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» Mini greenhouse for one plant. Mini greenhouse for seedlings. Home greenhouse in the apartment - how to do it yourself and get a decent result

Mini greenhouse for one plant. Mini greenhouse for seedlings. Home greenhouse in the apartment - how to do it yourself and get a decent result

Growing seedlings is a troublesome and rather laborious process. It is very important to provide her with the right microclimate, the necessary conditions for growth and development. At the same time, everyone wants the plants to develop as quickly as possible, and the wind and cold do not threaten them. It is for growing seedlings that summer residents use a mini-greenhouse. He happens different types and will help provide care for seedlings both at home and on garden plot.

Every gardener needs a mini-greenhouse, and why is not difficult to guess.

The main functions and advantages of this facility:

  • protects seedlings from negative influences, including drafts in the apartment (if the panic is home), rain and wind on the street;
  • does not block sunlight, but provides the correct microclimate for seedlings (the desired level of humidity, temperature);
  • allows you to carefully harden seedlings;
  • does not interfere with plant care procedures;
  • It has a low cost, it is installed in almost a few minutes.

On a note! By the way, many build mini-greenhouses even on the balcony, and not just on the garden plot.

The principle of operation of a greenhouse is easy to understand - it provides plants with heat due to the fact that it covers them from all sides from wind and draft and is installed in a well-lit place. The warm air accumulated under the film is not carried away by air currents in an unknown direction, and therefore the temperature in the greenhouse is much higher than in open space. This is very important for plants that like warmth and cannot stand excessive coolness. And the structure that is small in size will warm up faster and better - the mini-greenhouse fully meets all these criteria.

What is recommended to grow in mini-greenhouses? First of all, this, as already mentioned, is seedlings of various horticultural crops that need warmth and care. As a rule, containers with seeds for germination are placed in home greenhouses that are built on windowsills. Peppers, some types of flowers respond very well to the use of a mini-greenhouse. In the spring, plants can be moved to an outdoor mini-greenhouse for hardening. Thanks to the use of these structures for germination and seedling cultivation, crops will begin to bear fruit earlier than usual.

GrowBox - greenhouse for home

On a note! A home mini-greenhouse is, in fact, a structure that performs almost the same functions as a regular film stretched over boxes with future seedlings. However, work in it is much easier and more convenient.

By the way, another advantage of using garden mini-greenhouses is that their miniature size allows you to install them in a small garden area. However, when the seedlings grow up, they will have to be relocated to a greenhouse or open ground. But a mini-sized greenhouse will not be empty - you can plant other crops in it that do not require large spaces for growth and development.

Ordinary radish per season can produce 3 or more batches of crops, since in a mini-greenhouse you can start planting it very early, and finish growing much later.

early spring or late autumn onions, dill and other greens will feel great in the greenhouse, which will decorate your table and add vitamins to culinary specialties. In a small greenhouse, you can even grow, which will bear fruit throughout the summer.

A mini-greenhouse will also help in rooting some types of plants. For example, it has all the conditions for giving roots in the country and taking root cuttings of raspberries, currants, roses.

On a note! In order to root shrub plants in the garden, it is best to make a separate mini-greenhouse, since this process is far from fast and lasts about a year, and a greenhouse may be needed for new seedlings.

Types of mini-greenhouses

Such greenhouses can be various kinds, shapes and dimensions - from very tiny, domestic, to quite spacious, street. Consider the main types of these structures.

Table. Types of mini-greenhouses.

Construction typeDescription

It has a small size, can even fit on the windowsill. Seedlings begin to be grown in the first days of spring, or even in winter - it all depends on the growth rate of a particular type of crop. To reduce the development time of plants, and the seeds germinated and grew faster, such greenhouses are often used. Roughly speaking, these can be exact copies of street, familiar to us greenhouses with arcs and film, even multi-storey ones, or they can just be film shelters - it all depends on your wishes. You can make such a mini-greenhouse yourself or buy it ready-made in the store.

It consists of several small arcs installed in a row, covered with a film or agrofibre. In principle, it is no different from a regular-sized greenhouse, with the exception of very small dimensions. You can install in any lighted place.

It is a small box that does not have a bottom, but has a lid covered with glass, film. This type of greenhouse is easy to move and install on any bed. It is usually used to protect plants planted in open ground during unexpected frosts. Not bad for rooting cuttings of various fruit and berry and flowering crops.

This is a greenhouse installed in a trench dug on the site. Its "sides" are made with the help of strapping, a fertile bed is arranged in it, and on top of this whole structure is closed with a lid made of polycarbonate and film. The soil itself serves as a heat-insulating material, in addition, it is possible to equip the greenhouse with additional heating using biofuels, which we will discuss later. Often such a greenhouse is made single-sided.

This is an outdoor type of mini-greenhouse, which differs in the way it opens. It has two wings, which, when open, resemble the wings of a butterfly. In fact, such a design can have absolutely any size, but is usually small.

This type of greenhouse can also be quite large. The name "bread box" was born because of the special way of opening the structure, which really looks like a full-fledged bread box. The facility provides convenient access to plants and makes their care pleasant and easy.

Growbox prices


Description and characteristics of materials

Before we start studying the instructions for creating the simplest mini-greenhouses, we will deal with the basic materials from which they are built. Each of them has certain pros and cons.

What can the frame of an arched greenhouse be made of? The easiest option is plastic or metal arcs, someone even manages to make greenhouses from wooden arcs. If we compare these materials, we will immediately understand that metal will last much longer than wood, since it does not rot. However, it is prone to corrosion in high humidity conditions. To slow down both processes, the wood is treated with special protective agents, and the metal must be painted.

On a note! Unlike a greenhouse, when installing a mini-greenhouse made of metal, you do not need a welding machine. Metal rods can simply be bent and stuck into the ground.

Plastic arcs are good because they are not afraid of either rot or corrosion. But it is a more fragile material than wood and metal, and breaks easily with the slightest effort. But also the cheapest.

By the way, a greenhouse box is usually made of wood, especially if it is a portable greenhouse or a "butterfly". But still make the “snail” out of metal - it’s easier and more convenient.

To cover the structure, you can use:

  • polycarbonate;
  • agrofibre;
  • polyethylene;
  • glass.

Polyethylene film is the simplest type of covering material. It is easy to fix on any frame, and it is inexpensive. However, it quickly breaks and - even if it is removed for the winter - becomes unusable in 2-3 seasons. But in apartment conditions greenhouses are covered with foil.

Agrofibre - very good material, which transmits enough light and provides plants favorable microclimate. This is a fairly dense, but porous material that allows moisture to pass through, but does not release heat. It can be washed, and agrofibre serves with careful storage for many years. It costs more than polyethylene.

- a material that has long been known to all gardeners for its positive properties. It is quite strong, light, easy to work with. They can hide little greenhouse, and a huge greenhouse.

- good, but still not the best option for a greenhouse. The fragility and complexity of working with glass significantly limit the possibilities of its use. It is unlikely that gardeners will suffer with this material for the sake of a small greenhouse - except to cover the greenhouse.

Advice! We recommend using film, agrofibre or polycarbonate for mini-greenhouse equipment (depending on the type of product). So, for "bread boxes", "butterflies" buy polycarbonate, for outdoor greenhouses better fit agrofibre, and for home indoor - film.

Prices for cellular polycarbonate

cellular polycarbonate

Heating a mini-greenhouse with biofuel

Biofuel will help to insulate the greenhouse and provide it with additional heat. Its role is perfectly performed by manure, straw, old leaves. To equip such a heated greenhouse in the country is quite simple.

