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» The leader among apple crops is the Granny Smith variety. The world famous granny smith apple tree What do granny smith apples taste like?

The leader among apple crops is the Granny Smith variety. The world famous granny smith apple tree What do granny smith apples taste like?

Apple trees in Russia are a very popular fruit crop for growing in personal plots. The demand is explained by tasty fruits, long-term productivity and unpretentiousness to growing conditions. This article is dedicated to the Granny Smith apple variety and will describe the method correct landing fruit seedling and requirements for growing an apple tree.

Description and characteristics

In 1868, Englishwoman Maria Ann Smith ate the last apples she brought from Sydney (Australia), and threw the cores into compost heap. After some time, she noticed a small apple sprout among the compost and began to grow it.

Granny Smith grows well in many regions of Russia

When the young tree eventually bore fruit, its flavor, despite its thick, waxy, bright green skin, was sweet, sour, and juicy. The harmony of taste amazed everyone who tried these apples - this is how the world famous Granny Smith apple variety appeared. Apples of this variety are grown in industrial quantities in Poland and Turkey, from where they are transported to Russia for sale.

Did you know? In the middle of the 20th century in the Soviet Union, a ditty about Michurin, who grows pears on a willow tree, was popular among the people. This was not a complete invention, since the famous breeder successfully grafted and grew pears and plums on the apple tree.

Description of the tree

The tree of the Granny Smith apple tree reaches a height of 2.5 to 3.5 m, the crown is decomposed, spherical, prone to being overgrown with annual shoots. The tree has high strength growth, especially in the first five years of the growing season. The variety requires regular annual formative pruning. Most often, grafting of cuttings of this variety is carried out on semi-dwarf rootstocks.

The bark of the tree is smooth, olive color. The variety blooms in late April or early May, depending on the growing region. The apple blossom petals are pink and white, the diameter of the flower reaches 5 cm. The apple leaf has a round shape with an elongated tip, top part the sheet is painted in a dull color green color, the lower part is gray-green. The sheet is smooth, but without gloss.

Description of fruits

The Granny Smith apple tree has tasty, hard fruits, with a bright green dense skin, white or brown tiny subcutaneous spots, and crispy juicy, rather sour pulp. The apple has a round shape, the size of the fruit is medium and large, the weight of the apples is 180–200 g. The taste is sweet and sour, harmonious. Apple pulp remains dense during heat treatment, which makes this variety very popular in cooking. Granny Smith apples are used to make apple pies and are eaten fresh in the winter.

These apples can be classified as dietary products, since every 100 g of fruit pulp contains only 47 kcal, which is explained by the small amount of natural sugars.

Consumers often wonder why the flesh of the bitten green apple in contact with air it quickly darkens. This is due to the high iron content in them. Apple fruits contain many useful minerals; their regular use brings only benefits to the body. Possible harm diarrhea from eating apples, and only if the fruit is unripe.

Fruit ripeness occurs at the end of September

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Granny Smith variety is not very susceptible to scab, and is very unstable to fire blight and powdery mildew . Therefore, the gardener needs to carry out preventive treatments of the above-ground parts of the plant several times during the spring-summer season.

Important! When working with chemicals The gardener must take precautions to protect the skin and lungs. To do this, wear protective clothing with long sleeves and a hood, rubber boots, glasses and a gauze bandage for the mouth.

For preventive treatments, Bordeaux mixture is used, and also Special attention garden hygiene, carry out: cleaning leaves, digging the soil, fighting weeds and pests. As chemicals Fungicides are used for treatment. Preventive medications are sprayed over the tree crown using a pump sprayer with long tube, ending with a fine spray.

Drought resistance and winter hardiness

Apple trees of this variety have good resistance to sub-zero temperatures. They can withstand frosts down to -25°C without harm to the wood or root system. As for drought resistance, it is considered average.


Granny Smith apple tree is partially sterile, therefore needs pollinating trees growing in the neighborhood. These can be apple trees of the following varieties: Pink Lady, Eliza. Simultaneously, Granny Smith itself is a good pollinator for apple trees. late varieties .

Flowering and ripening times

Apple trees bloom at the end of April or beginning of May. Flowering dates may shift depending on how warm the spring is. During flowering, apple tree flowers emit a strong honey aroma, which attracts bees and other pollinating insects.

It's late apple variety, That's why Fruit ripening occurs at the end of September or the first ten days of October. Apples are for long-term storage Moreover, their difference from other varieties is that the fruits acquire their high taste qualities just a few months after harvest.

