to the fact that when cutting the roofing material, a large number of scraps remain.

The complexity of constructing the structure leads to high cost works, so most often such options are chosen for the arrangement of respectable mansions, somewhat reminiscent of ancient castles.

However, in various, sometimes somewhat simplified, versions, multi-gable roofs have become widely used on quite “modest” country houses.

Architects, designers, and builders endow this type of roof with the following positive characteristics:

  • High load-bearing capacity and structural strength.
  • Due to the fact that the multi-gable rafter system is designed taking into account heavy loads, it has high resistance to external influences such as sudden gusts of wind or the pressure of large masses of snow.
  • As a rule, the slopes of these types of roofs have a large slope, which makes them easy to maintain, since they do not retain debris, snow and rain flows. Thanks to these qualities, roof repairs are carried out much less frequently.
  • Multi-gable roofs have a high ridge, so in the space that is formed under them it is quite possible to arrange living rooms, which is not always possible to do with traditional ones.

Let us turn to the basic principles of constructing multi-gable roofs.

As you know, rafter systems can be layered or hanging, and in a multi-gable structure both options can be used at once. For example, a layered system is installed above the main building, if it has a large area and has capital partitions inside, and a hanging system is installed above small compartments.

If the structure is square or rectangular and it is planned to install a multi-gable roof on it, then it is recommended to provide additional support for it in the form load-bearing partition wall inside the house. This is due to the heavy weight of this type of roof.

This figure shows the main elements that characterize this roofing structure. Please note that both regular gable and hip schemes can be used at the same time.

1 – Roof slopes - there are always more of them in a multi-gable roof than in a traditional one and they can differ in their structure, area, and angle of steepness.

2 – Ridge – this element will also be presented “in several copies”, since it is impossible to do without it when constructing each of the roof sections.

3 – Ribs are the outward-protruding corners of the intersection of the roofing planes. As a rule, they are usually found on mansard or hip roofs.

4 – Pediment or gable – the number of these elements may vary, depending on the complexity of the roof

5 – The front board frames each of the roofing gables, covering the end edges of the roofing covering.

6 – The valley is the internal corner of the roof, formed along the line of junction of different sections of the structure. This element will also serve as a kind of channel for water drainage.

7 – The eaves overhang runs along the lower edge of the roof. It is covered at the ends with a wind board, and along the edge there is a drip line to drain moisture from under the roofing into the gutter.

8 – Apron installed around the chimney and ventilation pipes, to prevent water from penetrating under the roof in passage areas.

Perhaps the simplest multi-pincer truss structure with a remote viewing window is shown in the diagram. However, it should be noted that more complex options with two or more built-in departments consist of the same parts, only more of them will be required.

Multi-gable roof- this is a type of pitched roof, the structure of which consists of several or many gables (gable elements with ridges), along the edges of the overhangs forming gables in the structure.

Multi-gable roofs They are a complex structure, the distinctive feature of which is the presence of gable elements intersecting or cutting into the main slope, forming numerous valleys on the roof.

Design Features

Among roofs with straight planes of slopes, a multi-gable roof belongs to complex types roofs with numerous crossed slopes and internal corners between their joints. It is erected on buildings that are distinguished by complex layouts of different geometric shapes, multi-level attics and attics.

A multi-gable roof is considered a complex structure. The complexity of the design is explained by the presence in such roofs of a large number of valleys and gables, the construction of which causes specific difficulties and additional costs.

The arrangement of the valley requires particularly close attention, because it is through them that streams of rain and melt water will flow in the future. Also in these places it is observed largest cluster snow, and therefore they must have significant bearing capacity and tightness. Professional formation of the valley, the main vulnerable element roofing, ensures reliable drainage of melt and rainwater from the roof.

Design elements

In multi-gable roofs, the following structural elements are always and necessarily present:

  • gables and gable overhangs;
  • valleys formed when pairing tongs;

Scheme of the rafter system of a simple multi-gable roof:

Types of multi-gable roofs

The shape of a multi-gable roof can be very diverse and limited only by the imagination of the developer or designer. The number of gables (gable elements with a ridge) in the roof can be from two to an unlimited number. Roof slopes can have the shape of triangles and trapezoids.

As a covering for multi-gable roofs, any roofing materials, but subject to a properly designed roof frame (rafter system) capable of withstanding all the loads on the roof during its operation.

Advantages and disadvantages of multi-gable roofs

The multi-gable roof structure has certain advantageous characteristics. These include:

  • original, unique, graceful roof shapes;
  • ideal combination with buildings of any architectural form;
  • balanced rafter system;
  • the possibility of arranging a spacious attic and significantly increasing its usable area;
  • no risk of stagnation of rain and melt water due to large slope roof surface and the presence of grooves;
  • reliability, strength, durability of the structure;
  • compliance of the cost of a multi-gable roof with operational and aesthetic characteristics.

The list of disadvantages of this type of roof includes: the level of complexity of installation, the presence of a large number of valleys that complicate the process of arrangement, care and maintenance of the roof, as well as the high consumption of building materials. The construction of a multi-gable roof is labor-intensive construction work, for which it is necessary to seek the help of professional specialists. Roof installation takes longer.

Despite the serious shortcomings of the complex architectural form, the aesthetic, original, presentable appearance and performance characteristics multi-gable roofs rightfully deserve the praise and attention of private property owners.