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» Is it possible to get burned on an induction cooker? How to connect an induction cooker - useful tips. What are the differences from other plates

Is it possible to get burned on an induction cooker? How to connect an induction cooker - useful tips. What are the differences from other plates

To refute or confirm this myth often mentioned in the media, we need to understand the working principle of an induction hob.

Let's pay attention to Fig. 1 and we will understand how the dishes are heated on induction surface. So. In the production of induction hobs, the same glass ceramics are used that are used in traditional ceramic hobs. The main difference between induction is “stored inside”... And what’s “hidden” inside is not the traditional HiLight tape heating element, but an electromagnetic coil.

Place the dishes on the hob and turn it on. In this case, the coil creates an electromagnetic field, which generates heat not in the cooker, as in a conventional hob, but in the cookware itself. That is, in other words, glass ceramics acts as a stand for dishes. Heat in the dish is generated when molecules in the bottom of the dish begin to move at high speed due to the action of the magnetic field.

However, if we raise the dishes 1 cm from the glass ceramics, the magnetic field immediately disappears and the generation of heat in the dishes stops. That is, as you and I understand, there are limits to the propagation of the magnetic field. How strong is the magnetic field? Can it really harm human health? A magnetic field measuring device will help us answer this question.

Let's give an example from life. We all blow dry our hair after we shower in the morning. Have you ever wondered if it is harmful to health? Probably not, because we don’t tend to think about bad things. However, when measuring the level of magnetic field strength, a surprise awaited us. The voltage level of the hair dryer at a distance of 3 cm from it was 2000 μT (Miklo Tesla). At the same distance, the voltage level of the induction hob was 22 µT. Surprised? We, too!

An induction hob is 91 times safer than a regular household hair dryer! Measurements at a distance of 30 cm were also in favor of the safety of induction: 0.65 versus 7 for a hair dryer.

Well, the myth has been completely refuted: an induction hob cannot harm your health and the health of your children!

Myth 2. To use induction you need to change all the dishes at home

This myth is exactly as old as there have been induction hobs on the market. household appliances in Russia. Fear of something new always gives rise to myths like this one. Many of those who purchased an induction hob and had no idea that, for example, their old enamel cookware, which is 15-20 years old, has ferromagnetic properties and is suitable for an induction hob.

How can one not remember the story about aluminum cookware and the housewife who threw it away without thinking that the bottom of such a cookware could be made of another ferromagnetic material and it could be suitable for cooking on an induction hob? There are many stories and even more than you can imagine. That is why this myth is very easy to refute.

In order not to throw out all the old dishes that you are used to cooking with, you need to check its bottom for ferromagnetic properties and this is done very simply: remove the magnet from the refrigerator and attach it to the bottom of the dish from the outside. If the bottom is magnetic and the magnet “sticks” to the dish, then this means only one thing: this saucepan/frying pan is suitable for “induction” cooking. The myth will be refuted again, and your old favorite dishes will be able to please you again and again!

Myth 3. Induction heats up like a regular glass ceramic cooker (with Hi Light elements)

One of the most common myths, although the induction hob was created so that the glass ceramics would not heat up to high temperatures, but the dish would still be cooked. Well, to the delight of those who doubt the purchase of an induction hob, the following attempt is dedicated to refuting this myth...

So. As we already found out in myth No. 1 about the “safety of induction hobs,” an induction hob makes the food hot by heating the cookware through an induction coil. Those. heat is initially generated in the bottom of the cookware, and only then this heat is transferred to the glass ceramics. In a conventional hob with Hi-Light heating elements, everything is exactly the same, but in reverse: heat is created by a tape heater, from this heat the glass ceramics are heated, and only then the heat is transferred from the glass ceramics to the dishes.

In Fig. 4 and 5 show the experiments conducted by our company to refute this myth. Try the same at home on a hob with Hi-Light heating elements... *Afraid? Right! Because if food, water or other objects get on a regular working glass-ceramic hob, they will immediately burn. This will not happen with an induction hob due to a different operating principle.

Of course, glass ceramics on “induction” will heat up from hot dishes during cooking, but burning will not happen and the glass ceramics will not. The glass ceramic induction hob will continue to delight you with its advantages! Another myth has been destroyed and it goes to the collection of completed refutations of “Hansa MythBusters”!

