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» Lego brick description. Lego Brick: advantages, characteristics, equipment for production! Workflow Description

Lego brick description. Lego Brick: advantages, characteristics, equipment for production! Workflow Description

LEGO bricks are available in several types; their sizes depend on the molding zone of the vibration press and the type of matrix used in production.

Basic dimensions of a LEGO brick

Basic dimensions of a LEGO brick

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The usual dimensions of LEGO bricks are 250 x 125 x 65mm. The standard product has 2 holes with a diameter of 65mm, they are located at a distance of 60mm from each other. The main advantage of the product is the simplicity of masonry, which is carried out on the principle of connecting holes with tenons protruding from the front of the brick. The height of these tenons must be exactly 5mm, otherwise it will be impossible to realize the masonry concept that provides the performance benefits of the product.

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Precise masonry, possible with correct location holes relative to the side edges. Distance from the edge to the center of the hole with outside, should be 30mm, which will allow bricks to be laid in even rows. The corners of the brick have a size of 15mm; if the figure is larger, then the product loses its aesthetic appeal. The indicated dimensions of LEGO bricks are relevant only for a standard product, however, there are many other types on the market, mainly manufactured with imported matrices.

Thickened and elongated bricks

The most popular dies (press LY1-10):


Using these matrices, bricks are made different shapes, but they all have the same size - 250x125x100mm. Such products are slightly higher than standard samples produced using domestic equipment; therefore, fewer bricks are needed to complete the masonry, and this is a direct saving. There are samples with a size of 300x150x100, but such products do not have holes; in the center they have a depression along the entire length, a groove protrudes on one side, and a tenon on the other.

Possible dimensional deviations during production

The dimensions of LEGO bricks are of decisive importance for manufacturers; by expanding the range, they increase the competitiveness of products, as they provide consumers with more options for construction. The main task of the manufacturer is correct adjustment machine, on which the uniformity of the brick geometry depends. The thickness of the product on one side may be 1.5 - 2 mm less. This can be corrected by using adjusting bolts equipped with support nuts. By correctly adjusting the machine, you can produce bricks of the required size.

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Lego brick - innovative construction material having a specific shape. It is this that is its main advantage and allows for quick laying. Due to its properties, this building material is quickly gaining popularity.

Lego brick is an improved version of regular brick. It is used for the rapid construction of various buildings.

Lego brick is an advanced building stone that can be used to quickly and efficiently build a variety of objects. Thanks to the presence of voids and recesses, building with it is easy and simple.

The wall is laid according to the type of assembly of a designer, so any owner can cope with this task. This will allow you to significantly save on services professional builders. You can master the masonry process by building a Lego fence yourself.

  • length 25 cm;
  • width 12.5 cm;
  • height 4.5-8 cm;
  • weight depends on the type of mixture used and ranges from 3-4 kg;
  • strength 100-200 kg/cm²;
  • frost resistance of at least 200 freeze-thaw cycles;
  • density 1550 kg/m³;
  • strength grade M100-M200.

These building products are suitable for the construction load-bearing walls and partitions, the strength of the masonry is superior to ceramic analogues. A house made of Lego bricks has high seismic resistance.

The only drawback of this material is that it has not yet stood the test of time. However, its composition and manufacturing method suggest that it will withstand it with dignity.

Organization of Lego brick production

In order to start producing Lego bricks, you will need special equipment. The market offers several types of small-sized machines that allow you to start your own business.

This type of activity will not require substantial initial investments in renting premises and purchasing equipment. The production of ceramic bricks can be organized in a garage or in a country house.

Manufacturers offer the following models of machines for making bricks:

  1. UGP 410 "Lego 4". This equipment makes it possible to produce Lego bricks using the pressing method. The machine is small-sized. Its dimensions (LxWxH): 100x60x160 cm. Therefore, it is not required for work large premises. The production time for 1 brick is 20 seconds. One product can be made in one production cycle. 1-2 people can handle servicing the machine.

