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» Paint interpretation of the dream book. Dream interpretation: dye your hair dark

Paint interpretation of the dream book. Dream interpretation: dye your hair dark

Painting something in a dream means that in reality you will unwittingly give away your secret if you cover walls, objects, etc. with oil or other paint.

Painting lips, eyelashes, etc. is a sign of universal recognition, but eternal dissatisfaction with oneself.

Dyeing fabric, leather or fur items at a dry cleaning factory means that you will suddenly find something that you have long lost and have been looking for unsuccessfully.

Color something dark in White color- a risky business that can bring or big profit, or big losses.

Painting it black means bad luck, possibly the loss of a friend; if the face - to great grief.

Paint in green color- a sign of finding hope, financial success, a long trip ahead or receiving business visitors from afar.

If you paint something red in a dream, it means that you will soon receive an invitation to a celebration; bright red color - improve your health on vacation.

The blue or light blue color in which you paint the walls in your apartment during renovation is a harbinger of fun about the happy fulfillment of your plans.

To paint it yellow or ocher means that in reality you will arouse someone’s envy with the successful progress of your affairs; you will be prevented in every possible way from completing them.

If you use when dyeing Brown color or tones close to it, say, coffee - in reality, big troubles await you in the family.

A dream in which you paint something with gold paint means that you will emerge victorious in a long and difficult struggle thanks to optimism and faith in your own strength.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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What does the dream of Painting mean?

White - big loss;
in black - to lose a friend;
in green - hope;
in red - an invitation;
in blue - good luck;
in gold - envy;
painting the house - moving.
Also see White color, Black color, Green color, Red color, Blue color or light, House, Gold.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Paint

White - big loss; in black - lose a friend; in green - have hope; in red - receive an invitation; in blue - fun and success of the plan; in gold - give reason for envy

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Painting

Paint - material - brand yourself - yourself - for a man - shame - for a woman - coquetry - white - big loss - black - lose a friend - green - have hope - red - receive an invitation - blue - fun and the luck of the plan - golden - to give reason for envy.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does it mean to paint in a dream?

Dyeing fabric in a dream means expressing hopes. Color defines desire and makes it concrete. Therefore, see interpretation: colors.

Painting a house in a dream means changing your place of residence. A freshly painted house (wall, room) in a dream foreshadows the successful execution of your plans. See interpretation: house.

Erasing paint or making a thing colorless is a sign that, due to your mistake, your life will become boring and uninteresting. Sometimes such a dream means losses, losses.

Getting dirty with paint in a dream means scandal, gossip, intrigue. Painting in bright colors (or variegated) is a harbinger of the rapid development of events, a change of impressions, the joy of communicating with nice people. See interpretation: draw.

Paint something soft, pastel shades in a dream means the desire for closeness with a loved one, the need for friendly communication, intimate conversation, the search for mutual understanding, the need to express deep, sincere feelings. Painting something in shiny, iridescent colors in a dream means that your defiant behavior will cause the disapproval of others or their envy. Paint it black dark colors in a dream - a harbinger of mourning, deep sadness, grief. See interpretation: picture, ornament.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to paint in a dream?

New plans, an attempt to improve the situation; self-deception In grey, black, dark blue, purple pessimism, depression, sadness; enmity (they say: “denigrate” someone). In white, blue for good, justification (“whiten” improve). In the green paint of hope for the best. In red love, health.

Interpretation of dreams from


Find out what the cards say about your sleep


Painting something in a dream means making some important decision, yourself - a change in your lifestyle, behavior, character. If you dream about how you paint something at home during renovation, a successful contract awaits you. If you repaint your things, someone trusts you a lot. Change your hair color - wait important advice, which will help you make a profitable purchase. Applying makeup to your face means that others will admire you. Seeing the palette means a wide selection of ideas and possibilities awaits you. Paint white or light colors anything - expect a loss, in black - you will soon lose good friend.


In a dream, you covered something with a layer of paint - without meaning to, you will make your deepest secret public.

If you did makeup - you will achieve universal recognition, but at the same time you will still be dissatisfied with yourself.

Dyed material or products made of leather and fur - soon you will be lucky enough to find something that you have long lost and have already despaired of ever finding.

If what you painted white was originally dark, it means that the business you are taking on will be very risky, and its results can bring both solid profits and large losses.

