Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Long-term project “My family is my joy! Long-term project for the senior group "my family"

Long-term project “My family is my joy! Long-term project for the senior group "my family"

Project type:

informational and creative, group.

Project participants:

children, group teachers, parents


individual, group, subgroup, independent work.


Long-term (2 years)

Children's age:

Senior group from 5-6 years old.

Implementation of this project: carried out through integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Reading” fiction", "Communication", "Security", " Physical Culture", "Health", "Labor", "Artistic creativity", "Music".


As you know, a game is a specific, objectively developing abilities, activity that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teach them various actions, methods and means of communication.

Much has been said and written about the fact that play is necessary for the full development of a child. Children must play. The game captivates children, makes their life more diverse and richer.

Participation in games makes it easier for children to get closer to each other, helps them find mutual language, facilitates learning in the classroom kindergarten and prepares for the mental work required for school.

The game is pretty effective means formation of such qualities as organization, self-control, attention. Its rules, mandatory for everyone, regulate the behavior of children and limit their impulsiveness.

The role of play, unfortunately, is underestimated by some parents. They think that playing games takes a lot of time. It is better to let the child sit in front of the TV or computer screen, listening to recorded fairy tales. Moreover, in the game he can break something, tear it, get it dirty, then clean up after him. Playing is a waste of time.

And for a child, play is a way of self-realization. In the game, he can become what he dreams of being in real life: a doctor, driver, pilot, etc. In the game, he acquires new knowledge and refines his existing knowledge, activates his vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, ability to yield. The game develops an attitude towards people and life. The positive attitude of games helps to maintain a cheerful mood.

This problem can only be solved through joint work between the preschool educational institution and the family.

We developed our own technology for involving parents in joint work and identified ways to solve the problem: an educational and gaming project.


The novelty of this project lies in the involvement of parents in this problem in order to teach them to communicate and play with children, while simultaneously solving the problem of being a partner for children.

To help parents see kindergarten employees as helpers, allies, and colleagues in solving educational problems.

All the provided activities solve the problems of training and education of preschool children and ensure personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child.

During the implementation of the project, almost all participants in the educational process and specialists from preschool educational institutions are involved: that is, an integrative connection can be traced between everything educational process.

Objective of the project:

Creating conditions for optimal work of preschool educational institutions and families in the formation of the social and personal competence of a preschooler, manifested in the totality of the child’s relationships to the world, to himself, to adults through joint creative play activities of children.

Tasks for the preparation and implementation of the “Family and Play” project:

*Initial examination of children to determine the relevance of the topic, how high is the need to address the problem.

*Conduct a survey among parents on the problem, invite parents to participate in the implementation of the project.

*Select methodological and information materials for working with children, for working with parents.

*Make a long-term plan for working with children and parents.

*Enrich in subject matter - spatial environment didactic, teaching materials on the topic of the project.

* Organize parent-child cooperation in various activities

Tasks for working with parents:

* To interest parents in the relevance of this topic, making them like-minded people in the implementation of this project;

MKDOU kindergarten No. 7 combined type Rossoshi

Project on spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

"Traditions of the Russian people."

Teachers: Timchenko M.S., Uvarova T.V., Katunina G.V., Rybalka T.I.

2016-2017 academic year year.

Traditions of the Russian people .

Project implementation period– 1 year (September 2016 – September 2017).

Project type- practice-oriented (applied). The project is focused on the spiritual and moral development of participants in the educational process.

Project hypothesis:

The use by teachers and parents of MKDOU d/s No. 7 of a combined type of means and images of oral works folk art(proverbs and sayings), fiction in the classroom and Everyday life, familiarization with the culture of the country and native land will contribute to the development of the spiritual and moral consciousness of children preschool age and their socialization.

Objective of the project:

to develop and test a model for educating preschoolers through introducing children to Russian national culture, aimed at developing the spiritual and moral personality of preschoolers and developing a high patriotic consciousness among students.

Project implementation objectives:

Integrating the content of spiritual and moral education into children’s play and creative activities;

Formation of spiritual and moral feelings based on studying the culture of the country and native land;

Enriching children's vocabulary in the process of spiritual and moral education and dialogical communication;

Education of a spiritual and moral personality with an active life position, the ability to excel and harmoniously interact with other people;

Fostering interest and love for Russian national culture, folk art, customs, traditions, rituals, folk calendar, to folk games;

Formation in pupils of self-esteem as a representative of their people and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities;

Creating conditions for the implementation of the main directions of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education, achieving the targets of preschool education.

Relevance of the project

The problem of spiritual and moral education of the growing generation has always been relevant. Spiritual and moral education is the formation of a value-based attitude to life that ensures sustainable, harmonious development of a person, including the cultivation of a sense of duty, justice, responsibility and other qualities that can give high meaning to a person’s deeds and thoughts.

Modern Russian society is acutely experiencing a crisis of spiritual and moral ideals. Today, each of us understands the need for the revival and development of the spiritual traditions of our Fatherland.

Issues of spiritual and moral education are enshrined in the Laws Russian Federation“On Education” and “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”, the problem of spiritual and moral education is also reflected in the Concept of Education Modernization.

In this regard, the key role of the kindergarten is to create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of the spiritual and moral potential of preschool children through the harmonious construction of an integral pedagogical process in a preschool institution based on the cultural values ​​of the native land.

In preschool age, the foundations of personality are laid; It is preschool childhood, which is characterized by an emotional and sensory perception of reality, that is favorable for moral and aesthetic education. It is during this period that a rapid accumulation of life experience occurs: moral, social, spiritual. In the first 7 years of life, a person acquires as much as he cannot acquire in his entire subsequent life, and omissions at this age are not made up for later. It is this age that cannot be missed for the formation of ideas about good and evil, about moral standards and moral standards of behavior and relationships.

Currently, there is a shift in emphasis in the development of children towards early intellectualization, which does not contribute to spiritual development. In the pursuit of the development of the intellect, the education of the soul, moral and spiritual development a little person, without whom all accumulated knowledge may be useless. And as a result of this - emotional, volitional and spiritual immaturity.

Without knowing your roots, the traditions of your people, you cannot raise a full-fledged person. Getting to know the traditions and customs of the Russian people helps to cultivate a love for history, the culture of the Russian people, and helps preserve the past. Therefore, children’s knowledge of folk culture, Russian folk art, folklore has a positive effect on aesthetic development children, reveals the creative abilities of each child, forms a common spiritual culture.

Properly organized upbringing and the process of a child’s assimilation of the experience of social life, the formed condition for the preschooler’s active knowledge of the social reality around him is of decisive importance in the formation of the foundations of personality.

From the first years of a child’s life, introducing him to culture, universal human values help to lay the foundation of morality, patriotism, and form the foundations of self-awareness and individuality.

Special attention in the activities of MKDOU d/s No. 7 of the combined type, the focus is on strengthening ties with parents. Joint participation in creative activities helps unite the family and fill its leisure time with new content. Creating conditions for joint creative activity, the combination of individual and collective creativity of children and parents contributes to the unity of teachers, parents and children, which forms a positive attitude towards each other.

Great place Folk holidays and traditions should be an important part of introducing children to folk culture. This is where the subtlest observations of characteristic features seasons, weather changes, behavior of birds, insects, plants. Moreover, these observations are directly related to labor and various aspects of human social life in all their integrity and diversity.

To successfully get acquainted with traditional folk holidays, it is necessary to give children an idea of ​​the culture of the people, introduce them to traditions and folk rituals, which forms positive values ​​in children. Also, in preschool age, it is necessary to develop in children a sense of tolerance and respect for other peoples and their traditions.

The intensity of the national holiday and games with creative improvisations and surprise moments stimulates the interest of children, enhances their impressions and experiences, and enriches artistic and aesthetic perception. And most importantly, it ensures the natural familiarization of children with national traditions, affirms fundamental, spiritual and aesthetic values.

Innovative focus of the project

consists of changing approaches to the content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process. Project and research activities are associated with developmental, personality-oriented learning. Projects allow you to integrate information from different areas of knowledge to solve one problem and apply it in practice.

Developed application system design method has a positive impact on the development of preschool children's sustainable interest in Russian folk culture.

Novelty of the project

The project is focused on the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education that has entered into force in accordance with the content of psychological and pedagogical work on children’s mastery of educational areas, therefore the work in in this direction ensures an improvement in the quality of education of preschool children by developing competencies in the areas of the program implemented in the preschool educational institution, as an indicator of readiness for learning at school through the activation research activities children based on the project method.

