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» Who was the teacher? Who is a teacher: description

Who was the teacher? Who is a teacher: description

The teacher is eternal on earth!
From the history of education and teaching...

In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth -
The teacher is eternal on earth, -

These are lines from a poem by I. I. Beinarovich, a teacher-historian with 50 years of experience. And in wonderful poem Veronica Tushnova said this:

If there were no teacher,
It probably wouldn’t have happened
Neither poet nor thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And to this day, probably,
If there were no teacher,
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.

And we wouldn’t be Icari,
We would never have soared into the sky,
If only through his efforts we
The wings were not grown.
Without him there would be a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
That's why it's so dear to us
Our teacher's name.

The teaching profession is truly eternal, and it arose a very long time ago.

The first school, according to legend, was opened after the Great Flood by Shem, the son of the biblical Noah. If based on the results archaeological excavations, then the first schools appeared in countries Ancient East- Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt, India. The need to transfer experience and knowledge to new generations, preparing them for life and work led to the emergence of the teaching profession and educational institutions. Since ancient times, school has been the basis for the evolution of humanity.

In the countries of the Ancient East, there were three main types of schools: at temples - priestly schools that trained ministers of the religious cult; palace schools - to educate the children of the slave-owning nobility; scribe schools - trained officials for the needs of administrative and economic management.

Education in priestly schools was more extensive. Here, in addition to teaching writing, counting, and reading, law, astronomy, astrology, medicine were also taught, and, of course, much attention was paid to religion.

IN ancient world three educational systems developed: Athenian (based on the ideas of diversified development), Spartan (raising a strong warrior) and Roman (in which they received further development many features of the Athenian and Spartan schools).

The ancient period with its highly developed culture and art has great importance for the formation of the teaching profession. From the person involved pedagogical activity, required possession of many knowledge and skills: eloquence, writing, music, military art. Education was aimed at the diversified development of personality. In these times it was said about a poorly educated person: “He can neither read nor swim.” IN Ancient Greece There was a division of activities for the training and education of children and youth. In Ancient Greece, many pedagogical terms appeared that we still use today: “pedagogy”, “didactics”, “teacher”, “rhetoric”, etc.

People involved in teaching activities in Ancient Greece were called:

teacher (from the Greek paidagogos, which literally means “child care, child care” - educator) - a house slave who accompanied the child to school and watched him at home, he had a great influence on the child, and gradually from an ordinary slave he turns into a home teacher;

pedon (paidon) - a teacher of children from 7 to 15 years old, his task included preparation for military service, physical development, instilling discipline, patience, and the ability to endure physical hardships;

grammarian - a literacy teacher, taught writing, reading, and counting;

cithara player - music teacher (playing the cithara, lyre), introduced poetry;

didaskal - teacher of choir, choral singing;

sophist - a paid teacher, taught “wisdom to manage private and public affairs.”

The flourishing of Greek culture owes much to these teachers - grammarians, didaskalas, citharists, etc.

There were various types of educational institutions in Ancient Greece. Music schools - for children 7-16 years old, where primary education was given, as well as literary and musical education. Gymnastics schools - for children 12-16 years old, where they engaged in physical training of children and adolescents. Gymnasiums (or palestras) - for boys 16-18 years old, they completed their education received in music and gymnastics schools, studied philosophy, literature, politics, and improved in the field of gymnastics.

During the heyday of Ancient Greece, there were three gymnasiums: the Lyceum, the Academy and the Kinosargus. Famous ancient teachers were outstanding scientists and philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato.

IN Ancient Rome Grammar schools for boys from rich and noble families became widespread. A teenager who graduated from such a school at the age of 15 could devote himself to the activities of a political and judicial speaker. Teenagers and young men from 13-14 to 16-19 years old could study in rhetoric schools, which can be called higher educational institutions. After the fall of the Roman Empire (476), the ancient schools did not disappear immediately; schools of grammarians and rhetoricians still existed for some time.

IN medieval era new forms of training and education are emerging. Monasteries become centers of education, schools are created at them, and the role of teachers is performed by persons of clergy rank: priests and monks. But city schools are gradually appearing. The development of trade and industry requires educated, literate people. For these schools, merchant guilds and craft guilds invite hired teachers. Private schools are also appearing. There are more and more teachers, the teacher is becoming a noticeable, socially significant figure in society. These are still clergy, and later university graduates.

The courts of wealthy aristocrats also had their own home teachers who were part of the service staff. Since a system of professional education for teachers did not yet exist, books performed this task. These were pedagogical works by Vincent of Beauvais (“On the Education of Children of Noble Citizens”), Erasmus of Rotterdam, Martin Luther, Michel Montaigne and others.

The fundamental work that summarized everything that had been accumulated by practice was the book of John Amos Comenius “The Great Didactics” (1632). This book can be called the first pedagogical encyclopedia, which talked about the purpose of education and upbringing, what and how to teach, what requirements to make. S. L. Soloveichik said this about him: “Komensky taught teachers to teach for the first time... He was called that way - “teacher of teachers”, as the German teacher Disterweg later began to be called - “teacher of German teachers” and the Russian teacher Ushinsky - “teacher of Russians” teachers."

In 1652, Ya. A. Komensky wrote “Laws for Teachers” - a kind of code of professional honor for a teacher. Comenius also describes the school as it should be: “The school itself should be a pleasant place, providing the eyes with an attractive sight from the inside and outside. Inside it should be light, clean, decorated with paintings: portraits famous people, geographical maps, monuments of historical events, emblems. And from the outside, the school should be adjacent not only to an area for walking and playing, but also a small garden...”

