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» Methods for reducing the number of insect pests scheme. Fun backpack - Biology lesson "Insects are pests of gardens and forests. Measures to reduce the number of insect pests." Measures to reduce the number of insect pests

Methods for reducing the number of insect pests scheme. Fun backpack - Biology lesson "Insects are pests of gardens and forests. Measures to reduce the number of insect pests." Measures to reduce the number of insect pests

Methods for reducing insect pests


To reduce the number of insect pests, various methods are used: MECHANICAL (crushing cabbage butterfly eggs, destroying beet weevils in trapping ditches, etc.), AGROTECHNICAL (sowing or planting plants in such a way that they have time to get stronger and become tougher to the appearance of pests , cleaning bark on trunks fruit trees, regular collection of fallen fruits, etc.). In case of mass reproduction of pests, CHEMICAL methods are used: pollination and spraying of plants with toxic substances (in this case, unfortunately, many insects die, earthworms, birds). Nowadays, BIOLOGICAL methods of plant protection are becoming of great importance: protection and attraction of insectivorous birds, bats, use biological drugs, causing diseases of insect pests, as well as the breeding and use of other insects - natural enemies of insects that harm plants. In the latter case, some predatory insects, egg eaters and riders are used.

Similar questions

The global decline in insect populations has generated great interest among scientists, policy makers and the general public. The decline in insect diversity and abundance is impacting the planet's fauna and our ecosystem.

To understand the causes of this phenomenon and its consequences for the ecosystem, scientists used a standardized protocol to measure total insect biomass using Malaise traps. The analysis showed that over the past 27 years, insect biomass per season has decreased by 76%, and in mid-summer - by 82%.
Why is a decline in insect numbers dangerous for our ecosystem? It's very simple: insects play a central role in various processes, including pollinating plants and providing food for small animals and birds. Did you know that 80% of wild plants grow and develop only through pollination? And 60% of birds use insects as a source of food... This means that we are facing a reduction in the number of birds. Further outbreaks of pests are possible (especially in monocultures), which birds previously helped to contain, but now they will no longer be able to cope with it. Well, then all the biochains will suffer... If we calculate how much the services that insects provide us would cost us, we will get a figure of several hundred million dollars a year! And for this reason alone, preserving the abundance and diversity of insects should be a top conservation priority.
Current evidence suggests a general pattern of decline in insect diversity and abundance. For example, European butterfly populations declined by 50% between 1990 and 2011, and a similar trend is seen in the populations of moths, bees and flies! It would seem - well, flies and flies. Less buzzing – it’s easier for us! However, everything is not so simple - beekeeper Dmitry Vatolin is sure.
The problem of reducing the number of pollinators (bees, butterflies, bumblebees, etc.) is also associated with the increase in the number of neonicotinoids, that is, insecticides, used in fields. They penetrate inside, making it poisonous to pests and very toxic to insects! On Russian market They are well represented in pesticides, although they were banned in the EU because they are dangerous not only for insects, but also for people and animals!
“We are living in a period of the highest rate of warming over the past 600,000 years, and therefore, in this century, most biocenoses will be subjected to serious tests. According to modeling data, biocenoses with the greatest biodiversity will be most successful. At the same time, by “cutting down” insects and other pollinators, a person “cuts down” primarily the pollinated plants. At the same time, people touchingly care about polar bears (which, as usual, swim to the ice floes, cannot swim to them and drown), but they buy extremely effective means"care" for garden plants“- writes Dmitry Vatolin in his article.
Scientists who have studied the decline in insect populations provide many graphs and diagrams, coming to the conclusion that if something is not changed today in the matter of protecting insects, the situation will soon become catastrophic.
Vatolin agrees with them, saying that now “the whole process as a whole is reminiscent of a noisy party and playing cards on the deck of the Titanic.” It is clear that the immersion is slow and will fully manifest itself in 15 years. But, most likely, by that time many processes will be unrealistic or extremely difficult to deploy.”
However, the authors of the scientific article seem to have managed to attract attention to the problem - today the text of the document has already received almost 300,000 views, which means the problem is not being hushed up and society is not indifferent to it!

Task 1. Fill out the table.

Features of the development of insect pests.