Did you know? A bitten apple became a symbol of the famous Apple. The unusual logo was proposed by Steve Jobs, who, when choosing a name for the company, ate a juicy green apple.


A young apple tree can form the first few fruits already in the fourth year of the growing season. The apple tree will produce full harvests after five years of age.. In one season, you can harvest from 15 to 20 kg of apples from an adult apple tree. The plant will maintain this yield for the next 15 years. After the tree reaches 20 years of age, the yield will begin to decline every year.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The most important advantage of this variety is its excellent taste, good yield and the possibility of long-term storage of fruits. Partial resistance of the apple tree to such a dangerous disease is also important. fruit crops, like scab, and excellent plant resistance to frost. Disadvantages include poor resistance to powdery mildew and fire blight.

Optimal growing conditions

Creating a garden begins with choosing a location and preparing the soil. Soil preparation includes fertilizing and loosening to a depth of 60 cm, and is carried out at least three months before planting. This time interval is necessary for the decomposition of organic matter, the accumulation of water and the creation of a fertile soil structure. When loosening the soil and digging a planting hole, all roots, stones or other debris are removed and removed outside the garden.

Important!The apple tree grows well in all types of soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water near the root system. Distance between groundwater and the roots of the apple tree should be at least three meters deep.

The apple tree has moderate light requirements, and when making the right choice location of the tree, you can achieve good illumination of the crown. The Granny Smith apple tree grows well in areas with average annual temperatures from +8...+11°C. The buds begin to bloom as soon as the air temperature exceeds +8°C; apple tree flowers bloom at temperatures above +11°C. For pollination of flowers, the most suitable temperature is from +21 ... + 27°C. Good harvests This variety produces apples in areas where 600–700 mm of precipitation falls per year.

Landing rules

Fruit seedlings of this variety must be purchased only from licensed nurseries fruit trees . In such companies, the health of seedlings is closely monitored. If an apple tree is purchased on the market, there is always the possibility of buying the wrong variety or a diseased tree infected with fungal or bacterial diseases.

The seedling can be planted in early spring and in the fall (October–November), the main thing is that the soil is not frozen. Experienced gardeners Autumn planting of fruit trees is recommended, as this period is rich in moisture. After autumn planting, trees have time to adapt during the winter, and the root system grows new roots. Frequent rains provide the necessary moisture and good contact of the roots with the soil. Apple trees planted in the fall quickly enter the growth stage in the spring. Such seedlings are easily tolerated low temperatures next winter.

Video: Instructions for planting an apple tree

Formation of roots. Before planting the seedling, it is necessary to shorten the root system. The operation is carried out in order to remove damaged parts and split roots, as well as to revive weathered root tips. Dead roots are completely removed, and living ones are shortened by 7–8 cm. The operation is aimed at maintaining the health of the root system and is performed only if the seedling has recently been dug out of the soil.

TO winter varieties apples also include:

After pruning, the roots are lowered into a mash of clay, fresh horse manure and water. The clay mash is designed to provide greater moisture to the rhizomes. The mash should have the thickness of homemade sour cream.

Correct fit:

  1. For Granny Smith apple trees, the following planting pattern is recommended: the distance between rows is 4 meters, and between plants - 4 meters.
  2. If the ground was dug up during preliminary soil preparation to a depth of 60 cm, then landing pit should measure 50 × 50 cm (width and depth). If the land has not been well-prepared, the planting hole should be dug 2-3 months before planting the seedling and have dimensions of 100 × 80 cm (width and depth).
  3. A layer is placed at the bottom of the recess fertile land, removed from the soil surface (1–2 shovels), well-rotted organic (7–8 kg) and mineral fertilizers(100 g superphosphate and 100 g potassium). Mix everything well and form a small mound at the bottom of the pit, up to 20 cm high.
  4. The seedling is placed in a hole so that the grafting point is 3 cm above the surface of the earth and is oriented to the north. After the roots are covered with a 10 cm layer of soil, the seedling is slightly shaken, and the roots are again covered with soil. When planting, it is necessary to achieve close contact of the roots with the soil.
  5. After planting, the soil around the planted tree is formed into a small depression and the tree is watered generously. In the first month after planting, watering the seedling is carried out weekly, starting from the second month, watering frequency young tree decreases to once every 2 weeks. When watering a seedling, use at least 10 liters of water at a time.
  6. After planting, I shorten the apple tree seedling with pruning shears to a height of 80 cm.
  7. A tall wooden peg is installed next to the tree for additional support. The peg and the planted tree are connected to each other using a soft natural material(fabric, rope or leather).
  8. After autumn planting, before the onset of frost, the soil under the seedlings is insulated. To do this, straw or spruce spruce branches are placed around a trunk with a diameter of 30–40 cm, which will protect the roots from frost in winter. The stems can be wrapped in rodent protection products, such as fine-mesh metal mesh, plastic or thick rubber. The crowns of a young apple tree are insulated using non-woven materials (spunbond, agrofibre). Also, to insulate the branches, you can put a woven plastic bag of sugar on the crown of the seedling, which is secured to the trunk with a wire or cord.