Painting something black promises the dreamer a whole series of unfortunate failures and, possibly, the loss of an old friend. In green - you will have hope that your financial situation will improve and the upcoming trip will go smoothly. In red - you will be honored to be invited to some special event. In bright red - in the near future you will have the opportunity to go on vacation or simply take a break from work and improve your health. In yellow or ocher - your successful course of affairs will arouse the envy of those around you, who will try in every possible way to prevent you from completing them. Brown or coffee - be prepared for family troubles and minor quarrels.

If you applied black paint to your face - great grief will happen in your life.

In a dream, you started renovations and decided that the walls of your apartment should be painted light blue or dark blue - you will decide to celebrate the long-awaited fulfillment of your long-standing plan and on this occasion you will invite many guests to your place.

Golden paint appearing in a dream symbolizes the victory that you will win in a difficult and long struggle for success. Know that only through optimism and confidence in own strength you managed to achieve what you planned.


Walls, floor, ceiling - you want to realize this in reality and start a spontaneous repair or rearrangement.

Eggs for Easter - you will have a unique chance to take advantage of a very advantageous offer.

Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know whether your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select desired date and find out whether you should trust what you saw in your dream.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17- e 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 0-1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5-6 hours 6-7 hours 7-8 hours 8-9 hours 9-10 hours 10-11 hours 11-12 hours 12- 13 hours 13-14 hours 14-15 hours 15-16 hours 16-17 hours 17-18 hours 18-19 hours 19-20 hours 20-21 hours 21-22 hours 22-23 hours 23-24 hours

Reality and dreams are so distant and so inseparable! In real everyday life, we see everything familiar, we can more or less predict events and analyze them.

Everything is different in the dream world! How many mysteries and secrets it conceals within itself, and you never know what you will see in your dreams next time. In addition, it is no secret that dreams are often clues and answers; they provide valuable instructions, foreshadow future events, warn or advise. You cannot ignore them, and you should always remember them. Even if it seems that nothing special happened in the dream.

For example, painting something. An ordinary action, what secret meaning could there be in it? However, painting something in a dream - be it the walls or the floor in the house, be it your fingernails, eyelashes, eyebrows, eyes or lips, or even your entire face - is an important symbol that can indicate a lot.

In such a dream, small details are important, because painting your face, eyelashes or eyebrows is one thing, but painting the floor, walls or the whole house is another. The color that appeared in the dreams is also important. Dream Interpretations describe the following options:

  • You painted the walls in your house.
  • Painted the floor in the room.
  • Painted white.
  • Black color.
  • They covered something with red: paint, varnish or lipstick.
  • Green paint in dreams.
  • Painted blue.
  • Gold paint or varnish.
  • Painting the whole house.
  • Dyed your hair red or another shade.
  • They did a manicure, painting their nails.
  • They covered their entire face with make-up or make-up.
  • We did eye makeup.
  • Eyebrows were painted.
  • Eyelashes were tinted with mascara.
  • Lips were painted with lipstick.

These options are very different, and even though it may seem that painting your eyebrows or eyelashes in a dream is a small difference, the meanings of such dreams are different. Because not only painting, but also eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, nails themselves are symbols, and they have a unique meaning. Let's recognize him from the dream book!

Repair work

If you remember what exactly had to be covered, let's see what it means.

If you painted your entire house in a dream, you are expecting a move or drastic changes related to your family and home life. It's time for big changes, don't resist them. It may not be easy at first and there will be a lot of trouble, but new conditions always mean new opportunities.

If you covered the walls with paint, a good, new stage in life awaits you, renewal and the acquisition of new experience. A new period of life is coming. Don't be afraid of change, the time has come for it! Open yourself up to new things and absorb the experience.

Gender is another matter. The floor itself in the house is a symbol of the foundation, hardness, indestructibility; the floor often symbolizes the family. Painting the floor in dreams is a symbol of the fact that the time has come for changes in the home and family, it’s time to change something radically.

Color Meanings

  • White color - for changes. Soon you will change, discover something new in yourself, self-knowledge and development await you!
  • Painting something black means losing a connection with someone, breaking a relationship with a friend. Try to be attentive and careful to those connections and relationships that are dear to you, so as not to lose them forever.
  • Green color promises hope, a calm period of life, health and harmony in the soul. Great sign!
  • If you painted something gold, this means increased prosperity. Work on yourself to be who you want and have what you want.
  • The color blue definitely portends good luck for you. You will soon be very lucky, don’t miss the moment! Luck is already waiting for you, and you have nothing to fear.

