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How to deliciously cook small octopuses? and got the best answer

Answer from Spartak Moscow[guru]
So, take a bag of this sea mixture and a saucepan. Pour water into the pan, wait until it boils, throw the “mixture” into the boiling salted water for five minutes. Don't overcook!! ! (actually, the preparation method is indicated on the packaging).
Once it’s cooked, we tip everything into a colander, rinse it (there’s sand in there - wow!!), pour it into a saucepan, add more salt (well, who knows - but these sea creatures always end up salted) and add oil! Ideally olive, but vegetable can also be used. By the way, it is due to oil that seafood retains its softness.
Next: cut the bell peppers (how many - I cut about four) into small, small cubes, and pickled cucumbers - also into the same cubes. All!
Serve to the table as follows - warm up until warm, pour over soy sauce.
Sea cocktail dish with vegetables
Ingredients: 1 kg sea cocktail, 1 carrot, 2 onions, 0.5 l milk, 50 g butter, 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, salt, pepper.
Finely chop the vegetables and fry in olive oil until medium cooked. Then add sea cocktail, milk, butter, mayonnaise and fry for 3-5 minutes over medium heat. Next add salt and pepper to taste. The seafood cocktail dish is ready. Fast and tasty!
Sea cocktail dish with cheese
Ingredients: seafood cocktail, cheese, olive oil, basil, salt.
Place the frozen sea cocktail in unsalted, almost boiling water and boil. Pour olive oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Place the sea cocktail there, add salt and fry, stirring occasionally. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, pour into the pan and mix everything. When the cheese has melted and fried a little, remove the pan from the stove and place the contents on a plate. Sprinkle with basil. The seafood cocktail dish with cheese is ready.
Pizza with sea cocktail
To prepare the dish you will need: seafood cocktail, cheese, olives, dried dill seeds, cloves, black peppercorns, mayonnaise, pizza dough.
Boil water, add salt, add 3 cloves, dried dill seeds, 5 black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves and 300-350 grams of sea cocktail. Take ready-made pizza dough (if you wish, you can make it yourself), grease it with mayonnaise and place a seafood cocktail mixed with mayonnaise on it. Sprinkle chopped olives and grated cheese on top and bake in the oven. After 20 minutes the dish is ready.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to cook small octopuses deliciously?

Answer from Suha[master]

Answer from Anastasia[guru]
- frozen octopus (can be live), any quantity
- sunflower or olive oil
- greens (parsley, dill, etc.)
- salt

Fried octopus recipe:

We go to the supermarket and buy frozen octopuses. They are not very big, so it is better to buy at least a couple of pieces per person. Next they need to be defrosted. If time is short, then we throw them in hot water and wait until they thaw.

In addition, you need to cut off his eyes and teeth. Usually frozen octopuses in the supermarket have their teeth already cut out.

Ideally, you should end up with a white octopus carcass. The tentacles do not need to be particularly cleaned. When they are fried they will crunch deliciously in your teeth.

Next, you need a frying pan into which you need to add sunflower or olive oil. We will fry octopus in it. You don’t need to fry it for long, literally 3-5 minutes. In order for the octopus to taste better, you need to salt it, pepper it, and add herbs. You can add other seasonings, it’s up to your choice and taste.

As soon as the octopus is fried, you can take it out and eat it :-). I recommend wrapping the octopus in a pancake or pita bread. It will be tastier this way, because octopus meat itself is quite tasteless.

Answer from Victor[guru]
You will need
For the first recipe:
- octopuses;
- carrot;
- onion;
- garlic;
- butter;
- tomato paste;
- basil;
- mint;
- salt;
- pepper;
- oregano;
- olives;
- canned green pea;
- dry red wine.

For the second recipe:
- octopuses;
- Red onion;
- vinegar;
- salt;
- oyster sauce;
- pepper;
- olive oil;
- Cherry tomatoes.

For the third recipe:
- octopuses;
- onion;
- salad;
- tomato;
- olive oil;
- lemon;
- sea salt.
To make the stew, take 750 grams of young octopus, gut it and cut into small pieces. Grate one carrot on a coarse grater. Peel three onions and chop into cubes. And then chop three cloves of garlic. Heat a frying pan and melt 40 grams of butter in it. Fry the onion and garlic for 2 minutes. Add the octopus and fry over low heat for another 5 minutes. Place the carrots in the pan and mix all the ingredients with two tablespoons of tomato paste. Season with basil, mint, salt, pepper and oregano to taste. Cut 10 olives into slices and add to the octopus, and also add the contents of one can of canned green peas. Pour everything over with one glass of dry red wine and simmer for an hour over medium heat. Serve spaghetti as a side dish.