Rules of care

An apple tree requires regular care from the gardener, which includes watering, pruning, and treating the crown from pests and diseases.


It must be taken into account that during spring physiological drought, apple trees are sensitive to water deficiency. To prevent damage to the root system, the garden will need to be irrigated. For each adult apple tree, use at least 20 liters of water when watering. IN middle lane In Russia, root irrigation of apple trees is limited to abundant spring and autumn moisture-recharging irrigation, during which at least 100 liters of water are poured under each tree. The rest of the time, trees receive moisture from precipitation and dew.

In southern, hot regions, with no big amount summer precipitation, it is necessary to water the apple trees monthly, spending for each mature tree about two buckets of water. Measures must also be taken to conserve water in the soil. A thick layer of mulch around trees (sawdust, grass clippings, straw) works best to prevent moisture evaporation. Mulching keeps the garden in good sanitary condition, preventing the growth of weeds and reducing the amount of work required to care for the plants.

Do not water during fruit ripening. This may cause the peel to crack


To fully increase wood mass and fruit yield, apple trees regularly need fertilizing. Most good decision is organic feeding. As organic matter, you can use cattle manure, humus, peat chips from upper layers soil, compost. Typically, fertilizing with organic substances is combined with autumn digging of the soil, after laying out dry fertilizers around the apple tree.

Approximately two buckets of organic matter are used for each adult apple tree.. It is advisable to adhere to this dose and not exceed it, since an excess amount of nitrogen in the soil will cause rapid growth of branches and trunk, to the detriment of the fruits. For feeding you can use a mineral fertilizer complex for fruit trees, which is purchased at gardening stores.

Soil care

Throughout the warm season, the gardener takes care of the soil under the apple trees, weeding, digging the soil into tree trunk circle, mulching the soil, raking and removing fallen leaves from the garden. To make the work of caring for the soil in the garden easier, it is recommended to sow the ground with grass, such as timothy.

Did you know? According to legend, the law universal gravity was formulated by the English physicist Newton, as a result of an apple falling from a tree onto the scientist’s head.


To form and maintain the condition of the crown, the apple tree must be pruned twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Spring pruning should ensure:

  • thinning the crown, allowing free access of light, air and protective agents to the branches;
  • removing old branches;
  • stimulation of growth of lateral shoots of the crown;
  • removal of broken branches damaged after winter;
  • preventing intertwining with neighboring trees;
  • normalization of load during fruit ripening.

Video: Spring pruning of an apple tree in detail

The formation of a young apple tree is carried out during the first 4 years of life:

  1. In the year of planting- in the spring, the central stem of the seedling, running upward from the trunk, will be shortened to a height of 60 cm. Three lateral branches are left in the upper part of the tree, evenly spaced and 60–80 cm long. These will be first-order branches or main branches.
  2. Second year after planting- in spring, young side shoots (second-order branches), grown on three first-order branches, must be reduced to 30–40 cm. The central stem will be shortened by 20–30 cm, it should be longer than the main branches.
  3. The third year of the plant's life- in spring, the length of 3 side branches of the second order is shortened to 70 cm. The central stem is shortened so that it is 25 cm higher than the side branches of the first order. Side shoots, grown on the central stem and on second-order branches, are pruned to 15-20 cm (by 4-5 buds). At the top of each branch, 4-5 strong branches are formed, of which only two shoots are left. They should be directed outward and not intersect with other branches. All growth of this year's branches is cut out. On the central stem, 3–4 shoots will be selected, which will subsequently form the second floor of the crown. They should be 70 cm higher from the branches of the first floor.
  4. Fourth year- all branches of the first tier are shortened by 50–60 cm. The length of the branches selected to form the second floor is shortened to 60–70 cm. The central stem is cut 25 cm above the second layer of the crown. All branches that intersect, shade each other, or grow inside the crown are removed. The crown should be located as close to the trunk as possible and have a triangular shape.
  5. This is where the formation ends, all subsequent spring trimmings will be directed to maintaining crown shape.