  2. UGP 525 "Lego 5 Auto". Auto line machines are equipped with a set of control equipment: a cycle counter, a press operation sensor, a mixture control sensor in the hopper, temperature and pressure sensors. This brick making machine works on the principle of vibration pressing. Equipment dimensions (LxWxH): 110x90x190 cm. Despite the simplicity of this machine, it is capable of producing products whose quality and shape meet all requirements.
  3. Lego 120. This one manual machine the most inexpensive, since it does not belong to the category of automated equipment. The production of building stones is carried out on it mechanically using a lever drive. This machine for Lego bricks weighs 90 kg, dimensions - 160x50x110 cm. Capacity - 120 pcs. at one o'clock. 1-3 people are needed for maintenance.

In addition to the machine it is necessary auxiliary equipment: vibrating sieve and belt conveyor. They will help to significantly reduce the need for manual labor, facilitate and speed up the process of manufacturing and storing manufactured products.

However, it is desirable to have this equipment for brick production, but not required. If we consider brick production as a business, then the automation process is extremely important. But at first, you can get by with buying one machine.

If you decide to start a highly profitable business, it is recommended to purchase a complex such as a brick production line. This is a real mini-factory, equipped with all the necessary equipment for automation and control. Thus, the “Standard” production line of the ZiegelMasch company allows the production of up to 3.5 thousand products per shift.

Such equipment for the production of bricks is quite expensive, but it also pays for itself quickly: the demand for these building materials is growing every day.

The package includes a press with a capacity of 60 tons, which allows the production of high quality products. Therefore, there will be no problems with product certification.

Composition of mixtures for Lego bricks

The technical characteristics of any building stone depend 80-90% on the type and quality of the mixture from which it is made.

No matter how good the machine for producing Lego bricks is, it will not be able to fully provide the product with the necessary strength and durability. These indicators directly depend on the complex of materials that will be placed in the bunker. The press will only form them into a product of the required dimensions.

The composition of the mixture for making Lego bricks includes:

  1. Portland cement grade not lower than M400.
  2. Sand.
  3. Water.
  4. Aggregate.

The choice of the latter is very wide. You can use the material that is easiest to obtain. You can set the following:

  • marble screening;
  • limestone;
  • lime screenings or grits;
  • shell rock;
  • crushed stone;
  • gravel.

Let's look at mixtures for Lego bricks.

Option #1:

  • cement M500 9%;
  • screening of fine limestone (0-5 mm) 85%;
  • limestone grains 30%;
  • pigments 10%;
  • ash 30%.

Option #2:

  • cement M400 315 kg;
  • crushed stone of small or medium fraction 690 kg;
  • sand 825 kg;
  • water 92 l.

Option #3:

  • clay 80-90% of the total composition;
  • cement 10-20%;
  • water.

Option #4:

  • sand 35%;
  • clay 55%;
  • cement 10%;
  • water.

Learning to prepare a high-quality mixture is not easy. Most manufacturers go through trial and error, since much depends on the quality of the cement and the type of filler. More experienced entrepreneurs share their best practices, which help newcomers quickly master production. The recommendations are as follows:

  • machines with a press pressure of less than 30 tons cannot provide high-quality appearance and the shape of the brick, which is based a large number of fireclay clay;
  • products of the highest possible strength are obtained from mixtures that include crushed stone;
  • To ensure the product has high frost resistance and moisture resistance, the mixture should contain as little clay as possible.

What else is required to produce Lego bricks?

An important piece of equipment is the matrix. It is a metal fixture that is the heart of the press. It is this that provides the product with the desired shape and directly affects the characteristics of the product. The Lego matrix can be purchased along with the machine or purchased separately. Without a matrix, the technology for producing Lego bricks cannot be followed.

Matrices are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the standards. For single bricks The dimensions of the equipment are 250x120x65 mm, for one and a half ones - 250x120x88 mm, for double ones - 250x120x140 mm. Each of these matrices has holes and protrusions, which are a feature of Lego bricks.


Despite the apparent complexity of manufacturing these products, setting them up is quite simple. Maintenance of the machines does not require a large team of workers. The cost of production is very low, which allows you to get high profits.

Along with ceramic and silicate bricks, hyperpressed bricks have already become commonplace in the building materials market. And here it is brother Lego bricks are a new product that is rapidly gaining popularity.