Bake octopus with oyster sauce. First you need to prepare the pickled onions. Cut 5 heads of red onion into thin rings, scald and dip for one hour in a solution prepared from 4 tablespoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of salt and a glass of water. Take a kilo of octopus and remove all the entrails, eyes and ink sacs. Boil a pot of water and immerse each octopus in it for half a minute. Then peel off any darkened skin and films. Wrap the octopuses in cling film and pound with a kitchen hammer. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Line a baking sheet with foil and place the octopuses on it. Bake for 10 minutes and then drain any pan juices. Coat each octopus with oyster sauce and pepper. Increase the oven temperature to 250 degrees Celsius and cook for another 10 minutes. Place the finished octopuses on a plate, pour olive oil over them, garnish with cherry tomatoes and place pickled onions on top.

Prepare a salad from young octopuses. To do this, boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan and add 100 grams of dry red wine. Place 500 grams of gutted octopus in it and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Then cool, remove the skin and cut into small pieces. Shred one onion strips, cut 80 grams of lettuce leaves and chop one large tomato into small cubes. Combine all ingredients, season with olive oil and juice of half a lemon, sprinkle sea ​​salt taste. Mix everything thoroughly and garnish the salad with thin slices of lemon.

Boiled octopus meat is a tasty and easy-to-prepare delicacy that can easily be made at home (for example, for a salad), but the main thing is to know how to cook it correctly so that the meat turns out tasty and soft. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how and how much to cook octopus in a pan at home.

The cooking time for octopus depends on its size and whether it is boiled whole or just the tentacles. Let's take a closer look at how long to cook octopus in a pan on the stove:

  • How long does it take to cook fresh octopus? Fresh large-sized octopus (on average more than 3 kg) is cooked for at least 60 minutes, and medium-sized octopus for 25-30 minutes.
  • How long does it take to cook octopus tentacles? Octopus tentacles need to be cooked for 7-10 minutes until cooked.
  • How long to cook baby octopuses? Small octopuses can be cooked 5-10 minutes before they are ready.
  • How long does it take to cook frozen octopus? Frozen octopuses are cooked the same amount as fresh ones (if they are not large), it is better to defrost large specimens first.

Note: depending on the purpose of cooking octopus, it is better to give preference to small specimens, as they are faster to cook and the meat is more tender (the meat of large octopuses must be beaten before cooking to make it softer).

Having found out how many minutes to cook the octopus until cooked, we will further consider the process of cooking it in order to know how to cook it so that the meat is soft and completely cooked.

How to cook octopus in a pan

  • Ingredients: fresh octopus, water, salt.
  • Total cooking time: 40 minutes, preparation time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Calorie content: 164 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: European. Type of dish: seafood. Number of servings: 2.

Cooking fresh octopus is not a complicated process, the main thing is to do everything sequentially, from preparing it for cooking and ending with the cooking itself (it is important to cook over medium heat in a small amount of water). Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly cook octopus in a pan:

  • If the octopus has been frozen, it must be thawed in advance (applies to medium-sized and big size), while it is better to defrost in the general section of the refrigerator or at room temperature.
  • Thawed or fresh octopus must be prepared for cooking: cut off part of the head, cut out the beak and eyes, as well as the ink section and giblets, then rinse thoroughly in cold water from mucus.
  • Into the pan suitable size pour in cold water (so that it covers the octopus carcass by 1-2 cm) and bring to a boil over high heat.
  • Place the prepared octopus in boiling water, wait for the water to boil again, reduce the heat (the water should boil slightly) and cook it under the lid for 25 to 60 minutes (depending on the size of the individual).
  • 5 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the water to taste.
  • At the end of cooking, check the octopus for readiness, remove the pan from the heat and let the carcass cool in the water so that the meat is more tender and juicy.

Note: the readiness of octopus meat can be easily checked with a toothpick; if it is easily pierced, it means it is cooked.