Anti-aging pruning improves fruiting and extends the life of the apple tree

Autumn pruning apple tree is held in October, after the apple harvest is harvested, and is sanitary. During this pruning, the apple tree is cleared of diseased and damaged branches, dried or diseased fruit remaining on the tree.

Important!At the end sanitary pruning all diseased and withered branches, mummified fruits and leaves collected around the apple tree must be taken outside the garden and burned over an open fire. It is unacceptable to use these plant residues to produce compost in order to prevent the spread of diseases and pests throughout the garden.

The soil in the garden between the rows of trees must be kept clean. Weeds compete with trees for water and nutrients in the soil, so they must be eliminated. In small household plots weeds are pulled out, herbicides are used in large gardens. Can be used wide range herbicides: “Centurion”, “Agil”, “Fuzilad Forte”, “Panther”, “Leopard”. When treating the soil with herbicides, the gardener must carry out the procedure so that the vapors of the preparations do not touch the trunks and branches of the trees. In the first three years of a seedling's life, it is undesirable to use herbicides.

Video: Autumn pruning of an apple tree

Fighting major diseases

Every gardener who grows apple trees sooner or later encounters diseases of this crop and insect pests.

Main diseases of apple trees:

  1. . The first symptom of the disease is the appearance on the leaves yellow spots, the disease develops rapidly at a temperature of +18...+20°C, after which the spots turn brown. Infected leaf blades fall from the branches. The disease reduces yields and weakens apple trees. The virus is transmitted by grafting, pollen, contaminated seeds and in the nursery, by contact with roots. Prevention and control measures: using healthy cuttings for grafting, eliminating viruses from the garden, planting resistant varieties.
  2. Bacterial burn. This is a very dangerous disease that can lead to the death of all fruit trees in the garden. This disease is promoted high humidity air, wind, precipitation and air temperature from +10...+30°C. Tree branches that have been subjected to fire blight appear as if they have been damaged by fire. The leaves on them are brown and curled, the fruits are dry, black, and the branches are withered. In damp weather, bacterial exudate (liquid discharge) appears on the affected branches. Prevention and control measures: cut out and burn diseased branches, apply fungicides to healthy parts of the tree. Repeat chemical treatment after each rain.
  3. Black cancer. Fungal spores enter the tree through wounds resulting from cuts or mechanical damage. The bark in the affected area pulls away from the trunk and the wood tissue rots. The fungus infects all above-ground parts of the apple tree, including the fruits. On fruits, the disease causes rotting and premature dropping. If foci of the disease are present on the trunk, the tree will die. Prevention and control measures: use of healthy seedlings, sterilization garden tools alcohol or chlorine, balanced irrigation and fertilization, treatment of wounds on the bark with garden varnish, use of fungicides.
  4. Powdery mildew. The disease appears on the leaves in the form of white spots, which after a while spread and cover the entire sheet plate. The disease progresses rapidly and the mycelium becomes gray and dusty. Diseased leaves dry out. Apples are also attacked; as a result of the disease, they become covered with a white coating of mycelium, crack and rot. Prevention and control measures: balanced fertilization, cultivation of resistant varieties, chemical treatment the above-ground part of the tree with fungicides.
  5. Moniliosis. One of the most harmful diseases of fruit trees. An outbreak of the disease occurs during cold, rainy weather. On a diseased tree, the leaves dry out without falling off, the fruits rot or mummify. Prevention and control measures: collect and destroy diseased fruits, cut out affected branches until healthy wood appears, apply preventive treatments with Bordeaux mixture, cover wounds on the bark with garden mastic, use fungicides.

Apple trees are also systematically attacked by insect pests, such as:

Insect pests must be combated by treating the tree crown with biological and chemical protection agents. Sticky traps, fruit compotes with the addition of insecticides, and treatment of tree trunks with adhesives also performed well.

Preparing for winter

Mature apple trees do not need to protect the crown from frost; insulation of the soil in a circle next to the tree trunk is carried out only in regions with very cold winters. This will help save root system from freezing. For insulation, use an additional layer of soil (20–30 cm high) or organic mulch(spruce spruce branches, straw).