ViewGroupOverwintering stage of developmentWintering placeLarval nutrition
Cabbage whites Lepidoptera doll trees and soil above ground parts of plants
Beet weevil Coleoptera doll the soil plant roots
Colorado beetle Coleoptera doll the soil plant roots
codling moth Lepidoptera caterpillar in cocoon fruit storage plants, apples, quince
Apple flower beetle Coleoptera caterpillar in cocoon fallen leaves bud juice, apple buds
Chafer Coleoptera doll the soil roots of trees, plants
Gypsy moth Lepidoptera egg depressions of the cortex leaves
Pine silkworm Lepidoptera egg trunks and stumps plant juice

Task 2. Ten Colorado potato beetles eat 2000 of potato leaves within 30 days. During its development, the Colorado potato beetle larva eats approximately 50 square cm of potato leaves. Calculate and record the area of ​​potato leaves that 1,000 Colorado potato beetles will eat. How many larvae of this beetle can destroy the same area of ​​leaves? Based on the above calculations, draw a conclusion about the effect of the Colorado potato beetle on potato yields.

10 beetles = 2000

1000 zhov - x

x = 1000*2000/10 = 20,000 sq. cm - the area that will be eaten by 20,000/50 = 400 larvae.

Task 3. Complete the diagram.

Methods for reducing the number of insect pests:

1. Chemical: spraying with pesticides, poisonous baits, treatment with bleach, treatment of plants with poison.

2. Physical: collecting pests, catching with special devices, killing malaria mosquito larvae using kerosene.

3. Agrotechnical: sowing and planting of plants is carried out in such a way that they have time to get stronger by the time the pests appear.

Task 4. Fill out the table.

Insects are carriers of pathogens.

Task 5. Houseflies reproduce very quickly. For example, one fly lays approximately 120 eggs at a time. Over the course of the summer, seven generations of flies may appear, about half of which are females. Do the math and write down why this doesn't actually happen.

We will take April 15 as the beginning of the first clutch and assume that the female fly will grow enough in 20 days to be able to lay eggs. Then reproduction will occur as follows: April 15 - the female lays 120 eggs; at the beginning of May, 120 flies grew, of which 60 were females; May 5 - each female lays 120 eggs; in mid-May 120*60=7200 flies emerge, of which 3500 are females, etc.

In fact, this does not happen because many individuals die as a result of natural selection.


1. Accounting for the number of pests living in the soil.

2. Accounting for pests living on the soil.

3. Accounting for pests living on plants.

4. Accounting for pests living inside plants.

5. Counting pests using a net.

6. Bait counting method, light traps and pheromone traps.

7.Methods of inspection of warehouse premises.

8. Indicators of plant damage.

Basic literature

Polyakov I.Ya., Persov M.P. Forecast for the development of agricultural pests and diseases. crops


Integrated agricultural protection systems crops from pests, diseases and weeds. Ed. Soroki S.V. – Mn.: 2003.

1. Pests living in the soil are taken into account by excavating sites. Depending on the biological characteristics of the species or the stage of its ontogenesis, shallow ones up to 10 cm, medium 45 cm and deep ones more than 45 cm are used. Small excavations are carried out while taking into account the cocoons of the meadow moth and bread ground beetle larvae. Medium excavations make it possible to take into account the gnawing cutworms, ground beetles, cabbage flies, and harmful centipedes that have stopped feeding. To account for Khrushchev, bread beetles carry out deep excavations. The size of the platforms is 50x50 cm or 25x25 cm. The number of sites depends on the purpose of the accounting. Normally, for every 5 hectares of leveled biotope, 2 samples are taken per 100 hectares -200 sites. Samples are placed along 2 diagonals of the field or in a checkerboard pattern. On narrow long sections (near roads), the sites are placed in a snake pattern, alternating between taking them from the edges and in the center. The selection of insects is carried out manually using sieves, sifting the soil or washing. Select the soil layer by layer from the sample, the first 5 cm, then 10 cm, etc. The soil is poured onto the litter, and then sorted by hand or sifted, removing any insects and other objects that come across. They are placed in jars with a strong NaCl solution. For each biotope, use as many jars as there are layers in the sample. Collections from one layer for all samples on the site are collected in one jar.

The sieving method is suitable for dry soil. Use a set of sieves with holes of different diameters. The maximum diameter of the holes is on top, then the middle and smallest on the bottom sieve. The soil leaching method is more labor-intensive and costs more.

As a result of accounting, the following is established:

1. the average number of individuals per 1m2 of a given biotope;

2.% of individuals per each soil layer at the time of examination;

3. ratio in % of stages of ontogenesis;

4.% of empty samples (without objects taken into account);

The timing of soil excavations is determined depending on their purpose. Autumn and spring surveys are carried out to determine the state of the population and its size before and after wintering.

To identify phenology, feeding activity, and movement of individuals to different soil horizons, periodic censuses are carried out over decades.