How to cook frozen baby octopuses

Unlike large octopus, small (baby) octopuses are even easier to cook, and if they are frozen, they do not need to be defrosted before cooking (the cooking time does not change). Let's take a closer look at how to cook small frozen octopuses in a pan:

  • Pour cold water into the pan, add salt to taste and bring to a boil over high heat.
  • Carefully immerse the frozen small octopuses in boiling water, wait until the water boils again, then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook the octopuses for 5-10 minutes (on average 7 minutes).
  • Leave the pan with the finished boiled octopuses off the heat and let them cool in the water for 15-20 minutes, after which we drain the water and use them to prepare other dishes.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how long and how to cook octopuses, you can quickly and tasty cook them at home for use in many seafood dishes. Your feedback and useful tips how to cook soft octopus in a pan, leave it in the comments to the article and share it in in social networks, if it was useful to you.

Octopus has long been no longer just a restaurant dish. It can be purchased at any store and prepared at home. Octopuses are the most intellectually developed mollusks. They have no bones and their brain is shaped like a donut. Mollusk blood has Blue colour because of large quantity copper in its composition. And yet, many gourmets prefer to cook octopus at home, loving it for its interesting and unusual taste.

Preparing Ingredients

For cooking delicious dish, it is important to choose the right ingredients. When choosing seafood, you need to take into account some nuances.

  • If you have a great desire to enjoy the delicate taste of shellfish, then you should choose a live product. In this case, most likely, you will need to spend money on cutting up the octopus.
  • Frozen carcasses are most often sold already cut and cook much faster than fresh ones.
  • Worth paying Special attention the size of the mollusk. Small individuals have more tender and tasty meat. Medium-sized individuals have more nutritious meat. Large specimens weighing more than 2 kilograms can taste like rubber.
  • Needs to be examined carefully appearance product. This is especially important when purchasing fresh shellfish. The carcass should be shiny and burgundy-brown in color, without bald spots.
  • It is worth learning to understand the smell of the product. Octopus smells quite peculiar, but it is not a repulsive smell. But in the case unpleasant odor rotten fish, it is best to refuse to purchase.
  • Small-sized individuals are mostly sold whole. Many experts recommend determining the freshness of shellfish by looking at the eyes. Transparent eyes indicate the freshness of the product. It is best not to buy a carcass that has black spots and torn skin. These characteristics indicate that the product is stale or that storage conditions are not met.

After the choice is made, it is necessary to properly prepare the product.

  • At the very beginning, you need to defrost the shellfish if it was not purchased fresh or chilled. This must be done in natural conditions.
  • The carcass is thoroughly cleaned of mucus under cold water.
  • It is not necessary to clean the shellfish for cooking. The skin of a mollusk is very difficult to remove and it is better to remove it after thermal exposure. This will significantly speed up the peeling process.
  • It is important to properly cut the shellfish carcass. This is necessary when purchasing a fresh product. First, the tentacles are cut off, and then the bottom of the head is cut off. In the head you can see a mouth hole that needs to be cut out. It is also better to remove the eyes.
  • It is important to rinse your head well from the inside and remove offal and ink from it. After this, you can turn your head out and repeat the procedure again.
  • If the mollusk has big sizes, then before starting cooking it is best to beat it off.

Cooking octopus is not difficult. The main thing is that it doesn’t turn out “rubbery”. To do this, it is important to use a special hammer. There is another option for preparing the dish. During the cooking process, it is important not to overcook the shellfish. Otherwise, this will lead to very tough meat.

During cooking, the octopus goes through several stages. You need to catch the moment when the mollusk has not become very hard. Some experts recommend throwing wine corks into the container during the cooking process.

Shellfish can be added to any first course that contains seafood. Many chefs like to fry cutlets from it. Shellfish complements legumes, vegetables and herbs perfectly. The required ingredients are soy sauce, olive oil and wine vinegar. In the east, shellfish are mostly boiled. It serves as an excellent base for cold appetizers.

Before you start cooking, the tentacles must be washed thoroughly. Then they are filled with cold water for several minutes. After the water boils, cook the seafood for no more than 5 minutes. Cooking time depends proportionally on the size of the octopus. Only after it has completely cooled can it be taken out and cooked according to the intended recipe.

In Japan, octopus is served with rice and spicy sauce, in China it is flavored with a huge number of different spices. In Portugal they cook octopus in batter, and in Italy it is added to first courses. Koreans eat octopus alive. In our country, it is most often added to cold snacks.

Shellfish, like other seafood, contains big amount protein and low in calories.

When preparing seafood, it is important to follow several rules.