* Hansa LLC warns about the dangers of such an experience and does not recommend doing it

Myth 4. Any object that comes into contact with a working induction cooker will become very hot.

Oh, how those manufacturers who did not produce induction at the moment it appeared on the market loved this myth. What could you hear from such “experts”: “If you hold your hand with a ring on your finger on the hob, it will heat up and your finger will burn”; “Any metal object that hits it will heat up,” etc.

Hansa induction surfaces have minimum diameter dishes, which is 8 cm. If this diameter is lower, or total area heating will be low - the induction hob will not turn on. This is very important parameter the safety of your health and the health of your family. It should also be noted that if the cookware is not suitable for use on a given surface, then it will not heat up.

Hansa induction hobs have a sensor for detecting the presence of cookware, and if you try to turn it on without using the cookware, you will not be able to do this. No, no, and no again: it won’t work, just like your children, who want, for example, to “press” the buttons of a new object in the house. Myths, myths... how much they “eat into” our consciousness, although they have no compelling arguments for this... Another myth was destroyed by Hansa specialists!

Myth 5: Induction cooktops and cooktops cannot be installed above ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, refrigerators, freezers and other appliances with metal surfaces.

Oh yeah! Our favorite myth, which at one time was a stumbling block for the consumer who chose for himself classic scheme location of the built-in and wanted to install a hob above the oven. There were also those who installed these items separately: the cabinet in a column, and the surface on the countertop. “But why waste space under the hob?” - the consumer thought - “I’ll put a drawer under it to store cutlery!”

And at this moment the most interesting thing began: kitchen salons and studios, not having Hansa induction surfaces, convinced the consumer of the need for such a surface and argued with all the myths that we had already refuted, including this myth. “Your forks will heat up!” - said the kitchen salon employee...

Well. It's time to refute this myth. Go! So, what is a magnetic field and how is it formed? The magnetic field manifests itself in the effect on the magnetic moments of particles and bodies, on moving charged particles (or current-carrying conductors (Fig. 10)). IN in this case the current passes through an electromagnetic coil hidden under glass ceramics, and the second important component of the formation process electromagnetic field is a ferromagnet - in this case, cookware suitable for induction heating. Electromagnetic coils are located parallel to the tabletop. In this case, theoretically, the magnetic field should act both on objects located above the hob and on those located under it. And this is absolutely true based on theory, if not for one BUT.

There is one caveat regarding Hansa induction hobs. Our surfaces use a special magnetic field insulating component called a heat sink (Figure 11). It just prevents the magnetic floor from affecting forks, spoons and knives located in the drawer under the hob. In addition, there is a belief that you cannot place a cabinet under an induction surface. Do you already understand that this can be done? :-) The distance from the hob to the cabinet is approximately 20 cm, and the magnetic field is located at a distance of 1 cm above the hob. The above-mentioned heat sink is responsible for the absence of this field at the bottom of the induction surface.

Well, the 6th myth is crumbling like confetti in New Year. It is destroyed in the same way that the legend that storks bring children was destroyed. This myth, very popular among many, will finally remain a myth and will not disturb the minds of those consumers who have made their choice in favor of induction hobs!

Until recently, household stoves were divided only according to the principle of operation - gas or electricity, and when purchasing there were no questions about how this or that model worked. But today, with the development of new technologies and the improvement of household appliances, manufacturers offer consumers familiar units and modern modernized models.

Induction cookers are the result of modernization of familiar household appliances. It is worth presenting in more detail the facts about how they work and what they are. The physical action applies only to the hob; the oven is electric with thermal heating elements.

How does an induction cooker work?

The operating principle of this type of equipment may seem strange, because during the heating process it is the dishes that heat up, not the burner. The secret lies in the use of a physical phenomenon in the operation of the equipment.

It uses the technology of inducing eddy currents on a mounted metal object. This result is created by magnetic fields of frequency from 20 to 100 kHz.

Externally, it is a glass-ceramic hob with touch-sensitive temperature controls. Cooking timers and panel lock buttons are installed on the equipment.

Using this technique involves purchasing special metal utensils. The stoves also work with conventional metal utensils, but then the energy consumption and cooking time may increase.

What is the secret of cookware designed for use on such equipment? The secret lies in the structure of the bottom of the pots or pans. The bottom of such dishes is thick and its structure contains a layer of ferromagnetic material.