Step 1. In the place where the greenhouse will be equipped, make a small hole or trench in the shape of the future structure.

Step 2 Fill the hole about 2/3 full with biofuel mixture. To do this, mix leaves, straw, manure with soil.

Step 3 Spill the "bed" with water and cover with fertile soil, filling the trench to the brim.

Attention! The soil layer must be thick enough for planting horticultural crops into it.

Step 4 Put a greenhouse on top of the structure.

Due to the decomposition processes, the biofuel will heat up and give off heat more actively, and the greenhouse will accumulate it. This is how the natural heating system will operate in any greenhouse.

So that the greenhouse is not blown away by a strong gust of wind, and the whole structure is sufficiently rigid and stable, it is necessary to make a foundation. This will take quite a bit of time and will allow, if necessary, to easily transfer the greenhouse to a new location. More details.

We make mini-greenhouses of different types

Depending on the type of construction, greenhouses can be made different ways. Let's consider some of them. Let's start with the simplest option - a frameless greenhouse. This is just covering the ridge with seeds planted in them and covered with plastic wrap or agrofibre. Just cover the ground with material and press it down along the edges with bricks or stones, protecting it from blowing winds. And this simple structure will already be considered a greenhouse.

You can also make a tunnel or arched frame greenhouse yourself.

Step 1. Purchase or make yourself several arches of the same size (usually they choose arcs made of metal or plastic). You will also need polyethylene, wire and clamps.

Step 2 Set the poles about 40 cm apart by simply digging or sticking their ends into the ground 30 cm.

Step 3 Using a wire, a wooden slat, connect the arcs to each other at the top point. This will give the structure stability.

Step 4 Cover the resulting structure with a film and secure it on one side with plastic clamps or wire. On the other side of the film, fasten a wooden lath with clamps or wire - the latter will help to roll the material while opening the structure.

Step 5 The ends can be closed separately with pieces of film, or you can simply take a film of greater width and, while closing the greenhouse, lower its sides onto the ends.

Step 6 Fix on the film with stones or bricks.

This is one of the most simple options mini greenhouse. But there are others.

You can also make a small portable greenhouse. To do this, you will need lumber, screws, glass or polycarbonate, awnings and a handle.

Step 1. Put together a small frame without a bottom, resembling a beveled box.

Step 2 put together wooden frame from thin bars - this will be the basis of the transparent cover.

Step 3 Insert a sheet of glass or polycarbonate into the frame.

An alternative option is to use old window frames.

Step 4 Attach the frame to the awnings on one side of the box (higher side).

Step 5 From the bar, make a support for the frame. It is also possible to provide the frame with a hook for closing. The mini greenhouse is ready.

On a note! By spending a little more time and putting together a few polycarbonate frames, you can make such a greenhouse completely transparent.

This design is easy to move from place to place. The main thing is that she completely hides the beds with seedlings.

Grow seedlings good quality troublesome and labor intensive. To do this, she needs to create the right climatic conditions. Everyone dreams of a good harvest and rapid growth of plants. In the last few years, small mini-greenhouses have begun to gain the greatest popularity. They create ideal conditions for the growth of cultivated plants, both on personal plot as well as in the apartment.

Mini-greenhouses are used for growing cultivated plants not only on suburban area but also within the walls of a city apartment. It is suitable for planting whimsical and heat-loving varieties.

  1. Protects young plants from winds, drafts and precipitation.
  2. Provides the necessary climatic conditions for plants.
  3. Young seedlings do not get sick when transplanted into open ground, as addiction occurs slowly and gradually.
  4. Caring for plants is quite simple.
  5. They are easy not only to install, but also to store.

Most suburban areas are small in area. Full installation is not possible. Since such structures occupy most of the site.

Differences between greenhouses and greenhouses

All gardeners know that there are two irreplaceable structures in the backyard for growing not only seedlings, but also adult plants. But there are significant differences between them:

  1. The height is not more than 0.5 meters.
  2. It has no vents or doors.
  3. The greenhouse is heated naturally. For this, sunlight and bio-fuels are used.
  4. You can change their location.
  5. These are temporary structures that are used mainly only for the summer period.
  6. Year-round use is possible indoors.


There are a lot of types of miniature greenhouses. They may differ in size, shape and covering material. We present you several popular species that can often be found both in the apartment and on the site.


The structure is small. Fits on any window sill. Used for cultivation. By design, they are similar to street greenhouses, but in miniature. Installation in several levels is possible. You can construct it yourself or purchase it at a gardening store.

Portable board construction

It is a box-shaped structure that does not have a bottom. Polyethylene film or glass is used as a covering material. Its convenience lies in the fact that, if necessary, it can be installed anywhere on the site. Its main use is to protect plants from frost.


To build this model, you will need to dig a ditch. In it, equip ridges with fertile soil. Top cover with polyethylene, glass in a frame or a sheet of polycarbonate.

It is best to construct this type with a single-pitched cover. You save space on your site.

Model "Butterfly"

Named after small features, which consists in opening the valves on both sides. They are visually similar to a butterfly. The main advantage is access to plants, which is possible from both sides. It can be of any size, but in most cases they use small structures that do not take up much space on the plot.

Model "Breadbox"

It has one sash that fully rises to the top. The roof is semicircular. The opening of the sash occurs by pushing it behind the main part of the roof. Access to plants is easy. Doesn't take up a lot of space.


For the construction of this type of greenhouse, an unnecessary rack or cabinet is suitable. The cabinet is left without a back wall and covered with polyethylene or covered with polycarbonate. Instead of doors, frames are used with the same covering material that covers the back wall. Visually, this design resembles a shelf from a store. Easily installed on any balcony or loggia of a city apartment and used all year round.

Model "Wall"

This miniature structure is installed near the walls of outbuildings or houses. Compact. Great design for small areas. The roof is mostly single-pitched type. There is a minus, but not significant. In winter, it is necessary to constantly clear the snow.

From improvised materials

A good solution in arranging a personal plot will be small greenhouses that do not require any financial investment. And they take up very little space on the site.

Plastic bottles

To build this mini-greenhouse, you need a simple bottle of 5 to 10 liters. Making a greenhouse out of it is simple:

  1. cut out rectangular hole. One side does not need to be cut. This will be the door of the future greenhouse.
  2. Fill the bottle with nutrient soil.
  3. Plant seeds are planted.
  4. After spitting and rooting of seeds, the greenhouse is opened.

Do not forget to make several holes in the side of the bottle, which is parallel to the door. This is a drainage system to remove excess moisture.

Old tin barrel

From old barrel, which has not been used for a long time, you can make a mini-greenhouse. This process is simple and consists of several steps:

  1. Cut out several holes from the sides of the barrel.
  2. A dense covering material, for example, a bifold polyethylene film, is attached to the upper edge of the barrel.
  3. The holes should be located at a level where it will be convenient for you to monitor the plants.
  4. Fill the barrel with earth and plant plants in it.

window frames

A mini-greenhouse made of this material is installed once and should not be moved anymore. Old window frames are heavy and massive. To install them, you need to build a foundation. Further, the construction is carried out as follows:

  1. Window frames are cleaned of old paint, and covered with a means to protect the wood from rot and insects.
  2. For the frame you will need - a rack (1 piece) and a pair of strappings.
  3. The floor is concreted.
  4. The roof is made of a gable type.

Materials for manufacturing

The construction of a mini-greenhouse is a process that is based on the use of improvised means. It can be made from anything. Mainly use:

  • plastic;
  • metal profiles;
  • wooden bases;
  • polyethylene film;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • glass.