  • The seafood should be lowered into boiling water gradually. This will make the meat softer and retain all its beneficial properties.
  • There is no need to add salt to the pan with octopus, this will make the meat tough. It is better to use a set of your favorite spices, but not to overuse them.
  • When preparing a large specimen, you need to beat it a little. Defrosting it naturally at room temperature will help make the meat softer.
  • In order to quickly and easily remove the skin, you need to rinse the clam with cold water after boiling.
  • If for some reason the time frame was not met and the meat became tough, then you should continue to cook the meat for about 60 minutes. This technique will make the meat soft again, but the octopus will lose all its beneficial properties.


Octopus is a versatile product that can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. It is easy to prepare at home, the main thing is to follow all the cooking technology and the amount of ingredients. Octopuses can be marinated, fried, smoked. They can be cooked in oil, in batter, or fried into cutlets. Exist interesting recipes cooking octopus in Galician and Greek. Some people use canned shellfish in their recipes. If you cook at home, it is better to use young octopuses. Their meat has a softer and fresher taste.

For a seafood product to turn out delicious, you need to follow all technological process preparations. It is better for young housewives to use step by step recipe preparing dishes from this product. You can cook octopus in any convenient way.

In a frying pan

All lovers of Mediterranean cuisine will love the taste of clams with lemon and garlic.

  • Boiled tentacles of a young octopus are laid out in a frying pan heated with oil. They need to be fried until golden brown on each side.
  • Next, lemon zest, salt and garlic are added to the clam. All ingredients are mixed and fried in a frying pan for a minute. Then you can place the octopus on a dish and pour it over lemon juice and sprinkle with herbs.

True gourmets will appreciate the wonderful combination of aromas and flavors of fried octopus with vegetables and herbs.

  • Prepared and boiled octopus should cool in water.
  • In the meantime, you can start preparing the salad. Tomato, garlic and green onions finely chopped.
  • The cooled octopus is cut into small pieces and fried in a frying pan until golden brown.
  • Once the clam is fried, you can mix it with chopped vegetables. The dish is seasoned with wine vinegar, spices and olive oil.

For lovers of Asian dishes, an excellent solution would be to cook octopus with spicy sauce.

  • Boiled octopus should be cut into rings and strips no more than 5 mm thick.
  • Place finely chopped garlic on a heated frying pan. It is fried until a garlic aroma appears. Add red onion cut into rings. The onion should be fried until it becomes soft.
  • Then pour thinly sliced ​​ginger and chili pepper into the frying pan and pour in rice vinegar. Afterwards, soy sauce is added to the dish and all ingredients continue to be fried in a frying pan for about 2 minutes.
  • Boiled octopus is added to the onions and spices. You need to fry for about 10 minutes, stirring thoroughly. The dish can be eaten hot or cold.

Among gourmets, a dish of fried octopus and artichoke in tomato-mint sauce is popular.

  • The artichoke is thoroughly cleaned, and all sections are covered with lemon juice. Then it is placed in a container with cold water. Carrots and peeled tomatoes should be finely chopped. At the last moment, the artichoke is also finely chopped.
  • The artichoke is fried in a small frying pan in olive oil. A few drops of lemon juice are added to it. After 5 minutes, carrots, tomatoes, thyme, garlic and octopus tentacles are added to the pan.
  • Blend the tomato and mint in a blender until smooth. Place 2 spoons of vegetable mixture and octopus tentacles on a serving plate. The dish is poured over the top a small amount sauce and garnished with a mint leaf.

In the oven

Portuguese-style octopus with potatoes is very tasty.

  • Cooked and cooled octopus is placed in a baking dish on a layer of onion and garlic. It is best to use medium-sized seafood.
  • Jacket potatoes are boiled and then thoroughly dried with a paper towel.
  • The finished potatoes should be put under a small press so that they are slightly flattened and cracked.
  • Potatoes are placed in the mold for the octopus. The dish needs to be salted, peppered, added olive oil and sprinkled with a little herbs.
  • The baking dish goes into the preheated oven. The dish needs to be cooked for at least 40 minutes. It’s good if the oven has a grill or fan mode. This will create a beautiful crust on potatoes and seafood.
  • The hot dish is served on portioned plates and sprinkled with fresh parsley on top.

Another interesting way seafood preparation came to our country from Spain. The boiled clam is baked in the oven for about 30 minutes. It is then fried for 5 minutes. This technique creates a crispy crust on the shellfish. It is laid out on lemon slices and sweet and sour sauce is poured on top. You can prepare it yourself or buy it ready-made. This sauce can be prepared at home from ground ginger, sugar, ketchup, water, garlic and apple cider vinegar.