2. To count pests living on the soil, soil traps (0.5 liter jars) buried in the soil level with the top edge are used. A cover made of thin tin on legs sloping to one side is installed above the jar. They should be 3-5 cm away from the edges of the jar. Their purpose is to protect the jar from direct sun rays and rain. Place them 10-15 m apart and fix the insects with 2-4% formaldehyde. You can use grooves 1-5 m long, 30 cm deep and wide. The walls must be plumb and smooth. These fishing methods are used to count weevils, carrion beetles, darkling beetles, and ground beetles. The number of soil traps and trapping ditches is 1-2 for every 5 hectares of the examined biotope. They are inspected daily during the counting period in the morning and evening. During inspection, caught insects are removed and counted in total for each biotope. As a result, the average occurrence of the counted species per day during the census period per 1 trap or 1 m ditch is calculated for each biotope and periods with different catch rates below and above the average level are identified.

Soil-dwelling species can be counted in sample plots. They are limited to a frame of 50x50cm or 100x100cm, placing the frame on the soil, counting and recording the number of individuals visible within it. Counts are carried out in the morning (when insects are less mobile) 1 sample – 5 ha.

3. Accounting for pests living on plants.

Counts are carried out on 50x50 plots. A square frame is placed on the soil so that it covers plants typical for a given biotope (part of the rows of beets, grains, potatoes) and row spacing. Count all pests that come into view and those that fall to the soil surface within the frame. (Recording of breadbugs, beetles, pine beetles, ground beetles, meadow moth caterpillars, cabbage cutworms, weevils, Colorado potato beetles.) The number of samples depends on the area - at the rate of 2 samples per hectare. Counting is carried out in the morning (insects are less mobile). Install average density individuals in a biotope per 1 m2, as well as the ratio age groups(phases of development) during the accounting period in %.

Small and jumping insects (mainly flea beetles) are counted on plants and the soil surface using a Petlyuk box. It is made of wooden slats in the form of a quadrangular truncated pyramid, the walls of which (height 40 cm) are covered with a double layer of gauze. With a smaller lower base measuring 50x50 cm (0.25 m2), the pyramid is placed on the ground. In this case, it is necessary to cover the sowing rows and row spacing. Pests that find themselves in the space limited by the lower frame, when trying to jump out, become entangled in gauze, which is removed during counting. Counts are carried out in the morning or on cool days (2 samples per 1 ha).

During row sowing, recording of small forms or ovipositions found on plants (flea beetles, horse flies, shield bugs, leafminers, egg-laying noctuids, bugs, moths) is carried out on row sections from 25 cm to 100 cm in length. A ruler of a given length is placed along the row, then they begin a thorough sequential inspection of the plants and counting pests. Accounting per 1 m2. Recalculation of data on segments of sowing rows is carried out taking into account the row spacing. So, with a row spacing of 40-42 cm, 1 m2 covers a row length of a total of 2.5 m, and with a row spacing of 10-12 cm, 10 or 8 m, respectively.

In row crops, when taking into account sedentary forms on plants, 10 samples of 10 plants or 20 samples of 5 plants are taken. Set the number of individuals per 100 plants. If the number of plants per 1 hectare is known, the number of pests per 1 hectare is calculated. Samples are placed along 2 diagonals of the field. For some species that cannot be visually counted, the method of shaking them from plants is used. Insects from low field crops are shaken into a net. To do this, the stems and peduncles are tilted over a net and shaken off. The pests are then removed and counted. Take 5 plants in 20 places. Count the number of individuals per 100 plants (rapeseed flower beetle). On trees and shrubs, small beetles and apple blossom beetle are taken into account (cover with a tarpaulin). The count is carried out in the morning per 1 tree.

4. To account for pests living inside plants, plants are opened. This method is used to count the larvae of cereal flies, clover seed eaters, stem flea beetles, stem moth caterpillars, stem moths, and stem sawflies.

From each field taken into account, at least 10 samples of 0.25 m2 are taken, distributing them evenly over the area. Plants within each sample are cut or dug up, collected and then analyzed in the laboratory. During the analysis, stems, leaves and other parts of plants are opened with a dissecting needle or blade.

When accounting, it is revealed:

1.% of infested plant pests;

2. the average number of individuals per inhabited plant or 100 plants;

3. nature of damage and damaged parts of plants (leaves, stems, branches, fruit elements);

4. stage ratio (%).

To identify stem pests and fruit plantations (wood borers, bark beetles), trunks and skeletal branches are inspected.

When establishing damageability, the degree of depression of the tree is taken into account by the presence of dry branches. Counts are carried out on a route crossing the garden along 2 diagonals, examining every 4th tree.