All this is still true today. In the era of capitalism, schooling continues to develop rapidly, and the teaching profession is becoming increasingly widespread. Numerous schools and colleges appear various types. Along with the classical school, real and vocational schools appear, training personnel for industry and trade. At the same time in the 18-19 centuries. in noble and bourgeois families, home education and primary education of children with the help of home tutors, home teachers-tutors (from the French Gouverneur - to manage) was widespread.

The origins of the Russian national school originate in Ancient Rus' and are associated with the name of Prince Vladimir, who brought Christianity to Rus' (988). Then the general need for literacy training was reinforced by the need for literate people to conduct church services. Prince Vladimir ordered to “collect children from the best people and send them to book education.” The first teachers were Greek priests, then Russian priests and monks. Then, separately from the people of the clergy, the teaching class appeared - “teaching people.” “Teaching literature” also appeared: chronicles, legends, lives, teachings... One of them is “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh.”

Already in that distant era in Rus' they realized the importance of books and reading as the basis of any teaching. One of the first printed books by Ivan Fedorov was “ABC”. Over time, the number of students and teachers increased, schools appeared in Novgorod, Smolensk, and a school for girls was created in Kyiv at the St. Andrew's Monastery. The first higher educational institution in Russia, the Kiev Brotherhood College, was opened in 1632. In 1687, the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy opened in Moscow, training priests, translators, teachers and book editors for the Printing House.

The further stage in the development of education in Russia is associated with the name of Peter I. Under him, the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences was established, which trained shipbuilders, captains and teachers for other schools. Boys and young men of all classes (except serfs) aged 12-20 studied there. Pushkar, hospital, and administrative schools were created. Under Peter I, a decree was issued on the opening of digital schools. “Young timid people from all ranks” studied there. The teachers of these schools were supposed to be graduates of the Navigation School or the Maritime Academy. In 1714, a decree was issued on universal educational conscription for children of all classes (except peasants). It was decided: without a certificate of completion of studies, “you will not be allowed to get married and you will not be given a crown.”

With the development of the mining industry, mining schools were opened to teach children of lower ranks literacy and “mining affairs.” 1724 - Peter I signed a decree establishing the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg with university courses and a gymnasium. In 1755, a gymnasium for nobles and commoners was opened at Moscow University (founded in 1755). There were also private schools in Russia, for example, the school of Feofan Prokopovich, created in 1721.

School should not only teach, but also educate. And during the time of Catherine II in 1764, a decree was issued on the founding of the Educational Society of Noble Maidens for 200 people at the Smolny Convent in St. Petersburg - the Institute of Noble Maidens. Girls from the age of 4-6 were taken from home for 15 years. Education was mainly humanitarian, but mathematics and physics were also taught; pupils were intensively taught foreign languages, music, home economics, and handicrafts. The graduates of the institute turned out to be educated teachers, wives, and ladies-in-waiting.

Public schools were opened in provinces and districts. But still, by the end of the 18th century there were still very few schools. And in 1800 there were only 790 teachers. But the more literate people were needed - for the development of production, construction, and the development of new lands - the more diverse educational institutions became. Theological seminaries, military educational institutions, elite boarding schools and lyceums (for example, the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, opened in 1811), newly opened universities (in Kazan, Kharkov). But the selection of teachers and teacher-mentors was a big problem.

Until the end of the 18th century, there were no pedagogical educational institutions in Russia at all. Only at the end of the century, in 1786, were the Main Public Schools established in provincial cities, in which teachers for district schools were trained. Future teachers studied for five years, in addition to general education training, mastering the way of teaching and working with the class. Upon completion, an exam for a teacher's certificate was taken. In the same year, the first special pedagogical educational institution, a teachers' seminary, opened in St. Petersburg. In noble families, the tradition of hiring home teachers for their children, mostly foreigners, continued.

In 1802, the Ministry of Public Education was created - the first department in Russia dealing with educational issues. A clear education system appeared: parish school (1 year) - district school (2 years) - gymnasium (4 years) - university. It was possible to enter the university only after graduating from a classical gymnasium.

A real school provided the opportunity to enter a technological institute or an agricultural academy. Girls studied separately, in women's gymnasiums, and then could they enroll in the Higher Women's Courses. If in early XIX century there were 32 gymnasiums in Russia, then by the middle of the century there were already about 100, at the end - 165, and in 1915 there were already 1798 secondary educational institutions.

Simon Soloveitchik in his book “The Hour of Apprenticeship” presents the general course of development of public education in Russia using the example of its famous, famous citizens:

"The trend is clear- writes Soloveitchik, - with each passing decade, education becomes more and more streamlined. If we continue the list, we will increasingly come across two words: gymnasium and university (or higher technical school, or institute).”.

Russia was divided into six educational districts - each of them had a university (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Dorpat, Vilna, Kharkov). Many university graduates joined the ranks of university teachers.

The growth in the number of educational institutions required everything more teachers, there were still a catastrophic shortage of them. In 1804, the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute was created, on its basis in 1816, Count S. S. Uvarov founded the Main Pedagogical Institute, which received the rights of a university. Teachers for gymnasiums, mentors for private educational institutions and teachers for universities were trained here.