It is explained by its affordable price and its special characteristics, which will be discussed in this article.

Features of the material

Bricks are made by pressing and steaming. Thanks to the special design of the molds, Lego bricks receive through holes and grooves for adhesion to each other.

What is it made from?

Even crushed construction waste can serve as raw material for the production of such bricks: old brick, concrete, clay. But to obtain high-quality material, waste from crushing crushed stone and limestone rocks is used - the so-called screening.

Lego bricks may also contain sand, volcanic dust, plasticizing additives and pigments. As binder add high grade cement.

Note! The components and their proportions may differ from one manufacturer to another, therefore the characteristics of the material will be different. When purchasing, you must study documents on the composition and testing of the material for compliance with basic parameters.

As an example, I will give the composition of the mixture used to make standard Lego bricks:

Mixture components Content in %, notes
From 85 to 92%.

How smaller fraction elimination, the better the quality of the product. It will be highly durable and ideally shaped with smooth edges.

From 8 to 15% in a dry mixture.
Their use is not required. Adding to the mixture helps produce products in a variety of colors.
Various synthetic additives increase the moisture and frost resistance of bricks and improve their characteristics.


Dry numbers will tell nothing to a person ignorant of building materials. Therefore, let's compare the hyper-pressed Lego brick with the more famous and familiar one ceramic bricks. Its strength and durability are household level known to everyone.

As you can see, the characteristics are quite comparable. But our brick is lighter and absorbs less water.

The thermal conductivity of hyper-pressed products is higher, which means that they retain heat less well. But the presence of holes in which air is sealed after the construction of the building reduces this figure to 0.4-0.56 W/(m K). Which is comparable to the similar characteristics of hollow ceramic bricks.

As for sizes, the dimensions of Lego products are standard:

But if you wish, you can also find large Lego bricks or order their production.

Advantages and advantages over similar materials

The main advantages of this brick over similar ones are its design features. No wonder it received such a name, which is uniquely associated with the popular children's construction set.

So, what advantages does this design provide:

  • Easy to assemble due to the presence of grooves and the ideal geometry of each product. The bricks are press-molded in dies, so they are all completely identical. It’s easy to build a wall or partition with your own hands, saving on hiring a mason.

  • Holes in bricks can be used both for laying pipes, wires and other communications, and for adding rigidity to the structure. Concrete is poured into them, which, when hardened, connects all the rows.

  • Not needed for masonry cement mortar– it is done using glue. It is applied with a construction gun as shown in next photo. As a result, jointing is not required, which saves time and costs for large quantities of mortar. A general form masonry benefits from smooth seams and the presence of a beveled chamfer on each product.

Lego brick is a building material that is in good demand due to its quality characteristics And affordable price. You can set up the production of Lego bricks yourself, in a small room or in a garage - all you need to do is purchase equipment, raw materials and know the technology.

A business idea like producing Lego bricks is profitable, because it is a high-quality and durable hyper-pressed material intended for cladding and construction.

Thanks to its unique shape, similar to Lego bricks, it allows you to make masonry quickly and conveniently, does not require plastering and creates a smooth surface.

To work with such bricks, you do not need cement or other solutions. To connect and firmly fix it during laying, a special adhesive mass is used, which is sold in convenient tubes and is used sparingly.

Block types

Lego bricks come in two types. Both types are common and well known in the building materials market:

  • Type 1– Face brick with two technological holes. The structure involves holes with a protrusion on the top of the block and a similar connector on the bottom. With this design, bricks are attached to one another, and with the addition of glue they create a flat, durable surface.
  • Type 2– At these blocks unusual design. The brick consists of 3 parts: two outer parts are at the same level and one middle part protrudes 4 cm. The block also has a similar hole for fastening from below.

Registration of a business for the production of Lego bricks

The production of Lego bricks as a business is subject to mandatory registration. To carry out such activities, it is enough to register IP.

To submit an application, you will need a package of documents consisting of a copy of your passport, a receipt for payment of the state fee and a completed application form according to the form P21001.