5. Registration of pests by mowing with an entomological net, used for small, heat-loving insects that live on the surface herbaceous plants. The net makes the same movements, covering ¼ of the circle from left to right and then from right to left. The net is held so that its open part is in contact with the surface of the vegetation. Movements should be uniform, unhurried, but not so slow that insects could jump out of the net - this is mowing. After each swing they take a step forward. The direction of movement when mowing with a net is against the wind or against the light. Accounting is carried out at the same hours by one person. 1 test up to 25 strokes of the net. After each test, the objects are placed in stain. 4 samples are taken, which is 100 sweeps of the net. Mowing is carried out systematically on days 3, 5, 10. The average number of individuals per 10 or 100 sweeps of the net is calculated, and phenological data and the ratio of ontogenesis stages are also indicated. (Recording the number of grain sawflies and grain flies.)

The choice of timing of surveys is determined on the basis of long-term data and the phenology of the object, according to environmental indicators or calculations of phenology based on the sums of effective temperatures.

6. The bait counting method is used to attract and concentrate many insects (cutworms, click beetles) on the bait, which are then collected, identified and counted during periodic viewing of the baits. Scoops fly to the smell of molasses, which is prepared as follows: 3 liters of molasses, 3 liters of water, 1 kg of rye flour and 100 g of yeast are placed in a warm place for 2 days, then 10 liters of molasses and 10 liters of water are added, stirred and poured into the trough. Troughs are installed at the rate of no more than 5 pieces per 1 hectare. Every morning, butterflies are counted, collected, and the following is determined: 1) species composition; 2) the average number of dominant species per trough per night; 3) sex ratio.

To count click beetles and cutworms, you can use pheromone traps of the “Estron-3” type, made of polystyrene in the form of a hollow cone. At the top of the trap there is a chamber where the pheromone source is placed. Pheromone traps are installed on the soil surface at the rate of 1 trap per 10 hectares no closer than 100 m from one another.

Using a photoelector, the beginning of the emergence of insects from wintering places and their reserves (bread flea beetles, cereal thrips, ladybugs). The action of the photoelector is based on the positive phototaxis of insects. The photoelector is a darkened chamber with a receiver (a lighted hole into which a glass flask or wide test tube is inserted). Plant material is placed in the chamber. Insects found in the sample move to the light source and are collected in a receiver, then the pests are counted.

7. Methods for inspecting warehouse premises for pest infestation.

Infection of grain with pests of grain stocks negatively affects the quality of grain and the possibility of its storage. Currently, stocks of grain and grain products are systematically monitored for contamination. Determine the obvious and hidden forms of infection.

Determination of the obvious form of infection.

The contamination of grain is determined in an average sample selected in accordance with the current standard, and when storing grain in warehouses in average samples selected layer by layer from sections with an area of ​​100 m 2.

Samples are sifted through a set of sieves, the bottom with cells with a diameter of 1.5, the top - with a diameter of 2.5 mm, manually for 2 minutes at 120 circular movements in 1 minute. Determine infestation large species insects (great mealworm, Moorish booger).

To do this, the waste from a sieve with a 2.5 mm hole is leveled in a thin layer on a collapsible board and disassembled manually. Then they look through the passage on the white glass (weevils, etc.). The passage through a sieve with a hole D of 1.5 mm is examined under a magnifying glass with a magnification of 4-4.5 times. Infestation is expressed by the number of living pests per 1 kg of grain.

1 degree from 1 to 5 copies;

2nd degree from 6 to 10 copies.

3rd degree over 10 copies.

The latent form of infection is determined by splitting along the groove 50 whole grains, selected without choice from the average sample. The split grains are viewed under a magnifying glass. Grains in which larvae, pupae and beetles are found are considered contaminated. Infected grains are counted and expressed as a percentage of the number of grains taken.

The latent form of infection is determined by a method based on staining of plugs. The beetles use these plugs to cover the holes in which they lay their eggs. From the average sample, 15 g ± 0.01 g is isolated and weighed. The grain is cleaned of impurities, broken and corroded grains and poured onto a clean mesh. The mesh with grain is immersed for 1 minute in a cup of water at a temperature of 30 0 C. At the same time, the plugs swell. Then the grid is transferred for 20-30 seconds. into a freshly prepared 1% solution of KMnO 4 (10 g of permanganate per 1 liter of water). Its excess is removed from the surface of the grain by immersing the grain for 20-30 seconds in a solution of H 2 SO 4 with hydrogen peroxide (per 100 ml of 1% H 2 SO 4 solution take 1 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 liter of water - 10.4 g H 2 SO 4)).

The plugs are painted black (without a light center) and stand out sharply on the surface of the grain. Infected grain is counted immediately (without allowing it to dry out). The latent form is calculated per 1 kg of grain. To do this, the number of infected grains obtained during the analysis is divided by 3 and multiplied by 200.

8. There are several special terms to describe the damage caused by pests.

Damage – determines the presence of harmful insect activity in a given specific area or zone. We can say: this field is or is not damaged by the fall armyworm, the carrion beetle.