On the grill

Cooked for fresh air Octopus is an excellent appetizer and a real decoration for the summer table. It is important to defrost the shellfish and rinse it. After the clam is cooked, it must be cooled. Then it should be generously seasoned with salt, olive oil, a mixture of peppers, oregano, garlic and fresh parsley. Octopus cooks very quickly on the grill. Just a few minutes are enough to fry it on all sides. The finished seafood can be served separately or together with grilled vegetables and your favorite herbs.

An original treat in nature will be octopus kebab. To prepare it, you need to divide the boiled clam into tentacles. The shellfish is rubbed with classic spices and marinated in this composition for about 30 minutes. It is important to use medium sized tentacles. Small ones will quickly burn out on the grill, but large ones will not cook through.

There is no need to cover the octopus with lemon, as this may make it bitter. Just a few drops are enough. After 30 minutes, the clam is cleared of garlic and threaded onto skewers. Each side should be fried for about 4 minutes. The readiness of the dish is checked by cutting the thickest part of the tentacle. At first, it is best to lay out the octopus with the tentacles facing up, this will allow it to fry better.

Then you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, mix oil, mustard, soy sauce and finely chopped parsley. Arugula is laid out on a large dish, and octopus kebab is placed on it. The sauce is served in portioned bowls.

How to properly cook octopus at home in a pan, see the following video.

The recipe for “lazy” octopus was recently suggested to me by a Russian-speaking resident of Cyprus. It is incredibly simple and ingenious at the same time!

You just need to wrap the octopus in foil, season it with spices and bake it in the oven. All! During baking, the octopus will release juice, in which it is destined to cook for the next hour and a half, and the result of such cooking will be simply magnificent.

Octopus prepared in this way turns out incredibly aromatic and tender, its meat literally melts in your mouth! There is no trace of the “rubberiness” for which some condemn and dislike this representative of the cephalopod order. And most importantly, the “lazy” octopus has no chance of disappointing those in need. Neither during preparation for baking (even a child can handle it), nor after. I recommend it with all my heart!

You will need:

- 1 octopus (800-1000 g)
- 1 onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1-2 bay leaves
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 50 ml. dry red wine
- freshly ground black pepper
- aluminium foil

1. Rinse and dry the octopus well. Sprinkle it with freshly ground black pepper and under no circumstances add salt! (believe me, the octopus has enough salt of its own).

2. Place several sheets of foil overlapping each other on a baking sheet, which will allow you to form a dense cocoon around the octopus, not allowing a drop of juice to escape, in which the octopus will cook.

3. Place the octopus in the center of the foil piece, add an onion cut into 4 parts, 2 cloves of garlic (you can whole it, or you can chop it if you want a more pronounced garlic flavor), bay leaf and 50 ml. dry red wine.

4. Wrap sheets of foil around the octopus, forming something like an “onion” out of them (see photo). It is very important that there are no leaks in this “onion”, otherwise our octopus, instead of slowly cooking in its own juices, will simply slowly dry out.

5. Preheat the oven to 200 C and place our octopus wrapped in foil there. Bake for 30 minutes at 200 C, and then reduce the temperature to 180 C and cook for another 60-70 minutes (the larger the octopus, the longer it will take to cook).

6. Check the readiness of the octopus after the specified time with a regular toothpick. It should enter the octopus easily and without obstacles, like butter. If you can “prick” the octopus with one slight movement of your hand, then the octopus is ready!

7. Remove the octopus from the oven and let it cool a little (this step is the most difficult, because there is no strength to wait, the kitchen is full of delicious smells and you really want to eat it!).

After this, the octopus can be served with a light vegetable salad and a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice, fry the octopus tentacles on the grill, or make an octopus salad with potatoes. There are a lot of options!

Bon appetit!

Seafood is very tasty and extremely healthy, but it is too troublesome. Seafood lovers find different ways enjoy: in a restaurant, at a resort or at big holidays. But there is a special category of culinary experts who strive at all costs to reproduce a chef’s culinary masterpiece at home. They know special markets where they can buy the freshest mussels and lobsters, they are personally acquainted with the sellers and even the fishermen who regularly supply them with raw materials for the next exotic recipe.

Unfortunately, if the distance from your home to the nearest body of salt water is more than 500 km, then most of these delicacies are sold frozen. You can complain for a long time about their loss of taste and other inherent qualities, but this will not change the circumstances. Therefore, if you cannot imagine your diet without seafood, you will either have to move closer to the coast, or learn how to handle such semi-finished products. Most likely, you can handle mussels and squid carcasses with or without an ice glaze, so we suggest you learn how to properly cook frozen octopus so that it turns out tasty and not tough.