If at the beginning of the 19th century the idea of ​​a teacher as a visiting person, a German, or a Frenchman, or an illiterate sexton, still prevailed, then end of the 19th century century, the teaching profession becomes respected and receives recognition in society. In the 1870s, a network of educational institutions for training teachers was created in Russia. In 1874, an exam for the title of national teacher was introduced, which increased the prestige of the profession. By 1876, 44 pedagogical schools with 3-year training were opened - teacher seminaries. In 1894 there were already 60 of them, with 4,600 students studying there, including 613 girls. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the country already had 280 thousand teachers, 189 teachers’ seminaries, and 48 pedagogical institutes.

Gradually, teachers began to appear in Russia who not only taught children, they put forward new pedagogical ideas and experimented. They expressed their pedagogical beliefs in articles and books that evoked a lively response in society.

Here you can name such names as N. I. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy, N. G. Chernyshevsky, K. D. Ushinsky, P. F. Lesgaft, D. I. Mendeleev. And in the twentieth century, this tradition was continued by A. S. Makarenko, V. N. Soroka-Rosinsky, S. T. Shatsky, P. P. Blonsky, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, B. M. Nemensky, D. B. Kabalevsky , S. L. Soloveichik, Sh. A. Amonashvili and many others.

Poster: illustration by Nikolai Ustinov for the book “Wormwood Tales” by Yuri Koval.

December 22nd, 2015

Who was Putin’s real “teacher” (or how the FSB works for thieves in law)

Putin’s real teacher and mentor was the famous “authority” and “thief in law” from St. Petersburg. It was in the 90s that the KGB/FSB completely merged with criminal activity, often working at his beck and call, but in Russia they are silent about this. Although the Cheka had exactly the same nature. But first things first.

The photo below shows the filming of the film “Blockade” (Lenfilm, 1976). In the frame, a group of fascists captured a Red Army soldier. The fascists, as usual, are helped by fascist accomplices. On the left with the “Schmeisser” is Arkady Rotenberg.

How did Rotenberg get on the set? - As a stuntman. At Lenfilm, fights and battle scenes were often filmed with the help of athletes - wrestlers, boxers, etc. Rotenberg and Putin’s wrestling coach, Leonid Usvyatsov, had good contacts at Lenfilm, so he gave the boys part-time work. By the way, Rotenberg and the fascists captured State Duma deputy Vasily Shestakov (this is all one judo section).

Putin and Rotenberg like to emphasize their sports past, posing in a kimono: this is our section, the team, without which I cannot live. Let's take a closer look at this past and this “team” (or rather brigade).

From left to right: Rotenberg, Putin, Shestakov.

Let's start with the coach. In the Russian media, Anatoly Solomonovich Rakhlin (died in 2013) was usually presented as the coach of Putin and Rotenberg. Putin said that he played a “decisive role” in his life. And in the 2000s, he and Putin together published a book about judo and a video course demonstrating techniques.

In addition, in his old age, Rakhlin himself gave interviews right and left, where he sang defamations to Putin. I would call his apotheosis his conversation with a journalist from Izvestia, published on April 27, 2007.

“Rakhlin’s former students gather almost weekly in their home club. They play football, take a steam bath, and can drink beer. State protocol does not yet allow the president to join his friends... “But, as far as I know, he responds to the requests of Arkady, Boris, Vasily and other guys,” coach says. - Because they are friends. Putin’s character retains a healthy “tomboyishness.” He even hires people from St. Petersburg not for their beautiful eyes, but because he trusts trusted people. Personally, I understand and accept such relationships.”

Arkady, Boris and Vasily are the Rotenberg brothers and Vasily Shestakov, respectively. And yes, he responds to their requests. For example, the Rotenbergs have received more than 1 trillion since 2007. rub. government orders, all contracts for large Gazprom pipelines, and for the Platon system to boot. “Healthy kidding” in action. By the way, from the 4th year of the institute, Putin, according to his admission, “carried out KGB assignments.” Those. was an informer. Is this a healthy kid or not?

Putin with Rakhlin.

Rakhlin’s interview with Izvestia in 2007 about the fact that the “St. Petersburg” group has deservedly filled the Kremlin and surrounding feeding grounds can only compete in impudence with the interview of Arkady Rotenberg, his student, with Kommersant on April 28, 2010.

There, the journalist asks the oligarch: they say, Gazprom had its own construction divisions: Lengazspetsstroy, Spetsgazremstroy, Volgagaz, Krasnodargazstroy, etc. You bought them in 2007, merged them into one private company and immediately received (from Gazprom) gigantic orders for Nord Stream, Sochi-Dzhubga, Sakhalin-Vladivostok and other mega-projects (all at significantly inflated prices, I will add from myself). Accordingly, all purchases paid for themselves instantly.

How did you manage to pull this off? Why did Gazprom sell its subsidiaries to you, why did it immediately flood them with orders (often without a tender)? “Well, these are questions for Gazprom,” Rotenberg answers. What do we have to do with it? And he explains about his connections with Putin:

“Yes, we studied in the same section, but in the first intake there were about 20 of us. In addition, Vladimir Vladimirovich has enough acquaintances - those who studied or worked with him. But not all of them are successful! Childhood comrade who is at the top state power, will not lead by the handle. Probably, sport, and also our genotype, taught us to work.”.

I don’t know what kind of genes the Rotenberg brothers have. But still this is immodest. They ask you about corruption, and you answer about the genotype. They ask about the withdrawal of assets and the theft of money in a state-owned company - and you talk about how successful you are, there were 20 people in the section, and we, the workers, dig the pipes. As coach Rakhlin said: “Putin’s character retains a healthy “tomboyishness.” He even hires people from St. Petersburg not for their beautiful eyes, but because he trusts proven people.”