If the design of your mini-greenhouse has an arched shape, then its construction requires the installation of a flexible frame. Common materials for such bases are plastic and metal profiles. Wood can be used, but it is highly susceptible to decay. Indispensable, modern is polycarbonate. It is also possible to use plastic film and glass.

Glass makes the structure heavier and therefore, first of all, you will need to take care of strengthening the frame or installing the foundation.

Professional gardeners use a specific covering material for certain models of mini-greenhouses:

  1. Polycarbonate sheets are suitable for models "Butterfly", "Bread box".
  2. Polyethylene - for those structures that will be located in the apartment, at home, on the balcony.
  3. Glass - for stationary greenhouses in the garden.

Features and Benefits

The mini-greenhouse maintains a high temperature regime and can maintain constant air humidity for a long time. If you live in a city apartment. The small greenhouse will great place for green growth.

It is also suitable for growing seedlings of whimsical plants. Indeed, many gardeners have met more than once with the fact that when planting seeds, their germination was zero. When grown in mini-greenhouses, optimal conditions for germination are created.

Main disadvantages

Like any design, a mini-greenhouse has not only positive sides, but also negative. These include:

  • do not tolerate strong winds;
  • the range of cultivated plant varieties is narrow, since the height of the greenhouse is small;
  • it is difficult to replace the covering material if it is damaged, since the attachment to the frame is difficult.

How to choose a design

Each garden, summer cottage or other piece of land is unique. It may differ in landscape features of the area, its size and, of course, the composition of the soil. In order to create ideal conditions for plant growth, it is worth carefully choosing the design of a mini-greenhouse. For this it is necessary to take into account:

  • individual characteristics land plot;
  • what area will be allotted on the site for it;
  • what kind of lighting will be used;
  • what volumes of seedlings or plants will be grown.

When taking into account all of the above, you can choose for your site and seedlings desired view mini greenhouse.

Installation of different types

Mini-greenhouses, depending on the type of supporting structures, can be built in several different ways. For greater clarity, let's start step-by-step recommendations for construction with a mini-greenhouse that does not have a frame.

Such a greenhouse is beds covered with plastic wrap or other identical material. Seeds are sown and covered with covering material on top, and pressed along the edges with bricks, wooden yards.

Arched mini-greenhouse, instruction

To build an arched greenhouse, you will need to follow the following instructions:

  1. For construction, 5–6 arcs of plastic or metal profile, polyethylene film, a couple of meters of wire and about 20 clamps.
  2. Arcs are made by hand or bought in a store.
  3. Install them at a distance of 35-45 centimeters from each other.
  4. To strengthen the frame, a wire is pulled between the arcs.
  5. Cover the resulting structure with a film. After attaching it on one side with clamps.
  6. On the other hand, the film is attached to a wooden rail. It is from this side that your greenhouse will open.
  7. From the sides, the structure is also covered with pieces of polyethylene and pressed to the ground with a brick or wooden rail.

Portable polycarbonate, instructions

For the construction of a portable greenhouse from polycarbonate leaves more time-consuming, but no less interesting process. This will require:

  • wooden slats;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • awnings;
  • lever.

Instructions to follow when building this mini-greenhouse:

  1. Make a base frame. It should resemble a box with an oblique top.
  2. A frame is mounted from the rails. It is used to create a greenhouse roof.
  3. A piece of polycarbonate sheet is inserted into the frame.
  4. From wooden block construct a support for the frame - the roof.
  5. Attach a hook to the lid to fix the frame on the bar.

These building methods are very easy to install, but they provide seeds and seedlings with optimal climatic temperatures and humidity for germination and further growth.

Bio-fuel in greenhouse construction

There are situations in which additional heating of small greenhouses is necessary. Can handle it well biofuel. Its installation is quite simple.

  • After the place for installing a mini-greenhouse is established, they dig a small hole.
  • Mix manure, straw and dry leaves with the ground and place in a pit.
  • Water thoroughly with water and fertile soil is placed on top.

Layer fertile soil should be the thickness at which the plants will grow well.

  • Now the greenhouse is being installed.

The heating process is based on the decomposition of biological additives. Due to the release of heat, additional heating of the soil under the plants occurs.

There are a huge number of mini-greenhouse designs and everyone will be able to choose for their site exactly the one that will provide the best growth of seedlings and other garden crops and at the same time will not take a large number of places on the site.

A mini-greenhouse is a great way to grow healthy, high-quality seedlings that get used to future growth conditions gradually and after planting on permanent place does not get sick and gets used almost instantly.

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Even having small plot land, it is difficult to do without a greenhouse. Grow seedlings, get an early harvest, cover them from possible frost, from heat, make plants bloom earlier - all this can be done with this device. Moreover, it is not difficult to make a greenhouse with your own hands. There are very simple designs, there are more complex ones, but the manufacture of any of them does not require special education.

The frame for a greenhouse can be made of wood (boards), metal (corner, profile pipe or fittings) or PVC pipes (round or square). Cover the greenhouse with the same materials as : film, spunbond (also called agrofibre or non-woven covering material), polycarbonate and glass. Since the size of greenhouses is smaller (plants in greenhouses are served outside), the requirements for them are not so strict: even strong wind they are not afraid.

Greenhouse dimensions

Since plants are served outside in a greenhouse, its width is chosen so that it is comfortable for you to process plants planted closer to the middle. Determine this empirically: sit down, and try to reach out to some area with your hand. You measure the distance. Get the width of the greenhouse with a one-sided approach. This is if the greenhouse is located in such a way that it cannot be approached from the second side (near the wall, for example). If you can approach from two sides, this result is doubled.

The distance for each person is different: height and physical condition affect. Do not chase economy by making it wider than necessary. You will have to spend a lot of time on weeding, loosening, fertilizing, and other work. A couple of hours in an uncomfortable position, and no strength remains. Therefore, it is better to make the greenhouse a little narrower, but to make it convenient to work: while enjoying work, you spend less effort.

And the length of the greenhouse is chosen based on the layout of the site. She is arbitrary.

A simple greenhouse made of arcs under a film or spunbond

This greenhouse is made from several boards knocked down to the required dimensions, PVC pipe arcs, which are attached to a wooden base. The tops of these arcs are connected at the top with a beam or the same pipe. If it is a bar, it must be well processed, rounding the edges so that the film does not tear.

How to fix arcs

About how to fix the arcs of PVC pipes on the frame of the greenhouse. Fasten most often using a metal perforated tape. They take a small piece of it 5-6 centimeters, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. And fixed on both sides. For reliability it is possible twice.

In exactly the same way, you can fix them from the inside, so that they hold tight, add bars.

Another option: drive in pieces of reinforcement near the frame, and put pipes on them and only then fix them with clamps to the frame boards. This option is more reliable.

How to attach film

You can attach the film to PVC pipes with double-sided tape. But only if the film was used inexpensive polyethylene: it is impossible to tear it off without damaging it, and polyethylene lasts no more than a year. So for a seasonal greenhouse, this option is from the category of "cheap and cheerful." The second way is special clips for fixing films and everything that can replace them - a piece of an old hose cut lengthwise, a pipe clamp that is used for installing pipelines, stationery binders, etc.

It also makes sense to fix the bar on both sides along the edges of the film. To do this, the film is cut off more than necessary in length, a bar is wrapped in excess and the film is fixed on it. Now you have a piece of film, on the short sides of which bars are attached. Leave one on one side, throw the other on the other. Now you do not need to press the film to the ground with stones: a bar holds it well. It is also convenient to open the greenhouse for ventilation with it, they wound the film, put it upstairs.