The owner may already have such devices in her house. Modern designs are indicated by a special spiral sign, which means compatibility with induction.

Old-style cookware is also used on such equipment, and if there is no sign, then its suitability is checked by applying a magnet to the bottom. If magnetization occurs, then this specimen is suitable for further use.

Pros and cons of induction cookers

Devices with induction heating technology, on average, are more expensive than glass-ceramic heating surfaces. Is it worth overpaying? And what benefits will the buyer receive after the acquisition?


  1. Reduced energy consumption. The heating temperature is set simultaneously with turning on the burner, no preheating is required, all the voltage is immediately transferred to the cookware.
  2. The diameter of the dishes is not limited. If for ceramic cookware the selection depends solely on the diameter of the burners, then here heating occurs only along the contacting surface of the installed item. The handles of the cookware do not get hot, the heat generated by the burners is not wasted.
  3. Safely. In the chaos, at least once every person has had a situation where he forgot to turn off the stove. After such cases, the burners burned out, and considerable numbers accumulated on the electricity meters. Hobs of this type prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations. Without utensils installed on them, they cannot work and turn off. The panel does not heat up during operation; it only heats up from the bottom of the pan.
  4. Decrease or increase temperature level occurs instantly.
  5. The coating of the stove is glass ceramics. Caring for it is available to any housewife using special cleaning products and scrapers.

In contrast to the advantages of induction heating, there are also negative distinctive features:

  1. High price. Yes, such equipment will cost 1.5 - 2 times more to purchase, but it is worth thinking about the future reduction in energy consumption. A properly selected stove will pay for itself in the near future. But you shouldn’t choose expensive samples either; the functions stated in the specifications are not used in everyday life.
  2. If it was not found in the house suitable cookware, then you will have to update the entire range - frying pans, pots, saucepans, etc. Kitchen utensils suitable for this type of household appliances are more expensive, which will incur additional expenses.

There are not so many disadvantages, and they all concern financial side. But once you invest in a purchase, you can save on electricity for several years.


Cookers using induction heating technology have not been in demand for a long time in the household appliances market. And the reason is not only the high price, but also myths and prejudices.

Harm to the human body

The opinion that the technology underlying the operating principle of the equipment can cause harm to the human body. People were afraid that the magnetic field created during work would affect internal organs. In order to destroy the false opinions that have developed regarding induction panels, manufacturers compared the power of the resulting fields from this device and from a household hair dryer, which housewives use quite often.

The results were incredible. The hairdryer creates a field with an indicator of 2000 micro Tesla, and the hob - 22 micro Tesla - this is almost 10 times less! The strength of such a magnetic field cannot affect human health in any way!

Turning on the stove from any metal object

People believe that any metal object can cause the burner to turn on and will heat up. This statement is not true.

As already mentioned, for work you need dishes that can be attracted by a magnet, but not all metal kitchen appliances have such qualities.

The sensors built into the slab design are set to a minimum diameter of 8-12cm. If the area of ​​the heated surface is less than this indicator, then heating will not occur.

Metal objects under the stove heat up

It is a misconception that the installation of a built-in panel cannot be above other devices or any metal surfaces.

Yes, the electromagnetic field created, in theory, leads to heating of objects on the surface and below it. This statement took place at a time when induction cookers were just beginning to be produced.

Modern models are equipped with a magnetic heat sink located at the bottom of the case hob. Its purpose is to block the penetration of magnetic fields through the lower part of the case.

Therefore, today manufacturers produce both combined models with ovens and those designed for installation in kitchen furniture over dishwashers or other equipment.

How to choose an induction cooker

Like other household appliances, induction surfaces have characteristics that can influence the choice of a particular product in a store - these are design, functional characteristics, manufacturer’s name and price.

Design features when choosing stoves include: free-standing equipment in combination with an oven, tabletop or built-in models, size and shape of the equipment.

Freestanding Appliances, With induction heating, are rarely found in stores today, no more than 20 copies. Such models do not require additional purchase ovens, can be installed at any time free place, do not take up space on the table, and are not built into the tabletop.

Tabletop units are equipment with one or two burners, no more. They do not require additional installation conditions; in addition, some models are designed to operate at a voltage of 220W.

The range of built-in models of induction appliances presented in stores is incredibly wide. In online stores the number of models offered is even greater. Built-in models look attractive when combined with the entire kitchen arrangement and do not require a separate installation space.