By the way, about Rakhlin. In fact, Putin trained with Rakhlin only for the first three years, in the children's and youth club. After turning 16, Putin and his friend Rotenberg moved to another coach. And they prefer not to advertise this person, although he really played a decisive role in the fate of both of them. In particular, it was he who got Putin into the Law Faculty of Leningrad State University under a sports quota, and Rotenberg into the Institute of Physical Education (and then into coaching). This benefactor was Leonid Ionovich Usvyatsov.

They don’t make films about him, and even in his autobiographical book (“In the first person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin,” 2000), Putin talks about him without naming his last name. Only by name: Leonid Ionovich came, Leonid Ionovich told us, Lenya did this, Lenya did that.

To understand the reason, it is worth visiting the Bolsheokhtinskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.

There is a short entry about this grave on Wikipedia, in the article about this cemetery (in the section about famous people buried there):

“Usvyatsov, Leonid Ionovich (1936-1994) - crime boss, trainer of Vladimir Putin and Arkady Rotenberg”.

Leonid Usvyatsov, or “Lenya the Athlete,” as he was called in certain circles, was a very colorful personality. Professional sambist, coach, stuntman, 2 convictions (gang rape and currency fraud), almost 20 years in total - behind bars. He was killed in a showdown in 1994. He worked as a sambo and judo coach at the Trud sports school for Putin and Rotenberg between his two careers (in 1968-82).

L. Usvyatsov in the 1970s.

In his autobiographical book of 2000, Putin describes with admiration one episode with Lenya, which apparently remains etched in his memory:

“One day we came to training together with the senior coach of Trud, Leonid Ionovich. We look, karatekas are practicing on the mat, although our time has already come. Lenya approached their coach and told him about this. He didn’t even look in his direction - they said, get out of here. Then Lenya, without saying a word, turned him over, strangled him lightly, removed him from the carpet, because he was already unconscious, and turned to us: “Come in, settle down.”

Lenya was a cool guy. He was the first. Vovochka is clearly trying to imitate him. “Lenya the Athlete” was 16 years older than Putin. He grew up in post-war Leningrad and had in many ways a typical fate for his generation. Childhood on a Leningrad street, fatherlessness (father, officer Iona Lipmanovich Usvyatsov died at the front in 1944). Having gone to prison as a young man, Lenya did not break down, came out, became a coach at the Trud community center, and created his own team of stuntmen at Lenfilm. And just a well-known brigade in the city.

In 1984 he was imprisoned again, this time for foreign currency. There were such... let's call them, rich people in the USSR who invested what they had acquired through back-breaking labor into dollars and antiques. Save yourself for capitalism, like Koreiko. And there were those who helped them do this, obtained currency (it was prohibited for circulation), and other valuables. Article 88 was harsh for “currency traders” - even to the point of execution. Those who did this were dashing guys, risky ones. Like Lenya Usvyatsov.

This is Alexander Yakovlevich Khochinsky, an antiques dealer from St. Petersburg ( last years lives in New York).

Since the 1970s Khochinsky was familiar with Leonid Usvyatsov. General commercial matters. And just like Usvyatsov in the 1980s. Khochinsky received a long sentence, 8 years (buying up stolen goods, leading bandits to collectors' apartments, etc.). There was such a campaign then Soviet authorities against the “shadow economy dealers”, that’s why Khochinsky and Usvyatsov came under attack.

Khochinsky (he has his own LiveJournal blog) recalls the story of his acquaintance with Leonid Usvyatsov as follows:

“I came to him on business - he was selling a collection of Russian silver rubles. The coins were rare and worth a lot of money. At that time I had little understanding of numismatics, so I suggested to Lena, the person I saw for the first time, to give me the collection so that I could show it to a specialist. He immediately agreed, and as I was leaving I told him: “Don’t be afraid, I’ll return it to you.” Leonid looked me up and down, smiled and answered: “Yes, I’m not afraid - show it to whoever you want.” Then I found out that “Lenya the Athlete” was not afraid of anyone« .

In another case, Alexander Khochinsky recalls how, in his presence, a man “from thieves” came to Usvyatsov’s home with an order to shoot him, but “Lenya the Athlete” had a heart-to-heart talk with the killer and he changed his mind about fulfilling the order.

“Once, later, I was at his house on Vasilyevsky, when a frail and rather short man came to him (...) I left them in the living room to talk, and I went into the kitchen (...) Then the man left, and Lenya went into the kitchen and asked for tea.
“Do you know what he needed?” - he asked me.
“How should I know? These are your questions,” I remarked. “He certainly looks official, he looks like an accountant.”
“No, he’s not an accountant,” Lenya smiled again - "The thieves sent him to shoot me"
“Well, I wouldn’t let him shoot himself - I would have knocked the gun out, but otherwise I would explain to him what and how, so that he could pass it on to his friends.”

The last time Usvyatsov was released from prison was in 1992. And he immediately got involved in his work. In general, the time has come for the brigades and foremen. In June 1994 he was killed. At 58 years old. He did not live 6 years before the triumph of his main student. I would now be on the Forbes list or a minister.

On the monument to Usvyatsov, poems that the deceased composed during his lifetime are carved on both sides. There's something about women, "the last two sticks in the liver tripe" and that “I died, but the mafia is immortal.” Well... you've all been listening to greasy jokes about “licking America” and “circumcision so that nothing else can grow back” at press conferences since 2000. It’s good not in verse.