Damage determines the degree of damage to crops, plantings or fruits. Weak - individual plants are damaged, medium - about 50% of the plants are damaged, strong - more than 50% are damaged.

The intensity of damage determines the degree of harmfulness at a certain time, or by a certain pest. Thus, the matted carrion beetle harms more intensely than the shield beetle. Harmfulness determines the ability of the pest to cause various damage or reduction in yield (the Swedish fly is more harmful than the flea beetle).

Harm is an economic concept showing a decrease in yield per unit area in c. or in rubles.

The harmfulness coefficient is the ratio of the yield of an affected plant to the yield of a normal, undamaged plant grown in %.

Nature of damage.

1. Anatomical - when the pest destroys part or the entire surface of the plant (white grass);

2. Physiological - when the pest does not destroy plant tissue, but leads to their death (bugs);

3. Biological - when the damage causes either tissue degeneration (the formation of galls, nematodes), or is a carrier of bacterial and viral infections (leafhoppers, bedbugs).

Questions for self-control

1. For what purpose and when are soil excavations carried out?

2. What are the methods for recording pests living on plants?

3. How is molasses prepared for the bait counting method?

4. How can moths be counted?

5. What determines the number of samples to count insects?

6. How to determine the number of flea beetles in flax crops?

7. Define the harmfulness coefficient.

8. How is the latent form of grain contamination taken into account during storage?

9. What is determined as a result of accounting for soil excavations?

10. What does a pheromone trap consist of?

Lecture 6.

Topic: Methods for protecting crops

from pests.


1. Integrated system for protecting crops from pests.

2. Agrotechnical method. Basic agricultural practices that affect the number and harmfulness of organisms.

3. Biological method, main directions.

4. Chemical method, main advantages and disadvantages.

5. Physico-mechanical method.

6. The concept of biotic, genetic methods and plant quarantine.

Basic literature

Osmolovsky G.E., Bondarenko N.V. Entomology. –L.: Kolos, 1980.

Agricultural entomology. Ed. Migulina A.A. M. Kolos, 1983.


King I.T. and others. Biological protection of plants. – Mn.: Urajai, 2000.

Integrated systems for protecting crops from pests, diseases and weeds. (Ed. Soroka S.V. Mn. 2003).

Pavlov I.F. Agrotechnical and biological methods plant protection. – M.: Rosselkhozizdat, 1981.

1. By 2050, the world's population will increase to 10 billion people and to meet its needs for products Agriculture production volume will need to be increased by 75%. The greatest practical results in this direction have currently been obtained in the field of plant protection. In world agriculture, crop losses from pests are already being prevented in the amount of over $160 billion, or 27.6% of all agricultural production. An important role in the preservation of agricultural products belongs to the integrated plant protection system.

Integrated plant protection system is the control of pests that takes into account economic thresholds of harmfulness and uses, first of all, natural limiting factors, along with the use of all other methods that satisfy economic, environmental and toxicological requirements. The scientific basis of integrated systems is to predict the timing of development and harmfulness of a complex of pests based on taking into account the influence of biotic and abiotic factors, as well as forecasting the development of cultivated plants. An integrated plant protection system should be based on adaptive varietal agricultural technology cultivated plants, including the use of special agrotechnical techniques to prevent or suppress the development of pests:

Growing pest-resistant plant varieties;

The use of techniques that preserve or enhance the activity of natural entomophages, regulating the number of pests;

The use of biological, chemical and other plant protection products based on objective information about the state of the dynamics of the phytosanitary situation in agrocenoses and an assessment of the expected economic damage.

Considering the large negative role of pests that reduce the quantity and worsen the quality of agricultural products, modern farming systems should be focused, first of all, on ensuring a favorable phytosanitary situation in agroecosystems by creating a unified process for optimizing the agricultural background and phytosanitary well-being during the development of cultivated plants. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the high adaptability of pests to unfavorable environmental factors and intensification factors. Therefore, constant correction of recommended plant protection measures and improvement of systems of measures are necessary, taking into account changes in the structure of the complex of pests, the range of plant protection products and new techniques. Theoretical basis integrated system for the protection of agricultural crops is the provision that the environment-forming factor in agrocenoses is a cultivated plant. The search for ways and methods of managing the phytosanitary condition of crops is carried out by identifying the main patterns of mutual influence of harmful and beneficial fauna and flora on the formation of crop yields in order to ensure maximum plant productivity at each stage of their agrocenosis and achieve the planned harvest. The task is to eliminate the negative impact of pests during periods of their critical impact on the plant. The main basis of an integrated protection system is accurate information about the phytosanitary situation of agricultural crops. Therefore, it is very important to develop forecasts of various functional orientations: the phenology of agricultural crops during their growing season, the phenology of harmful and beneficial insects. It is necessary to give priority to the collection, processing and transfer of information to specialists carrying out operational work on plant protection. It is important to determine the feasibility of making a decision on the use of protective equipment and their subsequent economic effectiveness. Assessment of the phytosanitary situation and economic significance harmful objects is carried out using forecasts (long-term, long-term and short-term).