The shapes of household appliances are the usual square or rectangular, but there are also hexagonal built-in models. The sizes can match the wishes of any consumer. The main condition before going to the store to make a purchase is to accurately measure the place where the unit will be installed.

Functional characteristics that require attention when choosing:

  • number of burners and their location;
  • the presence of a combination in the device, induction burners and with a heating element. For some users, the combined device will have a positive effect, because you won’t have to throw out the old dishes, but for others it will be a rejection of this model.
  • touchpad locking, a function that will protect a home with small children from unpleasant consequences;
  • protective shutdown, an option in the presence of which liquid escaping from the pan will cause the system to shut down and burning to the surface will not occur. Disconnection also occurs when hit foreign objects to the control panel;
  • The shutdown timer will allow you to program the stove for the required time, and be distracted by other things. It will turn off the burner itself and notify you with a signal that the program is running;
  • The residual heat indicator indicates that the surface has become hot from the surface of the pan. It burns while the surface cools and goes out when it becomes safe;
  • multi-stage burner power adjustment. large quantity adjustment stages - makes it possible to more accurately adjust the cooking temperature;
  • PowerBoost is a function that will increase the power of the switched on burner at the expense of the adjacent one by 50%;
  • The temperature maintenance function keeps pre-cooked dishes at the specified temperature;
  • The pause function temporarily stops cooking and can be continued by pressing just one button, preserving all set cooking modes.
  • Induction without boundaries allows the installation of kitchen utensils of any diameter on the surface.


The cost of induction cookers is influenced by: manufacturer, functionality, size, number of burners, design, construction. Before you go shopping, you need to clearly define the requirements for the future main household appliance in the kitchen.

It is not rational to rely only on the popularity of the manufacturer; equipment manufacturers may not advertise their products. Price orientation may not be relevant either. Stores set prices depending on their desires.

It would be correct to take into account the functionality of the model you are interested in. Additional functions increase the price, so it’s worth considering the need for this or that option in your everyday life.

Precautionary measures

An induction cooker is a device that operates using power from an electrical network. And like any other electrical equipment, it must be used with precautions.

  1. The connection must only be to a network with the appropriate voltage specified in the specifications.
  2. Blocking the air intake panel may cause the equipment to overheat.
  3. The equipment must be protected from water entering under the housing.
  4. To clean such a device, it is necessary to first disconnect it from the network.

Compared to a standard product or a product with cast iron pancakes, induction panel safety is top notch. It functions according to electromagnetic induction. This principle means the appearance of electric currents inside a closed circuit. They occur when the flow through a circuit changes.

This phenomenon has been used since the mid-19th century, after its discovery by the famous physicist M. Faraday. This phenomenon is widespread in transformation devices. Essentially, an induction hob is a portable transformer.

What is induction in a hob? Let's look at the model as an example. In it, this phenomenon is ensured by a special coil, which works like a winding. An electric current passes under it, the frequency of which reaches 60 kHz. The secondary winding is the cookware mounted on the panel. Its bottom receives the induction current. Initially, the cookware heats up, then the heat transfers to the hob.

The process of functioning of the burner in this type of panel (and similar ones) is clear. This is a chain of a number of components:

  1. dishes (pot or other item);
  2. eddy current;
  3. surface (glass or ceramic);
  4. a coil that is connected to the electrical network;
  5. a magnetic field.

Consequently, the algorithm for the functioning of this type of slab itself looks like a sequence of a number of actions:

  • The coil is located under the stove itself. The material of this component is copper.
  • When an electric current is passed through a coil, it turns into magnetic fields, and begins to produce induced currents.
  • (or other dishes) becomes a conductor. Its circuit is completely closed.
  • The eddy current that the tile produces causes the electron particles in the bottom of the pan to move.
  • Electrons generate heat. It heats the cookware and starts the cooking (frying) process.

An induction hob cannot be heated to very high temperatures. This is due to its peculiarity - to heat it, you must first heat the bottom of the pan.

Induction heating ensures minimal heat loss. Under its influence, the dishes heat up much faster than electric or.

The first devices made according to this principle were expensive and not accessible to everyone. They were not in great demand, and only after popularization they found their buyer. But many still doubt the advisability of installing them in the kitchen.