Expected results of the project implementation.

for children:

Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child and creating internal prerequisites for further personal development;

Awakening interest in the history and culture of one’s homeland, love for native land;

Formation of feelings of national dignity;

Development of the child’s social competencies in a team and in communication with each other;

for teachers:

Improving the competence of teaching staff educational institution in matters of spiritual and moral education of preschool children, selection of the content of preschool education, improving the quality of teaching work;

Combining the efforts of teachers and parents in organizing work to introduce Russian national culture.

Development of comprehensive thematic planning of the educational process for spiritual and moral education.

for parents:

Implementation of the preferential right of parents in the development and upbringing of their children;

Consolidation and implementation of initiatives of socially active parents in the field of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of children;

Creation of a system of social partnership between preschool educational institutions and families in matters of spiritual and moral education of children;

Project participants

- musical director;
- children aged 4 to 6 years;
- parents (legal representatives);
- social partners (exhibition hall, library, art school).

Project implementation mechanisms.

Active interaction of all participants in the educational process;

Formation of a partnership community of employees of MKDOU d/s No. 7 of a combined type, children and parents in the process of organizing work on spiritual and moral education.

Interaction of the child-parent and teaching staff of MKDOU d/s No. 7 of a combined type with the educational and cultural structures of the city.

Project implementation methods.

1.Visually effective method:

Showing fairy tales (by teacher, children);

Examination of book illustrations and reproductions;

Conducting didactic and musical-didactic games;


Teacher reading fiction;

Embodying children's impressions in creative manifestations;
- excursions, targeted walks.

2. Verbal-figurative method:

Reading and acting out literary works teacher;

Making and guessing riddles;

Examination of visual material;

Children's stories about their impressions;

Conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing the stories of the teacher;
- reading fairy tales and poems by children, the teacher, followed by dramatization;

Answers to questions from the teacher and children;
- conducting a variety of games (sedentary, role-playing, didactic, dramatization games, etc.);
- messages additional material teacher;

Children's stories based on diagrams, illustrations, modeling fairy tales;
- analysis of everyday situations;
- holding quizzes, competitions, themed evenings.

3.Practical method:

Organization of productive activities: drawing, modeling, appliqué.

Holding games: with building material(“Steps to the Temple”), didactic (“Good and bad deeds”), active (“Help Grandpa”), sedentary (“Mirilka”), etc.;
- making dolls for fairy tales;
- organizing the production of plays, fairy tales, literary works;
- conducting excursions of various directions;
- organizing evenings with parents, for parents;
- making visual aids with children;
- organization of productive activities: fine arts (impressions after the holiday), manual labor (Star of Bethlehem, Angel, Easter souvenir.)

Main project activities.

Stages of implementation of the project “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children. Traditions of the Russian people."

Activities for the spiritual and moral education of preschool children are built taking into account the following principles:

1. Accessibility - the content of the material is presented to children in an accessible and attractive form;
2. Humanism - the child is an active subject of joint activities with the teacher, based on cooperation, democratic and creative principles;
3. Activity - the knowledge that a child acquires during the learning process becomes the basis for the formation of motivation for his participation in various feasible activities;
4. Integration - the implementation of tasks occurs through cognitive, visual, productive activities: a combination of training and spiritual and moral education in aesthetic, intellectual, physical development and labor education;

5. Consistency - the principle of consistency presupposes the continuity of programs, the consistent assimilation of knowledge, the acquisition of skills, when each

the subsequent emerging idea or concept follows from the previous one and is based on it.

6. Continuity and continuity of education in the family and preschool educational institutions based on cooperation (so that they do not replace, but complement).

Resources required to start the project:

    Providing logistical conditions (decoration of the group, music hall);

    Selection of literature on the topic; works of Russian folk art; visual material (illustrations, photographs, reproductions);

    Preparation of material for productive activities;

    A selection of outdoor, didactic games,

    Using a multimedia complex and presentations for classes.

Project implementation schedule.

1. Diagnosis of children’s knowledge about spiritual and moral values.
2. Questioning parents about spiritual and moral education in the family and the direction of the educational process in an educational institution.

3. Making folders: “ National holidays", "Russian folk games",

“Games in a Russian hut”, “Small folklore”, “Characters of Russian fairy tales”, “Russian folk clothes”, “Russian headdress”, “Folk toy”, “Favorite fairy tale”, “Gzhel”, “Khokhloma”.

4. Consultations for teachers “Children’s poetic folklore”, “Folklore and its importance in raising children”.

5. Entertainment for preschoolers “Semyonov Day - Flies Holiday.”


1. Educational lesson for older preschoolers “Visiting grandma for pancakes”;

2. Introducing children to folk arts and crafts in classes visual arts: "Gzhel"; "Khokhloma"; "Dymkovo toys"; "Zhostovo"; "Gorodets"

3. Competition for students and parents “Family tree and family coat of arms.”

4. Osininy – autumn fair (entertainment and exhibition of works made from vegetables).


1. Conducting a comprehensive thematic lesson “Dishes yesterday and today”;

2. Cabbage parties (fun for preschoolers);

3.Milk Festival ( open event for parents and children),


1. Consultations for teachers “Features of patriotic education of preschoolers”;

2. Introducing children to folk and applied arts: “Gzhel”; “Khokhloma”; "Dymkovo toys"; "Zhostovo"; "Gorodets"

3. Conversation “How I congratulate my family on the holiday.”

4.Organization of the competition creative works"What's happened New Year».

5. Visual activity on the topic: “Draw New Year's fairy tale».

6. Thematic entertainment for older preschoolers “Carols”.


1. “Matryoshka has a birthday” (lesson to introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture)

2. Reading and discussing literary works about Christmas, learning poems.
3. Entertainment "Christmas Holiday".

4. Manual labor lesson on the topic: “Angel”, “Christmas cards”.
5. Exhibition of children's works "Christmas Card".


1. Introducing children to folk and applied arts: “Gzhel”; “Khokhloma”; "Dymkovo toys"; "Zhostovo"; "Gorodets"

    Conducting a comprehensive thematic lesson “How they worked and rested in Rus', or Gatherings in the upper room.”
    3. Reading followed by discussion of literary works about winter and spring.

4. Design of the photo album “Our Holidays”.

5. Conversations about traditional cuisine V Orthodox holidays.

6. Cow holiday - Vlasiev day (entertainment).


1. Conducting complex thematic classes: “In the sun it’s warm, in the presence of mother it’s good”

2. Consultations for teachers “On the system of work in kindergarten to familiarize children with the origins of Russian folk culture”;

3. Entertainment “Maslenitsa”. Puppet show-Fairy tale “Adventures on Maslenitsa”
4. Visual activity on the theme: “Maslenitsa has come to us.”


1. “Gatherings” - Palm Sunday(entertainment for preschoolers).
2.Entertainment "Easter". Puppet show - Fairy tale "Easter story".

3. Competition for parents “Easter card. Easter souvenir."
4. GCD on manual labor on the topic: “Pysanka”, “Easter card”.
5. Reading literary works, learning poems about Easter and spring.

6. “What is Easter? "- a lesson to familiarize yourself with the world around you. (Conversation about the history, traditions and customs of the holiday. Examination and discussion of illustrations).

7. Fine art lesson “Decorating” Easter Egg».

8. Introducing children to folk and applied arts:

“Gzhel”; “Khokhloma”; "Dymkovo toys"; “Gesture”; “Gorodets”.

1. Thematic entertainment “Feast of Folk Games”.

    Introducing children to folk and applied arts:

"Gzhel" "Khokhloma"; "Dymkovo toys"; “Gesture”; “Gorodets”

    Conducting a complex thematic lesson “Bee - golden belly”.
    4. Conversation-dispute “Good and bad deeds.”
    5. Conversation on the topic: “Summer holidays.”


1. Conducting a comprehensive thematic lesson “What kind of clothes were worn in Rus'.”
2. Entertainment “Trinity - the holiday of the Russian birch tree.”

3. Lesson on visual arts on the topic “Russian birch tree”.

1. Gatherings - tea drinking with parents “Our birthday boys”.

2. “I love the Russian birch tree” - a lesson to familiarize yourself with the outside world (shaping children’s interest in their native nature; generalizing knowledge about the birch tree; expanding children’s understanding of the image of the birch tree in poetry, music, works of fine art);

3. Conversations: “What do we know about trees and birch in particular ?»; "Healing basket."

4. Organization of an exhibition of children's works “Holidays”.

5. Final diagnostics. Parent survey. Analysis of diagnostics and questionnaires.

6. Publication on the website of MKDOU d/s No. 7 of a combined type: “Formation of spiritual and moral values ​​in children through introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture.”