Important!As soon as the snow melts in the garden and the air becomes warm, all insulating covers from the crown and roots of the apple tree must be immediately removed. If this is not done, the roots may begin to rot and the branches may become covered with moss or mold.

If the garden is located in close proximity to a forest or field edge, the trunks of young trees must be protected from mice and hares. To do this, a protection is created around the trunk, covering the tree trunk (from the junction with the ground to a trunk height of one meter). Can be used as a protective layer metal mesh or shields cut from automobile rubber.

On the eve of winter, it is advisable to whiten tree trunks. A mixture of water, lime, copper sulfate and horse manure. With this solution, using a paint brush, cover the tree trunk to a height up to the fork of the skeletal branches; they also whiten and skeletal branches to a length of 40–50 cm. Whitewashing before winter prevents the tree bark from getting sunburn in conditions of winter physiological drought. It is recommended to repeat the whitewashing procedure in the spring, after the soil in the garden has dried out.

A gardener should plant at least one Granny Smith tree to provide his family with tasty and healthy apples for many years.

Granny Smith apples are sour, green, and high in vitamins and minerals. Brought out in the 70s of the 19th century in Australia as a result of crossing wild and cultivars. Known as the lowest calorie fruit.

Description of the fruit, energy value

Granny Smiths have dense white flesh with a sweet and sour taste. Externally, the fruit is soft green, round, with a strong skin. The part of the apple that is turned towards the sun has a pinkish tint. The average weight of the fruit is 300 g.

Source: Depositphotos

Granny Smith apples are the lowest calorie and hypoallergenic

The apple is juicy. From 1-2 pieces you get 1 glass of juice. This is an autumn-winter variety that ripens by the end of September. Stored in a cool place until spring. The fruit has the best taste a month after picking.

Botanical description:

  • medium-sized tree;
  • cone-shaped crown;
  • white flowers;
  • bears fruit annually for 10 years.

In Europe, the variety is grown in regions with mild winter And warm summer. The tree does not like coolness and abundance of precipitation. This causes the apples to stretch out and become pale yellow and sour. The fruits are especially valued in nutrition. Calorie content of 100 g of product is 47 kcal. Often used to cleanse the digestive tract, fasting days.

Benefits and harms

Granny Smith is used in dietary and health nutrition. Raise vitality, improve work digestive system, replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

The fruit contains:

  • vitamins PP, K, C, B6, A and E;
  • minerals (zinc, iron, iodine, selenium);
  • pectins;
  • cellulose;
  • organic acids.

The benefits and harms of the fruit are determined by its composition and easy digestibility. Apples are used to cleanse the blood, as they help break down cholesterol and remove toxins. Improves intestinal function and cleanses the mucous membrane. Fruits are useful for strengthening gums and teeth, for gout, and anemia.

You should not eat the fruit if you have gastritis, ulcers, colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome. It is not recommended to eat apples in large quantities. This provokes thinning of tooth enamel, development of digestive problems due to the intake large quantity fiber.

In cooking, Granny Smith is used to prepare salads, desserts, juices, and compotes. The pulp of the fruit does not change color after cutting, so it is used as a filling for open or closed pies. One apple a day covers daily norm in fiber by 20%. The fruit is hypoallergenic and is given to young children, nursing mothers, and elderly people to restore strength.

Granny Smith is considered one of the most common apple varieties in the world. This variety was developed in the late 19th century in Australia. And since then it has gained popularity among gardeners around the world. This variety is often sold in stores.

Before purchasing an apple tree for planting, study its characteristics and description.

History of the variety's creation

Granny Smith was first bred in 1868 by Australian breeders. The originator was Maria Anna Smith, who crossed a wild apple tree brought from France with one of the local varieties. New variety was named after her.

Beneficial properties of fruits

Ripe apples are rich in microelements and other nutrients.


The macroelements included in the composition include:

  • molybdenum;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

It also contains iron.



The fruits are rich in vitamins B, K and biotin.

Calorie content of the product

Per 100 g of pulp with peel there are only 47 kcal. Due to their low calorie content, the fruits are classified as dietary products.

Tasting and aroma

The pulp has a rich apple aroma. Apples taste sweet and sour. The longer the fruits are stored, the sweeter they become. The tasting score is 4.4 out of 5 points.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications include an allergy to apples, a predisposition to bloating, ulcers, gastritis and other stomach pathologies.