However, what language should a person who was taught by the “Leningrad street” and the criminal authority “Lyonya the Athlete” speak? - That's right, on a hairdryer. Soak him in the toilet, swallow dust, send a doctor, kick him around the corner, etc.

True, it’s one thing for a crime boss to fly into a fantasy narrow circle, the other is the speech of the head of state on television. It is possible to pull a Gopnik out of the gateway, but it is impossible to pull the Gopnik out of the Gateway.

In the photo below is the famous Soviet stuntman and athlete-wrestler Nikolai Nikolaevich Vashchilin (far right).

Vashilin has been around since the 1960s. I know Putin, and Usvyatsov, and Rotenberg. We studied together in the same section. Today he is retired, the author of a series of books and essays (“We Died at the Will of the Directors,” “Russia in the Shackles of Lies,” etc.) about the years spent in sports and cinema. Nikolai Nikolaevich does not speak very flatteringly about his former judo comrade Rotenberg:

“In 1978, Arkasha Rotenberg graduated from the Institute of Physical Education in absentia and quietly worked as an assistant coach in the LOS DSO TRUD of his senior coach Leonid Ionovich Usvyatsov (a repeat offender-thief who served 10 years in prison twice, which is civilizedly hushed up by the entire Putin sambo section). By the way, L. I. Usvyatsov was killed in 1994, and at the funeral at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery they almost killed Arkasha Rotenberg, but he cleverly managed to hide. Sambist - after all. Usvyatsov’s grave is modest, but the text of the epitaph is entertaining, defining the main direction of the education of young people.”

What kind of affairs Rotenberg had with Usvyatsov in the early 90s, what kind of shootout was at the funeral, in which Rotenberg was almost killed, Vashchilin does not specify. And Rotenberg too.

Vashchilin (second from right) and Rotenberg. And the one on the far left seems to be Zubkov, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in 2007-2008.

Another interesting evidence that can be gleaned from Vashchilin’s memoirs is how Putin ended up at the super criminal law faculty of Leningrad State University in 1970. This is one of the mysteries of his biography. Putin’s family had no money (his mother was a janitor, his father was a watchman, and later a foreman at Vagonostroitelny). Putin studied at a sports school, where instead of lessons there are training sessions. There are no miracles. He himself could not pass the exams in such a criminal place. According to Vashchilin, it was coach Leonid Usvyatsov who, through his acquaintances, got him into Leningrad State University under a sports quota:

“Putin’s visit to Leningrad State University was arranged by L.I. Usvyatsov himself through a sports recruitment and personally by V.E. Solovyov (sambo coach) and M.M. Bobrov (head of the physical education department) ... By the way, L.I. Usvyatsov in 1982 In 2009 he again got a second sentence, but under Article 88 and stayed until 1992. Upon release, Leonid Ionovich Usvyatsov organized the athletes into a detachment of security guards (with the permission of Smolny) and was killed by competitors in 1994, and Vladimir Kumarin took his place in the organization.”

Sports recruitment to a university in the USSR meant that the athlete needed for the institute was “pushed” through the exams, and then he actually didn’t study there - the grades were given anyway. But I had to compete for the university team and bring medals. This is how Vova Putin became a “lawyer”. True, as Putin admitted to journalist Oleg Blotsky in a book about himself (“Vladimir Putin. Life Story.” 2001), he was uncomfortable at the law faculty:

“Perhaps at some stage at the university I tried not to advertise that my parents were not just workers, my mother was even a laborer. Of course, it would be more pleasant for me, especially in my first year at university, if I could say that my father is a professor, and my mother, say, an associate professor...”

Photo 40 years later. Another era. Rector of Moscow State University, mathematician Sadovnichy, and young scientist Katya Tikhonova (Putina). Katya is so talented in mathematics that Professor Sadovnichy co-authors scientific papers with her. And she was even included (at age 28) in Academic Council Moscow State University. Well... it will be more pleasant for her dad (and his complexes).

In the above-mentioned quote from Vashilin about Putin’s admission to Leningrad State University, there is also an interesting phrase about the fact that Putin’s benefactor Usvyatsov in the 90s put together his own team of athletes and was "killed by competitors in 1994, and his place in organizations occupied by Vladimir Kumarin". What kind of “organization” did Putin’s coach Usvyatsov join with his team in the 90s? Nikolai Nikolaevich delicately does not mention... But if the main one there was Vladimir Kumarin (aka “Kum”), then this Tambov organized crime group. Its backbone really consisted of athletes.

It turns out that Putin’s judo coach, after leaving prison in 1992, joined the best people city ​​- Tambov group. “Comrades in the struggle”, however.

Vladimir Kumarin (“Kum”), photo 1993 Right hand still intact, holding a bottle of Champagne. In June 1994, when Usvyatsov was killed, there was an attempt on Kumarin’s life. He survived, was treated for a long time, and lost his arm.

Kumarin is a former boxer, in Brezhnev times he was a bouncer at Pushkar (a popular pub on Bolshaya Pushkarskaya) and in other establishments in Leningrad. In the 90s he received the nickname “night governor of St. Petersburg.”

His Tambov organized crime group arose in 1988. Usvyatsov was then in prison, Putin was in Dresden, Rotenberg headed the wrestling club “RVS” (Guys of the Vyborg Side). Officially, “RVS” was created in 1979 for troubled teenagers. It was assumed that club coaches (like Rotenberg) would re-educate young bandits into worthy members of society.