My light, mirror...

For women, makeup is a common thing. Every day you have to decorate yourself, your nails, lips, face, eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes, and dye your hair. But what does this mean in dreams?

1. As the dream book says, dyeing your hair is a symbol that the time has come for change. Moreover, change in yourself!

The brighter the shade, for example, red or fiery red, the sharper your thirst for something new. This is why you dream of dyeing your hair - you should change yourself, and we're talking about not about appearance, but about internal state.

Give up bad habits, start new, useful ones. Start doing what you love and think positively. Time to change and start a new life!

2. Nails are an ambiguous symbol. If you happened to paint your fingernails in a dream, covering them with varnish, or you had a manicure done in a salon, this is a valuable find.

Moreover, nails do not necessarily indicate a material find; maybe you will find a valuable idea, a solution to a problem, or some person along your path. In any case, you will be very lucky! The brighter the varnish, the larger and more significant your find will be.

3. If in a dream you covered your entire face with makeup or make-up, this indicates your insincerity. You, as they say, do not show your true face, but hide it behind a mask.

Open your face, sincerity and honesty are virtues that need to be learned. It's important to do this! By being insincere and hiding behind a mask, you will never achieve success, and your relationships will not be harmonious and reliable.

4. I wonder why you dream of painting your eyes - such a dream could mean a new suitor for a young lady. Moreover, the dream book assures that this young man It is worth paying attention and not ignoring it, perhaps this is your destiny! For a family man, wife, painting eyelids is a sign of joy and harmony in relationships and family.

5. Tinting your eyebrows, just like plucking them - good sign. This promises you good fame, success and recognition, both at work and in society, among friends and family.

6. If you applied mascara to your eyelashes, this is a hint that in life you have some wrong views on something, on some aspects of life and reality. Somewhere you are very mistaken, but you are sure that you are right. Expand your horizons, the world is much wider and more multifaceted than you think!

7. It’s interesting to know why you dream of painting your lips - this bright symbol is difficult to lose sight of. So, if you've been wearing lipstick on your lips, no matter the shade, it bodes well for you. Flirting, a new hobby, romance and courtship - all this awaits you!

No matter what you paint in your dreams, and no matter what the dream book tells you, do not rush to conclusions. You need to think about dreams, listen to your mind and heart too, in order to make the right decisions.

Know that only you are responsible for your own life and destiny, and you also build your reality. Do what your heart tells you, and let your dreams help you not to stumble on your chosen path! Author: Vasilina Serova

Putting on makeup in a dream is a symbol of attempts to change oneself or something about oneself, dream books suggest why such a plot is dreamed of. It may also mean a desire to hide some truth from others. Remember what exactly you dreamed about wearing makeup, then you will know what exactly to be prepared for.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller's dream book offers several different interpretations dreams in which you happened to put on makeup. Check them out and remember if this is what you dreamed about. So, why do you dream that you:

  • highlighted cheekbones with blush - a symbol of difficulties in relationships;
  • covered not only the eyelids, but also the cheeks with shadows - quite by accident you will find out someone else’s secret;
  • painted in front of a mirror that is curtained with a dark cloth - you will deceive a close friend;
  • they applied makeup and immediately took it off - a symbol of low self-esteem.

You seek to hide the truth

Do you see in a dream how you put on makeup in front of a mirror, lining your eyes with shadows? According to dream books, this dream suggests that you are trying to show off your actions with your actions. This interpretation is especially relevant if in a dream you painted your eyes with coal-black or smoky gray shadows.

The Eastern dream book offers its own interpretation of the plot in which you apply makeup while sitting in front of a mirror. If you managed to do professional makeup, then this means that you are a master at avoiding the answer, while finding very compelling reasons.

And if you were unable to make your face attractive with the help of cosmetics, then this may mean that you are not even trying to pretend that you are hiding something from others, but, on the contrary, are emphasizing your individuality in every possible way in this matter.

You are attracted to change

Explaining why you dream that you are wearing makeup, giving your face the correct visual shape with cosmetics, Modern dream book claims that this is a symbol of your curiosity and thirst to bring new “breath” into life.