Long-term project of interaction with children's parents

senior group

"My family"

(joint activities of kindergarten and family on

spiritual and moral education) .


Family and preschool- two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for comprehensive development.

As practice shows, and pedagogical research confirms, parents recognize the priority of a preschool institution in solving educational problems, but do not consider it necessary to participate in the pedagogical process. In turn, teachers underestimate the role of the family and do not strive to join forces with parents for the development and upbringing of children, therefore they do not properly establish feedback and do not fully use the influence of the family on the upbringing and development of the child.

In the preschool education system, family education is its beginning, core and crown. The knowledge and skills established by home education are the first steps to the heights high level children's culture. And here an important role is assigned to the preschool institution; a search for new relationships between the family and the preschool educational institution is required, namely cooperation, interaction, and trust. In addition, it is in preschool age that the child has a closer connection with his family and teacher than during the school period, which helps to most effectively influence not only the child, but also his family members. Since the upbringing, development and health of a child directly depends on the conditions in which he lives, grows, develops, what kind of people surround him and how the process of his upbringing is organized.

Unfortunately, at present in our country, for many reasons, the family ties, traditional family upbringing is becoming a thing of the past. Psychologists and teachers pay attention to the deterioration of the health of children, the increase in socially vulnerable families, socio-psychological anxiety and fatigue from the problems experienced by adults (including in connection with the ongoing stratification of society), loneliness (especially in single-parent families) and lack of mutual understanding, redistribution material and economic functions within the family (when the wife/mother becomes the source of financing for family members), construction difficulties family life against the backdrop of crises. Were highlighted and global problems: environmental; mental; local and regional wars; epidemics, drug addiction, alcoholism; scientific and technological progress leading to rapid obsolescence of knowledge, etc.

This process can and should be stopped by human preschool teachers who closely communicate with children and their parents.

In this regard, the issue of searching and implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most pressing today.


Involve parents in establishing rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions in the family, i.e. the need for the formation of family values.

To form and develop children’s skills in research and creative work together with teachers and parents.

To create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where relationships between adults and children are built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

Exercise children in showing compassion, caring, and attentiveness to family and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them.

Provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a variety of ways and freely, and have personal time to do what they love.

    Teach children to write a story about their family.

    Cultivate love and respect for your family members.

    Give an idea of ​​the concepts: “clan”, “parents”, “pedigree”, “family”, “relatives”, “relatives”.

    Give an idea of ​​Russian family traditions, family heirlooms, and the distribution of family responsibilities.

    Continue to develop cognitive abilities in children, actively include them in creative and exploratory activities.

    Expand your horizons and enrich yourself lexicon children in terms of family relationships, develop coherent speech.

    Strengthen child-parent relationships

Project implementation stages

Stage 1 -

Stage 2 -

Stage 3- generalizing (May)


    Exhibitions of children's creative works and a family living room in the kindergarten group were organized.

    The quality of the educational process has increased, the learning process has become more exciting and emotionally rich.

    A methodological piggy bank on this problem has been created.

    The level of parental activity in organizing joint activities to raise children has increased.

    Parents' confidence in their teaching capabilities has increased.

    The children have expanded their horizons. They developed an interest in family history, family traditions, and pedigree.

    The work also contributed to instilling a sense of pride in the family, love and respect for parents.

    The children became more friendly and acquired conflict-free communication skills.

Project presentation

Family living room: "Flower" family happiness».


Significant changes that have occurred over last years, and new problems associated with raising children have led to a rethinking of the essence of spiritual and moral education, its place and role in public life. Solving the problem of teaching the fundamentals of morality required new approaches to organizing the educational process. The spiritual and moral education of children is one of the important tasks of an educational institution. In the "Modernization Concept" Russian education“The most important goals of education are formulated: “Formation in children of civil responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, the ability for successful socialization and active adaptation in life.” Great importance The family has the ability to solve these problems; it is the family that is the source and mediating link in the transmission of socio-historical experience to the child. Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development personality of the child at an early age." Taking this into account, we can rightfully assume that the family was, is and will be the most important institution for spiritual education - moral qualities child. At preschool age, the formation of cultural and value orientations of the spiritual and moral basis of the child’s personality takes place, the development of his emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms of social adaptation in society, the process of national and cultural self-identification and self-awareness in the world around him begins. This period in a person’s life is the most favorable for emotional and psychological impact, since the images of perception of reality and cultural space are very vivid and strong and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime, which is very important in the education of patriotism. Analyzing the works of modern researchers (L.V. Kokueva, T.N. Antonova, T.T. Zubova, E.P. Arnautova, etc.), we can say that the formation of the foundations of patriotism covers a wider range of tasks: - formation spiritual and moral attitude and sense of belonging to one’s home, family, kindergarten, city (village), native nature, cultural heritage his people; - fostering love, respect for one’s nation, understanding one’s national characteristics, self-esteem as a representative of one’s people and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities - peers, their parents and people around them; - fostering a respectful attitude towards people, native land , symbolism, traditions and customs. All these tasks are important and relevant, but the priority for the formation of the foundations of patriotism, in our opinion, is the task of nurturing in a child love and affection for his home, family, family traditions and customs. Therefore, the task of an educational institution is to actualize the child’s sense of belonging with his family, clan, and relatives; provide an opportunity to understand the rules governing family relationships; initiate children's awareness of family values, traditions, and customs. Touching the history of your family evokes strong emotions in a child, makes you empathize, and attentively pay attention to the memory of the past, to your historical roots. Interaction with parents in this direction contributes to the formation of a caring attitude towards family values ​​and the preservation of family ties. Only the family can ensure the preservation of national traditions and customs, songs, sayings and commandments, and ensure the transmission to descendants of all the positive things that the family and people accumulate. It should be noted that nowadays people are interested in their genealogy, in the study of national, class, professional roots and their kind in different generations. Therefore, family study of their ancestry will help children begin to understand very important and deep postulates: - everyone’s roots are in the history and traditions of the family, their people, the past of the region and the country; - family is the unit of society, the custodian of national values. This contributes to the formation of the foundations of patriotism already in preschool age, the child learns behavioral models, the goals of life are realized and the foundation is laid for the success of the goal of education - the development of the child as an individual in whom the ideals of the people and the state are concentrated. Family values ​​are the principles on which our lives are based; they are the standards by which we judge what is right and what is wrong. Some values, such as kindness, politeness and honesty, are widely recognized as the most important, while others, such as punctuality and constancy, are less important to some people. Each person adheres to his own personal scale of values, characteristic only of him. Unfortunately, diagnostic results show that children do not have clear ideas about the concepts of “family” and “family members.” There is inaccurate knowledge of the history of one's clan and family. Families have not formed ideas about positive and negative actions as one of the family values, since there are families whose members are not happy with anything in the child’s behavior, there is no consistency between parents - the same actions cause their own reactions that do not coincide in meaning . Parents do not always listen to their children’s opinions, and there is a lack of trust and respect between family members. Family values ​​are underestimated, interest in studying and preserving family customs and traditions is unstable or absent. Preschoolers generally have fuzzy, unclear, unformed ideas about the family as a value, about the levels of family values. Many children cannot describe the importance of family for a person. Of course, not every parent is fully aware of the relevance of the problem under discussion and is unlikely to be familiar with the methods and means of solving it. The need to create and implement the “Family” project was determined by the above factors. The research problem is determined by the contradiction between the need to introduce children to family traditions and customs, increasing interest in family values ​​and the lack of pedagogical conditions, contributing to spiritual and moral education to the fullest.

PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE . Improving the quality of the educational process in spiritual and moral education through the organization of joint research activities of parents, children, and teachers. Creation of a methodological piggy bank for moral education. Activation and enrichment of parents' educational skills in introducing preschoolers to family traditions and values, maintaining their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. Creation of conditions in a kindergarten group for generalizing material on the formation of family values ​​in older preschoolers. Strengthening the connection between family and preschool educational institution. Forming in children an interest in their family, preserving family traditions and customs, instilling respect for family members.


It consists of developing content, methods and forms, which provides for the gradual organization of introducing children to family traditions, increasing interest in family values ​​and the participation of parents in joint events.

TARGET Formation of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual through the introduction of children to family traditions and values.