Long-term forecast are for 5 years. Pests are classified according to the nature of population dynamics and the most economically dangerous groups are identified for various types agricultural crops. Long term forecast is developed using information received in the previous forecasted season from agricultural lands on the spread of harmfulness, survival rate, wintering stock of pests, its entomophages, and determine the magnitude of the possible deviation from the long-term average level according to the long-term forecast. Short term forecast carried out for species characterized by very high population dynamics. With its help, the long-term forecast is corrected based on wintering conditions and soil excavations. The listed types of forecast are interrelated and complement each other.

Protective measures are effective and cost-effective only taking into account the actual phenology of harmful objects, crops and plantings, and harmfulness.

Phenological forecast serves to determine the phenological stages of ontogenesis of the pest and the protected crop.

Alarms are carried out to provide emergency notification of farms, tenants and farmers about the timing of protective measures against specific type. This forecast is necessary for conducting surveys and determining the need for protective measures in the surveyed field.

Harmfulness forecast makes it possible to determine economic feasibility protective measures, i.e. assess sub-threshold, threshold and above-threshold levels of the number of harmful objects on cultivated crops.

The economic threshold of harmfulness is such a population density of a harmful species or the degree of damage to plants at which crop losses are at least 3-5%, and the use of active plant protection products increases profitability and reduces costs.

2. Agrotechnical method protecting crops from pests is of paramount importance. Its use is based on the relationships between plants, pests and external environment. With the help of agrotechnical measures it is possible to create unfavorable conditions for development and reproduction harmful species and favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants damaged by them, as well as for useful species animals. Agrotechnical measures are preventive, they prevent the proliferation of pests. However, some agricultural practices can directly destroy pests.

Highest value have the following agrotechnical measures: crop rotation, soil cultivation system, fertilizer application system, cleaning and sorting of seeds, timing and methods of sowing, weed control, spatial isolation, timing and methods of harvesting, resistant varieties.

From the point of view of plant protection, the alternation of crops in crop rotation can be structured in such a way as to worsen the feeding of pests or make it impossible. Crop rotation is especially effective in reducing the number and harmfulness of monophages. To destroy or reduce the number of pea grains on the farm, it is enough to observe the correct rotation of crops and their spatial isolation or, if possible, exclude peas from crop rotation for 2-3 years. By introducing crop rotations, it is possible to reduce the harmfulness of oligophages.

The soil is a habitat for pest larvae. Therefore, various physical changes in the soil that occur during its development are not indifferent to pests. Great importance In plant protection, stubble peeling and early deep autumn plowing are used. At the same time, pests that are found on living plant debris, carrion, weeds, on the surface of the soil or in it are destroyed. upper layers. Peeling the stubble immediately after harvesting “provokes” the rapid and rapid emergence of carrion seedlings, on which the Swedish and winter flies are especially willing to lay eggs. Sawfly larvae overwinter on the stubble, which are plowed under and destroyed. Deep autumn plowing disrupts the normal wintering conditions of click beetles, meadow moth caterpillars, winter cutworms and cutworms, cabbage cutworm pupae, cabbage fly puparia, beet flies and onion flies. Many of them are plowed deep into the soil and subsequently cannot get out; others, on the contrary, are plowed to the surface of the soil and are attacked by their natural enemies.

Fertilizers can significantly increase the resistance of plants to pest damage, enhancing their regenerative ability, and in some cases, reduce the intensity of pest damage. The importance of fertilizers in protecting plants from pests is as follows: the use of fertilizers to directly kill pests. Thus, sieving dusty superphosphate serves effective way fight against naked slugs. When liming acidic soils and the application of ammonia fertilizers create unfavorable conditions for the development of click beetle larvae, a harmful centipede. When using phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, the number of aphids, bugs, and copperheads is noticeably reduced. When applying optimal doses of fertilizers, the growth of cereals accelerates, and by the time the eggs are laid by the Swedish fly, the plants will be well developed and will have passed the critical phase (sprouting - tillering). On such plants, the fly will colonize only the lateral stems, and the harmfulness of the fly is reduced. The use of fertilizers causes vigorous shoots, vigorous plant growth, and enhanced leaf development, which reduces the harmfulness of leaf-eating pests (cutworm caterpillars, white moths).