Rotenberg's successes in this field are not known. According to Nikolai Vashchilin, the RVS club was doing the opposite. It was a training base for bandits from “sports” groups. In his review of the 2011 book “Roof” by writer Evgeny Vyshenkov (about the history of Leningrad racketeering), Nikolai Vashchilin writes:

“Zhenya Vyshenkov completely forgot to analyze the results of the work of Arkady Rotenberg, a friend of V. Putin... in a club for the correction of difficult-to-educate teenagers on the Vyborg side - the RVS (Guys of the Vyborg Side) sambo school... The guys there trained in wrestling and boxing ( Kumarin V.S., Agapkin A., Goloshchapov K.V., Kononov N., etc.) a lot, sports achivments the country in the late 1980s did not need the USSR, but newly minted entrepreneurs demanded protection from bandits... You feel where I’m going with this... After all, out of the numerous karatekas and various militants, we have never seen any outstanding champions, but there are countless killers and authorities... »

Yes, it’s clear where Nikolai Nikolaevich is going with this. It turns out that Rotenberg had not only difficult teenagers in the RVS club. Such respected people from the Tambov organized crime group as Vladimir Kumarin and his friend Konstantin Goloshchapov went to practice hand-to-hand combat and keep in shape. Moreover, the latter is not only a friend of Kumarin, but also an old judo acquaintance of Putin. Another childhood friend. IN Soviet times Goloshchapov was an orderly at the Mariinsky Hospital, and in the 90s he was an ordinary St. Petersburg bandit.

Goloshchapov at Kumarin's anniversary. St. Petersburg, 2006

On this anniversary (Kumarin was 50 years old), history happened. Tambov authority Alexander Popov (“Pop”) distinguished himself. It's even horrible on central television channels.

After drinking a little, “Pop” decided to raise a toast to “Kum.”

The toast turned out like this:

“I would like to raise a toast to those who... Well, you know, how to put it... in a simplified way... We started with him... Doing things together... Maybe business (smiles)... there.. There were a number of other issues that we dealt with... We were building up all these things (laughter in the hall)… Well, I drank a little, but that’s how it is!!! Well, that’s why I invite everyone to raise a glass to Vladimir Sergeich, God grant him the most important health!”

Those present, of course, understood everything correctly. As for those who started working together with the hero of the day, well... a number of issues that they dealt with. One of these was Goloshchapov. Rotenberg, Usvyatsov, and other “comrades in struggle” of V.V. Putin dealt with the same “number of issues.”

For some time now, they began to write about Goloshchapov in the Russian media as about Putin’s “favorite masseur.” Goloshchapov is a great master of massage and supposedly Putin since the 90s. loved going to the bathhouse with him, where he successfully massaged his (Putin’s) organs. And this is a big plus in the current system. government system RF.

Well, also, like many brothers of the 90s, Goloshchapov became involved in religion and hangs out (together with Poltavchenko) in the Russian Athos Society.

Goloshchapov on the right, if anything.

And now we come to the main part of our story. Since 1991, Putin has been the vice-mayor of St. Petersburg, since 1996 he has held high positions in Moscow, and since 2000 he has been the President of the Russian Federation. With such an abundance of friends in the sports-gangster environment and with such positions (on his part), mutually beneficial cooperation was established very quickly. Especially considering Vladimir Vladimirovich’s extreme greed for money.

Entrepreneur Maxim Freidzon (“Max the Gunsmith”), close to the Tambov gang, who personally knew Putin in the 1990s, gave an extensive interview to Radio Liberty in May 2015. He talked about the gangster Petersburg of the 90s (Freidzon now lives in Israel). And in particular, that Putin in the 90s was I personally know Kumarin and had a joint business with him (petroleum products, gas stations, etc.).

Maxim Freidzon also described Putin’s personal qualities as he saw him in the 1990s. The main ones turned out to be the “money fetish” and the absence of any moral restrictions, even those accepted in the criminal environment...

At the same time, in 2015, when Freidzon shared his memories with the press, the trial in the Litvinenko case began in London. And if you read the court materials on this case, you understand that “Max the Gunsmith” is right. At the head of Russia is a lawless man, stupefied by greed.

As follows from the case materials, the joint business of Putin and the Tambov organized crime group included not only gas stations and oil products. But also White powder. The one from Colombia. He was taken through the port, which Putin gave control to the bandits.

Those. great athlete-superman, guardian of the Russian World and healthy image life in the 90s helped flood the country with drugs. To make money. Even more money. Moreover, Vova Putin’s assistant in the St. Petersburg mayor’s office, security officer Viktor Ivanov, was responsible for connections with the drug mafia. A great friend of the Tambov organized crime group and Kumarin personally in matters of cocaine smuggling. And now, you will laugh, V.P. Ivanov is the head of the State Drug Control Service of Russia.

Victor Ivanov. Verified Human.

Litvinenko began to investigate this topic. I met with Tambov authorities who left for Spain in the 2000s, as well as with Kumarin, which he was careless to report in one interview. As a result, security officer Lugovoi hastily arrived from Moscow to London with Polonium-210. It left a terrible trace all over the city, but Litvinenko still sprinkled this nasty thing into his tea. For this, Putin made him a deputy and gave him the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Coumarin was also neutralized, just in case. The magnificent anniversary in 2006 became his swan song. In 2007, he was suddenly arrested, given a long term for extortion, then (after the first verdict) he was given another term in another case (and in this case they add up). As a result, Kumarin, at 51 years old, was sentenced to 25 years and he will not be released very soon.