You can use small nails to fasten the film, but put washers under the caps. Faster work with a construction stapler with staples. So that the film does not tear at the attachment points, it is laid with something. It is possible - a dense braid or just a strip of fabric, and fasteners are already hammered into it.

More powerful option

If there is a need to make a greenhouse with PVC arcs more reliable, wooden racks are nailed to the base of the boards in the center of the short side. A board is attached to them on the edge, in which holes are pre-drilled with a diameter larger than the outer diameter of the pipes.

During installation, the pipe is threaded through the hole. You can fix it on the sides as suggested above, or do it differently: pre-install the studs in the bars, and put the pipe on them.

The simplest greenhouse

What is good about PVC pipes is that they are easy to bend. Also, they weigh little. Ideal for a lightweight portable greenhouse, especially when paired with spunbond. This material can be sewn. Take a piece with a density of 30 kg / m2, in increments of 50 -60 cm, make drawstrings in it. For a drawstring, stitch across a strip of the same material about 10 cm wide (it is stitched on both sides). Inside, insert the pipes cut into the desired sections.

Now all this can be installed on the bed: stick the pegs in two rows on one and the other side of the bed, put a pipe on them. Immediately you get a ready-made greenhouse. And what else is convenient: you open and close the plants simply by collecting or straightening the spunbond on an arc. This is a very convenient temporary greenhouse: as soon as it is not needed, it can be removed and folded in a couple of minutes.

Greenhouse - it couldn't be easier

This greenhouse is good for seedlings, but you can do it for pepper, eggplant. A stand is nailed in the middle of the base. To it are two inclined boards. The cross section is a triangle. If you need a long greenhouse, about every meter install the same design. All tops are connected with a long bar or pipe. This greenhouse has a simple and convenient design.

Cucumbers are grown with it only until they begin to curl. Under the cucumbers, the covering material is removed, racks are nailed (screwed) to the sidewalls, between which the twine is pulled.

Greenhouse "Khlebnitsa" and "Butterfly" - photo

This design is called "bread box" due to the fact that one to one is similar to plastic container for bread. Its lid also rises up, hiding behind the second half. If you look at the photo, you will understand everything.

There are two types of such products: opening from one or from two sides. If it is shallow, you can work with a lid that opens on one side. If the width is more than a meter, it will be easier to work if there is access from two sides. This design with two opening sides has its own name: "Snail".

A film, spunbond is stretched onto the frame, but polycarbonate is more popular for this design.

The second design differs in the type of door opening. Its vault is also made on arcs, but it opens up on hinges (see picture).

They can be installed directly on the ground or on a prepared base of bricks or timber. In some cases, the covers do not open immediately from the ground, but there is a small side 15-20 cm.

From improvised materials

Turn unnecessary things into useful products Our people have no equal in this. They make greenhouses from things that you would never even think of.

For example, you can easily make a greenhouse with your own hands from old window frames. When replacing windows, do not rush to throw them away. They make a great greenhouse. Moreover, the designs may be different. The simplest is a body made of boards, to which a window frame is attached as a cover (with glass, of course).

In order for the plants to receive maximum light, one of the sides of the frame is made higher (which faces south or east). There are different frames, any of them can be used for these purposes. As proof - a photo gallery of greenhouses made of frames that were made by diligent owners with their own hands.

They make greenhouses from barrels. Cover with an old transparent film umbrella or cropped plastic cans for water.

A homemade greenhouse can be made from a plastic or foam box. Although "do" is a strong word. All you need is to stretch the film.

Mini greenhouses for seedlings

For those who grow seedlings for their own garden or flower garden, large volumes are useless. We need small greenhouses. And many grow seedlings on balconies. All of the above designs can be used for a reduced size balcony. For very small plantings, you can generally take plastic egg trays. On the one hand, you get a container for the soil and, and the lid will be instead of a shelter. See photos for other ideas.

The use of plastic bottles is already familiar, only the shape is non-standard. The bottle is only cut and a glass with seedlings is inserted inside, or you can plant it directly in the lower part ... And this is a portable mini-greenhouse for plants

A greenhouse with your own hands can be assembled in a few hours. None complex structures you don't have to build. Everything is very simple, economical and practical.

Greenhouse structures are widely used for growing seedlings of flowers, garden crops or rooting cuttings. In closed ground conditions, you can get a crop of radishes, lettuce and greens. Making a greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands is quite simple. The first task is to become familiar with possible options, decide on the dimensions and location of the mini-greenhouse. The manufacturing technology will not create any difficulties in the assembly and installation process.

Proper placement of the greenhouse structure on the site simplifies the care of planted seedlings and promotes the active growth of crops. When choosing a place, a number of criteria must be taken into account:

  • landscape characteristics of the area - the slope of the site, the presence of a reservoir, the level of groundwater;
  • directivity of light - illumination is of paramount importance in the development of plants;
  • convenience of location - proximity to communications for servicing a mini-greenhouse;
  • soil quality - weediness of the site, susceptibility to erosion, soil fertility.

Homemade wooden greenhouse

The optimal location has the following characteristics:

  1. A sloping base is good if the impromptu garden bed is “broken” on a small hill. In this case, the soil warms up faster, and the access of melt water is limited. When placing a greenhouse in a lowland, it is necessary to provide a drainage layer.
  2. South, southeast or southwest side of the site - sufficient illumination and reduced wind load. The maximum amount of light will penetrate inside the building, oriented along the east-west line.
  3. Wind protection. There are two ways to reduce the wind load as much as possible:
  4. the construction of a hedge or a blind fence up to 1.5 m high, the distance from the greenhouse is 7-10 m, in order to avoid the appearance of a turbulent vortex;
  5. attaching to the wall of the house - it is important that the building does not block the flow of light.
  6. The presence of paths paved with gravel, stone, tile or concrete - there should be a convenient approach to the structure.

Placing a greenhouse on the site

It is advisable to place a home greenhouse for seedlings in an apartment on the southern windows. When installing a mini-greenhouse from the west, east or north, reflectors should be used, for example, a mirror or foil cardboard. Plants should be exposed to diffused light to avoid leaf scorch.

Mini greenhouse on the windowsill

Greenhouse options for seedlings

The greenhouse differs from the traditional greenhouse, first of all, in size. Regardless of the size and shape, the design must fulfill the main tasks: ensuring optimal temperature and light conditions, protecting seedlings from rodents and pests.

Optimal dimensions of the greenhouse

The greenhouse is serviced from the outside, so it should not be too wide, optimally - 1.2-1.5 m. This size will allow you to easily reach and process plants planted in the middle of the beds. However, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person: physical condition and growth.

Determine dimensions small greenhouse for seedlings it will turn out empirically:

  1. In the selected area, sit down on the cards and pull your hand forward.
  2. Measure distance. The resulting value is the width of the greenhouse with a one-sided approach, for example, for a wall structure.
  3. To determine the width of a double-sided structure, the value must be doubled.

small shelter

The size of greenhouses for seedlings largely depends on the crop being grown. For flowers, cabbage, tomatoes optimal height construction is 0.7-1 m, for cucumbers - 1.5 m. The length depends on the expected number of plants and the layout of the site.

Determining the type and shape of the structure

Before you start making a mini-greenhouse with your own hands, you need to choose the type of construction. The variety of structures is classified according to the following parameters: the possibility of transfer, the presence of a frame, location relative to the ground and the method of planting seedlings.