Also, a dream in which you put on makeup, transforming your face beyond recognition with cosmetics, but you do it competently and beautifully, speaks of attempts to change something in your life. You are bored with the way you live, you want to make new friends or get carried away with something unusual for yourself.

Soon everything will change for the better

You just have to wait a little, and your life will change radically, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book, explaining why you have a dream in which you dyed your hair.

Did you dream that you changed your image, deciding to cut your hair and dye it blonde? You don’t have to worry about your future, the Chinese dream book pleases, it will be beautiful and cloudless.

Special attention The following explanation should be taken into account by dreamers who are dark-haired in reality, who fundamentally regard a radical change of image, but in a dream decided to dye their hair blonde. This dream vision is a clear example of the fact that you shouldn’t be so principled, because happiness cannot be planned or achieved with the help of principles.

Everything has its time

When understanding why you dream that you have decided to dye your hair, you should separately consider the color of your hair after dyeing, dream books suggest.

In a dream, you should not ignore this vision, because it is symbolic and may portend something. The interpretation of a dream always depends on the details present in it. Therefore, now it is worth considering the most common variants of such a vision and studying their meanings presented in the most popular and reliable dream books.

Modern interpreter

Painting walls in a dream is usually a good thing. This sign portends a quick renovation or an opportunity to bring something new into life.

Did you see a dry, freshly painted surface? This is fortunate. Very soon an event will happen in life that will fill it with light.

A good vision is one in which a person happened to paint the walls blue in a dream. This means that thanks to his constancy, seriousness and perseverance, he will bring his innermost plans to life. This vision can also be interpreted as a harbinger of fun on this occasion.

Coloring in pink color is interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, this vision indicates that a person’s plans have not been finalized, and therefore their achievement is illusory. But at the same time, this dream can represent the desire for intimacy with a loved one and the need to express to him the depth of your feelings. Perhaps the vision also indicates the dreamer’s lack of friendly communication.

Miller's Interpreter

It is worth looking into this dream book. Painting walls in a vision is given to a person who subconsciously wants to change something in his life. Maybe he lacks vivid impressions. Or he has long felt the desire to analyze his life from all sides, but never gets around to it. The color he uses represents his attitude towards objects and things.

If a person did not paint anything, but simply stood, holding a brush with paint in his hand, then in reality he is satisfied with his professional activity.

But the vision in which he completely transformed the walls and, having made the final touch, stood up with satisfaction to look at the fruits of his long work, portends a long, happy and mutual love.

Women's dream book

This interpreter says that painting walls promises happiness. But, again, a lot depends on the chosen shade.

If a woman carefully painted the wall blue or sky blue, then there is a chance that she will soon find out about her pregnancy.

Is there anything like this in your plans? Then you should perceive this vision as a harbinger of a change in worldview. Perhaps an event will happen that will affect the girl’s views. By the way, the same thing means the vision in which she decided to paint the walls yellow.

A dream showing a girl herself, busy with the process of transforming a house into gray tones, warns that her colleagues are spreading gossip behind her back. And they have been doing this for a long time.

But painting the walls pink promises mutual, true love. In order not to miss it, you need to not be afraid to express your feelings and demonstrate your true essence.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

It also presents some interesting interpretations. For example:

  • Depending on the sensations experienced, a dream in which you had to paint the walls may foreshadow new plans, represent an attempt to improve the situation, or even self-deception.
  • Dark blue, black, gray and purple paint foretells sadness, depression and pessimism.
  • Walls painted white or blue are associated with goodness, truth and honesty.
  • Green paint represents hope for the best.
  • If a person painted the walls red, it means he dreams of good health and love. Well, everything will come true soon.

Summer dream book

It says that any vision in which a person began to paint the walls indicates a decision already made on a subconscious level to change his life.

But a lot depends on the chosen shade. If he painted the walls white, it means that everything he planned could be accomplished without problems.

But the black color represents an unfavorable period in life. Perhaps the person made the wrong decision. If he is determined to follow the chosen path, he will have to prepare for difficulties.

But, in general, dark shades symbolize broken dreams and depression. Therefore, after such a vision, you need to carefully weigh each of your decisions.