In the scandalous “Russian mafia case”, which is currently being examined in Spain, there are wiretaps of conversations between bandits in Spain and Russia. We listened to them for several years, there were different topics: how to appoint Bastrykin as head of the Investigative Committee, what to do with Putin’s villa in Marbella, which is registered to dummies, and other economic issues. And in 2007 they actively discussed the arrest of “Kum”. And the boys from the Motherland reported that, “The Tsar ordered.” Those. Putin.

Somehow the “king”, of course, is offending here. No, I’m not a fan of autocracy or monarchism there. But still, calling a backstreet gopnik king with all his habits, cheap show-offs, and complexes is overkill. This is somehow already degradation of the state. They lived to see drug dealers on the throne. Yes, but they also say that every nation has the government it deserves?

Original taken from helgimat in Companions in the Fight

There is no set or even agreed upon date. It is as old as the world itself.

Once upon a time, when there was still a small community, people had to earn food by hunting and gathering. Children, barely starting to walk, also took part in this, and this is how, gradually, observing the lives of adults, they learned. When there was a transition from predominant hunting to agriculture and the relative provision of clans and tribes with food, older people were able to become relatively free from direct participation in collecting food, but they became the first teachers. The relative abundance of free time and rich life experience contributed to the strengthening of their status. Moreover, it became noticeable: with targeted training of children, the benefits of their work were more obvious.

Everyone knows examples of how teachers, during the period of persecution, risking themselves, taught children their native culture, language and religion; how in the Moscow metro during the bombings they gave lessons to children; how in partisan detachments they trained teenagers between battles, with a machine gun at the ready...

No wonder the Arabs say: “ The heart of a true student and a true teacher is connected by an invisible thread " Truly, this is the thread that binds generations!

Fatima Manzur

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Teachers are often compared to jewelers who create works of art from uncut stones. So talented teachers step by step turn inexperienced students into real professionals. recalls the stories of Russian geniuses and their favorite teachers.

Mikhail Lomonosov and Christian Wolf

One of the first world-famous Russian scientists, Mikhail Lomonosov, early years showed his exceptional abilities. Therefore, in 1736, among the most outstanding students of the St. Petersburg Academy, he was sent to Germany for further education, where he met his main “benefactor and teacher” Christian Wolf.

Christian Wolf. Photo: Public Domain

By this time, the German professor had already had a huge impact on European education, setting out a systematic vision of almost all the sciences known at that time. Lomonosov became the most talented heir to his knowledge in the field scientific worldview even went further than his teacher.

From the first days, Wolf saw real talent in Lomonosov and began to pay more attention to him than to other Russian students. In his reports, he called Lomonosov “the brightest head” and “a young man with excellent abilities” who made particular progress in the sciences. For three years Wolf, with the pedantry characteristic of Germans, developed the young man’s natural talent: he taught him to focus on the most important things and systematize his own knowledge. And as a result, he raised not only a real scientist, but also tactful person(Years later, Lomonosov realized that his views were in conflict with Wolf’s theses, and for several years he did not dare to publish the results of some of his observations).

At the end of the course at the University of Marburg, Wolf gave the Russian student a brilliant description: “A young man with excellent abilities, Mikhail Lomonosov, from the time of his arrival in Marburg, diligently attended my lectures on mathematics and philosophy, and mainly on physics, and especially tried to acquire thorough knowledge. I have no doubt at all that if he continues his studies with the same diligence, then over time, upon returning to his fatherland, he can benefit the state, which is what I sincerely wish.” And later he closely followed his successes: “With great pleasure I saw that in your academic “Commentaries” you showed yourself to the learned world, by which you brought great honor to your people.”

Lomonosov was admired not only by the encyclopedic education of his teacher, but also by his good relations to others. Wolf helped Russian students who found themselves in a foreign country pay off creditors, including tailors, dance and fencing teachers, shoemakers and booksellers. There is a legend that on the day the Russian students left, Wolf invited all their creditors to his place and, in front of the amazed students, paid off their debts, which moved Lomonosov to tears.

Svyatoslav Richter and Heinrich Neuhaus

The father of Svyatoslav Richter, one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century, was himself a famous musician and taught at the conservatory. He also gave the first music lessons to his talented son, but as often happens in a family of professional musicians, Theophilus Richter there was no time to study with his own son - he spent all his time teaching other children.

Heinrich Neuhaus. Photo: RIA Novosti / Pashin

Despite the fact that Richter began performing concerts in public very early, and from 1930 to 1932 he worked as a pianist-accompanist at the Odessa Sailor's House, only at the age of 22 he decided to receive a professional musical education and entered the Moscow Conservatory. There he met his first teacher, the famous pianist Heinrich Neuhaus, who recalled this meeting as follows: “The students asked to listen to young man from Odessa, who would like to enter the conservatory in my class. — Has he already graduated from music school? - I asked. - No, he didn’t study anywhere. I admit, this answer was somewhat puzzling. A man who had not received a musical education was going to the conservatory!.. It was interesting to look at the daredevil.” But as soon as Richter sat down at the piano, he captivated Neuhaus with his talent: “He played very restrained, I would say, even emphatically simple and strict. His performance immediately captivated me with some amazing insight into the music. I whispered to my student: “In my opinion, he is a brilliant musician.” After Beethoven's Twenty-eighth Sonata, the young man played several of his works and sight-read. And everyone present wanted him to play again and again...”

Neuhaus, of course, accepted Richter into his class. He himself was the son of the director of a private music school and rejected many pedagogical methods, so he never taught Richter in the generally accepted sense of the word; according to him, there was nothing to teach him - it was only necessary to develop his talent.