Pros and cons of induction hobs

Fast heating, safety and convenience, a large number of different programs make the induction hob popular among chefs, housewives and lovers of cooking various delicacies.

Purchasing a device requires a detailed analysis of its positive and negative characteristics. Let's try to compare it with others that are more familiar to us. The result will help determine which is better - induction or:

  1. Principle of operation. The electric stove heats the dishes only after it has warmed up. The induction hob remains cold, while the cookware itself remains hot.
  2. Whimsicality. For electrical devices, you can use any cookware; for induction cookware, only models with magnetic properties are needed.
  3. Safety. The induction cooker starts only after the dishes are placed on it (it should not be empty). It should only be a large container - a fork or spoon will not start the device.
  4. Speed. An electric stove takes longer to heat up.
  5. Power consumption. Induction has 1.5 times less consumption compared to electric.

Minuses an induction panel, in comparison with an electric stove, is associated with a very high cost of the former. It can also influence the operation of nearby devices, slowing them down.

Now let’s look at the differences between induction and glass-ceramic hobs:

  • Efficiency. A task that would take 1-2 minutes for an induction oven to be completed will be completed by a glass-ceramic oven in at least 5 minutes.
  • Heating intensity. Induction panels do not heat up at all, which cannot be said about glass-ceramic panels.
  • Safety indicators. The induction surface does not get hot, therefore it protects the user from burns. This stove has an automatic on and off function. It is easy to operate - just remove the dishes or put them down. The operation of the glass-ceramic panel must be regularly monitored.
  • Resistant to damage. The induction cooker is afraid of “inappropriate” cookware, so you need to select special items for it. Glass ceramics are highly susceptible to scratches, impacts, and frequent heating.

The price of the induction hob is much higher than its analogues.

Choosing cookware for an induction hob

As noted above, this device is susceptible to kitchen appliances in which food is prepared. Therefore, it will need to be replaced with one designed for such tiles. needed for an induction hob?

We need special items that have ferromagnetic characteristics. You don’t have to visit specialized stores to buy them. This simple models pans and pots that attract magnets. You can also test your enamel saucepan for such abilities - if it copes with the task, then it can also be used.

It is strictly forbidden - products made of copper and aluminum. You should not purchase items made of glass for such panels; porcelain items are also not suitable. Ceramics are prohibited. A good solution is cast iron frying pans.

Cookware for an induction hob must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Thick bottom. The minimum permissible diameter is 12 cm, thickness is 2-6 mm. This is the only way to achieve it required area contact between the burner and the bottom.
  2. Marking. How to understand that products have the necessary properties? Look at the inscriptions and marks made by the manufacturer.
  3. Price. We need to prepare for what good dishes, which will fully interact with the panel, is not cheap.

These utensils can also be used on standard tiles. But this is rarely necessary, because with the advent of an induction hob, an electric or glass-ceramic stove loses its relevance.

You can find combined models with standard and induction burners. For them, you can use enameled objects, or made of stainless steel or cast iron.

Specialized cookware is not only a set of pots. Manufacturers present ladles, frying pans, and stewpans. In Europe they make items with a durable non-stick coating. These are expensive products designed for users who put quality first. Relatively inexpensive goods are presented by French and Czech companies.

Thus, purchasing an induction cooker requires additional costs. If you don't have suitable utensils in your kitchen, you will need to purchase them. Otherwise, the device will not cope with its purpose and will quickly fail.

Induction hob – harmful or beneficial?

The main reasons causing mistrust potential buyers, are known - this is the high cost of the device and an incomprehensible, unusual operating principle. It is believed that the effect of magnetic fields on the body is exclusively negative. But according to manufacturers, the field created by the induction surface has low frequencies and does not cause any harm.

If you use pacemakers or hearing aids, it is better to keep your distance from such a stove and not come closer than 0.5 m to it. It is advisable not to buy such a device at all - you are better off with a glass-ceramic stove. It is worth considering the negative impact of such a stove on other household appliances in the room.

Statements about harmful effects induction surface cannot be called completely untruthful. They form a vortex magnetic field, but it bad influence can be compared with the effect of mobile phone. It has very little negative impact.

Food cooked on such a panel is not radioactive. The stove body greatly limits the radius of influence of eddy currents. Their influence will be zero if you move away from the surface by only 0.5 cm.