Features of cooking octopus
Octopus is featured in the cookbooks of many maritime nations, from Asia to the Mediterranean to Hawaii. Cooking techniques depend on traditions national cuisines. The Japanese eat fresh and even live octopuses, boil them in soup and add them to rice and, of course, in the form of sushi. Greeks bake in the oven and grill, fry and serve with olive oil and aromatic herbs. Regardless of the recipe, the meat of these cephalopods remains tender and rich in vitamins and microelements.

The only exception is recipes from the Far Eastern regions of Russia, where they are accustomed to drying octopuses and soaking them in salty brine. But as a snack for light beers, this product also has many fans. The only drawback that can ruin all the pleasure from this delicacy is careless processing of the carcass, after which ink and mucus remain. By purchasing prepared and frozen octopus, you are protected from these troubles.

Frozen octopus recipes
Almost all the same dishes can be prepared from frozen octopus as from freshly caught shellfish. You can try to preserve their natural taste as much as possible, minimizing heat treatment, or you can cook them in batter, grind them into minced meat or fry octopus cutlets. Octopus meat is an almost universal raw material. The only difference is that you will have to tinker with proper defrosting.

Take a bowl or basin of suitable volume, place frozen octopus without packaging on the bottom and leave at room temperature. Do not try to speed up the process by pouring warm water or placing an icy carcass under the tap. You may come across advice to put the octopus in boiling water without first defrosting it - then it will thaw right during the cooking process. But this method is more suitable for experienced chefs who have deep knowledge of exact time cooking

Once the ice has turned to water and the octopuses are tender, drain the liquid through a colander, pat dry with paper towels, and begin cooking one of these recipes:

  1. Boiled octopus. The easiest way to cook octopus as a meat component for lunch or for later use in more complex dishes. However, even here many nuances must be observed. Firstly, under no circumstances should the water be salted so that the mollusk does not acquire a “rubber” density. Secondly, you only need to dip the carcass into already boiling water, and immerse the octopus in it completely, tentacles first. Hold it by the head, and when you see that the legs are curled from the heat, lower the octopus completely into boiling water. Thirdly, have a timer so as not to overcook the shellfish: after 7-10 minutes the meat becomes too tough, so take it out a little earlier (the cooking time should ultimately be 5-6 minutes). However, if the moment is still missed, there is a way to correct the situation: leave the octopus to cook now much longer, and in about an hour it will soften again and become suitable for chewing.
  2. Octopus in tomato sauce. Take 1 kg frozen octopus, 4 ripe tomatoes and 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 large cloves of garlic, half a chili pepper, a bunch of fresh parsley, a quarter of a lemon, salt and ground black pepper. Fry finely chopped garlic and seedless peppers in oil in a thick-walled duck pot or cauldron. Add tomato paste, chopped tomatoes without skins and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Stir the sauce regularly. Place the defrosted octopuses in the thickened sauce and stir, add ground pepper and a little salt. Monitor the condition of the tentacles - they will signal that the dish is ready by curling into dense lumps. Now put out the fire, put finely grated zest and parsley leaves into the pan. After 5-10 minutes, when the dish is covered, it can be served with a side dish of rice or baked vegetables.
  3. Octopus with beans. To prepare this completely independent dish you will need a 2 kilogram octopus, a glass of dry beans, 2 large bulbs, 3 medium carrots, half a head of garlic, half a glass of dry white wine, a little lard or butter, 7 tablespoons of olive oil, a bunch of fresh herbs, salt and ground pepper (you can use white or a mixture of peppers). Pre-soak clean beans in cold water. While it swells, place the thawed octopus carcass in a pan of boiling water, adding a whole peeled onion and 1 spoon vegetable oil. Cook the soaked beans in a second pan. The octopus is cooked for 6 minutes, the beans for about an hour. Prepare a third pan or saucepan, fry chopped garlic, carrot slices and onion rings in oil or lard. When the onions are browned, pour the wine and remaining olive oil into the vegetables and bring to a boil. Cut the boiled octopus into equal pieces and at the same time place the beans in the pan with the sauce. Add salt, add a pinch of pepper, stir and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.
In addition to these detailed recipes, you can experiment by adding boiled shellfish to salads and cereals, or cooking in a simple saucepan or pressure cooker. If you do not salt the octopus during cooking and do not exceed the cooking time, the meat will be tasty in any combination and type of serving.