Use in cooking

Apples are widely used in cooking. They are used for canning, baking, dried for tea and eaten fresh.


When choosing a variety for planting, pay attention to the size of the tree, yield, fruiting and winter hardiness.

Tree dimensions

Mature trees grow no more than 3.5 m in height. The Granny Smith variety is classified as semi-dwarf. The apple tree is distinguished by a spreading, wide crown, shaped like an oval.

Disease resistance

Granny Smith is often affected by powdery mold and rust. It is characterized by average resistance to powdery mildew, scab and monilial burn.

Winter hardiness

The variety is not winter-hardy. Apple trees can only be planted in regions with moderate winters.

Agrotechnical measures

When growing Granny Smith apple trees, special attention is paid to agrotechnical procedures.

Apple tree planting

When planting a Granny Smith apple tree, special attention is paid to preparing seedlings and choosing the timing of planting.


Apple trees are planted in spring and autumn. Advantage spring planting is that the seedlings have time to get stronger by winter. Seedlings are planted in late April - early May.

Autumn planting allows seedlings to take root until spring. Autumn planting begins in the first half of October.


Before planting, seedlings are dipped in a growth activator several hours before planting. Immediately before planting, the roots of the seedlings are dipped into a liquid clay solution.

Actions upon disembarkation

Stages of planting a tree:

  • Dig a hole, fill the bottom with manure, compost, wood ash and nitrogen.
  • Mix fertilizers with the top layer of soil and leave the hole for 2-3 weeks.
  • Place the seedling at the bottom of the hole and carefully straighten the roots.
  • Fill the hole with soil and compact the soil near the trunk.
  • Water warm water and tie the trunk to a stake, which is driven into the soil before planting.

If the seedlings were planted in the spring, they are watered several times a week. In autumn, watering is not needed.


First of all, when growing a Granny Smith apple tree, attention is paid to attracting pollinators to the garden and forming the crown.


Pollinator trees include the following varieties of apples:

  • Elise;
  • Ligol;
  • Pink Lady.

In addition, to attract bees, the inflorescences are sprayed with a honey solution.


In the first few years, apple trees grow actively. To prevent thickening, the crown is regularly pruned. Pruning begins from the 2nd year after planting. Skeletal branches are left at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other. Cut off those shoots that grow upward. In autumn, dry and diseased branches are pruned.


Apple tree care includes watering, fertilizing and disease prevention.

Watering and fertilizing

Water and fertilize apple trees 4 times per season. The first time during the growing season, the second time - with the onset of flowering. The third time with the onset of fruiting. And the last time - before frost.

During the growing season, the apple tree needs nitrogen. Subsequent times, phosphorus and potassium are added to the soil.

Before the onset of cold weather, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should not be applied to the soil. Nitrogen stimulates shoot growth, and before the onset of cold weather, fertilizing should be aimed at preparing the tree for cold weather. In autumn, the soil around the trunks is mulched with peat. The mulch layer should be at least 15 cm.

Pest Control

Every spring, apple trees are treated against pests with Bordeaux mixture, Hom or Skor. Plants are treated against harmful insects with Karbofos or Aktara. The drugs help fight aphids, plum moths and other types of insects that are most often found on apple trees.

It is important to regularly inspect trees to prevent the spread of diseases and insects in time. Spraying with a solution of laundry soap with the addition of mustard powder helps against pests. Garlic or marigolds are also planted nearby. The smell of these plants repels insects.

Ripening and fruiting

Fruit ripening and fruiting - important characteristics, which you need to pay attention to when buying a seedling.


The apple tree blooms in mid-May. By the end of May, flowering ends. The flowering period coincides with the flowering of some late apple varieties.


The fruits reach full maturity by mid-September. In some regions the fruits ripen by October.

Beginning of fruiting

Granny Smith begins to bear fruit in the 2-3rd year after planting the seedling in the ground. The plant begins to bear fruit fully in the 4th year.

Frequency of fruiting

The plant bears fruit every year. Towards the end of the tree's life, fruiting decreases, but not significantly. The apple tree does not begin to bear fruit every year. You can increase productivity by applying fertilizing.


Productivity is high; up to 150 kg of fruits are collected from one tree per season. The tree bears fruit consistently every year.

Storage and transportation

The fruits are distinguished by their transportability and shelf life, so apples are often grown for sale in stores.