    To develop in children an interest in their family, preserving family traditions and customs, and instill respect for family members.

    Involve parents in establishing rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions in the family, i.e. the need for the formation of family values. To form and develop children’s skills in research and creative work together with teachers and parents.

    To create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where relationships between people (adults and children) are built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected.

    Encourage children to perform socially significant tasks, to good deeds for family, home, kindergarten.

    Exercise children in showing compassion, caring, and attentiveness to family and friends, friends and peers, to those who care about them. Provide children with the opportunity to express their interests in a variety of ways and freely, and have personal time to do what they love.

RESEARCH HYPOTHESES : we assume that the process of moral education will be more effective if: Form ideas about home, family traditions and a sense of belonging to them not only in the family, but also in the preschool educational institution. Moral education will be based on material that is close, understandable and emotionally significant for the child, taking into account the interaction of teachers and parents. Develop a system of cooperation between teachers and families. Children’s activities to form family values ​​are carried out systematically and systematically.

NOVELTY It consists in developing new strategic approaches to introduce children to family traditions, values ​​and interaction with the family on the spiritual and moral education of the child in conditions of the preschool educational institution. Joint research activities of preschoolers, parents and teachers to study the history of family and clan contributes to the formation of patriotism, tolerance, cultural and value orientations, spiritual and moral development.


The problem of the individual’s relationship to traditions was considered in the works of L. V. Zagik, V. M. Ivanova, N. F. Vinogradova, T. M. Markova, O. L. Zvereva and others, in which data various interpretations preschoolers mastering traditions as part of the national, national culture. Family traditions were considered in line with psychological and pedagogical research in relation to specific topics scientific works:

Organization of interaction between children and elders in the family (T. A. Markova, S. P. Tishchenko), education of a value-based attitude towards old age (Yu. O. Galushchinskaya);

Familiarizing preschoolers with traditional holidays, introducing children to household, fostering interest in Russian traditional culture (E. S. Babunova, N. F. Vinogradova, L. V. Zagik, I. S. Khomyakova, N. A. Starodubova, etc.);

Recognition of the special role of parental authority, ethics of intra-family communication, lifestyle, style of intra-family relationships (V. M. Ivanova, L. A. Talanova, O. L. Zvereva, T. A. Repina);

The importance of organizing joint work with parents to educate children with moral-volitional, humane, civic qualities (V.V. Dubrova, N.F. Vinogradova, I.S. Khomyakova);

Application of works of folk art and art in family education (L. D. Vavilova, D. O. Dzintare).


The principle of child-centrism (at the center of creative activity is the student who shows his activity. He has wonderful opportunities realize yourself, feel success, demonstrate your capabilities).Principle of cooperation (in the process of working on the project, there is extensive interaction between students and teachers, with parents and among themselves).The principle of relying on the subjective experience of students (everyone, working on a mini-project, has good opportunities use what he already has own experience and knowledge).The principle of taking into account the individuality of students : their interests, pace of work, level of training.The principle of free choice : project topics, subtopics, partners in working on the project, sources and methods of obtaining information, research method, form of presentation of results.The principle of connection between research and real life (there is a combination of knowledge and practical actions).The principle of a difficult goal (an easily achievable result is not a mobilizing factor for many students).


Stage 1 - organizational and diagnostic (September).

Target: Monitoring, diagnostic studies and defining prospects. Establishing partnerships between teachers, parents, children, creating a single socio-cultural space. Compilation long-term plan events, preparation for events.

At the first stage a project passport was developed, its purpose and main objectives were determined. Project participants were identified. During the implementation of the group project, the participants were students from the senior group, teachers, parents and a music director. The content of the project was determined, long-term planning for working with children was developed, and a plan for interaction with parents and teachers was drawn up.

Stage 2 - formative (October - April)

Target: To create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere at home and in kindergarten, where relationships between adults and children are built on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect, where the child will feel welcome and protected. To develop in children an interest in their family, the preservation of family traditions and customs, and to instill respect for family members. Involving parents in direct creative activities with children, in active creative educational practice to revive family traditions.

Second phase - this is the direct implementation of the project itself, within the framework of which work was carried out in three areas: the work of teachers with children, the work of children and parents, the work of teachers and parents. Classes were conducted with the children on the project, joint and independent activities were organized for children to familiarize themselves with family values. His roots connect him with his home and immediate surroundings. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a close relationship with the parents of the students. For this purpose, work was organized, which included a series of consultations for parents, as well as parent meetings on the topic of the project, the purpose of which was to explain the relevance and importance of the work being carried out on the spiritual and moral education of children in preschool educational institutions, to increase the educational level of parents on this issue, to interest them and make them their allies.

All work on the project was based on the following topics: “My family”, “Members of my family”, “Our names and surnames”, “Parental home - the beginning of the beginning”, “My dad is Defender of the Fatherland”, “My mother”, “Professions of my parents ", "We are helpers."

Stage 3- generalizing (May)

Target: Questioning parents and diagnosing the level of forced involvement of children in family traditions and family values. Analysis and summary of the work.

Third stage includes a presentation of the project “Flower of Family Happiness” dedicated to Family Day. A poster presentation and exhibitions of children's creative works were organized within the family living room.


Personally oriented learning and education

This is an education where the child’s personality, its originality, self-worth are placed at the forefront; each person’s subjective experience is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education. Personally-oriented learning is based on the recognition of the uniqueness of the subjective experience of the student himself, as an important source of individual life activity, manifested, in particular, in cognition.

Developmental education

Allows the child to develop creative abilities and the need for creativity, orients the child towards self-determination and self-actualization, and supports the child’s personal development.

Individual training

Education and training taking into account individual characteristics development of each child allows you to create comfortable conditions for classes. Children complete the work at their own pace. In addition, this technology allows you to most effectively develop skills independent work in preschoolers.

Information and communication

IN modern world With all the growing flow of information, it is impossible to do without the use of information and communication technologies. During joint activities, multimedia presentations and music are often used, and video screenings are organized.

Development of creativity

The creative process is divided into four phases: preparation, idea maturation, insight and implementation. Helps to form and develop students’ ability to improvise, apply acquired skills in new conditions, and look for non-standard solutions.


As a result of mastering play activities in the preschool period, readiness for socially significant and socially valued learning activities is formed. Children learn life and family values ​​through play.

Problematic - search

It involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active independent activity of children to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs.


One of the modern interactive learning technologies. Forms in preschoolers the skills of planning joint activities and designing. Promotes self-organization, teaches you to make choices and decisions. Studying together is not only easier, but also more interesting.

FORMS OF WORK with kids:

Conversations; classes; viewing family albums, paintings, illustrations; exhibitions of children's works under the "Family" project at the preschool educational institution; didactic and role-playing games based on the “Family” project; excursion to the Russian Izba museum; memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings about family; creative speech activity; matinees, entertainment; competitions; theatrical activities; writing stories and fairy tales about family; creation of mini-projects; video views. with parents. Visual propaganda; conversations and consultations; correction journal; survey; days open doors; round table; finest hour; pedagogical laboratory; competitions; family living room; family mini projects.


1.Methods that increase the cognitive activity of preschool children:

    comparison method

    elementary analysis

    modeling and design method

    project activity method

    question method - asking questions to children; cultivating the ability and need to ask questions, formulate them competently and clearly

    repetition method is the most important didactic principle, without the use of which there will be no strength of knowledge in the education of feelings.

2. Methods aimed at increasing the emotional activity of children when acquiring knowledge:

    gaming techniques – increase the quality of assimilation of cognitive material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings

    surprise moments and elements of novelty – emotionally prepare the child for learning, sharpen the child’s desire to unravel the secret or simply be happy

3.Methods and techniques that help establish communication between different types activities:

    accepting suggestions and teaching the method - the teacher not only talks emotionally about the family, the person, but should also make the children want to try their hand at research.

    conversation is a connecting link

4. Methods of correction and clarification:

    method of generalized answer to a question: individual conversation, comparative analysis, assessment, clarification, joint search for a way out of the situation, discussion of the method of action.

Long-term plan for the long-term group project “Family” in senior group.

Cooperative activity

with parents

Consultations for parents


My family

1 . Cognition

"My family" .

"Our friendly family!" . 3. Lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech “I’ll tell you about my family”

Conversation on the topic: “What is family”, “My loved ones”, “How my parents and grandparents grew up”, “Traditions of our family”.

Reading fairy tales

“Cuckoo”, “Geese-Swans”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “Geese-Swans”.