Seed cleaning techniques are used to separate those infected with pests and thereby achieve a significant reduction in grains and thick stalks. Optimal early sowing are significantly less infected by cereal flies, flax fleas, and nodule weevils.

Narrow row and cross sowing leads to a reduction in the number of grain flies and other stem pests. Early and separate harvesting reduces the number of bed bugs, cutworms, and stem borers. Destruction of weeds deprives cabbage flea beetles, beet bugs, and cereal flies of food; flowering weeds help increase the fertility of butterflies, and chamomile is a wintering site for the stem lupine fly. To protect some crops from infestation by pests, they are spatially isolated from areas where pests accumulate and multiply. By placing pea crops no closer than 500 m from perennial leguminous grasses, it is possible to reduce damage to pea seedlings by nodule weevils, and the colonization of cabbage by the cabbage fly in fields 1 km away from the areas where cabbage crops were grown last year is reduced. Carrot crops should not be placed closer than 0.5 km from a pine forest, since the carrot psyllid overwinters on coniferous trees.

Various varieties cultivated plants are unequally suitable for feeding and development of pests on them. The Swedish fly infests soft wheat. The varieties that are most resistant to green-eye are those in which tissue hardening occurs most quickly. Varieties with filled straws are resistant to bread sawflies. Creation of varieties of cultivated plants that are not suitable for feeding and habitat of pests, while simultaneously preserving all positive qualities of these plants is the most important area of ​​plant protection.

2. Intraareal dispersal and expansion of the ranges of local entomophagous species.

3. Creating conditions for increasing the efficiency of local entomophages.

4. Seasonal colonization of entomophages and acarifages.

The use of the microbiological method is based on the use of entomopathogenic microorganisms of bacterial and fungal origin (baciturin, BTB, colepterin, lepidocide, novodor, fitoverm, forey 48B).

Chemical method.

In the complex of measures carried out to protect agricultural crops from pests, the leading place is currently occupied by the chemical method - the use of pesticides. This method is very effective and can be used in almost all agricultural applications. crops against most pests. The chemical method is highly productive. Its significant advantage lies in the possibility of quick and effective use in cases where there is a need for immediate destruction of those that have multiplied in large quantities pests. However, the chemical method has disadvantages associated with the side effects of pesticides. Some pesticides are poisonous not only to pests, but also to beneficial insects, warm-blooded animals and humans. When using chemicals, all personal and public safety measures must be observed. There are restrictions on the use of many pesticides. In particular, it is prohibited to use some of them shortly before harvest. The unilateral use of pesticides leads to the fact that they very quickly lose their effectiveness due to the emergence of resistance. Insecticides are used by spraying, fumigation, application to the soil and seed treatment.

5. Physical method They are used mainly for pest control during the storage of crops and their processed products. To destroy the pea weevil located in pea seeds, the seeds are cooled to -10 0 -11 0 C. Death occurs after 6 days, and the bean weevil at this temperature dies after 12 hours. In some cases, to disinfest grain infested with pests, it is heated using high-frequency currents. Drying grain is used as a preventive and exterminatory measure in the fight against granary mites, grain weevils and rice weevils. The installation of light traps is used to catch insects flying into the light.

Mechanical method is labor-intensive and is used in the form of glue rings to destroy codling moth caterpillars and female moths. Collection and destruction of pests (apple flower beetle). In the spring, in the early morning hours, at temperatures of 10 0 C and below, the beetles are shaken off onto litter (tarpaulin) and destroyed.

In the fight against hawthorn and lacewing, the winter web nests in which these pests overwinter are collected and destroyed. Baits are used to kill pests.

6. Serious competition chemical method Currently in the Republic of Belarus biotechnology can constitute. It allows us to reconsider traditional approaches to plant protection and reduce the use of pesticides. Large chemical concerns are already changing their strategy and solving many problems using biotechnological methods and genetic engineering. Already, 48 varieties and hybrids of 12 agricultural crops have been obtained and introduced into production, which are resistant to certain herbicides, pests and diseases. In 62 countries they are cultivated on an area of ​​about 40 million hectares. By 2010, these varieties will occupy 20% of all areas.

The most important directions in this area of ​​research are the following:

1) creation of transgenic varieties, resistant to herbicides, pests and pathogens, that synthesize hormonal substances to attract beneficial entomofauna;

2) obtaining transgenic biological organisms that synthesize new biological active substances, new biopesticides or destroying chemical pesticides and other toxicants in soil and water;

3) early high-precision diagnostics of the development of resistance of pests to pesticides, determination of residual quantities of pesticides in soil, plants and products.