Storage Features

After harvesting, the fruits are stored until November. At proper storage the period can be extended until winter. Harvest kept in a dark, cool room at temperatures up to +15 degrees. The fruits are regularly inspected and rotten ones are immediately thrown away so that the rot does not spread to other apples.

Transportation of apples

Due to their dense peel, apples can withstand long-term transportation, which is why Granny Smith is often found on store shelves and counters.

Growing areas

Regions with long summers and short summers are suitable for growing Granny Smith apple trees. warm winter due to susceptibility to freezing when severe frosts. It is not recommended to plant seedlings in northern latitudes.

Granny Smith apples have gained great popularity since the appearance of this variety. All over the world it is considered one of the healthiest thanks to great content in the pulp of various vitamins and microelements.

Description of the variety

This autumn-winter variety was bred in 1868 in Australia by crossing a domestic apple tree with a wild one imported from France. Several decades later, gardeners in many European countries also learned about it. To this day, the Granny Smith festival is held every year in the homeland of the variety in Australia.

The apples are large, round shape, have a very beautiful light green color and weigh about 300 g. The dense pulp is very juicy and sour in taste, because it contains very little sugar.

The side of the apple that is on sunny side, may have a yellow or even reddish color. The fruits ripen in mid-September, but they are best consumed a month after harvest. They keep well until spring.

Granny Smith is widely used during fasting days. They cleanse the body well and prevent the deposition of fat cells. Regular consumption of apples of this variety will help cleanse the blood, reduce cholesterol levels, and have a beneficial effect on nervous system. The benefits of these apples are especially great for children, the elderly and weakened people; patients suffering from vascular and skin diseases. People engaged in mental activity are recommended to eat at least 3 apples a day.

Granny Smith in cooking

This variety of apples is the most popular in cooking compared to all others. The neutral taste of these fruits and lack of aroma allows them to be added to any dish - sweet, salty, salads and side dishes. Culinary experts are attracted not only by the taste of these apples, but also by their ability to not darken after cutting.

Having appeared in America, these apples immediately found their use as pie filling. Of course, this dish has been known for a very long time. But it was after the appearance of this variety Apple pie began to be considered the national pride of America.

Granny Smith apples are widely used for desserts - jam, preserves, compote, etc. And the fermented juice is used to make alcoholic beverages.

Variety name: Granny Smith variety

Synonyms: Granny Smith, Granny Smith

Parents: presumably Possibly French Crab x Rome Beauty

Homeland of the variety: Eastwood, New South Wales, Australia (now a suburb of Sydney) 1860

Ripening period: late, harvested in October, aged for about 3 months before consumption

General description and facts from history.

Granny Smith is one of the most famous green apples in the world. This variety has a funny and commercially successful history. The first tree was selected from seedlings that sprouted from a garbage heap. The name of the folk breeder has been preserved - Mary Ann Smith. This lady named the apple, which is still the most popular in its homeland in Australia, Granny Smith, that is, Grandma Smith. Among Australians, this phrase has become synonymous with the word “apple”. To this day, in the homeland of the variety, the Gunny Smith apple festival is held in honor of Mary Smith, who ensured the prosperity of fruit growing in those places to this day.

These fruits, primarily due to their resistance during transportation and storage, became the first variety for sale in the first chain stores. It was at Granny Smith that the first techniques for selling apples in large shopping malls and promoting the variety as a special, recognizable (branded) product were worked out. Due to its unique ability to store well and special appearance, it was soon exported by sea to America and Europe, where it became a brand of Australian fruit companies.

picture from the pomology catalog , USA

Tree size: medium height

Best location:
sunny, free

Rootstock: any, preferably low-growing

Soil: dry, non-flooding
Flowering time:
average term

Fruiting type:
on twigs


Fruit color:
The fruits are large (up to 190 g), round, dark green, sometimes with a delicate cream tint, with a large number of large whitish subcutaneous dots.
If the fruits ripen in a mild climate, when the days are warm and the nights are cold, a red blush appears on these apples

Fruit shape and size: The fruits are large (up to 190 g), round. The skin is dense.

Fruit taste: The pulp is greenish, very dense, sour, pleasant, refreshing taste. The apple is perfectly stored until the new harvest. During storage, the acidity decreases and the sweet taste becomes more pronounced.


Damage to diseases and pests: moderately susceptible to monilliosis, scab, rust, powdery mildew

Formation: Regular pruning required

Winter hardiness: average

Drought resistance: average

Purpose of the variety:- for long-term storage