Finger game: "My family" Role-playing games: “Family”, “Daughters - Mothers”, “Meeting Guests” A series of conversations based on pictures "What a family I have." Looking at paintings : T. Sorokina “Family” Dramatization of a fairy tale: "Turnip"

Wall newspaper: “Friendly family” Stories and drawings of children: “Meet my family” Mini-project: “Coat of arms of my family” Practical task:

Ask mom and dad to talk about their parents (your grandparents).

Consultation: “The main conditions for raising children in a family” Movable folder: "How to create a family coat of arms"

Involve parents in the collection

materials needed for

implementation of projects.


My family members

1 . Cognition

"What do I know about myself" , "Who lives with me » 2. Portraits of children from salt dough: "Nice to meet you"

Conversation on the topic: “A day off in our family”, “The most dear people”.

Discussion of situations: “I have a big family”, “My children’s album”, “Who do I look like?” Reading works: Y. Akim “My relatives”. V. Dragunsky “My sister Ksenia.” Didactic game: "Kinship" Watching cartoons: "Multi-colored family." Children's stories about grandparents.

Creative speech activity : "Letter to Grandma and Grandpa" Game situation : “My brothers and sisters”, “What I was, what I will become”, “We are different.” Manual labor : “A card for mom on Mother’s Day,” “That’s who we are.”

Practical task: Forming a photo album of your family for the group. Competition program for children and parents dedicated to Mother’s Day “Mother and Child”

Mini project : “Bedtime story” We compose and write down fairy tales together.

Sliding folder : “A child’s appeal to his parents”, “The history of the holiday “Mother’s Day” Booklets : "Hello, my dear"


You and your name

1 . Cognition

"The secret of your first and last name"

Conversation on the topic : "What does your name mean?" , “Where did my last name come from?”, “My ancestry.”

Interview with parents - “Tell me why they called me that?” Watching an animated film : “Morozko”, “Twelve months”. Didactic games: "My family. Make a chain”, “Who is the birthday boy today?”, “Come up with a last name” Graphic exercise : “Type your last name and first name according to the sample”

Reading the work: "T.A. Shorygina

Participation of parents in improving the subject-development environment

Mini project: "The family tree of my family."

Movable folder:

"The role of the surname in life

person" Booklets: “Basic commandments of a “healthy family”


The house we live in

1 . Cognition

"My house"

2. Artistic creativity (Applique): "My dream house"

Conversation : “Dad is in the house and the house is in good order,” “How I help at home.”

Construction game: "Furniture for home"

Role-playing games: “Our house”, “Builders”, “Housewarming”, “Apartment renovation”.

Dramatization game: "Three piglets".

Creative speech activity: "My day at home"

Learning proverbs about native scrap: “A house without an owner is an orphan.” Looking at illustrations : "Family at home" Discussion of situations : “My room”, “My play corner”, “To make the house more fun.” Finger game: "Building a house"


"Our dream house" (Manual labor with parents)

Exhibition of drawings: "The room of my dreams"

Excursion of children and parents to the kindergarten museum "Russian hut"


“Family is my home”


“Rights and responsibilities in the family


My dad

1 . Communication

"Journey to hot-air balloon»

2. Artistic creativity (Drawing)

"My dad is a protector"

Conversation: " Where did my dad serve?" "Dad is my pride"

Looking at the illustrations reproductions, albums with military themes

Reading fiction: T. Bokova “Dad”, T. Shorygina “Grandfather”; poems for the holiday. Manual labor: « greeting card for Dad" Role-playing games: "Sailors".

Looking at the army photo album at home with dad


“Where my dad and grandfather served”

Family leisure : “Dad, mom, I am a sports family.”

Teacher's advice:

"Raising a man"


"On the role of the father in the family"


My mom

1 . Communication

"How I help my mother"

2. Artistic creativity (Drawing)

"My Mom is the best"

Conversation on the topic:

"My mom is the best"

Watching the cartoon:

"Mom for baby mammoth"

Reading a poem E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence”, “That’s what a mother is”

Tabletop theater:

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Role-playing games: "Daughters - Mothers"

Board and printed games: “Assemble a portrait of mom”

Festive program dedicated to mothers on March 8th

Movable folder:

"When parental love

comes in

too far"


My parents' professions

1 . Cognition

“What do our moms and dads do?”

2. Artistic creativity (Drawing)

“What do our parents do?”

Conversation on the topic:

“My parents are builders, doctors, teachers, etc.”

Reading works

S. Baruzdina “Mother’s work”, V Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like”

Role-playing games: "Drivers", "Polyclinic"

Didactic games “What is unnecessary?”, “Who needs what?”

Meeting with loved ones: Parents' story about their work.

Landscaping of the kindergarten site.

Movable folder:

“How do we help our families?


Family traditions and customs

1 . Cognition

“What do they do in your family”, “Traditions and customs of my family”

2Exhibition of drawings

"Holiday in our family"

Conversation on the topic: “How do you understand the word “traditions”, “The world of family hobbies”, “How I helped my dad, grandparents.”

Viewing the reproduction: Z. Serebryakova "At Breakfast"

Role-playing game: "We welcome guests"

Family recipe book

Project presentation-

"My Family's Pedigree"

Movable folder:

"Traditions and customs of the family."


The work contributed to: The implementation of the project ensured optimal conditions for children to study their traditions, interest in the family, its past and present has increased. Children have a desire to be like loved ones in deeds and actions. It manifests itself emotionally - a positive attitude towards one’s family, pride in one’s family, caring attitude towards family heirlooms. More often there is a desire to implement knowledge about the family’s past in one’s own activities (stories, drawings, presenting family heirlooms, creating favorable microclimate in a parent-child team. Activation and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents. Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents. Development of creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities. Equipping a subject-development environment in the group. Organization of an exhibition and a family living room in a kindergarten group. They developed an interest in family history, family traditions, and pedigree. The work also contributed to instilling a sense of pride in the family, love and respect for parents. In addition, the children became more friendly and acquired conflict-free communication skills.

“Take care of your family: the family is your support
people and state.
Family covenants are always strong.
Guard this treasure.
In family happiness is protection from
life trials.
Strong and friendly family
external ones are not scary
life's troubles.
If you protect your family
And protect the children
then create a strong support
for peaceful and quiet work."
(From the will of the great Chuvash Enlightener I.Ya. Yakovlev)

1.Traditional forms and methods of work.
-parent meetings;
- round tables;
- question and answer evenings;
- open days;
-design of family photo newspapers;
- "Welcome" mailbox
Non-traditional forms and methods of work.
-use of art therapeutic techniques ( thematic drawing, collage);
- homework for parents on a specific topic (compiling the album “This is Me”, essay “One day of my child in kindergarten”);
— organization of the parent club “Know-It-All”;
— organization of Self-Government Day (parent as educator);
Leisure block.
- evening entertainment;
-creative competitions and exhibitions;
-family sports and intellectual competitions;
- matinees;
— visiting the theater by families;
-family trips to nature;
Block "Presentation"
— slideshow “My family is my joy”
— slideshow “Five Happy Years”

2. Family and preschool are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for comprehensive development.

As practice shows, and pedagogical research confirms, parents recognize the priority of a preschool institution in solving educational problems, but do not consider it necessary to participate in the pedagogical process. In turn, teachers underestimate the role of the family and do not strive to join forces with parents for the development and upbringing of children, therefore they do not properly establish feedback and do not fully use the influence of the family on the upbringing and development of the child.

In the preschool education system, family education is its beginning, core and crown. The knowledge and skills developed by home education are the first steps to the heights of a high level of children’s culture. And here an important role is assigned to the preschool institution; a search for new relationships between the family and the preschool educational institution is required, namely cooperation, interaction, and trust. In addition, it is in preschool age that the child has a closer connection with his family and teacher than during the school period, which helps to most effectively influence not only the child, but also his family members. Since the upbringing, development and health of a child directly depends on the conditions in which he lives, grows, develops, what kind of people surround him and how the process of his upbringing is organized.

Unfortunately, nowadays in our country, for many reasons, family ties are weakening, and traditional family upbringing is becoming a thing of the past. Psychologists and teachers pay attention to the deterioration of the health of children, the increase in socially vulnerable families, socio-psychological anxiety and fatigue from the problems experienced by adults (including in connection with the ongoing stratification of society), loneliness (especially in single-parent families) and lack of mutual understanding, redistribution material and economic functions within the family (when the wife/mother becomes the source of financing for family members), difficulties in building family life against the backdrop of crises. Global problems were also highlighted: environmental; mental; local and regional wars; epidemics, drug addiction, alcoholism; scientific and technological progress leading to rapid obsolescence of knowledge and others.