However, biotechnological methods are also not without some disadvantages:

1) mechanisms for controlling genetic, environmental and economic security this method;

2) phytosanitary problems of commercial cultivation of transgenic varieties resistant to herbicides, pests and diseases have not been studied. They can act as a selection factor that directs the specialization of pests towards these varieties. Unfortunately, in the Republic of Belarus these studies are still only sporadic.

Of the biotechnical means in the Republic of Belarus, pale blue glue traps (BGKL-P) are allowed for use for catching cabbage flies - 1 trap per 25 - 30 m 2. For catching carrot fly ZhKL-P (yellow glue trap (1 trap per 25 m2)). To protect cucumbers in protective soil from whiteflies, cucumber gnats and thrips, use ZhKL-T (yellow greenhouse trap) 3-5 traps per 100 m 2.

Genetic method based on introduction into the population pest nonviable or infertile individuals of the same species that contain lethal or incompatible factors. This achieves destruction or a sharp decline the size of the natural pest population. TO in various ways Applications of the genetic method include: radiation and chemical sterilization, the use of cytoplasmic incompatibility, obtaining diapause-free populations.

High doses of ionizing radiation suppress the vital processes of pests and lead to a lethal effect, while lower doses cause various changes in dividing cells, and primarily in reproductive cells. Under the influence of a correctly selected dose in insects, somatic cells do not suffer, but in reproductive cells, chromosome breaks are observed, followed by improper fusion - translocations, as well as their adhesion, leading to lethal mutations. These irreversible genetic changes, while maintaining the ability of irradiated insects to mate, formed the basis for the method of radiation sterilization of pests. Advantages of radiation sterilization: harmless to humans and domestic animals, acts selectively against the pest, does not cause the emergence of resistant populations. Disadvantages: the need for continuous breeding of a huge mass of insects requires a lot of money and labor. The area in which the pest is eradicated should be separated from the rest of its range by natural barriers, or sterilized populations of the pest should be periodically released.

When chemically sterilizing insects, they use chemical substances, reducing

Objectives: to introduce students to appearance especially dangerous insect pests of gardens and forests, talk about their harm and measures to help reduce their numbers.

Equipment: table “Insects – pests of gardens and forests”; individual drawings of insect development for mounting on a wall board; collection material.

Methods and teaching techniques: teacher’s story with elements of conversation using visual aids, independent work students with a textbook.

During the classes

It is advisable to start the lesson with a condensed test of students’ knowledge: an individual oral test on insect pests of fields and gardens and an individual written test (using flashcards) on arthropods.

Questions for oral knowledge testing:

1. What harm do locusts and mole crickets cause?

2. What are the dangers of aphids and pest bugs and which plants are they harmful to?

3. What harm do beet weevils and Colorado potato beetles cause in fields and gardens?

4. What damage do the cabbage butterfly and the fall armyworm butterfly cause to fields and vegetable gardens?

For a written test of knowledge, you can use the cards that were offered in previous lessons. Having clarified and specified the students’ answers, the teacher shows images of garden pests and invites students to say what these insects are called, which of them they saw alive, and what harm each of them causes to humans. Students are unlikely to be able to give complete answers, so the teacher himself then explains that often during the flowering of apple trees, many buds do not open, the flowers turn brown, and if such a bud is opened, it contains the larva or pupa of the apple flower beetle. It is noteworthy that many of the resulting apples fall off prematurely, each of them has a wormhole, and in the cut apple you can see the caterpillar of the codling moth butterfly.

Afterwards, the teacher tells that during the flowering of strawberries, many of their flower stalks are drooping, as if cut, the ripening fruits of raspberries and currants are “wormy”; shows images of affected plants and the insects associated with such lesions.

Noting that aphids and many other insects cause great harm in gardens, the teacher shows an image of a gypsy moth and tells why this butterfly is so named, why it is dangerous, at what stage it overwinters, and by what signs one can recognize its oviposition.

Among other dangerous insect pests of the forest, the teacher introduces students to the pine silkworm butterfly, bark beetles, longhorned beetles, and talks about the damage caused to forests by the cockchafer.

Having reported that agriculture and forestry in our country are damaged by about 700 species of insect pests, the teacher names mechanical, agrotechnical, chemical and biological methods of combating them. Invites students to tell which of these methods help reduce the number of insects already known to them: locusts, pest bugs, apple blossom beetles, raspberry beetles, gooseberry moths, gypsy moths, etc.

After clarifying and supplementing the students’ answers, the teacher asks the question: what methods of controlling insect pests are most effective and why?

Afterwards, the teacher gives homework: read the text of the paragraph in the textbook and answer the questions; Fill out the table “Insects - pests of gardens and forests” in your notebook (name of insect pests, their belonging to the order, damage caused), reveal the content of the concepts: “methods for reducing the number of insect pests” (mechanical, agrotechnical, chemical, biological).