Chefs working in restaurant kitchens Catering, are already accustomed to cooking on electric (less often gas) stoves. They have long learned to take advantage of the advantages and, if possible, minimize the disadvantages of using these plates.

However, today almost ideal induction technology is gaining increasing popularity. Electromagnetic induction cookers are the innovative future restaurant business. Why only restaurant? Simply, despite the fact that this phenomenon was discovered by Michael Faraday back in 1831, kitchen equipment using this technology remains the most expensive. The price of a single-burner panel is about 150 thousand rubles.


In the USA, as well as a number of European countries, induction cookers are actively equipped in the kitchens of establishments in the HoReCa segment. This process has been going on for the last 20 years. In Russia it is just being launched.

Of course it's expensive. But those owners who see several steps ahead understand: spending money today will pay off with interest tomorrow.

Main difference The difference between an induction hob and a conventional electric glass-ceramic hob is based on the principle of heat generation. In a standard electric burner, heat first comes from the heating element to its surface. Then it heats the bottom of the pan and only then the heat is transferred to the product being prepared.

In an induction cooker The heating process is shortened as much as possible. The heat produces a magnetic field generated by the copper coil and the high-frequency current. And it goes straight to the bottom of the dish. There are simply no heating elements or intermediate links. Heat from the bottom of the pan (pan) heats the food. The temperature of the burner itself usually does not exceed 60 ºС and already 6 minutes after turning it off it cools down completely. Whereas a gas burner will require 24 minutes, and an electric burner more than 50.

This leads to the following advantage. Ambient the air practically does not heat up. No matter how ideal kitchen ventilation, but any cook will tell you that the working temperature in the room is usually always far from comfortable. By the way, in kitchens equipped with a line of induction equipment, you can save a lot on the ventilation system. Professional ventilation is not a cheap pleasure. And its periodic cleaning (again, professional) is another expense item.

The next advantage of an induction hob is wide range heating power. It can vary from 50 to 3500 W. Moreover, it changes very smoothly with the help of many cooking modes. For example, food can be stewed perfectly at minimum power (like on low gas). But the maximum level can bring water to a boil much faster gas stove. 1.5 liters boil in just 3.2 minutes.

It is interesting that with such a power difference heating accuracy provided up to a degree. And this is another advantage of induction technology. The temperature change occurs instantly. If necessary, you can use the booster function. It allows you to transfer the power of one burner to another in a matter of minutes.

Other advantages of induction cookers include time saving, electricity and, as a result, money. Firstly, it is automatically selected optimal mode. That is, only the bottom of the pan is heated, even if its diameter is smaller than the burner itself. Secondly, the system automatically adjusts the previously set temperature. The programmed limit is instantly reached, and then it is maintained by turning the stove on and off. Thus, preparation takes a minimum amount of time and significantly energy is saved.

And the last two advantages are ease of maintenance and maximum safety. Since the stove practically does not heat up, it is impossible to burn anything on it. The entire cleaning process boils down to periodically wiping the panel with a damp cloth. At the same time, the safety of the stove has been brought to almost perfection. The burner will not turn on if there is an empty pan on it (without water or other food), if the diameter of the object is less than 12 cm (whether it is an abandoned fork or other small cutlery). Accordingly, it is impossible to get burned.


The main thing, as you already understood, is price. With a single-burner model costing about 150 thousand rubles, purchasing the most optimal 6-8-burner unit will not only be costly, but very expensive. Such a purchase is only feasible for restaurants in the high price segment and establishments with signature cuisine.

Another disadvantage is the prohibition of installing induction cookers over conventional ovens, refrigerators and any devices with metal surfaces. These are the disadvantages of the electromagnetic field. If there is an urgent issue with usable area , then such a problem can cause a serious dilemma.

Due to the electromagnetic field, heating on such stoves can only be carried out special dishes with a bottom made of ferromagnetic alloy. When purchasing, it can be easily identified by a special marker. She might be from of stainless steel, cast iron and even enameled. However, copper, brass, aluminum and thermal glass are useless in this case, because they are unsuitable for induction.

A feature that can also be considered a disadvantage is thin pan bottom. When cooking even at the lowest power, the effect of “intermittent boiling” is possible. But the problem is solved by purchasing a high slab price category(although much more expensive).

Another small drawback, again concerning the so-called “inexpensive” models, is slight noise when operating at low power.