This process can and should be stopped by human preschool teachers who closely communicate with children and their parents.

In this regard, the issue of searching and implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most pressing today.

The mission of MBDOU No. 6, according to the MBDOU development program, is to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family to create conditions that reveal success in modern society and the future, the child’s readiness for further education.

Objective of the project:
Objective of the project— cooperation between preschool teachers and families in matters of preserving the physical and mental health of preschool children, promoting the revival of the traditions of family education.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:
- diagnosing parental qualities and parenting styles in the family; identifying the family’s readiness for active interaction with the preschool educational institution;
-improving the pedagogical culture of parents by educating them;
-change in parents’ consumer view of educational process in a preschool educational institution (“they brought you a child, they paid you, now get busy”)
-establishing trust and partnership with the family of each child;
Project participants. Children of senior preschool age, parents and educators.
Estimated results of the project implementation
— increasing the level of socio-psychological culture of participants in the educational space;
— revival of family education traditions;
- parents’ use of pedagogical knowledge about raising children in the family;
— development of partnerships in the family;

3. Project structure

Analytical block.
— questioning;
Information (educational) block.
- selection of visual information;
- holding exhibitions, presentations,
-design of stands, photo showcases, mobile folders;
- drawing up instructions for parents;
-publication of newspapers;

4.Methods of project implementation

1. Rainbow traditions:
- morning of joyful meetings (Monday)
- summary of the day (daily)
- birthday
- leisure time (once a month)
2. Holidays and entertainment:
"Day of Knowledge"
"Family day"
“New Year”, etc.
Children's leisure time together
Sports festival “Mom, Dad, Me - a friendly family”!
Family Day event.
3. Plot - role-playing, creative games.
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the family, consolidate the ability to distribute roles, build storylines, deepen interest and a positive attitude towards it.
4. Joint activities of the teacher with children:
conversations about family, looking at albums;
compiling and reviewing the album “This is Me”;
memorizing poetry, reading stories, etc.
5. Exhibition of children's drawings “My Family”, “My Dear Mommy”
6. Exhibition of family works on the topic “Family Traditions”, “Family Hobbies”
The final stage
Control and evaluation block.
guest books;
score sheets;
express diagnostics;
self-analysis of teachers on the topic “Working with parents”;
interviews with children
accounting for parental activity, etc.

5. Activities held as part of the long-term project “My Family is My Joy”!
1. Questionnaire to identify the level of teaching capabilities of parents
Dear parents!
We ask you to fill out an anonymous questionnaire.
1.Where do you get your pedagogical knowledge:
a) use your own life experience, advice from friends;
b) read pedagogical literature;
c) use the advice of educators;
d) listen to radio programs and watch television programs;
2. Which parenting methods do you consider the most effective:
a) belief;
b) coercion;
c) requirement;
d) encouragement;
e) punishment;
f) training and personal example;
3. What types of incentives do you use most often:
a) verbal;
b) gifts;
c) entertainment;
4.What types of punishment, in your opinion, are most effective in education;
a) intimidation;
b) showing disapproval (verbally, through facial expressions or gestures)
c) physical punishment;
d) deprivation of entertainment or promised gifts;
e) verbal threat;
5. Are your family members unanimous in their requirements for the child:
a) always unanimous;
b) sometimes they disagree;
c) there is never unanimity;
Thank you!

2. Questionnaire: “What kind of parent are you?”
Instructions: mark the phrases that you often use in communication with children (the number of points is indicated in brackets).
1. How many times do I have to repeat it? (2)
2. Please advise me... (1)
3. I don’t know what I would do without you? (1)
4. And who are you like?! (2)
5. What wonderful friends you have! (1)
6. Well, who do you look like? (2)
7. I’m your age!.. (2)
8. You are my support and helper! (1)
9. What kind of friends do you have? (2)
10. What are you thinking about? (2)
11. How (oh) you are so smart! (1)
12. What do you think, son (daughter)? (1)
13. Everyone’s children are like children, and you... (2)
14. How smart you are! (1_
Evaluation of results:
5 – 7 points: You live with your child in perfect harmony. He sincerely loves and respects, your relationship contributes to the development of his personality.
8 – 10 points: You have difficulties in your relationship with your child, lack of understanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for shortcomings in his development onto himself.
11 points and above: You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.
3. Folder - moving
"The Art of Being a Parent"
1. Your baby is not to blame for anything in front of you. Not that it created additional difficulties for you. Not that it did not give the expected happiness. Not that it did not meet your expectations. And you have no right to demand that he solve these problems for you.
2. Your child is not your property, but an independent person. And you do not have the right to decide his fate to the end, much less ruin his life at your own discretion. You can only help him choose life path, having studied his abilities and interests and created conditions for their implementation.
3. Your child will not always be obedient and sweet. His stubbornness and whims are as inevitable as the very fact of his presence.
4. You yourself are to blame for many of the baby’s whims and pranks, because you did not understand him in time, not wanting to accept him as he is.
5. You should always believe in the best in your baby. Be confident that sooner or later this best will certainly manifest itself
4. Folder - moving
“When punishing, think: why?”
1. Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental.
2. If there is doubt whether to punish or not to punish, do not punish. No punishment for “prevention” purposes.
3. One at a time. Do not deprive your child of well-deserved praise and rewards.
4. Statute of limitations. It is better not to punish than to punish late.
5. Punished - forgiven.
6. Punishment without humiliation.
7. A child should not be afraid of punishment
5. Non-traditional form of work (homework)
Album "This is Me"
1. This is Me (Photos and/or drawing);
2.My name is... (Name, application with the name, meaning of the name);
3.My parents (Name, photographs and or/drawings);
4. My relatives (analogy)
5.Create a family coat of arms (drawing and story)
6. I live...;
7. My portrait in the sun or who am I? (the child’s palm has a small photograph in the core, each finger has a good feature (characteristic));
8. I love...;
9. I am beautiful (photos and story);
10. I am strong and dexterous (photos and story);
11. I am smart (drawing and story);
12. I am smart (drawing and story);
13. I want... (drawing and story);
14. I learned (drawing and story);
15. I go to kindergarten... (drawing and story);
16. I'm interested in... (drawing and story);
– acceptance, assimilation by a preschooler of an unconditional positive attitude towards himself from significant people.
– one’s own perception and assessment of deeply essential, very personal aspects of oneself.

Assignment for parents.

In a suitable situation (when the child is ready to communicate with you), you need to tell him why he was called that and how it happened. It is important to convey to the child the positive emotional atmosphere of this event, its significance, and the positive experiences of all family members.

Together with your child, make an applique with his name.

The psychological meaning of this task:

1. Research shows that in modern social conditions, many children feel insufficiently integrated into their own family. Parents work a lot and have little contact with their children. The moment of the birth of a child and the choice of a name for him is perhaps the time when parents most keenly feel his significance and value. Remembering this helps to bring the family closer together, increase the sense of value and significance for the child, a sense of inclusion in the family, and, more importantly, the formation of his own self-acceptance and the development of self-esteem.
2. When a child talks about this in a group, feeling self-worth, joy that he was named that way, he himself will strengthen in love and self-confidence, and others will become infected with these feelings and accept, appreciate, and respect this child more. That is why the main thing in a parent’s story is to convey to the child the emotions of positive experiences, significance, and love.

6. Organization of the work of the parent club “Know-It-All”
The main activities of the club:
— providing pedagogical assistance to parents;
— promotion of positive family education;
— increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents;
— popularization of the activities of preschool educational institutions;

Parents' club round table.

Subject:“Toughening up a child is the secret to success”
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles;
— Attracting family attention to issues of children’s health at home;

1.Results of the survey;
2. Our “Strong Kids”;
3.Exchange of experiences of families on issues of children’s health at home;
4. Game “Quick question - quick answer.”
5. Plants for treatment!