Stationary nursery model

There are two types of greenhouses for mobility:

  1. Stationary - made of brick or wood. The design requires a foundation, and a reliable roof made of glass or polycarbonate. An interesting option is a greenhouse made from old window frames.
  2. Mobile - arranged in the form of a box made of a metal frame or wooden boards. In fact, this is a portable shelter that allows you to change the location of the beds every year. Some supplement the frame with a bottom - this makes it possible to adjust the position of the greenhouse within one season.

Mobile design on wheels

By the presence of a frame, mini-greenhouses are:

  1. Frame - a film or glass is fixed on a previously mounted frame. This is the most versatile and common option. Varieties of structures according to the shape of the frame: tunnel, gable, single-slope, domed, trapezoidal. The easiest to manufacture are arc-shaped shelters made of flexible material (wire or PP pipes) and a heat-retaining fabric.
  2. "Insulated soil" - frameless simple greenhouse structures are suitable for growing undersized plants(greens, radishes). The seeds planted in the ground are covered with a film, the shelter is fixed with bricks and boards.

Frameless seedling growing technology

According to the level of deepening, deep and ground modifications are distinguished. The first type is located in the pit and retains heat better. Ground mini-greenhouses are easier to install, the box can be moved from place to place.

Traditionally, plants are sown along the micro-greenhouse. With a lack of space on the site, it is better to install a vertical greenhouse for seedlings, which includes several tiers of racks. Plants are planted in separate containers or in bags with soil mixture.

Vertical bed under the film

We make a greenhouse for seedlings with our own hands

It will be possible to build a compact nursery even alone. For work you will need available materials and tools available in the arsenal of almost every home master.

Greenhouse made of metal rods

A small greenhouse for seedlings can be made from reinforcing bars. To create a metal frame with your own hands you will need:

  • reinforcement with a cross section of 10 mm - it is advisable to choose rods with a smooth surface so as not to damage the polyethylene;
  • film cover;
  • log.

Before you make a greenhouse for seedlings, you need to calculate the consumption of materials:

  1. The number of rods depends on the length of the building. You can perform the calculation according to the formula: the length of the greenhouse in meters / 0.4 + 1. For example, for a four-meter structure, you will need 11 arches (4 / 0.4 + 1 = 11).
  2. The length of one rod depends on the width and height of the finished structure. For example, if the specified parameters are 1 m and 50 cm, respectively, then the reinforcement is cut into segments of 240 cm (100 cm + 50 cm + 50 cm + 40 cm). In the calculation, 40 cm is the deepening of the rods into the ground on both sides. The indicator can be increased, but cannot be reduced, since the stability of the hotbed will decrease.
  3. The width of the film should be 20 cm less than the length of the rod. In the example considered, 220 cm is enough. The length of the material is determined by the formula: greenhouse length + two heights + 0.3 m. That is, 4 m + 2 * 0.5 m + 0.3 m = 5.3 m.
  4. The length of the log is equal to the length of the mini-greenhouse, that is, 4 m.

Greenhouse made of metal fittings

The procedure for making a simple greenhouse for seedlings:

  1. Bend the metal rods with the letter "P". The distance between the two ends should be 1.1-1.3 m.
  2. It is advisable to paint the ends of the metal reinforcement - this will protect the material from corrosion and will become a guideline when arranging the rods.
  3. On the site, make markings for the installation of arches.
  4. Deepen the rods into the ground by 20 cm, the distance between adjacent arches is 40-50 cm.
  5. Pull the film over the frame, leaving an overhang of 20 cm on the long sides, and 50 cm on the short sides.
  6. Cover the edges of the polyethylene with earth on three sides (two short and one long).
  7. Clear the log of knots and press down the film on the fourth side. This solution provides access inside.

The film should fit snugly against the frame, then gusts of wind will not be able to disrupt the shelter, and puddles will not form in the folds after rain.

Frame made of bent plastic pipes

Two options for greenhouses made of plastic pipes

It is possible to build a greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands using plastic pipes. different ways.

Option 1. Mini-greenhouse made of bent PVC pipes.

Necessary materials:

  • pipes with a diameter of ¾ inch;
  • wooden boards 10 cm wide;
  • metal pegs by the number of arcs;
  • reinforced film.

How to make an easy greenhouse for seedlings:

  • prepare a template - draw a sketch of the pipe of the desired bend, attach the sheet to a wide board and drive nails along the contour;
  • insert a piece of pipe and bend it according to the template;
  • heat the plastic with a building hair dryer;
  • wait for the pipe to cool completely and remove it.
  1. Put pipes on the pegs to form several identical arches.
  2. For the strength of the frame across the arcs, it is desirable to stretch one or three pipes - stiffeners.
  3. Cover the frame with a film, level it and fix it with clamps.

Ways of attaching polyethylene to the frame

Option 2. A home-made hotbed made of PP pipes, fastening the elements with tees. Such a device for a greenhouse for seedlings is characterized by increased strength. The work is carried out using a welding machine for plastic pipes.

Greenhouse construction from pipes and corners

The order of assembly of the gable model:

  1. Draw a diagram and calculate the consumption of materials - the length of the pipe and the number of tees.
  2. Assemble the frame according to the drawing. The technology is identical to pipeline soldering:
  • clean the edges of the pipes;
  • heat up the soldering iron and insert the docking parts into the nozzles;
  • remove the heated elements and dock with each other.
  1. Cover the frame with a film, leaving free access on one side for caring for plants.

Advice. The optimal shelter for a mini-greenhouse is a reinforced film, the density of which is 120-200 g / sq. m. The service life of the canvas is 3-4 seasons.

PP-pipe soldering technology

Three lumber greenhouses

It is not difficult to build a greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands from improvised lumber. The constructive solution is possible in various versions.

Simple design mini greenhouse

Method 1. Mini-greenhouse.

For assembly, you will need several boards and a cut of the film. The mobile structure has no bottom and can be installed in any corner of the site. Coating is attached furniture corners or carnations. For a mini-greenhouse, a width of 1 m and a length of 2 m is sufficient, the height is adjusted by the size of the boards.

Advice. In order for the nursery to serve for more than one year, the box must be strengthened. At the corners of the frame from above, you need to install isosceles triangles, sawn from a bar.

Gable micro-greenhouse from rails

Method 2. A gable simple shelter.

You will need narrow boards or slats - the number of parts depends on the dimensions of the building. Production order:

  1. From the rails make three longitudinal beams - two will serve as the base, and one - the top.
  2. Connect truss elements with the top at an angle. For fastening, use screws or nails.
  3. After assembling the first element, it must be “tried on” in the garden.
  4. Fasten all parts with bases into a single structure.
  5. Install the structure on the garden bed and cover with polyethylene.
  6. Stretch the film, dig it in with earth or fix it with bricks.

Making a nursery from boards

Method 3. Shed greenhouse under glass.

A homemade greenhouse for seedlings will be more convenient and efficient if you use a glazed window frame instead of a film. The procedure for glazing a wooden box:

  1. Determine the number of frames. For a structure with a length of 2 m, 3 frames with a size of 100 * 66 cm are enough, made from a bar of 5 * 5 cm.
  2. Assemble frames from the bars, fastening the elements with furniture corners.
  3. Make chamfers under the glass with a depth of 5 mm.
  4. Prepare and insert glass.
  5. On the inside of the box, nail the slats - these will be stops for the frame.
  6. Fasten the hinges and hang the frame.
  7. Install the handle.