Among professionals, as usual, only quality is valued imported equipment. Among the manufacturers of induction cookers, the leaders are Bartsher, Virtus, Mastro, Heidebrenner, Schooll (Germany), Electrolux, Bertos (Italy), Garland (USA).

IN last years Manufacturers from Asia Better (China), Kocateq ( South Korea). And, it should be noted, they do it well. Their products are cheaper, but the quality and reliability are at the proper level. Considering the already fairly high cost of induction equipment, buyers often choose Asian model.

In an effort to gain customer trust, manufacturers are constantly improving induction technology. Thus, models have appeared on which you can cook on any metal utensils. And as a more economical option, you can purchase special linings for regular dishes. The electromagnetic field heats it first, and from the lining it flows to the bottom of the pot or frying pan.

For establishments with ethnic (oriental) cuisine, models have appeared in the range of induction cookers wok. They create the effect of cooking on a “live” fire due to high temperature. True, such stoves also require appropriate utensils. For example, wok pans with a spherical bottom.

Other new products include a mobile induction wok stove from the German company Heidebrenner (for catering), as well as a 4-burner induction stove-stool.

But Whirlpool has gone even further and is launching a new eco-friendly induction oven. The technology is the same, but, according to the manufacturer, it can bring energy savings up to 30% compared to a conventional class A electric oven. Moreover, the cooking speed has also increased by almost 25%. The oven can carefully stew food, fry (including grill), steam and bake.

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For several decades, induction hobs have been popular in America and Europe. Russian housewives continue to treat this piece of technology somewhat warily. Let's figure out why, and also learn more about this type of hob.


What are the advantages

An induction cooker has a number of advantages when compared with gas or electric panels:

  1. Operation is absolutely safe. The stove can be used even if there is a small, curious child in the house. When he grabs the working panel with his hands, he will not get burned and will not even feel pleasant warmth. Many experiments were carried out when a hand was calmly placed on the surface next to a pan of boiling water or a layer of paper was made under the dish - it did not catch fire.
  2. Efficiency. An efficiency (efficiency factor) of 90% is achieved. This figure is the highest among competitors. The heating efficiency of glass ceramics is 50-60%, and that of a gas stove is 60-65%.
  3. There is no dependence of power on network voltage.
  4. The heating speed of the panel is much higher, which means cooking goes faster. Scientists conducted an experiment: half a liter of milk at the same temperature was boiled on an electric, gas and inverter stove. Needless to say, in the latter case the milk boiled much faster - 4 minutes 10 seconds compared to 4 minutes 48 seconds on gas and 5 minutes 32 seconds on electric.
  5. Easy to clean. If porridge suddenly escapes from the pan or you break an egg past the frying pan, there is no reason to worry. Since it is not the stove that heats up, but only the dishes, the liquid remains a liquid, it will not burn or dry out. You can easily wipe it with a kitchen cloth, and the stove will shine like new.
  6. Economical consumption of electricity. Thanks to the high percentage of efficiency, energy is spent only on heating the dishes, there is no thermal effect on the air and the remaining panel. This is the main difference from an electric stove, where current is consumed to heat the coil. Here it is necessary to create a magnetic field in the induction coil, which is much less expensive. We will dwell on this in more detail when we consider the principle of operation of an induction cooker.
  7. To turn on the burner, you need dishes of the appropriate diameter - at least 8 centimeters. This feature eliminates the possibility of frying a fork that accidentally falls on the surface. The smart panel also automatically calculates that the diameter of the bottom of the pan should be at least half the diameter of the burner.
  8. There are many built-in cooking programs, unlike a gas hob. This makes the housewife's life much easier and also saves a lot of time.
  9. Can't help but mention appearance convection stove. Smooth shiny surface, minimalist design, no extra buttons. By the way, a little advice: a silver-colored panel will look better in the kitchen, since grease stains are less noticeable on it.

What types of induction cookers are there?