Questionnaire “About your baby’s health”

Game "Quick Question - Quick Answer"

Parents sit in a semicircle; handing over some beautiful object, they answer questions; after listening to 2-3 answers, the presenter reads the correct answer.
Leading. How to properly distribute the daily routine of a 5-6 year old child?
Answer: For a 5-6 year old child, daytime sleep is 2-2.5 hours; active wakefulness time is 6-7 hours, night sleep is 10 hours, receives food 4 times a day;
Leading: Is there a daily routine on weekends?
Answer: In our institution, the daily routine is structured in accordance with age; it is necessary that parents understand the importance of this particular condition for the child’s health. Unfortunately, in many families, especially young ones, the regime is neglected, and this only harms the child. According to many observations, children attending preschool most often get sick after the weekend and holidays, and this happens because at home the child is not provided with the regime to which he is accustomed, to which he was tuned in in kindergarten: they go to bed later in the evening, daytime naps are canceled, walks are replaced with games at home, they are allowed to watch TV as much as they want.
The child's preschool regime at home should be a continuation of the kindergarten regime; without this, it is difficult to expect success from hardening.
Leading. How to wash your hands correctly?
Answer: Wash your hands in a warm place (not cold, not hot). Thoroughly soap your hands - on both sides and between the fingers, as well as the wrists, for at least 15-20 seconds, this is how long it will take the child the first verse of the song “Let them run clumsily...”, finally rinse your hands thoroughly and dry them with a clean towel.
Leading. What diseases can start due to unwashed hands?
Answer: If you are not used to washing your hands, especially after visiting the toilet and bathroom, or outside, you are at risk of acquiring a lot of diseases: colds, flu, giardiasis, conjunctivitis, diphtheria, atypical pneumonia, scabies, cholera, etc.
5. Technology system experience

Project implementation.

6.Questionnaire results
Questionnaire: “What kind of parent are you?”
Date: October 2012
58% - 5 – 7 points: You live with your child in perfect harmony. He sincerely loves and respects, your relationship contributes to the development of his personality.
24% -8 – 10 points: You have difficulties in your relationship with your child, lack of understanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for shortcomings in his development onto himself.
18% -11 points and above: You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

Based on the results of the survey, it was revealed that more than half of the families have harmonious relationships with children, but there are also families who need psychological and pedagogical support, which they can receive by participating in this project, and can get valuable advice from more experienced parents.

Essays by parents and children.

One day by Anton Denisovich

About myself and about the guys

The sun disappeared behind the houses,
We leave kindergarten.
I tell my mom
About myself and about the guys.
How we sang songs in chorus,
How they played leapfrog,
What did we drink?
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I'm telling you honestly
And about everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.
G. Ladonshchikov

How do you kids start your morning? You probably wake up with the first rays of the sun, open your eyes and... good mood going to see what mom is doing?

When I was born, my parents named me Anton. It was the hot summer of 2007. I didn't remember my birth. And now I’m already 5 years old, my name is still Anton Alexandrov, and I want to tell you about my life in kindergarten No. 6 in Zheleznodorozhny. And also about my successes, failures, dreams and friends. Will it be possible to convey to you my mood using the example of one day spent in kindergarten? Let's start with the chronology of a typical day for me...

My awakening starts at 7:30 am. First, I brush my teeth so that no microorganisms will prevent me from eating breakfast, which consists of tea and curd-glazed cheese. Then, while watching cartoons in the morning, I begin to put on the clothes I prepared the night before. And not only clothes await me, but also a toy that accompanies me throughout the day. As a rule, this is a transforming robot, a car or a book.

My dad takes me to kindergarten, so at 8:00 am we already leave the house to meet my friends, the teacher and the nanny at the kindergarten.

On the way to kindergarten we talk about the world around us, about what is happening around us. Favorite topics of conversation: brands of cars passing by and my various “whys” addressed to traffic signs. As we approach, we meet near the territory of the kindergarten the same hurrying children with their mothers, fathers, grandmothers or grandfathers. All children have their own thoughts, plans for the day and pleasant anticipation of new meetings, walks, games and other pastimes. What awaits us in our morning after receiving all the children?

Morning activities include exercises conducted by our teacher Tatyana Gennadievna Postnikova. Therefore, having put things away in our own locker after changing clothes in the locker room, I and other students in the group are happy to start the school day with exercise. And it benefits us, because in our kindergarten a comprehensive assessment of the physical development of children is carried out, all anthropometric data of the children are taken into account. And in the end school year we are always growing. This is always a big mystery for parents who are not gaining height...

All children dream of growing up brave, strong, dexterous and skillful. Of course, everyone wants to become some kind of “Spider-Man” or Superman. I also imagine becoming a great football player, and not some frail defender or bad goalkeeper. And for this you need to train physically and perform your first brave deeds.

But first, about breakfast in kindergarten, without it you won’t become strong. Together with other pupils - Yulia, Nastya, Dasha, Vera, Miron, Styopa, Kirill, Ilya, Alyosha, Dima and others, with great appetite we eat porridge, drink tea or cocoa, kindly served to us by our junior teacher Valentina Egorovna Nazarova. And we never forget to thank her for taking care of us.

After the morning meal, educational activities begin. Activities, as befits such adult children from the older group, are different. We are engaged in the development of speech, mathematics, fine arts, modeling, as well as physical education and music. We also host many different competitions, in which all the children from our group, together with their parents, are happy to take part. For example, recently there was a competition for the “Best autumn craft”, and the next competition was dedicated to the “Family Coat of Arms”.

Tatyana Gennadievna pays great attention to the development of cultural and hygienic skills: food culture, neatness in clothing, hygiene. In our garden there is always a calm atmosphere and friendly relationships. Thanks to these conditions, I and my peers have a positive attitude, which promotes openness to any endeavors and engagement in meaningful activities. The classes are interesting and exciting.

Our group pays special attention to the game. We, at will, unite or independently implement our plans, and thus study the world. Gaming activities contribute not only to physical but also mental development, education of moral qualities and creative abilities. There are 8 girls and 13 boys in our group, so you can always choose partners for one activity or another. Games that attract everyone are role-playing games: hospital, school, cafe or store. And also desktop and didactic games.

The organization and development of children's play requires from our teachers knowledge of the intricacies of the psychology of play, the ability to guide children's amateur play without disturbing it. Thanks to the work of our teacher Tatyana Gennadievna, not only memory, attention, and vocabulary improve, but every day we become more mature, understanding and well-mannered. Together we explore the world. And these are not just words. After free games, we go for a walk.

Like any other kindergarten group, we have our own territory with a veranda for walking. And there, too, are classes devoted to environmental education, observation of the surrounding world, and natural phenomena. Ball games, team games, with sand sets - we have time for everything.

Having walked around a lot, we return from our walk and change clothes. A delicious and hot lunch is already waiting for us. After eating there is a quiet time. Each child, including me, has his own chair, on which we carefully hang our things. We were taught this from the age of 3, from the moment we first visited kindergarten. When we are each lying in our own bed, Tatyana Gennadievna asks us who we can praise in the evening? Of course, everyone dreams of being called a good fellow, so we all cover ourselves with a blanket and instantly fall asleep. To wake up in a couple of hours and play again, enjoy everything that happens. Waking up gradually, we wash, dress, comb our hair. Invigorating gymnastics begins. We are getting ready for afternoon tea, after which there are still so many activities, all kinds of games, as well as reading fairy tales.

Being in a learning environment allows you to reveal all your talents. For example, I really like to draw. Ships with pirates, football players on the field, musketeers with swords and their opponents, robots and other designed soldiers. All this colorful action very soon ends up on paper. Which makes a great nightly gift for mom and sometimes little sister to take me home with. As a rule, after completing all our educational activities in the group, we take a second walk - an evening walk. Where we parted until the morning with our garden, teacher Tatyana Gennadievna and our first friends - classmates.

I would like to end my story with the words of Emma Bombeck - “A child most needs your love just when he least deserves it.” In our kindergarten, absolutely all children deserve love and recognition. Both parents and teachers. That's why it's so easy for us to wake up in the morning and jump into kindergarten, where an ordinary day in the life of 5-year-old Anton begins. And so unusual, unique in terms of physical development, personal growth, meaningful emotions, planned programs and moral hopes, despite the weather and other natural phenomena...

Alexandrov Anton, 5 years old.
Senior group of kindergarten No. 6, city. Zheleznodorozhny M.O.

Conversation with children “My mother” senior group

Target: help children understand what parents mean to us, explain how important it is to be grateful and caring to old people; awaken feelings of respect and gratitude to them; teach respect for elders.
Planned results: can learn a short poem; expresses positive emotions (joy, admiration) when reading a poem "Mother's day" reading a poem:

Here is a snowdrop in a clearing,
I found it.
I'll take the snowdrop to mom,
Although it didn't bloom.
And me with the flower so tenderly
Mom hugged
That my snowdrop has opened
From her warmth.