Richter remained grateful to his teacher all his life, not only for his caring attitude towards his talent, but also for the fact that Neuhaus once returned him to his studies. In the first year, the young man refused to study general education subjects and went to Odessa, but at the insistence of Neuhaus he returned to Moscow and re-entered the conservatory.

It is interesting that, having played almost all the piano classics, Richter never included the Fifth Concerto in his program Beethoven, because he believed that he could not play him better than his mentor. But not only for Richter, Neuhaus became a favorite teacher. Among his students were many famous musicians: Tikhon Khrennikov, Theodor Gutman, Emmanuel Grosman, Bertha Marantz, Semyon Benditsky, Emil Gilels. A famous poet Osip Mandelstam in 1931 he dedicated a poem entitled “Piano” to Neuhaus’s piano playing:

Are my hands sledgehammers?
Ten fingers are my herd!
And he jumped up, shaking off his coattails,
Master Heinrich is a little hunchbacked horse.

Nikolai Lobachevsky and Grigory Kartashevsky

Once the famous Russian mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky remarked: “You cannot be a genius if you were not born one. This is the art of educators: to discover Genius, enrich it with knowledge and give freedom to follow its suggestions.” He was lucky to be a student of a Genius who possessed encyclopedic knowledge and gladly shared it with others.

Grigory Kartashevsky. Photo: Public Domain

Lobachevsky was the son of a commoner, so it was not easy to get into the imperial educational institution, where his mother brought him at the age of nine. However, the boy was lucky: the exams were taken by the teacher of the Kazan Imperial University, Grigory Kartashevsky, who immediately recognized the boy’s talent. He gave Lobachevsky a task: the pool receives water from four pipes; the first fills it in a day, the second in two days, the third in three, and the fourth in four; want to know how long it will take to fill the pool if all four pipes are opened at the same time? - and Lobachevsky quickly solved it in his mind. Kartashevsky began to come up with even more complex problems, but the boy, without touching the stylus, solved them in his head.

So Lobachevsky ended up in the Kazan gymnasium, where he within three years he had to master an extensive program: foreign languages, Russian grammar, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, mechanics, hydraulics, land surveying, history, logic, practical philosophy, civil architecture, military science and much more. And since there were almost no official textbooks, each teacher was obliged to write a textbook on his discipline. And Kartashevsky created a textbook of pure mathematics, which captivated Lobachevsky so much that he literally did not leave his teacher a single step. From the first day, the talented teacher not only expanded the young man’s horizons, but also developed his critical sense so that he would not be afraid to show creative courage.

Their creative student-teacher union could continue further: after high school, Lobachevsky entered the Kazan Imperial University, where Kartashevsky continued to lecture. However, in December 1806, the latter was removed from office as “showing a spirit of disobedience and disagreement.”

As you know, geniuses have not only followers, but also envious people - Kartashevsky was undeservedly accused of violating the regulations. Such injustice made a strong impression on Lobachevsky, who from then on hated the director, his “accomplices” and the new mathematics teacher.

Who is a teacher? First of all, this is a person who gives us knowledge. They do not have to be a teacher from our school or university; our parents are also teachers. They give us knowledge from our very birth: they teach us to walk, read, count and write, and behave in society. But we take the first big step into serious life in primary school, our first teacher helps us with this.

Unfortunately, some people completely forget those who gave them the first, but such important knowledge. They even forget their names and are unlikely to remember that today is the holiday of the one who was so worried about you when he let you go to high school and was so happy when he learned about your victory at the Olympiad in your favorite subject.

We may not see our first teacher every day, but we always remember her and thank her with all our hearts for what she did for us.

The teaching profession is one of the most difficult today and is not always appreciated. We all know very well that teachers don’t have such a high wage that few people decide to become a teacher and devote themselves to children now. But, fortunately, there are those who are not afraid of working conditions.

Being a teacher is a very responsible task. After all, it is from him that we receive the knowledge that we use in the future. And this knowledge must be true, deep and useful. It seems to me that every teacher wants his student to achieve great success in studying his subject, in adult life, and even surpass his teacher. It will be the best gift and mean that the teacher was able to teach everything that he himself can do.

But often students resist receiving valuable teaching: they skip classes, don’t do homework, are rude to teachers and do completely unbearable things, not realizing what they are losing and how much pain they sometimes cause to the teacher. But they, in turn, need to endure, understand and try to fix something with the help of only one of their means - the word. Not everyone succeeds in this and not always. It’s so hard to restrain yourself sometimes!

There have been and will be many more teachers in our lives. We have encountered both good and bad. But each of them had its advantages. Only in comparison do we understand that everyone can work as a teacher, but not everyone is one. After all, such work is precisely a vocation because it is very difficult. Also, a teacher must evaluate and love all his students and not forget the others; in my opinion, it is not pedagogical to show love and sympathy only to favorites.

Students also have teachers for their lessons, whom they prepare more willingly and always treat with love. I don’t have those simply because every teacher who was in my life was good in his own way. Each had their own unique trait, learning path, character and attitude towards people. Yes, the work of some was not their calling, but they were good, kind and smart people, the children were drawn to them. I will not forget many of them because they gave invaluable expensive knowledge, taught us to treat everything that surrounds us differently. I don’t have teachers whom I don’t like; I go to all lessons with good mood and I rejoice at any teacher. Very often teachers find it difficult to cope with us. I want to thank you, our dear teachers, for your patience, for your knowledge that you share with us, for your love for us and for being you. Thank you!