When registering, you will need to provide the following codes OKVED:

  • 26.40 — Production of bricks, tiles and others construction products from baked clay.
  • 52.46.72 Retail brick.
  • 6.61 — Production of concrete products for use in construction.
  • 51.53.24 — Wholesale trade of other building materials.

When submitting an application, do not forget to indicate the simplified taxation system, since by default your organization will be assigned general system taxation.

Select the most suitable tax object for you. The simplified tax system provides for 2 options: 6% of income, or 15% of the difference between income and expenses of your organization.

Advantages and disadvantages of Lego bricks

Lego bricks are easy to make and have a number of advantages:

  • Lightness of blocks due to technological holes;
  • Through holes can be used for communications;
  • No need for firing;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Heat resistance;
  • Simplicity and speed of laying;
  • Possibility of producing blocks of various textures and colors;
  • Environmental friendliness of the building material;
  • Dry masonry;
  • Beautiful appearance.


  • Low heat retention;
  • Low hardening speed in the absence of steam treatment;
  • High hygroscopicity of the material.


To set up the production of Lego bricks with your own hands, a small room or garage may be suitable. In this case, mini installations with a small output are suitable as equipment.

For full operation, you will need water supply, sewerage and a 380V electrical network. The area of ​​the room should be about 50 sq.m., and the height is at least 3.5 m. In order to produce high-quality building materials, it is important to avoid sudden temperature fluctuations in the workshop and maintain it at a level of at least 5 degrees.

Make sure there is good ventilation and cleanliness in the room. Don't forget to allocate space for storing finished goods. You will also need convenient access to your workshop.


The construction equipment market offers a wide selection of equipment for making Lego bricks. Here you will find both large lines and mini installations for organizing a workshop in a small room.

The price of equipment for the production of Lego bricks depends on power, production and pressure that is exerted on the raw material during the formation of the block.

From the equipment you will need a crusher, a vibrating sieve, a mixer, a hopper, a dispenser, a hyperpress, a mold for the production of Lego bricks and a steaming chamber.

Usually In order to produce Lego bricks at home, an entrepreneur purchases a mini installation. This machine contains everything you need for production process, except for the steaming chamber, which can be purchased separately, built independently, or completely dispensed with.

The best equipment for making Lego bricks

We'll consider best settings, which are suitable to organize a mini production of Lego bricks.

Below are both cheaper mechanical (manual) and hydraulic (semi-automatic) machines, the price of which is an order of magnitude higher. These installations are produced in many cities of Russia. You can buy a machine for producing Lego bricks in Saratov, Krasnodar, Kirov, Blagoveshchensk, etc.

1. Hydraulic machine "Lego 180"– $2,540, produced by TechTron LLC, Kirov;
Allows you to make bricks with dimensions: length - 250 millimeters, width - 125 millimeters, height - 65-90 mm. The weight of the block depends on the raw materials used - 3.5 - 4 kg.


  • Dimensions: 150 by 65 by 120 centimeters;
  • Weight: 202 kilograms;
  • Motor: 3 phase, 380V;
  • Productivity: 180 pieces per hour, 1440 pieces per shift (3.8 m3);
  • Pressure on the product: 8-10 tons (adjustable).

2. Mechanical machine "Lego 120"– cost 680 dollars produced by TekhTron LLC, Kirov.
Allows you to produce bricks with the following parameters: length - 250 mm, width - 125 mm, height - 65-90 mm. The weight of the block depends on the raw materials used, from 3.5 kg.


  • Dimensions: 160 x 50 x 110 cm;
  • Weight: 89 kg;
  • Productivity: 120 pieces per 1 hour, 960 pieces/shift (2.5 m3);
  • Product pressure: About 2 tons.

3. Mechanical machine cost– $630, produced by Stanki-Saratov LLC, Saratov.


  • Dimensions: 20 x 50 x 14 cm;
  • Weight: 99 kilograms;
  • Hopper volume: 40 liters;
  • Productivity: up to 1000 pcs/shift;
  • Pressure: 2 tons.

4. Hydraulic machine for Lego bricks SGU-2000– $2,370, produced by Ferrum LLC, Kirov.
Allows you to make bricks with dimensions: length - 250 mm, width - 125 mm, height - 65 mm.