1. Memorizing a poem:
There are many mothers in this world,
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mom!

2.Questions about mom.
-Where does your mother work?
-How do you help your mother at home?
-What do you affectionately call your mother?

3. Outdoor game “My Mother’s Name”
The children stand in a circle, the presenter (teacher) throws the ball to the child and asks what your mother’s name is, the child throws the ball to the teacher and says her name, the presenter asks the next question - what is your affectionate name for your mother, the child throws the ball with the answer.

The effectiveness of introducing teacher experience through the achievements of students in competitions at various levels.

Demonstration of experience in the teaching community.

City methodological association for educators of primary and secondary groups on the topic: “Theatrical activities. Organization of leisure activities with preschool children.

Date: October 2011
Educator – Postnikova Tatyana Gennadievna.

Project at the preschool educational institution "Growing vegetables and flowers."

Prepared by: teacher Kurilkina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, MADOU No. 8, Reutov, Moscow region.
Environmental education - one of the main directions in the education system, this is a way of influencing children’s feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas.
Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, and understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants.
All children know how healthy vegetables are, but not every child has the opportunity to grow them.
Flowers are not only beauty, but part of living nature that must be preserved and protected, but also increased.
Project idea: Creation of flower beds on the territory of the area for walking.
Project type: cognitive - research, long-term.
Project participants: children, teachers, parents.
Project implementation timeframe: April – September.
Target: To generalize and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about how to care for plants.
1) Educational:
Introduce diversity flora, with its significance for all life on the planet.
Introduce the structure and vital functions of plants.
Introduce children to vegetable crops tomato and cucumber, characteristics of cultivation, care, harvesting.
Give the concept of garden, meadow flowers.
Get to know the world around you.
Develop research skills.
2) Developmental:
Develop imagination and thinking in the process of observing and exploring natural objects.
Enrich children's vocabulary.
Develop a creative and research interest in vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, sunflowers, and aster.
Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communicating with nature in drawings and crafts.
3) Educational:
Instilling work skills and mutual assistance.
Organization of joint creativity between parents and children.
Respect for nature.
Project methods:
1. Conversation
2. Educational games
3. Observations
4. Experiments, research activities
5. Labor
Resource support:
Information resources (scientific, methodological, journalistic and fiction literature on this issue);
Material resources (experimental site, planting material(tomato and cucumber seedlings, sunflower seeds, aster seedlings, care products (packaged soil, water, containers for seedlings, buckets, scoops, shovels, rakes, watering cans, material for decorating creative works.
Stages of work:
Organizational and preparatory stage. The goal has been set and the main tasks have been identified. Selected literature and illustrations. Developed necessary materials: notes educational activities, algorithm for compiling a descriptive story, work plan on the topic of the Project. As part of the interaction, work was carried out with parents.
The main stage is research. Direct implementation of the project. Introduction to vegetable crops and garden flowers. Landing at room conditions, growing seedlings, caring for seedlings. Work on the garden plot: planting in the ground, caring for plants, monitoring growth, collecting seeds and fruits. Experiment based on harvest results.
Final – final. Drawing a cheerful image of a cucumber and a tomato, a sunflower and an aster.
Expected results.
1. Children independently observe and notice the beauty of the plant world.
2. Children have developed a cognitive interest in nature and are able to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
3. Labor skills and skills in caring for plants, a caring attitude towards people’s work, and a desire to communicate with nature have been developed.
4. In free drawing they try to depict objects of nature.
Project implementation:
1. Stage – preparatory.
- methodological, scientific and fiction literature on the topic of the project was selected and studied;
- didactic games of natural history content were selected, aimed at developing cognitive activity and forming the principles of ecological culture;
- outdoor games aimed at developing motor activity, attention and observation in nature have been adapted and systematized;
- targeted walks around the territory of the kindergarten;
- conversations about flowers and vegetables, writing descriptive stories;
- looking at photographs and pictures of flowers and vegetables;
- preparation of containers with soil and seeds.
2. Stage – research.
In the kindergarten group, they examined and sowed sunflower seeds, labeled vegetable seedlings, and containers with the names of plants. Sketched them in a notebook of observations. Plant care and watering.
Reading fiction: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles about flowers and vegetables.
Children watched the growth of plants, conducted experiments, experiments. They sketched observations in notebooks. They established connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - people. Classes, didactic games, and conversations were held.
“What kinds of flowers are there? ", "What kinds of vegetables are there? ";
"Protected Flowers"
Experimental activities:
"Conditions necessary for plant life"
1. “Sun and Plant”
Purpose: to determine the role of the sun in plant life.
Experience: "Influence sunlight on plant growth"
2 containers with soil and sprouts (children water one container, loosen the soil, choose a sunny place, the other is not watered, do not loosen the soil, put it in a dark place).
2. “Water and Plant”
Goal: to determine how much water is necessary for the growth and life of plants.
Experience: “Plants “drink” water”
Place two bouquets of flowers in colored water. After some time, the stems of the flowers will also become colored. Conclusion: plants “drink” water.
Ecology games:
"Tops - roots"
Children sit in a circle. The teacher names the vegetables, the children make movements with their hands: if vegetables grow on the ground, in the garden, the children raise their hands up. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the hands are lowered down.
"Earth, water, fire, air"
The players stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: earth, water, fire, air. If the driver said “earth,” the one who caught the ball must quickly name the person who lives in this environment; the player responds to the word “water” with the name of fish, and to the word “air” with the name of bird. When you hear the word “fire,” everyone should quickly turn around in a circle several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the driver. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the games.
"Who lives where"
The teacher has pictures with images of animals, and the children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (burrow, den, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The teacher shows a picture of an animal. The child must determine where it lives, and if it matches his picture, “settle” it by showing the card to the teacher.
“Which plant is gone? »
Four or five plants are placed on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time.
3. Stage – final.
Photo exhibition “How we grew tomatoes and cucumbers, sunflowers and asters”
Exhibition of drawings “Favorite Flowers”, modeling “Favorite Vegetables”
Collecting flower seeds
Analysis and generalization of the results obtained in the process of children’s research activities
Observation 1 “Plants of our site.” Inspection of the site, finding plants, determining their names. Observation 2 “What kind of plants are they? » Inspection of plants to determine their structure (find stems, leaves, flowers, roots). Comparison different plants by height, shape, color of leaves, flowers, stems, and smell. Observation 3 “Who helps plants grow?” Children discuss why the plants grew. The purpose of all parts of the plant is determined: the root absorbs moisture from the ground, nutrients; the stem carries them to leaves, flowers, seeds; leaves absorb light; the flowers will then produce seeds. The plants have grown because our plot is a good “home” for them, in which there is nutritious soil, water, heat, light. Flowers are “helped” to grow by the sun, rain, earth and people. Observation 4 “What animals live on the site and how have they adapted to seasonal changes?” Develop the ability to notice changes in the life of plants and animals due to seasonal changes. Observation 5 “Where do vegetables and garden flowers grow? » Conversations with children based on personal experience. Observation 5: “Do I need to collect seeds? wild plants? Children find seeds of ripening grasses (plantain, loach, etc.) on the site; they establish that they fall off on their own, are carried by the wind, cling to clothes, animal fur, and that the seeds can be collected for winter feeding birds. Observation 6 “Does the dandelion go to bed?” Pay attention to an interesting phenomenon - flowers are open at noon and closed in the evening. Observation 7 “What do dandelions look like when it rains?” The teacher, in appropriate weather, gives the children a task for independent observation: to see how the dandelions “behave”, what they look like, whether the flowers are open. Discusses with them what they saw. Observation 8 “Collect seeds of garden flowers” ​​Inspect flowers, identify mature seeds, collect them in boxes or bags. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that there is only one flower, but many seeds. This means that you can grow many flowering plants next year.

Literature review:
Plant growing, 3rd ed., M., 1971.
Visual and didactic aids. Series “Tell children about...”, Series “The World in Pictures”, Posters “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Flowers”.
Solomennikova O.A. Introduction to nature in kindergarten. Junior group(3-4 years), Middle group (4-5 years). - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 2014
Solomennikova O.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. – M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 2009
Gubanova N.F. Play activities in kindergarten. –M.:Mosaika-Sintez, 2010
Lexical topics on the development of speech in preschoolers. Middle group. Methodological manual. - M., Center for Pedagogical Education, 2014
Organization of children's activities during a walk: second junior group\author - V.N. Kastrykina, G.N. Popova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014