Video: Mini-tips made of wood and polyethylene

Stationary brick greenhouse

The stationary construction of masonry or concrete is durable and efficient. For construction you will need:

  • cement, sand and brick;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws, nails;
  • water-repellent paint;
  • covering material - film, polycarbonate or old window frames.

Drawing of a brick mini-greenhouse

From the tools you need to stock up: a drill, a hammer, a shovel, a trowel, a saw, a tape measure and a container for mixing the solution.

Nursery construction technology:

  1. Mark a place for a mini-greenhouse.
  2. Along the perimeter, dig a ditch the width of a brick to a depth of 20 cm.
  3. Cover the bottom of the trench with sand and tamp.
  4. Mix the solution. Combine sand and cement in a ratio of 4: 1, add water.
  5. Lay out the walls of the greenhouse from bricks. The masonry height is about 50 cm. It is advisable to provide for a slight slope towards the south - so the plants will be more saturated with sunlight.
  6. A brick box from the inside can be divided into sections by erecting partitions.
  7. Assemble the lid. From wooden slats knock down the frame, insert glass, cover with a film or fix polycarbonate.
  8. Install the hinges and hang the cover.

Stationary brick mini-greenhouse

Room mini-greenhouses

A mini-greenhouse for seedlings, as in the photo below, is used for "forcing" seedlings or a vegetable garden on the window. You can make a similar design yourself by calculating the dimensions and drawing up a sketch of a room greenhouse.

Growing seedlings in an apartment

The whole process of creating a micro-greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands can be divided into two stages. The first step is the manufacture of the bottom:

  1. Determine the optimal parameters of the greenhouse.
  2. Cut pieces of the desired size from wooden blocks.
  3. Make cuts for inserting glass, grind the slats, treat with an antiseptic.
  4. Lubricate the grooves with sealant, install the glass and wait for the composition to dry completely.
  5. Install the remaining rails and dry the frame.

Creating the bottom of the future greenhouse

The second step is fixing the walls and roof:

  1. Prepare the details for the walls and cover.
  2. Assemble the hinged frame, the frame of the triangular roof elements and install the glass in them.
  3. Fasten the blind slope and fix the hinged cover on the hinges.
  4. On the inside of the skate, you can install LED lighting.

Assembly procedure for indoor greenhouse

A simple mini greenhouse for seedlings on the windowsill can be made from improvised means:

  1. Cut two plastic bottles in half. fill with soil upper part containers and install in the bottom. To create a greenhouse effect, cover the structure with a plastic cup or the top from the second bottle.

Plastic bottle greenhouse

How to equip a greenhouse for seedlings

Growing seedlings should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology. An important role is assigned to the preparation of the land mixture, maintaining the regime of illumination and heat.

Preparation of the land mixture

For the active growth of young plants, light soil is required, enriched with organic matter and minerals, with good gas and moisture permeability. Peat-based mixtures have suitable properties.

Composition of peat soil for seedlings:

  • 3 parts of peat;
  • 1 part of sod land;
  • 1 part of forest foliage;
  • 1 part humus.

Preparation of soil mixture for seedlings

All soil components should be harvested in the fall. Store them in plastic bags at a temperature not lower than 0°C. Mixing of components is carried out before sowing seeds.

Before filling the greenhouse for seedlings with soil, it must be subjected to a disinfecting treatment. The following methods are possible:

  1. Fumigation. In autumn, after harvesting, install a sulfur bomb in the greenhouse, set it on fire and close the greenhouse. After two days, ventilate the soil and “mothball” it for the winter. This option is only suitable for outdoor nurseries.
  2. Steaming. Pour boiling water over the soil or treat with a steam generator. The solution is relevant for indoor mini-greenhouses.
  3. Antiseptics. Ready preparations are used according to the manufacturer's instructions. A home-made mini-greenhouse can be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate (for 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon).

When choosing a way to prepare a greenhouse for seedlings for planting, it is important to remember the safety measures. The smoke from sulfur bombs is toxic, so work must be done in a gas mask or respirator. Soil disinfection blue vitriol carried out with rubber gloves.

Electrical cable laying diagram

Creating the optimal temperature regime

A constant temperature inside can be maintained artificially or naturally.

The procedure for organizing heating using electric heaters:

  1. Put a gravel-sand pillow on the bottom of the greenhouse.
  2. Place a cable on top.
  3. To protect the heating element, install cast iron boxes and lay a thin sheet of iron.
  4. Pour a fertile layer - about 18 cm. Connect the system to the power supply - a regular network with a voltage of 220 V will do.

Film greenhouse heating

The most efficient, affordable and environmentally friendly way to maintain the thermal regime is the use of biofuels. The method involves the use of manure. With natural decomposition organic fertilizer gives off heat. Horse manure is considered the most heat-producing - it is heated to 55-58 ° C, pork manure is the least effective - heating to 44 ° C.

Types of biofuels based on organics

Organization of heating with biofuel:

  1. Remove the fertile soil layer (25 cm).
  2. Dig a pit over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse. Depth - 50 cm.
  3. Lay on the bottom and on the walls of the pit thermal insulation material(mineral wool or polystyrene).
  4. Build a dense substrate of straw, leaves and peat.
  5. Lay out a "thermal" substrate, alternating layers of manure and leaves. The total thickness should be 50 cm.
  6. Pour a fertile layer of soil. Organics will gradually decompose, and the layer of soil in the greenhouse will settle. Therefore, the thickness of the earth mixture must be increased to 30-35 cm.

Scheme of biological heating of the nursery

To rule out a shortage sunlight, you can equip a greenhouse for seedlings with lighting. Compact shelves or plant stands are placed in vertical structures.

The variety of options allows you to choose the optimal model for growing seedlings. An important plus of mini-greenhouses is simplicity and affordability self assembly. Even beginners can build and equip a hotbed.

Horticulture gurus assure that crops on personal plots can be tripled by actively using small home structures, of which there are many types. A self-made mini-greenhouse can become a vegetable garden or a greenhouse right in the house, an excellent help in growing seedlings, a cozy shelter for plants on the site. Implement this idea by familiarizing yourself with the types, methods of manufacturing compact structures from the simplest to high-tech.

Mini greenhouse in the garden

Types of mini-greenhouses

This category includes a variety of greenhouses for the home, desktop greenhouses, cabinets purchased in stores or equipped by home craftsmen for growing greens, indoor flowers, seedlings. Some people adapt aquariums, terrariums and even suitcases that have become unnecessary for this purpose.

Classic mini greenhouse

When deciding what it is possible to build a compact greenhouse for a house or a summer residence from, it should be remembered that in this building there are two main structural element- a supporting frame (frame) and a light-conducting fence. Materials for walls and roofs are:

  • glass,
  • polymer film of various types,
  • nonwoven covering materials,
  • special synthetic mesh (Nethouse greenhouses),
  • improvised materials such as plastic bottles.

Garden greenhouse with wooden frame

Suitable for frames:

  • metal pipes or profile (corner, square),
  • plumbing plastic pipes,
  • fiberglass rebar,
  • lumber (bars, boards),
  • old window frames, if any.

Classic mini greenhouse

In not so ancient times, the joy and pride of summer residents was a greenhouse-house with a wooden frame. It is worth building its miniature analogue for forcing greenery, growing seedlings, indoor flowers in an apartment. The actions performed in this case are by no means complicated and consist of two main stages. First you need to determine the dimensions of the mini-greenhouse, sketch, start making the bottom with your own hands:

  1. Make blanks from wooden blocks, cut glass of the right size for the bottom, walls, roof.
  2. Select grooves for glasses on two adjacent sides of the bars intended for the bottom, cut off their ends at 45 ° at the joints.
  3. Sand and treat all surfaces of the rails with a waterproof stain.
  4. Lubricate the groove in one of the rails with sealant, insert the glass into it, making sure that the second groove is facing up.
  5. Alternately install the remaining bars, gluing the joints between them. Dry the finished bottom.