Other dream books

Longo’s interpreter says that painting the walls of a house in a dream means that in life there will be an opportunity to buy a country house or new furniture. Also this story may promise a promising, highly paid job.

Loff's dream book says that such a vision reflects the dreamer's desire to give his personal or family relations new meaning, evaluate them from a different perspective.

But if he paints the walls without much enthusiasm and pleasure, this, on the contrary, speaks of mundane chores. All creative and interesting ideas will have to be postponed indefinitely. Also, this vision can become an unfavorable harbinger of loss of reputation.

Hasse’s dream book says that painting walls indicates a person’s habit of slandering himself for ill-considered, careless actions.

And interpreter S. Karatov assures that this vision does not bode well. On the contrary, good changes are coming. Perhaps even a change of residence.

The Importance of Shade

As can already be understood, the color in which a person decided to paint any surface in his dream plays an important role in the matter of interpretation. Here are some meanings:

  • Bright shades represent the rapid development of events. Very soon a person’s life will become exciting and eventful. It will be filled with different impressions, communication with worthy people, spiritual enrichment and joy.
  • Pastel shades indicate that a person lacks mutual understanding and genuine feelings. He is tired, he wants comfort, peace and warmth.
  • Did you happen to paint the walls blue in a dream? This portends good luck.
  • The pink hue represents a deceptive perception of reality and groundless optimism.
  • The color red is considered a harbinger happy holiday and positive emotions.
  • Yellow tint indicates that the dreamer’s successful deeds arouse someone’s envy. It is possible that ill-wishers dream of preventing them.
  • If you had to paint the walls green in a dream, then you can rejoice. Such a vision foreshadows fruitful negotiations, business meetings, the emergence of justified hope for the best and financial success.
  • But painting walls white in a dream is not good. This vision promises financial difficulties.
  • Iridescent, sparkling colors reflect the envy present in a person’s life. His habits, style, manners and behavior cause anger among his ill-wishers.

By the way, if a person saw several cans with various shades, this means that he will soon have big choice interesting ideas and the possibilities that he will be able to realize.

Interpretations for business people

Individuals engaged in business should perceive differently the vision in which they happened to paint the walls. In a dream, it looks like a home renovation, but in reality it promises an activity or work that will bring a lot of trouble. What is important is that the overall profit will be impressive.

Even in the near future after sleep, proposals may be received. It is worth considering each in detail, since one of them (or even several) will turn out to be beneficial.

If a person decides to paint the walls in a dream oil paint, you should be wary. In reality, he may accidentally reveal some serious secret to others. You need to be more careful when communicating with competitors and partners in order to avoid this.

The interpreter offers an ambiguous interpretation if a person decides to paint the walls white in a dream. This is usually a harbinger of a risky business. And it can end in different ways - either with significant losses or failure.

If you had to paint the floor

And I often dream about this. If you happen to paint the floor, then it’s worth remembering the details you imagined. Here are the suggested interpretations:

  • If in the vision all household members were doing this, it means the enemies want to destroy the dreamer’s family. Or at least bring disharmony into it.
  • Did the painting take place at the dacha? This is for purchasing real estate.
  • In his dream, for some reason, was the person painting the floor in a factory or store? This foreshadows an awkward situation in which he will find himself due to his ill-considered, careless actions.

This vision can also promise major changes. Events are approaching, after which a person will look at life differently.

By day of the week

Many people, interested in the topic of interpretation, always take into account what dreams mean from Monday to Tuesday, from Wednesday to Thursday, etc. This is correct, since dreams seen on different nights are a harbinger of different events. Even if they have the same plot.

Here's a useful reminder:

  • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday tell about your emotional and psychological state. What do such visions mean? Long ones foreshadow troubles. Short - joyful events.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday, there are visions warning of impending troubles and quarrels.
  • On Thursday night, visions are usually poorly remembered. And this is not good, since it is in them that information about changes in life is stored.
  • From Thursday to Friday I have prophetic visions. It is during this period that intuition becomes more acute.
  • The visions that occurred on Saturday night have a deep meaning. It's worth listening to them. They will help a person choose the right path in life.
  • On Sunday night there are visions foreshadowing positive changes in life. If a dream leaves an unpleasant mark, it means it warns of impending problems.

Visions that occur on the night from Sunday to Monday usually do not carry any semantic meaning.