Convector stoves vary in size, functionality, and also in built-in options:

  1. Size. The panel can be either 30x30 centimeters or reach a size of more than 100 centimeters in length. It depends on the chosen shape: square, rectangle or hexagon. WITH interesting shape you can experiment and place tiles in the kitchen in different ways: it can even be corner.
  2. Functionality capabilities. The induction cooker can be filled various functions. Some of them are: keep warm mode, pause mode, electronic timer, power adjustment and so on.
  3. Embeddability:
  • the plate can be combined with induction furnace for kitchen;
  • the combined version provides for the presence of several burners, the operation of which is based on different principles: two induction, two electric;
  • a multi-burner surface that can be easily integrated into kitchen furniture. You can install storage shelves or an oven underneath it;
  • a small tile with one burner, which is convenient to move around the apartment or even take with you on a trip.


What are the differences from other plates

In addition to the qualities listed in the advantages, there are other features that distinguish the convection stove from its competitors in the market.

Firstly, this is the price. Here the difference is immediately noticeable. An inductive panel will be much more expensive to purchase than a gas or electric model, which have a similar set of functions. On the other hand, the simplest induction can remain inexpensive and still be of high quality. On the websites of hardware stores you can find many budget options with photos, descriptions and detailed reviews, revealing the advantages and disadvantages of all presented models.

Secondly, to cook food normally you will need special utensils. Cookware with ferromagnetic properties is required. Don't let this scare you compound word. More to the point in simple language, then a magnet should be attracted to pans and pots. Such cooking utensils can be found in any store; they are marked with a special icon indicating its properties. Additionally, you can take a magnet with you and check the authenticity. However, it is not necessary to change the entire set of cookware for a new stove. Proven items made of cast iron and stainless steel will do, even if they have a layer of enamel on them. Never use materials such as aluminum, copper, porcelain, glass, or ceramics. If you really don’t want to part with your favorite dishes, but want a modern stove, then there is a solution to the problem. Just buy special metal discs that attach to the bottom of your good old saucepan and make it suitable for use.

Thirdly, the convection stove makes a certain noise. It quietly hums or buzzes - this is the sound that the working coils make when they interact with the dishes. The humming, however, is not too loud; it dissolves in the everyday atmosphere of noisy fuss in the kitchen. Moreover, than more modern model hob, the quieter the sound it makes.

Working principle of an induction cooker

Let's finally deal with the question that has been tormenting all readers from the very beginning of the article. It's time to learn how an induction cooker works.

We owe the existence of the induction cooker to the famous English physicist Michael Faraday. It was he who discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in 1831. Without delving into the history of science, let’s turn to practice. Let us answer the question, what does an induction cooker mean?

The hob consists of glass ceramics. Below it is an induction coil made of copper wire, which in appearance resembles a flat snail with numerous coils on the shell. Electricity with a frequency of 20-60 kHz passes through all turns of the coil, an alternating electromagnetic field appears, and then an induction current. Utensils with a ferromagnetic circuit, which have already been mentioned above, become part of electromagnetic circuit. Thus, the induction coil acts as the primary winding, and the cookware on the stove is the secondary winding. The bottom of the pan is heated by inductive eddy current.

In this case, heat losses are minimized. The main forces are directed towards heating the dishes, the food in the dishes is heated, and the glass-ceramic surface is heated by the dishes on it. And as soon as the frying pan is removed from the panel, it automatically turns off and cools down in a matter of minutes.

  1. Never use cookware made from materials that are not suitable for use with an induction hob.
  2. There are models that automatically turn off after 2-3 hours. You should keep an eye on your stove if you are cooking something for an extended period of time.
  3. Not every induction hob has the opportunity to place an oven, dishwasher, microwave oven and others metal objects technology. When choosing a model, pay attention to this and consult a specialist.

  • insufficient heating - associated with incorrect diameter or position of the cookware, as well as overheating of the copper coil;
  • one of the burners or a whole row does not work - most often due to the incompatibility of the dishes with the type of stove;
  • there is no connection - you need to check the fuse and power supply;
  • The residual heat indicator is broken - run a software test to check the operation of the temperature sensor.

There are not many malfunctions, and all of them can be solved. In extreme cases, a specialist in repairing inverter cookers will be able to help you.

What the market offers, main manufacturers

Moscow hardware stores offer a variety of various models and manufacturers. The most famous of them: AEG-Electrolux, ILVE, BOSCH, Hansa, Zanussi, Samsung, Siemens, Gorenje. Among the proposed options there are both more economical brands and those aimed at the premium class of consumers.

Induction hob technology is the most advanced and modern in the world. It is still just gaining popularity, but has already received well-deserved respect from cooking enthusiasts living in advanced countries.