Bottom manufacturing

Now you can assemble the walls and roof:

  1. Process the details as in the previous step.
  2. Assemble, similarly to the bottom, all frames intended for walls and roofs.
  3. Mount the walls using corrosion-resistant self-tapping screws.
  4. Install triangular elements, one roof slope, attach a hinged cover to it on hinges.

Assembling a room greenhouse

Greenhouse cabinet

Provide comfortable conditions plants on the loggia of an apartment building and on a personal plot are helped by mini-greenhouses in the form of whatnots or cabinets. Their area is small, but, being multi-tiered, they accommodate much more "guests" than desktop options. With such a structure, you can grow a solid amount of seedlings in a city apartment. A glazed display rack, on the shelves of which original flower arrangements are installed, can become a highlight of the interior.

Trade offers many models of home mini-greenhouses in the form of cabinets. The simplest version is a metal frame with mesh shelves, on which a transparent cover is pulled, equipped with a zipper for access to plants and organizing ventilation. Any householder will make such a design with his own hands for one or two, guided by the photo below.

Simple compact greenhouse rack

A notable feature of the greenhouse-cabinet is its mobility. At the end of the seedling period, it is easy to take it to the country house and decorate it. adjoining territory capricious flowers. Everyone knows how chic terry petunias suffer from rain, and a mini-greenhouse will reliably cover containers in bad weather. If the legs of the structure are equipped with wheels, it will be easy to roll it into the most comfortable spot.

Another option is to put the rack on the balcony, where to grow seedlings or give shelter for the summer to some indoor plants. However, for the loggia or balcony of the house, you can build a more elegant mini-greenhouse, and this will not seem superfluous in the living room. Consider the photo below and roll up your sleeves: home master making an analog is easy.

Elegant closet-greenhouse on the balcony

Mini-greenhouses on the windowsill deserve special mention; cabinet structures have also been used here. Study the diagrams below - perhaps you will find the ground for creativity.

Schemes for the device of mini-greenhouses on the windowsill: fig. 1 - stationary room greenhouse, fig. 2 - a cabinet assembled from separate modules like bookshelves

High-tech automatic structures

The designs discussed above provide plants with a greenhouse effect, they sometimes provide additional illumination. But watering, fertilizing, regulating humidity, temperature, airing is the concern of the owners, who often have little time. Many people dream of a “smart” greenhouse that would take care of green pets on its own. A reliable option is a ready-made automated electric greenhouse, since not everyone can do it with their own hands.

Home Automatic Mini Greenhouse

Through the efforts of the sphere modern technologies automatic cabinet-type mini-greenhouses, the so-called growboxes, in which compact crops can be grown, have been created. At the same time, all the conditions necessary for plants, including lighting, are created artificially, using the appropriate equipment and devices included in the kit:

  • fans (one or more);
  • lighting fixtures LED, DNAT, DRI;
  • carbon filters;
  • timers;
  • thermometers;
  • hygrometers;
  • voltage relay;
  • auto irrigation systems.

Solid turnkey growbox

The appearance of the growbox depends on what exactly serves as the basis for mounting a set of equipment. Firms that offer this type of mini-greenhouses in finished form mount the filling in cabinets resembling ordinary furniture, or in wardrobes made of special durable light-tight and odor-proof fabric. In the latter case, boxes are also called grow tents.

Ready-made grow boxes are very expensive. For example, a box for a house, designed for just one plant, costs about 13,000 rubles, and the price of a box for 15 "tenants" is close to 45,000 rubles. Obviously, it makes sense to keep only incredibly valuable specimens in such cabinets, and it is not advisable for an ordinary summer resident to grow seedlings in them. The purchase of a grow tent and the independent installation of equipment in it reduces the cost, but still it is quite expensive.

You can significantly reduce the price of the issue if you purchase a branded kit for a grow box and mount it yourself, taking as a basis a cabinet, cabinet, a case from a non-working refrigerator, and so on. Having the desire, time, skills in electrical installation, it is quite possible to cope with this task. This helpful video will help.

Video: DIY Growbox

Automated mini-greenhouses are produced in various versions. Some models are shown in the photo below.

High-tech cabinets: 1 – grow tent; 2 - Kitchen Nano Garden with individual temperature control on each shelf; 3 - growbox with a hydroponics system; 4 - caring for pets in the growbox

Aeroponic system

Another high-tech product that allows you to grow various crops almost without human intervention is aeroponics. Unlike high-tech cabinets, which typically use hydroponics (plant roots are in a nutrient solution or a solid substrate impregnated with it), an aeroponic system does not involve the presence of soil, substrate, or placing the roots in a liquid medium.

The basis of this method is periodic fine spraying. nutrient solution on freely hanging roots, which at the same time receive a kind of oxygen cocktail. But oxygen is needed for the development of green pets along with good nutrition (it’s not for nothing that you loosen the beds in the country!). Results:

  • in grown crops, growth and maturation are accelerated;
  • the resulting fruits or greens are environmentally friendly;
  • the harvested crop is several times higher than that possible with traditional cultivation;
  • since the vegetation of plants is accelerating, several such crops can be obtained per year.

Wonderful home appliance AeroGarden

The most famous aeroponics home appliance is the cute AeroGarden mini greenhouse. It has an excellent design, all processes (supply of water, power, switching on and off of lighting) are automated. However, the price bites: more than 25,000 rubles. Now the Russian analogue of this device "Home Garden" is being actively advertised, reviews about it are good, and the cost is 2.5 times lower.

You should not think that only compact greenhouses are equipped with an aeroponics system. This progressive method is also used in the industrial cultivation of crops in closed ground. Significantly, some manufacturers of high-tech cabinets have begun to abandon hydroponics in favor of aeroponics. An example is in the video below.

Video: Growbox. Aeroponics

A nice bonus: to build an aeroponic installation for the home with your own hands is quite simple and not too expensive. See for yourself by watching the video.

Video: DIY Aeroponics

We build a mini-greenhouse for a summer residence with our own hands

It is superfluous to prove that vegetables and herbs, grown at least part of the season in protected ground, give earlier harvests, which are much higher than in open beds. If you don't have the space or funds to build permanent greenhouses, consider making simple, inexpensive, but effective small greenhouses.

Greenhouse in garden mini-greenhouse

How is a greenhouse different from a greenhouse

If you are going to build a sunny house for seedlings, you should decide on the terminology: what type of closed structure is called a greenhouse, and what kind of greenhouse. A person inexperienced in gardening will name the size as the main criterion. This is to some extent true, since the main difference between the two types - the process of microclimate formation in a closed volume - is predetermined precisely by the size (mainly height).

In the greenhouse, the greenhouse effect is pronounced due to the intensive heating of a small volume by the sun. In the greenhouse, although this factor is also present, the microclimate is closer to natural. When it comes to small-sized structures, the differences are smoothed out, the conditions in a compact greenhouse can be close to the microclimate of a greenhouse. In view of this, here the terms "greenhouse" and "mini-greenhouse" can be used as equivalent.

Greenhouse or greenhouse?