  • Occupied area – 3 sq. m.;
  • Productivity: up to 130 pcs/hour;
  • Product pressure: 20 tons;
  • Power consumption – 7.5 kW;
  • 12 month warranty

5. Hydraulic machine for making Lego bricks– $6,360, produced by ImportTechKom-invest LLC, Blagoveshchensk.
Allows you to make bricks with dimensions: length - 300 mm, width - 150 mm, height - 100 mm / length - 250 mm, width - 125 mm, height - 75 mm.


  • Machine type: hydraulic;
  • Productivity: up to 1900 pcs. per shift;
  • Size: 350*500*1000 millimeters;
  • Pressure: 80 - 100 kN;
  • Weight: 450 kg.

6. Hydraulic machine 5BRICKS40S– $4,650, produced by GlobImport LLC, Krasnodar.
Allows you to produce bricks with the following parameters: length - 250 mm, width - 125 mm, height - 75 mm.

Machine parameters:

  • Hydraulic machine;
  • Productivity: 200 bricks in 1 hour;
  • The kit includes equipment for the manufacture of 3 types of products;
  • Dimensions - 0.94 x 0.65 x 1.45 m;
  • Hopper volume – 95 l.;
  • Weight: 198 kg.

Lego brick manufacturing technology

The correct technology for producing Lego bricks is the key to a quality product. Using mini installations, you can produce about 1000 blocks per shift.

Stage No. 1: Preparation of raw materials

The raw materials for the production of Lego bricks include environmentally friendly clean materials, such as limestone, shell, marble and dolomite screenings, cement, water, sand, dyes and plasticizers. The production of Lego bricks in the southern regions of Russia may allow the use of clay, but it should be remembered that when the air temperature drops to minus 20 degrees, such bricks will most likely crack.

Stage No. 2: Mix for the production of Lego bricks

Typically, the mixture includes a base, a binder and water. The base is sand, clay or screenings; it is recommended to use cement to bind the material, and water is needed for kneading, additional binding and obtaining a homogeneous mass.

  • 1 composition option: 87% clay, 10% cement, 3% water and dye.
  • Composition option 2: 53% sand, 33% clay, 10% cement, 4% water and dye.
  • Composition option 3: 40% dolomite screenings, 40% crushed limestone screenings, 15% cement, 5% water and dye.
  • Composition option 4: 85% screenings of crushed limestone (or any other), 10% cement, 3% water, 2% plasticizers and dye.

To avoid problems when using pigment, dilute it in water before adding it to the mixer.

Stage No. 3: Production process

The manufacturing process depends on what equipment you use to make Lego bricks. The mini installation allows you to mix, dose and form blocks. The production process is structured as follows:

  1. The operator loads the components into the mixer;
  2. Intensive mixing of the composition occurs;
  3. The Lego brick mixture is transported via a conveyor belt to the hopper;
  4. The composition is dosed and entered into a special matrix made of high-quality steel;
  5. The mixture is evenly distributed in the mold under the influence of vibration;
  6. The brick is given its final shape by pressure and vibration.

Stage No. 4: Strengthening

To speed up production and improve the quality of the final product, the brick is steamed in a special chamber. At temperatures up to +70 degrees, it gains final strength in 7-8 hours. In the absence of a steaming chamber, the hyperpressed Lego brick must be aged at a temperature not lower than +15 degrees for two days. The strength of such a block will not be high - about 40-50%. To obtain the greatest strength in the absence of steam treatment, the brick should lie for 20-25 days.

It should be remembered that the determining factor influencing the final strength of the product is the pressure exerted during molding. Small installations have a press for the production of Lego bricks, which is capable of exerting a pressure of about 3 tons, while to obtain a high-quality durable block a pressure of at least 50 tons is required. Pay attention to this indicator when.

Lego brick dimensions

Matrices allow you to form blocks various sizes. Standard parameters such a block are: length - 250 mm, width - 125 mm, height - 65 mm.

Despite the existence of such a standard, bricks whose size differs from those indicated are also in demand.

On the construction equipment market you can find matrices for making bricks with the following parameters: length - 300 mm, width - 150 mm, height - 100 mm, or blocks close to the standard: length - 250 mm, width - 125 mm, height - 75 mm.