Greenhouse for seedlings with a frame made of pipes

When choosing the dimensions and materials for a homemade shelter, one should be guided by the purposes for which it is intended. For growing seedlings at home and even a full cycle of vegetation of low crops, the ready-made greenhouse "Snowdrop" is perfect. You can take it as a prototype and create a do-it-yourself structure with an arched frame made of galvanized steel, aluminum or plastic pipes.

Purchased greenhouse "Snowdrop-M"

The easiest way to work with polypropylene pipes (25-32 mm). The advantages of the frame of them:

  • budgeting;
  • durability;
  • speed of installation and dismantling,
  • reliability, corrosion resistance;
  • ease of maintenance, cleaning;
  • transportability,
  • good looks.

Greenhouse frame mounting scheme

To mount such a structure with your own hands is very simple:

  1. Mark the site, prepare fertile soil. It is not out of place to make a box of boards around the perimeter of the beds to avoid slipping of the earth, but you can do without it.
  2. Dissolve steel reinforcement into segments (80 cm) - for attaching arches. Drive them with a half-meter interval along the long sides of the perimeter of the future greenhouse, leaving 30 cm outside.
  3. Cut the pipes into pieces 2 m long. Determine their number based on the length of the ridge, with the expectation that the arched supports are located at least half a meter apart. If reinforcement for fastening arches is not provided, increase the length of the pipes by 50 cm so that they can be stuck into the ground.
  4. Having fixed one end of the pipe on the reinforcement, bend it with an arc and carefully put the other end on the reinforcement on the opposite side of the ridge. Do the same for the rest of the pipes.
  5. Fasten the resulting arches together with a connecting strip, wire or cord.
  6. Cover the frame with a translucent material (agrofibre, film), fix it on the arcs with special clamps. You can make homemade clamps from short pieces of a pipe of a slightly larger diameter, cutting them along the length narrow gaps.
  7. Stretch and secure with stones or boards hanging covering material around the perimeter of the "newborn" greenhouse.

Covering material is attached around the perimeter

Film mini-greenhouse

In fact, a film mini-greenhouse is any frame covered with a greenhouse film, which is why it is cheap and requires little labor for installation. Now popular use of plastic water pipes and fittings, from which, like a children's designer, you can assemble a reliable durable frame for a comfortable gable "house".

Returning to the arched greenhouse discussed just above, you will find that approximately the same technology can be applied to the construction of an arched frame for a compact greenhouse. Only the dimensions of the elements need to be increased, it is imperative to make a wooden box at the bottom, and additionally fasten the pipes to it with clamps.

Assembling the frame from plastic pipes

The following photos may remind you of a classic room greenhouse, the manufacturing process of which is described earlier. Yes, practically this is its enlarged copy, which is even easier to make with your own hands: you don’t need to make grooves for glass, mess with sealant - you just have to assemble frames from wooden blocks and cover them with a film. Just don't forget to process wooden details protective compound!

When planning the construction of a film structure, it is important to know the criteria for choosing a material. Often summer residents operate with only one definition of a film: "polyethylene". However, several types of film are used to cover greenhouses:

  1. Polyethylene. Sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which it quickly collapses. It has low strength. Service life is only one season. Advantage - low price.
  2. Reinforced. Durable, used for winter greenhouses.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride. Has high transparency and durability. The price is high.
  4. Stabilized. Thanks to modifier additives, it prevents the formation of condensate. Light transmittance is reduced.
  5. Light-scattering - for special greenhouses.

Construction from old cans and more

Of course, building a mini-greenhouse with your own hands reduces its cost, and if you use waste materials at hand, you can practically avoid material costs. Many make individual shelters for cabbage seedlings from plastic bottles with a cut bottom.

Some originals can be inspired to make a unique greenhouse for seedlings by an old suitcase or an unnecessary umbrella.

You can purchase umbrella-type devices to protect your pets from late frosts. Easy to make similar products and with your own hands.

Finally, the design of a mini-greenhouse from an old can or barrel deserves attention, the manufacture of which is within the power of anyone. For this you need:

  1. Wash (clean) the old one at hand plastic container.
  2. Cut through windows from one side without affecting the stiffeners, if any.
  3. Cut out a curtain from a dense film according to the size of the slots, fix it with a furniture stapler or double-sided tape.
  4. Pour soil into the container, sow the seeds.

Mesh mini greenhouse

Making a mini-greenhouse (more precisely, its frame) from a metal mesh with your own hands is within the power of even a completely inexperienced person in this matter.

The work should be done in this order:

  1. Purchase a construction mesh or use existing leftovers.
  2. Measure the required amount for the floor, walls, cylindrical surface of the upper part.
  3. Lay plastic pipes around the perimeter of the base to strengthen the structure. Attach them to the grid with pins.
  4. Make a door frame out of wood, dock it with a metal frame.
  5. cook two plastic pipes 60 cm long more than the perimeter of the rounded part of the end of the greenhouse. Bend them, attach to the grid with electrical tape. Stick the free ends into the ground.
  6. Cover the rounded part of the frame and the rear end with a film, glue the joint with adhesive tape.
  7. To make a door by wrapping a rectangular structure knocked together from rails with a film. Hang it on the hinges in the door frame.
  8. Complete the building experiment by covering the gaps in the front wall with foil.

Mesh frame construction

Miniature greenhouse against the wall

A compact greenhouse attached to the sunny wall of the house is a popular option in Western countries for placing a greenhouse facility on the site. Russian summer residents and homeowners rarely use it, but in vain.

A popular type of mini-greenhouse in the West

Here are the benefits that can be obtained by placing a mini-greenhouse against the wall of a building:

  • For a greenhouse adjacent to the house, less space is required than for a stand-alone one.
  • The wall is a kind of heat accumulator. Having warmed up from the sun during the day, at night it gives off heat inside the mini-greenhouse. Temperature differences between night and day are reduced, which favors the development of plants. In addition, the greenhouse gets part of the heat from the heating of the house.
  • Thanks to the accumulation of thermal energy by the main wall, it is possible to extend the growing season of plants: late frosts in spring and early autumn become less dangerous for them.
  • The glazed surface of a wall-mounted greenhouse is smaller than that of a stand-alone one. This makes it possible to save on its heating in cold weather.
  • Compact greenhouse with good design, located near the wall, is able to decorate the local area. To do this, it is better to choose colorful flower arrangements as filling, which is practiced in the West. But the original mini-garden, located in a small-sized greenhouse, will also be an excellent trend solution.

Greenhouse in the capital extension

In the role of a mini-greenhouse of this type, both a capital extension to the house and lightweight construction rack type, fixed on the wall of a residential building or other building. The same purpose will be served by a mobile greenhouse-cabinet, a portable greenhouse with nice design. Consider the photo below - perhaps you will get some ideas for arranging such structures on your territory.

Video: mini greenhouse for vegetables

You have read the review various types mini-greenhouses and how to build some of them with your own hands. To supplement knowledge in this area, a selection of useful videos below will help. The first video highlights the features of operating a simple arched mini-greenhouse when growing vegetables in it.

Video: Mini greenhouse for vegetables

The following material clearly shows the process of building a mini-greenhouse with a frame made of fiberglass reinforcement.

Video: Greenhouse is easy and cheap

Video: Do-it-yourself eternal greenhouse

Finally, from the last video showing images of various greenhouse designs, you can extract a suitable idea for yourself.

Video: Options for greenhouses at their summer cottage

Now you know a lot about compact greenhouses and hotbeds, you can consciously make a choice and make your favorite model with your own hands. And if, without having the necessary skills, you doubt your capabilities, then, having chosen one of the structures, entrust its construction to specialists.