There are also machines for the production of Lego bricks, which provide the ability to produce several types of bricks; you just need to change the shape. This is convenient, since an entrepreneur can expand his range not only due to textures and color range, but also due to the size, without purchasing additional equipment.

Cost of Lego bricks

Depending on the technology and raw materials used, the cost of one brick can be about $0.09. This includes the cost of the components: 3 kg of screenings, 350 grams of cement, plasticizer and dye, as well as the cost of wages workers and electricity.

Lego brick production staff


  • Hydraulic machine for the production of Lego bricks “Lego 180” – $2,540;
  • Shovels, wheelbarrows, gloves and other auxiliary tools – $250;
  • Pallets and storage film - $85.

Total: $2,875.

Monthly costs

  • Salary to employees – $610;
  • Raw material costs – $2,035;
  • Utilities – $110;
  • Individual entrepreneur accounting – $70;
  • Rent – ​​$170

Total: $2,995 per month.

If 1,000 bricks are produced per shift, 20,000 bricks will be produced per month. If the goods are fully sold, the income will be $4,100. Gross profit – $1,105/month.

production of Lego bricks? According to calculations, in conditions of 100% sales of goods, the investment will pay off in 3 months of work.

Making Lego bricks with your own hands will pose a lot of difficult tasks for the entrepreneur, because the production of good building materials requires proven technology and high-quality ingredients for the mixture.

Despite this, it is quite possible to organize a profitable workshop. At the same time, to buy a Lego machine, you will need a very small investment, which you will be able to recoup very soon.

  • (184)

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

A modern building material called “Lego brick” is visually similar to the details children's construction set LEGO. The presence of protrusions on one side of the product and rounded recesses and recesses on the other ensures quick laying and high quality connections. We will use the material for the construction of load-bearing walls, partitions, cladding, laying support pillars and decorative columns.

Design and manufacturing features

Building materials are produced using a special machine. The composition of Lego bricks includes screenings of limestone rocks, binding material (usually Portland cement), water, and dyes. Standard sizes Lego bricks can be 250x125x65 mm or 300x150x100 mm. Manufactured using hyperpressing method. The quality and reliability of building materials is affected by the limestone fractions or sand used: what smaller size components, the higher the strength finished product. The approximate weight of a Lego brick is 3-3.5 kg.

Technical characteristics of Lego bricks

The widespread use of building materials is justified by the high density and wear resistance of the product. Lego bricks are suitable for holding finishing works, as well as for the construction of load-bearing walls. This group of bricks has the following characteristics, depending on the manufacturer:

  • frost resistance: at least 200 cycles;
  • water absorption: about 5-6% (suitable for use in regions with high humidity air and big amount precipitation);
  • density: 1550 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity 0.4-0.45 W/(m K);
  • strength grade: M100-200 (suitable for the construction of multi-storey private houses or commercial buildings).

Lego bricks are 1.5 times more durable than their ceramic counterparts. The resulting structure is minimally susceptible to mechanical influences and is reliable during periods of seismological influences.


The positive properties of the material are not its only advantage. The unique shape ensures ease of laying walls or partitions and high-quality connection of elements. The most important advantages of using a new type of brick include:

  1. Possibility of simple installation of communications inside voids.
  2. Low cost of products.
  3. Wide range of colors (from light gray to rich red, dark blue, pink or yellow).
  4. There is no need for subsequent finishing of walls and structures made of Lego bricks (it has a smooth surface or has edges with a slight texture).
  5. Low weight of bricks does not require preparation buried foundation(for buildings of 1-3 floors).

The material is also attractive due to its versatility of use. Suitable for both finishing buildings and laying out decorative indentations and stoves. Can be used for the construction of gazebos and fences.


The disadvantages of Lego bricks include the fact that at the moment there are no branded manufacturers of this building material, unlike aerated concrete and others wall materials. Those. These are mainly garage manufacturers, most of which cannot provide quality certificates. Perhaps the most main drawback The problem is that due to its relative novelty, this building material has not stood the test of time and it is unclear how it will last in 30-50 years.